#skate the infinity characters
frogizzhc · 2 years
Sk8 Headcanons: Reki's Childhood Edition!
As a baby he was loud, whiney, rowdy, and a little rascal. Once he learned how to walk, he would find anything that was interesting to him and play with it, even dangerous things. Once he learned how to run, Reki would almost run into walls with how fast he would scurry around. His mom had so much trouble keeping up with him that she would practically always have to carry him in her arms to make sure he wasn't getting into anything that would harm him. Whenever Reki would go to daycare, he would try to interact with the other toddlers but no one really wanted to hang out with him, sadly. So he was left to color some coloring pages by himself in a corner or play with trucks and dolls by himself.
On his first day of elementary school, Reki got to make a couple of friends assigned at his table with him. They all shared common interests as any six year old would, drawing, playing with toys, and the current most popular kids show at the time. This little group of friends would often disrupt the classroom throughout the day, so they were all quickly moved to separate tables. Reki was pouty about this and whined to his mom when she picked him up from school that day. Those two friends he made on the first day had stayed his friends all throughout elementary school. At some point, Reki had a little crush on one of them but he always kept it a secret because he was too shy.
Going into middle school, the friend he had a crush on had moved away, so Reki became a little sad at this time because he didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. His other friend, on the other hand, had started to talk more and more about skateboarding, which got Reki a little interested. One day afterschool, his friend brought his skateboard, helmet, kneepads, and elbow pads to teach Reki how to skateboard himself. Reki was really slow learning how to skate board but he eventually got the hang of it. In the next schoolyear, he finally convinced his mom to buy him a skateboard. Reki was so happy to get his own skateboard so him and his friend could go to the skatepark together and practice some tricks. One day, though, Reki had suggested for his friend to try something really dangerous and accidentally got his friend really hurt. His friend's mom then didn't want Reki to hang out with him and cut ties with both Reki and his mom. His friend was in the hospital for a while and when he finally came back at the start of their ninth grade year, Reki's old friend just avoided him and didn't talk to him at all. Throughout the entirety of his last year of middle school, Reki wasn't really as focused as he should've been and instead of studying, he was doodling designs of what he'd want his own skateboard to look like. Reki would sometimes fall asleep at his desk in his bedroom with his sketchbook open and his mom came to check on him one night to find the abundance of sketches he made. She suspected he wanted to make his own board and decided they had no use for the shed in their backyard so she eventually surprised Reki with his very own workspace for making his own skateboard. He was so very grateful and by the end of his ninth grade year, he made his very own skateboard.
Reki started his first year of highschool pretty lonely and still feeling incredibly guilty about what had happened to his old friend. Reki hadn't seen him after a few weeks, so he thought he had moved. He would start to skate to school and despite it being lonely, he actually liked this time to clear his mind a little. One morning when Reki was riding his skateboard from school to home, he came across a man who was chasing after a skateboard that was coming towards Reki. Reki had picked it up for the guy and handed it to him. The guy introduced himself as Oka, he noticed Reki had a skateboard and asked him if he'd be interested in working at a skate shop. Reki was obviously interested but he'd have to ask his mom if he could work even first. A week later, Reki found himself working at Dope Sketch, he wasn't exactly making much, but he enjoyed having a job nonetheless. It didn't take long until Oka had him run deliveries of custom boards with him and introduced him to 'S' (of course he had to get that little pin first).
[Sorry if the ending is a little cut-off, I guess, I just didn't know how to end this giant head canon.]
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mishnoomi · 6 months
Sk8 the infinity has a CRIMINAL lack of female characters so here's some we got (though they're mostly back ground) a thread
I NEED to see more on this butterfly girl gang NOW
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Snake skater hello???
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Random guy x pretty girl
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The lady who stars off every race
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Joe and Cherry's fanclubs
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These two are secretly dating
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Apparently theres a picture limit so I'll need to continue elsewhere
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whitecherrylavender · 15 days
Skate The Infinity Analysis: Reflection of Destiny Miya & Ainosuke
Welcome to my quick character analysis comparing Miya and Ainosuke to each other. I may go back and make this a more detailed reflection with quotes, but for now you’re gonna have to take my hand and follow along.
This analysis will be comparing the similarities of Ainosuke and Miya together. If that’s not a topic you want to engage in, click off now.
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Miya and Ainosuke about to race (above)
While there has been a lot of discussion about the inappropriate nature of Ainosuke’s relationship with Miya, I have not seen a lot of discussions about Miya and Ainosuke as similar characters and how they reflect each other, especially in a narrative context. I will go over these comparisons as well as tie it to how Miya acts as a reflection of who Ainosuke was when he was younger, and Ainosuke as a possible reflection as Miya’s future before the events of Sk8 the Infinity. In a narrative context Ainosuke serves to point out who Miya may have become and Miya serves to point out how Ainosuke may have been saved from turning into Adam.
At the surface Ainosuke and Miya are not similar to each other. They are different ages, come from different backgrounds, and while they both love skating they don’t have similar interests outside of that. On a deeper level they have shared history of neglect, social isolation, betrayal, and coping mechanism. Ainosuke’s history begins to repeat itself in Miya, while Miya is able to escape Ainosuke as a future.
Ainosuke comes from a rich and privileged background, but has been shown to experience childhood abuse and neglect from his Aunts and Father. From the physical and emotional abuse that Ainosuke goes with his Aunts and the emotional abuse and neglect he has from his father his childhood is absent from safe parents and adults in his life.
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Child Ainosuke sitting in a chair with a disassociated look (above)
Miya’s family is never shown to be physically or mentally abusive, but at least from a western lens his parents are neglectful and emotionally absent. They seem to be unaware of his emotional distress, allow him to go on over night vacations with adult men they are not close with, and he is able to leave the house often at night to go to an illegal under ground skating ring. Miya’s parents may be technically safe, but his unwillingness to share what is going on in his life and what he is going through means that his parents are not people he felt safe enough to reach out to.
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Miya (above)
While not having adults who feel safe in their lives, Ainosuke and Miya are both socially isolated from a young age. Ainosuke as a the heir to a rich political family is hinted to not having any social ties to children his age in a genuine way outside of Tadashi. Who he is not suppose to be friends with. His dearest friend is not someone he can talk about openly or is suppose to acknowledge. While he is engaged in activities like horse riding, it’s not something he has an interest in. He does not gain friends outside of Tadashi until he is older and goes out skating at night. Even so the crew he is originally shown with doesn’t seem to have substantial meaning to him as Cherry and Joe quickly take over his night life. Despite having made connections he isn’t able to be fully himself around them. Ainosuke has to hide his face and his name from everyone around him, which develops a barrier from connection.
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Teenage Ainosuke with original skater gang (above)
Miya has more opportunity to make friends while he is young, and skating brings him friends much sooner than Ainosuke is able to make them. He joins what looks like to be a school club and is quick to make friends as a mostly happy kid.
However his talent as a skate boarder marks him as an ‘other’ compared to the rest of his peers. Leaving them behind on a skill level causes them to pull away and begin socially isolating him. Here Miya learns that not only will people turn their back on him, but that they will also be cruel. This marks Miya’s experience with betrayal and his disconnect from people and those his own age.
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Miya confronted with two former friends (above)
Ainosuke also experience’s a betrayal that disconnects him from people. While it is likely that Tadashi didn’t have a choice but to be silent while Ainosuke’s board was burned that doesn’t erase the fact that to Ainosuke his one friend, the person he felt the safest with not only could do nothing but had to step out of the situation and not offer him any support. For someone who was reliant on his safety coming from Tadashi that was a betrayal. In addition this can be viewed as skate boarding becoming a betrayal to him as well. In a sense skate boarding took away the safety of his friend. In trust in both things has been broken.
The time line for when Ainosuke begins to skate aggressively and take on challenges in search of his Eve is unclear in terms of if it happened before or after his father burned his board, but the betrayal would have defiantly made his behavior worse. As such Miya’s loose of friendship and betrayal has made him socially isolated. These things make people bitter and build up walls to protect themselves.
Miya and Ainosuke who as smaller children are shown to be adventurous, friendly, and quick to smile, become withdrawn, angry, and develop superiority complexes in order to survive.
Miya is self-assured, but he also gets upset and defensive when someone challenges his view points. He is quick to yell and belittle people when he is angry or feeling vulnerable. In challenging Langa to a beef and Reki stepping in he calls them Slimes and constantly degrades Reki’s skill. Ainosuke’s anger manifests in violence, and harsh words, from how he can paralyze people with cutting remarks to beating others up with his board on the S course.
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Ainosuke angry at Tadashi after the qualifiers in the tournament (above)
Ainosuke sees himself as Adam from the Christian Bible stuck in a world that no other person can reach because of his skill, while Miya is the hero of the story and everyone else is a slime because the distinctions between their skills. (Slimes traditionally in video games are monsters with weak attacks and health, that may group together to be stronger). They are both untouchable to everyone who can not beat them.
Through this they also dehumanize the people around them to make the rejection they fear to be less painful. Ainosuke refers to Tadashi as a dog and a puppy, and refuses to acknowledge Reki as a person with a name and instead refers to him as the red head. Even with Langa Ainosuke does not view him as a real person, but instead as the mythical and perfect Eve he had been searching for. While this may be a kinder thing to call someone it does not connect Langa to being another human. Miya dehumanizes people by calling them Slime and takes joy but assigning the older skate boarders roles, like ‘old man’ and ‘mommy and daddy’. While these are not inherently cruel they function to cause distance. For his prize for beating Langa in a beef Miya wants Reki to become a dog or cat for him, an obedient pet.
These coping mechanism and self isolation as well as anger work to try and protect Miya and Ainosuke from the reject they feel from others by way of giving them some kind of control.
Their desire to connect to people is reflected in how they push others away as well. Both only want connection they can control. Ainosuke is searching for his Eve and Miya wanting to make a pet out of someone. Both positions they assign and would give them theoretical control over the other.
This makes Langa’s role in both their lives very important. Miya and Ainosuke are by nature very competitive and want a challenge in skating. Langa not only offers this, but forces them both to view someone as an equal, and because of who Langa is not a superior.
Langa beefs against both Ainosuke and Miya and comes out as a winner, but since his main goal isn’t being the best or looking for some kind of standing, he flips their expectations and becomes a safe place to experience loss and human connection.
Miya experiences this loss early in the season which gives him time to connect with Reki and Langa opening himself up to people and finding safety and connection in the young teenagers, but also the adults Kojiro and Kaoru. They are all protective and emotionally supportive. Miya throughout the show watches Reki and Langa go through their struggles and finds that it’s possible to be the best and not end up socially isolated and that people don’t always abandon those who are better than them. Sk8 becomes a supportive and welcoming environment that leads Miya to be emotionally more open and caring to those around him which lessens his anger and allows him to give our praise while beginning to remove his walls.
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Miya on the verge of tears (above)
Ainosuke on the other hand does not get saved when he is young. Instead he is taken from the environment he is used to and further isolated from Tadashi when he is forced to move to America. Coming home as a young man with pressure and in a position of power makes him more cruel and unconnected to other people. He learned that the only way to be safe was to be crueler and better than everyone else around him. Langa refuses to be controlled by him and while he strives to be the best he won’t do anything to get to that point. It breaks Ainosuke’s assumptions about people and opens him back up to ideals connection and friendship.
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Ainosuke coming to the realization that he is not alone at the last beef (above)
Despite being changed by Langa he is still damaged and a dangerous man in power. He opens himself back up Tadashi, but they are still not equals and he is still engaging in shady political behavior. Ainosuke if he chooses to heal will have a long and difficult process to go through.
The show does not spend much time with Ainosuke as a child, but instead offers a reflection of how he felt through Miya. With their similar life experiences and coping mechanism Miya mirrors a young Ainosuke and what he went through. Intervention in Miya’s life changes the narrative of who Ainosuke will become. It proves that the future is not set in stone. Ainosuke who went through similar things that Miya did shows a future path that Miya may have went towards if he hadn’t met Langa and Reki.
It could be argued that Miya’s negative traits were developed as a result of Ainsouke’s mentorship, but in a narrative context that isn’t shown to be case. Instead their shared stories and the eventual deviation instead falls in line with the show’s messages of the importance of connection, hope, love, and positive change.
Miya and Ainosuke’s similarities highlights the importance of friendship and connection and how that can change someone’s life path.
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Ainosuke (above)
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king-bito · 1 year
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Hello I have returned! Art block is being chipped away now that I’m out of a toxic workplace!
So have my dumb ass persona shoved into the Sk8 the infinity universe because I’m an adult and an artist and I can xD this pose was a bitch.
Bonus speed draw because I missed y’all
Until next time!
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chips-rambles · 5 months
I got the sk8 spin off manga, I can't understand everything yet but i read some pages. All Reki talks about is skate 😭 that's the only thing in his mind.... Oh and the thing he most wanted was to have a gang of skaters??? The boy sees the world as only skating i love him
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spectacularspatula · 1 year
I had a dream that Reki looked super cool in season 2, woke up sweating, and immediately drew him.
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(Some higher res close ups under the cut)
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ginhqf · 2 years
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eemoo1o-kuroo · 2 years
My brain works as though in animated media (ie. anime) any character that looks kind of similar to another I’m like “THEY’RE RELATED!” and just believe that I’m somewhat right as well as the first to properly acknowledge this fact like it is, in fact, a fact. That being said, I totally think Miya and Tadashi are related.
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skydaemon · 2 years
note to self: rewatching sk8 before bed is not a good idea bc you will spend hours consumed with the fact that it is just The Show of All Time
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mechazushi · 4 months
Salt Kick {a Sk8 the Infinity story} [Renga]
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Preamble] I'mma be honest with ya'll.... I don't like how this turned out. I made this almost three? years ago I think? and I just.... some parts of this feel off. I hadn't finished Sk8 the Infinity ( I still haven't, mainly because I had watched all the crack vids on YouTube before I watched it so I already had a jist on how it goes. I just wanted to have the ability to say I watched it and finally figure out what scenes went in what order. I stopped at the beach episode, I know what comes next and I still can't bring myself to watch 😭) But I had enough of a hyperfixation to push this out. Much like giving birth, the more you make, the easier it gets, so consider this my first child that had me completely unprepared for the amount of labor I was about to go through and might of screwed up the initial parenting on. I will say this... I only really hate it because Reki feels out of character, but that's because I sacrificed his development to push a more Langa focused story (its entirely from Langa's perspective) I only threw in a few lines on his end because I wanted to imply that the pinning might be mutual without outright saying it until the end, but I hate how I handled it. That being said, this will not be getting a rewrite. I passed GO and collected the money years ago and this is how it will be staying. Hopefully, I will have finished the show before I write the next ones.
Notes] Nothing here to worry about, really. Just Renga. And Kissing.
Summary] Langa develops the worst salt tooth, but can't find anything to satisfy it. Can he figure it out before it drives him into an asylum, or is he past the point of no return already?
Can somebody who's in the Sk8 the Infinity fandom read this because I want this peer reviewed before I put this on Ao3.
From the moment Langa woke up, he felt off. He wasn't sure what it was about exactly, just… nothing clicked into place inside his head this morning. Which, if you knew him, is pretty much par for the course. He went through the motions. Got dressed, got his bag and school work together and met his mom at the table for breakfast.
"Morning Langa!" his mother, Nanako chirped, plateing something from a pot that was simmering on the stove."You ready for another day?"
"Morning." he said simply, sliding into his seat at the table, his brain seeing it only fit to process the bare minimun today.
"Now, I know you're a little hesitent when I try cooking new things, especially first thing in the morning, but taste tests show that this might accually be pretty good!", she said, confidently putting down a bowl of congee in front of Langa, cooked in chicken broth and served with eggs, bacon, and sauteed mushrooms, arranged like how a ramon bowl would. Langa, absent of mind, started spooning the meal into his mouth.Wait. Hold on. This was... good. Not that his mom ever made anything truly horrible; anything she made was, for the most part, edible. It was...just... missing something? He reached for the salt shaker, dusted his next spoonfull with it, and...
THERE. Right there. That's what this was missing. What he felt like he was missing all morning. Salt. He was just salt deficent. Which was odd for the amount of junk food he injested on a daily basis. Langa then preceded to almost violently shake the salt over his bowl of food.
"Wow. I know I forget to season things sometimes, but I thought it was okay?", His mother said, somewhat astonished at the speed her son was shoveling the now overly salted breakfast into his mouth currently. Langa paused and looked up at her, taking a second to think about what she just said.
"Oh! Sorry, I'm just… Really in the mood for salt today.", he said.
"I can see that.", Nanako quietly chuckled. The meal was quickly wrapped up, with the mom needing to head into work and Langa to school. Before he left however, he snagged a bag of potato chips of the top of the fridge, not stopping to see what flavor they were. Langa grabbed his skateboard and raced to his spot by the lampost, eagerly awaiting his… well, to be honest… he couldn't really think of Reki as a friend anymore. It had just been a few months after the race. The one against Adam… The one after Adam, too. And a WHOLE lot of other races afterword as well. Fun, personal ones. Just between Reki and him. Gun to his head, Langa would describe them as… almost… intimate. Crusing through the hills and tracks, the morning light or the evening dusky atmoshere blanketing them…just the two of them and whatever bubble of a world they found themselves in whenever Reki and Langa skated together, oblivious to everyone and everything. Maybe you wouldn't even need the gun to get him to say it.
' You might have to with Reki, though.' Langa thought as his personal ray of flaming sunshine came cruising down the sidewalk.
"GOOOOD MORNING LANGA!" Reki cheered, power sliding to a stop in front of him. They did their morning fist bump ritual and proceeded to cruise down the hill toward their school, with Reki leading the way. This was how it almost always went, Reki in the lead and Langa not far behind. Unless he had a trick he though he could pull off that would impress Reki, Langa almost never pulled ahead. Content to let the impressively red-headed high schooler light the path forward. Just the two of them, skating infinitely together. Langa popped open the bag of chips as Reki managed to land a rail grind in his somewhat restrictive school uniform. How he managed to fit his hoodie of the day under the jacket, Langa will never know.
He knew Reki didn't think of himself like this, but Langa always found him to be impressive and talented . He was always aware of how Reki's skateboard building skills were amazingly inventive, since he was the proud owner of a truly custom board. He felt Reki's talent was practically unmatched, next to Oka's of course. But Oka more or less just filled in paperwork and managed inventory, he hardly completed the boards he started nowadays. It was Reki's eye for detail and constant desire to improve everything that made all of Dope Sketch's boards unique.
That was another thing about him. Constant determination. It never mattered what it was applied to, Reki could always set his mind to the grindstone for it; you know, when he wasn't being completely scatterbrained and actually had motivation. Langa could go on forever about all the hidden strengths he thought his skating buddy had, but he knew Reki wouldn't hear them.
'Getting Reki to accept a compliment is like trying to teach someone to ollie for the first time' Langa chuckled at the thought, 'It takes a few tries, but it gets though. I know.'
After everything their friendship went through, they promised each other that they would get better about talking to each other. Not letting feelings bottle up and fester and making attempts to communicate genuinely. Neither one wanted to go through that feeling of loneliness and abandonment ever again. This was mostly for Reki's benefit, but Langa guessed he would have to lead by example if he was ever going to get Reki to open up in the first place. Speaking of open, he put a chip in his mouth and recoiled.
"BLAAA, wasabi flavored." he said, disappointed.
"You OK?" Reki said, turning to look at him.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just picked up my mom's wasabi chips by mistake. You want them?"
"Yeah, sure. Could use the wake up this morning.", Langa sped up to hand off the bag to his friend.
"Do you think we've got time to stop at a vending machine before we head in?" Langa asked.
"Why? Didn't get the chance to inhale the whole fridge today?" Reki said jokingly, pouring the contents of the bag in his mouth and wincing.
"Ha, ha, very funny. Just felt like something salty before class." Reki's presence had managed to distract Langa from his cravings for a short while, but the chips had caused his brain to hop back on its unyielding track.
Which, of course, got worse as they neared the school grounds and heard the final bell for class
"Whelp, guess thats a no!" Reki laughed.
Langa groaned, thinking that this better not somehow ruin his day.
The pair sped to class and, by a miracle, both of them made it in without repercussions. The two sat down and settled in as the teacher walked in to start the lesson.
The day went by as you would normally expect. Take notes, change classes , raise hands or duck questions depending on if they could answer them or not. You would think that the day would pass by uneventful, right? Yeah... about that.... This was Langa's third class period, and this salt addiction of his was really starting to grate his nerves.
'Only one more period, then lunch. Few more minutes and I can have all the salt I can get my hands on. I can survive until then. RIGHT?', Langa panicked in his head.
This wasn't just bad, he felt like he was shaking.
'Maybe I can play this up and head to the nurse's office. There's a vending machine along the way, I think?'. At this point, he lost all capability of paying attention. 'No, That's stupid. I'm not going to let this control me.' Langa felt a little tap on his arm and looked at his classmate.
Reki held a small piece of paper between two pencils, held like chopsticks. Langa took the note quickly, as the teacher turned around. He opened it up and read it.
"U OK?"
"Need Salt :(" Langa scribbled quickly before taking two pens and, in a similar fashion, snuck the note back to Reki.
Reki shook his head and handed the note back again, this time writing "THAT BAD?!? BRUH." Langa couldn't believe it either. Cravings never got this bad. He actually couldn't remember the last time he HAD a craving.
While running memories through his head, an important reminder popped in the forefront of his mind. He had packed a snack in his bag for emergencies. This was days ago so he wasn't sure what they were, but Langa would take anything at this point. As stealthily as he could, Langa leaned forward and tried to sneak his hand into his bag that was hanging off the hook connected to his desk. It was so tantalizingly close.
Now all he had to do was find what should seem like a snack package. Books, notepad, erasers, more notepads… There! Langa pulled out a small bag of… something. He had Reki tell him what they were and had practiced pronouncing it several times. Jagar…something. All he could remember was that it was made of potato and, most importantly, was SALTY.
He tried to open the package as quietly as he could, but it made a bit more noise than he was comfortable with. Had Langa been his right mind, he wouldn't have be comfortable with this at all. It's amazing what addictions can do to a person, cause this stopped being a craving the second he stepped into class. Reki caught onto this as well, looking at Langa like he had lost his mind.
"Dude?" He mouthed, wondering why Langa thought now would be a good time to risk it all for food. While this was Langa we're talking about, the craving had just become too much. Langa was so close. He forced himself to clear his throat loudly as he opened the package the rest of the way. This little maneuver earned him some strange looks from class and teacher alike, but thankfully no one interrogated him about it.
Reki threw his head back in dramatic disbelief as Langa tried his best to shake out some sticks from the pouch. A couple of sneaky handfuls later and Langa felt another tap on his shoulder. Reki made a pitiful attempt to persuade Langa to hand him some as well. Langa looked around the room nervously, wondering if he should take the chance. Looking back, Reki had turned on the puppy dog eyes on full blast, causing all doubt to be cast from his head. Of course he should. Just because he's severely salt deficient, doesn't mean he should leave his friend out to starve.
Langa shook a few pieces into his hand under the desk. They had to wait for the teacher to turn around, which was taking forever. For a moment the teacher turned around to write on the board. He waited half a second to make sure he wasn't going to turn around, stretched his hand out and-
"Mr. Reki. What do you think you're doing?" The teacher called.
Well, shit. The happiness Langa felt by not being found out was immediately replaced with fear as he nor Reki had an excuse on hand to give the teacher.
"Well?" He said, waiting with an air of exasperated patience.
"Aahh, erh… uhhh?", Reki uttered, floundering for a response.
"I was… asking him a question." Langa belted out in defense.
"And why didn't you direct the question to me instead?", The teacher replied, questioning the legitimacy of the answer.
"Because?… It was a… dumb question?" Langa replied, shrugging into himself. The teacher sighed as threw his head back in aggravated contemplation. The air was thick with tension as the two waited for a response, wondering if today would be merciful. The teacher drew his head back into position and decreed,
"Whatever it is that you're doing, stop it. Do it again, and I'm holding you both after class.", pointing to the two of them before turning around and resuming teaching. Langa and Reki let out a sigh of release after which they exchanged the handful Langa was holding onto and didn't acknowledge each other until passing period.
"Okay, are we going to talk about what happened or…?" Reki said, leaning against the locker neighboring Langa's as the snowy bluenette changed out books in his book bag.
"I wanted a snack, I got a snack. Just… not used to sneaking in bites in class."
"Yeah, as much as you eat, you know better than to pull that kind of shit during class. What is up with you today?"
"I don't know. I'm just… really salt deficient today.", Langa replied, shutting his locker and walking away.
"No, that can't be it. You're not acting like you're deficient, you're acting like a crack addict jonesing for another hit. I know I shouldn't really be concerned, but I'm getting concerned." Reki said, hop-walking to catch up to Langa's long legs. Over the din of the bustling hallway, the pair heard Reki's text alert go off on his phone, causing the two to momentarily pause to see what it said.
"Oh, cool! Joe just sent over a game plan before we head to 'S'. Looks like we're meeting up with Shadow at the restaurant and carpooling over." Neither of them had to work that night, so after a change of clothes and dinner at Reki's, meant a long, glorious night of high-octane fun and excitement with the whole group!
"Sounds great! Can't wait to get out of here.", Reki said, looking up and catching Langa's smile.
"Come on! We're going to be late!" Reki yelled, blazing down the smooth sidewalk.
"I don't know why you're worried. Its not like they're going to leave us behind.", Langa yelled back
"Shadow's the one driving and I wouldn't put it past him!", the redhead shouted back, pushing forward for more speed. Langa threw his head back and laughed, thinking that it does sound accurate.
"Maybe you shouldn't have done such a good job washing the dishes!", Langa retorted.
"After you ate mom out of house and home? It was the least I could do!" Reki threw back with a laugh in his voice.
The two continued to speed down the sidewalk onward to their destination without a care in the world, despite the desperation in Reki's tone earlier. Langa started to feel more like himself than he had all day. Nothing felt more grounding than skating behind his friend, his partner, his infinite companion. It was moments like this that he caught himself thinking things differently… about the two of them. Langa wasn't unfamiliar with thinking that, maybe, he and Reki could be… more than friends. Langa thought it was unavoidable at this point.
The two of them and been through so much, taught each other so much. He had long since came to terms with him thinking like this, feeling this want, this…longing? Yeah. You know what. That's what this was. Longing to tell Reki, to show Reki, that deep inside… Langa loved Reki. Again, he felt it unavoidable. Felt like that this was what he felt all along. Ever since the night at the skate park where they made up. The two hadn't ever said anything explictitly to each other, but it had come up in conversation once or twice that Langa might be into guys differently than most others.
To him, He felt Reki was trying to say the same thing too. With his preferred phrase being "Straddling the fence about it." Langa was never sure though, with his brain always coming around and saying that it's just wishful thinking. That Reki didn't want to say anything controversial, or it was just his way of trying to show support to Langa. He wasn't sure, and in the end just figured he'd play it safe. It wasn't like he wanted to change what they had, just thought they could make it a... special brand of better? Yeah, that sounds... right?
"Man, this salt kick is messing with my head if I'm thinking like this." Langa thought.
The friends finally made it to the restaurant a little later than they were supposed to, but found out there was a saving grace waiting for them.
"Joe went to the bathroom, since it looked like you two were going to be a little late tonight." Cherry mentioned, leaning on the side of Shadow's new van. The surprising reasoning behind the decision to carpool tonight.
"Sorry!" Reki laughed, "The dishes sorta piled up on me tonight. "Nice van Shadow! Looks very roomy."
"Thank You! Its technically the 'company' van, but my name's on all the paperwork and stuff. And another thank you for ACTUALLY appreciating it, unlike SOME people!", He said, pointedly nudging a small, occasionally bratty catboy.
"It's pink and it's got fold down seats. What's there to compliment?", said Miya Chinen, the brat in question.
Like most nights, these two started to argue like they do every time they get together. Everyone began to ignore them as they waited for Joe to come out so they could leave. Which, if the time frame was anything resembling the situation of Joe coming out of the closet about his feelings to Cherry, this could take all night. And with the wait, came the resurgence of Langa's salt deficiency. He bounced around on his toes as Reki and Cherry talked about new board designs they've seen. Suddenly, Langa quietly excused himself and went into the restaurant looking for something. The Sia La Luce might be a fancy Italian restaurant, but it wasn't above salt shakers at the table. However, these were fancy crystal shakers and Langa was pretty sure Joe wouldn't look too kindly hearing about Langa swiping away with one.
But he has bought take-a-way here on nights when he or his mother didn't feel like cooking. There was a counter close to a side door where you pick up your food after you ordered it. And if he was right, there should be a container full of paper salt packets they throw in as a courtesy. Making sure no one was looking; which, how could there be, the restaurant was closed. He leaned around the counter and grabbed a small handful before booking it out of the building. As Langa jogged-walked back to his group of friends, Joe finally emerged from the mysterious depths that was the men's bathroom.
"Great! Everyone's here and we can finally leave!" Shadow grabbed Miya by his jacket, tossed him in the van, and slammed the door before the now rabid child could retaliate. Cherry locked his bike and everyone piled into the comfortably roomy van.
The group finally arrived at S. The place seemed absolutely thrumming with energy tonight, almost bordering on sensory overload. Had someone come up to a younger Langa and told him that this place would become one of his most favorite spots on the planet, he would have considered them crazy. The wild flashing of the light, the pounding of music and voices, the heavy scent of… everything. One would have a hard time placing a scent, let alone describe it. And the night air, whipping up everything into a frenzy on the moutain. This place was the definition of free and untamed, and Langa loved it. He was itching to hit the race strips, but there already seemed to be a line for the top. Reki asked Joe and Cherry to reserve them a spot as the pair signed a waiting list, then the longtime friends hit a different path to the factory.
While the factory was considered part of the race track, that consideration only applied to the upper levels. The ground floor had plenty of debris and obstacles to pull tricks off of. Langa and Reki blew most of their collective energy grinding on the broken rails and kick-flipping off old wooden boxes. None of this was of course safe, but then again, when has that ever stopped them. As Langa popped off junk left and right, not caring about what the tricks were, just happy to be in the air, he was interrupted by a stranger.
"Hey You! You're the one they call Prince, Right?" A blonde, thin gym rat looking man in ripped jeans and an equally ripped sleeveless white denim jacket approached the pair in the far corner of the building.
"Yeah, I guess." Langa replied plainly, stopping his board to face the guy. "Prefer Langa though."
"Heard you're a good racer. One of the best around. That true too, 'LaNgA'?", the newcomer mocked, clearly showcasing how new to these parts the stranger was.
"Depends on who you talk to. Why?" Langa already had an idea what the stranger wanted. It's what all people new to "S" wanted, a beef with the legend that went against Adam and won. Honestly, this was already considered tiring, nearly turning onto outright obnoxious. But he was Canadian, it was polite to ask. Who knows, maybe he would get a break this time.
"I challenge you to a beef with ME!"
Langa sighed in disappointment loud enough to attract Reki to his position.
"Oh, balls, not another one." Reki whispered to his friend. Knowing how tired his friend was of this and proceeded to take over the conversation.
"Look man, I know you want this to be personal and all, but we're signed up to go next on the track." He said, gesturing to the two of them. "Either you race against the BOTH of us, or you wait. And it's a long line tonight, by the way."
"Fine enough. It's not like it'll matter anyway, since you'll both be eating my dust!" the blonde asshole laughed.
Langa and the stranger shook on it, (again, He's Canadian), And the pompous douchebag walked off to take his place at the starting mark.
"Can't ever just be a nice night, can it?" Langa moped.
"Ahh, the cost of being talented… Wouldn't know what that's like!" Reki laughed, nudging Langa playfully and racing him to the starting mark.
The three of them, as well as others, took their places at the starting mark. The tension began to run high as everyone was waiting on the final signal light to drop. Lights flashed green as honed, practiced reflexes took over all the skaters as the beef began, with the main three in question taking a big chunk of the lead for themselves. Langa blasted out front of everybody, sacrificing style over speed in the hopes to make it a quick race. Only to see the stranger pulling up rapidly behind with Reki in the back, phasing in and out of their combined dust trails. Langa and the stranger began fighting for dominion of space on the high, sharp turns. Trying not to get too close, as at this speed, getting either board too close to each other would surely result in a wipe out.
'This guy is better than he looks.' Langa thought. He took a second to dance his board over some rocks that would have caused him to crash, just to see his opponent kick flip off a boulder and gain the lead.
'Of course this wouldn't be a problem, if I actually got my head in the game!' He screamed to himself.
Over a hundred of these races, against hundreds of skaters, professional and otherwise, and this one is practically kicking his ass because he can't stop thinking about salt! Langa pulls out a stolen salt packet from his pocket, only to lose it to the tailwind of Reki passing him as well. Reki had seen Langa pull it out and, thinking it was important, managed to snatch it from the air. Upon closer inspection however, threw Reki into a fit of laughter.
"Still going on about THIS?" He yelled back. "Well, if this is that important to you, guess you're going to have to catch me for it!" Reki turned on his board and angled his body in such a way to gain a burst of speed.
Langa made it a point to ignore the irrational part of his brain that kept saying he had more in his pocket and used the indignity of the situation to fuel his need to regain the lead. Popping over a bush, chaining the jump onto a ledge that lead to a short grind and using the momentum to launch himself from a tree branch over a small cliff, all linked together to form the most impressive retake of a gap in the history of "S". The order was now having the stranger being in the lead with Langa and Reki being neck to neck, if only for conversational purposes.
"Head back in place yet?" Reki playfully catcalled.
"It will be after I win!" Langa confidently declared back.
"If you lose, I'm taking your illegal salt stash away!" the cocky redhead wiggled the snatched salt packet threateningly.
Langa just snorted and continued to try and over take the talented new guy, finding it disappointing in himself that the threat was motivating. Having skated through this track so much he could do it blindfolded, Langa knew that the finish was only half a kilometer away. And at the speed at which the finalists were going, it was arriving frightfully soon. As they were coming out of the final turn, Langa gained enough momentum to fully flip himself over his opponent, rightfully gaining back his lead. The joyous moment was soon dissipated as the stranger, feeling indignified at the reality of the moment, had decided to pull out one last trick up his sleeve.
Reki's hackles began to raise as he saw the newcomer pull something out of his pocket. Langa couldn't see and Reki wasn't about to find out what it was. He could only manage an incoherent shout of warning before he sped up and rail grinded around the stranger to tackle his friend out of the way. As Langa looked back to see what the was doing that had caused Reki to warn him, the redhead was bent forward as his hands locked around Langa's waist in a defensive position. The combined momentum caused the two of them to slip out of control and break the railing to their right.
Langa's initial panic was swayed by the fact that he had been in this situation before. This was like Adam's Love Hug all over again. Langa took charge of the moment, righting his boardsin air and made his friend place his feet in line with his. He managed to land the board on to a beam under them and had to keep the balancing act up as they rail grind down its length. Their hands instinctively fell into the unmistakable tango position and held each other close, causing the wind to be sliced past their combined closeness.
As they reached the end of the beam, Langa planted a foot onto it and used the other to launch the board in front of the two of them. Reki pushed off as well, using whatever momentum they had to circle langa around to fling him into the air and toward the main track. Langa grabbed the board and tossed it down to the metal walkway, planting his feet solidly onto it. Keeping the momentum going, he turned to face Reki and guided him back onto the board, barely keeping them both upright as the skateboard zoomed past the positively stunned strange.
This is how they won. The two of them, absolutely inseparable since they met, just as so passing the finish line into the gathered crowd. All were cheering for their dramatic upset. They slowed their skateboards to a stop as the partners looked at each other, faces visibly showing the shock at what had occurred.
"Did you… just… Love Hugged me? And save me with it?" Langa asked as he stared at Reki, stunned by the experience and finding himself refusing to let go of his hand.
"Uhhh… yeaaah? Maybe? Look, all I saw was the asshole was reaching for something and I panicked and,-"
"Hey! Its… okay. You're… okay. We're both okay… Thanks to you." Langa professed soothingly, taking Reki's other hand in an attempt to ground them both. They tried to take a breather, but with the crowd closing in, along with the stranger starting to riot at his unexpected loss, the friends were starting to get overwhelmed. Along came the rest of the friend group, with Cherry and Shadow doing crowd control and Joe dealing with the stranger causing a fit. Taking the chance to slip away, Langa led Reki outside the old factory to a metal bench at the far wall and sat down in between other people. Langa started to rub his face in his hands. "That… got crazy there, right?" mumbling
Reki straddled the low bench, laying his board over his knees and nodding his head. "Honestly, yeah. Didn't know I had it in me to pull.. whatever that was off." Reki went on to fiddling with Langa's board and inspecting the trucks for damage.
Langa just sat there, watching Reki with unfocused eyes. His mind drifting back and forth, between the last five minutes and to the stash of salt in his pocket. To holding hands with Reki and back to his addiction to salt. Lapping between those two trains of thought, like waves on a beach. Almost like the salty water he soaked in on his vacation that he shared with Reki. Like how he and Reki liked to pass sauce containers on a skateboard when they shared a salty chicken nugget meal. Like when Reki passes his tongue between his teeth when he's concentrating on fixing his board. Similar to what he's doing now. Those teeth that are brushed with salt… crystal… toothpaste. Oh no.
"Heeeyyy… Reki?" Langa asked tentatively.
"What's up?" Reki chirped, looking up from his skateboard maintenance.
"Do you… still use salt crystal toothpaste?"
Reki craned his head back in disbelief. "Aww Ma gawd, LANGA, salt again! Are you hoping it'll fix something in your head or is this considered a last resort?" Langa just shrugged as he weighed his options. If he followed through on this absolutely crazy stupid idea of his, this would totally change the course of their friendship, for better or for worse FOREVER. BUT, this might be the one thing that cures him of this obnoxious salt kick, if he's RiGHT. Thus, the risk.
"Reki, would you mind if I… did something potentially…stupid?"
"Depends. Does it involve me?" Reki replied, innocent of Langa's intentions
"Yes." However, at the rate his brain is degrading from the lack of salt intake, this might just have to be a risk Langa will have to take.
Langa scooted closer to Reki, straddling the bench as well. He took his friend's face in his hands. God, he was so nervous. Langa could barely look him in the eyes. Those beautiful, incandescently golden eyes. The ones gazing into his, filled with innocent confusion and... awe? Before his nerves completely blew a fuse, Langa used his thumbs and pulled Reki's headband over his eyes as he dove onto his lips. He was gentle with it, not wanting to do anything to completely scare Reki, but hopefully enough to see if Langa wasn't crazy.
Crazy to think that this was what he was craving all along. The kiss lasted less than a second, with Langa only briefly making contact and just lightly sucking on Reki's lower lip. If Langa was in his right mind, he would have broken this off. Took his hands off his friends' face and apologized. But... he wasn't. Langa was not in a logical mindset in the slightest, for the smallest, slightest taste of Reki's lips was everything and more.
It was everything he was craving all day and everything he didn't know he was. Salt with sweet cherry chapstick mixed with spices from dinner earlier and… just… Reki. Some sort of flavor that couldn't be described, only named. Something so explicitly wild and spicy and sweet that it could only come from a source just as superb as the taste itself. Langa immediately swiped another kiss, this time whispering his tongue over the bottom lip again before forcefully pulling himself back from his friend. He did it. Langa kissed his best friend. Someone he vowed to skate forever with. And now he's gone and thrown a potential wrench in the mix.
Reki leaned back as he lifted the headband off his eyes. All they could do was stare at each other, expressions filled with more shock and awe than ever before. Cheeks were turning hot and red at the realization of the moment, and all they could do was just breathe and stare. A lifetime had passed between them before Reki decided to be the first one to break the silence.
"Sooo, uhhhh…. Was it everything you were looking for tonight?" He said, sheepishly. Surprising Langa by not turning and running for the hills.
"Would you believe me if I said… yes?" Langa turned his head away, not sure what to do with himself at this point. He was honestly shocked that they were still talking.
"Honestly… not really." Reki said with shocking confidence. Langa whipped his head back up, wondering why, of ALL responses, he would say that?
"To be fair, that kiss was kinda short, so I can't really believe that you actually tasted anything. Sure you don't wanna… try again?" Langa was stunned. Stunned that his friend, the one that always said that he 'wasn't sure', didn't express that he was interested in him EVER, would say something like that so casually.
"But… I thought…" Langa said. Confused, but grateful at the miracle that landed in his lap.
Reki righted his headband before taking a breath and spoke, "Look. I know I talk about girls a lot, and that I've been 'straddling the fence' about this. But that kiss...and everything that happened tonight and maybe during some moments that we've had together over the past month or so just... made me realize that... I'm not as much on the fence as I previously thought. And I want you to know that this... is okay." Reki took one of Langa's hands and brought it over the skateboard and held it, curling the blushing bluenette's fingers into his and lightly stroked his thumb over the knuckles.
"So… is this an open invitation to… try again?" Langa muttered, leaning in close to Reki. Their foreheads almost touching.
"Well, yeah! Gotta be sure and all. Else you're going to screw up your taste buds devouring salt packets all night!" The two of them quietly laughed at the thought before leaning closer in, sensing another intimate bubble world forming around them and this moment. Just the two of them, all over again and again. Langa rubbed his nose next to Reki's, hoping to indicate that he would like another kiss. Reki got the hint as they started to lean closer to each other and-
"I get this is probably a first time for both of you, but could you not? It's disgusting." Miya said. He was the only other occupant on the bench at the moment and was playing on his switch while chilling in the now shockingly brisk air.
"I'm… sorry?" replied Langa.
"exCUSE YOU?" screeched Reki.
"It's not that I'm against you two getting together or anything, but can you really not find a better place to do… all that? I'm trying to concentrate here." Miya said, drawing his hood over his head and returning to his game.
"Well, tough luck pussycat! I'm going back for another round." Reki almost threw his skateboard from his lap, He indignantly grabbed Langa's collar and went back to kissing him forcefully, pushing his "Prince" down flat on the bench and crawling onto his lap. This essentially traumatized Miya, especially after Langa joyfully started to reciprocate.
"JOE! CHERRY!! SAVE ME!!!" the child screamed in terror as he ran into the surprised arms of his (unofficial) surrogate parents that had just turned the corner, looking for the oblivious pair. Joe picked up Miya and held him close, wondering what could cause him to scream like that, Cherry began scanning the tree line, preparing to take his board and swing for the fences when he found the violator, only to see Reki and langa committing a mild case of public indecency.
"Are they-?" Joe said first, finally seeing the familiar red and blue mass on the bench.
"It appears so. Honestly? About time." Cherry replied, putting Carla down.
"Make them stop!" Miya whimpered, shivering in disgust and looking away.
"Avert your eyes kid, it's only going to get worse." Joe shifted Miya to one arm as he and Cherry walked away and back into the building.
"Should we warn Shadow?" Cherry asked.
"Na. With the way those two were going at it, he'll find out soon enough."
The three of them went out the other side, up the path to the top and left the intertwined teens to their now and forever present need for privacy.
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frogizzhc · 2 years
Sk8 Headcanon: Café Employee Edition!
Joe: Greets you as soon as you walk through the door (unless it's busy). Makes coffee puns when he takes your order and when he hands you your order. Purposely writes your name as wrong as he can on the cup and then writes the correct spelling (as best as he can) underneath. Isn't the greatest at making coffee but does his best.
Cherry: A little impatient when he takes your order and gets really agitated when the café is busy. The best you can get out of him is a "goodmorning, welcome to ___" or a simple "Morning". Writes your name wrong out of spite no matter who you are but he will write it so beautifully, you can't be mad. His coffees are the best thing to grace your taste buds and you don't know whether to tip him well for his great brewing or to just leave because of his lack of good customer service.
Shadow: You're pretty sure you've seen him in make up and his hair brushed up somewhere but you're not gunna meddle in a barista's personal life. He writes your name correctly but he has very bad hand writing. He's decent at making coffee, when he hands you your order he always says "have a nice day!" in the sweetest but fakest tone.
Adam: Customers have sent in complaints about his flirtatious- almost creepy- behavior towards them. Always adds hearts and stars around customer's names on their cups. His brewing skills aren't half bad.
Tadashi: He's just your average coffee shop employee, no one really notices him (sadly) and his skills are underrated. He always manages to spell everyone's names right and never gets an order wrong. Tadashi always remembers regulars and greets them with a "hello, how was your day? Same as usual?" . Overall best worker, just under appreciated by customers and even other staff.
Reki: He's a bright and buzzy employee (most of the time), always greeting customers with a smile and enthusiasm! (It's sometimes fake). He sometimes mixes up orders and has gotten his ear told off by a Karen at least 5 times already and says sorry a lot for his mistakes. Some customers find him to be cute and clumsy because he's young, others are annoyed by his constant mistakes. Always misspells names.
Langa: He's generally like your average coffee shop employee, trying his best to get orders right, but he does tend to spell names wrong. He forgets to say "hello" and "have a nice day" and has been told by his manager to give some small talk but Langa keeps dismissing it. He just wants to go home the majority of the time and tries his best to stay focused and on task at work. He picks up on Reki's mistakes a lot of the time.
Miya, when he's old enough to work: He isn't the best brewer but he can get people's names correct most of the time, at the very most giving customers a hello as they walk through the door. He will not hesitate to fight a Karen, throwing hands out in the parking lot, if necessary. He is very efficient but at times does get off task and it's sometimes difficult to get him back on task.
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darlingofsatoru · 10 months
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⊹ synopsis: Various hcs of Jjk characters at Christmas.
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-This man is ecstatic, Christmas is his version of heaven.
-Christmas dates are necessary, he’s gonna go out with you in fuzzy coats, gloves, earmuffs, scarfs and hats with pom-poms on them, even if it’s not snowing.
-Hot drinks are also a necessary (he pays every time, pulls his credit card out quickly just as you’re getting yours out, no amount of convincing or bribing can stop him from doing this every time he can.)
-PRESENTS. This mf is so extra with them, type of man to get you tons of expensive jewellery then giggle and blush like a school girl at a teddy-bear and his favourite chocolate.
-Stops using his infinity just so the snow can fall on him (and ofc so he can throw snowballs at you & vice versa!!)
-VERY over the top with Christmas decorations, that one house that has lights all over their yard, driveway, roof & any place in sight (he floated up to the roof because he nearly fell off a ladder one time and doesn’t want to make you do it for him).
-His sweet tooth is in full swing, that man will be buying any sweets he sees that are even remotely festive, he probably even justifies buying things that barely have any relation by trying to make up a tradition.
-Snowmen will be made if there’s snow, he’s running outside with you even if ur wearing nothing but pajamas, you cannot escape making a snowman with him.
-Overall, he’s Santa but 10x more energetic (and 10x less old !!)
-Very traditional with Christmas (he isn’t allergic to fun dw!)
-Likes to walk with you around your neighbourhood just to check out Christmas lights whilst holding your hand tightly.
-Speaking of Christmas lights, he’ll have a few up but if you want more he’ll help (don’t go too mad with them though, he’ll sigh pretty loudly.)
-Gentlemen as always, makes sure you’re warm in cold weather.
-Thinks it’s the thought that counts but will put in effort to get a present he believes you’ll like.
-Best believe he’s taking a week or two off to celebrate with you, Jujutsu Tech can’t say shit to stop him.
-Prefers a Christmas where there’s a warm fireplace whilst you cuddle on a sofa with many blankets, probably watching something on tv.
-Overall, boyfriend behaviour to the max, your Christmas is gonna be the best ever.
-This man doesn’t care for Christmas, let’s be honest.
-The only reason he makes any effort at all is because you want him to but that’s not gonna be tons, he’ll simply acknowledge winter and maybe a tiny thing about Christmas, if you’re lucky.
-Somehow convince him to go ice-skating with you, it’ll be an experience you certainly won’t ever forget.
-Gets into a fight if you make him queue for literally anything to do with Christmas spirit.. That guy just stepped on your foot, what did he expect with the king of curses right there? That he’d ignore it? Of course he wouldn’t, that guy surely wouldn’t mind loosing both of his feet, yeah? Well, Sukuna doesn’t have if he does, now he can’t step on your feet ever again.
-Refuses to watch any Christmas love movies so when you manage to convince him, you either hear disapproving grunts or outright complaints about the protagonist or love interest.
-He’s definitely not one for Christmas at all but a present for his partner is a present that needs to be perfect. He’ll get you whatever you want, might even humour you with wearing a Santa hat for a minute or so in private with you.
-He’s pretty grumpy but he’ll sit around on the counter and occasionally help with cooking Christmas cookies, if he feels like it.
-Throws snowballs with frozen ice inside at random kids and casually walks away.
-Overall, the grinch but one who’d steal all the presents and give them to his partner instead whilst killing those with stupid gifts..
-Megumi isn’t very excited but he does enjoy it, the break of this holiday admittedly being his favourite part.
-Not one to put lights up but he’s not gonna deny putting up some decorations inside if you’d like.
-Don’t bring him to a Christmas family gathering please..
-Would willingly ice-skate with you but he’s keeping close to the edge, he doesn’t want you or him falling.
-I can see him liking snow but he does remind you to keep warm every once in a while, sighing as he shrugs off the scarf Gojo had forced onto Megumi and instead placing it around your neck.
“It should still be warm, remember to bring one next time.”
-Keeps his eyes on yours discreetly as you past stores, looking for any interest shown on certain pieces in the window.
-Another one who holds your hand in the cold, it’s just something he’d deem as common sense at this point.
-Brings you to have dinner with his sister and him & it’s super sweet, Tsumiki loves you almost immediately due to the fact you’re his partner and that he’s not alone <3
-Overall, a sweetheart with lightly less effort than some but still sweet anyway.
-Yuji loves any holiday but Christmas definitely ignites something happy in him even more!
-Probably loves it half for the happiness he/others experience form it and also half because he gets presents..
-What can he say? It’s super cool to unwrap and then see this super cool thing he’d forgotten he realllyyy wanted like a month ago!!
-Down for anything to be honest, you name it and he wants to do it too.
-Making snow-angels is something he NEEDS to do any time it snows.
-Likes to decorate a nice tree inside and leave some lights outside & inside, though they’re actually pretty tame!
-Still does Christmas stockings, you can’t stop him from doing this ever.
-Not even confidently as he pulls the other side of a cracker and it pulls apart immediately.. he gets accused of cheating
-Used to be a massive fan of Christmas dinners at school so he’s definitely attempting and failing to make you one.
-Prefers to sit down and watch a movie together, preferably hugging and warm!!
-Overall, a Christmas not even Sukuna could steal (probably, anyway..)
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@darlingofsatoru on Tumblr only, no reposts <3
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 6 months
Anime Titles Summarized (Poorly)
Vampire Knight: *insert Twilight joke here* Ouran High School Host Club: *small child voice* There's debauchery here! Sailor Moon: Everyone's bi. No, I mean it. EVERYONE. Clannad: I'm not crying yOU'RE CRYING Your Lie in April: Mommy Issues & Lots of Tissues Fruits Basket: MOMMY ISSUES ON STEROIDS Yuri on Ice: Sexy gay figure skating Sk8 the Infinity: Sexy gay skate-boarding Blue Exorcist: "[Satan] may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy." FullMetal Alchemist: Family is your best ally Trigun: Family is your worst enemy Kaguya-sama Love is War: Idiots to Lovers the anime The Ancient Magus Bride: What if a monsterfucker romance was also Ace? Violet Evergarden: Gorgeously animated ✨TRAUMA✨ Made in Abyss: Adorably animated ✨TRAUMA✨ Madoka Magica: *Admiral Ackbar voice* IT'S A TRAP! My Hero Academia: X-Men alternative universe where mutants are the majority of the population Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And he's all out of bubble gum. Inuyasha: Time travel, youkai, and jewel shards, oh my! Ranma 1/2: The original bisexual harem Urusei Yatsura: Crack. Just pure, unadulterated alien crack. MAO: Feral Catgirl x Tired Catboy Tokyo Mew Mew: Cute girl fursonas are named after food Shugo Chara!: His Dark Materials magical girl!AU Kamisama Kiss: The How to Train Your Dragon of shoujo Noragami: Girl adopts homeless god Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Eat your heart out, Doctor Who Skip-Beat!: Eat your heart out, slow burn fanfiction Kiss Him Not Me: Losing weight = gaining a harem Baccano!: Murders on the Immortal Mafia Express Cowboy Bebop: Bounty hunters need therapy Attack on Titan: EVERYONE NEEDS THERAPY Alice in the Country of Hearts: The sexiest and unhealthiest escapism Cardcaptor Sakura: Beautiful gay representation, terrible Elephant in the Room Fushigi Yuugi: Look, when I said falling in love with a fictional character, I didn't mean that LITERALLY-- Angel Sanctuary: Mutual incest destroys the world as we know it Guilty Crown: Unrequited incest destroys the world as we know it Zombie Land Saga: The undead as cutesy idols. That's it. That's the show. Yurikuma Arashi: Lesbian bears Princess Tutu: Duck becomes ballerina
Part 2 Here!
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metalandmagi · 2 months
Underrated Sports Anime Recommendations!
In honor of the summer Olympics, I wanted to make a rec list for some underappreciated sports anime. Obviously we all know the popular stuff: Blue Lock, Kuroko, Hajime no Ippo, Ace of Diamond, Slam Dunk, Haikyuu, Free, Yuri On Ice, Yowamushi Pedal, Skate the Infinity etc. But there are lots of great sports anime out there that go completely unnoticed. And who knows, you might find a new sport to get into. Just FYI, these are all on the newer side, since most of the older sports anime I’ve seen are the popular ones.
I think a big reason that a lot of these have largely gone ignored is because they focus more on interpersonal drama between characters and what is going on in their home lives, as opposed to a bigger focus on the technicalities of the sport itself. Food for thought. Anyway, let's get started:
Stars Align (Hoshiai no Sora): Stars Align is about a boys high school soft tennis team (not to be confused with regular tennis) who are constantly getting out performed by their girls team. Desperate to get people to take the boys team seriously and get results, team captain Touma tries to get a new transfer student Maki Katsuragi to join. Maki eventually agrees ... .on the condition that Touma pays him and covers any club expenses. From there we discover the messy family drama going on in each boy’s life, and I just love all of them okay? They’re my precious angel babies, and sure I had some problems with the show’s pacing at the end, but I still love them and I want another season!!!! ��
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Oblivion Battery (Boukyaku Battery): There are a myriad of baseball animes out there, but this one made an impression on me. Catcher Kaname Kei and pitcher Kiyomine Haruka are a badass, ace duo who dominated the field and made a fearsome reputation for themselves all throughout middle school. They seemed to be completely unstoppable…until Kaname (the brains behind the operation) lost his memory, became a total goofball, and the two ended up going to a no name high school with no real baseball team. So of course, we end up getting a rag-tag team together full of ex-baseball players with dramatic backstories who all help train Kaname up again. I love Kaname and Haru’s friendship, and the cast was very well rounded, each with their own interesting attributes to add to the team.
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Re: Main: If I had a nickel for every sports anime where the main character used to be an unstoppable badass until he lost his memory, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. Yeah, it’s exactly the same as Oblivion Battery, but with water polo and the main character isn’t as much of a goofball. I liked the characters, but I wished we focused a little more on the water polo side of things, since it’s not exactly a dime a dozen sport for an anime.
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Mou Ippon: A girls high school judo anime from 2023 that nobody fucking watched! When former judo enthusiast Michi Sonoda enters high school, she wants to put judo behind her so she can focus on finding a boyfriend and enjoying her school life. However, after Michi suffers a particularly humiliating defeat in a match against her the prodigy Towa Hiura, the two end up going to the same high school together. Naturally, Michi can’t just quit now that her rival is going to the same school! Cue the judo team shenanigans. This show is so down to earth and realistic. It’s 100% not a “cute girls doing cute things” anime where the girls are all blobs of moe that talk in annoying voices. They have different body types, different motivations, and different styles of combat. It didn’t blow me out of the water, but I liked it way more than I thought I would.
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And speaking of different body types…
Hinomaru Sumo: That’s right, it’s a high school sumo wrestling anime. AND IT’S HYPE AS FUCK! You know how in Haikyuu, Hinata is short, and it’s a big deal because middle blockers are always tall? Well this is that multiplied by a thousand, because there’s a minimum weight to sumo wrestling, and our main character Hinomaru Ushio is definitely below it. But he’s not going to let that stop him from spreading his passion for sumo and becoming the High School Yokozuna, the strongest wrestler in high school tournaments…because becoming the Yokozuna is his only chance at going pro with his small stature. It’s impossible to watch this anime without feeling fired up!
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Run With The Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru): Kakeru Kurahara, a former track star, is looking for a place to live after losing his apartment deposit at a mahjong parlor. Luckily, he runs into Haiji Kiyose, a boy who goes to his university, who offers him a spot at his apartment. Little does Kakeru know, Haiji’s apartment is full of other university students who are all members of the Kansei University track team! The story follows the quietly devious Haiji as he tries to get the boys to become a nationally recognized team by running the Hakone Ekiden, an extremely long and grueling relay that none of the boys have ever trained for. This is one of my favorite sports anime ever. Don’t get it twisted, I hate running. I don’t like doing it, and I don’t like watching it in real life, but this anime had me in a chokehold. Animation? Amazing. Characters? A+. Music? Perfect. It’s hilarious. It’s relatable. It’s heartwarming. One of the absolute best sports anime out there.
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Welcome To The Ballroom: It’s a motherfucking ballroom dancing anime, and if you didn’t think ballroom dancing could be hype as shit, THINK AGAIN! The animation is great, and I never realized how much actually goes into the world of ballroom dancing. There’s not really much more I can say. High school boy discovers the cutthroat world of competitive ballroom dance. Drama ensues. Just ignore everyone’s oddly long necks.
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And speaking of dancing…
Dance Dance Danseur: Okay, this one isn’t quite in a sports competition setting, but I still consider it a sports anime. All his life, Junpei Murao has suppressed his interest in ballet, choosing to follow his father’s path for him in the more “manly” martial art of Jeet Kune Do instead. But when he realizes the girl he likes is a highly skilled ballerina, he hardly says no when she recruits him to train at her mom’s ballet studio. The show follows Junpei as he must balance these two worlds and become a ballet master while dealing with the divisive image of “masculinity.” My only real critique is that Junpei is kind of annoying, and I was actually much more invested in the other characters. There is a big message about the horrors of the competitive ballet world that I didn't think it would dive into.
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Overtake: Another show from 2023 that was terribly overlooked. In this anime, we follow disgraced photographer Kouya Madoka, who falls in love with the fast paced world of Formula 4 racing after watching high schooler Asahina Haruka. However, Madoka failed to realize that Haruka’s racing crew, Komaki Motors, is drowning in bills and underfunded as hell. So of course when he finds out, Madoka takes it upon himself to support Komaki Motors himself and get Haruka a place on the podium. This was such a great drama! Each character is so fleshed out and completely relatable. Even the antagonists! Hell, especially the antagonists. There is a great balance of drama and humor that make this feel like it could easily be a Hollywood movie. The longer you watch, the more you root for Komaki Motors and want to see everyone succeed. Madoka is best boy!
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And last but certainly not least…
Tsurune: In this anime, we follow Minato Narumiya, a former kyudo (Japanese martial art that involves archery) prodigy who wanted to quit the sport after an incident in a middle school tournament. However, after encountering a mysterious archer one day, Minato ends up joining his high school Kyudo team, despite his fear of failing at the sport again. It’s Free with archery, except there are also girls on the team! It has so many good themes about perseverance and found family and getting in your own head. And there is a massive amount of homosexual undertones. Not to mention it’s made by Kyoto Animation, so you know it’s one of the most beautifully animated shows I’ve ever seen.
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I just wanted to add a few honorable mentions too…
Cheer Danshi: A university boys cheerleading anime. I had problems with the pacing, but I still had fun with it.
Ryman’s Club: An odd blend of office anime with a badminton anime. I really liked this, but it’s sort of half sports anime, half The Office. But it’s the only thing on this list that features actual working adults and not students.
Megalo Box: I don’t know if it counts as “underappreciated” but this was a fantastic show all around. It’s a gritty, down to earth, sort of sci-fi take on the fictional sport of Megalo Boxing (boxing with enhanced mechanical arms). 
Ping Pong the Animation: Look, I’m going to be honest. I didn’t really like this show very much, but apparently I’m the odd one out because this is an underground favorite of the sports anime community, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t include it. It’s one part ping pong, two parts character drama.
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story: I couldn’t leave this out of the list. It’s the wildest golf anime you could ever imagine. There are lesbians. There are snake ladies. There are underground golfing yakuza. No amount of explanation can do it justice. Grab an age appropriate beverage and watch it.
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malfunctioningemi · 1 year
Sk8 Roller Derby Au
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My au, in which all the characters we know and love in Sk8 the infinity are girls who play roller derby instead of skate boarding.
I tried to give them all a unique style, jojo being more 80s inspired while cherry is very cyber (imagine her skates glow). Eve, usually the "matador of love" will get lots of flamenco inspired parts! And shadow is my butch icon. Reki is very kid-core in her colours, where Langa is very soft and more pastel. Miya is pretty much the same just more non binary now.
Other posts [Reki] [Langa] [Miya] [Cherry] [Jojo] [Eve] [Tomoe] [Shadow] [Oka] [Extras [1] [2] [3]]  
If you have any questions or suggestions abt this au my ask box is open!
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thewater · 10 months
genre i love: queer sports
Creator: Haruichi Furudate
Sport: Volleyball
Medium: Manga + Anime
Queer coded to hell and back with no explicit canon. A popular anime that's very engaging. Whenever I watch it I feel like I should get my life together. It's super good, but fanbase can be a lil weird.
Author: C. S. Pacat
Sport: Fencing
Medium: 5 collated graphic novels + 2 novels
This one changed my life. I discovered it and haven’t been the same since. It’s cute, the two main characters are oblivious wee things, but there is canon representation in the older characters. Almost (if not all) of these characters are Queer As Hell. It’s brilliant. If you like Golden-Retriever-Sunshine-Boy-with-Troubled-Past x Grumpy-Black-Cat-with-Emotionally-Distant-Parents trope, then you’ll love this!
Check, Please!
Author: Ngozi Ukazu
Sport: Ice Hockey
Medium: 2 graphic novels
I saw this in my local public library once, picked it up, and never (emotionally) put it down. These books started my craving for 2D queer sports. This is what put me onto “Fence” in the first place. It’s canon, it’s sweet, the main character is a cutie, what more could you want?
Creator: Kyoto Animation
Sport: Swimming
Medium: Anime
I’ll be real, I didn’t finish all the seasons of this,,, the first two seasons slay the house down. But I dunno, guess it just didn’t keep my focus. I also don’t think anything gets canonized later,,, so it’s still just hashtag queer coded :( which is not slay.
Author: Nora Sacavic
Sport: Exy (??!)
Medium: 3 novels
Now, you might think, “Exy isn’t a real sport” and you would be correct. Nora invented it for the novel. It’s like if the basics of lacrosse met the violence of ice hockey and it was played on a football (soccer) sized field with a balance of genders on the teams. This nonsense altered my brain chemistry, for better or worse, we will never know. However. If you seem intrigued, and want to read, PLEASE google the trigger warnings. Anything you think could possibly be triggering is definitely in this book. If you don’t want to google for fear of spoils, feel free to message me. These books are simultaneously the best and worst things I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of reading. I love them. They’re terribly written. They’re a mastery of metaphors set on a background of college sports with a mafia subplot. It’s like if a crazy fanfic got published. ALSO short king representation. Main man is 5’3, second main man is 5’0. I love this to pieces and I hate it to nothings.
Yuri on ice
Creator: MAAPA
Sport: Ice-skating
Medium: Anime
You know this one. If you don't, it’s not technically canon, but they buy each other (engagement) rings and kiss (sort of) on screen. Slays. Victor Nikiforov has my heart.
SK8 the infinity
Creaotr: Bones
Sport: Skateboarding
Medium: Anime
This one makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside i love it so much. There's angst and love and found family and tragic backstories and funny characters. Not canon though. Hashtag Japan Definitely Doesn’t Have a Homophobia Problem and That’s Definitely Not Why All of The Anime’s on This List Aren’t Canon. Anyways, it’s really cute and I watched t when i was in my own skateboarding era so i loved it so much.
If i remember more, or watch, or read more, I will add them :)
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