#skuld : headcanon.
meteoriccman · 3 months
Some KHUX pride edits to round out the month
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If you want to see any specific character/flag edits feel free to drop a suggestion in the tags or my inbox! That goes for any character with a mobile game sprite :)
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nicolefirekitty · 3 months
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small comic i've been working on and off on of an au of subjectx!skuld that i call "big sister skuld"
the basic premise is that when she escapes she's dropped off on destiny islands to then be eventually found by small sora, get adopted by his mom, and become his big sister :)
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nono-uwu · 10 months
More yes
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Again no deep reasons for why what stamp just vibesTM (also spreading the silly catgirl Chess agenda)
Also I have one more set of these and then I'll do something very silly with the respective franchises sanrio collabs >:)
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joana-de-artes · 11 months
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Quick and dirty color experiment
It's not just Ephemera, i think all the former union leaders (except ventus obvs) are chainsmokers. So here's Lauriam and an older Skuld thinking about the past.
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purplelea · 2 years
Headcanon that Skuld used to threaten Ephemer to knock him unconscious if he didn't take a break from his union leaders duties because he was overworking himself. She actually did it twice.
She tried to threaten Brain to do the same and he dared her to try. Ephemer and Ventus later found Skuld dragging an unconscious Brain through the corridors of the tower. Ventus thought she killed him.
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Since your headcanon name for Player is Viribus, do you have one for Player2?
I do :)
“Viribus” and “Virium” come from the same Latin word vīs (meaning “force, power, strength”). They’re the same word, just in different cases (dative and genitive respectively). Same name, just slightly different
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yourfaveszodiacsign · 7 months
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Skuld from Kingdom Hearts: Union X is a Pisces who was born in the Year of the Earth Snake!
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blazernot · 2 years
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Guess my favorite foreteller (ft. Invi and Brain)
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urdgealesisbaby · 7 months
Hey since they're all gone now and we'll never get to know anything about their past can you do some hcs about chess and horn and how they met Crowley? Love your blog!
Hello! Sure thing!
But oh gosh how the new chapter broke my heart(though I still love Ferid my pookie but he needs to calm down lol)
How did Chess Belle and Horn Skuld meet Crowley Esuford
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-remember that these are all my opinions‼️
So,to start off,I like to think that they had some kind of connection to Crowley being a crusader.
Like they met maybe after Crowley Eusford became a vampire because of Ferid and Saito's blood being given to him.
I feel like Chess Belle and Horn Skuld are best friends since their childhood and that lead to them working in the same place during those times and maybe like that they met Crowley.
If we agree on the theory that they met Crowley after he became a vampire,then I think the following:
-He must've found them when he didn't know how this vampire thing worked out and how it did affect him.
-He must've thought that if Horn and Chess become vampires like him they would just gain immortality and that was it.Like no suffering or boredom from this eternity without sense.
-I think he didn't turn them forcefully,I think just that all 3 of them didn't know much about this vampire-thing going on and went just like "yep,immortality,cool".
-I mean of course not like that,but something similar,like something foolish.
I don't like to think that Crowley forcefully turned them into vampires because he is just the type to NOT do that.Like look at him,he's waaaay nicer than most vampires.
And judging by the fact that when vampires are in their early stage,they still have some remaining human emotions and feelings going on,I am sure that he didn't force them into becoming vampires.
Their meeting was probably like Crowley being starved to death by not wanting to drink blood and then them coming to help him in some sorta context.
I honestly wanna hear how Kagami himself thinks how their meeting went,but I don't think we'll ever get that😔.
Sorry if this was messy but that's all I got out of my mind,I just don't have enough details on how they could've met.But I bet it's some interesting story.
Thank you for your request!!!
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violet-moonstone · 8 months
thinking about ~them~
drago taking skuld by the waist, pulling her close, and asking her if she bewitched him to fall in love with her. he's not even asking with anger or suspicion, but with curiosity. he's pressed their foreheads together, his eyes half lidded, his voice low and uncharacteristically gentle — if his fate is to be enthralled, he seems resigned to it. skuld laughs in surprise — a bright, musical sound. "whatever would I need to do that for?" she asks him. "it would be a waste of a spell. you wanted me the moment you laid eyes on me." Drago shakes his head, but not because he disagrees. after all, she's right — she's always right
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sunhalf · 2 years
okay!  in light of the khdr finale, i’ve got some rewriting to do (  nomura you motherfucker  ).  below the cut is half - headcanon, half - me - just - talking about what this means for my muses, specifically hana and skuld.  spoilers, obviously.
so, hana.  WOOO.  the finale reveals that the player, rather than possessing or reincarnating as or hitching a heart - ride on baby xehanort, they instead hitched a ride with someone else in scala ad caelum, who ended growing into the blue - cloaked figure who takes xehanort to destiny island.  last night i was so pissed about this but now that i’ve had some time, i actually really like it!  it’s a different flavor of tragic; the player, through no fault or cruelty of their own, primed a child to be a hero and, in doing so, lead not only to that child’s destruction but also the the suffering of many people the player loved.
like, i cannot overstate how clear it is that baby xehanort seems like such a good kid.  he seems like such a good kid until the very end.  if the player hadn’t taken him from scala, he would have lived a normal life, been a normal, good person.  instead, because hana was trying to turn this child into a hero with which to save the world, because hana was — for only the best reasons — trying to use a child to save something, she did unimaginable harm.  the player set xehanort on this path, and even if he hadn’t broken under the weight of it and turned badguy, she still took a little boy from his mother and raised him for a role she knew would put him through immense, grievous suffering.  there’s a neat ava parallel here, i think!
also, i think the player basically being xehanort’s parent is so cute.  the little cuddles....
this all aside, i like my hana - as - xehanort hc too much to give it up.  i like the stuff i’ve done for it and i like the ‘nobody has ever loved you’ jokes and the misery inherent in marluxia and larxene talking about how xehanort doesn’t care about them.  i refuse to sacrifice all that!  if i have to make hana a lil canon divergent so be it.
anyway, so my current hana stuff — hana did reincarnate, first, into a baby in cala ad scaelum, long before xehanort was born.  (  aside, but the player’s ‘second life’ talk suggests i get to see hana again for missing link, which is fun.  )   this new life raised xehanort as we see the cloaked figure do, taking him from his mother and bringing him to the islands.
here’s where we get into the divergencies.  nomura said in the accompanying interview that when someone disappears in kh, their heart doesn’t cease to exist, it just joins with another.  i don’t know if this is true of all people, or only of those with strong wills, or whatever.  i do assume, with the vast, vast majority of people, there’s no will or self to that heart; it’s functionally still a true death.  but the player is very different.
so when the cloaked figure/player dies, the player’s heart jumps ship again, this time tying itself to xehanort — you can even see their heart floating towards xehanort when they die!  i’m grasping as straws, but you know.  the player and xehanort’s hearts are already super linked, given that xehanort shows a depth of ability to read the player’s heart beyond what we see him being capable of for anyone else.  if nobody’s heart disappears when they die, then hana gets to go on another ride.
from here, stuff is fairly in line with existing writing.  hana is only half - aware of their time as a part of xehanort’s heart.  when he’s killed, they’re freed and reformed, either in the gardens or quadratum depending on the verse.  they’ve got even more guilt to accumulate once their memories come back; not only did they do grievous harm to their friends, they set a child on a path that ended with grievous suffering.
as for skuld — the game has implied that skuld is related in some way to xehanort’s mother.  it also makes it clear that xehanort is descended from ephemer!  the obvious headcanons here are that either skuld and eph reunited at some point and had kids, or that their descendents did.  either of these throws a wrench into the skuld as x theory, which i am very attached to.  (  come on!  she has star earrings!  )  i’ve always held space for that theory to be wrong, but if it is then ava’s probably x and i just do not give even the slightest shit about ava anymore so i don’t want that.  (  who knows, maybe if she is x that’ll change.  )
granted, this is nomura.  xehanort’s mom would easily be a fucking clone or a nobody or something.  who fucking knows.
anyway, for now i’m sticking with skuld as x, and will likely stick with it as an AU even if it ends up being noncanon.  i’m attached!
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deathfavor · 1 year
How Do You Love?
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with softness, smiles and secret glances
you love with a tide of emotions curtained by vague hand gestures and almost hidden intricate details. you love as if it is the only thing you were born to do. you love as if you are set in a jane austen novel. your love is finding their eyes across the room and smiling a smile that speaks more than any words you utter ever could. your love is fingertips brushing against each other. your love is greeting everyone with hugs. you love greatly. you love gently.
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with poetry, prose and profoundness
you love with deliberateness. handwritten love letters quietly snuck into back pockets. you love with buckets full of affection in the simplest of ways. falling asleep on the way home. resting your head against someone's shoulder. you love with kindness. your love is noticing little things and remembering them. your love is listening and being listened to. your love is wanting and needing and being wanted and needed and choosing to fall in love again and again everyday.
tagged by: @bouquetcfmuses​ & @ofsavior​ ( Thank you !! ) tagging: whoever hasn’t already done this?
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dizzy-pixels · 1 month
I think Player's friendship with Ephemer would have been more impactful if they showed them sneaking out to explore the Clock Tower over several days. Each time, they could be searching for the right route through the tower, building up anticipation. Then, on the day they finally discover a promising path and decide to return the next day to explore further, Ephemer doesn't show up. And it's the first time ever since they started that he doesn't show up. This would make his absence more emotional and worrisome, heightening the sense of concern when Player realizes their friend is missing. Especially since we built that friendship overtime (instead of just meeting him only once before he ditched us, and then never again until the end of the war).
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oubaitorisouls · 8 months
Skuld tag dump .
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rosie-kairi · 7 months
"weird bickering siblings" is my favorite relationship headcanon for Brain and Skuld
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masterfuldoodler · 4 months
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Headcanon that Skuld can't cook :/
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