#cretaceous ghidorah
chernobog13 · 4 months
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Before he was the Millennium-era Godzilla, Tsutomu Kitagawa was Cretaceous Ghidorah in Rebirth of Mothra lll (1998).
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cant-blink · 2 years
Unfinished sketches from my sketch book.
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Showa Ghidorah laying down. Originally going to have Gigan with him, hence the grump face.
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Transitional form between young Cretaceous Ghidorah and the fully-grown Grand Ghidorah. The two "thumbs" on each wing start growing to become part of the wing, he starts gaining his golden diamond-shaped scales, his tail starts splitting into two, and he starts going from lean and agile to beefy and strong, the dew claws on his feet start extending to the ground to suppose the extra weight.
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Cretaceous Ghidorah and Gigan, from my story, Prisoner, where Gigan holds the young dragon hostage.
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Top view of my centipede kaiju OC, Scoli.
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And Gigan being a cute as he grooms. I have more unfinished sketches, but these are the farthest along and stand the best chance of being completed someday.
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gojira-ekkusu · 2 months
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edgar-allan-possum · 1 year
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Cretaceous King Ghidorah is maybe my favorite design for the character after the Monsterverse version. Could do with a bit more gold but it has a digitigrade stance that's very unusual for a suit creature.
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dragon-tamer-1 · 6 months
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This is Mothra Leo, the only male Mothra(that I know of, as far as I'm aware there wasn't any other Mothra that was male). Look how green he is! Honestly, probably my favorite design of Mothra in the Rebirth Trilogy.
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And he scales fairly well with my Desghidorah figure.
And there's more!
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I also got Cretaceous King Ghidorah from Rebirth of Mothra 3! He looks silly, but he does look great as a younger Ghidorah.
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Here's almost all of my Rebirth of Mothra collection, with the exception of Dagahra, who I didn't feel like moving from his spot on my new TV stand. Also, a better visual of just how big Grand King Ghidorah is. He is twice the height of Cretaceous Ghidorah.
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tyrantisterror · 2 years
How would you rank ever Ghidorah Design, from worst to best? Or in a tier format, if you'd prefer.
Alright, let's go in order of worst to best.
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Keiser Ghidorah is the worst Ghidorah. I am of the firm opinion that Ghidorah needs to be Beautiful and Awe-Inspiring first and foremost, because it's part of how he works as a foil to not only Godzilla, but really ALL of the heroic monsters in Toho's pantheon, and what makes him such an iconic villain as a result. Ghidorah is magnificent, splendorous, and everything humans find laudable on the surface level. He's the color of gold, he has large and lustrous wings, he's got a crown of horns and a voice like a bell, and all these things make him prettier and more pleasing to the average human than monsters like Godzilla and Rodan - which makes how fucking nasty he is all the more striking.
Keiser Ghidorah fucks that all up. He's got these stunted wings, this pathetic thin little rat tails, and this lumpy, misshapen body with nasty little heads. He looks uglier and more stunted than Godzilla, which makes the fact that he's nastier, well, pretty expected. He's big, but he has no majesty. He's not a heraldic beast, his a stunted miserable wretch, which makes him getting his ass handed to him by a different stunted miserable wretch a lot less interesting. Just a shit Ghidorah.
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The plus side is that pretty much every other Ghidorah design is a fuckin' banger. GMK Ghidorah is technically my second least favorite and it's still a damn good design. GMK is such an oddball in terms of the mythos of these characters, with its explicitly evil Godzilla and benevolent Ghidorah, but even with the very different takes on characterization they manage to make the pair's relationship as foils meaningful, just in a different context - a heroic and heraldic Japanese dragon from the country's history is literally dwarfed by a far more modern manifestation of monstrosity, and, though he is outgunned, the mythological figure stands tall and shines bright as it defends Japan against an unstoppable force.
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I don't know whether I should include Death Ghidorah here since he's really his own character, but fuck it, I'm going to do it anyway. Even with his more explicitly evil color scheme, he does what all the King Ghidorahs should, looking regal, magnificent, and awe-inspiring while being an evil bastard beneath the draconic splendor. Just because he's a goth where most Ghidorahs are preps doesn't mean he can't be just as fabulous.
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Cretaceous Ghidorah is in a similar boat - he's technically aiming for something different than the standard Ghidorah vibe, but he still manages to accomplish what a Ghidorah should. Yes, he's not quite as regal as a King Ghidorah would be, but you can still see the splendor there - it's just subdued, because this is young Ghidorah, a Ghidorah who hasn't quite come into his Kingdom of Terror. A Prince Ghidorah, if you will, and he pulls off that princely look quite well.
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Mecha-King Ghidorah is basically what he needs to be to live up to his character concept. I like/prefer the fact that he's visibly a cyborg rather than a pure robot - that Ghidorah's malevolent power could not be fully replicated with machinery, but instead simply restrained by it, albeit in an extreme fashion. The character himself isn't used particularly well in his movie, but design-wise it's a solid concept.
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Planet Eater's Ghidorah was one of the few things in the shitty anime movie trilogy that was good in both concept AND execution. My personal stance is that turning Ghidorah into an eldritch abomination is an unnecessary change but not a bad one - a lateral move, really, depending on how it's executed. But for the anime movie trilogy, a creative choice that's a lateral move is WAY higher than average. I like the serpentine necks, the shining and almost angelic glow on Ghidorah's golden form, and how our space monster appears from black holes to really hammer its unnatural nature in. The only thing I don't like about it is the ugly face they gave it - I reassert my stance that Ghidorah should be pretty, and that gnarled twisted mouth and cluster of pustule eyes mars the pretty factor. But the golden glow makes it pretty unnoticeable, and the fact that Ghidorah's arrival finally made this series watchable makes me forgive that slight flaw.
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The original Ghidorah is beautiful and nearly perfect, being the one who established the criteria by which I judge all other Ghidorahs. Love his furry manes, crescent moon-shaped head spikes, and his very non-European dragon faces.
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...but I like the crown of horns that the Heisei Ghidorah sports just slightly more. Ghidorah's a king, and the crown look is just so perfect.
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Rebirth of Mothra III's Grand King Ghidorah takes the Heisei design and blends in those crescent moon horns from the Showa design. If his lesser horns were a bit longer and he had Showa's manes he'd be pretty much perfect! Look at his grandeur!
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As it stands, my favorite Ghidorah is the 2019 take. The regal splendor is on full display, he's got his crowns, and he goes hard on the mythology angle of the original Ghidorah that so many people seem keen to ignore. I miss the fan wings a bit, but the fact that this Ghidorah's wing structure is based on those of William Blake's depiction of Satan goes a long way in my devil-loving heart. If he just had some lustrous manes, he'd be pretty much perfect.
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aberrant-winter · 1 year
so you like Godzilla? name every kaiju
Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra, Mothra Larva, Mothra Leo, Battra, Battra Larva, Rodan, King Ghidorah, King Caesar, Kamakuras, Ebirah, Gezora, Ganimes, Gorosaurus, Gabara, Kamoebas, Manda, Gigan, Megalon, Mechagodzilla, Titanosaurus, Dorats, Baragon, Kong, Skeleturtle, Giant Condor, Hedorah, Minilla, Godzilla Jr, Zilla, Mecha-Ghidorah, Biollante, Super Mechagodzilla, Kiryu, Megaguirus, Orga, Space Godzilla, Super Godzilla, Burning Godzilla, Destoroyah, Monster X, Kaizer Ghidorah, Godzillasaurus, Cretaceous Ghidorah, Hokmuto, Femuto, Muto Prime, Shin Godzilla, Kamata-Kun, Shinagawa-kun, Kamakura-san, Void Ghidorah, Scylla, Behemoth, Methuselah, Warbat, Skull Crawler, Kumonga, Mechagodzilla 2021, Moguera, Varan, Jet Jaguar, Jet Jauguar Beta, Radon, Krystalak, Obsidius, Desghidorah, Thermonuclear Godzilla, Bagan.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
I know that you've been posting about everything everywhere all at once and Monsterverse, but what's your actual opinion on it?
I love them both.
EEAAO I honestly need to reblog more content for cause it's a masterpiece of a film. Gosh, when I started watching it, I was a little thrown in the beginning, this was the film everyone's praising to high heaven? But, yes, it was so good. And it got better. I cried and laughed so much. It got so deep while being so zany and had amazing martial arts, gosh, EEAAO is one of a kind.
And the rocks scene was my favorite. I didn't think rocks could ever make me laugh and cry so hard.
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I'm actually going to be giving it a rewatch very soon. I really loved the film.
As for Monsterverse, I also love it.
I am a girl with simple pleasures. I love kaijus and seeing monster fights. So I am here for films that give me giant monster battles, see the destruction and them duking it out. Monsterverse is my favorite action flick. It's a series I've rewatched the most as I just enjoy kaijus and seeing these giants fight. I'm very happy that it's being continued and I'm excited for the next one. I've also always liked Godzilla, but these films really made me a fan, and I'm planning on checking out some of the other films for Godzilla, and I'll be checking out Gamera soon too.
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I will say, not every Monsterverse film is a favorite for me. Honestly, only one of them I didn't enjoy.
Godzilla 2014 is bottom of the barrel for me with these films, as cool as the final fight was, I couldn't say I enjoyed the movie as the whole thing felt like a constant tease. Always building up a huge fight and then cut away. I was actually getting so mad in theaters when I went to see it. And the worst part was that they'd cut away to focus on boring humans. I get that it's probably meant to be a nod to the first Godzilla and be more of a horror of humanity's first encounter with these beasts and the devastation they can cause with ease, but it was just not enjoyable. Maybe it would'be been better if there were more engaging people to follow as they were more of the focus, but what we got wasn't good.
I am curious for the show that's coming out, covering the aftermath of 2014. Maybe it'll improve the film for me.
Kong Skull Island I really liked. I actually just rewatched King Kong 2005, and I can say for sure I liked KSI a lot more. I appreciate it being a shorter film, and that I wasn't bored or cringing through the film (the giant leeches and bugs were the worst, hated every second of it). I can't speak for the older Kong films, most I knew was him on the skyscraper trying to bat at planes while holding onto a lady, so KSI was a refreshing different direction for Kong than what I previously knew. I'm pretty excited and intrigued for the upcoming Netflix Skull Island show, which hopefully will come this year as it was supposed to come last year. I'm actually very curious how brutal it'll be as Skull Island is the deadliest island in the whole wide world. Will they go a Camp Cretaceous route where the leads will survive but it's all suspense and horror driven? Or will there be actual death and loss? I'm so curious.
Now GKotM and GvK are probably tied as my favorite Monsterverse films. I had so much fun with both of them.
GKotM I loved seeing a modern take on Toho's other famous monsters, Mothra came out looking amazing, Rodan was actaully terrifying seeing the damage he could do just flying out of his volcano, and Ghidorah honestly stole the show. Makes me hopeful to see more hydras and giant dragons in the future. I swear, between Smaug and Ghidorah, I'm getting spoiled by dragons in media and now have a set standard for films. And many of the fights we got to see were big and epic and gosh, I honestly got to say that GKotM is probably the one I've rewatched the most as I enjoyed the monster fights here the most. This was actually the film that got me fully on board for Monsterverse.
GvK though gave some awesome fights as well, and what they have as an edge over GKotM in the fact that the fight scenes are crisp and clear and they had experimented with the lighting. This is also the film where I wound up liking Kong a lot, which of the famous kaijus, he wasn't high on my list. I'm also not one for mechas, but Mechagodzilla was actually pretty wicked looking. And the Ghidorah connection made it creepy. I actually heard that in the novelization of GvK that apparently Ghidorah might've possessed the pilot and is now walking around in a human body. I'll be curious to see if that detail comes back.
But yeah, big fan of Monsterverse, I'm happy and excited that we're getting more and I'm super curious to see who else may show up in the future films. I'm expecting Destroyah since they did drop an oxygen bomb in GKotM and I'm super curious to see a modern take on Destroyah as they have a very interesting design. I hope we'll get more of Mothra. I'd love to see Biolante. Gigan I know is also super popular.
There's a lot of possibilities and it's pretty exciting who may appear in future films. I also appreciate that Legendary seems to be listening to criticism and works to improve their films (2014 not enough Godzilla and monster fights, they delivered more of him and monster fights; GKotM too many monsters and hard to see, GvK slimmed it down and made sure you could see the fights better). They also seem to have some plan going forward with these films, so they're working pretty well as a film franchise so far. I am looking forward to more.
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yokomation-blog · 7 months
Good night
tomorrow´s gonna be an honer to getting my Take of the queen
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did NOT plan her to be in this but, happy Mothra´s Going to be in the G.P.N...
after Mothra is done, is it really FINALLY FUCKING TIME for the most important part of it all, the Stories, scripts need to be in TOP SHAPE there is a reason i deleted all the other scripts i had done and that is mostly so i can prefect my writting skills and all.
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Plots of and the things i wanna do are as fellow
GPN 1 : a Story about Friendship and what it would be like putting a Tracker onto Godzilla
GPN 2 : Hollow Earth and What if Godzilla faced down another Godzilla
GPN 3 : Godzilla vs his all time Foe to Save the lost City of Atlantis.
not gonna be Easy to Write and do storyboard animation for all three... BUT i know i gotta have to do it if i ever wanna see Nat Doily and Kitube agian in the best shape ever.
i got ALOT of cool idea´s for this whole thing i hope i can bring to life.
like maybe showing Cretaceous King Ghidorah getting eaten by a Godzilla back in the Cretaceous on Odo Island.
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
Weeks Later after....
Through the land under disarray there came these strange yet quiet twins who appeared into a sacred area. They're no ordinary twins these are the adopted daughters of the one who will tear the world to a sunder that is the supreme monstrosity Elaine Thorne by the name of Minette and Mallory. Thet were once test subjects from the corporation to be use to control the carnosaurs and every neo complex organism. Tortured and being abandoned it was truly a miracle that they are alive for their mother, but hell to others. The twins spoke through telepathy holding their hands as they stand in front of this old ancient place.
( " I believe this is the place mother told us about... " )
( " The burial sight of an old ancient? " )
( " This one will be in our control for this special day.. " )
( " Special day indeed... " )
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In front of them is the sacred burial ground of a long forgotten and powerful ancient three headed orochi that once lived through out the cretaceous period and they stand in front of it's perfectly preserve corpse in a sacred land that forbids anyone visiting her sacred tomb now the twins have arrived and have come to claim their prize.
( " Awaken Orochi... " )
( " You will help us in our quest for revenge.. " )
( " And retake our home back to the hands of the mesozoic... " )
( " Death is not the end.. " )
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And just like that hearing their voices the clouds and lightning struck into the beast's corpse by the hands of Thorne the lightning had regenerated the monster's powerful energy and her entire body renewed into the modern age where is now ruled by man and yokai alike. Arised from her ressurection the ancient orochi let out a divine roar into the sky and unleashed bolts of destructive gold lightning from three of her mouths to let all of gensokyo know that the day of man have passed as it is the day of the ancients have arrived. The true inheritors of the earth. The orochi of ancient Gensokyo has returned the ones call her, Monarch Ghidorah.
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Overjoyed by the reawakening of ghidorah the twins smile watching their newest ally expressed herself, as Monarch Ghidorah is in her control and soon will the other lost and ancient monsters of old gensokyo but first they gonna have to take the ancient orochi to what they call a test run for their little fun which their mother allows for she watches over from the darkness.
( " And now We'll take you to the outskirts, Ghidorah, and you'll make us queens! " )
( " Yes, queens of gensokyo! " )
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The monarch slowly hunched over towards the twins insisting they ride onto her heads which they did. The two climbed onto the three headed monster as she flies into the sky letting out another booming roar as the monster unleashed more of its golden bolts of its blasts decimating the land and calling the carnosaurs to strike while both the twins burst into laughter having the time of their very lives.
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ericmhe · 3 years
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cant-blink · 1 year
Does hokmuto have a wife in your rp’s? Since his sister femuto does with gigan, I was wondering if he had a wife. If he does, who are they, and is femuto the one that helped him, and if not, is he interested in anyone? Like megaguirus or someone like that?
The hokmuto's name is Hansan (I better have spelt that properly), but Cretaceous Ghidorah called him Han Zimmer (as a show of how much he doesn't care about people's names) and now the Ghidorahs tend to call him Han Zimmer, lol.
From what I can see in the RP, Hansan doesn't have a wife and is single. I THINK he has feelings for a minor character that I can't remember who, but it's not something that is explored as you can tell by me not remembering any of it. But Hansan is played by my friend and any relationship he would be in will be between him and my other friend, as my characters don't really associate with Han Zimmer much beyond Shin Ghidorah making his life hell.
Oh, and Megaguirus is in the RP, and she's married with a kid.... to Owen, the dance-loving food-guzzling Legendary Godzilla of this RP (not the same Goji as in the Monsterverse movies, that guy was evul and killed before I properly joined the RP).
I love questions about the RP! Please, if there's any more questions, lemme know! I wanna jump-start my page again!
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gojira-ekkusu · 1 year
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atomic-crusader · 3 years
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dragon-tamer-1 · 6 months
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This here, is Grand King Ghidorah, from the Rebirth of Mothra 3 movie. This King Ghidorah is implied to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, and then came back to then try doing the same with humans. And started by kidnapping children. The Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy was mainly for kids, okay? Doesn't mean that I don't enjoy them. Plus the monster design was pretty good. But, yeah, definitely an interesting plot.
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Also this guy is very big. Also, it's possible that the King Ghidorah from King of the Monsters got some inspiration from this guy, as he has regenerative powers. When Rainbow Mothra traveled back in time(yes that happened in the movie) and ended up severing one of the tails of his Cretaceous counterpart, it literally buried itself in the ground. After Mothra killed his younger self(dropped him in a volcano, and also kinda died/passed out in the process(but was preserved to present day again)), he regenerated offscreen and came back in the future(one in future faded after the perceived death of his younger self). So regeneration was not entirely new to King Ghidorah.
Second part of this post:
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This is Desghidorah, or Death Ghidorah, English dub changed it to Desghidorah and that's how I called him for the longest time. But Death Ghidorah is a cool nickname. He comes from the first movie of the Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy, and was also implied to have been the cause of extinction of the dinosaurs. Yeah, plot hole is obvious there, but eh. And, yes, he's part of the Ghidorah family.
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artblooger19moon · 3 years
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Cretaceous King Ghidorah
King Ghidorah / Monster Zero / King-Ghidorah [ キングギドラ ]
From Godzilla franchise
Factor : Alien
Conducts : Electricity ⚡️
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