simpleskull200 · 2 months
I don't do reviews normally, but I recently stumbled upon a wonderfully written gem of darkness. A fanfic that captivated me and kept me hooked, drawing me deeper and deeper in with each passing chapter.
The story in question is Three Steps to Obsession by Kassykins over on Ao3. A Five Nights at Freddy's fanfic focusing primarily on a very obsessive, Yandere Sun and Moon. It's a rollercoaster of emotions and plot twists that serve to tell quite a compelling story. I'm not normally a fan of long fanfics, typically keeping to shorter works but this was an unexpected treat. I can't go too deep into the plot without spoiling it as things really take quite a dark turn in the second act of the story.
In basics, the story is told through three different phases. The first act of the fic opens with the reader getting a summer job at the Pizzaplex and building a friendship with Sun and Moon. Building a bond over the summer, keeping in contact with the two via text.
The second act opens on a return to the Pizzaplex the following summer and things take a turn for the darker. The events leaving the reader running and putting the whole thing behind them after a series of events that leave them thoroughly traumatized.
The third act is set years later, the reader trying to put everything that happened behind them only for the past to come crashing back into their life in the worst of ways. Shattering any sense of calm, peace that the reader had found in their life.
The ending chapters of the fic felt so satisfying to read. I was excited to see the reader/protagonist get a somewhat happy ending.
Please be aware to read at your own risk. This story does get really dark and graphically violent in some places, but I 100% recommend giving it a read if you're a fan of dark fan works.
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blackskullaltar · 6 months
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AAAAAAHHH MY STICKERS CAME IN EARLY!!!! now i gotta catch up on secret life 😭 im so behind.... BUT MY STICKERSSS they're so much bigger than i thought they'd be!!! but they will still be so cute on my laptop 🎉🎉🎉
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merloja · 2 years
A main hc scenario where edgejeanist we're deciding if they wanted kids or not~
Tsunagu and Shinya are on their honeymoon and they get to the top of a hill, looking over a lake. They both sit down and lean on a tree, Tsunagu puts his head on the side of Shinyas head, Shinya then wraps his arm around Tsunagu's waist. They both look at eachother in the eyes, just so in love and Tsunagu pulls Shinya in for a tender kiss.
They look beyond the horizon, watching the sunset.
While looking at the sun go down, Shinya asks Tsunagu,
“Hey hon...“
Tsunagu turns his head to look down at Shinya, “Yes dear?“
“I was just wondering, Do you wanna have kids?“
Tsunagu blushes hard, “u-uhhhhh, w-well....“
“When we go by playgrounds or parks you always look at the children playing and you look sad when you turn away from their sight, and I'm thinking that you want kids of your own, is that true?“
Tsunagu then looks at the sunset then looks at Shinya and says, “*deep but quiet sigh*.....yes, it's true, I love kids, I've always wanted my own but....I'm too much of a workaholic to be a father...*he starts tearing up* When I look at children playing, I always think of my kid, well my imaginary kid playing with them, when I look at expecting mothers, I always feel so jealous of them and wish that were me....*sob*“
Shinya then gives Tsunagu a hug, then looks at him in the eyes and says,
"Oh hun, y'know I can get you pregnant to have a child right?“
Tsunagu blushes and rolls his eyes,
“I-I know that but, I'm not sure if I'm ready......a-are you ready?“
Shinya just smirks and responds with, “I wouldn't mind a little ninja walking around....“
Tsunagu then giggles and says "Or a little fashion designer~“
They both giggle at each other,
Shinya then turns his body towards Tsunagu, puts his hands around Tsunagu's waist and says “So, are you ready?“
Tsunagu thinks about it for a moment, then just bursts with excitement, “LETS HAVE A BABY!!“
Shinya then get showered with smooches from Tsunagu, "mhhhmph- not out here! n-not out here!!!“ his words are sorta muffled by Tsunagu kissing him,
Tsunagu gets off of Shinya, Shinya gets up with lipstick kiss marks everywhere on his face, Tsunagu giggles at him, then suddenly Shinya carries Tsunagu bridal style,
“wOah- h-hOney!! *laughing*“
“Now, should we head home sweetheart?~“
“yes, of course darling~ *smirks and does a seductive voice* and once we get ho-“
Shinya interrupts him saying while blushing, “W-we should leave that kind of talk for once we get home-“
“Ok ok fineeee~“
Tsunagu then kisses Shinya on the cheek.
And heres the end!! Woah my first scenario fic (something like that-)
This was so fun to write out, I didn't plan it out at all, just went where my mind went ☺️☺️☺️
Hope you enjoyed!! :D
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skullvis · 5 years
It hasn’t happened in a while, but I get pretty annoyed when I see someone go on the ihnmaims tag and just vague about AM designs not being up to their standards or say shit like “why isn’t anyone talking about X thing I want to talk about?”
Like, why don’t /you/ start the conversation you wanna have? Why don’t /you/ make your own AM design?
It’s not that I don’t think people should critique each other, and I’m not saying you have to like EVERY interpretation of AM or the humans or whatever, that would be silly. But I guess I just get tired of people complaining about there not being the content they want to see. And so little of the “critique” people post in the tag isn’t so much critique as it is that complaining and vagueing about stuff they don’t like.
And that’s fine!!! You can talk about what you want on your own blog, I just don’t know why people TAG it?
Like, I get really excited for ANY content someone makes, because it means they liked the story enough to take the time to make something! That’s cool! I’m excited that they had the courage and the confidence to share their work or thoughts with the whole world! And it’s just a real big bummer to go on the tag hoping to see new stuff and then see comments that come off as snide and negative.
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theb1te · 4 years
me not getting any asks: ://
me realizing my ask box was fucking closed: 🙄 i hate my brain sometimes
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blackskullaltar · 8 months
i for one cannot Wait to see what fun designs come out of this season.
however that being said i hope we can all agree martyn is gonna be so scrungled this time around. and we thought rats/pirates martyn had a lot of scars
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simpleskull200 · 6 months
I love seeing quotes or references people make to TOME because they're always really funny.
I ask all of you to give me your favorite quotes or things you reference!
Give me quotes, screenshots or GIFs!
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blackskullaltar · 1 year
a pipe dream of mine is to make a visual novel based off of the life series. this will NEVER happen because i'd really want to make it like, branching paths and new endings and the ability to have any character as your chosen POV. that would be IMPOSSIBLE lmao.
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simpleskull200 · 6 months
I will never understand DNI lists, unless they're for NSFW accounts trying to keep underage people from interacting with them and are actively monitoring who follows them as a result. The concept of trying to bar people from trying to enjoy the work you create as an artist just because some people with similar mindsets as them is shitty.
As far as things go what does it matter who interacts with you if they're not bullying, harrassing or otherwise treating you badly? I mean, as far as things go it takes less effort and energy to hit the block button on people who interact with you that make you uncomfortable than it is for people to make secondary websites or posts that they expect people to read that is just there to gatekeep who can or cannot interact with them.
Not everyone is going to read DNI lists and a lot of the people who do read it probably don't give two shits and are going to interact with you anyways because they obviously either enjoy your content or are intent on trying to harass you.
This whole "DNI if you're..." Thing is honestly just helping cultivate a more toxic environment in fandom spaces as the vocal minorities on both sides of stupid controversial a d trivial things in fandoms argue endlessly back and forth over something that really isn't complicated or need to be fought about.
One example that comes to mind can be solved by people understanding the following:
1. People have freedom of creative expression, so long as it's within the limits of their country's respective laws.
2. Art can be used as a way for people to express things and explore things from a creative lens.
3. Not everything people create is going to be savory, and people have every right to be uncomfortable or block that person.
4. People have different life experiences and traumas, sharing dark and potentially triggering stories or art online means you should be tagging your work appropriately and putting in the correct warnings.
5. Nobody deserves to be harassed, attacked or doxxed. If someone is genuinely breaking the law, report them and encourage other to do the same, especially if the safety of others is genuinely at risk.
6. Not every piece of art or work is going to be good for you, and you don't need to interact with it. You're under no obligation to continue reading, scrolling, etc. and that's okay.
7. Not everything needs to be made to your standards, art would be meaningless if it did.
8. Be a respectful person, don't attack people on the internet just because you don't like their art, writing, beliefs. Just block them and carry on, there's no need to potentially trigger someone else or cause others distress. (Two wrongs don't make a right)
9. The block button is free.
10. Don't interact with posts you don't want to see and you'll see less of them. The internet is massive, so it's up to you to tag your posts accordingly to help tailor your own browsing experience and make it easy for others to do the same.
These 10 simple things can apply to any social media or website you use, these can be applied to most things on the internet, not just fandom.
Healthy interaction is a two way street, it's not fair for you to expect people you don't want to interact with you not to, when you go out of your way to harass other people.
This is not directed at anyone in particular and is rather a culmination of the frustration that has built up as I've seen the same dramas time and time again happen online, especially in fandom spaces. The current mentality in fandom spaces is genuinely a toxic one that needs to be stopped before it starts to have genuine real life issues spring up because of online faces starting to attack people offline too.
Tha k you for coming to my TED talk
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simpleskull200 · 1 year
Hello! I'm SimpleSkull200/VengestoneKing, I'm a multi-fandom Artist and Fanfic writer and I would like to welcome everyone to my new blog.
My interest in fandoms is likely to shift around as I discover new things or hyperfixate on things from my childhood.
I'll try my best to keep my blog PG and clean though I can't say the same about my Ao3 accounts as I work on various projects with themes light and dark. You likely won't see any art or links for my darker works since I'm moreso making them to explore my creative potential.
Hope everyone has a lovely timezone!
- Skull/King
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simpleskull200 · 6 months
Man, I really need to get back into the habit of drawing every day. I miss doing it quite a lot
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simpleskull200 · 8 months
I've started rereading Delcat's "The Skies We're Under" series again for the I don't even know how many-th time.
I stumbled upon the series sometime between 2016-18 I think I was in middle school at that time, (not the best time to have been reading it normally) At the time I stumbled upon the series I was going through quite a lot in my life there were a lot of big, sudden and scary changes that happened at the time. Events from before then that I still hadn't yet processed as trauma. Anyways.
I don't know what it was but something resonated with me while reading that series, I don't know what it was, but something, just something about the series helped me get through that time. I really appreciate the author and the series because they gave me an escape during a time where nothing was really right with my life.
I look back in it now and know full well that I shouldn't have been allowed to read the series much less without question about it from the people around me. Unrestricted internet access was both a blessing and a curse for me. A blessing because of the escapism that was the internet, a curse because of how young I was desensitized to a lot of things.
Regardless of the circumstances of why, when and how I found myself reading "The Skies We're Under" it helped me through some tough times. It resonated with me on some odd level that I still can't fully understand and is a series that will remain close to my heart for the foreseeable future.
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blackskullaltar · 1 year
Re: getting into Hermitcraft
Starting with the current season (Season 9) is the typical and easiest way to go. Pick a POV and dive in!
Grian is a popular Hermit to start with if you like building and shenanigans with other Hermits.
Xisuma is usually quite project-focused if you prefer that.
Ren has a storyline going on, and really got into character for his "RenTheKing" subplot.
Zedaph is very weird and silly, his stuff is incredibly fun and outside of the box, so to speak.
Alternatively, you can check the Hermitcraft Recap channel and get week-by-week overviews of everyone's videos and catch up! They do a wonderful job of covering all bases and plot points (should there be any), and can help you find a Hermit POV to delve into.
thanks so much for this in depth explanation! i'll keep all of this in mind while picking out who to watch first :D tysm everyone has been so helpful and nice ^^
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merloja · 2 years
Edgejeanist scenario where they're feeling Mayumi kick for the first time
In the evening, Tsunagu and Shinya are on the sofa, cuddling watching Disney movies, during the movie, Tsunagu feels some wriggle inside of his belly, like a kick, He then realizes that their little bundle of joy is kicking and Tsunagu beams with joy and tells Shinya to pause the movie, “Honey, pause the movie!“ Shinya then pauses the movie and turns his head to look at Tsunagu smiling, “Why are you so happy dear?“ Tsunagu then takes his hand and places it on his belly, Shinya feels a small kick on his palm and stifled a laugh, “Heh, she's finally kicking huh?“ Shinya then places his head on Tsunagu's round belly and Mayumi gives a few more kicks for Shinya, but then Mayumi kicks Tsunagu's rib and Shinya notices Tsunagu in pain, “You ok hun?“
“Yes darling I'm fine but, that kick was quite hard-“
Shinya lifts his head up a little to kiss Tsunagu's belly, then he starts to give gentle belly rubs on Tsunagu's stomach, Mayumi starts to calm down and fall asleep slowly, Shinya looks up at Tsunagu who is smiling and tired, trying to keep himself awake, Shinya gives Tsunagu a kiss on the cheek and pulls Tsunagu closer to him and tells him “You don't have to stay up sweetheart, just go to sleep if you need to dear...“ after Tsunagu is told that, He falls asleep quickly in Shinyas lap, Shinya then grabs a blanket right next to them and wraps it around Tsunagu, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Tsunagu is already passed out, Shinya continues the movie and looks at Tsunagu saying “*sigh* your so adorable when you sleep...“ Shinya then drifts off to sleep with Tsunagu in his arms.
Ahhhh I've been thinking about this for a few days so I finally did it!! :D
Really proud of how this turned out even though I'm a perfectionist- 😂😂😅
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theb1te · 4 years
so i got tagged by @tiniestawoo in this thing so here we go!
three ships: uhhh well of course Sterek is my all time favourite so that's 1. and then let's go with two that my eyes were opened to (also thanks to cj) so Steter and Dargent :)
Last song: Bail Me Out by All Time Low ft. Joel Madden
Last movie: I think that was The Meg
Currently reading(book): Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman (but not that actively)
Currently reading(fanfic): just finished Territorial by HopeSilverheart
Currently watching: Umbrella Academy S2, Teen Wolf S3B, Handsmaid's Tale
Currently consuming: Peppermint
Currently craving: pasta, which i crave literally 24/7 so
i don't honestly know who to tag bc all my friends either dont know my tumblr yet or were tagged by cj sooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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