shpepyao · 2 months
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Revenge for Snowly
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delma-z-dywanu · 3 months
(and maybe some descriptions, idk i just write what comes to my head)
Oct (since he is the stronger one, was a general AND an emparor of rome) always feels guilty when anything bad happens to Jed (or anyone of his friends/other minatures). He often bottels up his feelings, becouse he is scared of loosing his image as a strong and fearless leader. Jed is patient and tries his best to help Octo go through his traumas.
Oct has trobules sleeping alone (since he died in his sleep, all alone) so Jed (even tho he is an early riser, becouse he was an explorer) makes sure to stay by his side when he wakes up. (Octo also does not sleep long, since he had been an emparor and a general)
Jed is scared of bears, and animals that look simillar to them, becouse in his prevoius life he fought with a bear and nearly died (his skin was ripped of his face, and one of his partners had sewn it in place)
Octavius snores, and I mean it. He snores as loud as a thunderstorm. When Jed had slept at his place for the first time he thought someone was attacking the roman diorama
Octo teached Jed how to swim and read
Jed can play guitar well
Octavius cannot dance, Jed taught him some simple moves
Both men are scared of being alone. It has its roots down in their previous lives. Jed, an explorer, never got time to settle down, atacked by a bear, sewn together and a few days after the fight for his life, attacked by a Wild tribe, left to snowly bleed out on a grassland. Octo, a young boy on a throne with an empire to run, later a general, looking out for his pepole, having three wifes only for political benefits, expelling his own daughter away, feeling guilty about it until his final breath, dying alone in his sleep.
They were the toppers on their wedding cake
Before natm1 (when they were fighting every night) Octo broke Jed's nose at least 5 times
Octo has a lovely singing voice, but he doesn't show it off very often
When Jed proposed to Octavius, Octo laughed. Jed felt his heart shatter, thinking he had done something wrong, proposing to the roman. He tried getting up and running away, to hide and cry his heart out, but Octo saw his watering eyes and explained to him that he laughed becouse in his pocket was an engadgment ring aswell.
Jed loves to complement Octavius. Octavius on the other hand likes to tease the cowboy, becouse he thinks that he looks cute when flustered.
Octavius loves Jedediah's eyes, he complimentes them (and him) in latin
Jed tried to learn latin to suprise Oct, but it didn't go well
Jed knows how to draw maps, navigate and knows a lot about plants in the wild. He also knows a little bit of Spanish and mandarin from the other cowboys and his prevoius life.
Geez thats long, i hope it makes sense
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howlingday · 1 year
Winter: Hm? What do you want?
Zwei: (Drops envelope, Runs away)
Winter: ...
Winter: (Takes envelope) It's not even sealed. (Reads)
My dearest Winter, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the divine pleasure of meeting. Your snowly locks remind me of the snowy caps of the distant mountains. But the strength I continue to feel as they brush through my hair reveal to me both your physical prowess and the might of your empathetic heart. Though I know now that our love was never meant to me. So I will stay afar and continue to admire you from a distance. But know that my love for you is enough to keep us both warm.
Winter: ...Eh?
Winter: Eh?!
Ironwood: Hm? Schnee is taking a day off?
Clover: She said it was "imperative to mission accomplishment she does so".
Ironwood: That does sound like her. Still, this is a first.
Zwei: (Barks at Winter's secret admirer, Receives headpats)
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katiawidow · 6 months
This is my first writing on Tumblr, pls give feedback if I have mistakes
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When you're bird die, you feel free. Nobody can't stop the brutality you will do anymore but you want just sit you're side and think about why are you lose him, why he die, why you are alone? Why you don't feel something anymore? Actually this was basicly question. You lose only one you feel something for.
Beautiful, snowly day you come his grave. Wet soil, hear silence, feel cold on skin.. Maybe you feel his pain.
His grave, you looked at the gravestone, read the name Jason Todd.
A woman approached you. The woman was so ingrained in your mind. You recognized her by the sound of hers feet sinking into the snow. She took a step behind you.
"You shoudn't be in here, why are you come to grave of someone you don't know?" Now you feel something, Something strong. Strong anger..
"Oh no, no, no I just came to pay my respects."
"You know, coming here makes you look desperate."
"In fact, I have brought you a mission for win-win"
She took a file out of her bag and gave it to you.
"Maybe you'd like to shot the joker that caused the death of the man you love..." you can't hear her anymore. Just focus on file or should I say the hellfire you're going to do...
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io-archival · 1 year
(note: this was originally coined by macabre-maws, on a blog which has since been terminated. the archive is here. this post will only contain plaintext.)
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Snowly (snow+lonely) Kenic (Kenochoric)
A gender connected to empty streets covered in snow, especially liminal spaces. This gender may feel muffled and cold, as well as lonely.
pronouns for this gender might include
frost / frostself
soft / softself
lone / loneself
snow / snowself
cold / coldself
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rabbit--dragon · 1 year
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•☾ ArtFight revenge for @//snowlyyy.12 ☽• ◦••─•☽ ☾ ◦ ☽ ☾•─••◦ I'm glad to be able to attack Snowly this year, she has such a beautiful design! ✨️
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crackships-osc · 6 months
snowball x naily
Snowly..naiall.. snaiball.. deceiving snow..
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talethebook · 11 months
Tale the Snowly Owl Menace >:33
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amazoniatale · 2 years
AmazoniaTale Floresttale au original my au original
Amazoniatale (Foresttale) In Modelingtale's Au Eeva and wirte!sans were bored and frustrated because they wanted to know other universes, but papyrus didn't want them to leave, so in the middle of Write!sans thoughts he had an idea. "hey!, Eeva!", "yes,sans?", "Since we can't leave this universe, why don't we create our own au" bright stars come out of her head and a bright aura too, Eeva is insecure with this idea: "We?! Create an AU?!", "Of course why not?" a question comes out of sans head, "What if papy finds out and if we do this and other aus suspect us, what are they going to do with us and if they find us out?!" , she puts her hands over her head imagining the worst, he holds them and says: "Eeva relax, just don't sign with our names, and with our initials", he winks at her, she calms down and is convinced. So they begin to create their universe based on the history books of surface humans that papyrus brought, in addition to biology books about. the fauna and flora, and finally write finishes writing to Au" phew….. good….. we're done hey can you help me? , Eeva looks at him with a curious look "with what?", " help me bring our au to life? , "how would that work?" , " well you have the gift of creating living beings and I have the gift of giving them feelings, if we focus all our energy on this role we can make it come to life! in theory", "but what if it doesn't work out? " " well ….at least we tried". So the two decide to concentrate all their energy on the leaf and thus create Amazonia tale, but Eeva leaves a small tiny part of her energy in a tree that she named "tree of life" or "buriti of life", a large tree that would be kept by a ghost a lion with 7 wings and 7 eyes made of pure light that for 50 to 50 years the people would feed from the tree to gain eternal life and connect to nature, while this tree feeds and strengthens this universe bringing water, wind and life to her if someone disobeyed would earn a punishment and curse for getting too close to the tree at the wrong time, and anyone who tries to attack or enter the forest with an impure heart would be visited by this beast and this would make him lose all his senses in the same Aldem time to kick him out of the forest. When they finished their creation, they gained a magic sphere, where they could dazzle the creation they had created and guard it. They signed with W.E so that Au would have a mysterious creator.
AU Tribes: The AU is divided into three tribes.
Guyrá Tribe (Ares)
Yahto araruna (blue macaw) (great warrior)
Porã Araruna (red macaw, rainbow macaw or colorful macaw) (party singer)
Yoki Araruna (Canindé macaw) (helps to cultivate and harvest food for the village) (the three are twin brothers)
Cauã Bagé (Gaviao real) (leader of the group
) Oriba Araxá (uirapuru) (guardian of the forest and symbol of legend) Iracema Bambui (purple hummingbird) (helps to bring nectar and food to the audeia too)
Taiguara Iabá (toucan) trader
Kayapo Tribe (forest)
Toriba Iapuama- (great military macaw) (novice warrior)
Snowly (jaguar) (warrior)
Jaciara (black panther) (merchant)
Deimos (I'll change that name because it's too ugly) (Guara wolf) (village child)
Abaeté (golden lion mico) (healer of all tribes)
Iguatu Tribe (rivers)
Jandir Iguapé (son of the pink dolphin with Iara) (merchant and warrior protector legend of the pink dolphin)
Lúna Iguapé (sister of Jandir) (mermaid and wishes to be the future protector of the Amazon)
Paitã (yellow-snouted alligator) (warrior and chief of the waters)
Human: Anahi Jurandir (Tupi Indian)
Protective cracks:
King - Curupira
Trader - Caipora
Vigolante- Boitata
my au and my ocs: @teensadventuresstudio and @amazoniatale
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callmenina · 2 years
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patchesjam · 1 year
Sydney opera house is in the back too I think !!
ohh i think it is yeah lol i thought that was just a snowly mountain LOL
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
🚫"I can’t believe you said that!”/🌾Grab my muse’s hand and lead them down a new path - Alban and Inessa
💧“…Did you just feel a raindrop?” /🛡Almost trip, and grab onto my muse to stay upright- Blake and Gregory
Late night meme
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Although their conversation started at night with Alban being mad about Flynn and Rubina... slowly their conversation drifted to another topic.As Inessa started comparing...
“Flynn pisses me off to, you know... Constantly he tries to get the favour of Milady Dragiselle and... I would freeze him permanent if I was allowed too.”
“Didn’t know you also held a grudge on him, Nessa.”
“I really do... in general anyone that bothers the princess will have to go through me.”
“You do know that one day you will likely have to let her go.”
"I can’t believe you said that!” 
Inessa was visibly more furious as Alban dragged her to the nearby snowly lake, holding her hand till then.
“Nessa you helped me calm down in such situations, now I can help you... just take a breathe and concentrate.”
She had a sort of ice breath that spread around the lake untill it formed into a Icy pillar.
“Alban I... just worry about her... as princess people always be out for her... that is why I ...”
“I just want you to accept reality... I know you like her that much but.... you can‘t hope for things that won’t happen...”
She nods. “I know... thanks... lets let out our anger here together than.”
And so they both channeled their powers more and tried to calm.
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Blake sighed as he found Gregory napping in the grass. Kicking his sides.
“Wake up you idiot... you should have been in classes around 10 Minutes ago.”
“Urgh... 5 minutes.”
Another kick woke him up but then he looked up.
“…Did ya just feel a raindrop?” 
“Huh, no... Oh.”
Blake looked up to see the dark cloud emerging and a flood of water falling down on them, both tried to make a sprint for it but nearly fell down as Gregory stopped and offered his body as support for him to hang onto...
“I don’t need you help idiot.”
“Listen I gotta plan.”
He without Blakes agreement picked him up and jumped into a portal, get into safety... both landing on a couch with him still having Blake in his arms.
“Get off me you moron.”
“Hey I did help ya, ya know.”
“Fine, whatever thanks...”
Blake just walked away while Gregory was more left confused than anything... he just wanted to help after all.
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snowlyy12 · 2 years
Bonjour, ceci est mon premier post sur l’appli !
J’espère que j’aurais pas forcément de visibilité, je suis un peu timide et pas prête à m’exposer trop sur les réseaux, mais celui ci est anglais donc ça devrait aller, il ne devrait pas y avoir trop de français 🤔
Je suis Snowly (C’est mon pseudo, je ne vais pas donner mon vrai nom 👀) je suis une personne qui aime le dessin, la musique, la lecture, les jeux… J’ai un chien que j’aime beaucoup, et voilà voilà.
Je dessine surtout ce que je sais faire, donc des chats, c’est tout, c’est nul je sais 🫠 J’aime bien dessiner des chats de la guerre des clans, ou des chats fantastiques comme ceux de mon univers le plus développé ! J’adore lgdc, mais aussi lrdf, gdcp, le dernier magicien (surtout ça c’est mon livre favori, le tome 1 😎), et tous ce qui est fantastique. Je suis fan de beaucoup de jeux très connus comme Pokemon et Zelda, mais j’aime ça alors tant pis.
Je crois avoir fait le tour, euuuh merci à ceux qui ont lu, je sais pas si je fais souvent poster 💀
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ohabeeeeeee · 10 months
The birds probably can’t handle the cold!
There’s a reason why ice types are strong against flying!!!
Hm I'm not sure man (imagine a snowly owl image attached)
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wordurp · 1 year
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Snow-reliant N.S. businesses making more cancellations
A wet January is a far cry from a winter wonderland. Businesses that count on a snowly landscape are having to make a lot more cancellations this season. Colleen Jones has the story.
from CBC | Nova Scotia News https://ift.tt/J8ds5W3
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