#skunk / main verse.
badstepsmoving · 3 months
For Skunk !!!
if your muse drives a car, have they personalized it in any way (bumper stickers, things hanging from the rearview mirror, etc.)?
will your muse eat at fast food restaurants? if they're on a time crunch, what type of food will they grab?
what are their thoughts on roadside attractions and tourist traps? when visiting new cities, do they prefer to see the most popular sites, or pretend to be a local and blend in?
if your muse drives a car, have they personalized it in any way (bumper stickers, things hanging from the rearview mirror, etc.)?
skunk can drive, but he doesn't have his own car. he shares a van with the rest of the bathtub cigarettes. let me tell you, that van is decked out. it is covered in a ton of bumper stickers. the stickers range from political activism to silly meme ones. on the inside of the van the dashboard is covered in little stickers and sharpie doodles. they also have battery powered string lights hung around the ceiling of the car!
will your muse eat at fast food restaurants? if they're on a time crunch, what type of food will they grab?
skunk eats a ton of fast food. cooking is not his strong suit, he can and will burn basically everything he cooks. the band has banned him from cooking dinner for everyone. most of the time he grabs taco bell because it's pretty cheap! he also loves a little ceasers pizza let me tell you.
what are their thoughts on roadside attractions and tourist traps? when visiting new cities, do they prefer to see the most popular sites, or pretend to be a local and blend in?
oh skunk loves roadside attractions. he will go to all of the like low budget obvious tourist traps that he can get to. he's constantly begging the rest of the band to stop and pull over. he usually likes to visit popular sites but also blend in with the locals. he always wants to see everything that a city has to offer when he's visiting!
in depth headcanons, @solarisgod, accepting!
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goodheartt · 1 year
@akrasias ft. skunk.
"shit, man !!" skunk shouts, whipping around when he hears someone behind him. he had been digging around in a dumpster looking for anything good. hands raise as if he's surrendering, sending the other a smile. "look, if this is your dumpster or somethin' i'll just ... scoot right on bye ... y' won't even know i was here. and if it isn't ... please don't all th' cops, neighbor. i can't get arrested again."
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skvnktactics · 3 months
Taking place in the game's current canon, Salem is the culprit behind Indigo Park's closing. Sick and tired of being considered less than a sentient being, despite being designed as an intelligent being with their own thoughts and feelings, Salem created a chemical concoction that caused their fellow park mascots to not only go berserk on the park-goers, but also caused them to be unaffected by the Critter Cuff's high-frequency failsafe.
Since then, they've been watching the remains of their desolate park and their fellow mascots roam the park through security cameras, undisturbed by harmful and ungrateful humans.. until recently.
Back before the uprising of their fellow mascots, Salem is one of the handful of characters that park-goers could interact with at their attraction location : Rancid Ridge. they are a popular mascot amongst the tween and teen audiences for their rebellious role in the show, encouraging the more chaotic forms of art via graffiti using fingerpaints and spraypaint on various parts on the outside of their attraction.
At Rancid Ridge, guests enter a moutnain base that, on the inside, reveals several floors where they can participate in many activities in relation to natural sciences. From botany to mineralogy, to recycling and repurposing waste and scraps, Salem's attraction teaches the importance of knowing your environment and to showcase the consequences of harming it.
This verse revolves around Rambley & Pals, the cartoon! Salem is the main antagonist of the series that the raccoon and his menagerie of buddies thwart from time to time ; the sly skunk's goal is to take over Indigo Park and turn it into their own personal testing grounds for their various concoctions and scrap-made inventions, with the intention of either throwing out its current residents or dragging them into their experiments as " volunteers ".
On some occasions, Salem is simply a thorn in Rambley's side -- and on rarer occasions she and Rambley call a truce when bigger, badder villains invade the park with their own far more malicious intentions.
A verse where Salem and co. can interact with other cartoons! She is most certainly attending various "villain-anon" meetings, mainly to gain insight on how to keep her rancid reputation afloat and interesting for viewers from more seasoned baddies, but also to help them feel more secure in their position as an antagonist in their show.
Additionally, Salem -- off the set of Rambley & Pals-- is a lot more chill and laid-back than the character they play on screen.
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abloodredsummer · 11 months
Her room was covered in sketches of cryptids and maps of sightings. Everything from the skunk ape to the flatwoods monster had a tack on her wall.
But not shadow people. Black Eyed Kids, Skinwalkers — the very idea of them made her groan. Why take on a human face when you could be anything but?
That was how she felt until a grainy tape circulated through her favorite research forum. A recording of a stumbling corpse shrowded in darkness that only lasted a few moments before the audio popped and the sitcom rerun the footage was recorded over struggled into view.
The uploader called it a "Taken."
Everyone thought it was faked. It had to be! Shadow people were lower hanging fruit than lizard people.
The shelter provided by assumed improbability gave way to excitement. Following an incident in 2010 in Bright Falls, Washington, sightings increased. Accounts of people going missing them coming back *changed* was all anyone wanted to talk about.
In the midst of all this activity, she found Jayni. Jayni Exum was larger than life, the energy she emitted almost as fantastic as the cryptids they studied. Becky admired her deeply and was proud to call Jayni her friend.
Jayni had gone to Bright Falls to see if she could encounter the Taken phenomena herself. She assured Ruby that she'd stay in the light — the one thing that everyone agreed would keep the Taken from attacking.
Jayni went missing two days after checking into Elderwood Lodge. She was found dead a month later.
Becky couldn't remember the last time she cried that hard. Now she focused on studying the Taken, and how she could prevent them from coming into the world.
Her research felt like it wasn't getting anywhere. So many of the leads were false. Half of them were just thinly veiled attempts to sell fanfiction based on the 2010 Bright Falls incident.
Just when she was about to give up, a post from someone claiming there were protectors in Bright Falls now gained traction on one of the forums she followed. It seemed crazy, and everyone treated it like it was — but the poster *insisted*. Said the Cult of the Tree was here to stay. That they'd killed plenty of Taken already.
If she knew any better, she would have ignored it and returned to studying vanilla cryptids, like the Mothman. She'd let the Taken fade from her mind and delete any of her files on the subject.
But she didn't.
Instead, she drove from Maine to Washington, her computer, and a box of research nestled amongst her belongings in the back of her van. She couldn't fight for shit, but if these people — the Cult of the Tree — really were able to stop the Taken, her research could be helpful to them. Maybe they could find a way to stop them for good.
Living in her van wouldn't be glamorous, but if she could stop what happened to Jayni from happening to anyone else — it was a life worth living.
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stigmatvm · 1 year
@portraitsof liked this for a completely random starter!
Monoma couldn't say he knew this boy and his group well; they weren't part of the small collection of strays and a giving benefactor that he had been staying with, but they came by relatively frequently as invited guests, and some of the housemates would talk of visiting the store he now stood in. When he had first come to stay with the others, he had been too timid to rub elbows with outsiders, but curiosity and necessity finally gave him the courage to expand his network.
All allies were useful, after all.
So he mulls about the rows of vinyl discs, sporting names and images he was entirely unfamiliar with, trying to find anything to latch onto as a bonding point before becoming rather frustrated at his own lack of knowledge and simply sighing aloud.
"Why do you even bother with such an obsolete way of listening to music?" The doctor would never have approved of something so frivolous and inefficient.
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sonic-candy · 2 years
For the character thing, Dr Tenma cause I’m obvious and basic
When there’s Ochan, there’s Tenma. And I thought I submitted this already! Mobile Tumblr sucks
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Sexuality Headcanon: Due to being married and having a kid in almost every version of AB yet being considered an Bi-con in the fandom I consider him Bisexual, leaning toward women. Personality > appearance, the more he has in common with them, the more he's interested in them. Gender Headcanon: Cismale A ship I have with said character: Ochan, Atb!Hiroshi, Shadow and Hoshie.
A BROTP I have with said character: Again, Ochan, Atb!Hiroshi, Shadow. Maybe Ban and Tawashi. A NOTP I have with said character: Any other villains as Tenma is different from them actually liking robots. Also goes without saying but no underage or (Pseudo) incest!
A random headcanon: I like the 'Tenma and Tobio are Autistic' headcanon. I'm surprised I didn't see it before being ADHD myself and my brother being Autistic as well. General Opinion over said character: Good-looking and stylish character with complex characterization. I'm not surprised he's one of the most popular characters in the AB fandom. It took decades for him to become an main star but Im glad they pulled it off and I'm curious on how the reboot will treat him. Bonus: PLUTO and '03 Verse are my favorite takes on him. Special mention to 80's Tenma for being the most down to earth one yet, being more regretful of what happen to both his sons, being more approachable and shutting down Skunk even when he was in a tough spot regarding his job. While I do love the tragic villain that is '03 Tenma I'll still love to see this version get some more expansion even if in a spinoff title or something.
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15 Toons I want copies of co-existing as originals in the crossover-verse
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Here's my take of which toons I think should have a second co-existing in the crossover-verse for the sake of justifying certain fans' desires that defy canon's laws.
1. Suki Lane (Sing 2) - I have to start with her for obvious reasons. Not only to have a loophole for Illumination's sexuality choice for her or love-interest choice for her, but also because she's depicted as a critic voiced by a comedian who's humor style is pretty raunchy, so I imagine people would think her to be against fan redos of movies, crossovers, or interspecies relationships (because hybrids are ugly in real life, and even cartoons have to uphold that rule). Why, I bet Chelsea Peretti doesn't like the new Chip & Dale film, despite her friend Andy Samberg being in it.
Hence I created Esme "Sukey" Gwendolyn Langley Lane, changing a couple details to avoid getting sued, not only to be with a shorter guy who's not a beefcake, but be neutral to fan redos and crossovers, and supportive of interspecies relationships. And she takes Suki's place in filming fanmakes, with her shapeshifting boyfriend in one of his forms, Baxter Crescent, taking that form in anything featuring the idea of her being paired with a koala.
2. Furrball (Tiny Toon Adventures) - half want Furrball to remain as he was usually depicted in the original show: a doormat to Sylvester or non-anthro pet who's usually silent despite how he goes to school like an anthro kid; the other half want him to be evolved from the original show's run, catching onto the "cats are evil or scum" trope, and wanting to be abused no longer.
And also for 32 years (or a shorter amount, depending on which fans discovered the show), an amount of fans (myself included) wanted him and Fifi to hook up (even though another amount want her with Hampton), with the former getting used to her odor like Penelope seemingly got used to Pepe's, after getting to know each other better.
So I thought there should be a second Furrball who's given up doing anything WB tells him to, just to live a happy, healthy life without people mad at him, and ends up with a 2nd Fifi. All while the other Furrball does what WB tells them to do.
Of course, I also feel like there should be a small clone supply of Furrballs to go with whomever other fans prefer him with, like Bimbette, Rita from Animaniacs, AnimatedTigerGirl's OC Zelda, and others. I plan to reference it someday.
3. Fifi La Fume (Tiny Toon Adventures) - to satisfy those who prefer her evolved from liking only hunks and prefer with Furrball, while the other does as WB tells her to.
4. Penelope Pussycat (Looney Tunes) - many think she should have her entire world revolve only around Pepe and have no life outside of him, but I'm actually someone who imagined her having a life outside of him while still having interest in him. It's what SHOULD HAVE BEEN in Space Jam: A New Legacy.
So, to keep everyone happy, I think there could be one Penelope who goes down with Pepe, while the other Penelope is more open and has an American/British accent (as I and Draco have thought), varying depending on which project she's in, being a surrogate mother to one of the Furrballs, and being in a relationship with either Sylvester, Lola (if she and Bugs decided to remain friends), or single.
5. The main cast of Winnie the Pooh (Pooh himself, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Lumpy, Kessie, and Eeyore)
6. Rita (Oliver & Company) - so Dodger and the original Rita would still be together
7. Oliver (Oliver & Company) - to justify my pairing between the older him and the second Rita; while the first Oliver is with whichever female cat like Marie or Sagwa.
8. Fox (Skunk Fu) - If Cartoon Saloon actually comes through with their Skunk Fu film, odds are they'll place her with Rabbit which will make fans happy, except for fans like me, so I thought a second Fox to be a significant other for Skunk or another nice, cute animal character would make those like me feel better.
9. tie between Copper and Dixie (The Fox and the Hound) - to justify the CopperxDixie ship without tearing the first Dixie away from Cash and making it seem not sick
10. tie between Spike and Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - to justify the Applespike pairing so many MLP fans prefer
11. tie between Kion and Jasiri (The Lion Guard)
12. tie between Rajah and Jasmine (Aladdin) - to justify a weird idea I had of Jasmine who has this were-feline curse she lives with where she's human by day and feline by night and is married to an anthro version of her pet tiger who loves her more than the suitors
13. Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Of course, I don't mean there would be an Ugly Tails, lord forbid. I mean an older version of him and to justify some of the pairings Tails gets with few of the fictional gals, Sonic or xover.
14. tie between Fievel Mousekewitz and Bridget (An American Tail) - while the original Fievel would have Cholena for his significant other, this other aged up Fievel would have another Bridget for his significant other while the first Bridget's still with Tony. Thank 15willywonka for the AU idea.
15. tie between Tom and Sabrina the Poodle (Tom & Jerry) - I read one meta/fourth wall fic that's a crossover between Tom & Jerry and Tiny Toons with the T&J cast visiting Acme Acres. Fifi and Furrball are a thing there, but at the same time, Sabrina is engaged to Spike and Tom has one of his previous girlfriends as his significant other. I just couldn't help myself and want there to be copies of them married with the fan-daughter thefriendlycitizen gave me.
Okay, I know it's cheating since most of the squares are filled with more than one, and those ones are AU couples I have a soft spot for but I don't know what else to add for the remaining squares.
Skippy and Maid Marian (Disney's Robin Hood) - a same-age couple while the first Robin and Marian are married with the still-young original Skippy as their closest friend
Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner (Animaniacs) - to be around, visiting the world between 2000-2019 to keep up with the originals' not knowing
Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
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      “   ...hey, baddel? why does it smell like a skunk in here? yeesh --- it smells SUPER strong. are you hiding a skunk?!    ” 
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badstepsmoving · 5 months
"hang a pin for however you are feeling." i say with a wave of my hand, smile stretching across my face. if there's one thing i'm good at, it's cheering people up! providing some level of distraction for all those messy feelings. "because we are goin' to do somethin' so awesome! c'mon, there's this old abandoned warehouse me 'n th' band like t' go to t' break shit. feel like breakin' shit will set ya alright."
lyric starter ft. @painmon & skunk. from none by mat kerekes.
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goodheartt · 1 year
@nefariuus sent : sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees. - Benny for skunk?
he really hears it before he sees it, head snapping around to catch the other walking right into the pole of a stop sign as they walked down the street. "dude !! holy shit !!" skunk exclaims before he really realizes he's saying it, rushing over to benny. "dude, that looked like it fuckin' hurt." he tries to suppress a laugh, but he can't really help but let out a small chuckle. "that's more 'f a me thing i think, i'm like ... i'm real fuckin' klutz." he reaches a hand out, placing it gently on benny's shoulder to steady him. "we should probably get some ice on your noggin like ... as soon as fuckin' possible. you're for sure gonna bruise. c'mon, my house is just up th' street."
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earthmvrs · 2 years
skunk tag drop.
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skkunkk · 2 years
@jadeds  ( continued )
         they hear him before they see him,  music blaring and wheels spinning against ground.  when he appears in front of them,  they stop walking,  looking at him with their head tilted slightly to the side.  what an enthusiastic greeting and smile  ..  they lift their arm up to wave at them.  ah  ..  the music  ?  they didn’t really mind too much.  but skating  ..  now that’s a topic they preferred to have  !  it’s been a bit since they have but skating was something they used to excel at,  even competing at some point.  they nod to the question,  hands reaching out,  making grabbing motions.  seems they want the board.     “     wanna see  ?     “
  skunk smiles as the arm is waved in reference to the music.  he knew it was loud, but he didn’t want to disrupt anyone.  “that’s good.  i like listenin’ to music when i skate y’know.  but my opossum tofu ate my headphones last week.  y’ can’t blame her!!  she must have been mighty hungry.  so ... that explains the speaker or whatever ...”  at the nod, the smile turns into a grin.  he chuckles as the other makes a grabbing motion at his board, arms extending forward to offer the skateboard to the stranger.  “oh buddy, i’d love t’ see!!  what kinda skills do y’ got under your sleeve??”  he asks, head tilting to the side a fraction. 
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moonless-if · 3 years
remains - bastille vs rag'n'bone man vs skunk anansie
I came here for sanctuary Away from the winds and the sounds of the city I came here to get some peace Way down deep where the shadows are heavy I can't help but think of you In these four walls my thoughts seem to wander To some distant century When everyone we know is six feet under When all of our friends are dead and just a memory And we're side by side, it's always been just you and me For all to see
would you believe me if i said that this song (and that verse in particular) didn't inspire the short story i wrote for rainn?
the whole song really just perfectly sums up both rainn as a character to me, as well as their relationship to mc. rainn has always been a fairly solitary person who's more or less forced to be around people, and, as you might have seen in the short story, occasionally they need to run away for a bit and be outside the city,
and when it comes to rainn and mc, even before the start of the game, it's been the two of them against the world and that's the way it'll always be (or at least how rainn wants it to always be).
it's also playing on both of them being moonless, and moonless generally having longer life spans than humans, which means they're likely to outlast at least most of the main cast (at least if they die of old age).
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totallytoonymuses · 3 years
This blog currently contains muses from Animaniacs, Looney Tunes, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Beetlejuice the Musical, Five Nights at Freddy's, ROTG, The Wizard of Oz, and Disney!
|| ᴀɴɪᴍᴀɴɪᴀᴄꜱ ||
☆Yakko Warner
Toon Star Verse
Fourteen year old toon who will yak your ear off. Eldest brother of three siblings (who of which he is very protective of). He's quite the flirt. Master of puns. Singer of educational songs. Child actor for WB and loving it.
☆Wakko Warner
Toon Star Verse
Eleven year old toon with a love for food. Seriously. He can, has, and will eat everything in your fridge (doesn't care if it's edible or not). He's not as much of a talker as his other siblings, he prefers to let his actions speak for him. Bringer of cartoon violence, lover of a quick pat of the head or scratch of his chin. Child actor for WB and loving it.
☆Dot Warner
Toon Star Verse
Nine year old toon with a cute face and an attitude. She's very persuasive. Very vocal about her opinions and things that irritate her (for better or for worse). She's the youngest, but the toughest of her siblings. Enjoyer of all things cute. Child actor for WB and loving it.
|| Looney Tunes ||
☆Bugs Bunny
Toon Star Verse
This twenty-five year old toon star can't seem to get rid of the spotlight! He doesn't star chaos, but doesn't hesitate to make things worse. A being filled with pure wit and sarcasm. In his 'Looney Tunes Show Verse', he lives with Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales in a home they share together, sitcom style.
Toon World
In his 'Toon World' verse, he lives in his rabbit burrow, in the woods. He loves playing pranks on those unfortunate enough to stumble upon him.
☆Daffy Duck
Toon Star Verse/Looney Tunes Show
Twenty-five year old duck with terrible luck. Grumpy, selfish, and narcissistic. Claims for these to be just 'quirks'.
☆Pepé le Pew
Toon Star/Toon World Verse
Twenty-six year old toon and hopeless romantic. Spreads joy, love, and his terrible smell everywhere he goes. He would be quite the charmer, if he wasn't a skunk. You'll get used to it!
|| Who Framed Roger Rabbit? ||
☆Roger Rabbit
Main Verse
Roger is his name, and laughter is his game! He's a silly hare with a love for performing and cartoon comedy.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Verse'
He's an toon star working for Maroon Cartoons.
Blackout Verse
Retired, hoping an old toon like him could make it back into the spotlight. He loves to make others happy, with his wife, Jessica Rabbit, taking top priority.
|| ʀᴀɢɢᴇᴅʏ ᴀɴɴ: ᴀ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ ||
☆Raggedy Andy
Main Verse
Raggedy Andy is an absolute sweetheart, though it may not always be easily apparent. He's very sensitive about being called a 'girls toy', so much so that he actively seeks out boyish things to prove the other toys wrong. The truth is: he doesn't hate girls games. The occasional tea party or dancing lesson can be fun, but he doesn't like it when people tell him who he is or what he should do. He's very stubborn. He loves his sister Ann to pieces, and will do anything to protect her (even if he's scared).
|| ꜰɪᴠᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴀᴛ ꜰʀᴇᴅᴅʏ'ꜱ: ꜱᴇᴄᴜʀɪᴛʏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴄʜ ||
☆Glamrock Freddy
Main Verse
Are you ready to rock?! Glamrock Freddy is the lead singer of his band, and mascot of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. He is the kindest of his crew, always ready to help someone in need. While he adores the love from his fans, he performs to make others happy.
☆Montgomery Gator
Main Verse
Glamrock Montgomery 'Monty' Gator is the band's bassist. With his large build and gruff Cajun accent, he's the also the band's self-proclaimed 'ladies man'. Rough around the edges, but he doesn't bite! Or does he? I'm only kidding, the guy can come off as a bit of a jerk, but has a heart of gold. He does wanna give out a word of warning, however, to anyone coming to the Pizzaplex with intention to harm (or those caught between the crossfire of his after-hours "moods"): Those teeth aren't just for show!
☆Roxanne Wolf
Main Verse
Roxanne 'Roxy' Wolf is the keytarist of this animatronic band. She's the face of Roxanne Raceway, a place for kids to experience high-thrills fun in a safe, controlled environment. She encourages kids to put their best foot forward by exclaiming 'Be a winner! Nobody likes a loser.' Amongst her friends and fans, she's a arrogant beacon of self-confidence. She wouldn't dare let people know just how anxious she about her image.
Main Verse
Sun is the Daycare Attendant to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. He's a big fan of fun, games, and making new friends! He loves to play most any game, and is up to learning new ones. He's big on arts and crafts, and doesn't mind making a mess (as long as he can clean up immediately afterward). He looks out for children, and keeps them safe. He only has one rule: DON'T TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.
[ This post summarizes their personalities very well!! ]
|| Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location ||
☆Funtime Freddy
Main Verse
Funtime Freddy is a manic, wise-cracking entertainer at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. A part of his personality chip has always been damaged, to say the least, making him a general displeasure to be around for most adults. He's made to take care of the children, and teaches them to play nice. You would think this caretaker wouldn't be so high-maintenance. The only one who can calm him down is his pal, Bon Bon. Much to the parents' convenience , his little rabbit pal can always be found on his right hand.
Freddy sings, dances, plays games, puts on puppet shows, gives warm hugs that practically squeeze the air out of you -- what's not to love?
|| The Wizard of Oz ||
☆The Scarecrow
Main Verse
Pre-movie. Lives in the cornfields, trying his hardest to scare away the crows... sadly, nothing he does ever works! Thankfully, he has a positive and optimistic attitude, and enough chatter in his system to keep himself company for ages!
King Scarecrow Verse
King of the Emerald City, as stated by the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. With his pals Tin Man and Lion to help him out, ruling should be a breeze!
Between you an me, he hates being king. You can take a boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy. Still, he tries his hardest for his subjects, taking his work very seriously.
☆The Cowardly Lion
[Bio under construction. Feel free to interact with him!]
☆The Tin Man
[Bio under construction. Feel free to interact with him!]
|| Beetlejuice the Musical ||
[Bio under construction. Feel free to interact with him!]
|| Rise of the Guardians ||
☆E. Aster Bunnymund
[Bio under construction. Feel free to interact with him!]
|| Disney ||
[Bio under construction. Feel free to interact with him!]
☆Jack Skellington
[Bio under construction. Feel free to interact with him!]
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Because I haven’t been able to make a fic introducing my concepts to the ML-verse, I decided to skip those and write stuff after the fact. 
Long Story short: At least one of the Miraculous boxes was stolen and cursed. The cursed Miraculous were scattered and sealed, and Ladybug using the Miraculous cure for the first time managed to wake them up. 
A guy in Mexico managed to heal one(Teamwork), while another one was healed by itself(Healing). When they tried to heal a third one(Movement), both Kwami and holder feel into a magical coma. They went to Paris, where they knew Ladybug was, and Master Fu managed to wake them up. 
He tried to give the Miraculous to Master Fu, but he entrusted him to recover the rest of the cursed Miraculous (His test was that he didn’t hesitate to give them when Master Fu asked in exchange for waking the kwami and the holder (Who He didn’t personally know) He also taught them about Unifying the Kwamis of Teamwork and Healing would allow them to Heal the Curses without magical comas.
Without further ado:
It was a dark and stormy night… or rather, Ladybug wished it was. She had just had one of the worst days of her life and the night was calm and quiet. She almost wished something would happen just so she could stop thinking about Master Fu, about Hawk Moth about losing all the temporary heroes now that he knew who they were, and about what would happen if Chat Noir learned her identity.
She could feel the cold Parisian air as she used her magical yo-yo to swing from rooftop from rooftop, and for the first time in her life, she could understand how Elsa had wanted to flee from everything in her life. She had to help her parents at the bakery. She had to do well in school. She had to be the Class Representative. She had to design for Jagged Stone. She had to be Ladybug. She had to save Paris. And now, she also had to be the Guardian.
It’s not that she didn’t enjoyed each and everything she does, but at times, she just wanted to scream and take a breath. It was too much. It was too much.
She had latterly even enjoyed some of the akuma fights, as they allowed her to de-stress in the form of punching said Akuma. How wrong was that? She was supposed to focus and deal with them to minimize the damage. Sure, her “Miraculous Ladybug” trick undid all physical damage, but she wasn’t so sure it undid all psychological damage that being kidnapped, send to another dimension, transformed into an inanimate object… drowning…
She reached a rooftop and took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to just scream into the night. She had thought of using Kaalki to go far away and allow herself to scream, to cry and to openly weep the loss of her mentor, but knew that the power of the Miraculous shouldn’t be used for personal gain, and as the new guardian, she should never succumb to temptation.
She looked around and smiled bitterly. She had brought herself to Master Fu old house. She both hoped that Chat would show up, just to take her mind off those thoughts, and at the same time she hoped he wouldn’t show up, as he would probably just flirt with her and won’t understand a thing of what she had going on, despite being there when it happened.
She sighed, took a seat and decided to watch the stars.
And that’s when she noticed someone coming out of the house. She sighed again. Maybe the night won’t be uneventful after all.
She jumped out of the rooftop where she had been sitting and in a swift motion of her yo-yo she captured the evil doer. A young man, she analyzed. A bit on the shorter side, dark hair, brown eyes… he looks somewhat familiar. The guy looked at her and laughed.
“Hey there Little Lady! I was about to go looking for you”
Ladybug raised her eyebrow. She recognized the nickname, but it couldn’t be him… and then something came out of the backpack the guy was wearing.
“Hello Ladybug!” said the small creature “Long time no seeing you, how ‘you been?” The little brown and blue skunk-like thing said, ignoring the guy tied up in the yo-yo string behind them.
“Hey Izztli. Wait… then that is… Skunk?”
“Not the identity reveal I was looking for, but yeah. Hi”
Ladybug released him from her yo-yo, and helped him stand up. She looked at him with curiosity.
“I… what are you doing here? Not that I’m not glad of seeing you but… wait, have you been practicing your French?”
“Not at all. And that’s one of the reasons I’m here” The young man looked around. “We probably should talk in a more private place” he added, taking a key out of his pocket and opening Master Fu house with it. Ladybug’s eyes went wide. She hadn’t notice before that he had used a key.
“Where did you got that key?” Asked Ladybug once they were inside the main house.
Marinette couldn’t help but feel sad. The place was pretty much as she remembered. The same furniture, the same decoration… but there was nothing personal of Master Fu. Everything that meant something to him he had taken when he left. It made it seem emptier somehow. The guy took a seat and invited Ladybug to do the same.
“Well Little Lady, Master Fu called me a couple of weeks ago. I told him I had gotten a new Miraculous and was on my way over so he could check it out, but he insisted I should wait until this specific date to come. We ended up finding another one in the meantime.”
The boy showed Ladybug his new Miraculous and opened his backpack. “Come on guys, say ‘Hi’ to Ladybug”
Four kwamis came out of the backpack. Ladybug still wasn’t used to how this guy could have so many miraculous at once, but it was probably because he was technically an adult.
“Ladybug!” said a black and gold one, which Marinette knew was the Axolotl of healing. He hugged Ladybug’s head, as did the turquoise one, the Hummingbird of Movement.
“Hi Cuilli, hello Xihuu, how are you guys?”
“Awesome! We rescued two friends!”
The skunk kwami nudged the other two creatures towards Ladybug.
“Ladybug, is my honor to introduce you to Coattl, the Serpent of Communication, and the reason we are understanding each other right now”
“A pleasure my lady” said the grey serpent in a feminine and pleasant voice. “My power allows the holder of my Miraculous to understand and be understood by anyone they talk to”
“The pleasure is all mine, Coattl”
“And this is Mattli, the Ahuizotl of Wealth” The guy grinned. “He’s the reason I was able to come here via airplane now”
“’sup Ladybug” said the little Kwami, not really paying attention to Ladybug, but looking around the place.
“His power makes things into valuables. He transformed some stuff into gold, which I sold and then got the tickets to come here. Good thing Kwamis don’t show in x-rays”
“Wouldn’t it be much faster to use Xihuu?”
“Yes, but I needed to come here legally. Master Fu was insistent on that. He also told me were I would be able to find this key, but I haven’t been able to contact him at all. Do you…”
The guy noticed Ladybug change of expression and immediately noticed something was wrong.
“Do you need to talk about it?”
Ladybug sighed. “I can’t, or I might lose control and…”
“Say no more! Xihuu, on the move!”
“What are you doing?” asked Ladybug alarmed, after the guy had transformed into Colibri, or how he called himself when he used the Hummingbird Miraculous.
“You need this” He took his hula hoop, “Ollin!” the hula hoop reduced in size until it became a bracelet in his arm. He grabbed his backpack, and the other Kwamis got inside it. He then offered his hand to Ladybug. “Trust me” she took his hand, and then both were teleported in turquoise sparks.
The first thing she noticed was that the sun it was still up wherever Colibri had teleported them.
“Xihuu, let’s stay!” Colibri said, transforming again into the same guy as before. He opened his backpack, freeing the other kwamis and taking some candies for Xihuu.
“Welcome to my home Little Lady!” He announced, while closing the curtains. “My name is Mateo Torres. We’re in Mexico now, so you can relax and… well, let it go.” He flourished with his hand. To Ladybug’s surprise, he had a poster of Frozen. “Hawk Moth won’t notice us here”
Ladybug sighed, and told Mateo everything. About how Hawk Moth had discovered the guardian due to Feast (Which Mateo deduced was the reason Master Fu had called him), about Chat Blanc, about Mayura, about Chloe Bourgeois betrayal, about how she couldn’t call the temporal heroes anymore for help… and about how Master Fu had to sacrifice his memories, his whole self...
And since she was able to rant out safely, and felt like she could trust Mateo, she also told him about Lila and about how she had to leave Adrien, how Chat Noir wasn’t an option for her anymore, and how she was now the New Guardian at 14 and how dare he use a Miraculous for personal gain.
“That’s rough buddy… wait… you’re fourteen?”
“Tikki, spots off” she said, becoming Marinette again. “My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And I’m tired” Tikki looked at her holder and just hugged her face. The other Kwamis present did the same.
“I’m 20, and I’m suddenly not very comfortable.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Relax, you’re not even in my radar”
“What? No, gross, you’re like a sister to me,I knew you were younger than me, but I thought you were at least 18 and on the petite side. I’m uncomfortable because you have been defending Paris for longer than I have had a Miraculous, and you’re way younger than me to boost!”
“Does that mean that the Little Lady is our Guardian now?” asked Coattl. The other kwamis looked at both humans with wide eyes.
“NO!” said Marinette, a little louder than she intended to be. “Master Fu trusted you like he trusted me. He probably wanted you to be the Guardian of the Life and Death Miraculous like he wanted me to be…” Marinette stopped and sobbed.
“It’s ok Little Lady” he said, placing a hand over Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette pulled him into a hug and started to cry. “It’s ok. I now know why he gave me that key. I’m moving to Paris to help you against Hawk Moth”
“WHAT? NO WAY!” Marinette pulled him away. “Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have someone to talk to about this stuff, but you need to be able to lift the curses on the Aztec kwamis as soon as they appear!”
“And I will; it’s not like Xihuu can’t help me move to where we are needed”
“And what about school? You said you were in university”
“I actually dropped out a while back”
“WHAT? NO! You shouldn’t put your life on hold just for the miraculous!”
“And you should?” asked Mateo raising an eyebrow
Marinette looked away.
“I wasn’t getting the best of grades just being the Hooded Skunk, the whole mess with the rest of the cursed Miraculous just made them worse. But now thanks to Mattli I can totally concentrate on finding the rest of the Miraculous”
Marinette crossed her arms. “You shouldn’t use the Miraculous for personal gain” Tikki nodded in agreement. The other kwamis looked like they wanted to agree, but didn’t want to go against to their master wishes.
“I agree, but it’s not like I’m living a millionaire’s life” he gestured to the rest of his house. Marinette had to agree her house was a lot better. “And Master Fu gave me his old house. I’m guessing he wanted to give it to you, but couldn’t risk Hawk Moth putting two and two together”
“And he wouldn’t with you?”
“As far as everyone in Paris will know, I’m a crazy foreigner who bought that old house… Darn, I will need to get a job to justify expenses.”
“Well, there should be a spot at my school for…”
“Yeah, no, school work would probably be full time. I’ll just probably just ‘import’ Mexican sweets”
“… You’re going to abuse Xihuu’s power for candy?”
“Hey, you guardian you way, I’ll guardian my way. Plus, I only need a front, not a get-rich-quick scheme”
Marinette sighed and closed her eyes, thinking about it.
“Wait, I just realized that technically speaking, you have more experience than me, so you’ll be my mentor”
Marinette opened her eyes, and laughed.
“We would only see each other as heroes… and please only help when I ask you to.”
“I agree. It would be weird to hang out with you… well, like this... But still, don’t hesitate to ask me to abuse my powers when you need some stress release” He smiled smugly. Marinette hit him playfully on the arm.
“Deal!” Marinette cleaned her face, wiping away the tears, feeling much better. “Hawk Moth won’t know what hit him. Tikki, Spots on!”
“Xihuu, On the Move!”
I’ll probably continue this in a non-linear way, like, there will be more parts, but I’ll maybe skip some parts or return to them... I dunno honestly.
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theewrites-tf2 · 5 years
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Well, I still have the personal headcanon that Comic #7 will release before global warming destroys the planet, so does that count?
Heh, okay, but for real, uhhhhhh.... I guess I mostly have UNCOMMON headcanons. Like, I don't think Spy, though the SFM model is AWESOME has black/White skunk hair under that mask, I think Scout got his blonde/brown hair from Spy. I also headcanon Radigan Conagher (Engineers Granddad) had a low-keycrush on Abe Lincoln, due to his noted and documented fascination with the creator of the stairs in the TF2-verse, and the fact he had SEVERAL ideas to try to save the President from the whole Booth incident. I think Team Classic's Medic is shady, and the fact that we haven't seen him in the comics is REALLY suspicious. I headcanon that Pyro is/has been more than one person in the mask, the Pyro being the commonly rotating job due to they're destructive nature on the battlefield, though that ones a bit more of an interesting thought then an actually headcanon, I wouldn't implement it into my works... Just an fun idea to think about!
The most unusual headcanon I have, is that Pauling will end up the main bad guy of the comics or/and turn on the guys in the end. Idk, I admire her as a character and she's an intriguing addition for the Team Fortress universe that helps deepen the lore and 'kinda' dim the ridiculous tone of the media, but recent comments she's made in the comics, her desperation to succeed her mission in order to remain the right-hand-gal of Helen... I just don't see that going away, and I think it would be a AMAZING narrative choice with her betrayal of some form in the comics, Scout's reaction, oof, Spy's reaction, Oof, Pyros reaction, OOF.
Thanks for the ask, @alansparkshark!!!
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