numberonepartyboy · 1 year
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i forgot i drew these
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chirpfinch · 5 months
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radaverse · 11 months
- Pizzatober 2 -
Peppino Spaghetti 👨‍🍳🍕
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Bro's literally my fav character
Also him
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(he just read my ToM scripts)
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metamorphiacreations · 10 months
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phonypizza · 1 year
// △ For ‘Pino (I’m so sorry ‘Pino): This layer of dough on your skin, that keeps coming back… do you think you might be turning into one of them? What would happen if you left it alone?
He rakes his nails across his skin, relieved this time when he feels a slight sting of pain. That's actual skin this time...
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"I... I don't-a know if that's even possible. They're... none of them were like me. I'm the original, they were created. They didn't start as-a real people, they're manufactured. Cloned in a lab. But the thought... it's crossed my mind before. When that fake and I were connected..."
His nails find a red blotch on his skin. Instead of scratching it, he just rests a finger on top of it. "... We were connected through some sort of-a... you know, the... what was it called in English... i vasi sanguigni. The blood vessels, right. It was like-a that, right into my own body. I suppose it was to keep me alive for some reason.
"Whatever was put into me by that damned fake, I think that's what changed me... and I'mma not sure if it's-a permanent, or if it's making me into one of them, or if I'm gonna stay like some sort of-a middle road between one of them and a human."
Pino picks up Stellina and holds the Togepi close. "If I left it alone, I'mma not sure... but it'd grow all over me, I think. Like some sort of-a second skin. A-and then another layer and another and..."
Stellina trills softly in his arms, reaching up to him in concern. He doesn't like seeing the man work himself up that way.
"Oh. Right. Sorry." The chef exhales. "I just gotta settle into a routine of pulling it all off. J-just another thing to fit in my schedule. That's all."
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lunarcry · 1 year
mermy wouldve loved mhyk
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princiere · 7 months
what if I started being rlly annoying abt my f/os on here again
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cutechan555 · 4 months
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Did this drawing of beast pino for you! Hope you like it :>
WOAAAAAAH THIS ART IS SO GORGEOUS!!! MY LIL BIG BABY!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And Poor Noise tho he kinda asks for it when he keeps pestering him LMAO-
TYSM 🩷🩷💕💕💕💕💕
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kriegertops · 5 months
This is a very long one:
I was going down a tumblr rabbit hole and came across and old Binoe page that had A LOT of Krashlyn content from 2019-late 2022. And I came away with a few observations:
1) Ali and Ash were deeply in love. The pics, videos, events, comments to each other, just their sheer history together is overwhelming, and they looked happy, affectionate and just in sync thruout. This idea that Ash was in an unhappy marriage is ridiculous. Bc nothing she ever posted indicated anything close to that.
2) The early Sloane months were adorable, and their captured family moments were so cute and loving. They absolutely doted on that child. She was the center of their world, and they documented so much of her cuteness, and it reminded me of how fun Ash was during this time, and I *briefly* remembered why I liked her back then.
3) I hadn’t realized that makeup artist Alex had been with them for so long- I thought she was new once they got to NY. But no- she was there on their wedding day and before. Also, forgot how close both A’s were to all the Gotham girls when they first got to the team, and how tight Midge was with the whole family.
4) I was reminded of how much soccer connected them, and how it dominated their lives.
I eventually had to stop scrolling bc I got sad seeing how they used to be.
So what in the heck happened?
1) I think Ash was not at all prepared for retirement. She didn’t really line anything up that would be sustainable employment, and not having that identity as an athlete was overwhelming. I’m guessing she had some mild/severe bouts of depression, and despite having an adorable family, she realized it wasn’t fulfilling her. That probably led her to be mean and resentful of Ali, which progressed into outright anger, and bc she’s at her core a narcissist, she blamed Ali for her own sorry situation.
2) there’s been so much talk of, how did Ali not know things were so bad? Well, after all those YEARS together, Ali probably assumed they would work it out. Even after ash moved out, she might have still had visions of repairing her family. Trust me, no mom willing concedes 50% of their time with their kids without a hard core fight. I think Ali was willing to do the work- she just couldn’t give it everything bc she was trying to f’ing retire.
3) those women had a TIGHT group of friends. For years, very formative years. Megan loved Ash. They were effusive abt their friendship. Reliving all their posts back and forth again signified how telling it is that almost NONE of their friend group publicly supported ash. National teammates, club teammates, outside soccer friends (makeup Alex), preschool families- they all gave her the heisman. They didn’t engage in SM, didn’t post pics, really just dumped her like a bad habit. Divorces happen in friend groups- it can be kinda awkward, but they’re grown adults who can make their own choices. And they all very clearly chose a side. And you wouldn’t do that as a friend unless what you saw was behavior so egregious and abhorrent that you couldn’t in good faith support it. And that’s exactly what happened. Ash recently posted something abt friends who chose her over optics, clearly indicating anger at those old friends. Her and Pinoe were at the same event this week, yet no public pics or any indication they interacted. I’m assuming they did, but in the past we’d see evidence of it. She goes on and on abt her new friend group, but it has to hurt a lot that she lost her old tribe. And people that know both her and Sophia- like a Glennon or Foudy, have given the couple no play at all.
4) While I have absolutely ZERO empathy for Ash, I do think she’s gotten herself into a situation that has lots of complications and might not end the way she expects. How do two self involved love bombers stay together once the newness wears off and they are in the mundane realities of everyday life? Ash has 17+ years left of raising kids. And once the kids are doing events and activities, she won’t be able to bail for a week at a time. And eventually she’s going to need to find work. Courts don’t like parents who don’t pull their weight. I think they got caught up in their infatuation, are bonded over their us vs them mentality right now, and once their feelings come back down to earth, it will be a different reality for them. I don’t really care- I don’t wish them any luck. I just think they have an uphill battle.
And my last musing after all this was about how much deep respect and awe I have for Ali. She was served a complete shit burger in the middle of her retirement season. When she should have been riding high, enjoying her last professional soccer games as a player, she was thrown into the worst chaos a person can be in. I will detest Ashlyn forever for putting her in this situation, and not having the maturity to wait it out with Sophia, and let her former wife have her moment. I think back to that Pinoe game where she and Sophia paraded around and my blood completely boils for Ali. I don’t know what happened between them, but the intentional cruelty and vindictiveness Ash showed is so disgusting, it defies logic. I am so thrilled that Ali has moved on, is thriving and has shed this dead weight from her being. I can’t imagine what she’s gone thru, but to see her unbothered and smiling now is just wonderful. I wish nothing but happy things for her!
Okay, I think that’s it! Thanks for reading my dissertation 🤣
Thank you for this anon!!! I appreciate the time you took to write this cause damn this is long😂🔥 I agree though with your thoughts on the situation and honestly the more we find out the more obvious it becomes that Ashlyn is nothing but a narcissistic cheater and Ali’s a warrior and queen who deserves happiness!
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leveloneandup · 1 year
Best Laugh CD: Guys, that's really hard. I don't even know if I study people's laugh that much to know. LW: The only laugh that comes to my brain is Press. CD: Press' laugh? I don't know why I can't even, like, hear it right now. SM: I know, I can't hear any laughter right now. CD: I know, I know. LW: There's nothing going on up here. SM: There's not enough laughter happening. CD: Well, I'm just saying like, you know, someone has to have a very distinct laugh for you to be like, 'yo, that person's laugh is so noticeable and so crazy' like... LW: You guys… Google Press' laugh. Is that a thing? Can you google that? CD: I mean... Probably. Nowadays, social media man. SM: I don't know... Yeah, probably for Press, actually, there’s probably pages and pages and videos and videos of it somewhere. CD: Yeah. LW: Pinoe also has a distinct laugh, I think, too. CD: It's like a... LW: When she goes, "HA!" CD: HA! LW: Yeah, that. CD: And it's like, is the laugh coming after or like, are we waiting for the laughs? I don't know. CD: Guys, that was a hard one. I don't even know if I know people's laughs.
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togetherhearted · 1 year
hiiiii!! i was wondering if I could request a prompt with pino from lies of p with the “you need the rest, my love.”? if you don’t want to write this you don’t have to, but thank u sm if you do!! pino deserves some love fr
Pino deserves more love for real ♡
Really excited to play the game! In hope to see a demo at some point.
You need to rest,my love
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Red drops hit the white sheets. With a huff your body fell on the soft mattress. You clutched your side with a hiss. Pinocchio dropped, on the corner of the badly illuminated room, your weapon without care. With seconds he was by your side. He ripped your shirt to see the injury. You almost smacked his head for being careless, but he couldn't feel any type of hit on him. -You need to rest, my love- He looked with his vitreous eyes the cut on your hip. You took a breath;a long one;to calm yourself. -Yeah...no shit- -Language- You hissed again when he splashed water on your injury before pushing you back on the mattress -No, now you rest- You rolled your eyes and looked outside the window. There was no time to waste;the automatons could find you at any time now.
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giftboxxworld · 4 months
You + Peppino = OTP
— J
I love him sm, so so much
I even made this drawing to showcase
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Yes I ship my sona Arturo with Pino, I I just 💖💖💖
Just to reiterate I am normal about him very very normal im totally normal haha
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ultramarinosespana · 1 month
4 horas de música histórica española
Senhors, Per los Nostres Peccatz (0:10)
Toque de Oración (8:17)
Himno de Los Tercios (10:23)
Toque a Degüello (12:04)
Attaque o Carge (12:50)
Marcha Real (13:18)
Marcha de Infantes (14:59)
Boina Roja (16:22)
Marcha de Oriamendi (18:18)
Soy Carlista (20:10)
Regimiento Soria (22:35)
Salve Marinera (25:45)
Calzame las Alpargatas (28:05)
Himno de Riego (30:29)
Marcha Real (33:08)
Marcha de Cádiz (34:36)
Los Voluntarios (36:47)
Els Segadors (39:29)
Suspiros de España (41:13)
Himno de Infantería (44:32)
Himne de l'Exposició (47:29)
Os Pinos (52:01)
Tercios Heroicos (55:33)
Himno de Artillería Española (58:47)
La Canción del Soldado (1:01:53)
Pasadoble de la Bandera (1:05:08)
Adelante Inmemorial (1:07:53)
Coronel Fernando Sánchez (1:09:53)
General Iraola (1:13:21)
Como Somos Caballeros Legionarios (1:16:37)
La Canción del Legionario (1:18:43)
A la derecha va el tercio (1:20:51)
El novio de la muerte (1:25:17)
El Inglés que vino de London (1:29:57)
San Quintín (1:32:18)
Santiago (1:34:32)
Toque de diana floreada (1:37:37)
Desfilar (1:39:19)
El Turuta (1:41:26)
Pobrecitos Maridos Infelices (1:44:32)
Soldadito español (1:47:06)
Canto a Murcia (1:49:38)
Del Cantón al Portillo (1:53:17)
Desfilando (1:56:06)
Himno de Riego (1:58:38)
Eusko Abendaren Ereserkia (2:00:54)
Eusko Gudariak (2:03:21)
Falangista soy (2:05:11)
Cara al Sol (2:08:38)
Viva la Revolución! (2:11:20)
Puento de los Franceses (2:14:04)
El internacional (2:15:54)
Viva la FAI (2:17:11)
A las barricadas (2:18:30)
Marcha de Oriamendi (2:21:21)
El Abanderado de la Tradición (2:22:55)
¡Alto! ¿Quién Vive? (2:26:52)
Por el río Nervión (2:27:47)
Himno a Cristo Rey (2:28:39)
Alas Rojas (2:32:23)
Hijos del pueblo (2:34:44)
El Quinto Regimiento (2:37:25)
Canción del flecha (2:40:43)
Prietas Las Filas (2:43:35)
Isabel y Fernando (2:45:12)
Camisa Azul (2:48:16)
Himno de las Falanges de Combate (2:50:47)
¡Ay Carmela! (2:53:31)
Si me quieres escribir (2:56:12)
Oriamendi - Cara al Sol - Marcha Real (2:58:41)
¡No pasarán! (2:59:37)
Marcha Granadera (Marcha Real) (3:02:10)
San Marcial (3:03:57)
Yo tenia un camarada (3:06:58)
Himno del ejercito del Aire (3:09:39)
Himno de la Division Azul (3:11:46)
Los Gaiteros (3:13:28)
Himno de la Armada Española (3:16:19)
Himno Brigada Paracaidista (3:18:34)
Ganando Barlovento (3:21:10)
Que Viva España (3:24:09)
Canto de Esperanza (3:27:45)
Marcha Real (3:31:10)
Himno de la Guardia Civil (3:32:10)
La Muerte no es el Final (3:34:01)
Toque de fagina (3:36:00)
La Bandera Blanca y Verde (3:37:05)
Himno de la Comunidad de Madrid (3:40:05)
Asturias, Patria querida (3:44:46)
Llamada y Tropa (3:46:01)
Himno de las Cortes (3:47:15)
Himno a la Montaña (3:49:00)
Himno de Aragón (3:52:55)
Himno de Canarias (3:55:43)
Sueña España (Marcha Real with proposed lyrics) (3:57:36)
Marcha de Revista de SM el Rey (3:59:55)
Marcha Real (4:01:53)
Los subtítulos están en inglés porque parece ser que la lista la ha recopilado un canadiense.
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US Peeps - Watching Spanish Language WC Coverage > than Fox
Enough with Fox. Fuck them to oblivion. They are still Fox. Just because they are showing sports does not mean they are not Rupert Murdoch's Fox brand. They are the conduit in helping to unleash the right-wing nutjob vitriol toward this team. Let's be real. The right-wing maga nutjobs weren't actually watching the games anyway. Half these people talking shit on SM about cheering against the WNT couldn't name anyone other than Pinoe on the team. I read one take that was so ridiculous that I damn near choked on my progressive- liberal cold brew with oat milk. This obvious genius and unmistaken woso expert said that Horan the "one and only true American on the team" never even got in the game. Horan. Horan never got in you guys. Our poor captain who had two of the best chances in the run of play to score and converted her PK apparently never got in against Sweden. This is the level of fuckery we are talking about. The staggering viewership numbers for the WNT games are coming from us. The actual fans. Those of us that love that team and every single fucking thing they stand for especially off the field. Now that they are out, being women's soccer fans most of us will still watch the tournament. I had already made the vow to not watch Fox coverage. Let those numbers plummet. Let them have all of the haters they helped to unleash on these women, let those assholes watch the rest of the tournament at all hours in the early morning on Fox. Of course they won't watch because they haven't been watching in the first place. I've gone with Telemundo and Peacock for the tournament. Yep, both are in Spanish. But you know what? I'd rather not fully know what is being said than to actually know what is being said by the such a despicable network and disgusting pundits. Just thoughts
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uswnt5 · 1 year
Is this her longest sm break since mental health break back in 2021?
Feels like it. I feel good knowing she probably will be there sth event tonight and at home game Monday
dunno, I guess this hasn't really been a "break" she's reposted Re-stories and said congrats to Pinoe, etc.
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straykats · 1 year
kat talks: 5-star
tldr; it did not take long at all for this comeback to grow on me i love it so much. i find that with most new songs my first listen is always very apathetic and/or ??? LOL and there exists only a small handful of songs that i immediately was like oH MY GOD (this is across all artists i listen to) but yeah i always forget that when listening to new music and i think this comeback is the first time i fully acknowledged that my first listen is rarely (and doesnt need to be) instant likesies. theres a lot of small bits throughout the album that remind me of other songs (not a bad thing, just smth i noticed i kept noticing?). topline, dlc, the sound and time out were/are my favs hehe (update: relistening to the album again and collision and fnf are creeping up to my favs too help)
hall of fame
okay im pretty sure i've heard this in my brief listen before but i also dont remember it at all
i cant describe it but that alien-sounding melody actually has me seeing like a weird alien brainwashing thing
WHOS FUCKING-- WAS THAT JEONGIN??? AT 1:24???? that was so pretty i want that framed
during hyunjins bit i got weird b me flashbacks??? i dont think it sounds similar but my mind immediately went 'b me !!'
jesus felix
the moon landing audio is such a cool inclusion,,, 5 star,,, hall of fame,,, a star/celestial body themed comeback,,,,
okay wbk i was so confused the first time round but its grown sm on me
i LOVE the power of the opening
the cartoon boing/spring sound and (its not but) the tom and jerry running sound hehe
this song definitely sounds.. grand? and wide? and a good title track
"[im] up above the world so high" nice nice twinkle twinkle reference hehe
i absolutely love jeongin's bit in the bridge and i love the choreo of it too
i love the game sounds they use in this hehe
seungmin's prechorus reminds me of smth but i cant place what it is
felixs ... tone? like? the voice he uses???
hyunjin/changbin bit in the bridge >>>>> i cant explain it but it sounds so good
super bowl
the instrumental at the beginning took me by surprise.. i also am sitting ehre trying to identity the?? The Sound. digital/synth. like the almost cowbell almost snare one. ive replayed it so many times.
i thought this when i first heard it (while doing the dishes lol) but is this song all in english?
whats that sound between 'have a bite' and 'make it mine'
screams TFDGVJABVAD the whisper im sorry i cant do it HAHAHAHAHA
to be mad honest i was SO excited for this based on just the teaser
'we skedaddle intoxicated razzle dazzle' best line fr
okay ik i didnt say much for this one but its one of my favs
underground rebellious kinda vibes i love it (i described that wrong but i have a very specific img in my head)
im trying to play this on the pino and its driving my nuts but in a good way
the 'amudo moreuge' line throughout the entire song is so [deep breaths] like i cant explain it but it BUT AHHHHHH (fun fact for any pokemon people LOL the song oracion has the same kinda thing in it. idk what to call it.)
oh i LOVE love the piano during the second verse AHHHHHHHHH not gonna be able to replicate it but thats okay
the song/chorus has a.. an urban tropical feel? like it's ALMOST something you would hear with a tropical background but smth about the key, maybe, plavces it instead in an urban setting at night (bc lyrics) and seems kinda bittersweet
THATS WHAT THE AMUDO MOREUGE LINE DOES it adds such a sad kinda tired/resigned feel to the song which is like. on one hand the lyrics are so 'lets dance like crazy without a care in the world' but on the other hand the song feels so lonely and kind of. 'don't worry about me, i'll manage my sadness alone'??? like, 'let's have fun together but i'm really sad even though i'm smiling' kinda thing ARGHHHHH
get lit
seungmin's line rmeinds me of smth ARGHH its another skz song i know that for sure but i cant remember which one (ngl a lot of the songs in this album have parts that remind me of another kpop song,,, one of the above reminded me of nct but icr which song)
oh wait i think its my pace @ seungmins line
the instrumental would be so cool for mashups etc
wait one of the lines is 'today im so cocky' which is interesting bc theres a previous line (sueprbowl?) thats about not being cocky or smth HMMM i would revisit but tbh i cbb rn rip
trumpets reminded me of maknae on top and this song also suits jeongin's voice sm i love it here
oh??? the ringing at the end???
this REMINDS ME OF SMTH TOO an dits not kpop
but i do really like it
'ashes up in the sky' ,,,, thinkingthinkingthinking
this feels like the opposite of time out and idk how to explain it
lix singing !!!!!! i love it sm
WAIT THSI ONE ACTUALLY REMINDS ME OF B ME wait no or is it levanter
the flaura and fauna line also reminds me of venom
both of the above points refer to the melody ,, seungmin's venom prechorus "cant escape-" and then it jumps The Other Song which i cant figure out what it is AHH
was that an eagle did i just hear an eagle
the minho/chan ending is so <3 <3 <3
the muted piano i [crying] also almost gives me knnw vibes
'must be an oracle' ????? trying to understand this. like. it must be predicting smth,, but what,,, 'look at the stars fall / they leave the sky, goodbye' which part of this is the oracle i-- ad oracle as in like a person or a message but either way
if anyone covers this song please use a xylophone or marimba hehe would be so <3
oh i can see this second verse being animated so beautifully
why did changbin singing at the end make me so incredibly soft
the sound
okay this song has been out for ages but i think the only thing i said about it was smth about the bass and also how it sounds like a 'final stand' kinda song
okay ngl i liked the jpn lyrics better for the chorus oopsies im sorry
the piano sounds so RAW like the ringing of it the way the key falls and the mallet hits the string like you can HEAR it like thats exactly how it sounds when you play that high on a piano and also like. imo i notice the sound more on older pianos and just bc of that personal association (???) this song gets a bit sadder
adding to the 'final stand' feel is the police sirens in the chorus
time out
i just love this song sm man like idk what to say at this point
OH IT REMINDS ME OF A DEEMO SONG AHHAHA WAIT LEMME FIND IT // this song omg i've never thought about it before but listening to time out just then, i literally went 'you ready?' and then i was like WAIT THATS A DIFFERENT SONG
this song would be such a fun end-of-concert/encore song woah
yeah no i really dont have much to say i just love this song sm
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