rakkuntoast · 3 years
My fav duo <3 (a compilation)
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smol-emo-bobatea · 4 years
Have some smii7y and kryoz for your daily dose of serotonin :)
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kryii7y · 4 years
just guys bein dudes
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dambvapefumes · 5 years
this gave me life
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lady-insanity · 5 years
Kryoz: “Well I probably would be a bottom...”
Me: 👀 fanfic tiem
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jeawrites · 4 years
5 or 38 with cc. and dd? (krii7y)
(This was a fun one to think about! Thanks Anon!)
38. Stuck together (elevator stopped/Ferris wheel/etc.)
cc. “Why are you crying?”
dd. “You’re my favorite person.”
Jaren wasn’t the biggest fan of amusement parks. Well- that was a lie. He wasn’t a fan of the crying kids or the noisy teens that raised them, but he enjoyed the rides a fair bit. And, the food was good at some of the stands.
John was in a similar state, though he did prefer the slower paced rides more than the exciting fast paced things that his friends liked. Or, really it was that Jaren liked them. And, he really couldn’t say no to Jaren.
So, a whole day of ride after ride and a whole day of noisy people led to them being tired out by sunset.
Their fingers were laced as their arms swayed in sync together. The background music of the fair was completely silenced by the noise of the crowd. They were both beginning to get a headache and were ready to head home, really.
But, John had stopped walking, his eyes glancing to a ride that was coming up. “Wanna ride the Ferris wheel?” he asked, looking to Jaren with a pleading expression hidden in his eyes. He wanted to cool down and see the sight, plus he promised Tyler a good photo if he could snag it.
“Hm?” Jaren tilted his head and glanced at the ride as a grin slowly broke onto his face. “Oh, John you romantic,” he teased, sticking his tongue out at him as he got a slight tap on his shoulder.
But, John snickered as well. “Shut up, you know it’s not like that,” he stated, looking away in fake embarrassment. “It’s not like I like you,” he added in a pout.
Jaren laughed, covering his mouth with his free hand before shaking his head. “Really? Because I like you a lot,” he teased, bringing their intertwined hands up to kiss John’s knuckles gently.
John felt a blush form that time, and a real sheepish feeling spread in him. “O-oh,” he breathed, looking back and meeting Jaren’s kind smile. “You- that wasn’t fair!” he fired back. “I thought I was the romantic one?” he huffed before starting to walk, dragging a laughing Jaren towards the Ferris wheel.
The line was short, and the seats were secure and comfortable. The two sat across from each other, saying a thank you to the ride attendant as the gate door closed. Then, they were moving. Slowly circulating to the top and some, stopping just a bit off as the ride let people off and more on.
John took the opportunity to look around with a grin. “Lovely view,” he said, looking at the sunset with a soft look on his face.
Jaren looked at him, his heart melting at how gorgeous he looked in the light of the sunset. God, he loved him. He… his hands gripped at his jeans lightly and he looked out to the park as well with a bittersweet grin. “Yeah… real pretty,” he agreed softly.
John didn’t catch the tone, so he continued smiling and staring at the view.
But, after a good few minutes, he began to get a little fidgety, shuffling around and shaking the cart a bit to peer over the other edge. “Uhm… Hey- why aren’t we moving yet?” he looked to Jaren and met a similar worried look.
“Good question-”
“Attention riders- due to complications the ride will be delayed for the next hour. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
The two shared another look and then groaned.
“No way,” John stated, peering over. He could make out the little figures of a few people working on the machine at the bottom. He pouted some and leaned into his seat. “This drags,” he grumbled.
Jaren opened his mouth, but closed it to nod instead.
John did notice that.
“Are you okay? You’re not scared right?” he asked, concern leaking through his voice as he reached forward to gently place a hand on Jaren’s knee.
Jaren flinched a bit and turned away, nodding again. “I’m fine,” he answered, voice in a mumble, “just sucks we’re stuck.” He sighed softly and looked down at the view.
John frowned and shook his head some, but he sat up regardless and joined the silence.
Jaren felt… conflicted. Firstly, him and John were in a relationship. They’ve been on dates, they’ve cuddled, they’ve done it all- except sharing a first kiss. But, he felt a tinge in his heart because of how loosely it was treated. He didn’t talk about it- he always passed it off as the fact that they had come into a relationship as best friends so they were used to treating each other like that. Was that why he was so afraid of telling John he loved him?
He glanced towards the other, who was taking photos and probably texting the guys. Then, he glanced away and pursed his lips tightly. Now would be a good time to talk about it, right? They were dating- they’ve been dating for months, they were best friends for years, Jaren should be able to push the words out and say it. But, thinking about doing it and thinking about John… just rejecting the advancement hurt.
It wasn’t even that; what if John just didn’t want something that deep from them? What if he didn’t view Jaren like he viewed him? That was terrifying and he felt a pit form in his stomach as the thoughts formed- but most importantly as his mind screamed at him to talk, to have the conversation with him.
He sniffled and rubbed his eyes, wiping the tears away.
John quickly glanced towards him, his brows furrowing in concern. “Jare?” he asked, the concern returning. “Hey, hey… Why are you crying?” he nudged his foot gently with his own and leaned forward.
Jaren looked at him, lips quivering as he brought his hand up to wipe away the tears that were forming again. “I-I,” he breathed shakily and a nervousness passed through as he tried to smile but couldn’t. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly, a small sob pushing past him as he leaned forward, grabbing John’s hand’s shakily and gently. “You- you’re just my favorite person and- and,” he was stammering, words shaking violently as they left his mouth. He was nervous and loosing focus on the moment.
But, John squeezed his hands and dragged him back in. He inched closer and kissed Jaren softly, calmly.
It was soothing and the nerves left Jaren like a spell had been cast on him. The softness of the whole gesture reminded him of the days he would fantasize about this, when he would think about him and John being together in such a romantic way. The butterflies felt the same as they did then and he could feel them conflicting with the pit in his stomach, trying to fill it.
He felt dizzy with the mixture of emotions but his hands squeezed back to let John know he was okay. So, they pulled apart and he sighed gently, dazed but still sniffling a bit.
“Jare, I-” his breath hitched as the ride jerked forward, his grip tightening.
“Attention riders- apologies for the movements, we’re getting closer to the completion of the repairs. Thank you or your patience.”
Jaren’s heart had sped up twenty times faster, for both the sudden movement and the fact… that was their first kiss. The first of hopefully many and the first that boosted his confidence and made his heart swell up into such a loving sensation that it deafened him to the noise of the doubting thoughts he heard before.
He felt John remove one of his hands from his grip and place it on his cheek. He leaned a bit into the warm touch.
“Jare,” he spoke softly, rubbing his thumb on his cheek. “Talk to me buddy.”
Jaren was slow to process, but he took time with the words now, trying to formulate it right. “I-I’m sorry,” he said again, rubbing his thumb on the back of John’s hands gently. “I-... Look, let me start over,” he mumbled, breathing softly and sitting up straight, keeping the one hand he had been holding softly grasped. The free hand was brought up to wipe his tears.
He breathed out softly, slowly, regaining a calmer state than what he was in. Though, he was still shaky and he certainly wasn’t done tearing up.
“You… really are my favorite person,” he stated after a moment, “And I… I really,” his voice was shrinking. He couldn’t get the words out- he couldn’t!
John smiled. “You’re my favorite too,” John said, chuckling softly, “I… I love so much about you- of course you’d be one of my favorites!” He grinned at him sweetly, a kindness in his eyes.
But, Jaren disregarded all of that as the word love hit him like a brick. So, he couldn’t stop the sudden words as they flew out of his mouth. “I love you!” He tightened his grip on the hand and his eyes shined like stars. “I- I love you so much! You’re my favorite person and I care about you so much! I-I- I love you John!”
John stared in astonishment before his lips twisted into a huge smile and he leaned forward, pulling Jaren in for another kiss, only breaking apart to mumble; “I love you too, dummy.”
Jaren rated his experience a 10/10. He would totally get stuck on a ferris wheel again as long as he had John with him.
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nikkitheduck · 5 years
Just no Dicks (Krii7y)
Kryoz doodles on SMii7Y's arm while not paying attention in class.
    "Hey Jaren, do you have any pens with you?" John asked while their graphic design teacher droned on about the different features of a new program they would be using. His head rested on the desk as his Canadian friend dug through his bag, tossing some scuffed pens onto the desk.
    "What are you going to do with them? You aren't even taking notes," Jaren questioned, staring at the projector in an attempt to pay attention to the lesson.
    "I just want to draw on your arm," John replied, sitting up in his seat to evaluate the pens. He grabbed the other's arm and rolled up his sleeve, laying it down gently on his table.
     The younger man looked at John with a questioning expression before sighing. "Alright, just no dicks. My roommates will tease the fuck outta me if I have those on my arm."
    "Better than having them in your ass." Jaren stifled a laugh as John began to test the ink on his fingers. He narrowed the five pens down to two that would actually work and began drawing.
    As time went by, the Canadian's arm was full of poorly drawn animals, clothing items, and a little milk bag character.
    John looked down at his phone. Eight minutes left. He began to quickly draw a half-assed ring on the other's ring finger, which earned him a slight jerk from the foreigner. He drew vines wrapping around his finger and the ring, adding a small bit of text above the ring. He pulled down Jaren's sweater and pushed the pens over to the edge of the desk, waiting to pack up.
The bell rang and the two brunets rose from their seats.
"Got any classes this afternoon?" John asked, walking through the aisle of chairs. Jaren was following right behind him, gripping on to the taller man's hoodie.
"No, I'm free for the rest of the day. Why? You wanna come over and eat all my ramen?"
"That's precisely what I'm going to do," he laughed and descended down the steps, going two at a time just so Jaren can lose his balance a little bit. When they got down to the front of the classroom, the Canadian pushed the other lightly laughing as they made their way out of the room and into the halls of the campus.
Jaren unlocked the door to his apartment and looked around the living space before calling out to see if any of his roommates were there. No answer. John pushed past him, throwing his bag onto the couch and walking into the kitchen to find the ramen. Jaren chuckled before closing the door. He laid his bag next to John's and followed him to the kitchen.
"Hey, I thought I banned you from the kitchen," Jaren scolded softly, sliding the three packages of ramen away from the older man.
"You accidentally make one small fire and suddenly you're banned for life? That's rude." John feigned offense, walking around the island to take the packages and wave them in the air. "Guess it looks like I'm getting a free meal," he teases, handing the ramen over to the Canadian.
"Heck up, Johnny. You're gonna pay me back," he said and took the packages. He pushed John away, smiling as the other brunet glared playfully at him. "Just go sit on the couch and wait for me."
"Alright, baby," John joked, heading into the living room. Jaren's face heated up as he turned and huffed, throwing the ramen next to the stove. He got a small pot out from a cupboard and went to the sink to fill it up. It wasn't until then that he remembered that he has a bunch of ink on his left arm. He bunched up his sweater to his shoulder and examined his arm, looking at all the crude drawings. He turned his arm to get a better angle of all the things on his arm before his eyes caught a glimpse of the only writing on his entire arm.
He shuffled out of the kitchen, watching the man on the couch scroll through his phone. He took a few breaths. "John," he spoke, getting the other brunet's attention.
"What? Do you really need my help to make noodles-"
"Did you," Jaren started, "did you fucking confess to me by writing on my hand with pen?" He stared down at the words above his ring finger. I love you, J.
His head jerked up to watch John slowly advance towards him. Tears filled his eyes when arms wrapped around him, the older male placed a gentle kiss on his temples.
"Yeah, I did," John said quietly. Looking down at the Canadian who was sniffling back tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you directly." The voice he used was no louder than a whisper, his hands slid down to interlock with Jaren's.
"Well you can now, dumbass," the shorter brunet murmured.
John squeezed Jaren's hands and said: "I love you, Jaren. You mean so much to me." He felt him squeeze back and nod.
    "I love you, too, John."
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poly-bus · 5 years
A Little Creamy : 7G Krii7y
Prompt: There’s a coffee shop down the street that serves ice cream too. Want to go on a summer date?
Genre: Fluff
Pairing/Ship: Krii7y (Kryoz x Smii7y)
Requester: Anonymous!
It wasn’t too hot in the mountains lately, and the fourth of July hadn’t even begun at Wildcat’s house yet. 
Who knew when they’d start shooting off fireworks, though?
The two usual buds were chilling in the kitchen, listening in on today’s plans.
It seemed there would be a two-hour free time before any festivities began.
J glanced over at his buddy, John, “Hey.”
The other smiled when he looked over, “Yeah?”
“Wanna go hit up a strip mall?”
“I think I want... ice cream,” the American flashed his best grin.
“Oh, I’ll give you some ice cream alright,” J laughed along, straightening up from leaning on the fridge.
The room diverted into little groups, some going for games and others looking at their phones or discussing more plans.
Two hours, that’s all they needed alone together.
John pulled the other by his button-up shirt into the next room, empty aside from a few stragglers.
Evan and Tyler were busy with tossing ideas between each other, Craig eyeing them like a forgotten cat, and Scotty teasingly sitting on Marcel’s lap to distract him from a game.
Seemed normal enough, J shrugged.
They made their way for the door, hands latching on once they were out of sight.
John smiled, looking through his phone as J led him out the door and towards the road.
“Call an uber, Johhhn.”
“Nah, we’re gonna walk.”
J glanced over, eyeing his boyfriend’s phone, “What?”
“It’s not that far away,” John smiled, “they serve ice cream and coffee.”
J grinned even more, “What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
The two kept a tight grip on one another, not losing one another and not wishing to.
The road kept going, the Canadian growing a little tired and a whole lot lazy.
He leaned his head on John’s shoulder, even as it bobbled while they walked, and he spoke in a soft, tired voice, “Is it gonna be worth it?”
“You’ll love it, I promise.”
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peachscribs · 5 years
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Some krii7y cuz I love them :3
Smits jealous
I might draw some kradio? I dunno yet cuz I also really like that ship
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Krii7y stans: *fighting Kradio stans*
Kradio stans: *fighting Krii7y stans*
Krii7radio stans: *watching, confused*
People who ship neither: *walks in* "uh.."
Krii7radio stans: "I have no idea"
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therestofmyfandoms · 5 years
Smitty was the sun, John decided. In almost every notion of the idea.
His bright smile shone through the darkest days, his personality lighting up any room he walked into. Even just hearing his voice and beautiful laughs over Discord, made John feel like Icarus. Desperate for the sun, almost flying too close.
The sun can be harsh too. It can kill, it can hide, and most of all, it is almost unforgiving in its conviction. Smitty goes with the flow, sure, but John never wanted to be at the receiving end of his bad side. Just thinking about losing that bright smile made John shudder.
If Smitty is like the sun, John pondered, then I must be the moon. Cold. Quiet. Only barely giving off light, which itself is reflected from the glorious sun. He is barely in the same range as the sun, only hoping to project the sun elsewhere, so everyone may experience even a little bit of the beautiful sun. Even if it means never being noticed by the sun, or only being known as the middle man, the messenger. The sun deserves it. The sun, Smitty, deserves the world.
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batz-insonne · 5 years
A Krii7y concept
Kryoz seducing Smii7y while bbno$ plays in the background
((Aka stuff like Bunk, Bad Girl, Nursery, ect-))
I honestly wish I could write fan fiction for this but I can't write for shit
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smol-emo-bobatea · 4 years
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Everyone is depressed and lonely due to Ms rona, so have some smii7y and John :)
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kryii7y · 4 years
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qissuhotto · 5 years
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i tried my best (_ _|||) 
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lady-insanity · 5 years
I have.... no words....
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