pgoeltz · 1 year
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@sjpdofficial killing #mental ppl real cool #ftp @hyp8tia @loraleechapleau killed by #SJPD no training just killed, no help for the mental//// Horace Greeley https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/SAN-JOSE-Cops-kill-armed-man-after-12-hour-2863734.php
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4x09 · 5 months
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Do you think they ever explored each others bodies
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alicepao13 · 5 months
There is an AU that's been living rent-free on my mind since Hudson and Rex's S06E08, about Charlie being an actual inmate and meeting Sarah who is the prison's doctor. Charlie is in for beating up someone who hurt Rex or something like that (Rex isn't dead, he's like, living with Jesse or Joe, or even Jack, until Charlie gets out) and he's got like, a few months left of his sentence but things are getting worse in the prison so he keeps getting sent to the prison infirmary.
And yes, it would be unethical of them to date, but as Sarah keeps uncovering as string of corruption inside the prison which is one of the reasons Charlie keeps ending up in the infirmary, things get worse for her too, until she almost ends up injured herself. So with Charlie's help (plus the SJPD's), they pretty much uncover all the people behind it, Charlie gets his sentence reduced to time served, Sarah quits and, well, happy ending with them becoming a couple and happy re-uniting with Rex lol
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sadsoftserve · 11 months
A spin-off of Epithet Erased, and the plot is about the Sweet Jazz Police force. JUST the police force. And Ramsey becomes an honorary police officer(because he can't be a real one) and Percy does her silly little cop things, and Eros and Meryl are in it. LIKE I CAME UP WITH THIS WHILE DOING DISHES AND IT MAY BE THE BEST IDEA EVER. It could be called SJPD: A-TEAM OR SOMETHING (name still pending)
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
California Senate candidate Rep. Adam Schiff was given a rude welcome to San Francisco on Thursday as he was reportedly a victim of a theft just hours before a ritzy campaign dinner.
According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.
At the dinner, Schiff thanked attorney Joe Cotchett for supporting Schiff’s bid to replace the late Dianne Feinstein and represent California in the U.S. Senate.
"I guess it’s ‘Welcome to San Francisco,’" joked Cotchett’s press agent Lee Houskeeper, who was at the dinner at Ristorante Rocca, located in Burlingame.
During his own remarks, Schiff was reportedly unperturbed by the apparent theft. He was not in the vehicle when it happened.
"Yes, they took my bags," the California representative said, per the Chronicle. "But I’m here to thank Joe."
Schiff’s resilient demeanor prompted a compliment from Cotchett.
"Adam really showed himself tonight," Cotchett said. "He’ll be a great senator — he’s going to change the Senate tremendously."
The apparent theft came just days after the San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan's security guard was assaulted in downtown San Jose Tuesday, according to KRON4, a local Bay Area news outlet.
"While interviewing Mayor Matt Mahan in downtown San Jose, a man was shouting at us and fought Mayor Mahan's security guard,"KRON4 reporter Jack Molmud wrote in a post along with a video of the incident. "The fight lasted a couple minutes and the man was arrested by SJPD. Police said they were compiling evidence and sending it to the DA's office."
The San Jose Police Department "said the motive and circumstances surrounding the altercation are under investigation."
San Francisco Mayor London Breed is proposing various efforts to combat a part of the city that is notorious for high crime, homelessness and public drug use.
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starry-mist · 10 months
S2e4 thoughts:
Okay a thing I forgot to mention from episode 3 is how many editing fails this show does in ADR. Acronyms are a challenge (MBSA turns into MSBA in one of Sarah’s lines in 203, SJPD becomes SJDP in Camilla’s line in 213) but so are things like consistent pronunciation of a guest character’s name. In this one it’s Kara. And arguably Piotr/Peter but that could be a linguistic thing for Sasha depending on who she’s talking to.
Anyway beyond that, I don’t find this episode particularly exciting, though it’s a decent team episode.
My random headcanon in case anyone cares is that Sarah and Thomas broke up sometime between the previous episode and this one. I will eventually elaborate further in fic.
Anyway, yeah, nothing particularly special in this one. I know in other countries this becomes the s2 premiere, and as per usual, season premieres/finales on this show don’t typically stand out from any other episode (with a limited few exceptions.)
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perfectpurls · 1 year
Rex Cuddles
Apparently I can only write Hudson & Rex during hiatus? Anyway, I saw "curled up with a pet" and this is where my mind went. Enjoy!
Rex was the first one to figure out that something was wrong. It started when Charlie and Sarah were walking into SJPD headquarters one morning. Rex glued himself to Sarah’s side, pressing his torso against her leg anytime they paused. “What’s going on with you?” Charlie asked, scratching behind his ear when he refused to follow Charlie to the bullpen. He turned his face up to Sarah instead. “I’ve got work to do in the lab, so you’ll have to wait in the hall,” she explained. He took a few steps toward Sarah’s lab and waited for her to kiss Charlie goodbye so she would follow. She laughed into her kiss before following Rex’s lead. He whined a little when they got to the lab entrance, but he curled up in the hallway without any extra reminders, settling his head on his front paws so he could watch her from the doorway.
Read the rest on AO3
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- A 20-year employee of the San Jose Police Officers Association charged in a scheme to distribute drugs, including fentanyl.
"I was just absolutely taken aback, shocked, became saddened," Sean Pritchard, President of the San Jose Police Officers Association said, "And as the days have gone by, I'm at a place where I'm now I'm angry."
RELATED: Drug smuggling allegations against police union exec hurts trust of SJPD, former police auditor says
Sean Pritchard, president of the San Jose Police Officer's association says he first got a call from federal authorities last Friday that Joanne Segovia, the union's executive director, was charged with attempting to import illegal synthetic opioid drugs from overseas, specifically valeryl fentanyl.
Federal prosecutors says it was part of a scheme to distribute them in the U.S.
Pritchard says Segovia had been with the union for nearly 20 years.
MORE: SJPOA executive turns herself in, appears in court after being charged in drug distribution scheme
"This person has been really known as the grandma of the POA, and it's not the woman that we have known for well over a decade and so that's why it's been so difficult," Pritchard said, "A woman who has helped fallen officer's families, helped organize fundraisers when officer's children are sick. That's the person we know."
Investigators say Segovia, 65, used her personal and office computers to order the drugs and agreed to distribute them elsewhere in the U.S.
The SJPOA says they had no knowledge of it and are conducting an internal investigation.
MORE: Arrest made in hit-and-run that killed mother and dog, injured daughter, SJ police say
The union says Segovia handled front desk operations but did not make decisions for the organization.
They still don't know what her exact intentions were with the drugs.
According to the criminal complaint, Homeland Security agents were led to Segovia through an investigation that looked into a network they say ships controlled substances made in India.
A network operative's phone was searched and they found messages that were found to be linked to Segovia and her San Jose address.
Investigators found that between October of 2015 and January 2023, Segovia allegedly had approximately 61 shipments mailed to her home coming from countries all over the world, from locations that included Hong Kong, Hungary, India, and Singapore.
MORE: Barricaded San Jose hostage suspect armed with machete killed in police shooting, SJPD says
The shipments had labels that included "Wedding Party Favors," "Gift Makeup," and "Chocolate and Sweets," federal officials said.
Federal investigators intercepted those shipments and say they found thousands of narcotic pills.
According to the complaint, Segovia continued to order controlled substances even after being interviewed by federal investigators in February. On March 13, federal agents seized a parcel addressed to Segovia in Kentucky, containing valeryl fentanyl, a fentanyl analog. The package reportedly originated from China on March 10 and declared its contents as a clock.
Santa Clara County supervisor Cindy Chavez heads the county's fentanyl working group that works to combat the opioid crisis locally.
MORE: Couple sentenced in SJ kidnapping of 'Baby Brandon,' DA says
"What's really concerning me is that it's just a reminder of how accessible this is," she said, of the news, "And that we, from a law enforcement and a community perspective, need to be much more aggressive and much more assertive about how we deal with interrupting that chain that that we just have been unable to break."
ABC7 reached out to Segovia and have not heard back.
The complaint states that she denied any illegal activity in initial interviews with investigators and then later tried to blame her housekeeper.
Segovia is due in court Friday at 1 p.m.
If convicted, she faces a maximum sentence of 20 years.
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Unfortunately I have missed the opportunity to wish everyone here an enjoyable Valentine’s Day.
It is not a public holiday and therefore I have spent the day working, which I will not complain about, of course. It is my honor to be able to serve and protect the citizens of not only Sweet Jazz City, but also majority of the Taiga country. Some of my collegues have remarked that I am “married to my job”. I would not say that I am bound to my occupation in that sense, however I do quite enjoy working in the SJPD.
Enough with my rambling, I tend to get lost in my thoughts quite easily. With that, I hope everyone has enjoyed their Valentine’s Day whether with someone or on your own should not be of matter as there are plenty of enjoyable things to spend your time with regardless.
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sa7abnews · 18 days
SJPD arrests two men in July shooting that wounded two
New Post has been published on Sa7ab News
SJPD arrests two men in July shooting that wounded two
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The victims were shot at an “unsanctioned car show event,” police said.
... read more !
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pgoeltzcookiman · 5 months
@skywasyellowsunwasblue @valleywater
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pgoeltz · 1 year
Dew you know the way to San Jose
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4x09 · 5 months
Lincoln carrying his little pocket freak to all the crime scenes glaring at the rest of the SJPD like “this one’s mine”
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alicepao13 · 2 years
Now that we have all had the chance to watched the episode, I can say that the entire SJPD should resign in disgrace because Aunt Miranda took one look at Charlie’s house, realized it was now a home, and figured out that Charlie and Sarah are dating.
Seriously, everyone resign. Now.
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myresenas · 11 months
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morosestferret · 11 months
KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco: SJPD cop who wounded hero in taqueria shooting no longer with dept. after racist texts revealed
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