I shot, directed, edited the video and recorded, mixed, produced the music for this @smilesupmusic original song!! — LINK IN BIO — check it out!! #SmilesUp #Soon #MusicVideo #filmmaking #slowmotion #paintfight #painting #NewMusic #MusicProduction #RecordingStudio #FilmStudio #Music #instamusic (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqIDhDmABBo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m3ezsrzg851n
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otto-von-stirlitz · 7 years
Do you think the Pantheon is determined by the 1st god ascending or is it individually determined? Like Baal ascended August 2013 but Cassandra did in June 2014. So does (did?) the recurrence officially end in August 2015 and Cassandra/Persephone live on until June/August 2016?
Hey, thanks for the ask!
I think it’s more determined by everyones individual gap, ie. Minerva has her date marked in the calendar, besides Baal, so it’s not like only his date matters. Besides, i think that there may be some factor of approximation, since Dio “burned off” before his date and Roman Lucifer did ~2 weeks after his, iirc. And I’m counting only burning off the powers, not becoming depraved by it (the “depravation” usually happens quicker, vide characters such as Amaterasu) 
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humelevel · 7 years
I miss when things were better and Inanna and Laura were friends and I miss Laura and her co-star, the green jacket 😣😣😣
at least we’ll see inanna in the christmas special :’) 
fuck that green jacket was a Look. it looked so good on her and i miss it 
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Hey Christine! I was wondering if you have any advice for young artists out there who need to save money/not spend so much? Thanks!
Yeah, let me think about some of my favorite money-saving tips…
Get a budgeting app. This is always my number one suggestion.  It changed the game for me.  Tracking what you make and what you spend is an incredible way to save.  Even just seeing the numbers can help you set more realistic goals for yourself and see how to really cash-flow your expenses.  I use one that’s just called Finances, it’s a green square with a dollar sign on it, and I absolutely love it.  It’s perfect for what I need!
Shop in bulk if you can.  This is not always possible, but if you can, Costco or bulk sections of the grocery store are a great way to buy a lot of the things you use a lot.  If bulk shopping isn’t a possibility for you (since it does have an initial higher cost, which can be prohibitive at times!) then I recommend finding a place like Aldi, which has much lower prices and great quality.  You can save so much money by just shopping smart and really looking at where you can get the best prices.  Places like Target are convenient, but grocery shopping there can really add up!
Figure out what luxuries you really can’t live without and then try to figure out how to do them at home.  This is not always possible, but I’ll give two examples from my own life.  I love lattes and coffee.  It’s something I love picking up before a rehearsal, because it helps me get through six hours of work.  So I got myself an espresso machine and a french press, and I make all my own lattes and coffee at home now!  Yes, the espresso machine was an expense up front, but it saves me $4.00 a pop!  Another example is this: there’s a sandwich I absolutely love getting at my local coffee shop, this delicious vegetarian sandwich that just brings me so much joy.  (I don’t like food all that much, so finding something I love is really special!)  But it costs $8.00 for the sandwich and chips, which is a lot!  So I scoured around the grocery stores to find all the ingredients to make it exactly how they did.  Found the ciabatta bread they use, find mini cucumbers they use, found the exact hummus…  And so now, it costs me at 75 cents to make the same sandwich!  I know that sounds so simple, but to me, those easy stops to pick up something special can slip under our radar, and making an effort to really create those special things at home can save you so much money.  Yes, you can still go out and splurge once in a while, but it gets you out of the habit!  
Don’t skimp on the big stuff.  Tires.  Never skimp on tires.  Don’t put off repairs on your car or on health visits, because they can come back to bite you so hard later.   Again, I know these can be huge expenses up front, but keeping your tires rotated and changing them before they pop and you get towed will save you so much money.  
Garage sales, Facebook marketplace, Craigslist.  If you need something like a new desk or a new office chair or a rug…Check out these places first!  It’s tempting to just hop over to Target and grab something, but you can find great deals out in your community for so much less.  Seriously, I’m looking at a new desk, and it’s going to cost me $600-$700 for the kind of desk I need!  But lo and behold, I found very similar desks on Facebook marketplace and Craigslist for $100!  Yes, I’ll have to pay to get them moved since my car is too small to haul them, but then I get to weigh the options and figure out if it’s worth having something used but way cheaper!  
Check your bills.  If you have an internet package, check every year to make sure you’re getting the best deal.  Last week I just called in and got my internet down from $90/month to $70/month by switching plans (and getting the same internet speed!)  They expect people not to do the work to call in and check, and they can really bleed you dry by upping their prices year to year.  Simple calls like that can save you big time month to month!
Cook at home!  I mean, this is obvious, this is everyone’s tip.  But seriously, make it something special.  If you have a roommate, challenge each other to make new, fun dishes!  Try new things, make things ahead of time!  I recently went to Aldi and got a ton of produce and froze it all in little baggies to make smoothies, and it’s the best thing every morning…  Delicious fruit smoothie every day with endless combinations of delicious fruit!  
Trade skills. If you’re an actor, you probably have a lot of artist and creative friends.  When I want to buy a new necklace, I reach out to my jeweler friends and see if anyone wants to trade a voice lesson for a piece of their art.  I currently have a deal where I give a friend voice lessons and she gives me massages (she’s a licensed masseuse!)  We both get what we want, and neither of us have to pay!  So it feels like a special treat, but it doesn’t cost me anything but my time!  
If you got something for $100.00 instead of $200.00, but didn’t need it in the first place, you still spent (wasted) $100.00.  I’m all about saving and couponing and finding deals.  I will scout for coupons and free shipping till the cows come home.  But if you didn’t need it in the first place and you bought it just because it was on sale…You still wasted unnecessary money.  Find deals, but find them for things you actually needed.
Followers, what are you favorite money-saving tips!
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What did you get your undergraduate degree in? Is there something other than pre law that might be beneficial for law school?
DO NOT choose your undergrad major on the basis of what will help you in law school. The honest, genuine truth of the matter is that law school doesn’t care what your undergrad major is; they will look at your grades and at your LSAT scores and resume and....that’s it. What’s more, you won’t be noticeably more prepared than your classmates if you do major in prelaw or something like that. Law school is it’s own thing, it doesn’t require a prerequisite. 
(I think it probably helps to do something more liberal arts-oriented over hard sciences, just because it gives you a solid foundation of reading and writing. But I’ve known extremely successful hard science majors who have done very well---all IP lawyers are basically required to be engineers now---so don’t let that stop you.)
If you have a choice in the matter, get your undergraduate degree in something that you enjoy studying. (I double-majored in Philosophy and Bioethics, and I could still talk your ear off about Heidegger and the historical development of medicine as a field.) Quite frankly, I don’t think anyone should spend college thinking about law school. I wasn’t kidding about that gap year; I believe that people should very seriously consider doing something else before deciding law school is the track they want to take. Huge numbers of law students drop out after one year because they realize law isn’t what they want; it probably would have benefited them to seriously consider another path before they tried it.
(That’s not a judgment or a comment about people who leave law school---it’s not right for everybody. It might be right for you! It might not be! But even just one year of law school is a....costly experiment.)
So absolutely definitely don’t throw away four years on any particular degree when your heart is in anthropology, or gender studies, or biology, or art. If you have the resources and the financial support to do it, chase whatever major your heart desires. And after college, after your gap year (year plus), if you’re still interested in law school?
Trust me, there’s a law for that.
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princess-of-pokemon · 7 years
Do you think there's any possibility of a US release for the N2DSXL? I'm in the market for a 3DS and if this is significantly cheaper I might go with this.
It is being released in the US. Nintendo of America has a tweet here about it with a release day. July 28 with a price of $149.99. 
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elbuencacao · 6 years
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#Repost @gathereattalk with @get_repost ・・・ We all get pretty excited in the face of chocolate too!!! 💓🍫 @elbuencacao - #chocolate #idyllwild #elbuenocacao #cacao #fall #kidinacandystore #love #eatclean #california #ljohnhellmedia #gathereattalk #youtube #podcast #smilesup https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxAM1BH5ux/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=anx14q5g9yy4
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areshg · 7 years
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#SmilesUP 😀👆 It's Flyday... Enjoy the weekend! 😉 #nofilter 🤙 (at Elphick Proome Architects)
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hailkingkaleb-blog · 7 years
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No matter what happens always stay happy with yourself. Keep smiling anyway. It's the only thing you have that's free. #justkeepswimming. #smilesup. #loveyourself (at Central Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
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percynene-blog · 7 years
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gowoe · 7 years
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Tap in to 5LINE ENTERTAINMENT.. @kyngsmyle @coolnutz #SMILESUP👌
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otto-von-stirlitz · 7 years
What do you think will happen in issue 33?
I’ve already shared some of my predictions, but some of which I feel like are most likely:
Mini will hit rock bottom, Cass and Persephone will be divided and part ways over their discovery, The gang will try to revive Dio 1831ish way, bringing even more disasters and fuck ups. After all, we have Morrigan and Woden around again, right? (even tho they differ drastically from the Shelleys)
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Hey Christine! So I'm in college right now and I'm in kind of a weird position. I'm going into my Sophomore year of college and when I applied in my Senior year of high school, I only applied to two schools. I only applied to the second one because I panicked after I got rejected from my first one. So I didn't research the school, and while it isn't a bad school, (1/2)
 I wouldn't have picked it if I did my research. It isn't my ideal location and I wanted to leave my home state, which ended up not happening. Now that I'm here, I do see that we have a well regarded theatre program. But I can't help but think about whether I would be happier at the other school. I want to get my grades up and make myself a really competitive student if I decide to apply again. But, this school is twice as expensive and I don't really  Know what their BA Drama program is like, or if I find out I want to do something else, and this school is about twice as expensive. So I guess I was wondering if you have any advice? I wonder of I'm seeing this as the grass is greener but I'm also pretty sure I do want to go to the other school. But I also don't want to do the college search all over again. So, do you have any thoughts? I'm sorry if this is confusing or something, my writing this is kind of panic-induced. Thank you!It sounds like a tough dilemma, for sure.  All trade-offs...Do you go with spending more and not being sure you’ll love it, or spending less at a school you’re not in love with but has a good theatre program and isn’t horrible... I would perhaps think about doing some searching at other schools perhaps, to see if there are other options other than just these two.  I know you said you didn’t want to go through the whole college search again, though, and I can appreciate that.  I think the first step is obviously applying and seeing if you get into the other school, because the question is irrelevant if you don’t end up getting in.  I would also do more research on the theatre program at this other school so that you can get a better sense of whether you really think you’d be able to get the education you want there or not, because if you can, then it seems like it’s something you’d want to do.  If you find out it’s not a well-regarded program or doesn’t build a strong foundation, then perhaps it is more of a “grass is greener” situation.  I wish I could help more, but my main advice is just...Research!  Research and build some pros and cons lists for yourself!
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otto-von-stirlitz · 7 years
My curiosity got the best of me and I let myself get spoiled for today's issue. I need to stay off the Internet every month until I'm all caught up!!! Ahhhh!!!!
I see! I subscribe to Comixology, so I can download the issues as soon as team Comixology uploads it (they do it earlier than they used to, once it was around 4pm CET, today it was before 1pm CET). So i can get emotionally wrecked at my probabilistics lecture way before the internet spoilers.
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Theatre College List Masterpost!
I had a request to reach out to followers so that people looking into theatre schools can reach out to them and ask them questions about specific programs!  Here’s the list so far--I will update it as I get more references.   Feel free to send these people asks about their schools and programs, but please remember that many of them are busy students and performers, and they answer on their own time!
If you wanted to be added to this list, please send me a message with your school and your degree!  You can be entering in the fall, currently studying, or already graduated.
University of Alabama
whispythewriter ,  BA in Theatre (focus in acting)
Arcadia University
fustianriddles , BFA in Acting
Ball State University
@musicworm3203​, BFA Theatre Tech
Birmingham-Southern College
puerpulcher ,  BA Musical Theatre
Bowling Green State University
dramaticmontage ,  BAC in Musical Theatre and Acting/Directing
Brock University
starkids-inthe-tardis , BFA
Brown University
mellifluamusic BA in Theatre Arts, performance track
University of Central Florida
offbroadwaycast ,  BA in Theatre Studies 
Carnegie Mellon
mellifluamusic , BFA Dramaturgy
Columbia College Chicago
iwannabethecoolestgirl BA Acting program and minor in Stage Combat
DeSales University
elizahamlton , BA in Musical Theatre
Drew University
itsforyouitsgod , BA Theatre Arts
Emerson College
galindadaae , BFA in Musical Theatre
Flagler College
imitation-dorothy-gale , BA in Theatre
Florida State University
vidalia-is-my-hero , BA Theatre Studies (Musical Theatre/Directing)
Hartt School
electricportcullis , BFA in Acting
Hofstra University
onemorestar , BA in Drama and Musical Theatre minor
deathcabformediocrity,  BFA in set design.
University of Indianapolis
dramaticmontage , Theatre Performance
Illinois Wesleyan University
i-remember-there-was-mist , BFA in Acting
Institute for American Musical Theatre
UC Irvine
relivethememories , BA in Drama
Ithaca College
joeybarreiro , BA Theatre Studies
Kean University
1999lex, BFA Theatre Performance
Loyola University
martybeans ,  BA in Theatre Arts and Musical Theatre
Manhattan School of Music
its-a-musical ,  Bachelor of Music in Musical Theatre
MGA Academy of Performing Arts
fuckyeahcommandersansa ,  NC in Acting and Performance
Millikin University
shelbyannetaylor , BFA in Musical Theatre
perksofbeingalittletwat , Dramaturgy
University of Missouri-Columbia
women-in-the-sequel ,  BA in Theatre with emphasis in Playwriting and Performance
Muhlenberg College
the-pewploop ,  BA in Theatre, concentration in Acting
Nebraska Wesleyan University
thefaultinourmaraudersmap , BFA in Acting
New College of Florida
New Mexico State University
fankhauser-riffs ,  BA in Acting
New York Convervatory for Dramatic Arts
lapetiteactrice , Film & Television Program
North Central College
24601poto , BA in Musical Theatre
University of North Texas
thepelvicsorcery , BA in Theatre, performance focus
NYU Steinhardt
i-love-your-light ,  Vocal Performance
NYU Tisch
hepburnincouture ,  BFA Drama
Oakland University
best-teacup-is-chipped , BFA in Acting
Oklahoma City University
donutluvr420 , BFA in Acting
monochromatic-mood , BFA in Musical Theatre
Pace University
metaphor-for-life , BFA in Acting
Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts
dearconnormurphys , Musical Theatre
Roosevelt University
killianfightsforemma , BFA in Musical Theatre
Rose Bruford College
christineebersole , BFA in Acting
Rowan University
elizahamlton , in Musical Theatre
Salem State University
phantomphanatic1994 , BFA in Technical Theatre
Shenandoah University
theavidbookfreak , BFA in Acting
Sheridan University
pop-up-pirate , BFA in Theatre and Drama Studies/Diploma in Acting
Southern Oregon University
heyninabeana , BA in Theatre
SUNY New Paltz
electricportcullis , BA in Theatre Performance
Temple University
moonstonesandmasquerades , BA in Theatre
Texas Christian University
thespian-of-steele , BFA theatre, emphasis Acting (& arts administration minor)
Thomas Nelson Community College
bayonetsofmoralindignation ,  Associates Degree:Liberal Arts with a concentration in Theatre Performance
Towson University
emtechie ,  B.S. Technical Theatre
Tufts University
eversailedinafirefly ,  BFA in Drama and Peace & Justice Studies
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
weakwilled-sentimental-sheep, MA in Theatre
University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
chinson-smilesup , BA in Drama
killerblackberrypie , MM in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy
Wright University
booksandbroadwayave , Vocal Performance
York University
osnesqueen ,  BFA Theatre Production
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