#snajjsjs fast forward like a thousand years
gawdie · 3 years
hello, any writers out there, please spare me a crumb of your time bc i have this idea and i would give all my limbs to see it turned into something understandable
so its an emerald duo meet/origin fic, right?? both phil and techno are children, living their lives in their own words like normal. one day phil sees someone go through a nether portal for the first time and being this chaotic adventure lovin 9 year old he just kinda goes through it,havin no clue whats on the other side.
when he gets into the nether hes like super curious and goes flying around wantin to see everything there is to see. sadly, unknown to this fool of a child, that everything involves a lot of very deadly creatures. so hes flying around havin the time of his life when he gets fuckin sniped down by a ghast. he gets hit wherever you find the angstiest and starts panicking thinking that hes gonna die here, with his parents havin no clue what happened to him. in the middle of that he sees a semi outline of a house in the distance and starts speeding towards it with whatever energy he has left, and just kinda...collapses on its door.
so on the other side we have baby techno, sitting alone in his house waiting for his parents to get back from a hoglin hunt when theres this huge bang at his door. techno opens the door expecting his parents or even a piglin from the nearby bastion only to have this weird, bleedin, half dead creature with too little fur drop face first onto his floor. he decides to help it for one reason or another and some time later hes got this kid wrapped in leather bandages and full of healing pots on his makeshift bed, trying to figure out what the hell hes supposed to do next.
for whatever reason, tehnos parents are just okay with him having a random kid in their house, and sooner or later phil wakes up. technos plan was to ask this kid what the hell was he doing bleeding out on his floor and where he came from, when he found the next big issue: he had no clue what this kid was sayin. he was mumbling gibberish, techno was sure that half of it wasnt even words, he couldn't recognize a single snort or huff in anything that came out of the kids mouth. they eventually end up somehow communicating through the most backwards and complicated ways possible, and phil returns home.
now, phils parents are absolutely livid. what was he thinking, just running into the nether like that? so they forbid him from going back until he knows what hes doing. the problem? phil cant shake the need to say thank you to the weird pig like creature that saved his life. so, after making a plan he sneaks off into the nether in the middle of the night, looking for the house he ran into. he finds techno (either at his house or wandering the nether) and stumbles his way through a thank you. he ends up staying longer with him, just kinda vibing despite having no clue how to communicate. when he leaves he promises himself it was just a one time thing, to show his gratitude to the pig like creature.
it isnt.
phil sneaks into the nether every now and then, always finding new excuses as so why hes going. after a while he becomes determined to become friends with the pig like boy, even if it takes him learning the boys language or teaching the boy english.
boom, queer platonic relationship, platonic soulmates, childhood best friends, angst, anything really ensues and then i cry
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