#small cross-over to the documentary 'alien planet'
master-tonberry · 2 years
Good grief, we have lots in common! Well, I'm really glad I sent my silly survey now because I have some very exciting ideas percolating for you present. :)
Thanks for taking the time to answer all my whimsies!
MY FAVORITE SONG IS "MERCY"!!! You made my heart so happy reading that. Hyungwon's songwriting skills are unparalleled for me.
Night owls represent!!!
I had to google that book, and now I want to read it. It tells me much about you. My favorite novels are Handmaid's Tale and Alias Grace, both of which I read in my femlit class in college. My other favorites are Pride & Prejudice and the His Dark Materials books!
Winter is my favorite season, and I abhor summer. Like you, I love the cold. I'm happiest when it's snowing heaps and I know can play in it (I never grew up, to be clear lol).
My husband and I started watching the Willow series this weekend! He had never seen Willow, so we watched it, and he LOVED it. Like you, it was a staple of my childhood, along with Goonies and The Neverending Story. I love a good quest! And as I mentioned, HDM is one of my favorite books, and the series is so lajdfljasfldjaslfdjlaskdjf. FINALLY, someone did it justice! I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH THE FINAL BOOK COME TO LIFE.
Aw, I didn't see Wheel of Time, but you're right, I didn't read good things about it either. :(
YOU LIVED IN ICELAND??? Pump the brakes! In 6th grade, that was the country I picked to do a travel report on, and I have been obsessed ever since though I've never been. It's both so alien and primordial and fantasical. What was that like that you can remember? Where else have you lived?
I am fascinated by big cities--their ebb and flow and all the possibilities available--but as an introvert, I feel like it would zap my energy every day. My city is a small-market, but I love it dearly. (I'm in the US, and I assume from your previous asks that you are, too?)
Since you didn't mind my barrage of questions, let me close this with a few more.
Fantasy, sci fi, comedy, or documentary:
Favorite character in the Willow movie:
Favorite character in HDM:
What kind of video games do you play?
What's your favorite story trope:
You're part of a quest. What role do you play? The leader, the comic relief, the planner, the silent but skilled expert, the troublemaker, or the one everyone thought was just a regular nobody but has a power that awakens unexpectedly to save the day?
Have fun! No rush! Get back when you can! :D I'll be waiting for my new friend.
xoxo mbb Secret Santa
omg no way, Alias Grace is one of my favorites!! I love Margaret Atwood, and if you like her you'll definitely like Sheri S. Tepper!
And holy shit Goonies 😭😭😭 That's my all time favorite movie ever! I watched that and Willow and Neverending Story and Last Unicorn over and over lol. And the animated Hobbit, which turned me into a massive LotR nerd and led to a debilitating D&D habit.
And yes, I'm in the US! My father was a pilot before he retired so we lived in some cool places. Iceland was great, I was pretty young so I don't remember a lot, but I do remember going on road trips and visiting lava fields. It was like being on a different planet. We also lived in Germany for a while, which was also wonderful and I also want to go back and visit lol.
Okay, questions now!
Fantasy, Sci Fi, Comedy, or Documentary: I like all of them but I'm most drawn to fantasy.
Favorite Character in Willow: This is like choosing one of my children!! I love the brownies so so much but also Sorcha oh my god. I adore her.
Favorite Character in HDM: Lee Scoresby, easy lol. I was born in Texas so I'm partial to Texan characters, especially noble pilot types.
Video Games: I like all kinds of games! I play cozy games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, rpgs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect, big dumb shooters like Gears of War, basically anything that has a good soundtrack and interesting gameplay mechanics.
Story Trope: Probably found family. Most of the games, books, and shows that I'm into involve it in one way or another. I also dig a good enemies to lovers lol
Role in a Quest: I would probably be the planner lol. I have that super power combo of ADHD and mild autism plus anxiety, so if the mission goes wrong, I guarantee I have already stressed out about it and come up with at least four contingency plans for that exact scenario 😂
I hope your week is going well so far, and I'm looking forward to your next ask! 💗
0 notes
cant-blink · 3 years
Prisoner, Ch. 1
Summary: Gigan and Megalon meet a young Ghidorah. Gigan is intent on converting the child into their pirate crew, whether he likes it or not. 
What the hell happened here?
Glancing between the red planet ahead of them and the radar meant to detect life, both seemed desolate. But that can’t be right, he’s heard all about this world and the rare fauna it held, valued on the exotic pet black-market. Yet the sensors were picking up no life down below. Not even a plant.
Gigan rechecked the coordinates, just to ensure that they made it to the right world. Yep, it was and he wondered if there was some sort of malfunction.
He glanced back, seeing Megalon play-wrestling with Scoli. He said nothing to the beetle and centipede, as he directed the ship to orbit this world. Maybe they were in a bad spot? But as they moved, there continued to be no signs of life down below. Odd, very odd indeed. It was almost li-
Wait, there we go! The radar was finally picking up life signatures by the world’s single giant ocean. That’s a relief.
He lets out a soft breath, a smile growing on his beak as his hooked claw reached out and delicately pushed some of the buttons on the control panel. He glanced back again at his crewmates.
“Hey,” he started, getting their attention. “We’re going in for a landing.”
And that’s the only warning they were getting to brace themselves before he plunged the ship down into the atmosphere with speed. Flames erupt from the front of the ship and the floor began to tremble slightly before increasing in intensity. The emergency light flashed as warnings came to the control panel’s computer to slow the fuck down! But Gigan held firm, his beak cracking into a wide grin. 
The screaming coming from behind him only encouraged his behavior as they cut through the last layer of cloud.
Cutting it a bit short, he leveled out the ship close enough to the ground to whip up a huge plume of dirt and debris. Their momentum held firm, the landscape zooming beneath them at breakneck speed.
Looming up from the horizon was a mountain, that they were heading straight for!
“GIGAN, STOP IT!!” he heard shouting and he was pretty sure it was Megalon. He lets out a laugh before activating the anti-gravity devices to lift the ship up higher to avoid a mountain range. There was the ocean just beyond, purple in color. Here we go. He finally brought the ship to a halt and began hovering it down towards the ground. Easy now, easy... Putting down the gears, the ship landed delicately onto the rocky shore. 
Perfect, as always!
Turning towards his crew, he saw Scoli clinging to a wall and Megalon stuck on his back and he shook his head slightly. But he did nothing to help up his clumsy friend as he refocused on the control panel. 
“Get ready to go. I’m going to activate the cameras; I want full 360 view of the place.” He glanced out a window. “Don’t want to miss out on an opportunity, after all.”
He’s almost done with this world.
Its lifeforms were quite large and plentiful, and so many of them had young. Perfect conditions for harvesting lifeforce and fueling his growth. He’s already gathered enough victims into his bio-sac dome to make the journey to the next world and was now occupying his time until his meal was ready for consumption. Nothing more fun than a round of exploration, and senseless murder!
He had just found the ocean, and he was playing with it. Its water seemed to have solidified into a thick purple substance, like gelatin, and it seemed to be alive in and of itself. It would rise up in thick tendrils and nudged against his legs in an attempt to engulf him; it reminded him of his bio-sac’s tentacles snatching up anything that came too close. 
Luckily, it was very easy for him to pull free and it only encouraged his curiosity. He would bite into the jelly and his teeth would penetrate a transparent layer. There was the taste of salt-water in the fluid that poured into his maw. 
He wasn’t a fan of eating it, and he lets the pieces splatter onto the ground from his mouth. But biting chunks out of it was still very fun indeed. What was more fun, though, was him spotting a creature further out to sea. It wasn’t a species he’s met before, and how could he resist flying out to meet it?
This prey was the largest creature he’s met in his short life so far, about half his size. It stood upright, without front appendages beyond a few small tentacles at the front of its body. Its disproportionately large feet were gouging chunks out of the gelatin ocean as it walked on its surface. It had a crest structure jutting out the back of its head and a large glowing... eye on either side of it, glowing a bright amber. 
It seemed so blissfully unaware of his presence as he flew over it, as if it was confident its sheer size would protect it from harm. No doubt, it had no natural predators on this measly planet, but he was anything but natural.
He opened his jaws and shot flaming energy balls at it. The thick purple liquid rippled out as some of his fireballs struck the surface, explosions coming up around his prey. It lets out an echoing booming cry and the young Ghidorah does not let up. He shoots another trio of fireballs, one of them striking its tail and severing it to fall into the disturbed ocean. The tentacles thrashed around as its cries grow more high-pitched in distress.
Chuckling to himself, the young dragon swooped in from behind, his talons out to sink into the creature’s flesh. It began to struggle, but he was not to be dislodged as his three jaws surged forward to tear into its flesh. Rip it apart bit by bit.
After a moment spent torturing this creature, his wings began to flap. Luckily, this world had a thick atmosphere with light gravity, allowing him to take off with relative ease even with this added burden.
There was a bit of a suction effect trying to pull it off the ocean, as if the creature was gripping it, but with another tug, he ripped it free. Chunks of the purple gelatin fell from its feet and back onto the rest of the ocean.
He flew this creature back to the beach, and dropped it onto land without care. Its collision onto the beach was not a pleasant one from the sound of it and it seemed to struggle getting itself back up. He doesn’t allow it to recover as he landed beside it, his jaws clamping onto different parts of its mangled broken body before lifting it into the air.
Hearing the cries of fear and pain as he slammed his prey into the ground repeatedly was like music to his ears and always had him wanting to hear more. He hoped this was a plentiful species, as he was starting to run out of toys to play with.
It was a sure sign that soon, it’ll be time to move on. 
Dropping his still-living prey onto the ground one last time, he planted a foot onto it to keep it pinned and leaned down to start stripping flesh from its body to devour. He didn’t require flesh to survive, he needed only to sap their life energy. But it was still fun to taste, to rip apart, even better if they were still alive while he did so.
His right head caught sight of something flashing through the sky over the mountains. His left head focused on it as well as he fed, his large eyes taking in every detail.
Not a meteor, but a ship. It was landing somewhere much further up the beach.
Oh, good! More toys to play with! It’s not often that prey just hand themselves on a silver platter like this.
Licking his bloodied lips, he shifted his foot to where its giant amber eyes were, assuming this must be the head. The creature wasn’t even struggling anymore, even as he placed all his weight onto that foot, crushing it beneath his weight. Feeling the bones break apart and the blood spreading over his sole, he pulled his foot away to admire his work for a moment before turning away. He started running towards the ship, his wings fanning open wider to catch the wind until he built up enough speed to kick off the ground and fly into the air.
Let’s have some fun.
Megalon tilted his head, looking back at the screen Gigan was watching, spotting a small kaiju flying in. The cyborg had the image zoomed in and enhanced, and he can see a three headed creature making a bee-line straight for them. The beetle has never met this infamous ‘Ghidorah’ before, so he wasn’t sure what he was expecting. This, however, wasn’t it.
“That’s Ghidorah?” he couldn’t help but ask. This was the creature that killed off Gigan’s Masters? The one the cyborg was lusting over? The one the beetle declared as his rival? THIS was the cosmic terror?!
Well, beating this thing to a pulp was going to be easier than he thought and he was about to hurry outside to do just that when Gigan speaks up.
“He’s not my Ghidorah,” he told him with audible confusion and disbelief. “This is a whole new one. I never heard of another Ghidorah being created.” The cyborg chuckled slightly as he watched the screen. This hydra was a lot smaller than the one he knew, a youngster most likely. Was his Ghidorah breeding somewhere out there and this was one of his offspring? Isn’t that very interesting...
“What do we do with it?” Scoli asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Gigan chortled. “We invite him to join us. A Ghidorah, even a young one like this, will be more valuable than anything else we can poach from this planet.”
“If he’s so valuable, shouldn’t we sell him?” Megalon asked with an edge to his voice. He didn’t want to have this... thing with them, so he’s willing to say anything to get rid of this little dragon. Gigan’s Ghidorah or not, Megalon didn’t want the potential competition for the cyborg’s attention.
Gigan was more than aware of what the beetle was trying to do and he couldn’t hold back a smirk at Megalon’s jealousy. “No amount of money would be good enough.” He heard the ‘hmph’ from the insect and turned back to look at the little hydra. “Like it or not, Megalon, we’re keeping him.” He looked towards Scoli. “Clear out one of the containment units, one of the heavy duty ones, just in case. We’ll meet you outside.”
Scoli nodded softly before turning and scurrying away towards the lower decks. Gigan spent another moment to watch the little dragon come in for a landing nearby before opening the doors and moving towards the exit.
Megalon rushed to keep up. “But what if it’s not a Ghidorah and it’s just some random thing that LOOKS like a Ghidorah?” What did he have to say to discourage this cyborg’s interest in this youngster?
“You’re being silly now, babe,” Gigan said with humor before continuing. “I know what a Ghidorah looks like. There’s no mistaking them for anything else.”
“But... but... He’s so tiny! Are we really going to play baby-sitter until he’s all grown-up?”
“I play baby-sitter with you all the time, soooooo...” Gigan drawled before he looked over his shoulder at him, knowing exactly how to shut this beetle up. “You’re not trusting me, Megalon. Acting all jealous over a kid of all things.” He maintained hard eye-contact with the insect. “Keep yourself in check, or I’ll start reconsidering our friendship.”
Megalon froze for a moment. Did Gigan just call him- “I’m not jealous!” the beetle stated defensively, fumbling over his thoughts a bit as he tries to come up with a valid excuse for his behavior. “I just don’t think this is a good-”
Suddenly, the sound of an explosion came and the ship’s foundation shook. Gigan knew immediately what was happening; the damn kid was attacking their ship! Without another word towards Megalon, he rushed outside and turned in the direction the young Ghidorah should be. There he was, shooting... fire at the hull.
He never knew his own Ghidorah to spit fire. In the time they spent together in Nebulan captivity, he’s only ever seen him shoot lightning. Very interesting...
The little one very quickly caught sight of his movement and all three of those heads turned towards him.
Well, this wasn’t what he was expecting.
He was expecting small lesser creatures to be in this ship; that’s always been the case in his experience. But what came out was no small creature, oh no. This one was damn near twice his size!
He’s never seen anything so huge in his short life; in fact, he’s never met a fellow kaiju before. He was still young enough that different races still held novelty to him, and his eyes took in every detail. The creature had green flesh and gold... scales? And three wings, and one eye. And 2 extra appendages that ended in silver hooks. A weapon, that’s what this thing is.
But he was not one to be easily intimidated; even as young as he is, a Ghidorah was still not a creature to mess with. Besides, can you imagine how much life-force he can syphon out of this thing? Sure, it’s not as potent as the souls of children, but the sheer amount would more than make up for it. It would be enough to fuel TWO trips to the next world!! This thing looks very pointy and sharp though, so best to be carefu-
“Hey, kid,” the creature spoke in an odd mixture of a natural and mechanical voice. Really, the fact it talks at all was most surprising. The young Ghidorah never had anyone actually talk to him in a way he understands. Supposed it was an inevitability, but what now?
Flee, or try to kill it for that bounty of lifeforce? Never before has he ever had to make that kind of decision. He usually just defaulted to the latter.
“Ghidorah, right?”
Wait, how did it know his name...?
Heh, seems his reputation has preceded him. But then, what did this thing want? It knew who he was and yet doesn’t run in fear? His suspicions were starting to overcome his pride. For the first time, he engaged in this conversation. “Who are you?”
“Name’s Gigan,” the creature said in a strangely casual tone that did nothing to ease the young dragon.
“How do you know who I am?”
“Heh, I know another Ghidorah,” he told him. “Great friends, him and I. Used to work together in another solar system. A pleasant surprise to see another one here. You’ve been having fun, I see.”
The young dragon narrowed a pair of eyes. Another Ghidorah? He had no idea there were other Ghidorah out there. The idea any of them would be friends with this thing was dubious though. 
“Why did you come here?” He had no intentions on stopping his questioning, especially not while he was still on edge about this whole situation. 
"Glad you asked. Y'see, I travel around, stripping worlds of their resources, and life," At once the young Ghidorah's eyes lit up a bit with interest, and this 'Gigan' seemed to notice as he chuckled. "Yeah, sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Exactly why I worked so well with the other Ghidorah, when our goals align perfectly, huh?" He took a step closer and the dragon's body tensed up, still apprehensive. Thankfully, Gigan comes no closer. "I came to this world looking for a good time. And here we are. Fate works in strange ways, bringing us together, huh?"
The youngster can already tell where this was going before this funny-looking creature said it.
“How can I not give you the opportunity to join me? Whaddya say, kid? Interested?” 
The hydra doesn’t answer or move for a long moment. So many red flags were shooting up in his heads, and he was unsure if it was just his natural instinct to distrust other lifeforms. He just... didn’t like this thing. He didn’t like how it spoke to him or the words it was saying. It just... seemed manipulative.
He should get out of here. Whatever this thing has planned, it wasn’t good and he takes a step back. 
His instincts seemed to prove correct as the creature’s beak twisted into a smirk at seeing him step back. His tone too seemed to change, still friendly but with an edge laced into it. 
“You sure you want to do that? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
The little Ghidorah said nothing, glaring at this creature before shaking his heads. Yeah, it was time to leave. He should fly back to his bio-sac and devour what he can before vacating this planet. Now. The urgency in his instincts only got worse when he spotted movement by the door to find another giant kaiju, roughly the same size as the one in front of him. It wasn’t as sharp-looking, but it did have pointy front limbs. It had no wings that he can see and it had a strange... horn between giant golden eyes that looked to be made of a bunch of little eyes.
“Such a shame,” the pointy one continued, the red jewel on that forehead starting to glow. “I was hoping you’d be smarter than the last Ghidorah.”
The youngster couldn’t ignore the red-flags anymore and he attempted to make a run for it. But no sooner had he turned his heads than he felt a jolt as a red beam erupted from the creature, hitting the scales in his chest.
Thankfully, his underside had heavy plated armor that held up well, but it was still enough force to stumble him back. He screeched in anger before regaining his balance, facing the two giant kaiju.
Seemed he had no choice but to stand and fight, in what would be the most dangerous battle he’s ever faced in his young life.
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB Nova Ch 6
Ch 6: Eccentricity
AN: Loved some of the PatB shorts more than others (You know my eternal hatred for THAT one). But that’s a story for another day. I’m sticking to the 90s versions of these characters though. For now. I might have a gander at the reboot versions someday. You never know!
Ch 6 FFN Link
April 22, 2015! Narf! You’ll never guess what happened, Mickey Mouse. I met the Brain! Well, I’ve only known him for about four months, or less than two days, depending on how you wanna look at it, but if anything happened to him, I would make myself watch Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender!
Tomorrow, I’m going to the mall and buying a hat. Can’t root for Farfignetown (I have to ask her how she spells her name!) at the Derby without a super fancy hat!
PS: Tell Minnie I said hi!  
Pinky stepped back to admire his handiwork, the tip of his blue glitter gel pen pressing under his chin as he leaned against it. He did his best to copy Brain’s messages, but he was probably gonna have to write only the first letters only in the future. He didn’t want to take up the entire calendar page again.
His ears twitched at a scraping sound behind him. The sparkly gel smeared against his fur as he turned around, leaving a blue streak across his chest. Egad, if he continued to cover himself in the stuff, he’d look just like one of the Blue Men!
Brain pushed a heavy textbook across the counter, finally stopping underneath a light panel on the ceiling. Then he flipped it open, climbed up, and began to read.
It wasn’t the same book he’d started reading after they’d shaken hands to seal their new friendship either.
“Whatcha reading, Brain?” Pinky asked, slinging the gel pen over his shoulder. “I thought you were reading about jeans! So, find anything good? I think I like the flare type best. Skinny jeans make me chafe.”
“I have no idea what you’re blathering about, Pinky,” Brain said, not looking up from the page he was on. His head shifted from side to side as he read on, and Pinky imagined a giant, fluffy marshmallow making the same movements.
His stomach growled, and a marshmallow dinner sounded heavenly. With cheese fondue and rainbow sprinkles and a light dollop of whipped cream on top…
Wait, no, no. The kitchen didn’t have Gruyere cheese! Processed American cheese wouldn’t provide that proper creamy texture at all.
What kind of host was he? Unable to serve proper cheese fondue to his alien guest?
Then Brain hopped off the book, growling to himself as he pushed up on the hard cover and the few pages he turned. The pages slid into place, but he wasn’t tall enough to get the cover to close the entire way.  
“Do you need help, Brain?” Pinky asked. He dropped the gel pen and grasped the cover’s edge, but Brain smacked him sharply on the wrist, forcing Pinky to let go. Pinky flicked his wrist, and the sting quickly disappeared.
“Don’t patronize me! I can get it myself!” Brain snarled. He pushed on the cover again, and it rose a couple inches in the air, only to land against his fingertips. He growled and spread his feet, jumping as he pushed on the cover once more. This time, the cover slammed into the pages with a heavy thud. “Your sources of information are woefully lacking with your livable yet rudimentary conditions. Penumbra had a much better database, and it’s been dilapidated for a long time.”
Pinky had no idea what dilapidated was. Probably something to do with laps though.
“Oh, well if you need more reading material, I’ve got just the thing!” Pinky said, motioning for Brain to follow him over to a tiny side table where all the magazines were stacked. “Let’s see, we’ve got Vogue, National Geographic, Reader’s Digest…ah, here we are! This one’s my favorite out of all the Zoobooks! Lots of pretty horses to look at. Zort!”
Pinky thumbed through the magazine until he found his favorite page, which had gorgeous art of a white horse running on grassy hills. “This one’s my favorite,” he said as he pressed the magazine into Brain’s hands. Brain nearly went cross-eyed just trying to look at it, but he held out his hands and pushed the pages back until they weren’t so close to his face. “I named her Pharfignewton after Pharfignewton! Isn’t her mane just the flowiest thing you’ve ever seen?”
“Including or excluding your mind in that comparison?” Brain asked. He closed the magazine and set it on top of the stack. “Your choice of reading material is peculiar, but I suppose brushing up on this planet’s ecology wouldn’t hurt.”
Pinky grinned. “If you think those are good, remind me to show you David Attenborough’s work sometime! His documentaries are amazing!”
Brain tilted his head, his antennae bobbing with the motion. “You’ve mentioned someone named Pharfignewton multiple times. An acquaintance of yours?”
“She’s not a quail, Brain. She’s a horse, of course!” Pinky laughed at his little rhyme. “Oh right, I’ve never showed you pictures of her, have I? Where are my manners? Anyway, I left them in the cage. It’s right this way! Or left this way. I can never tell which.”
Pinky ran back to the cage and squeezed through the bars, Brain trailing behind at a much slower pace. As Pinky slid his right leg through the bars, he realized just how dirty the cage was. There was a small puddle by the water bottle, and straw was scattered all over the place. Crumbs littered the floor around the food bowl, and his wheel had a stain shaped like a pomegranate.
It just wouldn’t do at all!
“Sorry for the mess!” Pinky called to Brain, who was watching him curiously from outside the cage. “I didn’t know I’d be having a visitor today!”
But Brain didn’t seem to care about the mess. Instead, he prodded the locked cage door.  
“Nicholas and Mr. Button, you’ve gotta wake up and help me clean!” Pinky said, shaking them frantically from where they were tucked into the straw. “Narf, you two were up talking late again, weren’t you?”
They were too asleep to respond though.
“Okay, well, I’ll let you sleep for now, but tomorrow I’ll be going over proper cagesitting behavior with both of you,” Pinky sighed. He carefully rolled up the photo of Pharfignewton he kept near the straw bed, hugging it close to his body as he slipped through the bars again.
“Pinky, those are inanimate objects,” Brain said, bending a paper clip until it was completely straight. He poked one of the sharp ends and winced.  “They won’t respond to you.”
“They’re real life objects, Brain. They’re not animated,” Pinky said. “Whatcha doing with that paper clip?”
Brain pressed his ear against the cage door, carefully maneuvering the paper clip into the lock. It slipped a quarter of the way in before Brain yanked it out again, his eyes darting around the room as if something would swoop down on them.
When nothing happened, he went back to inserting the paper clip. “Nothing to disable here. There’s no alarm system on the door,” Brain said, turning to Pinky. “I thought you were squeezing through the bars to avoid triggering it.”
“I’ve never had an alarm before. Do you think I should get one?” Pinky asked. “Just so nobody tries to burger my wheel or water bottle? Hmm, what would a burger with those ingredients even taste like? Not very appetizing, probably.”
Brain only stared at him, the paper clip almost slipping from his hand in surprise. “Don’t tell me the only reason you haven’t used the door is because you can’t unlock it.”
Pinky nodded. “Okay. I won’t tell you the only reason I haven’t used the door is because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to unlock it.”
Shaking his head in dismay, Brain reinserted the bent paper clip until it was halfway in, then turned it clockwise (or was it counterclockwise? Pinky always got them mixed up).
“There,” he said, letting the door swing open. “Now you can enter and exit as you please like a civilized mos.”
“Egad, that’s brilliant!” Pinky stepped inside the cage, then back out. In and out again, and again, and he almost started dancing the Hokey Pokey, which would’ve been a whole lot of fun, but Brain still hadn’t seen Pharfignewton’s photo!
Now that was a real tongue twister there!
“This is Pharfignewton, Brain! Isn’t she pretty?” Pinky asked, pressing the photo into Brain’s hands.
The photo had been taken two weeks ago, when her owner had hired a professional to photograph Pharfignewton as she sprinted around the field. Pharfignewton had given Pinky her personal favorite, one that showed her hooves flying through the air and her gorgeous mane streaming in the sunlight. She was having the time of her life, and she couldn’t have picked a better photo to give him.
“There’s certainly an uncanny resemblance,” Brain admitted. “And the size discrepancy between you and her is incredibly blatant. Not to mention the species difference.”
Pinky crossed his arms. “Oh, don’t be so intolerant, Brain. She’s big cause she’s a horse, and I’m small cause I’m a mouse. But we make it work.”
Pharfignewton would be gone for the next two months, possibly more when she achieved the Triple Crown. It would be lonely, but he could manage.
“You mentioned she was far away when I interrogated you.” Brain set the photo down, smoothing out a corner though it didn’t have any wrinkles.
“She’s still on the road to the Derby, I think. Can’t really get in touch with her though. Phones are kinda tricky with hooves, you know.” Pinky said. “She’s wanted the Triple Crown her entire life. So that’s why I gotta make a giant hat and root for her when she races!”
“I don’t understand how a hat factors into all this,” Brain said.
“Zort! I dunno,” Pinky shrugged. “You can’t have a Derby without horses, hats, and My Old Kentucky Home. Otherwise it wouldn’t be much of a Derby then, would it?”
Brain folded his arms. “I’m currently debating if I should take your words at face value or not. Your customs make no sense whatsoever.”
Pinky thought they made perfect sense, and cents, and all of the five senses really, but his stomach growled and that thought was soon forgotten. Brain never had Earth food before, had he?
Definitely a job for a genetically altered Earth mouse to show him the ropes!  
But first, Pinky had to clean the gel off his fur. It was starting to clump into spikes, and that wouldn’t do at all.
Pinky rinsed himself in the sink, sticking out his tongue to lap up some of the cool water as it trickled out of the faucet. Thankfully, the gel hadn’t settled into his fur and was very easy to wash away. And flicking the water around the sink with his tail was loads of fun too!
Brain stayed on the outer rim, pulling on the stopper and handles by the sink out of curiosity. He edged closer to the stream of water, almost touching it with a gloved hand, but decided against it. But he wouldn’t stop staring at it either, like he’d never seen water in his life.
Maybe he hadn’t?
The moon was made of cheese and not water after all. Water would make the cheese all soggy and mushy and wash away the cheesy taste that made cheese so delicious.
“C’mon, Brain! Poit!” Pinky pushed his fingers together, trying to send a squirt of water up to Brain, though it missed his nose by a mile and landed on a small crumb on the slope of the sink instead. “The water’s just fine!”
“I’ll have to decline your offer, Pinky,” Brain said. “My information about water is rather lacking, and I’d rather not cover myself in a substance without knowing more.”
“I guess water would leave the moon cheese not very tasty to eat, huh?” Pinky asked. He braced himself and shot out of the tiny waterfall, and he was very glad for all the focus he’d put into leg exercises recently, because his running start was enough to get him over the rim on his first try. “Well, all you need to know is that water is wet, it splishy-splashes all over the place, and it’s fun to play Marco Polo in!”
Brain didn’t look convinced though. He removed one of his black gloves and touched a puddle, rubbing the water between his fingers curiously.
Pinky turned off the water, then dried himself off with a fluffy towel. He double checked his chest to make sure the gel was completely gone and patted down his fur.
“This way, Brain!” Pinky called, jumping off the counter and onto a spinny chair. The seat twirled around for a bit, making him slightly dizzy, but it was all in jolly good fun. Brain carefully climbed down, gripping the drawer handles and moving slowly. He slipped on the last handle and landed awkwardly on his right leg. He grimaced for a moment, his nose scrunching up rather adorably. “Blueberry bagels and cream cheese, here we come!”
“Your sustenance on Terra, I assume?” Brain asked. He followed Pinky through a corridor and into the kitchen, his large head turning every which way to take in all the sights of ACME Lab. Now that it was daytime, there were more colors than just shadowy blue. Pinky wondered if Brain would try to name the colors he saw. Pinky tried once, but there were just too many pretty colors streaming in from the window pane above.
“They aren’t consonants, Brain. They’re delicious and all, but they wouldn’t fit with the alphabet. A little bit of a mouthful, don’t you think? Poit!” Pinky climbed up the cherry-print towel hanging on the refrigerator door like he’d done a million times before. He braced himself against the fridge door, pressed his legs against the handle, and pushed with all his might, feeling that familiar strain of his stomach muscles.
The door opened with a satisfying pop. Breathing heavily, Pinky tumbled more than he climbed down the towel, landing on the cold floor of the refrigerator.
“S-surely there has to be a more e-efficient way to open a door than your method.” Brain’s teeth chattered together, his ears flattening to avoid the sudden chill. He took a few steps away from the open fridge, his arms folded in front of his chest. “Is it a-always this cold?”
“Oh, I haven’t even opened up the freezer! If you think this is cold, you’ll really feel like a mousesicle in there! But it’s worth it if you wanna get to the strawberry ice cream with the cute little mini spoons! Maybe some other time though. Right now, it’s important to get a daily serving of cheese!” Pinky exclaimed as he pushed two small tubs of cream cheese from a middle shelf. They each landed on the floor with a thud, and Pinky jumped down and retrieved them, closing the fridge door behind him with his foot.
Brain sighed in relief as soon as the door was closed, his arms dropping to his sides.
“They keep the blueberry bagels by the bagel warmer,” Pinky said as he led Brain out of the kitchen and into a room that had been marked with a yellow and black caution sign. The bagels were so delicious they even had to warn everyone to take caution! “Oh, now that’s a tongue twister. Blueberry bagels by the bagel warmer. Boobelly beige by the baguette warmer...oh, that’s a toughie. I’ll work on it.”
The bagel warmer was an oddly shaped toaster, with lots of wires and bulbs sticking out along the sides and top. It even had a conveyor belt running through it, but Pinky thought it made this toaster really unique among toasters. Why, he’d even been toasted in this toaster himself! Though it wasn’t as much fun as crispy pieces of bread made it seem. He just remembered a lot of smoke and electricity. And there’d been a lot of narf inside too.
Pinky set the tubs of cream cheese on the floor, then climbed up to the conveyor belt, which was propped on metallic cylinders.
“This is so much easier with two mice!” Pinky crowed. He peered down at Brain, who curiously poked at a red wire on the floor. “I don’t mind eating bagels by themselves, but there’s something about toasty bagels that just warms the heart!”
“If they’re truly that delectable, I suppose there’s no harm in trying it,” Brain replied.
“Did your file thingies say anything about Earth food?” Pinky asked. Because Brain sure didn’t seem to know much about tasty things.
Brain shook his head. “The Selenians didn’t bother with information about the lifestyles or cuisine of Terrans. It was irrelevant to their cause.”
Oh. Pinky tried to imagine being an alien who didn’t know anything about cheese, but came up blank. He’d eaten cheese and food pellets his entire life. He couldn’t imagine a world without them.
“Pinky, are you aware that machine is also apparently a gene splicer?” Brain asked, pointing to the letters along the side.
“So it does. But the only things that go in are bagels and lab mice. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone try to splice a pair of jeans. Oh, that reminds me!” Pinky snapped his fingers. How could he have forgotten something so very important? The silly machine was on the gene splicer setting! Pinky pressed a conveniently labeled button that said ‘press here for bagel warmer setting’. How nice of the scientists to label their stuff!
He was so glad he discovered that before sending the bagels through. The gene splicer setting would’ve made the bagels extra crispy, and while Pinky didn’t mind, extra crispy bagels were a taste one had to get used to first. Nope, it was better to start Brain off lightly!
“Can you please get two blueberry bagels from the bag, Brain?” Pinky pointed to a bottom cabinet where the bagels were kept, grinning at the new tongue twister he’d come with. Egad, he was good at this! “They’re the tan circles with a hole and blue specks in them! Kinda like a donut, except without the frosting and sprinkles. Zort, Brain! You’ve never eaten donuts, have you? Oh, I am definitely making a list of foods you need to try!”
Pinky hopped onto a tall table and neatly tore a paper towel off its roll, then laid it flat on the conveyor belt. Following Pinky’s instructions, Brain retrieved two bagels from the cabinet and passed them up to Pinky. Brain still seemed rather confused about the gene splicer and the bagel warmer being one and the same. Pinky carefully separated each bagel so that he had four half-bagels with the inside lying face-up and arranged them on the paper towel so they would all be nice and toasty.      
Then Pinky realized he’d forgotten another thing. Namely, that he didn’t know how to turn the bagel warmer on.
He scratched his head.
That could be a real issue.
“Pinky, do you actually know how to work this machine?” Brain’s voice sounded oddly strained. Pinky turned around. Brain was hanging onto the side of the conveyor belt, his legs wrapped around one of the metal cylinders. He’d tried to climb up himself, but his arms were too short to get a proper grip, and if he leaned over anymore, he’d fall right on his chubby head.
Pinky reached over, grasping Brain’s wrists and trying to haul him up, only for Brain to be resistant to help. He wouldn’t budge, his wrists feeling oddly tense under Pinky’s hands. His pink eyes were wide and apprehensive, pointed ears flattening against his head.
“Brain?” Pinky said. “I’m just gonna haul you up. Could you relax a bit please? It’ll be much easier.”
Brain didn’t move for a second, searching Pinky’s eyes warily. Pinky just gave him an encouraging smile. Brain looked away, his brow furrowing, but some of the tension left his wrists.
Pinky pulled him onto the railing of the conveyor belt, Brain’s feet scrabbling in the air briefly before settling firmly on the metal.
“Thanks,” Brain muttered. He walked over to the various buttons and levers, examining each one curiously.  
“You’re welcome, Brain!” Pinky brought one hand to his forehead in a salute, only to remember that Brain was an honest-to-goodness alien, and probably didn’t know that particular gesture. So Pinky tried to make the Vulcan salute instead, but it was kinda tricky with only four fingers instead of five.
“This is very intriguing,” Brain breathed, pressing his face against a small closed window that offered a look into the gears and wires within the bagel warmer. “Yes, pure lithium power source, proton accelerators, and automatic anti-inertia capabilities? The use of nanoplasmic charges leaves a lot to be desired of course, but to have the rest of these things in one machine at your fingertips…”
Pinky didn’t understand anything Brain just said, but the alien’s fingers were twitching in excitement, his nose smushed against the glass. It was the first genuine smile Pinky had seen from the alien since they first met, and Pinky thought it looked really good on him. Even nicer than the jumpsuit, which was already really fashionable. “If you figure out how to turn it on, that would be really great!” Pinky grinned. Brain pulled down on a nearby lever, and the conveyor belt began to move. “Egad, brilliant!”
“The lever was labeled, Pinky.” Brain waved him off, pointing to the word ‘on’ stenciled next to him. But his head tilted up and his chest puffed out too. He seemed to like that word a lot. “Wait, you figured out the machine was on the wrong setting, but you can’t turn it on?”
Pinky shrugged. “It’s not really my type, Brain.”
“Never mind,” Brain sighed, the tips of his ears turning as red as his nose. He turned back to the machine window. “I want to observe this process.”  
“Me too!” Pinky exclaimed, and he hopped over to the window, smushing his nose against it just as the bagels were swept into the machine. Blue electricity sparked and jumped all around the metal structures inside, and the glass warmed beneath Pinky’s hands.
It was a beautiful sight, and Pinky licked his lips as the bagels crisped from the heat.
Beside him, Brain watched the electricity intently, murmuring a bunch of smart words Pinky didn’t understand, but definitely enjoying the show too.
Within several minutes, the bagels gained an extremely nice golden brown crisp, and the conveyor belt moved them out of the bagel warmer. Brain pulled the lever up and the conveyor belt stopped moving, the thrum of the machine beneath their feet slowly fading away.
They weaved around long, multicolored wires as they made their way to the other side, where the bagels awaited them.
“Troz! Looks positively dee-lish!” Pinky exclaimed, poking at one of the bagels. Firm and flaky, just how they were supposed to be. His mouth watered in anticipation.
“The scent alone is quite appealing,” Brain agreed, taking several sniffs of the bagels. “I’ve never smelled anything like this before.”
Pinky grinned at him. “Oh, just you wait, Brain! The real magic is just starting!”
Sliding down the cylinders, Pinky retrieved the two cream cheese tubs they’d left on the floor and passed them up to Brain one at a time. His lower leg strength had improved a lot in the past few months, and it was easy for him to hang on while he passed the tubs up.
“Show-off,” Brain grumbled as he took hold of the second tub.
Pinky just laughed as he fetched two plastic knives from a drawer and carted them back to Brain and the bagels.
“Here you go! Bon appetit!” Pinky said. He gave one of the plastic knives to Brain, who gingerly ran his finger across the toothed edge as he examined the flat, see-through handle. “Oh, be careful with those, Brain. You don’t wanna cut yourself.”
“Not to worry, Pinky,” Brain said. “We have knives on New Selene. But I’ve never seen one with this particular material before. And much duller too.”
Pinky peeled away the cover of a cream cheese tub, drooling over the gorgeous smooth white surface inside. Brain copied him with the other tub, pulling off the cover completely. The alien took off his gloves and sniffed the cream cheese a few times, swiping one fingertip through the cream cheese. Then he tasted it.
Brain’s eyes widened immediately, his antennae perking up. He licked cream cheese off his fingertip four more times before he realized Pinky was watching him. Brain ducked his head and fiddled with his sleeves.
“That was…even better than I anticipated,” Brain admitted, his voice full of wonder.
“Aw, you don’t have to be embarrassed if you like it, Brain. I’m glad you think so, cause blueberry bagels and cream cheese is my favorite. Well, so are food pellets. And marshmallows, especially the puffy kind. And smiley face lollipops and…poit! I have a lot of favorites, it’s so hard to choose just one! Zounds, mac n’cheese too! You really need to try mac’n cheese, Brain! That one’s definitely going on the list. Anyway, if you think the cream cheese alone is good, try this!”
Pinky dipped the knife into the cream cheese. Once he got a good coating, he spread it across the surface of the bagel, took the largest chomp of the combined food he could manage, then swallowed. It went down a little rough, but it was delicious all the same.
“Scrumptious!” Pinky exclaimed. “It’s like a party in your mouth!”
Brain copied his actions again, and while he preferred to rip off chunks of the bagel and slather cream cheese onto smaller pieces, his enjoyment of the food wasn’t any less than Pinky’s. He made some funny ‘mmm’ noises in the back of his throat, his eyes closed in bliss as he worked his way through the first half-bagel.
Pinky started on his second half, licking cream cheese off his lips. This was a nice way to spend the evening.
“Brain, you’re welcome to share my cage if you’d like,” Pinky offered. “Mi cage es tu cage, you know.”
“Are you sure, Pinky?” Brain swallowed, thumping his fist against his throat to make the bagel go down. “I know we’re in a mutual partnership, but I wouldn’t want to impose in your living space.”
“You’re not imposing,” Pinky said. “Besides, plenty of unmarried people share living spaces these days.”
Brain was silent. He continued spreading cream cheese across a small portion of bagel, even though it was completely slathered at this point.
“Snowball and I were in neighboring cages. Aisam had to be housed alone because of their inclination towards territorial aggression. We had separate quarters for the journey to Terra as well.” Brain nibbled on a corner of his bagel. “Point being, I’ve never shared a cage before.”
“Sharing is caring,” Pinky smiled, finishing the last of his bagel. “Besides, it’s one more new experience for both of us. Isn’t that just dandy? I just hope Mr. Button and Nicholas didn’t leave too much a mess.”
“Very well. But we’re moving that sponge bed I slept on last night into your cage. It was much less aggravating for my back than the usual fare,” Brain said. “So…thanks for that, Pinky.”
“You’re welcome, Brain,” Pinky replied, rubbing circles into his belly, his hunger satisfied.
Beside him, Brain seemed satisfied too. And there was nothing better in all the world than sharing blueberry bagels and cream cheese with a new alien friend.
AN: OK this one’s more of a breather chapter since the last 5 were like wham bam nonstop stuff for the characters. Sorry it took so long to get this one out. Next chapter will have Pinky finally getting his hat and Brain’s first mall excursion!
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fightmewiatch · 4 years
can you do wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show for bucky?
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          There was so much that Bucky had missed out on. He was over 100 years old now, and he’d spent the vast majority of his life in and out of cryo, no idea what was going on in the world. For the first few years since Hydra fell and Steve brought him back, Bucky didn’t have to explain anything to anyone - they knew who he was, what he’d been through, so they knew he had no idea about...a lot of things. 
          T’Challa and Shuri and the people of Wakanda had done wonders, teaching him things about technology, about the present, but there were still references he’d missed, things he didn’t know or didn’t understand. 
          When you came into the picture, when Bucky finally let you in, you noticed. You saw each little furrow, as quick as it was, when he didn’t understand. It was only natural that,when you both finally had time off, you sat him down, showed him how to load Netflix, and brought up all the documentaries, before handing him the control. 
          He was in awe. He didn’t know where to start, really. It started small, things he knew to take with a grain of salt - Ancient Aliens, UFOs. But after he’d finished those, he discovered the ones about space, about astronauts and Mars,the ones about science and planets. It all grew from there. When Bucky wasn’t on a mission, or training, or physically doing things with you that did not involve the television, he was seated in front of it, absorbing...well...everything he could. 
          You were astounded, constantly, by his mind, at the things he retained, when he watched a new documentary about Ted Bundy, and grew frustrated when every bit of information had been used in various other documentaries - ones he could name, in order. 
          You knew he had to be close to the end of the documentaries available on Netflix. He’d watched so many, so fast, in order, you were shocked, but you also had noticed, looking at your list, what he had explicitly skipped over. 
          He had yet to watch anything about the war. And you couldn’t blame him. 
          But you were surprised, when you stepped into your quarters that night, to see him hunched over, sitting on the edge of his seat on the couch, as he watched one about Hitler. You froze, startled that he’d started watching it alone, but as the sight of his shoulders slumping, you shook your head, and crossed the room. 
“Buck?” He turned his head, blinking sadly at you. “Hey, baby...are you hungry?” He shook his head. “...thirsty?” He began to shake his head, before hesitating,a nd shrugging. Sighing, you rounded the couch, and pressed a soft, warm kiss to his temple. “I’ll be right back.”
          You were back in just a couple of minutes, quickly shedding your clothes for sweats and one of his shirts, before you grabbed two beers from the fridge. After setting both down on the table, you moved back down the hall, but this time when you came back, you had your comforter in your hands. WIth a quick stop to turn the temperature down, to make it cooler in the room, you reached the couch, wrapping the blanket around him.
          He looked surprised, at first, before you settled in next to him, and slipped beneath his arm, taking his hand between both of yours. 
“...thank you, doll,” he murmured quietly, letting you draw him back against the couch as you snuggled in close.
Buy me a kofi?
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jungstruly · 5 years
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Taeyong’s beauty was out of this world.
You should’ve known better the moment you first laid your eyes on him that he does not belong here on earth. At first, he scared you. You seriously thought that he was a lunatic because he was butt naked outside your terrace that night. You ought to call the police but when he held your hand, he showed you his visions. The memories he had before his planet got extinct, leaving them with no choice but to migrate to another planet.
Of course you were hesitant at first but you later on gave in to let him stay in your house. You own a small flower shop business downstairs. You have to admit, your sales aren’t quite making it. Not until Taeyong took over the shop. Soon, a lot of customers buy from your shop. He was a total hit especially to the ladies.
It didn’t surprise you that he was a quick learner. He learned everything through books and videos. If you leave Taeyong with a cook book, you’ll come home with a 5 course meal spread on the table. You got sick one time. Luckily, he watched a shit ton of medical documentaries to know exactly what to do with you.
“So,” You chime as Taeyong buckles his seatbelt. “How was the library?”
He would spend his weekends on the library while you do some errands.
“Very informative as usual,” He curtly answers while looking at the window.
You frown, finding this odd. The man will usually ramble his new found knowledge but he was unknowingly quiet today.
“Anything wrong Taeyong?”
A loud sigh escapes his lips. Crossing his arms, he asks you. “What’s a boyfriend?”
You honk at the car infront of you. “It’s what a woman call someone special who is, obviously, a boy. They’re still not married though.”
“Oh,” He grows quiet again.
“I suppose you know what marriage is.” A nod was his only response.
“So,” He smiles softly at you. “That makes me your boyfriend then?”
You widen your eyes as you push the brakes a little bit too hard when the stoplight turns red. “W-what?”
Taeyong rolls his eyes.
“I am a boy.” He points to himself before at the both of you. “We are friends.”
You shake your head furiously before composing yourself and thinking thoroughly your words that you are about to speak.
“A boyfriend is different with a boy friend. They sound the same but they aren’t.”
Curiosity fills his wide eyes. “Enlighten me,”
With a sigh, you face him. “A boyfriend, the one you are curious about is a long term commitment. A boyfriend is supposed to make you feel loved. Be a shoulder to lean on.”
You wave your hand. ”Basically your partner. You do things together. You face and fix problems together.”
“Ah,” He slowly nods, flashing you a wide grin. “I get it.”
You nervously laugh before you drive again as the stoplight turn green. “I’m glad you di-“
“Let me see,” He taps his chin. “I cook for you, went grocery shopping with you even though it’s such a pain in the ass, became a living tissue whenever you watch your dramas and oh, remember when your dog died? I was the one who buried it and stayed by your side as you drink my home made hot chocolate.”
You look at him with wide eyes. He grins in triumph before slowly asking, “Does that make me qualify as your boyfriend now? We try to do things together and as a tea-”
“N-no,” You stutter, trying to focus on the road. “Not yet,”
“Why not?” He sulks on his seat.
You try to give him an excuse. “Both parties should feel the same way with each other.”
His mood deflates. “Oh,”
Silence engulfs the both of you. You try to lighten up the mood by turning on the radio but it’s no use. You kind of feel bad with how you acted. You clear your throat, ready to talk but Taeyong beat you to it.
His soft chuckle makes your eyebrows furrow. “I find love a rather odd and mysterious topic. It’s quite vast actually.”
“I would like to learn about it more.” You smile at his words. Now we’re back,
“Oh really?” Your car speeds up as it reaches the main road. “Should I drop you off at the library tomorrow or do you want to borrow the computer at ho-“
“Actually,” His heavenly laughter fill the car again. “No,”
You shrug throwing him a glance, “What do you have in mind then?”
“Make you fall in love.”
Taeyong smirks proudly, making you step frantically on the brakes.
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belgrade25 · 6 years
The Swamp Map Ch.1
Foxxay: The two witches find themselves lost in the swamp they were supposed to know well.
“I think it’s this way.” Misty looked up from a map and pointed to her right. Her feet didn’t move, however. She instead turned around to seek approval from her companion.
Cordelia came to stand next to her, a little out of breath. “Are you sure? You said the same thing twenty minutes ago, and I feel like we’re only going deeper.”
She looked back. The tall grass and sloshy ground of the swamp concealed their footsteps, keeping them from going back. There was no way of calling for help. Her smartphone had turned into a non-smart, non-phone machine when they stepped into the swamp. The pedometer indicated that she had already achieved her daily activity goals, giving her celebratory and inspirational words. Push the limits! Go farther! She’d really rather not.
The phone beeped, and she turned the sound off without looking.
“I thought the phone didn’t work?” Misty said with a hint of hope.
Cordelia shook her head. “It’s just the alarm for the lunch meeting. Well, at this rate, I’m standing the Mayor up.”
It had started when Misty insisted on stopping by the shack on their drive home from grocery shopping. It was going to be a short stop. They would’ve had plenty of time before the Supreme had to leave the academy for the meeting.
The fault was on Cordelia’s part. She didn’t want to make a detour to their usual path to the shack, which was far from where they were driving. There didn’t seem to be enough time for that. So, they had entered the swamp from an unfamiliar spot.
What a terrible lack of foresight that had been. Haste makes waste. Or, as Myrtle liked to put, premature orgasming pleases none.
“I’m sorry.” Misty ducked her head. “It’s all because I dragged you out here, Miss Cordelia.”
Cordelia put her comforting hand on her shoulder. “Let’s focus on finding our way for now, okay?”
But there seemed no path --not even an animal trail-- to be found around them. The thick clouds hid the sun, and it was impossible for them to even get a sense of direction.
“Oh, I know!” Misty said. “We could use teleportation. Go to the shack, and you could even make it to the meeting in time.”
“It wouldn’t work. To use teleportation, it’s crucial to know one’s location in relation to where you wish to go. Witchcraft 101, Misty.”
“I may or may not have skipped that class.”
“It’s also in the textbook.”
“Never opened it before.”
“Hey, so, can we teleport back to the car, then?” Misty sounded extra cheerful, dodging further lecturing. “We know where we parked the car.”
“But we don’t know where we are. So, no.”
Misty sighed and buried her nose back in the map. “What if we have walked through a portal to another dimension without knowing? Maybe that’s why everything looks strange.”
“Well, that would be a nice excuse to tell the Mayor, at least,” Cordelia said. She knew that when Misty began talking nonsense like this, she was either hungry or sleepy. Considering the time, it was most likely the hunger.
Misty nodded and hummed, lost in thought. Then, she made up her mind and started walking. Cordelia tried her hardest to walk on the less muddy part of the ground as she followed.
“What do you think lives in other dimensions, Miss Cordelia?”
Cordelia shrugged, only taking a side-glance at her. “I don’t know. It has never occurred to me.”
“Do you believe in aliens?”
“The universe is immeasurable. The size and the age. It’d be ignorant to assume we are the only living organism.”
“I think they are already here on Earth,” Misty said. “But they are so common that we don’t realize they’ve come from other planets.”
“Is that right?”
Misty noddeed with a proud grin. “The octopus. They’re so intelligent, Miss Cordelia. And, they may not use spoken words like us, but they can communicate through their skin color. Humans can’t do that. And the dragonfly-- Did you know these suckers have zero blind spot?”
Despite their situation, Cordelia couldn’t help her smile. “Someone has been binge watching nature documentaries.”
“I swear, I never thought I’d like that tiny computer. I always get the heebie-jeebies around all those machines.” She shrugged. “But it’s nice, getting to learn about the animals I’ve never known before.”
“I’m glad,” Cordelia said. “Perhaps I should give you a VR set for your next birthday so you could go to the safari or the Papua New Guinea jungles.”
“What’s VR mean?”
“Virtual reality. You wear a headset like giant goggles and immerse yourself in the digital world-”
The moment Misty heard the word digital, her curious eyes clouded with doubt mixed with slight disgust. “That means they are fake, though. Nature can’t be controlled. It’s fun because it can only be observed. That's where happy accidents come from.”
“Oh, like getting lost?”
Misty gave her a guilty glance, which made her laugh.
“I agree with you, Misty. But this better be over soon.” Cordelia looked up at the grey sky through the naked branches. “The forecast said it would rain around noon.”
Although this uncalled-for exercise was keeping them warm for now, the air was crisp. It would be freezing in the rain.
Misty wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders. “The girls must be chilling in front of the fireplace now, with hot cocoa . . . and s’mores . . . Hollywood is maybe taking a warm, candlelit bath.”
This made both of them shiver even more.
As they kept walking, they stumbled upon what looked to be a huhman trail. Misty opened the map again. Cordelia, on the other hand, looked at the trail in suspicion.
“Misty, I think we are going in circles.”
“What are you talking about? We’ve been walking in a straight line.”
“But, look--” Cordelia neared the biggest tree  in their vicinity and pointed at the small pile of stones at the root. “I put them up in place of footprints.”
Misty’s hesitant gaze travelled back and forth between the stones and the map. “How’d you know it’s your doing, though? Maybe some people got lost before us and did that.”
“With my magical signature in it?” Cordelia picked up the stone at the top, pushing it into Misty’s palm.
The doubt on Misty’s face vanished in an instant. The trace of the Supreme power was too evident to ignore.
“Right?” Cordelia said.
With tight lips, Misty sighed through the nose. “Alright, Miss Gretel. You’re right. We’ve been going in circles.”
“Hansel. It's the brother who leaves a trail of breadcrumbs. Not the sister.”
Misty’s sigh turned into a groan. She sat on the protruding root, folding up the map in surrender. “I wish I had a bagel right now.”
They had bought blueberry bagels at the supermarket along with her favorite sesame ones. But everything was left in the car.
“Why isn’t there a spell for conjuring food up?” Misty said.
“Witchcraft doesn’t work miracles, as regular people think. It has to abide by the law of the universe like everything else. You can’t create something out of nothing.”
“We make fire out of nothing.”
Cordelia smiled. “Not exactly. There are certain molecules in the air that produce heat. Magic just helps you collect those molecules, pack them so dense that they start to combust.”
“I understood none of that.” Her stomach grumbled as if in agreement. “Are there molecules that could produce food?”
“No.” Cordelia sat next to her on the root. Her hand reached for the folded map in Misty’s hands. “May I?”
Misty obliged to the request without a word, too tired and hopeless. It pained Cordelia to see her like that. It was way better when Misty was rambling on all gibberish.
Cordelia ran her hand up and down her shawl-clad back. “It’ll be alright, Mist. I promise. Now, can you tell me where we might be?”
It goes without saying that the swamp map didn’t compare to the sophistication of the city map. It only had a few markings here and there. But it still showed the circumventing highways and the bodies of water spread across the place. Until now, it was more than enough.
Near the center of the map was a cross mark.
Misty’s index finger hovered over the area between the cross and the south-east edge of the swamp. “Around here, I think. The car is parked somewhere here, because this is the road we were driving on, and--”
“Wait, no.” Cordelia’s index finger joined over the map. Her eyes scrutinized it as if it was a Latin spell book. “No, Misty. This is our highway”--She pointed at the one almost on the opposite side of the map--“We were supposed to go east. But we’ve been . . . going west.”
Misty held the map closer to her face, turned it upside-down, and looked at Cordelia with deer-in-the-headlights eyes.
“Have you been reading the map upside-down this whole time?”
In grave silence, Misty gave a slow, thoughtful nod. “It appears that it is the case.”
It was Cordelia's turn to let out a groan.
“I’m sorry, Miss Cordelia.” Misty took her hands and blinked her puppy eyes. “Please, don’t be mad at me.”
Cordelia swore Misty knew that look could get her away with anything, at least, as long as the Supreme was concerned.
“I’m not mad, Misty. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.” She gave gentle pats on the back of Misty’s hand before returning her attention to the map. “Okay, so, the river we walked by earlier is not this one, but more likely this one. If we follow the water, we may be able to get out.”
But the look on Misty’s face betrayed her apprehension. “What if-- Not that I doubt you, but what if the water led us deeper instead of out? How’d we know if we should go upstream or downstream?”
“Shit, you have a point.” That was a possibility that Cordelia didn't like to dwell on. “But you know what? Either way, the swamp would end if we kept walking.”
Misty’s stomach grumbled again as her expression turned into that of despair. “I should’ve had an extra begel this morning,” she said, standing on her weakening feet.
Cordelia wrapped her arm around her waist in support. “You can have as many bagels as you want when we get home. I won’t stop you.”
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fuckingchatnoir · 7 years
Fanboy Chapter 7
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Full chapter below the cut
Adrien returned her hoodie two days later, it was inevitable.  He wanted to talk to her again. As he began to think about their last encounter, the night after, he realized that she possibly wanted to talk to him again as well. Over the past few months he had noticed that Marinette was a very responsible and aware individual. She wouldn’t have allowed him to simply leave with her hoodie unless there was a reason behind it.  
And Adrien liked to believe that the reason was to see him again.
And even though he never got a solid answer, she didn’t look that shocked the next time she saw him and even offered him a hot chocolate before they fell into simple conversation. So, he guessed that it meant that she was at least okay with him returning, whether she intended for him to do so or not.  
He didn’t visit every day of course since they both had lives and that would’ve been pretty weird, but when he would visit she was always welcoming and kind and they would talk about casual things the same way close friends would when talking about their weekends while walking to class together on a Monday morning. It was all so nice. Marinette was so nice. And even though he wasn’t exactly opening up to her about personal matters or discussing his story as she had offered previously, she never brought that up and looked happy to just talk to him about things like food and a cat that followed him for four blocks straight one day.  
His visits would’ve been considered even routine if he had an actual set day of the week for them. However, due to his schedule, some days he would be too exhausted to visit whether it’d be because of his schoolwork, job, or hero duties. And Marinette seemed to understand that since she never questioned his timing. She’d usually just roll with his spontaneous visits and maybe tell him that he’d have to leave within an hour if she was too tired or had to wake up early the following day. And he’d nod in understanding, and they’d talk. And that’s how things went for a while until one Friday night.
It was almost midnight, Plagg was watching some documentary on aliens and criticizing it as usual, and Adrien was trying to write his next chapter. And by trying he meant as in attempting to do so but failing. He had written two paragraphs already that were introducing the new setting that Felix was in. However, Adrien felt that it was getting too lengthy. Half of the sentences were just one long description on the way the sunlight was shining through a window, highlighting the blue in Bridgette’s eyes. And he felt himself groan after rereading the lines for a while.
The opening scene was supposed to be romantic, yes. But he also didn’t want to write Felix as some cliché male protagonist that didn’t pay attention to his love interest because he was too distracted by their eyes.
Besides, now that he was thinking about it, FrenchBeauty95 had written something similar a few chapters ago.
In frustration, he highlighted everything with his mouse and deleted his words, staring at the three blank white documents soon after in dramatic agony.
He knew what he wanted to write in that chapter. From the fight sequences to Felix’s wonderful puns, he knew what was going to happen.
However, he didn’t know how to actually put it into words. And that was slowly killing him from the inside out.
He fell back into his seat and rolled himself away from the screens, his hands rubbing at his eyes so they had something to do. Yet another loud groan released from his lips and Plagg shushed him immediately.
“Plagg, I think I have writer’s block.”
“No, I think you’re just over-dramatic. I’m trying to listen.”
“You don’t even believe in aliens.”
“I don’t, but this human does, and his argument is hilarious.”
Adrien lowered his hands down and got up from his seat, walking himself over to the couch to be closer to his friend.
At least that’s what he tried telling himself when his mind was telling him that he was procrastinating.
I just want to have a quick conversation with him, and then I’ll get back to writing.
He placed his hands on the back of the couch, tempted to lean himself against it to rest for a while even though he’d been sitting down for almost an hour prior.
His eyes flickered to the screen and then back at Plagg for a few minutes, the silence between them comfortable. The program was interesting to say the least. Even though the narrator was a bit over-excited, it was still fascinating.
“How do you not believe in them? There’s so much evidence.” Adrien said.
Plagg responded but still did not turn to look back at him. Instead he stuffed a piece of cheese in his mouth and Adrien scrunched up his nose in disgust at the smell.
“You’re telling me that a world can survive without cheese?!”
Adrien snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Yes, Plagg. Is that really your counter argument?”
Plagg didn’t say anything.
“And anyways, how do you know that they don’t have cheese? Maybe they have some sort of space cheese that’s only available on their planet. Maybe it’s even better than Camembert.”
That got the god to finally look at him. He even floated to get close to the teen’s face, his small breaths tickling the teen’s nose.
“Nothing is better than Camembert.”
Adrien chuckled, “Yeah, of course. Whatever you say.”
The kwami nodded seriously.
“Why are you talking to me anyway? Don’t you have to form words on those contraptions or whatever to impress pigtails?”
“You mean write my story on my computers? Why, yes. But I was just taking a break,” He turned his head to the side slightly and crossed his arms over his chest. A light pink dusted his cheeks. “And I’m not writing it to impress Marinette.”
Why did it feel like he was lying?
“Yeah, sure. Anyway, what were you complaining about earlier?”
Plagg was no longer interested in the documentary, and completely ignored the television. So, Adrien leaned himself over the back of the couch to grab the remote from the cushion to turn it off. If he left it on all night again his dad would probably lecture him, and he wasn’t ever in the mood for that.
He sighed.
“I promised my readers a new chapter by tomorrow and I still have no clue how to write it.”
“All you gotta do is press those box letters that form words and make sentences. You told me yourself? I thought you knew.”
“Plagg, I didn’t mean that literally. I meant that I have the story in my head, but I don’t know how to introduce it, how to describe the actual scenes the way I imagined it, or how to make the body language in some parts. And I should include all the senses in my writing, but I don’t find it necessary to write about scent in this chapter? But also, this writing website said-“
“Kid, you lost me at Plagg.”
Adrien scowled.
“Why don’t you just ask Pigtails for help again? Didn’t she offer that one time?”
“I already saw her on Wednesday. I can’t just go again. And besides,” The teen began to rub the back of his neck timidly. “What if she offered that night just to make me feel better?”
Plagg tilted his head in confusion.
“Um yes? That seems to be the reason. And?”
Adrien groaned.
“That would mean that she said it to be nice but didn’t actually mean it, Plagg!”
“If she didn’t mean it then why would she say it? You’re overthinking this.”
“I am not- “Adrien groaned once more and slid his hand into the right pocket of his sweats. “You just don’t understand.”
“Obviously. You humans make everything too complicated. So, are we going or not?”
Adrien tried to scowl at him, but instead he nibbled lightly on his bottom lip in thought - Plagg floated over to his left shoulder to rest himself on it as he awaited his friend’s answer.
“You really think she meant it?” Adrien asked.
Plagg sighed, nuzzling his face into Adrien’s cotton shirt.
“She hasn’t stopped you from coming has she?”
“No but- “
“Then that means for some odd reason she finds your company enjoyable.”
Adrien didn’t respond so the small god nodded, and Adrien felt it on his shoulder.
“Yeah, kid.”
Adrien smiled to himself and nodded back.
“Okay then, claws out!”
There were a few people out that night, so it took Adrien a bit longer than usual to get to Marinette’s charming home. Not that he really minded. The clouds that barely hid the moon made it look more mysterious and bright, Adrien having enjoyed the calming and enchanting atmosphere. He also figured out where he wanted his next fight sequence to take place. While hiding from tourists he spotted the side of an abandoned building with its entirety covered with graffiti.  
He thought it would make the fight look even cooler.
Once he finally arrived at his friend’s balcony, he noticed how the light in her room was on through the trap-door near that recognizable deck chair. He cleared his throat before he walked up to it and gave it a few knocks with his extended baton. His back was straightened, his shoulders were back, and his teeth were revealed through his usual welcoming smirk as he leaned himself against his baton, waiting for his friend to finally come up.
He heard her coming closer and then the door opened, revealing her bare freckled wrists and painted nails.
“Good evening, Puuuurincess.” He whispered.
He didn’t see her roll her eyes, but he could tell that she did by the tone of her voice.
“Come on in.”
He entered and took himself to her chaise in what seemed like less than a minute, the action seeming almost routine now. She walked over to her desk, her desktop on and lit up with an opened document. Chat noticed that her hair was down again, and she was wearing that familiar over-sized hoodie. He smiled softly.
“Give me a second. I’m almost done with this.”
“No worries, take your time.”
He heard her fingers tap rapidly against the keyboard. Her thoughts seemed like they were racing quickly in her head like wind or breathing. Chat found it oddly relaxing and rested himself down against the chaise, staring up at the ceiling as he awaited. Marinette was a fast typer.
“Alrighty,” He turned his head to look at her, and saw a small satisfied smile playing on her lips. Whatever she just finished writing, she looked to be proud of it and of herself. She swiveled her body in her chair over to the hero and placed her feet on the chaise right beside his knees, leaning her body back against her chair. Her hands were rested on her thighs, clasped together like she was preparing herself for a meeting.
He almost snorted at that.
“So, what’s up?” She began.
He rose an eyebrow and smiled.
“What were you writing back there that made you so happy? Did a certain talented and fan-cat-stic hero actually inspire a certain sophisticated maiden to start her own fanfiction?”
Her eyes narrowed, and she flicked his forehead gently.
“That will never happen, especially not by someone that uses horrible cat puns on the regular.”
She chuckled.
“I’m the class president at my school and I just finished writing up a proposition to show my principal on Monday.”
“Oh? What about?”
“A lot of the books in the library seem to be kind of outdated. And a lot of students have been wanting newer material. I was thinking we could donate the old books and purchase new ones. Took me a few weeks to persuade him to even listen to me, but I finally got him to budge and yeah. I think it’s good.”
A light pink dusted her cheeks as she pushed some of her hair back behind her ear shyly. A small smile spread on her lips.
Chat felt his stomach flutter, so he cleared his throat.
“That’s awesome!”
She shrugged modestly before crossing her right leg over her left, her foot almost brushing Chat’s lower thigh.
“So, why are you here? You don’t usually visit more than once a week.”
This time he shrugged before he sat himself up to get a better look at her.
“I…um…was bored? Wanted to see how you were.”
He wasn’t necessarily lying since he did often wonder how his friends were doing, however, that wasn’t the whole truth and Marinette seemed to grasp that easily enough.
“Yeah. And you seem to be doing great! So that’s cool!”
He laughed awkwardly before he noticed Marinette’s eyes flicker to his hands that were rested on his lap. He was unknowingly fidgeting his fingers. He stopped almost immediately.
Marinette gave him a knowing look with her eyebrows raised and he finally let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.
“I need your help.”
She hummed. “With what?”
“With the next chapter of my story.”
He wasn’t looking her in the eye and his cheeks felt warm.
She nudged his thigh with her foot and he glanced back up at her. She had a small reassuring smile playing on her lips and for some reason his face felt even warmer.
He sighed.
“I know what I want to happen in this next chapter, but I’m not sure how to write it or what details to add. I have certain plot points in mind, but I don’t know what to put in-between them? And I definitely have no idea how to start off this chapter.”
“I’d like to help but I don’t think I’m the best person to come to about this. I don’t really write.”
“But you’re super imaginative!” He blurted out before he could even think about what he was saying. Marinette’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and Chat almost slammed his hands against his mouth.
He couldn’t just tell her that he found her sketches amazing. He couldn’t explain how intelligent she sounded when she would answer a question in their literature class. And since she never talked about her designs with Chat Noir, he couldn’t just bring that up out of nowhere. So, his eyes started to search the room quickly as he, yet again, attempted to channel his inner Ladybug to see if he could spot something that could help him out.
And then his eyes stopped searching and he almost sighed in relief.
“That mannequin,” He started almost excitedly. His right hand pointed to the object behind him that was wearing an unfinished blue ruffled blouse. It looked to be made of a shiny silk fabric and the color reminded him of his partner’s eyes. And maybe those of another’s. “You designed that, right? You’re a designer?”
He looked back at the girl and saw her expression soften, looking less skeptical.
“Oh, yeah I am. But that doesn’t mean I can write.”
“I don’t want you to write. I just want to see if you can help me brainstorm ideas? I mean,” He turned to glance at the blouse another time and couldn’t help but smile fondly at it. “You seem to be really good at that.”
Designing wasn’t easy, Adrien knew that probably better than anyone in his class - excluding Marinette of course. Ever since he was a child he would see the way his father would spends days, sometimes weeks, on rough drafts of designs that would eventually never become finalized and thrown in the trash. It was a long and tiring process. So, when he looked at that blouse on the mannequin that only had one sleeve carefully pinned to it, Adrien knew that it wasn’t any different for Marinette.
She was a hard and very creative worker and it was always so evident.
A small giggle took him out of his thoughts and he returned to his position from before, looking at his friend.
“Puns may get you nowhere, Chat. But flattery will get you everywhere.”
Adrien felt his lips separate a little.
“Tell me what you got so far. I’ll give it a try.”
They planned for what seemed like minutes but what were actually hours, the time having gone by quickly as if someone fast-forwarded their lives without them knowing. It wasn’t until Marinette yawned rather loudly that one of them finally checked the time. It was late, almost four in the morning late, and Chat almost spat out the water that he was drinking when the girl had notified him.
“Seriously?” He asked, still astonished.
“Crazy right?”
Yeah, he needed to get home immediately. If his father happened to check up on him he would be utterly screwed.
To say the least that is.
“Geez, I didn’t know it was so late. I’m so sorry, Marinette.” He apologized as he placed his glass on her desk right beside the plate of cookies she’d brought up earlier. His guilt was visible in his tone.
Marinette shook her head.
“No worries. It’s my fault too. I should’ve been more watchful of the time.”
He started walking over to her circular window and she followed behind. They both yawned in unison and both of their feet seemed to drag along the wooden floor.
“Guess we got a little carried away, huh?” He asked as he stopped right behind her chaise, his baton ready in hand.
She smiled and shrugged.
“At least you know how to write the chapter now.”
“Yeah, and then some. Thank you so much again, Marinette. I owe you one, really.”
She shook her head tiredly and ran her fingers through her bangs, attempting to move them more to the side.
“You don’t owe me anything, Chat. You were the one that came up with more than half of the ideas. I just tweaked a few things.”
“A few things? The akuma’s name now is Blackhole and he has a shadow that can devour buildings! That’s so badass.”
The girl touched the side of her chin with her index finger thoughtfully and her giant sleeve fell to her elbow.
“You are right about that. It is pretty badass. I do take full credit for that one.” She admitted, causing the two to laugh softly. “But seriously, it was… kind of fun.”
Chat waggled his eyebrows and Marinette immediately looked like she regretted her words.
“Is the princess gonna give fanfiction a chance now?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself hero. This doesn’t mean I’m going to start avidly reading stories about you and your partner loving it up,” Chat’s face reddened almost instantly. “But, it was interesting to see the whole planning process.”
Her arms were crossed over her chest now.
“Yeah. It was…cool.”
“I’ll be looking out for an update email. I think it’s gonna be good.” Marinette winked, and Adrien felt a sense of something pleasant rush through him. What it was, however, he wasn’t sure. But he didn’t question it.
“Oh, Okay.” She smiled. He nodded since he didn’t really know what else to do and glanced at the window for a second before looking back. He held his baton with both hands nervously.
“So, before I go I just want to make sure of something,” He cleared his throat, trying to make his tone sound nonchalant. “Is my story still the only one you’re reading?”
“Yup. And the only one I will read.”
He blushed slightly and nodded again.
“Cool. Cool.”
She rolled her eyes and chuckled before reaching behind him to push open the window. A light breeze swept in.
“Goodnight, Chat.”
Adrien almost giggled, her hoodie was way too big for her. He bowed instead.
“Goodnight, Princess.”     
 Chapter 16 of “The Empty Streets of Paris”
           --by   FelineGood16   on FanWorkz.net
Ladybug is running towards him. And it’s not the usual kind of running where someone speeds up to get to a certain place faster. It’s the kind of running that’s desperate, as if her life depended on it. Felix sees her emotion through each rough landing - he feels her concern every time her knees bend.
She’s worried about him.
He’s under rubble, he can’t feel his right arm, and he’s trying to smile at her. But instead he wails in pain.  
She’s on her knees now right beside him, quickly picking up the broken and scattered pieces of cement to free him. His eyes are closed shut and his teeth are grinding against each other almost violently. He tastes blood.
“I’m sorry, Chat. Crap, I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know what to do. You’re hurt and you need to go the hospital, but also your identity I-“
“You’re okay.” He whispers in between breaths.
She’s crying now, and Felix would wipe her tears if he could lift his arm.
“You’re an idiot. Y-you shouldn’t have done that,” Her right hand is on the side of his face and her breaths are brushing the tip of his nose. She strokes his cheek gingerly with her thumb - her eyes glisten from the moisture.
“The akuma.” He says.  
“I know, kitty.”
He’s never heard her use that soft tone with him before. He wishes the circumstance was different and closes his eyes.
She taps his cheek.
“Hey, hey, stay with me.” They both hear an explosion from afar and she lowers her head. Her bangs are hiding her eyes and she sniffles. “What do I do? I don’t know what to do.”
Chat Noir whispers her name and hopes she can hear him.
“Win, my lady.”      
Adrien visited Marinette’s home the following week to show her all the comments and reads their chapter got. It was one of the most well received chapters he’d ever posted, and Marinette was almost as flabbergasted as he was. She warmed up some celebratory popcorn for them and they both laughed and answered comments for the rest of the night on her desktop.
The audience seemed to enjoy just about everything in the update. From the akuma (as Adrien had expected), to the romance, to the major battle scene between Blackhole and Ladybug at the end that was a mixture of both suspense and awesomeness. It was all taken so well, and it made Chat feel all bubbly inside.
Marinette seemed to have felt the same way since she giggled at almost every comment that was about the akuma itself. She kept glancing over at Chat with the biggest grin on her face while she read a few of the responses aloud.  
Adrien realized then that Marinette had a very contagious smile. Each time he saw even a hint of her teeth he couldn’t help but mirror her expression. Especially when her cheeks were rosy too and were lifted in that way that made her eyes sparkle and look squinted. He only ever saw that smile when she was around Alya, or really anyone else besides him and Chloe. That expression was reserved for friends and loved ones only, and now that he was finally getting to see it for himself because of something they did together, well he couldn’t get enough.
“A job well done, Chat. You did good.”
“We did good.”
She looked up at him again from her seat and smiled once more before nodding.
“Yeah. That too.”
He nodded back and they both turned their attention back to the screen, Marinette still scrolling through the web page. Adrien lowered his body even more, since he was standing, so he could get a better view of the computer and decided last minute to look at his friend instead. His mouth was beginning to fall open, as if to say something, but he couldn’t remember exactly what he even wanted to say. So, he swallowed and cleared his throat before closing his mouth again, those potential words still lingering somewhere in the back of his mind.  
The lights in her room were off, with the exception of her dim desk lamp and screen, so the shadows on her face emphasized her features. Her long eyelashes casted shadows on the very top parts of her cheeks, outlining almost each lash. The white screen in front of them was reflected in her eyes and made the remaining blue shade appear illuminated, like the color was barely there. Marinette had pale skin so the light coming from her desktop easily gave it a light blue tint that really brought out her freckles.
She had so many.
Adrien almost jumped at his friend’s abrupt tone. She’d been talking to him and he was too busy staring at her to listen.
Oh my god.
“Y-yes, Marinette?”
He was hoping that the heat in his face wasn’t physically evident in the dark room. He could feel it go up to the tips of his ear.
“I asked about your author’s note.”
He couldn’t look her in the eye anymore, so he decided to look back at the screen. He rubbed his knuckles on his thigh.
“What about it?”
“You said someone helped you.”
“Yeah, and?”
She didn’t respond.
“Is that a problem? I mean I didn’t state who you were or anything, but I can take it out if you want?”
He would’ve felt dirty if he didn’t credit Marinette in some way. She did help him get out of his small writer’s block and even helped him come up with a few ideas for his next chapter. It was the very least he could do.
However, maybe he should’ve asked if it was alright with her first. He started to feel guilty until he met her eyes again. She was smiling softly. Gosh, it was like Marinette had a different smile for each mood.
“Nah, it’s alright. But next time you don’t have to say that. It’s fine.”
Adrien’s eyes widened.
Marinette cocked an eyebrow.
“What is it?”
He tried to suppress a grin and shook his head.
Next time. There’s going to be a next time.
“Nothing. But, I think I’m still going to credit you when you do help. If that’s okay.”
She eyed him silently for a second; her eyes trailed up and down his face before she finally mirrored his expression and shrugged.
“Fine by me.”    
“Kim, it’s almost nine at night and I’m starving. Can you please cut the competition crap for one second?” Alix complained as she and Adrien finally walked out of the movie theater into the fresh, cool air. They just finished watching this new indie horror movie that Nino had wanted to see for a few weeks now. It was about some gigantic slime slug that ate vegetarians. It was very odd, but it did have nice camera angles and transitions and Alix and Nino kept hitting his arm at some parts with bursts of excitement and laughter, so it wasn’t all that bad.
Though, his right arm did feel a bit sore. That was the one Alix kept hitting.
“Just one second, Alix. Nino’s about to owe me twenty euros!”
Both Nino and Kim were ahead of the two, standing by a small tree that had a circle of brick surrounding it. Kim was trying to chase some pigeons away, and Nino was staring down at him with frustration, his arms crossed.
“I’m not going to owe you anything. You literally just pulled me over here so you could scare a few birds.”
Kim continued to laugh, ignoring the other boy as he fell to his knees. He started to walk himself in that manner with his hands open and his fingers bent as if he had claws. He began to make this ridiculous sound with his mouth that sounded like he was trying to mimic the slime monster from the movie and Adrien couldn’t help but chuckle, his hand covering his mouth shyly.
“Oh god, please don’t encourage him, Adrien.” Alix said, her head turned up to the side to look at him. She was so tiny and since she wasn’t wearing her signature cap that night, she looked even shorter than usual. It was adorable.
Adrien shrugged and tried to suppress a smile. She rolled her eyes teasingly and walked herself over to a bench near the tree. She sighed once she sat down, and Adrien wasn’t sure what to do so he sat on the bench as well. She slid her phone out of her pocket and pressed the home button immediately, the brightness from her screen causing her to squint briefly as her eyes tried to adjust to the lighting. She cursed under her breath and Adrien glanced back over at Kim and Nino. Nino had started to film their friend on his phone – most likely for snapchat – and Kim was starting to screech at the camera, still in character.
A few people that were exiting the theater were starting to stare at their group with confused expressions on their faces, and Adrien didn’t know whether to feel amused or embarrassed. He eventually decided on both and gave the passersby apologetic smiles when they’d look at him. God, he loved his friends.
He looked back at Alix and saw that she was typing in a phone number in her device now and put it quickly on speaker once she pressed the green telephone button. She held her phone loosely in her hand right in front of her lips and rose her eyebrows at Adrien when she met his gaze. She was giving him this sort of look as if he understood what she was doing but he really didn’t, so he just smiled back, unsure.
After a few rings the person finally picked up and the recognizable voice rang through.
“Yes, Alix?” Max said, not even bothering with a greeting.
Alix sighed dramatically to emphasize her frustration.
“Your best friend is being annoying.”
“He is your best friend too, you know.”
“As of right now he isn’t. Until I get my food, Kim is officially cancelled.”
“Alix, you cannot just cancel someone. That is logically impossible.”
Alix scowled at her phone as if Max could see her and Adrien leaned back against the seat, resting his hands on his thighs.
“Max, do you want to be cancelled as well?”
There was silence for a few seconds and Adrien could hear Nino laughing from a few feet away from them.
“…No.” He responded.
Alix smiled victoriously.
“Good answer. So, do me a favor and talk to Kim for me so I can get dinner.”
“Is he still trying to frighten those pigeons?”
Adrien cocked an eyebrow, wondering how Max could’ve possibly known that. But then realized that Nino probably sent him snaps as expected.
“Yes. Yes, he is.”
Max groaned through the line and even though he wasn’t there, Adrien imagined that the boy was adjusting his glasses like he always had when he seemed frustrated. He always moved them closer to his forehead even when it wasn’t necessary.
“Put him on.”
Alix then lowered her phone on her lap and cupped her mouth, taking in a deep breath and screaming for Nino to go over to them.
Nino jumped and almost dropped his phone.
“What the fuck, Alix. I’m right over here. Geez!”
Alix shrugged and handed over her device to him once he reached them. He was rubbing his ears back and forth as if Alix had just burnt them with her voice.
“Give this to Kim. Max is gonna tell him how stupid he’s being.”
“I’m not gonna do that,” Max defended. “I’m going to simply explain how it is surely impossible for Kim to be a slime monster. Since our bodies are not entirely made from mucus and our saliva-“
“Gross, Max. Save the lecture for, Kim alright?” Nino interrupted, rolling his eyes at Alix before finally turning himself around to return to his area from before.
“Drag him, Max!” She yelled lastly in encouragement.
Adrien snorted, and she finally gave him her attention again.
“So, where do you want to eat? I was thinking pizza.”
“Do you think Max is actually gonna stop him?”
“Yeah, totally.”
They both glanced over at Kim who was now seated on the ground, his left hand holding her phone and his right brushing through his quiff. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked like he was listening closely to whatever Max was telling him.
“You see that,” she started again. Her small hand motioning towards her best friend. “Max is the only one that can do it.”
“Do what? Get Kim to listen? What about Chloe?”
She shook her head and smiled fondly at her friends.
“Chloe gets him to listen. But that’s because he’s intimidated by her and is still lowkey crushing on her. But Max gets him to calm down.”
She whispered the last part like it was a secret between them, and Adrien scooted himself closer to her, so their small bubble seemed more private. People have never really trusted him with secrets before, and even though her words didn’t seem super significant, it seemed to be important to Alix so therefore, it was now important to him.
“And why is that?” He muttered.
“Isn’t it obvious? Look at his face, dude.”
Adrien tilted his head slightly in confusion before obliging. Kim was giggling now, freaking giggling, and his eyes were staring directly at the phone as if he was searching for a physical reaction from someone. Nino looked uninterested standing beside them, instead looking as if he was waiting for their call to end as he was scrolling through his phone.
“Kim’s crushing on Max? I thought he liked Chloe?”
Alix shrugged.
“Dude likes both I guess. But don’t tell anyone, not even Kim. I don’t think he realizes yet.”
“That he likes, Max?”
“Hmm.” Adrien never really noticed before. He knew that Kim and Max were close, practically attached to the hip, but he never really looked deeper than that. He wondered if Kim always looked at Max the way he was looking at Alix’s phone at that moment. Adrien never even knew that someone could reveal so much with their eyes before. Sure, he’d read it before in fics and had even written about loving gazes in his own story, but he never actually saw it in person. It was interesting to say the least.
He was starting to get curious.
“I didn’t even notice until you pointed it out. How could you tell?” He asked his friend.
She pushed a strand of her pink hair behind her ear. It seemed to have been bothering her for a while.
“I’m with them almost all the time. I can tell when they’re acting different.”
She nodded.
“Same thing happened with Ivan. Kid had been far gone for Mylene since last year and he never told us. But Kim and I could both just tell. We were even betting when he’d finally break and ask her out.”
“Who won the bet?”
“Kim, but that’s because he was an ass and kept pushing Ivan even though we agreed not to do it. It wasn’t cool of him.”
Adrien nodded in agreement, remembering how Stoneheart was created in the first place. It wasn’t nice what Kim did to Ivan, no matter his intentions, but he still couldn’t help but be a bit thankful for what had happened. Because of Kim that day, he got to become Chat Noir. He got to have another life that gave him freedom.
He got to meet Ladybug.
“But yeah. People are pretty easy to understand, man. You just gotta be more observant.”
Alix placed her right arm behind her and dangled it over the backside of the bench to get herself more comfortable. Adrien was still curious, and the wind was starting to pick up.
“So, is there anyone else in the class?”
She glanced over at him, confused.
“Like anyone else that you think is crushing on someone?”
Adrien knew that it wasn’t really any of his business. But he couldn’t help himself. The conversation was interesting, Alix seemed to be okay with it, and Adrien loved to learn stuff about his classmates, no matter what that stuff was, so he didn’t think that his question was too intrusive. Alix inspected their surroundings quickly, as if to make sure that the coast was clear, before she leaned herself closer to the boy. The two of them huddled together like a football team talking about their strategies before a game.
“Okay, so I have some theories.”
She nodded.
“First, Rose and Juleka. They’re so far gone for each other. I wouldn’t be surprised if they walked into class on Monday holding hands.”
Adrien nodded back. He could definitely see that happening. Those two were always together.  
“Second, Nathanael. Poor guy is hung up on someone again and isn’t doing anything about it.”
“He told you?”
She shook her head.
“No, but he’s starting to draw in his sketchbook again during class with that same old dumb, hopeless, look on his face.”
“Same old?”
“Yeah, the one he used to give Marinette when she wasn’t looking. That boy pines hard and it’s kind of sad. Wish I could give him a push.”
Adrien’s stomach began to feel weird at the sound of Marinette’s name and he quickly ignored it. It was an unpleasant feeling. The similar kind he’d feel when Plagg would place aged camembert in front of his face and force him to smell it.
“Do you think he still likes Marinette?”
Her lips formed into a thoughtful frown for a moment as she hummed.
“I’m not sure actually. We’re not really close, so I don’t know if he’s completely over her or not. He’s been kind of avoiding her since the 'incident' anyway. So, I don’t know if that’s because he’s still embarrassed or because he’s torturing himself.”
“Yup. Now onto my third theory.” Adrien turned his body more towards the girl, giving her his full attention.
He rose his eyebrows, trying to stop himself from glancing over at Nino.
“You think she likes Nino, right?” He whispered very lowly, his voice as soft as the blue scarf around his neck.
Her eyes brightened, and she nodded enthusiastically - the two of them chuckled loudly before Alix shushed him.
“You’re his best friend. He tells you everything, right? Is the dude interested?”
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck in contemplation. Nino had yet to announce that he was, but like Kim with Max, it was just very obvious. Nino and Alya were trapped in a cage for a whole afternoon and he wouldn’t stop gushing about how cool she was and about all the things that they surprisingly had in common for days. His friend looked over the moon for a while and even confessed that he no longer was interested in Marinette romantically after only being locked with the reporter for a few hours. There had to have been sparks between them and Adrien really thought that Nino was thinking the same thing. Though that all changed when one morning Nino looked all happy and flustered waving at Alya before sitting down and the next refused to even look at her, frowning the rest of the week. He still hadn’t told Adrien what happened, and Adrien thought that he probably never would.
They seem to be on friendly terms again, but the atmosphere did always hold a bit of unresolved tension when they were together.
“I think he is? He thinks she’s attractive. But that’s all I really know.”
“Hmmmm. I’ll do more observations this week and update you on my findings.”
“Alright.” Adrien laughed. “So, any others that you’ve been speculating about?”
“Yup! One more. Been saving the best for last.”
“The most obvious one. I’m actually a little surprised that you don’t know who I’m talking about.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and began to think about who she could possibly mean. She already talked about Kim, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Nathanael, Alya, and Nino. So, who else was there? Mylene was off the table since her and Ivan were already a couple. Sabrina admired Chloe, but it didn’t seem like it was anything more than that.  And Chloe didn’t really like people in general, so he thought that he would’ve known if she was crushing on someone. She was very open with her feelings and thoughts on others and he felt that she definitely would’ve let him know. So it couldn't have been her.
Besides, Adrien didn't think Alix would care enough to tell him or anyone anyway if it was about Chloe.
“Is it Max? Does he like Kim?”
She snorted.
“That’s a story for another day. But yeah, I didn’t mean him. Come on dude. You gotta know.”
“I’m sorry. But I really don’t.”
“Wow, Adrien and I thought Nino was blind.” She chuckled, and his lips formed into a small pout. He almost crossed his arms over his chest, but Alix stopped him with a small smack to his shoulder. “Just messing with you dude. But I was talking about Marinette. Thought she was a part of your other squad.”
“I mean I guess she is? I only really hang out with her when Nino and Alya invite m- wait a second.” Adrien’s eyes widened in realization as he replayed Alix’s words in his head. He sat himself up completely - his shoulders tensed. “Marinette…is crushing on someone?”
Alix nodded.
“Definitely. The signs are all there.” “Signs?”
“You know the stammering, the constant blushing, the extra clumsiness. Chick’s got it baaaad.”
“I thought she always did that?”
“Marinette? Yeah, right. I mean she used to be a little scared of Chloe before this year. But other than that, the girl’s a beast. She could walk up to anyone, punch them in the face, and I bet they’d thank her.”
So, Marinette liked someone. Well that explained why she’d been acting so nervous around him. He probably knew the person and she was worried that he would find out and tell them. I mean he was still seen as the new kid by some, maybe Marinette was a part of those few and still didn’t trust him yet.  
That possibility got him feeling a little down.
He wondered who she liked. They were probably wonderful, maybe even as amazing as Marinette.
“Do you know who it is? Who she likes?”
Again, it wasn’t any of his business. But maybe if he could find out who it was he could reassure Marinette that he wouldn’t tell a soul and maybe even be her wingman. Maybe they could really start being friends as his civilian self then. Maybe he could even help Marinette be with them.
Adrien’s stomach turned unpleasantly again at the last thought. He began to wonder if he had eaten anything bad earlier that day. The feeling, however, didn’t seem to linger so he let it go.
“Not a clue. Though, it’s gotta be someone at the school.”
“Yeah,” He started shuffling his feet a little against the cement floor.  “It’s a possibility.”
Alix quickly stood up once she saw Kim and Nino walking over to them, a large charismatic smile on his face with her phone in his hand.
“Ready to go?”
“About time. Yeah, I’m ready!”
Alix started talking about several pizza places nearby that they could go to. And the others joined in on the conversation, suggesting things here-and-there. Adrien zoned out after a few seconds and didn’t hear much of the rest.
Who does she like?
He glanced up and saw three sets of eyes on him. He was still sitting down so he got himself up, his hands going straight to the inside of his pockets.
“Sorry, I…um,” He cleared his throat and forced a smile. “Pizza sounds good.”
“My, my, my,” The akumatized victim began, her hands clapping slowly, almost mockingly. “Color me impressed. I didn’t think you two would find me so quickly. Hawkmoth did inform me that you were both pretty tactical. Maybe I should’ve taken him more seriously.”
“Hawkmoth is a psychopathic manipulator that takes advantage of people’s emotions.” Ladybug said. Adrien could feel the passion in her voice right to his bones. She was trying to reason with the victim as she always had so she could avoid fighting them. Even though it never worked, Chat respected and admired how she always continued to try anyway. “Simone, you’re a brilliant athlete with so much potential and talent. Don’t let that villain use you like this.”
They were fighting a famous marathon runner that got second place that morning. Her villain name was Bolt and she had the power of super speed. It took them quite a while to actually locate her since she was so fast, but they eventually decided to check Le Grand Paris since all the runners were staying there and found her on the roof with all the victims tied up around the pool.
Her smile vanished, and her eyes widened tremendously. Chat for a second thought that maybe this time would be different, that maybe his Lady would actually help someone without them having to resort to violence. But then that purple butterfly appeared once more, silent and intimidating, and Bolt was muttering something to it. And then the symbol faded away and Bolt formed fists at her side. Chat imagined that her knuckles were probably white under her thick black gloves.
“You do make a good point, Ladybug.” She growled. “I am a brilliant athlete and I do have talent. And that’s why I should’ve won. But that didn’t happen. And so, before I can fix that, I need you and your little stray to give me something that doesn’t belong to you!”
Chat and Ladybug noticed a while ago that she was still wearing her second-place medal, except now it had a lightning bolt engraved in the middle. They both suspected that the purple butterfly was hiding in there. They hoped they were right. They hoped they would be able to snatch it.
She started running and both Chat and his partner leaped into the air to dodge her headbutt. He could’ve sworn that his feet grazed the top of her head even though it would’ve been impossible for a normal human to have gotten to him that fast from her distance a few seconds prior. But she was also temporarily no longer a normal human, so that was frustrating.
“Ahhhhhhhhh!” Bolt yelled, turning around and staring them both down like a raging bull. She may not have had supersonic speed, but she was damn near close to having it. In a blink of an eye, before he could even react, Chat felt a punch to his jaw. His eyes closed on impact and before he or anyone else knew it, Bolt kneed him in his stomach and lifted him up from the ground by the end of his belt. She twirled him around like a rag doll and his head felt like a jar of shaken marbles. He would’ve vomited if the action would’ve gone any longer, but luckily, Ladybug used that opportunity to tie her yo-yo around the middle-aged woman and left her immobile for a while.
Chat quickly extended his baton once he was in the air to lower himself to the ground with ease. He immediately dropped to his knees to allow his mind to rest and return to normal before slowly getting himself back up to return to his lady who looked to have her hands full. Bolt was still standing, however, her whole body from her feet to her chest were wrapped with the infinite seeming length of Ladybug’s yo-yo string. The heroine went to reach for her medal.  
Adrien started to run again.
Bolt began to laugh once Chat approached them and the tied-up victims screamed out words in unison that neither of the heroes understood. It all sounded like an incoherent, jumbled up mess and the boy knew that once this was all over he was going to have to take some kind of medicine for his growing headache.
“You truly believe that thread can restrain me? How insulting.”
Chat felt himself gasp at the sudden sight before him, his eyes trailing back-and-forth from the woman to Ladybug’s hands that were trying so hard to hold onto the string as she began to vibrate. Freaking vibrate. Bolt was practically pulsating her whole body to such an extent that she looked like she had several clones of herself moving along with her actions at a fast, astonishing rate. And then her body somehow went through the string as if she had no physical body and she was free, snickering in a sinister manner that gave the boy goosebumps all throughout his forearms and neck.
He couldn’t believe what he just saw. How in the hell were they going to beat her?
Ladybug seemed to be as astounded by the situation as well since she turned to look at Chat with confusion and shock in her eyes, her lips separated.
Chat just shrugged and said, “Well that did knot go as planned.”
She narrowed her eyes and refused to respond until Bolt unexpectedly grabbed her by the neck, and pinned his partner to the ground. The thud powerfully echoed throughout their surroundings. Chat felt his heart thump loudly in his chest and was frozen in place.
“I’ve got you now, bug,” Ladybug’s petite hands were on Bolt’s, attempting to free herself from the woman’s grasp but failing. Thankfully, she wasn’t choking the heroine, but she was still hurting her. “Any last words?”
The girl’s eyes shut tight as she wrapped her legs around Bolt’s waist. She still wasn’t getting anywhere, and Chat started to search around desperately.
“How cute, you’re still trying? Just admit defeat. You’re not going to win. So just accept second place.”
He sprinted to the victor of the marathon, a man named Elias from Germany, and used his claws to break through the wires. He wouldn’t have been surprised if he found out that he was the first person she captured.
“Sir, what are you-“
Chat shushed the older man and leaned his mouth closer to his ear.
“You’re going to have to trust me on this okay?”
He pulled back and saw how the foreigner didn’t reply, looking conflicted. But then, Chat continued to reassure him and after hearing yet another laugh from Bolt, Elias gulped and finally complied with a simple nod.
Chat nodded back and took a deep breath before picking the freed man up in his arms.
“Wow, Elias! Please tell me more about how deserving you were of your medal as I escape with you in my arms!”
Elias wrapped his arms tightly around Chat’s neck and glared up at him wide-eyed in disbelief.
“Do you want her to kill us?”
Chat didn’t respond, but instead began to run himself towards the staircase as loudly and as obnoxiously as he could. He forced out a mocking laugh as he turned his head to the side to see if Bolt was paying them any mind whatsoever. She wasn’t looking at them, but he could see her shoulders tense. They caught her attention.
Come on. Come on.
He cleared his throat and slowed his pace.
“Really, Elias?! Simone was that slow?! Wow! Your medal was practically given to you from the start then, huh?!”
All of the other victims that were still sitting a few feet away were groaning at his remarks - one woman that he did not recognize even cried. And Elias began to look over the hero’s shoulder in absolute fear. The man whimpered and before Chat could even ask what the matter was, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.
He smiled.
“Would you like to repeat that?” The woman whispered in his ear in a dark tone, all sense of humor that was present before completely gone. Chat still didn’t turn around, instead he squeezed the bottom of Elias’ knee so he would look at him and mouthed ‘run’ before he finally lowered him to the ground.
His hand went to his baton. “I said your purr-ty slow.”
He turned around and quickly blocked a roundhouse kick with his staff. Bolt looked like she wanted to kill him, and Ladybug was nowhere to be found. She was probably hiding and formulating a plan. He continued to keep Bolt distracted to give his partner as much time as he could.
Block after block, dodge after dodge, insult after insult, Chat was doing it all and he was beginning to get exhausted. Bolt was too fast, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to take another one of her unsuspecting punches. He was definitely going to bruise.
“I am the fastest being on the planet! No one can defeat me!” She hollered before jumping in the air and aiming for Chat’s stomach with a flying back kick. The hero barely dodged it with a back-flip - his knees almost gave out once he landed.
“With the exception of Elias, of course.” He responded through a forced cocky smirk, his breaths rapid and uneven. Where was his Lady?
“That’s it! Someone needs to teach you some manners, boy!”
Bolt stood in front of him, lowering her back, bending her legs, and stretching her fingers out before she started rubbing her hands together, faster than almost anything he’d ever seen. Her piercing dark green eyes never left him and when he saw sparks beginning to ignite around her gloves, he began to internally panic.
She could generate her own electricity.
Of course.
She was smiling again, and Chat wondered if she could read minds as well since she seemed to know exactly what he was thinking and exactly how nervous and even scared she was starting to make him. He furrowed his eyebrows and twirled his baton skillfully before pointing it in front of him.
Even if he didn’t stand a chance, he refused to give up.
And then he saw the easily recognizable red string tie around the woman’s ankle and she fell on all fours. The electricity disappeared once she lost focus.
“Sorry I’m late, Chaton. Was a little busy.”
His lady pointed to the now empty poolside and Chat finally noticed that all the victims were gone.
The smile that returned on his face was once again genuine and if it weren’t for the situation at hand he would’ve gone to his partner to pat her on the shoulder. But instead, he nodded, and they prepared themselves for Bolt’s vibrating magic trick. However, it never came since instead she rubbed her hands together yet again to spark her gloves up, placing the flames against the string to free herself.
Ladybug’s eyes widened in surprise and she glanced over at Chat.
“Well, that’s…shocking.”
The feline couldn’t help himself, he placed his hand over his heart and sighed lovingly.
“My Lady.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes quickly with a small smile on her face before jumping into the air to dodge one of Bolt’s electric punches. The two then began to coordinate their moves as they attempted to somehow snatch the untouched medal that was still around her neck. Even though they were not quite successful, they were at least notably tiring her out since the sparks around her were beginning to weaken and her speed was beginning to falter quite considerably.
Bolt seemed to be noticing this as well since she suddenly walked herself over to the edge of the building and closed her hands into tight fists, the sparks disappearing. She was breathing heavily, her shoulders rising and falling with each breath. For a second Chat thought that she might have actually given herself up.
But then that smile of hers returned and she saluted them before jumping off the building.
Chat felt his heart leap out of his throat and Ladybug gasped. Ladybug never gasped.
They both ran to the edge where the woman was seconds before and looked over at the street below them, the two of them hoping that she was okay.
“Do you see her?!” He yelled, his voice almost cracking from trepidation.
The street was empty and there seemed to be nobody within eye-view of the area. He was both relieved and concerned. He was glad that Bolt didn’t actually injure or kill herself, but now the fear was different. Now he felt as if a large poisonous spider that he just saw that was beside him went missing in less than a second. And he had to now find it in order to save himself from a possible deadly bite.
And Adrien really despised spiders.
“She must’ve fled somewhere. She may be searching for more energy.” Ladybug’s eyes were squinted. She looked to be searching for a very small needle in a very large haystack.
“More energy?! From what?!”
She sighed in frustration. She looked and sounded exhausted.
“I…I don’t know. I didn’t even know she could generate electricity till now! Who knows what else she could do.”
“Should we start scanning the area?”
“Yeah, I think for now that’s all we can do. She looked tired. So hopefully that means it’ll be easier to spot her now that she can’t run as fast any-“
They both immediately lost their footing and fell on their knees. Chat used his baton to pick both him and his lady up. The building was shaking and tilting to the left. He could hear the pool water from behind him beginning to splash around and loud laughter from below was surfacing.
Bolt was still there. But she was just on the street under their noses, destroying the building easily as if it were a toy. The atmosphere was getting warm, very warm, and smoke was beginning to surround them like fog. They had to leave.
“You think I could go down that easy?!” Bolt yelled from afar, her laughter ringing in their ears. She was throwing lightning bolts at the building, trying to burn it down, trying to kill them.
“We gotta go, my Lady. Now! The building is going down fast!” He reached for Ladybug’s hand, wanting to grab it so they could guide themselves off the premises together. “It seems like she’s waiting for us so we’re going to have to try to escape through the ba-my Lady?”
Ladybug smacked his hand away from her. Her knees were wobbling as she tried to regain balance, but at the rate the building was going, that was going to be impossible.
“She wants us to go down there. She’s waiting. If we take any longer she may leave again and destroy another building! The civilians are hiding. They’re going to be safe. This is between us now. We can stop her!”
He rested his hands on her shoulders and forced her to look at him. He probably looked insane at the moment with his eyes widened and his hair strands sticking out everywhere, but he didn’t care. He had to talk some sense into his partner and fast.
“Listen, Ladybug. If we go down there she’s probably going to try to capture us or kill us. The smoke is thick and we wouldn’t be able to see properly. I say we head out back, if anything, hide for a bit to form a plan, and look for her then.”
She shook her head - her eyes looked over at the buildings across from them with great determination and intensity. She was thinking of something, something reckless and he knew it. Adrien almost fell again as the building tumbled even lower. His mind and his heart were both racing.
“We have to move!” Ladybug didn’t say anything, she just tightened her right hand into a fist and tied her yo-yo back around her waist.
“I’m sorry, Chat. But I guess I’m going to have to do this alone.”
“Wait, Wha-“ Before he could finish his sentence, before he could grab her, his partner jumped off the building. Her body disappeared into the smoke as if it were a thick cloud and Chat felt like he was going to vomit.
Why would she do that?! What do I do?! What do I do?!
Without another thought, he gripped his baton tighter than he ever had and jumped after her.
He was desperately searching for her, for a hint of red, a blue strand of hair, for anything. But instead, all he heard was laughter and all he saw were bursts of light being flung into the air like golden rods. He extended his staff so he could get himself towards them, thinking that was where his lady was. And luckily, he was right. He spotted one of her ribbons and saw that she was still diving through the vast darkness surrounding them. She was mumbling something under her breath, refusing to reach for her yo-yo. So, when he saw a bolt going towards her, he did what he had to and lunged for her, taking his partner in his arms and lowering the both of them to the ground as gently as he could. He fell on top of her when they landed, and he slowly rolled off. She was angry at him.
“What the heck, Chat?! I told you I was going to do this!”
“You think I was going to just let you die? Are you insane?!”
They were scowling at each other, but before the conversation could go any further, Chat got back on top of his partner and rolled them both away from falling rubble. It barely missed his ankle. He took a deep breath and coughed, feeling the electric smoke enter his lungs.
“We need to get out of here.” He said.
Ladybug pushed him off before they both got themselves up.
“Where is Bolt?”
“Hello?! Are you even listening to me?! We need to leave!”
“We need to find Bolt!”
They were nose-to-nose now and not in the way Chat had dreamed of many times before. They weren’t confessing their love to each other and he wasn’t about to lean in to kiss her. No, instead her brows were furrowed, Chat was practically snarling, and they were still in the middle of a battle that was looking to be more difficult to win as seconds went by.
“Bolt is gone! The building is falling, so she probably fled to a safe area!” Ladybug’s shoulders were still back and she was still trying to make herself seem intimidating, so Chat finally sighed and stepped further away from her.
“My lady,” He said, his tone much softer than before. “when you jumped I thought you were going to-“
He sniffled, and her expression eased immediately. He placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Just please, trust me on this one.”
She placed her own hand over one of his and didn’t push it away – she just let herself hold onto it. He didn’t know what to say so he waited for her. She sighed.
“Alright, kitty. Let’s go.”
They wound up hiding on the roof of some restaurant neither of them recognized and came up with a plan. They would look for Bolt again, Ladybug would finally call for her lucky charm, Chat would find an opportunity to cataclysm the ground as she ran so she would trip, they would steal her gloves and boots so she wouldn’t be able to generate electricity, Ladybug would use her lucky charm, and hopefully they would get her medal and save Paris.  
Chat was still angry and hurt by his partner and her actions from earlier and still wanted to speak to her about them, but he knew that it wasn’t the right time. That he’d have to wait till they were done for the day to be able to do so. Chat wasn’t sure if he would even have any energy left in him to have the conversation. His mind and his muscles felt like jelly and he was both mentally and physically drained and he knew that his Lady wasn’t feeling any better. He shrugged the situation off momentarily, and ran with the heroine.
After a few minutes of searching around the city, they found Bolt again. Or well, she found them. The purple butterfly outline was hovering over her face once more and Chat assumed that Hawkmoth probably demanded her to look for them so she could acquire their miraculouses.
As soon as she reached them, they didn’t hesitate. They went full force with their plan and surprisingly were succeeding. Ladybug’s lucky charm this time was a banana and after a while of thinking, she finally decided to use it right after Chat had removed the woman’s gloves. She had attempted to get up and run off again, but Ladybug quickly removed the peel from the banana and threw it in front of the woman, causing her to fall once more and injure herself. Chat immediately went for her medal and tossed it to his Lady who crushed it with her hands. The dark insect was released and after she purified it and yelled, “Miraculous Ladybug!” while throwing the banana in the air, all the smoke and dark atmosphere began to clear. People slowly began to leave their shelters and homes and were cheering for the two exhausted heroes.
They simply waved and when they finally turned to each other, their happy expressions changed. Adrien walked himself closer to her and she didn’t step back nor forward, she just stood still and stared at him, waiting for his move. Her blue eyes didn't look as alive as they usually were. They looked different - darker, and weren't sparkling.  Her hair was a mess with strands going wherever they pleased and Ladybug let them be. She looked very disheveled in general and Adrien had to stop himself from fixing one of her ribbons that was loosened.  
He took a deep breath.
“We’re going to have to talk about what happened.” He said.
Her earrings beeped but she didn’t even flinch.
“I don’t know if I can.”
She glanced at the ground and the grip on her yo-yo tightened.
“You’re not ready… God, I’m not even ready!”
“Ready for what?! Please,” he held up her chin so she could look at him. His action wasn't romantic or meant to be intimidating in any way. Instead It was urgent, pleading. He was so lost and confused and he just needed her to look at him. He needed her to see him. “Talk to me.”
People were surrounding them, taking pictures and videos of their little exchange, but he paid them no mind. His ring beeped.
“We’ll talk about it in patrol, okay? I…I gotta go.”
He lowered his hand and simply nodded before she started to walk off, getting her yo-yo ready to swing away. She stopped midway, however, and turned back.
“Good job by the way.” She said, smiling.
It didn’t reach her eyes.
“Yeah, you too.”                      
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monkeyandelf · 4 years
Are there Extraterrestrial Industrial Bases on Moon?
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It has long been no secret that the governments of different countries are involved in hiding the existence of aliens on Earth. And all the more there is nothing surprising in the fact that aliens on the moon built their bases.
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Aliens present on the dark side of the moon Like all claims about the existence of aliens, these allegations by ufologists are refuted by officials. But a number of evidence shows that aliens on the moon are present, being on the dark side of our satellite. Astronaut Jim Irwin from the Apollo 15 mission shot a video showing an object resembling a flying saucer. A UFO hovering over the surface of the moon. This object from the astronaut’s camera indicates that aliens are present on the dark side of the moon.
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Photograph taken by astronauts of Apollo 11 with visible alien structures A photograph of the dark side of the moon taken by astronauts of Apollo 11 clearly shows a huge structure on the lunar lands. There is no doubt how much education resembles the construction of intelligent hands. In the same photograph, which was taken by astronauts of Apollo 11, other structures are visible. In this case, a huge tower is visible on the surface of the moon. This indicates that aliens are present there.
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Huge tower on the surface of the moon In the immediate vicinity of the Zeeman Crater, on the opposite side of the moon, a large rectangular structure is visible. The structure is accompanied by straight convex tiers and terraces. The presence of such structures, of course, is not caused by the natural creation of lunar nature. Rather, it indicates the presence of aliens on the dark side of the moon.
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Zeeman crater on the opposite side of the moon, rectangular structure In one of the photographs of Apollo 11, a white tower with a black sphere on top is visible. This suggests that intelligent races have already visited and built structures on the surface of the moon. They were there long before a man came to the satellite of his planet. Frederick William Herschel, the man who discovered the planet Uranus, claimed that in 1787 he noticed bright lights crossing the dark side of the moon. A curious phenomenon was by no means natural.
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Communications tower on the moon Many astronomers from around the world report the existence of luminous balls on the dark side of the moon. This in turn may indicate that aliens today visit the dark side of the moon.
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Alien base on the moon, presumably NASA, however, noted that such images often lead to the formation of capricious theories and erroneous interpretations. In recent years, the number of images showing alleged bases on the moon has quadrupled. Despite the fact that all “suspicious” photographs are in the public domain, theories still claim that governments know about aliens, but they hide this important fact from the public. While most of the images are nothing more than a desire to see the imaginary instead of the real in the “muddy” images, some images arouse really serious interest. In addition to the large number of “abnormal” objects on the lunar surface, there are remarkable statements from former astronauts and government officials working on lunar projects. It was a number of scientists and astronauts that provoked great interest in conspiracy theory regarding the moon and its origin. Secrets friend, secrets. For example, Dr. Brandenburg, a participant in Clementine’s research mission in orbit of the Moon, is often quoted as saying: The mission’s purpose was to check if there were any buildings on the Moon whose origin we do not know.
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Amazing moon landscape Among the abundance of images of the lunar surface, the most striking professor finds, were images with structures very similar to artificial origin. According to the scientist, there should not be artificially created structures on the Moon, for the simple reason that we did not build anything there in any of the missions. Can the words of Professor Brandenburg and truly stunning photographs provide us with a definite answer? Are there alien bases on the moon? Alas, there is no full answer in official sources. There is only assurances glowing with curiosity that the images are of course interesting, but require more careful study. Additional research is required. And here a counter question arises: were the previous missions not enough? Moreover, they knew where to “carefully study”. Meanwhile, Dr. Brandenburg additionally stated: after the Clementine mission was completed, all images of the lunar surface were analyzed by a “special team with the highest level of reliability”! “... They basically kept aloof, just did their job. They told us that we should not interfere with their work ... " Complementing the theme of an alien presence in our home system are the numerous statements by the astronaut Edgar Mitchell , who observed such a thing as UFOs during space flights. Both the Soviet and American astronauts, who have now retired, speak of signs of an alien presence. In light of this, you no longer reject the theory of aliens in the solar system so much, do you? On the moon lies a broken UFO and there are abandoned stations of aliens, - ufologists have said this more than once. And in general, something has been happening on the moon related to the activities of an alien civilization for more than a dozen years.
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Station Buildings on the Moon In support of this curious idea, photo-documentary evidence is often found. It is difficult to judge how much this can serve as evidence of extraterrestrial life, but this cannot be ignored. There is such a hobby of our time - home researchers. These are virtual explorers of outer space and the planets of our system. Usually they then own the next find of traces of extraterrestrial intelligence since the flight of Apollo 15. UFO photographs. For example, a user of the global network “Whatsupinthesky37 ′ ′ and a fan of studying NASA archived photographs, unexpected even for himself, recently discovered a mysterious artifact on one of the photographs of the lunar surface . The image, delivered by the Apollo 15 mission, shows a portion of the surface of the moon. On which quite clearly, according to the author, the contours of collapsed buildings are visible. Probably, the author of the find believes, the buildings were photographed by one of the crew members when they passed over this place in the descent module. According to the author of the find, these are the ruins of bases built by aliens. Remains from the stations that once stood on the moon. Now the bases of ancient aliens have certainly lost their former appearance, but they still retain the correct outlines so as not to doubt their artificial origin and that they were built by rational creatures. - As we know from our history of evolution, this is clearly a building not of human civilization . Another find from the same time is the UFO flight detected, seen in photographs by a user of Streetcap1.
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UFO flying over the moon The phenomenon is amazing in that it is difficult to confuse an object with a “cover” from the antenna or a wrapper of solar panels. More precisely, we can safely say that it is impossible to compare UFOs with anything other than an alien spacecraft.
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UFO over the moon As you can see when zooming, the UFO has the contours of three clearly defined engine exhaust nozzles. Viable assumptions that it could be, have not yet appeared. UFO in orbit of the moon. At first, the object was mistaken for the remaining Endeavour in orbit. However, they quickly came to the conclusion that these are different in appearance devices. The UFO itself looks like a modular device, as if docked from several objects, so Endeavor clearly does not apply to this. What would it be for a mysterious object in the orbit of the moon remains a mystery. Meanwhile, the first who encountered the far from simple anomalous phenomena on the moon were Soviet scientists. During the lunar landing of the first automatic device on the moon, in the vicinity of it up to hundreds of kilometers in diameter, some craters were suddenly clouded by an incomprehensible foggy haze. When the gas formation after several hours dissipated, then the craters disappeared along with it! What is it, and how it could happen, scientists are still worried. The only effective answer to all the abnormal "tricks" can be expected from a thorough study of the moon - sometime this should happen.
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Alien base on the moon Many thought about the question: why did the moon landing cease, why did people not try to build a lunar base? If you rely on the words of NASA astronauts who visited the moon, then there is a valid alien base. Worse, aliens explicitly told man to “leave” the moon! For half a century, people have been denied access to the Earth’s satellite, according to ufologists based on some secret documents. In fact, why hasn't anyone come to the moon for decades? Why didn’t people establish an outpost on the planet closest to Earth? This is because the Moon is not a viable celestial body to use it, or maybe because all of the above has already happened, but we do not know about it? The answer to intriguing questions may be simpler than we think. For example, Dr. Michael Salla talks about the presence of an extraterrestrial military-industrial complex on the surface of the Earth’s natural satellite. There is also the possibility that the alien complex is working in tandem with humans. Maritime reconnaissance Milton Cooper reports more than just an abandoned alien station on the moon. In his view, the aliens are mining minerals on a satellite. It is there that aliens hold their huge transport ships, as well as small "flying saucers" for flying to Earth. In support of curious claims and many other secrets of the moon, the Chinese have released an intriguing photo of what looks like an artificial complex on the surface of the satellite. The image is another confirmation of secret operations conducted on the moon. This may also indicate that the Chinese government is in contact with non-citizens of the solar system. In turn, this may explain China's significant investment in moon exploration. Several photographs taken with the Chang'e-2 orbital research probe clearly show mysterious structures on the lunar surface. Some researchers claim that NASA deliberately bombarded a portion of the Moon in an attempt to destroy alien artifacts and structures (probe collapse) in order to hide the true state of affairs from other countries. China is said to be moving towards the full disclosure of the truth of an alien presence within the Earth. If the mysterious images and the future of the similar ones turn out to be genuine, then NASA may be convicted of fraud. China plans to release all the data and photographs of the moon’s orbiting scouts in the coming weeks and months, intending to illuminate all the lunar secrets.
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Industrial moon installation? Countless rumors indicate the presence of an alien base located on the dark side of the moon - we never see what is happening there. But we know that in 1969 and 2009, NASA bombed part of the moon for unclear reasons. Other images coming from NASA headquarters show no less amazing structures visible on the moon, which may be of artificial nature. The giant towers visible on the far side of the moon certainly amaze our imagination. But they hit astronomers not with their gigantic size, but also because these towers seem to be moving! They move on the moon. This can be understood from the trail that the towers leave behind. Such moving objects require the creation of superintelligent minds, the researchers believe. Structures resembling buildings with interconnected paths were discovered on the opposite side of the moon. These findings suggest that the aliens not only visited the moon, but were also able to build their own city there. Many former officers who had access to the most secret documents for more than 50 years have been talking about the presence of unidentified and mysterious structures on the surface of the moon. All of this evidence is strong enough to confirm the presence of aliens on the moon. If you believe the statements from ufologists, then NASA had a warning that they would stay away from the surface of the moon. Therefore, NASA has not made any further attempts to conduct lunar missions over the past 50 years. And also, the Soviet Union, which happened simultaneously with the Americans, also refused to exploit the Moon.
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Artificial moon structure What this means is that according to multiple sources, the Moon is full of industrial installations built by extraterrestrials in collaboration with humans. For more solid evidence, China has made public some images in which we can have a glimpse at those complexes. This also raised many polemics in relation to China being in touch with other races from different planets.
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As you can see, there are numerous images that show the same thing, that is, fragments of a presumably extraterrestrial complex and extraterrestrial activity. But why keep this alliance between humans and aliens into a secret?
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Have a look at the following video for more information and please don’t forget to share your opinions with us. Source Read the full article
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
Nine Must-Visit Ancient Spots on Your Spiritual Trips
Many people in this world have dreamed about travelling the world since they were kids. Some even packed up their meagre belongings when they were 17 and started wandering around the globe. I was not one of these unfortunately. In fact, I was 34 when I got my first passport, and I'd never traveled beyond Edirne before then. Excluding my two trips to Greece, it’s still very rare for me to go beyond Edirne. I usually head east or south instead, like to the magnificent Egypt. Egypt was the first foreign country I travelled to at the age of 34. As someone who had never left his home country, who had never set foot on an airplane, I was mesmerized by the view of Egypt from the skies. I asked myself what kind of a world this must be, and then I became lost in Egypt. I melted away as I felt the energy of that place in my bones, a country I had only seen in documentaries and photographs before… Since then, I regularly travel to places that were home to ancient civilizations, especially Egypt. I organize trips with my fellow wanderers where we absorb the exclusive energies of this planet. Egypt brought such abundance for me, so after a while, I took the opportunity to visit other places and experience their spiritual energies. Now, I’d like to share with you some of the places that have really fascinated me. If you travel alone, you should definitely visit these spots. Even if we go there together one day, you should have an idea of what to expect. There are so many countries, with so many ancient civilizations, to see and discover on this blue-and-green planet of ours. Come on, let’s discover these places, where spirits vibrate of their own accord. Egypt The Pyramids
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When people talk about Egypt, the first thing that comes to mind is undoubtedly the Pyramids, but actually seeing them in the flesh is an entirely different experience to watching them on television. Everyone who’s been there knows this. On your first encounter, you are humbled by their might. Naturally, the next step is to take pictures, but you must go inside the Great Pyramid as well. Climb into the King’s Chambers through the narrow tunnel. After catching your breath, sit down in a corner and let the energy flow through you. Many tourists climb up here, take a look, and walk away, because there’s nothing inside other than a sarcophagus, but those who know how to can feel its unique temple of energy. How could it not have this? The Great Pyramid is like an energy station sitting on one of the most important spots on this planet.   I’m not talking about the popular stories either, like sharpening a razor blade in a pyramid. I’m telling you to lie down in the sarcophagus for a minute, if you get the chance, and let go of yourself. If your psychic perception is open just a little, this visit can turn into an unforgettable experience. When you leave, you realize that the Great Pyramid is not merely a king’s tomb but much, much more. Temple of Philae
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When I first visited Egypt, I knew of course about the Pyramids, but I had no idea about what else I would come across. After I my initial amazing experience in the Great Pyramid, I flew to the city of Aswan and was left speechless by its beauty. I’ve now visited Aswan seven times in total. Not only was I enchanted by this city, but everyone with me also fell in love with it. Ask anyone who's been to Egypt about Aswan, and they will yearningly sigh, “Aaaah, Aswan!” This historic town is such a paradise and, of course, the jewel of this town is the temple dedicated to the Goddess Isis, the Temple of Philae. The Egyptians built this temple on an island in the Nile, so you can only get there by boat. As you breathe in the unforgettable aroma of the Nile, Philae suddenly appears before you, leaving you spellbound. Later on, as you go inside and look around, maybe meditating if you get the chance, both your love and your feminine energy is activated as the Goddess touches your heart… Temple of Dendera
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There are so many precious spots in Egypt I would like to cover. For example, there is Edfu, which is dedicated to God Horus. There is Abydos dedicated to Osiris, as well as the healing center Kom Ombo, Seraphium, Osireion in Abydos. Each and every one of these is so valuable, but if you were to ask me what I thought was the weirdest spot in Egypt, I would say the Temple of Dendera. The Temple of Dendera is not typically part of a tour of Egypt. It's too far from Luxor for most tourists. If you’re on a spiritual trip, however, you should surely visit Abydon and then Dendera… Dendera does not make any sense when you first see it from a distance. It looks like an ordinary building in the middle of the desert, but as soon as you enter it, you wonder where you are. The entrance welcomes you with its fantastic murals, all with their colors still preserved. The images of bizarre figures, shapes, and the original temple make you dizzy with their combined power. But this is not all. It feels like Hathor’s energy accompanies you inside the temple. In fact, when I first approached the manager of the temple, Said, he told me, “I'm a believer in Allah, but I utterly respect Hathor…” The world-famous Ancient Egyptian lightbulbs are also depicted in the cellars, together with the Dendera Zodiac. This place must have been an observatory, and it's a spot where you can most believe in that famous Egypt–Alien connection. Bali The Temple of Pura Bukit Indrakila
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Bali is a heavenly island. Its people are beautiful, its nature is amazing, and it’s full of temples everywhere. The Hindu Balinese are very devout, and it’s no coincidence that the island is called “The Island of a Thousand Gods.”  In the cab you take, the hotel you stay in, the streets you walk, and the house you visit, everywhere there are big temples and small altars where the Balinese constantly present offerings to their gods. Although tourists often make do with visiting the Tanah Lot and Uluwatu temples, you cannot meditate there. You cannot even take decent pictures because of the crowds. But in Bali, if you want to visit some historical temples and ease your soul through meditation, there are plenty of options around the island. The temple I’m about to mention is known by very few tourists. My guide in Bali, Dada, was my reason for discovering this temple, because it is the temple of his village. Puri Bukit Indrakila was actually the private temple of the King of Bali back in the 11th Century. You immediately realize this when you see it, because it’s clearly not a temple that was built for a village. When I first met Dada, I said, “Take me somewhere where I will be knocked down by its energy.” He said he knew just the place and  took me to Puri Bukit Indrakila. The energy was so strong that it really did knock me down as I meditated. I always include it in my trips to Bali now. Especially when you’re there on a rainy day, you can most certainly forget all about yourself… Temple of Batukaru
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There are many other places I can recommend in Bali. For example, there is their largest temple, the Pura Besakih, and the holy fountains of Pura Tirta Empul. They all are very special, but I was really mesmerized on first seeing the Temple of Batukaru on the hillside of the Batukaru mountain. Of course, the rainy and misty weather had an effect on it too. In this type of weather, the temples in Bali always look even more impressive. Batukaru is a silent and calm yet wonderful temple, and it also has a pond in it. I emphasize the silence here, because the temples in Bali are often very crowded and rarely silent. Here, though, especially in the morning, it is amazing. I certainly recommend visiting it when you’re in Bali. Nepal Boudhanath
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Although Nepal seems a very attractive place from a distance, I found it disappointing on first sight. The chaos, noise, and dust of Katmandu were unbearable. You can’t meditate in the Hindu temples here either, and all you can do is take a whole load of pictures and look around. If you’re going to Nepal, plan to go outside the cities and see the nature. If you want somewhere with high-level energies, however, my favorite place is the great Buddhist stupa Boudhanath. It’s in a lovely neighborhood filled with Buddhist monks, cafes, and nice shops. You can walk around the stupa and feel completely relaxed after a while. It has a soft and beautiful energy. Bhutan Paro Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest)
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When you’re in Nepal, you can cross over to nearby Bhutan. Once you arrive in Bhutan, you wonder if there is any other place in the world like this. Bhutan is Heaven on Earth because of its nature, its people, and the understanding rule of its king. If it were a television, it would be Ultra HD, or better. As soon as you leave the plane, the country calms you down and takes away all your tension. It makes you feel like you’re walking on air. You naturally ask yourself if it’s possible to move here, but then you discover the long and difficult procedure involved, even for those married to a Bhutanese citizen, so instead you resolve to depart from the country of the dragon but come back and visit often. Everywhere in Bhutan is suitable for meditation. The temples are wonderful, but their most significant temple, Paro Taktsang or the Tiger’s Nest, is fascinating. The Bhutanese believe that Guru Padmasambhava, the person that spread Buddhism throughout this land, came into a cave that the temple is built around, on the tiger’s back. Once you see the temple, however, you’d wonder how it was even possible to climb up here in the first place, let alone build a temple. It’s a three-hour trek up to the temple. There’s no cable car or anything like that—you have to walk. It’s a great experience, though, because the climb is a journey in itself. You breathe in so much oxygen and receive so much natural energy that after a certain point, not even your ego can keep up with you. The load inside becomes lighter, too, even if it feels like your worries weigh a thousand pounds. That’s how subtle your body becomes, and the meditation you can do inside is phenomenal, as you can no doubt imagine. Greece The Temple of Delphi
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This temple has always been in my dreams, and I’ve had the chance to visit it twice. Everybody knows about the Acropolis in Greece, but it is a great disappointment when you visit it, at least in my opinion. Meditation is surely out of the question. On my second visit to Greece, I didn’t even visit the Acropolis. Now, Delphi on the other hand… During ancient days, there were three prophecy centers dedicated to the god Apollo: Klaros in İzmir, the Temple of Apollo in Didim, and Delphi in Greece. I have visited all three of them, and they all have beautiful energies. Delphi in Greece is certainly one for the bucket list, both for its history and its energies. Okay, do not expect to meditate here, and you can’t enter the main temple anyway. If you really want to meditate, visit a quieter place. Yet the energy you feel while walking around Delphi is really very special. If you visit it during the quieter times, go to the Altar of Athena down the road from the main temple. There you can sit under a tree by yourself and relax. It’s very convenient for meditation, because not many people walk down there. USA Sedona
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Sedona is a famous spiritual town in Arizona. It was actually founded back when western movies were being shot in the area, but it later developed. Nowadays, it’s a common destination for Americans interested in spirituality. There are shops selling various tools, as well as energy healers, mediums, and so on. They’re literally everywhere. The sheriff of this remarkable town is the famous healer Drunvalo Melchizedek. Everybody knows and loves this guy. This is not the reason why I include Sedona in my list, though. Sedona is, above all else, a wonder of nature. It is fascinating but also ancient, because it was a sacred place for Native American tribes back in the day. They made maps of the energy release points, and you can find them everywhere. They are even organized tours, so you can visit these places to meditate. We went there by ourselves and tried some of the points. You may experience some rather interesting things, especially if you were a Native American in a past life. Read the full article
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soushimemenashiro · 7 years
Fafner Week Day 1: Firsts / New Life
Relationships: Gen
Astronauts and Astrophysicist AU, first detection.
Fic also available below.
“Hmm. That’s interesting…”
Looking up from the bacterial sample from an experiment, Kazuki made a small questioning noise. It wasn’t rare that Soushi stayed up late and kept continued communication with the astronauts (“Minashiro, don’t you have sleep to do?” Maya called out from the ARED, breaths coming in rhythmic pants) and it also wasn’t rare that he talked to them as he analyzed their gathered data, sometimes even explaining in trailing sentences as he worked. When Soushi didn’t reply to that, Kazuki finally spoke up. “What’s interesting?”
“Some data from two days ago,” Soushi said. He didn’t elaborate for another five minutes, and there was only the sounds of papers and the gentle beeps and buzzing of a pad through the speakers as Soushi did whatever he was doing on Earth. Rolling his eyes, Kazuki only shook his head and turned back to the dishes. “Ah, sorry. It’s… I’m looking through the spectroscopy data right now, and there’s…”
Kazuki hummed. “Yeah?”
“There’s an abnormally high concentration of silicon from Altair. It’s fascinating, because…”
Blinking, Kazuki jotted down more observational data from the other samples and sent them back to earth. Opening the secondary covering, he took pictures as well, absently tapping the pad and creating yet another tree of folders. Kazuki didn’t really know the usual growth rate of Klebsiella pneumoniae culture, but this wasn’t looking good. He was glad these particular superbug experiments were under strict ‘To Be Kept in Closed Environment’ orders.  “Altair? Silicon? How?”
Over the intercom, Soushi sounded distracted. “Well, that’s what we have to figure out. Given the previous limitations of our detecting devices, it’s extremely likely that we’ve missed numerous exoplanets in that region, especially if said planet is terrestrial. AZURE’s modified coronagraph is expected to spot at least a few of these undetected exoplanets. Perhaps this is one of them. Of course, this still has to go through rigorous analysis, but… very vexing, indeed.”
“Aah, I see,” was all Kazuki could offer. He’d let Soushi and other experts in the field work on it. He honestly was already having a bit of a hard time keeping up with what Soushi was saying; it was only lifelong practice that helped him right now. Well, lifelong practice and some periods of intense studying. “What do you think, though?”
“Hmm? What do I think what?”
“If it’s an abnormally high concentration of silicon, what do you think it’s all about?”
“Well… we still have to process the data, but… If I am to guess with no real weight to the claim, it could be a terrestrial planet, perhaps with silicon outer layer? It might even be earthlike.”
Kazuki laughed. “That’s a standard textbook answer if I’ve ever heard one.”
He could hear Soushi huff on the other side. “Science is not something based on mere guesswork, Kazuki. Science is based on rigorous experiments and peer-reviewed studies.”
Honestly, if he laughed any harder, Maya and Canon would hear from the other chamber. Good thing they were on maintenance duties.
“Maybe it’s aliens,” Kazuki said, grinning. “Silicon-based lifeforms. What form would they be again? I remembered someone saying something about that. Crystals? Something something not technically able to breathe oxygen, or if they do they’ll exhale crystals.”
Soushi snorted, and from the rustles of paper it seemed that he was now officially distracted from work. Kazuki would’ve felt guilty, if only it wasn’t oh, 10? 11 PM on earth. Soushi’s work hours were long past. He really should be home by now. Had he even eaten dinner yet? Oh right, he had—Kazuki almost forgot both he and Maya had “shouted” at him to get something to eat around four hours ago. Kazuki liked Maya. She was that one person he knew that consistently kept her common sense to her: eat regularly, sleep regularly, don’t do stupid things… And she was a good person, too, with a good heart and a good ear. Sometimes Kazuki wondered what led her to want to become an astronaut, of all things.
“What kind of websites have you been reading?” Soushi said, and Kazuki could imagine him crossing his arms over there. “But yes, I’d imagine they probably wouldn’t really be that well adjusted for earthen environment specifically. I’ve also read that silicon doesn’t make very stable long-chains, or at least not alone. That would make it a problem if it wants to be complex, multicellular life. And that’s without accounting information-encoding: for complex life to exist, it needs some form of DNA—something to tell the collection of molecules how to arrange itself, things like that. While we do take precautions in case of extraterrestrial lifeforms lingering on the exterior of space shuttles, it doesn’t mean that they are truly capable of invading us like in the movies.”
Kazuki laughed and hummed the theme song of that one conspiracy theories series that was always the only thing at 2 AM that wasn’t news or the 20th rerun of the same documentary. Soushi humphed. “Or in dead hour TV serials. It could still be aliens.”
“Really dumb aliens,” Soushi settled for, at last. “Worry more about those antibiotic-resistant strains in your hands, Kazuki. I’m sure humanity will be more than ready to face the silicon-based aliens… who’ll arrive most likely millions of years in the future, because they probably were the silicon-equivalent to early single-celled bacteria right now.”
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria were no joke. It was easily one of the most well-secured laboratory module in the space station, because nobody needed doubly-superpowered bacteria taking over this ominous tin can whizzing through the sky at 28,000 km/h. Without a crew, or at least life within the vessel that knew how to operate the machinery and help in refueling efforts, the space station would then fall into earth and then the bacteria would proliferate on earth, taking over, and everything would be wiped out in three years and only resistant wildlife would survive.
“For the sake of humanity, Soushi,” Kazuki said, faking seriousness, “I hope you are right. After all, true dangers don't always come from intent. Maybe they think they’re saving us from our stupidity by mind-controlling us, but meanwhile we’d be in tiny resistance-bunkers, fighting for our lives and living in fear for the next few centuries.”
“We won’t be invaded by crystalline aliens,” Soushi confirmed. “And certainly not mind-controlling ones. I think you’ve been watching too many movies.”
On earth, seven months later, a new paper finds that the source of the signal was something far smaller than a planet, something hurtling straight towards earth. Further research is needed, the paper notes.
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professorlizzard · 7 years
Below is a list of Nthspace factions for reference, nothing is final, mind you. They are many other large and small factions, but these are the ones whose influence grips at least the third of the worlds in the Nthspace Council.
Education Factions
Amber League of Universities: Founded right in the hearth of Hexaspace, the jewel of Nthspace, is the largest university campus of all. Situated on Junk Planet Pie, most of its staff is crocodilian scientists, who tend to farm Dangerous Fruit in their free times. But thanks to Nthspace renowned scientists and administrators, they are kept in check, and the place barely explodes anymore. Various fields of research most people would label as mad science are regulated with watchful eyes, protecting the geniuses from themselves. The more theoretical, and less explosive researchers sigh in relief, as their daily reading is not hampered by the sound of explosions. This weird blend of chaos and order is extremely fragile, though...
MXNMTCH Foundation: Nominally a terraforming organization, in practice they are all extremely enthusiastic biologists, who want to know everything about all possible versions of Life. To this end, they buy land on barren worlds, and plant nature preserves there, importing various beasts from all over Nthspace, partially to save endangered species, partially to see what would happen. They also big on gene manipulation and extracting medicine from various critters. The group is rather wide eyed idealist, and firmly believe they could solve all the problems of the world. They also produce documentaries of their work, narrated by the softest speaking narrators of all time, and run campaigns on the importance of science.
Uncharted Exploration Factions
HECKWALKERS, Inc: What started as a small radio(active) shack, has now begun the leading researcher in Strange Energies, a specific form of cosmic radiation used in most superscience marvels. Recently, it has shifted its research sites to barren borderworlds, which are conveniently far from rivals, and conveniently close to strange mines. Many people flocked to their sites to work as technicians, or miners, which in turn resulted in an exodus of people who traveled there to cater for the prospectors. A true wild west in space(s), if you ignore the ominous spindly dark science towers in the distance.
Project D.O.R.F. : A cultural and industrial union of various “dorfish” species. Originally, the group was extremely exclusive due to a long list of strict guidelines, but has been lowered to “likes being underground“ and “unlucky history”. Still, common features among members include whiskerlike facial features, low height and penchant for alcohol. These dorves tend to stumble upon strange monsters, mysterious ruins, and pure bad luck, when all they want is new ores from asteroids, or uninhabited ruins. They just can’t catch a break at all! 
Megacorporation Factions
Odobenus Corporation: Currently owned by Zmar Odobenus, this mass of walrine merchandise and pinniped software is an evergreen giant in Nthspace’s market. They are the people behind the widely beloved (or behated, if you prefer an open source system like WildebeestNux) operational system, WalrOS, which made them a household name in basically the entire Nthspace territory. They also produce electronic household appliances, and for odd reasons, custom made small bronze trinkets, which is explainable by the fact that in ancient times, this company used to be a Redsmith Guild, and several of its higher ups still practice this craft, even today. The company also has a flipper in the pie of the magic market. Frankly, they are worryingly omnipresent. 
Qregon Voidships and Racing: If commerce is the lifeblood of Nthspace, Qregon Voidships is the veins. Qregon has figured out the correct application of strange energies, to make travelling between spaces financially viable, and affordable to the wider populace. Every year, newer and newer interspatial voidship trains and buses roll off their assembly lines, ready to ferry more and more people from World A to World B, and back. Qregon takes travel safety very seriously, virtually no incident has occurred! That we know of. They are also the suppliers of world travelling equipment to many of the other factions, for a nominal fee, of course. A smaller, less famous part of the company is about high tech racing. Still, the GraNth Prix is popular enough to be viable, and zooming through alien landscapes is an idea that will always grip everyone’s mind. And some say that there is a secret race, which includes crossing through worlds...
Militarized Factions
Interspace Mercenaries: a private defense concern, united by their love of hats and money. They sell out their services to both the highest and lowest bidder, as long as they pay upfront. They sometimes get to defend magical points of control, but the regular grunts are largely unaware of the exact nature of these places and power. The group never takes missions that include raids, that is purely bad form. Their leader’s intentions are mysterious, but probably leads up to some kind of eternal stalemate, or perhaps it involves their various front companies.
Nthspace Patrol:  loosely tied to the Nthspace Council, this faction is the multispatial police force. Their main task is to search and capture interspatial rogue elements, such as corrupt politicians on the run, bankrobbing wizards, mind controlling parasitic fungi (like the cordi-chefs), malicious cults and many more. Its secondary task is to monitor the peripheries of the central Nthspace, for surprise outside threats, like agents from the unknown “Shatterverse”. Its third function is missions to uncontacted worlds, but only if not undertaking the mission would spell doom (for example, detected supervolcanoes, or a malicious god who escaped there).
Obscure Factions
Magicians Guild: Does magic exist? Yes, this is a fact. Do the magician guild use actual magic? Do they perform stage magic? Maybe. This Ancient Siblinghood was founded a few years ago, but its roots are vast and numerous. Their mission: to protect the universe from the misuse of magic, and from the influence of demons, gods, and other influences from both INSIDE and OUTSIDE. Some megalomanical people might join, but they are quickly expelled. Of course, given the diffuse nature of this group, some might learn that their friend has been exocommunicated too late, after said friend betrayed them and stole a thing from them... The group is often jaded, but still receptive to the wonders of Nthspace.
Nightmare Mafia: They didn’t exist. They were just figments of multiple people’s imagination in the INSIDE. Now they are more than just passing visions. They are really surreal, but they say, that the material world has things stranger than them. So why can’t they go there? They have the right. They can learn almost anything. They influence events. They exist. They could open up a new door for travelling even...
Service Factions
Artificial Intelligence Support League: A machine, either by the fault of their programming or by design, can reach sentience. But does it have a soul? Can it have a purpose other than the designated one? Is there a virtual place where AIs can roam free? The AISL exists to ease these anxieties. They’ll teach them, that they all have life force, deep inside, just like organics. Also, thanks to their efforts, a large chunk of Nthspace populace got accepted as people. They don’t care for magical constructs though. The reasons are blurry, but some think it is because they never required any saving, because while their bodies are artificial, the magic animating them is not artificial, as opposed to the artificial souls of robots.
Nthspace News Network: Spreading truth all over Nthspace! Undaunted by threats! Unbribeable! Unpossible Impossible! The journalistic integrity of this group is unparalled, but only because almost every journalist is secretly a superhero, fighting for truth, justice, and the right to wear colourful costumes. They don’t actually know that their fellow heroes are also their coworkers, but still, their hearts beat as one even when exposing corruption and the state of the disenfranchised. Their power sources and original all vary, but their fervor unites them. How did all these heroes come together by complete accident? Maybe they have been steered by an ancient force of justice, radiating from OUTSIDE...
The Nexus
Cerberus Nexus: Nothing to see here
Which one would you join? 
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John Stossel, Brittany M. Hughes, Milton Friedman.  San Fran Utopia, Winning the Millennials, Illegal Alien Crime
John Stossel, Brittany M. Hughes, Milton Friedman.  San Fran Utopia, Winning the Millennials, Illegal Alien Crime, Take it to the Limit Libertarianism.
John Stossel. One Fix for Hollywood Bias
Human Poop UTOPIA?
Brittany M. Hughes
Illegal Alien Crime
TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS with Milton Friedman
  One Fix for Hollywood Bias
John Stossel
Hollywood constantly insists that it’s not diverse enough. -------- Don't miss a single video from Stossel TV, sign up here: https://johnstossel.activehosted.com/f/1 --------- Will Smith warns of “a systematic bias that needs to be addressed.” John Stossel says " they never talk about: diversity of thought.” Hollywood movies are full of anti-capitalist themes. In Avatar, GREEDY miners will destroy a planet for valuable ore. In Amazon’s new Jack Ryan, Socialism is not to blame for Venezuela’s problems. Venezuela’s dictator is an anti-leftist nationalist. The “good” Venezuelan politician is a “social justice” advocate. Stossel points out that “Hollywood’s documentaries also celebrate the left.” RBG, for example, puts Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on a pedestal. “Justice Ginsberg is impressive. But so is Justice Thomas. Would Hollywood ever praise him?” asks Stossel. Hollywood’s condescension toward anyone not on the left frustrates the few actors who lean right. Most fear saying anything because they’d lose work. But actor Kevin Sorbo talks about it. “All of a sudden … less and less calls. My agent said we'd better part ways and I went, ‘wow, I made a lot of money for these guys,” recalls Sorbo. “Did you ask him, why do we have to part ways?” asks Stossel. “I knew why. They told me why. They were pretty straight forward about it,” responds Sorbo. Kevin Sorbo was even banned from a comic-book convention, East Coast Comicon. He says, “[Hollywood has] the most anti-tolerant people and hateful people that we have right now.” Sorbo continues, “Every movie I’ve seen now, every TV show I seem to see, doesn't matter what it is, there's always some point, someplace, where they'll … degrade anybody who's conservative or Republican.” His response was to produce his own films, like God’s Not Dead, a Christian film that cost two million dollars but returned 140 million. Hollywood is ABSURDLY biased. Maybe market competition will bring some balance.”
    UTOPIA? San Fran To OK Public Urination, Denver Fines Business Owners For Not Cleaning Up Human Poop
Brittany Hughes
Remember when Donald Trump called certain countries…let’s say it politely, “crap holes”? That's exactly what progressive-run cities in our own nation have become: crap holes. As in, cities in which the streets are literally filled with crap.
    '19 Lincoln Reagan Keynote Address.
Brittany Hughes
Brittany M. Hughes gave the keynote speech at the 2019 St. Mary's County Lincoln/Reagan Dinner on October 17th 2019.
    Illegal Alien Crime and Democrat Lies: Four Stories the Liberal Media Won't Cover This Week
Brittany Hughes
  From gun violence in gun-controlled cities to illegal aliens killing Americans and Democrats accused of stealing money, leave it to the liberal media to ignore issues that actually matter in favor of the D.C. circus and their anti-Trump crusade. So as we head into Impeachment Week, Round 2, here are four major stories they won’t cover, but that you should know about.
    TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism.
This interview was filmed February 10, 1999. What are the elements of the libertarian movement and how does one of its most illustrious proponents, Milton Friedman, apply its tenets to issues facing the United States today? Milton Friedman, Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences discusses how he balances the libertarians' desire for a small, less intrusive government with environmental, public safety, food and drug administration, and other issues.
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beiovaz · 5 years
A Crack In Time 5/?
When she was seven years old a man in a box fell from the sky and crash-landed in her best friends garden, and promised her that he would return in five minutes, now nineteen years old and twelve years late the Doctor returns to best friends Hollie and Amy and quickly learns that they're no longer the seven-year-old girls he met five minutes ago in body but possibly at heart. Unable to leave them alone with the strange crack the Doctor invites them in his magical time and space machine while he figures out what the crack in time and space actually is. 
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Hollie stared in awe and laughed as Amy's hair started to fan out on its own in space. Her best friend was currently floating outside the TARDIS, only kept in the area of the space ship by the Doctor who held her there by her ankle.
"Come on, Pond." The Doctor pulled her back in. Hollie laughed as Amy did.
"Now do you believe me?" He asked.
"Okay, your box is a spaceship." She nodded. "It's really, really a spaceship. We are in space!" She laughed. "What are we breathing?"
"I've extended the air shell." The Doctor waved an arm. "We're fine."
Hollie looked out of the ship and smiled before she frowned seeing a large looking like a ship come into view. "Doctor, what's that?"
"Now that's interesting." He hummed. "Twenty-ninth century. Solar flares roast the earth, and the entire human race packs its bags and moves out till the weather improves. Whole nations."
The Doctor and Amy headed to the console and looked at the Doctors scanner to get a better look. Hollie yelped when she lost her grip while learning out of the TARDIS and fell out, slowly floating.
"Doctor?" She called.
"Migrating to the stars." He told Amy.
"Isn't that amazing?"
Hollie huffed before shouting louder. "Doctor, help!"
The Doctor walked over to the doors and poked his head out before he frowned. "Come on, Holls. I've found us a spaceship. This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland." He pulled her back into the TARDIS. "All of it bolted together and floating in the sky. Starship UK. It's Britain, but metal." He headed towards the console where Amy was still watching on the scanner. "That's not just a ship, that's an idea. That's a whole country, living and laughing and shopping. Searching the stars for a new home."
"Can we go out and see?" Amy asked.
"Course we can." He nodded. "But first, there's a thing."
"A thing?" Amy and Hollie looked at him.
"An important thing." He nodded. "In fact, Thing One. We are observers only." He explained. "That's the one rule I've always stuck to in all my travels. I never get involved in the affairs of other peoples or planets." Hollie frowned, that wasn't at all how she imagined. "Ooo, that's interesting." He commented after flicking the scanner.
"So we're like a wildlife documentary, yeah?" Amy asked. "Because if they see a wounded little cub or something, they can't just save it, they've got to keep filming and let it die." Hollie frowned at the image of a little girl crying. "It's got to be hard. I don't think I could do that." Amy shook her head. "Don't you find that hard, being all, like, detached and cold?"
Hollie frowned at the image of the Doctor walking towards the crying girl. "That's-"
"Doctor?" Amy looked at the open doors of the TARDIS. The Time Lord smiled and waved them over as the girl ran off.
Amy and Hollie both laughed and headed out of the TARDIS, they stopped and took in the busy market that was in front of them.
"Welcome to London Market." A voice said over a tannoy. "You are being monitored."
"We're in the future." Amy looked at her best friend. "Like hundreds of years in the future."
Hollie laughed and nodded her head in agreement. "And I've been dead for centuries."
Hollie giggled louder and the Doctor sighed. "Oh, lovely. You're a cheery one." He pointed at the ginger. "Never mind dead, look at this place. Isn't it wrong?"
"What's wrong?"
"Come on, use your eyes." He looked at them. "Notice everything. What's wrong with this picture?"
Hollie frowned and slowly nodded. Something did seem unusual.
"Is it the bicycles?" Amy asked, seeing a man ride past. "Bit unusual on a spaceship, bicycles."
"Says the girl in the nightie." The Doctor pointed out.
Amys' eyes widened as she looked down. "Oh my God, I'm in my nightie."
Hollie laughed out loud again before her hand brushed against the fuzzy dressing gown. Her cheeks grew dark and she quickly hugged herself. "And I'm in my dressing gown." She announced.
The Doctor grinned and grabbed the blonde's hand, dragging her down the street. Amy followed behind. "Now, come on, look around you. Actually, look."
"London Market is a crime-free zone." The voice on the tannoy announced.
"Life on a giant starship. Back to basics. Bicycles, washing lines, wind-up street lamps. But look closer. Secrets and shadows, lives led in fear. Society bent out of shape, on the brink of collapse. A police state."
Hollie frowned and watched as the Doctor picked up a pint glass off of a table. "Excuse me."
"What are you doing?" The man asked.
The Doctor placed it on the floor and kneeled down. Staring at it with intent. Hollies eyes widened as she realised what the strange alien was doing.
"But that-"
The Doctor jumped up and covered the blonde's mouth with his hand. She quickly jumped back, her eyes the sizes of large marbles.
"Exactly." He then picked up the glass and returned it to the table. "Sorry. Checking all the water in this area. There's an escaped fish. Where was I?"
"Why did you just do that with the water?" Amy asked, crossing her arms.
"Don't know." He shrugged. "I think a lot. It's hard to keep track. Now, police state. Do you see it yet?"
"There." He pointed at the girl sat alone quietly crying.
The two friends watched as the Doctor repeatedly walked up to the crying girl a moment before she ran away. They decided to settle for a red metal bench as the Doctor kept following the girl for ten minutes or so before giving up and joining them on the bench.
"One little girl crying. So?" Amy frowned.
"Crying silently. I mean, children cry because they want attention because they're hurt or afraid. But when they cry silently, it's because they just can't stop. Any parent knows that."
Hollie frowned while Amy asked the question on both of their minds: "Are you a parent?"
The Doctor looked out to the people passing by the market. "Hundreds of parents walking past who spot her and not one of them's asking her what's wrong, which means they already know, and it's something they don't talk about. Secrets." He explained ignoring Amy's question.
Hollie continued to frown. Is he really that old?
"They're not helping her, so it's something they're afraid of. Shadows, whatever they're afraid of, it's nowhere to be seen, which means it's everywhere. Police state."
Amy looked across to where the girl was sitting, or rather where she had been sitting. "Where'd she go?"
"Deck two oh seven." The Doctor read off a small colourful wallet "Apple Sesame block, dwelling 54A. You're looking for Mandy Tanner. Oh, er, this fell out of her pocket when I accidentally bumped into her. Took me four goes." He chuckled. "Ask her about those things. The smiling fellows in the booths. They're everywhere." He nodded at one of the booths with a creepy face smiling at them as he handed Amy the wallet.
"Why would we ask about them they're just things?" Hollie asked.
"They're clean." He shrugged. "Everything else here is all battered and filthy. Look at this place. But no one's laid a finger on those booths. Not a footprint within two feet of them. So Amy's going to ask Mandy, why are people scared of the things in the booths."
"Wait Amy's asking?"
"Well, I need you here with me Holls."
"Me?" She frowned.
"No, hang on." Amy cut in. "What do I do? I don't know what I'm doing here and I'm not even dressed."
"It's this or Leadworth. What do you think? Let's see. What will Amy Pond choose?" He stared at Amy who blinked. "Haha, gotcha. Meet us back here in half an hour."
"What are you going to do?"
"What I always do. Stay out of trouble." He pointed at Hollie. "Look, Hollie's helping me."
"So is this how it works, Doctor?" Amy crossed her arms. "You never interfere in the affairs of other peoples or planets, unless there's children crying?"
"Yes." The Doctor agreed. "Come on Holls."
Hollie rolled her eyes and followed the Time Lord while Amy sighed and headed in the opposite direction.
Hollie frowned as she followed the Doctor down a ladder, he hadn't said a word since Amy had followed Mandy. As soon as he got off the ladder he headed towards one of the walls and lightly touched it. "Can't be."
Hollie followed him down. "This the engine room right?" She questioned
"Mhm." He hummed pulling out his sonic screwdriver he started to scan the walls.
"Then why-" she began only to lightly tap the Doctor when she spotted a glass if water on the floor.
"Oh?" He returned his screwdriver to his pocket as a woman in a robe stepped out of the shadows of the dark engine room.
"The impossible truth in a glass of water." She stated, a mask covering her face causing Hollie to frown. "Not many people see it. But you two do, don't you, Doctor, Hollie?"
"You know me?" He blinked then held up a hand. "Wait, even better question: you know Hollie?"
The blondes frown deepened as the woman hushed them: "Keep your voice down. They're everywhere. Tell me what do you see in the glass."
"Who says I see anything?" He crossed his arms.
"Don't waste time. At the marketplace, you placed a glass of water on the floor, looked at it with Hollie then came straight here to the engine room. Why?"
Hollie shrugged. "The glass didn't move."
"And why is that?" The woman questioned.
"No engine vibration on deck." The Doctor cut in. "Ship this size, engine this big, you'd feel it. The water would move. So, I thought we'd take a look. It doesn't make sense." He opened one of the small boxes and pointed at the wires. "These power couplings, they're not connected. Look. Look, they're dummies, see?" He held them up for a moment before dropping them. "And behind this wall," he knocked on it, "nothing. It's hollow. If I didn't know better, I'd say there was... "no engine at all." The Doctor and the woman said together.
"But it's working though." Hollie looked at the Doctor. "The ship is travelling through space, we saw it."
"The impossible truth, Hollie. We're travelling among the stars in a spaceship that could never fly."
"How though?"
"I don't know." She shrugged  "There's a darkness at the heart of this nation. It threatens every one of us." She looked at the Time Lord. "Help us, Doctor. You're our only hope. Hollie your friend is safe. This will take you to her. Now go, quickly!"
Hollie frowned at the mention of Amy while the robed woman handed the Doctor a small device.
"Who are you?" The Doctor asked. "How do I find you again?"
The woman turned to them before she left. "I am Liz Ten, and I will find you."
They watched her go and Hollie blinked. "We need to find Amy." The Doctor announced grabbing Hollie's hand and pulling her away.
"Is Amy okay?" Hollie asked the Doctor as climbed the ladder before he grabbed her hand again and dragged her down multiple corridors that all looked the same. The Doctor stopped for a moment and checked the tracker he was given and sighed as the yellow light blinked to signal that they were getting closer. "Is she, Doctor?"
"What?" He blinked before he showed her the device. "The tracker says she is here."
"Where is 'here'?"
The Doctor frowned and pointed at her. "Good question." He headed further down the corridor and poked his head around the wall of another. "Voting station'." He muttered reading a sign hanging from the ceiling. "Why is she here."
"Doctor?" Hollie frowned spotting the girl Amy was following, sat down on a chair near one of the booth doors.
The Time Lord headed over and smiled at the girl. "Mandy!" He ran towards her. "What's going on, where's Amy?"
"In there." Mandy pointed to one of the doors. The Doctor bought out hid screwdriver and flashed it at the door. The door then opened and they watched as Amy stared at another Amy on a large screen.
"Listen to me. This isn't a trick. This is for real." The Amy on the screen cried.
"Amy?" The Doctor carefully questioned.
"You've got to find the Doctor and-" Amy quickly scrambled to the controls and ended the recording.
"What have you done?" The Doctor asked.
Amy stared at her friends and shrugged. She looked at the blank screen and swallowed  "I'm not sure."
Hollie entered the room after the Doctor and watched as the man in the tweed jacket pulled a chair from the large computer and stood on it, scanning the light bulb hanging from the ceiling. "Yeah, your basic memory wipe job." He hummed checking the readings on his screwdriver. "Must have erased about twenty minutes."
Hollie stepped towards the computer and frowned, pointing at the two buttons on either side of the controls. 'FORGET' labelled one while 'PROTEST' sat underneath the other.
The Time Lord stepped down from the chair and walked over to the blonde and they both looked at Amy. "You chose to forget."
Amy frowned. "But why would I choose to forget?"  
"Because everyone does," Mandy spoke up from the door. "Everyone chooses the Forget button." She shrugged.
"Did you?" The Doctor asked.
"I'm not eligible to vote yet." She replied with a frown. "I'm twelve. Any time after you're sixteen, you're allowed to see the film and make your choice. And then once every five years."
"And once every five years, everyone chooses to forget what they've learned." He scoffed slightly. "Democracy in action."
"How do you not know about this?" He asked. "Are you guys Scottish too?"
The Doctor chuckled. "Hollie's English but me? I'm way worse than Scottish. I can't even see the movie." He shrugged after trying a button on the panel. "Won't play for me."
"It played for me." Amy looked up at him.
"The difference being the computer doesn't accept me as human." He replied.
"Why not?" Amy asked. "You look human."
"No, you look Time Lord." He countered. "We came first."
Hollie snorted while Amy looked at the Doctor. "So there are other Time Lords, yeah?"
"No." The Doctor slowly shook his head. "There were, but there aren't. Just me now. Long story." He waved an arm. "There was a bad day. Bad stuff happened. And you know what? I'd love to forget it all, every last bit of it, but I don't. Not ever. Because this is what I do, every time, every day, every second. This." He grabbed Hollie's hand, making her jump slightly. "Hold tight. We're bringing down the government." He slammed his free hand on the 'Protest' button and the door slammed shut locking them in and Mandy out.
The Smiler in the booth inside the room slowly turned around to reveal another face, much grumpier than the last, scowling at the three. Hollie swallowed hard as the floor under their feet began to move while the Doctor laughed and grabbed the humans hands. "Say wheee!" He exclaimed while Amy and Hollie screamed.
The Doctor, Hollie and Amy all fell into a sort of funnel as the floor completely disappeared before they were in a chute.
Hollie screamed as she landed in a large, dark and very smelly cave looking area. "Ugh." She groaned as she went to stand up, placing her hand into what was sticky gunk with different pieces of food material. She yelped as she was pushed forward into the waste as the Doctor fell into the cave. "Sorry." He apologised and stood up, helping the blonde before they jumped out of the way as Amy fell in. "High-speed air cannon." He grimaced. "Lousy way to travel."
"Where are we?" Amy asked standing up.
"Six hundred feet down, twenty miles laterally, puts us at the heart of the ship." The Doctor frowned. "I'd say Lancashire. What's this then, a cave? Can't be a cave. Looks like a cave."
Hollie shook her head and wiped her hands before holding her nose to try and block out the smell. " It's a rubbish dump," Amy stood up and wiped her hands on her clothes. "And it's minging!"
"Yes, but only food refuse." The Doctor leaned down and picked up some of the slimy leftover food. "Organic, coming through feeder tubes from all over the ship."
"The floor's all squidgy," Amy muttered, lightly bouncing, "like a water bed."
"But feeding what, though?" He asked.
Hollie shivered. "It feels rubbery." She gagged. "Wet and slimy, ugh that's gross."
The three froze as what sounded like a large animal roaring echoed, making the whole cave vibrate.
"Er, it's not a floor, it's a..." He swallowed. "So..."
"It's a what?" Amy asked.
"Oh god." Hollie gasped understanding what was going on. "No!"
The Doctor slowly nodded at the blonde and then turned his attention to the ginger. "Amy... The next word is kind of a scary word." He took her hands. "You probably want to take a moment, get yourself in a calm place. Go omm."
Amy nodded and did as he said. "Omm."
Hollie winced as the Doctor told Amy what was going on. "It's a tongue."
Amy's eyes practically popped out of her head at his words. "A tongue?"
"A tongue." He nodded. "A great big tongue."
Amy stared at the Time Lord. "This is a mouth. This whole place is a mouth? We're in a mouth!" She shouted.
"Yes, yes, yes." The Doctor nodded. "But on the plus side, roomy."
Hollie frowned and looked at her friend as she spoke up: "How do we get out?"
"How big is this beastie?" He grinned, ignoring Amy's question. "It's gorgeous. Blimey, if this is just the mouth, I'd love to see the stomach." The animal grumbled and the Doctors eyes widened as the ginger and the blonde's eyes snapped to the Time Lord. "Though not right now."
Hollie sighed. "Doctor, how do we get out?"
"Okay," he nodded. "It's being fed through surgically implanted feeder tubes, so the normal entrance is closed for business..." They all turned towards the entrance of the mouth where a wall of teeth was snapped shut.  
"We could try, though." Amy shrugged and went to step forward. The Doctors eyes widened and he held out his hands. "No, stop, don't move-" He froze as Amy placed a foot down and a rumble erupted from what seemed to be the stomach of the animal/
"Too late." The Doctor muttered. "It's started".
"What has?"
"Swallow reflex." He answered before getting his sonic screwdriver out. Hollie frowned as he waved it around in the air and activated it. "Doctor, what are you doing?"
"I'm vibrating the chemo-receptors." He explained
"The what receptors?" She repeated.  
The Doctor huffed. "The eject button!"
"How does a mouth have an eject button?" Amy asked.
Hollie's eyes widened. "Remember when we went out drinking that one time Amy and because of that night I cannot taste gin ever again?"
"What happened that night?"
"Well, you drank a lot of gin before throwing- oh."
"Yeah," Hollie whispered. "Oh."
The Doctor nodded and straightened his bowtie. "Right, then." He announced looking at the ginger and then the blonde. "This isn't going to be big on dignity." He explained before shouting: "Geronimo!" while Amy and Hollie screamed at the oncoming vomit wave.
Hollie groaned and gently rubbed her hand down her face as she woke up to an awful stench. "There's nothing broken," the Doctor called over, making the girl groan slightly at what sounded like a loud noise, "there's no sign of concussion and yes, you are both covered in sick."
Amy groaned and squeezed her eyes before she stood up and watched her friend do the same before she looked around. "Where are we?"
"Overspill pipe, at a guess." The Doctor shrugged.
Hollie gagged a moment after smelling herself. "It absolutely stinks!"
"Oh, that's not the pipe." The Doctor added.
"You're right about that." She muttered.
"Can we get out?" Amy asked.
"One door, one door switch, one condition." The Doctor explained eyeing the button labelled 'forget' by the door. "We forget everything we saw. Look familiar?"
"That's the carrot." He spun around before noticing the two smiler booths behind him as they lit up. "Ooo, here's the stick."
"I don't understand what they have to do with this place?" Hollie frowned. "What are they."
"Protecting whatever it is trying to stop us from finding out what is going on." He replied before looking back at the smilers. "There's a creature living in the heart of this ship. What's it doing there?"
The smilers turned around and the faces because very angry. " No, that's not going to work on me, so come on." He clapped his hands together. "Big old beast below decks, and everyone who protests gets shoved down its throat. That how it works?" The faces that were very much frowning before scowled at the Time Lord who rolled his eyes. "Oh, stop it. I'm not leaving and I'm not forgetting, and what are you fellows going to do about it? Stick out your tongues, huh?"
The booths then opened and the smilers stepped out. Hollie stepped back with Amy as the Doctors face fell. "What now?"
"Well-" the Doctor began only to stop as the woman with the mask, only she wasn't wearing the mask now stepped between the Doctor, Amy and Hollie before she shot the smilers.
"Look who it is." The Doctor nodded. "You look a lot better without your mask."
"You must be Amy." She looked at the ginger. "Liz. Liz Ten." The two shook hands and Liz grimaced at the squelch as she felt the sick on her skin.
"Yuck." She let go and shook her hand for a moment. "Lovely hair, Amy. Shame about the sick. You know Mandy, yeah?" She nodded at the girl who stepped into the room and waved. "She's very brave."
"How did you find us?" The Doctor asked.
"Stuck my gizmo on you." She tossed what could only be her tracking device to him. "Been listening in. Nice moves on the hurl escape. So, what's the big fella doing here?"
"You're over sixteen, you've voted. Whatever this is, you've chosen to forget about it."
"No. Never forgot, never voted, not technically a British subject."
"Then who and what are you, and how do you know me?"
"You're a bit hard to miss, love. Mysterious stranger, M O consistent with higher alien intelligence, hair of an idiot." Hollie and Amy snorted as the Doctors face fell. "I've been brought up on the stories. My whole family was."
"Your family?" The Doctor frowned following Liz as she walked over to the smilers.
"They're repairing. Doesn't take them long. Let's move." She headed out. "The Doctor. Old drinking buddy of Henry Twelve. Tea and scones with Liz Two." She rolled off. "Vicky was a bit on the fence about you, weren't she? Knighted and exiled you on the same day. And so much for the Virgin Queen, you bad, bad boy."
Hollie raised her brows at the Time Lord in slight shock. He was practically a child in an adults body, how could he of all people do that "Liz Ten." He noted.
The woman suddenly turned around holding her guns. "Liz Ten, yeah. Elizabeth the Tenth. And down!"
The Doctor quickly ducked, pulling Hollie and Amy with him, only seconds before Liz shot at the repaired smilers from before. "I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule."
Hollie and Amy both stared at Liz as she stared at the Doctor before she nodded and headed down a corridor, the Doctor quickly followed with the two humans behind him.
When she was seven years old a man in a box fell from the sky and crash-landed in her best friends garden, and promised her that he would return in five minutes, now nineteen years old and twelve years late the Doctor returns to best friends Hollie and Amy and quickly learns that they’re no longer the seven-year-old girls he met five minutes ago in body but possibly at heart. Unable to leave them alone with the strange crack the Doctor invites them in his magical time and space machine while he figures out what the crack in time and space actually is.
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meditationeye · 7 years
Can meditation be used as a method of communication?
Can meditation be used as a method of communication? Yes it can, according to Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Disclosure Project. Dr Greer created the CE-5 Protocols, a method of sending signals into space with the intention of contacting extraterrestrial intelligences. The idea is that we humans ping ET and ET responds with visual confirmation that they have received the message. Yes, this is a difficult subject to discuss without provoking the usual responses: ridicule, dismissal, lost of credibility and respect, but many things that are today considered mainstream and commonplace were considered too far out to be acceptable less than a generation ago.
Passive and Active Meditation
Meditation has all kinds of uses and applications. Strictly speaking it's a passive state which is why the term 'active meditation' is used to differentiate from the traditional methods.
In the passive state realizations and communications can be received. Whether these messages come from your subconscious, the Universal Mind, or your Spirit Guides is a matter of some debate.
Guided meditation crosses over into visualization in which the imagination is used to create a virtual world or enter into an existing one.
Remote Viewing is another meditative state that involves adept use of the mind and imagination in active and exploratory sense.
However, all these methods are concerned with the Self, Planet Earth, and perhaps the Otherworld or Underworld. Few of them address the issue of exploring outer space and communicating with an extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) that might be waiting for a call.
Close Encounters
The categorization of close encounters with ETI was created by the astronomer and UFO researcher Dr. Josef Allen Hynek in the 1960's. His categorizations are:
Close Encounters of the First kind.  Seeing a UFO fairly close and in some detail
Close Encounters of the Second kind.  Experiencing a UFO in such a way that there is a noticeable effect e.g. heat, marks or impressions on the ground, electrical interference with vehicles or machinery etc,
Close Encounters of the Third kind.  Any encounter with a UFO in which there is contact with a living, humanoid, or robotic being.
Additions to Hynek's scale
Close Encounters of the Fourth kind.  A UFO encounter that results in changed perceptions, altered consciousness, or alien abduction.
Close Encounters of the Fifth kind.  Human initiated contact with extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) that results in bilateral communication.
CE-5 Protocols
CE-5 then is the method invented by Dr Greer. It involves entering into a meditative state and visualizing one's location on earth. The visualization should include indications of your coordinates on the Earth's surface and then reaching out into deep space to broadcast your location.
The idea is to send a signal that alerts the ETIs to your desire to communicate and your position on our home planet.
People who have been experimenting with the CE-5 protocols have reported that their calls are answered by the appearance of lights in the night sky and occasional visible manifestations in daylight.
It should be noted that these lights can be discerned by their speed, trajectory, change of direction, and variations in luminosity.  In other words, they are not aircraft, meteors, satellites, planets, or the International Space Station!
Small groups and individuals all over the world have reported success with these methods and it has attracted the attention of the government and defence agencies in some countries
There is a
CE-5 app
that is a self contained course in this communication method. Download it and review the contents.  You might be surprised by the level of detail.
We're not in Kansas anymore
Before you dismiss this as utter nonsense and the product of an unhinged mind I would ask you to consider the many hours of witness testimonies captured on camera for your perusal.  
Start here
Over the past few decades the policy of denial and ridicule has successfully kept a lid on this subject.  Little green men and the UFO nerds who believe in them have received scant attention or respect.
However, the internet has restored some power to individuals.  The ability to freely share information combined with the desire among those who have worked for governments, the military, NASA, and others to divulge what they know has meant that there are now hundreds of hours of witness testimony to review.
More Information
Sirius Disclosure - Events, Documentaries, Evidence, Energy, Expeditions, Papers. mailing list
"Unacknowledged" DVD on Shopify
French MoD 'contacted' aliens during bizarre experiment, document reveals
What do Astronauts have to say about ETI?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~ Arthur C. Clarke
Not long ago most astronauts would have refused to answer and changed the subject if you'd dared mention the subject of ETI but these days the minds of many are opening up.
Advances in science and in particular, in telescopes and the data they have collected.
Exoplanets are a reality and if there are planets capable of sustaining life who is to say that the lifeforms upon these planets are not thousands of years ahead of us in terms of evolution and technology?
Their technology may seem like magic to us just as an iPhone would seem like wizardy to someone from the 13th Century.
In anticipation of making contact with ETI the Seti organisation has published these
Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection - Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
The Canadian astronaut Commander Chris Hadfield tweeted the link in June 2017.
Several other veterans and space travel pioneers have expressed their views:
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell - Witness Testimony
See video below
An Astronaut's UFO Experience - Gordon Cooper
See video below
Keep watching the skies and don't believe every tale told in the media about the intentions of any ETI.  If they mean us any harm then they have the ability to take what they want and to do what they will with us.  In which case, why haven't they done so already?
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docrotten · 7 years
Life (2017) - Episode 208 - Horror News Radio
Waiting patiently for Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant to arrive this Summer, the Grue-Crew whet their appetites for aliens vs human carnage with the Daniel Espinosa sci-fi/horror opus Life out in theaters March 2, 2017. The film plays close to type combining Alien with Gravity as a newly discovered alien rips through a small group of space scientists. Fun times! The best thing about the film is the Twilight Zone down-beat ending that is pretty spectacular. Getting there garners mixed results from the Grue-crew.
Shudder once again serves up new material with the premiere of Prevenge from writer/director and star Alice Lowe. Dave returns this week to share his affection for this film with Thomas passionately backing him up. However, Doc steps into the ring in the opposite corner and that never goes well. Regardless,  you're going to want to hear the review and check out this horror film on Shudder.
Dave pilots this week's edition of Horror News of the Week with a possible Venom R-rated horror film and the Escape from New York remake finds a director. HNR and Gruesome Magazine are heading to a number of horror conventions and film festival in the coming months with Joey Fittos covering New Jersey Horror Con and Film Festival March 31 - April 2, 2017. This week Doc Rotten discusses his visit to Mad Monster Party Carolina, March 24-26, 2017.
Co-hosts Santos (The Black Saint) Ellin Jr., Dave Dreher and Thomas Mariani are back again this week to give you the best in horror as they recap, review and obliterate all that is horror this week! Oh, and don’t forget – Stump the Saint! (Brought to you by Gruesome Magazine)
Horror News Radio Episode 208 – Life (2017) Subscribe – iTunes – Facebook – Stitcher
Feature Review: Life (2017)
Hitting theaters this past weekend is the promising blend of Alien and Gravity as Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Rebecca Ferguson face down the ferocious machinations from director Daniel Espinosa and Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick (Deadpool) in the sci-fi/horror film Life (2017). A team of scientist on the International space station circling Earth discover an alien life form that grows into a monster willing to kill to survive. While much of the film feels like seen-that/done-that, the ending of the film is quite memorable and thrilling. Great special effects and solid cinematography don't always win out over spotty character development and massive plot hole. Yet, the film is fun.
What Have You Been Watching: Prevenge (2017)
Heading straight to Shudder streaming site after a positive debut at SXSW, Prevenge from writer/director Alice Lowe features a pregnant mother-to-be facing either a massive mental break down or an evil force from within encouraging her to act out on her anger issues, slicing and dicing anyone who crosses her path to shreds. Fun is had by all, maybe. The Grue-crew dive into the the horror film with great respect from most and a hint of disdain from one. Uh, oh.
Outline of the Episode
[00:00:40]: Intro
[00:02:43]: Night of Something Strange Prize Pack
[00:03:18]: We Go On Contest
[00:04:19]: Horror News of the Week
[00:04:36]: Robert Rodriguez Directing Escape from New York Remake
[00:11:48]: Godzilla: Monster Planet
[00:16:25]: Death Note Trailer
[00:19:11]: It Documentary
[00:22:35]: Venom R Rated Film
[00:29:42]: Support HNR
[00:30:16]: Feature Review - Life (2017)
[01:08:18]: Announcements
[01:08:22]: Gruesome Magazine Campaign's Final Days!
[01:09:08]: Mad Monster Party Carolina Convention Report
[01:11:31]: HNR Heading to Conventions
[01:13:16]: What Have You Been Watching - Prevenge (2017)
[01:29:47]: Stump The Saint
The Void
Dragon Con
Gruesome Tees
Horror Pack
Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival (Charleston, SC - May 19-22, 2017)
Nightmares Horror Films Festival (Columbus, OH - October 19-22, 2017)
Gruesome Magazine Spring 2017 is coming! That's right, the very first issue of an all-new horror magazine from the Grue-Crew behind Horror News Radio and Gruesome Magazine website will land late February 2017. The tag line "Horror Festival Hits - Independent Films - The Future of Horror" reflects the focus of the magazine on the up'n'coming horror film makers and their films in Horror Film Festivals across the globe. Check out the GM page for more details.
Check out this episode!
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