shinymisty-blog · 3 months
I am morbidly curious about the Tamer's series...
Mainly because the gifs I see of Sleengo...
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...I need more Sleet just being adorable, man.
I want to see this wolf have a happy ending with Dingo. (Even if I...personally...make him go through hell first...)
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grawlix-ness · 2 months
The Big Sleet and Dingo Headcanon Post V2!
Bear in mind this is largely a collection of subconscious Notes app ramblings I’ve patched together so I may have made a few grammatical boo-boos or repeated myself here and there. It’s almost 4AM, I’m sure I’ve missed things. I’ll continue to add and edit this post should more ideas come to mind. Questions encouraged!
Cw: light implications of child neglect, mentions of drinking and mutant body horror
🔫 Sleet 🔪
Sleet was raised in the gutter. He knows a fair bit more than the average Lower Mobotropolis street urchin because his mom was an aristocrat until she was slandered by her peers and booted from high society. She taught him the essentials, and he learned everything else from scavenging library books. Presently, his education has all but fallen through the cracks. He tries to avoid reading most of the time. What will Dingo think if he learns he’s not the uber-genius he makes himself out to be? Why does he care what Dingo thinks? When such thoughts arise, they are pushed away and buried.
He has cybernetic implants to aid with frequent aches and muscle strain. In the winter, he struggles due to a lower cold threshold, the result of a fur and skin condition. Dingo knits sweaters for him. They’re oversized and kind of a mess. On particularly glacial nights, Sleet isn't averse to sharing warmth, willing to cuddle up and be the little spoon, so long as Dingo promises not to tell anyone. 
He had no friends growing up and was often picked on. His ailments and interest in science made him an easy target. Some of his peers disliked him on the very principle of him having an ex-aristocrat mother. This made him prickly and distant. While others played kickball or tag, he was tinkering with junkyard machinery or eavesdropping around spacer hangouts, dreaming of someday getting off planet and flying to a world that’d understand him. 
He’s quite good with a needle and thread and tailors his and Dingo’s ball outfits himself. Sleet gets his sewing skills from his mother. She was the personal outfitter and trusted right hand of an important noblewoman. As a pup, he adored listening to his mother’s stories of galas and masquerades. During such fleeting moments of peace, she’d also make costumes for him. He still heavily enjoys fashion, having a closet dedicated to fancy capes. 
Sometime in his tumultuous childhood, Sleet discovered there was an Honor Guard. He admired their outfits and swordsmanship. Most of all he wanted to join so he and his mother could live in the warmth and safety of a castle. He even fashioned a costume out of his mother’s fabric scraps, complete with a sword made from a rusted metal pipe. She was quick to dash those dreams and didn’t take kindly to him borrowing her things, especially not for such a “ridiculous” project. During lonesome, existential nights he wonders how differently things could have turned out if he had become a member of the guard after all. 
When his mother was absent or too volatile to be around, Sleet found company in local mechanics.  He learned how to swindle and cheat with the best of them. One shop owner actually took him under her wing, viewing his perceived weaknesses as strengths. 
Sleet first developed the transmogrifier as a kid. He used it not only to defend himself against the local rabble rousers and humiliate them. It wasn’t a complete success, only partially transforming targets, giving them wings or eyestalks and other unwieldy appendages. Transformations were temporary. No less horrifying however. 
He calls himself a jack of all trades. This title is dubious. Thanks to an enriching education from the school of hard knocks, he does have an approximate knowledge regarding a variety of things, though it’s usually limited to topics relating to self-preservation and chicanery. 
Animals don’t like Sleet and aren’t afraid to let him know. It’s become a standing joke. Dingo teases him for it, despite the fact that, because of his stature, toothy countenance, and tendency to squeeze or pet too hard, he isn’t the best with animals either. 
Sleet is a skilled marksman. He prefers distance, specializing in both handguns and long guns. If the weight class is right and the odds are in his favor, he can hold his own in close quarters using an array of hidden fighting knives and some rudimentary martial arts. Sleet simply won’t hear that his cape is a hindrance, even when this has been proven multiple times. All that being said, Sleet is more of a fleer than a fighter. He is an unabashed coward, not opposed to unning away screaming with his tail between his legs. 
While preferring motorcycles, he’s not half bad at riding animal mounts, thanks to the teachings of cowboy bounty hunter and old flame Fleabyte. It is serendipitous that he’s acquired this ability, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to stay on as well after zapping Dingo into a beast of burden. The poor brute has heard a lifetime’s worth of ass jokes from his rider. 
He enjoys strategizing and has free time stored away solely for scheming purposes. These lovingly-crafted plans generally go awry due to Dingo’s haphazard, devil-may-care nature and forgetfulness. That’s not to say Sleet would do better in the bounty hunting business on his own. He has the upper body strength of a wet noodle and a predilection for monologues and theatrics. He needs someone to shake him out of these ego trances.
Sleet uses his hands often when talking. Lots of flourishes and waves, tapping his chin as he feigns uncertainty, balling his fists and involuntarily shaking them when incensed. Little itchy, twitchy movements. Dingo finds it most endearing. 
Though tech-savvy and clever, his anger and pride sometimes get the best of him, leading him to make less than wise decisions, such as forcing machines past their breaking points or abandoning plans the moment his buttons are pushed. 
Sleet is not good at maintaining his hygiene, hence the hedgehogs’ odor-themed jabs. He'll polish and shine his armor until it glistens, yet giving the suit an interior deep clean is far from his mind. He's become so dependent on the power high and protection the suit gives him that he rarely takes it off. Dingo found this strange and a little concerning at first, but Sleet has convinced him that a good bounty hunter is always prepared in case of ambush. The thick polluted air of Robotropolis doesn't do any favors for his mangy fur coat either. So if anyone's a flea hotel, it's Sleet, though you’d be hard-pressed to find any fleas that’d give his scrawny hide the time of day.
Underneath that armor, he wears a black one-piece bodysuit  made of a silky, breathable material, more resilient than it appears. Sleet is skin and bones. It’s why he prefers working with a partner. He went through—or rather left for dead—dozens of other partners before finding a suitable match. Dingo’s hardy. Sturdy. Loyal. Revoltingly sweet. He’s an intriguing oddity to him. Dingo could easily kill him and yet he doesn’t. For a time Sleet wondered if he was just too dim to ever consider betrayal. 
He’s not big on displays of affection or people entering his personal bubble. However, when traversing through big crowds, he always presses close to Dingo, sometimes even reaches for his hand. 
Considers himself sophisticated. He’ll generally greet with a low bow and flourish, allies and enemies alike. Has neat freak tendencies, despite the fact he’s a hot mess himself.  In short, rules for thee, but not for me. There’s often a mental tug of war between his debonair self and the mouth-frothing sewer rat that lies deeper beneath. 
Sleet has a bad habit of late night tinkering.  He isn’t actively trying to be a night owl, time gets away from him. If Dingo doesn’t carry him off to bed beforehand, he ends up hunched over and asleep at his study. It does no favors for his already poor posture and eye bags. 
His reputation precedes him. When he freelanced, many bounty hunters steered clear of him because he was a noted cheat that backstabbed his partners. Despite these unsavory exploits, he manages to reel in even the most disconcerting of clients via ingratiation, boasting a nigh supernatural silver tongue. Those who’ve been tricked by him before cite his wordsmithing as being almost hypnotic. 
He tries his damndest not to acknowledge Dingo’s gaga eyes and honey glow cheeks. More times than one would deem platonic, he’s gotten distracted by Dingo’s chest. Though, to his credit, it’s hard not to when your co-pilot’s almost always shirtless and idly flexing his muscles. Even harder when you’re pinned beneath his chest—Dingo could make tripping over his feet a professional sport. 
💪 Dingo 🧬
Dingo has a sizable extended family, a horde of siblings and cousins back home. His destructive tendencies came as no shock to his aunts who raised him, since the family business used to be organized crime. The syndicate disintegrated long before Dingo was born, other groups like the Toad Warriors and Bear Pack Bikers quickly outcompeting them. 
Has no memory of his mother or father and holds no ill-will towards them. He has plenty of wild theories about their disappearance though. Everything from being lost at sea to being flattened by an asteroid. Whatever it was, he’s convinced it must have been legendary.
Of his litter he is the eldest brother. Barring fur color, none of his family look quite like him. His spots and flopped ear are noted recessive traits. His more dramatic features are the result of an understudied mutant gene. Nobody’s sure where in the family tree it came from. So far as Sleet can glean, it’s one in a billion, a title Dingo wears proudly. He isn’t interested in making connections with any long lost relatives, fearing there could be someone out there better than him at all things mutant. 
Dingo grew up in the outback of Trailius, quite some distance away from the hustle and bustle of Mobotropolis. He was a rambunctious, often rude and aggressive child. A typical schoolyard bully. Sometimes he would lament over his appearance and wish other kids invited him to play, but those moments were short-lived. Fortunately for his peers he could be easily tricked or bribed with sweets. 
Whereas Sleet took up inventing and sewing, Dingo loved throwing his weight around and exploring the great outdoors, wrestling every beast he came across and scaring vacationing campers late at night by pretending to be a Mobian-eating monster. 
In pursuit on foot, Dingo is bad at maneuvering sharp turns. His topheaviness and clumsy feet have cost a number of hunts. 
He has a sweet tooth. One thing he appreciates about the aristocracy is their love of extravagant desserts. 
He is very naïve and trusting. It was worse when Sleet wasn’t in the picture to talk him out of things. A country boy in the big city, Dingo was scammed out of a lot of his Mobium when he first arrived in Lower Mobotropolis. The shell game was just too alluring. 
Dingo is not so oblivious that he can’t rebuke Sleet’s gratuitous blaming. He can be sassy. Those who’ve had the displeasure of working with them can attest that, when tensions are high, they have the propensity to bicker like an old married couple. 
For someone who was raised in Trailius, he is unusually afraid of spiders and other crawly arachnids. He doesn’t enjoy turning into insects either, finding the overall sensation, in his words, icky. 
Transformation is typically painless. He tends to be sore after taking on the more abstract forms. If the strain is really bad, he will go to Sleet and ask to be massaged. Sleet used to refuse, but he has since humored him, asserting that he’s only doing it to check for signs of molecular decay. 
Dingo can morph without the assistance of the transmogrifier, though the process is slower. It depends on how distant taxonomically-speaking the chosen form is from his mammalian base. These transformations are not too pleasant visually or audially, so the remote is preferred.
Dingo’s mutant abilities have some drawbacks. Because of his rapid healing, his body will try to stop him from getting tipsy and keep him on his A-game.  He has to drink by the barrel to feel even the slightest buzz. Additionally, being stuck in one form for too long can leave him achy and disoriented, and if he changes too frequently his molecules buckle and unravel. It’s not a pretty sight. Sleet even theorizes that if he’s in a form for over two hours, he will get stuck that way. They have had close calls before, where after finally being turned back from a Mobini, some behavioral traits of the animal lingered.
Before meeting Sleet, Dingo could only morph if he remained focused, and those transformations were generally simple, such as limb multiplication or extension. The transmogrifier effectively glues his molecules together, meaning he doesn’t have to exert his concentration anymore. Colors are still somewhat of a challenge, tinted with his default orange. Nevertheless, he fools the untrained eye. When tasked with disguising as another Mobian, Sleet coaches him and will always supply him with a hidden microphone. 
After an especially big transformation, Dingo becomes so drowsy he can hardly stand. All that molecular stretching and rearranging, it’s draining. When he wakes, he is insatiably hungry. Which is saying a lot because Dingo already packs food away like it’s nothing due to his bulking regime. 
His accelerated metabolism often manifests in odd cravings, such as tuna and peanut butter sandwiches or pickle and pineapple ice cream sundaes. Sleet wishes he’d partake in his experimental cuisine somewhere else. Preferably out of the Red Whiptail’s cockpit—he gets crumbs everywhere. Despite being an extreme omnivore, Dingo cannot handle spicy food.
When he’s not making unusual combinations, and in turn making Sleet’s stomach churn, Dingo’s a decent chef. Messy, but decent. He’s the more culinarily adept of the two and makes dinner when time allows. 
He likes scrapbooking. Dingo has more stationary and cute pens than he knows what to do with. Unfortunately he’s heavy-handed, so many of his supplies are worn with love. He keeps mementos of every successful hunt. Little knick knacks and trinkets, maybe the occasional tooth from a beaten adversary.
Not necessarily a couch potato, though does spend most of his downtime lounging in front of the TV. He enjoys playing video games, although he’s not very good at them on account of his itchy trigger finger skipping past tutorial levels.  As long as he can shoot or smash things or toss chubby penguins off cliffs, he’s happy. He watches mainly big loud action movies, corny rom-coms, and slapstick cartoons. Sleet believes his screen time will rot the little left of his brain, though he has shown some interest in the historical Delmontian dramas Dingo skips past while channel surfing.
Has been known to boast quite the sailor mouth. It doesn’t happen often, the most foul only invoked for particularly painful offenses like stubbing a toe. Sleet doesn’t know what half the Trailian swears mean and at this point he’s afraid to ask.
Dingo does not like shirts. He especially hates the tuxedos and dresses Sleet makes him wear whenever there’s a bounty on an aristocrat. He tries to keep his grumbling to a minimum because dressing up makes Sleet happy. In casual settings, if more than his shorts is outright necessary, he’ll wear a quippy graphic tank top.
When they go out of town, Dingo always hits up a tourist trap or two, no matter how blatantly overpriced or mind-numbing. He’s a big fan of carnivals and amusement parks. Dingo’s demolished many strength tester games and would most assuredly be banned if he wasn't one of Robotnik's hirelings.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, true, but he is definitely the more emotionally aware of the duo. When it comes to personal matters, he’s a good listener.
He has a twinge of separation anxiety. It’s not super debilitating, he just gets restless if Sleet is away for long. He can be possessive. This proves a problem whenever Sleet goes Casanova Mode to retrieve information from targets. It’s worth noting Sleet has moments of jealousy too when Dingo manages to hit it off with others, though he’d never admit it.
The hedgehog triplets are aware of Dingo’s crush on Sleet. To catch him off guard, they’ll sometimes slyly allude to it, much to a flustered Dingo’s chagrin.
Finds Sleet’s voice very soothing. It’s so soft and muted. He could listen to it all day. Often he does since, while certainly less exuberant than Dingo, Sleet can be a chatterbox when it comes to aristocratic gossip and comparing blaster models.
Despite being certifiably canine, Dingo makes all manner of noises. He snorts and huffs like a bull when upset and can unleash fearsome, leonine roars. When happy, he rumbles. 
Excitable. Liable to break the nearest object in vicinity from pure exuberation. 
Dingo can’t see well without his glasses. Despite the swanky look, they are in fact prescription. If they’re misplaced or knocked off by a meddlesome hedgehog, his clumsiness is increased tenfold. He is gentle when handling them. 
Dingo wears a bracer on his right leg. In a comedy of errors, he injured his leg as a pup while playing with a slingshot. For reasons unknown, his healing factor neglected to kick in. His knee aches at times. Dingo mostly wears it because he finds it cool and fashionable. 
His fighting knowledge is limited to the concept of hitting, hitting hard, and hitting dirty. He has no formal training, relying on instinct and what he’s seen on television to best enemies. His moves are sloppy and unrefined, but no less formidable. As a mutant shapeshifter, he’s also granted a number of potential forms. Even without Sleet’s transmogrifier, his elasticity allows him to grow in size and turn his arms into whipping tentacles or his hands into mallets. He could finish fights before they even start with this power, however Dingo prefers to milk his battles for all their worth. Some Freedom Fighters have reported seeing him actually play with the battered and unconscious like they’re dolls. 
He is actually well-kempt all things considered. Dingo enjoys bubble baths and singing—or caterwauling, as Sleet calls it—in the shower. His fur coat is soft and surprisingly dense, especially in the winter when it grows out. He sheds and has to brush himself fairly often. If he’s in a good mood, Sleet will help. The mastiff-like skin folds around his neck also have to be cleaned regularly. His mane is naturally bristly, akin to that of a wild boar. It softens somewhat after a good shampoo.
Dingo makes the first moves. He is usually the one who initiates. Trouble is, if it doesn’t involve flexing his guns or pulling a smoldering expression, Dingo’s bad at flirting. His word choice is . . . unique. Lummox that he is, his compliments come across more like threats. Turns out Sleet does not in fact appreciate being called small, fragile, and edible among other things. He’s since tried to alleviate this by writing down pick-up lines on his hand. 
Dingo’s definitely the more doggish of the two. He wags his tail, something seen as uncouth in aristocratic social circles and immature in most other places. He’s wounded himself on occasions by wagging so hard. Dingo also barks when he gets too excited or surprised and, due to his muzzle structure, is predisposed to drooling. If Dingo is proving particularly stubborn about going into a death trap or being used as bait, Sleet can convince him with a scritch between the ears. 
Additional Information
Their partnership was bumpy at first. Their differing personalities clashed and sometimes led to physical altercations. Nothing too dramatic of course, they are still cartoon animals after all. Dingo pulled his punches. Sleet might have been a nag, but he didn’t want to see him hurt.
Sleet and Dingo are both bisexual. Dingo has a slight preference towards men and masc folks. Sleet is trans. He performed his top surgery himself. Despite the quality of the tools he had at the time, his scars have healed remarkably well.
The two are very competitive. Before being hired by Robotnik, on particularly uneventful nights they played board games. They’re both cheaters so they went around in circles for hours. Lots of yelling, finger pointing, and eventually falling into a heap on the floor because they stayed awake all night trying to psyche each other out.
When they manage to squeeze any free time out of their schedule, they enjoy going to arcades and stealing prizes from kids. They also like to take potshots at the irradiated wildlife on the outskirts of Robotropolis and do prank calls—the Robotnik Intelligence Agency being a favorite victim.
Dingo believes that Sleet’s love language is mockery. That might not be too far from the truth. Sleet genuinely doesn’t know how to express himself. He doesn’t altogether know if he wants to. Sleet’s trained himself to think the worst of everyone so he’s not disappointed or hurt in the long run. In truth, Sleet appreciates acts of service. Dingo’s love language is considerably more simple, as things regarding Dingo so often are. Dingo’s huggy, nuzzly, altogether physically affectionate.
Sleet snores terribly. It’s not so much the volume as it is the whistling his nose makes. He’ll never admit to it, and gets flustered whenever Dingo tells him. Fortunately the walls of Robotnik’s fortress are thicker than those of their previous abodes, giving Dingo the chance to rest easy.
Dingo doesn’t understand mirrors. Sleet, egotist that he is, rather likes mirrors. He hasn’t owned any since the incident. It’d be a hassle to clean up glass and find a replacement everytime Dingo popped his head into Sleet’s quarters. Sleet has explained how reflections work to him several times before, yet it never seems to stick.
In his default state, Dingo has a strongman build. Sleet is a beanpole. Without his boots and shoulderpads, he’s slightly shorter than Dingo.
As far as affairs of the heart go, their relationship is unspoken. Dingo’s doing all he can, Sleet pretends he doesn’t see it, as on principle he believes love is for fools. There may or may not have been some wild nights where he had too much wine and slurred a few things suggesting otherwise however. He’s softening up to the idea, even if he doesn’t know it yet. In essence, he’s perpetually stuck in a “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” loop, because he’s a shitty little tsundere.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Uglydolls #UglydollsUglyvilleResidentCreator #Slingo #Bingo #DetectiveToyOcs #UglydollsOc #DollOc #CharacterCreator
I remember making a uglydolls character from the creator.
I want to draw both of them someday.
She is detective and Bingo is her male doll partner that helps solve crimes both big and small.
The website is gone because the license in expired on the site and I wonder if the Powerpuff Girls 2016 creator is still up?
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dapur-asik · 1 year
6 Game Online Penghasil Uang, Bisa Cuan Hanya Modal HP
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Dalam era digital yang semakin berkembang pesat, kemajuan teknologi telah membuka peluang baru bagi para pengguna smartphone untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan melalui berbagai cara yang inovatif. Salah satu tren terbaru yang sedang populer adalah bermain game penghasil uang. Konsep ini menarik, karena pemain dapat menghasilkan uang hanya dengan menggunakan smartphone, pemain bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang banyak. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan mengulas tujuh game penghasil uang yang dapat dimainkan dengan modal minim, hanya menggunakan HP Anda. Selain game yang bisa diunduh secara gratis, ada juga game online penghasil uang yang tidak memerlukan pengunduhan aplikasi. Game ini dimainkan langsung dengan mengakses situs tertentu seperti w88. Di sini, pemain dapat memilih berbagai pilihan permainan dan berkesempatan mendapatkan uang dalam jumlah yang besar jika menang.
1. Wealth Words
Bagi Anda pecinta teka-teki dan puzzle, game ini bisa menjadi pilihan yang menarik. Game ini cocok untuk yang hobi main teka-teki silang atau TTS. Hanya dengan bermain TTS, para pemain memiliki kesempatan untuk memperoleh hadiah hingga US$3.000 atau sekitar Rp 42,9 juta.Namun untuk dapat bermain Wealth Words, pemain harus berusia minimal 18 tahun atau lebih.
2. Slingo
Slingo merupakan permainan yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur dari slot dan bingo, menciptakan pengalaman yang unik dan mengasyikkan bagi para pemainnya. Dalam permainan ini, pemain akan diberikan sebuah kartu yang berisi angka-angka seperti dalam bingo, namun dengan tambahan gulungan slot yang akan mengeluarkan angka secara acak. Tugas pemain adalah mencocokkan angka-angka yang muncul di gulungan dengan angka yang ada di kartu mereka. Dengan bermain game ini, pemain memiliki kesempatan untuk memenangkan jackpot.
3. XY Gaming
Permainan ini dapat dimainkan melalui konsol dan melibatkan pertandingan melawan pemain lain. Para pemain yang berhasil memenangkan turnamen berkesempatan untuk memperoleh hadiah. Selain itu, XY Gaming juga akan mengumumkan pemenang di akhir minggu atau bulan sebagai bentuk penghargaan tambahan.
4. Corporation Master
Game Corporation Master adalah sebuah permainan simulasi bisnis yang mengajak pemain untuk menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses dan mengelola perusahaan mereka sendiri. Dalam permainan ini, pemain akan menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan keputusan strategis yang harus diambil untuk membangun dan mengembangkan perusahaan mereka. Pemain juga dapat bersaing dengan pemain lain secara online, menguji kemampuan mereka dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang ketat. Dengan grafis yang menarik dan gameplay yang mendalam, Game Corporation Master memberikan pengalaman yang menarik bagi para penggemar simulasi bisnis yang ingin menguji keterampilan manajemen mereka.
5. Quick Rewards
Quick Rewards adalah sebuah game yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang seru sambil memperoleh hadiah secara instan. Dalam permainan ini, para pemain akan ditantang untuk menyelesaikan berbagai misi dan tugas dengan cepat. Setiap kali tugas berhasil diselesaikan, pemain akan diberikan hadiah berupa poin atau koin dalam game. Poin dan koin ini nantinya dapat ditukarkan dengan berbagai macam hadiah menarik seperti voucher belanja, pulsa telepon, atau hadiah lainnya.
6. Bingo4 Money
Bingo4 Money adalah sebuah permainan online yang menggabungkan keseruan bingo dengan peluang mendapatkan uang secara nyata. Dalam game ini, pemain akan merasakan sensasi bermain bingo dengan kartu-kartu yang diisi dengan angka-angka. Dengan grafis yang menawan dan fitur interaktif, Bingo4 Money memberikan pengalaman bermain yang menghibur dan peluang untuk mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai yang menggiurkan. Bagi pecinta bingo dan kesempatan untuk meraih keuntungan finansial, Bingo4 Money menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk mengisi waktu luang dengan keseruan dan potensi menghasilkan uang. Read the full article
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kurhl · 1 year
Bingo!, digo Slingo!
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pseudo-berry · 10 months
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therealefl · 1 year
Wrexham In Advanced Talks With New £100,000 Signing As Transfer Activity Hots Up
Wrexham are in advanced talks with Slingo Rangers for goalkeeper Luke McNicholas following reports of a move for Peterborough United forward Kabongo Tshimanga according to independent.ie. The League Two newcomers are deep into conversations over signing the 23-year-old in a permanent deal reportedly worth £100,000. The goalkeeper could act as a backup to former Manchester United player Ben Foster…
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theangrycomet-art · 5 months
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Slingo Fam scribbles
Whisper and Gadget are Sleet and Dingo's kids and I will happily picnic alone on this hill all day.
Drawing tiny Whisper and Gadget has added years to my life, thx @shinymisty-blog for reminding me that i hadn't actually posted any drawings this disaster family of mercenaries
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codecicle · 2 months
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What's up slingos, slungos, and slorts! Most people actually find me really annoying at first, and will end up studying my posts and way of talking to diagnose me with mental disorders for hours!! Without even realizing they aren't subscribed!!! Isn't that insane? So just slime your way down onto that gooey gooey button, make sure it's dripping with ooze, and if it's red, Make It Not, now let's slime right in...
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shinymisty-blog · 5 months
Sleet + Dingo = Sleengo or Slingo?
Sleet and Dingo
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I've shipped these two idiots for years. It is such an unpopular ship of two VERY unpopular characters from a rather disliked show from a VERY popular media.
Very rarely did I find anything of these guys, let alone shipping content, until very recently. I guess I can chalk that up to a certain YouTube series that just so happened to ship them. A series I never watched until I heard not-so-good things about it and the creator, so I stayed away from it... The content is still very few and far between, but at least there is stuff from the last year or two...but now I am greatly confused.
Personally, I've only ever called it Sleengo, and back when my hyperfixation of these two characters first started (about 10, or 13 years ago), I would always address it as "Sleengo".
But, ever since my hyperfixation of them returned sometime around 2020-ish, and even more recently when I rejoined Tumblr earlier this year... I've been seeing it as Slingo?! And I am SO CONFUSED about how it became Slingo?
Does the ship have just two different names now? Ironic, seeing as it is still a very rare ship? Because I'm so used to calling it "Sleengo" that "Slingo" looks wrong. XD
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grawlix-ness · 1 year
I’m a simple woman, when Sleet says “Deengo” I laugh
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cleanerdoesntgaming · 2 years
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the blorbo, the skrunkly, the eepy, the absolute skungly slingo
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hiphopnewsoftheday · 3 months
How Bingo evolved into Slingo
How Bingo evolved into Slingo
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vijay01 · 4 months
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Bingo Like Games our list of board games similar to bingo has got you covered. From games that resemble the essence of bingo to innovative and creative adaptations, let’s get started! Keno: Another Game Like Bingo, NMBR 9: Board Game Like Bingo, Slingo: Bingo Similar Games, Lotto/Lottery Games: Number Game Similar to Bingo, DIY Bingo: Card Game Like Bingo, Tambola/Housie: Game Like Bingo with Cards, Pokeno: Board Games Similar to Bingo, Raffle Draw Game: Number Game Similar to Bingo,Liar's Dice: Family Games Like Bingo, Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo, Micro Robots Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo, Micro Robots, Wheel of Fortune Online: Card Game Like Bingo, Scratch Cards: Game Like Bingo with Cards, Lucky Draw: Fun Games Like Bingo, Pachinko: Bingo Like Gambling Game
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downloadcelular · 5 months
Como jogar Slingo Cassino e aumentar minhas chances de ganhar?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Como jogar Slingo Cassino e aumentar minhas chances de ganhar?
Estratégias de Slingo Cassino
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Os jogos de cassino online têm evoluído constantemente para oferecer aos jogadores experiências emocionantes e inovadoras. Uma dessas evoluções é o Slingo, uma combinação única entre caça-níqueis e bingo que tem conquistado cada vez mais espaço nos cassinos virtuais. Para aproveitar ao máximo essa modalidade de entretenimento, é importante entender algumas estratégias que podem aumentar suas chances de ganhar.
Escolha o jogo certo: Existem várias variações de Slingo disponíveis nos cassinos online. Antes de começar a jogar, certifique-se de escolher uma versão que se adapte ao seu estilo de jogo e orçamento.
Conheça as regras: Cada variação de Slingo pode ter regras ligeiramente diferentes. Antes de fazer suas apostas, familiarize-se com as regras específicas do jogo que você escolheu para entender como funcionam os símbolos, as combinações vencedoras e os recursos especiais.
Gerencie sua banca: Assim como em qualquer outro jogo de cassino, é importante ter um plano de gestão de banca ao jogar Slingo. Defina um limite de apostas que você pode se dar ao luxo de perder e não exceda esse limite, mesmo que esteja tendo uma boa sequência de vitórias.
Aproveite os bônus: Muitos cassinos oferecem bônus e promoções específicas para jogos de Slingo. Fique de olho nessas ofertas, pois elas podem lhe proporcionar créditos extras ou rodadas gratuitas que aumentam suas chances de ganhar sem gastar mais dinheiro.
Pratique o jogo grátis: Antes de começar a apostar com dinheiro real, aproveite a oportunidade para jogar Slingo gratuitamente. Isso lhe dará a chance de entender melhor as mecânicas do jogo e desenvolver suas próprias estratégias sem arriscar seu dinheiro.
Seguindo essas estratégias básicas, você estará mais bem preparado para desfrutar da emocionante experiência de jogar Slingo em cassinos online. Lembre-se sempre de jogar de forma responsável e moderada para garantir uma experiência segura e divertida. Boa sorte e divirta-se!
Dicas para ganhar no Slingo
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Slingo é um jogo emocionante que combina elementos de caça-níqueis e bingo, oferecendo uma experiência única de entretenimento e a chance de ganhar prêmios emocionantes. Se você é um entusiasta do Slingo em busca de dicas para melhorar suas chances de ganhar, você veio ao lugar certo. Aqui estão algumas dicas úteis para ajudá-lo a maximizar sua diversão e potencialmente aumentar seus ganhos:
Entenda as Regras: Antes de começar a jogar, certifique-se de entender completamente as regras do Slingo. Isso inclui saber como funcionam os símbolos especiais, como o coringa e o bônus, e quais padrões de bingo podem resultar em prêmios.
Gerencie seu Orçamento: Como em qualquer forma de jogo, é importante definir um orçamento e cumpri-lo. Evite gastar mais do que pode perder e não persiga perdas. Gerenciar seu dinheiro de forma responsável garantirá que você possa desfrutar do Slingo de forma sustentável a longo prazo.
Aproveite os Bônus: Muitos sites e aplicativos de Slingo oferecem bônus e promoções para jogadores. Esteja atento a essas ofertas e aproveite ao máximo os bônus de depósito, rodadas grátis e outras vantagens que possam aumentar suas chances de ganhar sem gastar mais dinheiro.
Pratique o Jogo Livre: Antes de começar a apostar dinheiro real, experimente o modo de jogo livre para se familiarizar com o jogo e desenvolver estratégias sem arriscar seus fundos. Isso pode ajudá-lo a entender melhor as dinâmicas do Slingo e aprimorar suas habilidades.
Mantenha-se Divertido: Por último, mas não menos importante, lembre-se de que o Slingo é principalmente sobre diversão e entretenimento. Não deixe que a pressão de ganhar o distraia do aspecto divertido do jogo. Aproveite o tempo que passa jogando Slingo, independentemente dos resultados financeiros.
Com estas dicas em mente, você está pronto para embarcar em sua jornada no mundo do Slingo com confiança e entusiasmo. Boa sorte e divirta-se!
Regras do jogo Slingo Cassino
Claro! Aqui está o artigo:
Regras do jogo Slingo Cassino: Como Jogar e Ganhar
Slingo Cassino é uma emocionante combinação de caça-níqueis e bingo, oferecendo aos jogadores uma experiência única de apostas online. Se você é novo neste jogo ou apenas precisa de um lembrete rápido sobre as regras, este guia irá ajudá-lo a começar.
Objetivo do Jogo: O objetivo principal do Slingo é marcar pontos combinando números sorteados em um grid com sua cartela de bingo.
Como Jogar: Você começa selecionando sua aposta e clicando em "Girar". Cinco números são sorteados aleatoriamente e aparecem abaixo da sua cartela de bingo. Se algum número sorteado corresponder a um número em sua cartela, ele é marcado automaticamente.
Combinações Especiais: Além dos números, existem símbolos especiais que podem ajudá-lo ou atrapalhá-lo. Por exemplo, o "Joker" permite marcar qualquer número na coluna em que aparece, enquanto o "Devil" bloqueia possíveis combinações.
Slingos e Pontuações: Um "Slingo" é marcado quando cinco números são marcados consecutivamente em uma linha horizontal, vertical ou diagonal. Quanto mais Slingos você conseguir, maior será sua pontuação.
Rodadas Bônus: Ao marcar um Slingo, você pode desbloquear rodadas bônus com prêmios extras, como moedas adicionais ou giros grátis.
Fim do Jogo: O jogo termina quando você completa todas as rodadas ou quando suas jogadas acabam. Sua pontuação final determina seus ganhos.
Estratégias: Gerenciar sua aposta e utilizar os símbolos especiais de forma estratégica pode aumentar suas chances de ganhar.
Agora que você conhece as regras básicas do Slingo Cassino, sinta-se à vontade para experimentar este emocionante jogo de apostas e desfrutar de uma experiência única de entretenimento online. Boa sorte e divirta-se!
Melhores combinações no Slingo
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Melhores Combinações no Slingo: Dicas para Maximizar seus Ganhos
Se você é um entusiasta de jogos de cassino online, é provável que já tenha experimentado o emocionante mundo do Slingo. Para os não iniciados, Slingo combina elementos de caça-níqueis e bingo, oferecendo uma experiência única e emocionante. Mas quais são as melhores combinações no Slingo para maximizar seus ganhos? Aqui estão algumas dicas valiosas:
Wilds e Números Altos: Procure combinar wilds (curingas) com números altos nas cartelas. Isso aumenta suas chances de completar linhas e ganhar prêmios maiores.
Multiplicadores e Combos: Aproveite ao máximo os multiplicadores e combos. Eles podem aumentar significativamente seus ganhos, especialmente se forem combinados com símbolos valiosos.
Utilize Estratégias de Apostas: Seja estratégico ao fazer suas apostas. Avalie cuidadosamente as probabilidades e ajuste suas apostas de acordo com o progresso do jogo.
Ative Bônus e Recursos Especiais: Não ignore os bônus e recursos especiais oferecidos no Slingo. Eles podem incluir rodadas grátis, mini-jogos e outras oportunidades de ganhar prêmios extras.
Pratique o Jogo Responsável: Como em qualquer forma de jogo, é importante praticar o jogo responsável. Estabeleça limites para si mesmo e não se deixe levar pela emoção do momento.
Ao seguir estas dicas, você estará bem encaminhado para aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência no Slingo e aumentar suas chances de sair vitorioso. Então, prepare-se para girar as rodas, marcar os números e desfrutar da emoção do Slingo!
Aumentar probabilidades de vitória no Slingo
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Aumentar Suas Chances de Vitória no Slingo: Dicas e Estratégias
Slingo é um jogo emocionante que combina elementos de caça-níqueis e bingo, oferecendo uma experiência única e divertida para os jogadores. Se você é um entusiasta do Slingo em busca de aumentar suas chances de vitória, existem algumas estratégias que você pode empregar para maximizar seus ganhos e aproveitar ao máximo cada sessão de jogo.
1. Conheça as Regras do Jogo:
Antes de começar a jogar, é essencial entender as regras do Slingo. Familiarize-se com os padrões de combinação vencedora e os recursos especiais do jogo para que você possa tomar decisões informadas durante o jogo.
2. Gerencie sua Banca:
Assim como em qualquer outro jogo de azar, é crucial gerenciar sua banca de forma responsável. Estabeleça um orçamento para suas sessões de jogo e evite apostar mais do que pode perder. Gerenciar sua banca com cuidado garantirá que você possa desfrutar do Slingo de forma sustentável a longo prazo.
3. Utilize Estratégias de Apostas:
Experimente diferentes estratégias de apostas para encontrar a que melhor se adapta ao seu estilo de jogo. Alguns jogadores preferem apostar valores menores em cada rodada para prolongar sua experiência de jogo, enquanto outros optam por apostar mais agressivamente em busca de grandes vitórias.
4. Aproveite os Bônus e Recursos Especiais:
Muitas versões de Slingo oferecem bônus e recursos especiais que podem aumentar significativamente suas chances de vitória. Esteja atento a wilds, símbolos de bônus e rodadas de bônus, pois esses elementos podem ajudá-lo a alcançar combinações vencedoras e maximizar seus ganhos.
Seguindo estas dicas e estratégias, você pode aumentar suas chances de vitória no Slingo e tornar suas sessões de jogo ainda mais emocionantes e gratificantes. Lembre-se sempre de jogar com responsabilidade e se divertir enquanto joga este empolgante jogo de cassino. Boa sorte e que as combinações vencedoras estejam a seu favor!
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dhamkxabha · 5 months
Quais são as estratégias mais eficazes para ganhar no Slingo Bingo?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as estratégias mais eficazes para ganhar no Slingo Bingo?
Estratégias de gestão de bankroll
Certamente! Aqui está o artigo sobre estratégias de gestão de bankroll:
A gestão de bankroll é uma parte essencial da experiência de jogo, seja em cassinos físicos ou online. Essa prática refere-se à administração responsável do dinheiro disponível para apostas, garantindo que os jogadores possam desfrutar de uma experiência duradoura e minimizar o risco de perdas significativas. Para os apostadores, entender e implementar estratégias eficazes de gestão de bankroll é crucial para uma experiência de jogo bem-sucedida.
Uma das estratégias mais comuns é o estabelecimento de limites claros de apostas. Isso envolve determinar um valor máximo que se está disposto a arriscar em uma única sessão de jogo. Estabelecer esse limite ajuda a evitar gastos excessivos e a manter o controle sobre o bankroll.
Além disso, a técnica conhecida como "aposta fracionada" é frequentemente empregada. Nesse método, apenas uma pequena porcentagem do bankroll total é apostada em cada jogo. Isso reduz o impacto de perdas consecutivas e aumenta as chances de recuperação.
Outra abordagem comum é a definição de metas de lucro e perda. Os jogadores podem estabelecer um objetivo de ganhos para quando estiverem à frente, assim como um limite de perda para quando as coisas não estiverem indo tão bem. Cumprir esses limites ajuda a evitar impulsos emocionais e a manter uma abordagem disciplinada ao jogo.
Por fim, a diversificação de apostas é uma prática inteligente. Em vez de concentrar todo o bankroll em um único jogo ou tipo de aposta, os jogadores podem espalhar suas apostas em diferentes opções, reduzindo assim o risco geral.
Em resumo, a gestão de bankroll é fundamental para qualquer jogador sério. Ao adotar estratégias como estabelecer limites de apostas, usar apostas fracionadas, definir metas e diversificar as apostas, os jogadores podem maximizar suas chances de sucesso e desfrutar de uma experiência de jogo mais controlada e gratificante.
Técnicas de marcação de números
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Técnicas de Marcação de Números: Maximizando a Eficiência da Comunicação
Em um mundo onde a comunicação é essencial, especialmente nos negócios, as técnicas de marcação de números tornaram-se uma habilidade valiosa. Essas técnicas não apenas facilitam a conexão com clientes e parceiros comerciais, mas também ajudam a maximizar a eficiência da comunicação.
Uma das técnicas mais comuns de marcação de números é a utilização de códigos de área. Ao entender a geografia dos números de telefone, é possível identificar a localização aproximada de uma pessoa ou empresa. Isso pode ser útil para direcionar chamadas para os departamentos ou filiais corretos, economizando tempo e recursos.
Além disso, a segmentação de números por categorias também é uma prática eficaz. Por exemplo, ao agrupar números de clientes existentes, potenciais leads e fornecedores, é possível personalizar as abordagens de comunicação de acordo com as necessidades e interesses de cada grupo.
Outra técnica importante é a implementação de sistemas de marcação automatizados. Esses sistemas permitem que as empresas enviem mensagens pré-gravadas ou realizem chamadas em massa de forma rápida e eficiente. Isso é especialmente útil para campanhas de marketing, lembretes de compromissos e pesquisas de satisfação do cliente.
No entanto, é crucial garantir o cumprimento das regulamentações de privacidade e proteção de dados ao utilizar essas técnicas. As empresas devem obter consentimento explícito antes de entrar em contato com os clientes e garantir que as informações pessoais sejam tratadas com segurança.
Em resumo, as técnicas de marcação de números desempenham um papel fundamental na otimização da comunicação empresarial. Ao entender e aplicar essas técnicas de forma estratégica, as empresas podem melhorar a eficiência, a produtividade e a satisfação do cliente.
Estratégias para maximizar os bônus
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Maximizar os bônus é uma estratégia essencial para quem busca otimizar seus ganhos e aproveitar ao máximo as oportunidades oferecidas pelos programas de recompensas. Seja em cartões de crédito, programas de fidelidade ou outros tipos de benefícios, entender como extrair o máximo valor dos bônus disponíveis pode fazer toda a diferença no seu orçamento.
Uma das primeiras estratégias a serem consideradas é escolher os programas de recompensas que melhor se alinhem com seu estilo de vida e necessidades. Avalie os tipos de bônus oferecidos, como pontos, milhas ou cashback, e verifique quais são os parceiros e estabelecimentos onde você mais realiza compras.
Além disso, fique atento às promoções e ofertas especiais oferecidas pelos programas de recompensas. Muitas vezes, é possível acumular bônus extras ao participar de campanhas específicas, realizar compras em determinados estabelecimentos ou utilizar os serviços de parceiros do programa.
Outra dica importante é aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios adicionais oferecidos pelos cartões de crédito e programas de fidelidade. Isso pode incluir acesso a salas VIP em aeroportos, seguros de viagem, descontos em estabelecimentos parceiros, entre outros.
Além disso, esteja sempre atento às regras e condições dos programas de recompensas. Entenda como funciona o acúmulo e resgate de bônus, verifique se há datas de validade para os pontos ou milhas acumulados e acompanhe as atualizações e mudanças nas políticas do programa.
Seguindo essas estratégias e mantendo-se informado sobre as oportunidades disponíveis, você poderá maximizar os bônus e aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios oferecidos pelos programas de recompensas.
Táticas para otimizar as rodadas de bônus
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
As rodadas de bônus são momentos emocionantes em jogos de cassino online, onde os jogadores têm a chance de aumentar seus ganhos. No entanto, é essencial adotar algumas táticas para otimizar essas rodadas e maximizar suas chances de sucesso.
Conheça o jogo: Antes de começar a jogar, familiarize-se com as regras e mecânicas da rodada de bônus. Entender como ela funciona aumenta suas chances de tomar decisões estratégicas durante o jogo.
Gerencie sua banca: É crucial ter um plano de gerenciamento de bankroll para evitar apostas excessivas durante as rodadas de bônus. Estabeleça limites claros de apostas e nunca arrisque mais do que você pode perder.
Aproveite os recursos extras: Muitos jogos de cassino oferecem recursos extras durante as rodadas de bônus, como multiplicadores de ganhos, rodadas grátis e símbolos especiais. Use esses recursos a seu favor para aumentar seus ganhos potenciais.
Pratique o jogo: Antes de jogar com dinheiro real, experimente a versão demo do jogo para praticar suas habilidades e entender melhor suas características. Isso ajudará você a se sentir mais confiante e preparado quando estiver jogando com dinheiro real.
Esteja atento às promoções: Muitos cassinos online oferecem promoções e bônus especiais para jogos específicos, incluindo rodadas de bônus. Fique de olho nessas ofertas para aproveitar ao máximo suas sessões de jogo.
Seguindo essas táticas, você pode otimizar suas rodadas de bônus em jogos de cassino online e aumentar suas chances de obter grandes ganhos. Lembre-se sempre de jogar com responsabilidade e aproveitar a experiência de forma divertida e segura. Boa sorte!
Estratégias de gerenciamento de tempo
Estratégias de gerenciamento de tempo são essenciais para maximizar a produtividade e reduzir o estresse na vida pessoal e profissional. Com a crescente demanda por eficiência, é crucial dominar técnicas que otimizem o uso do tempo disponível. Aqui estão algumas estratégias eficazes:
Priorização de tarefas: Identificar as atividades mais importantes e urgentes é o primeiro passo para um gerenciamento eficaz do tempo. Isso permite focar energia nas tarefas que realmente importam e podem ter um impacto significativo.
Estabelecimento de metas claras: Definir metas específicas e mensuráveis ajuda a direcionar os esforços de forma mais eficiente. Ao ter objetivos bem definidos, é mais fácil planejar e organizar o tempo de acordo com as prioridades.
Utilização de técnicas de organização: Ferramentas como listas de tarefas, agendas e aplicativos de gerenciamento de tempo podem ajudar a manter-se organizado e acompanhar as atividades diárias. Essas ferramentas permitem visualizar o que precisa ser feito e alocar tempo para cada tarefa de maneira adequada.
Prática do foco e concentração: Evitar distrações e dedicar períodos específicos de tempo para se concentrar em uma única tarefa pode aumentar significativamente a produtividade. Desligar notificações de dispositivos eletrônicos e reservar momentos de trabalho ininterrupto são medidas que favorecem a concentração.
Delegação de tarefas: Reconhecer quando é apropriado delegar responsabilidades a outras pessoas pode liberar tempo para se concentrar em atividades mais importantes ou que exijam habilidades específicas.
Ao implementar essas estratégias de gerenciamento de tempo de forma consistente, é possível alcançar um melhor equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e profissional, aumentar a eficiência e reduzir o estresse associado à falta de tempo.
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