#skittles eater fanfic au
oldphone-whodis · 7 months
Regulus and Barty definitely talked for hours about Voldemort.
They probably made Death Eaters sonas in school
They wrote fanfiction about becoming his most loyal followers and killing muggles and stuff. Because that's what you do when you're a couple of eleven year olds.
Regulus definitely gave his self-insert an older brother who was tricked into becoming a Gryffindor. And after a heartfelt moment between the brothers, he realizes that he was fooled and renounces Gryffindors and joins Slytherin with his brother.
Barty has his self-insert kill his dad and everyone cheers. And anyone who doesn't is Secretly Evil or jealous of him. And he has a plot twist that his dad wasn't actually his dad, and he was secretly Voldemort's son and his mom hid him away to protect him.
Evan is literally the only person who will listen to Regulus talk about his fanfiction. And then he says he has some ideas. And Regulus drags him along to meet Barty.
When they're talking about it with Barty at Ravenclaw table, Pandora overhears and says she'd love to draw their characters for them and design them and stuff as long as she can make her own as well.
So now we have Evan and Pandora along.
Evan makes a badass powerhouse who comes from a rich important family. His character is super respected and feared by all. And also he's quick to pick up skills. His character left home to seek adventure and have some fun. And that's how he came to join Regulus and Barty.
And then Pandora makes her character a powerful dragon who loves to destroy things. And she says she has special dragon magic, so she Never hurts any of her friends. And she's also able to shapeshift into a human form. And says that she joined them because she could sense that they were all actually good with her magical dragon senses.
And then Regulus insists that if Pandora can make a dragon character, he can include his House Elf Kreature. He insists that Kreature is the best House Elf EVER and makes all of Regulus's favorite foods for him and is the best at telling stories.
**I'm going to call this the Skittles Eater Fanfic AU**
(feel free to add on to this btw)
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