#Jan Serpent
goforthequill · 7 months
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"Hand over that sickle, kitty cat."
Another illustration for my now complete fanfic The Golden Hourglass' ninth chapter. Only two more to go!
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mustymausoleum · 1 year
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potato quality pics of a jan serpent closet cosplay 🐍
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feel-the-fire · 1 year
Saw a reaction video to The Last Wish and apparently the subtitles show the Serpent Sisters names as Jan and Jo, Jan being the black haired one and Jo being the braided brunette. Nice to know they were given actual names.
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twisting-echo · 1 year
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Am I seriously the only one who thought of the Stabbington Brothers when the Serpent Sisters were on screen? just me?
Anyway, new ship, you guys!
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la-artist322 · 1 year
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Suggestion by @candycandyboo
Jan and Jo ended up in a large T-shirt due to some sisterly fighting.
Update; I forgot their backhairs, damn it.
Jan and Jo Serpent © Puss in Boots, Dreamworks Fanart © Me
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imastrangeperson · 1 year
Imagine your trying to joke around with JAN and she looks at you with a serious face
What would you do/or say if she looked at you with a serious face?
(You know me I love her serious face I would flirt with her very badly)
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furiousfinnstan · 5 months
P4YPAL/k0Fi both @/ninandrej
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prozac · 3 months
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December 27th, 2008 is the day Anik Pillai was left behind. Trying to find his family, he travels the East Coast with his new friends, avoiding the bloodthirsty monsters created by a world-ending virus. ⠀⠀⠀🌹
🌹 Season 1: 5 months (Jan-May)
⠀Anik Pillai, separated from his sister, makes friendly with multiple people in the chaos of the collapse of society. In this chaos, Anik raises a little boy who was also separated from his family.
1. Destroy My Life | 2. Fueling | 3. More Tigers in Captivity than the Wild | 4. Avtomat Kalashnikova | 5. The Goliath | 6. Soup | 7. A Completely, Totally, Safe Place | 8. Distrust Him | 9. Theatrics | 10. Shape & Scissor
🌹 Season 2: 1 month (June)
⠀Anik and his friends try to escape the city before it is bombed by the remnants of the United States’ government.
1. Nirvana | 2. Is There Anyone Coming For Him? | 3. Raccoon Dye | 4. The Ever-Changing Menu | 5. Top Secret | 6. Hordes Form Hordes | 7. A Nice Walk in the Park | 8. Napalm | 9. Crossing Paths | 10. Down the Fifteen Stories
🌹 Season 3: 2 months (July-August)
⠀Still unable to find his sister & parents, Anik and friends meet a capable married couple, and head to a safe settlement called Wheatville.
1. The Pillai Residence | 2. Another New Acquaintence | 3. I Like Them Scrambled! | 4. Meatballs | 5. Childhood, Weddings, & Forgetfulness | 6. A Most Severe Evil | 7. The Barricade | 8. Wheatfields of Wheatville | 9. Be True, and They Will Follow | 10. He'll Be Leaving Here - With You.
🌹 Season 4: 1 month (September)
⠀The main group learn more about the state of society and science after the fall.
1. The Skin Boils Beneath, Holding Visions | 2. To Wish Impossible Things | 3. Lumbar Puncture | 4. Fever Dream | 5. Meatfillings | 6. Separation Anxiety | 7. Wise Serpent and Harmless Dove | 8. X | 9. Round and Round They Go | 10. The Doctorate of Otis Ross
🌹 Season 5: 3 months (October-December)
⠀The main group learn more about the virus that has made the world implode.
1. Bedridden | 2. Teeth Bared Raw | 3. Bullet Factory / Piece of Cake | 4. It Cycles | 5. Dogs Howling Out of Key | 6. Unused Grain Silo | 7. Mouse Maze | 8. Burning the Flag Wrapped Around Him | 9. Devil | 10. The Prophecy
🌹 Season 6: 1 year (January-December)
⠀Those who remain stay at the first major rebuilt faction: a settlement called Libertytown.
1. Money, Pennies | 2. Libertytown | 3. 'Doc | 4. Knights of the Walled Kingdom | 5. Two-Face | 6. In Between His Denial | 7. Cokehead | 8. His Garden | 9. IT WILL BE A MASSACRE | 10. The Promise
🌹 Season 7: 4 months (January-April)
⠀While the group is forcibly split, Anik and those with him travel to the city formerly known as Atlanta, which hosts another rebuilt faction: Center for Safety.
1. Desperation | 2. Guidance | 3. Red-Jacketed (Her) Killer | 4. Position of Power | 5. The Doctorate of Xavier Gray | 6. (Rabbit) | 7. Double / Stranded | 8. A Monster | 9. Can't You Hear Me Crying Out? | 10. The Payoff
🌹 Season 8: 1 yr (May-May)
⠀A period of rest. However, the surface of calm begins to bubble…
1. Third Day | 2. To:California | 3. Anju | 4. Seventh & Finger | 5. Hi. I Can Help. | 6. Shortages | 7. The Door's Left Wide Open | 8. Knights of the Walled Kingdom II | 9. Truth | 10. A Game of Chess
🌹 Season 9: 2 months (June-July)
⠀Anik learns more about the state of the world outside of the embrace of the powerful settlements.
1. Two-Face II | 2. Hanged Man | 3. To… Awesome! Village! | 4. Just One More | 5. Preacher | 6. Butcher | 7. Angel | 8. of Death | 9. You Think You’re Alone | 10. Letter Left Behind
🌹 Season 10: 1 month (August)
1. Gods Before Me | 2. Idols | 3. In Vain | 4. Sunday | 5. HONOR YOUR FATHER | 6. Murder | 7. Adultery | 8. Theft | 9. The False Witnesses | 10. Two-Face III
🌹 Season 11: 11 months (September-July)
⠀Anik is alone.
1. The Other Letter Left Behind | 2. Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth | 3. Pawned | 4. Meatrots | 5. His Fire | 6. New Creation of Man | 7. Don’t Jump the Line | 8. You Like Them Scrambled? | 9. Obituary For the Inner Self | 10. Knights of the Walled Kingdom III
🌹 Season 12: 6 months (August-January)
⠀Valentino King, hungry ruler of the Kingdom faction, strikes a deal with the mourning Anik Pillai. Anik takes that deal.
1. The King | 2. Golden Boy | 3. Family | 4. The Ballroom | 5. Obsession | 6. The Round Table | 7. I Promise | 8. Anik’s Life is Perfect | 9. Zero Shame | 10. The Kingdom
🌹 Season 13: 1 year 4 months (Feburary x2-June)
⠀With society on the coast all forming alliances, the new faction Home begins to become a place of respite.
1. Beginning of | 2. A Gentle Hand | 3. Anu | 4. Tiger in a Tight Enclosure | 5. The Dependent | 6. Blue / Pink | 7. No-One Hears Me Crying Out | 8. Up All Night | 9. I shall… | 10. Home.
🌹 Season 14: ~3 days (July)
The war begins to end.
1. RUN, RABBIT! | 2. Brim | 3. A Growing Boy Needs | 4. Drink Your Blood for the Taste | 5. 7 Seconds | 6. Here, or There | 7. Salvation | 8. Play Witness | 9. Luck | 10. (KNIFE)
🌹 Season 15: 6 months (July-December)
⠀Anik Pillai finishes what was started.
1. Dawn of the Rest of Your Life | 2. His Great Desire | 3. Queened | 4. Oh, Stranger | 5. Rebirth | 6. Too Late to Truly Mean Anything | 7. Amma | 8. To: Die Easy | 9. Like Father | 10. And All That I Loved
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🥀
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rainbeausworld · 5 months
The Horned Serpent
So before I get started on this one, I have a couple of things to get out of the way. First, I will be using she/her pronouns for the Horned Serpent; this is just because UPG and because I'm used to it. I know someone else who venerates/worships the Horned Serpent, uses they/them pronouns for them, and considers them to be beyond gender / present as whatever gender they feel like. Second, I will be focusing on my interpretation of her on the Gundestrup Cauldron, in part because there's really not a lot of literature on her, even when you include works that specifically analyze Cernunnos' depictions. Third (and related), I will be using the National Museum of Denmark's estimate as to when/where the Gundestrup Cauldron was made, which is roughly in the Danubian or Wallachian Plain(s) around 150 BCE to 1 CE (link).
So first a little historical & cultural context. This area, as far as culture groups, would have been a heck of a melting pot, between the Dacians and Thracians that already lived there, the Scythians coming in and also living near by, the Gauls that moved in around the 300s-200s, the Greeks who came up and started establishing colonies along the Black Sea in the 300s, and the Romans, encroaching on everyone's business around the time the Cauldron was built. A pretty solid primer on the history of the region is A Companion to Ancient Thrace, published by Wiley Blackwell.
So I'm gonna try to make sense but it might be a little disorganized going forward. Anyway, onto the actual thoughts & stuff. So anyone who's taken even a passing glance at Cernunnos is well aware of the Horned Serpent, since she is present in basically every ancient art you can find with him. On the Gundestrup Cauldron, she appears three times, all on the interior panels. One is at the Hero's heel, who's holding the wheel; a second is at the end of a line of heroic riders, which seems to be a Thracian horseman motif; and of course the famous Cernunnos panel. In Thracian Tales of the Gundestrup Cauldron, published by Najade Press, Jan Best presents an interpretation of the interior panels as a story, and assumes that Cernunnos is singing in his famous panel, specifically about the secrets of immortality, a concept which was very popular at the time. I agree with this and I also assume that the depiction of Taranis / the wheel god is that he is also singing, and if he is singing then the lions and griffins - both predators associated with kingship (griffins were protectors of the pharaoh, and also decorated certain tombs out in ancient Persia), then the action of passing off the Wheel must have symbolic meaning, such as being handed the Wheel of Heaven.
The Gundestrup Cauldron's exterior also has very clear influence from the Scythians, you can almost 1:1 map the gods based on Herodotus's retelling of the Pontic stories. I believe there are also thematic parallels going on here on the Wheel God panel, featuring a new god/king being given the symbol of his domain. Wikipedia actually has some relatively thorough articles on Scythian religion as well as the genealogical myth specifically, which is the myth that I personally associate with the wheel-giving panel. As well, the animals in this panel don't appear to be particularly concerned with attacking anyone - if anything, the griffins and lionesses are slightly tilted from one to the next, which makes me think it's more likely that they are dancing, especially if the human/divine subjects are singing, especially if the human with the helmet is receiving a high honor, potentially his rank amongst the gods. In this panel, she is just at the hero's feet, not really joining the parade if the animals, but clearly not ready to attack either, but her attention does seem to be drawn towards the hero.
The final panel she is on is the panel featuring the nine soldiers and the heroized dead, represented by the "Thracian horseman" motif. After Alexander the Great and his penchant for having statues of himself be on horseback, it became popular for wealthy men and nobles to depict themselves riding horseback to a goddess or sacred tree (unfortunately my best source discussing this in English is also not great and he comes up with some..... questionable theories), but the popularity seems to have blown up to the point where even deities such as Zeus were depicted on horseback in a similar manner. There are also mentions in a few other sources that the Thracians believed in the ability for people to essentially become immortal after death. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble sorting out my notes and this essay has been nagging me for weeks now.
Anyway, I interpret this panel as what is expected to happen to us after we die - the "ordinary", so to speak, are lead to a deity, likely to be reincarnated (this is honestly just a guess on my part largely due to the popularity of that in Greece for ever, and Grecian influence was in full swing by the time the Cauldron was made), meanwhile the "extraordinary" are lead by the Horned Serpent.
This is where I tie all three together to my upg/theology: The Horned Serpent is a friend and ally to Cernunnos. He teaches the secrets of life after death to those who will listen. The Horned Serpent is by his side during his teaching, and when we die, if we have proven ourselves worthy during life, she guides us through the trials of the afterlife. If we succeed in these trials, we are awarded with apotheosis - becoming a god or godlike - and she stands by our side as we earn this prize.
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@musingmelsuinesmelancholy sorry it took me so long x.x & I hope this makes sense!
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eddy25960 · 3 months
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Apollo killing the Serpent Python - Jan Muller (Holland, Ámsterdam, 1571-1628)
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chacha-tortuga · 3 months
Do you have any particular inspirations for your artwork?
I will preface this by stating that I draw way less than before for multiple reasons, so it's come to a point where all my inspirations are fuzzy in my mind. My visual library has been fueled a lot these last years but it's become passive to the point of not really thinking about it much anymore. The few times I draw for myself I rely solely on my comfort zone so it's become a feedback loop of trying to stick to my own art and where influences per se get drowed out. But answering this ask I will try really hard to find what got me to have various visual "it makes sense alright". I won't also mention the influences I have for professional related works because they change all the time and when I'm a technician I don't feel like my style has that much of an importance.
So, my Influences :
Style wise I had a before-and-after feeling when I discovered the art of Alexei Kallima. His works focus on various themes but I really am inspired by his paintings depicting hooliganism and violence. His compositions for his series of the team of parachutist women are simply incredible.
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Speaking of hooliganism, the short film I Love Hooligans by Jan-Dirk Bouw is also an inspiration.
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For my traditional art, I use mostly a gel pen freehand for my sketches, which is my favorite way of drawing all things considered. I use a bit of watercolour occasionaly to make my sketches more lively. My main influence in that medium has to be Gipi and his comic books. My favourite ones are Appunti Per Una Storia Di Guerra and S. You can absolutely see how I shamelessly copied his lines and features on his characters, I find them absolutely delightful.
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My friend showed me a short film which was very similar in style, it's called Yul et le Serpent by Gabriel Harel. I loved it.
In terms of linework, Taiyo Matsumoto was also a before-and-after experience. I discoreved him with Amer Beton and Ping Pong and absolutely got won over style wise with Number Five. I now usually get a bit rougher with my ink lines with my pen like him. He gets different levels of detail and varies style depending on the feeling of a panel or the distance to the viewer. I joke saying he pretty much doesn't give a fuck about the character model and I wish I had that intuition about my own drawings. The animated adaptation of Ping Pong is probably my favorite anime, and inspires me greatly for my animation work. Once again playing with the medium.
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My main "intuition" in art has always been colours. I love colouring my art and choosing what goes well with what and do the colour scripts for my projects and all. Movie wise the main guy who gets me creative is Rémi Chayé. The Long Way North is one of my favourite movies and the colours there are insanely good.
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Otherwise I'm a huge fan of abstract art, I will only cite Rothko because it's the only one where I've seen his artwork in the flesh and I Get how his colours works organically.
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Other abstract artists who inspire me, but not especially related to colours for my art are the russian avant-garde artists, I love constructivism and suprematism (I even got a tattoo of a work by Iakov Chernikhov, the one pictured in fact). So obviously Malevitch (regarding of the period), El Lissitzky, Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova etc.
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Ukrainian mosaic artists but in particular Galina Zubchenko.
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For my personal art including my OCs my main inspiration is the photographer Robert Capa.
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Another photographer I love is obviously Robert Mapplethorpe (two Roberts mentionned!).
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You'll get that now I mostly draw stuff related to post apocalypse and/or wastelands scenarios, so the books Metro 2033, Roadside Picnic (a lot of books and novels from the Strugatski brothers in general). I tend to stick with an artisanal vision of these settings rather than a fully militarized one. I think it makes everything more interesting.
I can't not include obviously real footage and photographies of modern conflicts I guess.
I guess that's all I can think of "precisely" and can name with certainty. I also have a pinterest board for art inspiration if you want to check it out.
I hope that's not too disappointing of an answer and that it's at least interesting.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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What’s Your Ancient Egyptian Horoscope Sign ?
Thoth (Aug 29 – Sept 27)
Horus (Sept 28 – Oct 27)
Wadjet (Oct 28 – Nov 26)
Sekhmet (Nov 27 – Dec 26)
Sphinx (Dec 27 – Jan25)
Shu (Jan 26 – Feb 24)
Isis (Feb 25 – Mar 26)
Osiris (Mar 27 – April 25)
Amun (April 26 – May 25)
Hathor (May 26 – June 24)
Phoenix (June 25 – July 24)
Anubis (July 25 – Aug 28)
Thoth ☥
Are great at solving problems. You can master an artistic pursuit should you put your mind to it. You have a special talent for writing. You’re capable of taking command, and of helping friends in need. You remember to listen carefully to others in your group, knowing that two heads are often better than one. This way, you always have the respect and love of your friends and classmates.
flexible, methodical, original, & precise
Herb: thyme
Stone: carnelian
Tree: quince
Animal: ibis
Flower: marigold
Guardian: Egyptian god Thoth, God of Learning. Thoth is often shown with a writing palette.
Horus ☥
Courageously fight for what you believe in. You’re like the shining sun, brightening the lives of your friends and family. You choose your battles wisely. You know that sometimes the best battles are won through weighing the opposite side’s point of view and finding common ground.
optimistic, sociable, motivated & courageous.
Herb: Rosemary
Stone: Citrine
Tree: Acacia
Animal: Falcon
Flower: Carnation
Guardian: Egyptian god Horus, God of the Sky. Horus often represents kingship.
Wadjet ☥
Have strong family values. You love family traditions, and love creating new traditions with your extended family–in other words, your best friends! You are also kind and respectful to those outside your ‘inner circle’. You realize there’s always a chance that, someday, those people could become cherished friends, too.
loyal, altruistic, rational & cautious.
Herb: Mustard
Stone: Amethyst
Tree: Ash
Animal: Serpent
Flower: Hyacinth
Guardian: Egyptian goddess Wadjet, Cobra Goddess. Wadjet is often seen protecting kings and justice
Sekhmet ☥
Delight your friends with your humor, and are a joy to be around. You lighten your friends’ troubles during hard times. You have the grace and speed of a lion or a cat, and can do well in athletic pursuits should you choose to do them. You are so light on your feet that your friends and family may seem slow at times. However, you stay patient, and they love you for this.
intelligent, witty, eloquent & optimistic.
Herb: Pepper.
Stone: Tiger’s Eye.
Tree: Sandalwood.
Animal: Lioness.
Flower: Poppy.
Guardian: Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, Lion Goddess of War. Sekhmet can be found on the
battlefield, fighting for what’s right.
Sphinx ☥
Delight your friends with your mysterious nature. You can make the most mundane situations seem fascinating. You may even have a talent to divine the future, and can help your friends sort out problems. You remember that, while you love pondering the riddles in life, you have both hands and feet strongly rooted to the earth. You can be straightforward and completely grounded when you need to be.
adaptable, discerning, serious, & foresighted
Herb: Coriander.
Stone: Quartz.
Tree: Almond.
Animal: Lion.
Flower: Lily.
Guardian: Egyptian Sphinx, God of Treasures and Transformation
Shu ☥
Are incredibly creative. You enjoy using your artistic talents for the delight of your friends and family–whether through drawing or cartooning, cooking or baking, writing stories or poetry. If you can imagine it, you can do it. You remember any artistic pursuit takes time to fully develop, and once you decide upon a course, you follow through, knowing there will be challenges along the way.
humorous, creative, principled & conscientious
Herb: Lemon balm.
Stone: Moonstone.
Tree: Silver Birch.
Animal: Swallow.
Flower: Iris.
Guardian: Egyptian godddess Shu, Goddess of Sunlight and Wind. Shu is depicted wearing an ostrich feather, holding up the sky.
Isis ☥
Have a strong love of honor, and a wonderfully idealistic view of the world. Your humor, confidence, and kindness make you popular among friends. You enjoy being active, and your example encourages others to be active, too. When times are serious, you withdraw to think on your own. You remember, however, that trustworthy friends are there for you and make great listening boards.
honorable, self-confident & active
Herb: Tarragon.
Stone: Lapis Lazuli.
Tree: Sycamore.
Animal: Cat.
Flower: Rose.
Guardian: Egyptian goddess Isis, Goddess of Protection, her broad wings can enfold others in safety.
Osiris ☥
Are born with an amazing talent: you transform old and tired things into something new and exciting. Your friends and family enjoy being around your flair for setting trends. You love “before and afters”, whether it’s helping people find new styles or making over your bedroom into a cool place to spend time with friends. Someday, you might make over a failing company and turn it into the hot new thing!
HOW FRIENDS AND FAMILY SEE YOU: energetic, generous, quick-witted, & curious
Herb: Basil.
Stone: Moss agate.
Tree: Ceder.
Animal: Scarab.
Flower: Violet.
Guardian: Egyptian god Osiris, God of Renewal and Rebirth.
Amun ☥
Are an excellent and energetic leader; you lead through inspiration and never tell people what to do. When it comes to school projects and team sports, all your friends want to partner up with you! Friends and family often come to you for guidance. You listen carefully, and only suggest answers that you know are within that person’s ability.
HOW FRIENDS AND FAMILY SEE YOU: strong willed, confident, good leader & resolute
Stone: Turquoise.
Tree: Oak.
Animal: Ram.
Flower: Bluebell.
Guardian: Egyptian god Amun, God of construction. He’s depicted constructing the world around us.
Hathor ☥
YOU: Love everything about this life, from your friends and family, to the world around you. You show people how to find luxury in the simple stuff. You encourage people to do things like lie in a field of soft grass on a sunny afternoon and watch the fluffy clouds float past. Never jealous, instead you champion the success of others, whether in school, love or competition. This way, good things come to you, simply because you take so much enjoyment in them!
HOW FRIENDS AND FAMILY SEE YOU: extrovert, charming, enthusiastic & romantic
Stone: Jasper.
Tree: Elm.
Animal: Cow.
Flower: Cowslip.
Guardian: Egyptian goddess Hathor, Goddess of Love.
Phoenix ☥
Have the amazing ability to create possibilities out of nothing. You are extremely optimistic because you know that failure simply means ‘one possibility down, fewer tries to go!’. You encourage friends and family to keep going, keep trying, when all they see is a big wall in the way. You take calculated risks. You enjoy time alone, but also know that time spent amongst friends and family are what make life and its triumphs–big or small–meaningful.
HOW FRIENDS AND FAMILY SEE YOU: resilient, determined, flexible, & inspiring
Stone: Amber.
Tree: Alder.
Animal: Lyrebird.
Flower: Daffodil.
Guardian: Egyptian god Pheonix, God of Resurrection
Anubis ☥
Are widely respected amongst your friends and family. They love you because you do what you say you will. You have great determination and the ability to finish what you begin. You rely on your inner knowledge to discover truths about yourself and the world around you, and this insight is helpful to you and others. When things around you seem to be falling apart, you are the one who keeps them together. You always do this in a calm, kind way.
sympathetic, sensitive, strong, & spirited
Herb: Savory.
Stone: Obsidian.
Tree: Yew.
Animal: Jackal.
Flower: Foxglove.
Guardian: Egyptian god Anubis, God of the Spirit World.
DID YOU KNOW? Ancient Egyptians were early pioneers of astrology.
When a child was born, priests sometimes drew a star chart for the parents. Egyptian architects also looked to the heavens for inspiration. Some of ancient Egypt’s most impressive monuments, including certain pyramids, were designed to line up with the stars at different seasons throughout the year.
Source : https://www.consciousreminder.com/2017/02/08/whats-ancient-egyptian-horoscope-sign/
☥ ☥ ☥
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blankd · 6 months
trying to do more Casual Blogging, so I'll be using #blankd's blabbies as a tag if you want to mute them
ANYWAY- so I'm typing up a ~*light novel*~ for an LN competition (submission deadline is Jan 31st, wish me luck! o7)
it is of course a fantasy story following a blacksmith seizing the opportunity to go on a quest to find the Golden Kingdom of legend
in an effort to not lose track of what the core cast looks like, I did some absolutely SCRUNGLY doodles of them. You can find them (and some extremely brief notes) stored under the read more, enjoy!
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Arty is the primary POV character and in addition to being a blacksmith, is a bovine leykin (a magical furry anime animal personTM), which makes her the tallest and beefiest of the cast. She can break someone in half but resists as that would be bad for business
Erzatz is [spoilers], but she is ~*kawaii*~
Rag is a scraggly mutt of a man, he is 100% human, he is terrible with his money so he loots armor and weapons off dead people
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Dan Di is a mouse leykin, she is very short and would cast Explode on people if it didn't reflect poorly on Lord Yinzhou; she is the youngest of the cast and will be sure you know she is a prodigy who graduated top of her class--
Ouros is a sea serpent from the artic sea, she is a grumpy grandma who dotes on and smothers Yinzhou in a way only a sentient snake could. She is the size of a boat but can be melted to merely be the size of a giant anaconda.
Yinzhou, a young lord from the Suchou Empire, on a mission to find the Golden Kingdom for reasons TOTALLY UNRELATED to politics. He is an expert marksman and maintains his composure by keeping the screaming inside.
I will likely do proper drawings of them down the line with some actual effort and colors.
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la-artist322 · 1 year
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Happy (late) Birthday to @imastrangeperson.
Jan and Jo Serpent © Puss in Boots, Dreamworks Art © Me
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the eye of the storm.
platonic loceit/dlampr
hello gang
it has been… a while since i’ve written sanders sides content. i was into it for years before i dropped it and now i’ve picked it back up again. i forgot how much i loved this series. i’ve been rewatching it and remembered just how much i was so excited for the reveal of the super mysterious and spooky orange side, and i got a little pang of inspiration from the working through intrusive thoughts aside video. here is some really shitty angst/comfort; it’s been a while so my characterizations may be off, apologies in advance. and also my apologies for the spacing— i wrote this on docs and i didn’t realize the spacing would be so wide. sorry!!
scroll to v end for authors notes!
The date with Nico had gone so good! Thomas was reeling him in hook, line, and sinker; and Remus was able to be contained for the whole time! Sure, he had some moments, but nothing that none of them couldn’t handle. Now, as the sun set and shades of fuchsia and orange painted the sky above the exhibit, everyone decided it was time to go home.
The moment Thomas began to walk back all of the sides sank out, reappearing in his mind in an all too familiar routine. Remus was the only one absent for their outing, everyone else should have been here.
While Roman and Patton were happily reminiscing about the date, exchanging compliments and giggles, Virgil glanced around. He refused to glance in a certain serpent’s direction, but the room still felt empty.
Something was off.
Was it the coffee table? Couch? Maybe the blanket…?
“Where’s Logan?”
That seemed to break Roman and Patton from their conversation, and they both turned to look at Virgil.
“…Hey, yeah! Where’s our Logan?” Patton asked.
“Oh, who cares! He’s probably sulking because Thomas went out and had fun with the cutest frickin’ guy ever!” Roman proclaims, overly dramatic as always.
Patton puts his hands on his hips. “Now, Roman. Be nice to Logan! He was just trying to get Thomas to be productive— ya can’t argue the state of his home is a little…”
“Revolting?” Virgil finishes the sentence for him.
“I was gonna say icky, but that works too!” Patton grins at Virgil. “But anyway, don’t get mad at him for trying to help!”
“Pfft— help. Nerd.” Roman chuckles, earning a slight glare from Patton. “He could try to help by not getting in the way of our already non-existent love life!”
“You know, Patton’s right, Roman.” Janus murmurs from his corner. “Your twin gave him quite the bit of trouble today…”
Roman straightens his posture, almost defensive, as he glares at the slimy fiend. “What do you mean? What did that mangy mongrel do to him?”
Janus shrugs. “Oh. Nothing. I’m sure you wouldn’t care about that, Logan is just a speed bump on the road to love, and all that…” He says dismissively.
“Tell. Me.” Roman insists, moving closer towards Janus. “What did he do?”
Janus examines his glove, almost unbothered before he looks up at Roman. “Well…”
Roman glares. A silent message to get it the hell over with.
“When Thomas was up in the wee hours of the night, Logan and him decided on a new schedule. You know how those work out for Thomas.”
“Yeah. They don’t.” Roman murmured.
“Mhm. Usually it’s just because Thomas is more… spontaneous. Carefree, if you will. He likes to jump from task to task. Doing a list can be overwhelming, but Logan was just so dedicated to helping him stick to it. And poor Thomas even wanted to do it!…”
“…Jan. You lied, kiddo.”
“Whatever.” Janus shrugs. “Anyways. Remus decided to make Logan’s life a living hell by trying to kill or maim Thomas or Logan himself, but usually he ended up hurting himself.”
“Is that where the sparkly green eyepatch came from?!” Roman gasped.
“…Yes.” Janus murmured. “Anyways. Logan tried to reason with him and—”
“Is no one gonna ask why he knows all this?!” Virgil interjects.
Janus huffs. “Are ANY of you going to let me talk?!” He sighs. “And before you ask, I listen. To everything. Are there ANYMORE questions before I answer the first one?!”
Patton raises his hand for a moment before it shoots back down.
“Perfect. Great. Back to what I was saying… Logan confronted Remus after a few failed attempts and tried to reason with him, because this was one of the few times he’s actually gotten Thomas on a schedule and he tried to stick to it. So, you can tell why he’d be a little irritated about his incessant attempts at getting him off task.”
Roman raises a brow. “And…?”
“Logan screamed at him.”
“Oh.” Roman chuckles. “Yeah, he does that—”
“His eyes shone orange.”
A silence fell over the room. There was a silent, unspoken yet unified agreement that they all knew what that meant. And they knew it was bad.
Virgil was the first to break the silence. “…fuck.”
“…Did… Thomas? See? Do we have to have another confrontation so soon?!” Patton gasped.
“No. No he didn’t. Remus mocked him for the outburst almost instantly and as far as I’m aware, the interaction was over after that.”
“…What made Logan lose his cool that badly over something like that?” Roman hummed.
Janus rolled his eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. How about the fact that you all ignore him?”
“How dare you! I don’t ignore Mark Zucker-nerd; I just don’t listen to him!”
“…Roman. Buddy. That’s ignoring.”
Roman paused, looking down. “…so it is! But either way— we don’t ignore him, Janus. It isn’t my fault he never has anything helpful to add!”
“Oh, please. Logan is literally the embodiment of Logic. He’s resolved how many of these past issues? Logan does the most and gets the least reward, Roman. You have the most influence over our host, followed by Patton and Virgil. Maybe lately me and Remus have had a little fun taking the wheel every now and again— but when was the last time you let Logan make a big decision? You decided to skip the callback, you decided to go on the date. All Logan gets influence on is his little passion project, which he’s probably abandoned at this point because I seriously doubt there’s much passion left in him.”
Janus’ rant has left the other sides staring; Roman in disbelief, mostly at the audacity, Patton in shame, and Virgil in guilt. Deep down, they knew Janus was right.
“…Okay. Maybe I’ve been… a little… controlling.” Roman murmured.
“A lot.” Janus hummed.
Patton leans over to him, “Hey, Jan— kiddo. Small wins.”
“Right, Patton,” He whispers back, sighing. “Anyway. I suggest we try to make this up to Logan one way or another. After we make sure he’s alright.”
“I’m not checking on him. I love the guy, but if I step ten feet near conflict I’ll throw up and die.” Virgil mumbles, throwing his hood up.
“Logan doesn’t usually take comfort from me all that well. I think he finds it kinda patronizing…” Patton frowns. “But I’d be happy to try!”
“No, you're right… and he’d only think I was mocking him.” Roman murmured.
One by one, all their eyes drift to Janus.
“…You want me to go in there. Don’t you.”
“Well, yeah! You’re the most neutral with him! Logan doesn't know you super well and while I’m sure he didn’t appreciate your impersonating of him, I think you see eye to eye with him on a lotta stuff! That helps!” Patton grinned. “You might be the best candidate for this kinda thing.”
Virgil sighs. “….I can’t believe I’m agreeing with this… but yeah. Janus is the best candidate for this particular job…”
“…Of course. Fine. I’ll go check on him.” Janus huffs. He leaves his little corner in the shadows, brushing past the other three and making his way down the hallway. It doesn’t take him long to reach Logan’s door. Usually there’s light peeking from underneath the door, but that’s absent this time. Hmm…
Janus knocks three times.
Usually a “one moment” or a “come in” would follow. But there is silence.
Janus waits a moment, before knocking again, this time accompanying it with a “Logan? You alright?”
He’s met with silence again.
Janus sighs, placing his hand on the doorknob and twisting slowly. He pushes the door open, peeking in just a bit to get an idea of what he’s getting himself into.
The moment the door opens just a crack it’s blown open with immeasurable force, pulling Janus inside and slamming the door behind him. The room is barely a room anymore— more so a culmination of wind. Janus can make out a few objects— calendars with black and red marker scribbled over the dates, some books and some pages torn from them, blank sheets of paper, and a few pens and little knickknacks. Glancing around quickly, Janus realizes there’s a soft, barely there orange glow coming from the center of the room.
“Logan!” Janus calls, trying to push his way through but inevitably getting pushed back against the door. “Logan, let me in! I will help!”
There’s some sort of loud noise, but Janus can barely make it out throughout the pounding sound of wind against his ears.
Fine. Be difficult. It takes a lot of strength, and a lot of mental willpower, but he’s able to carve out a path directly into the eye of the storm. Janus heaves a bit as he walks, immediately taking note of Logan.
He’s… never seen the other so distressed. And honestly, it stings.
Logan is sat on the floor on his knees, hunched over and sobbing. Janus has never seen him cry, never heard it either. But this is just too much…
“…Logan?” He calls quietly, softly. Trying his best not to startle the other.
Said side looks up with a horrified gaze. His eyes gleam with amber tones and the best descriptor Janus has at the moment is overwhelmed.
“Calm down, calm down.” Janus shushes, kneeling to Logan’s level. Instinctively, Logan tries to back away, and Janus lets him. He gives Logan his space. “Deep breaths. Breathe…”
And he tries. All he can manage is panicked and shaky short breaths that can’t be delivering much air to his brain. Janus could see this plain as day. “Logan. Think you’re stable enough to talk?”
Logan glances up and after a moment's hesitation, he nods quickly.
“Five things you can see. Can you do that for me?”
Logan glances around quickly. “Books.” He murmurs, almost rapid as he speaks. “…Calendar. Marker. Pen…” He looks around again. “Cube.”
“Alright. Good. Four things you can feel?”
“…Clothes. Glasses.” His tone is almost robotic, despite it being watery. “Wind… and… and… and the floor.”
Janus can see and feel the wind slowing, even if just a little bit.
“Good. How about three things you can hear?”
“You. Me. Wind.”
“Almost done. Two things you can smell?”
“Um…” Logan panics again. Another question he can’t answer. Of course. “Cologne? Maybe… and… and…”
“Focus, Logan. You’re okay. It’s okay.”
“Good. Last one. One thing you can taste.”
The wind slows to a stop. All the objects fall from where they were propelled. They could deal with that later.
“See? You’re okay. It’s okay.”
Logan looks up, eyes still watery and overflowing with tears. He’s shaking. The word that comes to Janus’ mind is helpless. He knows it’d make Logan worse so he decides to keep that thought inside.
“Now. Would you like to talk about this?”
“I don’t know how!” His tone is surprisingly aggressive, but it doesn’t seem like Logan. It’s out of character for him. He’s crumbling. “I don’t know how to… to talk about this! I’ve never— I’ve never felt so… so…”
“Breathe, Logan.” Janus offers. “It’s alright. Just—”
“LET ME TALK.” Logan shouts; the ferocity of the moment is only comparable to earlier when Remus had pushed too far.
And Janus falls silent. He doesn’t take it personally. He knows it isn’t— Logan is just so overcome with it all he’s lost control. He knows just how bad they can be.
And Logan realizes just what he’s done a moment after, and he falls back into helpless sobs, curling around himself. He feels so fucking awful. Not only is he useless, but he’s an asshole too. Another flaw to add to the ever growing list.
“Logan, I know you’re overwhelmed…” Janus reaches a hand out to touch, but he hesitates, and quickly lets it fall back to his side. “Tell me what’s going on. What’s got you so upset?”
Logan hesitates speaking, before he sobs out his words, “I’m so awful, Janus…”
“If this is about today, you’re not. Remus is especially heinous and you know that—”
“It isn’t just today!” He shouts. “It’s getting harder and harder to do my job and get through to him— I-I’m not good enough, Janus. I can’t do anything anymore! I used to be able to… to do everything, and it was fine. My calendars were in perfect order, I kept the others in check while maintaining a balance— I wasn’t a fucking emotional wreck!” Logan sobs, looking up at Janus desperately. “I’m useless. I can’t— I’m not—”
“Logan. You’re magnetizing.” Janus murmurs.
“Magnifying.” He corrects.
“See? You’re still capable of doing your job. And you still do your job just fine.” Janus puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, smoothing over the wrinkled shirt. “Everyone’s been in chaos these last few months… and that’s partly me and Remus’ fault. We haven’t been easy adjustments.” He sighed. “But,” And he holds up his finger with a dramatic pause, “You of all people have been the most versatile. You put forth your best effort Logan— more so than the other sides have. You know that.”
“But my best isn’t good enough.”
“It is. It is. You don’t believe it is, but it is.” Janus assures. “It isn’t your fault you’re getting overshadowed.”
“Perhaps if my methods were different, if my tactics were better—”
“Shhh.” Janus presses his finger to Logan’s lips, effectively silencing him momentarily.
“Logan. You’re doing nothing wrong.”
“Then why am I getting ignored?”
Janus didn’t have an answer immediately. And he could tell that upset Logan even further, despite the fact he was trying to conceal his tears.
“I don’t know, Logan. I’m sorry.” He sighed. “But I’ll never ignore you. You know that, right?”
He sniffles, nodding.
“…Do you want a hug?”
Logan hesitates for a long moment, as if weighing the pros and cons. Potential comfort and warmth, but also a huge dent in his reputation.
This was a pretty big dent too. Fuck it.
Janus wraps his arms around Logan, hugging him tightly. “You’re alright. It’s alright..” He murmurs. “You’re okay.”
While Logan quietly cried into Janus’ shoulder, the scaly of the two silently wills the objects back into their places. He doesn’t need Logan even more stressed.
“Do you feel better?”
Logan nods, swallowing thickly. His throat feels scratchy…
“…I don’t think I’ve ever felt those… those feelings so… intensely.” He cringes at the word; it feels sticky and wrong on his tongue.
“I know… but it’s all over now. You’re calmer. Your room isn’t a tornado.”
Logan blinks, glancing up. “Oh. I was…” He looks around quickly. “Everything is in its place…?”
“I put it back. I know mess overwhelms you.”
Logan can’t help the microscopic smile.
“Thank you, Janus… I… apologize for all this.”
“Don’t mention it. It was out of your control. Now,” He pulls away slightly. “Do you need me to stay? I’m more than happy to.”
Logan thinks for a moment, and then shakes his head. “No. I believe some time alone would benefit me. I need to ‘recharge,’ if you will.”
Janus stands and makes his way to the door. “Alright. If you need anything else, you know where my room is.”
“I do. Again, thank you.”
“No worries, Logan. That’s what friends are for.”
(i wrote these authors notes as i wrote the story; i didn’t wanna stick them in as i wrote so i put them all at the end.)
authors note: i forgot how vividly i imagined their headspace; even down to the order of the doors. in case you’re wondering, the hallway of their rooms (which you enter from the right side) goes from left to right as such: virgil, logan, roman, and patton. the dark sides have their own separate wing (because of course they do)
authors note 2: i feel like sides have a lot more willpower and control in the headspace than we originally think— and the dark sides seem to be more powerful than the core 4 so they have an easier time doing stuff like that. obviously since deceit can transform into any of the sides— which i feel like the other sides can do but choose not to?? if they can become thomas’ friends they should be able to transform into each other,,— and remus can summon objects outside of the mind palace and headspace— we’ve seen other sides with fidgets or swords or little caps but never anything like super big i don’t think? it’s been a while hah
authors note 3: i’m trying to make up some shit about the orange side while also keeping it vague so it’s not too specific. mostly cause i want this to be logan centric but also i want this to have the best chance at holding up after he is revealed
authors note 4: logan may be the logic side but he is also the autism side
authors note 5: this just became a loceit fic but i’m not even mad. logan x anyone supremacy
authors note 6: this just became a self projection fic but i’m not even mad. logan x self projection supremacy
authors note 7: i didn’t know how to end this so have some weird janus and logan
okay hi!! finally done writing. got this done in like… two hours shockingly. i speed ran this fr
no beta read we die like men.
reblog if you enjoyed!!
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