Gang rape material
🥰🥰 thank youuu
Wheel - add two days of denial 😭😭
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magician-hero · 2 years
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reefslider needs to be nerfed actually
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babymorte · 4 months
Will definitely tune in to the Silent Hill Transmisson too, cuz like, it's right after SoP ... can't miss that ... won't miss that 🐑
YOU CANT MISS IT!! we have to support it as much as possible in hopes they keep giving us more content!! im really hoping for a demo of some sort but i wont hold my breath cuz kobami
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bassrebelsmusic · 1 year
Skae & Terri Tilda - Beat 'Em All [Bass Rebels] Upbeat Vlog Music No Cop...
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macaroni-rascal · 2 years
I've been sitting on my couch for about 5 hours in my work out gear waiting for energy to hit -- humans should just have on switches.
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furhirepress · 1 day
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Contributor Spotlight — skae🪽
Hi! :D Honored to be a part of another zine! I've just stepped into creating art for zines, and with Kaleidoscopic Absolution being a fun first experience, I hesitated no more with joining another one. I've been drawing ferals and anthros for a while now, and I'm excited to start drawing for Furhire!
Check her out on Carrd, ko-fi, IG, & Twitter!
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
Alone Together
Every now and then, someone will ask, "why is it still called first contact?" They think they are clever, apparently, by pointing out that we already know intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, and so it should simply be called 'contact.'
But it is clear that they do not understand the weight these words carry.
Far back in 2145, humankind made first contact on a small, airless, inner moon of Uranus. Except... no one was there to greet us. All we found were the remains. Within a week, our understanding of life in the universe had gone from hopeful optimism to somber concern: had we really been so close to contact, only for our elder and only counterparts to vanish? Research on the ruins revealed that the ancient starfarers had wiped themselves out in a catastrophic civil conflict, and we feared what that meant for us. We resolved, then, that we would do better, not only for ourselves but for the ones who had come before us and lost their way. We had given up one kind of loneliness -that of simple ignorance- for another, far worse kind of loneliness: that of the sole survivor.
Our loneliness was not to last, fortunately. In 2191, the crew of the Arete mission to Proxima Centauri encountered a species of lifeform on the frigid moon Calypso which exhibited unusual intelligence, and in time discovered the great settlements they inhabited. After two years of study, the Arete explorers established rudimentary two-way communication with the Calypsians and grew a conversational relationship with the people of one nearby settlement. Humankind was overjoyed: here, at last, were the interstellar neighbors we had longed for.
But eventually the Arete mission had to return to Earth, and the Calypsians would not achieve interstellar radio transmission for a hundred more years. Even once they were able to commune with us across the great void, we found that our species were too different to have much in common aside from scientific interest. Thus, we were faced once more with a new and uniquely tragic kind of loneliness -almost that of estranged cousins.
In 2220, our prayers seemed to be answered at last by a stray radio signal from Tau Ceti. Though it took time, we were able to decipher its meaning and sent a return message, followed by a probe. The initial course of contact was slow, as is always the case with remote contact from across the emptiness. Over patient years of interaction, we learned how to communicate with the skae, and eventually sent a crewed mission to their homeworld of Ra'na: Andromeda One, the first of many.
We discovered the skae were a younger civilization than us, by several centuries, and so took responsibility for teaching them to be more like us. We taught them the secrets of nature and technology that they had not yet uncovered- of black holes and quarks, of the microchip and the fusion reactor. They accepted our gifts with wonder and gratitude, and in turn taught us their ways of terraformation- new methods to accelerate the healing of our own world and transform others from dead waste to bountiful gardens. Together we founded a coalition, to unite all civilizations seeking starflight under the common purposes of curiosity and betterment. But although this was everything humanity had ever wanted, we still felt the pangs of loneliness: the burden of the elder and mentor.
It was our good fortune, then, that elder civilizations were watching us. Just a decade after founding the USSC, Earth received a radio message from the star Epsilon Indi. It was a direct greeting, excited and hopeful. "We are shyxaure of Delvasi and ziirpu of Virvv. We saw you," they said, "and you have done well. We have ached to reach out for centuries, but worried over what would follow if we did. The alliance you have forged with the people of Tau Ceti is assurance that we are, truly, alike in thought. We are proud to call you neighbors, and hope to soon call you friends."
While we waited for their embassy ship to arrive as promised, humanity reveled in passing a test we had not known was ongoing. We had proven ourselves worthy of contact, worthy of inclusion into the interstellar community... and yet, a new loneliness seeped through the cracks of our joy. We had anguished in isolation for so long, all the while our cosmic seniors watched from not so far away. For hundreds of years, we had not realized there were new friends just beyond the horizon. And so, in secret, we mourned this loneliness: that of what could have been.
In the centuries that have followed we have discovered even more sapient beings around us: the rimor of the Eridani Network, the Xib Zjhar of Xiilu Qam, the pluunima of Niima. We are connected to each other in many ways, but the most important of these is simply that we share the gift of sapience. In this vast and quiet universe, any fellow intelligence is infinitely precious because we are the only ones, as far as we know. Every contact event is first contact, all over again, ​because every new civilization that we encounter will expand our horizons just enough for us to wonder: "was that last contact? Is there still someone else out there, or is that the end of roll call? Are we alone together, now?"
This, the grandest and most poignant of all mysteries, is why the motto of the Coalition is "solum habemus invicem et stellas" – "we only have each other and the stars."
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
There’s a weird chance if Chifuyu and Kazu find out Baji now Is roomate with you they might want to join in- 💀💀 especially if you have a spare room for those two or a room with two beds for both of them to share a room
Why- since they all kinda are working at the pet shop..might as well live together
(Tho I hc that at some point Baji will eventually get his phd in veterinary school and work in a vet clinic but he takes one of the weekends to still work with the pet shop)
- 🌑
chifuyu would definitely want to move in just cause he's so devoted to baji, and tora would want to move in for the fuck of it.
it's hell for you. baji alone is a problem, but dear god, baji trio is like a bunch of feral kids rough housing and screaming at each other and you have to deal with it. your only saving grace is the fact that baji is interested in you, so for your skae he'll try to reign in the boys, but no promises. one off handed comment and baji is lunging and suddenly you have a wrestling match in your living room. not to mention the fact that tora would tease the shit out of you because baji likes you. at least fuyu is nice, but he looks up to baji so there's not much hope for him 💀
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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Man do y'all remember when I was sad at the start of P4G because the game did not adequately pat my head and feed me soup and give me friends on day one like P3P did
that was fucking little leagues. I'm gonna light everyone in this game on fire.
Anyway, we are in the tutorial stages so lemme sum up except with there's weird shit I wanna pontificate on.
Reverie missed a bunch of school on his first day with frankly doesn't look amazing for him. We met Ryoji GODDAMN RYUJI on the roof, because all Persona games love the school roof, and he wants to go back to the App World so he can poke around on Kamoshida.
There is palpably some Beef between Ryuji and Kamoshida. There is some fucking t-bone 3-inch cut that I have seasoned in mushroom salt and fresh ground pepper and left to air-dehydrate for three days, there is soooo much beef between them.
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In the Not-Velvet Room-- Look, I am gonna start calling it the VR for efficiency's skae but be aware I do not think this is actually the Velvet Room, or if it is then someone has booted Igor and is pretending to be him.
But yeah Notigor says our rehabilitation can begin and I just wanna claw my hair out. What's funny is I know for a lot of fans, Persona 5 was their entry point. Did they know this was as severely fucked as it is? I feel like the game is pushing Fucked As Hell vibes pretty well, so maybe it was obvious even to the initiated.
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Oh so Notigor is the one pushing the unauthorized APK onto my phone. I think Reverie is rocking a Samsung, it's got that Chonk to it.
Also, I dunno what it's called in the Japanese... hang on, to google!
Isekainabi, or "Otherworldnavi" that's pretty good. Which, the adjustment of "navi" to "nabi" reminds me that Japanese doesn't use 'v' does it? Or.... wait.... R is also a no, right?
(That is shit I learned from fucking Metal Gear Solid 2 actually, because my beloved Problematic Fave Kojima called the big villains the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, because they were 'invisible', they weren't even a part of the language, metaphorically speaking, which when I understand that I thought was fucking smart as hell, though I imagine the original voice actors who had to say it a lot and rapidly did not agree.)
ANYWAY I AM GETTING DISTRACTED, POINT IS, I picked a hilariously un-apt name with Reverie Vantas. That is a tongue-twister and I am sorry.
what the fuck was i even talking about OH YEAH Netscape Navigator, yeah. That's our Dark Hour/TV World, the Metaverse. I find it cursorily interesting that Persona has many different manifestations of the whole Jungian Collective Subconsciousness. P4's TV World was fully separated and impossible to access without the power of Persona. But Reverie and Ryuji stumbled like idiots into the....
wait, that cutscene from the start, that was Reverie's awakening to Persona. So what caused it. Also: Is that relevant to the mystery here like it was in P4, because in P4 that was super important, and I would prefer it wasn't Super Important again lmao.
God the Izanami thing was dumb. ANY FUCKING WAY.
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I briefly meet THAT ONE GIRL FROM THE INTRO on the train, and her personality traits seem to be "worryingly doormat-ish" and "thin'
Like man, P5R is not hitting me over the head with DIET SODA ADS but we are still fatphobic, don't forget! BTW if you want a Persona game that doesn't do that shit, P3P Girl Route baybeeeee best Persona.
I am apprently ribbon girl's senpai and she bows to me twice nad runs off to school. Later, gator.
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holy shit this game doesn't fuck around with its classroom questions, are you kidding me
also I am sitting behind Moot in class. how's your life been since relinquishing 4chan, moot? I hope it's better.
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Mitsuru would use her rapier to carve you like a chunk of roast.
Kamoshida's influence over everyone is kind of baffling to me. It's a VOLLEYBALL TEAM. Oh is that the Japanese equivalent of a football team? Because then I TOTALLY GET IT, CARRY ON.
Like, I understand sort of academically that having sports teams is good for students but also I fucking hate school sports culture. Dunno if its as vile in Japan as in America but if its even half as bad, yeah, abolish it.
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Ryuji is so far not the brightest bulb on the tree, bless him. He keeps trying to locate a castle and getting frustrated. Finally, we put him out of his confused misery and use the app to make castle happen.
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HE IS JEALOUS! In almost every jock there is a theatre kid's soul, crying to get out.
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Ryuji has like no indoor voice, Morgana, I am sorry.
Also, I have so far zero indication of Morgana's gender, which I do like. 8) Gender don't matter, just don't call me a fucking cat.
There is a huge tutorial section, and I immediately understand why this game is +100 long, these sequences are much more complicated now. There's psuedo-stealth mechanics? Blurgh.
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Ryuji wants to save the volleyball slaves and Morgana explains that these aren't actually them, they are cognitive copies that are.... essentially the projection Kamoshida has of each person in the school.
I don't wanna be a jerk Persona but this is adding more and more complexity to your already complex world. But maybe I am still in P4G mode, where every aspect of how the Midnight Channel worked was a clue. At this point, there is no central mystery.
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hey yo what the fuck
Somehow Kamoshida broke Ryuji's fucking leg?????
What the fuck happened there? Also yeah, Ryuji, I don't know you super well yet but I'm with you, we can wreck this guy. Holy shit.
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boy howdy getting your persona stings a bit in this one huh
Ryuji has Captain Kidd as his, with is pretty fun NGL. So our theme is literally Various Types Of Thieves in this game, huh? I'm cool with that.
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shadowseductress · 4 months
varshaji kuch kha lijiye,mujhe bilkul achha nahi lagta jab aap aise bhookhe rehte hain....aap meri jaan le lijiye par aap bhookhe mat rahiye,kuch meetha khaayenge ya kuch teekha? main bhijwaau? zomato kar du?
haanji, anon ji, aap main course and desserts bhijwa dijiye na, or ho skae toh wine and cigarettes bhi bhijwa dijiega:)
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artlimited · 5 months
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Three trees. Homeĺskae Palesse, 2023.21 by Artsiom Khalandach https://www.artlimited.net/1059464/art/photography-three-trees-home-skae-palesse-2023-21-nature-vegetal-tree-forest/en/11975661
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zeeposting · 5 months
I’m bored so your getting more asks hahaha
who is your favorite sigma
1. alpha blueberry
2. sifma uhh idk bot
pick wisely ok yeah good that’s what I thought uhhuh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah huhhug skae yeah yeha
- 🖋️
stares, concern on my face
why not ask one of my ackshual ask blogs
the regretevator ask blog is dying slightly
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bellhopping · 6 months
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Imagine this:
Reader being from a completely different universe, and is TIRED..BUT!
They have a nezuko!sibling with them!
Reader is always found asleep with their sibling near them..and they end up being teleported into the corner of miguelz lab and only being found after their sibling wandered too far and ending uo getting found only because Jess found the two when she followed the sibling
And when the reader finally wakes up. They literally do not have the time or energy for this and so they just end uo sleeping into the most random places known to man
A desk, a ceiling, even the ground for f skae‼️
Amd their sibling is extremely protective of them while they sleep, but seem to have a soft spot for one spider...it's hobie..why? Because he looks cool and didn't bother to approach them
And blah blah blah
Yandere shit whatever, and the sibling is the only one noticing it and so they don't let ANYONE near them and the reader at any time
I'll let you go off
Definitely falls asleep on Hobie, that man just screams COMFORTABLE. He lets the siblings sleep on him and he doesn’t care, their all BFFS and hangout often. What do we name this AU’s Reader?
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bugflies00 · 9 months
Oh for fucks sake if they get emotional im gonna start sobbing i HAVE TO GO TO DINNER SOON for fucsk skae
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
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FTL in Astra Planeta
All known interstellar civilizations in the Astra Planeta canon are capable of faster-than-light travel, in some cases (skae and Calypsians) thanks to the teachings of humanity, but mostly because of their own scientific merits. The only known form of macroscopic FTL travel is the warp drive, which has historically been achieved a few hundred years into each civilization's spacefaring age since the physical and engineering challenges that must be overcome to actually make a working prototype are extremely complex.
A warp drive works by bending spacetime in such a way as to simply amplify the vessel's real velocity; it doesn't actually generate any acceleration. An object's real velocity at warp drive activation determines its FTL velocity, but it takes time to accelerate to that real velocity at a safe acceleration (one standard Earth gravity). What results is a tradeoff between the time spent speeding up and slowing down, and the time spent in warp, which varies depending on distance and real velocity.
Finding the optimal interstellar vector utilizes a simple asymptotic formula (created by @catgirlbionics, thanks again!) involving three variables: the distance to the target in lightyears (d), the warp amplification factor (a), and the maximum real-space velocity of the object as a decimal value of the speed of light (v). This function equates to the total flight duration in days (T).
(707.646*v)+((d/(a*v))*365) = T
By plugging in specific values for (d) and (a), and then deriving the function, its positive local minimum will be equivalent to the shortest possible travel time and ideal velocity for the given interstellar vector. For example: a modern Generation VI warp drive has a maximum amplification factor (a) of about 4000, and the distance between Sol and Alpha Centauri (d) is about 4.34 lightyears. Using these values in the formula results in an optimal velocity (v) of about 0.0237c, and a minimum travel time (T) of 33 and a half days!
Warp drives have limited usefulness due to the enormous amount of power they require and the peculiar effects of bending spacetime. Acceleration must be accomplished in real-space or else the exhaust from the engine will reflect off the drive's event horizon and cook the ship, and the same goes for any heat radiated by the vessel. This is why warp drives typically operate in "stuttered" format: an interstellar flight is composed of multiple FTL segments interspersed with periods of real-space STL flight where the ship dumps the heat accumulated by the drive into space via radiator.
Warp drives are not the only method of circumventing the speed of light. Wormholes are also physically possible; however, the largest stable wormholes ever documented are of atomic scale, and anything with rest mass passing through the singularity will cause it to collapse. Wormholes, therefore, are only used to facilitate FTL communication in the form of ansibles, passing extremely narrow laser beams around a network of linked wormholes to achieve near-instantaneous communication.
Because of their nature as loopholes in relativity, both technologies incur some very bizarre effects when it comes to temporal reference frames. Ansible connections where one end is moving at relativistic speed create a combination of wavelength shift and frame dragging that render it impossible to communicate in lockstep; a warpship with a relativistic real-space velocity will result in some time-disparity between passengers and their destination upon arrival. However, it's generally agreed that these complications are a small inconvenience compared to an interstellar society without FTL, where time-slips of decades or more would be a haunting reality.
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