#slowly catching up with irl and commission work
hitsusven · 3 years
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Art for @kurofai-olympics 2021! My prompt was Fake Dating.
Fics and other artwork have been posted on DreamWidth and an AO3 collection! Please check them out and vote for the fics before Sept 30! 
Description: Kurogane and Fai go on a date but there is a lack of physical and emotional closeness. They pretend to hold hands and kiss, the bouquet of flowers is empty, they have dinner at an empty table, and go to sleep apart.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
as ur irl bestie i am cashing in my favor and am asking- no begging for a dilf damon fic pls <3
😑fine fineee I guess I can take a quick break from writing BNHA stuff for you🙄
CW: NSFW, Damon Albarn being an a-hole, manipulation, gaslighting, language minor stuff like that
The studio itself was pretty spacious, you couldn't lie. As much as you loathed to give this cursed group any more credit, you were hard-pressed to remember the last time you´d been called into such a professional recording booth. You were used to dingy atmospheres, crumbling walls, stained carpet, and even cramped garages at times. It felt like your years of meticulously swaying your hand back and forth on the rosin and tuning your strings until they damn near popped were slowly going down the drain, lost in spaces of screaming adolescent boys and shady market agents. The streets of London were unforgiving for a young musician like you, no room to turn to since others were exactly in the same position as you.
 It was by pure coincidence that the day you had played for a local cafe for a small commission, Graham fucking Coxon was sitting in the back of the run-down joint, sipping a murky glass of Bourbon.
 You didn't notice him at first, of course. You had simply let the music in your mind travel from your head down to your arms, and allowed it to move through your fingertips to your bow. The serene melody that sang through the air had turned his head to face you, the shitty drink in his hand stopped halfway to his mouth. 
 Your solo was only a couple of minutes, but the second you were done and packing your bags to head out, the brunette made a beeline for you, blocking your exit.
 ¨Uh, can I help you?¨ You cock your head and shift your violin case.
 ¨Yes, you can actually. Listen, I know this is gonna sound a bit straightforward, but I really liked your piece. Did you compose it yourself?¨ He sounds quiet and sounds nervous, with him barely looking you in the eyes.
 ¨Yeah, I did!¨ You can´t help but beam-it took you several days just to perfect a few meager lines, but in the end you were content with the piece.
 ¨Wow...that's serious talent right there,¨ He opens the door for you, and you nod before you head out, him trailing behind you as he leaves with you.
 ¨You make a good amount of money doing small jobs like this?¨ His voice is nasally and low, but with a slightly higher pitch than your typical London accent.
 At this, you squint your eyes a bit and turn your head at him. It was nice of him to be interested in your work, but for someone you don't personally know, the idea of talking about your small gigs that merited little to no money was not something you were fond of.
 He senses your hesitancy and immediately withdraws. ¨I´m sorry, that was probably rude of me to be so blunt about it. Actually, I don´t think I´ve properly introduced myself.¨ He stops to face you, and you do the same.
 ¨I´m Graham Coxon. You may or may not have heard of me, but I can assure you that I too enjoy music, as an understatement.¨ He extends a calloused hand and smiles a little bit, adjusting the blocky glasses on his face.
 Graham...Coxon? Graham as in....oh, holy shit.
 ¨No way.¨
 ¨Er...unfortunately, yes way.¨ His soft voice lilts as he holds back a laugh, and you gape at him.
 ¨Oh my god!¨ You drop your violin case in the excitement of eagerly returning his handshake. ¨You-you're from Blur! I know you!¨
 ¨Was from Blur, and ´careful now, don´t wanna ruin your instrument. But listen, I´m kind of in a bind here so I´ll get to the chase. We´re working on a few chords here and there back at the studio, and I´ve been on the lookout for a while for someone who fits our tune. ´Thing is, the deadline for submitting our song is comin´ up fast, so we only have a couple weeks left.¨
 You raise your eyebrows, heart pounding in your chest as you listen to his proposition.
 ¨So I´m thinking, you sound pretty good, it's exactly what we need to fill in our bridge. I´d love it if you came in and played a tune for us. If we like you and you´re cool with it, you could feature on our song.¨
 It feels surreal. Were you hearing right? Graham Coxon from Blur asking you to play on his song? This had to be a prank.
 ¨Ẅait, but you've only heard me once, what if my sound doesn't match what you're actually looking for?¨ You stammer, palms clammy as you wipe them off on your trousers.
 ¨Well, that's what a rehearsal session is for, lovely,¨ He chuckles nervously and slides his slightly foggy glasses up his nose. ¨So, you wanna give it a go?¨
 You think for a moment, biting your lower lip. There wasn't exactly anything stopping you now, was there? I mean, sure, the prospect of playing in front of one of UK's most famous bands was daunting, but this was your chance to finally be recognized!
 Taking a deep breath, you pick up your fallen case and nod. ¨Alright, I´m in. When you do wanna meet up?¨
 Graham visibility deflates in relief, letting out a shaky exhale. ¨Great. I'll text you the time and place, yeah? The boys and I´ve gotta get a few more things set up, so we´ll be in contact soon.¨
You both exchange numbers, your phone tingling in your hand long after you bid farewell and drive home in a buzz.
 When you finally get home to your apartment, you throw your keys onto the counter and flop down onto the mattress. What a fucking day.
 So many thoughts bounce around in your addled head. You want to do well, but obviously you don't have their kind of experience in the industry. Should you play more in tune with their song, or continue with your own sound? An idea pops into your head amidst your lunch, a few hours later. Why not just do some more research on the band themselves? Then you'd know exactly what kind of music they're looking for.
 The boys and I´ve gotta get a few more things set up.
 Oh yeah, who else was in the band? It's not like you didn't know who Blur was at their peak, but you paid more attention to their music rather than their faces. Truthfully, you never really basked in tabloids and newspapers purring about the next big scandal, or the top dogs of Britain´s industry when that stuff was relevant.
 You abandon your pathetic sandwich and make your way to your laptop, sliding into a chair and getting down to business. After a few quick searches, you pull up a couple tabs around the name Blur.
 Graham Coxon- Recovering alcoholic. Big fight with Damon Albarn.
 Alex James- Cute boy turned conservative. Classic case.
 Dave Rowntree- Mainly untouched. Became a successful lawyer. Good for him.
 Damon Albarn- A fucking mess.
 Puffing up your cheeks and putting your hands behind your head, you lean back in your chair. Good god, this man is a wreck. Headlines from decades ago swim in and out of your eyes, loud, obnoxious neon prints of Justine and Damon broken up again? Suede claps back!, or Will the Blur Brothers ever come back to each other? Find out first-hand from Coxon himself!, and worst of all, Albarn relapses again, Damon Albarn from Blur goes head-to-head with Liam and Noel-news flash, the brothers win!
 You think you see something about him and a potential wife and child, and that's when you decide it's time to sleep.
 After all, there's no point in getting caught up in any of their backstories.You were just there to play a solo and get out. Nosing around in their lives was more trouble than what it was worth, anyways.
 Which is exactly what you kept trying to tell yourself as you walked into the modern studio two weeks later, its grey soundproof walls and white floor screaming fancy and rich to you. And fancy and rich didn't come without grit and experience, which you had none of. As if to emphasize your inexperience, you went into the wrong halls twice before you exasperatedly checked your messages with Graham and saw that no, it wasn´t room 311, it was room 113.
 Finally, finally, you came across your designated room. The mahogany door was closed, and you placed a hand on the silver knob. You could faintly hear the sounds of a guitar being played from the inside, and it was curiosity above everything else that compelled you to push it open.
 From behind the clear window that separated the booth from the recording area, you see them. Graham, Damon, and other men you don't recognize are all in the midst of the song, the same song Graham had texted you the PDF of for the violin notes. You sheepishly take a few steps forward and clear your throat to catch the attention of a bald man leaning back against his chair right in front of the glass. He turns around and you give a weak little wave, clutching your case in the other hand. 
 ¨Hey, I´m here for-¨
 ¨-Yeah, yeah, Graham told me all about you. Go on ahead and join in, they just started.¨ He pulls a toothpick out from between his lips and gestures to the door of the divider.
 You feel your heart pounding in your chest as you make your way through the second door, and the second you step inside meekly, Damon and Graham´s eyes are on you.
 Graham continues to play the guitar, only lighting up his eyes and giving you an encouraging nod when you step in, and the other two men on bass and saxophone also give a quick smile in greeting. And Damon…well.
 Damon barely acknowledges you.
 He continues to sing and stare straight ahead at the wall in front of him as if there's an interesting scene being played out on the grey paint.
 You´re unsure of whether to catch his attention and give a proper greeting, but you decide not to as it would interfere with the song. So instead, you quickly grab a nearby chair and stand and set up your rosin and papers.
 Your timing is perfect; the bridge is about to come up. Just to be certain, you look up from your poised position and catch the eyes of most everyone except for Damon´s. They all give you a quick thumbs up or an expectant look for your confirmation of playing.
 And then, it comes. Damon stops singing, and your cue to sweep your bow across the horse hairs of your strings comes.
 Melodious, whole, fulfilling, it was. Graham´s guitar chords harmonized with the tones of your violin, and music that you´ve never dreamed of creating was made by your hands exceptionally. 
 Everyone was in awe of your raw talent, from the way their gazes were rapt onto your bow, moving back and forth,staying still in some highs and whittling away at the lows. You even thought you saw the producer from inside the booth turn his head towards you from the corner of your eye, but you couldn´ be sure.
 Everyone except Damon Albarn.
 The song ended a minute later with the signal of a fading out bass, and then there was silence.
 ¨Right on with that tune.. ´Thought we'd be fucked ova´ if we didn't find someone to take that melody.¨ The bassist with long shaggy hair grinned and you returned one back.
 ¨Yeah, I was kind of hesitant when Graham ´ere told us he found one to take this position on, but I'm pleased.¨ The saxophone player scratched his chin and hummed his agreement. You felt relief.
 Until he spoke.
 ¨Is this your first time playing?¨
 You look incredulously over at him, looking straight on at his face. Sandy hair, lines on his cheeks, slight scruff around his chin, he looked older than his online pictures. 
 ¨Uhh, no?¨ You laugh a little, trying to keep the annoyance out of your voice. ¨If I was, I doubt Graham would think I´m good enough to play with you guys.¨
 ¨I don't think Graham is the only one who needs to think that.¨ Everyone shifts uncomfortably, looking nervously from Damon to you, and Graham tugs his collar as if the temperature had gone up.
 But nonetheless, you don't back down.
 ¨Oh yeah? How so?¨
¨You played the G-string too high,¨ He deadpans, looking utterly bored amidst oceanic hues.
 ¨What?¨ You flip your music pages a couple of times until you find the page where you played that part. ¨No I didn´t, I was right on tune-do you even know how to play the violin?¨
 ¨No,¨ he smirks, and with your blood boiling steadily you open your mouth to argue, but thankfully Graham butts in.
 ¨Damon, don´t be a prick, she played fine. Unlike you, who fucked up on the 5th verse.¨
 The man in question lazily stretches his arms above his head, causing his white tee to rise a few inches over his belly button. You can´t help but glance at the skin-it's smooth, cleanly chiseled with part of his v-line showing, a happy trail rising from the juncture.
 ¨Oi, sweetheart, eyes up here.¨
 You snap your gaze back to his smug face, cheeks burning.
 ¨I didn´t-¨
 ¨Sure you didn´t. Just like how I didn't mess up on the 5th verse, and how you didn't ruin the song with your shitty violin, yeah?¨ He simpers, and you almost rise out of your seat to snarl at him before Graham jumps in between you two, scolding a very inappropriately-grinning Damon.
 You get up out of your chair and huff, shoving your belongings back into your bag as everyone else packs up, the men bickering and playfully throwing shit at each other.
 The producer even congratulates you on your successful first day, and everyone cheers and pounds you on your back, your hair falling in your face and gracefully hiding your 120k watt smile.
 Damon shoulders right past you, knocking your case right out of your hands. You grapple with it for a second before it hits the ground, and when it does you whip around and shoot him an icy glare.
 He's not even looking at you, he's already out the door.
 It's quiet for a moment.
 ¨Well, there he goes again being a dickhead. Classic Damon, you got.¨ The saxophone player points to the leaving blond and grins sheepishly at you.
 ¨What's his problem?¨ You ask in disgust, shaking your head as you join the rest of the boys leaving.
¨Uh, well...¨ Graham scratches the back of his head and avoids looking at you. ¨He's always been kind of like that, y´know, so don't take it too personally, but between just us four, his wife´s been on his arse for a bit about um...some...domestic affairs.¨ He finishes lamely, and the other two men guffaw at your raised eyebrow.
 You don't have a chance to press further as to ask what domestic affairs, exactly because a loud clap of thunder shakes you all to your cores as you step outside.
 ¨Aw, come on!¨ You stamp your foot and hold out your hand for confirmation of the raindrops about to drop on you all. ¨I didn't know it was gonna rain today,¨ you grumble.
 Graham squints up at the sky and wipes some droplets off his blurred glasses, covering his head with his jacket hood as he begins walking to the parking garage. ¨I´ll see you lot in about a week, yeah? Just keep practicing, good rehearsal we had today!¨ He waves his hand and dashes off.
 ¨Good job on your first day, Y/N. Fancy the weather on your walk back for us!¨ The sax and bass player bid farewell and also do a sprint to their respective cars, splashing through the puddles and sending muddy water on your pants.
 ¨Urgh!¨ You raise your hands to try and protect your bottoms but to no avail- London's sewage strikes again.
 Sighing in defeat, you walk through the rain towards your car, succumbing to the grimy walk. Unfortunately you didn't think to use the parking garage due to high nerves when you first came in.
 You walk for about 5 minutes, the rain drenching your hair and clothes and chilling you to your bones.
 Could this day get any more annoying?
Oh, but you should´ve known that it could.
 Because right at that moment, a black limo swerves right next to you on the sidewalk, sending a massive wave of gutter water right your way.
 You swear loudly and jump back, barely managing to avoid the remnants of the sewage tsunami crossing your feet.
 Looking up wildly at the offensive vehicle, you make a fist and flip the window off, your lip curled up into a snarl.
 The obsidian glass rolls down.
 ¨Well that's not very nice, is it? Nasty weather we got going on right now, careful it doesn't get on your clothes.¨
 ¨It's you,¨ you monotone, less than pleased to see his salacious grin at your predicament-which was being soaked to your undergarments in brown muddy water, your hair clinging to your face and your violin case lugging down towards the ground, its weight proving mutiny against you today of all days.
 ¨In the flesh,¨ Damon beams, and you scowl at his cheery attitude.
 ¨You almost drowned me, asshole,¨ You turn your nose up in scorn, and he chuckles in his baritone voice.
 ¨Nah, cant´ve love, I can't drive,¨ he clicks his tongue and jerks his thumb to the seat in front of him, where you assume his chauffeur is.
 ¨Oh, so it was under your orders that your poor driver practically waterboarded me?¨ ¨Well, yeah, I mean what else do you expect me to do when I see a pretty lady walking so harmlessly in the rain?¨ Your voice catches in your throat for a second from his words and the way his glacial eyes twinkle for a moment, but then he erupts in dry chuckles at your demeanor and you throttle your hesitancy at speaking.
 ¨Shut up, you're absolutely vile, y´know that?¨ ¨So I´ve been told, but to be honest sweetheart, I´d rather hear that in bed, where I´m used to hearing it. Now are you going to get in or shall I talk about my sexual prowess with you the rest of the afternoon?¨ He opens his door from the inside and mockingly winks at you.
 You feign a gag, but still decide to jump in the spacious limo when a flash of lightning lights up the sky. 
 He scoots back to give you space to sit and adjust your violin case on the seats in front of you, but just as you´re about to close the door, he leans in right next to you and reaches behind you to pull it shut himself.
 You´re caught still as he draws close, you´re extended hand frozen in midair as his arm against your back flexes and stiffens with it pulling the door. You can feel his breath against your neck as he exhales, can feel some of his hair tickling against your ear and cheek. You hold your breath, not daring to move lest you accidentally brush up against his proximity.
 The loud slam of the door causes you to jump, and he laughs a little at that, signaling his driver to go.
 You don't quite face him, your gaze down in your lap as his entire body is facing you, still stuck in its position when he was closing the car door.
 ¨Not nervous, are you?¨ He murmurs in your ear, and you can´t help it when your whole body shivers at feeling the rumble in his gravelly voice.
 ¨N-no, I´m not. Do you have to be so close?¨ You stammer, barely giving him a sideways glance which eggs him on, much to your displeasure.
 ¨Not really. But if you´re not nervous, then it shouldn't be a problem, right?¨ He says quietly and leans around to catch your eye.
 Before you can lose your nerve and jump out of the car, you snap at him. ¨You just don´t quit, do you?¨ 
 He finally relents and the side of his pink lips lift lazily as he stretches his knees out and practically manspreads across the expanse of three seats. ¨Nope. Not that you really were against it though, ´could feel your heart pounding a mile a minute sweetheart. Trust me, I´m used to making girls nervous, I would know.¨
 You sneer at him. ¨Don´t call me sweetheart, and yeah, I was nervous about getting some disease-ridden prick like you getting close to me. God knows how many STD´s you've contracted from bedding some poor groupies.¨
¨Only one way to find out, right love?¨ He leans his head up to the car ceiling and lets his tousled golden hair flop back, his jawline accentuated by the cream-colored seats contrasting with his tan skin.
 You catch yourself staring, and shake your head quickly.
 ¨You must´ve been more hopped up on heroine than I thought if you think I´d ever fuck a self-absorbed, narcissitic bastard like you.¨
 The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, but once they do your eyes widen and you clap a hand over your mouth in horror.
 Damon lifts his head and slowly turns to face you, his mouth set in a thin line.
 ¨A self-absorbed, narcissistic bastard whose limo you're riding in, need I remind you, so I can´t be all that bad. ´Can't say I haven't heard any of that before love, but most girls who say that end up in my bed anyways.¨
 You open your mouth to argue but he cuts you off.
 ¨Although, ´hopped up on heroin´ is a new one. Just exactly how much research have you done about me so far?¨
 Your rebuttal dies in your throat. You were caught.
 Your ears burn and your face flushes as you bite your lip in embarrassment. Maybe you went too far, and on top of that you let it slip that you knew about him beforehand.
 But you refuse to kowtow in humiliation to this idiot, so you think quickly.
 ¨I doubt you´ve got your head that far up your ass to disregard how half the world was tuning into your personal life when Blur was big, Damon.¨
He looks unimpressed with your excuse, but before he can open his mouth to question you further, you hurry up with another save.
 ¨Also, where are we going? You never asked me where my car was.¨
Bingo His eyes brighten and he shouts at the driver, harping on about him being a brain-dead idiot for driving in circles the past 10 minutes.
 What a save.
The moment you step into the booth next week, a drumstick is lobbed at you from seemingly nowhere. You yelp and hold your case up, blocking the weapon as it bounces off your makeshift shield. You bring the case down and shoot a glare towards the only man you know capable of acting so childishly at his grown age.
 But he´s already scrolling through his phone, looking for a measure to start from.
 ¨You´re late.¨
 ¨Hardly,¨ you mutter, glancing at the clock on the wall. Two minutes past shouldn´t be an excuse for having a drumstick pick out your eye.
 ¨Good to see you again, Y/N,¨ Graham pipes up softly, sending you an apologetic glance from Damon to you and you stick out your tongue in faux annoyance. 
 The other two members of your group greet you as well, and you all begin practice. Notes begin harmonizing together, voice and sound coinciding to make music you´ve swayed your hips and nodded your head to on blue nights.
 It´s a hot day, humidity clinging to your skin akin to the perspiration hanging off your forehead, and halfway through the song you decide to take off your sweater. You´re wearing a white tank top underneath, nothing too revealing save for the slight dip in the V-neck, but you couldn't care less about modesty at the moment when your fingers were literally slipping in their grasp on your sweat-slicked bow.
 During a quick break in your part of the song, you slip off your sweater and fan yourself out. It feels good, but you feel a pair of eyes staring at you. Following the laser gaze, you turn your head to face Damon, but he´s nose-deep in the lyrics sheet, warbling about a broken love or friendship. 
 Huh, must´ve been imagining it.
 Your solo comes up, and you prepare yourself for tackling the notes to your best ability, keeping up with Graham´s rapid guitar pace. Sweat continues to build on everyone´s vicinity when the rapid movement of arms waving around their own instrument causes more body heat to suffocate you all.
 Miraculously, the song finishes, and you collapse in your seat like the rest of the men, panting and wiping slick off your foreheads. You reach for a bottle of water on the floor and unscrew the lid, grimacing at its lukewarm temperature but drinking it nonetheless.
 For the second time, you have an unnerving feeling of being watched. This time, you whip your head to the side and catch him staring straight at you. 
 Damon´s face is flushed, his hair tousled, his rose colored glasses steamed up from the muggy aura in the room. His denim jacket is hanging off one shoulder, the rest of his torso covered with a sheer wife beater that accentuates his chiseled dad-body.
But he just stares you down, saying nothing. You frown at him a little bit and shift your body away from him, feeling vulnerable to his laser-gaze. His eyes darken, but Graham speaks, cutting him off from whatever he was about to say.
 ¨That was pretty good, you lot. Greg, Taz, hold off on the third beat of the fourth measure. We´ve gotta crescendo slightly-¨
 ¨Y/N, do you have a job?¨
 Damon's voice cuts off Graham, and everyone falters as they look at him and then you in surprise.
 ¨I don´t know what you mean,¨ you respond coolly, knowing that whatever he was about to say wasn't good.
 ¨I mean, do you have a job? Because as far as I know, most people who work don't dress like whores at their job.¨
 His eyes travel from your face down to your slight cleavage, and you sputter in rage as the rest of the boys shift uncomfortably.
 ¨Damon, for god's sake what´re you on about?¨ Graham asks wearily, taking his glasses off and rubbing his shiny neck.
 ¨I could ask you the same thing, actually. Because as far as I know, you've fucked enough women in your lifetime that one would think you could keep it in your pants for five minutes without acting like a twelve-year-old. Oh, but unless that´s too professional for you? I guess you´re not as serious about your work environment as you claim.¨ you laugh, and the sax player, Greg, snorts into his water bottle.
 Damon sneers, ¨How could I forget, you actually have done your research about my life and sexual endeavors, what a cute little fangirl you are. If you wanted an autograph, you could've just asked, sweetheart.¨
 ¨Go fuck yourself,¨ you snap. ¨You´re all wearing wife-beaters anyways, what's the difference?¨
 Damon starts again but Graham claps his hands loudly, startling you all.
 ¨Enough, both of you! What's gotten into you? Need I remind you that our song is due in less than two weeks? We need to finish this shit and get on with it. Stop acting like children.¨
 You mumble under your breath and Damon shoots a dark look to his childhood friend, but the brunette doesn't back down, and continues to give advice on how to improve their song. You don´t look at Damon the rest of the session out of pure spite, but that doesn't stop him from shamelessly staring straight at you, right until it's time to leave.
 The second Graham checks his watch and exclaims that it's a quarter past twelve already, you´re already bolting out of your seat and shoving your violin in its case, eager to get out of the disgustingly hot room.
 Fortunately, this time you had the right idea to park in the garage like everyone else to avoid any other unwanted encounters, but unfortunately while it was nice to not be waterboarded on your walk, it wasn´t enough to stop said unwanted encounters from occurring.
 Take right now, for instance.
 As you stumble to your car in the blistering weather, your energy depletes faster and faster, causing you to be light headed. Practice was already tough enough in the sweltering heat, but after Damon's little scene you don't have any energy to even walk.
 You crash blindly into your car, the metal of the doors burning your skin as you make contact with the handle. You hiss and jerk back, swaying slightly as your head fogs up. You can barely see, you feel like your clothes weigh a ton on you, so you slide down the vehicle and sit up against the tires, throwing your head back against the car and groaning. The idea of unlocking your doors and sitting in the seat where no doubt several temperatures higher will be settling on the dashboard and in the front row is nauseating.
 You don't know the building well enough to know where a vending machine is, and even if you shot Graham a text, you don't have enough energy to wander around and scout for it.
 And lo and behold, from a distance, a figure approaches. You squint as it draws nearer, and let out a laugh as the features come into familiarity.
 The heat must be getting to you worse than you thought, because you´re certain you´re hallucinating Damon Albarn of all fucking people swaggering towards you, one hand holding his denim jacket over his shoulder, and a shit-eating grin on his face as he comes to stand in front of you.
 All you can do is pant like a dog, looking up at him with unimpressed eyes.
 ¨Oi, G-String. ´Brought you some water.¨ he holds out a hand, and you choose to ignore the offensive nickname, insead noticing the large bottle in it, cold condensation covering its expanse.
 Your eyes widen and you lick your lips unconsciously, holding your hands out for it.
 Damon watches your tongue poke out and loses focus before snapping back to reality and moving his arm above your head. You pout and try to reach for it again, but he laughs and holds it even higher.
 You glare and turn your head away from him, suddenly remembering how he embarrassed you earlier. 
 ¨Go away. I don't want it anymore. You´re an asshole.¨ you mumble, perspiration hanging off your lip as you lick the salty beads away once again.
 Damon´s eyes never leave your mouth as he listens to you and watches the pink appendage make its appearance again, and his mouth hangs open slightly unbeknownst to you for a second. You cross your arms and glare at the empty parking lot, silently willing him to go away.
 He snaps back into focus yet again and shakes his head at you. ¨Oh come on love, I´m just teasing. You look like you´re about to die anyways, might as well make this your last meal-er, drink I mean.¨
 ¨I´m not taking anything from a complete dickhead who enjoys harassing women about their clothes. You know, for such a womanizer, you act pretty clueless about how comments like that would make a girl feel. No one else but you had an issue with it, or rather, had the audacity to point it out.¨ You cough at the last word, your dry throat and heavy head making it harder to talk.
 He sighs and crouches down, balancing on the balls of his feet. He pops open the cap and gently turns your chin towards his face, much to your surprise. You´re genuinely too weak to protest, but when you look at his concerned face, eyebrows scrunched up and accentuating the lines on his forehead, you don't think you'd want to turn away even if you could.
 He coaxes your agap mouth even more open by dragging a rough thumb down over your lips, and you obediently open your mouth, mesmerized by his eyes. His movements are soft and slow, as if you were a fidgety rabbit about to run off at the slightest touch. He scoots closer, right over in front of you as you simply gaze up at him, allowing him to pour cool water down your throat, quenching your bone-dry palate.
 For a couple of seconds, water floods your mouth but all you can do is stare up at him. The light rays are reflecting off his back, casting a yellow glow around his silhouette and he almost looks like an angel. His hair is mussed as if he'd spent the day running his hands through the golden locks, and the scruff on his face peeks through soft-looking skin.
 ¨Swallow, or I'll really waterboard you this time,¨ he says lowly, chuckling a bit as he catches you staring so adamantly right in his face. You jerk back to consciousness and swallow hastily, accidentally choking on the gulp in your rush.
 He laughs even more and lets go of your chin much to your disappointment as he adjusts himself to sit next to you, not seeming to mind the scorching car metal. The absence of his hand on your face leaves a cold, empty feeling in your heart despite the heated blush on your cheeks
 ¨You´ll burn yourself,¨ you mumble, lolling your head over to look at him.
 But he looks straight ahead and shrugs casually. ¨Not any more than you.¨ You both sit in silence for a few minutes, occasionally sipping from the bottle he passes towards you and watching cars go by.
 ¨You didn't answer my question. Why do you harp on me in the studio? You act like a normal human being here.¨
 Damon looks thoughtfully at a white sedan passing by, then speaks.
 ¨As I´m sure Graham has blabbed to you already, I´ve been having some...trouble with the missus, let's say.¨
 You say nothing and raise a questioning eyebrow.
 ¨For the shitty attitude,¨ he mutters and swipes the bottle from your hand, taking a large swig himself.
 ¨And, like you said earlier, I am an asshole. Of course I´ll enjoy harassing pretty women over their revealing clothes,¨ he smirks and gives you a once over.
 There it was again, pretty woman.
 You scowl and get up to leave, but what he says stops you in your tracks.
 ¨Taz was lookin´ at you,¨ he says quietly, suddenly very interested in the now-empty bottle. ¨´Didn't like it, but I couldn't say anything to him. Graham likes him too much.¨
 Huh. Maybe the pair of eyes you felt back in the room didn't only belong to Damon.
 He cracks a small smile and looks up at you, his face adorably innocent and wide as he sheepishly admits, ¨I´m used to butting heads with blokes like him for women.¨
 You jerk back up to your feet, brushing off any insinuation he was giving and pat his knee awkwardly, ignoring the fire now igniting once again in your chest.
 ¨Thanks for the water, I needed it. You might wanna move if you don't want to get run over by my car.¨ You reach down and pick up your case as Damon clambers to his feet.
 He looks amused as you fumble for your keys, nervously turning the lock and sitting in the hot car, obviously eager to get away from his intimidating gaze.
 ¨I´ll see you next week, yeah?¨ You laugh breathlessly and roll your window down to call out to him.
 He says nothing, but merely cocks his head at you, his eyes now obscured by the rose-colored glasses he puts over his eyes. He waves a little and watches as you drive away a little too fast.
 But as it turns out, you don't see him next week.
It was just your luck that one of the cutest guys from your work asked you out on the very same week you had practice with the boys. You contemplated moving the date to another time, but...you deserved to have some fun time off too, right? It's not like it would make too much of a difference in your skill, anyways, you´ve gotten all the strings down and such.
 So, you decide to go on this date. It goes well, the dude was cute, dorky, lacked a little pizzazz but nothing a bottle of fancy red wine and a night of movies couldn´t coax out of him. It honestly wasn't anything too big, you exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up again soon. After parting ways, you threw yourself back into the regular regime of practicing your violin and meticulously listening to the booth recording every night, just so you could perfect your part to a T.
 The day came where you had to go back to practice, and you were ready, veins pumping with determination to make these last few sessions the best you´ve played yet. You texted Graham that you´d be there soon, and he gave you a thumbs up in return. When you finally arrived in front of the room, you were 10 minutes late. The boys were already playing, by the sound of the percussion booming outside the door. You grimace and take a deep breath, turning the handle in and hurrying inside the booth.
 No one really spared a glance at you, so you assumed you were okay in terms of punctuality. You opened your case and started strumming your strings, counting the measures and beats until it was your turn. Damon´s voice rang out, melodious and airy as ever, dropping octaves and floating on soprano tones. Your bow moved across his words, accenting his tones and adding emphasis to his sorrowful song. And then, after a couple of minutes, it was done.
 ¨Alright you lot, pretty good for today. ´Specially you, Y/N, you caught up pretty quick, I expected you to slack behind but I'm actually impressed.¨ Graham flashed you a nervous grin and you beamed back at him in return.
 ¨Yeah, speaking of, why were you gone last week? I expected someone who makes below the poverty line would actually want to work for their money,¨ Damon chuckles a little meanly.
 You feel your smile drop a smidge.
 ¨Well actually Damon, not that it's any of your business, but I went on a date.¨ You smirk at him, enjoying the way his mouth opens slightly and moves silently.
 But he regroups quickly and glares at you. ¨None of my business? The deadline is only a few days away, and you´re whoring yourself out and going on dates? I guess you´re not as professional as Graham thought.¨
 Everyone shifts uncomfortably, and blood rushes to your face, anger clouding your mind. Why was he being like this? He was fine the last time you saw him, you actually thought maybe he was going to change the way he addressed you.
  Graham speaks up. ¨Damon. You´re overreacting man, I gave her the okay, and she played fine today. No harm done, seriously, there's no need for that kind of language towards her.¨
 ¨Actually, there absolutely is a need. If I knew you were going to invite a prostitute as our sub-in then I would´ve never agreed to have her here. Didn´t know you were so low on money Y/N, I would´ve spared you a couple pounds.¨ He sneers.
 You laugh bitterly and rise to your feet. ¨Oh that's rich, coming from the man who fucked half the continent just because he couldn't get over one girl. No wonder every real woman in your life including your wife wants to leave, nothing is ever good enough for you. Except heroin maybe.¨
 The words leave your mouth before you can take them back, and there's a pin drop silence as if a bomb had been dropped. In a way, it kind of did.
 Damo glares at you. Everyone is holding your breath, including you.
 ¨Get out.¨
 ¨Hey,-¨ Taz tries to gently interject but Damon throws the mic at him. 
 ¨I said get the fuck out. You´re not practicing with us anymore, you can pack your shit and leave.¨
 Tears brim at the corners of your eyes, and you choke out a small ¨Fine.¨
 You hear Graham berating him behind you as you fly through the door, telling him that they need you, it's too late to change people, but the words jumble in your ears as the door slams shut. You don't hear what Damon says, if he even says anything, and you aren't interested in his comebacks right now.
 It's only when you leave the car, tears streaming down your face in rage and embarrassment that you groan to yourself, your hands reaching an empty seat with one foot out the door-
You forgot your violin case.
 It's nighttime.
 The crickets chirp as you creep silently through the parking garage, the soft thud of your shoes echoing a lot louder than you wanted in the empty lot. The studio itself wasn't closed, but you were sure Damon must have informed the manager there not to let an ex-musician like you back in there.
 Wearing a black hoodie and black pants was a smart move- you blended in with the shadows well. The doors weren't locked, and you hiss out a small ¨yesss¨ as you slip inside the mostly dark building. Needless to say, you were proud of yourself for navigating through the windings pitch-black hallways to your old booth.
 Testing the handle lightly, you sigh out in relief when that too gives way. Unfortunately though, the second the door shuts behind you, you immediately stumble forward and fall. 
 The room is dark, darker than the other hallways so you can barely see your hands. The only source of light you´re granted is the dim red bulb on top of the booth door. And speaking of, that's exactly where you need to go...which proves to be harder when you keep bumping into random shit and cursing when you feel potential bruises forming on your shins.
 Miraculously you stagger through the next door towards where you last sat, and blindly feel around the floor and chairs for your violin case. You feel nothing there, but panic starts settling in your heart when you can't find it.
 ¨Looking for something?¨
 You scream and lurch backwards, knocking your head into some kind of stand. Groaning, you rub your head and hold a hand on your racing heart as you squint into the dim red room, placing the voice to the person.
 ¨In the flesh sweetheart. ´Knew you'd come back for this, s´just my luck I came back to get it tonight so I could give it to you personally in case you wanted to be stubborn. But this is even better than I could´ve hoped.¨
 You make out his silhouette in the obsidian abyss in front of you. He's sitting with knees spread on a chair, a few feet in front of you as he leans his head back on the wall. Your precious violin case is being held hostage in his arms, and it's the absolute love you have for the brittle instrument that propels you to your feet and moves you to get the hell out instead of interrogating him.
 ¨What, so you were just here the whole time listening to me falling around like an idiot?” You laugh incredulously, and you see the area of his shoulders move up and down.
 ¨Was pretty funny to watch, honestly. You sound cute when you curse.¨ He stands up to his fullest height now, the red light bouncing off his back, giving him a sort of demonic halo.
 You knew it was actually time to leave when you felt those stupid butterflies in your stomach rise up again.
¨Right, well, I´ll be on my way then. Good luck with your song and whatever, I´ll just take the case...¨ You trail off as your extended hand is left in midair, no violin case reaching it.
 He cocks his head at you. ¨Why are you in such a rush to leave?¨
 You can´t help the scoff that escapes you. 
 ¨Are you serious? You were such an absolute dickhead to me this afternoon, you said all sorts of horrible things to me, and you even fired me for Christ's sake! I want nothing to do with you, so could you please give me my case back so I can go?¨
 He's silent for a moment before answering. ¨Are you done yet?¨
 It isn´t just the light that's making you see red now.
 ¨Fuck you, honestly.¨ You whirl around and stomp towards where you guess the  door is, ignoring the clatter behind you and bingo you locate the handle, but as soon as you turn it-
 A hand reaches from behind you and pulls the ajar door shut.
 ¨Don´t go. I´m sorry.¨
 You´re absolutely still as you feel him towering over you, his arm dangerously close to your midriff as his hand remains on the knob.
 His voice is low, and you can feel him breathe against your neck, mere inches away. You can´t help the involuntary shiver that passes through you, and he feels it too, inhaling deeply when he gets close to your ear.
 ¨You smell so good.¨
 ¨Leave me alone, Damon,¨ you whisper, your voice catching in your throat from the overwhelming onslaught of emotions passing through you.
 He breaths in and slowly lets his hand rest on your side.
 ¨I can't do that. You know why. You have to have known by now.¨
 You tremble in his touch, yet allow his hands to wander down to your hip, the other coming around in a sort of hug to pull you closer to him.
 ¨We can´t.¨
 ¨Sure we can.¨
 You can feel his erection bumping against your ass.
 ¨You´re not worth this.¨
 ¨I´ll make myself worth it.¨
 And as soon as he latches onto the back of your neck, you´re like putty in his hands, a moaning mess as he sucks galaxy-colored hickies on your skin. You can feel yourself grow wetter as he shoves his hands up your shirt and teasingly pulls down the bridge of your bra, letting the weight of your tits fill up his hands appreciatively. He starts rolling your hardened buds in between his skilled calloused fingers, and you whine and throw your head back when you feel him rut against your ass, panting raggedly in your ear.
 You rub your thighs together, desperate for some form of friction as he squeezes your tits, and then letting one hand ghost across the expanse of your stomach, down to brush against the rim of your panties. Damon chuckles meanly in your ear when you buck against the stilled hand over your mound.
 ¨You want this?¨ He lightly nips your ear. He smells like old spice and sandalwood.
 You nod desperately, frustrated with him not giving you his thick fingers already.
 But it's not enough for him. ¨No no, pretty girl, use your words now. I´ve barely touched you yet and you´re already moaning like a wanton little slut for me? And here I was thinking you weren't that easy.¨
 You stop jerking your hips and blood rushes to your face at his insulting words. You try to move out of his grip, huffing and regretting the whole thing but he outright laughs now and spins you around, tugging you forward until your chest is slotted against his. You pout at him and look away, but he's quick to grasp your chin and pull you in for a rough yet sensual kiss.
Pushing you backwards against the wall, he deepens the lip-lock, tracing his tongue over your lips, nipping at the soft flesh and darkening his eyes when you whimper and look up at him.
 He knows what he´s fucking doing when he again drops his hand under your pants and over your panties, his other palm wound up firmly through your hair. He pulls your head back and lets you breathe for a second from his kiss of death before he speaks again.
 ¨I didn't hear an answer, slut. Do you want this?¨ He leans forward until his nose brushes against your neck, flicking his tongue out to taste your saccharine flesh.
 You tremble against his firm body when he pushes his pelvis against you, letting you feel how hard he is for you.
 It doesn't matter anymore. Maybe he was right, maybe you were just an easy slut putting up a facade for him, but when his clothes erection grinds up against your pussy you can't care less.
 ¨Y-yes, yes, ´want you, please,¨ you pant, frantically gripping the back of his cropped hair as his head descends to mark your neck again.
 ¨What a good girl,¨ he whispers, finally allowing his digits to oh-so-slowly trace over your mound, pressing down harder when you jerk against him. He finds your wet clit and flicks it a few times, snickering when you gasp and moan. Your body writhes in place but he holds you literally between a rock-or, wall- and a hard place, preventing you from scampering off.
 He drums his fingers against your folds, paying no attention to the way you grip his head tighter against you, silently begging him to go further.
 But he relents eventually and retires from just pushing and prodding your folds, allowing his slicked fingers to slowly dive into your drooling hole. You whimper and bite back a string of curses when you feel him fill you completely, scraping against your walls for that one special spot.
 His mouth moves off your neck and he rises to face you, a stupid smug grin on his wet lips, his eyelids lowered and trained on you. You flush at his lustful expression and gently push his head away, not wanting to accept his victory yet.
 ¨My fingers are literally fucking you right now, and you still won´t let me look at you? What, too embarrassed you couldn't continue being a stone-cold bitch for long?¨
 You open your mouth to snap back but right at that moment he curls his fingers and grazes your G-spot, simultaneously grounding his wet palm against your clit.
 With a loud gasp and the sluttiest moan you´ve ever made, you cum hard, your mouth open in a silent scream and your tongue hanging out like a bitch in heat as you do so. You fall forward against him.
 You don't even need to look up to know that he has a shit-eating grin on his face.
 ¨What was that sweetheart? Sorry, ´couldn't hear you over those slutty moans. I think even the pornstars I´ve been with would give you a standing ovation if they heard what you just sounded like.¨
 Your words are slurred as you curse nonsense at him, yet you´re still gripping his forearms to keep a hold on yourself. Your ears are ringing and you see spots as you come down from your climax, and surprisingly enough, Damon holds you close and doesn't let you slip down to the ground as you expected to when your knees start to give out.
 Instead, he lifts you up quite easily and carries you over to a table in the corner of the room. You don´t know how he even navigates his way through the dimly lit room, but you suppose after almost half a lifetime in studios he knows his way around.
 You offer no resistance as he sets you down gently and begins to lift your shirt off of your body. You manage to lift your arms weakly up in the air for easier access to stripping, but when he starts to kneel down to take your pants off you stop his hands at your knees and look at him with scrunched eyebrows.
 He stops and looks up at you. His eyes aren't so darkened anymore, they´re wide and imploring, probably noticing your hesitation.
 ¨Damon, I...¨ You trail off as he maintains eye contact with you and slowly lowers his pursed lips to your calf, lightly pecking his way up to your knees and ensuring that you´re watching his every move.
 Your breathing increases again as his pink appendage darts out, his saliva cooling on your exposed thighs. He sucks on the plush skin and turns his head upwards to face you.
 You want to run your hands through his hair.
 ¨You have a wife,¨ You breathe.
 ¨Not for tonight I don´t.¨
 Your voice gets caught in your throat at that. He positions his hands at the side of your knees, fingers curling around the hem of your pants in a second attempt.
 ¨Let me make you feel good, love.¨
His answer is in the form of your hand reaching for his collar and pulling him up into a standing position until he towers over your seated form, once again breath stolen in a heated kiss.
 Damon fumbles with his zipper as you shove your pants off, fully ready for him now, your dampened panties solid evidence of your need for him.
 He pulls his cock out and it bounces out, slapping up against his stomach.
 You do a double take. The tabloids were right. He was absolutely huge.
 It was disgusting almost, it was insulting really. How the fuck could he be that big? You lose count of how many inches he is when you start to get light headed, realizing with a jolt that he plans to put that monster inside you.
 And fuck, why did it have to be so pretty too? Normally you wouldn´t use the word pretty to describe a dick, but fuck, that´s the only appropriate word that came to mind as you admired the white flesh as it mixed in with a dull pink flush turning into an angry shade of red as your eyes progressed up to his tip...which was soaked with precum, mind you.
 He was neatly shaven everywhere, including his plush balls. No wonder he got to fuck half the continent.
 Damon notices your gawking and smiles lazily, taking a fist around his prick and stroking lethargically up and down.
 ¨You gonna just stare at it all day or are you going to spread those cute legs for me?¨
 Spoken like a true middle aged fuck-boyman.
 You look up at him beseechingly, thoroughly intimidated by his length. He merely scoffs, winking at you when he wrenches your tightly closed knees apart.
 It's almost like he falls into a trance when he presses his now-naked torso against your chest, when he slots himself between your legs and drags his tip through your sloppy folds and up onto your clit. His mouth falls open slightly and he moans when your juices coat his dick, making it slippery and easy to push the first few inches ever so slightly into your spasming cavern.
 He can't help but want more, need more as he practically smothers his weight onto you, forcing you to lie back on the table and letting your legs dangle off the edge. He hunches over you and thrusts minutely into your pulsing folds, groaning when you whine and lace your fingers around his neck and tangle your legs around his back, dragging him impossibly close into you.
 For a moment it´s just the sound of you two panting and moaning like inexperienced teenagers, and a zing of pride zips up your spine at the realization that Damon Albarn, one of the world's most renowned playboy is whining and humping against your pussy, reduced to nothing at your hands.
 He takes your hands from around his neck and grips your wrists, forcing them above your head on the table. He leans down and kisses you, hard. You give him back the same energy when your hips move up and down along his length, pushing your inviting hole towards his eager and jumping dick.
 ¨Pretty little girl,¨ he murmurs against your lips, and you nip his bottom lip playfully in retaliation. He slowly starts to sink himself into you, and you practically purr at the feeling of his veiny member dragging against your sensitive walls until he stops. 
 You look at him questioningly, and blanch when you see the mischievous glint in his cobalt eyes.
 ¨I want you to count for me.¨
¨Count…?¨ You shake your head in confusion and he pulls out, making you groan in annoyance.
 ¨I want you to count every inch I put inside you. Unless your slutty mouth can't even do that? I'd be surprised if you couldn´t, you usually have so much shit to say.¨ His voice is low yet teasing, and a shiver passes through you when the rumble of his chest vibrates against your nipples.
 ¨F-fine, I´ll count.¨
 He hums in approval and regroups, guiding his length into your awaiting pussy once again.
 It´s almsot torture how slow he goes, and your toes curl at how vivid the sensation is at this pace.
 You almost forget to do what he asks until he ducks his head down and teeths your bud.
 ¨Ah, fuck! One!¨ You yelp, writhing to get away from his lecherous gaze and hold on your poor tit.
 He tuts and licks the swollen area until the pain subsides a bit, and then he continues to push.
 ¨T-two,¨ you moan and let your head fall back. It's unfair how tightly he´s holding your reins-you want him to plow you down, not take his sweet time in this punishment.
 ¨Damon, can´t you go any faster? Please, I want y-¨
¨-I didn't take you for a masochist, Y/N, but I´m happy to play around with these cute tits if you want to bitch more.¨
Your scowl is cut off when he suddenly shoves two more inches into you, and you mewl loudly at being filled so much.
 ¨Three! Four! Fuck, oh god, please,¨ you babble nonsense as he curses above you, his form shaking in an effort not to push all the way in.
 ¨Doing so good sweetheart, you´re almost halfway,¨ he smirks and you gape at him in disbelief.
 Five, six, seven, eight, and nine go painfully slow, and by the time he´s fully sheathed inside you, plush balls pressed against your ass, you´re an incoherent, drooling mess.
 Your hair is in your face, your cheeks are flushed, and your body bounces up and down as he begins to rock inside you, finally giving you what you want.
 His name is chanted like an obscene prayer from your mouth as he grunts and shakes the table. Your legs are wobbly and unable to do anything except press him tighter against you to the point where he can barely move back. The skin of his stomach slaps against yours, his balls slap against the crevice of your ass, and your pussy practically sloshes with every stroke in and out.
 He fists your hair with one hand and pulls your neck up to meet his searching lips, his other hand holds your wrists fast against the table. You want to touch him, you want to explore your body as he has conquered yours but he doesn't let you feel anything else apart from the rapid thrusts inside your battered body.
 Damon switches positions and lifts the back of your knees up and pushes them forwards until they meet your chest. He lets his body weight rest on the back of your thighs as he pulls out and pushes back impossibly close inside you, closer than he did in missionary. 
 You sob with need as he plunges into you and reaches a higher spot than before, his tip grazing your cervix. He pounds into you, and you thrust your hips up to fuck back into him, calling out his name as if he were your god.
 It´s a good thing the rooms are soundproof.
 You feel your second climax comes when he paves way through your tight walls and batters your uterus. It doesn´t hurt so much as feel intense, and your choked moans become panting gasps when he brings a hand down to swirl his thumb over your aching clit.
 ¨You´re not going to meet with that prick from your work again, yeah? Say it. Say it if you want me to let you cum.¨ He could have been speaking an alien language for all you knew. Your poor addled brain didn't pick up anything except for the word ¨cum¨, and you were a goner.
 ¨Yes, yes, anything you say, anything you want, just please let me-¨
And oh he does.
 It comes over you like a tidal wave, your mind going blank, your eyes seeing white as your legs shake from your earth-shattering orgasm. You feel like you´re going down a rollercoaster, and you never want to stop dropping.
 Distantly, you hear him groan and say your name. You can feel pulsing in your filled walls, with what you assume is his ropes of cum. It feels like when you came, it practically squeezed all his cum out with your clenching.
 He lets out a shaky breath and falls forward, his nose inches from yours, his breath puffing in your face.
 Your eyes are glazed over, but you´ve never seen anything more clearly before.
 Maybe Damon Albarn really was worth it.
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lycorogue · 3 years
Yet Another Plot Bunny Joins the Masses
I’m 100% blaming @chibisunnie for this one. 🤣🤣
So, I have no clue if this AU idea has been done yet or if/when I’ll have the energy to attempt it myself, but a new plot bunny concept just popped up.
Non-Magic Streamer AU.
Marinette and Adrien are both streamers (maybe on Twitch, maybe on YouTube, maybe on some made-up site... don’t know).
Adrien is afraid that his inherited celebrity would artificially inflate his viewership or cause toxicity in his chat section, so he keeps his identity hidden. People know virtually nothing about the streamer who uses a commissioned anime dude icon everywhere and goes by Chat Noir as his handle (probably will have to change that up, same with Ladybug for Marinette’s handle, but we’ll run with it for now). Maybe I’ll just fully lean into the fanon that Chat Noir is Adrien’s fursona and have his icon be a black catboy.... Adrien enjoys cutting loose on his streams; his canon Chat Noir personality shining through with his bad puns, constant joking around, strict seriousness if the situation calls for it (like when he’s yelling at toxic fans), impulsivity, more relaxed nature, and semi-flirtatious manner. He also tends to deepen his voice a touch when he streams (or has his mic set to really catch the bass tones in his voice to give it that more mature and silky sound).
Marinette has a gaming stream, but she knows how much female gamers can get harassed, and she fears potential doxing. So she keeps as much personal info about herself as she can disconnected from her streaming handle. She plays off-cam and only uses a logo she designed as an icon. She never shows off her fashion designs despite the large platform, because she wants to be able to launch those under her own name someday. However, she is slowly warming up to the possibility of designing her own line of merch for her fans. Maybe even name-drop her fashion line as a “partner” she worked with to design the merch??? Her canon Ladybug persona shines through her streaming persona. She’s a lot more decisive, she doesn’t shy from showing off her intelligence and cunning (often even getting borderline cocky about it), she is a strategic mastermind, she is a lot more confident, and she displays incredible hand/eye coordination, dexterity, and just sheer luck. To further help protect herself from getting recognized, she puts on her Streamer Voice, which is a bit more mature sounding than her everyday voice. Maybe the main “flaw” of her streams is that she has a relatively low-quality mic that distorts her voice slightly?????
Not long after he started streaming, Adrien stumbled upon Ladybug’s streams (who was also new to the hobby/career) and ADORES her. He might not know much about her personally, but he’s enamored. On more than one occasion, the two of them have paired up in MMOs (maybe they met in MMOs first and then he tracked down her stream from there????), and have quickly grown to be close friends. Marinette even considers Chat Noir one of her best friends despite the two of them not really knowing much about each other. They now purposefully seek each other out in games. Their fans ping-pong between shipping them or calling them long-lost twins that share a single brain cell.
Adrien tried to slide into Ladybug’s DMs to confess who he is and find out who she is. She refused though. She knows that a face reveal is a big decision, and doesn’t want him to do so haphazardly with her. Also, she loves him dearly as a friend, but she’s still uncomfortable about letting ANYONE know who she is IRL. She does eventually let him know she lives in Paris; assuming there are too many people in the city for that info alone to reveal too much. He’s ecstatic and tells her he’s in Paris as well. He wonders if they know each other IRL already, and vows to find her. She makes it a game (because she also gets a bit more competitive as Ladybug) and challenges him to try and find her.
While Adrien gladly accepts the challenge, he also respects her wishes for them to stay anonymous, so he doesn’t probe too much when they continue to DM back and forth. He does still routinely let her know how much he loves her, though, and makes sure she knows the amount of respect he has for her. He wishes they could be a couple, and reminds her of how many people started their romantic relationships online. Eventually, Marinette breaks it to him that, regardless of whether or not they were comfortable enough to reveal who they were to each other, it wouldn’t matter. She’s already in love with someone IRL. This breaks his heart, but he can’t get her to reveal who she loves, for fear that it would lead him to her off-line (she, of course, doesn’t realize how true that is).
Turns out that, yes, Marinette does indeed know Adrien. He’s a super close friend that she’s been in love with nearly since day one. He has a great deal of fun with Marinette, and even comments on how skilled she is at gaming; pointing out that she would do great as a streamer. She just blushes and tells him she’ll think about it. When he sees her designs he desperately wants to ask her to design his merch, but doesn’t want to reveal to her that he’s Chat Noir (he’s afraid it might make things weird since even his streamer persona is a celeb).
The two dance around each other as normal Love Square shenanigans ensue.
I just need to figure out how to work Tikki and Plagg into the mix, because I don’t want to lose those dynamics... but if Marinette refuses to let ANYONE know who she is IRL, then how could Tikki know that Marinette is Ladybug? Same with Plagg and Adrien. I’m open to suggestions. (Also, do I pull a “Gang of Secrets” with Alya for this????)
Gabriel is secretly a gamer as well (streamer handle Hawk Moth), but the complete asshat toxic type of gamer that’s only out for the most rare items so that he can then lord over everyone else. Ladybug and Chat Noir are constantly at odds with him.
OH! And if this has inspired you, by all means, go for that story or fanart or comic or whatever. Please just tag me so I can see it! I’d love to see where you took this idea!
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ezroar · 4 years
Can we get the meeting of rosegarden in baby overlords au?
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Unfortunately, I am busy with irl and art stuff atm. Also, I draw for others only on commission. Fortunately, for me, I have the ability to write. 
T/W: Character death, a very dark scenario for a child to be in, implied crippling depression
Ruby stared out at the cliff, seeing the ocean waves beyond lap out peacefully on the sandy shores. The golden light washing over her and the dream-like clouds were a sharp contrast to the last time Ruby was here, dark and overcast, promising nothing good. And it delivered. 
Ruby’s very mother died on this spot, trying to stop an evil all on her own. No back-up, no blessings from comrades, nothing to help but her weapon and her God-given eyes. All to protect humanity. It was … It was a good goal. One Ruby aspired to, like the heroes in her books. But … was it worth the way Summer died? Painfully and by herself? Well, almost.
Ruby had been there. 
Ruby held her hand as she died. Ruby just wanted to be with mommy and she watched mommy faced off against the Dark Man. Ruby shuddered to think of the Dark Man. A dark silhouette with spidery black veins sticking out against bone white skin. He made Ruby think of the night terrors that hid in the shadows, the terror that would actually creep out and eat you whole. 
The dark clouds, the red of her mother’s blood spilling on the ground and the Dark Man towering over her was all Ruby could remember. She was still a child, ten years old now, but more of a child then. Only five, Yang had said. 
And if Summer dying was like a bullet to the heart, then what happened afterwards was like slow poison. Her bright father losing his light, the constant check-ups from Raven growing longer and longer in between, and then … Then it was just Yang and Ruby all alone in Patch. Ruby loved her father, but his sadness just robbed him of any will he had. And Yang and Ruby had to carry on, having to survive in that house surrounded by trees and grimm, all by themselves, with nobody to help them. 
Nobody should have to be alone like Ruby and Yang were. Nobody should be struck with sorrow like her father. And nobody should die like her mother did. 
Pain and suffering were nothing but unsightly stains in this beautiful world. It deserved better than that.
Steps. Ruby turned around quickly, ready to run. The woods were no place for little girls, Ruby knew that well from wandering off the path for travellers. But this wasn’t the season for grimm to be roaming around. So what–
A boy.
The boy stood timid and unsure, nervously darting his hands. Alarm bells went off in Ruby’s head. Something wasn’t right with this boy. But he looked so scared … Ignoring her instinctual apprehension, Ruby slowly approached the boy. 
Features became more apparent as Ruby neared. Her initial alarm turned to discomfort as she saw more and more of the boy. Under his aged and worn shirt, bandages covered his hands and neck, even one eye. The dark colour of his hair almost seemed to be fading away,leaving it unevenly black and white. The boy’s uneasiness grew with each step Ruby took, rubbing his bandaged hands togetherly and mumbling under his breath.  
“A-Are you …” Ruby stammered. “Are you okay? Are you lost?”
The boy murmured something, too low for Ruby to hear. 
“W-What? Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you–”
“I said have you seen a cane?!” The boy snapped. Ruby flinched, not expecting such a loud tone to come from someone so small. The boy cringed. “I–I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’msorryi’msorryi’msorry. He’s gonna be mad if I don’t find it. I–” A tear bubbled up in the boy’s one eye, but instead of it being clear and translucent, it was inky and black. Ruby took a careful step back. 
The boy shook violently and he rubbed his face harshly with his hands. “I’m trying! Stop yelling at me!”
“I’m not yelling at you,” Ruby said softly. She didn’t know what to do. She looked around nervously, vaguely hoping Yang was here. The boy scared Ruby. He made her feel so small and uncertain despite being worse off than Ruby was. The boy was crying now, little sobs and hiccups spilling out of him. 
When someone is upset,  Ruby’s mother had said. You should try and help them. It means more than you think.
Ruby fumbled around, getting her work rag out from where she stuffed it into the hem of her shorts and held it hesitantly out towards the boy. “H-Here.”
The boy dragged his hands from his eyes and stared at the rag uncertainty. “T-Thank you.” The boy accepted it, bringing it to his face in slow movements. Ruby tried to ignore the black splotches staining the cloth when the boy was done. 
“I-If you want,” Ruby tried to sound comforting, “I can help you find your cane. I know the woods.”
“You’d do that?” The small hope in his voice broke Ruby’s tiny heart. 
Ruby nodded, shyly. 
And then …
And then the boy smiled, cracked lips timidly spreading out. Ruby’s heart soared, being able to fade away at least some of the darkness plaguing the boy. She’d do more. She’d made the boy happy. The happiest boy in the world if she could. And she could start by helping him find his cane. 
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smjaygal · 3 years
I know I haven't been very active this year but between getting scammed by a client and a newborn baby, I've done pretty well
That said! In 2021, expect to see a paired commission I've been working on of @caffeinated-dissociative DND character 1 full body line work and 1 flat portrait, a commissioned RSD comic featuring scarecrow from DCU for @imgoingtogobacktheresomeday that's at least 1/4 done, a burned box gift for an irl friend, and a custom walking stick for my sibling @kitscheldritchhorror who has helped us with Alex's adoption. I also have some larger, long term things I've been brewing for a couple years that may begin coming to fruition. Mayhaps not yet. I've already posted some preliminary sketches though I've not admitted what the final products are
Also in the works is a scrapbook for my very lovely husband celebrating our life together, a quilt for my daughter, homemade chocolate for my wife, a burnt stick for my daughter's birth mother for his religious practices, and various little gifts that will be posted as I consider all of these to be art. Hopefully, things will have settled down enough and there's enough routine to also do some form of inktober and more wood burnt sticks. I'm trying to slowly transition into a more full time artist so we can afford the adoption for now. The long term goal is grad school but if my art can help supplement at least that over the course of this next year, I'll consider it all a success
I will definitely be posting what people paid for their pieces and why so as to keep my policies and business transactions transparent. I charge $25 per hour worked with a few exceptions. If something is more than a sketch, the sketch process is entirely free as I work closely with clients to ensure that I'm working on exactly what they want before I put in the work work. That's part of what keeps my digital work so inexpensive but this balances out with wood burning as there is no initial sketch, only the immediate labor. I also half estimated charge up front if you're a new client due to the incident earlier in the year
So many things to look forward to in 2021! As of right now, my commissions are closed until I catch up with the work I have. Feel free to message me anyway and we can come to some arrangement or I can point you towards other artists you may enjoy
Thank you everyone for sticking by me!
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Ninety-Three: Punk Rocker ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
She finds it completely by accident.
Boredly browsing Youtube one evening when her homework is finished and IMs are quiet, Hinata scrolls through her recommended videos before something catches her eye.
Wait...she knows that guy…!
Staring at the thumbnail, there’s no doubt about it - that’s Sasuke! The guy from her school! The most popular boy in her year, and all-around heartthrob. Between his good looks, good grades, and good reputation, there’s hardly a person who doesn’t like him. Even his rivals begrudgingly respect him.
Huh...she had no idea he was into music.
For a moment she nibbles her lip, considering clicking. Well...it’s not like he’ll know if she watches, right?
It’s a cover of a punk rock song she...honestly doesn’t know. It’s not exactly her genre. It opens with him fiddling with the camera before taking a few steps back, a guitar hanging over his shoulder. He strums a few strings before just launching right into it.
He’s really good…!
Subtly nodding along to the beat, Hinata watches as he both plays the instrument, and sings along into a microphone. Now that she thinks about it...he looks the part, too. His always devil-may-care hairstyle fits really well as he bobs his head, crooning into the mic.
And then, seemingly just when it starts...it’s over. Hinata almost finds herself sort of...sad. So after a moment’s consideration, she plays it again.
This time she doesn’t pay as close attention to him, and realizes it looks like he recorded it in his room. There’s band posters on the walls. Hinata doesn’t recognize any of them, either. Scrolling down, she frowns at the low view count, and it’s been up for about two months. There aren’t even any comments. How can that be? He’s so good!
Pouting at her screen, Hinata muses in the silence as the video ends a second time. She glances to his username. PvnkR0cker. Way cooler than her lavenderlady14…
He won’t know who she is if she leaves a comment…! She can give him some encouragement, and he won’t feel patronized, knowing it’s just from one of his classmates. Maybe that will help him gain a little confidence!
Nibbling her lip again, she clicks into the comment box and leaves a short, polite comment saying how much she liked it, promising to subscribe (which she does after agonizing over hitting ‘submit’).
...then another thought strikes her.
Knowing how popular he is at school...no one there must know he’s on here. If they did, word would have spread by now, and she’d be far from the only comment. There’s a cringe as she thinks about how those like Ino or Sakura would scream all over his page.
So, Hinata makes a silent promise: she won’t reveal his music to anyone she knows. If he hasn’t told anyone, surely he doesn’t want that affecting his numbers. He wants to do this the old fashioned way: from scratch.
Skimming through the rest of his videos (none of which are any songs she knows, either), Hinata refrains from leaving comments on all of them. That might be a little...weird. She’ll just do so whenever he uploads again!
Which...she hopes will be soon.
But, now it’s getting close to bedtime, so she shuts down her PC and readies for bed. Part of her can’t help but wonder if he’ll reply to her...she almost feels a little bad. Like she’s lying, hiding who she is. Then again, he’s doing the same thing. Maybe someday she’ll fess up, but...for now, she’ll play his anonymous fan.
In school the next day, Hinata rummages through her locker, humming to herself absentmindedly. Then, nearby, she hears...the same song?
Looking up, she stiffens as she sees Sasuke stopped a few feet away, staring at his phone. His thumb scrolls, and then...he gives a little start. Surprise slackens his features, and she sees his eyes flicker over the screen
Is...is he reading her comment?! That was the video, the one she watched yesterday, she could tell!
Frozen in place (but thankfully unnoticed in the rush of the morning), Hinata watches as he slowly brightens, smiling. Tapping the screen, he quickly seems to type something. She can feel her heart pounding in chest. He’s replying - she’s watching him reply!
Why is she so embarrassed?!
“Yo, Sasuke! C’mon, we’re gonna be late!”
“Yeah, hold on…” Slowly walking before finishing up, he submits and then looks up to Naruto, following.
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Nothing, replying to a text.”
“Ooh, a girl?”
He just scoffs. “You’re the one complaining we’re gonna be late, let’s go.”
“Aww, I wanna know…!”
Watching them go, Hinata has to fight back a heat in her face. Why this has her so worked up, she has no idea. Is it because of her subterfuge? That...that has to be it!
That’s all…
For the entire day, it eats at her: what did he say? She has to know! In her last class, her leg bounces irritably before bolting from the room at the bell. Gathering her things in record time, Hinata dashes home to her computer.
“Come on...come on…!”
Loading the site, she sees the little notifications at the top of the screen, and the same excitement fills her. There’s two!
“PvnkR0cker liked your comment”
“PvnkR0cker replied to your comment:
Hey, thanks Lavender! Glad you liked the cover, and thanks for subbing! I’ll be sure to get more music up soon. -Pvnk”
Beaming, Hinata takes a moment to sit in her chair and quietly squeal to herself. Once she’s calm, she replies, mostly telling him she’ll look forward to his next upload.
This is so much fun…!
Hiashi gives her an odd look as she takes dinner with a smile and a bump in her step, but doesn’t comment.
Her mood is still high the next morning, humming again to herself at her locker and fetching her supplies for first period.
But when she turns around...she almost jumps out of her skin.
Sasuke’s barely a foot behind her, looking suspicious.
They stare at each other.
After a pause, he looks down to the stuff in her arms. The purple notebook, purple pencil pouch...even her shirt happens to be purple today. A light shade of…
...oh gosh.
Hinata balks, going pink in the face as Sasuke clearly puts two and two together. “...so,” he offers, arms folding loosely. “...didn’t think you were the punk rock type, Hinata.”
After a pause, she retorts, “I-I could say the same about you.”
He blinks...and then snorts. “Yeah, well...we all have our hobbies. And...favorite colors.” Sasuke gives a grin as she goes even pinker. “Don’t worry about it, but uh...do me a favor?”
“I-I wasn’t going to tell anyone!”
There’s a small startle. “...oh. Well...good. I didn’t even tell Naruto. Well...obviously. He’s the biggest blabbermouth…”
Hinata just nods sheepishly. “I...I hope it’s okay I found it…”
“Better you than anyone else.”
“And, um...I really do like the music. I mean I d-didn’t know it before, but...it’s very catchy! You sing really well, and the guitar’s good too.”
Tentative smiles bloom between them, and then...the bell rings.
“Well, we better get to class. But hey, uh...thanks. For the comment. You didn’t have to.”
“No...but I wanted to.”
He nods. “Well...see you around, Lavender.”
Hinata can’t help a small laugh. “You too, punk rocker.”
They part ways, and Hinata bites back a grin. Well...he might know now, but...it’s still their secret.
     Oh golly I've been writing all day working on a commission, so if this is short or lacking...I'm just a lil burnt out xD      BUT I really do like this concept. It'd be better if it was longer and more fleshed out, but...well, the point of daily drabbles is to keep them reasonably short so I don't go overboard. Admittedly I have days where I have to drag myself to do this, but...we're a quarter the way through and I haven't quit or fallen behind yet!      Anyway, I'm honestly bushed - had a long day both irl and online, so I'm gonna go pass out and get some sleep! Thanks for reading ~
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whymaige · 6 years
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Happy new year everyone!!
I caught a kind of sickness post Christmas and so I greeted 2018 with the loudest coughs and an olympic runny nose! But I'm slowly recovering =w=)b I'll properly reply to comments when I get bettar-
Also can't decorate much with fireworks so I used a few holies instead! An executive order was passed in our country- limiting the use of firecrackers. As someone who is always greeted by the New Year's news with injuries and deaths from accidents, I think this was a good policy!! This year, there were no reported deaths caused by fireworks!! :Dd Yay! It IS a little more quiet though, but that's alrighty.
Why Maige purrsonal message/ramblings ahead!!!
2017 was the year this page was born and until now it still puts a smile on my face whenever I'd reread discussions and messages and mail from you guys. As I mentioned before, this page was supposed to be a YOLO "DPS WHM" page because I kept all my controversial DPS healer frustrations inside and wanted a way to share it with everyone. With SB implementing new systems for the healer jobs... WELL NOW THEY KNOOOOW!!! LET IT GOOO!!! And I can make comics of other topics aside from healer dps that catch my attention! To my surprise, I get comments like "As a healer main I can relate!" and "OMG THAT FEEL!" I do not feel so alone anymore! :D (Boi I haven't been around huh HAHAHA!) The comments on my comics would also often contain serious gameplay discussion... which helps a lot of people too!
As an artist- I'd get critiques on my work's concept and presentation. Comments about how the cleric stance SB change is good (though I personally miss the dancing, it is indeed better now for everyone) and comments on my comic paneling and illustration crowding- they are all helping me as an artist and I am very thankful for that :> These are simply doodles I didn't take too seriously back then, but some people took em seriously so I'll do my best!!
I also appreciate the people who ask questions about my comics... I am referring to those who don't play/main healer or who are new to the game or simply don't understand what I scribbled. I think my comics can be very vague to people who don't particularly main healer sometimes so seeing that these people are interested/curious makes me smile xD I uhh... blame some of my comics for being vague inside jokes really @_@
I would like to bring up the topic of Patreon for this page... I mentioned in my early December post that I was planning to have the avatar commissions in the WM style as limited tier rewards in Patreon per month, as well as having exclusive Patreon content to be launched in 2018. I had a good month to think about this and suddenly I felt shaky about this plan.
One of the biggest things I enjoy about working with this page is sharing my ideas and hearing from the public. Connecting freely with Eorzeans is one of the things that makes this page fun for me so limiting content or having "Patreon exclusive content" is kinda weird. I dislike the feeling to have to lock out some audiences just to see extra doodles I wanted to share... not sure if you guys get it, but that's how I see it and how it kinda makes me feel.
Patreon works as either a place where people can help fund an artist's project (the only "project" that can be funded here will be my subscription so I can keep playing and therefore- make more comics guh-hyuk would totes help tho) or a tip jar. While the latter sounds more appropriate for WM, Patreon kinda locks you in a "you have to do this" sched and so being under that tight demand might affect my content in one way or another for now. Well.. I am making FFXIV costumes/cosplay irl and will be documenting the WIPs anyway and someone suggested that that can be a "funded project" as "exclusive Patreon content".... but it's cosplay and not comics and the only connection is it being "FFXIV" cosplay @_@ (that SCH SB af gear is so aesthetic though hngggk! >A<)9)
I'm going to continue evaluating if the Patreon model is appropriate for this page given that. It may be good for the avatar commissions and advanced comic releases though, but the locking out on some content makes me uncomfortable. I am not a streamer (I'm big on privacy!) nor am I a game videographer (no patience for that! I do other kindso art xD) and I feel that Patreon fits those kinds of gamers better.
Please let me know what you guys think though! After all, I haven't legit touched Patreon and only really observed and talked with people about it. *shruggle buggle*
OH!! Special shoutout to my followers in Tumblr. I am ETERRRRNNAAAALLYYY frustrated about not being able to reply to comments under each post because my main account is the one that appears to be replying and not WM grr! I do respond quick to private messages there though to make up for it >_< But really, the replies in Tumblr be fun fun too~
Happy 2018 and I hope everyone will have an even better year ahead! A toast to future patches as well and the incoming fanfestsss aaaa!!! I sooo wanna gooo ;A;
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