#smarkle fanfic
r-rk-fics · 2 years
Third Wheel Ferris Wheel - R_RK - Girl Meets World [Archive of Our Own]
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kingkatara · 4 years
Girl Meets Waitress: Opening Up
Disclaimer: I don’t own Waitress. I don’t own Girl Meets World. This is a fanfiction written just funsies.
Looking around, seeing the same things every day brings
          Maya woke up to darkness every morning. Her eyes peeled open after a mere six hours of sleep and were met with nothing. For a split second, there was only darkness in front of her, around her, within her. It was then that she and the world had their daily battle of wills, the war over who would break the stillness first and stir the other into motion. And always it was Maya who surrendered. Her eyes would adjust to the low light and a hot puff of breath would warm her face, still partly under the covers to avoid that first shiver of a New York morning that was always chilly no matter the season. She sat up in bed and surveyed the smoking battlefield of her bedroom, taking in her losses from the night before and wondering which of them would show on her face for the rest of the day. Beside her, the world’s weapon lay dormant, harmless unless she were to challenge the demands for peace. If she came quietly as the world beckoned her, he would slumber on. She didn’t look at him as she swung her legs over the bed and tapped her toes against the smooth hardwood floor beneath her. Her white flag of surrender was the tug on the long curtains that shielded the sunlight from shining into the apartment through the wide window on her side of the bed. This was her cry out into the world that she would not fight. And then the day would begin.
           Wake up, use the toilet, brush the teeth, comb the hair. Put the hair up. Makeup over the dark circles and fading yellow-green lump above the eyebrow. Panties, bra, uniform. Socks, then shoes. Purse. Nametag out of the purse and on the uniform. Every day, the routine was the same. There was ease to it, but it would be a lie not to admit that it was also repetitive. She didn’t know what her life was supposed to be like, but she couldn’t help feeling that it wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was as though there was some missing ingredient that she had long ago forgotten to include in the recipe, which always left the dish edible, but unsatisfying. A ritual she had not shared with anyone in the six years of living in her Lower East Side apartment was that the last thing she did before giving in to the reality of her life was standing at her window and waiting for the first rays of light to peek over the buildings in her neighborhood. She never watched the sun fully rise up into the sky. She simply waited for it to appear and then raced it to work. She never won.
           The ride across town on the subway would have been daunting at best for a tourist, but for a born New Yorker like Maya, the odd little scenes playing out right before her eyes, even as early as six in the morning, were just as natural to the routine as tying her shoelaces. On the way to work, swaying gently along with the subway car, Maya would pull out her sketchbook (which wasn’t a sketchbook at all, but a pathetic server’s pad on which she took down her orders) and mimic the likeness of what she saw and sometimes, on her lowest days, what she felt. Today, there was a particularly amusing picture of an eccentric woman with some sort of hat, though Maya couldn’t quite bring herself to call it that. It was tall, a violent shade of purple, and topped with hot pink feathers. These feathers were of great interest to a small little girl, whose mother, wearing the scrubs of a nurse, was snoozing against the window of the subway car. The little girl was standing up on her seat, using the handrail for balance, and blowing on the feathers of the woman’s hat. The woman gave no indication of noticing this invasion of personal space and was instead muttering to herself about some sort of building with her name on it. The two of them were immediately transcribed into her notepad in short, quick lines of ink.
           From the subway, she made her way through the streets of the Lower East Side, weaving in and out of passerby with an expression that was as equally bored as it was underground. She didn’t look up at anyone and instead chose to keep her eyes down on her white sneakers. The less she looked open to communication or interest, the greater chance she had of making it to work having avoided any unwanted attention—because yes, some men really were in the mood before seven in the morning. Then finally, there was the diner. Where her life played out day by day, where the routine really began and always finished; the diner was more of a home to her than her own apartment, which, of course, wasn’t really hers at all. But the diner? It was the closest thing to belonging that she felt since being held in the arms of her mother so many years ago. She entered through the door in the back of the building that led to the kitchen.
           “Is it a woman thing?”
           “Excuse me?”
           “The being late. Every damn day. Is it a woman thing?”
           “Oh, shove it up your—”
           “Good morning! Who’s ready to start the day?”
           Of course, no home was complete without its inhabitants. Maya supposed she could have had it much worse when it came down to the universe selecting her partners for this life thing. She didn’t hate the people she worked with every day and she guessed that they didn’t hate her either. With that being said, however…These partners were no picnic either.
           There was Zay Babineaux, the cook. All Maya knew about him was that he was from a small town in Texas and he came to New York when he was a teenager. He still had a slight drawl to his snarky voice, the stubborn southern streak within him that refused to be beaten down by the hustle and bustle of the north. He never offered any detail into his personal life, like why he chose to be a cook or how he ended up at the diner, and Maya never asked. When he wasn’t flipping pancakes on the griddle, he could be found grumbling to anyone who would listen (and that was exactly no one) about how nothing in his life made sense and why women were the reason for that. Though he was technically her boss, he and Maya had an ongoing feud over who should be giving who orders within the unhallowed walls of their place of employment.
           Riley Lawrence was a young woman of thirty who was made up of sunshine and daisies. She married her high school sweetheart right on the heels of graduation and went to NYU for a degree in political science. A year into law school, she dropped out to start working at the diner in order to care for her husband, Charlie, who had suffered severe brain injuries in a freak bus accident. Though all of her dreams were now wasted, she still smiled like sunshine in the rain and danced like a daisy in the wind. It was for Riley’s sake that squabbles between Maya and Zay were quickly put to bed—neither of them had the gumption to disappoint a soul like Riley’s, who had endured so much already and never uttered a single complaint.
           “Me. Thirty minutes ago. Why are you women always late?”
           “Perhaps it’s because we know you can’t afford to fire us.” The newest addition to their band of misfits was Isadora, who for some reason allowed them all to address her by her ridiculous surname: Smackle. Even her nametag introduced her as such to the customers. She was a twenty-three year old grad student living the dream that Riley had once chased and for that reason, Maya and Zay tolerated her. It wasn’t that she wasn’t likable; she was nice enough. It was just that Maya had never met anyone who was more tightly wound. Smackle had a particular way of doing things and though the diner had never been cleaner, more organized, and more efficient than when Zay took her on, Maya simply didn’t appreciate changing her way of doing things just to fit Smackle’s compulsive need for order.
           “Actually, I can. I don’t own the place. I just run it. I wouldn’t lose anything but the weight of carrying this business if I had it my way and kicked you three to the—"
           “Business? It’s a diner. And it didn’t miss us for the fifteen minutes that we were late. But it will miss us for thirty if you keep us from actually doing our jobs with your whining.”
           “Alright, you know what? Get out of my kitchen. Get out.”
           Snickering, Maya led Riley and Smackle through the swinging door that led into the dining area. Though Riley sighed unhappily as they left Zay to his dramatics, the girls easily fell into their habitual duties for opening up. Riley got to work on the register, counting bills and setting up the front desk. Smackle wiped down each table and sorted the condiments in whatever order made sense to her otherworldly brain. Maya got to work on the pastry display case. The first thing she did every shift was rearrange it so she could display her creation of the day, which was dreamt up sometime before going to bed every night and arriving at work each morning. What made all the elbow grease she put into the job worthwhile was found underneath the diner in its basement: the bakery. Each dessert, particularly the pies, was made from the imagination of her mother. Every dressing coating its recipe, particularly the cakes, was designed from Maya’s. Serving the sacred combination to the diner’s patrons, who had no idea that they were seeing into the very essence of her being with every bite, was the most gratifying thing Maya got to experience in a montage of diner meals that left her secretly hungry for something more. In another life, perhaps Maya would have liked to be an artist. But she was living in this life and if she couldn’t be that, she supposed being a waitress that got to bake the cakes was the next best thing.
           “What’s the special today?”
           Maya’s fingers twitched towards her apron’s pocket where the sketch of her subway ride lived frozen in time between the pages of her server’s pad. She was planning on using it as inspiration for some kind of cake resembling that crazy old woman’s hat, but Riley’s hopeful expression was especially sweet this morning. Her brows lifted in the direction of her hairline ever so slightly, creating the barest traces of wrinkles that were not yet etched into the still youthful skin across her forehead. Her lips parted in a preciously premature smile of delight. Maya never wanted Riley to know the harsh truth that she did, that hope was for suckers, and so she never let Zay put Riley’s pie on the menu even though it was continuously requested by the regulars. As long as it wasn’t on the menu, Riley still got to hope every morning, for just a minute or two, that that would be the day that her pie was the special of the day.
         “Why, Aren’t You a Peach Polka-Dot Peach Pie, of course.” Maya painted on an indulgent smile and admired how Riley beamed sunlight at her.
         “Peaches, you shouldn’t!”
         “Too late, I already did. Today’s a good day to serve everyone a little Riley, I think. I know I could use a little of whatever it is you got.”
         “Well, I’m happy to share.”
         “Go check the stock downstairs and make sure we have enough kosher salt. We were running a little low the last I checked and I don’t think Zay is ordering new stock until tomorrow.” Riley abandoned the hostess station where she was organizing the trio’s sections as if they ever changed and raced downstairs into Maya’s sanctuary.
         “When am I going to get a pie made for me, Maya?” Smackle asked without accusation, just curiosity.
         “Maybe it’s not a pie. Maybe it’s a cake. Or a cookie.” The blonde answered thoughtfully, to which Smackle snorted and shot her a grin from across the room.
         “I am at least a brownie by now, thank you very much. How did Riley end up with a peach pie anyway? Because she calls you Peaches?”
         “Nah, she calls me peaches because that’s what the pie is.” Maya explained, “I don’t know, she’s just so nice. It kind of threw me off when we first met, being New Yorkers and all. When she learned about how I make the desserts and dress them up, a peach pie is the first thing I thought of when she asked me what kind of dessert she would be. The polka-dots came later when I thought about how she dresses out of uniform. That’s what makes it Riley.”
         Smackle hummed in understanding. “And what makes it yours, with that kind of personal touch. No one can bake like you can, huh?”
         “No one but my mother. I just try to do it like she would.” Maya answered with a casual shrug and brushed her hands against her apron as she finished up with the display case. Smackle was obviously done with the condiments as she had moved on to adjusting the number of napkins at each table. Maya regarded her for a moment. She wasn’t sure how to say so, but the spectacled girl had unwittingly stirred a feeling of warmth in her chest at the astute (and the very gracious, at that) compliment—the kind of warmth that spread slowly, like a pie crust in the heat of an oven. So she said nothing at all. Maya got through each day by watching the people she saw and jotting her notes down into her art, be it on the dish or on paper. She had never considered that Smackle might do the same. Dimly, she wondered where her coworker took her observations. Perhaps a scholarly notebook; that was presumably what a good NYU student like Smackle would use in her classes at school. Or maybe she just kept it all in that great big brain of hers. It probably was time for Smackle to get her own dessert by now, wasn’t it?
         Without Riley around to peer over her shoulder and ask questions, Maya pulled out the server’s pad from her pocket and flicked through its pages until she found her sketch from the subway ride. Some of her glimpses into inspiration never quite revealed their whole picture and without that, she couldn’t transcribe their stories into a cake. Maya had a gnawing ache deep in her gut that this lady and her crazy hat were one of those torturously brief peeks into something special that she would only ever wonder about for the rest of her life. Sighing, she walked over to the hostess stand, tore the sheet from the pad’s binding, and slid the sketch between the thick cardstock page of a menu and its plastic cover. This was the eulogy of all the subway sketches that never went on to become something more. The idea of one of the diner’s patrons finding it out of the blue and seeing what Maya saw, even if it was only for an instant, was exactly what Crazy Hat deserved. She deserved the chance to connect with a stranger who was not looking for her and make them wonder just like Maya did; if she was lucky, that stranger could do something to tell her story more truthfully than Maya ever could.
         Riley had returned from the bakery downstairs. “I think we should have enough to get through the day!” She announced joyously, waving a carton of the last of the kosher salt they had left over her head just to show them she was sure.
         “Great, but why did you bring it up here?” Maya chuckled, sliding the menu back into the stacks that would be passed around to the customers throughout the day. Riley’s smile faltered for just a second as realization came to her. As quickly as it left, her smile sprung back into place as if it was never gone, albeit the accompaniment of sheepish awkwardness was an endearing new factor in Riley’s sunshine.
         “I…I just…I’ll go put this back.”
         “No need.” Maya offered her a gentle look of reassurance, the expression well-rehearsed for the times that Riley, feeling especially Riley, looked to her for permission to go on exactly as she was. She did this as though Maya would ever want her to change. “I should probably get started anyway before the morning rush gets in. There’s some crust defrosting in the fridge, but I’ll have to make the filling from scratch. I’ll just bring it back down myself.”
         “Well, then get to it! I want my pie!” Riley pitched her the kosher salt that was not even in the same vicinity as her direction, which Maya had to scramble to catch in an almost cat-like maneuver. Smackle made a move to shoo her away in jest, but she was already hurrying along down the narrow spaces between tables to get a move on. She skipped the stairwell leading to the bakery and headed straight for the single bathroom in the back of the building.
         She couldn’t get the door open fast enough and she still had to find the dexterity in fingers that were not so nimble as they were when baking to lock it. The kosher salt was forgotten, carelessly thrown to the floor and forced open upon impact with the ground. Hard flakes of it dug into her bare knees as she dropped and flung her head into the waiting toilet bowl. It was the fourth time this week that Maya had emptied her insides at work. She didn’t think that anyone had noticed this theatrical display of her stomach’s hysterics, but if it went on, it would be impossible to keep hidden. She didn’t want to deal with that intervention, because that’s exactly what it would be with those two goofballs for coworkers, and she certainly didn’t want to have to deal with Zay. She didn’t want to deal with any of this, not at all. She didn’t know how. All she knew was the diner, the customers, the girls and the cook. The desserts. All she knew was being a waitress. If Maya added anything more to her plate, it would not be a matter of whether she would break, but when.
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fanficsbykay · 3 years
Seven Days
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Summary: The Clique's Six annual reunion is coming up and so are a lot of secrets and changes. Can one week bring friends closer together, or further apart? Find out in Seven Days, based on the Mary J Blige song. Rucas Centric. Joshaya; Smarkle;
Word Count: 2,190 
Chapter 1:  A Friend of Mine
She tossed the thin dark purple cardigan on and listened to Maya rant about the inconvenience of their impromptu reunion. Riley giggled as Maya waved off a euphemism about Farkle and Isadora flying in late that evening. Riley grabbed her keys and shuffled Maya towards the front door. Maya groaned and leaned back into Riley’s arms purposely making it hard for the bubbly brunette to move her. 
“Maya,” Riley chastised and the blonde smirked. 
“Oh come on Riles, do we really need to go get party supplies? It's just us six!” Maya groaned. 
“Maya it's been a year since all six of us were together! Aren’t you excited to see our friends?” Riley pouted. 
“Yeah, I guess,” Maya said and rolled her eyes. 
Riley knew it was a front, and that Maya was just as excited as she was. Despite being close the clique six had spread out across the continent for college. Maya and Riley stayed true, and both got into NYU. While Riley went to Steinhardt for English Education, Maya found her calling at Tisch for Collaborative Art. Although in different programs, they became roommates in a cramped two-bedroom, a gift from their parents. Their friendship never wavered and if anything it got stronger over the last few years. As their junior year ended they wanted to celebrate with their best friends. In just mere months they would be college seniors, and then off to more school or careers. 
“Farkle got us a suite,” Riley teased and Maya grinned. 
“A suite? Okay, Minkus, guess that business degree is working after all,” Maya mused and stood up straight. 
As the girls found their place at NYU, Farkle and Isadora found their place at Stanford University. Although Princeton University was their goal, they both realized the move across the country would do them good. It was no surprise that both of them had done well successfully that they were graduating before their friends. Farkle in the fall will be attending Stanford Graduate School of Business and Isadora will start her Ph.D. program in Neuroscience. Another reason for their motley crew of friends to come together. 
“It's more like a graduation gift from his parents,” Riley said and led Maya out of their apartment. 
“I can't believe those two geniuses are already going to their second degrees, I barely think I am going to make it out of my bachelor’s,” Maya groaned as Riley locked the door. 
The two linked their arms together and Riley giggled. 
“Maya you're doing great in school, As and Bs,” Riley exclaimed. 
“It's only because I am actually interested in school now, why couldn't we just jump to college?” Maya asked as they walked down the stairs. 
“That's not how life works,” Riley said as they left the apartment building. 
Loud city noises blare down the streets and the crowds shuffled through masses of New Yorkers. Both girls leaped into the mass and followed the flow down the street. 
“I hope Party City isn't crowded,” Maya said as Riley smiled brightly. 
A benefit of having an apartment in Union Square was that everything was close by to them. They could pop in, get some supplies and grab lunch all within walking distance. 
“I doubt it, no major holidays, just some graduations in a few weeks,” Riley said. 
“So … we talked about Smarkle, is there a particular someone you would like to talk about before we see them?” Maya teased. 
“Zay? I heard he might double major,” Riley shrugged. 
“What is he? Can he?” Maya asked as Riley nodded. 
“I mean he is a dance major, maybe he wants to do something in that field but more,” Riley said. 
“Sounds like a lot,” Maya mused. 
“I know but it's Zay, and Duke is letting him do it, why not take advantage?” Riley said 
Zay’s college choice was a surprise to all of them. They knew Zay was eclectic and loved to do different things, but they all assumed he would go back to Texas. He threw them for a loop when he decided to go to Duke University in North Carolina for Dance. They knew he liked ballet but didn't think he would take it on as a major. 
“Wait! You deflected! You know who I was talking about Riles. A certain cowboy down in Texas,” Maya teased. 
Lucas’s choice was no surprise to Riley, she knew what he was interested in since they were in the seventh grade. So when he announced he was going to Texas A&M Riley was excited for him no matter what. They decided it was in their best interest to break up and stay as friends. Allowing one another to explore these new waters without being weighed down by a significant other. However, it didn't matter to Riley as she never found anyone to match Lucas on any level. Sure she went on dates and flirted around, but nothing was serious. No one was able to make her feel like he did. 
“Lucas?” Riley asked. 
“You said Huckleberry’s name, that's a big step for you,” Maya said with a grin. 
“I always say his name, it's you who insist on these nicknames, Maya we’re twenty-one now. Don't you think it would be a good time to drop the nicknames?” Riley asked. 
“What and miss out on annoying moral compass, do you know me Riles?” Maya fake gasped and Riley chuckled. 
“Yes I do, and to answer your question, there’s nothing to talk about, Lucas and I are friends, with the exception of Smarkle, we are all friends,” Riley said and directed Maya into Party City. 
“You two were always more than just friends,” Maya said as Riley dragged her towards balloons. 
“Why are we getting party supplies again?” Maya groaned. 
“Well while we are just becoming seniors, Farkle and Izzy are graduating. I thought it would be nice to have something like a little congratulations thing during our reunion,” Riley said as she perused gold and silver balloons. 
“Do we have to get gifts?” Maya asked. 
“I’m getting them cards, and I got them each something small, just a congrats thing. You don't have to, you know how I feel about gift-giving,” Riley said with a smile. 
“You love it you fruit loop, I guess I’ll look for something here,” Maya sighed and followed Riley down the aisles. 
As the girls scoured the store for supplies, they kept the conversation light about their friends. Catching one another up on information to prepare for the annual reunion. Maya laughed as she picked up small party favors and found two keychains for her friends. 
“Look one for each of them, the dollar sign for Farkle, and the brain for Izzy,” Maya said as she jingled them. 
Riley playfully rolled her eyes and smiled at her best friend. However, she knew the two would love Maya’s gift and treasure it because that is what friends do. 
“I have a special order to pick up,” Riley said as she walked towards the counter. 
“Special? Oh, Riles, what did you do?” Maya asked as Riley talked to the cashier. 
Riley emptied her basket of balloons, candy, and streamers. She smiled as the cashier revealed a bag with Stanford University decorations. 
“Of course,” Maya said. 
“It's going to be so much fun,” Riley said as the cashier rang up her things. 
“Fruit Loop, look I am going to the other cashier to pay for this, don't get any more supplies,” Maya chastised as she walked away. 
Riley playfully rolled her eyes once more and smiled as the Cashier scanned the items. Riley’s eyes caught a glimmer of gold and she saw a gaudy gold plastic necklace with a horseshoe. She bit her bottom lip in complementation and took the plunge. 
“Could I get that too?” Riley said as she pointed to the necklace. 
The cashier rang it up and gave her the total. Riley swiped her card with no hesitation and smiled as she was handed the bags. Maya had sauntered over with her small bag and raised her eyebrows. 
“Got everything?” Maya asked as Riley nodded. 
Riley sat at her desk as she edited her final paper for class. One click and she would officially be done with her junior year. However, she couldn't stop herself from continuously changing the ending. Something felt off, and she didn't know what it was. She glanced at the clock and saw it was well past 11:00 PM, and she was exhausted. She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. 
Her phone vibrated and she glanced at it. It was a text but who it was, surprised her. She didn't know why he would text her so late but he had to have a reason. Sure they chatted outside the group chat but it was mundane, and not so late. 
Lucas: Hey you up?
Riley: Unfortunately, is everything ok?
Lucas: Yeah can I call?
Riley hesitated but ultimately confirmed that he could. Before she knew it, her phone was ringing in her hands. As she took a deep breath she picked up the call. 
“Hey,” She whispered.
“Hey,” Lucas responded. 
“Hey,” She repeated. 
“I thought we grew out of that,” He chuckled. 
“I thought so too,” Riley said as she leaned back in her seat. 
“Sorry to call so late it's almost midnight over there right?” He asked. 
“Yeah but it's fine I was up, I was working on my final paper,” Riley said as she scrolled through the document. 
“Riley Matthews hasn’t finished her homework, oh no the world is ending,” He joked. 
“Oh stop it, I have till tomorrow midnight to submit it but I wanted it done before … the reunion,” Riley said. 
“That's the Riley I know, am I interrupting? Do you want to finish it?” Lucas asked as he cleared his throat. 
Riley paused and leaned back in her chair. A part of her did want to finish the paper, but the other part of her wanted to know why he called, especially this late. 
“I think my brain is fried, I know something is wrong, I just can't put my finger on it, I can talk. What's up?” Riley said as she tried to make her voice sound light. 
“I kind of wanted to hear your voice,” Lucas said, his voice deepening. 
“My voice?” Riley questioned. 
“Yeah … I just needed to hear it. Talking to you has always been easy Riley, and I thought I would call one of my best friends,” Lucas said. 
Riley could tell something was wrong, but just like her paper, she couldn't put her finger on it. She twirled some hair around her finger and listened to him. 
“What did you want to talk about? Tomorrow?” Riley asked. 
“I’m excited to come home,” Lucas said and Riley could feel her heart race slightly. 
“Texas isn't home?” Riley asked. 
“No it isn't, not when everything I love is back in New York,” Lucas said 
“Like your friends,” Riley said. 
“Yeah but a particular one in mind. Plus I wouldn't feel so lost, and I think … I need to be found” Lucas said his voice lofty and Riley bit her lip. 
“Are you okay Lucas, you sound … off,” Riley asked as he chuckled. 
“You definitely know me the best, yeah I’m good, I had a drink and I think … it's getting to me. Don't mind me, I’m sorry for interrupting. Goodnight Riley,” Lucas said and hung up the call before Riley could say anything. 
Riley looked at the phone puzzled at what just happened. She thought about waking Maya but she decided against it. Instead, she crafted a long but well-intended text to the Texan. She needed him to know she wasn't judging him and that she was there for him. 
Riley: Hey, you sounded off. I know you said you drank but, it didn't seem like that was what was going on? You know you can talk to me always if you want to call back we can talk about what's bothering you. I hope you're okay Lucas, I’m always here for you. 
Riley sent the message and returned to her paper. She glanced at her phone every few seconds and waited to hear it vibrate back but it didn't. She sighed and started to type up her conclusion, so she could finally finish her paper. As she saved the document and uploaded it to her college portal, she checked her phone. Still nothing. As she submitted the paper, she got up from her seat and went to the bathroom to do her bedtime routine. 
Lucas crossed her mind with each task, and she wondered if tomorrow it would be easier to talk. She hoped all was alright, and she wished he would have told her what's wrong. As she finished her routine she bounded for her room. She flicked her light off and crawled into bed exhausted from the day. She grabbed her phone to plug it in to charge when she saw a new alert. She swiped through to see a response from Lucas.
Lucas: I love you. 
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Does anyone know any good fanfics?
I'm looking for fanfics to read but I can't seem to find any hat interest me. Angus suggestions?
My preferred genre is romance for original stories but do any of you know any hood fanfics for these fandoms:
Harry Potter (hinny or romione)
Friends (any)
Girl Meets World (smarkle which is a must or rucas)
Glee (klaine)
A series of unfortunate events (kladora or dunclet)
The good place (cheleanor)
Hunger games (everlark)
Brooklyn 99 (peraltiago)
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GMW Fanfic - Farkle and Smackle: Ready for the Next Step
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Summary: After years of long lasting friendship, finally it’s the day of Farkle and Smackle’s wedding. Nuff said.
Scene 1:
-Outside of a church one afternoon, a large group of individuals stood in front of Farkle who was speaking to all of them.
Farkle: Thank you everyone. I'm glad you all made it. And of course I'm very happy that you were able to be here for…
-Suddenly from nearby, Smackle ran towards Farkle as she smiled.
Smackle: Farkle! Catch me!
-Smackle then jumped into the air as Farkle's eyes got wide.
Farkle: Aaaaahhh!
-Farkle then moving quickly tried to hold out his arms trying to catch Smackle. Smackle landed in Farkle's arms but the two both immediately fell onto the ground.
Farkle: Uuuuggggg. Smackle… you okay?
Smackle: THAT WAS AWESOME! Now I wanna re-enact that scene from my childhood fanfiction where the magical pony known as Rainbow Dash leads her army of Transformers in their war against Voltron: Defender of the Universe! Of course, the enemy might have a secret ally since rumor has it that Optimus was their spokesperson as a part time job back in the 80's.
Farkle: Smackle, can you get up? It's time for our wedding rehearsal.
-Smackle then jumped up seeing the crowd of people in front of her.
Smackle: Yay! You brought everybody that's gonna be at our wedding tomorrow to the rehearsal.
-Farkle then got up as he stood near Smackle.
Farkle: Well there was no telling what kind of… unforeseen circumstances might occur on our wedding day. So I decided everybody should be prepared.
Smackle: Aww. You left wiggle room for me and my ingenious spontaneity. I love you so much my beloved. Ooo! But I hope you have some wiggle room in you right now. My Uncle Fred who is bringing his special piano to our wedding is dropping in from his flight from Sweden right now.
Farkle: Oh, does someone have to pick him up?
Smackle: No. That's why I'm glad you have wiggle room. He's dropping in right now. Look up.
-Farkle then looked up seeing both a man wearing a parachute and a large piano attached to a parachute dropping down towards him. Farkle's eyes then got huge as he screamed.
Farkle: Aaaaahhh!
Scene 2:
-In a large dining hall, several individuals were getting a large amount of food ready. Farkle entered the room and walked towards one of the individuals that was setting up: Lucas.
Farkle: Hey. Room looks great. You and Leena have done some great work in here.
Lucas: Thanks. By the way, you okay? Heard some screaming earlier... and then I saw a gorilla running around outside.
Farkle: Oh yeah. No big. I mean once you run away from bats, dealing with a hip hop dancing gorilla from Poland is no issue. Now from the looks of it, all of the guests are here except for…
-Suddenly Farkle's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his friend: Riley.
Riley: Farkle!
-Farkle turned to see Riley walk into the room and towards her.
Farkle: Riley!
-Farkle and Riley instantly gave each other a strong hug and then sat at a table together.
Farkle: Riley, I am so glad you made it.
Riley: Wouldn't miss this weekend for anything for my long time friend.
Farkle: So where's Maya and…
Riley: Upstairs. And speaking of my wife… Wow. You and Smackle… getting married.
Farkle: What makes it so wow? The fact that it took me so long to ask her, or the fact that I actually did ask her.
Riley: Both actually.
Farkle: Riley, listen… you've been a good friend to me for so many years now. So I need you to give me an honest answer to a question I'm about to ask.
Riley: Yeah. What is it buddy?
Farkle: Do... do you think I'm ready to marry Smackle? Am I ready for this next step?
Riley: Farkle… first off, you're smarter than most people for just asking that question. And second: I know you love Smackle. Because only love could cause you to look past Smackle's… quirks… and see her for the true caring and loving soul she is. You shouldn't prolong this any longer. You're ready to marry her. You're ready for the next step.
-Suddenly incredibly loud rock music and elephant noises could be heard causing Riley and Farkle to cover their ears. From nearby, Lucas turned the volume on a set of loud speakers down as he called out to Farkle.
Lucas: Sorry. I was just testing the sound system with the playlist Smackle left for me. Are you guys really playing Rock Music with Elephants as the soundtrack to your wedding reception?
-Riley and Farkle then looked at each other with faces of uncertainty.
Riley: Well maybe you're not ready for her taste in music. But that's a little detail you can work on later.
Scene 3:
-In a church sanctuary, many people were sitting in seats while at the front of the room Farkle stood in front of everyone as he spoke loudly.
Farkle: Okay, everyone. So after the opening music plays, we'll get to the part of the ceremony where…
-Suddenly a rope attached to the ceiling fell down near Farkle, and then Smackle appeared sliding down the rope and jumped right next to Farkle.
Smackle: Where I'll jump into the sanctuary like a Ninja Penguin from Nigeria.
Farkle: Smackle, I thought you were going to go down the aisle with your bridesmaids near you.
Smackle: Well this is just the rehearsal. I'll still go down the aisle once NASA gives me my supersonic jet pack back.
Farkle: Oh. So I guess now we have to make sure no planes are flying over the church tomorrow morning. Any other changes to the ceremony we should be made aware of?
Smackle: Hmm… Nope. I'm good. Thank you for being so flexible with all of my changes beloved.
Farkle: Well… you're worth it to me Smackle.
Smackle: You know Farkle… I never thought anyone would want to marry a silly girl like me. So when I finally found someone who was just willing to be my best friend, I decided I would be satisfied with just that. But when I realized that you wanted to marry me, it felt like an impossible dream was coming true. I can't wait to marry you tomorrow.
Farkle: And I can't wait either. Which is why I wanna get married right now.
Smackle: What?
-Farkle then got close to Smackle and held her hands.
Farkle: The pastor knew I was gonna do this along with everyone else here. Smackle, I don't want to wait one more minute of having my life not tied to yours. We have our closest friends and family here right now. We can make all of tomorrow just one super long reception full of any... interesting ideas you want to suddenly dish out. But today… I want this to be the day I marry you.
Smackle: So if we get married today and have no ceremony tomorrow… then we'll have extra time for the tap dancing buffalo from Ireland! You are brilliant!
Farkle: Well considering how spontaneous you are, I figured I might as well start.
Smackle: But where are our wedding rings. We're gonna need….
-Farkle smiled as he then got on one knee and took out of his pocket two wedding rings and held one in front of Smackle.
Farkle: Isadora Smackle… will you marry me right now?
-Smackle began to smile as she covered part of her face with one hand as tears of happiness began to come out of her eyes. Smackle then nodded as she moved her hand down.
Smackle: Yes Farkle. I will marry you right now.
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girlwiththestories · 6 years
                                                        for C                  thankful for the joy the kindness of your soul has brought me
(Please note that this story references a Smarkle breakup. If that is something you would not enjoy reading, please kindly pass this story by.)
It’s her first real disappointment. She didn’t see it coming and thinks she should have. They didn’t just one day decide to call it quits; the distance between them grew wider and wider, and that should have been her first clue. It wasn’t. She was surprised the day he mentioned that they weren’t right for each other. The moment he said that, she knew he was right. Still, it felt like a gut punch, and she’s still recovering from it. She returned the t-shirt he gave her, and he gave her a hug with a remark about how they’d always be friends. It felt genuine, but she still didn’t know what to say.
Months have passed now, but she barely feels better. She doesn’t think she’d take him back if he asked. That’d just be too weird, but she’s still not over it. It’s not Farkle as much as the grand glorious thing that they were together. They’re still friends, so he’s not totally gone, but Smarkle—it’s dead and gone forever. They were to be a power couple who’d change the world through their astounding scientific discoveries. Instead, they are a failed high school romance that no one will ever know about.
Her parents had always told her to go after what she wanted. They had painted the picture of a world that lay open before her where all of her dreams could come true. So, she had dreamt big, unafraid of disappointment and heartache. She had dreamt of Farkle, of someday becoming his wife. She had refused to be daunted by his preference for Riley Matthews, her own Asperger’s diagnosis and the way it made her wonder whether anyone would want her. She was strong, and she wouldn’t stop fighting until her dreams came true. And they had come true, only to fall apart way too soon.
That had left her here, perennially discouraged, ever wondering how to motivate herself to keep believing in the life she wanted. It didn’t help that every time she turned around there was Farkle with Riley never more than a few feet away. He was as kind as ever clearly not harboring as many feelings about the breakup as she did. Still, she could see the handwriting on the wall. You didn’t need social skills just to not be Riley Matthews to see that someday soon Farkle and Riley would be together. Thinking of that made her heart hurt. She for all her dreaming, scheming, and hard work had been unable to change Farkle’s mind about Riley and get what she had always dreamed of. Instead, she sat alone watching the dreams she had harbored so long fall to pieces.
As time passed, however, a strange thing happened. She realized that she was not truly alone. There sitting in the corner, perhaps missed by her attention for a long time, was Zay. He was there as he had been since he joined the group—watching, observing, and offering wisdom. These days, when she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that he was watching her. His expression was always gentle and often looked concerned especially when Farkle and Riley got lost in a world of their own. Sometimes, he got this pained look on his face then and seemed to be ready to hop out of his seat. (He never did.)
She can’t say she likes how she’s handling this, watching herself emotionally unravel. She’s always been tough, so tough that she could make believe that she wasn’t human and  didn’t have emotions. That wasn’t true, but they never stared her in the face like this. She never got teary on the subway home or cried in her room or procrastinated on her homework because she couldn’t find the motivation to make herself do it. She’s falling apart these days, and it’s not something a pint of Ben and Jerry’s can fix. It’s not that she think that she’s unworthy or feels inferior to Riley or worries that no one will ever love her. No, this is so much more than a break-up. It’s watching a dream die for the first time and with it the optimism with which she had always approached her life. She’s grieving not just for Smarkle but for believing she can have anything she wants if she works hard enough. That hopefulness has been part of her for so long that she isn’t sure how to live without it. She doesn’t know how to still believe she can go to Harvard. Heck, she doesn’t even know how to motivate herself to work hard enough so she can. If she despite her best striving couldn’t make one dream come true, how can she know she make the other? It’s the thought that haunts her when she lays down to sleep at night, when she sits down to study, when she sees Farkle smile at Riley. How can she know?
Her reaction looks petty. She looks like the stereotypical high school girl whose having a hard time losing her first love. It’s not that at all, but who would understand her if she tried to explain? Most girls don’t spend their childhood dreaming of marrying their best friend. Not everyone’s an optimist who has that to lose when a dream dies. As the days pass, it only gets harder. She’s not sure who to tell, has a sinking feeling that she won’t be able to hold it in for that much longer. She’s strong but not that strong. Besides, she’s quite sure everyone who’s looking can tell that she’s not well. She’s not crying in public, but she can’t wipe the sadness from her face. The dark circles under her eyes are too dark to be hidden by her makeup, and she can’t keep using smaller loops on her belt forever without someone asking why. She wouldn’t know what to say if they did. They wouldn’t understand why she’s so sad that a lot of times she’s not even hungry and forgets to eat.
It’s one day while she’s tutoring in Zay in chemistry that she lets herself finally open up. She and Lucas and Zay have been studying together for a few weeks; the material has been hard for them lately, and she’s enjoying the challenge of bringing it all down to their level. She’s not sure why she does it, but Lucas happens to be gone, and she knows she’s been thinking lately that the study sessions are where she feels safe. It can’t sound smooth to Zay the roundabout way she explains that it’s not about Farkle but about watching a dream die, but he just listens with the concerned look she knows so well. He doesn’t say much, but his tone is gentle, and she feels heard. He won’t bring this up again with her or anyone else. It’s a private moment, and she’s so thankful it happened. She goes home that day feeling a little better and finds the courage to broach the subject with her older sister. It had felt like something Margie would laugh at and dismiss as teenage drama, but if Zay, a guy could understand, why not Margie who had watched her love Farkle for so many years?
Getting it out helps but doesn’t change the reality or the way her mind brilliant though it is can’t get itself around what’s happened. She still cries and wonders about the future as she studies physics. Sometimes in her moments of deepest doubt, she sees Zay’s concerned look in her mind’s eye, and it always makes her feel better. No matter what happens, he cares, and he’s on her side. He’s watching out for her these days. He always seems to look at her face for signs of tears when he sees her and asks in a gentle way that hardly feels like small talk how she is. He always says something affirming in return that rattles her soul with the feeling that he believes in her. Sure, he’s Zay; he believes in everyone, but right now, it means so much to know that someone, anyone believes in her. His confidence in her shines past the doubt and helps her find her way through the hard days.
She finds herself looking forward to the tutoring sessions and the opportunity to be with Zay. Lucas is there too, but all she sees is Zay and his smile that somehow has the power to warm her from the inside out. They spend a lot of time on chemistry, but sometimes they chat about life, and she shares little bits and pieces of how she feels. Zay is always serious when he listens creating this certainty in her mind that she has his full attention. It makes her feel known and heard and makes the worries float away. She matters to Zay, and that makes all her other struggles feel small in comparison. The worries always eventually return, but it’s always such sweet relief to get spend time with Zay and forget it all if only for a short span of time.
On one particular day, their talk wanders to life being hard. It’s how she’s explaining herself right now—things are hard. People get it because something in life is always hard for everyone. Normally, she wouldn’t consider it something to talk to guys about, but Zay and Lucas aren’t guys as much as her friends. Zay expresses sympathy and then drops a bombshell that leaves her reflecting for weeks. It’s the simplest statement and perhaps the most obvious but something that she has forgotten admist her pain. You won’t always feel this way. She feels hope sprout in her heart immediately. Of course, that’s what she’s needed—the reminder of what she has always known, that feelings like everything else in life don’t last forever. He immediately launches into the story of losing his grandma. She had known his grandma had died two years before; that part was no secret to his friends who heard about his trip to Texas for the funeral. Soon after, though, she had forgotten about his loss. He had turned quiet pulled in by grief that most of the world had had no clue existed. Yet, he had suffered; his story and the quiet way that Lucas is listening make that abundantly clear. It was a time of darkness for him—darkness that he is only finally coming out of. Suddenly, everything he’s been doing for her makes sense. He knows what it’s like to be devastated, to depend on the kindness and support of one’s family and friends to merely survive. Softened by the loss, he can’t bear to see anyone, anyone he cares about at all suffer. It’s a day that leaves her with deepened respect for Zay and everything that he is.
She puts his words on a picture of the sky and makes it her home screen. She finds herself looking at it often—every time she needs hope. She’s long felt like she doesn’t understand feelings and doesn’t need to understand them because she’s not quite human. She can see now that that’s a paralyzing lie. She might experience emotions differently, but she’s just as much human as anyone else. Denying the fact has only left her more unprepared for this time and the overwhelming feelings it has brought. She is going to give up that lie and the safety that it brought because the truth is always better. She’ll hold onto this: she’s human and has feelings, but those feelings won’t last forever. She won’t always be here, feeling this way. And if it’s not forever, she can do this. This time of hardship may have zapped some of her strength, but she’s still the same strong girl she’s always been. Besides if she’s human, it’s alright to be here, to be grieving, to be depending on people like Margie and Zay to get by. Someday, she doesn’t know when, but it’s coming—this will all just be a memory.
One day, she wakes up and realizes she loves Zay. It’s the reason his words have so much weight and his smile brightens even her darkest day. She loves Zay. He hasn’t taken Farkle’s place; no one could ever do that, but love for Zay has somehow grown up between the vestiges of her broken dream. She has come to appreciate everything he is not because he makes her life better but because he is who he is—a kind, gentle, caring person. That makes her life better, but she’d appreciate it even if she watched it touch other lives and not hers. She never would have thought she would fall for that. She’s always been about brains and not heart. But somehow, the beauty of Zay’s kindness and love have captured her completely, and she can no longer deny that she loves him and perhaps has for quite some time.
A few weeks later, she begins feeling that he somehow knows her secret. She’s never been shy about crushes before, but if he doesn’t like her back, she doesn’t want him to know. He catches her staring at him at lunch, and she panics. She thinks she’s been doing it recently, but maybe she’s doing it more today, and maybe he’s catching on. He just smiles and looks back down at his lunch. Later on when she’s tutoring him and Lucas in chemistry, he seems especially quiet, and she wonders if knowing is making him hold back. She goes home that night scared he knows, half-hoping he does. She has no clue; she’s not adept at reading social cues after all. She wakes up the next morning still thinking about it after having thought about it all night, and she knows she has to know, so she corners him at lunch and asks him herself. He says that he knows. Of course he knows, he’s Zay and observant along with everything else. He tells her likes her too and kisses her hand, and her heart beats so wildly that she hardly remembers exactly what happens next. But she’s with Zay now, and all his beauty is in her life. She has no aspirations except to make him as happy he makes her.
For all the lightness and butterflies, her feelings don’t go away. They will. Don’t get her wrong, she knows he’s right, and they will. But even Zay with all his kindness and compassion can’t will away her feelings. He can remind her that she should be hungry and ought to eat, help her laugh away the tears, and never stop telling her that she’s strong and that this is all just a tunnel. Someday, the sun will rise, and she’ll feel perfectly alright again, but until then, she’ll get by. For such is to be human—to find the strength to bear the sorrow and savor the joy that life has a way of bringing. And if this experience taught her anything, it’s that being human is a beautiful thing.
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licenselesswriter · 6 years
- Oh My God – Riley says while she covers her mouth.
- What? This doesn’t look good on me? – Maya asks her while she turns to her.
- N-no, I mean it really suits you – She says while she fastly sends a message on her phone, summoning Smackle.
- Thanks, Honey – Maya says while she gets into the changing room.
A few minutes pass and finally Smackle appears.
- Riley – Smackle says while she stands next to the brunette – What’s the emergency? – She asks while she sends a message to Farkle about being with Riley.
- Be quiet and try not to react – Riley whisper into her ear – Peaches? – Riley called her best friend.
- Yes? – She asks back from inside the changing room.
- Did you finish with that? – She asks while she put her phone on camera mode.
- Yeah, how about this one? – Maya says while she comes out wearing a blue bikini.
- Let me check your back – Riley says while Maya turns over.
Then she fastly takes a pic and points something to Smackle.
- Oh My God – Smackle says while she noted 3, not so subtle, purple marks spread on Maya’s back.
- What? – Maya asks, this time to Smackle.
- I-independent from our sexualities, I have to admit you have an incredible rear – Smackle says trying to cover what she just saw.
- Awwwww that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard from you, thanks Smackle – Maya says while she looks at her friends – So, which one? – she asks while she’s still on the blue bikini – This one or the red one? – She asks.
Fastly Riley laughs – You know, I think I have the perfect one for you – She says and send her best friend to the changing room.
A few minutes later, Maya can only hear the jovial laugh of Riley and the laugh exclamation of Smackle.
- I think that’s perfect for her – Maya heard Smackle, then she saw a purple swimsuit get into her changing room.
- I appreciate your opinions, but I’m not a swimsuit girl, I’m a bikini one – Maya says.
- Are you sure, I think this is a perfect match for you – She says while she sends the picture she takes to the blonde beauty.
A few minutes passed and Smackle gets close to Riley – I thought I will hear some reaction -  She says to the brunette.
- Give it a second – Riley says and just a second later, they both heard her.
- OH MY FUCKING GOD – Maya screams.
- There she is – Riley says to Smackle, the one who only smile.
Fastly a saleswoman runs to them – Miss, are you ok? – She asks.
- She’s a bit shocked, but she’s ok – Riley says while she tries to hide her laugh.
- Yeah, she just discovers something we discover early – Smackle says.
The saleswoman looks at both girls.
Then she smiles and left them alone.
A few minutes later Maya came out fully dressed.
- So, which one did you pick? – Riley asks Maya.
- Shut up – She answers her best friend while she has on her left hand the purple swimsuit.
15 minutes later Farkle greet the girls
- Ladies – Farkle says.
- Farkle – Maya and Riley say while Smackle only takes place next to him.
- So, how was the swimsuit picking? – Farkle asks.
- Interesting – Riley says while she covers Smackle’s mouth.
Smackle just looks at her both female friends and understand why the brunette cover her mouth.
- Yes, interesting – Smackle confirms.
- Yeah, not buying that, but I’m not gonna ask – He says while he returns to Zay and Lucas - Zay can you tell Lucas the girls are here? – He says to the Texan who actually talks to him.
- Lucas, you heard that? – Zay asks his fellow Texan friend.
- Yes – Lucas answer, pulling the head of Scorpion with Sub-Zero
- Dammit – Zay exclaims and left the controller to hang.
- What happen? – Riley asks Zay.
- Farkle has been teasing Lucas all morning because he saw something, and they both refuse to tell me, which I find it really rude – Zay says while he pulls 10 dollars and give them to Lucas - We prove to Farkle that Lucas and I can pull the Patrick Swayze and I’ve been losing to Lucas all morning – He answer – Lunch? – Zay asks Lucas and he only nods.
- Are you coming? – Lucas asked the girls but his attention was caught by the angry look of his blonde friend – Did something happen to her? – Lucas asks Riley.
- You don’t want to know – Riley answer him.
- Ok – Lucas drop the subject – So, Tacos? – he asks, knowing that Tacos are probably the only thing that makes her feel better.
2 Hours after their Mexican lunch Riley get close to Lucas – So, Lucas, I’ve heard some information about you being able to do a Patrick Swayze, is that true? – the brunette asks him.
Lucas only looks at Farkle like he wanted to bury him.
- It wasn’t me – Farkle says and put his arms over his head in a signal of defense.
Making Lucas pass his attention from the Genius to the Dancer.
- Hey, she made me – Zay answer to his murdering intentions.
- How did she make you? – Lucas asks while he rubs the bridge of his nose.
- You know, usually, I would go with, you wanna hear a great Lucas story? but no, this time, it really slipped – Zay confess.
Maya just started to laugh.
- So, can you, Lucas Friar, Master of Tombstone the bull, do a Patrick Swayze? – Riley asks, knowing that the only options the young Friar had we're doing it, or run.
- Why in the world I keep being friends with you – Lucas says getting up.
- That’s because I’m your cute friend – Zay answer – Ready when you are Johnny – Zay adds.
- Please stop calling me that – Lucas answer while he gets into position.
Then it happens.
Zay runs towards Lucas and jumps, extending his arms like Baby in the movie.
And Lucas fastly gets him high, lifting and keeping him up thanks to being strong as a horse.
But of course, that’s not the only thing that happens.
When Lucas lift up Zay, he exposes his well-defined abs to all the girls on the table, getting 3 different reactions.
One had her jaw on the floor, and fastly start to suggest her boyfriend to try to get some of that.
The other one didn’t even look at him.
And the brunette looked on a complete shock.
Not because of her friend/ ex-physique.
She was shocked by the purple marks he had really close to his waist and softly going down to his private area.
- OH MY GOD – Riley screams still in shock.
Everyone at the table looks at her.
Even Zay look at Riley while Lucas spins with him on his arms - Relax pretty brunette, it’s only a lift – he says while he looks at the shocked face of the brunette.
After a few seconds, Lucas put Zay on the ground and looked at Riley.
She was a mix of happiness, anger, and shock.
Then she looks back at him.
Then looked at Maya.
And everything was clear for her.
Maya and Lucas looked at each other and feel panic.
- That was incredible – Riley acts her previous shock.
- Yeah, he’s a good Johnny Castle – Zay says while taps his shoulder.
- And you are his cute friend – Riley says.
And for the first time, Zay blushes.
- Wait till’ Pappy Joe hear about this – Lucas says to his ear, making Zay blush again.
- I know this is not what you expect for the end of a date – Farkle says while he was walking home Smackle – But I need some feedback here – he adds while Smackle just gets close to him.
- Sure my love, tell me on what you need my mind �� Smackle says while Farkle softly put a kiss on his forehead.
- Well, it's about today’s lunch - Farkle says while they both arrive at Smackle’s house.
- On which part? Riley flirting with Zay or her weird exclamation? – Smackle asks him.
- The flirting its old story, Riley really improve her game since Lucas – Farkle argue – It’s about her exclamation – He says while he notices the murder instinct on his head – Hello Mr. Smackle – He salutes his girlfriend’s father.
Smackle look at his father and give him a mean look, making him fastly retreat from the window – See you tomorrow? – She asks the younger Minkus.
- Yeah – He says and smiles.
Smackle takes her chance and fastly put a light kiss on his lips, surprising Farkle.
- That’s new, usually, I’m the kisser – He says and smiles at her.
- Was it a bad idea? – She asks him.
- No, I like it – He answers.
Smackle smiles and walks inside her home.
Then suddenly remember what happened in the morning.
- Farkle – she calls him, making him stop – Maybe her shock was because she discovers some hickeys in Maya’s back – She says, then she walks into her home.
Farkle laughs.
Then he remembers
Then it was clear for him too.
- OH MY GOD – Farkle scream in middle New York at 9:45 pm.
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katdvs · 7 years
smarkle + 8: “But wasn’t Jesus born in April according to the bible?”
Oh hey awesome Anon from a year ago.
Here you go!
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felicitysmoaksx · 7 years
Smarkle with farkle jealous
For the prompts, something Smarkle with constellations? And maybe a bit angsty? Thank!
               “How is your hand?” Isadora Smackle asks. Farkle Minkus looks up at her as she sits down beside him on the steps of Lucas’ grandfather’s house in Texas. This had been Riley and Lucas’ idea. One last trip together, before the six of them, were split apart. Some would stay together, like Lucas, Riley, and Maya who were joining Josh at NYU. But while Zay would stay in New York, he’d be going to Juilliard; Farkle would also remain close to the city but would be attending Princeton in New Jersey. As for Smakle, in her true genius form, she had been accepted into Oxford in London. All the way across the ocean.
The male genius brings his hand out of the glass of ice that Pappy Joe had given him and flexes it. It still stings a little and is still red where his knuckles had made contact with the guy’s nose.
“You should not have hit him.” Smackle tells him softly, “You are an intellect like myself, Farkle. You know violence is not the answer. Besides, you want to be a scientist. You could have broken your hand.” Yes, he could’ve broken his hand. But it felt so good to hit him.
               Farkle glances back at Smackle, before looking up at the sky.
“You know we’ll be under the same sky at night Isadora? We’ll be seeing the same sky. The same stars,” Farkle says instead.
“Farkle, we’ve talked about this,” the raven haired genius sighs, “We are geniuses. We know better than anyone the statistics of long distance relationship.”
“But that’s it, Isadora. We,” he gestures between them, “Know the statistics. If there was a couple that could handle it. It would be us.”
He then grabs her hand and squeezes. But Isadora pulls away gently and Farkle feels his heart drop.
“I’m sorry, Farkle. But I can’t risk us falling apart and hating each other. I’d rather we end things on good terms.” She leans over and kisses the corner of his mouth gently. He turns and catches her lips with his own. Pulling away from her softly, he smiles sadly at her.
“I’m sorry to Isadora.”    
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kingkatara · 4 years
Girl Meets Waitress: Prologue
A/N: I’ve had this idea lingering in the back of my mind for a while. The longer I let it percolate, the more it came together into a fully fleshed out story. I was surprised at how naturally the characters of Girl Meets World fell into the roles of “waitress,” “doctor,” “stalking elf,” and so on. Their personal backgrounds and relationships to one another are all a little different than what was portrayed in the TV show, but their motivations, fears, and desires are just as compelling to me now as it was then. So here are some of my favorite characters placed into one of my favorite stories. I’m not sure if this is going to turn into anything worth reading, but writing it has been so much fun. Fingers crossed it finds someone and they enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Waitress. I don’t own Girl Meets World. This is a fanfiction written just funsies.
What’s inside?
          “Baby, don’t you cry,” The mother’s low voice reverberated across the small kitchen where the little girl stood by the door and watched her with wide, adoring eyes, “Baby, don’t you cry…Gonna make a pie with the heart in the middle…” Her expert hands tended dotingly to the crust, folding each piece of dough over the side of the pan and pinching it all the way around with nimble fingers to create its shape. With the base of their masterpiece prepared, the mother beckoned her little girl forward. She shook her head, unwilling to disturb the peace of the scene by intruding upon it. But a secretive smile did just the trick and the little girl, unable to resist the temptation of inclusion into her mother’s world, toddled into her waiting arms.
           “Baby, don’t be blue…Gonna make for you…Gonna make a pie with the heart in the middle…” The mother continued to sing as she lifted the little girl and settled her on her hip as naturally as it was to stir the filling one last time (“just for good luck”) before pouring it into the pan. Idly, those nimble fingers found their way to the little girl’s blonde curls and stroked them with a tenderness that she never could have imagined was within her. “Gonna be a pie from heaven above…Gonna be filled with strawberry love…” She admired the pie filling, which included strawberries just as the song described, and though she tried…the dish just wasn’t deep enough for her to pour all of her love for the little girl into it. No dish would ever be deep enough and that was the way it was supposed to be.
           For the first time in a long time, the mother felt peace. She no longer used her pies or cakes or cookies to get by. Her baked goods were no longer the instruments she used to sing the song of her heart. They were just a vague memory of the person she used to be. A long time ago, her whole world was tucked into that pie. And now here it was bigger than ever and still precious enough to be held in her arms. Life sure was a funny thing. She finished the song, her voice almost breaking as she squeezed the little girl just a bit tighter, “Baby, don’t you cry…Gonna make a pie…Hold you forever in the middle of my heart…” She slid the pie into the hot oven to bake and the pair watched together as the mother closed the door on what was an ephemeral moment, but a lasting feeling.
           It was quiet for a moment before the little girl asked, “What’s this one called, Mama?”
          Katy answered the little girl with her secretive smile that wasn’t so secret after all, “Babygirl…it’s Maya Papaya Pie.”
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fanficsbykay · 5 years
Girl Meets Senior Year | Ch. 2
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Summary: Three years have passed since Lucas and Riley fought on the first day of High School. The two never spoke again until one fateful night, the night Lucas saved Riley. Now he must save her from herself and not fall for her in the process. Rucas AU Centric. Joshaya x Smarkle x ZayxOC
Word Count: 1,968
Trigger Warning: Sexual Abuse
Chapter 2 Girl Meets Shattered
3 Years Later
"I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together" - Julia Roberts
Riley sat at the counter of her Mother's café and scribbled feverously in her notebook.
Riley looked up and saw Zay standing in front of her with a slice of chocolate cake. Zay grinned and placed the small dish in front of her notebook. She smiled softly and stuck her finger in the chocolate mousse. Riley brought her finger to her lips and moaned at the taste of the sugar.
"Zay you are awesome! I am glad my Mom gave you this job" Riley commented as Zay passed her a small silver fork.
Zay had scored a job at Topanga's a year ago as a Waiter and it has helped him keep everything on track. Riley wasn't surprised that Zay was good at his job, he loves the people and they love him. Between serving the guest and snacking, he made everyone feel important. He was no longer Robin Lunch; he was Zay Best Waiter Ever.
"Well it does help that you are one of my best friends," Zay said as he took a bite of her cake.
"Zay!" Riley scolded with a laugh.
"Quality assurance" Zay mumbled with his mouth full.
"And?" Riley said as he took another bite.
"It's ok" He joked and Riley let out a laugh.
"Zay Man!" Riley turned around to see Maya walking with a messenger bag.
"No love for me Peaches," Riley said, taking a bite of her cake.
"Well that depends on you Honey, did you finish the next chapter?" Maya asked.
Riley smiled triumphantly and pulled out her iPad and notebook. Maya grinned and snatched the two out of her hands.
"Riles! You've been holding out on me! Now I can draw Violet and Peaches, I've been lacking some great art time" Maya cooed and flipped through the pages.
"I still can't believe you two are creating a graphic novel," Zay said as he took the last bite of cake and grabbed the plate.
Riley tilted her head in disbelief of Zay eating her snack and let out a chuckle. Yet he was right who knew that Riley Matthews could write so well. It was well known Maya had amazing artistic abilities, but one day Farkle and Maya read a short story that Riley wrote. They couldn't believe that Riley had a way to convey her emotions onto paper.
So junior year Riley and Maya began writing a series called Violet and Peaches. The series was about two best friends that fought crimes and had the ability to turn into cats. It was a silly idea, but anything could be possible in their world.
Their little crew actually would have weekly meet-ups and read the adventures and discuss what they believe should happen next. Maya would sketch the new ideas and Riley would write it all down. Farkle has even suggested that they submit it to publishing companies to get offers. However, Riley declines every time while Maya boasts about being the next great graphic designer.
"Believe it, Zay!" Maya said and stopped at a page.
"Riles this is it, this is Violet and Peaches next adventure, I love it," Maya said and a bright smile graced her face,
"Thanks," Riley said and shrugged.
"No drawing Maya we have to head to the Homecoming Game!" Zay said as Maya pulled out her sketchbook.
"Do we have to?" Maya whined and frowned.
"Of course Riley here is our homecoming queen nominee," Zay said and threw his apron onto the countertop.
"Zay you have to lock up," Topanga said as she came from behind.
"But Mrs. M, the game, Riley, Cheerleaders!" Zay rambled and widened his eyes.
"Mom, I got it," Riley said and walked behind the counter.
"Riley aren't you supposed to be at the game to walk across and everything?" Topanga asked.
"I'll be a few minutes late it's fine, really besides, we are closing in twenty minutes, guys go have fun, it gives me private Riley writing time," Riley said and placed her hands under her chin.
"Riles, you sure?" Maya asked as she stood from her seat.
"Totally fine Peaches!" Riley said and grinned.
Riley's grin faltered from her face when she heard the familiar voice. A voice that she didn't hear often, yet it still sent waves throughout her body. She looked down at the grain of the counter before she felt his presence nearby. He didn't acknowledge her or greet her, but he did glance at her.
"Lucas dude what are you doing here?" Zay asked as Maya glanced between Riley and Lucas.
"Dude you said we were meeting up at four-thirty, it's almost five" Lucas laughed as Zay patted his arm.
"Sorry late shift today, but come on we are all going to the game now," Zay said as Maya grabbed Riley's hand.
"Coming Maya?" Lucas asked as he turned to the Blonde.
"Yeah, Huckleberry" Maya retorted before giving Riley a squeeze.
The three began walking towards the door as Topanga followed slowly behind them. In a silent walk towards the subway, the three of them did not say anything. It could have been the awkward tension or the fact that Riley's mother was a few feet behind them.
"What the Princess isn't joining?" Lucas asked and rolled his eyes.
"Lucas!" Maya scolded and pinched his arm.
Maya didn't want Lucas bashing Riley especially in front of her own mother. Lucas wasn't surprised at Maya's actions; however, he was surprised at her using his name. He didn't make it easy for his friends to spend time with him whenever Riley tagged along.
Somehow he would end up canceling or make Riley feel uncomfortable that she would leave. It was like a switch came on inside of him that made him have to hurt her feelings. Maya had every right to be protective, but he just could not help himself.
"Sorry, Maya I guess I forget you have to protect the Princess" Lucas said and let out a chuckle.
Maya rolled her eyes and shoved him into Zay which made them fall on the ground. Topanga came over and Maya pulled her away from the two boys. Zay jostled Lucas off of him and stood up.
"Why Lucas? Why do you have to be an ass about Riley?" Zay demanded.
"She makes it easy Zay," Lucas said and stood up from the ground. He wiped his jeans and shook his head in anger. Lucas clenched his jaw and made fists before releasing them.
"Cut it out, at least for tonight! It is our last homecoming game and I want to enjoy it with all my best friends" Zay begged and clasped his hands together.
"Whatever let's just catch up to Maya so we can't sit with Smackle and Farkle," Lucas said as he pointed to the subway.
"Crap I left my wallet back at Topanga's, I think Riles is still there" Zay commented and smacked his pants.
"Look I got it don't worry, I won't say anything mean to the Princess," Lucas said and rolled his eyes.
Zay bit back his words and just held up his hands to allow Lucas to go to the café. At least in his mind, the two had to say something to one another. Lucas handed Zay his MetroCard before walking back to Topanga's. He had no idea what he was going to say to Riley and he hoped he didn't have to. He walked down a flight of stairs to see the door closed and the lights were off inside of Topanga's.
Lucas was surprised to see the lights were all off at Topanga's and placed his hands on the glass. He peered into the darkness to see nothing but an empty café. He pulled the door to see that it was unlocked and felt uneasy about what was going on. Despite not speaking to Riley, he knew she wasn't irresponsible to leave the place unlocked.
"Um hello?" Lucas called out as he walked into the dark café. The bell rang over his head and he reached to his left to find the light switch when he saw something from the corner of his eye. Lucas fell back into the glass door with a heavy shove shattering the glass. He groaned and noticed that the person was dressed in all black and was running up the stairs.
Adrenaline began to build up in him and he scrambled onto his feet. He scurried inside and began looking for Riley.
"Ri- Ril - Riley?!" His voice shook with vulnerability and he was surprised he even got her name out. Chairs were strewn haphazardly on the floor and the café counter was bare except for a rag. Lucas heard a whimper and knew where she was. He slid to his knees and saw Riley lying face down behind the bar. Her hair was spread out around her and her skirt hiked up.
"Riley?" Lucas cried and picked her head up as she cried again.
"Lucas?" She questioned as tried sitting up.
"Riley, please stay still I have to call the cops" Lucas begged as he searched for his phone in his pocket. His fingers trembled as he dialed the police and his voice cracked. After reading off the numbers to the police and hanging up he looked down at Riley who was curled in a fetal position.
He studied her as he noticed her underwear further away from the two and he froze. That was a question he didn't want to be answered right now. All that he knew was that she needed him and the three years of anger melted away. She pulled down her skirt and tried sitting up which made Lucas move away.
"No Lucas please, don't leave me" She cried and held him tightly.
"Please I know you don't like me, but don't leave me alone, please Lucas, please"
He held her tightly as she broke down within his arms.
"Don't worry Riley I got you, no one will hurt, no one" He whispered.
He held her for about five minutes before the cops arrived. Before he knew it Riley was on a stretcher and cops were asking him about twenty questions at once. Yet it didn't matter because he just stared at Riley as she was strapped in and crying.
"Son?" The Officer asked.
"I … I … didn't see him sir, but I know he was heavier and taller than I" Lucas croaked.
The Officer noticed Lucas's gaze and patted him on the back. He comprehended that Lucas was not going to be helpful until he knew that Riley was going to be alright.
"Lucas?" Riley cried and Lucas walked over. She grabbed his hand and began to cry as the paramedic placed an IV in her arm.
"I'm right here Riley," Lucas said as she squeezed his hand.
"Young man, only family can ride with her, you can meet us at Mount Sinai," The Paramedic said as Riley gripped his hand tighter.
"Please" Lucas begged as the stretcher moved away from him and Riley thrashed crying for Lucas.
Lucas stood dumbfounded and watched Riley begged for him. Thumps filled his ears and he realized his own heart was racing for her. He was scared for her and he did not know what to do.
"Son?" The Officer said and Lucas turned to him. The Officer handed Lucas's what he could only figure was Riley's bag and some papers.
"Go to her," The Officer said as Lucas without a second thought ran out of Topanga's.
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yuniesan · 7 years
Girl Meets World One Shot - Riley “Fangirl” Matthews Returns
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Riley “Fangirl” Matthews Returns
A/N: Since the first story was from Lucas’ point of view I decided to write this from Riley’s, and this story has a twist…. I may also want to point out that yes I follow the Stony fandom, the stories are so freaking good too!! So shout out to those writers because I love them!!!
  The first time she wrote a fanfic, Riley felt weird, she didn’t know if it was okay to take a character and change their lives completely. After she wrote her second story it became a little easier because she was just fixing what she thought were problems, and mainly it was only to satisfy her own universe of the story. She didn’t care that it was slash fiction, or whether or not people liked it, because in the end she liked it.
By her fifth story she was becoming bolder in her choices of how the story went, because of course Captain America and Iron Man loved each other and they should love one another in every way possible. Trying not to do anything suspicious she researched the love scenes through other fanfictions, even contacting the writers on what they were writing and how they wrote the love scenes. After a while she had one other writer working with her on the stories, this writer had more of an affinity towards the Spideypool slash fiction, but since the Super husbands tag had become so popular the stories began to bleed into one another.
Her online writer friend went by GeniusPool, and constantly gave her pointers on how the scenes should go. Once she became more and more confident her friend told her that they could keep talking and being each other’s beta reader, without knowing Riley had made an online friend within her secret little world. They only talked online so Riley didn’t know if it was an actual girl or a forty year old man, but it didn’t get to weird between them.
When Lucas found out that she was writing these stories, he was a little weirded out, but eventually, after reading her stories, he started to warm up to her writing. Although he skipped the smuttiest of the scenes he encouraged her writing and even helped her keep it a secret. Now she had two people who encouraged her to keep writing, so of course she continued.
She had been sitting at her desk writing another story when Maya walked in through the door causing Riley to jump when the door slammed against her dresser. Closing her laptop she turned to her best friend and smiled, there were precious few secrets that Riley held back from her best friend and this was one of them.
“Hey Maya,” Riley said smiling before standing up and walking over to the bay window. “So what brings you here today?”
“Uh, Riles, we were supposed to go to Topanga’s to meet up with everyone,” Maya said looking at her suspiciously. “Did you forget?”
“Yeah sorry, I was trying to finish my English paper and I lost track of the time,” Riley said her heart pounding in her chest. “I’ll get my jacket and we can go.”
“Sure,” Maya said looking around the room, Riley knew she was checking to see if there was anything weird but since her room looked the same. “Let’s go.”
The two of the walked to the café talking about whatever came to their minds, but Riley knew that Maya was suspicious about what Riley had been doing. Since they were all going to work on their homework, Riley had grabbed her laptop so she could attempt to look like she was writing a paper she had already finished. When they walked inside all of their friends had gathered around their regular chairs and had spread out their homework but Riley didn’t have anywhere to pug in her laptop so she looked around for one of the nearby booths where she could still be near her friends and work on her story.
“Hey guys,” Riley said as she walked passed them towards the booth. “I’m going to sit here, I need to plug in my laptop.”
“Do you want us to sit with you?” Lucas asked but Riley just shook her head. She gave him a wink, which had been their signal for when she was working on a story.
“Geez, even when she says no to him, she winks at him,” Zay said looking away from Riley. “Come on Maya we have to work on that project for Mr. Matthews, since we’re the last ones from our group to go.”
Riley watched as Maya and Zay set up in the corner, every once and a while Maya looked over at her, and Riley knew she needed to be aware of where she was. Lucas came over a couple of times to check on her but mostly he worked from where they normally sat together. She sent a message to her fanfiction friend to ask them to read her story for inconsistencies when Maya popped up behind her and snatched Riley’s laptop.
“Maya,” Riley screamed out causing everyone to look over at them but it was too late Maya started reading what was on the screen. “Give it back,” Riley said pulling on the laptop.
Instead Maya ran towards the other side of the room where Zay joined her and the two of them read what was on the screen.
“Guys give Riley her laptop back,” Farkle said his voice annoyed by Maya and Zay’s antics.
“No,” Maya said. “You have to read the smut Riley is writing here.”
“Geez, it’s always the quiet ones,” Zay said as he read through the story.
Riley had had enough and grabbed her bag and walked over to grab her laptop, but when she tried to grab it from them they pulled it away from her causing her to lose her footing and fall against the chairs behind her and falling on the floor.
“That’s enough,” Lucas said grabbing the laptop and shutting it before walking over to Riley and helping her up. “You two have had your fun, and now Riley’s hurt so I hope it was worth it.”
“Yes it was,” Maya said. “Riley’s writing smut and keeping it from me, I should know about this I’m her best friend.”
“Maya,” Riley said brushing off the dirt off her clothes. “I didn’t tell you because it was private, you didn’t have the right to snatch away my laptop. Why couldn’t you just ask like a normal person?”
“Oh please,” Maya said looking around. “None of them know about what you’re writing and if they did it wouldn’t matter, we talk about everything but you kept this a secret.”
“Because it was my secret to keep, and Lucas knows I write this and he doesn’t care.”
“Sugar, it’s kind of deviant,” Zay said looking at her, saying the first thing that Lucas had said. Lucas on the other hand had listened to her side before judging her for keeping it a secret.
“Who cares Zay,” Riley said looking at them. “That was an invasion of my privacy, you shouldn’t have done that.”
The group looked around at one another all of a sudden realizing what the implications of what had happened was. But no one spoke, Farkle and Smackle didn’t really know what was happening, Lucas pulling Riley to the booth towards the end of the café, while Maya and Zay looked at each other. After a minute they turned and started laughing and Riley didn’t care what they thought, it was her story and she was sticking to it.
A message popped up on her account from her friend, saying that she would read the story and send it back as soon as she could. Riley felt tired, from fighting with Maya and Zay, from falling, from constantly having to defend herself. She was lucky they hadn’t read the whole chapter she had written because it would cause major problems if they had gotten to the steamer parts of the story.
After a few minutes had passed Smackle walked over and smiled at Riley, “If it’s alright with you can I sit here, I know you’re angry with Maya but if you need a friend I’m here for you.”
“That’s nice Smackle,” Riley said smiling at the genius who had become her friend over the years.
Lucas walked towards his homework after a moment leaving them alone, Farkle was helping him with something for class, while Maya and Zay just worked together laughing every once and a while. In front of her Smackle was working on something, which made Riley feel like she was slacking so she decided to work on the next part of her story since she had finished all of her homework before she came to the café. The only noise she could hear was the tap tap tap of Smackle’s keyboard as she worked.
“Hey Smackle,” Riley said after they had sat there in silence for ten minutes. “What are you working on?”
“Oh I have a friend who sends me… well… stuff to read,” Smackle said, and Riley couldn’t help but smile as the genius blushed. “I usually work to edit any inconsistencies in her work and send it back.”
“Do you mind me asking what kind of work it is? Unless it’s government related or something top secret that you don’t want to share.”
“No… it’s just I fear receiving the same treatment that Maya and Zay have acted upon when they read what you were reading.”
“I don’t judge,” Riley said smiling.
Smackle nodded and stood up only to come around and sit next to Riley showing her the document, as Riley read it she realized what it was that she was reading. It was her own story.
“Are you GeniusPool?” Riley said shocked as she saw the edits that Smackle had been doing for the story.
“Yes, why do you ask?”
“Smackle that’s my story, I’m VioletStony.”
The two of them sat there in shock, Riley had always known her fanfiction friend without knowing it was her.
“I feel strange about this conundrum,” Smackle said looking down at the keys on her laptop.
“Actually I’m… well I’m kinda glad it’s you, it just means that we can share this with each other, and we can talk about it once a week. I mean well other than Lucas no one I know really… well.”
“They don’t know or understand why you write such deviant things?” Smackle replied. “I feel the same way. Farkle only recently understood what I was doing and sometimes he read the stories, but I won’t betray your confidence, since I’ve been helping you for a while now.”
“Thanks Smackle,” Riley said smiling at her friend. “Maybe we can go to Comic Con this year, dressed up with Farkle and Lucas, I mean you can be Spidergirl and Farkle can be Deadpool, and I can be Iron Man… well Iron Woman and Lucas can be Captain America.”
“Well I have become a fan of the comic books, the science in them is fascinating, and given the right opportunity it would be a scientific marvel to achieve.”
“Smackle we’re going just for fun not to interrogate the writers and artist.”
“Well I could pick up more comics and study further into my characters,” she said smiling. “And Riley, I really like your stories. I always look forward to reading them.”
The two of them talked to one another for another hour, about the stories they were writing about Riley borrowing some Avenger’s comics for further study, and about the relationships within their own universes. After a while she had noticed that Maya all of sudden got quiet, and Riley felt bad for yelling at Maya but in a way she hadn’t too. It was one thing to call her out for not saying anything and it was another to thing to invading Riley’s privacy without asking her first about what she had been working on. She loved her best friend but in some ways she knew that Maya had to learn that boundaries had been set for a reason and she couldn’t insert herself into everything without consequences.
Maya walked over to them smiling shyly at Riley, “Um, Riles…” she spoke up and Riley looked over. “I’m sorry for what I did, I have been told that it was wrong and I should apologize to you because of it.”
“Maya I would forgive you regardless, but you have to actually feel sorry,” Riley said looking at her best friend.
“I do and I don’t, it’s just that I feel bad for invading your privacy, but I don’t feel bad for taking your laptop, because you never keep anything from me.”
“Well there are somethings I keep from you, but those things usually involve making out with Lucas, and I figured you wouldn’t want to know about that.”
“Yeah, I don’t need visuals when it comes to your relationship with heehaw over there.”
“And I wouldn’t want to share them with you,” Riley winked at Maya trying not to laugh. “So you’re forgiven. Maybe if you actually read through the story you would understand why I write it.”
“Okay, but later because I need a good grade in this project,” she said before walking away.
  Isadora Smackle never thought that she would have real friends, it wasn’t plausible for her, and she had a problem communicating with people and found it hard to make friends growing up. When she first met Farkle Minkus she thought he was a great person, but had trouble telling him otherwise and often made simple mistakes talking to him. She developed a crush on him but to his knowledge they were never going to be together because they were so alike. She didn’t know how to feel, she didn’t understand feelings, she preferred science because she could control it.
Then she met Riley Matthews who befriended her, even when she used her for scientific purposes, just so she could win a debate. But Riley didn’t stop being nice to her because of this, instead she continued to try to help Isadora become a regular girl, even when Riley told her that it was alright with her being who she was. Isadora just wanted to fit in for once, and not feel like the odd person out in her now growing circle of friends.
Slowly she came to understand that being normal didn’t matter, as long as you have people who accept you for who you are. Her father and her uncle introduced her to comic books, and superhero movies, to show her that everyone out there was special in their own way. Some characters were disabled as well and still fought alongside every other hero, becoming stronger heroes than others, or working as back up for some.
Then she found Deadpool, who was horribly disfigured but still strong, well stronger and she automatically liked how he thought and spoke without thinking about what others thought. She knew that he didn’t have Asperger’s like her, but she felt an affinity towards the foul mouthed man. Then she read the Spiderman/Deadpool comics and started imagining them at this strange couple. One genius, and the other speaking his mind, together they were like her trying to make it in a world where their abilities made them outcast.
Before she started dating Farkle she didn’t know anything about romantic relationships, once they started dating she did the same with the characters writing fictional worlds where they were together. Where the two characters reminded her of herself, other qualities they held she also found in Farkle, but she didn’t tell anyone about the stories. When he found out, he thought she was just trying to express herself and encouraged her writing, often reading her stories while smiling.
She had met her friend that way, and they both wrote and helped one another so Isadora was surprised to find out that the person she had been communicating with for months, the person who would write such wonderful stories had been so close to her for so long. It was another way in which Riley had helped her become her own person and she was proud to have her as a friend. This was something they shared with one another and she was proud.
  Riley had gotten tickets to Comic Con months in advanced, and Farkle upgraded them so that they could have the VIP tickets, mainly because he was happy that Riley was getting closer to Smackle. For Riley she was happy to have something to share with the genius, they had become fast friends both online and in person, but now the two personalities had combined and they were happy to work with one another. Maya couldn’t go with them, because she was going on a trip to Florida with her mom and Shawn, while he was on an assignment. Zay opted out in favor of going to Texas. So it had become a double date, with her and Lucas, and Farkle and Smackle. The girls had decided to dress up and make the guys dress up as well, so when Smackle showed up at her house dressed as Spiderman, Riley couldn’t help but smile. She was dressed as Iron Man, with the help of Smackle the two of them had worked on their costumes for over a month. Riley’s was actually as close to the real thing as they could have gotten, mainly because of the genius, and she was able to sew Smackle’s costume while making sure it fit.
When the guys knocked on the door the two girls had put on their masks and sat at the bay window in the living room waiting for them to walk inside. Lucas was wearing Captain America’s outfit from the Winter Solider which surprised Riley since they hadn’t talked about costumes at all with the guys. They had mentioned it to each other but after another debate they had decided against it. Farkle walked in behind him dressed as Deadpool and Smackle let out a very girly giggle which surprised Riley since it didn’t happen often.
“We decided to surprise you,” Farkle said as Smackle hugged him. “Are you happy my love?”
“Yes I am,” she said pulling off the mask.
Riley’s heart warmed up to the fact that the two geniuses liked each other so much they would do something so sweet, and then she remembered Lucas who had sat down next to her.
“It’s not weird is it?” Lucas said smiling shyly at her.
“Nope it’s perfect,” she said smoothing out his hair.
“Good, now let’s go, Farkle’s father lent us the car so that we could go to the Javits Center without having to deal with the subway, the bus, and crossing a highway.”
Smackle and Riley had put stickers on their outfits with their fanfiction user names so that people would know it’s them, somehow they had developed their own fan following when they decided to write a story together. So of course Riley decided on free advertising to promote their story.
The four of them went off towards the convention center, with one very surprised driver in tow.
A/N: If I write a third one Maya would probably start drawing the fan art for Riley and Smackle, because this has become a series of one-shots.
This turned into a Rucas/Smarkle story so fast.... But more of a story on friendship between Riley and Smackle
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jourdannf · 7 years
GMW Fanfic - Let’s Switch Partners - Chapter 4 Is Up!!!!!
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GMW Fanfic: Story Time with Farkle and Smackle is Back!
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-Once upon a time, two young after school leaders attempted to tell a story to a group of children. The following is a written transcript of their attempt.
Hello everyone. For those that haven't gotten to know us yet, my name is Mr. Farkle…
And I'm Miss Smackle! Your favorite teachers in the world are back and ready to make your day AWESOME!
Uh, yeah. And today…
We're gonna tell you all another amazing classic fairy tale!
Smackle, are you sure that's what's on the schedule?
Sure it is. It's National Appreciation for Samurai Pigeons from Greenland Day. It's tradition to tell a classic fairy tale on a day like this.
I… Wha… what does that have to do with…
Stop wasting these youngsters' precious time Farkle. It's either we tell a classic fairy tale now, or tradition dictates that we sacrifice a bar of chocolate to the first Portuguese lizard dressed as a Viking we come across.
I… ugg… well the next story we were gonna tell the kids was already picked out anyway. It's the classic fairy tale: Jack and the Beanstalk.
Excellent! This story shall do quite nicely… with a few alterations.
What was that?
Oh nothing that important.
Well… long ago there was a boy named Jack. He and his mother were very poor. So poor, the only thing left they had of value besides their home was a cow. So Jack was sent by his mom one day to sell the cow so they could make some money.
What!? Sell the cow!? This fairy tale has slavery!? Why are cows being bought and sold off in this world like they're just a bunch of cattle!?
Uh, because…
Cows have rights too people! This world needs equality. Why do the human supremacists take the milk of these creatures every day and then throw them in the barn like they're a bunch of animals!?
Because they…
I have a dream people, that all our little cows will one day live in a land where they will be judged not by the identification of their species, but by their ability to share pizza with their peers because that's what good friends do unlike stupid Courtney who grabbed more pizza than everybody else during Izzy's birthday party and didn't leave any of the plain or pepperoni slices for me, and I really didn't want a slice with anchovies because those slices are so icky! That was the worst day of first grade ever!
Well… meanwhile back in our story, Jack wanted to… allow his cow to service another family for a price. But then he met a business man on the road who said he'd take Jack's cow for some magic beans and…
Hold on! How did Jack and this man begin their business transaction? And Jack is a kid. Did his mom really send him off to the land of stranger danger!?
Well, you see…
I mean Jack is essentially meeting up with people he doesn't know and saying: Hey. I just met you. And this is crazy. I think I'm in danger. Cause I'm talking to a stranger.
Ugg. Look, Jack already knew who this person was and had permission from his mother to talk to him.
Ohhhhh. That makes sense.
So Jack gave over his cow for magic beans. He took them home and his mom was very upset about it.
Yeah. Because who brings home beans for dinner without the flavors? No one eats beans without the spices baby.
Yeah. So Jack's mom threw the beans outside. But then that night, the beans became a huge beanstalk that grew very large very quickly. It was so large that the top of the beanstalk went straight into the sky. And when Jack woke up and saw it the next morning, he decided to climb up the beanstalk.
He was inspired to take this daring high risk adventure because he was inspired by the stories he had heard of that young mermaid who had taken huge risks to live in the human world, and of that girl Alice who visited that strange wonder land.
Smackle, what are you talking about?
Oh. We're establishing the greater fairy tale universe. You know, planting connections that these characters coexist. Which will all lead up to the epic crossover tale where they shall combine forces to seek justice for their comrades that have fallen, as these avenging heroes assemble!
Anyway, Jack went up the beanstalk and discovered at the top: a large castle that floated around and moved with the clouds in the sky.
You mean like that moving castle that howled in the sky from that Japanese anime movie by Miyazaki?
Eh, that's okay. That movie was a confusing mess anyway. I'd rather have a crossover with Spirited Away instead.
So anyway, Jack investigated the castle and saw in it were large amounts of food along with a magical goose that laid golden eggs. And as soon as Jack saw that goose, he knew he had to take it.
Hold on. Jack wants to steal the golden goose? Isn't that a bad idea?
What is it now? You're gonna go into the ethical implications of why Jack shouldn't be stealing from anyone?
Oh no. I know desperate times call for desperate measures. But a little boy sneaking around and potentially having to run away super quick from a giant like he's in an episode of The Benny Hill Show is a very bad idea. Jack isn't a master burglar with a cool invisibility device like Bilbo Baggins. He has to be much cleverer at getting his way.
And what's a more clever way for Jack to get what he wants?
Well you see, Jack calls the cops and says: Hello. I'd like to report a shady individual trying to live off the grid who hasn't been paying their taxes. Then a huge number of police officers with their giant robot suits to match the giants' height knock on his door and say: Sir, we've discovered you haven't been paying your proper dues to the government for quite some time. You're in big trouble now mister.
So the police take possession of many of the giants' valuables and use them to kick start a proper program to help poor people in the country including Jack and his mother.
Well I guess that isn't such a bad way to end the…
But then the giant retaliates by calling on Godzilla and King Kong to help him seek vengeance. But then Jack uses the power of the super magic beans to open up portals to alternate dimensions and obtains assistance from the heroes of Robotech and Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Resulting in the most epic mecha vs kaiju fight ever!
Okay Smackle. This is just…
But then just as the fight reaches its' near end, the kaiju try hitting a smash ball that shows up out of nowhere from the Super Smash Brothers universe. However upon using it, it accidentally creates an explosion that hurts nearly all life on the planet except for mostly creatures that look like small horses that start to obtain magical powers, resulting in sadly within two generations: nearly all other species on the planet being wiped out. And that is how the world of My Little Pony was formed.
Okay. I'm done. If you need me, I'll be in the office.
Wait, Farkle. Is story time over then? Oh well. Don't worry kids. Next time we'll go into the sequel that reveals how Pinky Pie wound up becoming the great grandmother of Batman.
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clary-jace · 8 years
Smarkle and rucas study date?
a/n: thank you so so much esther for this prompt!!!! i’m sure it’s not exactly what you were expecting/looking for, but hopefully it fits the bill and you enjoy!! it includes, smarkle and rucas and they are technically studying, so enjoy!!! 
another note, some inspiration for this fic is taken from @friarlucas’s (maggie) fic, gravity on the open road! 
word count: 1,382
On a Wednesday afternoon at end of May, Topanga’s bakery was beginning to look more like a library than a bakery. Piles of books were stacked on the table and scattered around the floor, as the four teenagers all took turns exchanging books and reading each other’s notes as they prepared for their upcoming exams and worked on final projects.  
On this particular day, Riley was stressed. She had been struggling lately in her advanced level math class, and was worried about pulling a passing grade on her final report card. She knew that her parents had stopped worrying so much about her getting all A’s, and now were simply focused on her doing her best, but she still feared that a low grade on the exam will fill her parents with disappointment.
Looking up from her notes, she took a quick peek at her companions who were seated around her, a soft smile coming across her face as she did. Smackle and Lucas were seated on the opposite couch from herself, Smackle’s anatomy notes between them, as they quizzed each other on their vocab words. Farkle was on the other side of Lucas, seated next to herself and he was hunched over his history notes, cursing her father lightly under his breath. She giggled softly, her father had given them a particularly insightful essay prompt for their final paper, and while she had found the task easy and enjoyable, others were struggling.
This kind of setup had become routine with them in the last couple weeks especially, Smackle and Lucas had quite a few classes together this year, and Riley enjoyed spending her afternoons just sitting with them while they worked together. Farkle began to join them as the year got closer and closer to winding down, junior year had been tough on all of them and Farkle had disappeared for a while, but he found his way back to them and now studying together in the afternoons was a tradition.
“What are you smiling at?” Riley jumped slightly in her seat, not expecting to be snapped from her daze. Smackle was looking at her with a raised eyebrow, clearly her question had interrupted Farkle as well, as he too was now looking at her with an inquisitive look on his face,  sharing a glance with Smackle quickly before snapping his gaze back to her. Lucas, on the other hand had his pen pushed against his mouth, his lips curled into a small smile.
“Oh nothing, sorry, off in Rileytown, don’t mind me.” She said, shrugging her shoulders softly, Farkle and Smackle shared another look, both of them shrugging as well. Lucas merely smirked at her for a moment, and she couldn’t help the blush that crept onto her cheeks, before dropping his attention back to his notes.
After about another hour of studying, Riley and Lucas were now sitting side by side on the loveseat, shoulders touching as he read the assigned book for English and she began outlining the paper she had to write for her Spanish class. She had given up on her math notes, deciding to ask Dave tomorrow to help her study. He was really her only friend in the class, and had been excelling almost all year.
Farkle and Smackle were opposite them, whispering to each other as they worked on a project for their advanced level physics class, Riley could only pick up some of the words that they were saying to each other, but even those words she didn’t quite understand. She studied them for a moment, smiling at their interactions. The way that Farkle’s hand resting on her shoulder as she typed on her computer and the way Smackle’s shoulder would brush against his when she turned to look at him. A lot of things had happened in the last year to shake her belief in fate, but watching Farkle Minkus and Isadora Smackle together renewed her faith.
Shifting her attention, she abandoned her Spanish work completely, she would have plenty of time to work on it later, and decided to instead study her boyfriend next to her. This past year had been harder on him than anyone, and it had been rough to watch him handle it all. Things still weren’t completely back to what she considered normal, and she knew there was a chance that they never really would be. But she had faith that things were rebuilding themselves and that’s all she could really ask for. Reaching over, she placed her hand on his thigh, smiling softly when his gaze met hers momentarily.
“Riley, sweetheart, can I talk to you for a second?” Riley eyes snapped from her boyfriend to her mom, who was standing behind the counter, a small smile on her face and her hands placed on her hips. Riley nodded, squeezing Lucas’ leg lightly before getting up and joining her mom on the other side of the room.
“Yeah mom?” Topanga took a moment to observe Riley’s friends over Riley’s shoulder, before meeting her daughter’s glance again.
“You know that you’re going to have to move out of here at the end of the night, right?” Her tone was teasing, but Riley knew her mother well enough to know that she meant it. While Topanga hardly minded Riley and friends using the bakery to study, she always expected them to clean up after themselves.
“Yes mom, don’t worry, we’ll be out of your hair in no time and you’ll  never know we were here to begin with.” Topanga smiled fondly and a comfortable silence fell over the pair for a moment.
“How are they doing?” Riley’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she cocked her head to the side. “Smackle and Farkle, I’ve seen Smackle plenty this year, but Farkle disappeared for a while there, they alright?”
Riley smiled, looking over her shoulder at the genius pair, who were still working on their project, but had wide grins on their faces and kept stealing glances at each other. Farkle’s arm was now draped over Smackle’s shoulder, and Riley didn’t think she had ever seen the pair look happier than they did at that very moment.
“I truly don’t think they’ve ever been better. Farkle just, needed to find himself, Smackle understood that and now they’re right back where they’re supposed to be.” Topanga nodded, and while she looked pleased with Riley’s answer, Riley could tell there was another thought lingering in her mom’s mind.
“What about Lucas, everything alright there?” Riley nodded slightly, Topanga had taken a special interest in Lucas this past year. While Riley’s parents had always liked Lucas and never disapproved of their relationship, in the last couple of months, Topanga had practically pulled Lucas into their family. Not that Riley had any qualms with that.
“It’s getting there, you know how hard this year was for him, but, I know Lucas and I believe in him, so I know that everything will find it’s way back to where it’s supposed to be in the end.” Riley and her mother shared a soft smile.
“Good, I’m glad. Now get back to work, I’ll see you at dinner and Lucas too. Tell Smackle and Farkle that they’re welcome to join us as well.” With that, Topanga winked and squeezed Riley’s shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen.
When she turned, Riley’s smile grew on her face as she saw her three friends, Smackle had closed her laptop and Lucas had folded his book across his leg to keep the page, all three of them adorned with smiles. Joining them once more, she sat herself down next to Lucas, who, without breaking conversation with Farkle, intertwined their fingers together and leaned into her.
“What are we talking about?”
“Farkle was just telling us about the incident that occurred in his drama class this morning.” Smackle said, a smirk on her face, clearly she had already heard all about it. Riley giggled lightly, shaking her head, focusing her attention to Farkle as he dove into a story about a banana peel and some sort of trumpet.
Riley wasn’t sure how it had happened, but some sort of gravity had brought her to this moment, with these people and despite it all, she truly, could not have been more grateful.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
u know what smarkle 001 too bc im almost certain we’re gonna get there tell me abt them too!!
this is so hard to do as the person who’s writing them fndnekek I’m gonna try my best not to give any spoilers 😬
when I started shipping it if I did: so if I was a viewer I think would be interested in their dynamic from pretty much the get go, particularly 102, as I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers, but I’d only really start ~shipping~ them in 206, and then from 209 onwards I would be INVESTED in the ship (won’t say why hehehehe)
my thoughts: this is so vague I hate it chdjdjjd um.... they’re very much two sides of the same coin and have a lot more in common than they assume they do and I’m very excited for them to realise that and come to understand each other better, bc honestly like they’re going to be able to understand each other on a much deeper level than others bc of how complex they both are but the fact that they Get the others’ complexities... does that make sense?
what makes me happy about them: so so much and I want to go off abt something but it’s too spoilery about both of their character arcs throughout the entire show.... alas. but essentially how supporting they are of each other and how that works in their dynamic as two people who don’t have much emotional intelligence NCJFKDKENSNJE
what makes me sad about them: their entire arc NCJDKEHHEKEK it’s.... not an easy journey. also the fact that it takes some really awful situations to get them to properly bond in the first place like that’s so sad
things done in fanfic that annoy me: i DONT KNOW??? HOW TO ANSWER THIS??????? I think any fanfics that ignore their mental illnesses and the issues going on with them would frustrate me to no end
things I look for in fanfic: uhhh......... accurate portrayals of the enemies to lovers trope bc I love that,, unrequited love during a friendship fluff,,, fics with a good balance of angst and fluff
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: hmm... maya for both of them, I think Charlie and Farkle could have potential but probably not for the long term, Isa and riley would be cute and I think they’d balance each other well once they got over communication issues lmao
my happily ever after for them: just both of them thriving in careers they love and being happy and together and all that sorta stuff 🥰
who is the big spoon/little spoon: it varies depending on who needs to feel Protected the most tbh, but I think on the whole Isa is the little spoon bc a) she’s smol so they fit together that way best, and b) she’s spent her entire life in Fight Mode so be able to disengage from that and allow herself to feel vulnerable and entirely engulfed by another person’s love for her is just very 🥰🥰🥰
what is their favourite non-sexual activity: talking and debating and theorising and just getting really Deep
send some winter hiatus asks !! or try this one (and specify for me, es, or both!!) (I cannae be bothered to add the links to the posts I’m sorry)
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