#henry cavill x black ofc
Title: Crown For Two {9}
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Henry Cavill AU x OFC Xari Thornton
Warning: Mild Cursing, Cheesy Christmas Themes, Fluff, 
Words: 8.2k
Summary: Xari Thornton is a travel photographer with a blog and social media that garners some heavy-duty traffic. People tune in to see where she is and what she’s doing there, all in hopes of either living vicariously through her or to plan their next vacation.  
Her slogan: “Traveling the path to the most off-beaten places, so you don’t have to.”  
Her next stop on her four-destination travel itinerary of “Places You May Never Have Heard Of” is Sandvell, a small European country. When her plane makes an impromptu stop due to bad weather, she has no idea where she is. It feels like she’s stepped inside of a snow globe and back in time in a modern way. It leaves her fascinated.
This bad weather forces her to stay at an Inn, The Beaux, for the night. She explores and meets the friendly locals. One local in particular captures her lens with eyes as blue as the ocean and a jaw that was chiseled from stone. Once they separate, she gets herself into a harrowing situation.  
As soon as she awakens, she realizes she’s not in some fever dream, but a palace and the owner of the palace is none other than the local she met before with the piercing blue eyes, His Royal Highness Henry Wellington Leopold Danglishton, First of his name, Crown Prince of Brexendor.
Note: AND WE’RE BACK!!!  It’s December again which means we all need a cheesy Christmas romance. 😁 I know this has been gone for a long, long time and I am thankful for each of you who still care about it. As a reminder, it’s going to be fast-paced a bit, and I am gonna overload you with pictures because why the hell not, it’s a Christmas Fic. 😁 Feel free to come by and tell me what you guys think.
As always, thank you all for reading, I appreciate each and every one of you.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! ❤️❤️
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5} | {6} | {7} | {8} | 
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“Hey you’ve reached Neka. I’m too busy living my life the way I want to and can’t be bothered to answer. Leave a message and I’ll call you back. If I want to.”
 You sighed hearing your sister’s very familiar voicemail message.
 “Aneka, it’s me. Where are you? I get this place is obscenely huge and there is plenty to explore but pick up the damn phone. Let me know you’re okay.”
 You ended the call and sighed again as you made sure you had everything in your purse. A few moments later, you stopped thinking again about going to this thing. Half of you was telling you it was a bad idea and that you should stay away from everything related to this country including its crown prince. However, the other side was traitorous and telling you to run carefree and live by the seat of your panties and take them off for said crown prince.
 What’s the worst that could happen? You recognized the question from the carefree and often diabolical devil on your shoulder.
 Humiliation and heartbreak are what. The words from the practical and cautious angel on the other side of your shoulder piped up.
 You stood there thinking about both sides for a few moments then continued putting items into your purse.
 Good girl, live a little, have some fun and get a few orgasms at the same time. Win/win. The devil was on a roll.
 It is all fun and games until you get your heart broken by an actual prince who has obligations to be with someone other than you.
 The angel’s words were like a gut punch. It was right.
 MSG Aneka: I’m sorry RiRi. I’m going to this thing in the park. You should come I hear it’s a lot of fun.
 Your sister never ceased to amaze you. She’d found out about the citizen’s Brexenavide on her own and was already in the thick of it. She had no problem going with the flow and having a good time when she saw it could be had. You sighed again, finally deciding to just do it. However, a few minutes after making the decision you scowled remembering who you’d be driving with.
 There was something about this Freddie girl that rubbed you the wrong way. Something about her that screamed she was not to be trusted and that included enough to be in the same car. You groaned because you’d long left high school and the petty turf wars of petty bitches behind. You were an adult now who had bills and obligations and checking a rich bitch wasn’t one of them. A smirk spread across your face as you came to the realization that you were happy to rise to the occasion though. After looking yourself over, you divided to change. While your current outfit was cute, one look outside said you needed something warmer.
 At that thought there was a knock at your door. When you opened it, you found a honey eyed member of the staff you recognized. She smiled and bowed her head slightly.
 “Ms. Xari. I come with a message from Princess Jemma.”
 Recognition hit you then, “Tamina, right?”
 She smiled wider and nodded, clearly delighted you remembered her.
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 “Come in, please.”
 “No need ma’am. This is from the princess. She wanted you to have it for the event today. Her direct message is to wear it and it will ensure no one will be able to take their eyes off of you.”
 What the hell did that mean? You reached out to Tamina and took the two garment bags that were lying across her forearms.
 “Thank you, Tamina. Please thank the princess.”
 Tamina bowed again before walking off. When you turned back into your room you staggered to the bed from the weight of the items in your arms and laid the bags across your bed. Unzipping the first one, your eyes widened at the sight of a chic, and beautiful outfit resting there. The items looked designer, and no doubt must have costed several thousand dollars. Your hand brushed against the shiny leather of the pants and instantly recognized it was high quality. It went perfect with the cropped knitted sweater that rested just atop it.
 You didn’t know how Jemma knew you were a sucker for leather pants, but you were busting at the seams to try them on. Every woman needed a great pair of leather pants that made their ass pop. You reached for the second bag and opened it and gasped. A plush fur coat that brought the whole thing together waited for you to touch it. You were so tempted, and that temptation proved to be too much. When your fingers entangled in the fur, you cooed. It was perfect. Leather and fur, how luxurious, you thought.
 When in Rome, or Brexendor. Live a little. The angel on your shoulder had a point. Within minutes, you’d peeled off your own clothing and changed into the ones sent by Jemma. Surprisingly they were a perfect fit. The moment you buttoned the pants you sighed. They were made for you. Once you’d pulled it all together, you stood in front of the full-length mirror in the room and surveyed your look from every angle. Every angle passed the test. You looked damn good. For the final test, you dropped down like you were doing the beat drop challenge and kept your eyes on your ass. A wide grin spread across your face.
 “Thank you, Jemma!”
 You hurried into the closet, remembering you’d already packed the perfect boots to wear with this outfit. When you’d packed, Aneka had made fun of you saying you were going to slip on a patch of ice and break your neck because of them. You didn’t bother telling her it would never happen because no one pays nearly nine hundred dollars for boots that were designed for cold weather in mind with the chance of said boots sending you to your death because they couldn’t hold up. You’d worn these two times before and they’d never failed you.
 Standing in front of the mirror again, this time in the knee-high fur heeled boots you smirked. Jemma’s words came to mind then.
 “Wear it and it will ensure no one will be able to take their eyes off of you.”
 You wondered if Henry would be among those who couldn’t keep their eyes off of you. Memories of the night before flooded your mind and within seconds you were frozen reminiscing of the way his hands felt against your skin, the scent of his breath as he moaned against your ear, the taste of his lips and the intensity in his eyes when his locked with yours. You had to put a hand out to stabilize yourself because the thought of his body pressing on top of yours made your knees buck
 With much effort, you pulled yourself back to reality. If you thought about him any longer you knew you’d be on edge all day which you guessed would be akin to torture. There was a nagging feeling inside of you that told you that you’d need to be alert today. After checking your make up once more, you grabbed your purse and phone then made your way downstairs. As you passed by the staff you stopped for small talk, inquiring about everyone’s health and thanking them for all they’d done for you thus far. Each of them looked surprised but more than happy to stop and chat with you.
 When you stepped outside into the entry roundabout of the palace, you saw a long line of cars waiting and plenty of bustling bodies still in preparing mode for the departure. You watched the dignitaries load in their cars and pull off one by one. From the looks of all this pomp and flair, you knew this event was much more than just meeting the citizens. Perhaps this was a test of some sorts. You saw the man who’d been introduced as the prime minister do a quick perimeter check, surveying the around area before he looked in your direction. You expected him to get into the car as normal, but he didn’t. Instead, he stared in your direction and the longer he did the more the hairs on the back of your neck stood like your entire being was trying to tell you something about the man.
 The feel of someone touching your left elbow startled you.
 “My apologies Lady Thornton,” said one of the palace butlers.
 “It’s all right.”
 “Your car.”
 His hand stretched to the left at a silver car with its door open and waiting. Through the window, you could see the woman who’d so eagerly offered herself and her car to get you to the event. You were under no false pretenses about her sincerity in doing so. There was something more to her supposedly kind offer. You weren’t in a hurry to find out just how much more but from the way you’d caught her looking at Henry the night of the ball you had your guesses. You allowed the butler to direct you to the car and see you inside.
 As soon as you sat, the woman across from you pasted a smile on her face. It was one of those basic instinct smiles, a smile that housed a thousand lies, and a thousand and one daggers.
 “Xari, darling!”
 Your eyes widened. It had been a while since you’d been around this level of fake.
 “Thank you offering to get me to the event,” you breached.
 She smiled wider, if that was possible then leaned closer and took your hand in hers. “No thank you needed, dear. I have always been keen on helping those less fortunate.”
 You heard the bells of a boxing match in your head. She’d started round one.
 “Wow, um--.”
 “What a cute outfit you’ve chosen for yourself. I worried your tastes would be too—tactless for what the Brexendor press are used to, but I am surprised to see tactlessness will be missing from the day, at least in your outfit.”
 You cocked your head to the side. How did she manage to make so many insults sound so pleasant? You stifled a snort because thanks to your upbringing you’d been forced to go through debutant classes where you learned everything from etiquette to the art of polite disrespect. It was a southern thing. Those classes had prepared you to deal with the southern aunties, upper class grandmothers and quite a few socialites who thought they were better than everyone else because they had a trust fund and a rotation of cars for every day of the week.
 You opened your mouth to speak but the door on the right of the car opened first. First it was your sister, Aneka who ducked inside and sat beside you, then Albee, the man with the pretty eyes from the ball who sat beside Freddie.
 She looped her arm with yours and smiled. “I thought you’d left already?”
 “I was but I got—distracted,” she said coyly smiling at Albee who smirked right back.
 “What are you doing in my car, Albee? Though I know yours is far less luxurious than mine I am sure you have your own car,” Freddie cheeked.
 Albee didn’t look fazed in the least, instead he smirked and made himself more comfortable in his seat. “Freddie you are aware that we are the same rank, correct?”
 “Duchess Frederica,” she retorted through clenched teeth.
 Albee scoffed. “Freddie. We’re all friends here, no need for titles. Only those who feel themselves more important than you truly are need to lean on such trivial things.”
 Freddie glared at him with one brow raised.
 “Since you are offering transport, I humbly accept your offer. Driver, carry on.”
 Before Freddie could reply, the car took motion, and she didn’t look one bit happy about it. You and Aneka exchanged glances speaking through them as you usually did. You were tempted to bust out your secret language from when you were kids but didn’t want to come off as intentionally rude. This was a tit for tat game.
 “And who are you?”
 Freddie’s calculating eyes landed on Aneka, but she didn’t shrink back, Aneka instead raised her brow and put on a sugar sweet smile on her face.
 “Aneka, Xari’s sister.”
 Freddi’s eyebrow darted upward as she took both of you in. “So there are two less fortunate souls that need our charity.”
 “The only thing unfortunate is your dye job. Did you pay for that?”
 The fire in Freddie’s eyes sparked and you saw Aneka had struck a nerve. It was after all her specialty.
 “Oh don’t tease dear Freddie about her hair. She loves it more than Jesus and little children,” Albee teased.
 “Children are disgusting,” she added never taking her eyes off of Aneka.
 “Interesting. That is not what I recall you telling the queen just a few weeks ago. What was it? Oh, I do so love children and cannot wait until I can become a mother. I do believe it is my life’s purpose.”
 You couldn’t help but snort. Dipping your head to the side to hide in Aneka’s shoulder you snickered.
 “I knew I scented fake on you, but I didn’t know it was this much of it,” Aneka added.
 “Fake? Are we talking about fake as in your supposed Gucci shoes or perhaps that atrocity you call hair atop your head? That level of fake?”
 Aneka lunged forward but your hand across her chest like a theme park ride safety bar stopped her.
 “Ri, Aneka began but the look you gave her stopped any further words.
 “So your hair is a sore topic? Remember that before you even attempt to go toe to toe with me.”
 You could hear Aneka’s teeth grinding. You knew she had it in her to beat Freddie’s ass in record time then step out the car without so much as a scratch on her. However, this was not the place and definitely not the time. You didn’t want to offend the queen or the family especially with the level of hospitality they were currently showing you both.
 “Take it easy Freddie. We wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened two Christmases ago. I don’t think the gossip would die down so quickly this time,” Albee cautioned.
 The look Freddie gave him could have frozen anyone’s heart, but he didn’t look bothered at all. His smile was bright as he met the challenge of her icy gaze. It was clear that this was normal for the two of them. Either this was a huge scheme between them to dupe the newcomer or the two disliked each other.
 “Why am I not surprised that you have found yet another commoner to slum it with. Do you not have any sense of pride or self-worth? Do you not feel them beneath you?”
 Aneka made a move to lunge at Freddie again, but you held firmly to her and brought her attention to look out the window.
 “Tsk, Tsk Freddie. Where is your decorum? My sense of pride and worth were never in question. Yours however—I can after all say I have never had a lifelong pursuit of someone who didn’t want me in the slightest bit.”
 You tucked that bit of information away for when you were alone to dissect it. All conversation stopped and you pointed things out to Aneka. Everything you pointed out Albee took it upon himself to either explain or give backstory to. It was interesting the information he revealed about the country. It was clear from his voice he also loved his home. With every other sentence he spoke, Freddie had a snide remark for. Either it was something to make him look bad or to point out how out of bounds you were to even be here.
 Thankfully, the car pulled into the destination when it did because you were quickly approaching the limit to your acceptance and ability to turn the other cheek. You looked at all the things that were set up for this event. Off to the side where the path was fully paved, there were stations set up for snacks, drinks, souvenirs, pictures and a few other things such as arts and crafts. Across the massive open field there was plenty to do. The car rolled past a toboggan area where children and adults were already speeding down the steep slope having a fabulous time. There was even an ice-skating rink that looked like the perfect photo-op to showcase how picturesque this country really was. You caught sight of other stalls set up with games, even child and family friendly park rides and even animals for petting.
 “Wow, give me this over a ball any day,” Aneka said.
 Freddie scoffed, rolling her eyes, “Gauche,” she hissed.
 The car door opened but before Freddie could make a move you slammed it shut again and locked it. You’d had enough.
 “I have sat here this entire car ride and listened to your disrespect and belittlement of myself, and my sister and I let you get it all out because I know those who feel threatened the most always feel the need to wail and moan about it so their voices are the ones heard the loudest to distract from how insignificant they truly feel and are.”
 Freddie’s eyes blazed. She opened her mouth to speak but you continued, keeping your voice steady. “I wasn’t going to point out your insignificance, but I feel I must now. If you had any respect for yourself, your country and people you would shut your mouth and practice a little thing we call in America and by we, I mean women with mine and Aneka’s hair, call self-restraint and self-love. Because you would truly understand that you reflect upon your country and people. It is very telling of your low intelligence when all you can do is attempt to make others feel lowly about themselves because you put so much value on wealth. This holier than thou act will only lead to one thing in your life, shame and loneliness. Though I think you are fully aware of the loneliness part. You can’t make me feel bad about myself because I know my worth and it is astronomically higher than yours and we both know he sees that.”
 Freddie sputtered clearly trying to find the words for a comeback. You gave her a good five seconds to compute but even that wasn’t enough. Poor little Tink Tink, you thought as you unlocked the door. It opened as soon as you did like the driver had been trying the entire time. You didn’t wait for her to climb out you took the initiative and took the driver’s hand and climbed out of the car holding onto Aneka’s hand bringing her with you.
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As soon as you stepped out of the car, you caught Henry’s eye. His brows were burrowed and there was a look of concern on his face. You gave him a polite smile and head nod as you rounded the car. Slowly, he brought his attention to the group of men before him. Albee stepped beside you then leaned close to your ear.
 “She has fangs,” he whispered.
 You smirked, “And my bite and bark are both deadly.”
 His smile widened as he tipped his invisible hat to you.
 “I like you,” Albee added as the line of dignitaries began moving. “And I can see why he likes you too.”
 His voice was lower this time, but it was his words that had you stumbling. Thanks to Aneka’s grip on your arm, it was barely noticeable. Thank goodness too because the press were hungrily snapping pictures of everyone and everything. You and the others stood to the side as Henry, the queen and Jemma shook hands and took the lead in the festivities. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow Henry as he shook the hands of several people while exchanging pleasantries. His smile was wide and the gleam in his eyes said he was genuinely happy to be there and interact with them all.
 When you saw him dip down to greet a few children, your ovaries practically exploded. The kids melted and in turn he did too. He played around with them as his mother and sister took over with greeting the adults. The more you watched the more your heart thumped thinking how adorable he looked.
 “Romancing the daughters of the dignitaries, Duke Baldrik?”
 Your attention turned to a photog standing in front of the three of you snapping pictures. The bright lights blinded you momentarily making you bring your hand to shield your face.
 “Ha, not at all, Albee replied with a bachelor perfect smile.
 “They look unfamiliar. Who might they be?”
 “Honored guests of the crown,” Albee offered holding out his arms for both you and Aneka to take. Once you did, he tipped his head to the photog and began ushering you toward the stalls that were set up.
 “Enjoy the event,” Albee called out.
 As soon as he was out of earshot, he blew out. “While the press here is not entirely as bad as it is in America, I do have to caution you. Do not underestimate them.”
 “Thank you,” Aneka said with a flirtatious smile.
 If was clear now that she was into him. Of course, she was, you thought. Aneka liked them pretty.
 “My pleasure. The longer you are here the more you will be able to figure out which ones prefer some scandal on top of their news and who truly have the crown’s best interest at heart. Him—scandal fattens his pockets.”
 You scanned the photographer from before who was now snapping pictures of Freddie who was now with two other women who looked just as stuck up as she did. She looked to be loving the attention and the compliments she was getting from everyone around her. Figured. Rolling your eyes, you turned your back on her.
 “Are you not afraid?”
 “Afraid of what?”
 “The power she wields.”
 “Call me dense because I know nothing of her power. All I see is a sad little bitch.”
 Albee snorted and heartily laughed bringing the attention of most around you, even Henry.
 “My goodness. You are a breath of fresh air. Would you like me to enlighten you of her power, or the power of her name?”
 You looked at a few figurines at the stall smiling at how cute they were.
 “Nah, I don’t care.”
 “I do. Know thy enemy, Art of War, Sun Tzu,” Aneka butt in.
 Albee’s smile widened. “I do think I am going to enjoy this season.”
 As the three of you walked around taking in the many activities, that had been prepared Albee told you all about Freddie and her family. He didn’t leave much out including her net worth and the influence her family had in the past. When he told you about her lifetime hope and dream of becoming the queen, you almost laughed. Of course she wanted to be queen. She was clearly obsessed with power and wanted the second highest position in the country. However, when Albee revealed that Henry didn’t seem to be keen on that idea you couldn’t keep a smile off your face. It was short lived though, because it dawned on you then that you’d stepped right into another season of “The Bachelor: Who Wants the Crown”. Rich women would fight to their last press on nail for more money and more power and it was even better if it came with a crown and a pretty hot prince.
 From the look Aneka gave you, she was thinking the same thing. You tentatively listened as Albee pointed out the who was who of the group all with backstory. He was clearly well informed from growing up within all of this but firm the way he spoke about the rest of them in comparison to Henry you could tell he harbored no ill will toward him. Perhaps there really were some good people besides the queen and Jemma after all.
 Fo the next few hours you, Aneka and Albee explored the park flitting from game to game and stall to stall. Every few seconds you were snapping pictures trying to capture the joy and liveliness that was all around you. Everyone was so friendly you couldn’t help but feel right at home among them. Kids easily approached you to play and sing and show you the ropes of a few local games. Grandmothers with kind eyes happily shared stories and happy memories of previous Brexenavides while offering local delicacies like candied nuts that came in a plethora of flavors that you quickly became addicted to.
 Before you knew it, you’d wandered off by yourself with no sight of Aneka or Albee. You wondered if it was purposely done so she could get some alone time with him. Deciding not to go find them, you wandered the area some more until you felt a snowball hit your back. Expecting to see a child, you spun around but found Henry with the evidence on his leather gloves. Your jaw dropped.
 “Your highness,” you gasped.
 His laugh echoed around you as he approached you.
 “Forgive me my lady.”
 “There goes that title again. I’m no lady.”
 Henry took you in for a few moments. “I beg to differ. I have always seen a lady as one who is refined, polite and well spoken, someone who makes those around them feel valued.”
 “And that is me?”
 “Yes. Since you’ve arrived, I have overheard many of the maids talking about your kindness to them how you never make them feel less than and how you are always polite, stopping to talk to them as if you care about their feelings.”
 “And I take it that is something out of character in Brexendor.”
 Henry took a deep breath. “Among my family not at all, but when the palace gets filled with dignitaries and other world leaders, I am ashamed to say yes.”
 You nodded and popped a few more candied nuts into your mouth. You tipped the bag toward him.
 “Are those what I think they are?”
 He dipped inside and came away with a small handful that he tossed into his mouth. The moan he let out was deep and it took you right back to the night before. Goosebumps skirted across your skin making you stand taller as a shiver ran through you.
 “Are you cold?”
 “Uh—no. I’m all right.”
 “I am sorry I got carried away. These have always been my favorite. I remember the first outing my father took me to. He knew I was not looking forward to it and that I was anxious about making a good impression on him and the family. Once I got into the car, he had a bag of these waiting for me. As we drove, we talked about sports, video games and my tutor who I mightily disliked. We ate the whole bag within minutes and by the time we got to the appearance all of my nerves had wilted away. Every outing I went on whether it was with him or without there was a bag of these waiting for me.”
 The smile on his face was so warm but it was also sorrowful.
 “That’s beautiful.”
 He nodded popping another one into his mouth. “Then he died and since—I haven’t had not even one.”
 The sadness rolling off of him touched your heart. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and tell him everything was going to be all right. You wanted to comfort him in a way that this open space did not permit. You glanced around and caught sight of the toboggan area.
 “How good are you at toboggan?”
 Henry scoffed the dusted off his hands. “I am the toboggan king.”
 You giggled and rolled your eyes. “Put your money where your mouth is, your highness.”
 “Money? Are we betting?”
 “Bet your ass we are.”
 “My ass? My, my Lady Thornton, how forward you are to think that is up for grabs.”
 The look he gave you was a steamy one.
 “Is there something else that should be up for grabs, your highness? Perhaps something—harder to—accomplish—something bigger?”
 Heat flashed behind his icicle blue orbs as he held your gaze. Henry took a step to you then another. With clenched jaws, he sighed.
 “Winner makes the request?”
 “Wager accepted.”
 The two of you walked over to the toboggan areas. As soon as you approached those around marveled at having him so close. It didn’t matter their age they were all captivated by him. To have that much power, you thought. How was he not some self-absorbed asshole?
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“After you,” Henry offered, holding his hand out to an empty toboggan. You smirked then climbed on taking care to use your long jacket to pool between your legs so there would be no unsavory photos later.
 Once you were comfortable, you glanced to your left, he was seated in his own toboggan ready and waiting with a boyish excited smile on his face. You wondered when the last time was that he’d smiled like that.
 “Last chance to back out Lady Thornton.”
 You playfully rolled your eyes. “A lady never goes back on a wager. Are you sure you don’t want to forfeit before you lose terribly in front of your citizens? A true king knows when he is in over his head.”
 Henry laughed loudly again and everyone around him giggled clearly catching his excited joy.
 “That is true, but I assure you my lady, this is not one of those times.”
 You smiled and focused in front of you. Someone off to the side began counting down from four and when you shouted one a pair of strong hands gave you one push sending you down the steep hill. You’d underestimated the hill greatly and your scream said so. Henry laughed then leaned backward. You watched him inch before you, leading by almost a foot. You did the same and smiled when you cut his lead by a few inches. With the bottom of the hill in sight, you needed a last-ditch effort to come out on top. Not knowing if it would work or not, you rocked back and forth hoping it would increase your speed. Instead, it made the toboggan choppy.
 All too late, you saw the fist sized rock in front of you. However, it was too late. The slate of the toboggan nudged it sending the back of it forward and you sailing through the air. It all happened in slow motion, and you fully caught sight of Henry coasting into the finish line and to a stop. He stood and held his hands in the air in triumph, but that excitement faded when he saw your current state. You heard him shout your name then come barreling toward you. You braced yourself for the hard impact you knew was coming and tried to prepare for the face full of snow you were about to ingest. When you felt the hard collision, it knocked the wind out of your lungs. You rolled a few times but barely felt any pain.
 Finally, when you came to a stop, it took several moments to open your eyes. Atop you was Henry with his face mere inches from yours. For a few seconds, you thought you’d transported back in time, and you were in the garden room with him again. The patches of snow in his hair slowly registered as did the fact that he was calling your name with his hands on your cheek.
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 “Did I win?”
 Henry’s features softened as he gave you a half smile.
 “Not even close.”
 You giggled at first, but it got louder and more uncontrolled. Henry joined in neither of you fully registering that you were not alone and in fact in front of dozens of people. Feet stamped to you, and you turned your face shielding it from the patches of snow.
 “Your highness, are you all right?”
 Reality was colder than the snow you laid upon.
 “Ehm, yes. I am quite all right,” Henry said as he stood. “Just doing the right thing and saving the damsel in distress.”
 You snorted as you took his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull you up. “I suppose I earned that title. Thank you, your highness.”
 Henry nodded, bowing his head ever so slightly. “A pleasure, Lady Thronton.”
 “This way your highness,” Henry’s advisor breached directing the way.
 As he walked off you took note of Freddie and her friends standing off to the side watching you. The look on all their faces told you that you were now on their radar. A few more hours passed, and you took the time to get to every ride and activity. You wanted to experience it all so you could really write about it later. This event was definitely a must for any visitors during this time of year.
 When you ducked into a photo booth, you sighed out taking the time to catch your breath and give your feet a break. Before you could get too comfortable, another body ducked in beside you.
 Henry’s smiling face stopped you.
 “Fancy meeting you here.”
 You snorted and shook your head.
 “Shouldn’t you be working?”
 “Funny thing. I came here fully prepared to work but knowing you are here only makes me want to experience this with you—through your eyes.”
 You searched his then smirked.
 “So, you’re—hiding out?”
 He nodded and you had to laugh then. “Oh, your highness.”
 “Every time you say that it sounds so dirty, and it brings my head to very ungentlemanly things.”
 You leaned forward and began making selections for the pictures.
 “Is that so?”
 “Quite so. Is it intentional on your part?”
 Shrugging, you looked at him.
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about, your highness.”
 His eyes dropped to your lips and within seconds he pulled you flush against his lips at the same time the flash of the camera went off. You both moaned neither pulling away, both intensifying the kiss. His tongue curled around yours making you wrap your arms around his neck at the same time he brought his hand to the back of your neck. He held you tenderly like you were precious but firm not wanting you to slip away. When you came in here, you hadn’t planned on this being a make out spot but now you couldn’t care less about the pictures.  
 His lips were sweet but cold and his tongue warm and intoxicating. Somehow, he tasted like peppermint and chocolate, and it was now your new favorite flavor combination. Needing to be closer, you sank your fingers into his tresses and gripped. The guttural moan he let out reverberated all over you, hardening your nipples and moistening your underwear.
 “Mm, I can kiss you all day every day and never tire of your lips,” Henry whispered.
 “All day? However will you get any work done?”
 He smiled then kissed you again nibbling your bottom lip.
 “I guess I shall not.”
 Your eyes met and you saw the truth of his words. How sweet, you thought before you traced your tongue along his bottom lip then his top carefully outlining his perfect cupid’s bow. He didn’t move an inch. When his eyes fluttered closed giving you the most amazing angle of his long lashes, you softly sighed. Henry then claimed your lips pulling you closer to him so your bodies melded together becoming one figure. His lips hungrily kissed you, nibbling, sucking, licking as he pleased not caring where you were or who could happen upon you at any moment.
 “Eh-em, your highness incoming. Duchess Freddie.”
 McArthur’s voice broke the lustful haze surrounding you forcing you both to reluctantly pull away. Henry groaned his displeasure then glanced behind you.
 “I think I have worked enough today. Care to join me on a personalized tour?”
 You smiled brightly then took his head. “As you wish.”
 “A low growl escaped him, and it sent your heart fluttering ten times as fast. “I do hope you remember those words when I most need them.”
 His grin was mischievous, and you made a note to say them again. The list of words and phrases that elicited a sultry reaction was steadily growing and you planned on monopolizing him at every chance. Henry stood and led you out the other entrance to the booth that was opposite where McArthur must have been standing. His steps were quick as he dashed away like it was the scene of a crime. Perhaps it was seeing how you were now wet and wanting him. When he pulled you through a clearing of pine trees, you squealed, your sense of adventure and excitement picking up.
 Once secluded behind the trees, he backed you into a mass of them tucking you in the tight crevice there then kissed you again. You eagerly accepted the kiss. He felt too sublime against you not to. His lips dipped to your jaw then trailed to your neck where it was clear he was a man with a plan.
 Henry groaned on your neck then nibbled your earlobe, “What are you doing to me, Xari? How have you taken every single brain cell I have and imprinted your face upon them? How have you touched my skin and made it impossible for me to see anyone else doing it? How have you come here and tortured me so?”
 You could hear the yearning in his voice. It was overwhelming, making you want to give in completely to him no matter the consequences. You were speechless. sensing this, he placed a chaste kiss at the tip of your nose then took your hand again and led you through the maze of trees. When you emerged, you saw the spread of rides before you just waiting for you both to let loose like children. McArthur stood just at the large Birch a few feet away with his back turned to you.
 “Your highness, the queen said she can manage the rest of the event with the dignitaries and the press and princess Jemma said she will take point with the children and citizens. They are both instructing you to play the role of the proper host to out palace guest,” McArthur informed.
 You pinched your lips. You knew what a set up sounded like. You couldn’t help but wonder why they were seemingly pushing him to entertain you. Before you could think any further, Henry looped your arm through his and led you across the field. McArthur handed Henry a newsboy hat and a dark scarf to replace his royal blue one he was currently wearing. Once he was disguised, you scoffed because while it gave him a little more coverage you were sure his people knew him thoroughly and would easily spot you. McArthur handed you a large wide brimmed hat that gave you full coverage from every angle.
 “To protect your privacy, Lady Thornton,” McArthur clarified.
 You smiled as you put it on. “Thank you, McArthur.
 A few minutes later you were seated in a ride called Santa’s Sleigh which was similar to those back and forth rocking pirate ships only it was led by the reindeers with Santa in the back.
 “Feel free to scream your highness, I will allow everyone to think it is me.”
 “I do not scream Lady Thornton, however, if you make it worth my while I will be the loudest in the land.”
 You giggled and enjoyed the ride teasing him the entire time. Your interaction was so natural it almost felt unreal. Though he didn’t touch you above your waist, his thigh remained pressed to yours no matter what. By the fourth ride, you’d deduced it was purposely done. Knowing that you couldn’t stop your heart from fluttering.  Ride after ride you laughed, joked and teased one another. Ride after ride he made sure to keep some part of your bodies touching. Ride after ride you exchanged flirtatious glances that only increased your body temperature. It may have been twenty or so degrees out, but you were a sweltering ninety-nine degrees.
 “This is your favorite ride?”
 Henry’s questioning eyes were glued to the carousel that was decked with reindeers, sacks of Santa’s presents, giant boulder like forms of coal, Santa’s mailbox and other notable Christmas decorations. The sun had now set and the lights that bathed the ride made it seem so magical. This entire country was plotting against you here, you thought to yourself.
 “Sure is.”
 “Then, shall we?”
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Like a six your old child rather than a grown ass woman, you scampered toward the ride then walked around it trying to decide the best figurine. It was a tough choice, but you ended up picking a reindeer which had Henry choosing the same one beside yours. Before he climbed on, he took the time to carefully buckle you into the harness tightening the straps as needed. As he did so, his hands touched your waist and hips and from the look on his face you knew this too was purposely done.
 “Be careful your highness. You are very close to alerting the outside world to just how horny you are.”
 The smirk he wore slipped and his brows furrowed.
 “Is that what you think I am?”
 His voice was tight btu other than that it gave nothing away.
 “Um—isn’t it true?”
 His jaw clenched and a scowl fell across his lips. Backing away, he claimed onto his own reindeer but didn’t bother buckling the straps. A cold breeze engulfed you making you feel the bitter coldness for the first time. Had you said something wrong?
 The carousel went round and round sending you and Henry up and down, but he didn’t speak at any point. Instead, he held onto the pole while staring off into the distance. You allowed the silence to stretch for a few moments then when you turned to speak to him, you found his eyes already on you.
 “Something wrong?”
 Henry opened his mouth to speak but shook his head instead. You didn’t believe him. He definitely had something to say but you didn’t push him.
 “Why is the carousel your favorite ride?”
 You smirked then shook your head. “It just is.”
 “Even if it was not obvious you were lying, I would not believe that. Come on tell me.”
 “You won’t laugh?”
 “I might.”
 You narrowed your eyes at him, but your look was met with a hearty chuckle.
 “Come on tell me.”
 Hugging the pole of the reindeer tighter, you rested the side of your head on it, looking at him. “When I was about 8, I always saw it when looked so—pretty. It was usually the only ride that looked so—magical no matter what time of day or where I went. My father told me that it was a portal to a magical world. He said there was always one sometimes two chosen figures that were spelled to open the portal but only those destined to find it could. So, whenever I saw a carousel, I made it a point to ride it hoping to find the right figure to unlock the portal and take me away.”
 The smile Henry wore was an adoring one. “That may be the cutest image ever. An 8-year-old you climbing onto these things hoping it opened a portal to another world.”
 You nodded. “My parents indulged me, I was lucky. As I got older, I grew out of the heavy belief there was a magical portal and began to see how beautiful and romantic carousels were and went to realizing that perhaps they were magical after all, but not because of going to another world but how they made you feel and the memories you could make with those who matter while on them.”
 You hadn’t meant to spill so much to him. Glancing at him, you tried not to cringe realizing his eyes were glued to you. However, the longer he stared at you the more you felt like jumping off the ride and running back to the maze of trees.
 “So how many memories have you made with those who matter on one of these?”
 You smirked then shrugged. “One or two.”
 His huff made you pinch your lips in an effort to not laugh. “Interesting.”
 Making your best innocent face, you turned the question back onto him. “
 “And you?”
 “I feel like you are the one who will laugh at me here.”
 “Because this—this is the first carousel I have ridden with anyone—leisurely, well that was not family that is.
Your eyes widened. “Ever?”
 “Oh my goodness, Henry—am I your first?”
 His smile was mischievous. “It would appear so, Lady Thornton.”
 You bit your bottom lip then smiled widely. You didn’t know why you felt so prideful. It wasn’t like it was something that mattered or something that reflected on you in any possible way.
 “Well, you are my first prince in a magical fairytale country that I’ve been on one of these with,” you began pausing to contemplate if you should say the rest of the sentence.  “And this just may be my favorite ever.”
 His cheeks flamed and you couldn’t help but smile. Then when his smile stretched bigger than you’d seen, your heart couldn’t bare it. He was too damn cute.
 “Mine too,” Henry muttered a little above a whisper knowing that you’d catch it.
 If cloud nine was the highest point one’s spirit could reach you were ebbing onto cloud 10. There was no need to speak for the rest of the ride. You and Henry rode it once, then twice but neither of you seemed quite ready to get off. After a fourth go round, the two of you walked around the park taking in the different games and events that were scattered about. You’d wanted to try the skating rink but didn’t want to expose him to the eyes of everyone around due to the openness of the rink, so you opted for other lowkey options for entertainment. You chatted about a plethora of things never remining on any subject long because you had so much in common that always branched out to other topics.
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When you saw the actual reindeers, you lost it and scurried over to pet and baby talk them. While they were massive, you couldn’t help but find them adorable. You fed one a carrot and squealed at how affectionate it was. When you turned to make a puppy face at Henry, you found him snapping pictures of you with his phone like it was the most natural thing in the world.
 At the urging of the reindeer master, you climbed into the sleigh that was decked out as if it truly were Santa’s sleigh and posed for the professional photos. As they snapped away you looked to Henry trying to coax him into the sleigh with you. It didn’t take long before he climbed in and smiled for the pictures with you. It felt normal to do this with him, normal to be around one another like this. A massive bubble in your chest screamed of caution and reservation so loudly that your head had no other choice but to register the warning.
 After a few more photos, McArthur motioned for Henry’s attention which had him jumping out of the sleigh and stepping off to the side where both of them spoke in hushed tones. You prepared to climb down from the sleigh but as you did you happened to glance off to the right where you saw Freddie watching you. The rage and hatred in her eyes could not be missed and for a second you panicked. When you saw her raise a gun in her hand, your eyes widened. Before you could make a noise or move, a loud “pop” echoed through the park. You fully expected to feel the pain of the bullet and braced yourself, unable to move.
 Instead, the pain never came. What did unfold was pure chaos. Several loud “neighs” boomed through the air then a forceful jerk. The action sent you hurling backward landing in a crumped heap on the seat of the sleigh. There were screams in the park and you watched the reindeers panic, colliding with each other as if they were fighting. Antlers thwacked together making it sound as if trees themselves were splintering around you. Henry made a move toward the sleigh but was stopped by his protective detail that was now circling him and locking him down, ready to take any stray bullet for him.
 Within seconds, the reindeer that was harnessed to the sleigh you were in took off.
 With terror, you watched as the unmanned runaway sleigh bound across the park not caring where it went. Everywhere people dashed out of its way trying to save themselves. All you could do was watch from your scrunched position, holding on for dear life as you prayed this was not how you died.
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milknhonies · 2 months
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Daddy's Final Deal
Oneshot Summary: Your possessive Step-Father Bruce Wayne decides he cannot bare you leaving for college...so he leans on a friend who shares the same obsession for you. He offers him a deal.
Oneshot Warning: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Non-Con, CNC, Grooming (all characters are of legal age.) Bondage, P in V, Oral Sex, Threesome, Exhibition, Vouyerism, pseudo-incest between step-father & step daughter, pimping if you squint, breeding kink if you squint. No condoms/unsafe sex.
Word Count: 10.2k
Author Notes: This is a gift for @cardierreh15 after a playful dare. I hope you enjoy this babe 🥺✨
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Gently laid on soft satin bed sheets, your thoughts were consumed with the evening discussion that you had during supper with your step-father Bruce and his best friend Clark, followed by the unexpected marriage proposal Clark had made. You were surprised Clark had wanted your hand for any other purpose than for your step-father’s wealth– you would have never guessed his feelings for your because he was usually so calm and friendly with everyone. Yet he had asked you softly if you would consider being his wife with a warm smile, and you knew he was serious from the glint in his eyes. It was like your lungs were drowning with how difficult it was to breathe.
For the first time, your heart stirred, void of fear and worry.
You didn’t outright decline his offer, but a decision of this magnitude deserved more than a hasty reply. You had to think this through being that you were so caught if guard in the first place, so you demurred by saying you needed time to think about your official answer. After all, you were just a month away from starting college. You wanted to be a journalist like Clark despite Bruce’s protests and alternative encouragement for you to remain home and attend charity balls with him. Besides, Clark was a bit too old…a little younger than Bruce but both men still had twenty years on you.
If age wasn’t the defining taboo, you had noted Clark was a gentleman who had the ability to make you laugh. If anything was to happen to Bruce or Alfred, you felt Clark would be the most reliable shoulder to lean against.
You rolled over and sighed, you held your blanket up to your chin and continued to ponder.
Clark Kent...he would be a decent husband, but did you have feelings for him? He was rather charming and undeniably handsome. It was something that you would probably lose sleep over in the future.
Clark had approached the topic very calmly, almost shyly, and Bruce had seemed to be expecting this. That made it obvious to your that Clark had asked your step-father first, and Bruce would not have let his best friend ask you if he did not approve first...Bruce in fact was smiling at dinner and that smile fell when you have your polite neutral response.
Suddenly the wine he had let your drink felt a little sickly in your belly. You excuses yourself as soon as you could to your bedroom.
You rolled over in your sheets and sighed softly, snuggling up under the thick duvet and nuzzling the thousand-dollar pillows. It confused you, but the more you thought about it, the less absurd it became. You giggled. Clark would make a very good husband, and you would be lucky to have someone such as him, of such a good but firm character, always with an easy smile or an encouraging word for you. And he had always been a good friend to you, respecting your interests in writing, sometimes babying you, which girls your age might find annoying but you didn’t mind.
The boys your age were so horny and stupid...immature. it was impossible to see them as providers for the families that they claimed to want for themselves.
So saying “yes” to Clark would feel a little weird to you, but what real reason was there to say no? Did you have someone else? You might’ve shared kisses along your teens in highschool, yet none of them swept you off your feet enough to like them.
You were just glad that Clark had agreed to let your think about it. His smile had been relaxed, and he showed no anger or resentment. His eyes did appear tighter, other than that it even seemed as if he had expected your hesitation and was willing to wait. Clark was always so understanding, why wouldn’t he be about such an important question like this?
You shut your eyes with a smile.
Meanwhile, the men remained downstairs in the library, in front of the fireplace, and Clark looked across the flames at his best friend.
“Are you sure you still want to go through with this Bruce?” he asked.
The men had known each other for years and had grown a close bond in friendship and other activities. And if course it was bound to slip from one man’s lips to the other about their depraved thoughts, desires and fantasies....it turns out they shared a common denominator... You.
Over a month ago they were sitting in the same place discussing the same issue about to occur...losing you.
They knew if you left for college, you’d meet some cocky asshole studying to be a lawyer or doctor, get pregnant, get married quickly only to suffer a uncommitted marriage and end in a heart breaking divorce.
What type of men would they be if they watched their favourite girl fall to such demise as that!?
Bruce had married your mother when you were fourteen and he was the best dad you could ever ask for. He helped with your homework and taught you to swim while he paid for your mother’s chemo therapy.
When she died three years ago, you’d just finished highschool. You were totally shattered and put off summer break and college until you knew you were prepared. But now Clark had dumped the marriage proposal.
Clark sighed. His best friend's idea wasn’t totally a surprise to him. Bruce had planned this.
Clark recalled how Bruce was constantly looking out for you; his protectiveness as a stepfather, while perhaps misguided, was undeniably apparent. It was clear that he cared about you deeply and had shown no interest in any other woman since the passing of his wife—your mother. Clark often caught Bruce gazing at you with a loving and compassionate gaze, as if he were contemplating the best way to look after you.
During those days Clark was scared to share his own perverse thoughts...oh how the man wanted to look after you. You always were so lovely around him, so eager to gain his attention and praise, perhaps as another fatherly figure she could cling to...It wasn’t hard for Bruce to see that Clark loved you dearly and was clearly proud of your accomplishments. Clark was proud like a second father.... Except he wanted to do things no father should ever do to their little girls. He almost lost it one day when he walked in on you, on your hands and knees scrubbing the carpet before Alfred could find the stains you’d made when stealing some red whine from Bruce’s cellar. Your skirt was a tad too short, the hem pulled up over your ass cheeks and crotch. Clark held back from ripping those white nylon leggings with those cute pink panties and shoving his cock deep in your tight cunt.
He wondered if Bruce ever found out about the stain...he touched himself imagining Mister Wayne spanking his wayward little minx of a daughter over his knees.
Clark wanted you. Bruce wanted you and the moment they both figured it out, neither of them could judge each other for their thoughts....
They decided Clark would ask for your hand and the billionaire of Gotham would give his best friend his blessing – on one condition.
The idea was foul and taboo, and Clark was not sure whether he should deny to it or not. But this was his best friend, the loving step-father who cared about the young woman Clark wanted to marry as much as he did if not more. You had shared things in the past, and whenever you had debated or ‘fought’ over things, it was always light hearted, and never bitter.
“Of course I do, if not now then not ever Clark....” Bruce replied with a brief nod, “Tonight might be the only chance we get.”
Clark nodded slowly for a moment. Yes, he cared for you and had done so for a long time. He was happy that when he asked, you had not acted with shock or revulsion. But you had seemed surprised and hesitant, and he could not blame your for being shy and uncertain.
“What if she says no?” he asked.
Bruce’s eyes darkened, “She will...at first. Are you capable of pushing through that Kent?”
The super man smirked sickly. Of course he could. Clark nodded.
“She is going to be scared,” Bruce replied with certainty as he slowly turned his head towards the stairway out in the hall that led to your wing of the mansion, “I have been expecting this since her mother died, I doubt she remembers that night…”
Clark sighed, “I recall you letting her drink. She was a giggling and crying mess when I carried her to her room to have a nap.”
Bruce curled his lips inward, and he nodded. The silence grew strained.
Clark’s eyes furrowed in curiosity, “Bruce…are you hiding something from me?”
“She…” his friend paused, his grey eyes grew hazed as he looked into the flames, “When you left, I went to check up on her,” he thrummed his fingers on his chin, “She was touching herself Clark... and I caught her and…well…she…” his eyes met the other man again.
Clark sat back in his leather seat, his throat bobbed, “You watched until the end?” the was no judgement merely a question to acknowledge what had happened.
The other man nodded again and continued, “I came in after she finished, she was half out of it. So when I tucked her in, she kissed me…fully…and…god Clark…she- she’s so beautiful, I can’t watch her go off to college.…”
The journalist exhaled and clenched his jaw.
And Bruce sighed, “That’s why my little girl is going to be pregnant tonight.”
Clarks eyes widened, his lips parted hesitantly. That was not in the original plan...He paused and struggled to find the right words. Bruce had given Clark the greatest opportunity and the wrong word would revoke all that granted privilege.
“We both care about you,” the billionaire sucked his teeth, “Forget what the tabloids will say. They are hypocrites with absolutely no moral sense. Afterall mr superman, aren’t you rubbing shoulders at the daily planet, surely you can take care of the backlash? We aren’t blood related and c’mon we have a right to her better than anyone on this cold spinning rock. With my wealth and your muscles, who else would take better care of her? No one else!” Bruce said fiercely, although his voice was a whisper, his eyes narrowed slightly.
Clark found himself frozen in place, his eyes locked on his friend’s face. It took him a moment to process all the emotions and thoughts that surged around inside him. Finally, he managed to nod his head slowly, as he tried to take in the unexpected turn of events.
“Okay Wayne,” his lips broke into a dark chuckle, “Lets go put a baby in our little girl.”
The wooden door your bedroom creaked open slowly. A bit of light from the hallway made its way past Bruce’s bulk form, illuminating his step-daughter’s face. When he whispered your name, you did not stir, and he smiled to himself. He turned around to Clark and nodded. The two of them moved forward stealthily. Bruce carefully slid his arms under the blanket, finding your form before scooping it up. You stirred but did not wake. Bruce carefully carried you to his master bedroom, a place he scarcely let you enter for the obvious reason of what he kept secret in his drawers. Clark shut the doors and locked them, heaven forbid Alfred managed to walk into this event.
It would be more comfortable here for the three of you, and warmer with how Bruce kept an electric fireplace and big flat screen tv on the wall. The flames continued dancing cheerily as Bruce gently laid his step-daughter down, looking at you with a small smile.
Several moments passed before Bruce lowered his hand, gently moving his hand under your nightie chemise, his hot palm over your stomach. The mattress dipped on both sides keeping you balanced. Another set of fingers creeped up your thighs. Since the touches were so gentle, you did not stir so easily. Clark watched silently, his heart pounding as Bruce slowly lifted your hem up showing off a set of fresh underwear he allowed you to buy with the allowance credit card.
A cute pair of cotton white panties with a soft yellow duck print on top of the crotch. Clark swallowed hard. His thumb scarcely brushed over your damp apex. A small wet spot was beginning to spread. You softly cooed, still not awake…surely dreaming of something naughty by what Clark could smell.
Bruce glanced at Clark before looking back at you, and carefully untied the small strings that held the top bust of your nightie closed. His hands were steady as he parted the folds.
And there they laid their eyes on your breasts, Clark had to hold back a loud sharp intake of breath. Your nipples were perfect, and he found himself craving to suckle them. Your nipples hardened slightly as the slight coolness of the air tickled them.
You groaned softly, your eyelids fluttering open. You shifted and rolled over onto your side, looking around in confusion.
‘Where am I? Where’s my cuddle pillow?’
You rubbed your eyes and registered that you were with your step-father and Clark…on Bruce’s bed…. Both men were staring down at you silently, and you gasped when you realised your nightie was open. You held back a shriek and quickly whipped it closed before shoving the hem of your nightie down past your knees.
‘What am I doing out of my bed and with my chest exposed? Why we my nightie up so high? Did they see my underwear?’
Bruce's faint smile and Clark's gentle expression might have brought you ease, but the situation was too strange.
‘Why was my nightie been untied and opened? Why was it so far up my legs? Did one of them do it?’
The idea was...absurd. But what else would have happened? You were not in the habit of sleepwalking. You tied your nightie closed and quickly sat up, looking at the two men.
“I um…Is...something wrong, Dad?” you asked oh so innocent and naively as you sat up, feeling Bruce’s thick blue cotton blankets under your body. Bruce’s large and callused hand gently grasped your upper arm, softly stroking it as if to comfort you. His kind smile stayed on his face, unmoving even as he shook his head. His quiet demeanour continued to soothe you with each moment, despite the overwhelming emotions swirling through your mind.
“Nothing is wrong sweetheart, you-…” he breathed, his other hand caressing your cheek. Your step-father was an affectionate man, giving your mother and you hugs often whenever you wanted them, but in all these years...he had never caressed your cheek like this. His thumb ran softly over your lips intimately.
Briefly turning your head to inspect Clark, you found there was nothing about his body language denoting immediate danger. He even leaned in slightly and rested a hand on your knee, shifting even closer toward you.
You sighed softly in comfort...until he said, “You...Don’t need to be afraid....”
Your eyes widened, “Be afraid of what?” you asked. Like some strange horror, the dotes were slowly connecting. The air around you felt taut. You were confused and even Clark could hear how your heart was beating faster, anxiously. Your lips parted slightly, but what could you say, surely they weren’t going to…were they? Why were they looking at you in that way? Why did they look so...hungry?
Bruce smiled and leaned in, placing a kiss on your forehead directing your attention back to him. Without answering your question, he tilted your chin up and sealed his lips over yours in a gentle kiss, his lips pressing against you in a firm manner.
Your eyes popped wider as you suddenly pulled away from the kiss. While other boys had given you tender kisses before in your youth, none had done it quite as passionately as Bruce, your own step-father. His kiss was gentle yet deep, unlike anything you had experienced before. The sensation of his tongue inside your mouth and the minty flavour of his breath filled your senses, making you feel both awkward and ashamedly excited.
Having predicted the situation, Clark quickly got behind you. You felt his thick toned arms snaked around you in a caging hug, holding you firmly in place. Bruce smiled and put his hands on your hips, leaning in and quickly resuming the contact of your lips. You couldn’t lift your arms to shove him away. Your head was pressed against Clark’s chest, unable to break free although you wiggled about furiously, trying to move to the side.
Clark's arms held you in place firmly, pinning your own arms. His hands were spread across your chest and stomach, while his mouth pressed against the shell of your ear.
“Good girl,” he praised, “Stay nice and still for Daddy and me hm?”
He ducked his nose a deeper and traced his lips along your soft skin, kissing along the shape of it as Bruce deepened his seductive French kissing for a moment before breaking it. You had been unable to break it since his hands cupped your face. A soft whimper escaped your lips as Clark started licking along your earlobe, and you gasped softly when he suddenly blew on the wet trail he had just left.
“Easy baby, you need to calm down… Please,” Clark whispered softly, kissing your neck and ear as Bruce placed light kisses along your cheek.
Your step-father smiled and pinched the front of your nightie down and open just a bit to expose your shoulders and collar bone, which he lavished in more wet kisses.
The attention being given to you by both men were gentle, but the whole situation was frightening to you. You knew you should’ve tried to bite their ears, but how could you harm them? The two men you cared about? The man stroking you was your step-father, how could he want to do this? And more importantly, how could Clark just let it happen?
“Please,” you jerked your head back, fruitless from breaking away from their searing kisses, “Let me go...I need to sleep...” you whimpered softly.
“Sh- shh-hh...” Bruce shushed hotly, suckling gently upon the part where your neck met your shoulder. The skin there was sensitive, and you gave a soft cry when you felt him nip gently.
“... D-dad, Clark I-, please...don’t” you whimpered. You turned your head to look up at Clark, looking for an answer. Clark merely gave you that warm, wide smile and captured your lips, closing his eyes as he kissed you with a gentle passion.
Your lashes fluttered, his lips were soft and he was not nearly as forceful as Bruce. He coaxed you to comply. The tiniest of moans left your mouth and filled his.
You shifted again as your step-father worked at your nightie, tugging it open some more. You gave out a weak mewl when Clark broke the kiss. You trembled under Bruce’s dancing fingers.
“Did- did I do something wrong? Why are you doing this to me?” you asked, the corners of your eyes watered. Had your step-father been expecting you to say ‘yes’ to Clark? Was he mad at you? Why was he also here kissing you like this?
This was your own step-father, the man who had raised you since you were fourteen. The man that had married and fucked your own mother. The betrayal felt like a deep and sharp cut. Is this how he saw you? Just some girl he could manipulate when she was of consenting age? You felt sick...and angry. It was practically incest, it was an abomination!
You could barely contain the whimpers and spurting tears rising.
Your question was ignored as the two men made short work of your entire dress, two pairs of hands removing it while keeping your restrained. You could barely contain your squeals when the fabric ripped. Bruce grunted as he tore through and tugged the damn thing from your goosebump skin.
Clark's hands caressed your belly while Bruce's moved to cup your breasts.
Bruce gave a shuddering breath and weighed them in his hands. They were so soft and succulent. He had dreamed of doing this to you many times, for so long during your sweet innocent hugs he’d sneakily brush his fingers against your chest whenever he could to steal and imagine how great your tits would one-day feel in his hands.
All of his expectations were met, and exceeded. And there was still more to see, to explore.
“Please, tell me! Why!?” you demanded. Clark's grip on your arms were gentle but very firm, and you could not scratch either of them. Bruce smiled at you fondly. He cupped your cheeks again and cooed.
“You have done absolutely nothing wrong babygirl. This isn't a punishment. See... We both want you to know how much we love you,” his face leant for and licked at your salty cheek.
“And it’s not like you have a good reason to say no to Daddy and I.” Clark whispered while Bruce fondled your breasts, pinching the hard nipples between his fingertips in a careful way. Clark peered down at what his friend was doing and observed your soft breasts. He was eager for his own turn to feel them, but he was not going to rush his friend. They had agreed to share and be fair about it, and he knew Bruce was a man of his word.
“… No good reason to say no?” you asked, your heart pounding, although your question was barely more than a whisper. They both nodded. Clark smiled and kissed your cheek before touching his nose against it in a loving nuzzle.
He cupped and massaged one breast, giving a brief nod to his friend before shifting his eyes towards your other breast.
Clark moved one hand and took your right breast, which Bruce had offered, and began to fondle it while Bruce played with your left one. Bruce was firmer in his kneading, and Clark was gentle as his fingers skimmed along the underside of the mound, as if he was afraid of hurting you. Both hands felt so good on you, and you squirmed around, afraid to submit to any pleasure from this shocking situation.
“Please... please, let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone about this, not even Alfred, please let me go now. Let me go. Leave me alone! I'm your step-daughter! Bruce! Y-you’re meant to be my Dad!” you pleaded, trying to get through to your step-father as he gave your breast a very firm, although not painful squeeze.
Bruce chewed his bottom lip and moved away. He got off the bed and watched his best friend touch you. He tugged at his tie and unbuttoned his blouse. His chest was covered in dark and silvery hairs. He fiddled with his belt buckle. His trousers fell to his ankles. His hand dove into his briefs.
Your eyes flooded with more tears. You were staring at Bruce’s erection.
“Come on princess...You know we won’t hurt you. Ever... Don’t be scared, relax, enjoy and be a good little girl…” Bruce said softly, climbing back on the bed he reached out and started caressing your arms.
You couldn’t help it, you screamed and tried to kick your step-father away with your legs as hard as you could. You hated that you had to hurt him like this. Clarks heavy hand clamped down on your squealing mouth
Bruce shook his head, slapping your kicking heels away. His lips curled into a mean sneer as he leant forward and tweaked your nipples, sending a jolt of pain through your chest.
You yelled out behind Clarks hand, trying to bite down on his palm. He didn’t flinch once. His nose flared, he was a little irritated with your teeth sinking into his skin.
“Better stop screaming sweetheart or Daddy’s going to have to put a gag in that little mouth of yours,” Bruce ground between his gritted teeth.
Your pleas were not doing the trick, and your desperate kicks weren’t either. They both played with your breasts and Bruce chuckled, drawing your nipple into his mouth and sucking firmly on the hard nub.
Clark bodily drifted his hand down between your legs, touching your duckling and creeping down further to your damp crotch. His fingers strong and hard, lazily rubbed in circles. Both of them seemed acutely aware of the pleasure that you were feeling at their attention even as you pleaded with them and tried to deny it. It only spurred them on and made them want your more.
“Daddy, stop it!” you wailed, “This is wrong and you know it too Clark!” you flung yourself backwards and tried to push the other male off you.
The man let your nipple free and looked into you's eyes. It had been so long since you had called him 'Daddy', having abandoned it for 'Dad' or just 'Bruce' in later years.
“Pumpkin…” he said, grabbing your wrists, giving Clark enough time to move away. Bruce pushed you back hard onto the mattress and sat on your ankles, holding your wrists down as he clouded you in his body. He hovered above you. You trembled violently, weeping hard.
“This is going to happen, and there’s nothing you can do or say to stop it,” his head lifted, “You finished stripping Clark?” he asked.
Your eyes flashed up. Your point of you made the world appear upside down. Clark sat his glasses on the bed side table...it was the last thing he wore.
“Bottom drawer, there’s a roll of duct tape.”
Clark nodded and pulled it out. The colour surprised him ...it was pink. Clark planned to use it on you one way or another, no matter what
Bruce trailed his nose across your face and pressed his lips to your forehead, “Trust your Daddy. Have I ever done anything to you that proved harmful?” Bruce asked softly, his blue eyes filled with a pleading for your understanding. You fell silent as you slowly shook your head whimpering and breaking down at the tearing sound of the pink duct tape. Bruce pushed your wrists together. The sticky sensation bound around your wrists tightly. He had always been such a loving step-father. But this went past the bounds of a step-father.
“No... b-bu-tt this-s... we're n-not...d-daddy, y-youre meant to be m-m-my dad-daddy...” Your voice was breaking, a soft pathetic whine as you pleaded, “Clar-k h-elp me.”
Bruce’s eyes glanced up at Clark. A tiny nod. Another rip and the tape was pushed flat against your sobbing mouth.
Clark rejoined you both on the bed and held your hands down for Bruce as the man bent down taking your nipple into his mouth again, his tongue rubbing it firmly as he suckled. A chest rattling gasp was muffled behind the tape.
Clark held you, massaging your other breast. You started to feel the fiery tingle between your legs. You were a virgin, but you were not stupid, and had touched that special place before...shame filled your mind because truly how much of a monster were you for being aroused by... your own step-father?
Despite the pleasure, you were afraid. You wiggled against Clark, twisting your arms and whining softly.
Clark's hands were gentle yet firm, and he held you in place even as you twisted. He moaned softly against your neck, and you felt the underside of his arousal along side Bruce’s, both touching the outsides of your thighs.
"Bruce...I need her,” he whispered, “Let me fuck your precious princess?”
The older man corrected softly humming, “Our precious princess.”
The two strong men lifted you up slightly from your laying down. You tried weakly kicked at them again before feeling Bruce slap the inside of your thigh and point a stern finger at your face.
“Enough. Don’t make me throw you over my knee babygirl.”
You sniffled and started to hiccup behind the tape gag. The tiny jerks from your body every time you hiccupped made the men’s faces soften.
You were forced to sit up on your knees and lay forward against Bruce’s chest. When Clark tugged your hips backwards, your bum was angled to the sky while your stomach laid in Bruce’s lap, your legs at either side of his torso. This caused your chest to be nestled into Bruce's lap, your breasts pressed against the hard hot flesh of his cock. You were effectively sandwiched between them, and wiggled around, trying to not think about your step father’s cock touching your nipple and switching against your skin.
His large hands touched your shoulders and laid it on your head, patting your hair softly. Clark's hands were at your rear, rubbing and kneading the cheeks and parting them slightly as he felt the pert rump. A soft playful spank made you jump and whine. You started sobbing again, wiggling against the firm grip of your step-father as he tried to soothe you. One of Bruce's hands cupped his cock and rubbed his precum into your swollen nipples.
You tried to kick at Clark as you felt his hands on the waistband of your panties, and you turned your face away from your step-father's throbbing erection that Bruce was raising to rub along your wet salty cheek. You tried to use your hands as leverage.
How was you supposed to get out of this situation? It was clear what they wanted to do and also clear that they would not be deterred. The combined forces of two fully-grown men, strong super humans at that, against that of a young woman, was quite overwhelming. They were not letting your go, and that was that. Bruce chuckled as Clark slid his step-daughter's panties down, exposing your pert ass. Clarks mouth looked dry...his tongue flicked out.
It was rather a lovely sight for Clark, and he sighed contentedly as he reached down to stroke your lower lips. You moaned softly, you used your knees to get away and to launch yourself up Bruce’s body. You managed to bury your face against your step-father's chest and the crease of his armour as you felt Clarks hot breath along your little glistening slit.
Soon Clark's fingers rose up to pet your wet pussy. He caressed the throbbing mound gently, fingers slowly pulling apart your slick nether lips. With one arm, he hooked it under your stomach and lifted your hips, forcing you back up higher on your knees. This allowed him to see your womanhood more clearly.
“How's it look?” Bruce asked calmly, stroking your hair and back in an attempt to soothe you, forgetting his own throbbing arousal for the moment as he tried to quieten your sobs.
“Ohh, Bruce, our little girl is so perfect,” he moaned, grinning as he gently felt your inner flesh with a finger. Your inner flesh peeked out shyly from your outer lips, like the petals of a flower. Bruce could not help but chuckle at Clark’s response as he ran his fingers along your spine, feeling your twitch and hearing a soft shudder come from the tape gag. He pressed his lips to your brow and hummed.
“Yea darlin’,” he broke into his relaxed southern drawl, “You goin’ tell daddy about how you probably used his credit card to wax this pretty pussy?”
Bruce’s eyes widened. His jaw dropped as he looked down at your eyes, pleading up at him wetly.
“It’s a real sculpted love heart...now who on earth is this for huh? Only little sluts get groomed like this,” Clark sat up and leant of you and Bruce. His lips pressed to the corner of your tapped lips, “Are you a little slut baby girl.”
Muffled sobs emanated from the girl as you pressed your face against your step-father’s chest and Clark paused. The men exchanged smirks.
“Have you let some boy fuck this cute hole Baby girl?” Clark breathed, softly, a mocking tone to his voice. He touched your side with his free hand, the other remaining at your mound but being idle, the finger now pulled out. Bruce looked down and gently tilted his step-daughter's chin up to look into your eyes. You looked very lovely with tear-stained cheeks, you had never looked more beautiful his eyes. His hand slowly ran along your cheeks, wiping your tears as he looked down at your tenderly.
“Sweetheart...My lovely little girl. You’re not in trouble, tell us the truth...” he said, softly, caressing your face. Clark bit his lip gently and resumed stroking your rear and your thighs, soon going back to rubbing your hot folds. There was no denying the pleasure, and he felt wetness.
You whimpered softly as you shook your head no while you succumbed under the gentle assault of four hands, all caressing and touching you in the most intimate and gentle of ways.
It was strange, they were not supposed to be doing this and you had been trying to fight them off. And despite all the fear, despite all the rough man handling, despite their mean mockery and degrading humiliation...your groin felt alive....You felt good,
You glanced back over your shoulder at Clark. He met your eyes and smiled. He pressed his lips to your forehead while his fingers were stroking and rubbing your intimate areas in a way that caused your to become wetter.
You hadn’t noticed how your crying was being replaced by snotty sniffling, and mewling moans.
Bruce smiled down at you when you turned your head back to him.
You felt his hand cup your bicep, pulling your bound hands up. You stretched your fingers. He held up his erection and pointed it to your palms
“Touch me baby,” he encouraged softly, “I trust you.”
You whimpered softly and shook your head, giving a sudden gasp with wide eyes as one of Clark’s fingers wiggled into you.
“Please...?” he purred lowly, smiling as Clark pressed second one inside and slowly scissor your insides. You let out a low shuddering moan as your step-father gently grasped your wrist, leading your hand to the swollen cock. Clark continued sliding his fingers in and out of you, before adding a third. Your walls clamped and tightened. You let out a soft hiss and were unable to stop yourself from pushing against Clark’s hand. The man then angled his fingers as he thrust them in slowly, causing them to press against a spongy place on your inner wall that sent shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
Bruce smiled, his hand cupping over your bound hands so you were forced to grasp the base of his erection. You tried to remove your hand – but of course, to no avail. His thick rod was very warm and solid, you made a small noise as you felt it throb under your hand. You squirmed slightly under Clark’s attention, finding it difficult to breathe as a wave of pleasure washed over you.
Clark peppered a flood of gentle kisses along your soft cheeks as he thrust his fingers into you. Your step-father released a soft moan.
Your hand tightened and rubbed your step-fathers shaft weakily. Your shuddering breaths and fluttering eyes told Bruce everything he need to know about how well Clark was treating their special girl.
Your fingers slowly slid up and down the shaft several times, before you wrapped your fingers around it more firmly and did just as he guided, pumping it slowly and seeing the head seep with a bit more precum. His head tilted back a bit and he gave a low groan of pleasure. You looked up at him and saw how much he liked it, then whimpered, it was so strange how you could have the power all of a sudden. Curiosity, getting the best of you as you looked down at it. It was impressive-looking, and you were becoming slowly bemused to think that he wanted to put this in you.
You pumped more firmly, looking up at your step-father's face intently. He was no longer holding your down, so you pulled herself up just a bit, Clarks fingers followed you as you weakly tried balancing up and off Bruce’s chest. You continued your firm pumping of your step-father's engorged member. Now the taboo excitement of watching him moan and dig his nails into the bed sheets made you conclude that you were getting a thrill out of all this. It made you wonder if there was something wrong with you just as much as there was something wrong with him.
At fourteen, who could deny that little sweet highschooler you had a big crush on your step dad before it developed into crushing on his journalist friend Clark Kent, the very man with three digits up your sweet silky hole.
It was time. You could definitely not ignore the pleasure you felt from Clark, who was working slowly and tenderly at your throbbing sex.
You whined, arching your hips, your toes curling and flexing, something Clark found cute. He chuckled to himself, trailing his free hand along the back of one of your thighs.
Bruce’s hand rose up and grabbed your wrists, he pulled them away to gently stop you. He knew he wanted to cum inside of you.
You looked up at him in surprise and your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, seeing him smiling kindly at you. Bruce pressed his lips against your forehead and chuckled.
“Are you trying to be a good girl now?” he asked touching the corner of the tape on your mouth.
You sniffled and nodded, moaning when Clark pulled his fingers out to trail down and rub into your pearlling clit.
He smiled, “Alright,” he whispered, “This is going to hurt-“ he said ripping off the tape before he finished his own sentence.
You yelped and hissed.
“Sorry baby girl,” he apologised.
Bruce then leant back against the pillows and watched you succumb to pleasure from Clarks speedy fingers. Your bound hands laid flat on Bruce’s chest, steading you from falling. Your fingers brushed and rubbed along his hairy chest.
Bruce cupped your waist and held you firm as he gazed at you showing your curious exploration. It was then he realised, you were touching some of his scars, covered by hair. Your eyes were growing softer...glassy...he couldn’t believe his luck...you looked the same as you did when you kissed him after your mothers death. If only he knew this was some sort of trance, a head space you were in all those years ago, he would’ve fucked you then.
Clark slid his fingers out of your and licked them clean. The pair, rolled you over onto your back.
You calmly glanced back at your step-father for a moment before returning your attention to the taller man, who was in a similar state of arousal as your step-father.
“My sweet little girl...” Bruce purred before kissing you deeply, his lips locking around yours passionately. Finally you found yourself leaning closer and meeting his same force. The wet sounds of your mouth and moans clouded any remaining sanity left in your mind. Your bound arms found their way around his neck, and he continued kissing you.
Clark waited patiently, knowing that he would have the soon enough, and watched as his friend lovingly cradled his step-daughter, continuing the hungry attentions. You were unable to resist kissing him back just as fiercely.
Soon your tongues came into the dance, with Bruce quickly gaining dominance, a sweet whine escaping you.
Clark smiled, and began to rub his shaft slightly. Bruce pulled away and pushed your bound hands off his neck. He shuffled your face to the side, pushing you to Clarks arms.
With bold confidence, you pushed up onto your knees and laid your loud hands behind his neck, pressing your lips to his. He playfully growled as your tongues fought, you lost and he hummed happily, eagerly exploring your sweet little mouth, his arms tightening around your body.
After a few more long moments of the passionate kiss, he broke it before licking up the strand of saliva that bridged your panting tongues. He grinned at you. You smiled and stared at him for a moment before looking down shyly. He saw this demure action and smirked.
“What’s wrong princess, still scared?” he asked softly, nuzzling your cheek. You continued looking down shyly. You had thought of asking Bruce who was watching you both, what your mother would have thought of what he was doing to his step-daughter, but you had no doubt that he had already thought of that.
Bruce cupped your waist and lowered his lips to your shoulders. His erection pushed against the swell of your ass.
Carefully you were pushed back onto the mattress. Bruce came up to put your head in his lap, languidly stroking your hair and cheeks as Clark rubbed your thighs. The man you had admired for so long spread them, eyeing your shuddering sex hungrily. Your body froze up, stiffening as it sunk in what was truly coming you squirmed around, pressing your knees together. You looked up at Clark pleadingly.
He sighed, disappointed. He leant behind him, reaching for the duct tape....was he going to duct tape your legs spread wide.
You panicked, “Are you doing this because I did not accept your marriage offer?”
“No.” he paused and didn’t grab the tape at all. He leant down and softly, kissed your lips chastely. Bruce leant down sand cupped the back of your knees, pulling them up and spreading them wide.
You shivered.
Clark touched your cunt gently and spread you open again. His face pushed forward, leaning in and licked from the bottom to the top of your slit. You had a sharp gasping intake as you felt the gentle licking there and you pushed his head away gently. Clark leaned back in and continued to lick you, lapping at the sweet wet with his thick tongue, resisting as you pushed at his head – although your pushes were fairly weak.
“You’re not being punished,” Bruce repeatedly assured you as if he read your mind, stroking your cheeks. Clark continued to lap at you.
“We just both think this would be a bit of....encouragement for you to stay baby,” Bruce purred, tweaking one of your nipples playfully.
You grizzled, “To st-stay?” your hips jerked a little as Clark sucked harder on your clit, your legs still held wide open by Bruce’s strong hands.
“Honey,” Clark murmured into your cunt, staring up at you with eyes that were mixed with lust, adoration and worship, “You don’t need to go to college when you have me and your daddy to heel you happy.”
Your voice caught in your throat, you couldn’t believe it...this was why? To keep you away from going to school? You bit your bottom lip. You would’ve been devastatingly hurt but with his tongue slipping inside and licking deep into your whole, you tossed your head backwards onto Bruce’s shoulder, crying out as a orgasm waved through your body.
“Clark, you can take her first,” Bruce softly granted.
“We can look at that sweet asshole another day and then,” your step father licked the shell of your ears whispering, “You’ll be allowed to fuck two big cocks at once down there.”
Clark got on his knees between your legs and Bruce steadied you, taking your hands into his own and squeezing them reassuringly before he let go. His large hands massaged your breasts, and reached down to rub your clit slowky as you felt Clark position himself, gently rubbing your slit with his tip. It had opened up to him through all of the loving attention, and was glistening with wetness.
Your eyes widened.
“Don’t… we shouldn’t…” you whispered, “Y-youre not wearing a condom.”
Bruce’s hands tightened around your wrists and lifted them pulling them backward to hook on his own neck. Your chest was so pushed up.
“It’s okay baby, we don’t need a condom,” Clark moaned, caressing your cheeks before his hands travelled down to your sides. He smiled kindly at you, and you found herself smiling back faintly, looking into his ice-blue eyes. You shivered as he slowly lowered himself, and the head of his cock gently nudged at your slit. You tensed a little, but felt your step-father massage your clit.
You gasped and arched a little when Clark penetrated you, and your step-father continued stroking you in a languid yet firm manner, his touches did much to soothe the passage and help you relax. You looked up at your Bruce for a moment, then back at Clark. Bruce tenderly caressed your cheeks and arms, while Clark's hands stroked along your sides. He was moving slowly, letting your get used to his girth, for he was almost as thick as his best friend. The wetness made it possible for him to move quite smoothly within you, and it was also so inviting.
It was tight and yes it was uncomfortable but with the support of Bruce’s hand, in no time, he was sheathed fully, and you stared up at him quietly feeling his balls pressed into your soft ass. He was heavy inside you, an unexpected pressure. The tip poked the sponge of your womb.
There was a few frightful seconds where all of you were silent save for your soft breathing. Bruce glanced at the tape, prepared to hear your screaming again...but it didnt come. And then Clark smiled lovingly down at you, comforting you at that moment, before leaning in and kissing your cheek.
“How do you feel?” he asked. You shyly huffed even more, but kept your eyes on him. You couldn’t decide whether to smile or grimace.
“I don't know. I... feel very full...” you replied softly, feeling Bruce’s fingers brush along your forehead.
Clark lifted your ankles up onto his shoulders and took a deep breath.
“The best part is yet to come, my sweet angel,” Bruce promised. Clark smiled, and began to gyrate his hips, sliding his shaft in and out of your tight cunt in a languid manner. The reaction was immediate. His cock dragged along your sensitive walls, and Bruce smiled as he watched his sweet little step-daughter squirm around in pleasure. Soon enough, he himself would be doing that to you.
Clark released a deep groan, clearly in bliss as he thrust into you. His speed was tempered and gentle, languorous, making sure that the length of his dick dragged along your gspot with each thrust to create that glorious friction. He wanted your first time to be something deep and tender. And it was working. You hissed and flexed your back into Bruce feeling Clarks entire cock within you as you clenched hard. It had hurt a little at first, but there was no denying the pleasure to be had, and the gentle caresses were doing much to heighten your experience.
“Sh-shit shit shit, oh my god, Clark! Clark I’m-”
Clarks gentle lovemaking pushed you towards your glorious shouting orgasm, and you cried out when you hit it, arching up against him, clenching around him almost painfully. You had ever felt anything so wonderful in your whole life! Bruce smiled as he saw this, and leaned down to place kisses along his mewling step-daughter’s face, massaging your breasts as he did so.
“Isn’t it wonderful, babygirl? Doesn’t it feel so good?” Bruce asked warmly. All you could do was nod. Clark shot you a charming smile, thrusting more firmly now, and he whispered your name when he finally came. Your clenching drew it out, and multiple shots of his seed squirted deep inside of you, filling your up.
Clark placed firm kisses along your face, remaining within your hot pussy for a few more moments. You turned your face towards him, nuzzling him back, as your lips peppered his cheeks, Clark started grinning happily. A few moments passed, some tender caresses, before Bruce chuckled and shifted. Clark looked up at him and smiled, sliding out of you a little too quickly. You whimpered pitifully at the stinging sensation of being emptied.
Clark laid beside you on his side as Bruce moved down the bed to inspect the mess his friend had created. Clark kept his eyes on you, he shot you another reassuring smile before propping your head up with his arm. He laid there relaxed and enjoying the waving endorphins made from his orgasm, still reeling from the pleasure that your sweet noises and tight pussy had given him.
Bruce gently rolled you onto your belly. Your cheek still pressed into the pillow made of Clarks bicep.
“On your knees, baby, stick that ass up for Daddy…” Bruce whispered. You huffed and wiggled your hips up, propping you up on your knees. It was a lovely sight, and he rubbed your behind, kneading the cheeks lovingly as he glanced at your swollen and glistening sex.
“Good girl,” he rumbled, patting your back softly.
You moaned softly, knowing what your step-father was about to do. At this point, you had given up on fighting off the two men, especially because it felt so good. You rested your head against Clark and sighed, staring at his eyes that gazed you lovingly. With is other hand, Clark stroked your face and hair softly as you awaited for your step-father to take you, your heart thundered with anticipation.
Bruce took a moment to admire the glorious vision before him. Your sweet pussy glistened, dripping and dribbling out the creamy white Clark had squirted deep inside. Your outer lips were swollen from the recent coupling you had. Your rear end glowed under the light of the bedroom lamp, looking so plump and inviting.
“You’re so gorgeous, princess. How Clark and I resisted you for this long, god only knows,” Bruce chuckled and rubbed your bum.
You gave out a soft but contented sigh before he was pressing the head of his needy pole against his your slit, rubbing it up and down the opening a few times. You moaned softly and squirmed a little, but made no real attempt to flee.
Bruce grabbed your hips and gave a strong thrust, his cock sliding inside of you to the base with little effort despite your tightness. You whimpered out softly, in slight pain but more in surprise, and looked over your shoulder at your Step-father again.
Clark wolfishly grinned at you, as Bruce’s hips immediately thrusting back and forth. He pounded into you, hard and fast, your body quivering under him.
Clark’s lovemaking had been languorous and gentle, more than suitable for your first time. But Bruce’s way of taking you was savage and primal. Despite it...you found yourself enjoying this as well. It was rough and deeply bruising. You would be able to feel it tomorrow.
Bruce was not hurting you, it was not unbearable agony as he slammed his hips fiercely. Clark watched with half-lidded eyes, listening to your whines and touching your face every now and then as if to reassure you.
Bruce punched his cock into you with the ferocity of an animal in heat. You were so wonderfully tight and hot that it was impossible to just hold back.
“F-Fuck, Daddy!!!”
The way you responded to him, arching towards him and making small sounds of pleasure and mewls of pain only spurred him on even more. His heavy balls slapped against the back of your thighs, and you strangled around him with your walls. He gave out a low growl as he cummed, creaming deep inside.
You whimpered out another heightened, ‘Daddy!’ as your body quivered, your teeth chattering just slightly.
You bit your lip almost hard enough to cause it to bleed as you hit another orgasm, your eyes rolled back and clenching around him hard, trapping his cock inside with your tightness.
You looked at your step-father over your shoulder as he continued thrusting in you, his cock remained erect for a few moments before slowly becoming flaccid. You looked over at Clark then back at Bruce, whimpering out 'Daddy' again as you felt cum dribble down your opening. He stayed within your cunt for a while, panting as he relaxed his muscles. Smirking, he pulled out of your tightness and stroked your rump.
“Good girl baby...”
You remained on your knees for several more moments, cum still dribbling out a little as he traced his fingers along the firm curve of your rear end. What you had been through was unbelievable. You had just been dominated and fucked by the two men you cared most about in the world...one of them was your step-father. It seemed almost too impossible to believe, like it all had to been some sick dream- any moment you would wake up to find yourself alone, dressed, inside your own bed....But did you want this to be a dream?
The more you thought, the less sick it seemed to be...morally it was wrong...but at the end of the day, you weren’t related and Bruce was sure to take care of you just like he always had along with your own mother. Your mother might not have approved if she was alive...but...there was nothing she could do now.
And Clark was just as caring and understanding of your passions....So both clearly loved you, very much....
You felt Clark caress your cheek once more, and you looked to him as your hips fell down limp. He offered you a smile before leaning over to press his lips to your forehead.
“You did so well darlin’.”
You shyly smiled, feeling Bruce lay down behind you.
You felt Bruce slide something cold between your wrists and slice through the pink tape.
Your eyes fluttered. You could hear Bruce put that sharp object most likely a knife in his bed side drawer.
He cupped your wrists and gently massaged them, kissing the raw area. He then scooped you up into his arms, holding you close, as if he wanted to rock you to sleep. You rolled onto your back and looked between them. They were two content lions gazing down at the sweet kitten in their bed. Both of them held pleased but loving expressions on their faces, and you smiled shyly a little and buried your nose in into the blue sweat soaked sheets. Under the gentle embrace and caresses, you closed your eyes.
You felt one of them, you didn’t know or care who, pull up a duvet, covering your quivering body. The men sighed happily at one another as you snuggled sweetly between them.
It was a fact to acknowledge with their cum growing dry on your thighs how they now would never let you go. They would take you in the morning, and whenever either of them pleased from then on. You were there’s...you belonged to them, and they would always do everything to prove their desire for you. You fell asleep in their embrace, you pressed your face into Clarks chest, while you pressed your backside into Bruce’s hips. snuggled up to both of them, while their affectionate caresses and whispers lulled you to sleep.
When morning arrived it was still pitch black thanks to the roll down tinted glass windows.
Bruce’s grey his eyes cracked awake slowly, to the sounds of your soft snoring. Your soft cheek was pressed against his chest after the night of shuffling you must’ve done in your sleep. ‘What a wonderfully sweet thing to wake up to,’ he thought, smiling as he traced his fingertips gently along your other cheek. He looked to his left at the big bulk of a man under the covers.
Clark was still sleeping, his arm was covering your hip. Your plump rear end was against his stomach, and Bruce smiled at you both.
Your sweet drooling face stirred slightly as your cheek was caressed, but you remained asleep. Being cushioned and cradled in the warmth of two big men had surprisingly helped you to sleep well, as you had been so comforted by the obvious affection they had shown you. If they didn’t care about you, they would have simply raped you bloody and never paid mind to your pleasure they never would’ve focused on your feelings and overall care.
Clark loved you and wanted to be your husband, he had been serious when he asked for your hand in marriage. It was in the plan but Bruce knew Clark wanted to ask ages ago...
And Bruce loved you too, he wanted your utmost happiness but he desired your overall safety and company. If you left for college he wouldn’t know when he’d see you again...if ever...considering you held no real “blood” obligation to him.
Clark and he were good friends, and sharing you had been a odd thought at first, but last night proved that it would work out well between the three of you. And it was very comfortable, and would continue to be comfortable – after all, both of them wanted your happiness, love and companionship.
Bruce pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Wake up, baby girl, it’s daddy...” he whispered into your ear, gently nibbling along your earlobe. Your eyelids fluttered open and you whimpered softly, a bit disoriented at first as was common on waking up in a place so different to your bedroom but the disorientation faded as you rubbed your eyes and turned your head upwards a bit to look up at the eyes of your doting step-father smiling softly down at you.
“Good morning, Daddy...” you said softly, wiping the sleep away from your eyes and blinking a few times as you felt a hand caress along your hip, you didn’t know who it belonged to, but did that even matter?
“Good morning, sweet angel... Did you sleep alright?” he asked, caressing your hair. Clark stirred but did not wake. You shyly nodded. Last night was beyond taboo and though you were not entirely angry or disgusted, it would take a bit getting used to.
“I am glad...” Bruce replied before he chuckled softly and fondled your side. He looked over at Clark and smiled.
“...Will you marry him?” he whispered, kissing your cheek. You stared at him for a few moments before nodding slowly. You did not see why not – Clark was a good man and you had no interest in anyone else.
Bruce nodded, smiling happily. He was ecstatic that you had accepted Clark’s hand, and now you would be truly a family inside Wayne’s manor.
“What about you, Daddy?” you asked softly as your step-father’s hand gently caressed your side, “....Don’t you want me anymore,” your eyes glanced away in embarrassment considering how pathetic you sounded asking....
“Mmm,” he pecked the tip of your nose, “Clark and I already discussed this...I would like to keep our closeness when you are wed... Clark and I have shared many passions in the past...towards each other and it does not bother him.”
Your eyes started to widen. You didn’t know your step-dad was just as sexually active with men.
“He really agrees to this? You two... have no problem with... sharing?” you whispered as you rolled over onto your back to gain a more accurate gaze upon Bruce.
“Not at all...” he chuckled, “We are too good a pair of friends to fight over something wonderful like this as spectacular as you.” He stated.
You smiled and looked down shyly. He looked over at Clark once more and smirked almost deviously.
He reached out and playfully thumbed your nipples.
“Baby girl, it looks like Clark is a heavy sleeper...how about you go and wake him up for me?” His tone was seductive, and low. You could see from the corner of your eyes the two hardening peaks growing out of the bed sheets.
Bruce pushed his side down and cupped himself, using his enclosed first like a sight hole.
“C’mon baby, go wake up your other daddy,” he groaned.
You gasped and flushed even more as you stated at your step-father for several moments before carefully crawling over to Clark again.
You placed a gentle kisses along his face, saving his lips for last. Your hand caressed along his smooth chest, slowly making its way down to his morning organ. His nipples were given attention, your fingers teasing over the pink nubs and making them taut. Your palm felt along the toned muscles of his abdomen, and stroked the coarse dark hair above his cock, teasing your fingers along the treasure trail. The thin hairs had started as a thin, tapering line several inches below his navel, and spread out gradually to the thatch over his cock.
Bruce watched calmly, not at all bothered by his friend’s nakedness. He did not stare at Clark either, he just watched with interest at what you, his step-daughter was doing. You had such a lovely soft hand. You slowly patted the neither hairs as you started sucking on Clark’s angry red tip.
You flattened your tongue and looked over, making full eye contact with Bruce While he jerked off languishingly. He smirked and winked at you.
“Suck his cock babygirl, suck Papa’s cock.”
Papa...Daddy...oh god...what were you getting yourself into.
You leant your face down, filling your cheeks with the tip of his pink cock tip. Your tongue raised around the skin and flicked under the folds. You tried not to think about the smell but the taste alone. It was bitter, salty and a little tangy.
“M-mmh...” Clark let out a soft noise of pleasure, face blissfully slack. His manhood stirred and began to rise a bit, the touches arousing him even when he slept.
“Clarkkkkk...” Bruce cooed in a soft purr, gently touching his shoulder while you lapped at his foreskin, and Bruce started growing aroused, wanting to stick himself inside of you as he had a grand view of your little cunt, dried with flakes of white on your skin.
At the mention of his name, the man stirred and opened his eyes, smiling a bit, raising a hand to lazily wipe the sleep from his eyes.
“A-ah...Good morning...” he said, blurrily looking down at what you were doing. You smiled sweetly and placed a gentle kiss on his tip as you brought him to full attention.
“Clark?” you asked softly.
“Yes sweetheart?...hngh...” he shuddered, shifting a bit, his cock rising further. Bruce shivered, running his fingertips along your rear.
“I will be your wife,” You whispered softly. He tilted his head, and a wide grin came to his face. Hooking one arm around your arm he tugged you up to him to abandon you morning blowjob. He sealed his lips over yours in a gentle kiss. When you parted, he purred.
“Thank you sweet girl, I vow to always cherish you like last night and every encounter we’ve met.” His words made you giggle happily, as you had no real doubt of his respect for you.
He heard the fwapping sound of Bruce masturbating, watching you.
“Have you talked Bruce?” he added.
Your lashes fluttered.
“I accept him as well. I...I will stay home. College can wait or I can try online courses...You can both have me,” You whispered. Bruce ran a fingertip along your slit. You shivered and moaned, wiggling your rear end at Bruce as you kissed Clark again, your hand returned to slowly pumping his engorged organ.
Bruce smiled, he rubbed your slit gently and lazily, feeling the flesh quiver a bit and begin to slicken up. Clark moaned softly into your lips and his hand moved down, cupping one of your breasts and carefully kneading it, plucking at your nipples. You gave out a soft whine of pleasure and looked at Clark for a moment before looking back at Bruce.
“Daddy...” You pouted, “...stop teasing me.” You reached out to his cock with your other hand. In each palm you held two thick cocks at the same time and went about squeezing and licking them like a game....unwittingly teasing them both to release. The men both gradually sat up on their elbows. Before either of them could cum however, you let their cocks go and sat back, facing them with a childish smirk, biting your lip.
If they wanted to be depraved, you could be too...you wondered if they’d tie and gag you again. Would they pushed you around manhandle and humiliate you again?...a real sensational thrill soaked your bones at the thought. What a fantastic opportunity to test that theory...
You didn’t leave that room for probably three whole days except to use the master bathroom...
Alfred decided not to intervene.. after all it was Master Wayne he was paid by, not you.
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
Superman x witch fem black reader x Superboy! Our future? Part 1!
You come back from a mission only to meet a boy who claims to be your son?!
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After your mission with Flash which was an epic win! After going back in time to help stop an ancient Egyptian pharaoh from destroying world you just wanted to turn in your report go home and watch TV and rest but life had another plan for you today!
"When you use that spell on that other guy and had him hallucinating that he was fighting in his underwear was absolutely hilarious Y/H/N! (Your Hero Name)
"Right? Like he didn't see that coming! I do feel bad for the poor guy tho." We entered the Batcave as we got closer we could hear three people talking I saw Batman and Superman an unfamiliar face. It was a boy well more like a teenager he had blue jeans, black combat boots with a black shirt when he turned around I can see the Superman symbol and for some reason you had this pull towards him and he looked strangely familiar?
"Hey guy's! We're back it took a while you know with the whole space-time thing but we're fine, we made it got the job done so uh who's the new guy new face looks pretty young to join the Justice League don't you think?" Flash says. Superman looked at me I gave him a small wave to say hello but he just gave an awkward smile looking pass you. It was weird he usually doesn't do that, something must have happened you turned your attention back to the teenager who was looking at you with his eyes glossing over like he was close to crying?
"Since when do we allow fans into the batcave?" I asked hands on my hips I had got a good look at his face better and to your surprise he looked kind of like Clark? Before you could say anything the boy ran towards you with such speed nearly knocked you over he pulled you into a big bear hug almost like he was too scared to let you go everyone just stood watching the scene Bruce stood with a blank face, Superman stood there with an uneasy look while Flash was just as confused as you were with what was going on.
"Your here! I made it just in time!" The boy says into your shoulder you honestly didn't know what the heck was going on but something in you felt a connection to this unknown boy. You hug him back rubbing his back he pulled back flustered.
"Uh hi?" I say with a confused smile.
"H-hi! I mean I'm sorry for uh hugging you I just got really excited!" The boy said with a nervous smile geez even his smile is like Clark's!
"That's fine hon just uh be careful next time you wanna hug someone. You nearly knocked me off my feet!" You say hitting his shoulder. He smiled but was still flustered, you got a better look he was definitely a spitting image of Clark but only a tad bit kid had some muscle on him that's for sure but what really caught your attention was his eye's they were Y/E/C (your eye color)you put a hand on his cheek making him flinch a bit from your warm touch.
"That's funny your eyes..." Before you could finish Flash cut you off sliding over next to you and the kid.
"Can someone explain what and who this boy is please?" Flash says looking the kid up and down, Batman looked towards Superman who looked back shaking his head Batman looked towards the boy who looked back nodding than turned at you nervous.
"Um so first I'm really happy to meet you and second please don't freak out when I tell you this but I'm Kon-el."
"Oh so you are Kryptonian! Another cousin you failed to tell us about Superman?" I asked jokingly but he just looked at you awkwardly with a tiny blush, okay what the heck is wrong with him? You just turned your attention back to the young man.
"Well it's very nice to meet you Kon-el the minute I saw you I knew you were somehow related to Superman. You are just as handsome as the man of steel himself!" You say with a smile he blushed at your words while Superman also looked flustered by you calling him handsome.
I froze the smile on my face slowly dropping I heard Flash gasped while Bruce and Clark stared at your face waiting for reaction the boy looked at you with a bit of concern but the only thing you could do was just stand in shock looking between the boy and Superman who was still waiting for your reaction but you let out a simple small confused "Huh?" before everything went black.
Clark's POV
Before anyone else could react Y/n eyes rolled in the back of her head luckily I had caught her in time. Conner I mean Superboy started to panic kneeling to the ground along side me.
"I-i'm sorry it just slipped out!" I just gave him a small understandable look.
"It's fine Superboy she's okay just in shock."
Not that you blame her I nearly had the same reaction I was in metropolis when Bruce had gave me the call saying that it was urgent I rushed over only to find Batman holding a teenage boy at gun point (it was a kryptonite gun) at first I was confused and concerned until Batman told me that the boy claimed to be mine and Y/H/N son which of course was hard to believe because I was in a relationship with Lois even though we've been having issues and Y/n had no interest in dating (at least that's what I was told by Diana) and we were only close friends nothing more nothing less. At least that's what I thought until the boy in front of me claimed to be our child and he needed the Justice League's help. Of course me and Bruce had doubts but I could see that he did resembled me a bit only he didn't have my blue eyes but had Y/E/C (your eye color) that's when the boy who called himself Superboy told Bruce to look in his back jean pocket and that there was a picture to prove it of course Batman did in to our surprise it was a picture of me and Y/n who was laying in a hospital bed, a beautiful but tired smile on her face and was holding a newborn baby, at the bottom of the photo it read "Welcome to the world our little miracle child Connor Kent" I had to hold on to something because I felt faint, Bruce held my shoulder trying to help me stand on my feet.
I had a son? the son of Superman and Y/H/N...we had a son?!
it just it sounded so...right??? I shouldn't be saying or thinking such things because I'm in a relationship with Lois but recently we've been having issues especially about how she feels about Y/n which just make this whole situation worse!
Just as Connor was trying to explain how he got here that was when Barry and Y/n entered the cave back from their mission, which brings us back to the present with me holding Y/h/n in my arms and Connor looking very concerned for his future mother.
"She did say she was tired after using so much magic and the shock of meeting Superboy I guess was too much for her body." Barry says arms crossed, I picked Y/n up bridal style then turn to looked at Bruce.
"I'll take care of this you call the other's." I say before walking out with Conner not far behind. Today has been tiring for everyone.
To be continued this and AU where Conner isn't a Clone between Lex and Clark but you and Superman's son idea I had while working 🤷‍♀️
Here part 2!
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ellethespaceunicorn · 1 month
Love, Napoleon!: Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Sweet Desserts and Sweeter Kisses
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Napoleon Solo x Black!OFC
Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Word Count: 1.9K
Series Summary: Love letters can only do so much, sometimes you need a grand romantic gesture. This is the love story of Napoleon “Leon” Solo and Roberta “Bobbie” Collins.
Chapter Summary: Bobbie and Leon entertain Gaby and Illya.
Warnings: p-in-v sex, creampie, fluff
A/N: Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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“Leon! It’s been six months. You are now legally obligated to introduce me to your friends.” Bobbie moves around the kitchen, checking on various dishes on the stove and in the oven.
“Gaby is beside herself to meet you,” Leon acknowledges from his post, leaning in the doorway to the quaint kitchenette.
“Well, see? Gaby is excited, so why aren’t you?” She challenges, pulling out a baking dish from the oven and setting it on the counter.
“It’s not Gaby that I’m worried about. She’s a sweetheart once you get past the tough exterior. But Illya? Tough is all he knows. I can’t exactly blame him,” he says, looking over to where Bobbie picked her head up and looked at him for more information. “And I can’t exactly tell you why that is. Sorry, love.”
“Right, right. Need-to-know basis. But not to worry; I’ve got a secret weapon for Illya. I made a dish specifically for him. And if I know anything, it’s the way to a man’s heart, and that is through his stomach. So, even though this is nerve-wracking as all get out, I think he’s going to at least tolerate it,” she huffs, balling up a dishtowel before tossing it on the counter.
Napoleon walks up behind Bobbie and wraps his arms around her, his head resting on her shoulder as he pulls her into him. “You know, I am so proud of you for putting all this together for my friends. You’ve done so much to make everything perfect, and I think you deserve a little treat of your own.”
“What are you-” Bobbie starts, only to be cut off by the shock of Napoleon’s hand smoothing down her sweater-covered breast and further down over her corduroy knee-length skirt. When it disappears under the fabric, she squirms. “Leon, they’re gonna be here any minute!”
“Well then, I’d better make this fast,” he whispers. Walking backward, Napoleon rests his hips against the counter behind him. Holding Bobbie against himself with one hand across her middle and one in her panties, he continues toying with her swelling clit until her legs buckle. “There she is, so close already.”
“Leon…please,” she trails off, her wringing hands at her sides. She knows if she reaches for his hand, he will stop. Throwing her head back against his chest, she looks up into his face and witnesses how much he truly enjoys having this power over her. That doesn’t stop her from pleading with her big brown eyes.
“Oh, you know exactly what that look does to me,” he growls, leaning down to capture her lips with his own. His hand that was around her middle comes up to cradle her face, his thumb caressing her cheek as she stands on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss. Breaking the kiss, Napoleon turns them around to face the counter, pulling Bobbie’s skirt up and her panties down. “That kiss of yours is going to be the death of me.”
He has his pants unzipped, his cock pulled out, and inside of her in record time. He knew he wouldn’t last long, not that it mattered. His main goal is to get her off so her mind clears. He moves his hips back before slamming them back in, and she is already putty in his hands.
Within minutes, he has Bobbie on the brink of her orgasm. He’s holding her there, his hands on her hips, as he maintains a punishing pace. With every thrust, he pushes her closer to the edge, only to catch her before she can fall. Only when he’s ready will he allow her to come crashing down.
Judging by the footfalls and the sound of the front door of the apartment building closing, he doesn’t have much time. Luckily, he knows how to play her body. His right hand finds her puffy clit while his left hand migrates to her throat. 
Whispering into her ear, “Come for me, pretty girl. Let go and show me you can follow directions like I know you can.”
As if by a magical spell, her walls clamped down around him. He had every intention of fucking her through her orgasm; he really did. But the grip her pussy had on his cock was enough to send him right over the horizon with her. His hips are still as he empties inside her, all while still managing to hold up both of their bodies.
Extricating himself from her hold, Napoleon squats down to pull Bobbie’s underwear back up her legs and rights her skirt again before fixing his clothing.
“I am going to be thinking about my cum leaking out of you all night long,” he sighs, kissing her forehead when she turns around to face him.
Just as she opens her mouth, three sharp knocks sound on the door to her apartment. They fuss over each other for a moment, making sure it doesn’t look like they were just having sex. Once done, they go to the door to greet their guests.
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Bobbie swings the door open, greeting the couple in her apartment. “Gaby, Illya. I’m Roberta, but you can call me Bobbie. So nice to finally meet you. I was starting to believe you might be a figment of Leon’s imagination.” She takes their coats, and Napoleon gets drinks ready for them.
“I hope Leon’s imagination flattered me, at least,” Gaby laughs, sipping her dirty martini and winking at Napoleon.
“I only told her the good stuff,” Napoleon replies, bringing a Sazerac to Bobbie and a Manhattan for Illya.
Illya nods to Napoleon, smiles at Bobbie, and remains silent.
Bobbie ushers everyone to the dining table before she starts to bring out dish after dish of foods that are almost too beautiful to eat. Leaving dessert as a surprise, she comes back to the table, and everyone starts to serve themselves. As the first bites are taken, compliments are given to the chef.
“Bobbie, this is delectable,” Gaby hums, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Darling, you have outdone yourself,” Napoleon praises.
“Thank you. I’m so glad you like everything. I’ll be honest, I was nervous that I was going to burn something or undercook something. I was a wreck,” Bobbie giggles, looking over the faces of her boyfriend and her guests. “Eat up; I have a treat for dessert, and I hope you all like it.”
Illya eats in relative silence, not one emotion gracing his face. Bobbie has been secretly staring at him for most of dinner. When the meal is complete, Gaby volunteers to clear the plates away, and the women retreat to the kitchen. While they are out of earshot, Napoleon turns on the record player, and the smooth sounds of Peggy Lee’s Fever fill the air. 
“Peril, what game are you playing at?” Napoleon cuts to the chase, motioning for Illya to sit on the couch with him.
“It’s been a long time since I had dinner with a civilian. My social skills may not be the best. If I don’t say anything, I won’t accidentally-”
“Have a good time?” Napoleon supplies, cutting off Illya.
Illya rolls his eyes. “I’m not afraid to have a good time. I'm worried about getting close to new people. I don’t know how to be a civilian. I’m an agent,” he says, crossing his arms.
“She’s not going to say anything, so I will. You’re on the verge of being rude. So, do yourself a favor and speak to my lovely before she thinks you don’t like her; that’s if she doesn’t already think that,” Napoleon huffs, tilting his head at Illya.
The girls come out of the kitchen with dessert already plated with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. Gaby places two plates on the coffee table while Bobbie serves Napoleon and Illya. Noticing the look of surprise on Illya’s face, Bobbie thinks the worst.
“Is there something wrong?” she supposes.
“Not at all. I haven’t had sharlotka since I was a little boy. My mother used to let me help make it for special occasions,” he marvels, taking a bite and closing his eyes before nodding and saying, “This is perfect. So was dinner. I apologize for my earlier silence; please don’t think I am dissatisfied with you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I figured you would be the hard sell. Luckily, I had the idea for the sharlotka and knew if anything, you’d at least be impressed by me,” Bobbie jokes, taking a bite of the dish. “Oh wow, you weren’t kidding. That is going in the recipe book, for sure.”
“I’ll have to get that recipe from you. I think you’ve made Illya’s new favorite,” Gaby chuckles, smiling at her husband when a blush creeps up on his face.
When dessert is done, the couples talk for a while over coffee before Illya notices Gaby nuzzling into his side and suggests that they end the night’s fun. By this time, Napoleon is already a pillow for Bobbie as she leans into him from her spot on the couch.
Napoleon picks up Bobbie’s head from his lap, depositing it on the couch after he gets up, not wanting to wake her up just yet. He walks Gaby and Illya to the door, saying goodbye on behalf of himself and Bobbie and promising to tell her that they enjoyed themselves.
Closing the door behind them, he walks over to the couch, where a tired Bobbie is now hanging halfway off the couch. He knows today was a struggle for her; planning an entire dinner and entertaining is no short order. He is so proud of her, not just for today but in general. He thinks the world of her, and nothing could change his mind.
Picking up her limp body from the couch, he takes her into the bedroom and lays her down. He removes her shoes and his own before climbing into bed next to her. He laughs when she cuddles into him and wraps an arm and leg around him possessively. He plants a kiss on her forehead and is met with a mumble from Bobbie.
“What was that, little one?” He presses, cradling her sleepy face in his hand, unsure of what he heard.
“I said I love you, Leon,” she confesses, ducking her head and looking up at him.
Napoleon breaks out into a grin and leans down to kiss Bobbie, only to stop at the last second before their lips touch. Looking into her eyes, he says, “I love you too, Bobbie.”
Bobbie melts in his arms. She knows how Napoleon dotes on her and spoils her. But this love confession of his means the world to her. She also knows that she has loved him for some time now, but the timing was never right to tell him. 
Until tonight, this moment could not happen. Napoleon knew that if she didn’t get along with his fellow agents, it would be quite tricky. But watching her win over Gaby so easily and Illya so charmingly cements in his mind that she is worth every ounce of his love.
Of course, if you ask him, he’s loved her since their first kiss. If he’s honest with himself, he still feels butterflies when her lips touch his.
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Chapter 5 (TBD)
A/N: This story is far from over. OMG, I missed my babies so much.
**Tag List**
@deandoesthingstome @cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @kingliam2019 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily @titty-teetee @juliaorpll78
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁 If you are crossed out, I couldn't tag you
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deexchanel · 1 year
Please Read BM and BM2 before reading; thanks.
Word Count: 2,517
Pairing: Chris Evans x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Swearing, Angst, Drinking.
Summary: Reality always comes back and bites you in the asss.
A/N: You know I had to double it.
Karma ~ Summer Walker is the vibe for this.
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The familiar voice made Chris quickly pull back. There stood Minka with a red face and tear stained cheeks.
“Why am I watching you kiss your baby's mother after you told me you were at your daughter's birthday party?” Minka looked between them. Chris was lost for words because he didn’t even know she was coming.
“What are you doing here Minka?”
She gave them a dry laugh, “You really want to sit here and answer my question with a question, wow.” Her eyes flickered from him to Ryelle.
“I’m just going to leave; give Lively to me.”Ryelle just had enough of tonight already. Minka on the other hand, the night was just getting started for her. “Leave? Do you think your home-wrecking ass is just going to leave bitch?? No! Ain’t nobody leaving until I get fucking answers!” She made her way closer to Ryelle, aiming to hurt her.
Chris quickly handed Lively off and then caught Minka in his arms. “No! Wait Minka!”
Lively began to cry from the quick movement. Ryelle just got in the car, holding her daughter to her chest. Now at this point, Minka is knocking on the window while yelling.“Get out the fucking car!”
“Minka chill-”
“Chill? How the fuck can I chill when I find my fiancé sucking faces with his baby momma?! I can’t believe you Chris!” Minka pushed him away from her. Ryelle cranks up the car then pulls off leaving them to argue.
“We were going to talk Minka, I had got caught up being with Lively.”
“I thought you loved me, why would you do this to me?”
“I do love you, but this relationship makes me feel like I’m not myself. I feel like I’m big-time actor Chris Evans and not Christoper. That’s not how I want to feel for the rest of my life.” He maintained eye contact in hopes that Minka would listen for once.
“Okay and that’s when you communicate with me! I’m your future wife.” She crossed her arms.
“You’re saying that like it’s easy when the person I’m trying to communicate with doesn’t even listen to me!” Chris then takes a huge breath. Throughout this whole argument, Ry stayed on his mind.
“I do listen!” Minka tries to argue. She knows that she is treating him right so he can't put his actions on her. Well, that's what she thinks.
Chris shook his head knowing that she didn’t understand him, “Minka how did you get here?”
“Emeri brought me because we were trying to surprise you guys. I was going to show you that I’m wiling to be a step mother. Henry’s location checked in for here.”
Leilani sat on the hood of Henry’s all-black Mercedes while he stood between her legs. They waited for Chris to call so he could let them know when to leave. They sat in the car first but since it had been a minute waiting on their call, they got out.
“You calm now love?”
“Yes, but it’s just I get so worked up about my sister when she’s fucked with for no reason. Then again, I didn’t want to hit my mother.”
“I’d most definitely be that about my siblings as well. You are very good to your sister.”
“Thank you.” She spoke softly, giving him a tired smile.
The orange light shining above from the street lamp had her beautiful dark skin showing. Henry being taller had a perfect view of everything. He gave a her a kiss on the forehead.
A car a few feet away jams on breaks catching both their attention, a brunette rapidly gets out the car. Recognizing the car and woman, Henry steps back making way to her. “I can explain.”
His girlfriend of 3 years stared at him with tears falling down from her eyes. “Fuck you Henry.”
Leilani stood up from the car, intrigued on who this is. He turns around throwing her his car keys, “Get my car to Ryelle’s house.”
“W-What? W-Where are you-”
Her questions went ignored as Henry put the brunette in the passenger seat then gets in the driver seat pulling off. This happened so fast that Leilani didn’t piece the puzzle together just yet. She got into the driver side of the expensive car and just sat there for a second after cranking it up.
Then it clicked, this is his car. Quickly, she shuffled through his arm rest, a holder that held his folders and even under the seat until she checked the glove compartment. Bingo.
Hair ties, lipgloss, panties, and makeup for a quick re fix along with pictures of them being together. Tears fell as she flipped through the photos knowing that was the answer she sought.
“I’m falling in love with a man that is in a relationship. I’m so stupid!”
She lets out a frustrated scream repeatedly hitting the steering wheel. " I'm so fucking stupid ugh!.” Blood dripped from her hands but to her the pain felt good.
I told you, you better stay prayed up
You never thought the universe be looking for revenge
Her previous love attempts were failures, and this is the tip of the iceberg. Life is crumbling down like she is being stabbed in the same spot over and over again. She put the car in drive, heading the nearest store.
Liquor Store to be exact.
You can't keep just doing them girls like that
Thinking that nobody finna bite back
Losing your mind, baby
Can't be sure, time's wasting
“Please don’t fear me, I’m just karma.” She sung lowly walking into the liquor store. The security camera gave her a chance to look at her appearance. Her hair was all over, the makeup gave away that she been crying and her hands were bloody.
“That’ll be 25.87 ma’am.” The cashier responded, looking her up and down, she put 40 dollars in his hand.
“Keep the change.”
She took the plastic wrapping off the top and opened it. Leilani gave herself a shot, feeling the nasty burn when she swallowed. She got into the car and drove all the way to her sister's house.
Leilani sat on the porch, staring at the stars while drinking. The wind starts to blow, and she took a shot for every thought that ran through her mind.
Ryelle lifted herself up from the crying mess she was on the bed. She wanted to take a break from having a cluttered mind. Putting on some crocs, Ry walks downstairs to go out the door. “Lei?” She questioned, trying to see if that was her sister. She was correct.
She walked closer to her sister, seeing her having a big liquor bottle in her lap. “You good sis?”
Her low eyes looked up to her sister, “Hell nawl but it is what is, you know. I put my love into the wrong guys.” Ryelle politely sat her ass the fuck down, then grabbed the bottle, untwisted the cap, and flicked that bitch. She chugged a great amount, using the back of her hand to clean her mouth when finishing.
“Tell me the fuck about it!”
“Henry made me feel special like in some moments, I can’t look him the face out of nervousness from that he is so damn fine. Is it bad that I want to fuck that man everyday.”
“You’re not lying. Our men were a fine piece of art.”
“Can I vent to you about Henry?”
“Baby the floor is all yours.”
“We were literally sitting on the hood of his car waiting on you guys and this girl pulls up fast as fuck. I’m dead ass confused and I tried to question him but I choked up, a thousand things going through my mind Ry. He barely answers, throws me the keys then dipped with her. I went through his shit in his car.” Leilani sat up on that ending sentence.
“No, the fuck you didn’t!”Ryelle glanced at her, interested. Lei gave her a “You know I’m mf serious.” look.
“I did, and my intuition was right! That girl is his girlfriend! Panties, makeup, hair ties, the whole fix. We fucked in that car before the dinner! Ugh! I’m a home wrecker!”
“Lei you didn’t know but then again it’s fucked up that he did that. How much this bottle cost? This shit good.”
“25.87. What took you and Chris so long to let us know when to leave?”
“His fiancé walks up on up while we’re in the middle of kissing. Literally, after I told him I love him like a little bitch. I was rushing things and she snapped me out of reality. I took Liv back, and we left.”
“Damn. Take another shot after I take mine.”
Leilani took a shot and Ry did too.
“What happened to your hands?” Ryelle took notice of her bloodied hands and softly grabbed them to inspect them better.
“They’re fine.”
“No, they’re not, and you know it. Let’s go in so I can heal you up.” Ryelle head swayed back and forth. Her body couldn't be still, definitely indicating that she's drunk.
“Okay fine.” Leilani stood up and then made her way up the steps. When Ryelle got up, her body began to lean forward, and Lei quickly grabbed her sister.
“Ry! Girl!”
Ry was laughing so hard she was wheezing. “Bitch I almost fell forward.”
Lei laughed at her stupidity. “You sure do know how to make a bitch feel better.” She wrapped her arms around her favorite person in the world, and they stumbled into the house.
Ryelle woke up around 6; her dream mainly consisted of what happened at dinner and afterward. She walked downstairs, straight to the refrigerator, taking out strawberries. Ry debated making eggs and decided to wait until she woke up Lively.
She walked back upstairs to wake her babygirl. Sitting on the bed, Ry rubbed Liv’s back. “Good morning baby.”
Those eyes she loves to see every morning opened. Lively rubbed them first then the eyelids drooped. “Good morning, momma.”
“Do you want eggs?”
“Well let’s go to the kitchen then sweetheart.”
Ryelle stood from the bed holding out her hand. Lively gladly took her hand and they walked to the kitchen together.
“Mommy, can we add cheese to them?” Lively pushed over the stool as Ryelle grabbed the ingredients. Lastly, Ry placed a frying pan on the stove. "Yes, my love." The two worked together (Mostly Ryelle) to make cheese eggs. When finished, she prepared them a bowl bringing it to the couch.
"Mommy, can we go on a walk to the park?" Lively questioned when finishing her food. Ryelle haven't walked around the neighborhood in a while. "Yes, we can after cleaning up behind ourselves."
Lively gave her a smile as she quickly got up going to the kitchen. After Ryelle got up to put her bowl up, she picked up Lively, and they walked upstairs. It was a bit gloomy today, so Ry checked the weather when she touched her phone. It's supposed to rain in the evening around 5pm, and now it is 7:20 a.m.
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She got Lively ready and got herself ready.
Someone rang the doorbell, catching their attention. "Who is that?" Lively questioned as she got up from the couch, setting the iPad aside. Ryelle shrugged her shoulders, making her way to the door. "I don't know but stay near the couch baby."
"Yes, ma'am." Lively looked skeptical but grabbed her iPad again. She opened the door to see someone holding a vase of roses with an edible arrangement. "Yes?"
"Hi, I'm dropping off this beautiful package to Ryelle! Hope you enjoy!" The woman gave Ryelle the things and then left. Ry walked to the kitchen, still in confusion about who had sent this. She had smelled the beautiful roses. The fruit caught Lively's attention, and she came over to her mother.
"Momma, can I have a fruit, please?" She placed her hands on the bottom to turn the arrangement around. Ryelle didn't hear her at first as she read the card.
"My life is amazing as long as you're in it. - Chris Evans"
The feelings she had for Chris wanted to shoot fireworks in the air but she hoped this isn't his form of apology. Ryelle is angry. Angry at the fact that she was confused about her feelings for him. She doesn't know if she wants to be done with him. Ryelle needs too though because why did he send her this when obviously he chose Minka? She just sat the card down, and Lively calling her name brought her back. "Mommy?"
"H-Huh? I'm sorry babygirl, Mommy zoned out there for a minute. What is it?" Ryelle shook her head, fighting the urge to smell the roses again. Lively points at the shaped fruit, "I want the pineapples."
"Okay, baby." She grabbed a plate from the drying rack then placed 4 pieces of fruit onto the plate then gave it to Lively.
"Thank you mommy."
"You're welcome, baby."
The two walked back to the couch. The whole going to the park thing was thrown to the side when receiving the gift, and now all Ryelle want is either wine or weed. Something has to get her mind off him. "Lively, do you still feel like going to the park? We can go get something to eat from wherever you want it from."
That excited her daughter, "I wanna go to chic fil a so I can go down slide."
A phone call interrupted their conversation, and Ryelle glanced at the caller I.D." Keep hold of that thought bubble. It's your Father calling babygirl." Lively nodded watching her mother press the green button.
"Hello?" "Hey Ry, I... I called to check on you."
Before Ryelle could finish Lively, who clearly doesn't know the vibe of the phone call, spoke in excitement to her father.
"Hey Babygirl, I miss you!"
"I miss you too, daddy. When you come home?"
"Um, it'll be a while, Liv."
That's when the pouting started, and Ryelle wanted to finish the phone call before Liv's feelings are hurt. She cleared her throat.
"We're fine Chris. We were just about to go somewhere for lunch."
Liv interrupted their moment of silence,"Daddy why you not come home? Did I do something?" Over the line, Chris sighs not knowing how to answer.
"No...No baby, it's not you. Mommy and I just have to talk about some things."
'We ain't got to talk about shit' Ryelle thought to herself. Liv grabs the phone out her hand.
"Wel-Well can you come with us to lunch today?"
Ry looked at her daughter's crazy manner but bit her tongue. She didn't want to ruin Liv's dream, but then again she feels like it was too soon to see him again.
Chris didn't know if Ry even wanted him there, so it was a hitch in his answer. "Uh-"
"Please, daddy? Please?"
"Fine, baby girl, I will go to lunch with you guys."
Yeahhhh part 3 bitches!!
I have plans to drop a couple more posts, so be on the watch!
Stay slutty my friends.
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Bright Like The Moon Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC 
Series Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film.
Spotify Playlist is here.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Cover Art by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (TBD)
My Masterlist 
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38 notes · View notes
cardierreh15 · 1 year
This poll would solely be based off of what my Queen would be. Vote Guys! I’m only doing this for a Day!
30 notes · View notes
raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
Hello, yes, welcome to this list of things I have written. Most of it is smutty 18+ nonsense (and all of it is about Henry Cavill-shaped men), so if that's not you: turn around and walk away! This is not for you!
Don't copy, translate or otherwise post my work anywhere without my permission! I also explicitly forbid anyone to use my work to feed AI, that's gross and disrespectful, so please don't do the thing.
🍀- Drabble || 🌶 - Smut || 🍭- fluff || 🍷 - angst
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Summary: The shenanigans of eight college guys who share a house...
(Mike, Charles, Napoleon, Sherlock, August, Sy, Marshall and Geralt - University Edition.)
Series Masterlist 🌶||🍭||🍷
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Summary: Your weekend plans with August threaten to fall apart when it turns out he's been under a lot of stress. (Dom!August x fem!reader. )
Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 -- Part 4 -- Part 5 -- Part 6 🌶
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Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?" (Contractor!Sy x OFC (Lara))
🍂 Series masterlist 🍂 🌶 || 🍭 || 🍷
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
🟣 Series masterlist 🟣 🌶 || 🍭 || 🍷
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Summary: One of the best decisions August Walker ever made was sharing his princess with his college roommate Walter Marshall... (Dom!August Walker x reader // Dom!Walter Marshall x reader)
Part 1🔹Part 2🔹Part 3🔹Part 4🔹Part 5 🌶
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Series summary: The cute barista from your regular coffeeshop takes a while to gather the courage to ask you out, but when he finally does... (Barista!Mike x reader)
Series Masterlist (finished) 🍭 || 🌶
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Series summary: A story about two people falling in love in a time when that wasn't necessarily what they were supposed to do. (Melot x ofc (Tamsyn))
Series Masterlist (finished) 🍭|| 🍷 || 🌶
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Masterlist for all @henrycavillbingo entries!
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A little short (August Walker x reader) - 🌶 Summary: You try to prove August Walker isn't the boss of you. Turns out he is, and you're screwed.
Puppy love (dad!August vs. Teen Daughter) - 🍭 Summary: August is not happy when his daughter first starts dating 'that Syverson boy'. Puppy love II (dad!Syverson & son!Mike) - 🍭 Summary: Sy really can't be all that bothered that Mike is dating August Walker's daughter...
In all fairness... (Walter Marshall x reader) - 🌶 Summary: It's date night, and you found the perfect outfit... In hindsight it may have been a little too perfect.
Pumpkin Spice (barista!Walter Marshall x librarian!reader) - 🌶 Summary: You finally manage to get a date with the handsome barista from your favorite coffeeshop.
Taking cues (Mike x reader) - 🌶 Summary: Your favorite bartender offers to teach you to play pool.
Tongue-tied (Mike x reader) - 🌶 Summary: Mike has always wanted to try to tie you up...
You deserve it (Mike x reader) - 🍭 Summary: You’re feeling like shit, and Mike helps you feel less like shit. That’s it. That’s the plot.
Snowed in (Mike x reader) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: You were going to spend the weekend at your dad's cabin in the woods with your boyfriend, but he bails on you and leaves you - quite literally - out in the cold. Good thing your best friend's brother shows up...
Making a mess of Mikey (Mike x reader x Black!ofc) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: Mike is a little down in the dumps after a breakup, and you and your girlfriend try something to cheer him up that turns into a fun experiment.
Happy birthday (Mike x reader) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: Mike makes you breakfast on your birfthday...
Next door (Mike x reader) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: This new guy next door is really bugging you... Until - yet another - noise complaint one night gets a happy ending.
Jersey (hockeyplayer!Mike x reader) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: Mike thought it would be a good idea to teach you how to skate. It wasn't — so he has to come up with a different plan.
🍀 Get wet (Mike x reader) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: Mike is a little stumped that he made his girl squirt...
🍀 Not what you think (Mike x German!reader) - 🍭 || 🍷 Summary: When Mike comes home, you're looking to pick a fight. Until it turns out he hasn't been sneaking around. Well... Not like that, anyway.
🍀 Common fucking indecency (Mike x reader) - 🍭 Summary: Mike comes home from his exchange earlier than you expected, and you're real happy to see him.
Little brother AU Worth it (Walter Marshall & babybrother!Mikey) - 🍭 Summary: Walter is babysitting his little brother Mikey while their mom is away for the weekend. He’s also on a date… Astraphobia (Walter Marshall & babybrother!Mikey) - 🍭 Summary: Walter doesn't have quite the night he had planned on when a thunderstorm scares both his girlfriend and his little brother... Sunday dinner (Walter Marshall & babybrother!Mikey) - 🍷 Summary: Walter visits Mike in his dorm after the death of their mother.
Baby, it's cold outside (Napoleon Solo x OFC) - 🌶 Summary: A stewardess recognises a certain Mr. Jack Deveny from her flight earlier in the day. He just so happens to be staying at her layover-hotel.
Body Double (Syverson) - 🍭 Summary: You need to clean your house, and you get a good friend to help you...
What's the occasion? (Syverson x reader) - 🌶||🍭 Summary: You come home from a terrible day at work, thinking you have about a thousand things still on your to do list, only to find your husband has taken care of all of that, and has also made you the first thing on his to do list. The next chapter (Syverson) - 🍷 Summary: You come home to an interesting situation...
Don't knock it till you try it (Syverson x reader x Walter Marshall) - 🌶 Summary: Your friends Walter and Sy have offered to drive you home for the summer, and you have decided to turn it into a nice relaxed camping trip on the way...
Axes and O's (Syverson x reader x Walter Marshall) - 🌶 Summary: Sy invited you and Walter to his family's cabin, where you get to spend a few days alone with them before the holidays.
Fantasy AU
To become one (wood elf!Prince!Melot x dryad!OFC) - 🌶||🍭
Summary: The elven Prince Melot and his dryad lover share a lovely afternoon together in the forest.
What's in a name (wood elf!Prince!Mike x tiefling!OFC) - 🌶||🍭
Summary: At the wedding of his brother Melot, Mike is lured away by his little demon. A few months later, there is even more cause for celebration.
One of two kinds (werewolf!Geralt x halfling!Druid!OFC) - 🌶||🍭
Summary: When you find a wounded, new werewolf in the forest, you can't just leave him lying there. Perhaps the enormous man will turn out to be exactly what you needed...
523 notes · View notes
Title: The Gods' Arena of Pleasure 1 {Two-Shot}
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Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El x Reader/OFC Bia Dess
Warning: Action, Fighting, Mild Cursing, Backstory Heavy
Words: 4.7k
Synopsis: The city is under yet another attack and guess who comes to the rescue--The Justice League. With their muscle and brawn, and Bia Dess’ brains this new threat doesn’t stand a chance. 
Note: It has been a minute since I’ve written anything Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El. Hell, anything Henry related. I may be rusty, so bear with me and accept my apologies beforehand. I think this is a one shot. At the time of writing this “note”, which is prior to actually writing the story, I am calling it a two shot. We’ll see. Hehehehehe! Also, I had the hardest time deciding what to call him. I am deadest on getting rid of Clark completely and going with Kal-El. Thoughts?
 As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
***Slightly Interactive***
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 "Again, Superman has just taken out the legs of this massive, massive alien that looks like some electronic tripod. This is unbelievable!”
 From the television in the packed cafe, you and tens of other people gasped and gawked at the coverage. Superman took a bone shattering hit from the alien figure and was sent at least twenty feet back but in seconds he was zipping through the air right back at it to return the favor and then some. His laser eyes beamed through the creature making it roar out in evident pain. The ground violently shook, and everyone screamed and tried to hold on to something.
 While those around you panicked, a thought occurred to you. For its scream to affect the Earth's surface, that told you that this could work to defeat it. Just then you watched the rest of the Justice League sans Aquaman rally around Superman each doing their part to take down the tripod adjacent creature.
 Another ear-piercing scream shook the cafe and everyone around you exclaimed showing their fear at the current turn of events.
 "Oh my god, look!"
 Everyone pressed close to the window and watched as a second and third tripod creature fell from the sky, each confronting a different justice league member. The one before Diana immediately went into action shooting a laser beam at her. Every molecule in your body fired up craving action. You almost wanted to run out the door and join the fight and you didn’t know why.
 Diana crossed her wrists in front of her blocking the beam with her Thymescarian crafted wrist guards. The beam ricocheted right back to the creature making an impact. Its deafening screech pierced the air and everyone including you covered your ears. The internal anguish you felt was powerful. It felt as if your eardrums vibrated threatening to rupture but the effects went deeper than that. Your internal organs quivered like a hand gripped each of them and squeezed. The effects were sudden but only lasted a moment for you but looking around at the others in the café you realized they were still being affected.
 A thought hit you then, "They’re vulnerable to their own weapons," you rushed out. Without thinking, you hurried out of the cafe and into the streets. Pressing your phone to your ear, you called your assistant Vicara.
 “Vee here.”
 “Vee,” you began but was cut off by another screech from one of the creatures.
 “Holy shit, tell me you’re not in town square right now!”
 “I’m in town square right now.”
 “Jesus Bia, get outta’ there. Aren’t you seeing this fight between Justice League and these creatures?”
 “Vee take a breath and listen to me,” you shouted.
 Across the street something crashed into the structure creating a large explosion sending rubble everywhere. You dived behind a car, covered your head and beared down hoping not to get crushed by the large pieces of rock that rained down.
 “Hello? Hello? Bia!”
 “I’m here. Listen, these things effect the Earth’s surface. The soundwaves they produce they use as a weapon. From what I’ve put together so far, they not only alter the tectonic plates under us, but internal organs.”
 “No way! That’s so cool,” Vee marveled.
 “Right! If they affect the surface like this what’s so say we can’t use that against them.”
 “Bia, that’s genius.”
 “I know, I thought of it.”
 It wasn’t meant to sound egotistic at all, it was just a matter-of-fact statement. For some reason you felt you came up with many genius ideas in a short amount of time.
 “If you were so much of a genius maybe you could figure out where you come from once and for all,” Vee teased.
 “Low blow, Vee. I need you to run the scans and tests of this area and find me a Hail Mary.”
 “The square has changed so much I need an arial,” Vee informed.
 You looked around the barren and disheveled streets that no doubt would take weeks to clean up trying to find something you could use. In the distance closer to the fight than you liked, you saw a skyscraper that would be perfect.
 “Of course,” you muttered unenthusiastically.
 You sighed, peeled off your blazer, examined the heels you wore trying to decide if they would hold up, then you began running right toward the fight like someone who had a death wish.
 “I’ll get you the arial. Give me ten minutes.”
 Just as Vee was telling you not to do what she thought you were doing, you ended the call and picked up the speed. Your entire being woke up feeding on the adrenaline coursing through you. While others would be apprehensive charging into a practical battlefield, you weren’t. A mechanical tentacle collided with the pavement a few feet in front of you creating a deep crater.
 It was so close to you that you didn’t have enough time to stop. Quick calculations gave you another route, but it involved some athleticism. Without thinking, you jumped into the air then came down onto the hood of an abandoned car to bounce off of it and over the thinnest part of the tentacle. Once your feet were firmly back on the ground you took off again hoping to get to the building soon.
 When you were close to the door a body fell from the sky ruining the entrance.
 “Oh my god.”
 Again, you didn’t think, you bolted to the body, climbing over rocks, beams and turned over cars. As you got to them, they sprang up sending a piece of cement into the air and several feet away.
 “Son of a--,” Diana groaned.
 “Are you okay?”
 Her head snapped to you and your eyes locked. Diana cocked her head to the side as she took you in. Every time you saw her there was something familiar about her, something that didn’t feel as if she were a stranger.
 “Bia? What’re you doing here?”
 You took a few steps to her, “I need to get to the top of this building.”
 “Why? This is no place for you. It’s dangerous.”
 “I gathered but I may have a way to end these things.”
 Diana’s attention zeroed in then. “How?”
 You quickly explained your theory to her trying to keep the science bit of it minimal. You found she was intelligent enough to grasp the concepts but there were times you’d gotten deeply technical and lost her. When you finished, she looked impressed.
 “And you came up with this in how long?”
 “2 or 3 minutes,” you nonchalantly replied.
 Diana scoffed then smiled. “Always impressive Bia. My people would love a quick, resourceful and seemingly fearless woman like you.”
 “The Amazonians?”
 She nodded. Saying the word gave you another sense of familiarity but you shook it off.
 “What do you need from us?”
 The creature screeched again. Both you and Diana cringed but didn’t cover your ears. She looked bothered but not to the core as the others in the café. Interesting you thought. “You’re already doing it. Oh, and one of its weaknesses is its own weapons. Use them against it.”
 Diana nodded then took off in one mind boggling leap and bound that shot her into the sky.
 After climbing over the rest of the rubble, you ran into the building to the elevator banks. It probably wasn’t a good idea seeing that it was possible to get trapped but it would take way too long to run up possibly a hundred flights of stairs. You may not have known where you came from, but you knew for certain you were not Superman. Once in the elevator, you pressed the top floor and took the ride.
 Halfway up, the building shook and the elevator stopped startling you.
 “That’s not good.”
 The elevator doors opened as the lights flickered. Wasting no time, you ran out in search of the stairwell, and it was then a call from Vee came in.
 “Yeah Vee.”
 “All tests and scans look optimal. Your theory will work.”
 “Have you made the preparations with Terra?”
 “All I need are those ariels.”
 “I’m still working on that.”
 You took off climbing up the stairs two at a time. You didn’t even focus on the number of them you climbed you just registered every turn. Round and round you went, when one flight was climbed you tackled the next in an endless loop. Before long, you’d zoned out completely. Though your muscles were beginning to burn and your back aching you continued. By the time you got to the top floor you were winded and almost ready to pass out.
Your heartrate returned to normal within a few moments. you then ran out onto the roof nearly falling on your ass when you realized just how closely the fight was happening to where you were. A fireball zoomed past your head arching over the building and colliding with the one beside you. Thus started a domino effect as the building went down on another and so on and on.
 It took a few moments for you to recover. When you did you scurried to the edge of the building and dug into your pocket pulling one of many devices you carried with you at all times. Tapping a sequenced code into its exterior brought the drone, Dot, that was no bigger than the length of your finger alive. Using your phone, you tapped into the drone and entered the coded instructions.
 Dot purred indicating it had understood the command and was ready to comply. You raised your hand into the air and watched it take flight. With the implant in your behind your ear you were able to see what it saw. It enabled you to work faster as you got data instantaneously. As you took the ride with Dot you kept close eye on your wristwatch that relayed the date readings.
 Soon you had an aerial view of the fight. Superman shot rays out his eyes which only made brief impact with one of the creatures before it self-sealed the wound. He and Diana were taking turns working together to confuse them. Diana swung her lasso wrapping it around one of them. She used the side of a building as leverage to withstand the strength of her opponent. Another ray shot out of the creature, but Superman zoomed so fast through the air that you lost sight of him momentarily. All that remained was the red and blue blur of his suit.
 When you saw him next, he’d slammed into the electronic being sending it off balance. The beam it shot went right through the second creature’s head. As it dropped on top of a building you shot your hands into the air and cheered seeing your theory was correct. All the attention turned to you then. Several smaller drones were released from the hull of the creatures, and they all took flight toward you.
 Making quick work of the next commands to Dot you paid closer attention to the data coming in while keeping an eye on the incoming swarm moving toward you. Unwaveringly you focused on the task at hand. Sometimes you didn’t know if the way your brain regulated danger and fear was a blessing or a curse. It allowed you to stay calm under pressure and work faster, it also woke you up making you feel like you used more of your brain than humanly possible. Fear and danger did different things to you than it did to others you realized.
 The first drone reached you ready for attack. you dipped down grabbed a stray welded bar and swung sending it flying through the air.
 “Huh. I imagined that should have been harder.”
 Shrugging, you went back to your watch. The data you wanted was coming in and your excitement picked up. A sharp sting of pain caught you off guard. You’d gotten so caught up in the date that you didn’t register the remaining drones closing in for the kill. You swung the bar again but missed and all of them went in for the kill.
 Suddenly, a beam of red light went through all of them at once, dropping them.
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“Ms. Dess, funny meeting you here of all places,” Superman said.
 “Ha. You know me.”
 He smiled. “You really shouldn’t be up here. It’s dangerous.”
 “Oh, I get that, but I need this data to end this once and for all.”
 “Diana has told me your theory. Do you think it will work?”
 “I more than think. I’m never wrong and this data I’m seeing proves it.”
 “What do you need me to do?”
 “Don’t let that thing interrupt me or Dot.”
 You pointed to your drone overhead and he nodded.
 With that he rocketed into the air and back to the two remaining creatures joining the fight with Diana. You zeroed in on what you needed to do, then called Vee.
 “It’s coming in hot Vee. Get it done.”
 “Got it. I’ll need five minutes.”
 “Your get two.”
 “So bossy!”
 You tapped into your watch trying to connect your implant to Terra, one of many disks you’d submerged into the earth’s surface around the world. If everything went smoothly, you’d be able to communicate with Dot and Terra at the same time to open the sinkhole. The pressure and gravity would take care of the rest while the machinery went haywire making them self-combust taking each other out. It was a flawless plan.
 “Now, Bia!”
 You took a deep breath and initialized the connection. Connecting subdural with one device took control but two simultaneously took strength and power. It always put you on your ass for a few hours afterward. It wasn’t pretty. You took a deep breath then went in. The electrical surge that coursed through you made your body tremble, so you exerted some more control to override impulse.
 Gritting your teeth, you proceeded to link the connection with Dot and Terra logging your consciousness into them to input the commands in. Long minutes ticked away and every one of them had an impact. You’d tested this for years and had only been able to sustain it for minutes tops.
 “Four minutes, Bia. Get out now or you’ll fry your brain.”
 Ignoring Vee, you dug deeper. You could hear fighting around you and knew Superman was probably holding the tide of new drones back.
 “I have you,” Superman grunted.
 For some reason, you felt secure knowing that.
 “Bia your vitals are plummeting. Get! Out!”
 “Al—most there.”
 Terra’s command center complied then connected to the others around the city. They were charging up to centralize the shock to your location. It was critical you got the coordinates precise. You’d have hell to pay with the Governor if you sank town square. Suddenly an image took over your mind. You were in a field of grass overlooking a cliff at the ocean. All around you, you heard battle cries, swords clashing, armor colliding together then the yodeling came. It sounded like tens, no hundreds of voices coming together as one making a war cry that brought tears to your eyes. You turned realizing then you were wearing golden armor over one of your shoulders, golden corseted armor across your bodice, thigh high boots and held a sword in one hand and a massive staff in the other.
 You dropped to one knee and recognized the strong coppery taste in your mouth. Blood.
 “You’re crashing!”
 Finishing the computation, you sent the order to execute.
 “It’s done.”
 Suddenly the ground around you trembled and broke apart. As the earth crumbled a sinkhole about a mile in radius opened up and down the creatures went. As they dropped their screech echoed around sending nearly all living mortal things to their knees. You gritted your teeth as your brain rattled. Again, you were transported back to that field. Before you, hundreds of women had their weapons raised yodeling. These were faces you recognized but didn’t know, faces of people you knew. You must have because the warmth rushing through you felt awfully like affection, pride and joy. You knew this place.
 Pain ricocheted through your midsection as you were hoisted into the air. A tentacle wrapped around your stomach and pulled you over the ledge of the building. It slowly registered that you were falling and being dragged along for the ride with one of those tentacled bastards. The sinkhole was getting closer and closer.
 You were spent from your connection with the drones and had no more fight. Looking up, you saw Superman beaming down to you with his arm outstretched. As everything went in slow motion, you reached for him, but your hands didn’t touch. You remained just out of reach. His eyes glowed red and you closed yours not wanting to see your end. You could feel the shift in your surroundings. The coolness around you told you that you’d entered the earth’s surface.
 The rest seemed to happen within seconds. The heat of fire against your back made you scream out and squeeze your eyes tighter. It would be over soon you told yourself. Not a bad way to go out you thought. You’d done some good. Another image came to mind, and it was of you falling into murky water a color that you’d never seen before. It looked otherworldly. As you sank into it you smiled. A wave of calm took over though you should have felt terror. You knew you were courting death. Strong arms wrapped around you as the tight squeeze around your midsection subsided. Strong wind whipped across your skin and through your hair and with every few seconds it got colder.
 “Ms. Dess. Ms. Dess? Can you hear me?”
 Lite taps across your cheeks had you fluttering your eyes open. Deep azure ones peered back at you with so much concern.
 He sighed and the wrinkles in his brow evened out.
 “Thank god, I thought we lost you there.”
 You looked around you realizing you were among the clouds.
 “Oh my god.”
 “Hold tight, I’ll have you back on solid ground in a few,” Superman said.
 You obeyed and wrapped yourself tightly against him realizing then your legs were also wrapped around him quite intimately. He must have realized it at the same time you did because you felt his muscled frame tense as he cleared his throat and rocketed through the air. Once he put you on solid ground your knees buckled but you never crashed to the ground because Superman’s arms were around you again.
 “Are you all right?”
 “I just need my lab,” you panted.
 “Care for another ride?”
 You nodded as he picked you up once again and took off. This time you drifted off unable to fight the crash of your system.
 -Two Days Later-
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 You gasped for air as you bolted upright. It all was blurry but through the blur you could make out familiar things. The steady beep of the machine said your vitals were mostly back to normal. Slowly your sight returned to normal and when it did you saw you were still hooked up to and IV.
 You yanked the needle out of your arm and pulled the leads off of your body which sent the monitors into chaos. Within seconds the door busted open and in stormed Vee.
 “Jesus Christ. Finally, you’re awake.”
 You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and stood.
 “Yes finally. You’ve been out for a long time,” Vee clarified.
 “How many hours this time?”
 You walked out of the room toward the pit.
 You stumbled and spun around to her. “2 days?”
 “Yep. 2 freaking days. You were dead to the world and going through some very creepy metamorphosis might I add.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Come, I’ll show you,” Vee finished leading the way to the pit where you usually huddled around every device you owned and created. It was the information center of your lab.
 Once there you checked a few computers wanting to find out the status of town square.
 “Has the Governor demanded my head yet?”
 “No. Superman and Wonder Woman are taking all the blame.”
 You looked at her in shock. “Really?”
 She nodded then beamed a recording from the pad she held in her hands to the massive screen in the front of the room. The video began with Superman laying your shivering body down then your trusted medical team pouring in to attach every device to your body. As they did, none of the readings made any sense. The lights flickered, machines went out of whack then stopped working and had to be replaced three time.
 As they worked to stabilize you, you thrashed across the bed, screamed, and fought against yourself. It almost looked like you were possessed or going through some metamorphosis as Vee had said. The video progressed with your vitals never stabilizing. They went from dangerous to impossible for the human body. Several times through the video for it to make sense you should have flatlined. When you were left alone the audio picked up your mumblings, conversations with yourself in a language you didn’t know. One word in particular stuck out. You paused the video and replayed it over and over.
 “What the hell is that?”
 Suddenly the answer came to you as if you’d known it your entire life.
 Vee stared at you as if you’d grown another head. “How do you know that?”
 You shrugged because you genuinely had no clue how you knew it, but you were sure of it.
 “What if you’re going through a memory that your subconscious has repressed? What if the only way for you to have access to it is in an unconscious state after massive cerebral shock?”
 That sounded plausible. For the first time in years, you felt hope. You didn’t know anything about who you were beyond your name and even that you weren’t sure about. Bia didn’t ring a bell; it didn’t feel like you. Sure, you’d made it your own over the years, but it only felt like a piece of you.
 “We should try it out,” you suggested.
 “What! No! Bia in order to try that out we have to replicate the same conditions you were under.”
 “Okay, we can do it.”
 “No! You were in a neural connection with 2 drones for over seven minutes. You were near brain dead Bia.”
 “I have you here this time.
 The ring of a bell paused your conversation.
 “Who’s that?”
 Vee put on the surveillance feed and standing at the lab entrance was Superman himself—well Clark Kent 2.0 to be exact.
 “It’s damn he sure cleans up nice,” Vee said making you laugh.
 “I’m going to change you can let him in and bring him to my office.”
 You walked away back to the room you’d woken in and went through the clothes you left there for nights you worked late. Deciding on a sky-blue ankle-length suit that hugged every curve you proceeded to clean yourself up a little and change. By the time you walked out and made it to your office, he’d been waiting for a little over ten minutes.
 “Mr. Kent, funny meeting you here of all places,” you said as you walked in and around to your desk.
Once in front of him, you watched his eyes rake over your body before coming back to your face. Bold, you thought.
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“Ms. Dess.”
 “Or should I call you Mr. El?”
 He smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “If this were Krypton maybe but on Earth, I’m Clark. You know that.”
 “I must say I think I prefer Kal-El.”
 “It rolls off the tongue better, and suits you better.”
 your eyes lingered while your speech faltered. He looked in thought.
 “I’m here to check on you. Are you all right?”
 You held your arms out then spun for him. “Quite alright. thank you.”
 “You don’t have one scratch or burn on you. Impressive.”
 “I’ve always been a good healer.”
 He nodded and then you decided you’d call hi, Kal-El.”
 “We may be on Earth, but I prefer Kal-El.”
 You came around and leaned against the front of your desk. “What can I help you with today, Kal-El?”
 He studied you longer. The look on his face was not an annoyed one, or a confused one. It was a pleased look. He was pleased.
 “Without you a few days ago I think things would have gone very differently. I’m here to thank you.”
 You smiled then nodded, “Always happy to help.”
 Silence returned to the room and neither of you rushed to fill it with words. Since you’d gotten to know of him then about him over the years, it had been like this. There was always this easy silence and comfort between you that never felt off.
 “Even if it does put your life in danger,” he said making no effort to hide the displeasure in his tone.
 “I do nothing more than you or the other meta-humans. Do what you can to save who you can. What makes me any different?”
 “You’re not a meta-human. You don’t have super speed, or strength of electricity, or even control over water. You are defenseless.”
 He almost sounded worried.
 “I may not have any of those things but in no way am I defenseless.”
 He cocked his head to the side as he took you in some more. “I have never known someone so—fearless, so brave. It is impressive—you’re impressive.”
 Your eyes lingered on his and something strange happened then, your heart did a double beat. You clapped your hand over your chest, but it only happed once. He lurched to you with his hand outstretched.
 “Are you all right?”
 He was beside you with his hand at the midway point of your back. His scent circled you and immediately reminded you of Bergamot, Cedar, and clean linen. The heat radiating off of his body was so intense your body instantly reacted. You felt the hairs along your body stand on ends, the oxygen in your lungs being sucked out and your entire body tingle and hum. It was the strangest thing you’d ever felt, but oddly enough it wasn’t off-putting.
 “I’m—I’m—all right.”
 “Are you sure? Sit for a moment.”
 He ushered you to a seat then kneeled in front of you peering into your eyes with so much tenderness you could have cried.
 “I’m okay.”
 He did not look convinced, but he did not press you further.
 “I think it’s because I haven’t eaten in two days.”
 “Okay. Let me take you to lunch. Or we could eat here, and you could show me your latest projects.”
 You smirked at his sweetness. “I accept, but I have a better idea for a location.”
 You smirked at the questioning look he gave you no doubt trying to figure out what you had up your sleeve.
To Be Continued.....
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Early Bird - Henry Cavill - (Grand Suite part three)
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Summary: After your hook-up with Henry you decide to bolt while he is asleep to avoid awkward and forced conversations. But it appears that he has different thoughts about this. (This is part three of a Grand Suite. Please read A/N.)
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, groping, implied smut, tension
Word count: approx. 2,5K
A/N: Hi there babes. So here we are back again! Like I said in this post I didn’t expect the comments and love to the first parts, so let me thank you for that again. Furthermore I hope you enjoy part three.
English isn’t my mother tongue so apologies for typos or mistakes. Please let me know what you think, feedback is very much appreciated and adds fuel to my writing-fire.
Masterlist Grand Suite
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Okay, counting down from three and then I will definitely get up, you told yourself. Lifting your head slowly from the warm, soft-curls-covered chest of the one and only Henry Cavill. 
You had no idea what time it was but looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows you guessed it was somewhere in the night since the sky was still pitch black and only illuminated by some lights from the opposite buildings. 
Biting your lip you looked back and took him in, resisting the urge to brush the handsome deep-brown curl, which turned your insides to liquid, from his forehead. Staring at his gorgeous face, almost not believing you just slept next to him. Well actually, not next but on his muscular chest and in his mellow embrace to be exact. 
Three.. two.. one.. you silently sighed and slowly crawled out of his grip, being careful not to wake him up. Gently pulling the blanket to the side so you could scoot over the mattress. 
You paused and held your breath when he sighed deeply and furrowed his brow, moving slightly onto his side. Fuck, was he going to wake up? That was not exactly the plan. 
But only a few seconds passed when the crease between his brows disappeared and his breathing returned to a slow and steady rhythm again.  
A chill spread across your naked form as you tiptoed around the bed in search of your clothes. Soon you found your bralette, socks and shoes, jeans and buttoned shirt where only one button was hanging on by a threat. A smile tugged at your lips as a warm sensation coursed through your veins, the memory playing inside your head of how he had ripped your shirt causing the buttons to fly and scatter around the floor.  
Soundlessly you put on your bralette and decided to tie a knot at the front so it covered your upper body as decent as possible. When you didn't see your panties you sank to your knees and looked underneath the bed but there was no sight of them. Leaning back on your heels your eyes scanned the area around the bed but to no avail again. Where the fuck was that bloody thing?
You startled as Henry grumbled, turning onto his back and lifted his arm above his head which made your heart beat aggressively in your chest. Please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up.
As if your silent prayers were heard he kept sleeping and you mouthed ‘thank you’ as you got up and decided to leave your panties for what they were and put on your jeans, socks and shoes. 
Grabbing your bag you walked towards the door and gripped the cool golden handle. You looked over your shoulder to glance at him one last time and suppressed a whimper which made its way up your throat.
Hot damn. 
Due the turning onto his back the blanket had slipped, leaving his godlike upper body exposed. His bare, muscular chest was illuminated by the soft city lights making him even more impressive than he already was. Even though he was asleep and didn’t flex his muscles his bulging bicep beside his head was still huge and screaming at you to be touched. 
More memories from earlier clouded your mind and a throbbing need shot straight to your core. Gods, he was so freaking beautiful it almost made you whine and stamp your feet like a bratty child. Should you go back to bed? Lay your head on his warm, welcoming chest again? Maybe let your hand drift over his pecs, tracing the lines down over his abs and moving on to his c-
You swallowed thickly and shook your head. No. It was time to go, it was just a hook-up and you really didn’t feel like staying to have an awkward conversation at dawn. Besides that, he was a famous actor. Didn’t he have a lot more hook-ups? Did they stay the night? Did he care?
Whatever, it didn’t matter. You weren’t staying.
With the umpteenth sigh you carefully pressed the handle down, slipped between the small crack and very slowly let the door fall into the lock. The thick carpet muffled your steps as you made your way across the hallway and released a breath when you stepped in the elevator.
You stared at the off-white door of the grand suite across the hall till the elevator doors closed and broke off your sight. Leaning back you closed your eyes and couldn’t help when a smile crept up your face as you let the events from earlier roam free behind your eyelids. 
“You left?!” Jenny yelled the next day and you thought her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. You had your hands wrapped around the coffee mug as you sat at your kitchen table. 
“Uh yeah?” You shrugged, “I would rather not have these awkwardness in the morning or even worse, have breakfast with forced conversation.” Scrunching your nose at the thought of it.
It wouldn’t be the first time you made that mistake. That’s when you decided to just fuck and leave afterwards. You had to admit that when Henry had asked you kindly to stay you were a bit surprised but he probably asked because he was a too decent man to send you out straight away. So you decided to take control over the situation and got out when you woke up.
Jenny clicked her tongue and put her coffee mug on the table while turning her body to you. 
“What?” You asked while narrowing your eyes, “are you judging me right now?” Raising a brow, curious to hear her response.
“No honey, of course not!” She exclaimed, “I know you usually leave but it’s just that I think you missed the opportunity to fuck him more than just once. Like, I don’t think that you would fuck for three days straight like in The Witcher even though thats sounds like a dream but he was still naked right?” she sighed and placed her hand onto your upper arms. “Wouldn't that indicate he would definitely want to go again? I mean, ready to go pound another round? You know, I take it back- I am judging you. When are you ever gonna ride his dick again? It’s Henry Cavill!”
You looked at her face which adorned a caring and curious look. “I-“ you started but closed your mouth again and let Jenny’s words sink in while hugging your steaming mug.
Did she have a point? Ah fuck, you guessed you could have gone for another round, but what if he wasn’t interested? Even though you had this massive crush on him it didn’t cross your mind. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was satisfied after the first round just like a lot of your previous hook-ups, but on the other hand he asked you to stay, even said please as he wrapped his arms around you. 
A knot started to form in your stomach the more you thought about it but you quickly shook your head.
“Okay, I get what you’re saying, but we’ve read that he likes to sleep naked so that doesn’t mean much. Besides it doesn’t matter now, I left,” you sighed and continued, “even though it was just one round, it was good, like really good.” A smirk appeared on your face which quickly was mirrored onto Jenny’s face. 
“Oh girl, even though I already have the most amazing boyfriend ever I still kinda envy you. But, being your best friend I’m really happy for you that you got some dick last night. And especially this one because it was a really good, big famous dick. How did you call him last time? Cuntpuddling right?”
You snorted, “yeah I did call him that and I can proudly declare my statement as truth.”
Together you laughed as you finished your coffee. 
Two weeks went by when you were sorting the empty beer-, and wine bottles in the back of the bar. Even though you liked working behind the bar and preparing drinks for the customers you also enjoyed escaping the bustling space. The sorting was almost therapeutical as you softly hummed along with the Bon Jovi song which was playing inside. You smiled when you heard the crowd sing-a-long when the chorus hit from ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’. 
The music got a fragment louder and then was muffled again, indicating that the door opened and closed as you heard heavy footsteps approach you. Thinking it was your boss Lance you called out to him. 
“I’m back here!”
You bent down to the last full box and grabbed a few bottles and started to place them in the empty crate.
“Almost done Lance, there was still a batch of bottles from the two bachelor parties yesterday and we didn’t had a change of sorting them yet, so it is taking me a bit longer.” Bending down again you grabbed the last bottles and turned around, looking for Lance to catch his response.
“Oh fuck me…” You couldn’t help as the words left your lips and almost dropped the bottles you were holding. It was him. Holy shit, it was Henry. He was here. Standing with you in the back-area of the bar looking at you with his arms folded across his chest.
“Mmm…” he hummed and tilted his head, “it seems like you keep forgetting to say please.” 
You swallowed thickly and sorted the bottles quickly, skimming your hands over your thighs after. 
“How did you get back here?” “Your lovely friend Jenny said that I could find you back here.”
Opening your mouth to react but you couldn’t form a sensible response, the surprise of him standing in front of you taking your tongue. 
God he was so fucking hot, it was unfair! But.. why was he here? A wave of heath spread all over your body. “I-“
“It seems you also forget saying goodbye before leaving.” He interrupted, looking a bit.. displeased?
“Look Henry, I-“
Before you could answer he took two big steps towards you. 
“Do you regret it?” He asked as his eyes searched your face, looking for an answer.
Your heart squeezed at the thought of him thinking you regretted the decision of your hook-up. So you quickly took a step forward, closing the space between the two of you.
“No, no not at all!”
Relief swept over his face as he sighed, letting go of a breath which he was holding before speaking again.
“I came by because you left something and I thought you might want it back.” The corner of his mouth twitched when he saw the questionable look on your face as he reached for his back pocket and revealed what looked like a black piece of fabric.
“What is-“ blood rushed to your cheeks as you recognized what he was holding. It was your black panties you couldn’t find before you left after your hook-up.
You gasped as you tried to snatch it from his hand but he was quicker and caught your wrist with his other hand. 
“I woke up and you were gone. Only a few buttons from your shirt and your panties were there. Why did you leave? ” He asked softly.
“Look, I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay. And to be honest I usually want to avoid an awkward morning with forced conversations. I’m sorry if you thought I left because I regretted my decision or didn’t like it. Because hell, I don’t regret a single second and I fucking loved it and I still think about it and I-“
With your other hand you clasped your mouth. Shit, fuck! Did you really just said this out loud? He chuckled at your rambling and tugged on your wrist to pull you towards him.
“Alright, alright I get it, Joanne.” His smile faded and his gaze dropped to your lips. Your heart rate and breath started to rise and you blinked a few times. Almost not believing your eyes and feeling like this wasn’t real.
Your hook-up was great, freaking great to be honest but you didn’t have any expectations because why would you? But now he was here. In the backroom of your work, holding you flush to his chest while he still held you panties in his other hand. Why was he here?
“Why are you here?” The thought slipped out of your mouth as your brows furrowed. Trying to make sense of the situation and comprehend why he was here. Just to hand back your panties? Nah.
“I also think about our night together, a lot,” his voice now an octave lower, “I needed to see you again.”
Your heart was already beating like crazy but it felt like it now did a back flip and at the same time skipping a beat. Despite your thrumming heart, a slight smile tugged at the corner of your lips as his words sank in.
“You wanted to see me?” He nodded.
“Again?” He grinned and nodded again. 
His hands made its way up, softly brushing your arms as he placed his warm palms on the nape of your neck while stroking your cheek with his thumb.
Oh gods, it felt like he held your whole body between his massive palms as his clear-blue eyes stared into yours. 
Your gaze dropped to his lips as you tried to get an hold on your panting breath. Before you could think he closed the distance between you and pressed his lips against yours.
A hot and cold sensation feeling almost like a fever broke out across your skin. The kiss was soft, sweet and very gentle. Different like the ones you had two weeks ago but nonetheless with the same hunger you've shared before.
His grip loosened and followed the curve of your spine, ending on your ass which he squeezed. A small giggle left your throat as he lifted you up and automatically you folded your legs around his waist while wrapping your hands around his neck, clutching the roots of his curls.
A low growl rumbled out of his chest, making you shudder when feeling the vibrations against yours, causing your nipples to harden. His grip tightened as he slightly repositioned you and you moaned when you felt his undeniable arousal press against you.
“Well,” breaking the kiss you scraped your throat, “if I recollect correctly we still have some unfinished business.”
“You’re correct and to be specific-“ he leaned in so his lips brushed your ear, “I owe you some lessons about consequences.”
It wasn’t hard to recall the promise he made two weeks ago when he hovered over you, naked. The thoughts from that moment and feeling him pressed against you right now made your skin loose and taught at once.
“And Joanne,” your heart fluttered at hearing your name roll over his lips again, “while we’re at it I will also teach you to say please when you ask me to fuck you.”
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Taglist (some links don't seem to work): @lizzystuffsthings @eldarwen333 @ysmmsy  @astheskycries @daybreak96 @death-unbecomes-you @lelelululeahleah @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @greensleeves888 @justduckingaround12 @cricket66 @summersong69 @kebabgirl67 @identity2212 @leigh70 @kingliam2019 @theworldwonder @just-me-viktoria @foxyjwls007 @lysarria @gummydummy19 @enchantedbytomandhenry @sofiebstar @raccoon-eyed-rebel @bishhh2003 @daybreak96 @sunshine96
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anjaelle · 1 year
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All protagonists are black! Please be sure to read content warnings before proceeding. As always my inbox is open for any questions/suggestions. Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged in an update.
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Key: * - Ongoing Series; ** - Smut
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Aaron Taylor Johnson
White Light* -- Ghost Romance, ATJ x Reader
Dave Lizewski One-Shots -- Mostly college/adult Dave. Tangerine One-Shots -- Standard warnings for drugs, smut, and violence. Count Vronsky x Socialite!Reader (Request) WIP: Bubblegum Bitch -- Dave Lizewski x Bimbo!Reader WIP: The Craft of the Muse -- Writer!ATJ x Singer! OFC
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Chris Evans (No longer writing for)
Koala-ing -- Fluff/Comfort, CE x Plus-Sized!Reader
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Danny Ramirez
Warped*: Part I, Part II -- Jake Seresin x Reader x Mickey Garcia
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Dev Patel
Wildflower -- Prince!Dev x Witch!OFC
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Glen Powell
Warped*: Part I, Part II -- Jake Seresin x Reader x Mickey Garcia
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Henry Cavill
Flora -- Meetcute, Writer!HC x Reader
Heavy Weight -- Hurt/Comfort, Boxer!August Walker x Reader
Undone** -- Vampire!HC x OFC (Note: Henry's character is called James, but it IS HC.)
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Jon Bernthal
The Girlfriend Experience** -- Frank Castle x OFC
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Oscar Isaac
The Next Great American Epic** -- Professor!Oscar x Reader
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
**Fic Recs**
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milknhonies · 3 months
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Wails of Wedded Bliss
Chapter 1 || Masterlist || Chapter 3
Chapter Summary: After your wedding night, you find Sherlock to be most unusual and confronting in nature.
Pairing: Sherlock Homes x wife!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Insults, Rough sex gone too far, internal bleeding, Menstration/Period, Arguing, Typical Victorian Era Sexism,
Word Count: 9k
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Author Notes: Hi all!! Here's the next chapter, sorry no smut but lots of tension. Love you all and appreciate those most that have been showing their support through comments or Reblogs or both ★
Inspiring Song: "Caprice N° 24" by Paganini
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12:49pm Monday 5th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
Sherlock, as he paced his own bedroom was frustrated...and furious to say the least...he touched the cut on his bottom lip and hissed.
He was not equipped for this arrangement. He was unprepared for the handling of a wife. He was not aware he would be so much for his new bride to take...no whore in Mayfair Row demonstrated such complaints...however he reminded himself they were experienced women...you were a new lamb.
He hit the side of his bed, hearing your crying through the walls. Guilt became his executioner.
You were so frigid, he just didn’t expect you to struggle so viciously. You were unexpectedly a savage bitch!
He decided to take a deep breath. The deed was done.
He palmed his soft red cock and wrinkles his nose at the blood. There was so much...his throat clenched, mayhaps he was too rough...normally blood excited him...normally tears and sobbing made his member thick and hard...
He eyed the trunk chest at the foot of his bed...you could not survive his flavours. There was no possibility...He was a wicked handler and he knew you couldn’t ever meet that side of him...
12:55pm Monday 5th May 1890, 221A Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
The Housekeeper slapped her novel shut. She heard the many thumps and shouts, and now she could hear the horrid sobbing coming up from the floor above...your bedroom.
She sighed...it wasn’t the first time she had heard such things from the apartment 221B. There was single difference...you were his wife...not some perfumed pretender with a pimp expecting a percentage of commission.
Mrs Hudson felt for you. She didn’t leave her apartment until she heard the stomping of Sherlock’s heavy feet going down the stairs.
Her eyes widened, surely he wouldn’t leave you when you were in such a state?
Mrs Hudson was an old woman, she knew it was expected she would ignore it and carry on with her daily activities, Mrs Hudson though knew many married women who had died from that lack of acknowledgement in a violent husband.
She stuck her head out her door and saw him making his way to the front door of the building.
“What have you done?” she scolded him as his hand clenched hard on the door handle.
His face was red. The elder gasped at the line of red rolling down his chin from a cut on his lip...His teeth were pink and set in a vile snarl.
“Nothing that concerns you Mrs Hudson, return back into your hole!” he hissed back as he left with another door slam.
Mrs Hudson tutted greatly and ignored his words all together.
She gathered her skirts and climbed the stairs to Apartment B. She slid the key into the hole and entered the premises speedily.
She heard your weeping in your room and followed to the closed bedroom door.
She wrapped her knuckle on the wood three times, “My dear,” she called, “It’s Mrs Hudson, may I enter?”
When you sobbed harder incoherently, she took it as a sign she should enter. In truth you didn’t know or have enough time to process what she had asked.
The elderly woman pushed the wood open and gasped in horror at what she saw...a naked girl...your bottom half and blankets drenched in crimson red. Your skin was covered in the stench of sweat.
She covered her mouth and tutted, “oh you poor, poor deary.”
You sobbed harder at feeling her cold hands touch your hot shoulder.
2:12pm Monday 5th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
You hissed and sulked softly as your body sunk deeper in the warm bath water.
Your housekeeper had so kindly spent an hour filling the tub up with hot steamy water. During that time you cried and faded into light sleep before coming back to life with the painful memory of what your holy beloved had done to you
The elderly woman would come back every so often to check the packing of linen rags between your legs. For a honest moment she was afraid you might die. She called for the doctor...one she could trust...Doctor John Watson.
After the bleeding had lessened, she encouraged you to drink a cup of water and come out for the room to enjoy the afternoon bathwater...
You hadn’t said a word to Mrs Hudson this entire time. Too ashamed and shocked to form a word.
You couldn’t even form a ‘Thankyou Mrs Hudson.’ Only quiet tears would melt down your cheek.
The hot waves helped your muscles relax and sooth the anxiety under your skin.
Your head flopped on the lip of the bathtub.
With fluttering eyes... exhaustion took over and you fell asleep in the bath tub listening to the crackling of the wood and flames of the fireplace.
6:30pm Monday 5th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
A hot hand touched your face and you gasped at the dramatic change in temperature. You were sitting in a freeze tub of water....it had gone cold hours ago...
Your eyes opened and focused on the deep smooth voice of a man. Not just any man however.
“Mrs Holmes...” he purred softly, “The bath is cold, it would be in best interest if you redress.”
Your body was incredibly weak and chilly while also impossibly hot. You were a slight dizzy and confused. Your lips parted and closed again repeatedly like a fish.
When his face met his voice and his nose and eyes came into true focus, you shivered and leant back and flinched away from his touch.
Your husband released a lengthy sigh and rolled his eyes, “Very well,” he murmured before forcing both his arms into the icy bath water and hooked them beneath your back and legs.
As he lifted you out, your stomach dropped and you squeaked, feeling that gravitational pull to which you might fall. Instinctively your arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders. You clung to him savagely digging your nails into his coat.
You felt him walk, your wet body trailing and dripping all over the carpet.
He journeyed back to your bedroom.
As the cold air hit your skin you started to tremble and felt him lay you down on your mattress.
Your mind was a mess.
Another person was in the room you noticed in the corner of your eye. You cowered in your nude state and whimpered. You felt delirious and confused.
You blinked up at the other stranger. Another man.
You didn’t know if he was real at first until his burning hands pulled from his black gloves and gently touched your knees.
“Sherlock, she’s sick.”
“Yes, how eloquently obvious Watson, check her,” you heard your husband hiss.
You tried to move away, roll and crawl but you were flipped once more onto your back, your legs weakly spread.
You groaned and your eyes fluttered. You needed to vomit.
You felt a body climb onto the bed with you. Sherlock. His thumb dabbed and rubbed across your wrinkled forehead, he hushed you softly like you were some weeping babe or startled horse.
You felt the doctors hand touch your intimates and you panicked, your breath hitched and you moaned a soft, “N-no.” You tried pulling your thighs together but Sherlock reached down and spread your knees forcefully.
You didn’t understand what he was doing and the worst thoughts washed over you, was Sherlock sharing you with another man like a sick villain?
You wept tiredly.
A cold hard contraption pierced the hole of your body. A shudder ripped out of you as you felt your vaginal walls expand.
“Minor tearing...what caused the amount of blood is your wife starting her menses.”
Sherlock sighed, “Thank god, I thought I almost killed her.” The metal object pulled out from between your thighs.
The room was lit by candles and kerosene lamps. And so in the low light, Sherlock’s face was softened. The shadows kissed his cheeks and lips.
“Bed rest and warm towels, give her a few days to rest, heal. Usually women finish their blood within a week.”
The doctor pulled away and you heard the snapping of a bag lock. You managed to catch a medical case in his hands in your blurry line of sight.
The doctor fled to your door, before he left, his hand clenched the handle and he turned lightly. He hissed at the detective.
“Be gentle next time you participate in these activities Sherlock,” John snapped, “She is your bloody wife, not your whore.”
Your husband, ever so gently pressed his hot lips to your forehead. You had not predicted such soft kindness after his mistreatment earlier today. He hummed. He held and pissed your back up, he forced you to bend you knees and slipped your naked body beneath the coverings. Your wet body soaked the sheets, your cheek dug into the soft pillows.
“My dear Watson,” you heard him snicker, “I am nothing more than a mere gentleman.” You heard the doctor scoff and shut the door behind him.
Warm hands squeezed your shoulders and rubbed your jawline.
Peaking up at Sherlock, he wore an unreadable expression...he did not appear happy nor angry, rather he appeared tired. Bags beneath his eyes could tell you that much. His bottom lip was slightly swollen, a little red line cut through it, you softly huffed, it was where you’d bitten him hours ago to get him off you.
You couldn’t believe you were back in the same bed he had hurt you in. It made you feel cold and a desire to be distant again...but the warmth of his hand and the blankets had a power over you.
Your chest was sore and a light cough climbed out of your throat.
He did not speak and for that you were grateful. It would’ve been a near impossibility to continue a conversation with him with the state of your being.
The nauseas sickness sweeping of your belly subsided. All you wanted to feel was the warm covers, the goose feather pillows and his warm hand, softly patting your head...it took you back to a happier time...a time where your father and you shared a bed and he held you until you fell asleep...some days it felt like a dream...
You didn’t want to admit it but you dearly missed those times. Sherlock smoked the same tobacco, the scent soaked in his vest. It brought you the tiniest comfort...
You yawned and lazily blinked up at him.
“Try and get some rest wife...should you need anything, knock on my door.”
And with that he climbed off the mattress. Your body flipping lightly as it sprung up. Your nose sniffled softly.
Your heart deflated, ah there it was again. The coldness, the disdain, the reminder...he didn’t want to marry you.
After his foul entrance earlier, you wondered if such a feeling was unanimous at this point.
You shut your eyes and moaned. You tried to roll onto your side...you hissed lightly at the sore stabbing of your pelvis and the stinging stretch inside of you.
As sleep carried you out of reality, Sherlock made his slow departure, quietly sliding his way to your bedroom door.
He looked over the room and shook his head slowly...this once was his friends chambers, and before that a space where he kept his fun tools and artefacts.
Now he had a sick woman in the bed, his wife whom he hadn’t meant to brutalise earlier.
You were finally snoring when he managed to find the courage to leave the room, put out the living room fireplace and finally return to his bed.
As he removed his own clothing, he stared at the wall that separated your rooms. He wondered how badly your sickness might continue and if it was permitted to leave you alone while you bleed so profusely. 
He thought about how these few weeks were in fact meant to be a honeymoon, how he had most furiously refused the ship tickets to France where his brother Mycroft insisted you both go for your romance to blossom.
Sherlock had very little intention to be a romantic for a woman he didn’t desire.
He tore off his shirt and rolled his eyes at the memories that transpired over the last two weeks.
You were nothing but a baby carriage to Mycroft, the future mother to the future Holmes son. So of course Sherlock could not understand his brothers incessant pandering to be a match maker of lovers.
The detective was no small minded idiot either...he knew plenty about you just from today...he knew about you before meeting you... He knew exactly why this marriage occurred on your end.
A bastard daughter of sir Y/L/N, son of the Lord and Lady Y/L/N. This was merely a way to keep your social hierarchy to a suitable and respectable level.
He had heard and read the scandalous rumours.
You were half the soft rose and half a weed in regards to your breeding...which meant you were a weed in the end, an illegitimate, unrecognised bastard.
He sat on his bed and untied his shoes.
Sherlock was not one to participate and discriminate the classes. Many a time it was speculated by John that Sherlock might’ve been a socialist.
The detective might’ve not cared for your breeding, but he didn’t appreciate being used as a climbing ladder of society which he didn’t receive well either way.
He was using you so that Mycroft didn’t cut him off financially, you were using Sherlock so that the people of culture no longer shunned and ignored your existence.
Mycroft was a down right fool if he believed such a union could ever bring together a matrimony of love. So Sherlock accepted it quickly...this would be what it was...a contract...you now needed to complete you aide of the bargain.
You needed to let Sherlock impregnate you...
With your stunt in rebellious adversity, you acknowledged his size and struggled to accommodate him, ergo your fear, pain and bite.
Sherlock huffed, he would need to wait another seven days before he could perform his husbandry duties upon you and press his seed within.
He laid back into his covers still staring at the wall...
He bit his lip. Oh if only he could punish you for such misdirected behaviours...he wondered how willing you really were and what lengths you were prepared to take to remain his Mrs Holmes so that the meek people of the middle and upper class might continue their false smiles your way.
A wicked smirk spread along his lips...
Perhaps a innocent bride was a perfect ingredient for his most filthy pleasurable plans...
Mycroft never stated how quickly it was expected of you to conceive and carry...he just said
“Soon.” And “Before he met the grave.”
He rolled onto his side and imagined you there with him in his bed. He imagined how your body curled up into such a small figure.
He envisioned the likeness of your tear stained face and an exhausted smile...
For now he would let you rest.
7:00am Tuesday 6th May 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
The sound of a loud violin cord strong woke you up from your hours of needed sleep. You groaned as your head began to ache....
You drowsily tossed your head to the direction of your door way...your eyes narrowed. Someone was playing a violin very loudly just outside your bedroom.
You sniffled unladylike as your runny nose clogged your breath. You lifted your hands to cover your ears. Onto shaking legs you pulled out of your bed and used the canopy wood to steady yourself. You walked slowly to the wardrobe and plucked out a nightgown.
You hobbled to your bedroom door and as you opened the wooden barrier, the buzz of Paganini hit your ears. You wrinkled your nose as you watched your husband play the instrument, leaning over a table covered in papers, maps, receipts and a plate of toast.
As he saw you, his eyes widened slightly...you were not dressed appropriately for the hour of the morning. At any moment he might’ve had a client come inside if it were not for his honeymoon.
“Good morning, Mrs Holmes,” said Sherlock as he placed his instrument down on the table.
You sternly eyed him. Your hands trembled lightly. His face. His handsome evil features upset you. He offered a soft smile and kind eyes. You didn’t dare fall for his trickery. From the moment you had met him he had provided a twisted exchange of false care that twisted quickly to brutal cruelty.
You decided, you did not like your husband and it was not something you would hide from him.
“My grandmother insists that is the devil’s music,” You proclaimed, “It is most wretched to hear of a morning.”
He sucked in a deep breath of air and grounded, “I do not entertain superstitious conversation,
Paganini was gifted and because of this, other composers jealously invented rumours of a pact with Satan to dissuade the public from ever enjoying the expanses of musical differences.”
You glared at him. Of course he would say something so infuriating and liberal in the works. His tone tilted on belittlement and you felt there was absolutely no standing that could allow him to talk to you like this especially after yesterday’s events.
You lightly snorted, “As it may be so, I still urge the request you refrain from playing it so early and while in my presence. It woke me up most fiercely.”
In truth it isn’t what woke you up…You could still feel him there. The memory of his violent embrace haunted the muscles of your lower half. He was like a ghost remaining between your thighs. It made you feel ill to think about.
He looked down. A deep frown on his face. He wouldn’t meet your eyes. He pushed the plate with toast closer to you, “Mrs Hudson bid you a fair morning wife, you should be up earlier from now on to receive her.”
You looked to the softly ticking clock on the fireplace mantel and blinked, “Indeed, I shall need to apologise to her,” demurely you conceded, “I usually rise by six in the morning.”
“You are ill,” Sherlock said now holding the plate out to you for your weak hands to take, “I insist you sit and eat and return back to bed for further rest.”
You wanted to raise your voice at him. You wanted to scream and yell that you were not I’ll but rather hurt and in suffering after his careless mistreatment.
You couldn’t figure out if his gentleness last night was really a delusional dream. This world around you felt like some vicious game.
You chewed the inside of your cheek. You wanted to be a spitfire and tell him he needed to apologise for hurting you yesterday before you take anything from him...yet as your insides tightened at the smell of the warm butter soaking the hot cooked bread, you obeyed his demand.
You glided over to him and lightly pushed some of the papers on the table around. Sitting at the end, Sherlock mirrored your seating and went about picking up a newspaper.
On the front was a illustration of Lord Thaddeus Pennicott, a baron who from the title of the paper had gone missing.
You looked back to your breakfast and pondered on your husband’s work. How the articles written by John Watson had designed Sherlock to be a saviour to the public with a intelligence that might put most scholars to shame. The Sherlock you had come to meet was nothing like the gazette’s description, rather he was rude, ill tempered and coarse in handling any woman.
You chewed the soft delicious toast and swallowed gradually.
It was difficult to accept but not hard to see, you had married a brute.
You glanced at Sherlock again. His face was hidden behind the paper, his thick long fingers cradled and framed the edges of the news securely as he flicked through the gossips.
You nervously fidgeted in your seat as you ate breakfast. You did not see any tea and assumed you slept through any Mrs Hudson might’ve deliver.
It was so unusual waking up in a foreign home, having to accept this would be your place of residence for as long as your husband desired to live here.
You noted the oddities of your surroundings...objects you didn’t much think of as you moved in yesterday. There was a underwater helmet, a skeleton of some type of odd mammal, and even a telescope sitting on top of a piano.
You read over some of the framed newspaper headlines which were the retellings of your husband’s crime and mystery stories.
The will to speak to him again with level head and calm tones was as hard as walking through mud up to your ankles. You squeezed your eyes shut. You couldn’t ignore him nor refuse to speak to him for your entire marriage.
You licked your bottom lip and coughed into a napkin. Looking back to Sherlock’s newspaper you nodded and called across the table, “Are you helping with the Pennicott case, Mr Holmes?”
He flattened the paper on the table and stared at you as if you’d said something obvious.
“Of course not. Clearly he’s a man who ran out from his wife. It happens more often than you think,” he cleared his throat and picked up his cup to his lips, speaking into the cup “Perhaps you should sit pretty rather than voice your false interests in my work which you have no business in.”
You didn’t like the tone he used on you. Condescending. Icy. You wouldn’t allow it to continue. You remembered your grandfather telling you to put your foot down as a new wife or else you would be unattended to. It’s not that you desired the attending after yesterday, but you wouldn’t accept rudeness.
“Sherlock,” you hummed and crossed your arms over your lap as you tongued the inside of your cheek trying to not scream at him, “I am your wife,” you said it sternly, “Not a child, when I inquire on the better part of your interest, do not speak down to me like a dog.”
You jerked your chin dignified, holding your ground despite almost dropping the last crust of your breakfast.
He pursed his lips with narrowed eyes and thought before spoke. It was a chilling moment before announced, “You are my wife, that is true...and so I shall speak to you however you tempt me to, and this very morning you’ve put me in a disagreeable mood.”
Disagreeable mood?! You refrained from rolling your eyes at him.
You sat back and sighed, abandoning the last and tiny piece of bread. He was so foul to think of himself so justified. You expressed a disinterest to his music tastes and that indicated his deflating concern for you.
Not once had he asked in your wellbeing. Perhaps he was clouded with shame? ‘he should be shameful, he hurt an innocent woman.’
“Perhaps, you should practice on controlling and restraining your moods then Sherlock,” you griped, “I do not much care for your habitable outbursts.”
For the first time you caught his face expressing a new design...shock, flabbergasted. His face grew a small hue of pink.
You smirked a little at the small victory.
His chewed his bottom lip, “My habitable outbursts?” he pried, offence costing his words.
You swallowed and nodded curtly you leant back in your chair, “Now here at breakfast, the church flee yesterday, and the marriage bed rage also yesterday.”
An indignant chuckled crawled from his throat.
“You bit me like a wild cat,” he voiced rightfully, pointing hard at the small wound still in his mouth. The redden skin was a symbol of your defiance and escape. Instead of being embarrassed, you surged with pride that you punished him in such a manner.
You quipped back quickly, “and you stabbed me like an merciless villain.”
“A villain, you say?” his brows now raised and his eyes widened.
“Quite,” You glanced down at the plate and muttered, There’s no other term for what you did to me.”
Rape was not in the current vocab for this situation you believed. You were married and he was taking what was rightfully his as husband, he could have been gentler however. Your grandmother never shared that it could be so agonising, surely your grandfather had never inflicted such abuse into her?
Your husband slowly rose from the table and leant across it. You flinched and squeezed your eyes as you feared his sharp hand. Sherlock Holmes had every strength to hurt his weak wife, so why did you feel so mouthy in the sense of easily provoking him to rage or even potential violence?
The handsome detective with hot pale hands ran his knuckle down your cold cheek...it was wet. A tear had escaped. Dear god...you were trembling and clenching your skirts beneath the table.
“I can think of a plethora of words for what I did to you,” Sherlock muttered, he pulled his hand away and scoffed, “I did not think Mycroft to saddle me with such a stupid bride.”
A fresh flow of hot tears flooded your eyes.
A growl of outrage accidentally climbed from your chest, it came out like a needy whine, “I beg your pardon?”
“Granted my dear Mrs Holmes,” he smirked and clapped his hands gesturing to the room you left, “Now off to bed with you, I see your withering state worsen by the moment. Doctor Watson informed me you needed rest during your delicate...situation. Perhaps it has brought you to these hysterical theatrics.”
A light gasp of horror and a written expression of disgust painted your face, “I shall not, nay! I shall sit an disembowel your words,” you sniffled and tried not to fall into a pathetic sob, “D-did you just call me stupid?!”
As his smile widened and you angrily threw the last piece of bread at him, hitting his chest.
“You sir,” your bottom lip wobbled “Are out of place and feverishly I have discovered your lack of empathy most stunning, that or rather the amount of your selfish conceived motion that I am a docile woman who will put up with your conceited arrogance!!”
How dare he hurt you as terribly as he did in humiliation and physical behind that he should also find it acceptable to brandish you with further insults of your intelligence.
Before he could sit back down, you slapped your hands on the table, the china tinkled as you pushed yourself up to your feet. You hissed at him as you wobbled around the wooden furniture, “You may be London’s finest Detective, but I am your wife.”
You mapped your finger harshly into his chest and snarled with great venom dripping from your tongue, “By the lord of heaven, if I had only known the telling’s of our futures, I would announce full heartedly that you Sherlock Holmes would be the very last man I would prevail to marry.”
The room fell silent. His cold eyes burned I to your gullet. He licked his teeth, left slightly speechless and unsure if he should entertain the argument any longer than necessary.
Your belly felt tight. The toast was not sitting well. You were anxiously awaiting his roar, his bite or his strike. Your chest rose and fell with every desperate breath you took as to not fall into a heap of wailing. Breathe through the pain and the fear.
He stared at your lips and fluttered his eyes, shaking his head at you.
“...Good morning Mrs Holmes,” he bid gruffly and bowed his head before leaving the table to head over to the coat rack.
“And where is it you run off to this time?” You raised your voice shakily and waved your hands as if to conjure the words of his locations destination, “The same place you fled to yesterday and yesterday evening? To hide in a bottle?”
Mr Holmes snapped his head back at you, his eyes scowered your poorly glad form beneath the dressing gown. It took everything in him not to fuck your miserable mouth off.
“No...” he swallowed harshly, “I seek the companionship of bearable company.”
Your chest tightened and the whimper left, that could’ve been anyone or no one with how mysterious your husband had proven to be.
You rubbed your hot forehead and grunted softly to remind him, “It is our honeymoon.”  
During the week of a honeymoon it was deemed improper to seek or receive guests and the company of any other than your married partner.
Sherlock leant forward, right down to your cheek, his lips scarcely touching the skin of your love and jaw as he whispered hauntingly, “And your honey is blood. I shall not interrupt your peaceful rest....” he kissed your face gently, and said at a room tempt tone, “Good morning Mrs Holmes.”
Argument over it would seem.
He picked up a walking cane and a hat, leaving the flat to yourself.
You sighed frustratedly and stomped a foot like a feral child. You wouldn’t put up with this, for this is not what was promised by the outline of marriage by every book, paper and word of mouth. You crossed your arms and sniffled. You wiped your eyes again.
Sherlock made you feel more like a child than a wife with how he used his words and the looks he threw at you. It was unfair and cruel.
You were a very smart young lady and practiced the skills of refine ladyship over the years of your teenage hood. You were a paragon of brilliance and etiquette...only for some lout you called a husband to drive you to irritation so unbearable that you felt it necessary to toss your breakfast scraps at him.
You ground your teeth and returned to your rooms to pick out a modest covering wrap over the dressing gown you already wore. It would be most annoying to have to strip your body everytime you vomited or perhaps didn’t reach the bed pan in time.
You shuddered and went about washing your face and fiddling with your hair...
As you stared at your washed out features, you heard your landlady arrive...
You thought about your wifely duties beyond the bedroom. With Sherlock going off to god knows where, you were totally left to your own devices and for the very first time in years, you had freedom to decide your days habits.
You thought half heartedly about calling upon Sherlock’s brother or the Doctor Watson to grant a visit and answer some questions beginning to form in your head.
‘Why is Sherlock so different in person compared to the papers?’
‘What displeases Sherlock into his outbursts and what pleases him to calm those said outbursts to dust?’
You tried to wonder on your marriage contract. You were not entirely privy to it even though you felt you had every right. It was a deal conspired by Mycroft and your grandfather after all. You wondered if Sherlock even caught a glimpse of it.
Why did Sherlock even agree to marry you if it was only to lead to his foul manners and hands to you?
Tapped your lips and shook your head.
What does every contracted marriage consist of? Land? Babes? Livestock? Wealth? Status?
You looked around your room and out the open door to the sitting room.
Sherlock did not strike you as someone in need of money...and yet...many of these items, surely were not affordable on a wavering wage as his alone? His family wealth most likely was directed towards Mycroft as the eldest.
And then you recalled your darling sister in law, her shrieking at the wedding, the words echoed back like a tunnel, ‘I can help pay off your debts when I marry’ she had said.
So it was money...debts...and enough to cause strains that would force him to accept your hand in marriage. You tried not dwelling on being reminded how undesirable you were as a bastard woman. This newly accepted information could be used to your advantage.
A fabulous idea occurred to you. An idea that would prove to Sherlock that you were in fact not a stupid imbecile.
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers.
Australian Helpline Services
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
Superman x black reader! You get saved by Superman and accidentally call him by his name.
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Okay this isn't how you thought you'd spend your night out all you wanted to do was just spend the day at home baking cookies and binge watching your favorite TV series but no you were forced you go out on a date and now your hanging from the roof top trying not to die! Just great the only reason why you went on a date was because Y/B/N (your Best friend name) thought it'd be nice if you went out and have fun so they set you up with some dude from their job some guy named John don't get me wrong the guy wasn't an asshole but only thing he could do was just talk about himself and how perfect he was he was a total snob the only person you can think about spending a night dinner with was Clark Kent your best friend but no he has feelings for Lois freaking Lane! I mean you can understand she's pretty you can give her that but she is a reporter and he's the freaking Man of Steel like come on dude how's that even gonna work?! Okay maybe the main reason why you don't like her is because you were secretly jealous that she had Clark's attention I mean you've known him nearly your whole entire life she's known him for like a couple of weeks and boom he's all cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for her! Ugh It must be the red hair the redheads always get all the attention. You snap out of your thoughts as you could hear the rooftop breaking apart.
"Wow looks like this is how I die, ha and I didn't even get to finish House of the Dragon!"
With that you lost your grip and was sent flying through the sky screaming your head off you had your eyes closed waiting for your death but than you'd felt someone holding you tightly.
"It's okay, your safe now ma'am." You open your eyes too see the man of steel himself holding you in his arms with a soft smile on his handsome face, hey maybe almost dying wasn't such a bad thing after all if you get to live like this hehe.
He lands on top of an apartment building he puts you down gently checking for any bruises.
"I'm glad I was able to get to you on time don't worry about the others I took care of the robbers." I let of a sigh of relief giving him a smile.
"Oh man what a relief...Thanks Clark." You stand on your tippy toes to give him a hug but you felt him tense up hmm guess he's not a hugger............wait oh shit you said 'Thanks Clark and not 'Thanks Superman' oh shit! Did you forget to mention that Clark had absolutely no idea that you knew about his powers yeah you accidentally caught him using his powers when you were to go visit him on the farm. We both just stood in silence starring at each other he was able to say something but I cut him off.
"Uh oh wow you caught me in such a perfect timing! Thanks for everything but I'm pretty sure you're busy and I mean super busy well I'll just uh be on my way thanks for everything Clark I mean Superman I mean!" You covered your face with embarrassment you were honestly just making things worst for yourself at this point.
I peek through my hands hiding my red face only to see him smiling like a big ass teeth and all smile.
"How long have you known?"
"Since I caught you lifting up your dad's old truck behind the farm.." he looked shocked.
"You've known that long and didn't say anything?!"
"How the hell was I supposed to tell you?! 'Hey Clark I saw you lifting up your dad's truck with one arm want to go fishing later?' Not a great way to start the day Clark Kent!" You say arms crossed he just lets out a laugh walking towards you grabbing you by the waist spinning you around causing you to let out a screech of alarm hands on his shoulders.
"Clark! Put me down!" He does but was still smiling arms around your waist.
"I'm sorry, 'm just happy that you know it makes it easy for me now."
"Huh? Easy for what?"
That's when he gave you a kiss on the forehead causing you to blush he pulled away looking down at you straight in the eye.
"Easy for me to tell you that I love you Y/n." He gives you a tight hug you let out a sign hiding your face in his shoulder smiling.
You'd have to definitely thank Y/B/N after this!
Meanwhile somewhere in metropolis Y/B/N was sitting down eating popcorn watching The House of Dragon until they sneezed
"Is someone talking shit?"
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ellethespaceunicorn · 9 months
use a photo on your phone camera roll and write a quick scene/hc for it
Hi Nonnie!!! Funny story, the last time I wrote for these two, I was on pain meds for a tonsillectomy. Now, I've got Covid and I'm awake at 4:19am posting this story. I hope you enjoy!!
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Title: My Little Strawberry 
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Pairing: Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches) 
Fandom: Sand Castle 
Word Count: 556 
Summary: A follow-up to Shape Up. Sy has a conversation with his baby girl while she’s still in your stomach. 
Warnings: mention of creampie, sexy fluff?, mention of oral sex (f receiving) 
A/N: Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.  
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
My Masterlist 
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“There she is. Eating her breakfast. Looking mighty fine as usual.” Sy walks up to you and kisses the side of your head. 
“Whatchu want, boy?” You smile up at him through your lashes. 
“I ain’t want nothing at all, Peaches,” Sy holds your chin and gives you a peck on the lips, “But there is one thing I had to talk to Strawberry about.” 
“Strawberry?” Your cute little eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and Sy turns your chair around to face him as he laughs. 
He runs his hand over your swollen six-month-pregnant belly before kneeling to talk to it. “Hey there, Strawberry. How’s Daddy's little girl?” 
“I see you stuck with the fruit theme. And since I’ve been eating strawberries for months now, you named her after my craving?” You could barely hold in your laughter at your husband’s tenderness. 
“I don’t know. It seemed perfect. And I know she’s gon’ be sweet if she’s half you,” Sy planted a kiss on your belly before standing up to his full height. “And since she’s half me, I apologize in advance for her temper.” 
“I knew what I was getting into when I wouldn’t let you pull out, you know that right?” You bite your lip and wink at him. 
“And I knew what you were doing when you turned on Tennessee Whiskey and poured me two fingers of Jack. And you were wearing that damn sundress with the little yellow flowers on it. Pretty as a picture.” Sy remembers the night you made Strawberry fondly. 
“So, what did you have to talk to Strawberry about, baby?” Popping a sliced piece of fruit in your mouth, you chew and wait for Sy to start talking to the baby. 
“Alright, Strawberry, so look. Mama here has been such a sweetheart. She has given you a nice first apartment while continuing to take care of your old man. So, I was thinking of getting her a little something. And I wanted your opinion on it,” Sy leaned in to whisper into your belly so you couldn’t hear, then turned to place his ear close to listen to what the baby says. When he leans back, a smile paints his features. 
“Well? What did she say?” You ask, more than invested in Sy’s little conversation with the baby. 
“She told me to thank you for taking care of her and me. And she told me to make sure I pay attention to you when you’re being ornery because that just means you need a firmer hand.” Sy rubs the sides of your belly. Moving his hands up to your waist and then further up your sides to cup your face. 
“She said all that?” Your eyes close as he rubs a thumb over your cheek, already feeling warmth rise under your skin. 
“She did. She also said I could probably take you upstairs right now and have my way with you. But I’m gon’ let you finish your breakfast first.” Sy sits next to you, picking up your fork and feeding you. 
You take the offered bite and get up from the table, picking up the bowl of sliced strawberries. “C’mon, I can eat these in bed while you eat me in bed.” Winking again, you turn to scurry up the steps with Sy on your heels. 
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@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @raccoon-eyed-rebel @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren
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Scrapbook Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Black!OFC (Dimples)
Summary: A collection of moments with Mike and Daisy (Dimples).
Spotify Playlist is here.
Dividers credit on each chapter.
Cover Art by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Epilogue (finished)
Family Tree
My Masterlist 
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