#skam fic week
zoennes · 1 year
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2.03 ♡ 2.04
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zoeloockx · 1 year
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sun-undone · 1 year
diver down pod update!!!
so i was just catching up on some of the recent interactions on the pod episodes and wanted to give a little update cause i feel like it's been a while!
first off, i'm still absolutely floored that that many people have listened to me ramble for even a minute, much less over 20 episodes worth, so thank you thank you thank you.
second of all, due to the writer and actor strikes as well as my own burnout post-jiara week, i haven't recorded anything new yet for the pod and wouldn't expect anything in the near future. if y'all have found this blog recently through the pod, then you might've noticed that i've been posting other fandoms lately, and that's just how i've been feeling! not super in my obx or jiara feels at the moment, so even when the strikes eventually end, it might take me a second to start recording again. or maybe i'll slingshot so fucking fast back into the brain rot as soon as they start filming again WHO KNOWS
basically, thank you to anyone who's listened and interacted during this content drought, i genuinely appreciate y'all so so much, and i hope you'll stick around through this dry patch so we can scream about obx again sometime in the future, whenever that may be!!!!
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Ten Things I’ll Tattoo on You
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10 Things I Hate About You AU
It’s a terrible idea from the start. Eliott knows that. But when presented with the possibility of a date with a cute boy for a generous sum of much-needed cash, could anyone blame him for taking resident-asshole-Charles-Munier up on the offer? Well, yes. Lucas Lallemant could. But there’s no need for him to find out about the arrangement. A date and it’s done. Easy enough. Or it would be... if Lucas wasn’t... Lucas. Head-strong, stubborn, cheeky, and everything Eliott didn’t know he needed. In conclusion: He’s fucked.
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ghostcat3000 · 2 years
Sunday Six (1/1/23)
Isak says nothing. He’s a liquid stare. A hospital bracelet with false information. An unknown. A stranger. A raspy giggle at a terrible dirty joke.
(from the red squirrel, a SKAM fic work-in-progress)
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
Would you write a soft Jamie fic where he and his girlfriend have a paint night to decompress after a stressful week and they get into a paint fight?
Whenever i think of a paint fight, i always think about that one scene from skam france… iykyk
“That’s… colorful,” you regard Jamie’s work of art with a glass of wine in your hand.
Surprisingly, it was Jamie’s idea to have a “paint night”, although it was heavily inspired by the expressionism exhibition you dragged him to last weekend. You’re more of an art admirer than a creator.
It’s a nice warm evening, which Jamie declared to be perfect for a painting session in your backyard. You had bought a bunch of paints and a canvas in advance earlier this week, and instead of an easel, you set up a chair propped on a box.
Jamie appeared to be very enthusiastic and clearly had something in mind, so you gladly settled in the garden chair with some wine and let him go at it. Like you said, an admirer.
When he was done, he beckoned you to join him in front of the canvas. “It’s like a pitch, see? Green is grass, obviously, and red and blue is for Richmond, and that tiny black dot is for Roy.”
“Alright, Jackson Pollock, I see,” you chuckle.
“You wanna add something?” he offers you a brush.
“Want me to draw you like one of my French girls?”
“Always want to get me naked…”
“I was thinking something more theme related, but if you’re offering…” you smile suggestively at him. “Okay, let’s see.” You put down the glass and pick up the brush.
You add some speckles of white to the painting. “It’s like the movement of the ball, you know. Also can be for the marking on the grass and the white in your kits.”
“I like this,” he smiles fondly at you, and then there’s a weird glint in his eyes.
“I think you have paint on your face. Here, let me…”
He swipes his thumb against your cheek, leaving behind a greasy trail of paint while looking at you with a shit-eating grin.
If looks could kill, Jamie would be dead right now. You glare at him, and then without breaking eye contact, you stick your hand into the paint and bring your open palm right on Jamie’s face, smearing it all around.
You can see him dipping his hand in the paint behind him, and then he’s bringing his hand up to your face, but you catch his wrist before it can reach its target. Not ready to give up just yet, he goes for a kiss instead, pressing his paint-covered face against yours.
You’re still holding Jamie’s paint soaked hand in yours, and now it’s being squished between you two, staining both your t-shirts with blue paint.
You let go of his hand, and he puts it on your arm, while yours goes up to his jaw and then down his neck, leaving a trail of paint all the way down to the collar of his t-shirt. You both laugh into your kiss.
The paint starts to slowly dry out on your skin, and the uncomfortable feeling brings Jamie back to reality. “How hard is this to get out?”
“I guess we’re about to find out.”
“Race you to the shower,” he grins at you.
“Who wants to get who naked now?”
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skambigbang · 1 year
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We're celebrating today the incredible art for an incredible collaboration. "A Safe Place in All Universes" written by @annadriesen2121 and @paralleluniversesfan spans multiples continents, timezones and Skamverses as it traces Sobbe and Evak path forward. And the art to accompany it by yedinleaf is just stunning. Savor it and then go check out the fic
The Skam Big Bang is a fandom event that pairs writers and artists to create a 10K+ story and artwork inspired by it. Every year we’re graced by an amazing wealth of creativity in the various pieces of art and this year was no exception! Though the bang is officially over, we’re gonna be highlighting the artwork and their stories over the next few weeks as we put out a call for new mods to carry it on! Enjoy the eye candy, check out the stories and show our artists and writers some love!
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tailsbeth-writes · 5 months
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Saw the open tag from @taste-thewaste on this! This took me down memory lane a bit 🥲
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White & Royal Blue mostly but I'm happy to write Heartstopper and og Skam.
I've written for Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Skam France, Wtfock, Druck, Skam Italia & Shadowhunters in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Digital Love Letters (RWRB)
i try hard to get back inside your arms alive (RWRB) - and particularly insane as I posted this last week! 🥰)
Right Kind of Wrong (Riverdale)
your heart is your masterpiece (RWRB)
a frightening magic I cling to (RWRB)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! They make my day, I screenshot my faves. I also love when someone finds a fic that has lots of chapters & I get a flurry of comments 🤌🏻
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Tricky, I don't usually finish on angst. Echo (Wtfock) follows on from a very horrendous part of the show or Season 5 - Magnus (Skam) never got finished so it's been left in the midst of angst.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them end on a happy note but Love, Henry (RWRB) is probably the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics?
I think there was a little back when I started in Riverdale but I think it more anger on their part for a topic I could have written more sensibly I suppose? I've had critique on fics now but never hate.
Do you write smut?
I've written it one time years ago & it felt weird. I loooove writing foreplay though! But I've not ventured into smut in my current fandoms. That might be something I do though, my bigender Alex fic might go into that if there's sequel.
Craziest crossover:
I've only done one and it was a Riverdale meets Teen Wolf, it was a Christmas special and they had to help reunite Santa with his reindeer. While I haven't watched Riverdale for ages, I'm still really proud of that fic!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thankfully!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I'd love that though 😄
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I'd absolutely love to collab this year, in the RWRB fandom in particular y'all are so talented 🥲
All time favorite ship?
Firstprince (RWRB) probably. Wilmon (Young Royals) is a close second atm, I'd love to write some YR fics soon. I'm still a massive Yousana (Skam) and Davenzi (Druck) shipper too. Oh and Nathan/Annalise/Gabriel (TBSATDH) - can't remember the ship name! That show got cancelled too soon & it was basically like a fix it for the books.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Teen Wolf reader insert fic with a pregnancy story line that I left on a huge cliffhanger but frustrates me but not enough to motivate to finish it. I also have my Skam season 5 - Magnus fic that I'd love to finish one day but I haven't found the plan I made for it originally.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and character voice I think?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting? I'm good at writing scenes but writing a longer storyline in fanfic is something I struggle with.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If you can do it, go for it! I wish I could incorporate more Spanish in my RWRB fics but alas I only got French or German at my school, I only stuck with French. Maybe I'll brush up & add some in for Henry (RWRB) or Nick (Heartstopper).
First fandom you wrote in?
Riverdale, I haven't seen it in years 😅
Favorite fic you've written?
i try hard to get back inside your arms alive is the probably the one I'm proudest of and while it isn't finished yet Her Royal Highness is up there cause it combines so many of my favourite things, I'm getting to explore darker topics in some scenes while also putting Henry in drag - fanfic catnip for me quite frankly!
I'm not sure who has done this already but I'll tag folks I want to see answer this: @heysweetheart-writes @candyspandemonium @firenati0n @onthewaytosomewhere @callumsmitchells & of course, open tag 💛
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thestrangeillusion · 4 months
a get to know you better meme
Ahhh this took me more than a month to get around to doing, but I didn’t forget about it!! Thank you so much for tagging me @dummerjan! <3 <3 <3
do you make your bed? No, I don’t really see the point tbh, I’ll only be messing it up in the evening again anyway.
what's your favourite number? Umm, 7 I think? There’s not a particular reason for it though. I do have a soft spot for 21 as well for entirely SKAM related reasons haha.
what is your job? I do scientific evaluations of (primarily) government programmes.  
If you could go back to school would you? Hmm, there’s some appeal to that because I didn’t hate school and the structure and routine of it was mostly good for me, I think. But the thought of being a teenager again and being cooped up in a room with 25+ other teenagers for a minimum of 30 hours a week – no, thank you. But if school is meant in the way US-Americans sometimes use it, as in also meaning further education, then I could be convinced. I mean, I still have to write my master’s thesis, so I’m technically still a student, but I sometimes think re-doing my first couple of years of undergrad (and maybe making some better decisions lol) could be fun.
can you parallel park? Nope, I can’t even really drive anymore, I’m pretty sure, even though I do have a licence. It’s more of a glorified ID at this point because I haven’t actually driven a car in like 4 years or so and even before that I honestly wasn’t very good at it (driving or parking).
a job you had that would surprise people? Not really tbh.
do you think aliens are real? I mean I am pretty sure there are forms of life on other planets, since some of them have been found to have inhabitable environments. If it’s intelligent life I don’t really feel qualified to say although, if I remember correctly, one of my good friends who’s doing a PhD in astrophysics and is one of the smartest people I know once made a pretty convincing argument for it (but I have since forgotten what the argument was lol).
can you drive a manual car? Refer to the question about parallel parking above. I learned to drive in a manual car (I’ve actually never driven an automatic), but I’m fairly sure I don’t actually know how to do it anymore.
what's your guilty pleasure? That’s a difficult question. Reading fucked up smut fics is definitely one of them, I guess. Also does pissing away many of my weekends by staying in bed all day and reading or writing fanfics instead of putting effort into having a social life count? Because I also do that and I do enjoy it, but it’s painful whenever anyone asks what I did on the weekend lol. There’s only so many times you can say “Nothing much” tbh.
tattoos? I like them on other people, mostly. My cousin has a full back tattoo in colour and is slowly adding onto it so that it expands to her arms and sides and I always love seeing which new piece she’s gotten tattooed since I last saw her. It just suits her really well and she’s super passionate about the motive and I love that. And I think that’s where the problem lies for me, I just don’t have any motive or phrase or whatever that I am passionate enough about to permanently put on my body tbh. Also, I am scared of pain and needles, so…
favourite colour? Burgundy.
favourite type of music? Ooof that’s hard to answer, I listen to so many different types of music. One genre I’ve liked pretty consistently from my early teens until now is (mostly British) indie rock and alternative rock – I really like Muse, Placebo, Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines and Nothing But Thieves, for example. And I’ve been to quite a few tiny club concerts of that genre because I know I’ll enjoy it even if I don’t know the band or any of their songs beforehand.
And then I also go through intense music phases mostly related to TV shows I love – it started when I was like 13 watching Gossip Girl and obsessively listening to Death Cab for Cutie, Bloc Party and Sum 41 to when I watched SKAM and got very into Norwegian music (the Norwegian singer/rapper Cezinando still features consistently in my top Spotify artists and has done so since 2017). And now that I’m watching Thai BLs, I started with an obsession about Jeff Satur’s music (and listened to nothing else for like 2 months) and am now gradually venturing out into discovering other Asian music (I’m really enjoying WOODZ, Hua Chen Yu and Violette Wautier so far). So that was a lot of rambling, but still barely covers half of what I actually love listening to…
do you like puzzles? I haven’t done puzzles in aaages, but I have very fond childhood memories of doing them with my grandparents on NYE while waiting for midnight. I think I would still enjoy them if I did them now.
any phobias? Not really. Stuff I’m pretty scared of, sure, but no full-blown phobias.
favourite childhood sport? Hmm, in terms of the sports we played in school, I really enjoyed “Völkerball” (which I’m pretty sure vaguely translates to dodgeball, but I don’t think it’s entirely the same thing). The only problem was that I was really good at dodging the ball and never getting hit, but very, very bad at catching the ball or hitting other people with it, so I could never actually end the game by taking out people on the other team either.
I only started in my teens, but I also really enjoyed (and still enjoy) climbing and bouldering. And my family went skiing every winter when I was a child, which I hated at first, but started to enjoy in my early teens when I didn’t have to do lessons with a bunch of other kids tumbling down the mountain anymore.
do you talk to yourself? All the time in my mind, and sometimes out loud when I’m on my own (particularly when I’m frustrated about something).
what movie(s) do you adore? I actually really love heartwarming feel-good movies tbh. One of my favourite movies is Pride (2014) because it just radiates so much joy and solidarity and a will to live and make things better that always lifts my mood. And I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve rewatched Mamma Mia. Another genre of movies I seem to enjoy is movies about female rage a.k.a. women going batshit crazy but being totally justified in it, such as Promising Young Woman or Gone Girl. I do generally prefer watching TV shows to movies, though.
coffee or tea? I get the jitters and become hyperactive in a really uncomfortable way when I drink coffee, so I rarely do. I mostly drink black tea or Mate for the purpose of waking me up.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? Well, according to old friendship book entries, I first wanted to be a princess (until my mum bought me a book about the Habsburgs and I quickly abandoned the idea, which I think was the point) and after that a cook.
Tagging @crumchycow, @mightymightygnomepriest, @salamander89, @fiddlepickdouglas, @obscurecurse
and @lilmaemae and anyone else who wants to do it 😊
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born-to-riot · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
So I know nobody cares but it’s WIP WEDNESDAY SO imma tell y’all my current plans for the next few months and (un)officially announce a project I’ve been working on.
News Regarding Posted Fics:
Within this month (July)
Finish/post the next chapter of Rancor and Risotto
Within next two months (July/August)
Finish “I Know What You Need” my vamren x Nesta two-shot
Post next chapter of SKAM: Prythian
News Regarding Unposted Fics
Eris week
Planning a fun lil Eris betrayal one shot (and by fun, I mean fun for me. Not for you 😈)
Leaving my options open on the off chance I get inspired and do something crazy like write another fic (so far the one I mentioned above is the only one planned for that week)
Crossover fic (post date: before the end of 2024)
I think it’s time to soft launch ACOFAR (A Court of Foxes and Ravens) which is a very special project to me. Basically I’m dropping all the ACOTAR characters into the AFTG verse; the only character I’m keeping is Wymack because I want to see him call Rhys a maggot.
I will give more details once I get closer to posting it (I want to have a consistent posting schedule with this one so I need to do more prep) but I’ve been working hard on it and I wanna thank @ofduskanddreams @chunkypossum and @yanny-77 for keeping me going on it.
Anyway that’s all imma say for now. Hope y’all have a great day.
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prevalent-masters · 1 year
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The old Sander Driesen could not imagine war. He could not imagine death. He could not imagine this fight lasting longer than a few months, even as the Germans overwhelmed them, even as he loaded a gun with inexperienced, fumbling hands, even as he shot it over and over again, even as he watched men die around him and his city go up in flames. He could not imagine what would come as he walked through rain and mud with the remains of his division west to the IJzer. He could not imagine what would come even after that first true battle, sunk down in trenches for two weeks straight, peppered by machine gun fire and shrapnel, awake for days at a time and walking over, sitting on, tripping over, shitting on corpses–even then. Even then. The mind cannot wrap itself around such horrors. Sometimes, instead, it simply breaks apart.
AT LAST! I'm so excited to share the first two chapters of my Skam Big Bang fic, We Can Make No Anthem. It's a wtFOCK World War I AU and has been consuming my life for the past seven months. I hope you all enjoy it!
Thanks to @skambigbang for organizing, @jackfrostsander for answering all my questions, @wtfotteli for being the most amazing beta to ever beta, and @eirabach for the incredible artwork, including the title page you see here.
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evakuality · 1 year
4 years of Druck s3 - week 8
Sorry this is a little late everyone, but I had to do some work on the skam big bang this week and ran out of time!  But the good news is that you’ll all be treated to some more Davenzi fic sometime soonish!! (and I may even share some snippets here and there!)
Anyway, because I’m late I’m going to make this one much less detailed.  Mostly pictures, in fact!!
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1.  Honestly, in a sea of angst this week, this scene holds me over.  From the way we can see Matteo has saved David’s pictures and keeps them close by his bed (even the one he screwed up), through the care and attention he pays to David before their talk, to David’s heartfelt and beautiful expression of his identity.  It’s just beautiful.  Hard to watch in places, big ideas addressed, but under it all is a powerful scene which I am so thankful exists.
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2.  Matteo’s support as he works his way through his feelings and understandings about all of this.  While I don’t love the pacing in this part, I really do love that he tries to understand all this, that he doesn’t close himself off from others as his habit has been before, and I particularly love that Hans is there to give him the talk he needs even if it’s not the one Hans expected to be giving.  Also shoutout to finally having someone say it’s not okay to go around outing people!!  While there are far more instances even in this season where outing should have been called out, it’s nice that it’s at least mentioned here.
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3.  Finally, because I’m not going to deal with some parts of this episode which I find uncomfortable, is Matteo’s relationship with his mother.  He’s slowly realising that he’s able to reach out to her, and even if it’s hard I’m glad he did tell her about David.  Hans is the mvp of this episode for sure because his words last episode allowed Matteo this moment of growth in this one as well as his very kind and wise words to Matteo regarding the whole thing with David.
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kissjane · 2 years
... Did you know next week marks the fourth anniversary of the start of Skam France S3?
That's four years since we saw Lucas and Eliott hanging out at a bus stop, four years since we fell in love with Lucas playing the piano, four years since the hedgehog and raccoon drawings, four years since Eliott wearing the Romance hoodie, ... The list goes on!
I know right, time flies when you're having fun! :slight_smile:
To celebrate, we want to challenge everybody to create some art inspired by the episode titles and post them in the right week on their platform of choice. It can be inspired by the episode itself, or one of the clips in the episode, or just be inspired by the title.
Obviously, we interpret 'art' in the broadest sense possible: visual art, digital art, written art, audio art - whatever you feel like really!
It doesn't have to be long or polished, just create! I will write a little fic for one person who manages to do something for every week (just let me know, because I might miss some of your creations - feel free to tag me!).
Oh, and most importantly, the art you create doesn't have to be Elu-centric (though it would be great to see our chaos boys, of course)! It doesn't even have to be for Skam France - any Skamverse goes, as long as it's inspired by the title of the S3 episodes! So even if you have never seen any Skam France, you can still let the creativity flow!
Have fun, and I'm looking forward to all the art popping up!
PS Here's the list of the episode titles...
January 19 to January 25
Je crois que je suis amoureux (I think I’m in love)
January 26 to February 1
La curiosité (Curiosity)
February 2 to February 8
Infiltration (Infiltration)
February 9 to February 15
Le garçon qui avait peur du noir (The boy who was afraid of the dark)
February 16 to February 22
Au même moment à l’autre bout de l’univers (At the same time in another universe)
February 23 to March 1
Insomnie (Insomnia)
March 2 to March 8
Assumer (Assume)
March 9 to March 15
Coup de tête (Impulse)
March 16 to March 22
Les gens sont comme ils sont (People are as they are)
March 23 to March 29
Minute par minute (Minute by minute)
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henswilsons · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers!
am EXTREMELY late to the game but kisses to @usereddie @buckactuallys and @gayhoediaz for tagging me mwah!!!!
how many works do you have on ao3?
on hammersmiths, 24!! across my other 3 gazillion ao3 accounts i have done a quick tally and it’s 58 LMAOO tho i am sure i am missing some
what’s your total ao3 wordcount?
we’re just gonna stick to hammersmiths lest this get ridiculous for me sdgfhds but 237,307!!
what fandoms do you write for?
currently 911, but i have also written for percy jackson, ted lasso, stranger things, outer banks, glee, teen wolf, skam and the wilds. also again probably some more i am forgetting HAHA
top 5 fics by kudos:
everything’s coming up milhouse
in your darling i trust (lafd updates 1&2 slay!!)
you’re my whole house
your dreary mondays
if you say it with your hands (idk why this one surprises me?? i always forget about her HAHA)
do you respond to comments?
eeeek i do not dsgfhsdhfhfd but rest assured i feel extremely bad about it. i always intend to but sometimes i just get overwhelmed and don’t know how to express my gratitude in ways that arent “thank u so much!!!!!!” in my head i am greeting everyone who comments with a big sloppy wet kiss tho and i read every single one upwards of 8 million times
what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmmm i am admittedly a happy ending truther. i don’t think ive written any angsty ending fics
what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them!!!
do you get hate on fics?
i am very fortunate in that i don’t!! or if i do it is very very infrequently. Mostly it is just people kindly pointing out that they can tell im british (listen pls…..i will sacrifice so much including pavement and rubbish bin but u will have to prise my british spelling out of my cold dead hands.)
do you write smut?
LMFAOO definitely not where would i even begin. i have written 1 sex scene ever and it took me about 2 weeks
craziest crossover?
ive never written a crossover i don’t think. although back in the day i did write a pjo x house of anubis crossover now that was wild
have you ever had a fic stolen?
back in ye olde ff.net days i had a few fics that were generously copied but not in recent history!
have you ever had a fic translated?
i don’t believe so!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes yes i LOVE it
all time favorite ship?
omg how to choose. i mean buddie 5eva. like literally 5eva. having said that percabeth will always always always have such a special place in my heart as will evak
what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt that you will?
OOOO ok listen never say never and i do desperately want to finish it but the buddie actors au. eventually it will b finished. eventually.
what are your writing strength?
i think dialogue!! and my characterisation i think im ok at!
what’s your writing weakness?
PLOT HAHAHA. girl plot WHO
thoughts on dialogue in a different language?
i mean i love it.
first fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson baby!
favorite fic you have written?
OOOO hmmm. i love lafd updates. i also love the taylor book fic i wrote recently i think it kinda slayed. also extremely deep cut but i wrote an outer banks fic last year that i ended up modelling my dissertation on. im beyond beyond beyond proud of that one.
apologies if some of these are double tags/if u have already done it and i have missed it i have been a busy busy gal and not online much in the last week but tagging @bibuddie @bibibuck @littlespoonevan @clusterbuck @sibylsleaves @chronicowboy @buckttommy @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels MWAH !!!
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anaisanais-stuff · 6 months
hello!!! just dropping by to tell you I just finished reading Naked Blue. It had been a while since I read anything skam related and decided to go on Ao3 and find a really long fic to read and I found yours AND let me tell you!!!!!! it was so good, I read the whole thing in two days bc I just couldn't stop. It felt like I was watching skam for the first time it was so amazing! Anyway I loved the way the characters felt so real, I loved the group dynamic (bakka+nissen boys). One of my favorite fics definitely<3 you're not very active on here but I hope you see this 💕
Thank you so so much, having your fic compared to the experience of watching skam for the first time is like the highest praise 🥹 you just made my week, anon ❤️❤️❤️
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dummerjan · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by @theoryofarson – thank you <333 Three ships Kim/Chay is my main one right now, they make me feel so much. I've listened to some Sterek podfics recently and yep, Sterek is still eternal. Never letting them go, no way. KP is just a momentary distraction. Sterek has everything I also love about other ships. Martino and Niccolò from Skam Italia, it's been four years since I first watched their season and they still make me just as happy.
First ever ship I think the very first one I've read fanfiction for is Brian/Justin from QaF US. I must have been 14 and it was a nearly 500k post-canon fic, though I doubt I read all of it. I still have the link but there's no way I'll read smut in German. I was also really into the gay storylines from soaps from all over the world. Maybe one of those came before.
Last Song
And for once I am actually listening to it on a Friday night - that's what the song is about.
Last movie I can't remember, I rarely ever watch movies. The next movie, though, is going to be Two and One with Paolo Pangilinan from Gaya Sa Pelikula. I've wanted to see it since it came out but couldn't legally. I finally found a file for the English subs and a download for the movie, though. So I guess piracy it is? I wanted to give them money, okay? The site just wouldn't let me.
Currently reading Whatever fanfics I am subscribed to and in theory also Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann, I like it but it's been a year and I've managed less than 1/3.
Currently Watching Gannibal - I've only got one episode left but I am being a bit of a baby about it. It's scary, ok? I am fine with eating children once a year, I am less fine with keeping them in a cave for years until it's time to eat them. Word of Honor - It took me six months to watch the second episode so who knows how long it will take me to watch the next one, but I like it so far, even though I have no idea what is going on. Just a lot of flirting in front of teenagers, that I got. I am also rewatching the third season of Druck even if that is a slow process.
Currently Consuming Consuming what? Why so unspecific? Food? None. I've eaten too much and now my stomach hurts. Does music count? I am listening to AnnenMayKantereit.
Currently Craving Again, so unspecific. Food? None. Though lately, I have been thinking about dubu-jorim a lot, or rather my spin on it. Maybe I'll make that tomorrow. And once I've eaten fried tofu, I won't stop craving it for a couple weeks. Media? I just want to see Kim one more time, okay? Just once, please, I am begging. I am so unwell about him. Existentially? Hope. A direction in life. Ways to do what I want to do. A win, I could really use a win. Creativity but also the inspiration and energy to follow through. Tagging: @skamskada @scattered-stardust @booksnchocolate @sauerland-2001 @whirling-ghost @stalkerpoetess1995 @caffelattedellequattro @silviakundera @hedgewyse I know that's not nine people but I already get anxious about tagging a single person. I made it! Nine people! I just needed to look at my followers/following lists.
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