goofnuggetkarlaa · 2 years
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Well here's my little year in review shit. Putting under a readmore for your convenience
I posted 13,080 times in 2022
That's 4,441 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (0%)
13,041 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 457 of my posts in 2022
#the nugget speaks - 31 posts
#ffxiv - 14 posts
#final fantasy xiv - 9 posts
#final fantasy 14 - 9 posts
#ff14 - 9 posts
#v'saka tia - 7 posts
#splatoon 3 - 6 posts
#gpose - 5 posts
#miqomarch - 5 posts
#pvp - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#you know i was gonna reblog this as a joke and then i remembered that ive had like 5 people i havent heard from in years suddenly make a pos
My Top Posts in 2022:
so does anyone actually know how unlock the pink slopsuit in salmon run?
i can only see the green and yellow ones, but i dont really wanna buy either of them because i know about the pink one. i dont have to buy one of them first to unlock other options do i?
8 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
since I'm seeing a lot of posts go around (again) here's my own little reminder:
yes, inking spawn is important (less so in ranked tbh but its still good to ink it a little. just dont waste time getting every nook and cranny)
no, you don't have to do it at the start of the match. you have 3 minutes to get it done. ink a bit as you go out each time when you respawn (because yes, you WILL die eventually, or at least your teammates will)
it's important to get to mid early if you know you're good at splatting because it allows you to establish a foothold while your teammates catch up
also keep in mind not every weapon is great for inking turf! something with more spread like an aerospray is better than a blaster or bamboozler
so if you see someone not inking base, don't get angry right away. maybe you and 2 of your teammates are inking, and they decided to go ahead cause you don't need all 4 players competing to ink the same turf. maybe they're a heavy splatling and are better suited for splatting (because yes, splatting is still important, just slightly less than inking turf)
10 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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anyways please appreciate this 5 second drawing i made in ms paint when i was filled with rage at a teammate who just sat there for like 10 seconds at the corner of the map on high tide while this stupid ufo was blocking me from reviving them
11 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
if you want to see the post lmk, i saved it as a draft just in case i need it later.
12 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I know people are talking about how cool it would be for Shadow to have 70s music playing in the background, but bro I am STILL waiting on some Crush 40
233 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mctreeleth · 4 years
What’s your major since you said the quilted plague mask was for research for you PHD?
I double majored in Sociology and Womens’ Studies, and my PhD supervisors research and teach Sociology and Cultural Studies.
The mask was not created to be part of my research. I was struggling with motivation last week and my frustration was making work harder and I was snowballing stress. My therapist said to go do something else, and my brain smushed together the fact that everyone was sewing face masks out of printed quilting cotton with plague doctor masks, and so I made it happen, because, why not? And then people were super into it, and asking for a pattern, and offering to buy a pattern, and I was like… oh shit. This is research now.
Backstory; I did my honours thesis on the use of norms to regulate acceptable practices of pattern and design sharing and use in the quilting community. My original research had three parts. The first was going through a lot of blogs and facebook pages and comments sections about quilting and finding examples of members of the community making assertions as to what could or couldn’t be done. The next bit was the same, but looking for cases where members of the group had attempted to enact sanctions on individuals whose actions had been deemed deviant. This was usually in the form of someone asking for a pattern and them being strongly criticised for doing so, or someone saying that you aren’t allowed to copy patterns and… being roundly criticised for doing so. Norms are enforced by call-out posts, basically. The third bit was doing surveys and interviews of quilters to find out about their own attitudes, how they came to these views, and any examples they had seen of conflicts or sanctions taking place.
Then this research got considered in in conjunction with the existing academic literature. 
Firstly, there are other communities that use norms-based Intellectual property systems like the one employed by the anti-copying half of the quilting community, but the pushback against the them isn’t there as much. Stand-up comedians, magicians and Michelin-starred chefs generally agree to not recreate one another’s creations. The question then is, why do quilters?
So then I had to look at, what about quilting as a craft makes people feel that copying is the done thing? The assertions of intellectual property rights without any confirmed legal framework aren’t as important - they are happening elsewhere too - what matters is that aforementioned pushback against these norms. Part of it is technical - the geometric nature of quilts, and the fact that their entire design is literally flat out visible on them, mean that you can copy a quilt without ever seeing a pattern. And the second part is historical - that that is exactly what happened. Quilt “patterns” were not patterns as we would think of them, they were sketches of a block configuration, shared so much that we no longer know where they started.
So we know what is happening - an IP-favouring norm system has taken hold in the quilting community, but there is pushback against this because of quilting’s history. 
That was meant to be my Honours thesis, and then I was going to look at why the IP-favouring norms had come to be for my PhD. But I inadvertently came to the conclusion a little too early that the IP favouring norms were tied to the commodification of creative pursuits as part of the whole idea that, if you are good at something, never do it for free. So then my honours thesis also contained a lot of stuff regarding how society values the works of women, particularly the art/craft divide, and the notion of feminine hobbies such as quilting being undertaken for love, plus some real-talk economic realities about the prospects of actually making money from quilting.
And that meant that I had answered my PhD question in my honours thesis. 
I gave some pretty serious thought to not actually doing a PhD - I had started this whole thing in order to interrogate my own views towards the arguments I had been observing for over a decade, and achieved that goal. I spent about 4 months flip flopping on the decision, but it seemed like a wasted opportunity to not at least apply. And I got accepted, and had to come up with an actual research question.
I spent 6 weeks over the summer mainly chilling next to the river in my hometown, and came to realise that the little old ladies resisting putting a price on quilt designs might have something big to teach us about resisting the post-fordist neoliberal capitalist rhetoric that underpins modern society. So that was my PhD. Can I take the arguments they use in resistance towards the IP-based norms system in quilting and draw from them to challenge the valorisation of hustle culture?
I have made a lot of quilts over the last decade, but I have never used a pattern, because I am in Australia and I really like the metric system, whereas most quilt patterns are in inches. But my supervisor and I had discussed the idea of me writing some patterns and putting them out there; tracking what happened to them, seeing if they got quote unquote “stolen”, maybe even for the hell of it publishing something with an aesthetic similarity to a popular quilt pattern that was also rooted in a traditional quilt block, just to see if I could get called out and start conflict. But I also wanted to know what it was like on the other side, to have worked very hard on something and then put it out there for people to use. To have people saying that this piece of your work is worth x amount to them. To know that your creation will be used in ways outside of your control. For people to feel entitled to your work, or for people to feel like your work isn’t good enough, that it was not worth their “investment”.
But we are only 6 weeks in, and this would be something I would do second year, maybe, if we did it at all. I would need ethics clearance, and to write about my motivations beforehand, and tie it to the literature to explain what I thought would happen.
I did not think that I would make a pattern as a distraction a month and a half in and get to do all that so soon. Plus I kind of threw the impartiality by adding terms of use that were aggressively the opposite of most of the claims you see on sewing patterns. But that was my little treat to me.
And now it is part of my research because it is a way to have people tell me about their experiences and attitudes, whether that be explicit “this is what I think is okay and this is what has happened to me” stories, or examples of the pervasiveness of commodification in people asking where they could buy the pattern. 
More helpfully, it is letting me articulate in a different medium and to a different audience aspects of my research, and why I care about it so much. Two weeks ago I was basically bashing my head against a wall trying to explain what I was going for to a blank word document. It feels a lot easier to try to explain it to curious people on the internet.
And it is all thanks to a dumb idea about how, if I am going to sew a dubiously effective fabric mask, I want it to look dope as shit.
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thefallencherry · 6 years
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people!
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake up to dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not scared of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my everyday life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
So I think I am attracted to people with certain Fire/Aether traits, and I possess mostly Air/ Earth ones?
I got tagged by @angery-plant-mom on @hottiehorti, but I’m going to do this here instead!
Tagging friends and random people:@thenatashaarts @cactusandrain @desertdrops @sevyeire @slyfox101honk @thenatashaarts @kitakeetz @migratedfox @panae2000 @miraclaligner @hamgal99​ @chileankittyplantshit​ @lostinllamaland​
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brawlfan1ontumb · 10 years
What gamemode or whatever you want to call it did Paletaina say that about Pit?
I’m fairly certain that the picture with Pac-man is actually fake, but it’s referencing the new Snake Codec-like conversations that can take place on the Palutena’s Temple stage between Pit, Palutena, and Viridi in Super Smash Bros for Wii U.
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bonickhausen · 10 years
At one point, will the color of the clothes for the Sburb! Characters be customizable?
Howdy, slyfox!
I am still looking for a way to accomplish that. So yeah, I'm working on that! :B
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sassytail · 10 years
slyfox101honk replied to your photo: “This guy’s face in this pose reference book always cracks me up His...”:
Omg no he looks like a math teacher I've haf
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hikui · 10 years
What brand of pen or pencil did you use for your Eren in your outfit drawing?
ACTUALLY, i just used my 0.5 mechanical pencil from Maido (lead from Daiso) and inked it over with a fine tip ball point pen from Sanrio!(i have Microns coming in though, yay)
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slyfox101honk replied to your photoset: Also the homestuck tarot cards came in! They were...
I envy you so much. Literally the day I started reading Homestuck was the day after the kickstater ended
I'm just really lucky to have a great friend. She spoils the butts out of me for christmas and birthdays.
I love her so much and I wish I could repay her for all the lovely things u u
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tommyelliotofficial · 11 years
Is the Dangan Ronpa link you put up translated into english?
if it’s the one i reblogged it should be??
for future reference you could have just taken a sec to load it and see instead of waiting for me to answer rofl silly goose
i hope everyone has fun watching!!!!!!!
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jazzy-kazzy · 11 years
slyfox101honk replied to your post: why wont my laptop read my sd card
Did u check to make sure it isn’t the sd card that is faulty?
yeah its worked on every other computer, but macbooks are known to be shitty with sd cards so w/e it works every now and then
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narihira · 11 years
That otome game with the ghost looking boy, they have a translated version?!?!?!?!?! Please tell me where I can get it.
The game is Diabolik Lovers. It's not fully translated, though there is a translation wiki where some of the scenes have been translated. For my liveblogging, I translate the Japanese text myself and then edit screencaps from the game using Photoshop.
The game itself is for the PSP and you can buy it from CDJapan or AmiAmi for $50-60 USD before shipping.
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monoscribbles · 11 years
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slyfox101honk answered your question: hey guys are you into heinoustuck?
Define heinoustuck please
oh, I was talking about [this] fancomic! :)
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firecrackerstorm · 11 years
slyfox101honk started following you
sugarylovewish started following you
Hello and welcome.
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paveffer · 12 years
Y u give away awesome katana before I knew about you?
im sorry
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