#skz comeback made me feel things
lixhours · 2 years
Okay -deep breath- who’s ready for “Help me out” part 2?
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chrisbangs · 1 year
i keep thinking i should come back and start giffing again but 🫂 also why would i ever do that
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ regrets & replacements ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angstttt (is all i know how to do) ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> hyung line!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> did he actually forget? or did someone make him forget? ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
a/n -> i'm gonna use the same name for the girl best friend and it's soohee, i'm sorry if that's your name babes. to the person who sent me this request, babe i'll try making a happy ending i promise (even if this is just so sad lmaooo)
maknae line
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chan ✉
it wasn't weird to you that he wasn't the first person to say "happy birthday" to you that morning. he had always been busy especially in comeback season, you weren't mad, just a bit disappointed. the messages started flooding in as you looked at your phone trying to respond to everything. as the hours passed and no chan messages, no appearances at your front door and definitely no calls, you were starting to feel a bit uneasy.
you thought maybe he was planning a surprise? maybe you had to be more patient. or maybe he actually forgot and you were just waiting for nothing. either way the thoughts left your head as soon as you heard the phone ring and it was a video call from minho.
"happy birthday (y/n)!" the boys cheered and they even had a cake with them. it made you feel ten times better knowing they cared so much but it still made you wanna cry not seeing chan there, it just felt wrong. "i'm sorry we couldn't say this earlier, we were busy with practice and i'm sure your boyfriend will be there at any minute." minho said.
"i hope so, he still hasn't said anything." you responded and they all looked confused as hell. chan had been wanting everything to be perfect for your birthday day and him not saying anything was kinda weird to all of them. "did he say anything to you guys?"
"he left earlier because he said he got plans? i thought he would be right there when we called." felix said and now it was your turn to be confused. so if he wasn't here and he said he got plans? where was he? it just didn't make sense. 
"i'm gonna text him right now to get his ass to your house." jisung said as he brought out his phone and texted as fast as he could. you could read the look on his face through the screen as he read the reply and it wasn't pleasing at all. "he's with soohee." jisung said and it was like everything stopped for a moment. 
"you're not serious right now." seungmin said and you couldn't hear the boys go off anymore because it was now starting to make sense. you were never really good friends with soohee, you tried to but it was like she had another image for who she wanted to be with chan (probably herself). you decided to hang up because you couldn't really talk anymore, you were just shocked that she would go that low and that he would not care enough. 
you wanted to go out and enjoy the rest of your birthday but it's like you were glued to the couch as the hours went by and eventually chan did get home. he looked at you and took in the scene, he wasn't sure what happened that you didn't text him all day like you usually do or that you didn't come by during practice. something had to be wrong for you to be acting like this right?
"baby? what's wrong? i missed you today." he said as he tried to sit down next to you but you got up and now he was starting to understand that he was the one who did you wrong. he still didn't know why though and the vague messages from the boys today weren't helping. he felt like he wasn't in on whatever was going on and it was starting to make him panic. "did i do something wrong? i have no idea what's happening."
"can i be alone today chris? i'm just not feeling too well." you expressed and that made him worry even more. you usually would talk it out if something like this happened but you were more silent than anything. you headed towards your shared room leaving a puzzled chan behind. that's when something popped up on his phone saying "(y/n)'s birthday, don't forget to pick up all the things you ordered!" and it fucking broke him completely. 
not only he didn't say happy birthday to you, not only he forgot to pick up all the gifts, not only did he not organize everything he had planned for today. he spent the whole day with a person he knew you weren't fond of and not with you who had waited all day for him to do something. if he wasn't the worst boyfriend in the planet right now, he surely didn't know who it was. 
minho ✉
it was no secret to you that minho forgot. you weren't really bothered by it since you weren't used to celebrating your birthday all that often but it made you kind of excited to do so this year. jisung decided to join you in organizing the event and when the day arrived, he said everything was set in place and of course told you happy birthday before anyone could do so.
"is minho hyung with you?" jisung asked over the phone as you tried to get ready. that question caught you off guard as you thought he told you he was going to be at the dorms. 
"he's not in the dorms?" you asked now feeling a bit troubled and hoping for the answer you knew wouldn't arrive because if he was at the dorms, jisung wouldn't have asked in the first place.
"i was sure that he told me he would be at your house before the party." he responded but as you looked around, yeah minho wasn't anywhere to be found and now you were wondering if he would show up at all. anxiety kicked in and that was not pleasant to feel on your special day. "okay i can feel you panicking through the phone already, he might be my best friend but i'm kicking his ass for lying."
jisung hanged up all of the sudden and you tried to concentrate on your look. you knew everyone was gonna be there so you wanted to make a good impression but all that was going through your mind was "why would minho lie?" and "where was minho?". it troubled you so much that you had to call him to know what was going on. 
"(y/n)? babe? i'm kinda busy right now." hearing his voice relieved you but you were still going back and forth in your head trying to figure out. maybe he was gonna surprise you? maybe he did really forget? or maybe he just didn't care? oh god all those questions.
"minho where are you?" you asked and waited for the dreaded response, you were already assuming the worst and you were right to do so when he responded.
"i'm at soohee's house. she had a bad date with a guy and she needed me here." he said as if it was all natural like he wasn't missing out on anything and that made you want to cry on the spot but you held back. it wasn't that he chose you over her, it was that she did this all the time and he wasn't realizing how she was using him. you wanted him to be here, to show you that he cared but his actions were speaking louder than anything.
"minho do me a favor and don't show up today." you said as you hung up, leaving a baffled minho on the other side of the line. what were you talking about? okay yes he lied about seeing his friend but it was because neither you or jisung liked her at all. he was just trying to be a good friend and he ended up being a bad one and also a terrible boyfriend in the process, how did that make any sense?
"who called?" soohee asked as she came back from getting all her makeup off after a long crying session. 
"oh it was (y/n), they were pissed at me though and i have no idea why." he explained and that only made her chuckle which had him confused. what was funny about his significant other being mad at him? yeah there was nothing funny about it.
"probably because their dumb birthday party was today." she responded and it hit him like a bucket of cold water. he looked at the calendar on his phone and he wanted to actually punch a wall. he forgot his partner's birthday, he lied in the process and he chose someone else who was now showing her true colors before him over you. how the fuck would he make it up to you now?
changbin ✉
you were trying to process what was going on as you woke up and had a ton of messages but there was no changbin beside you. it was weird also how all of the texts you were getting started with "happy birthday" but the one changbin sent only said "i'm gonna be busy today, sorry that i left without a goodbye!" and it was okay, you didn't expect him to remember everything especially when he was buried with work. 
well you thought it was work at least. you didn't expect it to be something else but every single one of the boys had told you to have a wonderful day and that they were sure changbin was gonna enjoy his day off with you. so it wasn't work and now you were left to think about the endless possibilities of where he could be.
"he left without a word?" yeonjun asked as he and wooyoung dropped by. they were some of changbin's closest friends but easily became yours as well as you hung out often with them. "but he told us he had big plans for today! where the fuck could he be?"
"i have no idea. i thought the boys would know but they even told me he asked for a day off to spend it with me." you said and you started to feel a little troubled. maybe something happened? he would tell you if something was happening though especially if it was an emergency.
"let's hope he's just planning the surprise." wooyoung said and you were hoping for that, that it was all just one big confusion and he didn't forget about you. you felt incredibly lonely when they left but they had hope that his friend would appear again and that "busy" meant he was gonna show up with a million flowers to make it up to you. 
but time was passing by and no changbin appeared until midnight. he didn't expect for you to be awake at such an hour but he didn't question it as he looked at you, dry tears in your face as you sniffled. worry washed over his body as he sat down next to you and tried to get close but you wouldn't let him.
"darling? what happened?" changbin asked, feeling the tension all of the sudden. he wasn't gonna be a coward and run away from it though, if you were feeling down it was his duty to know what happened.
"wooyoung and yeonjun were here thinking that you might show up with gifts or a reservation. i thought the same for a minute but then you never showed up." you said choking on your tears and it made his heart break into pieces as he processed what was happening. his friends showed up, his bandmates probably said something too, hell even his family told him to not forget about today and what did he do? not remember his significant other's special day.
"i'm sorry (y/n). i spent all day with soohee because she needed me and i forgot to even look at the date, i had everything planned. i'm such a fucking idiot but let me make it up to you." he tried explaining but it was no use as you got up as your sobs got louder and everything he said was only making it worse. he knew that beyond you not having a good relationship with her that he chose her over you on a date that was important and that he was now too late.
"so not only did you forget. you chose to spend it with a person who clearly hates me and everything about our relationship. i think that says more about you than me, changbin." you said as you shook your head and walked to your shared room, only to close the door in the process startling him. he feared that this would be the end because there was no going back from this one.
hyunjin ✉
you knew something was off when hyunjin basically went silent mode. he left the house in the morning, not a trace of a goodbye kiss and less of a happy birthday. he didn't answer his phone calls and neither the texts messages that you were sending which was very odd on his part. he usually would spam you images or emojis but there was no sight of him.
you asked chan if hyunjin happened to be at the studio and he responded back immediately saying that he was supposed to be there for practice and still hasn't showed up. which okay you could understand him working on your birthday, you weren't insane like that but he usually got there on time. you decided to grab your things and head to the jyp building, you wanted to see him mostly. maybe he had forgotten your birthday and that was okay, you still had the rest of the day to celebrate it.
everyone as soon as they saw you said "happy birthday" or greeted you which was very nice. when you saw the boys you couldn't help but smile even if deep down inside you were freaking out. you could tell the vibe was off as well as you saw chan on his phone but you weren't shook out of your thoughts as felix talked to you.
"you shouldn't have to spend your birthday at a filthy dance studio with us. you should be celebrating!" he said as he hugged you and you returned the hug. maybe you did need this embrace after all because you were feeling a little down as hyunjin still didn't arrive.
"i just wanted to see him lix. i'm kinda worried but i'm hoping for the best." you mumbled and he nodded as he understood how you were feeling and why you weren't acting like yourself.
"he says he's coming over here, thank god." chan said and that made you smile a little but then remembered he did not pick up any of your calls yet he picked up when chan called him. maybe he was busy before? well he could've still responded to you a bit later right?
you sat down next to seungmin as he saw how you were feeling and wanted to distract you from it. it was working until everyone saw hyunjin walk in with soohee and that was the answer to all your troubles even if it brought a storm towards you and what was going to happen.
"baby? what are you doing here?" he asked with a confused look on his face and could immediately pick up the tension in the room as the boys were glaring at him and you just looked so sad. 
"oh god are you seriously looking like that because he didn't say happy birthday? how old are you?" soohee spoke and hyunjin closed his eyes as he let it sink in. he knew you two weren't in terms and this only made it worse didn't it? he left without a trace, he didn't respond to anything on his phone and he was now walking in with her as she spoke to you in such a hateful way. 
"i'm just gonna go. i'm sorry for interrupting the practice guys and hyunjin, please don't come by my apartment." you said as the tears rolled down your face and you left as fast as you could. hyunjin wanted to go after you but felix stopped him because you needed to be alone for now to heal. the knot in his throat getting tighter as he thought about how he would redeem this after he fucked up so badly.
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cheeseceli · 3 months
With a hyper s/o
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Pairing: Ot8 skz × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Request: hihi! i loved your skz with a quiet s/o! is it okay if i request skz with a extroverted and loud s/o? thank you!
Warnings: not proofread
A/n: stray kids comeback soon!! So excited what | fundraiser
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Bang Chan
Honestly he gets a little bit worried every time you start to jump and run around lmao, but it's just his protective side showing out. He'd do everything to keep the smile on your face. The boys also are glad you are in his life, as since you came along he seems more carefree, like he can relax a bit more. Maybe you being so alive made him decide to live more as well.
Lee Know
Absolute chaos. When he is on those "I'll just start screaming and let's see what happens" moments, you both become unstoppable. And if you're up to joining in his crazy ideas, he might as well just have found the love of his life. But when he's on his calmer moments, he loves to just hear you talk about anything or just admire you. He finds you so endearing and loveable.
I feel like you have scared him quite a few times by being loud but then he's being louder and you just click so well lmao. The boys love him, love you and love you both as a couple but they'd be rolling their eyes whenever you two got together😭 I feel like talking to him would be so easy too. Conversation just comes and goes so normally, you wouldn't even have to try.
Honestly, he just loves how everything about you seems so bright. He can swear he sees colours more vivid because of you and your little habits. It's almost impossible for him to not smile along your antics and drama. Might even try to keep up with your hype sometimes (mostly fails but he doesn't mind that much, he just likes to see you be his sunshine).
Yes he's an introvert but have you seen this man?? He's ready to set fire to everything most of the time. So this is kinda absolute chaos pt2. Such a good duo, you both share the same braincell. But when the situation calls for it, you are his vitamin and charger. And if you're the dramatic type as well, he's all in for that.
If Han is his sunshine twin you're his sunshine soulmate. Honestly, the room just brightens up the moment you two walk in. And people can always figure out where you both are just by following the sound of your laugh 😭 that's genuinely cute.
Teases you a little bit when it comes to you being extra hyper and happy about everything, but it's all in good fun. He actually finds it rather cute. It also gives me huge "If you dance I'll dance, if you don't I'll dance anyways" vibes (please someone understand what I mean). Most of the times he's wondering how you have such a big social battery tho lmao.
Honestly he loves to hear you yap. You always come up with the most random things to say, he never knows what to expect. And even though he doesn't say much back, you always know that he's listening. And it's even kinda cute because when he's only with the boys he'll randomly talk about what you said earlier that day. "Did you know you can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from two miles away?"
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: with a quiet s/o
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143 @sleepyleeji
Credits for images 1 2 and 3
Dividers by @isisjupiter
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luvyeni · 2 years
Hii hii♡ i was wondering if you could do an ot8 perv yandere StrayKids with a 9th member. I just feel like your writing style really fits for this type of thing and i really love it too!!
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pairings. OT8!straykids x 9thmember!reader
wc. 1.1k
warnings. yandere/perv!skz , possessiveness, manipulation, chan looks up your skirt, masturbation, fingering
synopsis. different scenarios with perv/yandere!skz and the 9th member.
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—{🍰}... CHAN ⋮ "fixing" your clothes etc... !
he watched you , his cock stirring in his jeans as he stared at your ass , watching ypu bend over trying to fix your shoes with the short skirt you had, as it kept riding up your legs. "stupid skirt." he smiled standing up , walking over to you.
"love let me help you." he bent down , fixing your shoe , "thank you , channie." you smiled ,so unaware that he was getting a look under your skirt , standing back up patting your head. "i'll talk to the stylist into doing something about the length , let me know if the shoes become a problem again." he knows they will because he didn't tie them right , he just has to wait patiently to get another peak.
—{🍰}... LEE KNOW ⋮ not letting you go out with other idol boys !
lee know watched you laugh at your phone for the 5th time , snatching it out of your hand. "hey!" his glare made you stop talking. "did i tell you to stop dancing , do it again."
he went through your phone , his blood boiling as he went through you and vernon of seventeens text messages. "why the fuck are you texting him?" he stopped the music. "h..he asked me to coffee." you said. "you're not going." he tossed your phone carelessly to the floor. "but why." you whined. "ask me that stupids ass question again and i'll send these messages to dispatch , you really want to risk your career over a cup of coffee?" he watched you shake your head. "then i suggest you worry about the dance then." he said turning the music on, you were his and his only, he was gonna find a way to get rid of vernon.
—{🍰}... CHANGBIN ⋮ tracking your whereabouts !
you walked through the door of the dorms , changbin waiting in the kitchen. "what are you doing still up?" you questioned , he didn't say anything , cornering you against the counter.
"w..what are you doing?" you said. "where were you?" he asked. "i told you me and chaeyoung went out today." you said and he scoffed. "why are you lying , the tracker says you were in hongdae and people on twitter said they saw you with mark." you were confused as to why he was acting like this , so what , after you hung out with chaeyoung , you and mark went to hongdae. "chang- next to you lie to me and go out with mark again you won't like it , your mine understand?" he watched , smiling when you nodded. "good , go to bed we have a studio session tomorrow morning."
—{🍰}... HYUNJIN ⋮ checking you out during practice !
hyunjin bit his lip, watching in the mirror as your boobs bounced while you practiced the dance. "was that good hyune?" you looked at him with those cute doe eyes , that made him want to take you right there in the dance room floor.
"no i think you messed up during this part." he showed you, "do it again." he turned the music back on , you did the dance perfectly and hour ago , he just wanted to watch your boobs bounce , subtly palming his cock through his pants. "hyune, im so tired." he got up coming behind you , his cock pressed against your ass. "h..hyune , why are you- why else , your tits are bouncing like crazy in that little sports bra." he spoke so bluntly. "im sorry." he smiled. "don't be princess , this just means you're gonna help me when you're done going over the dance again."
—{🍰}... HAN JISUNG ⋮ fingering you during a skz-talker !
"today , we're at music bank for our comeback, im so excited." you spoke to the camera. jisung made his way over to you sitting down at the table with you, his hand on your thigh , creeping up your thigh.
"hannie is being really playful today." you smiled leaning over to him , whispering in his ear. "what are you doing?" he smiled ignoring you slipping into your pants , pushing his finger into you , you let out a whine , praying the camera didn't pick it up. "_ is having a hard time today , she got hurt during pratice and she keeps whining about her leg, im sure she'll be okay , right?" you nodded biting the inside of your cheek, he leaned in whispering , "unless you want them to know you're about to cum on camera like a pornstar i suggest you stop moaning."
—{🍰}... FELIX ⋮ shutting down all fanboys advantages !
you sat at the table at the fansign , felix was next to you , hand on your thigh , protectively. he talked the fans, while watching you subtly, most of them were girls , so he wasn't that jealous , that was until a fanboy sat down , making him sit up.
"you're so pretty." he could feel himself getting mad , who did this fanboy think he was , you were his only , only he was allowed to call you pretty. "thank you." you smiled ,feeling felix tense up. "when you write in the album , can you sign it _ husband?" felix turned to you both. "no , she's mine." you laughed , but you knew he was serious. "he's joking." the fan laughing moving back to his seat. felix picked up the mic, "_ is mine , nobody is marrying her but me." everyone laughed and awed but you and felix both knew he wasn't joking , and felix was definitely gonna be finding the fans adress after the fansign.
—{🍰}... SEUNGMIN ⋮ cumming to your fancams !
"fuck." seungmin moaned as he stroked his cock, looking at porn on his phone, he finally had some time to himself , closing his door, pulling his pants down , finding his favorite porn video , his cock growing hard.
he couldn't stop thinking about you though , you looked so good today on stage ,your outfit was more revealing than usual , and it had been on his mind all day. "o..oh fuck." he groaned , as a link popped up to a video... your fancame from today had been uploaded, he didn't even think before clicking the video , his cock jumping as you came on the screen, your dancing and face expressions bring him closer to his orgasm , "ngh shit!" he came on his phone, some on his hand, some leaking from his cock. "seung- im so sorry." you stood in the doorway eyes closed. "it was unlocked." he scoffed. "well don't just stand there , come clean it up."
—{🍰}... JEONGIN ⋮ shutting down other idols advantages !
"jeongin i don't know how you do it." beomgyu said. "what are you talking about?" he said. "if she walked around like that in front of me , i don't think i could hold myself back." he pointed over to you who had walked into the kitchen , "she's so hot." jeongin slapped the boys arm. "play the game."
he walked beomgyu to the door , "so , can you give me her number?" jeongin rolled his eyes. "no , she doesn't want to date you." he said. "why not , is she dating someone." jeongin thought for a second. "yeah." he smiled watching his friend frown. "who?" beomgyu asked. "she's dating me , so don't ask anymore, she's not allowed to talk to other boys." he pushed his friends out the door, closing it.
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Could you please write a short story on reader distancing herself from chan bc another member (any member of your choice) confessed to her that they caught feelings for them too and reader feels really conflicted since they do not want to cause any tension between the group and reader is scared to tell chan but also doesn’t know what to do?? like they don’t want either party to feel bad and kind of are thinking about leaving chan so that there’s no conflict, but chan finds out in the end, and they talk about it?
Absolutely love you and your work!❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
Hurt - part 1
[You rejected Hyunjin because you are dating Chan]
BangChan x Reader x Hyunjin
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🕸🤍 read guide lines in Masterlist!
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03:43 AM
It was the middle of the night when you got the messages. You couldn´t sleep because of your boyfriends´ snoring anyways, so decided to unlock your phone very quietly, to check it.
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You couldn´t believe your eyes. Out of nowhere? You talked to yourself. But it woke up your boyfriend, who is well known for his light sleeping. Hm? You didn´t want to talk about this with him all sleepy, so you played it off. Nothing babe, go back to sleep. You kissed his forehead, and he did as you said. Then you looked back at the screen filled with the words you didn´t want to see. You couldn´t have this conflict, espescially not in the group. Why did he have to tell you...this made things incredibily difficult...for litterly all of you. You liked Hyunjin...but only as a good friend, nothing more. Ever. You were hopelessly in love with Chris. You wished Hyunjin never had send you these messages. It´s like the universe heard your wish, cuz as soon you thought of it...the messages dissapeared.
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Even though he deleted the messages, you still read them. It couldn´t just be deleted from your memory now too. You decided not to reply anything. Did he see that you were online? Did he see that you read the messages? Did he feel guilty and that´s why he deleted it? You had many questions. But most of all, you kinda hated the fact that he deleted it...since now you couldn´t show it to Chris, if you had to...cuz you always wanted to be honest to him about everything. And this felt like something you had to talk to him about. Also because well... it´s one of his best friends....but also a member of his group. This would stir up alot, and with the comeback and all...you didn´t want them to have a conflict. You decided to just leave it for now, and hopefully you could both just forget he ever said it in the first place.
07:00 AM
Chris his alarm clock went off. Both of you groaning since you didn´t wanna get up yet. 5 more minutes....pleaseee. He giggled. Nauuur baby, it´s an important day. It´s the first day of rehearal for the tour stage. And you promised you´d be there. Right after he said that he jumped out of bed, going into his bathroom, taking a quick shower, brushing his teeth etc. You did the same...after your extra 5 minutes of sleep. When you were done, dressed and ready to start the day you walked into the living room. Innie was already up. Morning...sleep well? He asked kindly, but a little worried. You nodded and looked at him questionably. I don´t know, I had to pee during the night and saw light coming from under your door. Thought you might have been awake. You remebered the messages, from Hyunjin. Oh that... yea I couldn´t sleep for a bit, due to this beautiful persons´ snoaring. You said as you pointed at Chris who obliviously walked out of the kitchen, into the living room with you both. Hm? Me? Snoaring? Nah. Never. He grinned. It made you two laugh too. Well let´s go shall we? It´s gonna be a busy day! You both followed Chris out of the door. He noticed you looking down at the ground a bit as you stumbled behind Innie. You okay baby? You were nervous to see the other members. Hyunjin mostly obviously. You nodded and faked a smile. I´m really happy you´re coming with us today. He said as he kissed your cheek and gave you a side hug, then grabbing your bag and carrying it for you. Me too.
08:03 AM
Chris and Innies apartment was close to the company, so you arrived in no-time. As you all got into the building you kept looking around to maybe catch a glimpse of Hyunjin yet, so you could maybe talk to him in private before hand. But unfortunetly, you didn´t see him. Not until you 3 reached the rehersal stage. There he was. Talking with Seungmin about a part of the dance. The second he noticed you he stood still. Looking at you with a wide-eyed gaze. Shit he must´ve known you did in fact saw the messages. Chris and Innie joined the others as you hung back for a bit. But you kept on observing the boys as they got started on their warm up. Smiling at Chris here and there, but then loosing that smile as soon as you remebered the perdicament you were in. Hyunjin looked at you from time to time too, and you looked back but immidiatly after, you´d look away and look down. Chris started to notice the tension between you two and commented on it during their first break.
11:34 AM
What is up with you both? You two fighting or something? You shook your head but kept looking at Hyunjin, who was currently drinking some ice coffee. No, something is definetly up y/n. You sighed. You finally decided to cut the bullshit and got up, walking towards Hyunjin. Grabbing him by his arm and have him follow you backstage.
Why did you send these words to me Hyunjin? You know I am dating Chris. I am in love with Chris! This...what you did...it makes things complicated. I am sorry, I just had to tell you. It´s how I feel y/n. You sighed again. You understood how difficult it must be for him as well. But that didn´t mean it wasn´t difficult to you too. Can´t you, forget about those feelings and pretend it never happened? I can not lose Chris. But I also don��t wanna loose you, Hyunjin. You are one of my best friends! He stayed quiet for a bit. I knew you would never choose me over him, I truly do...but I just had to say it. So you´d know. Yeah, well, me knowing isn´t good either. I don´t know what to do now... You don´t need to do anything.......it´s good that you rejected me. You both stayed silent for a bit. You saw him tearing up a bit, since well...even though it was never your intention...you did break his heart. When you saw tears streaming down his face, you felt bad and hugged him. I truly am sorry...I hope you understand though...what position you´ve put me in, and yourself too. He nodded, understanding that if this got out, there would be conciquenses. You cannot tell Chris. Not now. Maybe in the future. But if he knew, he´d be angry. He looked at you with his red teary eyes. Okay. He then walked back on to the stage, with you following him quickly after. The boys weren´t blind and they obviously noticed his teary face immidiatly. Chris mouthed to you from affar ¨What happened¨. You replied ¨Don´t worry about it¨. But he obviously wouldn´t let that slide so easily. As the guys walked closer to the both of you, it all started. Why is Hyunjin crying y/n?
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Part 2
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© 2022-2024, smellslikechahnspirit • No posting on other sites or platforms, rewrites, or translations
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seungmonggg · 7 months
This is a request after reading your “StonerLix” Drabble and fic, could we get one but a Jisung version? Something about StonerJisung should be illegal but it’s so gooooood 🤌🤌
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Thank you for your request!! I‘m thinking about making a Stoner!Skz series, let me know if yall would be interested in that!!
But lets talk about Stoner!Jisung… i can imagine him puffing to chill and rewind a bit. Maybe after a Studio session with 3Racha?
Jisungie would be so tired, but couldn‘t sleep because the lyrics wouldn‘t stop racing in his head, so he‘d quietly get out of bed to not wake you up.
Of course you‘d immediately wake up, missing his warmth and heartbeat. When coming down the stairs you saw him sitting on the couch, rolling a blunt.
When you caught him you just smirked to yourself, you knew jisung did this from time to time to stop his mind from racing, and you loved it every single time. He‘d be so relaxed and would always smile with the sexiest, hungriest look in his eyes.
So when you joined him on the couch in nothing but his shirt and some panties Jisung couldn‘t help but gulp. „Want some too, Baby?“ he‘d ask, his voice raspy from the smoke in his lungs.
Taking a puff from the joint made you hum, you‘d missed these moments, especially in comeback season.
When his brain got cloudy and his fingers started tingling from the high, he couldn’t help but pull you into a messy kiss. And by messy i mean spit dribbling down your chins, tongues fighting with each other and him groaning into your mouth.
He laid you down gently before hovering above you and kissing your neck down to your tits. „Always so fucking pretty for me, love coming home to you in my clothes baby“ he‘d whisper against your skin, making goosebumps rise.
„Need you so much, sungie. Missed you“ you‘d whine, making him chuckle and pull your shirt over your head. „Don‘t worry baby, you‘ll get what you want.“ he whispered darkly before kissing down your thighs to your clothed core.
If Han knew one thing, it was how to get you so wet you‘d make a mess on the couch. He proceeded to rub your clit and whisper dirty nothings in your ear before ripping your panties off your legs and moaning at the sight of your sopping cunt.
I know i‘m not the only one thinking that, but i‘m like 95% sure han has the prettiest dick ever, with a beautiful mushroom head, always leaking waaaay too much precum.
Yall know the part in Heyday where he whispers? Fuckkk imagine him whispering in your ear „ready for me, baby? Ready to take my cock?“ before thrusting in fully making you whimper out his name.
And i just know he‘d eat all of yours moans and praises right up before straightening up to give you the best look of his beautiful body while fucking into you like a man gone wild.
Jisung needs you like he needs air to breathe and water to live. His need for you is so deep, he always gets lost in you, whenever he‘s fucking you he‘s uncontrollable, unstoppable. Fucking both of you into oblivion.
This man gets pussy drunk way too fast, babbling about how good your cunt makes him feel, how tight and wet you are for him. Even after making you cream on his cock and cumming himself he doesn‘t stop overstimulating both of you, making you whimper and writhe together on the couch<33
After both of you came at least three times, you‘d lay there, completely spent. Wet and dirty with both of your juices all over your bodies he‘d look at you, smirking
„Wanna smoke another one?“
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
Stray Kids Reaction || You Randomly Buy Him Flowers [Request]
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Skz x GN!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2022
They'd just had a comeback and finally, their schedules were - mostly - free. So you'd decided it was a chance to surprise your boyfriend with a gift, now that everyone else would have stopped sending them things,
"Hey...What's this?" He chuckled as you walked into the studio carrying a box of flowers just for him, his name written on a small card.
"I bought flowers for you," You smiled as you gently set them down on his desk, his cheeks instantly began to turn red as he realised they were for him.
"You bought me flowers?" His voice was a little whiney and you laughed softly at the sound of it, was it that surprising you would surprise him like this?
"I decided to treat you, my hard-working boyfriend." You cooed before kissing his cheeks softly as he began to gush about how you didn't have to get him anything before telling you how much he loved them.
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When the boys walked into the dorms and saw vases of flowers spotted all over the place they started to chuckle softly, 
"Hyung, I didn't know you were into flowers." Felix teases before Minho shot him a death glare in his direction, 
"So pretty and cute," Jeongin chuckled looking over at the newest edition of the flowers you had bought for Minho. They were sitting in a glass vase on the kitchen table and even though Minho wasn't the biggest lover of flowers he adored them. Because they were from you. 
"Yn got them for me, I like them." He says sternly, getting up from the sofa and walking over to the bouquet of roses that were beside the bathroom door. It appeared as though there were flowers dotted around everywhere you looked.
"Isn't it your job to buy the flowers?" Felix smirked but Minho shook his head at him, 
"I don't care," Minho whined, reaching for his phone and messaging you about how much he adored the flowers that you had spoiled him with.
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As soon as you walked toward Changbin with the flowers in your hands he couldn't help but smile at them. 
"Do I have someone else sending my number one flowers? Do I have competition now?" He chuckled looking at the flowers and frowning when he saw his name written on the small envelope that was attached to the flowers,
"They're for you," You told him, gently laying the flowers in his hands as his mouth fell open in complete shock that you would do something like this for him.
"You got me flowers?"
"Yeah, I thought it would be a nice chance of pace since you're usually buying them for me," You shrugged before he put them down and hugged you tightly in his arms, thanking you over and over again.
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It wasn't often that you would buy Hyunjin something like flowers but when you did he did everything that he possibly could with them. From painting them, drawing them and photographing them he would get as much use as he could out of them. He would even put them on bubble for everyone to see since he was so happy with them.
The only issue was, that he would get sad whenever they would die and he couldn't wait until you bought him some new ones,
"More flowers?" Chan asked when he watched you stepping toward Hyunjin's art studio carrying a bouquet, 
"Only the best for my man," You laughed before placing them down in the centre of Hyunjin's art room and looking around at the walls. Every inch of them was covered in paintings or photos of the different flowers you had gotten for him.
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"Ever since you got him those flowers he hasn't stopped talking about them," Jeongin mentioned when he noticed you walking into the dorms, you frowned at the sentence.
"The flowers you got for Jisung. Ever since he got them he just brags about it in the group chat...It makes me feel lonely." The maknae pouted before looking down at his phone to show you an example. It appeared that ever since Jisung had gotten the flowers on the weekend he had been non-stop talking about them and it made your whole body heat up. You'd done it as a surprise, wanting to give your boyfriend something while you'd been away.
"Maybe I should do it more often," You smiled to yourself looking over at Jisung who was taking more photos of the flowers on his desk.
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When your relationship with Felix used to be a secret you would constantly send him flowers to remind him how much you loved him but once you were out, you stopped. It wasn't because you didn't want to anymore but more because you didn't feel the need to which was why it was so surprising to him when he came to work to see you holding flowers for him.
"I bought you something," You laughed softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before handing over the small bouquet. It was filled with red roses and sunflowers, you'd been passing by them and couldn't resist the chance to get them for your little ball of sunshine. 
"You didn't have to," He gushed, feeling so special that you'd decided to do it randomly and out of the blue. The whole thing made him feel as though he was floating on cloud nine.
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"I have a delivery for Mr Kim?" A voice said from the doorway making Seungmin stare over at it, there was a man carrying a large bouquet and he frowned.
"Do you have the right room?" He questioned thinking that maybe it was for one of the other idols but the man looked down at his notes and shook his head,
"Flowers for Mr Kim Seungmin, from Yn." Seungmin slowly and shyly got up to take them from the man. You were back home visiting family and you could resist sending him flowers to let him know how much you loved him. 
"Cute!" Chan cooed from the other side of the room making Seungmin blush a deep shade of red and whine a little. He was in complete shock, no one had ever given him flowers before unless it was to celebrate something and he couldn't wait to message you all about it.
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Jeongin and you had, had a fight the night before and you decided to apologise to him with flowers. 
"Is Innie here?" You questioned as you walked into the dorms to see Minho staring over at you, 
"Yeah, he's in his room but-" You didn't listen to anything else as you quietly knocked on the door and walked inside to see Jeongin holding a bouquet of flowers and saying sorry to himself.
"Innie?" You laughed looking at the sight in front of you and frowning, 
"I was practicing the way to say sorry,"
"But you have nothing to be sorry about," You pouted, holding out the bouquet that you had bought for him and smiling weakly.
"I'm sorry," You told him before he kissed you softly, handing you the bouquet he had gotten for you, 
"I'm sorry too," He laughed looking at you, your whole body heating up as he smiled down at you. Jeongin could hardly believe you'd gotten him flowers and he began to blush and tear up a little, 
"I'm going to get something to put them in." He told you before kissing you deeply and heading for the kitchen.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @illicee @army24--7 @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @kimahnjung98 @halesandy @aerastus @lost-leopard-beanie @ethereallino @afternoonteabiscuit @itmehc @rubberduckieyourtheone @heeseunger24  @laylasbunbunny @lovelychann @critssq @pearlygraysky​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @joonghands​
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hyunsvngs · 6 months
Okay friend. Here's the deal with Woojin from an adult stay who is realistic and (actually) unbiased in the situation. Stays constantly give him shit and tell him to apologize and now that he did, it still isn't good enough.
Short version: Woojin leaving when he did absolutely was shitty and he needed to take accountability for the additional stress added to skz during that time. He's taken accountability a couple of times and it's not enough for aggressive stays who for some reason beg for apologies all the time.
Long version:
Lots of stays use the "he was the oldest in the group" line all because he said he was young and immature and wasn't homie like 20/21? That is young and it is immature. He chose to think of himself first in this situation. It may have been the best decision. If he continued on when his heart wasnt in the right place, his performance likely would have tanked skz success.
Stays are also saying it's too late for him to come out with an apology when he originally did so about a year after leaving. If you don't want him to apologize, stop bringing up his fucking name in association with skz.
Stays claim he's doing this just for his comeback... he's had several releases and did well considering he's practically blacklisted in 4th gen.
Finally, stays love to use the fact that was caught following news about skz. Duh. He was in the group and trained with these guys during formative years. Do we really think he wouldn't care about them? We also don't know what kind of relationship they have because literally no one says anything. And they don't have to because it's not our business.
I get the need to feel like you have to defend your favs- I really do. I'm a skz ult and the whole woojin situation fucking sucked... for them. We have no idea what has happened behind closed doors since then. They may have made up or they may not have. It's not our business. It is likely that he wasn't allowed to speak up for however long die to contractual issues.
Bottom line: 1. Stop asking idols for shit that won't appease you anyway. If you didn't want an apology, you should have stayed out his comment section. 2. Stop taking things personally because you are all just fans who have no idea what's going on.
It probably sounds like I am biased toward Woojin. Believe me when I say I'm not. I am taking the side of stray kids and Woo over the side of stays who literally bully the fuck out of someone who did what was best for him in that moment. Yes it was selfish and it sucks that the boys had to endure that but support the boys without mentioning or tearing down Woojin.
thanks to everyone who sent me asks abt this btw, i’m replying to this one bc i feel like it’s thorough lol
i get what ur saying completely. woojin was still young when he left skz, and i can understand putting yourself first.
however, i can’t have any sympathy for someone who is time and time again using the success of his ex-group to promote himself. i understand following skz news, that’s not the issue here - it’s the fact that woojin seems to be using almost clickbait titles in his videos about the boys to get attention. skz were hurt when woojin left, and this was not just career wise but personally too. i don’t have any sympathy for him and i can’t understand him using skz for clout lol
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𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝? 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞. | 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬
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part six of do you feel my hand? it is there. | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve
pairing: minho x fem!reader (afab)
genre: veterinarian!minho (this includes a few of the skz members working in his clinic). client!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. strangers to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. minho is reader's vet. reader is now his past client. drinking alcohol and getting drunk/tipsy is mentioned. things are starting to get suggestive in this one. also, smut is coming very soon. :))
word count: 3.0k
summary: dr. lee minho is known throughout your area as the city's hottest veterinarian, and he's also the very man that's been taking good care of your two cats for the past three years. but one day, you're thrown down a dark path of heartache when the cat that you've grown up with - nyx - is diagnosed with an acute form of bone cancer. burdened with the hardest decision of your entire life, you come at a crossroads of what to do. and throughout it all, minho is the single most person who continually stays by your side.
a/n: these past few days have been real tough ones for me, but I thought I'd give you guys an update with this fic since I'm really excited to reveal the other parts to it. after I finish posting this series, I'm going to spend a few weeks working on finishing up my wip list. 🤓 and THEN- since my poll just finished, I've officially decided to start working on the felix longfic summer!au series after I complete everything else. also, I hope to open up my requests again within the next month or two, so please look forward to everything I've got planned! 🤭 also- please continue to support and love skz throughout this season of their new comeback... try to buy their albums/stream the new music if you can so that they have a chance to win at the year-end awards... let's strive for a mama win this year, you guys!!💞
🐈‍⬛ - ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ other cool stuff ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌! ࿐ྂ
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
 The first thing you noticed when you awoke was the quietness. Your ears weren’t used to the silence, as your mind had been crammed with so many voices and shouts and laughter and blasting music for hours on end. 
 But all at once, the stark change was downright unnerving. 
 That, and the fact that you couldn’t feel the warm presence from before at your side anymore. 
 Cracking your eyes open slowly, you came to the stark realization that the living room was… empty. There wasn’t a single sign of life anywhere. The floor was picked up of any sort of mess - the game controllers put away, the bags of chips and candy and cans of beer all having disappeared. The tv was still on, showcasing a dark ambiance screen saver of a fireplace. The living room curtains were closed shut tightly, blocking you from catching a glimpse of the moon just outside. Other than that, the only light filtering into the room came off to the side, where the hallway lead into the adjoining kitchen. 
 You threw the warm blanket off of your legs, adjusting your dress and running a hand through your hair as you made your way to the only remaining light source. Like a moth to a flame. You didn’t know how long you had slept, but seeing as it was still dark out - you noticed the dim sky through a window as you passed through the hallway - you assumed only an hour or two. Surprisingly, your rest had helped to stave off your hangover, and you weren’t feeling nearly as tipsy as you were right before you dozed off. 
 As you neared a small table that was placed in the hallway, you read that it was approaching three in the morning. Damn, you had surely overstayed your welcome. 
 Upon stepping into the kitchen’s threshold, you came face-to-face with a busy figure at the counters. With a proud back and messy, black locks. He was humming a low tune to himself, as he wiped down the pristine marble with a damp cloth. 
 “Hi,” is all you could manage, voice coming out a little scratchy from disuse and the dryness from all the alcohol. 
 He turned around on you, face lighting up with surprise. He didn’t expect you to be awake, it would seem. “Hi yourself,” he said, as he finished polishing up the counters and made to throw the towel in a nearby basket that you assumed held dirty laundry. “I was just going to go out there and check up on you.” 
 You toed at the ground, having taken off your heels early on in the night. Clearing your throat in the sudden awkwardness that had sprung up between the two of you in the past few hours, you said, “When did the guys leave?” 
 “Just a little while ago, I’ve been cleaning up since then- they always leave a bomb for me to repair after a party like this.” Minho was leaning against the farthest counter, his eyes trained on the nearby marble that he had just cleaned. Like he couldn’t stand the sight of you. Like you were annoying him by just your presence alone. 
 You swallowed around the dryness in your throat, already feeling the tears prick at the corners of your eyes at the complete one-eighty that he had taken in regards to you. 
 It hurt. 
 It hurt really fucking bad. 
But then, you found yourself talking, and before you even realized it, the words were flowing out of your mouth, unbidden and unstoppable. “I-I’m sorry I dozed off- I totally overstayed my welcome…” 
 Minho pulled his eyes away from the kitchen counter then, leveling you with those warm irises of his that seemed to soften just a tiny bit. His brows furrowed at your distressed state, lips falling open slightly in confusion. “Don’t worry about it, you’re always welcome here.”
 “No, I think coming here was a bad idea,” you started, the tears finally breaking free and racing down either of your cheeks. Your face felt like it had been lit on fire, as you flushed violently from the embarrassment and humiliation of it all. “I-I sorry, I just… I should go-”
 And you were turning out of the kitchen then, down the hallway, towards the front door. Your little sniffles rang out against the walls that slowly felt like they were closing in on you, your heart echoing in your ears as the blood rushed through your system. 
 You didn’t hear your name being called out until you were stopped dead in your tracks by fingers clutching onto one of your wrists. They pulled and pulled, desperately and quietly. 
 “I’m sorry,” he said, voice strained and low in his throat. The tears made your vision blurry, as you stared in front of you, taking in the small painting of a cat that was placed near his front door. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m-”
 You let out a tiny scoff, shaking your head, trying to clear your mind from all of the murky thoughts that ran through it. “You can’t even look at me. You haven’t been able to all night, so just… just forget it. I knew it was a horrible idea coming tonight anyway, I should’ve listened to myself.” When you tried to yank your wrist out of his grasp, he only clutched on tighter, fingers digging into your palm. 
 “Please, don’t say that, I loved having you here tonight- everyone did.” 
 “Yeah, but you sure didn’t act like it.” 
 “And I’m sorry for being such an asshole. I- it’s just been really hard for me, that’s all.” 
 You turned around, finally catching sight of his face. Cheekbones dusty with shadows, lips pressed into a wavering line, chest falling in short, anxious breaths. And then you noticed his outfit, for the millionth time that night. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it back in the kitchen, but the zipper on his tight black shirt had fallen even further down his chest than ever before, teasing and teasing at what lay underneath. 
 Swallowing at that, you met his gaze. He was a little bit taller than you, and you realized how closed-in the space around you felt… practically cornered in the hallway, near his door but not too near. “What’s been hard? What are you even talking about, Dr. Lee?” 
 He ran a frustrated hand through his midnight tresses, heaving a large sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, almost like it pained him to say his next words. “First, you suddenly disappear from everything- no more phone calls, no more visits, no more glimpses of you passing by during the work week. Then, you unexpectedly show up again at that cafe and try your hardest to avoid me altogether. And then, you appear right in front of my eyes, looking like-”
 Stopping himself, he bit down on his plush bottom lip, his eyes running down the length of you. Practically undressing you with his stare alone. And just that sight alone caused you to squirm in your spot. Lit a match deep inside of you. 
 When his eyes locked with yours again, you found enough courage to speak again and you somehow recovered from his blatant perusal of your body. “What? How did my showing up tonight change things?” Without thinking, your hands were traveling up the front of him, landing on either of his broad shoulders and pulling him a little closer to you. 
 He swallowed, his stare practically devouring you whole as he allowed you to draw him near. So that you could catch his scent - of warm chamomile and sweet cookies. “I thought I was doing better- thought I was strong enough. But then you showed up tonight looking so fucking ethereal - like an angel rising from a glorious throne - and I just… I couldn’t take it any longer,” you felt your lungs constrict at his confession, heart thumping wildly against your ribcage. “But I know what you think, that… that I’m just your local vet and nothing more and-”
 “Y-You think I look like an angel?” You asked, voice turning breathless. From the nearness of him, from his words. But especially, the things he was telling you. They sounded so sweet on his tongue, so whole and flawless. 
 Minho nodded, slowly, staring down at you with those coffee-coloured eyes of his. “But you’re more than just that. You’re… this unobtainable goddess that I just- can’t get enough of.” 
 “I wore it for you.” 
 A beat of silence, a slight intake of breath, and then,
 “I said… this outfit, I wore it tonight only for you and you alone.” 
 You heard movement. Limbs shifted and the air surrounding you crackled with tension. Then, fingers were dancing underneath your chin, and a warm palm was pressing into one of your cheeks. You leaned into the touch, peering up at him. 
 Marveling at the way that his mouth hung open slightly in apparent shock, as his mind slowly began to process your words. His eyes raced over your face, again and again. Like if he peered at you long enough, he’d be able to tell whether you were lying or not. 
 But then a sardonic kind of smirk spread across his lips, as he canted his head to one side and raised a dark, perfectly-manicured eyebrow your way. “Well, that’s just comical because I wore this for you tonight... but, did you know that mint is my favorite color?”
 Your eyes widened at that and your heart skipped a beat at the realization that you had worn his favorite color.
 To a party that he had hosted.
 At his place. 
 The implications that you hadn't even known you were making by your outfit alone were beyond you.
 Your focus landed on his attire again - for what felt like the millionth time already. At the loose, dark cargo pants and the matching shirt that was just begging to be taken off.  
 Feeling yourself mimicking his expression, you reached out and played with the silvery zipper that was positioned halfway down his chest. “I like it- a lot. Couldn’t keep my eyes off of you all night.” 
 A dry laugh escaped him, and you watched, as his pupils brightened with a certain kind of heat. “That much I could tell…” 
 And before you could even grasp what was happening, his touch against your cheek was moving, fingers traveling over to your mouth. Tracing the outline of it, before his thumb played with your bottom lip, pulling it out slightly from the way that it had been held between your teeth. 
 The panic began to rise inside of you then, as you began to understand what was happening. What he was about to do. Why he was leaning into you ever so slowly. 
 Your hands were on his chest in an instant, stopping him from going any further. His fingertips burned on your flesh - scorching your chin and lips in tandem. “W-We shouldn’t…” You gasped out, voice turning strangled from how badly you wanted everything. Him, and his love, and his attention. It hurt you to your core, to push back from the very thing that you had been pining over for so very long. 
 “B-Because… I was your client and things were always supposed to remain professional and you-” 
 His thumb swiped at your bottom lip again, tantalizing and tempting you all at the same time. And for a moment, you almost gave into your inhibitions and allowed him to draw nearer to you. But then you remembered who he was- and who you were. And how such opposites could never mesh well together. Perhaps things would be okay for a little while, but gradually, over time, mistakes would happen, promises would be broken, and you’d be back at square one all over again… soul torn into two pieces from the harsh breakup of a relationship that you had thought would last forever. 
 “What, Y/N? I’m what?” He asked, a slight harshness dripping into the words. Almost like he had heard such sentiments before. Almost like, all of the women he had been with in the past had been in your same position, at one point or another. 
 “You’re so much better than me - you’re this incredible, famous, successful businessman and doctor and I’m just… I’m just a woman who lives in a shitty apartment in a sketchy part of town because I barely make breadcrumbs and survive from paycheck to paycheck.”
 The finger tracing across your mouth stopped then, as he took in your words. And as much as you wanted to avoid his gaze at that moment, you found that you couldn’t. His stare was like twin magnets, and your soul was a piece of metal. Irrevocably drawn, no matter what you did. So you caught his intense regard, the way that his pupils darkened and practically bored into your soul wholly. 
 Like he was ripping the very fabric of your being apart, as he studied your form and who you were, and what you had just revealed to him. 
 So there it was. 
 You had spoken your biggest fear out into the open, where he would consequently drop you like a hot, rotten potato because ‘he doesn’t date broke girls.’ 
 “And you think that just because you make less money than me - just because you don’t live an ideal, rich life, that you don’t deserve me?” His palm was moving across your face as he spoke the words in a hushed whisper. So that only you could hear him, in that intimate, swarthy corner of his apartment’s hallway. His fingers threaded through your hair, tucking a few of the loose strands behind one of your ears. “That you don’t deserve my love?” 
 You swallowed thickly, shoving all of the heartache and arousal to the deepest parts of your mind. 
 Because truly, what was even going on? 
 Were you living in a dream right now? 
 Did Dr. Lee Minho just confess that he’s in love with you? 
It was all too much for your slightly-tipsy mind to process, and suddenly, your legs were turning shaky, melting into a pile of jelly on the ground. You were swaying forward, and if it hadn’t been for Minho catching you at that moment, you would have toppled onto the cold tiled ground like a complete fool. 
 You peered up at him with wide eyes, mouth falling open slightly in the shock of it all. In the way that he held onto you so completely - so firm yet delicate all at once. His face was contorted into a mix of sadness and… anger. 
 “You’re just this… amazing guy, who seems untouchable and all-knowing. And- and practically every woman in the city wants you at this point. I see them, I hear them… when they come into the clinic, they ogle you and talk about their newest outfits to try and make you fall for them. And I just- I can’t compete with all of that. I only have a few outfits that I wear daily that look decent enough, and this dress is something I’ve had since my Freshman year of university and I-”
 “None of that matters to me, Y/N,” Minho said, breaking through your incoherent ramblings and dumping an ice-cold bucket of water on your entire being. He never broke your gaze, as his arms that were still holding you moved in fluidly. And then, you were being pressed up against the nearby wall, with one of his palms clutching at your waist and the other threading through your locks. His fingers gripped gently, pulling at the roots. He moved closer still, wedging a knee between either of your legs so that he was but a mere hairsbreadth away from your face. “I only want you. I don’t care about the paychecks and the pomp and the jewels that all of those other women can offer. I just want you… I want all of you, even the ugly and sad and broken bits.” 
 You felt the tears stinging at the corners of your eyes before you even spoke again. “Do you really mean that? Are you truly sure that you don’t want a woman who lives the same lavish lifestyle as you?” You asked, shoulders shaking from the sharp inhale that you took upon his proximity and everything that he was telling you. 
 He flashed you a tiny grin, fingers resting at the nape of your neck and messaging gentle circles into the skin there. “I’m more sure about this than I’ve been about anything in my entire life.” He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours in an intimate kind of way. “But one word from you - one sign that you don’t feel the same way - and I’ll be gone from your life forever.” 
 “No,” you blurted out in a strangled voice, even surprising yourself with how fast the word slipped from your lips. “No- I want this. I’ve wanted this so badly for so long and… and I just, I can’t wrap my head around the fact that you feel the same. That you care about me to the extent that I do for you.” 
 Minho’s warm breath fanned against your nose, as he grunted out a quiet laugh. You turned your gaze up then, finding the way that his eyes were alight with a myriad of feelings… but the one that was the most potent was love. 
 And as clear as day, you realized that all of the times in the past that he had looked on at you with such soft eyes, he was silently conveying his love for you.
 “Can I kiss you now?” It felt like the world was dropping out from right under your feet, as you took in all of him. The way that his black hair was disheveled from the long night and the way that a certain kind of sparkle now shined on every feature of his face. 
 You canted your head to one side, giving him your best easy smile. “Please- I thought you’d never ask.” 
 And then he was leaning into you - finally - and all of the other worries and hurts and feelings leftover inside of you all but dissipated, as the two of you fit together like two immaculate puzzle pieces made to be conjoined.
 Mouth against mouth, tongue swiping against tongue. And everything was blissful and effervescent and otherworldly. 
To be continued...
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ regrets & replacements ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angst again yes sir ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> maknaeline!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> did he actually forget? or did someone make him forget? ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
a/n -> here's the maknae line version! and if soohee was bad on the first one, i'm sorry she's even worse on this one.
hyung line
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jisung ✉
he was the most forgetful person you knew, so was it a surprise that he wasn't here? not really. did it sting? of course it did, you wanted to spend the day with your boyfriend and your friends. it looked like you were gonna have a change of plans as you looked at your phone and you also didn't register any messages from jisung. you still had a whole day to hope he remembers so you weren't worried.
but the hours seemed to pass and there was no sign of him returning home. this took you to message minho and ask him where your boyfriend was. he responded saying he locked himself up in the studio and that he thought it was gonna be a surprise for you but he wasn't sure. a tiny bit of hope grew in you as you grabbed your things and headed to the jyp building.
"oh i'm glad you're here! happy birthday (y/n)." minho said as he hugged you and you received the hug as you smiled. you had a really good relationship with your boyfriend's best friend and it transformed quickly into a friendship of it's own. you knew they were preparing for a comeback so bothering them wasn't really what you wanted to do but seeing jisung would light up your day even if it was just a few seconds, just to know when he was coming home. "i don't know what the hell he's being doing there, can't get him out so i'm guessing it has to do with you."
"i'll be surprised if he remembered to be honest." you said and minho laughed as he recalled the times where jisung forget his birthday and the other members' too. 
"i better let you see your boyfriend but we're going out later!" minho said as he walked to the dance studio and you nodded as you went to jisung's studio.
standing in front of the door as you typed in the code, you felt uneasy for some reason. it's almost like you were hoping that everything would turn out good but there was just something making you anxious. it was beyond him forgetting, you didn't really care about that as long as you got to see him. you took in the scene of him on his laptop but next to him there was someone and that was no one other than soohee. okay that was odd but you weren't gonna question it.
"babe? what are you doing here? ah damn i forgot to text you!" he said as he facepalmed himself and you just gave him a little smile as you hugged him. you could feel the piercing stare of soohee burning through you and it wasn't weird since you've never had the best relationship. 
"it's okay sung, i just wanted to see you and ask you if you're coming by today?" you asked as he grabbed your hands and he looked so happy but then his smile faded and he looked at soohee.
"actually i had plans with soohee, that's why i invited her so we could head out together in a bit." he said and ouch if that didn't sting, you didn't know what would. even if you wanted to say that you wanted to have your birthday with him, that you didn't want him to go out with his best friend, you didn't say anything. 
"okay! i'll see you tomorrow baby." you said smiling with teary eyes which concerned jisung immediately as he nodded and kissed you to then let you go. he thought he didn't say anything wrong, maybe you were just unhappy that he was gonna hang out with soohee but she was his best friend after all and he made plans with her.
"i never would've thought you would choose me today but thank you jiji, i'm sure we'll have a good time." soohee said as she got up to go out and that had jisung so confused. what was she referring to with "today"? he suddenly felt the urge to check the date and when he saw it crystal clear on his phone he felt like disappearing. he literally chose to spend his partner's birthday with someone else and you're so kind hearted that you let him do it. he felt like he didn't deserve you at all.
felix ✉
unfortunately you had to work on your birthday which wasn't uncommon but you were kind of excited to spend it with felix. you tried to not look at the clock as time went by but it seemed impossible because you only wanted to get out of there and go to your apartment and celebrate the rest of the day. yet you were glued to your desk chair as you went by all the messages on your phone and also the endless emails that seemed to arrive when you wanted to leave the most.
it was an incoming call from australia that startled you and made you get out of your office to pick it up and when you heard who it was, you couldn't help but smile.
"(y/n)? i hope felix gave me the right number. happy birthday! i miss you." olivia said on the other side and you could hear rachel say happy birthday as well. you had a really solid relationship with felix's sisters when you visited them in australia to meet the whole family. so hearing them say nice things to you even if you were miles away from each other was really heartwarming.
"thank you so much, i miss you too!" you said and you continued to talk for a while until a sudden question popped you out of your bubble and took you by surprise.
"what did my brother get you?" rachel asked and then you realized that you haven't seen felix all day. he hasn't even texted you yet and you could understand if he was busy but he usually made time for that and sent a text or two.
"we haven't seen each other yet but i'll be happy with anything." you responded and they both were happy to hear that but since felix hasn't stopped talking to them about getting you something, they were taken by surprise as well. 
as you hung up after a while, you looked at the clock again to see work time was over and headed back to your apartment. you were expecting felix to be there since work would usually be over for you at the same time but you opened the door and it looked just like you left it. you sighed disappointed but you didn't let it ruin your day as you responded to the rest of the texts that were coming your way and as you opened instagram, you were greeted with something or rather someone.
you followed soohee mostly because she asked you to when you first met. she stopped following you a while after but you still followed her because you just didn't wanna seem rude. but here she was with your boyfriend, hanging out and just having a great old time together. to any other person it would seem like they were on a date even from how close they looked and that made you feel a level of insecurity you didn't know you had in you. the caption being "with my best friend, my everything<3" and you shut down your phone.
you felt so stupid for crying over this and as you sent a text to felix asking if he was having a good time, you felt like you were being immature. but then a side of you was saying it wasn't fair that he did this to you and was hoping he would realize his mistake.
felix got the message as he was going to soohee's apartment and he responded that he did indeed have a good time. he really wanted to see you at night though and he was excited to just drop by, have a cozy evening with you and hold you most of all.
"ugh they're texting you? i can never get you all to myself." soohee said as she took a look at felix on his phone and a frown formed on felix's face. he knew you two didn't get along but she was never really vocal about how she felt about you. "they're probably pissed that you decided to spend their birthday with me."
"that wasn't today." felix backfired and soohee just raised an eyebrow. he checked his phone again to see messages from his sisters saying that they called you to say happy birthday and that he should give you the present soon. that was only from hours ago and he stood still like a statue as he couldn't walk anymore to his friend's apartment and as he saw it was night already, he felt the tears come in because he made a huge mistake. he turned around and headed to your apartment, hoping he wasn't too late and ignoring soohee calling out for him.
seungmin ✉
you weren't sure if seungmin forgot or was acting out because he was planning a surprise. he woke up that day and kissed you on the cheek as he told you he was leaving for the day. you didn't think much of it but it was certainly uncommon for him to act that way and not even drop a "happy birthday". it didn't stop your excitement though 'cause the day just started and you didn't know what you were in for.
time was going by in a flash as you spent the day answering all the messages. no sign of seungmin though and to be honest that's the only person you wanted to see was him. you decided to go out and clear your mind, maybe visit a friend or a family member since you didn't really plan anything for the day. 
as you were outside you got an incoming call from jeongin and you picked it up as soon as you saw it.
"happy birthday (y/n)! i hope hyung planned something nice for today." he said cheerful and it had you smiling until the last part as you looked around and remembered there was still no seungmin next to you. you didn't even care about presents or having a big party, you just wanted to spend the day with your loved one.
"i think he forgot innie and i don't know how to feel." you responded and that had jeongin worried. his hyung forgetting his partner's birthday? it was possible but where could he be if he wasn't with you? especially right now since they had free time.
"i hope he's planning a surprise because i will kick him if he doesn't show up." that made you chuckle a little bit but it was gone in a second as you really hoped this was just part of a plan. "if you're feeling lonely though, drop by the dorms and we'll keep you company."
"that's okay, i'd rather not bother you during your break. besides he will probably show up, well that's what i'm hoping for at least." you said and you continued to talk for a while. you hanged up because you didn't want to bother your boyfriend's bandmate with your negative thoughts right now and wanted to head to one of your friend's houses. but something stopped you from doing that and it was the image of seungmin being not so far away from you as he talked to someone, as you got a closer look you could tell who it was. soohee and you were never gonna be friends and you accepted it, right now though it seemed like she had it all planned out from the start and it made you incredibly upset. he was too oblivious to say no and she was too persistent to give up. you headed back to your apartment 'cause that sight ruined your day alone.
when seungmin got to the dorms late at night, he saw that the maknae was still awake and on the phone with someone. he didn't pay too much attention to it but then he heard jeongin comforting someone who seemed very upset on the other side. but when he heard who it was, it all crumbled.
"(y/n) hyung/noona, it's okay. i'm sorry you had to witness that, i wish you didn't choose to spend your birthday alone and you dropped by. you're never a bother to us!" he said and seungmin couldn't hear what you responded but he heard jeongin end the call. he took in what happened today and he didn't know what was gonna happen next. "hyung you really messed up this time..." jeongin said as he saw his friend's figure standing by the door.
"i'm such a fucking idiot." seungmin said and as he looked at the time, he knew he was too late. your birthday was gone and there was no way of turning time around to make it up to you.
jeongin ✉
you woke up to an empty bed. it was okay because you remembered you had plans at night for your birthday and you knew jeongin was working today. looking at your phone, flooded with messages from the boys, your friends, your family, everyone you knew. yet there was no jeongin, maybe he was waiting to see you to tell it to you in person, yeah that was the conclusion in your head.
night time arrived pretty quickly and before you knew it you were getting dressed to go to dinner. your reservation was made by you and it was for the both of you to have a good time. you would eventually celebrate your birthday with your friends and family on another day but tonight was just for you and innie which made you smile. just thinking about seeing him made your heart beat faster, it's like you kept falling in love with him all over again every time you had a date.
when you arrived, jeongin still wasn't there and you spent the time texting seungmin back and forth. he told you that jeongin had already left practice earlier and he imagined it was because he wanted to prepare for your birthday. you hoped it was but it didn't really make sense that he wouldn't be here then if he got out of work a bit earlier. 
30 minutes passed, no sign of your boyfriend. it had you quite concerned as you looked at the door every time someone walked in but it was never him. disappointed but still with hope, you called seungmin just to keep you company for a bit.
"that's really weird. usually he's on time for everything and i'm pretty sure he told me about dinner with you like two days ago?" seungmin said and it felt like you were preparing for the worst as you took in his words. he was right though, he usually would be the first to arrive all the time and today he didn't even text you. "we should give it time though, let's just hope he's getting you a gift or something."
"he does tend to forget to buy gifts so it does seem possible." you respond and seungmin laughs as he remembers the time jeongin showed up to his birthday party, rushing from getting him a last minute present. 
seungmin had to go to your dismay and then you looked at the clock. an hour and thirty minutes had passed, you were sure you were getting kicked out if you hit the two hour mark. you grabbed your phone again and doubted if you should call your boyfriend or not but decided to give it a try. you just wanted to know if everything was okay and if something had happened. you weren't prepared though when you heard that voice on the other line.
"(y/n)? what do you want?" soohee responded to your call and you didn't know how to feel about many things. one why was she using your boyfriend's phone and two why was she there in the first place. 
"can i talk to jeongin?" you said ignoring all the red flags for now if you could only hear your boyfriend's voice justifying this even though there was no way of doing so. you already wanted to cry thinking of all the scenarios in your head but you shook them off.
"he's busy right now but i can send him a message if you want?" soohee said with the most fake tone you've ever heard and you nodded as the tears spilled. you grabbed your things preparing to leave because you just couldn't be there anymore.
"tell him to go fuck himself." you said as you hanged up and it was kinda dramatic but you felt in every right to do so as you left a tip for the waiter and stepped out of the restaurant. 
jeongin looked at soohee as he asked her to pick up the phone for him but then realized it was a big mistake because he didn't think of the possibility of you being on the other line. he knew you two didn't get along but he tried his best to make you two avoid each other.
"who was it?" jeongin asked because he was indeed busy as he was in the kitchen and soohee was sitting in the couch. she laughed as she recalled how mad you sounded on the other line and said your name. jeongin froze as he thought about you hearing his friend's voice in the other line instead of his. "what did they say?"
"that you should go fuck yourself which was kind of rude but then i suddenly remembered it's their birthday." soohee said and jeongin took a deep breath as he remembered the dinner reservation. of course you were fuming, of course he deserved to go fuck himself and of course this would be the end if he didn't make it up to you. he was panicking as he grabbed his things and tried not to cry all the way to your apartment. he needed to fix this mess that he created.
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dudadragneel · 7 months
Hello guys! It's me!
How are you?
Like I promised! Another fic!
Dear 🙊, I hope you like it!
Ok so, i was thinking of skz in a free day, and they go out for dinner to a restaurant that is a bit far away, so they have to go by car. the long ride messes with lee know a little, but he forgets it when they arrive.
they order dinner and all good at first, but on the ride back lee know sits at the back and he starts to feel worse, but doesn’t say anything yet.
at the dorm, he goes straight to the bathroom to be sick but tells the others he’s gonna shower (he’s not, obv)
since he doesn’t feel any better and his stomach starts to cramp bad as well as still feeling the nausea, he goes to the living room to wait for it to settle before going to bed.
it’s late and the rest are in their bedrooms but 3racha are still there (finishing a song or doing whatever), so he just tells them he’s gonna stay there with them for a bit since he doesn’t feel well, and they try to subtly make him feel better, but in the end he gets sick again (can write whatever you want from there on)
Free day, a rare thing in the busy life of idols, specially SKZ, who seemed to be making comebacks left and right with no break in between.
To celebrate their efforts in preparing the next album, although there was still a lot to do, but they deserved it, they decided to go out for dinner in a restaurant they really liked but was a little far from their area, which was good because it meant less chance of paparazzi.
They all gathered inside the car and the manager started the hour-long drive to the restaurant. They were excited about it and also kept talking about the new songs, choreographies, and photoshoots.
Lee Know took part in some of the conversation, but the drive was starting to take its toll on his tired body. The movement of the car starts to make him feel a little queasy, with an uneasy feeling lingering around. He didn't feel like throwing up but the thought of food wasn't amusing him anymore, if anything he wanted to get it over with and go home.
The nausea was mixing with hunger and that combo was definitely not pleasant, because he wanted to eat but was afraid of getting sick.
After a tiring 1 hour drive, they arrived at the restaurant and the manager had to deal with 8 hungry, hyped kids. Lee Know felt better once he was out of the car and the combo he was feeling, was replaced with only hunger and he couldn't wait to eat.
To say the food was good was an understatement, it was delicious, Lee Know enjoyed every single bite, after all, there's nothing better than to be rewarded after a long day's work.
They all talked and had fun along with the manager, some of them drank just a little bit, and the others were completely focused on eating.
Since it was getting late, they needed to go home, especially now that their bellies were full, the thing they wanted the most was sleep, anywhere, anytime.
For the ride back, Lee Know sat at the very back of the car, meaning his only field of view was the other members. As the drive went on, Lee Know was starting to feel the consequences of sitting at the far back of the car after a huge meal. Not being able to see the road, along with the constant rocking of the car due to the pavement and being full was doing a number on his already unsettled stomach. It was in absolute turmoil but he didn't tell the others, he'd rather deal with it on his own but oh boy was it difficult.
After another 30 minutes, due to traffic, they arrived at the dorms. Once the car came to a stop, Lee Know didn't know whether he felt relieved or not because he was afraid of moving and triggering his stomach. He took deep breaths as the others exited the van and then came out himself but being on solid ground didn't provide him the comfort he thought it would. Instead, being upright made him aware of how bad his stomach was feeling and the nausea that kept building up on the ride was now fully settled in, he needed to get to the bathroom now.
He got on the elevator with the others, staying unusually quiet but the boys didn't ask him about it since he was probably tired. But the more he thought about getting home, the more unsettled his stomach felt and now that they were close to their floor, his stomach jumped wanting to send its contents up his throat but he clenched his fists and managed to calm it down.
But once they were at their door, it jumped again warning him he had no other choice, he needed to get to the bathroom immediately or he'd vomit on the entrance.
- I'm gonna go shower.
He lied and barely managed to say that, sensing that if he tried to say anything else it wouldn't end well, and hurriedly made his way to the bathroom.
The boys were a little dumbfounded but didn't make much of it and went on to do their things.
Lee Know closed the door behind him and hurriedly turned on the shower to convince the others he was indeed showering and muffle the sound of him throwing up the dinner he just had.
He quickly opened the toilet as he lost the battle against his stomach, vomit escaping his lips and hitting the edges of the toilet.
- Shit.
He cursed quietly and another cramp made him gag up another thick stream of undigested chunky food, the fact that he had just eaten making him feel even worse due to the texture of the food on his throat and mouth coming back up.
He rocked back and forth as his stomach cramped and made him gag unproductively a few times before a rather productive one gushed out of him, coming out through his nose as well.
He could only hope no one was hearing him being miserable inside the bathroom and that the sound of the water was doing a good job muffling the noises.
Another gag brought up what seemed to be the last of it along with some bile. He flushed the toilet and straightened his back, taking deep breaths and making sure his stomach was better. It wasn't, but the nausea was bearable so he did indeed step into the shower, he needed to calm down and wash that gross feeling.
He finished his shower and stood by the sink, looking at the mirror and seeing his complexion wasn't looking the greatest but he could brush it off as just being tired. He thought that after throwing up that much his stomach would be somewhat settled now but it wasn't, it was still cramping and throughout the shower, the nausea had increased a little.
He took a few deep breaths as he contemplated his choices: go to the bedroom, lay down, and risk throwing up on the bed or the floor, or go to the living room, sit on the couch, and hopefully wait for it to settle before going to bed.
The latter it is. He washed his face one more time and made his way to the living room where the others were.
- Hyung, you okay?
- Yeah. I was just tired and the hot water felt good.
- That's something an old man would say~
Hyunjin teased earning a death stare from Lee Know who was ready to get tissues and turn on the air fryer.
- Sorry.
He said bowing his head and making the others laugh.
Lee Know sat on the couch and grabbed a pillow to hug since his stomach was not giving him a break.
The boys were watching TV, some were on the computer, on their phones and Lee Know tried to focus on the TV, and from time to time his stomach would cramp making him grip the pillow tightly until it went away. And it stayed like that for a long time, which meant that no matter how tired he was going to bed was still not an option.
As the night went on, the boys went to their bedrooms, and by 3 AM everyone was in their bedrooms, except for Lee Know and 3racha who decided to stay up to work on some songs.
Lee Know knew they would find it strange that he was still up so when they turned to him and before they could ask anything, he just opened up.
- I'll stick around for a bit...I don't feel well...
The confused faces now turned into worried ones.
- What's wrong hyung?
- It's just my stomach...it doesn't feel good.
- Stay with us then, if you feel anything say it, okay?
- Alright.
The three boys tried to focus on the music and also tried to help Lee Know, by making him listen to some of the song samples, maybe that would distract him.
At first, it worked and he did give some opinions on the songs, but eventually, his stomach started cramping even worse than before and he grew quiet.
He just sunk into the couch hugging the pillow and wishing he'd just melt into the couch. And the boys noticed the change in behavior.
- Hey, Lee Know-yah, are you okay?
Chan said, tapping the younger boy's knee.
Lee Know just nodded a no, sensing his stomach could send everything up at any minute.
Lee Know then felt the nausea increase rapidly, his stomach contracted and the color drained from his face, he could feel the vomit coming up.
- Changbin-ah, grab a bucket, he's gonna throw up. Han-ah, get some water.
The two boys quickly obeyed the leader's order and we're out of the living room in a flash.
Changbin arrived with the bucket just in time, placing it by Lee Know's feet.
- Here.
Lee Know bent forward and a wet burp brought up even more undigested food hitting the bucket with a disgusting sound.
Chan and Han kept rubbing Lee Know's back up and down, trying to comfort him as he puked up another wave. After the second wave, his stomach gave him a little break, enough for the others to try to understand what was going on. Changbin took the opportunity to take the bucket away before the smell or sight could make Lee Know sick again.
- Hey, you okay?
- No...it's cramping and the nausea won't go away...
- Was it the food?
Changbin asked giving Lee Know the bottle so he could drink a little bit.
- No...
- It would be weird if it was the food, some of us ate the same thing.
- Yeah. Then what was it?
- The ride... started bothering me before we got to the restaurant...but once we were there it stopped...but then the ride back just made everything worse...
- So when you said you were gonna take a shower, you were actually being sick, right?
Chan said with an assertive tone of voice, one that showed that he was both worried and upset he didn't say anything.
- why didn't you say anything?
Han asked with that cute quokka face, one that made Lee Know smile.
- I didn't want to worry you guys...and I really thought it would go away, that it was just a bit of carsickness...
- Don't hide anything from us, okay?
- O-okay...
He said choking and Changbin quickly appeared in front of him with a plastic bag where the boy gagged a few times before another wave came up, a little more liquid since he had just drank water.
- Get everything out. You're doing good.
Chan reassured rubbing his back along with Han and Changbin kept holding the bag for his hyung.
- Aigoo, hyung~
He said with a cute voice, trying to lighten up the mood and also tease him a little since they matched each other's energy so much.
Lee Know coughed up a thin stream of bile and saliva with only a bit of undigested food and then was left dry heaving over the filled bag.
- Hyung? Do you think you're done?
- Yeah...
He said weakly, voice raspy from the strain.
Chan made him sit back on the couch and do a few breathing exercises to calm down a bit.
- Do you wanna go lie down?
- No, not really...
The boy shared a bedroom with other members and the last thing he wanted was to get the others' attention as well.
- We'll sleep here then.
Chan suggested, his father-like instincts telling him Lee Know wasn't 100% yet and being around in case he needed was the wisest choice.
- Changbin-ah, get that bucket and leave it here, with a plastic bag so we don't need to keep washing it all the time. Han, can you grab some pillows, blankets, and mattresses?
- Yes, hyung.
They both said already leaving the living room to get the stuff.
- It's okay, hyung. I can sleep here by myself.
- No. You don't have a say in this. I know you don't want to sleep with the others and worry them and I'm not letting you sleep alone here.
- Okay.
Changbin and Han got back with everything they'd need for a night in the living room, spreading the mattresses close to the couch where Lee Know would be sleeping because it was a bit more comfortable than sleeping on the floor.
Chan gave an antiemetic to Lee Know to see if it would help him sleep through the night without vomiting again and tucked him into bed.
- Thanks, kids. Thanks, Chan-hyung.
- No need to thank us.
They all said smiling at an almost sleeping Lee Know.
Chan, Han, and Changbin all lay down and kept working on their stuff and took turns throughout the night to help Lee Know who got sick a few times.
It would usually mortify him to be like this in front of the others but he couldn't be more thankful to his dongsaengs and his only hyung.
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lenasprouts-words · 5 months
olderbrother!skz headcanons pt 2!!
ahh maknae line! hyung line
you guys are inseparable
you also get mad at minho for stealing your brother
also han and u are actual soulmates
minho is second (and less cool in ur opinion)
only about one-two years apart
when yall meet he does the ‘where my hug at?’ thing
its either you koala hug him or he does
just like, legs wrapped around waist typa hug
or he’ll bury his face into your armpit
you think it’s disgusting but he argues its comfy 
he sends you all his photos he wants to post
then you choose the ones you like 
he likes anime; you like kdramas
constantly fighting abt which is better
it got so heated once that even felix rose his voice for yall to stfu
its okay tho u made up a day after and went to the park to have a singing contest
you watch silly documentaries together
your chat is filled with stupid jokes and complaints
but he’s the first to know when something is wrong
started dissing this kid who bullied you in fifth grade
he got sent to the office but gave you a hug right before
steals things from photoshoots to give to you
spams you when he’s in the studio
asks you for lyric inspo and uses your terrible love life as inspo
once you showed one of his songs to your partner
’my brother wrote this about my last ex. dont make him do it again, he cried writing it.’
well your partner also cried so
matching stuffed animals <3
asks you to help him learn twice choreo
bc ur a huge once
he also got you a signed album from them
’oh here noonas gave me this idk why tho’
loves you to death.
like fr its scary
youre four-five years younger than him
so you basically have eight older brothers
nicknamed you smiley bc your smile is the cutest thing ever (and it is)
runs to you calling ‘smiley!!!’
and lifts you off the ground when you hug
he hooks his chin around your shoulder and smells you
you think him smelling you is weird but it isnt
bc according to him you smell like ‘vanilla and lavenders and lemon’
it is so very random but you love it anyways
you two balance each other out so well, in a really weird way tho
like he’s hyper and energetic and sweet
while your active and excited and a little bitter
your insults and comebacks make him cry laugh every time
and you do the same with felix
he will NEVER shut up abt you trust
like seungmin once put him on a ban from talking about you
but he just started texting about you so
taught you taekwando
and now you fight hand to hand against changbin (and win most times)
felix doesnt like it tho bc ‘changbinnie'll get hurt and cry!’
both of your puberty hormones went to your voice box
his got deeper and huskier; yours is silkier and in the middle tone range leaning deep
but its like a rich deep ya know?
when he’s sleepy he starts mumbling random sentences and you record them snd send them to you group chat named ‘skz (-1 sunshine +1 smiley)’
if seungmin thought felix was bad at gaming, youre even worse
most of the time you end up dying
its funny because you started gaming before felix did too
you gave each other sweatshirts for white day in korea
and now your roommate hates when you use it because its so worn down and lowk smelly
jeongin has to beg felix to take it off and put it in the wash
dance parties at random times
especially if you or felix are feeling down
the playlist ‘HOE DANCE DOWN!’ is blasting
consisting of twice, charli xcx, dua lipa, and olivia rodrigo
other artists too and some from jyp bc felix loves his jypnation
not jyp tho anytime felix complains abt the ‘stupid motherfucker who wont shut up and has no talent and too much confidence’
complains ESPECIALLY while yall r playing fortnite, on your request
baking is your shared therapy
felix makes brownies, you make cookies
perfect duo in the kitchen
you bake so often that watching you two is like a dance
members will literally watch you bake and you flip them off
rock paper scissors is YOUR thing
like felix will just turn to you and stick his fist out
you also win almost every time
you literally have twin telepathy
mainly bc your twins but he is also thirty two minutes older
so, day ones
gatekeeps you from his friends but not the group
because somehow they already knew who you were
you introduced yourself to them the day they debuted
only pretends to be sad abt not being a twin in the group
because he already has you and wouldnt change it for anything
the only person he will not hesitate from skinship is you
pats on the head, chin on shoulder, holding hands, occasional squeezing
his hugs are your safe spot
he’d tap you on the shoulder and take your arm
then he starts massaging you after pulling you into the hug
and it feels so good
and he’s surprisingly good at it too
treats you like a baby bc ur the youngest in you family (by a half hour)
once got you a new phone to stop you from complaining
you think its because he loves you but that is denied every time (its true tho, bc who wouldnt love you?)
only person who can calm you down
when you get too mad
he’ll call you or lay next to you
rub your back until you calm down
if youre on call he’ll put on music and start singing random shit
youre the orange kitty to his golden retriever puppy
you literally paw at him until he gives you his attention
he’ll get excited and its the cutest thing you’ve seen
wakes you up by singing the high note in ‘cover me’ in your ear
ever since he’d recorded that he’s been bragging abt it
but you dont mind bc his singing is nice and you know he would feel the same if you bragged about your fashion designs and website
every day you leave him sweet messages (like his older sister!!)
‘oh seungmo, love your hair today! your smile lit up my room puppy’
in return he sends cute gifs
he also learned french from the i am you tour to swear at you
asks for help in english before events/interviews where english will be used
you were the one who calmed his worries before the paris fashion week
since youre an english and fashion design major he relies on you
he will also never get over the fact that his TWIN is double majoring
your literally jeongin’s favorite tho
bc if seungmin says no you’ll say yes
very very mischevious
if one of you are having a bad day
you’ll just bring the other to a rage room
very effective
he’s the maknae of the group and hates getting babied
so he automatically doesn’t baby you
maybe he does a little bit….
but thats because you told him it was okay and you liked it
youre around three years younger than him
so everyone in the group babies you
jeongin is always the first to go and greet you tho
spooks you tho
goes behind your back and yells ‘boo!’ in your ear
he gets punched by you after that
you just tackle him and squeeze him
but he goes ‘oh youve grown so big now!’
he’s also been getting stronger so when he goes into his normal hug where he puts his amrs around and under your armpits, you get squeezed until youre out of breath
on that note
he takes you to the gym bc you’ve been wanting to work out since starting college
he wanted to b your gym buddy (also was scared of u dying bc of asking binnie)
pushes you enough to finish bc he knows ur limits <3
you go to a convinience store after your workouts
both of yall try to pay BUT you make a schedule for who pays
you switch off
innie is extremely proud he made that idea
share a gym playlist
and most of your playlist
bc ur music taste is so similar you end up collabing playlists
you both do daily fit checks
slowly you’ve been able to coax him out of terrible shoe choices
you’ll show him something new and he’ll be like
‘oh is this what all the youngsters are wearing now?’
he busts out these rubber shoes that give you a headache
‘im doing it for stay’ you know stay’s reaction bc u r one
you always show what stays are saying on pinterest and call them simps
but you also cant talk bc, and jeongin quotes this
‘damnn hyunjin looking fine enough to be mine’
but also jeongin constantly uses pick up lines on YOUR friends
if he ever picks you up he’ll turn to someone your hanging out with
‘are you the sun because youre so hot you burn my retinas’
and everyone is just. majorly confused
its his random space obsession showing okay
you went on a planetarium date one time
he talked your ear off and then you bit his ear
retaliation for all the times he’s bit you when he was a wee little one
after that you went shopping
a stay photographed yall starting dating rumors
but its okay bc jeongin addressed it in his lives
telling everyone youre siblings
there is a ten minute video of him cracking up, tears flowing bc of the situation
@chans-muffin i delivered!!!!
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hwnglx · 1 year
can you do a current energy reading for bang chan? i’ve been pretty worried about him for a while now, he’s been pretty open about struggling lately and now with all of this recent stuff going on i’m just wondering how he’s doing with it all.
bangchan's current energy ﴾ may '23 based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
Tumblr media
10ofw&knofp, 2ofw&emper, 8ofsw, 5ofsw, 8ofp
the 10 of wands jumped out right away. chan can sometimes feel like he has the entire world on his shoulders. he's the type to make it look easy, but there's sooo much responsibility resting on him. i can really feel the weight of it while reading myself. however, combined with the slow, steady and stable knight of pentacles, i don't see the weight of it crushing him.
he's being patient. from this spread alone, i can tell that he exactly knows how to deal with burdensome periods, he's been through them many times before. he's experienced these type of struggles already, so it's nothing he can't handle.
he's a very wise, mature and assertive guy. he's taking charge of whatever situation is thrown at him, and is currently in the midst of carefully planning out his next steps. he's really saying "okay, this is what we're gonna do, this is what we are not gonna do." i even see his voice overpowering many higher ups. chan is definitely the main guy in not only his career, but also skz's careers.
you notice how i did not say anything about his mental state yet? that's because all the cards i got till later on, only show me his strength dealing with everything. i think, he has the toxic tendency to push everything concerning his own wellbeing to the complete background.
but, inside he's feeling some anxiety. honestly, i think this entire situation with ive made him overthink a lot. he feels like his intentions were misunderstood. he feels like there's this lack of power he has over people from the outside putting words in his mouth, it's causing a sense of hopelessness inside him. like, no matter what he says, he can't really win. chan being a double libra makes him soooo overly focused on being liked by everyone. he hates knowing that there's people who view him in a bad light now.
the eight of pentacles in the end is showing me, he's working hard. obv skz are preparing for their comeback, so i see most of his mind being there, but i can also see him at least trying to somehow work on his attitude towards situations like these. he's always focused on how to become a better influence on the people around him, so i see him working on overcoming these negative emotions he can hold on to sometimes.
something compelled me to pull out my moonology oracle deck and i pulled:
new moon in virgo: a time to give rather than take
-> he's overanalyzing things -> but gradual improvements are coming -> potential to fully restart in a clever and organized manner -> universe is telling him: "don't think about what others are doing to you, think about what you can do for them"
message that resonated most is: take care of your health!
he should eat better, have healthier routines, maybe seek out some therapy. i really see the universe telling him to get a counsellor, someone he can vent to freely.
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hanarchy · 2 years
Hi friends, I illegally logged into tumblr on my work computer on the first working day of 2023 specifically to make this post properly. I don't have a good computer and I simply could not do this on my phone.
Ok, Time to get emo :)
I discovered SKZ at the end of last year, I personally date my anniversary to somewhere between December 29th 2021 and January 2nd 2022. It's a good thing too because I get overemotional at the end of the year anyway and now I can just schedule all my gratitude and emo times at the same time.
I want to start from the beginning bc the only reason 2022 was a good year for me was this discovery. this is a bit of recap for me because I wanted to do it. If you're tagged in it it means that you played a part in my year and meant something to me. Feel free to only read your little paragraphs (or nothing at all, theres no obligation), this is bound to get unspeakably long.
first, I want to give a quick shout out to the people I started talking to/followed more recently @hyunpic (I haven's checked twitter today, did hyunjin kill you yet or did he get all of that out of the way in 2022?) @mybodyfails (did u ever listen to stromae?) @jisungsjaistandjeekies (how was the first day of your new job?) The best thing about getting another year on tumblr is the promise of getting to know you all more <3
@quokki you were literally the first person I ever followed for stray kids content. It was around february, when I looked for fanart for the first time and reactivated my twitter and I found your hannies. It took a little longer but I'm so glad we are friends now. I really love our chats/meltdowns abt hanji and you're incredibly talented and kind and also just correct abt a lot of stuff lmao
@alexenglish alex, I know we don't talk that much but you were the first person to really talk to me abt k-pop stuff and I will never forget that. I also cannot thank you enough for showing me rolling quartz and for reading the stupid thing that i wrote that one time. it seems trivial but i literally do not show anyone my writing ever and anytime I do and it's a good experience it makes me a little braver so thank you, seriously. and also thank you for sticking around even when I'm a dick
my first comeback in march was soso special because I had people to freak out with. I was in Ireland at the time and even hough I was brand new in online stayville I felt a lot less alone than I could've.
in april i started talking to @sailsflyseaward but I honestly can't believe it has only been 9 months. We've met 3! times since then and you're already one of my most precious online friends and I feel like I've known you way longer. I have to try very hard to stay cynical and not believe in fate and the universe being a good place when I think about how we could've just never met.
I was EXHAUSTED the first 4 months of this year, I hated most of it. I turned 30 in april, i had been to ireland and to the north sea on vacation in march and april but all of it felt hollow and exhausting and terrible. In germany we say that may makes everything anew and it certainly was true for me this year. I planned a trip to toronto, I got a raise, I got to see mamamoo, ive and a bunch of others live and i spoke a little to so so many sweet people.
@nevoono who makes literally the cutest fucking things ever and was my first german k-pop friend ever and also is just... really cool in such a unique way. idk I'm sorry I'm terrible at keeping up.
to @ambivartence who I don't talk to a ton but who also is literally the coolest artist alive and made me feel very happy to know that others also travel very far to see their groups. I stare at your paintings so much, i honestly should not admit it but there's just always so much to see.
and to @pvddins-art who is one of the sweetest and kindest and most generous people I've ever met, which is a high bar because I use those words for a lot of people, but for you they are more true than for anyone.
getting to go to a k-pop festival in germany as my first experience was so good too. I really had no idea what it means to ba a k-pop fan and the whole community and culture and incredible vibes around it when you're there in person. I had a very exhausting day and it was hot as hell and I had a migraine after but it was all worth it
interlude because I don't remember when I started talking to you:
@brianbangs tay my sweetheart, i love you so much. you're just one of the people who get it. like. idk, it's hard for me to put into words properly but you get it when I'm being a hater and you get it when I'm being emotional and you get it when I'm being horny and you accept all of it. I also think you're really fucking creative and talented and I love being here with you so much
then june came and it was one of my best months ever ever. I went to another festival and got to relive the music I loved as a teen. seeing the strokes 16 years after I was a fan made me cry a lot lol. I went to see my favorite people alive @starmotions, @fromadifferentphase (and the third one who is missing but u know who u are) in toronto. and I do mean this literally you're my favorites. I'm the most me when I'm with you, I think of everyone who knows me no one knows me so completely. there isn't anyone I share more parts of myself with. the 1 week I just got to hang out with you was so incredibly precious to me, it made me power through most of the rest of the year. moments of joy! I got to see toronto and got to spend time with people I love. one of my friends came all the way from salt lake city just to see me.
then I went to new york and now there's a long ass list coming because 1. it was the first time I met my beloved julia, 2. it was when i met my beloved kay 3. i got to travel with my beloved di and we got to explore new york and eat so many tacos and learn about queer art and history and also it was when I met both
@chanstopher and @lonelystreetlight and I'm puting you both in the same paragraph bc I started talking to both of you at the same time and also discovered that we're literally the same tumblr user, I cannot believe that I found the old 1D crowd again and the old glee crowd AND even the old starkid people. ok, I had to google the songs from the space tour just now but it's insane that I could text someone about both status quo by starkid AND zone by 3racha.
and lastly it was OF COURSE when i fucking saw fucking stray kids in fucking person (sorry) I was so numb from everything going on, and from the heat and from newark airport that I didn't even cry but looking back on it I honestly can't even begin to believe how lucky I was to be able to do all of that in just one month.
july was the month I went to see harry styles (meh) and hang out with an old friend because of it (yay) and I have literally nothing else in my calender for the entire month but I know I was a bit stressed. however I don't think it was a terrible time.
In august I went to the south of germany on vacation to celebrat my moms birthday, we went to the opera outdoors and I felt extremely fancy the entire time and also saw so many flowers. then we started the stayblr discord.
@snug-gyu @hanjesungs @ggthydrangea @littleclouds @shmalll @babychicklix and everyone else in there! I am so glad it's a space to hang out and message each other and talk about skz. I know I left very quickly (unfortunately group situations are terrible for my mental health and I felt very bad very quickly) but I still got to start chatting with so many cool people and I'm always so happy that we did that.
@bangchanies king of the dumpster that is new jersey, my absolute favorite eyeshadow model and another one of the bitches that just get it, u know? you just get what I'm trying to say and I am grateful to have you to text when I want to be annoying. (you're also secretly incredibly sweet and I think you're honestly just a very kind and empathetic person and i would be sadder without you but i will not tell anyone that you're secretly nice)
@cheekyquokka even though you're not IN the server, I feel like we started really talking around the same time so you're getting put in here as well. you're so generous and sweet to your friends, I remember the surprise and amazement from both bee and ale at the packages you sent them, you're such a great fucking mutual to have because you know yourself and you make really cool gifs, every time one of yours comes across my dash i know it. idek why. anyway, thank you <3
around september was when I finally started the group chat and seven made it complete, so here comes that bit. I needed to make sure you all know how much you mean to me.
@bourgeoix I swear in some off-kilter way we are soulmates. you make both my fandom brain and the little kid that didn't know popstars but could draw the shape of gorbachevs blood spot feel at home. you're soooo fucking smart and we have like debated moral philosophy and learning and reasoning styles at length so I won't go into it but it's one of those amazing fated coincidences that we both befriended seven and then each other. you think it's cool that I live near to Olaf Scholz's barbershop. you're my favorite of all the nerds. I could read the stuff you write for years and years and never get bored. I need to eat your brain (as jace or seven would say) and I love that we get to be both smart and very very very dumb together.
@hyumjim I honestly cannot top what mel said but you're like. my only grown up friend. You genuinely have a patience and kindness with people that is really hard to find. I know you don't show this to everyone but it makes me all the more grateful that I get to experience it. you're also insane. when seven first added you to the gc I had sth to say that felt really crazy to me and was nervous in front of you and seven said 'emily is also insane' and so i posted it in the gc and now we're friends. i don't remember what it was but you gave great advice and i sort of feel like we disagree and fight in all the ways that makes a relationship better and you make me insecure but in a fun way. you're a huge hater and yet you genuinely love people and humanity more than most people alive. thank you for listening to me.
@jellino jace idek how to describe you but you're like....... my little brother but not in a lame way. you're also older than me in some ways. idk, I just love how much you love stuff. I love how sure you are of what you're not, even while always wondering what you are. I think of you so much when I see sea creatures and ice age characters and dumb stuff. the other day I saw a squirrel irl and i thought 'I have to send this to jace' bc it reminded me of scrat from ice age. i cannot look at a penguin without thinking about you. I don't think I'll ever go to a zoo and not think of you. I also am always hoping that you are ok, that you find your way, that you know I'm happy and proud to know you...
@bewby my love. seven. I think it will never not be complicated how much I love you because I want you to be ok so bad. but it doesn't matter if you are or not for me to love you a whole lot. you're so funny and so smart and I say neither of these things lightly, like you have such a quick wit and you want everyone to be ok so bad and you love people so much and i hope that some day you will know that it is enough and you are enough. meeting you that one time was so fun, like we literally did not need more than a half hour to find sooo much stuff to talk about. I love having a german kpoppie friend, I love your tender heart, I love how understanding you are! I hope you know how much!
honestly it's all 4 of you that got me through fall and winter so far, it's venting and bitching and joking and writing insanely long messages to you that make me feel like a human instead of a gremlin. It's knowing that you like me and think I'm someone you want to listen to. You mean so much to me, I can never pay that back.
so much happened in my personal k-pop world in october PLUS most of my friends had their birthdays too so it was a bit stressful and it ended with my great uncle dying but i did get to see my old friends and family, so it was good in the end.
november was cold and dark as always but i got to feel so much warmth in scotland, just spending a few days going to museums and coffeeshops and nothing else and then seeing my love julia for the scond time, learning about history and eating pies. then I went to london to see @sunflowercocoa again after 5 fucking years and it was so much fun. I know you know how much I love you, I had such a good time, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for making me leave the house, thank you for being generous and fun and spending time with me. I know you're strong enough to get through the next year or so and I know you're gonna be so happy and so successful and you have a great life ahead. I know you're not here much anymore and that it kind of annoys you but you were a big part of this year and this is like my diary at this point tbh.
i also met @geniaparadox my homie and so much fun to hang out with. honestly our day together kind of made me wish i could've gotten to hang out with you in high school, i feel like we would have been friends. thank you for talking to me abt how underrated felix is and for looking at the bts stuff in hmv and despair because being a k-pop fan in europe is very sad and for buying japanese tea and just being cool. i am so happy that you get to not go back to that job
december was november but worse but I started it off sososo well, seeing julia the 3rd time and going to nuremberg and munich and being slightly tipsy at the christmas market everywhere and going swing dancing for the first time and trying so many fun food and drink things. It was a sad and anxiety-inducing month because so many people I know were ill or dying but in the end we mostly made it through and I am grateful. I got to spend the end of the year surrounded by babies and puppies and it felt good to not have to deal with grown-up things for a few days and just play.
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skzdarlings · 11 months
Hey Darling ♡
After long consideration I decided to finally write you this message. It will probably be really long and you don't have to answer it! I just want to let you know a few things:
I came across your account a few months ago when you released the first chapters of the 'sharing a bed' series. I was immediately impressed! You are so talented and it may sound stupid but I can 'feel' how much thoughts and love you put in your works.
TW: depression and suicidal thoughts
I also found your account when I was at a very difficult time in my life. After four years of therapy (depression) I tried to get my life back. I've managed to get a part time job but I quickly realized that it exhausts me too much and makes my symptoms worse. But I didn't want to admit that it's only worsening my depression so I didn't stop. And I remember a time when I was at work on the toilet having a panic attack and thinking about ending things. It sounds super cliché but at that moment I got a notification that you postet a new bodyguard Felix chapter. And suddenly my thoughts went like 'I will never know how your bodyguard story ends if I give up now'. Don't get me wrong, I have other 'things' that give me strengh to continue (family) but on that day, it was you and your amazing story that pushed my dark thoughts away. And I really want to thank you for this ♡
I also remember the night you released that one chapter where the main lead had to say goodbye to Jisung because she wanted him to be safe... I cried. You can't imagine how thankful I was to finally cry again. I couldn't cry in a long time no matter what I tried. After your story basically forced me to cry I could let everything out. And even though my head was exploding afterwards, it felt so good. Thanks to you I also realized that I can still feel emotions because at that time I felt like all my emotions were just gone. When I think about this time I also realize that this chapter made me more excited and happy than the SKZ comeback. So again, thank you so much.
A lot of stuff happened, my whole situation got worse and at some point I decided to go back to a familiar psychiatric ward to get some help. I'm in there since August now and last week they started to treat my depression with ketamine. It's super exhausting but maybe it will get better!
I didn't want to write this message for you to feel sorry for me or feel preassured to write more. I wanted to tell you that your stories have a positive impact on others! Before depression hit me like a train I wrote my own fanfictions. I never posted them but I loved writing them. You are such an inspiration to finally start writing again. It's still exhausting as I'm not able to concentrate for too long but it gives me so much joy. Your stories and the effort and love you put in them gives me so much motivation and I can't say this enough but I'm so thankful for everything you and your stories gave me over the past few months! Thank you so so much ♡
P.S I can't wait to read the last chapter from the bodyguard fic! I'm such a big fan and even though I'm really sad that it's the last one I can't wait to read what you've planned for the end. But no preassure! Take all the time you need ♡
I assume this is okay to post because it's anonymous, that way I can reply haha but let me know if you want me to private this at any time! <3
But oh my goodness, such a thoughtful message took so much heart to write and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time and effort to do so. I don't even think I can formulate a good response that it deserves! But please know how much you have touched me in return. I have personally lived with similar things, though I find it hard to talk about so I really do respect and appreciate you doing so here.
I also understand what you mean about something like a story update being one of the things to hold onto for a while. i think the small things can make a difference and there's nothing wrong with that. It's nice to think there are other small things waiting around the corner that you might not even know exist yet, but they will also add to good moments too.
I wish you so so much love, really and truly. I hope you find some help and relief with these new treatments. Thank you for reading and again thank you for messaging. All the best!!
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