#smile dog jpeg
snazzledazzletm · 7 months
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They r friends :)
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hirkyy · 9 months
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why would he look at me like that
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theghostshrimp · 9 months
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I̴ ̸a̷m̵ ̴s̸m̵i̴l̷e̷ ̸d̵o̷g̶.̴
̴ ̵H̶e̵l̵l̸o̶,̶ ̷l̵o̵y̵a̵l̵ ̷f̸o̶l̴l̷o̷w̵e̵r̵s̷.̸ ̷I̴ ̵h̷a̸v̸e̴ ̸a̴ ̸p̸r̴o̶p̶o̴s̵i̵t̴i̴o̷n̵.̸ ̶Y̸o̸u̵ ̴a̷l̶l̸ ̵w̸a̴n̴t̶ ̴J̷a̸n̵e̸ ̴b̷a̷c̶k̵,̵ ̸y̷e̶s̵?̸ ̷…̶ ̵T̸h̴a̴t̵’̸s̴ ̸w̵h̵a̸t̴ ̴I̴ ̴t̴h̶o̶u̴g̴h̵t̷.̷ ̶I̷ ̷c̷a̷n̷ ̵b̶r̸i̵n̵g̶ ̷h̵e̵r̸ ̴b̴a̴c̷k̷…̶ ̸f̸o̷r̶ ̸a̷ ̴p̶r̶i̸c̴e̶:̴)̸ ̶̴
Y̵o̷u̶ ̴a̶l̸l̸ ̵h̷a̸v̶e̶ ̵s̴o̶m̸e̵o̶n̵e̸ ̷s̵o̴m̷e̷w̵h̶e̷r̷e̸ ̶y̴o̷u̸ ̶a̸b̵s̵o̸l̸u̴t̶e̵l̴y̵ ̶d̶e̷s̷p̶i̵s̵e̶.̴ ̶Y̷e̸s̸?̷ ̴
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̶T̵h̴a̷t̷’̴s̵ ̸w̶h̴a̵t̷ ̴I̴ ̴t̷h̵o̴u̶g̸h̷t̸.̸ ̷N̸o̸w̸,̶ ̴c̷o̷p̴y̶ ̶t̵h̶i̷s̴ ̵i̵m̴a̷g̷e̵ ̶a̶n̷d̸ ̸p̷a̶s̷t̶e̸ ̸i̵t̶ ̴i̴n̸ ̴t̵h̴e̷i̴r̸ ̷D̴M̶s̸.̶ ̶D̵o̸n̴e̶?̵ ̸N̴o̴w̷ ̸c̸l̶i̸c̸k̶ ̷‘̷s̶e̴n̶d̸’̴ ̴a̷n̶d̷ ̷t̵y̷p̵e̶,̶ ̵‘̷S̸p̷r̸e̷a̸d̸ ̴t̶h̶e̷ ̵w̷o̴r̴d̷.̴’̸ ̸D̵o̷n̴e̶?̶ ̸N̷o̶w̵,̵ ̷c̷l̵i̵c̶k̴ ̸‘̸s̴e̶n̷d̴’̸.̴ ̶ ̸O̴k̴a̴y̸ ̸n̵o̴w̵,̶ ̷t̷h̷a̷n̶k̸ ̸y̶o̷u̷ ̶f̷o̶r̸ ̵y̸o̶u̷r̴ ̶s̶e̵r̵v̷i̴c̷e̵.̴ ̴J̵a̵n̸e̸ ̷w̴i̶l̷l̵ ̷b̶e̴ ̴b̶a̸c̶k̴ ̶n̴e̶x̵t̵ ̶a̴s̴k̴ ̵a̸n̷d̸ ̸b̸e̷y̸o̷n̸d̷.̶
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misslaamb · 2 years
There aren't very many common crp headcanons that I subscribe to, but you can pry Smile being Jeff the Killer's dog from my cold dead hands.
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wooahaes · 6 months
party planning committee
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pairing: non-idol!96z x gn!reader
genre: silly fic. coworkers au.
word count: 1.2k~
warnings: alcohol mentions within fic (no depictions of it being consumed--just mentons of it being purchased). reader is anti-horanghae agenda </3.
daisy's notes: please know my notes for this fic are just:
party planning committee w the 96z ft helpful person who wants to be here (jun), person who wants to spice up the parties and often supplies alcohol (soonyoung), quiet person in charge of the money bc cheol trusts him to be sensible (wonu), and person to rein in soonyoung and (deliberately) fails half the time (jihoon). soonyoung is once again bringing his idea for christmas tigers. motion denied.
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The five of you have shut the door to one of the meeting rooms with a single sign taped up: PARTY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING IN PROGRESS: KEEP OUT!!!
Yes, this sign was indeed made by you. Jihoon underlined the words and taped it up, so you considered it a joint effort. Now you were sitting at the head of the table with your fellow committee members present. Jun had a notepad open in front of him with ideas he’d already jot down (you saw paper snowflakes? at the top of the list, followed by Christmas cats?). Soonyoung had his own with a list of alcohol he planned to get, having emailed you earlier that he got approval to bust out the booze. Wonwoo had his laptop open, no doubt with the budget written down and ready to look up everything else. And then there was Jihoon, who sat next to Soonyoung, fully prepared to rein him in.
“Alright,” you said, laptop open in front of you. There was a red-and-green powerpoint presentation in front of you, and you’d already hooked up your laptop to the projector. “So… Alongside the approval for drinking… We did get fully approved to throw a little holiday party before the office closes for a short break.”
Jun’s eyes were already twinkling. “We know,” he said, “You sent out the email.” 
“So… How are we going to do this?” You said, clicking onto the tab with decoration ideas you’d put into bullet points. “Because I do have some ideas. We can either go red and green for classic Christmas-y colors, or maybe go a little more classy with this white and gold idea. Minghao in sales offered up the idea of black and gold, too, which I think could look very snazzy—”
Soonyoung’s hand shot up, and when you looked at him, he dropped it back down. “I have a presentation.” 
“... Do you?”
“It’s good!” He said. “It’s very good! Jeonghan and Jihoon helped me put it together!”
Jihoon nodded from his seat, which meant Soonyoung was about to throw out some idea you’d have to shoot down. “It’s very good,” he said with a nod. 
Wonwoo looked up, and he, unlike the currently stoic Jihoon, actually smiled. Wonwoo knew. Wonwoo knew. This only meant one thing.
“Can you send it to me—”
“Already did!” He smiled.
While you went to search your email for it, Jun spoke up again, “I think we could do something cute with cats and dogs. Everyone here can be separated into those categories.”
You didn’t even look up. “Except Jeonghan. He's too unpredictable.”
“Except Jeonghan,” he affirmed, “but we’ll put him as a cat. It doesn’t have to be an entire theme, but we could decorate the desks with something small.” 
The moment you opened up Soonyoung’s presentation, you were greeted with a glaringly bright red and green color scheme… with one jpeg of a tiger in the corner. “My eyes hurt—”
“It’s less bad on the projector, I promise,” Wonwoo pointed out, already rolling his chair over to flip the lights back off. You were starting to think everyone there was in on this.
Jihoon motioned for you to slide your laptop to him as Soonyoung stood up, taking a spot at the front of the room. “We’ve gone through this for the past few years,” he said. “We always talk about color schemes and themes and party games—white elephant or secret santa or whatever!” 
You spoke up, “Because those are two different games—”
“Shh!” Soonyoung pointed at you. “Let me finish!”
Jihoon pressed to the next slide. Already, you had buried your face in your hands, not wanting to see this anymore while Soonyoung burst into giggles.
“We can have Christmas tigers—”
“Soonyoung, please tell me you’re fucking around again.”
“No, no,” Jun said, waving you off, “let him finish. I want to hear more.”
At least that was confirmation: everyone except you and Jun had been in on this. When you looked up, you could see Jeonghan peeking through the blinds. The moment he met your eyes, he immediately disappeared. Was everyone else in the office in on this pitch? They had to know you’d have to say no, right? Minghao would stop it if no one else. 
“Tigers,” Soonyoung said very confidently, “have stripes. You know what else has stripes? Wrapping paper! Some streamers! Instead of orange and black, we’ll make red and green tigers! Or black and gold! Or white and gold—Tigers are versatile for the holidays!” 
Sometimes you wondered how you ended up as the head of this committee. Were you there to defend the world (read: the office) from Soonyoung? Was that why the others appointed you as head of the committee? Because you were the only one strong enough? Jihoon would consider saying yes just for the joke of it. Jun was far too into this idea for your liking. And Wonwoo…
Well, Wonwoo might say yes because it’d be hilarious to see how far Soonyoung would go in terms of setting up for the party and to see how Minghao (among a few others) reacted to Soonyoung’s tiger agenda being brought into work. 
“I’ll even draw the tigers myself!” He said. “We can do so much for this theme, and you’ve never done it the last few years I’ve been pitching it—”
“For good reason,” you said, face buried in your hands again. 
“You’re missing the powerpoint,” Wonwoo said.
It earned a snort from Jihoon. “He was really passionate about it this year.” 
“I like it,” Jun said. “It’s fun. I think these meetings would be boring without this kind of thing.”
He had a point, but… “I’m bringing Minghao into this committee,” you said. “I need backup.” Again, your hands dropped down into your lap as you looked at Soonyoung. “Are you drunk? Are you sober right now?” 
“I’m sober—”
“Because I’m starting to think you’re drunk.”
He waved a hand, laughing, “No, no, I’m sober! I promise!”
“Speaking of,” Wonwoo said. “Soonyoung, can I get the list? I need to mark off what’s out of budget.” 
Soonyoung threw himself back into his chair, smiling like a fox. “I’ll let you in on something,” he said, leaning over as he slid Wonwoo the list. “Cheol said he’d personally pay for anything the company won’t.”
Wonwoo looked up, “What? Is he that desperate for decent drinks?”
“My punch recipe is good, actually,” you rolled your eyes. “If he wants something stronger, he can bring it himself.” 
Jun’s gaze drew back to the neon abomination on the projector screen. “Okay, but… Motion to look at the Christmas tigers again—”
“Motion denied.”
This was going to be a long meeting.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae
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realest-slenderman · 4 months
I saw we were sending in our pets soooooo
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This is my dog Georgie she tries to eat people regularly but at least she’s cute!
gonna need a jpeg of her smiling
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ebolagranola · 10 months
What was it about internet basilisks/and or old creepypastas that inspired you to make chainmail chasers?
ChaCha actually started due to a conversation I had with a few friends back in '20 about old Slenderverse webseries. I expressed disappointment that so many just focused on Slendy, and if you were lucky they'd include the Rake as well but not really flesh him out or use him properly. There were exceptions obviously, but you get what I mean.
I've always been fascinated by Smile Dog specifically out of the pastas, and I felt a webseries about it could have a lot of potential. You don't need to do a lot of traveling for filming since it's a mostly digital and mental phenomenon, and the pasta as-is keeps an aura of mystery over just what the image is.
This wasn't enough to pursue a series- it was just a discussion, and at the time I was very very very unconfident in my artistic ability for a whole rabbit hole of reasons. But it got me thinking, and I tend to have a lot of eureka moment with connecting disconnected thematic bits.
There were three things that always fascinated me about the original pasta. One was the idea that it wasn't even a dog- it was said to originally be a photo of the devil, and that over time it changed. If you really dig back into my twitter, around late 2020 (I remember because I reposted it when Heaven Stairway blew up) I posted my own take on Smile Dog. It's the same one that's used in the ParanormalPrickheads page, and there I took the idea of that evolution but extrapolated it, reasoning that after over a decade since the original pasta, the image would've degraded almost to the point of illegibility due to JPEG loss.
That idea basically evolved into the whole "metamorphosis" idea.
The second thing was built up off of that- if the image changed so much, there was no telling if any remakes could be the real deal or not. Or how different they could be from what was described. As a kid I knew the main two images were fake, but I reasoned that they could just be fakes for the sake of safety- the real ones could still be out there. That keeps you on your toes, and definitely leads to a creep factor on finding an "older version" as lost media.
But these were, again, just factors that kept me interested in Smile Dog. Cognitohazards in general interested me, and you had my frequent consumption of YouTube horror analysis content that lead into the setup of ChaCha- a way to initially ground it, develop an audience of people who already like cheesy internet horror, and bait actual Youtubers into covering the channel after they find it during research.
No, none of this is what caused ChaCha directly to happen.
That moment where it all clicked, back in 2020, was an idea for an ending. I have no idea if I can even pull it off. But I need to make it.
But I can't tell you what that is. Not yet.
Spreading the word for a spoiler seems like something only a very pathetic demon would do.
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getallemeralds · 6 months
leo do you have any other music that sounds like jpegs. i need it so badly
uhhh god where are some good Songs Of Become A JPEGs
Smile (Enuna's Overdrive Breakbeat RMX) by Gynx . i know i just posted this but please listen to it
WEBKINZLID NYA NYA DANCE (feat. salv the dog) by Mailpup is Fun Stimmy Song for ica and has some fun crunch to it
basically anything by gynx or mailpup in general
go there go in the . im trying to think of a good lapfox example but due to the Brain Crumblies i cannot think of anything
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colourme-feral · 10 months
get to know me ask game
Thanks for the tag, @fleet-off!
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language (Let's just say 1 + 0.5 + 0.5) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (Oh righhhht, that one time my school's badminton team won a regional competition and I only found out I'd been automatically placed in the winning team as a backup player despite not being in attendance that day) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (But would you trust it? heh) // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami// I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year (One of my only reading achivements this year) // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks (You mean like tomorrow night? Y E S) // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together// I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (Yes, but is it good? No) // I have made an online friend (Yesss) // I met up with someone I have met online (We travelled together for our common hobby!)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell (Probably? It's been a long time since I've been to the ocean) // I have watched the sun rise (I did this on my recent trip in May and it was so worth it) // I enjoy rainy days (Only if they are storms) // I have slept under the stars (Camping in a tent?? If so, then yes) // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote (Yes, but it's not a deep quote or one that you'd probably expect) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
no-pressure tagging @aprilblossomgirl, @blmpff, @callipigio, @cryingatships, @dribs-and-drabbles, @lurkingshan, @sparklyeyedhimbo, @telomeke, @shou-jpeg, @wen-kexing-apologist
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marrras · 2 years
HEI MISHKA i hope this is the right place to ask oc questions (looking around like a lost wet dog) SO . . . .did damir do his own top surgery because he's a surgeon? and also, id love to know about how werewolves/lycanthropy work in your universe if you haven't lore-dumped about it before. and is it connected to the fact that endre has two extra sets of eyes?
and lastly, you put so much care into these characters and the world building you have is beyond beautiful, like im constantly stunned by the beauty of colours and emotionality in your work dude. you've nailed an exact vibe with these characters, they're in a disorienting nightmare and it just leaves me in awe of how much i can SEE that with those colours, expressions. you have so much originality that its just!!!! (compressed jpeg) im such a nerd for world-building and story stuff and the story of paranemisia is so full of care and i love reading about it man!!! thank you for writing it!!!!
MOI KYLE!! YEAH IT IS holding an inconspicuous industrial fan
i need you to know this spurred a whole brainstorm session that included the phrase "he would but only in a cronenbergian act of self-love and acceptance instead of the almost cartoonish mad scientist imagery this might draw as a concept". i think he's too sensible for it even in a world as nonsensible as this but it'd also line up really well with some imagery/symbolism specifically about self-trust and intimacy i have set up for him. i might have to leave this up for interpretation
& not specifically! paranemisia's setting is a very uncertain place to exist in and concepts and culminations of things can just latch onto people & that's sort of what his extra eyes are, and also something that in a way affects how his wolf form is. (a lot of things are also 'filtered' through a personal lense in a more explicit and literal way, like how everyone's perception of the melting sun and it's intents/lack of them are different)
i'm still figuring out a lot of broader details but lycanthropy in this setting is something that can be repressed/denied & e.g had endre kept going the way he had he would more or less have eaten himself from the inside out. his lycanthropy very literally blew up on him & is a little fucked and is very specifically 'warped' by obscene, ongoing stress, as well as tied to that and exertion transformation-wise following that - paranemisia's wolves are stranger than ours and werewolves stranger than 'normal' wolves but they don't 'generally' look like his wolf form does
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^ outdated frame but his is massive, essentially furless and covered in tendrils - it never 'resumes' to an assumed normalcy or how it was before but he grows fur again as he lets himself be. varies person to person & is just as personal or entirely impersonal - someone like heathe might view it as more of a joyride or escape
ALSO I'LL ACTUALLY CRY THANK YOU SO MUCH 🫂 🫂 🖤🖤🖤 THAT GENUINELY MEANS THE WORLD TO ME .... i've taken a while to answer but know i've smiled stupid big everytime i've seen this ask, this world has a lot of deep personal meaning to me amidst all the disorientation and hearing that i nail it & that others find meaning in it as well is everything to me .... thank you so so much forever
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hachiyapersimmon · 2 years
for the love of god can tiktokrs just make tumblrs or substacks i'm not reading all that with your face staring at me in the background like. idk. smile dog dot jpeg.
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gorevourer · 2 years
I kinda feel like smile dog if it wasn't stuck as some jpeg file harassing people
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
every time I see you post anything with the toritsuka is an idiot.jpg tag im always like 😭😭😭 he doesn’t even deserve to be a png 😭😭😭😭😭
the only one who deserves to be a png is Aiura
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warlordfelwinter · 3 years
the new are you scared is funny only because the picture in question is on the creepypasta wiki
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shalver25 · 3 years
Steven Halverson.jpeg
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