xeli9 · 7 years
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Queen of Kadara.
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lesbianshaundi · 7 years
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You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that? But you did save my life.
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omegastation · 7 years
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Some of us just had enough.
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I read the Book at the moment and I start liking her. But I have nothing new because I am on my holidays so... here my favorite screen with her.
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amewillie · 7 years
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👑 of kadara.
a lil somethin’ for sloane kelly week.
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repeatingangel · 7 years
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Happy Sloane Appreciation Week!
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zialinart · 7 years
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Sloane Kelly for the Sloane Kelly appreciation week
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thevulturesquadron · 7 years
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[ profile: ] Sloane Kelly || Head of Nexus Security . Survivor.  Leader of the Outcasts . Iron Fist
“The Nexus exiled us to die. I’ve neither forgiven nor forgotten that.”
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raven-wilde · 7 years
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Sloane visiting Kaetus after High Noon. She definetely spends at least one hour complaining about the fact that Ryder is a terrible shot. Kaetus is just amused because he realizes that Sloane is referring to Ryder as Sara. Even if the Exiled will never work with the Nexus, having a Pathfinder almost on their side means that things are really starting to look good for Kadara.
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venatohru · 7 years
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Quick sketch of Sloane relaxing with a whiskey after reading @black-rose4‘s Whiskey! 
Sloane doesn’t drink often, but when she does, she likes to treat herself to a glass of the really fancy (like seriously, do not look at the price tag on that) stuff occasionally...and unlike some people she doesn’t drink it straight from the bottle ;)
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bugsieplusone · 7 years
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Between a rock and a hard place
Injured and stuck in a cave is the last place Sabine expected an invite from Kadara’s Outcast leader.
A fic for Sloane week ~ under the cut (phew did I make it? I’ve had little time to do much this week.)
Sabine had been surprised to find Kaetus and Sloane as well as half a dozen both at the entrance to the cave when they arrived.
She shook her head. “What are you doing here? Kaetus asked us to deal with this.”
Sloane laughed, a resonant chuckle. “I want to see how you work. Plus rumors were that there was a small army of kett down here. I’ve heard you’re good, Ryder, but not that good.”
Sabine smiled at the backhanded compliment. “Thanks for the vote of confidence-- I guess.”
“Come on then. We’ve picked off a few here, if they don’t know we’re here, they soon will.” Sloane didn’t wait for a reply before her and her small group of Outcasts headed deeper into the cave.
Sabine shrugged at Liam and Vetra and they followed behind.
Pathfinder, a warning.
What is it SAM?
According to preliminary maps, this area is in a geologically unstable region. Arms fire might set of the surrounds.
Well, shit. I don’t think the kett are going to care.
If you turn your sensors on, I can monitor the situation whilst you assist the Outcasts.
Do it SAM. I’ve got some kett to kill.
Sloane’s information had been correct. A small army of maybe twenty-five kett had taken base in deeper part of the cave. However, their handful of eight, five outcasts and the three of them from the Pathfinder team, was more than enough gunpower. Only one injured and a whole lot of dead kett. Sabine had given Sloane the smuggest smile when the last kett fell, yet she remained passive and unimpressed.
The Outcasts began to move some of the more valuable kett provisions and Vetra and Liam scrabbled amongst the belongs to find things for themselves before asking Sabine if she needed anything.
Sabine shook her head. “Take what you can carry, there’s not much room in the nomad.” She watched as Liam took several items of armor and Vetra removed mods from several kett weapons. Both walked back to the cave entrance leaving Sabine behind. She turned to Sloane who was directing Kaetus and another Outcast member.
“Okay take that. Then we can go and bring back some more people to recover the rest of what’s here. Looks some good stuff.”
“Sloane, uh I’m going now.
Sloane nodded. “Okay then so.”
Sabine’s mouth fell open, and she scratched her chin, unsure what reaction she had really wanted from Sloane. Gratitude would have been a good place to start though. “Okay the--”
Pathfinder I am detecting a small tremor in the area can you--
The sound of thunder filled Sabine’s ears. Soil and rock debris flew in plumes around her, fine particles filled her mouth with dust and hit her eyes blinding her from her surrounds. She fell back, her ass hit the ground hard and a sudden sharp pain hit her hand before it reverberated up her arm. She yelped then let out a series of gasping coughs the grit coating her lips as it spluttered from her mouth.
When the dust cleared she looked down at her hand, her pinkie finger was bloody and the skin torn down to the bone. Just looking at it made her flinch. A few feet away she could see Sloane lying prostrate. Sabine’s heart leapt into her mouth, but then she saw her head move and a low groan emanate she made a deep sigh of relief.
Sloane moved to a sitting position as Sabine, walked towards her holding her injured hand against her.
“You okay?” Sabine asked as she looked down at her.
Sloane coughed and licked her lips then glanced up to her. “What the fuck?”
“It’s a rock fall.” It took a moment for Sabine to come out of a dazed state before she saw the bone sticking out form Sloane’s leg. “Shit you okay?” she said as she stared at Sloane’s wound.
Sloane followed Sabine’s glance down to her leg and let out a guffaw. “I guess not.”
Pathfinder your finger appears to be damaged, but not extensively. Also the entrance to the cavern appears to be blocked. I suggest contacting the Pathfinder team in order to find a way out.
“Okay SAM, was just gonna do that,” Sabine said aloud.
Sloane started laughing again then began to cough before staring up to the bewildered Sabine. “That thing in your head now too? I almost forgot.”
Sabine blinked not realising that she had replied to SAM verbally rather than just thinking. She squatted down beside the injured Outcast leader and placed her hand gently on Sloane’s knee. Where her pants were ripped, she could see Sloane’s skin was barely broken, with little blood. However, there was bone pointing through. She’d have to stabilise it and make sure Sloane didn’t go into shock before help arrived.
She pulled her communicator out and tapped on it. “Vetra, Liam, are you okay?”
Static filled the quiet space they occupied before Vetra replied. “Ryder, you’re alright?”
She looked at her hand then down to Sloane’s leg again. “Yeah I’m okay, but Sloane’s leg appears to be broken. Anybody else injured?”
“No. But it looks like you’re both trapped behind a wall of rock, we’re gonna have to dig you out. Kaetus wants to speak with Sloane. None of their comm device can get through to her.”
“I’m gonna dig up what I can in the way of medigel if it hasn’t made its way out yet.” She held out the comm to Sloane. “You okay to talk?”
Sloane nodded.
“Gonna go find some stuff. I’ll be right back. Gonna hand the comm to Sloane, Vetra.”
“Okay, we’ll get you out, Ryder, might take a while-- save your energy-- both of you.”
Sabine headed inwards to the small kett facility. Inside the base was a warren of rooms and stores. She remembered seeing what appeared to be a small medical area in the back. Inside the cupboards was everything she needed. Medigel and a kit with a mediblanket, makeshift splint material and a small handheld monitor that looked to be angaran. She poured medigel over her damaged finger, bound the joint to her index finger with a bandage and winced as she pulled it tight and fastened it securely.
Back near the entrance, Sloane had pulled herself against a nearby rock and was breathing heavy from the exertion of pulling herself. Sabine could hear a faint thud then a sound like a drill coming from the other side of the fallen rock. She said nothing as she knelt down and poured medigel on Sloane’s open wound, put the splint either side of her broken leg and bound and set it in place.
“Okay don’t move it.” Sabine grabbed the medical emergency blanket and made to place it over Sloane.
“I don’t need that,” Sloane said.
Sabine ignored her and draped the blanket over her lower half, whether Sloane wanted to or not she didn’t want her dying of shock and when she didn’t protest any further, Sabine tucked the blanket on either side of her legs.
“Kaetus says a couple of hours at least before they can get through. They’ve got mining equipment on the job already.”
Sabine gave a wry smile. “I can hear. Time for us to get to know each other better then, hey?”
Sloane snorted and bowed her head. “Sure. Got a pillow for my ass though?” She looked to be waiting for Sabine to reply but Sabine sat back quietly and said nothing. “Why did you come to Andromeda? Daddy make you?”
Sabine’s brow rose at the sudden interrogation. “Why did you come?” she said, ignoring the sarcastic tone of Sloane’s enquiry as she made her reply a question.
“I asked first, Pathfinder. I knew your father, he wasn’t an easy man.”
She nodded. “So you did ask first. And no, he wasn’t the easiest of individuals. Dad didn’t make us, if you must know. We wanted to come. Gabriel and I.” She sighed as thoughts drifted to her comatose brother still in the medical facility back on the Nexus. “Gabriel has a natural sense of adventure.”
Sloane spat out more dirt from her mouth. “Nice deflection. But I didn’t ask about your brother.”
Sabine huffed out a laugh. “Gabriel had-- has-- a sense of adventure, but I-- I have sense of curiosity. I’m the kid who doesn’t leave a single rock on the beach unturned.”
“So you looking for something? Plenty of rocks here for you turn over. Beaches kinda suck though. I’m not one for bathing in water that smells like Satan farted in it.” Sloane nodded towards the rock wall and laughed.
Sabine let out an amused laugh. She hadn’t heard Kadara described quite in that way, and it was apt. “Well I’m looking for homes for everyone now. The habitats we’ve found really haven’t been any good.”
“But, before you were Pathfinder? What do you think you’d find under the rocks in Andromeda?”
Sabine bit her lip and shrugged. “I dunno. You found anything of note?”
Sloane shifted her weight. “Ha. Nope. And whatever the fuck I was looking for it doesn’t matter now. I didn’t fucking find it here in the Andromeda galaxy that’s for sure. Maybe I’m still looking.”
She tilted her head a one-sided smirk came to Sabine’s face. “Now who’s deflecting?”
Sloane laughed and coughed again. Sabine made to go to her but Sloane waved her down before she could get to her feet. “Give me some of that water, Ryder.”
“I really shouldn’t. You could have more serious--”
Just give it to me, just gonna rinse my mouth out -- don’t worry, I’m not the kind to swallow,” she said and winked at her and laughed as Sabine passed her the small flask hanging from her hip.
Sabine felt a heat rise to her cheeks at the innuendo and gave a quiet laugh before looking away.
Sloane took a swig and spat out the contents before taking another and swallowing it.
“You lied about swallowing,” Sabine said.
Sloane shook her head. “It’s Kadara, Pathfinder. Everyone lies here. The difference between here and the Nexus-- is you at least know that no one here speaks the truth. Anyway, I don’t make it a habit of lying. I don’t need to.”
Sabine nodded. “Well the lying part I get, but Reye--“
Sloane held her hand up. “Ugh don’t mention him. My Outcasts are going to hunt that bastard down and show him a thing or two.”
“What are you going to do? I mean--”
“It doesn’t matter, hopefully he’s been stabbed in the back somewhere and I don’t have to deal with his deception anymore. I’m gonna rip him to shreds otherwise, or a bullet. One or the other will suffice.” Sloane sniffed and pursed her lips she stared up the rock wall and away from Sabine’s gaze. “I came to Andromeda because of Jien. I would have followed her to the ends of the earth. I wasn’t an opportunist like Reyes.”
Sabine felt a chill run up her spine and dust fell from the rocks above as she could hear the drilling noise become louder. Obviously Sloane had a different idea of what an opportunist was, certainly wasn’t her current role one of opportunity? “You made it, though, we’re here at the ends of the earth.”
A sad smile washed across Sloane’s face and her features softened. “But Jien isn’t.”
She tapped her lips. Sabine knew little of Sloane before the Initiative left, even less of Jien even though her father was a good friend. She wanted to know more about it all, there were stories of what happened on the Nexus during the uprising-- she’d heard one side, but not the other. She wanted to know more of Sloane, if for any reason it meant an alliance and goodwill towards the Initiatives new outpost. “You were close?”
Sloane shifted uneasily again and swallowed. “As close as anyone with initial involvement with the Initiative, your father included.” Sloane tilted her head at Sabine as though gaging her reaction. “You’ve got his eyes, you know. They’re as blue as the waters here.”
“But without the sulphurous fart smell behind it right?” she said and chuckled.
A wide grin surfaced on Sloane’s otherwise unrevealing face. “I’m not that close to your ass right now, I wouldn’t know.”
Sabine crossed her arms and put a mock indignant look on her face, it felt like a cover for an increasing nervousness and she hoped a light hearted response might ease the sudden tension she felt at what in any other situation would come across as flirtatious. “I’ll have you know, my farts have a wholesome healthy smell of someone with a good diet and who gets plenty of exercise and fresh air.”
Sloane started to chortle and hold her stomach. “One night eating Kaetus special bean dish made especially for humans would be the ultimate test of that-- let me tell ya.”
Sabine felt her shoulders relax and she started laughing along with her. “You inviting me to dinner?” she asked.
Their laughter echoed around the cave only drowned out by the sudden sound of machinery on the other side of the fallen rock
Sloane’s laughter subsided and they both turned their heads towards the wall where the noise came from, expecting a breakthrough; however, the sound retreated again and when Sabine turned back, Sloane was staring straight at her, the soft look that appeared on her face when talking about Jien had returned.
“When next you come back to Kadara-- I don’t trust the Initiative, but Jien trusted Alec, and I feel I have to give you at least some semblance of a chance. Yeah, come to dinner.”
Sabine’s mouth fell open then shut again. It was meant to be a joke, but here she was asking her to share a meal. Sloane’s invite came across more as an command than a request and Sabine knew she couldn’t refuse, any more than she could refuse to pay Sloane’s ‘protection’ for the Initiative outpost. However, there had been a fleeting moment of vulnerability behind Sloane’s eyes. You could ignore her heterochromia for the most part, but this was different. Sabine could take it as her current injured state and nothing more, but that moment, it made her heart pound and she felt like a startled deer in headlights of an oncoming truck.
A crashing noise of rock and dust came from the rock face that had fallen, the mining machinery had broken through in just under forty minutes. Kaetus was first through, blindly looking for Sloane before the dust had even settled.
Sabine stood as Vetra and Liam came through behind him.
Kaetus and another Outcast member pulled Sloane to her feet.
“Hey, be careful, her leg is broken,” Sabine said.
Kaetus waved his hand at her. “We know what we’re doing, Ryder. You can go.”
Sabine shook her head. “Well thanks for everything, Kaetus,” she said with a sarcastic tone to her voice.
“Stop. Hang on.” Sloane made them stop in front of Sabine. “You’re making this a habit, saving me that is.”
Sabine crossed her arms and nodded. “For all that’s had happened on Kadara, I’m not one to keep receipts, but maybe I’ll keep this one.”
Sloane smiled and bit her lip “You’re learning fast. You even sound a little bit like Alec. Maybe you’ll fit into Kadara after all.” She reached out with a grimy hand and touched Sabine’s face. Her thumb slid over her top lip leaving a trace of dust.
Sabine let out an inaudible gasp at the intimate touch, her heart rate increased and a flutter hit her belly. “I ah-- I ah--”
“Farewell, Pathfinder. See you when you return.”
With that, Sloane was gone and Sabine stood dumbfounded.
Vetra placed her hand on Sabine’s shoulder. “C’mon, Ryder, let’s get back to the Tempest. Get Lexi to give you a once over. Jaal has apparently cooked something for us, if you’re up for a home cooked angaran meal after all this.”
Sabine stared up at the turian a dazed look in her eyes. “Sure, as long as it’s not beans okay?”
Vetra’s brow knitted in confusion. “What?”
Sabine shook her head. “I’ll tell you later, Vetra, remind me next time we come back to Kadara.”
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spyroid101 · 7 years
Mask and Shield
In celebration of Sloane Kelly Appreciation Week, have a little Sloane X Kaetus hurt/comfort drabble~
((Nexus Uprising spoilers))
'You're going to die.'
'You're going to die.'
'You're. Going. To. Die.'
Sloane couldn't speak.
She couldn't think.
She could hardly even BREATHE, smoke filling her lungs.
They only had small ground teams, and the pirates were ruthless.
Bullets continued to spray, and the people’s panic only grew.
Those who could fight were fighting with every fiber of their being to protect the ones who couldn’t.
The weak.
The injured.
The young.
These slavers would either kill these people without mercy, or drag them off to an even worse fate.
And so, Sloane had to keep going.
No matter how many more kept coming.
A batarian drops dead, only to soon be replaced by another.
And another.
‘Just one more...’ Sloane urged herself. ‘Just once more, and this will all be over. They’ll be safe...’
...And another...
...And another...
...And. Another.
Click. Boom.
With each pull of the trigger, the louder and louder the screaming around her became.
More frightened-
Click. Boom. More desperate-
The screaming was now DEAFENING in it’s volume, constantly ringing in her ears as more and more voices were added to the chorus.
‘They lied to us!’ A battered and bruised truian woman cried.
‘How could they do this to us?!’ A human man wept over the bloody remains of his husband.
‘Don’t let them do this!’ An asari pleaded, holding onto the limp, torn body of a salarian.
Suddenly, a deep, bloody roar cut through all their pleas.
And just like that, Sloane was no longer facing down Batarians.
But huge, bloodthirsty krogan.
...She wasn’t on Elysium anymore...
She was on the Nexus.
Sloane’s entire vision was filled with red as the krogan clawed through the resistance as if they were made of nothing but wet paper.
Teeth tore off limbs.
Claws spilled open entrails.
They were helpless.
She had to do SOMETHING!
Ignoring her pain and exhaustion, she charged at the krogan, a knife drawn as she plunged it into the brute’s eye.
In retaliation, it swung it’s claws at her face in full force, sending her FLYING into the wall, and crashing to the ground.
The krogan’s blow had split her face open from her nose to her chin, and any attempts to breathe were just rewarded with a throat full of blood.
From the corner of her blurred vision, she saw a turian stand next to her. He was... trying to say something, but Sloane couldn’t hear him...
"...Calix...?" She whispered through the little air she could take.
The turian spoke again.
Though Sloane still couldn’t quite catch what he was saying, she did notice one thing...
That wasn’t Calix’s voice...
It was-
In that moment, Sloane saw the light of a sniper’s laser bead on the turian’s head.
Her stomach churned.
Not again.
Not HIM!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
"Sloane?!” Kaetus gasped.
He was just on his way to get armed up and start his rounds, when he’d decided to go ahead and drop off his report on their efforts to push back the Collective to Sloane.
What he found, was Sloane crumpled up on the floor next to her bed, tangled in her blanket, whimpering and thrashing.
Kaetus’ first instinct was to run over and see if she was hurt.
What if one of those Collective bastards managed to break into her room and land a sneak attack on her, or maybe poisoned her, or maybe-?!
“...Calix...?” He heard her whisper.
It was then when Kaetus caught sight of her eyes.
Though they were pointed in his direction, he could see that Sloane wasn’t looking at him, but rather staring a thousand miles through him.
Kaetus’ panic melted away into sympathy.
Now he knew what was going on...
“Shit... Sloane? Sloane, hey, can you hear me...?” Kaetus asked, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible as he knelt down next to her.
Sloane didn’t respond to him. She just continued to mutter incoherently, until suddenly, she let out a loud SCREAM.
“Sloane?! Hey, look at me.” Kaetus tried again.
He had to resist all temptations to grab her by the shoulders, it’d most likely only make the situation worse.
“C... Can’t... Ca... Bre... ” She gasped, starting to hyperventilate. “Off!”
“’Off’?” He repeated. “Sloane, talk to me. What do you need me to do?”
“IT! Breathe-! Can’t-! FUCK!” Sloane shouted. “OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!!”
Her volume was rising with each and every word she managed to push out. If it weren’t for the fact that her room was built to be nearly sound-proof, Kaetus  would have no doubt that over half of Kadara would have heard her screaming and yelling. Trying to keep himself from making too many sudden movements, he carefully grabbed the edge of the blanket covering her, and pulled it off, depositing it in a pile off to the side.
“It’s off, Sloane.” Kaetus said gently. “Just... Just breathe. You can breathe...”
Sloane gave a few more weak thrashes, before just letting herself go limp on the cold, metal floor, clenching her eyes shut, as her only movements now were her heaving breaths.
“Good, good. Maybe little slower?” He suggested. “...Please?”
She didn’t verbally respond, but after a few seconds, she managed to shift from hyperventilating, to a series of slow, deep breaths.
“Theeeere we go.” Kaetus sighed. “It’s okay. Just keep breathing...”
“Kae... Kaetus...?” Sloane murmured, finally cracking open her eyes. Her voice was hoarse from all her previous screaming and yelling.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Kaetus’ mandibles twitched in a grin. “Just me. Just us.”
After a second of silence, Sloane slowly shifted, getting into a sitting position.
“Hey, take it easy-” “Kaetus...” She repeated, reaching out her hands.
A command, not a question.
A command Kaetus was sadly familiar with.
Slowly, he lowered his head, allowing Sloane to grab a hold of it.
Her hands roamed the sides and back of his head.
Searching for gunshot wounds.
Even upon finding none, Sloane still pulled his head to her chest, holding it as tight as she could.
As if his head would split apart if she let go.
This position wasn’t comfortable for Kaetus by any stretch of the imagination. Her nails were pin-pricking the scales on his neck, and his back and knees were already starting to ache...
But he didn’t rush her.
He knew she needed this.
“I’m right here, Sloane...” He said softly.
“Yeah...” She murmured, loosening her grip.
“Do you know where we are?”
“Kadara...” She hissed. The word leaving her mouth as if she were spitting out acid. “Fuck.”
She finally let go of his head, letting her arms drop back down to her sides as she leaned her head back against the bed.
“Sloane, it’s-”
“Help me up...”
That was probably supposed to come off as an unquestionable demand, but the tone of her voice just sounded... tired...
Kaetus felt an ache in his chest.
He wanted oh, so badly to just tell her that everything was okay, that there was no shame in having these flashbacks...
But he knew she wouldn’t believe him. As far as she was concerned, it was a weakness.
A weakness the leader of Kadara could not afford to let her followers catch wind of.
All of this wasn’t helped when the Nexus apparently sent this supposed “Pathfinder” kid to come and “Play nice” with them.
And, by “Play nice”, they clearly meant “having the kid rip Kaetus’ fucking gun right out of his own damn hands and threaten him with it right in front of Sloane.”
Fuck Tann.
Fuck the Initiative.
Fuck the Nexus.
Even in the far reaches of exile, Sloane couldn’t escape them trying to tear everything she’d worked for apart.
She deserved so much better than this...
When Sloane outstretched her hand, Kaetus gently took it in his own. Slow, steady, no sudden movements. Only when he felt her squeeze his hand, did he start to ease themselves up.
His leg joints were crying out in joy over FINALLY being out of that uncomfortable squatting position, but Kaetus’ mind was squarely on Sloane.
Her legs were shaking, looking like they’d give out any minute...
Oh, so BADLY did Kaetus want to hold her. Give her his shoulder, support her.
But he couldn’t.
Not without her permission first.
“May I...?” He asks softly, his gaze locked onto hers.
He needn’t vocalize the context to his question, he and Sloane had been dancing this dance for awhile now. Years before they left the Milky Way, even.
A way to keep the question discreet, hidden away from those who didn’t need to be sticking their noses into their business.
She knew what he was asking.
Sloane remained silent for a good, long moment, just keeping her eyes locked with his.
Her face wouldn’t betray what she was feeling, but her eyes did. At least, they did for someone who had the privilege of knowing her as well as Kaetus did.
Had she been any other human, she would have been weeping now. Dragged down by all the horrors and betrayal she’d witnessed, all the pressure constantly on her shoulders, the mask of cold, ruthless strength she always had to wear, least Kadara ever catch wind of her “weakness”, and fall apart into complete, self-destructive anarchy.
But Sloane didn’t cry.
Because she was Sloane Fucking Kelly. She never cried, not even before Andromeda.
...But whether she would admit it or not, whether the people of Kadara would admit it or not, she was still human. She still had feelings and emotions.
And sometimes... it all just needed to break.
And so, when she she did need to break, Kaetus would happily be her shield to hide behind.
“Yeah...” She whispered in such a tiny voice compared to how she usually spoke.
Gently, Kaetus pulled Sloane to his chest, lightly wrapping his arms around her, making sure she knew she had the option to change her mind, to pull away if she wanted.
But she didn’t.
Instead, she pressed against him more, burying her face against his neck, right where she could strongly feel his pulse.
Once he was sure she was comfortable, Kaetus tightened his hug, letting himself take on her weight as her knees finally gave out.
“I’m here...” He said softly, resting his chin atop her head, allowing himself to let out a steady purr.
...Sloane had to be the only other person besides his parents who’d ever heard him purr.
She was the only one worth the effort.
“I’m here...” He repeated. “I’m right here...”
Now her arms were around him, gripping so tightly, it’d probably take a whole squad of krogan to force her to let go.
“...Don’t go...”
the voice was so small, so faint...
Honestly, Kaetus might have just been imagining it...
...But all the same, he answered.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Kaetus wasn’t sure exactly how long he’d been asleep when he found himself stirring awake.
Long enough that he’d actually gotten comfortable, that was for sure.
How many things was he suppose to have been doing in that unknown time frame?
Fuck it. He didn’t know, and he didn’t care.
Let everyone else stand on their own feet for a few hours, Sloane had needed him.
...Speaking of...
He slowly cracked his eyes open, and saw that Sloane was still asleep, snugly nestled in his arms.
Just looking at her, this was the most calm Kaetus had seen Sloane in... Weeks? Months?
Her body was completely relaxed, her breathing was steady, she didn’t have that typical scowl hard set on her face...
In fact...
He might have been mistaken, but was that a hint of a SMILE on her face...? Ohh, now THAT wasn’t something he saw every day.
Quite frankly, he was ALMOST tempted to snap a picture....
But nahhh, he knew Sloane would probably throw his ass into one of the sulfur lakes if he did.
He’d just have to be happy knowing that whatever dream she was having, it was probably a good one.
...He really hoped so.
She certainly deserved one after all this time...
He missed seeing her at such ease like this, missed seeing her smile...
Missed not having to watch herself constantly bottle up all her pain to keep her “weakness” hidden from others...
...Moments like this...
Gently, Kaetus shifted, holding Sloane tighter to him as he softly nuzzled her forehead.
...It was kinda funny, really...
He was suppose to be here with her to make her feel better, but just... watching the gentle rhythm of her breathing... It made him feel at ease too. As if months worth of stress just magically melted away.
...If only this didn’t have to be a temporary reprieve...
Kaetus didn’t care how impossible the task seemed, he just wanted her to be able to be happy for more then just a few fleeting moments.
Someday, some how...
He’d find a way.
He’d do it.
For her.
...For them...
Just keep the wheel turning, and eventually, it’d all work out.
That’s how it’d worked so far. By all accounts, both him AND Sloane should have been long dead by now, but here they were...
Kaetus sighed, resting his chin on top of her head as his eyes slowly drifted shut again.
Whatever it was he was originally planning to do at this time... They’d just have to make due without him. He wasn’t about to risk waking Sloane up by trying to get out of the bed. A few more hours of him not helicoptering over the recruits surely wouldn’t kill anybody...
Besides... He’d made a promise...
“I’m not going anywhere.”
The first thing Sloane noticed when she began to stir, was a comfortable warmth surrounding her...
The next thing, was an annoying beeping sound.
And then the final thing, was the fact she seemed to be immobilized somehow...
At that LAST point, a knee-jerk reaction of panic started to rise, only for it to immediately vanish as a taloned hand gently stroked the back of her head.
‘Ah. Right. Kaetus being a cuddly bastard.’ She thought with a sigh.
She found herself unconsciously snuggling up against him more, burying her face in his cowl, causing him to let out a gentle, comforting thrum.
It all just felt so warm.
So safe.
So... familiar...
If... if Sloane just kept her eyes shut... there’d be nothing to tell her that the whole nightmare with the Nexus ever actually happened.
Nothing to say that it wasn’t just some horrible hangover nightmare, nothing to say she wasn’t still in the Milky Way, crashing with Kaetus in the back room after getting completely hammered at the party, hours away before launch, and she’d have time to plan to ‘accidentally’ jettison Tann’s cryo pod from the airlock mid-trip.
Hell, while she’s at it, maybe she could figure out a way to ‘accidentally’ misplace Addison and switch her out with Kaetus before they left.
Maybe, just maybe, she could fix everything before it all went to shit...
...Unfortunately, she was swiftly reminded that reality was a bitch, as that ungodly annoying beeping sound blared again.
“Ugh, stupid piece of crap... Shh. Shut up, you son of a-” She heard Kaetus swear under his breath, fumbling for his omnitool, which was on the arm Sloane was currently laying on top of.
Sloane slowly opened her eyes to see the familiar, dark and grim sights of her room on Kadara.
Well, that’s what she got for being foolish enough to hope otherwise, she supposed...
“That’d probably be easier if I got up off your arm...” Sloane mumbled.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, I...” Kaetus paused. “N-no, it’s fine. Just stay right there, I can get it off, just...”
Internally, Sloane wanted to take him up on his offer.
She really, REALLY, wanted to take him up on his offer.
To just... close her eyes and curl back up into that familiar, comforting warmness, far away from the grimness of Kadara, and its bullshit PTSD triggers...
...But she couldn’t.
Close her eyes all she wanted, it wouldn’t make everything go away. She knew that.
She had her little break, now it was time to put the mask back on.
There was work to be done.
“I’m getting up, go check what it is.” She said firmly.
Kaetus simply nodded. Internally, he may have wanted to argue, but he knew better.
The mask was back on, it was time for him to step back as her shield.
Sloane slowly sat up, freeing Kaetus’ arm.
He took a deep breath, before sitting up himself, and pulling up his omnitool.
‘Back to work it is, then.’
He glanced through the messages, 10 of them within the past two hours.
What could have possibly-?
“What is it?” Sloane asked, clearly reading the concern in his mandible twitches.
“Oh, it’s... Probably nothing...” Kaetus attempted to sound optimistic. “Has to be a mistake...”
Sloane continued to just stare at him.
Clearly, she didn’t buy it.
“They... Think they’ve had Kett attacks...” He explained, hesitantly.
“Fuck.” Sloane hissed.
She really HAD been falling behind...
“Again, it’s probably just a mistake...” Kaetus attempted to reason. “But I’ll... find a way to take a look into it, just to be sure.”
“Good.” Sloane said, finally standing up.
No more falling behind.
No more letting the Nexus break her down like this.
No more.
“And Kaetus?” She added, motioning him to come closer.
“Yeah?” He asked, standing next to her.
Sloane then grabbed his chin, pulling his head down to touch his forehead to hers.
Her silent promise. The only one she dared make in this uncertain Hellhole.
‘I won’t let you end up like Calix.’
If the bastards wanted to try, they’d have to do it over her dead body.
“Be sure to send me a full report of what you find.” She said, finally pulling back. “And I expect to see you here tonight for a full debriefing.”
Kaetus’ mandible twitched in a smirk.
“Of course, ma’am.”
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omegastation · 7 years
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quaenam · 7 years
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The Queen of Kadara
This was meant for the Sloane Kelly appreciation week... better late than never.
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kestrelsansjesses · 7 years
I have this rather silly headcanon for Sloane Kelly and Sloane week, based on hints given in Uprising and in the game itself.
Turians just have a /thing/ for Sloane. It’s her scars, her confidence, the way she can take charge of a situation and brokers no bullshit. It’s something about her that’s incredibly attractive to so many of their species- it’s something she can only roll her eyes at. 
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snailcleric · 7 years
This is a quick drabble I wrote on my phone while waiting at the dentist lmao. Also this is the first thing I’ve written for me:a??? whoops.
Sara looked at Sloane. Two different colored eyes stare at her and briefly Sara wondered if they're natural or maybe--
“Why do you call me Sara and not Pathfinder?” The words fall out of her mouth without even thinking.
(word count: 630)
Kadara Port reminded Sara of Omega in more ways than one. Of course, she’d only heard about Omega from her co-workers while she studied Prothean artifacts back in the Milky Way, but from what she’d heard, the two are pretty damn similar. Give the port a couple of years and maybe she’d see more flashing neon lights everywhere.
However, the port had its charms. It made her think of lazy summer days on earth. It reminded her of her and her brother when they were young. As they grew up, the summers never stopped feeling lazy and slow, only a new sense of anxiety and urgency seemed to have been added to their lives.
That’s the only way Sara can describe how she feels right now. The Archon is dead. All the planets vaults have been reset, her brother is awake and recovering, and her crew is loyal and ready for any mission. It’s like the summer. She feels like she can take a breath, but it won't relieve the knot in her stomach or the pain in her chest.
She’s still the pathfinder, and has more expectations than she can handle.
“Sara, what do you want?” Sloane voice rang in her ears. Seeing Sloane again was a reminder that not all decisions are a simple ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Sloane being alive is a direct result of Sara’s impulsive morals. She doesn’t regret it, but she wouldn’t lie if you ask her if she wanted the confrontation between Sloane and Reyes to go differently. Perhaps no guns, less snark, and less lies. Or was that asking for to much?
Violence. She’s never been fond of it. That was her brothers thing. Sure, Sara has killed her fair share of Batarian pirates in her career, but she never wanted to--she never thought--
“Just checking in on the queen of Kadara Port. Everything well?”
The women chuckled lightly, leaning back in her seat--or what Sara would think more of a throne. “We’re not friends, Sara.’ She said. “No matter how much you visit.”
“I should give up on my dream of that hug then?”
Sloane rolled her eyes, but mentioned a few troubles in the badlands to change the subject. “A pathfinders intervention might cool things down. I’m sending you the coordinates now.”
She always appreciated Sloane. Sara might even admit she admired her in some ways. Sloane is still a criminal, it’s not something you can ignore. But Sloane is upfront, she’s not scared of pissing people off if she thinks she’s doing the right thing.
Sloane keeps things professional. It’s admirable. Letting emotions and friendships get to tangled up in things leads to trouble. Sara understands that, especially in the current state of the Initiative. Sometimes, you have to do shit things to ensure that more people survive. Being a Pathfinder means that sometimes to reach your goal, you have to make shit decisions.
Sloane wasn’t one of them. Every time they talk Sara feels more and more confident that she can rely on Sloane.
“Sara? Are you even listening?”
Sara looked at Sloane. Two different colored eyes stare at her and briefly Sara wondered if they're natural or maybe--
“Why do you call me Sara and not Pathfinder?” Sara let the words fall out of her mouth without even thinking.
Sloane let out a breath, she looked like she was wondering if she should even bother explaining. However, she leaned forward and looked at Sara, more seriously than Sara was expecting her too. “Titles mean nothing to me. You pushed me out of the way of a sniper, god damn saved my life for some reason. Did the Human pathfinder do it, or did you?” She said. “Neither of us expected to be in the situations we’re in when we first woke up, but we’re dealing. Don’t let it go to your head. See it as mutual respect between two people who have a lot of idiots to keep alive.”
Sara paused.
“I better get going to those coordinates then.”
“Good.” Sloane said. The serious feeling slowly disappeared in the room.
Sara went to turn, but couldn’t help but try to get the last word in. “Be careful Sloane, that was almost a hug moment.”
“How does anyone even stand you?” Sloane said with a groan.
Sara couldn’t help but laugh.
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