#sl!diamond steve
Ice Cream
A Stranger Things Imagine
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Pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Reader
Word Count: 3K
Summary: Scoops Ahoy has a new regular, and somehow Robin keeps finding herself alone with the girl.
A/N: I got the idea for this while listening to the song Ice Cream by Blackpink and Selena Gomez, so it is loosely inspired by that (very loosely). Hope you like it!
Her diamond tennis bracelet clinks against the clear plastic ice-cream cooler as she taps her fingers and studies the flavors inside. Robin stands on the other side of the cooler, stick-straight. She doesn’t know where to look, so she’s looking everywhere except at her. At Y/N Y/L/N. 
“Hmmm,” Y/N says, tapping faster now. “What do you recommend? The Caramel Swirl or the Mint Chocolate Chip?”
“Well, the Caramel Swirl is more popular, but I like the Mint Chocolate Chip better because of the little chocolate chip pieces. They’re so tiny and cute, and they freeze with the ice cream so they add a little bit of a crunch, and…” Robin trails off when she makes eye contact with Y/N and sees the amused smile on the other girl’s face. “Sorry, I have this problem where I don’t know when to stop talking... My friend Steve says it’s because I ‘don’t understand social cues’ and… I’m doing it again. Sorry.” Robin ducks her head to hide her burning cheeks and busies herself with cleaning a non-existent smudge off of the counter. Y/N chuckles. 
“It’s okay, I don’t mind it. I’ll take a scoop of the Mint Chocolate Chip in a waffle cone, please.” 
Afraid she’ll start rambling again, Robin hums her acknowledgment and starts scooping. She wraps a napkin around the base of the cone and hesitates. 
“Do you want some chocolate on top? We have this new stuff that hardens into a shell around the ice cream, it’s called Magic Shell, actually, and I think it’s really good on the Mint Chocolate Chip. Um, it’s supposed to be an extra twenty-five cents but I won’t charge you since it’s your first time here.”
“Sure, yeah, I’d love to try it. Thanks!”  Y/N’s face brightens and Robin feels a familiar heat pooling on her cheeks. 
“Cool, cool.” She turns around to pour the chocolate sauce on top and internally scolds herself for being weird. Y/N’s smile widens when Robin hands over the cone. 
“That’s, uh, one-seventy-five,” Robin says, and she tries to steady her uneven breathing but Y/N bites through the Magic Shell and dips her tongue into the hole it makes to scoop up the creamy, green ice cream with her tongue, and suddenly Scoops Ahoy feels like a sauna and Robin’s afraid she’ll pass out on the spot. 
Y/N reaches into her small white purse and pulls out a shiny silver credit card. Their fingers brush, just for a second, as Robin takes it from her, and Robin is pretty sure her heart stops for a solid minute. 
“Here you go,” Robin mutters as she hands the card back, holding on to one corner with the tips of her fingers so their hands won’t touch again. She will definitely drop dead if that happens. 
“Thanks!” Y/N says. She tucks the card back into her purse and takes another bite of her ice cream. “The Mint Chocolate Chip is really good, and you’re right, the Magic Shell is perfect on it. Thanks for the recommendation.”
“Oh, it’s not a big deal, it’s kind of my job to know everything about ice cream. But, uh, I’m glad you like it!” 
“I should probably get going, my friends are waiting for me at Wet Seal. See you around?”
“Yes! Yeah, um, I’ll be around. Well, I’ll be here, mostly, but I guess you’ll be around and I will be around… here.” Robin winces at the babble that escapes her lips; she’s pretty sure whatever neurons that are supposed to connect her brain to her mouth are completely fried at this point. 
Y/N smiles and wiggles her fingers in a cute little wave before she leaves the store with her half-eaten ice cream and Robin’s heart. Robin watches as she walks towards the other side of the mall, and when Y/N finally disappears from view, she collapses onto the counter with a groan. 
“How are things going, slugger?” Steve asks, sounding smug as he saunters into the store. Robin answers with another groan and props her head up on her folded arms to glare at him. 
“Where the fuck have you been? Your break was over ten minutes ago!” She scolds, reaching out to thump him on the back of the head when he joins her behind the counter. 
“I was on my way back, I swear, but then I saw Y/N Y/L/N walk in and I hid behind that fake tree instead.” Steve gestures to the giant potted Bonsai tree in the middle of the seating area across from the store. 
“Why would you do that to me? You know I’ve liked her forever!”
“And that’s exactly why I did it! I wanted to give you some time alone with her to work your magic.” Steve wiggles his fingers at her, earning him a stern glare. 
“I don’t have magic, Steve! In case you forgot, you’re the one that’s good at talking to girls. I just get all flustered and sweaty and say whatever stupid shit I’m thinking!” Robin points to her forehead, where her bangs are damp underneath her Scoops Ahoy hat. 
“Well I can’t wingman you, she’s not going to let her guard down around me. But maybe, if she suspects that you’re also,  you know, she’ll open up to you.”
Their argument is interrupted when a family of five walks in with a screaming toddler and the most complicated order in Scoops Ahoy history (or, at least that’s what it feels like to Robin). 
“This conversation isn’t over,” Robin growls under her breath as she fills a kiddie cup with Superman ice cream. Steve ignores her and makes small talk with the mom, using his charm to try and score some extra tip money. 
Of course, it works, and she stuffs a ten-dollar bill in the tip jar with a wink in his direction. Robin rolls her eyes. Sometimes, it’s really annoying being friends with Steve Harrington. 
Y/N shows up again the next day, and Steve suddenly remembers that a shipment of cones was dropped off that morning and needed to be put away. Robin suspects that he procrastinated on purpose, but she can’t prove it, and she really can’t think about it now because Y/N’s wearing a bright green tennis dress with matching sunglasses perched on her head, and her light pink lip gloss is sparkling under the harsh overhead lights and she looks so cute. Robin wants to scream. 
“Oh hi! You’re back! I guess that Mint Chocolate Chip was just too good, huh?” Robin says with a chuckle when she realizes that it’s been, like, a full minute and she still hasn’t said anything. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what it is, but I’ve got such a sweet tooth this summer,” Y/N says. Robin detects a hint of something beneath the cheerful overtones of her words, but she’s not very good at figuring out subtext so she’s not sure what it means. 
“Well, then you’ve come to the right place because sweet is all we’ve got! Actually, the Butter Pecan is kind of salty, but some people like the whole sweet-and-salty thing. Especially dads. Dads are like 90% of the people who order Butter Pecan. But anyways, enough about the Butter Pecan, um, what can I get for you today?”
“I really liked the Magic Shell yesterday. What other flavors is it good on?” 
Robin is so busy running through the entire list of flavors and the pros and cons of putting Magic Shell on them that she doesn’t notice the sparkle in Y/N’s eyes or the slight twitch in the corners of her lips.
“…. but, after Mint Chocolate Chip, of course, I think the Peanut Butter is your best bet because the chocolate makes it more like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, and who doesn’t like those?” Robin pauses for barely a second before she realizes something and has to clarify. “Well, I guess probably not people who are allergic to peanuts. You’re not allergic to peanuts, are you? Because if you are then I could’ve just potentially killed you and that would be really embarrassing.”
“No, I’m not allergic to peanuts. The Peanut Butter sounds great, thanks.” Y/N’s laugh is soft and delicate, just like her, and it’s sweet enough to melt all the ice cream in the cooler. Robin’s not entirely sure what swooning is, but she’s pretty confident she swoons 
“Okay, cool, um, do you want that in a waffle cone again?”
“You remembered!” Y/N sounds genuinely excited by this as if Robin remembering that she ordered a waffle cone yesterday is the best thing that’s ever happened to her. 
“I try to remember all our best customers.” Robin manages to stop herself there and even has the nerve to wink at Y/N before she turns her focus to scooping. Bending over the cooler helps calm the heat rising on her cheeks. She can hear Y/N heels clicking against the linoleum floor as she rocks back and forth on her feet as she waits for her ice cream. When Robin hands her the finished cone, she swears there’s a hint of a blush on Y/N’s own face, but she could just be imagining that because she wants so badly to believe it’s true. 
“One-seventy-five, again,” Robin says, and Y/N’s eyebrows shoot up. 
“I thought Magic Shell was an extra twenty-five cents?” She asks, pausing with her hand in her purse. 
“It’s on the house today.” Robin knows she’ll never charge Y/N for the Magic Shell as long as it continues to make the girl smile like Robin’s the only other person in the world. 
“Oh, well, thank you!” She holds out her credit card and this time, Robin brushes their hands together on purpose. Since she knows what to expect, it doesn’t overwhelm her like it did yesterday, but the electricity between their skin is just as intoxicating. When Y/N’s gone, she brings her hand to her lips to try to absorb the tingles from her fingers. 
That’s how Steve finds her when he finally emerges from the back room, looking like a lovesick idiot. It’s a good look on her, he thinks. She deserves to have the romance-movie clichés that he’s taken for granted, to have her heart flutter and her palms sweat while she talks to a cute girl. He just hopes he’s reading Y/N right and that she feels the same way about Robin. 
“So, I’m guessing it went well?” He asks with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“Shut up,” she mumbles, tearing her hand away from her lips and shoving it deep in the pocket of her skirt. Oh yeah, it definitely went well, Steve says to himself. 
Y/N shows up almost every day that summer, and every time, Robin feels her confidence building and her nerves melting away. True to her word, she never charges Y/N for the Magic Shell, but Y/N always puts a five-dollar bill in the tip jar, so really, what’s the harm? And no one’s called her out on it yet, not even Steve, who now only disappears sometimes instead of every time Y/N shows up. (“It’s starting to look weird!” Robin had said one day after Y/N left and Steve reappeared. “She knows you work here; she’s asked me about you before!”) Steve’s heart swells with pride every time Robin manages to flirt with Y/N without rambling on about something random immediately afterward, and he’s glad he’s stopped hiding, because it gives him a chance to watch Y/N up close, and he’s now ninety-nine percent sure that she’s into Robin. 
One day, Y/N doesn’t show up, and it’s not a big deal because she’s missed a day here and there before. Steve pretends not to notice the way Robin’s face falls as the clock ticks closer to the end of their shift without an appearance from Y/N. He’s surprised by his own disappointment; Y/N has become a staple at Scoops Ahoy, and he’s grown to love her dry sense of humor and the way she laughs at everything Robin says (even though, really, Robin’s not that funny). 
But then another day passes, and another, and Robin starts snapping at the customers. 
“Robin, chill, I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she just went on vacation or something,” Steve says, trying to reassure her. 
“Or she figured out that I like her and it freaked her out. She’s probably laughing about me on a yacht with all her rich friends, kissing stupid boys and --” 
“She’s definitely not kissing boys.” Robins's eyes widen and her head whips around to look at Steve. 
“How do you know that?”
“I asked around.” He shrugs, trying to act casual. “No one’s ever seen her with a guy. At least, not like that.”
“That doesn’t mean she’s…like me! Maybe her parents are weird about that sort of thing or…” Steve clears his throat and tries to discreetly point behind her. Robin trails off and slowly turns around to see Y/N standing at the counter with a sheepish smile. 
“I’m going on my break,” Steve calls over his shoulder as he hops over the counter and leaves the store. Robin vows to kill him when he gets back for leaving her alone with Y/N who might have overheard everything she just said. 
“Uh, hi, sorry about that,” Robin says. “Steve and I were just talking about this movie we watched the other day. It was crazy, this girl wanted to cut her hair short but her parents were so mad about it and…” She deflates a little, giving up on the fake movie plot and huffing out a breath that makes her bangs flutter. 
“No, I’m sorry,” Y/N says, reaching across the counter to grab Robin’s hand. Okay, now Robin thinks that she’s going to die for real. Y/N’s hands are soft but her grip is firm and confident and Robin has never held anything that felt so right before. “I should’ve called or something, but I got really sick and I could barely get out of bed. My mom had to help me get to the bathroom to throw up, but one time she didn’t make it in time and I puked all over myself, and… now I’m rambling.” She’s biting her lip and looking down at their intertwined hands, trying not to make eye contact with Robin because she’s scared of what she might see (or not see). But Robin gives her hand a gentle squeeze and reaches across the counter with her free hand, using two fingers to tip Y/N’s head up so their eyes meet. Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes are wide and watery, swimming with uncertainty, while Robin’s are bright with dilated pupils. She’s trying not to smile (but she’s failing), and Y/N’s face melts from worry into a mirror image of Robin’s. 
“It’s okay. I mean, I was worried about you, but I’m just glad you’re feeling better now.” 
“Yeah, I heard.” Y/N’s smile is cheeky and Robin wants to lean in and kiss it off her face, but the mall is busy and hoards of people are streaming past the windows in front of the store. 
“You heard that?” Robin cringes because her lovesick worrying was honestly pretty embarrassing. 
“Yeah, but it’s okay because I am like you. At least, I think I am, if you are what I think you are.” Speaking in euphemisms is getting really frustrating, so Robin drops Y/N’s hand and jumps over the counter, making a beeline for the door. She glances to the left and right to make sure no one’s looking at her before she pulls the door shut and flips the sign to ‘Closed.’ Y/N is confused at first, but when she realizes what Robin’s doing, a whole herd of butterflies takes flight in her stomach. She pulls a mirror out of her purse and double-checks that her lip gloss isn’t smudged, and just manages to shove it away before Robin is back and tugging her into the back room. 
Y/N barely registers what it looks like because as soon as the door swings shut behind them, Robin is pushing her against it. They’re standing so close that with every inhale their chests touch and with every exhale, Robin can feel Y/N’s hot breath against her face. Robin leans in until their lips are almost touching. She can smell the faint strawberry of Y/N’s lip gloss and she just barely manages to keep herself from leaning in to lick it off. 
“You’re not contagious, right?” She asks in a sheepish whisper. “It’s just, I can’t afford to miss work and Steve would probably kill me if I left him to man the shop alone, even though he does it to me all the time because he wants to give me time to flirt with you. I guess that worked out, though, so maybe that’s not the same thing…” 
“Robin?” Y/N interrupts her. Her voice is low and raspy and Robin’s legs nearly give out when she imagines Y/N whispering dirty things against her ear. “Kiss me.”
“Okay, yep, I can definitely do that.” Robin takes a deep breath to calm her nerves and then closes the gap between them, pressing her lips to Y/N’s. Her strawberry lip gloss tastes even better than it smells, and it’s surprisingly not sticky. Y/N slips her hands around Robin’s neck to pull her closer, and Robin feels everything all at once. Fireworks, butterflies, electricity, there’s not a single cliche left behind. She’s not sure what to do with her hands, but when Y/N parts her lips, Robin’s body seems to act of its own accord because suddenly her hands are gripping Y/N’s hips like they’re a lifeline. Y/N is grateful there’s a door behind her because otherwise her legs would definitely give out and send them both tumbling to the ground. 
“Robin? Y/N? Is everything okay?” Steve’s voice travels through the door, muffled but clear, and Robin reluctantly pulls her head back. She rests her forehead against Y/N’s as they both breathe heavily, trying to catch their breath. 
“Yeah, everything’s okay,” she whispers into the space between them. “Things are very okay.”
24 notes · View notes
Colle: If you are here, speak to us.
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Reaction to Diamond Steve
Something Escaped the Diamond Steve Stronghold
The Winter Steve’s Creator, The Heart of Winter
Colle & Winter Steve vs the Giant
Gosh darn it, Rainbow Quest lore. This is like, the fourth time you unleashed an antagonistic, destructive force into the world!!
Remember Diamond Steve from non-canon Steve Saga?
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[ID: A screenshot of Diamond Steve from the Steve Saga episode “Gold Steve’s leader is a Diamond Steve.” End ID.]
This is him now.
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[ID: A screenshot of a Diamond Steve corpse from the Steve Legend episode “Something Escaped the Diamond Steve Stronghold.” End ID.]
Feel old yet?
btw, I love how Colle has never seen a diamond sword before but knows what diamonds are. These Red Steves never learned how to craft a diamond sword, even though crafting a diamond sword is exactly like crafting any other sword. Guess we have to assume that this world doesn’t follow Minecraft logic.
Yoo, this episode has environmental storytelling?
Like, that Steve buried under the blue crystal? It’s a perfect snapshot of what the battle a long time ago was.
It’s possible that Diamond Steves are made out of diamond and not flesh, considering that they don’t look like skeletons or the messed up Blue Steve spirit in the first episode of Rainbow Quest. Without flesh, they cannot decay.
Dictionary: a “pest” is a tiny organism that causes problems on someone’s crops
The Pest in Steve Legends: *is like 15x larger than Colle*
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[ID: A screenshot of the giant pest running away, back against the camera. End ID.]
There are two ways I can interpret the white shape on this entity’s back
1. This entity has very long hair and has tied them into braids, or
2. This entity has a hood with bunny ears sewn on top of it.
Waaaaait wait wait wait,
Is that Giant the same giant the the Winter Steves warned about when Colle didn’t believe giants are real?
.....Colle is taking this discovery pretty lightly. He just discovered a brand new, terrifying creature, but the first thing he wants to do is talk to the leader and speak on the Obsidian Steves’ behalf.
I’m just gonna record Winter Leader’s text for future reference and add commentary when I have it:
“The First Enemy created a... thing to incite dread into their enemies”
Diversity wins! The cryptid enemy who caused war and devastation uses they/them pronouns!
“And the Original Creator created well...the opposite.”
So the Original Creator created things that incite the opposite of dread
So far, this sounds like a “Creator and their child” myth setup
Family Tree so far:
Original Creator is the first
Original Creator created First Enemy and ???
First Enemy created Obsidian and Diamond Steves
??? created Winter Steves
So First Enemy and ??? would be siblings? And Obsidian and Winter Steves would be cousins?
The Last War involved: Original Creator, First Enemy, ???, Diamond, and Obsidian
After Last War, Winter Steves were created
“Entity of Fear”
Steve Legends, REALLY?!
ANOTHER VAGUE NAME?! My five brain cells can’t handle this.
But anyways, the Entity of Fear created the Giants
Hmm, based on the misunderstandings, did the Winter Steves assume that Obsidian Steves were minions of the Entity of Fear, because they thought they stole the Heart of Winter?
Winter Leader: To combat these beasts, we bred very fast horses.
.....I can’t believe the Winter Steves created Lucas.  
Hmm, it sounds like the essence of the creator, not the creator himself, created the Winter Steves
I wonder if that can explain the logic behind how Galaxy created Time and Elemental.
I think Galaxy got destroyed by Void. So did an essence of him survive and create Time and Elemental?
I got nothing to say about Colle & Winter Steve vs the Giant
I just like the atmosphere of it
Yay, plot progression
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 280+ Sierra Leonean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Anna Maria Horsford (1948) Afro-Antiguan [including Limba Sierra Leonean] / Afro-Dominican - actress.
Ellen Thomas (1956) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Regina Taylor (1960) African-American [including Mende Sierra Leonean, Kru Liberian] - actress and playwright.
Judith Jacob (1961) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Neneh Cherry / Neneh Karlsson (1964) Sierra Leonean / Swedish - singer-songwriter.
Titiyo / Titiyo Yambalu Felicia Jah (1967) Sierra Leonean / Swedish - singer-songwriter.
Rakie Ayola (1968) Sierra Leonean / Nigerian - actress.
Kéllé Bryan (1975) Sierra Leonean - actress and singer.
India Arie (1975) African-American [including Mende Sierra Leonean, Kru Liberian, Fula Bissau-Guinean] - singer-songwriter.
Ava Vidal (1976) Sierra Leonean / Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Barbadian - actress and comedian.
Sarah Culberson (1976) Mende Sierra Leonean - actress, dancer, public speaker, writer, and philanthropist.
Isata Mahoi (1979) Sierra Leonean - actress and radio host. 
Mamadee / Mamadie Wappler (1979) Sierra Leonean / German - singer-songwriter.
Khady Black / Khadyjah Fofanah (1980) Mandinka Sierra Leonean - musician.  
Nzinga Blake (1981) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Cleo / Cleo Higgins / Cleopatra Higgins (1982) Sierra Leonean - actress, singer-songwriter, and dancer.
Di'Ja / Hadiza Blell (1982) Krio Sierra Leonean / Hausa Nigerian - singer-songwriter.
Tiana Benjamin (1984) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Michelle Ackerley (1984) Sierra Leonean - tv presenter.
Tyrilla Gouldson (1984) Sierra Leonean - Miss Sierra Leone 2008.
Sylvia Barrie (1986) Sierra Leonean - model and tv personality.
Mariama / Mariama Jalloh (1986) Sierra Leonean / German - singer-songwriter.
Kadija Diamond Jalloh (1986) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Amina Kamara (1987) Sierra Leonean - model and Miss West Africa 2008.
Fatmata Turay (1987) Sierra Leonean - model and Miss Sierra Leone 2007.
Shireen Benjamin (1988) Sierra Leonean - model and Miss West Africa 2009.
Kiza Deen (1988) Sierra Leonean - actress and singer.
Stephanie Levi-John (1988) Sierra Leonean / Afro-Jamaican - actress. 
Larissa Wilson (1989) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Hawa Kamara (1990) Sierra Leonean - Miss Universe Sierra Leone 2016. 
Elizabeth Lejonhjärta (1990) Sierra Leonean, Gambian, Senegalese / Sami, Tornedalian, Swedish - model, social media personality, blogger, and writer.
Victoria Lejonhjärta (1990) Sierra Leonean, Gambian, Senegalese / Sami, Tornedalian, Swedish - model, social media personality, blogger, and writer.
Jasmine Tookes (1991) African-American [including Sierra Leonean, Nigerian], Barbadian, Brazilian, Irish, English - model.
Dominique Jackson (1991) Sierra Leonean - actress and singer.
MYRA / Regina Tucker (1994) Sierra Leonean - rapper-songwriter.
KABBA / A*M*E / Aminata Kabba (1994) Sierra Leonean - singer-songwriter.
Minish / Minish Swaray (1995) Sierra Leonean - singer-songwriter and footballer.
Salem Koussa / Lemy (1995) Sierra Leonean / Lebanese, Italian - instagrammer. 
Mabel / Mabel McVey (1996) Sierra Leonean, Swedish / Scottish, English - singer-songwriter.
Marie Esther Bangura (1997) Sierra Leonean - model and Miss Universe Sierra Leone 2018.
LifeWithJerry (1998) Sierra Leonean - youtuber.
Estella Daniels (?) Sierra Leonean - actress and dancer.
Kira Madallo Sesay (?) Sierra Leonean / Russian - actress, producer, and writer.
Sarah Niles (?) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Wendy Bangura (?) Sierra Leonean / Indian, Lebanese - actress and producer.
Alberta / Alberta Sheriff (?) Sierra Leonean - singer.
DJ Omu (?) Sierra Leonean - DJ.
Kiva Hewett (?) African-American [including Limba Sierra Leonean, Bissau-Guinean] / Unspecified White - singer-songwriter, actress, and producer.
Yalissa Kargbo (?) Sierra Leonean - model and former pageant queen. 
Marita Massaquoi (?) Sierra Leonean - actress.
Antonia Sevalie (?) Sierra Leonean - model (instagram: salonebeauty_). 
Marjo Bona (?) Sierra Leonean - dancer and choreographer.
Heyden Adama (?) Sierra Leonean - musician and actress. 
Eva Khyne-Sam (?) Sierra Leonean - model. 
Valerie Bah (?) Sierra Leonean - model. 
Clara Sesay (?) Sierra Leonean - model. 
Rebecca Arthur (?) Sierra Leonean - singer. 
Star Zee / Linda Samai (?) Sierra Leonean - singer. 
Naomi Kay (?) Sierra Leonean - model, actress, and Miss Rainbow SL.
Fareda Johnson (?) Sierra Leonean - model.
Masakatstyle (?) Sierra Leonean - model.
Isat (?) Sierra Leonean - singer (instagram: officialisat).
Abena (?) Sierra Leonean  - singer (instagram: abenastar_).
Mselliss (?) Sierra Leonean - instagrammer. 
Zainab .O. Sheriff (?) Sierra Leonean - instagrammer. 
Zenobia (?) Sierra Leonean  - model (instagram: zenobia16).
Rosaline Thembizwa Kanneh (?) Sierra Leonean, South African  - model.
Rae Rogers (?) Sierra Leonean  - instagrammer (only_one_rach). 
Rubie Timbo (?) Sierra Leonean, Fula, Temne - model.
Foxy (?) Sierra Leonean, Ghanian - model (instagram: abi_adjuah_). 
Enid Jones-Boston (?) Sierra Leonean - Miss World Sierra Leone 2019.
F - Athletes:
Julia Armstrong (1959) Sierra Leonean - runner.
Emiliya Turey (1984) Sierra Leonean / Russian - handballer.
Eunice Barber (1974) Krio Sierra Leonean - heptathlete and long jumper.
Ola Sesay (1979) Sierra Leonean - long jumper.
Ebony Hoffman (1982) African-American [including Sierra Leonean] - basketball player.
Katerina Keyru (1988) Sierra Leonean / Russian - basketball player.
Jeneba Tarmoh (1989) Sierra Leonean - sprinter.
Hafsatu Kamara (1991) Sierra Leonean - sprinter.
Isatu Fofanah (1993) Sierra Leonean - sprinter.
Marissa Kurtimah (1994) Sierra Leonean - sprinter.
Michaela DePrince (1995) Sierra Leonean - dancer.
Maggie Barrie (1996) Sierra Leonean - sprinter.
Napheesa Collier (1996) African-American [including Sierra Leonean] - basketball player.
Bunturabie Jalloh (1998) Sierra Leonean - swimmer.
Louis Gossett, Jr. (1936) African-American [including Sierra Leonean, Liberian] - actor.
Charles Burnett (1944) African-American [including Sierra Leonean] - actor, director, producer, writer, cinematographer, and editor.
Franklyn Ajaye (1949) Sierra Leonean / African-American - actor and comedian.
Tom Joyner (1949) African-American [including Balanta Sierra Leonean] - actor and radio host.
Joe Madison (1949) 7/8 African-American [including Sierra Leonean, Mozambican], 1/8 Unspecified White - actor and radio host.
Steve Ferrone (1950) Sierra Leonean - drummer.
Paul Barber (1951) Sierra Leonean / English - actor.
Howard Hewett (1955) African-American [including Limba Sierra Leonean, Bissau-Guinean] - singer-songwriter.
Isaiah Washington (1963) African-American [including Sierra Leonean] - actor.
Michael K. Williams (1966) African-American [including Mende Sierra Leonean] / Afro-Bahamian - actor.
Bai Kamara (1966) Sierra Leonean - singer. 
Steady Bongo / lansana Sheriff (1966) Mende Sierra Leonean / Mandingo Sierra Leonean  - musician and record producer.
Idris Elba (1972) Sierra Leonean / Ghanaian - actor, rapper, singer, DJ, producer, and writer.
Freddy Will / Wilfred Kanu Jr. (1977) Sierra Leonean - rapper, blogger, and author.
Emmerson Bockarie (1977) Mende Sierra Leonean - singer. 
Daddy Saj / Joseph Gerald Adolphus Cole (1978) Krio Sierra Leonean - rapper.
John Legend (1978) African-American [including Mende Sierra Leonean, Fula Bissau-Guinean], Scottish, Cornish, Welsh, English - actor, singer-songwriter, keyboardist, director, and producer.
Harvey / MC Harvey / Michael Harvey Jr (1979) Sierra Leonean - actor, rapper, tv personality, and former footballer.
Cy Fergusson (1979) Sierra Leonean - actor.
Patrice / Patrice Bart-Williams (1979) Krio Sierra Leonean / German - singer-songwriter, producer, and filmmaker.
N'fa / N'fa Jones / N'fa Forster-Jones (1979) Sierra Leonean / Unspecified White - rapper.
Warren Stacey / Warren Jituboh (1979) Sierra Leonean - singer.
Rickie Haywood-Williams (1980) Sierra Leonean - DJ and tv presenter.
Blood Orange / Lightspeed Champion / Dev Hynes / Devonté Hynes (1985) Sierra Leonean / Afro-Guyanese - singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, cellist, director, and producer.
Adetokumboh M'Cormack (1982) Krio Sierra Leonean - actor. 
Daniel Anthony (1987) Sierra Leonean - actor.
Sampha / Sampha Lahai Sisay (1988) Sierra Leonean - singer-songwriter, keyboardist, percussionist, and producer.
MB Salone / Mohamed Bailor Barrie (1990) Sierra Leonean - musician.
Kainawa / Matthew Ganda (1990) Sierra Leonean - singer and producer.
Naji Basma (1992) Sierra Leonean / Lebanese - actor and dancer.
Maxsta / Ian Koromah (1995) Sierra Leonean - rapper.
Cali Cal / Kalvin Kosha / Calvin Fitzgerald (1995) Sierra Leonean - actor and singer-songwriter.
Musa Goba (1996) Sierra Leonean - actor.
Josephus Conteh (1997) Sierra Leonean - singer.
Weah Bangura (1998) Sierra Leonean - model.
Sheku Kanneh-Mason (1999) Sierra Leonean / English - cellist.
Cornelius Macarthy (?) Krio Sierra Leonean - actor and singer. 
Sahr Ngaujah (?) Sierra Leonean - actor and director.
Jonima Diaby (?) Sierra Leonean / Guinean - actor.
Desmond Finney (?) Sierra Leonean - actor. 
Patrick Amara (?) Sierra Leonean - model and actor (instagram: patrickthemodel).
Memsor Kamarake (?) Sierra Leonean - tv personality and celebrity stylist.
Warren Nettleford (?) Sierra Leonean - tv presenter.
Tejay Bah (?) Sierra Leonean / Americo-Liberian - actor, producer, and writer.
DJ Chef / Chefal (?) Sierra Leonean - DJ.
Foday Sillah (?) Sierra Leonean - model and actor (instagam: kingfo101).
DJ WilSAF / Wilmot Selwyn Faulkner (?) Sierra Leonean - DJ and radio personality.
Anis Halloway (?) Sierra Leonean - singer. 
Jimmy B / Jimmy Bangura (?) Sierra Leonean - musician, filmmaker, producer, and entertainer.
T.J. Cole (?) Sierra Leonean / Nigerian - actor, producer, director, and screenwriter,
K-Man / Mohamed Saccoh (?) Mandingo Sierra Leonean - rapper. 
Daniel Lawrence Sesay (?) Sierra Leonean - model. 
Ray Mondo (?) Sierra Leonean - drummer. 
Kevin Bob (?) Sierra Leonean - actor, producer, and screenwriter.
Drizilik / Benjamin Menelik Gorge (?) Sierra Leonean - singer. 
Kevin Ademu-John (?) Sierra Leonean - model and athlete (instagram: kevinbeseolu). 
Delpaneaux Wills (?) Sierra Leonean, Cuban, Unspecified - actor, writer, and model.
M - Athletes:
Billy Boston (1934) Sierra Leonean - rugby player.
John Conteh (1951) Sierra Leonean - boxer.
Danny Wilson (1955) Sierra Leonean / Welsh - rugby player.
Columba Blango (1956) Sierra Leonean - decathlete.
Chris Kamara (1957) Sierra Leonean / English - footballer.
Abdul Mansaray (1961) Sierra Leonean - sprinter. 
Leroy Rosenior (1964) Krio Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Victor Cole (1968) Sierra Leonean / Russian - baseball player.
Mohamed Kanu (1968) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ibrahim Bah (1969) Sierra Leonean - footballer. 
John Keister (1970) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Abdul Thompson Conteh (1970) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Musa Kallon (1970) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ryan Giggs (1973) Sierra Leonean, English / Welsh - footballer.
Leonard Bundu (1974) Sierra Leonean - boxer.
Chris Bart-Williams (1974) Krio Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Denni Conteh (1975) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Clarence Seedorf (1976) Afro-Surinamese [including Sierra Leonean, Maasai Kenyan, Nigerian] - footballer.
Ansu Sesay (1976) Sierra Leonean - basketball player.
Kewullay Conteh (1977) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Faisal Antar (1978) Sierra Leonean / Lebanese - footballer.
Etan Thomas (1978) Afro-Grenadian [including Sierra Leonean] - basketball player.
Bobby Newcombe (1979) Sierra Leonean - American football player.
Mohamed Kallon (1979) Mende Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mustapha Sama (1979) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Roda Antar (1980) Sierra Leonean / Lebanese - footballer.
Alpha Bangura (1980) Sierra Leonean - basketball player. 
Lamin Deen (1981) Sierra Leonean - bobsledder.
Kabba Samura (1981) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Madieu Williams (1981) Sierra Leonean - American football player.
Gibril Wilson (1981) Sierra Leonean - American football player.
Albert Cole (1981) Krio Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Paul Kpaka (1981) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Manny Williams (1981) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Steve Kabba / Sorfitu Kabba (1981) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ibrahim Kargbo (1982) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Carlton Cole (1983) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohammad Rashid (1983) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Gibril Sankoh (1983) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Aluspah Brewah (1983) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Tyrone Mears (1983) Sierra Leonean, Jamaican / English - footballer.
Malvin Kamara (1983) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Sillah (1983) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Chauncey Davis (1983) African-American [including Mende Sierra Leonean, Temne Sierra Leonean] - American football player.
Justin Mensah-Coker (1983) Sierra Leonean - rugby player.
Kei Kamara (1984) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Liam Rosenior (1984) Sierra Leonean / Unspecified White - footballer.
Nigel Reo-Coker (1984) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Brima Koroma (1984) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ahmed Deen (1984) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Sesay (1984) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Victor Keyru (1984) Sierra Leonean / Russian - basketball player.
Albert Jarrett (1984) Krio Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Sallieu Bundu (1984) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ismail Sillakh (1985) Sierra Leonean / Ukrainian - footballer.
B. J. Tucker (1985) Sierra Leonean - American football player.
Alfi Conteh-Lacalle (1985) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Curtis Davies (1985) Sierra Leonean / Irish, English - footballer.
Ibrahima Camara (1985) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Brima Pepito (1985) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Patrick Bantamoi (1986) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Samuel Barlay (1986) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Shaka Bangura (1986) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ibrahim Kabia (1986) Sierra Leonean - sprinter. 
Sheriff Suma (1986) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Michael Lahoud (1986) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Hassan Mila Sesay (1987) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Umaru Bangura (1987) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Alimamy Jalloh (1987) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Solomon Bockarie (1987) Sierra Leonean - sprinter.
Unisa Bangura (1987) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mustapha Dumbuya (1987) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Kamara (1987) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Al Bangura (1988) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Kabia (1988) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Alfred Sankoh (1988) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Christian Caulker (1988) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
John Kamara (1988) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Bangura (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Abdul Rahman Kamara (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mustapha Bangura (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ibrahim Koroma (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Sanu (1989) Sierra Leonean - American football player.
David Simbo (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Alusine Kamara (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Teteh Bangura (1989) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ola Kamara (1989) Sierra Leonean / Norwegian - footballer.
Moses Barnett (1990) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Israel Sesay (1990) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Rodney Strasser (1990) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
George Wyndham (1990) Sierra Leonean - paralympic table tennis player. 
Bill Hamid / Bilal Hamid (1990) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Solomon Morris (1990) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Will Claye (1991) Sierra Leonean - long jumper and triple jumper.
Sulaiman Sesay-Fullah (1991) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Steven Caulker (1991) Sierra Leonean / Scottish - footballer.
Abdul Sesay (1991) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Lamin Suma (1991) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Charles Mammie (1992) Sierra Leonean - basketball player. 
Abdulai Bell-Baggie (1992) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Victor Oladipo (1992) Sierra Leonean / Yoruba Nigerian - basketball player.
Abu-Bakarr Kargbo (1992) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Khalifa Jabbie (1993) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Charles Banya (1993) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Alhassan Kamara (1993) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Aziz Deen-Conteh (1993) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Thomas Koroma (1993) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Antonio Rüdiger (1993) Sierra Leonean / German - footballer.
Nathaniel Chalobah (1994) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Alie Sesay (1994) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Julius Davies (1994) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Elliot Kebbie (1994) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Josh Siafa (1994) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Amara Darboh (1994) Sierra Leonean - American football player.
Alhaji Kamara (1994) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Fankaty Dabo (1995) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Sahr Senesie (1995) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Glen Kamara (1995) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Sullay Kaikai (1995) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Buya Turay (1995) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Amadou Bakayoko (1996) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
George Davies (1996) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ibrahim Conteh (1996) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Nate Tongovula (1996) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Kwame Quee (1996) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Osman Kakay (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mustapha Bundu (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Augustine Williams (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Victor Mansaray (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Suleiman Samura (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Jonathan Morsay (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ismail Kamara (1997) Sierra Leonean - sprinter. 
Alusine Fofanah (1997) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Sheka Fofanah (1998) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Frances Tiafoe (1998) Sierra Leonean - tennis player.
Josh Koroma (1998) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Trevoh Chalobah (1999) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Idris Kanu (1999) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Augustus Kargbo (1999) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Ibrahim Kargbo Jr. (2000) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Mohamed Daramy (2002) Sierra Leonean - footballer.
Whoopi Goldberg (1955) African-American [including Mende Sierra Leonean, Balanta Bissau-Guinean, Kru Liberian] - actress, comedian, tv personality, and author. - Supports Roman Polanski, supports Bill Cosby, and slut-shamed Bella Thorne after her nude photos were leaked.
Chadwick Boseman (1977) African-American [including Limba Sierra Leonean, Krio Sierra Leonean, Yoruba Nigerian] - actor and producer. - Misogynoir and rape apologist.
Michael Ricketts (1978) Sierra Leonean - footballer. - Domestic abuse.
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#959 Cirilla Dress
Music of the day: Steve Aoki, Showtek & MAKJ feat Kris Kris – Rave
Cirilla Dress (#witchcrafttattoo)
  Sundays is wearing:
Dress: [WitchCraft] Cirilla Dress (white)
Nails: [**RE**] Elektra Nails & Rings
Rings: [**RE**] Elektra Nails & Rings
Shoes: [N-core] PATENT MULES
Necklace: [Tethered] Collar – Eternity Diamond
Hair: [monso] My Hair – Sujin /Dark Blonde
  WitchCraft on MP and SL
View On WordPress
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allspark · 5 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Transformers, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, Star Wars Adventures, and more! All coming your way for April 17th!
Brian Ruckley (A) Angel Hernandez, Ron Joseph (CVR A) Nick Roche (CVR B) Anna Malkova
High above Cybertron, the planet’s inner moon unfolds to become a gigantic energon harvester, a magnificent show for Bumblebee and his new friend. Meanwhile, Megatron is assembling a new security force, but rumors abound about the new team. A cosmic epic of grand scale, presented by Star Trek/Green Lantern and Injustice 2 artist Angel Hernandez! Plus awesome action by G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero and Revolutionaries artist Ron Joseph! A brand new era of Transformers! Featuring 35th Anniversary covers by Guido Guidi!
Larry Hama (A/CVR A) Netho Diaz (CVR B) John Royle
Exciting new story arc! A great jumping-on point! Featuring the return of artist Netho Diaz! Fresh off the terror caused by Dr. Venom and his insane Venom-Bot, the Joes find themselves smack dab in the middle of new world-shaking dangers! Superstar artist Netho Diaz (G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: Silent Option) returns to the main series to join forces with living legend Larry Hama in the latest fight against the nefarious Cobra!
Warren Spector, Ian Brill (A) Jose Massaroli, Ruben Torreiro (A/CVR) Leonel Castellani
Get ready for two more stories featuring your favorite Disney Afternoon characters! First up is Chip ‘n’ Dale in “Stranger Danger,” followed by Part Four of “Rightful Owners” as Uncle Scrooge and company conclude their epic mission across the globe!
Joe Gill (A/CVR) Steve Ditko
Two “famous monsters of filmland” battle for your hearts and minds in this terror-ific comic! Gorgo and Konga’s best individual stories! They don’t go head to claw, they’re busy fighting commies, but they battle for your mind as you decide who is the coolest of the cool! Plus, two covers using Flipism technology: one on the front, another on the back! And wait till you see the flipped-out centerfold! With Gorgo introduction by Tony Isabella and Konga introduction by Mark Ditko!
Devin Grayson (A/CVR) S. L. Gallant
The 35th Anniversary of the Ghostbusters is upon us! Let’s celebrate with four spooktacular weekly comics featuring different Ghostbuster teams in all-new standalone adventures!   Do demons get visitation rights? That’s the question facing a harried young mother as she tries to accommodate a stream of otherworldly visitors intent on paying their respects to her half-demon toddler. When the ghosts begin to herald the arrival of the girl’s father-rumored to be a class 7 entity-Mommy knows who she has to call: The ANSWER THE CALL GHOSTBUSTERS! Erin, Abby, Patty, and Holtzman find themselves mediating the custody battle from hell… and it’s a scorcher!   The Answer the Call Ghostbusters in an all-new original adventure by the slimerific creative team of Devin Grayson (Nightwing) and SL Gallant (G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero)!
Scott Tipton, David Tipton (A/CVR A&B) David Messina
As the clash of the godlike beings continues, the captains face off in a series of war games that become much more lethal when Q introduces a fifth competitor-a Doomsday Machine! The biggest Star Trek crossover ever continues here. The crews of The Next Generation, The Original Series, Voyager, and Deep Space 9 come together to face their biggest challenge yet! Written by Star Trek: TNG: Mirror Broken scribes Scott & David Tipton! All the captains together for the first time!
Cavan Scott (A/CVR A) Derek Charm
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Yoda undertake an urgent mission, where Anakin’s rebellious nature could spell trouble for the Republic. The final issue of three set during the prequel films! The Original Trilogy gets the spotlight starting next issue!
Cavan Scott (A) Derek Charm, Chris Fenoglio, More (CVR) Francesco Francavilla
Advance solicited for May release! How do a band of rebels distract themselves when sneaking into the creepiest place in the galaxy? Tell scary stories of course! Follow Lina Graf, Crater, and friends as they sneak-and fight-their way into the terrifying castle of Darth Vader! Along the way, they’ll trade spooky stories featuring the most terrifying villains and creatures in the universe! Your favorite characters like Obi-Wan, Han and Chewie, Hear Syndulla, and the Ewoks, face classic creeps like ghosts, monsters, witches and more… all with a singular Star Wars twist!
Katie Cook (A) Diogo Saito (A/CVR A) Eduard Petrovich, Rosa La Barbera
It’s another series of brand-new Tangled stories! Join Rapunzel, Eugene, and all their friends in “The Corona Caper” and “Curtain Call.” The final series of Tangled: The Series comics begins this month! All stories are written by fan-favorite Katie Cook! Three more stunning RI covers by Disney artist Gabby Zapata!
  Join the IDW Hasbro Shared Universe related conversation here in our Comics Discussion and Reviews section and here for all other franchises, superheroes, or general comic book discussions! Not a member? Join our community by creating your own free account here! Or jump right into the live chat on our Discord server or our Facebook Group!
IDW Comics Shipping List for April 17th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like 
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concaholic · 7 years
The nominees have been announced for the 2017 Nigerian Entertainment Awards.
Superstar singer Wizkid leads the pack, grabbing 11 nominations, including nods for Best Single and Best Afropop Male Artist.
Behind him was Sony signee Davido, who had 9 nominations. See the full nominee list below.
Best Single
Wizkid – Come closer ft Drake Phyno – Fada Fada ft Olamide Davido – IF Tekno – Pana Psquare – Bank alert Olamide – Who you epp Mr Eazi – Leg over Runtown – Mad over you
Best Africa Female Artist [Non-Nigerian]
Amanda Black [SA] Victoria Kimani [KQ] Becca [GH] Vanessa Mdee [TZ] Butera Knowless [RW] Sheeban Karungi [UG] Efya [GH] Queen Vee [ZIM]
Best Afropop Male Artist
Davido Mr Eazi Kiss Daniel Runtown Tekno Wizkid
Best Afropop Female Artist
Omawumi Niniola Seyi Shay Simi Tiwa Savage Yemi Alade
Best Album
Adekunle Gold – Gold MC Galaxy – MMM Falz & Simi – Chemistry Olamide – Glory Kiss Daniel – New Era Phyno – The Playmaker Mr Eazi – Life Is Eazi Davido – Son Of Mercy
Best Diaspora
Wale Rotimi Ayo Jay Bils Jidenna Jaycube Wurld Tinnie Tempah Black Excellence
Best Diaspora TV star
Rotimi [Power, Starz] Chike Okonkwo [Being Mary Jane] Uzo Aduba [OITNB] Yvonne Orji [Insecure] Dayo Okeniyi [Shades Of Blue] Okieriete Onaodowan [The Get Down]
Best Africa Male Artist
Casper Nyovest [SA] Stonebwoy [GH] Diamond Platnumz [TZ] Sarkodie [GH] Eddie Kenzo [UG] Sauti Sol [KQ] Nasty C [SA] Toofan [TG]
Best Actor
Blossom Chukwujekwu [Okafor’s Law] Gabriel Afolayan [Somewhere In The Dark] OC Ukeje [North East] Ramsey Nouah [76] Sambasa Nzeribe [Slow Country] Wale Ojo [The CEO]
Best New Act
Tjan Dremo Dotman Mayorkun Sugarboy Zoro
Best Actress
Rita Dominic [76] Funke Akindele-Bello [A Trip To Jamaica] Sola Sobowale [The Wedding Party] Ireti Doyle [The Arbitration] Adesua Etomi [Ayamma] Ivie Okujaye Egboh [Slow Country]
Best Lead Role In Film [Non-Nigerian]
Ama K Abebrese [Lotanna] Chris Attoh [The In-Laws] Korto Davis [Comfort Zone] Majid Micheal [Ayamma] Jackie Appiah [Sala] Yconne Okoro [Ghana Must Go]
Best Rap Act
Falz Ice Prince Mz Kiss Olamide Phyno Skales
Best Indigenous
9ice Adekunle Gold CDQ Flavor Olamide Phyno
Best Music Video
Aduke – Tjan [DIR: Kemi Adetiba] All Over – Tiwa Savage [DIR: Patrick Ellis] Bank Alert – Psquare [DIR: CP] Come Closer – Wizkid [DIR: Daps] IF – Davido [DIR: Q] YOLO – Seyi Shay [DIR: Maji Alabi]
Best Collabo
Come Closer – Wizkid Ft Drake Iskaba – Wande Coal FT DJ Tunez Ko Funny – CDQ FT Davido Only Girl – Adekunle Gold FT Moelogo Temper – Skales FT Burna Boy Up To Something – Iyanya FT Don Jazzy & Dr Sid
Best Picture
76 Ayamma Lotanna Oloibiri Somewhere In The Dark The Wedding Party
Best Director
Chris Eneaji [Ayamma] Eric Aghimien [Slow Country] Muyiwa Aluko [ North East] Steve Gukas [93 Days] Toka MCbaror [Lotanna] Walter Banger [ Cath. Er]
Best Supporting Actress
Adunni Ade [It’s Her Day] Ini Dima Okojie [North East] Judith Audu [ Not Married] Kehinde Bankole [The Dinner] Somkele Iyama [The Arbitration] Theresa Edem [Ayamma]
Best Supporting Actor
AY [A Trip To Jamaica] Gbenga Titiloye [North East] Nkem Owoh [Ghana Must Go] Richard Mofe Damijo [ Oloibiri] Rotimi Salami [Just Not Married] Jide Kosoko [Lotanna]
Best Inspiration
Cobhams Asuquo Frank Edwards Nathaniel Bassey Sinach Timi Dakolo Waje
Best Entertainment Executive
Don Jazzy [Mavin] Idris Olorunnimbe [The Temple Company] Emperor Geezy [GWW] Paul O [Upfront & Personal] E-Money [Five Star] Tobi Sanni Daniel [State Of Mind] Adetoro Fawoshere [Right Entertainment] Dbanj [Cream Platform]
Best Photographer
Kelechi Amade TY Bello Obi Somto Sunmisola Olorunnisola Tobbinator Anuel
Best OAP
Gbemi Olateru [Beat FM] Tosin Bucknor [Top Radio] Big Tak [Urban Radio] N6 [Cool FM] Osam [Naija FM] Yaw [Wazobia]
Best TV Show
Big Brother Naija Jenifa’s Diary Meet The Inlaws Nigeria Police’s Beyond Your Sight Our Best Friend’s Wedding The Life Of A Nigerian Couple
Best Lead TV
Efe [Big Brother Naija] Funek Akindele [Jenifa’s Diary] Lilian Esoro [Meet The Inlaws] Okey Uzoeshi [The Life Of A Nigerian Couple] Oreka Godis [Our Best Friend’s Wedding] Seyitan [Here & Now – The ADV of Tasa]
Best Online Comedy
Craze Clown Emmanuella Chief Obi Wole Arole & Asiri Foxy P Wowo Boyz
Best TV Lifestyle Presenter
Seyitan [The Sauce] Ehiz [MTV] Bolanle Olukanni [EL] VJ Adams [Soundcity] Stacy Ike [Own TV] Nancy Isime [Hip TV]
Best Afro Soca Artist
Fay-Ann Lyons Machel Montano Melly Rose Olatunji Yearwood Skinny Fabulous Teddyson Johnson
Best Dancehall
Burna Boy Cynthia Morgan Ketchup Harrysong Patoranking Timaya
Best Music Producer
DJ Soupamodel Kriz Beatz Masterkraft Spellz Young D Sarz Legendury Beatz Young John
Most Promising
Deshinor Gabzy Ike Chucks Moelogo Nonso Amadi Odunsi
Best Disc Jockey
DJ Jimmy Jatt DJ Neptune DJ Humility DJ TTB DJ Spinall DJ Prince DJ Xclusive DJ Consequence
Best Diaspora Disc Jockey
DJ Dee Money DJ Femsta DJ GQ Mike DJ EL G DJ Tunez DJ Cuppy DJ Ecool DJ Afoo
Best DJ Non-Nigerian/African
DJ Lebbie (SL) DJ Mensah (GH) DJ Bossman (LIB) DJ Joe Mfalme (KQ) DJ Slick Stuart & Roja (UG) DJ Vyrusky (GH)
Who do you see winning in the various categories? Drop your comment below!
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Reaction to Genesis Steve
Genesis Steve’s introduction
Tumblr media
[ID: The “Cooler Daniel” meme, which shows two photos side-by-side in a high school yearbook. The photo on the left is labelled “Daniel” and has Elemental Steve’s face edited over it. The photo on the right is labelled “The cooler Daniel” and has Genesis’ face edited over it. End ID.]
Colle: The Beast either wanted to slap me or hug me.
Colle: Idk. We shouldn’t assume that it’s evil just because it is alone
Colle, you sound like someone who would be a Slenderman fan and call him Slendy, and I don’t know if that’s wholesome or cursed.
Joking aside, I think it’s cute that Colle is just pure of heart and still tries to see a good side in everyone even after the hostile interaction with the ocelots
Also, Colle was literally me when I first brainstormed RRFF.
Someone: Why would Memory need a hug?
Me: Idk. Maybe he’s lonely, who knows
Colle panicking about being in a tree sounded like a knock-off Disney Prince singing in the woods, lol
Dang, Colle is getting so good at these fetch quests. He speedran through 3 fetch quests in one episode. Hard working boi.
Also, can we have an F in the Chat for Genesis Steve? He created the Desert Steves and gifted them an artifact, and the Desert Steves just ended up being so careless about the artifact he gave them X’D
And they never even thought about using the arrow against the Last Inferno, riiip
lmao, Genesis Steve was so hyped up in this episode. And he had the most awkward introduction ever
I was lowkey hoping that Genesis would be a female.
So are creators a species separate from Steves?
If Genesis created Forest, Ocean, and Desert Steves, and Genesis isn’t a Steve, then how does that explain Origin Steve?
I’m really curious!
Genesis: My creator created [Red Steve]. You types are the exact creation of he.
So is the Original Creator Origin Steve?! Well, Origin Steve does seem capable of creating non-Steves, like the First Curse
Because Genesis is really nice, I doubt he’s the First Enemy.
Unless in a future episode, Genesis and Obsidian or Diamond bump into each other and Obsidian and Diamond go like “HOL’ UP.”
Original Creator created the First Enemy, which ended up being a regret
Genesis created the Last Inferno, which ended up being a regret
SL, what’s with you and this reoccurring theme of regretting your first creation??
Are you trying to say something about parenting and being the oldest child?
Are you secretly calling out every single creative person on this planet and telling them that their first OCs suck? </joking>
Kinda ironic that the Last Inferno is the first creation of Genesis though.
I wonder if this can foreshadow Void Steve’s backstory as the first Hero and why he never truly died? idk, I didn’t watch Rainbow Quest
Wait, Colle is a nickname because it’s short for Collector?
All this time, I thought he was named Colle because it’s a fancy way to say Cole or Coal, asdfjklasdfasdf
So I guess Colle’s full name is Collector Red Steve.
I’m getting really invested into the lore.
In the Steve Saga, I got super invested into the lore of Galaxy Family. In the RRFF Extended AU, I’m currently working on the lore of the Six Bright Eyes family.
And now Steve Legends is giving me the Creator Family. Give me a powerful family full of drama >:)
Hmm, are Genesis’ friends the other color Steves?
I love how Genesis Steve immediately befriended the guy who interrupted his fishing session
Oh and....I don’t trust Genesis’ judgement of the Judge
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