#so delightfully surprised these two were canon!! i thought they were just a popular ship
error707-thatdude · 2 years
Consumed by the tma brainrot.. the boyfriends ever
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perlukafarinn · 3 years
I posted two polls yesterday, asking who is your favorite potential love interest for Dean besides Cas and vice versa. I’ve tallied the votes for both polls and reblogged them with the results and some commentary but I thought it’d be nice to gather them in one post, plus some extra thoughts from me below the cut.
Potential love interests for Dean:
Benny (116). And yes, correct.
Cassie (77). Also correct. A few of you pointed out that Dean should have gone to her in season six instead of Lisa and are you wrong?
Victor (34). Tbh I wasn’t expecting Victor in the top three but I am very happy with all of you!
No one (28). Very Cas coded of you, very sexy.
Crowley (25). This is the one I feel like the character in question would be the most upset about. Only number 5??
Bela (13). I’d also like to interject that demon!Dean/demon!Bela should have happened.
Lee (8). Good for him, I guess.
Jo (5). I don’t know if I’m surprised by Jo’s ranking or not.
Donna (4). This one had a lot of support when her first episode aired, if I remember correctly.
Tessa (3). Good for her, I guess.
The rest got either one or two votes. With two we’ve got: Aaron (surprised he didn’t get more), Anna, Ash, Cain (very disappointed he didn’t get more), Deacon, Garth, Ketch (uhhh), Rhonda Hurley.
One vote: Balthazar, Daphne (lowkey feel like the two people who picked them read the question wrong), Donnie, Lisa (I also don’t know whether to be surprised by this ranking or not. On the one hand she’s Dean’s longest running textual love interest. On the other, they kinda forgot to give her a personality beyond ‘love interest’ and ‘mother’), Lydia (????), Me (lmao), Michael, Mick (also ???), Robin, Ronald (ngl I had to look him up), Sam (😶), Sarah Blake (this voter did admit they might be projecting) The Impala if it turned into a guy (this one might have the most canon support), That one hot desk officer from season 1 you know the one I mean (I don’t).
Potential love interests for Cas:
No one (33). I was expecting this option to be high up but not number one! Quite a few people specified he should be a single parent but what I really appreciate are the few of you who wrote dissertations in the tags on why this makes sense for Cas’ character.
Meg (26). Correct and very sexy.
Mick (25). I’ve seen like one episode with Mick so idgi but good for him!
Balthazar (6). Thought he’d get way more votes?? Idk might be my bias speaking.
Sam (6). Love the one of you who specified that Cas should not like him back.
Luca (4). Okay so there is a canon character named Luca who is a priest but I’m pretty sure y’all mean the Luca from In the Shadow of your Wings by ao3 user Enochian Things, who is also a priest (esp since a couple of you did say he’s not a canon character) and who actually meets Cas.
Benny (3). It should be noted that two out of three of you wanted to include Dean in this ship.
Crowley (3). Just as with Dean’s list, he’d be very insulted by placing so low.
Hannah (3). Hannah got three votes, two specifying in a male vessel and one just specifying “trans”.
Kelly (3). Makes sense, as she is the mother of his child and they have a friendly relationship. Also makes sense this didn’t get more votes since they have no chemistry and she is a republican.
These all got two votes: Djinn queen, Me, Pastor Sexy.
And now, a special category of those with one vote from people I’m pretty sure read the question wrong: Cassie, Lisa, Ash, Victor.
Another special category of Dean alternates who got one vote but don’t count because they’re still Dean: AU Dean, Amnesia Dean, Dean Smith.
And the rest all got one vote: Dabb-era OC, Hypothetical guy from centuries ago (from one of those times Cas’ mind got wiped), Jesus Christ (asdjifsdkl), Miguel from The Love Story of the Runner-Up by ao3 user Margo_Kim, Sergei (???), That angel dude who wanted him for his hands (okay who and what episode).
Okay so what jumped out to me immediately was “no one” topping Cas’ list (it placed pretty high on Dean’s list but Benny, Cassie and Victor still beat that option handily). 
A lot of people straight up did not like the thought of Cas with someone else (very Dean coded of them) but a lot of others just couldn’t picture it. Which I think can be attributed to none of Cas’ relationships with others being all that developed on the show, besides with Jack which is obviously not romantic. Tbh there aren’t a lot of deeply developed relationships on Supernatural that don’t include Sam or Dean (and lbr, mostly Dean).
People were also explaining their choices a lot more in the Cas poll. Idk what that means but I just thought it was interesting. There also wasn’t a consensus on Cas’ sexuality; while Meg and other female characters got votes a lot of other voters said they see him as gay and can’t picture him with a woman.
Most delightfully surprising result: Cassie taking second place! Honestly, it’s what she deserves. And Victor in third! The taste! 
Most expected result: Benny winning the Dean poll in a landslide.
Most surprising low placement: Balthazar only getting six votes in Cas’ poll. I thought this ship was more popular but that’s probably my bias speaking since I happen to like it.
Funniest vote: Those three of you who wanna shoot your shot with Dean/Cas. Go for it, I’m rooting for you!
Favorite specification on a vote: “Meg in a deeply lavender marriage way”
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