#slicked back ponytail and stoned 90% of the time
monbitemon · 5 months
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More FNaF Rick and Morty because i do what i wantttttt
Have I mentioned that Mr. PoopyButtHole is the General manager yet cuz i still haven't drawn him in Uniform but i will i swear
typed out text in image below cut
Title reads FNaF: SB AU
Subtitle reads: Dick Sanchez, 20, Mega Plex Restaurant Employee
Illustration of Dick leaning over a counter saying, "quit looking at me", Purple fem character labeled, "Aimon, 20 yr, self insert hehe :3" responds, "no heart"
Illustration of Dick's almost full body in uniform labeled, "acne scars, gauges, and stubble"
Illustration of a tiny cutesy Dick saying, "Stop. Calling. Me. Joker."
Illustration of Dick pushing a cart while being followed by a creepy daycare attendant labeled, "i feel like something is following me..."
Short comic of Dick Smoking from a dab pen with red eyes being called out by Birdperson saying, "You're not getting high at work are you?" labelled "BP", Rick responds with, "..." followed by a timid, "No..."
The next panel depicts BP standing next to Dick with his hand out labelled, "26 yr, BP, Overworked assistant manager" with him saying, "I will keep my silence as long as you let me hit that pussy stick," Dick responds handing the dab pen over saying, "who tf rolls up a whole joint at work?" BP responds, "You if you weren't a pussy."
End of transcript
I want Dick Sanchez so bad can you tell
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 012 - Aria, pt. 4
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[ Masterlist ] [Read on AO3] [ Raws ]
Summary: Kanda's first failure to die.
Lala: Are you all right, Guzol?
Guzol: Yes... because you slowed our fall, Lala, I didn't land very hard....
12th Night - Aria of an Old Clay Man and Lonely Nights ④
♦ 84
Lala: Thank goodness.
12th Night - Aria of an Old Clay Man and Lonely Nights ④
♦ 85
Guzol: ! Lala, that hurt your hand this badly?
Lala: Oh, don't mind that. Lala: When you stop moving, Guzol, I'll stop moving too, Lala: so I only need to hang on till then.
Guzol: Hrugh....
Lala: ! Lala: Guzol!?
Guzol: Haa, Guzol: haa.... Guzol: Hurgh—
sfx: botata... [blood splatters on the sand]
Lala: Guzol... Lala: You're almost out of time, aren't you. Lala: Is there Lala: truly nothing I can do...?
♦ 86
Allen: Wh— sfx: zah... [hand sliding along stone floor] Allen: What should I do... Allen: I'm lost. sfx: ha— ha— ha— [panting] sfx: chi—n [chagrined] Allen: AAARGH. I shouldn't have charged in so recklessly! Allen: This place really is a labyrinth. Allen: And this is hardly the time to be going in circles!! Allen: If only Timcanpy were here....
sfx: patatatata [Tim flapping] sfx: pito [Tim flies straight down into the cobblestones, apparently following some psychic signal from Allen]
Tim: ......
♦ 87
sfx: KAPA [Tim opens its massive toothy jaws...] sfx: BARIBARIBARI [...and begins chewing down through the street and earth below]
sfx: zah ["Allen" slides foot forward]
"Allen": ...Ka.... sfx: yura [sway] "Allen": Kan...daaa....
♦ 88
Toma: S— Swapped left-to-right... sfx: van [Kanda initializes Mugen] sfx: suu [dramatic breeze sways his ponytail] Kanda: Apparently it is a total idiot.
"Allen": Kan... da... "Allen": S— Sir....
Kanda: Bring disaster!
♦ 89
Kanda: Boundary Bugs, Illusion One!!! Kanda: Return to non-being!
sfx: BAN! [impact]
♦ 90
sfx: juuuu [boundary bug spins out in the palm of real!Allen's transformed hand]
Kanda: !!
sfx: zuru... [losing consciousness] "Allen": Wa... "Allen": Walker... sir....
♦ 91
Allen: You're...?
Kanda: Beansprout!!
Allen: Kanda....
Kanda: The fuck are you doing!? Kanda: Why would you protect an Akuma!?!
Allen: Kanda, this eye of mine can identify Akuma, Allen: and this person isn't one!
♦ 92
"Allen": Walker... "Allen": sir—
Allen: His face is splitting open...!?
sfx: buri [tugging at the edge of the gap]
Allen: ! Allen: Toma!?!
Kanda: Wh—
Allen: That Toma is the Akuma, Kanda!!!
♦ 93
sfx: DON [Kanda hitting the wall extremely hard]
sfx: DO DO DO DO [Akuma raining blows on him, the thunder blending with its heartbeat]
Kanda: Guh—
sfx: kin [Mugen spinning through air, Kanda having lost his grip on it]
Akuma: Hyahyahyahya~
sfx: DOH [Mugen sticks point-first into the floor]
♦ 94
sfx: vu vu vu vu vu [Mugen vibrates]
Allen: Ka— Allen: Kanda!!
Kanda: You fucker... when did you....
Akuma: Heh heh heh. Before I joined back up with you! Akuma: Back when I destroyed that golden golem, I found your "Toma" nearby.
♦ 95
sfx: ke ke ke [snickering] Akuma: I figured you wouldn't notice if I mirrored this guy, Akuma: and sure enough, you can't tell he's backwards, right? Akuma: Then I disguised him as the white-haired kid... heh heh heh. Akuma: Pretty slick, huh. Akuma: My skin is mirror-paper. sfx: pi— ["Toma" shell falls away to reveal the Akuma's true form beneath] Akuma: Good job getting yourself killed!1
Kanda: ...Hah!
♦ 96
sfx: DON [brutal slash that seems almost to bisect Kanda]
♦ 97
Akuma: ehehehe, ahaha
sfx: dan! [final blow]
sfx: gugugu [Kanda trembling on his feet]
Akuma: Huh? Akuma: Die already!
sfx: goh [whack]
Kanda: Like hell I will....
♦ 98
sfx: botabotabota [blood gushing and splashing onto the floor]
Kanda: There's.... Kanda: no way I'm dying until I find her....2 Kanda: I'm....
Akuma: Hyahyahyahya! Akuma: Wowee, he died on his feet!
♦ 99
sfx: DOH [Allen cannonballs into the Akuma]
Allen: Yoooooooooouuuu!!!
sfx: BAAN [explosion]
Allen: Kanda!!
sfx: gah [Allen seizes Kanda by the shoulders]
Kanda: ...Haa... Kanda: Haa....
Allen: ! He's breathing. He's still alive.
♦ 100
Akuma: Ooof... Akuma: Damn that little bastard. sfx: gara... [clattering as the Akuma pulls itself free of the rubble] Akuma: Split me right in half. Akuma: ! Akuma: Where'd they go!?
Allen: hah Allen: hah
sfx: zuki zuki [sharp twinges]
Allen: Ngh. Toma: Sir Walker... please just leave me behind. You are also wounded, no...?
Allen: Oh pish, not to worry!
♦ 101
Allen: Damn... I have no idea where we are. Allen: I need a good spot to field-dress this. Allen: ............ Allen: Singing...?
Narr: They called it "the land God forsook". Narr: To distract themselves from the misery of their lives, they created dolls; Narr: delightful dolls that danced dances and sang songs....
♦ 102
Super Send-Off Skit3
Title: For real!?
Box: Villain rep: the Millennium Earl
Earl: Here we go~ ♥
sfx: gogogogo [drumroll]
sfx: ba—an ♥ [tadaaa!]
Allen: EARS!!?
sfx: ba-an [tadaaa in the background]
Oof, this bit. What the Akuma says here — まんまと殺られたな お前 | manmato yarareta na, omae — is quite literally "you've successfully and/or artfully gotten yourself killed", and Kanda laughs bitterly because he knows something the Akuma doesn't. It's excruciating on reread, wow. [ ♠ ]
He refers to a genderless "that person", which is common and unremarkable in Japanese but sounds awkward in English. Due to our foreknowledge of later plot developments, however, we can safely collapse the waveform to "she" this time, and I feel fairly sure it'll only make the eventual twist more effective, not less. [ ♠ ]
You would not believe how much time I spent trying to find a way to fully convey this throwaway joke in English without adding a ton of words, and I still haven't really managed. The original: 超大喜利4コマ, chou oogiri 4-koma.
Chou is just a straightforward superlative, "super", but oogiri is... well: "the last piece of the day's programme; the last act of a play; comic dialogue as the last item in vaudeville, music hall, etc.". It's a closing act that has nothing directly to do with any story that came before it, a digestif of sorts, and as far as I can tell there is no goddamn word in English that's a 1:1 match. It plays cheekily into the running "stage play" aesthetic theme of the manga, though, so I wanted to keep it theatrical in some way.
Of course, 4koma also has no direct translation into English, though we do also have four-panel comics (most notably, the comedy ones that might still run in physical newspapers, like Calvin & Hobbes, Peanuts, etc., not that anyone but my grandparents has actually bought one of those in years). In Japan, too, it's a format mostly used in the gag manga genre; quick, no-frills setup and punchline in a limited amount of space.
Between those, there was no way I was getting a really good translation into the same amount of space, so I panicked and alliterated. [ ♠ ]
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sage-wilde-va · 1 year
Gargoyles X TMNT: The Shadows of New York Chapter 8: A Match Made In Hell
The Eyrie Building was 90 storeys tall, a gothic spire of black stone, polished steel, and solar-glass. It blossomed from the ground and pierced the heavens with its dark needle, crowned by the parapets of Castle Wyvern. It was ornamented down its length with leering stone gargoyles and flying buttresses, seemingly designed to match the castle above. There were perks to having your office on the top floor of the now-tallest building in New York City. Perks like having a twenty-foot tall wall of glass with an unobstructed view of all Manhattan.
Granted, it wasn’t as comfortable a sight as it once had been. Most especially given that he had been in the North Tower at a business meeting just the day Before. 
David Xanatos looked out at this view over one shoulder. His perfectly shaped lips and aquiline nose creased as he smiled. His dark, wide eyes glinted with cunning. With his bronze skin, long ponytail, and well-groomed goatee, he cut a figure that would make one think of an ancient Greek king. He was undeniably a handsome man, and he wore his charisma in a way that subtly told the room that he knew the magnetism he possessed.
He sipped his water from his glass, his neat suit unrumpled by his easy and comfortable posture in the power chair. He smacked his lips. "Are you sure I can't interest you in some? It's cucumber-mint. Fresh this morning."
"Well, you'll break Owen's heart." Xanatos was charming and apologetic as he smoothly spun his chair to face his guest. "He is so proud of his refreshments."
"I do not drink in another's home." The guest said firmly.
"Suspecting poison? Well, rest assured, I'm not nearly so foolish."
"Others have been. You understand."
"Oh, all too well, Mr. Oroku." Xanatos sighed. "Wealth attracts enemies."
Mr. Oroku sat stiffly in his chair, unearthly in his disciplined stillness. Xanatos could hardly see him breathe, let alone blink. His features were thin and narrow, all deep angles. His vampire-pale skin and slick iron-black hair painted him in the shades of a film-noir villain. His features were unmarred by blemish or mark, save for three thin scars that began at his temple, passed over his milky right eye, and ended at the bottom of his chin. His thin lips stretched an insincere smile. "Believe me. I am well accustomed to enemies."
"Well." Xanatos blinked, mildly put off. "I believe your lawyers have had time to look over the final draft of my proposed amendments?"
"You drive a very hard bargain." Oroku said, a voice that was so cold he could have frosted the table with his breath. "A 55-45 share in the profits is not attractive to my associates. Your research team had better be worth it."
"Oh, I trust that they'll go quite a long way at TCRI. I’m certain that you and Dr. Sevarius will get along famously." He smiled that charming smooth smile. "This compound is going to revolutionize medicine. Longevity, degenerative diseases, paralysis, the common cold." He winked. "At least, that's what the press will say."
"You will have no shortage of healthy volunteers. But the mutagen must be perfected. Its instability has cost me dearly."
Xanatos raised his eyebrows. "You did mention 'containment issues' a few years back. These won't prove to be a hindrance, will they?"
Oroku’s eyes narrowed. In spite of himself, Xanatos felt the small hairs on the back of his neck prickling as his guest scowled. "If it must be done, I will see to the security of the site personally. "
Xanatos allowed himself a wary pause behind his unbreakable facade. "And our other contract?” He prompted. 
Oroku closed his eyes and breathed out through his nose. “Must this be a term of our deal?”
“Well, when in Rome.” Xanatos shrugged with a casual easiness. “Giving your Foot ninjas as well as the Pack a legitimate alibi is necessary. Being able to wave off witnesses’ statements with a film permit will be valuable, to you especially.”
“The Foot Clan is not a circus to be hired for your act.” Oroku warned him coldly.
“Now, I never said they were.” Xanatos deflected. “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
If Xanatos himself wasn’t convincing, Sun Tzu was more persuasive to the ears of the ninja lord. “The terms are agreed.” Oroku withdrew a small, slim case from his suit coat pocket. He removed a simple stamp, the size and shape of a roll of quarters, and pressed his red-ink signature on the line. He held out his hand for a handshake. “May our business together be prosperous.”
“It will be.” Xanatos assured him warmly. “Would you care to stay for dinner?”
Oroku said nothing. He clicked his fingers, and out of the shadows, a pair of men in skin-tight black body armor emerged. He simply stood up, and left the office. 
“Well. You’re welcome.” Xanatos muttered to himself. He sipped his water again, smacking his lips lightly. The phone on his desk beeped. <”Mr. Xanatos, Goliath wishes to see you.”>
“Perfect timing, Owen. Send him in.” He set the glass on his desk.
Xanatos heard the furious footfalls of the enormous monster as soon as the phone went silent. The doors were flung open, and there he was. Tall, dark, and caped in his own magnificence. He strode forward, tail lashing behind him. “We had an agreement, Xanatos.” He snarled.
“Goliath!” Xanatos beamed. “Would you like some water? It’s cucumber-mint.”
Goliath’s snarl did not fade. “Where are they?”
“You’re going to have to be–”
“ Our clan children are gone. ” He cut him off. “And you have little time before my patience follows.”
Xanatos raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Goliath, I assure you, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Our agreement remains inviolable; you protect the castle, and I protect you. If they’ve gone off on their own, that is their responsibility.”
“They are still children , Xanatos.” Goliath’s voice simmered with rage. “I do not expect you to understand that, by our ways, they are only on the cusp of adulthood. The humans are not ready, and neither are they!”
Xanatos closed his eyes, and shook his head, fingers knitted below his chin. “Goliath, I wish I could help you wrangle your three wayward teenagers. But I’m afraid that you know them better than I do. I can’t be of help; boys will be boys.”
Goliath’s tail slammed the floor, his wings flew open with a furious roar. So fierce was this display that the glass on Xanatos’ desk tipped over, spilling across the wood and glass. Xanatos, nonplussed by this outburst, lifted the signed contract out of harm’s way and simply mused, “You’re a glass-half-empty sort of person, aren’t you?”
There was a white flash of his eyes and a final snarl of impotent fury. Goliath turned with a flip of his tail and a flap of his wings, storming out of his office. The door slammed behind him, with enough force that Xanatos heard the metal door handle on the other side snap. 
Xanatos straightened the papers in his hand, tucking them into a manila folder. “I’ve always been a glass-half-full sort, myself.” He said to no one in particular.
Outside Xanatos’ office, Goliath stewed as he strode towards the elevator, his face a dark mask. He pushed the elevator button to return to the castle above, and quietly folded his arms under his caped wings. 
The elevator music was melodic, unobtrusive, and soothing. It was also an unforgivable insult to his ears. He drew his breath in and out through his nostrils, trying to breathe himself into calmness. Anyone who would have been unfortunate enough to share that elevator with him would have mistaken the sound for a bull getting ready to charge, horns first, through the steel door.
The elevator dinged, and Goliath stormed out. He nearly ran over their beast, who had been pacing in front of the door. He looked up at Goliath and growled, worry drooping his earfins and bulldog-like face. “Arrooo?”
Goliath paused mid-stomp. He un-caped his wings, relaxing for a bit. “It seems we shall need your nose tonight, my friend.”
“Arrf.” The beast rubbed himself against his knee, scratching his face on the rough, rock-like hide of his leg. The clan’s one and only surviving beast, and he likely didn’t even know it. How could he know he was the last of their kind too?
Goliath scratched the beast’s head with his long claws, and the beast’s tongue lolled out of his mouth. His hind leg started scritching at his belly, drawing a faint smile from Goliath’s iron-shielded heart. He heard Hudson before he saw him walking through the gravel courtyard in his direction. “Old mentor.” Goliath lowered his head respectfully. “Have you had any luck?”
“I found this in the TV room.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his belt pouch, holding it out to Goliath. “I think you ought to see it.”
He unfolded it, and read it under his breath. “Gone to a game to watch the… 49th and the Jests? We’ll be careful. Wanted to let you know so you wouldn’t worry. The map on the table will show where we are.” He looked up at the bearded gargoyle. “How far away are they?”
“You know I’m little use for maps. Never had a need of them when you could memorize the land.” He shook his head. “But they are due West of the castle. It appears to be a straight glide across the western river, well away from here.”
“Did you see any cliffs or heights to perch?”
“None.” He glowered. “Reckless children, the lot of them. Just like the young to forget that they need to find a way back.”
“Then we must go to them, at once.” Goliath folded the note, storing it in his own belt pouch. “We shall need to plan more carefully, perhaps prepare to take a boat across the river. Do we have hoods to hide our heads?”
“Aye, should be simple enough to find.” The elder gargoyle nodded. “That trick may be more difficult in these times, my friend. A thousand years is a great deal of time for the humans to change their dress.”
“It shall have to suffice. We’ve no alternative.” He rumbled. “We must make ready and depart as soon as possible. I’ve no love of leaving the castle unguarded, but we have only one way to track them.”
The beast sat his rump down, and boofed dutifully. He knew what to do.
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- “Welcome to the Jungle”
I hope this fanfic won't make anyone dizzy with how many men there are in it and doing this and that.
1996 was the year you would join the World Wrestling Federation, and that year was a transitional year for the company.
1996 was a year that was somewhat of a blend between the WWF's New Generation era and their eventual Attitude era.
There was hardly any blood being shed in the company, no wrestlers being thrown through tables set on fire, and if a wrestler used profanity, a commentator would have to say "we apologize for that!" afterwards.
Plus, you had wrestlers playing really childish kid friendly characters and were hangovers from the New Generation era; the Smoking Gunns were cowboys, the New Rockers were just a cornier updated version of Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty's tagteam duo, The Goon was a hockey player, Isaac Yankem was an evil dentist, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese was a garbage man, Sparky Plugg was a racecar driver and the Godwinns were hillbilly farmers.
However, Stone Cold Steve Austin made his WWF debut that year, so did Mick Foley and his Mankind character, the Ultimate Warrior made a comeback at the beginning of 1996 where he used R-rated profanity, Goldust gave off very homoerotic vibes, and an Attitude era predecessor named Brian Pillman also made his debut in the World Wrestling Federation that year, and by the end of the year, Brian pulled a gun out on Stone Cold and the two of them brawled in the driveway of Pillman's home, this scene looked like an episode of "Cops".
You nearly came at the right place at the right time, because you would eventually create your slutty, oversexed nymphomaniac character that was perfect for the Attitude era; an era notorious for being boundary pushing.
Plus, there were some hot men in the WWF in 1996.
You made your WWF debut in July of '96, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley's valet.
When you arrived to the WWF in the summer that year, even the other men in the WWF were in lust with you and thought you were a beautiful woman.
Some of these men "wolf whistled" at you, one of those men who did that was Shawn Michaels.
Some of them can remember you from when you were a ringrat for Hunter, and they're glad you've joined the World Wrestling Federation.
They really wanted to show you how glad they were.
In July of 1996, you were standing in one of the locker rooms surrounded by all of these wrestlers welcoming you to the WWF, not just with handshakes.
Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, Leif Cassidy, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Davey Boy Smith and Brian Pillman were swarming you, Shawn placed both of his hands on the sides of your face.
Brian, Marty, Shawn, and Leif had ear to ear smiles spread across their faces, excited about what's about to happen.
You actually wanted these men to be all around you, they're some of the hottest men in the World Wrestling Federation, and there's some other hot men in the company.
Billy Gunn finds you absolutely scrumptious as well, and while he was pretty hot in 1996, he didn't get sexier until the end of '96 when his hair grew longer.
Shawn and Hunter both had their long hair hanging down, not tied back in a ponytail, and you love it when their hair hangs down.
Davey Boy Smith raised his voice in the locker room, shouting for Bret Hart and if he wants to join this eventual orgy.
Bret will admit you are a beautiful woman, and he isn't quite as innocent as the role model he plays on television, so he walked over and joined this little gangbang.
If there was a wrestler in lust with you who wanted to fuck you but you didn't want him, you told him you don't want him to bang you and he should respect that.
Did he listen? Yes!
Shawn, Marty and Hunter were grabbing onto your shirt and lifting it over your torso and head, placing your top on the slick wooden bench.
Brian Pillman's hands grabbed the sides of your shorts and pulled them all the way down to your ankles.
He wasn't just grabbing your shorts, but your thong underneath them, where your thong slid along your shorts down your legs to your feet.
Hunter, meanwhile, was behind you, unhooking and unfastening your bra, where your tits were free from the bra's tight oppression once the clasps of the bra were separated.
Marty, Leif, Brian, Bret, and Davey were on your sides, trying to all squeeze in to be around you.
Leif Cassidy, not to be confused with 70's teen idols Leif Garrett and Shaun and David Cassidy, grabbed one of your bra straps and carefully slid it down your arm, only to toss your bra away.
Leif luckily didn't have his hair looking so shitty and crappy during this gangbang.
Hunter grabbed the other bra strap slid down your arm when he was removing your bra off of your arm, and your bra cups flung off of your breasts when your straps slid down to your wrists and away from your hands.
Your feet slid out of your flip flops and placed them on the cold floor, though is it necessary for you to take your shoes off considering the floor is a bit dirty?
You lifted your feet one by one off of the floor and let your shorts and thong lay on the cold floor.
As clothes were flying off of you, Marty, Hunter, Brian, Bret, Davey and Leif's hands were traveling and roaming all over your skin, stroking up and down your thighs, your hips and torso.
Their hands and fingers were trying not to bump and nudge into one another.
You felt the tips and pads of their fingers gently sliding on your skin, which made tingles rush and run down your spine.
Shawn, however, pulled your face into his, where your lips locked in between his lips, his eyes and your eyse shutting when your lips met each other.
One of your hands moved behind Shawn's head, where your fingers poked through his brown hair, sliding and gliding down through his locks.
Some of these other wrestlers probably wanna make out with you too, though they don't really seem like the types to make out.
Marty and Hunter's hands took time to play with your breasts, squeezing and fondling them as well as tweaking and pinching your nipples.
Sometimes, they ran the tips of their fingers around in circles on your areolas, rubbing them.
You moaned in Shawn's mouth, your lips buzzing on his lips when you moaned.
Marty has always been a ladies man and still is today, and this is a joy to squeeze and fondle your tit.
Even though Marty is cute, and in your opinion, was the hot one in the Rockers back in the late 80's and early 90's, he isn't that attractive, and he has some pretty terrible hair.
You'd rather have someone hotter playing with both of your tits, like maybe Leif Cassidy.
Hunter leaned his face into the back of your neck and kissed it, kissing on various parts of your neck, you could feel his breath on your skin and in your ear.
You were trying to keep your head up and not arch it back.
Brian's index and middle fingers were buried in between your vulva, rubbing up and down your clitoris.
His fingers tickled your clit, heating it up, where you could feel a little something under your clitoris while he rubbed it.
Davey, Leif and Bret's hands were caressing up and down your thighs and hips, they're probably the most mild out of all of these men.
As you and Shawn's lips were entangled with one another, the tip of his tongue poked and nudged your tongue, where his tongue began to stroke and caress vertically up your tongue.
You felt his tongue running up your tongue, and of course your tongue caressed his tongue as well.
As you had all of these men all around you, blood was swelling and filling your clitoris up, and these men's pants were feeling tight from being all around you.
Some other wrestlers were watching what was going on between you and these wrestlers all over you, some were enjoying what they were seeing and feeling tight in the pants, others just rolled their eyes and walked away.
One wrestler shouted "Get a room!".
Uh, you are in a room. A locker room, that is!
Though, it might be better to do this in a hotel room considering you don't have people surrounding you watching you, though at the same time, doing it in a locker room is fun, considering it gives you the feel of being in a porn, and you have people watching you.
Since Shawn hasn't had a chance to caress your body yet, his hands on your face slid down your neck and to your shoulders, where his hands stroked and caressed up and down your arms.
Your pussy was getting more and more moist, and Brian's fingers were getting pussy juice on the tips and pads of them.
His index finger was trying to insert and poke into your twat hole, and eventually he did his finger up your pussy hole.
He'd also love to play with your breasts, though so would some of these other wrestlers.
His index finger was moving and thrusting up and down inside your twat hole, fucking your pussy like it's his cock.
Shawn's hands elevated up your arms and stopped at your shoulders, where he began to massage them.
When your fingers ran through Shawn's hair, you were trying to not to mess his hair up, though he does look pretty hot with messy hair.
Leif Cassidy wanted to play with one of your tits, so he moved his hand to your breast Marty was playing with and asked Marty if he could play with that tit as well.
Marty removed his hand off of your tit, he's played with it enough already, and let his hand slide down your body.
Although, damn, what if you had both of the New Rockers playing with both of your breasts?
Brian, meanwhile, tried inserting his middle finger up your pussy hole, stretching your pussy hole out.
You cried out when his middle finger stretched your twat hole, but you didn't luckily have any tears streaming down your face.
When Leif played with one of your breasts, he squeezed and fondled it, as well as tweaked and pinched your nipple.
Marty's hands were stroking up and down your thigh and hip, body parts men lust over.
Shawn's been making out with you for far too long, so he moved his face to your neck, burying it there, where he kissed and nibbled on various parts of your neck.
"Ohhhhhh Shawn!" you moaned and cried out.
"Aaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaah, Shaaaaaaaaaawn!" you heard one wrestler far away from you mock in a high pitched voice, imitating those women at the beginning of Shawn's entrance theme.
Now that you don't have anyone kissing your lips, who will kiss you next?
Hunter has been kissing on your neck for a long time, and Bret seems like the type who would rather make love than fuck, especially Bret.
Maybe now that you don't have anyone to kiss you, maybe Hunter or Bret can do it.
Speak of the devil...
"Hey y/n" Leif said "Since no one's kissin', you, y'want me to?"
You nodded your head, and he smiled from ear to ear.
He's kind of keeping kayfabe and playing his character he plays in the WWF.
He leaned into your face, closing his eyes as he leaned, and his mouth fit in between your lips, sucking and kissing your lips.
The two of you started kissing each other, and not just that, but French kissing each other as well, licking and stroking each others tongues, your top or bottom lip in between his lips and vice versa.
One of your hands moved to the back of his head, running your fingers through and playing with his hair.
When Brian's fingers were thrusting up and down inside your pussy hole, his thumb was pressing your clit, rubbing up and down your clitoris.
Now that is talent.
His thumb rubbed and flicked up and down your clit like he was flicking a light switch on and off.
It's a shame that the former Razor Ramon and even Lex Luger are over in WCW, because they can join in on this orgy too.
You bit your bottom lip, trying to contain your moans and whines.
You're breathing quite heavily while Shawn's kissing on your neck, now you have 2 hot men kissing your skin.
"Hey Paul" Shawn said to Hunter, his eyes looking at him "I wanna play with her tits too"
"Me too" Brian said.
Hunter heard Shawn say the blond one's name, and he's been playing with one of your breasts for too long, so he removed his hand off of one of your tits and let his hand stroke your hips and legs this time.
Shawn noticed that one of your tits didn't have someone's hand on it, so he placed his hand on your breast and squeezed it, fondling it as well as eventually tweaking and pinching your nipple.
When Leif's turn is over and he feels like he's had enough time to play with your breast, it'll be Brian's turn next.
Speaking of Brian, his other hand that isn't fingering your twat is on your ass, where he's grabbing a handful of one of your ass cheeks, squeezing it, smacking and spanking one of your ass cheeks and sometimes even pinching a little bit of your skin on your ass.
You yelped a little bit over him squeezing your ass, but whatever.
Despite Leif's eyes being closed, he can hear someone smacking your ass, and he and Marty decided to join in and do what Brian's doing, where they too, smacked and swatted your ass with one of their hands, sometimes even pinching your bum.
They can't stick their fingers up your asshole, because that's gross.
They have something reserved for you later on.
Shawn was getting bored from kissing your neck, though he does want to give you so many hickeys there, so he slid and brushed his lips down your chest until he shifted his head to the breast his hand's been squeezing, moving his hand out of the way and inserted your nipple in his mouth and he sucked it.
He didn't just suck your nipple, but also licked your areola in circles with the tip of his tongue.
Brian isn't the only one who wants to play with your clit, Shawn does too.
Shawn, too, would love to play with your ass, pinching and spanking it.
Your ass cheeks are turning pink with every smack of your ass.
Shawn's hand that previously played with one of your tits is moving over to your pussy, where he lended a hand in pressing his thumb on your clit, wanting to rub his thumb on your clitoris.
Shawn removed his other hand on your shoulder and placed that hand on one of your hips, where that hand slid up and down that hip as well as roaming and traveling all over your back, sometimes even caressing up and down your thigh.
Hunter placed his hands on your shoulders and started massaging them, as well as sometimes slid his hands up and down your shoulders.
Leif eventually feels like he's had enough time playing with one of your nipples, so he let one of his hands travel your body.
Brian could see there's an empty tit with no one's hand on it, so his hand quickly moved to your breast, where he squeezed and fondled that breast, pinching and tweaking that nipple.
Your breast was in between his thumb and fingers, holding it.
Sometimes, his thumb flicked up and down your nipple like it was a light switch.
He doesn't just wanna finger your pussy, but eat it as well.
He crouched down to the floor and exited his fingers out of your pussy hole, now covered in your sticky white pussy juices, and slid his thumb off of your clit.
He buried his face in your vulva and started to stroke your twat with his tongue, licking up your pussy juices and your clitoris.
His tongue roamed slowly up your twat so he could taste your salty juices, he could eat your pussy all day.
Shawn was getting bored from sucking your nipple, plus he's sucked it for too long, and he noticed that now Brian is eating your twat out.
Shawn wants a taste too, though he isn't alone!
Shawn crouched and lowered himself down to the floor, telling Brian he wants a taste of your twat as well.
Brian and Shawn sat you on the bench and ordered you to spread your legs wide open, and you listened to them, your legs separating as far as they could, showing them your pink pussy for them to eat.
They grinned from ear to ear seeing your pussy, and they buried their faces in between your legs, Brian licked up one side of your pussy, while Shawn licked the opposite side.
Now that Shawn isn't sucking one of your breasts, now it's Hunter's turn.
Hunter moved and shifted his head to your breast not being played with by Brian, where he wrapped his mouth around your nipple, sucking it.
Like Shawn, Hunter licked in circles on your areola with the tip of his tongue.
Brian regrets that he didn't suck on one of your nipples, but maybe he will soon.
Marty can see that you're getting your twat eaten out, and he'd love to eat your pussy out too, if he even can.
Brian and Shawn's tongues stroked and caressed your pussy, the middle of your pussy and over your clit, sometimes they even sucked and flicked your clitoris with the tips of their tongues.
They're driving you crazy from licking your twat, you're moaning and whimpering their names while they're doing it.
Maybe Marty can try to crouch down and eat your pussy out too.
Leif has been making out with you for too long, so he separated his face and lips away from your mouth.
Will Hunter kiss you next?
Surprisingly, Bret and Davey Boy Smith aren't kissing you or even on the back of your neck for some reason.
Bret thinks you're a tramp and a trollop.
You've been sexually pleasured for a long time now, such a long time, that because of having so many men all over you, you've now finally came, your clitoris pounding and throbbing after you've came, you cried out when you creamed.
You weren't faking your orgasms during this gangbang, you meant it.
Now that you've came, Brian and Shawn have more pussy juice for them to lick, and they licked and stroked your twat, tasting your salty cum.
Their tongues lubricated and wetted your pussy with their saliva as they licked it.
Brian pulled himself up from the floor and sucked on your breast he's currently playing with, moving his hand out of the way when he was about to suck your tit.
Your other hand buried through Brian's thick curls when he was sucking on your nipple.
Marty crouched down to the floor and joined Shawn, licking and stroking your pussy up with their tongues.
Marty can taste a bit of saliva on your twat thanks to Shawn and Brian licking it.
Eventually, Marty had a chance to suck one of your nipples, and Hunter got a chance to eat your twat out.
Davey as well sucked and played with one of your breasts and nipples.
Now, here comes the grand finale.
Hunter laid on the cold floor on his back, and you rode and bounced up and down his lap, his cock shoving in and out of your twat.
Brian was sitting on his knees behind you, thrusting his cock back and forth inside your asshole, and Shawn, Leif, Marty, Bret and Davey were standing around you with their cocks pointing at you.
You sucked on Shawn's cock while your fingers were wrapped around Leif and Bret's shafts, pumping up and down their erections pointing and aiming at you.
Marty and Davey's penises were pointing at your face, where they masturbated, pumping their cocks (although they didn't masturbate each others dicks), trying to aim their precum at your face.
When they weren't aiming their dicks at your face, then they aimed it at your breasts.
They did manage to get some precum on your face and on your tits.
Speaking of precum, precum was leaking out of the slit of Shawn's penishead and landing on your tongue, where you swallowed and gulped that precum.
Your tongue licked up Shawn's shaft, caressing and stroking his erection, licking up any precum that trickled down his penis.
Some of Leif and Bret's precum is getting on your face, and sometimes you're pointing and aiming their dicks at your breasts.
And yeah, some of their precum was getting on your tits.
Your eyes luckily were closed you so won't get any precum or jizz in your eyes.
You were moaning loudly while having Shawn's dick in your mouth, his shaft feeling a buzzing and vibrating feel around it, and your head was arched and leaning back.
Brian's hands were holding onto your hips, and sometimes his hands grabbed both of your ass cheeks.
Shawn, Marty, Leif and Davey were staring down at you, they all grinned from ear to ear.
They saw your tits bouncing up and down while you rode Hunter, which was a big turn on for them.
When you weren't sucking on Shawn's dick, you tried to suck on Leif, Bret, Davey and Marty's cocks as well, pulling their dicks into your mouth and sucking their cocks, licking their shafts and swallowing their precum.
Sometimes you turned your head and tried to insert one of their dicks in your mouth.
Of course, you didn't pull all of their penises into your mouth at once, but one by one.
If Shawn's dick wasn't in your mouth, then Leif or Marty or Davey's was.
Did you masturbate Shawn if his cock wasn't in your mouth? Yep!
Other wrestlers in the locker room saw this gangbang, many of them were cheering and roaring in delight, some of them were even making those silly "wolf whistles" at you.
Precum was trickling down your face and down your tits, and Brian would love to play with your breasts, so would Hunter.
Though they've already did it already, they don't need to do it again.
Better luck next time.
Pretty soon, Hunter was the first one to cum inside you, and then eventually the rest of these wrestlers in this gangbang jizzed as well.
After they all came, Hunter pulled you off of his lap and you sucked his cock, cleaning it with your mouth and tongue, swallowing his cum.
You cleaned the cum off of these other wrestler's dicks as well except for Brian's, since it was up your asshole.
Jizz was leaking out of your twathole and asshole afterwards, spilling all over the floor, and you were drenched in cum.
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (aka Vanguard Descends season 2)
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Chapter 10 The Sneaky First Match! The Legend Q4 Is Born!
Aichi’s current team
Level 90 Takuto (Solgealeo) steel/psychic
Sunsteel Strike
Flare Blitz
Solar Beam
Psychic Fangs
Level 93 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 91 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 95 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 100 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
From his seat in his booth Gin watched on with interest as the pairings were announced. The first match was team Q4 vs team Ninja.From the entrance to the battleground stood Misaki, Kai, Shin, and Kamui. Strangely, Aichi was currently missing.
“What’s with that weird name?”, Misaki questioned.
“It’s short for Quadrifoglio which is Italian for four leaf clover, the ultimate symbol of luck.”, Shin explained.
“I like it!”, Kamui replied.
“I’m a bit worried. Aichi still hasn’t shown up yet. Do you think there’s any foul play from Team Asteroid?”, Shin questioned.
“It’s nothing like that. He’s just running late.”, Kai replied, with his eyes closed and crossing his arms.
“How do you know?”, Kamui asked.
“Because I was training with him. His final test has been taking awhile. Takuto wants to make sure he’s really ready.”, Kai replied.
The others gasped in shock hearing that Kai trained with Aichi.
Back in Kakusa many recognizable faces gathered around their TVs to watch the Circuit. At the Sendou household along with its usual residents was Mr. Mark, Miwa, Naoki, Mikuru, and Chrono. They watched the screen intently and Shizuka did a prayer for her son.
“I thought this was a tournament of 4 why do they only have 3 guys?”, Kamui questioned.
“The fourth person is as a alternate just in case and another person to switch out to. You technically can compete with just 3.”, Shin explained.
On the opposite side to team Q4 was team Ninja. The tallest of their members had cyan and black hair with grey eyes. He wore a fishnet shirt with a red scarf and a silver necklace. Another was a redhead with slicked back hair and red eyes. He also wore a fishnet top along with a purple and grey jacket. The shortest one who was even shorter than Kamui had blue hair covered by his hood and yellow eyes. He had a white hood and a gold part covering his mouth. Underneath it he wore an orange shirt and red arm warmers on his arms.
“Where’s your leader 003v? He’s not scared is he?”, the tallest one taunted.
“Hey, Aichi isn’t scared of anyone! He’s just late! That’s all!”, Kamui replied.
“Well then which one of you has the courage to go up first against a world class team.”, the redheaded one asked.
“I’ll be glad to kick your dory cuts!”, Kamui said, raising up his fist.
“Sorry butts you mean.”, Misaki corrected, making Kamui sweat drop.
“Whatever! I, Kamui the great, am gonna take you losers down!”, Kamui announced.
“We’ll see about that. I’ll be your opponent. I am Crank, a master of the grass type”, the shortest one said.
“I’m master of uhh...the winning type!”, Kamui replied as he walked up to the battlefield causing Misaki to face palm.
“Remember Kamui you only get to select one Pokémon in this battle so be careful. If you get defeated then one of us is up next against Crank.”, Misaki said.
“For team Ninja we have the master of grass, a veteran in this circuit, Crank. And for team Q4 we have the whirlwind fighter hailing from the Kakusa region, Katsuragi Kamui!”, MC Miya introduced.
“Go, Ludicolo!”, Crank called out.
“Go, Buster!”, Kamui called out.
Leon narrowed his eyes from his booth.
“003v us somewhere near here, but it seems he’s learned to suppress the energy his Psyqualia gives off.”, Leon thought.
He could feel him very vaguely somewhere near the arena. He didn’t know why he hadn’t appeared yet though.
Back to the battle…
“Buster use blaze kick!”, Kamui commanded.
Buster kicked off, launching a flying flame-covered kick at Ludicolo.
“You must really be a fool! Ludicolo is also a water type! Ludicolo ninja arts of hydro pump!”, Crank said.
Ludicolo shot a torrent of water at Buster.
“Oh no!”, Miwa said, watching the match on the tv.
“Buster!”, Kamui called out as he did Buster twisted mid air away from the water.
Buster then landed briefly, kicking off the ground and delivering a rising flame kick to Ludicolo’s face.
“Ninja art of hydro pump!”, Crank ordered.
As another torrent of water was shot Buster spun out of the way of the attack.
“Wow, Kamui’s Blazekin sure is fast.”, Emi commented, as she watched.
“My! My! It looks like Crank’s mon can’t even touch Kamui’s! We’ll our rookies get actually win over our veterans team Ninja?”, MC Miya said.
Buster was very light on its feet, easily dodging the watery blasts sent its way.
“Buster use thunder punch!”, Kamui commanded.
Buster moved swiftly like lightning before Crank could give his next order Buster struck Ludicolo with its lightning punch. Ludicolo stubbled a bit but as it tried to right itself and was hit by another punch. With every hit the was a crackle of thunder following it.
“Ludicolo ninja art of-gah?!”, Crank gasped in shock as Ludicolo fell to the ground fainting.
“Heh! Is that all you got world class losers?!”, Kamui taunted as he did Buster bounced around punching the air.
“Why you little…”, The tallest one grumbled.
“Don’t worry Jack I’m gonna teach that cocky brat a lesson.”, the redheaded one saint, putting his hand on his shoulder and smirking.
“I’ll be your next opponent. I am Lizard master of the water type.”, the redheaded one introduced.
“All you’ll be is another loser!”, Kamui replied.
Many of those back at the Sendou household sweat dropped at Kamui’s confidence.
“Let’s just hope he can continue to back it up. At least they got one win so far. That’s good.”, Shuka commented.
“Woah, that Blazekin is so rad. I should catch something like that.”, Naoki commented.
“I wonder where Aichi is though…”, Shizuka thought.
Somewhere near the area…
“Takuto!!! Takuto!!! Wait the match has started should we be-AHHH!!!”, Aichi screamed comedically as he ran from the sun lion shooting beams of light at him.
“You must be completely prepared, Aichi now fight me!”, Takuto said as Solgealeo.
Aichi looked over at the restraint bracers nervously. They seemed to be upgraded, their gems were now black and there was another one around his neck.
“But, you shut off my powers, how can I fight you without my Pokémon?!”, Aichi questioned, before squealing as he narrowly dodged another beam of light.
Back with Kamui…
Lizard walked up to the arena pulling out a Poké ball. Jack crossed his arms smirking, ignoring the sulking Crank.
“I don’t understand. I’m a veteran how did I lose to a rookie kid like him?”, Crank questioned.
“You can still redeem yourself, Crank.”, Jack whispered to him, causing Crank to turn to him and nod.
“Up next for team Ninja we have the master of the deep, Lizard!”, MC Miya announced.
“Go, Greninja!”, Lizard called out.
Buster faced the water Pokémon who got in a fighting stance.
“Greninja ninja art of spikes.”, Lizard ordered.
“Buster use thunder-“, Kamui was saying before he was caught off.
“Ninja art of smoke screen!”, Lizard cut him off.
Greninja made a hand sign and smoke filled the arena.
“What the heck now I can’t see!”, Kamui complained.
“This isn’t good. Greninja will likely be able to find Buster. But, Buster can’t see him.”, Yugi commented.
“How can Greninja see but Buster can’t?”, Jonouchi asked.
“Think Jonouchi, think. Why would he use this strategy if he didn’t have a way to find his opponent.”, a new voice said who entered.
He had black hair in a ponytail and green eyes. He had a black shirt with a red vest and pants. He wore dice earrings and had a red headband. He also had black makeup on his face under his right eye.
“I don’t remember asking you Ryuji!”, Jonouchi grumbled as Ryuji smirked at him.
“I thought you’d graduate from being a Lillipup before this tournament began. I hope you don’t hold us back.”, Ryuji teased.
This made Jonouchi growl.
“Hey! Hey! Settle down guys!”, Honda said, getting between the two and raising up his hands.
Kamui squinted his eyes trying to see through the fog.
“Oh no! Lizard has already set up his specialty! This could be the beginning of the end for our rookie team!”, MC Miya announced.
“Greninja use ninja art of water shuriken!”, Lizard ordered.
Kamui could hear a loud splash and a stumble from within the smoke clouds which was likely Buster getting hit by the attack. Kamui growled in frustration at not being able to see what’s going on.
“Buster use thunder punch! Punch around till you find him!”, Kamui ordered.
They could hear Buster swinging but no impact while instead hearing loud splashes and stumbling.
“This isn’t good.”, Shin commented.
They could hear feet running and a loud thunder crack as Greninja was sent flying out the smoke.
“Darn! He got a lucky shot!”, Lizard said angrily.
Out from the smoke Buster pulled back a fist ready to strike Greninja again.
“Greninja use hydro pump quick!!!”, Lizard ordered.
At almost the same time the lightning punch and torrent of water connected with their intended targets. Both Pokémon fell over fainting.
“Darn. I hoped I could sweep the whole team! You did good, Buster. Who’s tagging in next?”, Kamui said, returning Buster.
“I’m up next.”, Misaki said, before they high fives signaling Kamui tagging out.
“Oh my oh my! A double knock out! This battle just keeps getting more thrilling! The rookies may really win this match at this rate! All who’s left for team Ninja is their leader Jack, master of the inferno! However he’s the strongest of them all! If anyone can pull of a comeback victory for his team it’s him!”, MC Miya announced.
“So, fire type huh.”, Misaki thought.
“For team Q4 we have Tokura Misaki, the Kakusa region’s own Psychic type gym leader! She’s been rumored to have mystic powers which she uses to completely dominate her opponents!”, MC Miya announced.
A tick mark appeared on Misaki’s head after MC Miya announced the rumor. Kamui and Shin nervously stepped back from Misaki.
“I don’t have any powers, you moron!!! Just photographic memory!!!”, Misaki yelled in annoyance at the commentator who nervously flinched.
Yugi and his friends sweat dropped from the stands hearing Misaki’s outburst.
“Woah, she’s as feisty as she is beautiful.”, Ryuji commented, cupping his chin.
“She would break you in half Ryuji…”, Anzu replied, still sweat dropping.
The two competitors brought out a Poké ball.
“Go! Incineroar!”, Jack called out.
“Go, Sakuya!”, Misaki called out.
Sakuya winced as her feet dug into the spikes laid in the previous match.
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grailacademy · 5 years
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Welcome To Grail Academy - Chapter Nineteen: Cry Baby
“Papa, are we done yet?” A little girl with blond hair done up in pigtails with a pair of sparkly green scrunchies inquired, her arms out at 90 degree angles from her sides, standing on a little pedestal. Surrounded by a wall of mirrors and coat hangers, an old woman in a checkered smock and a pin cushion on her wrist knelt beside the girl, wrapping a yellow measuring tape around the child’s waist. Under the measuring tape was a polkadot dress, green and white with lace trim around the edge. “Patience. This dinner has to be perfect if we’re going to gain the Viridian account. No complaining.” A man stood by the curtained door to the room, rubbing his chin in his olive suit. His hair was the same as the girl’s, pulled back in an elegant ponytail. The seamstress tacked a pin into the back of the dress and made a quick series of stitches. Then she bit the thread and tied a knot, and patted the girl on the shoulder. The girl did an excited twirl in front of the mirror before she jumped off the stand and ran out of the room past her father. “Esmerelda, be careful!” He yelled at her, but once he turned around, she was already in her mother’s arms. The woman’s greying hair blended in with the black and grey ears on top of her head. The two of them giggled, and the man folded his arms. “Rose just fixed your dress, I don’t want to see any more scuffs or holes in it. Am I clear?” The little girl looked down at her shiny black shoes solemnly, nodding.
“Yes, papa.”
“Oh, Ardan, relax.” The woman turned her daughter around and stood up. “She’ll be careful!”
“That’s what she said the first time she ripped it.” He grumbled.
Esmerelda never enjoyed when her parents talked about her in the third person, like she wasn’t in the room. But she kept quiet until her father walked away towards his office in the magnificent shining mansion that the three of them called their home. When she looked up from her shoes, she was facing a dark shadow of a creature. The muzzle of the beowolf reached forward, revealing its glowing red eyes. Esmerelda folded her coat neatly and placed it on the floor of the dock. Kismet wasn’t lying when he said the beacons were guarded. Brandishing her sleek claws, she rushed into a sprint towards the beast.
Nico swam for a boey he saw bopping on the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, turning the sky a shade of orange and pink that reflected on the water of the lake that he paddled across. As he got closer, he could see that the boey was tied to a small wooden pole stuck on the side of a marshy island. The edges of it surrounded by weeds and cattails, Nico’s arm was taken hold of and he was pulled on shore. The sand stuck to the back of his clothes when he sat up, but he was relieved to see Iris had helped him on land. “Thanks!”, he chirped. The girl was still extremely on edge, but she nodded with a smile. After five minutes, the two of them had roamed around the perimeter of the island, searching for a beacon and passing the time with conversation.
“So, you and Bernard, huh?” Nico was drawing doodles in the sand with his bow staff.
“Me and….who?” Iris raised a brow at his question, she was rummaging in a bushel of fern leaves, tapping the ground in hopes that she would hit something metal.
“Bernie! You guys are dating, right? Weren’t you two going to Prom together?”  
“....Bernard! Yes, he was taking me to Prom. I was really nervous to go alone, it was my first school dance.” She laughed nervously, “But we’re not….haha, we’re not a thing.”
“....Huh.” Nico smiled for a moment.
Iris’s cheeks turned pink, which was a regular occurance for her when she and Nico talked. She was easily flustered. As she stammered on about her relationship status, Nico gently tapped her shoulder. “Hey, uh….Iris?” He was trying to get her attention to turn to the three giant ursa he was staring at, a few yards away. “We got company.”
“I told you this would happen, Hollyanne!”
“It’s not my fault they didn’t want to buy! They weren’t interested, it couldn’t be helped.”
“It could be helped! The whole point of you coming to the dinner was to HELP!”
“I’m sorry!” The yelling of her parents was muffled on the other side of her bedroom door. Esmerelda didn’t like hearing them fight, she always ended up blaming herself for their altercations. Her worries temporarily subsided when her mother came into the bedroom and kissed her goodnight, but when the door closed and she was left alone with her thoughts, she was back to thinking about what she could have done wrong. Laying there in the canopy bed, she clutched her stuffed bunny rabbit close to her.
With a harsh jerk of her arm, Esmerelda dug her palms into the chin and nose of the beowolf as it lunged at her, mouth agape. Prying it’s jaws apart while it gnashed at her, she had a clear view of its sharp teeth, slimy tongue, and the back of its throat where the uvula waggled when it roared in her face. Looking down the metaphorical barrel of the gun reminded her not to space out during a fight, and she snapped into action as a few drops of spittle slicked onto her cheek. She grunted and flipped around, throwing herself under the belly of the monster. Sliding across the dock, her claws slashed deep along its stomach and it let out a pained howl. She sprung to her feet and inspected her handiwork. She had carved the beowolf from its stomach like a pig gutted for the roast, she was proud of herself. Its carcass slowly deteriorated, and Esmerelda walked back to her coat, which had dried off by now. Her victory was, however, short lived, as she saw Rowan scrambling out of the water onto the dock once she pulled the fur on. He gave her a sly smile and held his scroll up to the beacon. The technology recognized his ID before Esmerelda could stop him, and the flaps opened up to release a beam of red light into the dim sky.
“That’s cheating!” She yelled and pointed a clawed finger at him.
“No rules against letting someone else do the work for you.” Rowan smirked, and wiggled his fingers at her sarcastically. She wanted to stay and fight HIM for the searchlight, but she knew there were only so many left. Huffing, she turned and ran to search for another one.
A pained death rattle erupted from one of the creatures as Nico ripped the spikes of his bat out of its skull. Iris pressed both feet onto the belly of the other grimm, tugging with all her might to try and dislodge the giant battle axe from its neck. Her blade was stuck in there deep, it was like pulling teeth. From behind, the final Ursa bounded towards them and slammed its giant paw onto Nico’s chest, trapping him on the ground and roaring. The wind was completely knocked out of the boy, and he wheezed loudly as he tried to hold the grimm’s claws away from him. “Oof--not the face, not the face!” As he writhed around in the sand, Iris shouted from behind. “Hold on, Nico!” She pulled her weapon out of the monster’s carcass finally, and flipped the locking mechanism on its shell. All at once, a purple electric guitar with a metal side unfolded in her hands, and she plucked a string to make sure it was working. “Time to bring the noise.”
In a dramatic sweeping motion, Iris strummed all the chords on her guitar, the metal wires vibrating as she send out a wave of noise to disrupt the ursa’s senses. Even the pebbles and blades of grass shook with the force of her music. The monster whimpered and lifted its paw up to scratch at its ear, giving Nico a window to free himself. He jumped up and cracked the monster across the back with his bat when it turned in the direction of the song. The chords still echoed loudly when Iris rushed the other side and transformed her weapon into a long battle axe, slicing their prey on one of its front legs. It lowered itself halfway to the ground in an attempt to relieve the pressure on its wounds, almost bowing its head down as if it were accepting the execution. Nico looked over the ursa’s back and cheered for Iris, “Dude, that is so metal!” Iris became flushed again, and she smiled nervously. “Oh, uh. Thanks!” In unison, the two of them raised their weapons high over their heads and crushed the beast onto the ground, obliterating the cleaved corpse. After they caught their breath and recovered from the battle, Nico and Iris gave each other a small high-five. The moment their hands clapped together, the small pitter patter of rain drops hitting water sounded.
Esmerelda felt a drop of water splash on her head. As she trekked from one dock to another, she held her hand out to the sky to feel the cold wet land in her palm. The sound of rain bouncing against umbrella fabric was all she could think about.
Esmerelda and her father stood under two separate black umbrellas, Ardan reading the text on the block of stone in front of him again and again as the funeral guests dispersed. Esmerelda could only bare to look at the white lilies wrapped neatly in a bouquet on top of it. Somewhere in her mind, Esmerelda knew that if she read the words, it would mean she was really gone. Forever. “Papa….is mama happy, Wherever she is?” The little girl wrung her hands around the handle of the umbrella and looked up at her father, but he was already walking away, headed towards the black limousine parked on the pathway next to the tombstone. She felt like crying. She wanted to cry, so bad. But her eyes were dry. She tried to force the tears out, but it was as if they were frozen icicles. Turning away, she slowly followed her father into the car.
Nico waved goodbye to Iris, watching as she was lifted up into the airship once it reached the purple stream of light glowing from the beacon they had found. She waved back timidly and turned around to sit next to her partner, Rowan. The vehicle rose off the ground and chopped away. On his own, Nico strolled to the edge of the island on the dock, and narrowed his eyes. It could have been the light playing tricks on him, but it looked like there was some kind of tall structure mounted on the edge of a hilly landmass, on the other side of the lake. Looks like he would have to go for another swim.
Bernard was a bit lost, grasping at straws when he navigated the terrain of the island he had landed on. It seemed….larger than the others. Easier to lose yourself on. He knelt down and examined a set of animal tracks. Too big to be a rabbit or a dog, probably a beowolf roving for scraps. He only counted the one set of tracks, so he felt confident. He could handle one measly grimm, even in his sleep. He could hear gunshots ring out over the rain, too far away to be on the island. The other students were running into trouble of their own. Looking up into the lavender sky, he saw the handful of multicolored beacons shining their lights. The airship hovered over the lake, leisurely making its way to each checkpoint to pick up the hunters waiting at their rescue lights. He was running out of time. He started to jog through the underbrush, zipping past the half-evaporated body of an already-defeated beowolf, ducking under tree branches and hopping over roots sprouting out of the dirt.
Esmerelda was almost knocked to the ground when she lost her footing, something big and heavy colliding with her back. She opened her mouth to berade whoever it was about personal space, but she quickly closed it as she turned around to see Bernard standing there, just as disoriented as she was. The awkward silence between them hung in the air, they hadn’t talked much since their fight in the training hall. “....There aren’t many beacons left. We have to hurry”, Bernard said, apparently inviting Esmerelda to join him on the journey. It wasn’t long before they found a clearing on the island, by the open shoreline. Beau was pacing back and forth across the island, holding her scroll out in front of her and low to the ground like it was a metal detector. Vert gazed at her odd performance of determination, commenting “You know that’s not going to work, right?”
“It’s worth a shot!” She quipped back. Nico was wading in the water, hiking his knees up to get out of the lake faster. Bernard and Esmerelda entered the scene with confused looks on their faces. Were they the only ones who hadn’t found beacons yet? Esmerelda called out, “Maybe you should check in there”, and pointed towards the tall figure of the lighthouse, nestled on a hill that connected to the shore. The light was currently off, making their dark environment much more eery with their only way to see coming from the slowly setting sun. “....Ohhh….” Beau cooed, following Esmerelda’s finger to the monument. “Yeah, that makes way more sense.”
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