numberonepartyboy · 1 year
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i forgot i drew these
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th3tawaves · 13 hours
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Recent selfshipisms except i cannot just be nice to my sona
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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During the era of slavery, occultist Paschal Beverly Randolph began studying the occult and traveled and learned spiritual practices in Africa and Europe. Randolph was a mixed race free African man who wrote several books on the occult. In addition, Randolph was an abolitionist and spoke out against the practice of slavery in the South.
After the American Civil War, Randolph educated freedmen in schools for former slaves called Freedmen's Bureau Schools in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he studied Louisiana Voodoo and hoodoo in African American communities, documenting his findings in his book, Seership, The Magnetic Mirror. In 1874, Randolph organized a spiritual organization called Brotherhood of Eulis in Tennessee.
Through his travels, Randolph documented the continued African traditions in Hoodoo practiced by African Americans in the South. Randolph documented two African American men of Kongo origin that used Kongo conjure practices against each other. The two conjure men came from a slave ship that docked in Mobile Bay in 1860 or 1861.
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damoreschool · 2 years
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Maggie Tarot Community Reading 20 March 2023
We have achieved a number of advantages, but we are overburdened. We are being tempted right now to keep all of the treasures that we have accrued for ourselves, but this path, which seems good, ultimately leads to ruin. Instead we need to look to communication, movement, and sharing when it comes to our wealth. For only in sharing our abundance can we truly reap it's benefits.
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witchyfemking · 1 year
Hello everyone,
I’ve added some new services on my shop! I added some spell working services such as
Healing Spell
Happiness working
Abundance working
Banishing spell
Love workings
Cord Cutting Ritual
From now until November 30th of this year, use the promo code “fallgreetings2023” to get a 30% coupon on any purchase. ( 1 use per customer)
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( Artist credit: Tasmin Abbott )
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If ever you’d like to delve deeper into the ancestral lore of the British Isles & under stand some of its indigenous foundations, I feel it is the most directly accessible in the gateway of the spring equinox (which rings in this Wed 20th March) other wise known in Scots Gaelic as Alban Eilir, the ‘light of the earth’ when the light of the sun meets in equal hours with the night
The myths & lore are interwoven so intricately in the landscape this time of year. Here it is in a nutshell for you to absorb. But it truly is a nutshell as each part is deserving an immense investigation & study to take you further into the heart of it all:
~ TOWER HILL: The spring equinox still today is honoured by the Druids on Tower Hill in London. An ancient ancestral mound once known as ‘Bryn Gwyn’, which translates to White Mound or White Raven. It visually used to look like Silbury Hill a neolithic hill in the Avebury complex in Wiltshire, & was covered in a white chalk which reflected in the moon & sunlight & could be seen for miles. The White Mound is the sacred mound of Sovereignty of this isle, a place where our ancestors would pilgrimage to from far & wide
~ RAVEN: The raven is the bird & protector of the spirit of Sovereignty of the British Isles & has done for millennia. Raven veneration goes back very far in this country’s lore & is deeply rooted in it’s soul’s foundations. An ancient ancestor of this isle called Bran the Blessed, a Welsh King who you could say presides over this gateway because his lore is so interwoven into the landscape this time of year. Bran means ‘Raven’ in Welsh, who was seen as a seer & oracular king bridging the worlds of the gods & earth like his divine messenger feathered friends. Story goes that on his death bed in battle he asked for his head to be buried in the White Mound in London in protection of the Sovereignty of this isle. The ravens in the tower of London today, hold the lore & protective forces of Bran. The fact that the raven is the animal of sovereignty of this isle…tells you everything you need to understand about this island & it’s essence. It is one of magic & deep seership
~ SOVEREIGNTY: You see in the sovereign codes of olde in kingship, that in maintaining balance in your kingdom you married yourself to the earth in an alliance for true balance. Your sovereignty was infused with the earth (the goddess) and the minute that allegiance was severed a wasteland would take seed in the land and all hearts. For Bran to ask for his head to be buried in the White Mound even at death shows his complete allegiance to the earth and understanding of what it means to be Sovereign. The olde understanding is to be in Service to the All, in allegiance with the earth and protection of the goddess. When the Druids stand on Tower Hill, they are welcoming back the sovereign sun during the tide of the equinox but they are also invoking the ancient powers of sovereignty in the land. And of Bran.
~ BRIDGING: In one of the stories of Bran, his sister Branwen (which means ‘white raven’) is abused by her husband who is an Irish King. Bran hears of the news and crosses the Irish seas, by using his body as a bridge for his men to cross over him safely across the stormy seas to help him set his sister free. He was always seen as a king who sought to bring enemies into peaceful accord with one another, and therefore may represent the balance implicit in the equinox as well.
~ ALDER: Bran carries alder branches on his journey to rescue his sister. People recognise him by the alder that he holds. He is known as the alder king. Alder trees are indeed ‘bridging’ trees which preside over the realms of water and fire; the conscious and unconscious. The inner and outer. In the tree ogham it resides between the astrological zodiac signs of pisces and aries, emerging from the watery fluid time of Pisces and entering the fiery intensity of Aries. It is a water resistant wood which gets harder in water and was widely used to build the city of Venice. It is connected to the realms of fire, due to it’s ability to create very high quality charcoal and gun powder. It holds the ancient alchemical colours of white and red in it’s wood. It’s wood is a beautiful white colour but when cut or it’s roots exposed to the air it turns a bright red colour. The white is representative of the moon, the water, Branwen the white raven. And red, being the sun, the fire of the coals of gunpowder, Bran the solar deity king. It possesses both female and male catkins on the same branch - a tree that symbolises the balance between the masculine and the feminine, day and night.
In essence the gateway of the vernal equinox is deeply coded in the earth and lore of the land: Reminding us in order to keep balance within and without ~ true Sovereignty must be upheld, and that it is in an alliance with the earth and in service to all.
That sovereignty is restored when we act as a bridge in the world; remembering the essence of our humanity in bringing heaven to earth as bridges. Akin to the raven messengers who bring the words from the gods into the human world. And the alder trees who bridge the worlds of water and fire.
[Thank you Charlotte Pulver]
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twistedshipper · 4 months
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𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 {𝖕𝖙. 3. 𝖈𝖍. 3: 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖔𝖊𝖋𝖚𝖑, 𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖔𝖋 𝖒𝖞 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘.}
All the night last, she had thought about the truth of her seership, and upon waking wished to recall her dreams to see if, perhaps, they might foretell something small about her day, but with the tonic’s sedative pulsing through her veins, she had slept more deeply so that upon waking she only recalled fragments of the dreams to visit her during the night.  They came to her now in scattered images—here her fingers bloodied though she did not bleed, and there a deer leaping over a hedgerow and into the thickets as if startled by some human presence—and she spent the early hour thinking on what they could mean, only to come up emptyhanded in her answers.  Not one to be dismayed at her own incompetence, she chalked up the dreams as meaningless filler and left it at that—that was except for the last image, that of her brother standing sentry in his own bedchamber for some unknown purpose to the ghostly specters of the night. 
・❥・{𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔠 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢}・❥・
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memoriaedamnatio · 2 years
Four Servers, One Cult
WARNING: THIS POST IS LONG AND EXCEEDS THE IMAGE LIMIT TUMBLR HAS, THEREFORE THERE WILL BE MULTIPLE LABELED SECTIONS AND A REBLOG TO KEEP THE POST ORGANIZED TL;DR the staff members of the below servers have displayed a historic and present behavior of bullying, abusing power, making absurd claims of priesthood, seership, and godspousal that can be easily debunked, anti semitic behavior, and tone policing of BIPOC when they discuss serious issues such as blood quantum. They also permit art and content thieves to post in their servers. Some screenshots will be from Flowers of Hellenism, a server that was deleted due to its original owner recognizing the cesspool the staff had made it. However the behaviors in Flowers of Hellenism have shown to be continued. Server Names and Purposes: Olympus Peaks - a Hellenism focused witchcraft and religious server Keepers of Kemeticism - a Kemetic focused witchcraft and religious server
Godly Galaxies - a 17+ interfaith server focused on godspousal, priesthood, paganism, and witchcraft Comfort Hollows - a private access priesthood server only accessible by approved members of the above servers Server IDs: Olympus Peaks - 909719311306866689 Keepers of Kemeticism - 908441420686315540 Godly Galaxies - 937865249418256456 Comfort Hollows - 907187922686595085 Users Responsible for the Communities: Olympus Peaks Owners: LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), olliebutanxious#8258 (625853397899411496) Moderators: jaybird#7056 (758832979794722846), AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849), yairo#9699 (539123876765106178), Laramie#5655 (729109174079848519), Artiosun#9014 (731426325730164779), kafun#2376 (468272825455869952) Keepers of Kemeticism Owners: Huntress#5176 (292843897548439553), Artiosun#9014 (731426325730164779), dinosocks#1018 (848966473611345961), r/1#4534 (829133673529737246) Administrators: clowns.#3654 (750436259985489985), Confused Mia#2474 (580999971906650132), AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849) Moderators: BadBitch_Rehz#9340(507617058574434316) Godly Galaxies Owners: AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849), Laramie#5655 (729109174079848519) Moderators: LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), kafun#2376 (468272825455869952) Comfort Hollows Owners: LiteralMochi#0635 (697152938438688848), liliflwrs#4891 (660206756546478136), yairo#9699 (539123876765106178) Moderators: AceitunaOscura#7810 (693267446597025854), AuroraNoctifer#6969 (435917258913742849), Laramie#5655 (729109174079848519)
A Flowers of Hellenism Staff member who is Jewish created a quiz entitled "What Jew Lizard Are You?" and encouraged other staff members to take the quiz, which they did, with no questioning from staff as a whole or the other Jewish person on the team despite the team having issues with antisemitism in the past with a former owner. The two Jewish members of staff participating is a non-issue, the issue is the rest of staff, who are not Jewish, being willing to identify themselves with anti semitic caricatures for a joke or not.
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When an Indigenous member of the server made a post in the appropriate channel (see below) with regard to their issues with blood quantum, a staff member discussed discomfort with their "anti-white rhetoric" with no major retribution and another complained that it sounded "venty". The members post was this:
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This message instigated a discussion where Native members brought up their issues with blood quantum and behind the scenes was met with this:
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While these comments did start an argument, nothing definitive was done discipline wise to the staff members who made these comments and they were allowed to dodge accountability and remain on staff with no issue.
When a member of Godly Galaxies who is a POC displayed interest in wanting to research/understand Voodou, the owner, AuroraNoctifier who is a white woman responded by gatekeeping and policing how Black a person had to be to partake in Voodou despite admitting she knows next to nothing about the practice.
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SEERSHIP, PRIESTHOOD, AND GODSPOUSAL CLAIMS While any of these titles hold general controversy within the pagan community due to difficulty verifying, scammers, and differing beliefs, the claims of these individuals are expansive, power-hungry, and break either their own rules or the rules of the communities they claim to be a part of. AuroraNoctifier, for example, claims to be a Norse Gothi of Tyr despite only working with Tyr for a short period and not greatly participating in the Norse Pagan or Heathen community. She deleted her own Flowers of Heathenry server shortly after Flowers of Hellenism was deleted and hasn't participated in the norse sections of the servers she is a part of very heavily.
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The majority of the staff in these servers make priesthood, seer, and godspouse claims to one or more gods.
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Even members who aren't beyond the pail when it comes to priesthood or godspousal claims ("particularly close with" is how they phrase godspousal as not to break their own rule on not discussing godspousal) will condescend to members about their interest in priesthood for research purposes or other reasons. If you aren't in the club, its unlikely you'll get verified as a priest or the like easily. The person in the below screenshot addressing a notable portion of a now-defunct offshoot server called Florum Campis as "kiddos" was only 14 or 15 when they made this message and they claim to be a priest of Zeus and have shown interest in godspousal as a minor.
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There is also a generalized ego problem when it comes to the idea of the group being priests:
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A current member of their priesthood chats and server discussed with us how easy it was to get into this portion of the community by lying:
I honestly can’t believe it was that simple. I am not a priest, never had a desire to be a priest, and never had a calling to be one. I am a solitary practitioner and have been so for years. It was very easy to waltz in and once I got them to respond to the ticket I opened. I asked about priesthood for a deity I worshipped briefly and one I’ve never interacted with at all. I got yes for both from their “verified diviners”, the majority of which were staff or “priests” themselves. I’ve been sitting in the community, even spouted some bullshit about what a modern priest of the pantheon I practice with would do and I haven’t been questioned, pushed, or been a concern at all. In reality, modern priests seldom exist in this pantheon and those that do have to go through an ordainment process with a group. You can’t just claim it. They’re not as well-rounded in their understanding of varying spiritual practices as they’d like to think. I ran into more issues with becoming a “verified diviner” where staff would ask me inane questions such as “what is the weather like where I am” to verify my divining abilities despite my saying that my divining skills lie with emotional matters and deity communication.
The next reblog will have screenshots and details regarding general favoritism, behind the scenes bullying, promoting creators that are known to have issues, art theft, and the general failure to uphold Xenia, which they have supposedly placed a huge emphasis on in their communities via their rules.
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songsofbloodandwater · 10 months
The Mysteries of The Rose
"The rose reveals the portal that opens into the center of all things. This center is symbolized by the rose blossom." — Raven Grimassi in Grimoire of the Thorn-Blooded Witch.
The system I use in my personal practice is based not only on the dual concept of Blood and Water, but also on the pursuit of what I now shall call The Mysteries of The Rose. This system is informed by hereditary practices, ancestral veneration and the aid and perspectives of other practitioners.
One of the books that, much to my surprise, manages to match some of the beliefs that sum up this system, is Grimoire of the Thorn-Blooded Witch, where the author describes 'Five levels' of training in witchcraft, and acquiring mastery over each as 'gathering a thorn'. Personally, I view it slightly different. What I see are six, not five, skills that a successful practitioner should hone, and I see it less like levels (complete and perfect mastery being unachievable) and more like Doors that one crosses (into an ongoing process).
Then, the Doors to the Mysteries are sixfold, as six petals surrounding the center, and these doors are: herbalism and greencraft, magic, and stonecraft, mediumship, mysticism, and seership. Five of these match exactly the ones described by Grimassi, with the sixth being the addition of stonecraft. A skill, and a Door, to Spirits that are often misrepresented, or underrepresented, in witchcraft, if not forgotten and left aside completely.
These Doors are also divided in two sets of Threes. The First Set involves daily practices that define the present, tangible life of the witch, the Second Set involve Ties with the Other, with the Intangible, Spiritual world. Finally, a cross over the rose blossom represents, among other things, the Intersectedness of these skills. How none of them must be practiced in isolation, and instead, must be studied side by side, with each one supporting the others, to allow the practitioner a holistic view that connects past, present and future, and all manners of being: animal, vegetal and mineral.
The Crossed Rose then, symbolizes The Blood Of The Witch, in it's capacity to carry wisdom over generations, aswell as across different states of being. This is the Center of my practice.
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esotericfaery · 7 months
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Jupiter revisits Gemini - May 25th, 2024 until June 10th, 2025!
TLDR; Tricksters & energy vamps, dissonant contraction or harmonic expansion, Ceres, Taurus, Gemini, Mercury, 2011-2013, get journaling.
See if you notice repeating themes from the last time(s) this happened [recent Jupiter dates at end, for those of us who journal].
Taurus Jupiter has had us appreciating what we already have, yet we also had the tendency to dig in our heels at the idea that we could change things for the better during stressful situations. Ruled by Ceres, Taurus takes on Ceres traits within whichever house She’s in: adaptation and survival of humanity, all familial relationships, nurturing professions, agriculture & animal care. Those with Taurus or Jupiter chart prominent will have experienced specific changes in any of those areas during Jupiter in Taurus periods.
This is a good opportunity to review these life themes:
Experiences of luck, vs lack; synchronicity vs. perceived failure.
Gemini placement(s) or an “empty” house; patterns related to thoughts which lead to communications, short term travel, siblings, neighborhood(s), early education, overall life mindset.
Where are we going?
Optimistic growth through goal-definition & attitude of gratitude, manifested through the proper actions…
…string of calamities or perceived calamities, wherein we have used our powers of communications and short term forms of travel such as seership abilities, to behave with lack of morality or indiscretion? Mercury, when not worked with consciously, has people building and maintaining energetic vampirism between groups of people, in tangled patterns of co-dependency.
The key is to examine the situation; is this dependency healthy, or toxic? Is it sustainable, or unsustainable? We must figure these things out, and practice clear communication with one another as we do so. Allow each person in a group dispute the time and consideration for full expression.
Important to remember: Geminis ruling planet is Mercury, and Mercury is known for good reason as the trickster & thief God. We can re-channel Geminis mental adventurousness in a properly productive direction, when we realize that we are actually thieving, or enabling thieving of our own life-forces, by staying in toss situations.
Are we tricking ourselves, and also being unfair to others in some way?
Can we find ways out of this destructive pattern, and into building new patterns, which can bring into our lives harmonic, and no longer dissonant expansion?
Those who don’t put in the time and effort on this, will expand in dissonance, while contracting their abilities to manifest harmonic luck.
Jan 22, 2011 12:11 PM Jupiter enters Aries
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
Jun 4, 2011 9:56 AM Jupiter enters Taurus
Jun 11, 2012 1:22 PM Jupiter enters Gemini
Jun 25, 2013 9:40 PM Jupiter enters Cancer
Jul 16, 2014 6:31 AM Jupiter enters Leo
Aug 11, 2015 7:11 AM Jupiter enters Virgo
Sep 9, 2016 7:18 AM Jupiter enters Libra
Oct 10, 2017 9:20 AM Jupiter enters Scorpio
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Nov 8, 2018 7:39 AM Jupiter enters Sagittarius
Dec 2, 2019 1:20 PM Jupiter enters Capricorn
Dec 19, 2020 8:07 AM Jupiter enters Aquarius
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
May 13, 2021 6:36 PM Jupiter enters Pisces
Jul 28, 2021 8:42 AM Jupiter Rx enters Aquarius
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Dec 28, 2021 11:09 PM Jupiter enters Pisces
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
May 10, 2022 7:22 PM Jupiter enters Aries
Oct 28, 2022 1:10 AM Jupiter Rx enters Pisces
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Dec 20, 2022 9:32 AM Jupiter enters Aries
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
May 16, 2023 1:20 PM Jupiter enters Taurus
May 25, 2024 7:15 PM Jupiter enters Gemini
Jun 9, 2025 5:02 PM Jupiter enters Cancer
Jun 30, 2026 1:52 AM Jupiter enters Leo
Jul 26, 2027 12:49 AM Jupiter enters Virgo
Aug 24, 2028 1:08 AM Jupiter enters Libra
Sep 24, 2029 2:24 AM Jupiter enters Scorpio
Oct 22, 2030 7:14 PM Jupiter enters Sagittarius
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hurgletheturgle · 11 months
yugioh ship list cuz i hate myself
agileshipping - vivian/anzu
amoshipping - jou/shizuka/mai
arrogantshipping - kaiba/mai
batteryshipping - jou/yami bakura/bakura
beehiveshipping - mai/rebecca
bounceshipping - bakura/rebecca
cakeshipping - cyndia/mokuba
charmshipping - shizuka/mana
cheatshipping jou/espa roba
cheershipping - otogi/shizuka
cherryshipping - bakura's sister/jou
circleshipping - honda/miho/jou
cloudshipping - noa/shizuka
coinshipping - anzu/miho
copeshipping - bandit keith/anzu/shizuka
creamshipping - all the bakuras/jou
cunishipping - anzu/mai/shizuka
cuteshipping - shizuka/rebecca
danceshipping - mai/anzu
dashshipping - miho/shizuka
dealshipping - yami bakura/bakura/amane
downshipping - bandit keith/cyndia
dulcetshipping - mai/isis/shizuka
fameshipping - otogi/vivian
fataleshipping - mai/vivian
fawnshipping -pegasus/weevil
figureshipping - isis/mai/anzu/shizuka
fillershipping - noa/rebecca
forgiveshipping - thief king bakura/shizuka
frazzleshipping - jou/rebecca
giftshipping - honda/jou/yugi/miho
gingershipping - bandit keith/shizuka
graceshipping - bakura/isis
halfshipping - bakura/miho
hopeshipping - anzu/bakura/shizuka
hostshipping bakura/anzu
illogicshipping - kaiba/isis/shizuka
imoutoshipping - shizuka/amane
incestshipping - kaiba/isis/jou/mokuba/shizuka/rishid CUZ IM NOT A BITCH
insightshipping - priest seto/isis
jadeshippinh - isis/otogi
jiishipping - yugis grandpa/rebecca's grandpa
kittenshipping - joey/dmg
lateshipping - yami bakura/amane
logicshipping - priest seto/priestess isis
lossshipping - ryuzaki/espa roba/weevil
mallowshipping bakura/isis/shizuka
mastershipping - otogi/kaiba
mercyshipping - bakura/cyndia
misguideshipping - otogi/rebecca
mizushipping - priest seto/kisara
mythshipping - isis/marik
nightshipping - yami bakura/kisara
nurshipping - mai/shizuka
oracleshipping - isis/rebecca
orchisshipping - isis/anzu/shizuka
outcastshipping - thief king bakura/kisara
paleshipping - kisara/amane
peachshipping - yugi/anzu
pervadeshipping - amane/cyndia
petshipping - kaiba/jou/otogi
phantomshipping - noa/cyndia/amane
pixelshipping - noa/adina (princess mokuba)
placateshipping - bakura/kisara
poemshipping - miho/yugi
polarshipping - jou/mai
pompshipping - kaiba/miho
prideshipping - kaiba/yami
prodigyshipping - kaiba/rebecca
prophetshipping - isis/espa roba
psycheshipping - mai/espa roba
puffshipping - jou/bakura
puppyshipping - kaiba/jou
puzzleshipping - yami/yugi
relectshipping - rebecca/vivian
rehabshipping - kaiba/yugi/anzu
relysshipping - jou/shizuka
replayshipping - yugi/rebecca
rescueshipping - kisara/shizuka
ressurectshipping - catherine/cyndia
ribbonshipping - honda/otogi/miho
rivalshipping - yugi/kaiba
roseshipping - cyndia/pegasus
scandalshipping - preist seto/pharaoh atem
screamshipping - yami bakura/shizuka
seershipping - isis/isis
shadeshipping - thief king bakura/amane
shameshipping - rishida/marik/isis
shieldshipping - jou/kaiba/shizuka
shoreshipping - mako tsunami/shizuka
shrimpshipping - ryuzaki/weevil
sideshipping - anzu/shizuka
silentshipping - shizuka/kaiba
slipshipping - jou/miho
snapshipping - kaiba/jou/miho
snareshipping - jou/otogi
softshipping - bakura/shizuka
sombershipping - ryou/amane
sororshipping - isis/shizuka
spaceshipping - ymai marik/shizuka
spazzshipping - yami bakura/jou
spirishipping - yugi/anzu/yami
stageshipping - dmg/anzu
stakeshipping - bandit keith/mai
stalkshipping - kaiba/bakura/miho
sugarshipping - mokuba/mana
supportshipping - honda/anzu
swiftshipping - jou/isis
switchshipping - mokuba/adina
teaseshipping - kaiba/jou/bakura
tendershipping - bakura/yami bakura
tieshipping- honda/miho
tragicshipping - bandit keith/cyndia/pegasus
trendshipping - miho/anzu/shizuka
trustshipping - isis/kaiba
visionshipping - isis/mai
scissorshipping - miho/isis
addictshipping - yubel/asuka
americashipping - david rabb x reggie
amoreshipping - rei/ryo
antidisestablishmentarianismshipping - judai/motegi
apostleshipping - judai/white asuka
argueshipping - manjoume/rei
autographshipping - fonda/fubuki
balanceshipping - haou/white asuka
balletshipping - asuka/fubuki
barometershipping - asuka/fubuki/manjoume
beetleshipping - ran(missy)/ryo/shou
bijoushipping - asuka/momoe
bloodshipping - camula/hell kaiser
brinyshipping - asuka/manjoume/ryo
camerashipping - asuka/rei/judai
charmershipping - asuka/rei
choiceshipping - asuka/judai/manjoume
cinnamonshipping - judai/junko
clotshipping - asuka/camula/ryo
colosseumshipping - judai/taniya
controlshipping - asuka/camula
cosplayshipping - dmg/tome
cupidshipping - fubuki/rei
delusionsipping - ran(missy)/rose
dollshipping - camula/ryo
educateshipping - misawa/fonda
escortshipping - judai/fubuki/asuka
evashipping - asuka/rei
evilshipping - haou/yubel
fanaticshipping - fonda/junko/momoe
fataleshipping gx - taniya/camula
fianceshipping - judai/asuka
fightshipping - judai/misawa/taniya
genesisshipping - judai/camula
geniusshipping - misawa/ryo
glareshipping - ryo/junko
groupieshipping - junko/momoe
grudgeshipping - judai/seika (manga)
hellshipping - hell kaiser/asuka
hisshipping - seika/asuka
hornetshipping - misawa/manjoume
lassieshipping - asuka/junko/rei/momoe
maidenshipping - rei/momoe
medicineshipping - judai/fonda
misledshipping - haou/judai/asuka
orangeshipping - misawa/judai
overseeshipping - judai/midori (manga)
postureshipping - fonda/asuka
primaryshipping - judai/manjoume/misawa
princeshipping - judai/rose
princessshipping - asuka/rose
rhymeshipping - junko/manjoume
rivalshipping gx - majoume/judai
royalshipping - ryo/asuka
sadnessshipping - haou/asuka
sageshipping - misawa/asuka
selfshipping - haou/judai
shallowshipping - fubuki/momoe
shopshipping - seiko/tome
stormshipping - fubuki/manjoume
sweetshipping - shou/momoe
tigershipping - taniya/misawa
valentineshipping - asuka/manjoume
veilshipping - asuka/white asuka
vertigoshipping - fubuki/junko/momoe
whineshipping - fubuki/asuka/junko/momoe
whiteshipping - white asuka/white manjoume
widowshipping - asuka/momoe/junko
moxieshipping - judai/momoe
pashshipping - manjoume/momoe
valetshipping - taiyou/momoe
fatedshipping - yuya/mieru
foolshipping - shingo/mieru
foresightshipping - reiji/mieru
redlightshipping - reiji/shingo
pancakeshipping - yoko/yuya
newhomeshipping - sora/yoko
guardianshipping - yusei/ruka
careshipping - jack/mikage
clawshipping - aki/ruka
scoopshipping - jack/carly
kingcrabshipping - jack/yusei
5dxshipping - judai/yugi/yusei
blondeshipping - jounouchi/asuka
breastshipping - aki/asuka/mai LOL
contrivedshipping - judai/yuya
damselshipping - anzu/asuka
devotedshipping - yugi/yusei
ditzshipping - judai/jounouchi
dominateshipping - manjoume/kaiba
enamorshipping - miho/momoe
fluffyshipping - anna kozuki/judai
honeyshipping - anna kozuki/haou
obsessshipping - rebecca/rei
presidentshipping - kaiba/reiji akaba
queenshipping - asuka/mai
spiritdivashipping - judai/yuzu
starshipping - judai/yusei
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"It is often thought...that what the medieval Irish filid had of the practices of seership, of lore-keeping, and of supernatural contact was inherited or appropriated from what would have been 'originally' druidic custom and functions. This seems unlikely for all sorts of reasons- including that the poetic and the druidic functions were separate and distinct from an early period- but this may be the case especially in Ireland, where the evidence for the religious status of druids as anything other than diviners and practitioners of certain varieties of magic is scant, and little is known in general of their status, their functions, or their teachings."
Dr. Philip A. Bernhardt-House in The Well of Five Streams: Essays on Celtic Paganism by Erynn Rowan Laurie
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deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
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In Which Elain & Lucy’s Mating Bond is a Trick of Magic
Let’s break down the scene where he digs into the bond to “find out what’s wrong” with Elain.
Amren & Nesta are practicing BUILDING WALLS in their minds. “ Walls that Amren was teaching her to sense — to find the holes she’d laid throughout. And repair them. If the fell objects at the Court of Nightmares had not allowed my sister to grasp what must be done, then this was their next attempt — a different, invisible route. Not all magic was flash and glittering, Amren had declared, and then shooed me out.”
Before this, in CH 27, Nesta explains that the exercise in the Hewn City was to train her in finding weaknesses in the wall without repairing them. “It’s a training exercise with a form of magic designed to repel intruders.”
Okay. Keep that in mind.
In THIS scene, Chapter 29, L and Elain are having tea. “It was the most uncomfortable thirty minutes I could recall,” Feyre says. Alerting us to how long they have been sitting here, how long it’s taking L to reach through the bond.
At the SAME MOMENT L breaks through the bond to reach Elain on the other side, the dining table between Nesta and Amren rattles and Amren hisses. Elain says, “it felt … strange. Like you pulled a thread tied to a rib.”
Almost like Lucy was digging too deep into their bond and it repelled him from looking too closely.
Immediately after this, Elain’s cauldron-gifted seership abilities are triggered and she warns everyone about the ravens. Nesta proceeds to ask what she needs, frustrated with Elain’s seer talk, and Elain asks for sunshine.
She got triggered into that mediumship space when Lucy was doing the same thing Amren is trying to train Nesta to do. Why? Because it’s a form of “repellant” on whatever spell is between them to keep anyone from looking too closely.
I wasn’t fully on board with the “trick mates” theory until right now, because this is pretty damning evidence.
Also: I cannot remember who made the original post pointing this out and asking wtf was going on. I know it was an Elriel. @melrielsworld we are on the same wavelength because you just reblogged me asking about this rattle, and here is my discovery 😂
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themagisterprotocol · 8 months
Anything you’re hoping to find in particular?
Well I was originally looking for answers as to how my future self is sustaining this paradox to see how I could use it to my advantage, not that I've made much progress into that, I was also searching for answers to why some people are getting certain... dreams...
It's all looking like it's pointing at... well, Saxon says he's not behind it, at least, and it's not seership, and the only thing that I can think of is... well...
The thought is mildly concerning at least.
Why would anyone want to go through that?
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damoreschool · 2 years
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I'm building a magpie tarot deck, can you tell?
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pathofregeneration · 2 years
Spiritual Progress — part III
“Many persons seem to think that adeptship is not so much the results of radical development as of additional construction; they seem to imagine that an Adept is a man, who, by going through a certain plainly defined course of training, consisting of minute attention to a set of arbitrary rules, acquires first one power and then another; and when he has attained a certain number of these powers is forthwith dubbed an adept. Acting on this mistaken idea they fancy that the first thing to be done towards attaining adeptship is to acquire ‘powers’—clairvoyance and the power of leaving the physical body and travelling to a distance, are among those which fascinate the most.
To those who wish to acquire such powers for their own private advantage, we have nothing to say; they fall under the condemnation of all who act for purely selfish ends. But there are others, who, mistaking effect for cause, honestly think that the acquirement of abnormal powers is the only road to spiritual advancement. These look upon our [Theosophical] Society as merely the readiest means to enable them to gain knowledge in this direction, considering it as a sort of occult academy, an institution established to afford facilities for the instruction of would-be miracle-workers. In spite of repeated protests and warnings, there are some minds in whom this notion seems ineradicably fixed, and they are loud in their expressions of disappointment when they find that what had been previously told them is perfectly true; that the Society was founded to teach no new and easy paths to the acquisition of ‘powers’; and that its only mission is to re-kindle the torch of truth, so long extinguished for all but the very few, and to keep that truth alive by the formation of a fraternal union of mankind, the only soil in which the good seed can grow. The Theosophical Society does indeed desire to promote the spiritual growth of every individual who comes within its influence, but its methods are those of the ancient Rishis, its tenets those of the oldest Esotericism; it is no dispenser of patent nostrums composed of violent remedies which no honest healer would dare to use.
In this connection we would warn all our members, and others who are seeking spiritual knowledge, to beware of persons offering to teach them easy methods of acquiring psychic gifts; such gifts (laukika) are indeed comparatively easy of acquirement by artificial means, but fade out as soon as the nerve-stimulus exhausts itself. The real seership and adeptship which is accompanied by true psychic development (lokothra), once reached, is never lost.
It appears that various societies have sprung into existence since the foundation of the Theosophical Society, profiting by the interest the latter has awakened in matters of psychic research, and endeavouring to gain members by promising them easy acquirement of psychic powers. In India we have long been familiar with the existence of hosts of sham ascetics of all descriptions, and we fear that there is fresh danger in this direction, here [in India], as well as in Europe and America. We only hope that none of our members, dazzled by brilliant promises, will allow themselves to be taken in by self-deluded dreamers, or, it may be, wilful deceivers.”
— H.P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings
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Shiva Ascetic in Levitation (c. 1820) — from the series Ascetics Performing Tapas, Collection of the British Museum
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