#snk alma
la-artist322 · 2 years
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Birthday art to MYSELF!! 🥳🍕
Hookah © Doctor Venuz Jan Serpent © Puss in Boots, Dreamworks Brains © Yoobii (1999–2021) Alma © Shingeki no Kyojin, Hajime Isayama Art © Me
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sleepy-sham · 10 months
Big Post #3 baybee! should I make like a master list for these or smth?
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ironiadevil · 2 years
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Ymir ?.. It's you ?
Historia is haunted by the ghosts of her past. 
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sailorspica · 4 months
dare i argue...
kenny has a very interesting, consistent morality that isn't all that aberrant compared to most of AoT's main cast.
he is our main source of ackerman lore, whose fallen status within the walls directly telegraphs the position of eldia in the larger world, so on closer inspection, kenny, levi, and mikasa are more than a bit analogous to grisha and the warriors. in kenny's case, i think most of the elder jaegers. hear me out:
my ongoing beef with the uprising arc anime adaptation includes this scene with kenny's grandfather. confoundingly, WIT cut significant length from grandpa's explanation about the ackermans' persecution at the hands of the MPs, but gave kenny a line that... is ghostwritten by zeke jaeger.
in the manga, kenny discouraged kuchel from carrying levi to term for reasons he doesn't verbalize (snk 65)
in the anime (aot 43), my subtitles say "I swear, ain't no point being born in a craphole world like this where there's not a single dream worth pursuing."
the dubbed line is "who'd want to be born into this piece of shit world anyway? there isn't a dream you could have worth suffering through it."
btw i think WIT giving kenny like, 5x more lines with the word "dream" is fucking cheesy and childish; i could see how this mindset is challenged immediately by carla in bystander, but does kenny have to be the one to say it? we get that from historia and alma and ymir already! plenty of characters express thoughts of regretting being born, but this and zeke's are particular to eldians and ackermans, not individuals
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but what grandpa ackerman says about this "deal" between the ackerman patriarch and the crown echoes grisha and zeke's propaganda bedtime stories. the first generation born within the walls hoped that ignorance would spare future ackermans, and eldians left behind when the walls went up hoped compliance would save them from... paradise, conscription, what have you. historical omission and revision: neither fucking worked! that ackerman patriarch died pointlessly, every eldian sacrificed to marley's imperialism from foot soldiers in the trenches to the warriors and proto-warriors, ksaver's generation and older, died pointlessly.
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much like the warriors, i don't think any of the above excuses or downplays kenny's wrongdoings, but contextualizes them:
he's a serial killer
as far as we know his Ripping was mostly MPs. as of this scene in ch. 65, the latest were lurking outside a dying old man's home, whether that means they monitored the eldest living ackerman closely, or they were there to jump kenny. point is, killing cops is uhhhhh cool. i don’t care he becomes one himself later. the old 2nd wave feminist adage of “the personal is political” applies to any gender, really, and we should all take police violence against vulnerable populations personally, so whether you frame kenny’s kill count before joining the MPs as self-defense or vengeance, there’s a net positive of fewer MPs terrorizing the streets of the interior and the underground.
he abandoned and/or abused levi
my guess is without his anime-only Zekeism™, kenny’s concern before levi's birth is more specific to kuchel’s circumstances, and also informs his abandonment:
raising a child would make kuchel’s life even more difficult;
the underground and moreover a brothel are no place to raise a child;
as his reaction to levi not knowing his last name goes, living as an ackerman is a curse unto itself (the zeke and ksaver conclusion), even if kenny’s relationship with uri has improved his circumstances;
my most charitable and extracanonical thought for this man is… i wonder what happened to his and kuchel’s own parents. how else do you lose track of your sister like this? did they feel abandoned themselves? did kenny already doubt kuchel would live long or be strong enough to protect a child (maternal mortality, which fellow MP nile dawk brings up in 108)? when he said “i’m not cut out to be some kid’s father,” did he also think that of kuchel? or did he think he also failed as an older brother—kenny and kuchel as grisha and faye...
we only get kenny’s POV of his time with levi, which lasts about five pages of chapter 69. my point is, levi whump revisionism tends to give him annie leonhart's canonical childhood, for which there is no evidence in chapter 69 or in bad boy.
of course, filling the blanks of kenny's pedagogy is grim, and popular fanon isn't unreasonable at all. there's no nonviolent way to teach violence, which kenny calls "the only tool he had" and likely thought of as the only thing he could offer levi. removing levi from the underground didn't seem to cross his mind, either, which could point to a pessimism that people kill people, above and below—the ackermans were wiped out on the surface, after all. but i actually find the understanding of their relationship to the royal family as feudal in the japanese sense helpful here: would bringing him along set levi's path for him, one in service to the reisses? cruel as it was, kenny guaranteed levi's freedom.
he's a cop
okay, this is where the manga gets a little ambiguous/inconsistent with chronology. when kenny gets the anti-personnel squad, he says he’s “never been part of the military before”—he’s actually following levi’s footsteps here, a criminal recruit far outclassing these graduates of the cadet corps. however, to historia, he identifies himself as part of the first interior squad in 845. the fuck?
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what is more certain is after he meets uri and becomes his bodyguard 😏, he joins this "assembly" or "council" of nobles and wallists. "bodyguard" does not sound like a role in which kenny would wander the walls doing extrajudicial murder like sannes. when levi and hange interrogate sannes, he proudly lists his own resume (snk 55), which includes killing armin’s parents, erwin’s father, and historia’s mother (the 2nd worst thing to be in the walls is blond), so besides alma, kenny doesn't seem to be included in these panels of the first interior squad "bloodying [their] hands" for peace within the walls.
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i think a reasonable conclusion is kenny joined the first interior squad after uri's death in 842, and this squad is so elusive as to be legendary to the average MP. there is probably some translation subtlety with "squad" and "section, " so my understanding is the anti-personnel squad is either part of the first interior squad, or an elite, separate but affiliated group much like levi's special operations squad.
i think of kenny in these three years as unmoored much like iseyama describes levi after shiganshina; the main thing guiding him seems to be his disdain for rod reiss, since he has no hard feeling against frieda. dare i say... rod is kenuri's zeke?
besides his worry for kuchel and debatable care for levi, kenny does, actually, express some of the humanitarianism that motivates his nephew, also in chapter 65 and also excluded from the anime adaptation:
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"how much WE lost in those five years?! how many precious lives?!" "he don't give two shits about any of it! not his his family, not humanity, and certainly not you, historia!!
like, HELLO? who is he referring to? the residents of wall maria? the culling that killed armin's grandfather? historia's half-siblings? hell—trost and stohess, mere months ago? i think he's being genuine! this isn't a token, empty phrase, tugging at historia's heartstrings. a killer can value life, i don't think that's that crazy a thing to propose, least of all in attack on titan and least of all in the uprising arc where levi squad kills other humans (also all cops).
kenny's narration in chapter 69 and episode 47 revolves around power. his respect for uri starts from acknowledging him as "the strongest guy around," which echoes over the moment he abandons levi—he's done his level best to teach levi to be the strongest underground, and his philosophy of proving yourself to be the strongest or most powerful doesn't belie a sense of superiority over the weak or any desire to rule; it's the logical conclusion of the oppressed. he thinks of himself as strong, but doesn't call kuchel weak, and his use of "we"—he counts himself part of humanity. his later ambition to steal the founder... makes him more similar to erwin. he just wants the knowledge, the view from up there.
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but i think kenny is a little dishonest in chapter 58 before one of levi's coldest "yeah"'s of all time:
i'll kill anyone if that's what it takes to get the job done. ya kill too when it benefits ya, right?
for both men, this object "you" is not themselves as individuals, despite their posturing. it could really, really be humanity, for all three ackermans. mikasa, ten chapters prior:
there are only so many lives i can value, and i decided who those people were six years ago, so you shouldn't try to ask for my pity. because right now, i don't have time to spare, or room in my heart.
and her series-long journey is excavating her heart for humanity. the common fandom complaint that she "only cares about eren" is, to me, similarly reductive as their view of kenny. characters can lie to themselves, or reveal they're more selfless than they thought.
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in conclusion:
WIT skipped a lot of exposition to animate an extra kenny-levi fight that doesn't even make sense spatially
of course he sucks! and so do the younger ackermans! but they all suck a lot less than they think they do
kenny is also historia's uncle by marriage, in my heart
someone draw him and zeke hanging out
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sulan1809 · 4 months
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Os Vilões mais irredimíveis dos games
Hoje em dia, os vilões estão sendo mais populares que os típicos heróis. Em alguns casos, eles têm um arco de redenção, tornando-se rivais, ou até mesmo parceiros dos heróis, no entanto, há vilões que são puro mau e não adianta, eles jamais se redimirão, não importa o que os heróis fizerem, eles jamais demonstrarão arrependimento ou remorso e vão continuar fazendo vilania ou porque são incorrigíveis, ou até mesmo por terem traços psicopáticos. Estes são os maiores exemplos de vilões irredimíveis do universo dos games.
M. Bison - Street Fighter
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Para abrir a lista, vamos falar sobre aquele que é considerado a maior epítome da irredenção. M. Bison é um vilão arquetípico motivado por interesses egoístas, e desejos de dominação mundial, ao passo em que ele tem prazeres deleitosos em causar sofrimento aos outros. Bison é um megalômano presunçoso que deseja instaurar uma nova ordem mundial, com ele sendo o soberano absoluto, além de provar a todos que ele é o artista marcial supremo, e que ninguém pode detê-lo, e ele vai destruir qualquer um que se interpelar no caminho dele. Bison tem um ego superinsuflado, associado com um complexo de divindade, e ele ignora ou desconsidera qualquer sentimento de empatia ou remorso em ver as pessoas sofrendo nas mãos dele, não sentindo qualquer arrependimento ou remorso pelas atrocidades que ele cometeu. Em muitos aspectos, a caracterização de Bison pode ser fortemente associada com o diagnóstico de um sociopata ou psicopata da vida real. Ele chegou muito perto de transformar Ryu em um dos soldados dele na campanha para dominação mundial.
Ganondorf - The Legend of Zelda
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Enquanto Bowser sempre foi um vilão cômico, sendo regularmente derrotado por Mario, Ganondorf pelo menos provou ser um vilão muito mais maligno e sério do que o "temido" Bowser. Na maioria dos títulos da série The Legend of Zelda, Ganondorf é o típico vilão cruel raiz que persegue dominação mundial, e somente encarnações de Link e Zelda podem detê-lo. Ganondorf é a reencarnação do puro ódio de Demise, o antagonista central de The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, e ele cometeu diversos crimes durante a trajetória dele, sem demonstrar arrependimentos, e muito menos remorso. Em batalha, Ganondorf é dotado de um poderoso arsenal mágico e força e resistência física fora do comum, sendo muito difícil de derrotar, e Link tem de se desdobrar nos 30 segundos para lidar com ele, enquanto isso, Bowser leva poucos hits e é derrotado em questão de segundos, recebendo derrotas humilhantes nas mãos de Mario.
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Não seria surpresa que o Imperador de Outworld estaria presente na lista, considerando quão grande é a malignidade e irremedialidade que Shao Kahn leva nos ombros dele. Shao Kahn iniciou a carreira dele servindo Onaga, o Rei Dragão, no entanto, ele jurou uma falsa lealdade ao soberano, e o envenenou, para assim tornar-se o novo regente de Outworld. Durante a carreira dele, Shao Kan cometeu diversos crimes, como assassinato em massa, tortura e escravidão forçada, demonstrando não ter nenhum sentimento de respeito pela integridade alheia. Shao Kahn também manipulou e corrompeu outros guerreiros, forçando-os a seguir os planos dele em conquistar outros mundos. Devido à força absurda e durabilidade que Shao Kahn possui, bem como poderes mágicos, e a habilidade de roubar almas dos derrotados, Shao Kahn era tão injusto que somente os jogadores mais habilidosos puderam vencê-lo e se consagrar como campeões de EarthRealm, fora o fato de que ele ocasionalmente dava risadas e tirava sarro do jogador no meio da luta. Pense em um canastrão...
Rugal Bernstein - The King of Fighters
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De todos os chefes que a SNK criou, nenhum deles foi mais carismático o suficiente do que o temido Rugal Bernstein. Para justificar a irremedialidade de Rugal, ele é tão cruel, que não vê nenhum valor na vida humana, e como prova do complexo de divindade de Rugal, ele assassinou a filha e a esposa de Heidern, forçando o comandante dos Ikari Warriors a entrar no torneio para se vingar. Rugal era um revendedor do mercado negro de armas, e ele tinha uma poderosa coleção de estátuas metálicas dos guerreiros que ele já derrotou. Rugal foi derrotado por Kyo Kusanagi em The King of Fighters '94, e ele retornou em The King of Fighters '95 como Omega Rugal, derrotado novamente, Rugal tentou usar uma pequena porção do poder de Orochi que ele recebeu de Goenitz, no entanto, acabou por selar a própria destruição dele, pois Iori Yagami disse que apenas os descendentes da linhagem de Orochi poderiam usar aquele poder. Rugal reapareceu em The King of Fighters '98, utilizando luvas e sapatos pretos, sendo que ele era um cyborg tendo um dos olhos e uma das mãos substituídos por prostéticos. Em The King of Fighters 2002, Rugal é o chefe final, tendo um moveset mais abrasador em comparação com as encarnações anteriores dele. Não se sabe ao certo se Rugal teve uma família, no entanto, em The King of Fighters 2003, quando o jogador falha em derrotar Kusanagi com um Desperation Move, foi revelado que ele tinha dois descendentes: Rose era tão cruel quanto o pai dela, Rugal, e era tão má perdedora que ela não aceitava a derrota pelos adversários tão facilmente, Adelheid, por outro lado, herdou as habilidades de Rugal, no entanto ele não era tão maligno, e pregava mais para um lado honrado durante uma luta. Rugal está de volta em The King of Fighters XV a pedido dos fãs mais nostálgicos ao lado de outro ser desprezível, Goenitz.
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
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Esqueça Exdeath(Final Fantasy 5) e Kefka(Final Fantasy 6), porque embora esses vilões sejam tão carismáticos e memoráveis, ainda assim Sephiroth é considerado o melhor vilão que a Squaresoft(atual Square Enix) criou. O grande vilão de Final Fantasy 7 não descendeu para o caminho dos demônios sem uma justificativa declarada: No passado, Sephiroth era um guerreiro de primeira classe de uma divisão chamada SOLDIER, criada pela Shinra. Dotado de uma poderosa espada chamada Masamune, Sephiroth tornou-se um herói na guerra de Wutai, recebendo muito respeito por parte de Zack Fair. Mais tarde, Sephiroth foi investigar as origens dele em Nibelheim, e ao descobrir que ele era um ser humano imbuído com células de uma entidade alienígena chamada Jenova, Sephiroth enlouqueceu e jurou que iria se tornar uma divindade e que ele iria destruir a humanidade. Sephiroth atraiu inimizade por parte de Cloud Strife, depois que ele causou um incidente em Nibelheim, causando a morte da mãe do protagonista. A busca por vingança e poder renderam a Sephiroth o título de "One-Winged Angel". E ele é considerado como a maior figura irredimível que Tetsuya Nomura criou e estabeleceu como vilão.
Dr. Albert W. Wily - Mega Man
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Em certos aspectos, o temido Dr. Albert W. Wily é um vilão cômico, sempre em busca de dominar o mundo, mas os planos dele são sempre atrapalhados pelo pior inimigo dele, o Dr. Thomas Light, e a maior criação do cientista barbudo: MEGA MAN. No passado, Albert e Thomas eram amigos, no entanto, quando Thomas ganhou mais notoriedade do que Albert no que diz respeito aos Robot Masters, Albert enlouqueceu e jurou que iria dominar o mundo todo. Ele roubou os seis Robot Masters que Light criou(8, se contarmos Time Man e Oil Man, em Mega Man: Powered Up), e os reprogramou para cometer crimes. Rock, o assistente do Doutor Light, pediu ao criador dele que o convertesse em um super-robô de batalha, que ficou conhecido como Mega Man. Doutor Wily se tornou uma pessoa amargurada, demonstrando sentimentos de ódio, e volta e meia ele sempre orquestrava um plano diferente. Thomas dava o melhor que podia para convencer Albert a desistir do caminho do mal e melhorar como pessoa, no entanto, Albert sempre o ignorava e continuava a elaborar mais esquemas mefistofélicos: Em Mega Man 3, por exemplo, Wily ajudou Light a construir o super-robô Gamma, apenas para apunhalar o companheiro dele pelas costas, roubar o robô gigante e continuar cometendo atrocidades; Em Mega Man 4, sequestrou Kalinka, a filha do Dr. Mikhail Sergeyevich Cossack, e obrigou o cientista russo a criar robôs para cometer crimes, caso ele quisesse ver a filha dele outra vez; Em Mega Man 5, ele fez Proto Man parecer um traidor, ao criar um robô especial(Dark Man Mk. 4) para impersonificar Proto Man e cometer crimes em nome dele. Em outras palavras, Wily é um manipulador profissional, um mentiroso habilidoso e um estrategista ardiloso. E é por isso que ele leva o rótulo de vilão irredimível que nunca desiste. Os ideais megalômanos de Wily foram seguidos por Sigma, um reploid corrompido pelo Irregular Virus.
Sigma - Mega Man "X"
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Falando no diabo, Sigma é um dos maiores exemplos de vilões irredimíveis. Em um passado pré-Mega Man X1, Sigma era o líder dos Irregular Hunters. Em uma certa ocasião, ele lutou contra um Irregular chamado Zero, que tinha uma armadura vermelha e cabelos loiros. Sigma tomou uma tremenda surra de Zero, até que um "W" misterioso brilhou intensamente na testa de Zero, o que levou a uma abertura que Sigma precisava para dar um soco no cristal de Zero e o nocauteou, sem saber que ele estava sendo infectado por um vírus, e sem que ele percebesse, o Comandante dos Irregular Hunters estava se tornando um Irregular. Saindo do local da batalha, Sigma estava mais arrogante, Zero, por outro lado, teve os comportamentos agressivos dele anulados, e mais tarde ele foi adicionado ao grupo dos Irregular Hunters ao lado de um outro super-robô, Mega Man "X". Sigma foi orquestrador geral de muitos eventos, como por exemplo a crise com a Repliforce em Mega Man X4, a queda da Eurasia em Mega Man X5, enquanto que em Mega Man X8, ele foi reduzido a um antagonista secundário, e Lumine assumiu o papel de antagonista central da trama. Sigma sabia que a hora final dele se aproximava, e passou adiante os ideais revolucionários para os seguidores dele, sem saber que Mega Man "X" e Zero continuariam a lutar não apenas contra os Irregulars, mas também contra o destino trágico deles.
Kazuya Mishima - Tekken
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Tekken teve um grande sucesso, provavelmente inspirado em Virtua Fighter. O Fighting Game mais popular da Bandai Namco teve como protagonista um jovem chamado Kazuya Mishima. À primeira vista, Kazuya seria um herói estereotípico assim como Ryu, o protagonista de Street Fighter, no entanto, Kazuya estava destinado a se tornar um vilão irremediável desde o começo, segundo o que diz o perfil de personagem dele no primeiro Tekken. Kazuya entrou no torneio do King of Iron Fist com a pretensa de se vingar do pai bastardo dele, Heihachi Mishima. No final, Kazuya derrotou Heihachi e o jogou de um penhasco. Em Tekken 2, em vez de trazer justiça para a Mishima Zaibatsu, Kazuya repetiu as práticas corruptas de Heihachi, tornando a Mishima Zaibatsu uma organização imperialista duas vezes mais corrupta e malevolente, cometendo atrocidades como extorsão, assassinato, e até mesmo contrabando de espécimes de animais em risco de extinção e experimentos genéticos, com dois exemplos notáveis sendo Alex, um velocirraptor, e Roger, um canguru. Em Tekken 7, Kazuya obteve êxito ao derrotar Heihachi, mas agora, o maior de todos os empecilhos é o filho dele, Jin Kazama.
Dracula - Castlevania(悪魔城ドラキュラ)
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Vale lembrar que o que veio primeiro foi "Drácula" a obra de Bram Stoker, em 1897, mas foi Castlevania que popularizou Dracula como um vilão icônico no mundo dos games. Originalmente ele era um reles humano chamado Mathias Cronqvist, ele caiu na insanidade após à morte da primeira esposa dele, Elisabetha Cronqvist, e se tornou um vampiro imortal graças ao poder da Pedra Carmesim. Servindo como antagonista da maioria dos games da série Castlevania, o rei dos sanguessugas já foi vencido diversas vezes pelos membros da família Belmont, e até mesmo pelo filho rebelde dele, Alucard, no entanto, estacas, espadas, cruzes, e chicotes, não vão adiantar muito contra Dracula, pois ele sempre volta, ainda mais determinado a saborear mais sangue e angariar muito ódio contra os humanos. Por mais que outros antagonistas irrelevantes tivessem destaque, a série Castlevania jamais teria alcançado o grande sucesso de público sem Dracula como figura central da obra. É uma tristeza que a ingratidão da Konami levou a franchise ao esquecimento desde 2014, mas pelo menos Koji Igarashi fez uma obra chamada Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, que fez jus ao legado de Symphony of the Night, no entanto, os vampiros foram substituídos pelos demônios em Bloodstained.
Dr. Neo Cortex - Crash Bandicoot Series
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Em certos aspectos, o Dr. Neo Cortex chega a ser um vilão cômico, mas ele também é um megalômano que anseia em dominar o mundo inteiro, mas os planos dele são sempre arruinados por um experimento fracassado que ele criou: Crash Bandicoot. Neo Cortex incorpora diversos traços de psicopatia, sendo temperamental, e ele manipula a terceiros para conseguir o que ele quer. Como diversos cientistas loucos vilanescos estereotipados, Neo Cortex guarda rancor de outros cientistas por ridicularizarem os projetos científicos bizarros dele(embora viáveis) e ele foi levado a desejos fervorosos de dominação mundial para provar aos colegas dele que eles estavam errados. Nos primeiros games de Crash, Neo Cortex era mais ameaçador e imponente, mas a cada derrota que ele sofria nas mãos de Crash fez ele ficar ainda mais insano, e um dos piores temores dele é o irmãozinho bastardo de Aku Aku, o temido Uka Uka, um vilão bem mais sério e competente. Outro traço notável da personalidade de Neo Cortex é a inabilidade de aprender com erros anteriores, e muitas vezes ele depende da ajuda de Tiny Tiger para derrotar Crash sozinho, embora Tiny Tiger não seja muito competente para enfrentar o protagonista por si próprio. Pense em um sujeito aproveitador.
Dr. Ivo "EGGMAN" Robotnik - Sonic the Hedgehog Series
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Sonic the Hedgehog nunca teria se consolidado como um sucesso mundial se não fosse pelo temido Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. O cientista ovalado está sempre orquestrando certos planos malignos, e Sonic está ali como sempre para detê-lo. Durante a carreira vilanesca, Eggman cometeu diversos crimes, tais como capturar animais inocentes e aprisioná-los em robôs, como fonte de energia para esses robôs, e as coisas se tornam ainda piores em Sonic Forces, em que pouco tempo depois que Sonic foi derrotado por Infinite, Eggman dominou o mundo para se tornar um ditador, mas o mais lúdicro disso tudo foi a forma como Sonic escapou facilmente do lugar onde ele estava aprisionado. Eggman é manipulador, faminto por poder e arrogante, um estrategista ardiloso e cientista brilhante. Toda vez que Sonic aparece para enfrentá-lo, Eggman se descontrola e age como uma criancinha pirracenta. Em outras palavras, Eggman é tão irredimível que não sente remorso pelas ações dele, e se ele ajuda Sonic em alguma aventura envolvendo um antagonista maior, é porque ele não quer perder o tão acirradamente disputado título de arquinimigo de Sonic pra nenhum outro palerma qualquer.
Ansem - Kingdom Hearts
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Para finalizar, vamos falar sobre aquele é que provavelmente o vilão mais irredimível de uma franquia de games. Ansem, também conhecido como Seeker of Darkness, era um entusiasta na busca pelo conhecimento, mas que acabou sendo corrompido pelo poder das trevas, se tornando uma das piores ameaças em Kingdom Hearts. Ansem foi mentor de Xehanort, e as ações dele levaram à criação dos Heartless e dos Nobodies, contribuindo em grande parte para o cais e a destruição em vários mundos. Ansem é um personagem que embora tenha começado com boas intenções, as experiências dele com a escuridão e o poder maior o levaram a um caminho de destruição, tornando-o um dos vilões mais carismáticos e irredimíveis do universo de Kingdom Hearts.
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sanikori · 5 years
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Happy Mother’s Day!
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Alma "appreciation" (more like defense) post
We all know Historia's mother Alma is arguably the most hated mother in the franchise and, whether all the hate is deserved or not, i wanted to just give my two cents.
So, she was the maid and confidant to at least one of the most powerful men in the entire kingdom. He most likely initiated their romantic relationship, based off the brief flashback images we get of him falling to her feet and resting in her lap this is a great possibility. And with the position she was in as just a maid, Alma couldnt have said no. Thus, this "relationship" went on until Historia arrived. Her life was uprooted and more restricted due to this new development and she had no outlet for her frustrations or anger.
Her parents? From flashbacks, you can see they were "disapppinted" or at least not pleased with their new lives on the estate and with Historia's existence.
Rod Reiss? She couldnt share her anger or unhappiness outright because he's either too powerful or just wouldnt understand.
Not to mention it's obviously not socially acceptable to have a kid out of wedlock or to just give up the child for adoption. She was stuck with historia and stuck with her life.
Historia didnt deserve the blunt of Alma's abuse and there's no excuse for what she was put through, but I dont think alma's entirely to blame for her and Historia's situation. Rod Reiss, someone who seduced her and let her die, is never really brought into the posts I've seen "discussing" her. She doesnt deserve ALL the hate and title of worst mom (Reiner's mom deserves that title).
I think we should understand her position more, not to dismiss her abuse and neglect, but to fit Isayama's themes more and see how far and deep they reach.
Alma sucks but it seems like no one really talks about why and how this fits the story's theme.
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shingia · 3 years
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what a waste of a lovely night — [jean kirstein]
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↳ jean + tulip = a lovely night — la la land
↳ to: @livy384​ !
↳ one mention of niccolo x sasha because i just love them sm<3
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it was a shame, really. such a wonderful view, such a romantic atmosphere, wasted on two people who clearly didn’t feel an ounce of attraction for each other.
“niccolo should bring sasha here someday, it’s a nice spot for date” jean broke the frankly awkward silence that had installed ever since he had offered to walk you home after connie’s party, since you were both headed in the same direction anyway.
“…are you trying to tell me something?” you teased him, and watched his face freeze instantly.
“what? no, i meant that it’d be a good date for… people that aren’t us.” he told you, his words sounding a bit rushed. “no offense, but you’re not my type at all”
you scoffed in front of such confidence, and unconsciously began to walk faster: “you’re not my type either, don’t worry”. but jean stayed put. waiting for you to realize that he wasn’t following you anymore, which you did, rather quickly.
“but what if, hypothetically speaking, you were my type. and i was yours?” he asked you, his voice a bit louder to make sure you’d hear him: “in that hypothetical mindset, you would have no reason to turn me down if i asked you out right now?”
you turned around, praying that he wouldn’t notice the effort it was taking for you to conceal a smile: “not if you were my type, no” you agreed with his reasoning, “in fact i’m positive i would say yes”.
it was fun seeing him get all flustered by your words, you had to admit: “cool… but of course that’s all very hypothetical”, he replied before clearing his throat: “still, i should probably get your number. you know, just in case”
“just in case yeah. we can never be too careful” you smiled, as he sheepishly handed you his phone.
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borninolympus · 4 years
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Dedicate your heart
Manga spoilers discussion below 🚨
I know there’s only one chapter left and no hope of Hange ever coming back but... I’d like to believe that Hange somehow survived, reunited back with Levi, retired as soldiers, and now live together in a cabin in the woods.
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vvasilisa · 3 years
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                ‘ for mother’s day -- can i have a new daughter?  ’  / @worstheir​
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falcon94ssy · 4 years
How falcon94ssy made up the backstory of Kiyomi Azumabito:
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Have an eeeky comic inspired by @savalkas​ after a talk on Discord.
Who is the worst Snk parent in your opinion? Feel free to comment in the reblog :)
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txontadraws · 5 years
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‘til the walls did crumble and fall
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sanikori · 5 years
AOT Parents Best To Worst Rank (remake)
1) Carla and Grisha Jaeger:
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My parents aswaklcfsal Carla thought Eren was great just for being born into this world, loved Mikasa as if she was her own daughter and trusted her with Eren, lied about her broken legs to save Eren and Mikasa (when Dina has her in her hand, you can see her legs moving perfectly fine) and while Grisha loved his new family, he never forgot his old one. Instead of going in to kill the Reiss family the time he discovered the crystal cave, he decided to go back to his family. Has ALWAYS loved BOTH of his sons. Has resented his mistreatment torwards Zeke and Dina’s fate till his death and finally got to properly apologize to him (even thought he was long dead), considered Mikasa his daughter. We all own Grisha a big fucking apology, me included
2) Mr and Mrs Ackerman: 
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Both loved Mikasa, both know how the real Mikasa is like, Mikasa’s mom tried to save her but sadly failed. Definently didn’t deserve to die like that.
3) Kuchel Ackerman:
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This poor, poor woman... refused to abort, had strength and courage to raise Levi alone while living in a terrible brothel and working as a prostitute, literally died for him.
4) Kenny Ackerman:
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Suggested Kuchel to abort because she wasn’t in the best condition to be a mom but he gave up because he knew that having a kid has always been Kuchel’s dream so he stepped back and let her do so. Maybe the kid would have made her happier, ended the Ackerman persecution, had the cure to save Kuchel from her illness but came too late, raised Levi even though he knew that we was not fit to be a parent, taught everything Levi had to know about survival, abbandoned Levi because he didn’t want his past to affect him and his bad reputation to be passed on him, shamelessy admitted that Levi is his pride and joy to Reeves. 
5) Sasha’s parents:
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I know mr Braus is animated but mrs Braus is not so i’ll stick to the manga Had every right to kill Gabi but they remind us that violence is not the anwser, that death wouldn’t bring their daughter back, that a killer can be forgiven.
6) Jean’s mom: 
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Is clearly is a single mom since Jean’s dad is nowhere to be found. Despite her son’s rude attitude towards her, this glorious woman still loved Jean like any good mother would.
7) Connie’s parents: 
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Other than seeing them as titans thanks to Zeke, we know nothing about Connie’s parents but they probably loved Connie. Otherwise he wouldn’t be so obsessed with killing Zeke.
8) Erwin’s dad: 
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Gave Erwin ispiration, love and affection, created Erwin’s dream, still loved by Erwin even after his death... had the most unfair death on this list
9) Armin’s parents and Grampa:
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We only know about their deaths, but from their appearences they seemed like very good parents. As for Grampa, he was the one who raised Armin probably alone after mr and mrs Arlert died, was the one who made Armin’s dream of exploring the outside world come to live by giving him his book, Had to abbandon his nephew and got eaten by the titans.
1) Rod and Alma: 
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The OG match made in hell. Alma absolutely hated Historia for unknown reasons, did everything she could to get away from her, didn’t even want to be in the same room as Historia, shoved Historia away from her so hard that she caused her a nosebleed, left the farm after that, has never talked to Historia before and when she did talk to her she said “ If only i had the courage to kill the girl…” or “ THAT THING IS NOT MINE, SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!” “IF ONLY I NEVER HAD YOU–” All that screaming in vain attempt to save her ass from begin sliced like a goat cheese by Kenny (which i thank him for it) When a serial killer manages to be a better father than you, then you should feel ashamed. Rod lived behind Uri’s shadow, made Frieda throw away her humanity and eat Uri which caused her to have her mind controlled by the first king, cheats on his wife with Alma, gets Alma killed (not that i mind) and was about to do the same thing with Historia by Kenny, forced Historia into an identity that wasn’t hers, insulted Uri in front of Kenny, almost manipulated Historia into eating Eren, almost attacked Historia for breaking the syringe and called out only to his father, Uri and Frieda since his wife, lover and 4 other children don’t matter and left them all for death when Grisha killed them, even Frieda. But since karma is an ugly beast, both are dead (possibly rotting in hell) while Historia is safe and sound and became queen. Thank you Ymir, Thank you Frieda.
2) Reiner’s parents:  
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I have no idea how Reiner turned out to be so hot when he has two ugly ass shitheads for parents. Reiner’s father completely disowned his son, called him an Eldian devil and accused him of trying to get him in trouble for having parented an Eldian. Then there’s Karina, who uses Reiner for her own selfish desires and doesn’t give a shit about him, Reiner’s going to die and she doesn’t even care and wants Gabi to go through the same thing. I can’t hate the kids. Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt were children brainwashed into this. They were too young to understand what they were doing to truly understand the consequences of their actions. Gabi, Falco, Udo, Zophia? same. They’re just kids.
3) Annie’s father: 
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Was the one to transform Annie into a killing machine but at least he clearly loves her. He’s still waiting for her. He has my pity, but not my forgiveness.
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victorvictor00000 · 5 years
I noticed that Historia shared many parallel with her mom in her current situation than we give her credit for
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Did you notice the wedding reference? Both were unmarried in their current predicament. Let's move onto the next one
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This is so interesting. her mother alma was also a servant for the reiss family.
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Sounds Familiar?? "servant"
Another parallel that I found out was that both were unhappy in their relationship
Looks like a family tradition.Looks like history repeat itself...the only difference will be, historia will love her baby, because the baby will be like her.
I also think it will make more sense from a narrative and thematic point of view if Historia was placed in the same condition but she is able to surpass her mother by being a good mother to her child. Thus the theme that children will surpass their parents
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shingia · 3 years
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things to do — [hange zoe]
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↳ hange + marigold = pumpkin — the regrettes
↳ fun fact: i accidentally deleted that post 5mn before posting it :’)
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it was hange who first noticed that you had caught a cold, feeling the heat emanating from your body when they woke up on saturday morning. and for someone who never ever got sick, they were surprisingly good at taking care of you, dedicating every single minute of her weekend to your wellbeing; or lack thereof, and always with a smile so bright you were pretty sure it did more good than the meds.
“i’m sorry i ruined your weekend, i know you had stuff to do” you told them when sunday evening came, before taking the last two sips of the soup they had made for you.
with a disapproving click of the tongue - something that you suspected was just levi’s influence - they took the empty bowl from your hands and put it next to theirs on the coffee table. hands now free, they lifted their end of the cover as an invitation for you to come snuggle: “you’re right, i had things to do - oh, by the way, i’m working on a really exciting new experiment that i think would… wait, now’s not the time, i’ll tell you about it later. anyways, yes, i had things to do, but can i tell you something?”
you nodded, silently.
“i don’t really mind doing nothing, as long as i’m doing it with you!” they told you, their signature grin still brightening their face when they kissed the crown of your head: “hey, your fever went down!”.
“i think it did yeah”, you chuckled, “and that’s because a wonderful person took care of me all weekend”
you wondered if your answer made them blush just a little bit. but that was a question that would forever remained unanswered, since your discussion was already headed towards another topic:
“so… about that experiment”
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a/n: yes they did blush because i LIVE for blushy hange <3
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perfectackeracy · 6 years
Who’s the baby daddy? I’m seriously feeling sick with all this wait for the new chapters. Like... I know SnK isn’t supposed to be a romantic manga- and neither a happy Shonen because it’s a dark fantasy. But damn! If Eren will be confirmed the father, EreRi and EreMika shippers- basically a fraction of the fandom, are most likely to drop. Because EreHisu despite the recent build-up, STILL just seems a bit more recent compared to the other ships (even EreAni). I dunno... Sorry for coming in here.
I’d enjoy to see the ereris flipping out, but the erehisus are worse in their misogyny and their fetishization of household wives and forced pregnancy. Not to mention they unironically believe the baby is Eren’s lovechild. Never forget for these people that a girl saying to a boy “hey the weather is nice” means they’ll be married with lots of children. 
It wouldn’t be surprising if the farmer was the father, as Rogue told Nile, and the rest was just shippers making their conspiracy theories up (like Annie and Bertolt having a secret romance, only for Annie to despise both Reiner and Bertolt, even spending the rest of her time away from them -take that, shippers!-). Historia was saddled with Uri’s (carrying a titan of royal blood) and Rod’s (making as much descendants as possible) roles, and depending of Historia’s views on the baby, Alma’s (with the baby being used as a tool for a prolonged life and status ascension, respectively).
The farmer and Historia’s relationship also mirrors Rod and Alma’s. Rod, a royal impregnated a nobody like Alma, although not for the same reason. Historia was ordered to do it as a means to prolongate her life by the Yeagers’ party, while Rod was burdened by his duty, on top of being a sex-addict. Historia was reduced to a breeding cow due to Hizuru’s plan, so anybody could’ve done the deal. The farmer, who repented from his bullying days, just happened to be someone she was comfortable with.
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And becoming a mother clearly doesn't thrill her the slightest - Ch. 107
As for Eren and Historia’s relationship, I really don’t get why people are yelling on every rooftop that it’s that special. Aside from them hating Mikasa and jumping ships because Annie is out of the game, there really isn’t much to it. I mostly saw Eren/Historia as a spiteship against “teh lezbeans and teh creepy stolkar”, since both characters get undermined in any shipping meta I’ve read. Ever since Ymir died, they considered her involvement as Historia completely null, but the few minutes with Eren were a keypoint in their relationship. Also Eren only pursued Historia and obsessed with her, nevermind he develops a complex towards anybody who is able or doesn’t feel like an empty husk.
So really, debating on who fucked Historia is pointless since eventually, both Eren and Yelena got what they wanted: prevent Paradis from feeding Zeke to Historia.
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