#snowdice gift
sentient-stove · 4 years
DiGiornos, Delivery and Desperate Measures:(SnowDice’s Cuffed Universe.)
So @snowdice has a comfort series of mine and so I wrote fanfic for it.  Here’s an AO3 link to the original series. (x)
Anyway, there’s a running gag that Logan and Remus are the reason why Virgil keeps getting fired from deadend jobs.  So I wrote a bit with it.  Enjoy! 
Fandom: Sanders Sides, SnowDice’s Cuffed Universe.
Characters: Virgil, Logan, Remus
Relationships: Platonic(?) Virgil/Logan/Remus
Additional Tags: Food mentions, locking someone in a closet, Sexual jokes
Word Count: 1421
Summary: Virgil delivers pizza to the wrong house.  Everything from there goes downhill from there.
Virgil honestly had lost count at this point at how many jobs Logan and Remus had indirectly made him lose.  Or directly in the case of the art shop and Target.
But nothing could go wrong with delivering pizzas for Dominos.  Nothing.  He’d been doing this for two weeks now and nothing had gone wrong, which was a bit of a record at this point and so when Virgil got a delivery slip for some place on the other side of the city, he thought it was weird, why order from this location when there was another Domino’s closer, but whatever.
Yeah, he was really wrong on that part.
Virgil rang the doorbell, as per the instructions on the receipt and when the door opened, he was greeted by a confused man.
“Dominos for Hatcher?”
The man blinked and Virgil sighed.  “There was a pizza asked to be delivered here, can you just take them and sign the paper?  They’ve already been paid for.”
“I think you have the wrong address.”
“Fuck.” Virgil turned away and the man’s hand clamped down on his shoulder before he could move away.
“Maybe you should come inside.”
“I’d rather fucking not.”  Virgil responded as the man tugged him back.
He probably would have gotten away if he hadn’t been holding three pizzas.  Unfortunately for Virgil, he was dragged inside and the door was slammed shut.
From the car that he had been in for the past day, Remus cursed.  Virgil really had the worst case of luck.  He’d been watching this house to hopefully see a deal go down, after all, he’d been following this trail for a few weeks now, but now he had to add abducted pizza deliverer to the list.
 Logan was pulling DiGiorno's out of his hideout’s oven after the first pizza that he ordered hadn’t shown up, which was aggravating, but he shouldn’t have trusted Dominos.  Either way it didn’t matter, because he was heading out tomorrow morning to the next job he had.   He didn’t have any plates here, so he opted to fold some paper towels and use that.
He was on his second slice when the doorbell rang.  Logan got up with his pizza slice and meandered to the door, idly wondering if it was the Dominos order.
He opened the door.
“Remus.  You said a forty two hour truce.  I still have fourteen hours.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m not here to arrest you, scoot.” Remus pushed past him and entered the bare house, Logan closing the door as the officer made his way to the kitchen and stole a slice of pizza.
“Why are you here?”
“I was on a stakeout, mostly waiting out the truce time and I saw your dumbass of a ex boyfriend get pegged.”
Logan blinked.  “I’ve never had an ex.  Why are you watching porn at work?”
Remus sighed.  “Oh my god, how are you somehow the smartest and the dumbest person I know?  I was doing a stakeout, and I saw Virgil trying to do his job- he delivers pizzas now- and the person who ordered it dragged him inside and he’s probably still in there.”
Logan’s eye twitched.  “Okay.”
“Wanna help me get him back?”  Remus took a bite of Logan’s pizza and nodded.  “This is good.”
“Why don’t you just arrest them?” “They technically haven’t done anything illegal yet, that’s why I was watching the place.”
“I can’t even come up with the words to describe what I want to do with you.”
“Nevermind, I want to acquaint your face with a chair.  Repeatedly.”  Logan muttered.
“Still kinky.”
“If I had a nickel for everytime I got tied up and locked in a closet, I’d have two nickels.”  Virgil said cheekily as the nameless dude handcuffed him to a shelving unit.
“Shut up.”
“I mean like, you really didn’t have to drag me in here.  I’m really tired of people getting me fired for doing my job.”
“I will not hesitate to gag you.”
Virgil shrugged.  “You would not be the first.”
“Looks like I’ll be the first to make sure you don’t get out.”
Virgil froze.  “Woah, hold up.  I’ve been through some shit, please just let me go at the end.  I’d really rather not die in a dusty closet. I won’t snitch.”
The man said nothing, but he shoved a handkerchief in Virgil’s mouth and then tied a rope around his head, effectively making it so he couldn’t work out the gag.
Remus would probably find this hot.   Virgil thought miserably as the guy left, shutting the door and throwing him into darkness.
When Remus and Logan pulled up a few houses away from the one that Virgil was apparently in, Logan sighed.
“Are you serious?”
“I had a job over here.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”  Remus thunked his head against the steering wheel.  “I swear if we get Virgil fired again…”
“Our current problem is that we need to make sure that he’s fine.  Minimum wage jobs aside, I move that we wait for them to leave, see if they take him with them and if not, we go in and search to see if he’s still there.  If they take him, you can charge them with abduction and my job will be done.”  Logan pulled out his most recent laptop as Remus looked at him incredulously.
“Aren’t you worried they’ll kill him, they’re drug dealers.”
Logan didn’t bother to look up.  “No.  I’ve been tapping money from these guys for a while, they usually just leave people behind to die of natural causes.”
“I make sure they’re found before they die.  I’m a criminal, not a monster Remus.”  Logan snapped.
Virgil lost track of time, but he was dead exhausted by the time the closet door opened and he looked up to see Logan.
“Remus, found him!”  Logan called out the door before turning and crouching in front of him.  “Are you okay?”
Virgil glared and Logan blinked a few times before realizing why he couldn’t speak.
“Sorry.  One moment.”  he untied the rope and Virgil spat out the handkerchief.
“Why is it always you two?”  He hissed out and Logan sighed.
“I am sorry that you keep getting caught up in our escapades.”
“I’m tired Logan.  Really, really tired.  Can you guys just unlock me and leave so I can go get fired again and also sleep.  I don’t know how long I’ve been stuck here.”
“About a day.”  Remus’ voice interrupted before Logan could answer as he crammed himself into the closet to crouch next to Logan.  “Nice place you got here.”
“What Lo?  It’s better than some of the other places we’ve left and found Pizza Man.”
All three of them shuddered.
Remus reached forward with some sort of key, unlocking Virgil’s handcuffs and freeing him from the shelving.   Virgil rubbed at his wrists and shook his arms to get some of the feeling back.   
“I didn’t even see either of you this time, how the fuck did this happen?” “Logan was stalking them.”
“Remus, you were here first.  And to be honest, neither of us directly had a part in this.  You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Virgil sighed and rested the back of his head against the shelf that he had been handcuffed to.  “God, kill me.”
“I’d rather not.  Do you need to be carried out?”  Logan gently asked as he brushed a bit of Virgil’s hair from his face.
“Nah, I may be exhausted, but I should probably drive the Dominos car back to the place before I get charged with theft.”  Virgil waved his hand, prompting Logan and Remus to stand and take a few steps back so he could get off the ground.
“I didn’t really like the blue anyway, but I’m not really ecstatic to have to go job searching again.  I’m starting to run out of places that’ll hire me.”
And with that, he pushed past Logan and Remus, exiting the house and leaving the pair to stare at each other.
Remus scuffed at the floor with a toe.  “So, uh… I’ll give you fourteen hours?”
Logan shrugged.  “Sure.  I’m going to make sure that Virgil gets home without falling asleep.”
“Okay.  See you next time we inevitably cross paths and get Virgil fired again.”
Logan nodded, took a half step towards Remus, decided against whatever he was going to do and turned, leaving the officer to close the closet door.
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anxious-logic · 3 years
Buddy Up
my gift for @8beez for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange! this was super fun to work on, i hope you like it!!
thanks to @snowdice for being a rubber duck for me to bounce ideas off of, and @edupunkn00b for betaing!
Ships: platonic Janus/Remus/Logan, familial Remus/Roman, familial Virgil/Logan, familial Janus/Patton
Word count: 2,672
AO3 rating: G
Warnings: second-grade bullying of main characters, crying child, anxiety attack, skeletons (dinosaurs, in a science museum), brief passing mention of "insides in jars" (in a scientific/educational context)
Summary: Janus didn’t like field trips very much. Most of the other kids loved them, he knew, but when he went on them he was stuck with too many loud, excited kids who made it impossible to hear what they were supposed to be learning, and reminded him how much more interested he was in actual school and learning than everyone else. He didn’t have a lot of hope for this field trip being much more fun than what he was used to.
...But maybe that would change.
“Okay, listen up everyone!” Thomas called out. He glanced down at his clipboard, which had all of the buddy pairings listed. “We’re going to do the buddy system today, and I’m going to give everyone a buddy. Okay?”
He looked up to scan over the bus full of antsy, excited second graders, noting the especially rowdy groups and the few solitary, quiet students. He noticed Janus looking especially forlorn, and hoped that going to the museum would cheer him up. He'd been buddied with Danny, a student from Emile’s class - Thomas didn't know him, but Emile said he was outgoing and he trusted Emile's judgment. “I’m going to read off the list now, so I need everyone to pay very close attention.”
Thomas read off the list of buddy pairs, trying to do it quickly enough that the students could get in the museum but slowly enough that all of them knew who their buddy was.
“Raise your hand if you don’t know who your buddy is,” he called anxiously after going down the list. Only two of the students raised their hand in confusion, which Thomas decided to call a win. This was the first field trip of the year, and the first time Thomas had ever led a field trip, so he was feeling a little overwhelmed.
“Okay, everyone,” he said after clarifying for those two. “When you get off the bus, Mr. E is going to put this bracelet on you. Don’t take it off, okay? It’s how we know you’re ours, so we won’t lose you with another school.”
There was a general noise of agreement from the students.
“Now let’s get off the bus, find our partner, and go inside!” Thomas announced.
The bus exploded with noise and action as the students all stood up, chattering excitedly to each other. Thomas did a headcount as Emile fastened the admission bracelets, carefully cutting the excess off of the students with the smallest wrists.
“This should be a fun time, shouldn’t it?” Emile smiled at Thomas as he stood up.
“As long as nobody gets hurt or left behind, I’m going to call it a success,” Thomas laughed back.
Janus knew Danny didn’t like him.
Danny had other friends, ones he actually played with at recess. They played football, and kickball, and baseball, and pretend, and even though they were all in Mr. E's class they all knew to make fun of him already.
“C’mere, dumb face!”
Janus winced and looked up to where Danny was scowling at him, arms crossed.
“I’m coming,” he mumbled, slowly following Danny into the museum.
He didn’t like field trips very much. Most of the other kids loved them, he knew, but when he went on them he was stuck either with too many loud, excited kids who made it impossible to hear what they were supposed to be learning, or one kid who constantly reminded him how much everyone else didn’t like him, and how much more interested he was in actual school and learning than everyone else. He didn’t have a lot of hope for this field trip being much more fun than what he was used to.
“I’m going to the dinosaurs,” Danny announced when he saw the skeleton suspended from the ceiling. “Come with me.”
Janus closed his eyes, taking a deep breath so he wouldn’t start crying. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see the dinosaurs, because he did! It was that he wanted to look closely at the skeletons and learn everything he could, not just yell about how cool the big dinosaurs were and call the little ones lame.
He walked into the dark exhibit room, quickly trying to figure out which of the skeletons was the most interesting. He wouldn’t have much time before Danny decided he wanted to go somewhere else, so he’d have to be smart.
He moved over to where a weird, fish-looking skeleton was displayed, and began sounding out the words on the sign in front of him. He’d only gotten a few sentences in, since the name of the dinosaur was weird and long, when Danny came up to him again.
“I’m going with my friends,” he announced. “You stay here, with your weird face. I don’t wanna be stuck with you all day.”
Janus felt his eyes start to fill with tears as Danny turned back to his friends, who had tagged along near him, and walked out of the exhibit room, leaving Janus alone.
No. Danny couldn’t do that, now Janus would get in trouble because he was alone and they weren’t supposed to be alone, and he would get lost and left behind and then he’d never get back to school and he’d be here forever and ever and—
“Are you okay?”
Janus sucked in a breath as he looked up to the voice. He was sitting on the floor, he realized, and he was crying. A kid he didn’t know was standing in front of him, head tilted in curiosity. He was wearing a fancy tie, which Janus thought was a little weird to wear on a field trip but didn’t want to say out loud. Another boy, who had a gray stripe in his hair like some of Janus’s dad’s old people friends, was standing behind him. Janus would have said that out loud, except he knew not everyone could control everything about how they looked and he thought maybe it would make him feel bad so he’d keep it in his head. Both of the boys were wearing the bright green bracelets Mr. E had put on everyone’s wrists when they got off the bus, but since Janus didn’t know them, they must’ve been from Mr. E’s class.
“No,” Janus sniffled. “I- my buddy left me, cause he doesn’t like me and my face is weird and I like to read too much and-”
“It’s gonna be okay,” the second kid said stubbornly, sitting down on the floor and scooting himself closer to Janus. “I’m Remus, and this is Logan. And we can be your buddies now, because we don’t care about your face and Logan likes to read a lot too.”
Janus looked between Remus and Logan. “...Really?”
Remus nodded again, the movement so large he almost fell over. “Promise.”
“Okay,” Janus said hesitantly. “My name’s Janus.”
Logan’s face brightened. “Like the god?”
Janus’s mouth dropped open. “You know that story?” Most kids just made fun of him for having an old lady name, even though that wasn’t what his name was and it made him feel bad.
“Yes!” Logan bounced excitedly. “Janus was the god of doorways, and starting and finishings, and he had two faces and that’s cool because so do you but not really?”
His sentence ended like a question, and Janus hesitantly raised a hand to touch the vitiligo-covered side of his face. “Thanks,” he said shyly. “Most people think it’s weird.”
“Nuh-uh!” Remus jumped in. “It’s cool.”
Janus hesitantly smiled at both of them, wiping his nose and eyes and standing up. “Um— where do you guys wanna go?”
“I wanted to look here at the dinosaurs,” Remus said excitedly, jumping onto his feet too. “Because dinosaurs are related to chickens and I wanna know if I can make chickens carn-eye-voras like dinosaurs!”
“Um, carnivores,” Logan said hesitantly. “That’s an animal that only eats meat.”
“Right, that,” Remus said excitedly. “Do you wanna look around with us?”
Janus glanced back at the sign for the fish-looking dinosaur. “I, um- I kinda wanted to finish reading this?”
Remus tilted his head at the sign, then glanced at the skeleton behind it. He gasped in excitement. “Wait, dinosaurs could swim?!”
Janus nodded solemnly. “Uh-huh, this one could! It’s a spin-oh-soar-uhs, and it’s the only dinosaur that could swim.”
“Woah,” Remus whispered in amazement. He moved closer to the sign, squinting at the words written on it. “Lo-lo, can you help?”
“Mhm!” Logan stepped closer, adjusting the black glasses frames on his face. “Okay, so the—um, this dinosaur, could swim and mostly ate fish. It didn’t always live in the water, but it spent a may-jor-it-eye of time in it.”
“That’s so cool.” Remus peered at the model that was sitting behind the glass.
“…D’you wanna look at some of the others?” Janus asked hesitantly, a small smile spreading across his face.
“Yes!” Remus yelled in excitement. He tilted his head at the way Janus flinched back. “Um, should I try to keep my voice quieter? I know my brother says I can be too-much for some people and I need to work on it sometimes.”
Janus snuck a glance at Logan, who was solemnly watching Janus. He didn’t give any indication of what to do, so Janus looked back at Remus.
“Um- you don’t have to, because I know it’s hard sometimes and I don’t want to get in trouble for not having a buddy,” he mumbled.
“But do you want me to?”
“…Yes?” Janus quickly looked up at Remus, then back down at his feet.
“Okay. I’m sorry for being loud, and I will try to keep my inside voice on and my outside voice off.” Remus nodded firmly, then turned back to Logan. “What’re some of the other cool dinosaurs here?”
Janus wiggled excitedly in the bus seat as he saw the trees surrounding the school. He’d been talking to Remus and Logan when they first got on the bus, but then Remus fell asleep and Logan asked if he could read his book so Janus just watched out the window and thought about what he’d tell his dad when he got picked up.
“Okay, everyone,” Mr. Thomas announced as the bus slowly came to a stop in front of the school. “Grab your backpacks and anything else, check your seats to make sure you’re not forgetting anything, and let’s slowly file off the bus, okay? It’s almost 3:30, so we’ll stay out here until your parents get here.”
Janus nudged Logan. “We’re here,” he told him.
Logan looked up, surprised. “Oh, I didn’t realize we’d be here so soon.”
Janus giggled. “It’s been hours and hours and hours!”
Logan frowned a little. “I don’t think it’s been that long. We left the museum at two, and school ends at three thirty, so that’s an hour and a half at the most longest time.”
Janus tilted his head. “Oh. It felt like a long, long time.”
Logan shrugged, putting his book in his backpack and turning to Remus. “Remus? You have to wake up now,” he said, shoving him just a little.
Remus let out a dramatic snore, making Janus giggle. “I’m still asleep,” he announced.
“Sleeping people don’t talk!” Janus gently poked him in the tummy, and Remus shrieked with laughter, squirming away.
“Okay, okay, I’m awake!” Remus sat up, his hair sticking up from laying on the window. He grabbed his backpack, peeking in it to make sure he had everything.
“Ready to go?” Logan asked, looking to either side and ducking to check under the seat in front of them for anything else.
“Yep!” Remus exclaimed.
“Mhm, I’m ready,” Janus confirmed.
As they walked off the bus, Janus searched the parking lot for his dad’s car.
“I wanna have my dad meet you,” he said to Logan and Remus.
“Ooh, ooh, my older brother too!” Remus piped in.
Logan pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. “My dad too.”
“Are either of them here yet? Mine, um, I don’t see the car in the parking lot.”
“Um—” Remus craned his neck, standing on his toes. “Yes yes yes! Roman!”
Janus jumped at the sudden yell from Remus, and Logan ducked to avoid the backpack that Remus hadn’t put on his back before waving his arms excitedly.
“Hey there, Remus, how was the field trip?” A man - Roman, Janus assumed, came up to Remus, gently taking his backpack from him.
“It was so cool and I met Janus, he’s really nice!” Remus said quickly. He turned to Janus. “This is Roman and he’s the most amazingest big brother in the whole world and he plays Castle with me really good!”
Roman scooped him up. “Well, I’m glad you think so, Duke Remus.” He turned to Logan and Janus and gave a dramatic bow, making Remus shriek with laughter as he almost fell. “I am glad to meet you, Lord Janus. And it is good to see you again, Head Researcher Logan.”
Logan gave him a shy smile. “Hi.”
Janus waved a hand, not sure what more to do.
“So, what did you do at the museum?” Roman asked Remus.
“Oh oh oh! We saw the dinosaurs, and those were cool, and Logan said that maybe we could make chickens be, um, carniv-orous, but it could be hard, and then we saw the string so we could see how sound works and-”
Janus tuned Remus out as he turned back to the parking lot, watching for his dad. He perked up when he saw the dark blue car turn into the parking lot.
“My dad’s here!” he announced, looking over at the other three. “I’m gonna go get him so he can meet all of you.”
“Okay!” Remus said excitedly. “Um, can I go down please?” he asked Roman, who set him on the ground.
Janus watched his dad pull into a space, then waited until he got out of the car before waving. “Daddy! Over here!”
His dad brightened. “Hey, kiddo!” He looked both ways—just like he’d taught Janus—before crossing the parking lot to get to where Janus was standing on the sidewalk. “How was the field trip?”
“It was super fun! Not at first, because Danny left me because of my face so I didn’t have a buddy, but then I met Logan and Remus, and I want you to meet them too, and Logan really liked the insides that were in jars, even though I thought it was kinda gross, but he didn’t make me stay for super long there because he said he knows that some things make people feel icky and he didn’t make me want to feel like that, and Remus really liked the dinosaurs too and he’s kinda weird but in a really good way and—”
Janus continued chattering as he led his dad to where Remus, Roman, Logan, and another grown-up, who was wearing a black and purple jacket, were standing.
“This is Remus,” Janus said, pointing to him. “And this is Logan, and Roman who’s Remus’s big brother, and um—I don’t know him, but I think he’s Logan’s dad, and this is my dad and everyone’s really fun and awesome and they’re my friends now even though they’re in Mr. E’s class so we can’t see each other that much at school.”
Janus’s dad smiled at Logan and Remus. “Hey there, kiddos, it’s nice to meet you! I’m glad you and Janus had fun together.” He looked up at Roman and the other grown-up. “My name’s Patton, how are you?”
Janus turned to Logan. “Is this your dad?”
Logan nodded. “Mhm, he’s really smart, he makes computer software and has a super special computer for it and I wanna do that when I grow up too!”
“Um—okay,” Janus said. He didn’t really know what that meant, but if Logan said it was cool then it must be because Logan was cool too. “Um- um- I really like you guys and wanna have a play date so should we ask if we can?”
Remus gasped, his eyes going wide. “Yes yes yes!” He turned to Roman, pulling on his shirt. “Can we have a play date sometime?”
Roman looked to the other grown-ups. “Fine with me if it is with you?”
The others nodded.
“Looks like we’ll get to know each other pretty well,” Logan’s dad said as he took out his phone. “Let’s exchange numbers?”
Janus turned back to Remus and Logan, beaming.
He couldn’t wait to spend more time with his new best friends.
Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed this!
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eviearie · 4 years
Setups and Celebration
So I started writing this fic a long time ago but never got far, hated it, and then realized "hey, it's almost June 4th, which is Roman's 'actual' birthday" so I started over and this was created! Happy Birthday Roman!! Not too proud of how the ending turned out, but hey, at least Roman's having a good time.
This is for @snowdice's Roll the Dice Event btw-
Rolled a 1, so one main character
Rolled a 3, so that character is Roman
Rolled a 6, so Superhero AU
Rolled an 8, so it's fluff
Prompt word is "Birthday"
For background pairings I got Patton/Virgil/Janus (moxceit? someone tell me their ship name) and Intrulogical
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: food mention, weapons mention but there's no fighting
Of course it was today. 
Of course the 8-day no-crime streak ended on the famous hero Prince's birthday. 
And of course the one committing the crime was his twin brother.
Roman didn't know what he was thinking; that's exactly the kind of thing Remus would do for his birthday. Causing chaos? The only self-indulgent birthday gift expected from his own brother, The Duke. 
But that wasn't the point. The point was, someone was kidnapped and being held by his old wombmate, and Roman had to go save them. 
The Prince ran across the city, jumping off of and onto the roofs of buildings, climbing down fire exits (which probably would be illegal, but he was being heroic so-), and landing on the sidewalk where pedestrians gasped and moved out of the way quickly. With a shout of "Sorry! Coming through--," he started running again towards the giant warehouse near the edge of the city. He would normally feel bad about almost toppling over a group of people, but as soon as they started gasping and gushing over 'the famous hero Prince!' fumbling for their phones, all possibilities of guilt he could have felt vanished. 
Roman leaped onto the roof of the warehouse, crouching and rolling to lessen the impact and the noise. He cringed, knowing that if his brother was inside below him he almost certainly would have heard that, but the absence of weapons pointing up at him from the ground suggested otherwise. Peeking over the edge of the roof, Roman couldn't see any robot--or otherwise--guards near the front gate, so he decided it was safe and dropped down with a soft thud of his boots on the concrete. Looking around and not seeing anything out of place or especially dangerous, he walked casually into the warehouse. Venturing further in, the sun's beams of light stopped reaching far enough and Roman was standing in a hazy expanse of darkness.
A shuffling sound was heard from a place in the back-left part of Roman's vision; a place that must be close to the corner of the warehouse. The hero squinted to try and identify the movement, his right foot stepping forward. 
Suddenly, a blinding light flicked on. 
Roman shielded his eyes, unable to look up in the direction he was looking before. Unveiled in this new light was a chair with a person sitting on it, tied up and head dangling low. They appeared to be unconscious. When Roman's eyes adjusted to the new brightness, he could clearly see- and recognize- the mess of light brown curls on the person's head. Pair that with the khakis and the bright blue shirt, and it was undoubtedly his friend Patton who was being held hostage. 
Roman's eyes widened as he brandished his sword, stepping forward once again. He stopped at the sight of black ruffled sleeves and chromatic green adornments, and there was The Duke, in all of his frivolous glory, holding a morningstar over his shoulder and a wickedly knowing smile on his face. 
 "Remus," Roman gritted out, like a superhero confronting his nemesis. "Patton?! Really?! I thought we had an agreement about bringing our friends into this super- business!" 
 "Yes, dear brother, but it was going to be so much fun!” Remus laughed. “Kidnapping one of your best friends, and on our birthday no less, sending out a deliciously evil broadcast to let the whole city know of what I've done today, and ending your grand 8-day streak of absolutely no known crimes in the city?! What could be more exciting!" 
 "You planned this whole thing?!?!"  
 "You got that right, bro!" Remus exclaimed, no hint of deception in his voice. "I had to blackmail a couple of supervillains to get them to stop commiting crimes for a week and I almost died once trying to, but the look on your face is worth it!" he cackled, lowering his morningstar. "And don't worry, Patty here said it was okay to kidnap him. Right pops?" 
 "That's right!" a peppy voice called from behind them, and Patton suddenly didn’t appear unconscious (although he was still tied to a chair). 
 "Patton! You're okay!" Roman exclaimed, before realizing what was going on. He gasped. "How dare you! Betrayed by my own best friend!" Roman cried dramatically, sending a playful glare Patton's way. 
 "Yeah, you should probably go save him now," Remus said, stepping to the side and nodding to the chair. Roman crossed the warehouse room to go to his friend. 
 "I've got to say, I'm surprised you didn't get Logan to be your hostage," Roman said while he used his sword to cut Patton free, getting a cheerful "Thanks kiddo!" from Patton in return.
"That is very kinky and a great suggestion for next time," Remus started while Roman made a noise that was half offended that his comment was interpreted that way and half distressed at the words 'next time,' "but he, Jan, and Virge are busy setting up our surprise birthday party so they couldn't come. Pat was supposed to distract us anyway, and this is the perfect distraction!" 
 "Isn't a surprise party supposed to be a surprise!?!?" Roman exclaimed, distraught that the surprise was ruined for him. 
 "Aww, Ro, you know how bad I am at keeping secrets," Patton said sweetly with a hint of guilt in his voice. 
Roman couldn't deny that, so he just made a noise of agreement and helped Patton discard the rest of the ropes. He knew that Remus would never hurt Patton (or any of their friends for that matter), but setting up an entire evil supervillain plot just to inconvenience Roman and get a rise out of him? Actually….. seemed like a pretty Remus thing to do. 
(If you ask the author, the Duke did not set up an entire evil supervillain plot just to see a look on his brother's face. At this very moment in the story, Remus is using Roman's distractedness to send his tiny minions into the warehouse and stealthily steal government owned chemicals and lab materials. However, neither Roman nor Patton know this). (And if you ask Remus, he was not at all stealing these things to make his (not-so-innocent) scientist boyfriend happy. Nope, nada, no siree. However, if you ask the author, she would tell you something different). 
 "Do you think they'd be done now?" Roman asked his brother, who spun around to face the hero after not being suspicious at all.
 "Eh, I don't know, probably," Remus responded, making various hand motions. "Besides what does it matter? We know anyway." 
 "I'm going to ignore that, pretend I didn't even ask," Roman said, "and go home with Patton, not expecting anything at all." 
 "And I'll follow you home like a creep!" Remus called, leading them to the back door of the warehouse (where the vehicles filled with stolen goods were out of sight). 
 "Do you mind?" Roman asked Patton, who shaked his head, saying "Nope!" cheerfully as ever. Roman picked Patton up bridal-style and jumped up, running back the way he came (although he avoided the intersection he ran into last time… just gonna take a detour around that part). They landed down a block from Roman's house and walked the rest of the way in, chatting animatedly the entire way. Remus walked up behind them from the other side of the house, right before they opened the door. 
 "Happy Birthday Roman and Remus!" called 4 voices from all around them. Patton, standing next to Roman in the doorway; Virgil, who was now on Roman's other side (appearing so quickly he almost made the twins jump); Janus, who was in front of them holding a bunch of balloons with a half-teasing, half-resigned look on his face; and Logan, who was standing underneath a 'Happy Birthday' banner decorated with an assortment of bright and colorful stickers. 
 "Or as I like to say, Happy Birthday to our friend and his brother who we tolerate," Janus said, the start of a smirk appearing on his face. 
 "It's sad to know we only tolerate you, isn't it, Roman," Virgil deadpanned with an infuriatingly straight (hah) face, setting a hand on Roman's shoulder. Roman squawked indignantly.
 "Now now, Virgil, what did we say about roasting Roman on his birthday," Patton chided mockingly. Virgil stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend in response, hiding a smile. 
 "Wow! Thank you so much guys! I was not expecting this at all!" Roman said, you know, like a liar. 
 "You would think by now he would be a better actor," Logan quipped to Remus--he had crossed the room to stand next to his boyfriend--who laughed maniacally in response. 
 "Wow, the insults just won't stop today, will they," Roman said, exasperated, although a smile quickly replaced the slightly irritated look on his face. (Roman knows his friends love him, even if they have a slightly strange way of showing it). "So I'm guessing you knew we were gonna figure it out?" 
"Oh, we expected it. Everyone knows how bad Patton is at keeping other people's secrets," Janus said. 
 "Hey!" Patton protested, swatting playfully at Janus who smiled and kissed the other's forehead in response. 
Remus gasped before the two could get any more sweet with each other. "Is that cake?!?!?" he screeched loudly, causing Virgil to cover his ears while Logan, the one actually standing next to Remus, remained unfazed. 
 "Yes, that is cake, Remus, this is a birthday party after all," Logan said with his monotone voice, reaching up to straighten (hah) his tie. Remus shot him a look.
 "Cake time!" Patton exclaimed, rushing from Janus' side to go to the large tiered dessert. It was a beautiful cake: three tiers, each with 2 different colors on it so that when you looked at it from the side, it made a rainbow. Fitting, for June. "Janus and I made it, but Virgil decorated it," he continued, striking a match and starting to light the candles that were inserted into the cake, his tongue sticking out the tiniest bit in an adorable manner. "And it's Funfetti!" 
 "Which was Logan's idea, by the way," Janus commented, walking over to the table as well, Virgil close behind him. Logan flushed the tiniest bit as the twins broke out into separate grins. 
"You remembered!" Remus exclaimed. 
"Aww, you care about us," Roman added. 
"Did you tell Patty and Jany to put those hot cinnamon candies in instead of boring old sprinkles?"  
"Oh no- you better not have!!" 
 "He mentioned it, but I'm pretty certain if we tried they would explode or something, plus it ruins the Fun of Funfetti, so we didn't put any in," Patton said before blowing out the match, having lit all of the candles. Remus mumbled something about "those damn fluffy pals" and how they "never make anything fun" before accepting his fate, knowing the cake would still be delicious. 
When the six of them sang Happy Birthday (because the twins weren't not going to sing, even if it was their birthday), Roman could look around and feel luck. For he felt lucky to have such wonderful, thoughtful, and amazing friends, and they felt lucky to have him as well. When they cut into the cake and complimented Patton and Janus on how delicious it turned out, as well as Virgil on his decoration skills, Roman could feel pride. For he felt proud for his friends and their amazing accomplishments, and they were proud of them as well. When they floated back to the living room and had a karaoke competition for several hours after that, Roman could look around and feel joy. For he was joyful in that moment, with his friends, (even if he still knew his performance of "Wait for Me" should have beaten Janus' performance of "Razzle Dazzle"), and they all felt that joy as well. 
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snowdice · 4 years
Adriana’s Tags
This is a list of tags that I use for blog organization. You can use this to search for specific things or easily block specific things on my blog. :)
You can click on the tags below to get to the filtered tag on my blog and of course my archive is set up so you can filter by tag if you like that format better.
Tags to index my own things on my blog:
adriana writes - my tag for all of my writing (chrono)
not writing - my tag for everything where I’m not writing (chrono)
not pieces fic - way to search my blog without seeing things like the study break story or proofreading story or voting that sometimes clogs up my blog.
adriana answers - my tag for asks (unless it is a taglist request)  (chrono)
adriana responds - my tag for me responding to people’s comments on my fics and other interactions (I now mostly respond to people with the blog @adrianaresponds, but I will still tag them like this if they end up on this blog)  (chrono)
just talking - my tag for just me blabbing, usually put on posts where I’m talking about things and don’t have a universe tag (I overuse it though so you might see it other times.)  (chrono)
reblog - general re-blogs, could be responses, re-bloging other people’s stuff, or me commenting on my own stuff (chrono)
my memes - memes i have made (chrono)
ask games - post that I’m reblogging to start ask games and my responses to these asks (chrono)
taglist requests - requests from people to be on my taglist  (chrono)
taglist - the tag I use when I re-blog my works with the taglist  (chrono)
roll the dice - anything to do with my roll the dice event (chrono)
study break stories- everything to do with my study break stories. (You can block this tag if you don’t want to see the building process for the fic. You will still see the finished edited product as I don’t tag those with study break stories, but you may miss some asks about it) (chrono)
proofread stories- everything to do with my proofread stories. (You can block this tag if you don’t want to see the building process for the fic. You will still see the finished edited product as I don’t tag those with study break stories, but you may miss some asks about it) (chrono)
snowdice voting- the tag I use for on blog voting (If you don’t want to see the in time result of voting, you can block this tag and not see it. You will still see votes initialized and can vote as well as see the final results of the vote) (chrono)
snowdice bingo- anything to do with my bingo event (chrono)
food discourse- I tend to make (correct) hot takes about food and my followers sometimes argue with me (all in good fun). If you don’t want to see this, block this tag (chrono)
universe tags - my different universes have tags too which you can find links to on my Masterpost.
Tags to index things I like from other people:
other’s fic - other people’s fanfic (chrono)
other’s art - other people’s art (chrono)
other’s stuff - things like incorrect quotes, gifts, ect. (chrono)
memes - other people’s memes (and sometimes my own, oops) (chrono)
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