#snail!Renesmee cullen
theinheriteddutchess · 9 months
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Look only reason why I'm adding this is because I really need everyone to understand the true nature of Snailnesmee (and actually Renesmee)
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mylittlenudger · 1 year
This is one of those pinned posts for anyone who comes across my blog on mobile! I thought it might make things a whole lot easier haha. To sum up my blog, Renesmee Cullen IS A TWILIGHT CANON RP BLOG CREATED IN 2023 that is MUTUALS ONLY but always happy to make new friends 😁❤
THREAD TAG (to get an idea of my writing since I tend to post drafts in bunches after a few days of writing like a slow snail)
MEME TAG (but please don’t treat me like a memes resource blog: just reblog from the source if you don’t wish to send anything)
❤ IMPORTANT: Please note that I will not write with anyone on Renesmee who doesn't write with me on any of my oc accounts - ( rosefromdeath / vervainlacedveins / progenyofprongs / perceivedpast ). The main reason being I don't want people to be throwing their muses at my canon while brushing my ocs aside. So I'd just prefer only to be writing with those on Renesmee who show an interest in my ocs as well. Thank you! ✨
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Bella: Edward, I named our daughter Renesmee after my mother Renee and your mother Esme :)
The ghost of Elizabeth Masen watching over them:
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queertwilight · 6 years
Me, reading the scene where Jacob imprints on Resume:
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twilightin2021wow · 5 years
Twilight side of Tumblr
I know I never really post on here I only reblog but you guys are like a family to me! I’m so glad to still be in love with Twilight in 2019. It’s honestly crazy how many of us still are in love with it. I’ve only ever talked to a few of you on here but everyone I’ve talked to has been super nice. Anyway I’d like to get to know you all some more so send me a message or an ask! Let’s be friends 💖
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slipavvay · 5 years
“What if I’m not a hero? What if I’m the bad guy?” - Edward Cullen intro!
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⌜ •°  ✦  °• — ansel elgort + he/him + cismale + twilight .┆this is your stop . welcome to 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 .  you must be EDWARD CULLEN . a little birdie told me you’re looking for ALDERWOOD CEMETERY , it’s not too far from here and i’m sure your EMOTIONAL , STUBBORN + PROTECTIVE self will lead you down the right path . you’ve had TWENTY ONE / ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN years of experience anyway . what were you saying ? you DO remember PROTECTING RENESMEE ? oh well, good luck with that ! hey , before you go , has anyone ever told you that you give off a PLAYING THE PIANO AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT, DESPERATELY TRYING TO BLOCK OUT THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD, AND GIVING UP EVERYTHING TO BE WITH YOUR FAMILY vibe ? i better get going , enjoy your stay ! ── maggie , she/her , 26 , cst .
Edward’s wiki can be found here (x)
He’s dramatic af and is my only straight character in this bitch
He is broody and hangs out in the cemetery all the time for aesthetic of it all
Also hopes to find a snail or two in there
He remembers everything and that’s his curse 😔 
Well that and hearing everyone’s inner thoughts
He WILL monologue if given the chance so don’t give him the chance
Honestly he just needs socialization help so let’s interact, and if there’s anything you don’t know but want to just let me know!
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fandomshatewomen · 6 years
How Twilight fandom still is confused why people think Edward Cullen is a creepy abusive? There's so many posts about it and the entire book series has him being creepy (especially in Midnight Sun, when he thought in murder the kids from school to get Bella's blood and wanted to kill Jacob's tribe).
They are not confused, they purposefully ignore them. They know damn well that Jacob’s actions are wrong, but when it comes to Edward’s they just brush them off, and we know why. They play lip-service to loving all the female characters in the series but then, they also stan all the abusive men in their lives. They want to “fix” Twilight, but none of those fixes include setting Edward on fire or... you know, at the very least make him atone for his actions? 
None of them acknowledge Carlisle’s objectification of Rosalie, when he turns her into a vampire with the hopes that she’ll be a romantic/sexual partner for Edward when she’s just been gang-raped to death by her fiance and his friends. Nobody ever talks about how Carlisle and Edward talk about her as if she was an object, saying that it’d be a “waste” for her to die, and how Edward thinks there is something “wrong” with her, the girl that just got gang-raped to death by her fiance and his friends (terribly unfortunate implications in a series that upholds virginity and chastity as the most important thing evah, where premarital sex is a sin as bad as murder -or worse).
I haven’t seen even one mention of Edward and Carlisle planning to force Bella into having an abortion in Breaking Dawn. Absolutely nobody ever talks about Edward manipulating Jacob into telling Bella that why won’t she abort her baby and maybe fuck Jacob so she can get pregnant by him? No matter her wishes in the matter. Edward just tries to barter away his wife’s womb. Just like that. For how much they do criticize Jacob, nobody talks about him agreeing to do this. Agrees to manipulate a dying, pregnant woman into giving up the child she wants so badly into killing it so that she can have a child he approves of. That doesn’t have unfortunate implications, either, you know, it’s not as though women weren’t (and aren’t) made to abort or kill their newborn daughters in hopes that in their next pregnancies they get a son (aka female infanticide or foeticide). In this case, it’s not about killing the baby because it’s the wrong sex, but because it’s the wrong species. 
It seems as if “stalking” and maybe if you’re lucky “kidnapping” are the only things that are mentioned as bad by the Twilight fandom, but even then it’s just in passing, then it’s back to laughing at Edward’s love for snails and Carlisle the best father evah and Jacob the creeper but ‘cause his brown not ‘cause he’s actually a creeper y’know.
How many people of those Twilight Feminists ever defend or acknowledge the situation of the imprinted quileute girls? Claire, Emily, Kim, Rachel...? If they mentioned an imprentee it’s only Renesmee, and they don’t talk about her much, either.
Basically, for a fandom that claims to hate Meyer and want to fix Twilight, they put special attention into the white family, without caring about its dysfunctionalities, aka the abusive men in them. ~mod a.
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theinheriteddutchess · 10 months
I know I made it by someone else's suggestion. But it's one of the things I'm really proud of. So I'm going to post it for myself as well.
I present to you
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theinheriteddutchess · 9 months
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And after the big battle of Breaking Shell, Bella, Edward and Snailnesmee had all the time in the world to have a nice slide through the forest. One big happy family.
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theinheriteddutchess · 9 months
So Snailight.
This is my first poll, which is embarrassing. However, I had this thought and I just couldn't really figure it out. Somehow this seems important. Please explain your vote in the notes if you can.
Here's a baby picture of Snailnesmee in case you've missed it before
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theinheriteddutchess · 9 months
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Team Jacob
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theinheriteddutchess · 9 months
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Actual Snailnesmee baby picture
(look I know the Cullens are supposed to be snail too, but this is funnier)
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theinheriteddutchess · 5 months
I sometimes draw...
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@welp-heregoessomething @theregencyreticule
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theinheriteddutchess · 7 months
"Edward kissed Renesmee’s forehead and both her cheeks, then he lifted her to Jacob’s shoulder. She scrambled agilely onto his back, pulling herself into place with handfuls of his fur, and fit herself easily into the dip between his massive shoulder blades."
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You're welcome.
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theinheriteddutchess · 9 months
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Coming to you this summer
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queertwilight · 6 years
I found the one perk of Renesmee being canon: she’s given the Cullens a reason to use the kitchen. We can still have that Esme cooking scene!!!
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