#so even if tbe second hit /was/ upsetting enough for them to remember when they went to talk to moon
starheirxero · 4 months
Sooo, I thought about Lunar going He only hit me once about Eclipse, and stumbled across this really cool tumblr Blog talking about it
I wanted to show you the angst, like a puppy shows it's owner a cool stick it found
Me to Lunar: Why the fuck you lying, WHY YOU ALWAYS LYING🎶
YEYSYESYYES I SAW THAT !!!! I've been thinking abt it sm since I saw it actually bc, while it was likely just a case of "it happened so long ago we forgor what happened", it can 100% be interpreted as Lunar repressing most of the memories from that time and only remembering the most "major" event and it's so fascinating to me! Bc like, I've thought it was weird they said he only hit them once too, bc I've always distinctly remembered Lunar telling Moon that Eclipse hit him twice!!
But as the clips show, honestly, it's a good bit over twice!! It's just probably likely that Lunar didn't clock it as anything notable or important because Eclipse just... kinda always treated them like that. They remembered the two hardest hits because those were particularly upsetting, but everything else just blended into the mix of "shitty ways Eclipse treats me." yk??? And then over time, more shit got repressed or forgotten, and they can only remember the day in the cafe.
Like again I know it's very likely entirely accidental, but it ended up being a pretty solid way to show memory issues via trauma! And that's not even accounting for the fact that depression (and their retconned ADHD 😔) can also cause memory problems!! So this little blunder can be attributed to their fucked up mental health in-universe which is both cool rep!! but also breaks my heart over Lunar so much BSJABSJS
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justatiredghost · 3 years
Living for the Moment Ch21 A series of glimpses at Klaus’ life if he’d met Dave in his mid 20s. His life isn’t magically transformed, love can’t fix either of them when they’re both homeless and in a bad place. They’re not even really ready for a relationship yet. But maybe a supportive friendship can set them on a better path, the two of them inspiring each other to take care of themselves. It’s going to be a long and bumpy ride, and the question is, when will they actually admit to themselves that they have feelings for each other? Read More AO3
Klaus was pacing, too much energy and nothing to do with it, all too aware that he hadn’t had a hit in much too long. He wasn’t sure if the nausea or shakes were because of the withdrawal or panic, but it was only going to get worse, especially once the ghosts started showing up. He crossed his arms tightly, feeling like he was going to crawl out of his own skin. He never had been very good at waiting.
And this was the worst place he could think of to have to wait around in. He hated being back at the Academy. It brought up too many memories, making him feel like a kid again, useless and miserable. Then again, not much had changed there. He was proud of how useless he’d remained.
Even though he knew Grace had said no one else was home, he still kept glancing at doors, listening for telltale footsteps, anything to indicate Reginald was on his way. It had always seemed like Dad had a sixth sense dedicated just to knowing when to show up to make his life a living hell.
He should steal something from the old bastard. For old time’s sake.
When the door opened, it startled him out of his thoughts and he half expected Reginald to be standing there. He wasn’t sure if Grace, her usual smile replaced with a look of trepidation, was actually better. It felt like his stomach dropped, like he was falling, and whenever he hit the ground, it would probably be more painful than anything he’d ever experienced.
“Your friend is resting now,” she said, which, so far so good, Klaus supposed. “But we won’t know the extent of the damage until he wakes up. I just want you to understand, he lost a lot of blood.”
Klaus knew there was an unspoken, ‘if,’ there. ‘If he wakes up.’ And his mind was all too helpful in providing plenty of horrible outcomes, from permanent organ damage to a coma. What were they supposed to do then?
The realization that he really, truly, meant that hit him hard. He wouldn’t leave Dave to face this alone, whatever happened. It was stupid, this was exactly what he’d worked all his life to avoid. He was a useless fuckup and this could only end horribly for the both of them. And yet, for some reason, he still wanted to try. Whatever the cost to himself.
It was strange, remembering that only a few hours ago he hadn’t been able to decide if he should meet Dave or not. But this was different. He could live with, for once, putting aside his selfishness so Dave could live a happy life without him fucking it all up. But now? He wouldn’t abandon him like this.
“Why don’t you go see him?” Grace said, reminding him that they didn’t have all the information yet. He didn’t even know if Dave would survive the night. She put a comforting hand on Klaus’ shoulder and smiled encouragingly for whatever it was worth.
“Thanks, Mom.”
He felt shaky and detached as he made his way to the infirmary, like this was just a dream. Until he actually saw Dave, that is. Seeing his too-pale form lying there snapped him back to reality and the weight and terror of it all hit him hard. As he sat beside him, he couldn’t help but watch Dave carefully, counting every rise and fall of his chest as he breathed; proof he was alive.
He shivered as he sat there, feeling completely drained, emotionally and physically. He thought about raiding the liquor cabinet, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Dave’s side. There wasn’t anything he could do, now, but he’d come so close to losing him and right now, all he wanted was to be near him.
“Don’t you die on me,” Klaus said, even though he knew he couldn’t hear him. “Not now.”
The idea of losing Dave, after everything, made him want to laugh in a horrible sort of way that he was afraid might turn into something else. He didn’t want to even think about it. About how much he’d changed because of Dave, despite himself; about the glimpses of what his life could be, things he never thought possible, things he didn’t even believe in that suddenly felt like they could be true.
He was this whirlwind that had come into his life and shaken everything up, making him care about something other than himself for once. Making him want more than the oblivion he had spent his life searching for. It wasn’t fair. Dave was good, actually genuinely good, this couldn’t be how he ended up. Klaus deserved this kind of end, but not him.
He could feel exhaustion weighing on him after the day he’d had, but instead of giving in, he started pacing again. He didn’t know what else to do.
Klaus did fall asleep eventually. He’d slept poorly the previous night, so he’d been running on hardly any sleep even before everything happened, so he wasn’t all that surprised to find himself slumped over in an armchair near Dave’s bed. Grace’s heels clicking across the floor had likely been what roused him, and when he glanced over, he was met with the sight of Dave, awake and alive, and he was pretty sure it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
Grace was in the process of taking his blood pressure, so it took a moment before Dave saw he was awake as well, so at least he’d managed to get his facial expressions under control by then. He wasn’t sure what Dave would have seen otherwise.
“Hey,” Dave said with a smile. He still looked pale and weak, and he didn’t seem strong enough to sit up, but it was just so good to hear his voice.
“I turn my back for a second,” Klaus joked, but something like guilt flashed across Dave’s face, although he wasn’t sure why.
“I’ll need to monitor you for a bit. Try to get some rest,” Grace said, reaching over to ruffle Klaus’ hair before leaving.
Klaus had never really felt awkward around Dave. He had no shame anymore, so he rarely felt awkward around anyone. But Dave especially, they just got along too well, he had always felt completely comfortable around him. Right now, though, he felt awkward, mostly because of the revelation of how far he’d go to help Dave, and what that meant. Maybe there was something wrong with him. So he did what he always did and avoided the topic. Besides, there were other things they needed to talk about first.
“So, are you going to tell me what happened, or what?” he asked, scooting his chair over so he could lean on the edge of the narrow bed.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Dave said, bringing a hand up to rub tiredly at his face.
“I mean, I’m pretty sure most people would consider getting stabbed a big deal, but you’re lucky I’m not most people,” Klaus joked, trying to get him to stop looking so upset. “I am pissed that a fight went down and I wasn’t even invited, though.”
“I guess I do owe you an explanation,” Dave sighed. “I just mouthed off to the wrong people, it was bound to happen eventually, I guess.”
“Mr Katz, are you telling me you actually picked a fight?” Klaus said with exaggerated shock, hand over heart. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but then, I never claimed to be smart,” Dave tried to shrug but seemed to think better of it.
“Come on, don’t be stingy with the details,” Klaus prompted.
“I’m afraid I don’t have much more information for you,” Dave admitted. “I don’t even know who they were.”
“Wow,” Klaus said, struggling to think of a time Dave had actually seemed genuinely angry. Especially with strangers, he was usually the type just to ignore assholes and move on. It occurred to him that tbe two other fights he’d gotten into had been because of Klaus. Maybe he was a bad influence on him. “What did they even do to push your buttons that much?
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Dave said, sarcasm tingeing his words. “But I’m not exactly what people think of when they imagine the ideal soldier. I mean, they’re not supposed to be gay, or critical of the military, and they certainly don’t relapse six times in the last month alone.”
“Oh,” was all Klaus could say, because he hadn’t known, how could he? He and Dave had hardly spent any time together. But Dave always did seem so strong and confident, Klaus couldn’t help but assume sobriety was going well for him. Obviously he had his own struggles and Klaus mentally kicked himself for not paying better attention.
“Yeah,” Dave said, staring up at the ceiling. “My uncle is more like what people expect, which, fair enough. I don’t think these assholes were associated with the VA, I think they just happened to be passing by, but who knows. They’re not exactly above prejudice.”
“So, they started spewing bullshit, and you snapped?” Klaus asked skeptically.
“Not exactly,” Dave said. “I wanted to just ignore them, but then they started hassling a kid I’d seen around the VA, and that was when I snapped. Security chases us all off before a fight could break out, but they must have followed me.”
“We have got to get you better at spotting a tail.”
“Yeah, probably,” Dave said with an exhausted chuckle. “I don’t think they meant for this to go so far. One of them pulled out a switchblade he’d clearly never used before, and as soon as they saw blood, they all freaked out and ran away.”
“Not even gonna be professionals about this,” Klaus said, clicking his tongue in disapproval. “Well, hopefully they got it out of their system and won’t be doing any more stabbing for a while. Maybe we should—”
“I’m sorry, can we talk about this later?” Dave said, closing his eyes. “I’m really tired.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Klaus said, taken by surprise. It had just been so nice to hear Dave’s voice again, he had to remind himself of the trauma he’d just survived. He shouldn’t be pushing him like this.
“Thanks,” Dave said, eyes still closed. “For everything.”
“Whatever,” Klaus said, waving a hand dismissively as he got up and headed for the door. “You’ve already bailed me out of a few tight spots, so we’ll call it even.”
On the other side of the door, he had to take a moment just to breathe. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him. He wasn’t used to going through so many emotions in one night and he still felt shaky. Then again, maybe that was withdrawal. Good thing he still had a stash in his room.
While he was here, Klaus figured he might as well take advantage of the situation. He’d apparently slept through most of the day, and he spent the rest of it enjoying a ridiculously long bath. Then, he went to raid the kitchen. He had his head in the refrigerator with a drumstick in his mouth as he piled more food into his arms. But when he turned to spread his spoils out on the table, he heard the floorboards creak.
He froze guiltily, ready for his dad or Luther to storm in to tell him off, but after a moment, it became clear that no one was heading this way. And, whoever it was, they weren’t all that steady on their feet, walking slowly. Klaus abandoned the drumstick and went to peek around the corner to find Dave, back turned to him, making his way to the front door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Klaus said. “If you pull a stitch, Mom’s gonna be really disappointed in you, and no one wants that.”
Dave actually cursed under his breath at that, leaning heavily against the back of a chair. “You know,” he said, his voice artificially light. “I was trying to make this easier on the both of us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m not continually forcing myself back into your life on purpose,” Dave said, turning to look at him. He looked utterly exhausted, barely keeping his feet under him. He ran a hand through his hair, tugging at his curls in frustration. “I know you’d rather move on and you’ve already done a lot for me, you don't have to--”
“Whoa, no, no,” Klaus interrupted. “I tried to meet you. I mean, I was there, but then I got arrested.”
“Arrested?” Dave asked skeptically.
“Yeah! That’s why I found you, I’d only just gotten out and was hoping you’d stuck around. Very, very late, I know, but--”
“You don’t have to do this just to be nice.” Dave crossed his arms across his chest, looking more like he was holding himself, and Klaus didn’t think he’d ever looked so small.
“Hey, this is me, remember? When do I ever do anything just to be nice?” He walked over to Dave, placing a hand on his arm, just wanting him to know he was serious. Dave leaned into the touch, still not quite meeting his eyes as he took a deep shuddering breath.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I know I can lay it on pretty thick sometimes, and I think barging into your life like I did and punching that guy certainly counts. I was afraid of losing you, but I wasn’t thinking about what you wanted, and that isn’t fair of me.”
Klaus just stared at him for a moment, before he remembered he was supposed to say something. Usually, Klaus was the one being accused of being too much. No one had ever wanted him in their life like this, and no one had ever been so concerned with what he wanted.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” was all he could really think to say.
“And I have a stab wound,” Dave chuckled, but it sounded forced. “Promise you’re not just here because you feel like you have to be? I know I’ve been laying on sob story after sob story lately, I didn’t really want to get into all this, you shouldn’t have to worry about my crap. And I definitely don’t want you to feel like I’m twisting your arm”
“It’s cute you think you could possibly manipulate me, of all people,” Klaus said, patting his cheek. “I’m immune to sob stories.”
“That’s not—” Dave started, but trailed off, clearly frustrated and unsure how to get across what he was trying to say, so Klaus continued.
“Besides,” Klaus continued quickly. “I’m pretty sure you’ve been dealing with my crap for a while now, isn’t that what friends are supposed to do? That’s a genuine question, by the way, I have no idea.”
“I guess,” Dave said with an uncertain shrug.
“Well, don’t worry, this is completely selfish on my part. If I were a better person, I would have let you leave.”
“I’m selfish too because I’m glad you didn’t,” Dave admitted.
“I’m still not really sure how this is supposed to work, but—“ Klaus hesitated, so close to saying how completely he trusted Dave. Instead, he shifted direction. “Hey, maybe we deserve to be a little selfish.”
“If you’re willing to put up with the disaster I’ve made of my life, I think we can figure something out.”
“You’re a disaster? Have you met me?” Klaus said, gesturing to himself.
“I’ve just really been struggling,” Dave admitted, looking so completely hopeless and worn out. “I already told you about relapsing. Everything is just so hard and I’ve let it isolate me. I even let it pull me away from my best friend.” Here he gestured at Klaus, to his surprise. “I can’t live like this anymore. Something has to change.”
“What does that mean?” Klaus asked. “You’re not giving up, are you?”
“No,” Dave said with a heavy sigh. “I just have to figure it out, but right now I just feel helpless.”
Klaus didn't really know how he was supposed to reassure him when he didn’t even believe things were going to work out. He’d learned a long time ago not to hope for the best, so he couldn’t advise him, and he certainly couldn’t comfort him. At least he could help him back to bed before he started bleeding again. It was all he could do at this point.
“Come here,” Klaus said, reaching out to take Dave’s arm so he could help support him back to bed.
Apparently Dave misunderstood, though, because the next thing he knew, Klaus was being pulled into a hug. It took him completely by surprise and he froze up before remembering he was supposed to hug him back. Dave leaned into him slightly, a comfortable weight as Klaus helped support him and he hated how much he liked it. It felt safe and warm, completely surrounded by Dave, overwhelming all of his senses.
“Wait,” Dave said after a moment, and now he was the one freezing up. “You weren’t going in for a hug, were you?”
“No, I was going to help you back to bed, but this works too.”
“Wow,” Dave said, but he didn’t actually release him. “Well, this is awkward.”
“You’re such a dork,” Klaus chuckled. “Come on, give me your arm.”
“I think I’d rather sink into the floor,” Dave said, but he finally let him go, letting himself be led along, his face bright red. Klaus wasn’t sure if he was slouched, ducking his head slightly, from embarrassment or just the pain.
“You can do that later when you’ll actually be able to get back up again. You do that now and you’ll probably be stuck there.”
“That’s fine,” Dave said. “I think I’ll just live in a hole in the ground. Any chance you’d be willing to never mention this again?”
“Are you kidding? I’m gonna hold this over you every chance I get.”
It was so nice, getting back to their usual banter. He’d missed Dave, of course he had, but being with him was always so much better than he had remembered. He was just so much more fun, so much kinder and softer, more adventurous and so, so strong.
Klaus cleared his throat and forced himself to focus on something else. There he was, getting carried away again. He had no idea what to do with himself. Maybe there was no saving either of them in the end.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
This is alittle angsty just for warning, what if Kai's S/o's family were murdered by someone pretending to be part of the yukusa causing them to bealive at first that Kai did/caused it but once Kai explains everything and reassures them he had nothing to do with it they settle down, well enough, but still upset how would Kai go about comforting them or would he go straight into trying to find the person who did this. (Angst but with a happy fluffy ending)
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The horrific and pained yell he just heard made all of his body froze for a few seconds before he just jumped out of his chair and followed it.
It was you.
This is what you did to him, he heard so many screams in his life, so many begs for mercy that didn't did anything to him... didn't make him feel empathy or pity... but you were just that special to him.
He barged in the room and saw you kneeled on the ground as Kurono tried to calm you down; in his own way...
One hand clenching on the top of your head as the other was with a death grip on your chest where it layed your heart as desperate breaths and cries came out of your mouth.
"What happened? Chrono what did you do?" He asked in complete anger, feeling his blood boil fervently inside him as he took steps near your figurine.
Kurono went to explain before you abruptly got up, still crying endless, and look up at him, all of your body trembling and your hand on your shirt still remained...
Your look made him internally flinch, in your (E/C) eyes at that time didn't carry any love, admiration, care like he is used to see.. no, it was only filled with sorrow, sadness and the worst of all... hate.
"Why?" You whisper and he arched one of his eyebrows.
He regreted that decision because he just saw one of your veins popping out.
"How could you do this Chisaki?! THEY WERE MY FAMILY! WHY DID YOU SEND SOMEONE TO KILL THEM?!" You cried loudly and this time lifted both of his eyebrows and widen his eyes in shock.
He didn't remember sending anyone to kill someone.. especially your family.
"THIS IS WHAT CHISAKI! THIS!" You yanked the paper that was in Kurono's hand and showed it to him.
Chisaki picked the paper and read it, heart clenching at seing that you weren't creating neither being dramatic... and that you really thought he did this.
Or worse yet... ordered to.
'As your commands were to kill the family of your signed other master Overhaul, I did it with pleasure, forgive me for not talking with you in person, I had to dissapear for a long time after that.
Have a good day master, hope your lover is good.
Bastard. This guy was a new subordinate and just yesterday he had told him and Pops he needed to quit due to moving out of Japan.
This was all a trap.
"(Y/n) I didn't order this." He showed the paper he saw how you were rubbing furiously your eyes as the tears only came with more force.
"T-There was no one left! N-No one.. is even on the news the genocide..." you let out a pained cry as you fell to your knees and hitted your forehead on the floor, emmiting one of your most painful and loudest screams.
He ordered Kurono to track down the precept and get out of the room immediately, a mix of emotions fluttering his skin in the most uncomfortable and painful way.
Anger, sadness... guilt, even if it wasn't his fault.... he still felt responsible for this, for letting that bastard to enter the Shie Hassaikai.
He hesitantly and slowly kneeled on the floor and tried to oush you away from it.
"Angel please hear me out." He pleaded monoustly but you only cried harder as you shook your head while whispering yelling 'they're gone' countless times.
He panicked and just grabbed onto your upper arms and gave you a hard shake.
"HEY!" he shouted, chest clenching at the way you stopped and look up at him with wide, red and teary eyes as your lips and whole body trembled under his hold.
Oh lord how he despised this scene more than anything...
"Listen to me." He said sternly while almost touching your forehead with his "I can even bring Nemoto here if you want, but if you do believe in me, I. Didn't. Send. No one to kill your family. You heard me? I wouldn't do it without a damn good reason, and you know it." He said harshly but his eyes almost were screaming for you to believe on him.
You blinked a couple of times before tearing up again but nodding.
"I-I'm s-sorry K-Kai-" he brought you a close and crushing hug as one of his arms virvled around your waist while his other hand came yo your head, prompting you to hide on his neck.
"You're not the one who should be apologizing here in the first place." He almost shouted in anger this time, but not directed at you...
Your sobs were like burning hot needles pierving his soul little by little as he awkwardly rocked you on his hold and patted your head.
"They're gone Kai... everyone... n-no one was left-" you let out a pained sob "they all died!" You errupted on crying again as he desperately tried to calm you down.
"Angel I swear on my life that this sick will pay for every life he took... you still have me (y/n), please don't cry..." Your desperate sobs were a hint for.him to stop mentioning your family's death...
"My angel..." he placed his chin on the top of your head as he still looked for words... but nothing ever came...
He never once expected to see the day that he would see a person passing out from how much they cried.
Well... that was your case. The moment your cries stopped he looked down to see you knocked out on his shoulder, shirt completely wet because of your tears...
He let out a sigh and picked you up, making his way to the bedroom.
After this he should pick you a cup of water for you when you woke up... maybe with a bit of sugar on it... you needed yo hydrate but also calm down... he knew that your sadness would only increase by the following days... weeks... months...
He cringed at the thought as he still carried you through the halls before he heard a painful shout. He turned his head abruptly, ready to kill anyone who dared to wake you up but he stopped at seing the same precept; whose apparently was beaten up; of yesterday in both hands of Rappa and Rikiya while Chrono stood on their front, indicating with his thumb behind him.
"We found him on tbe airport. Didn't take much time to bring him back but sorry for the delay Overhaul."
He looked at the clock and cringed mentally at seing that it was already nighy time... you had cried for more than hours in his arms...
Hours of his angel crying because of that disgusting useless bag of garbage.
This only angered him even more as he looked at both the precept desperate face and your beautiful yet tormented, even on your sleep, one.
He took slow steps until he was towering over the quivering man.
"You know, you made three deadly serious mistakes." He spoke, his voice nothing but cold like ice and one of the most terrifying ones that even send Rappa chills.
"First you come in here, and dares to lie on the face of the head master and the leader of the Shie Hassaikai... then you just get out of your way to kill bunch of people who had nothing to do deal with us, my partner's family and for final." He lowered his head even more as he stared at him dead in the eyes... his gaze seemed to be burning the guy at the pysothic look on those gold orbs, wishing nothing more than blood spilling from this man "You dared to leave a note, saying that your sin was due to my command... did you really think you would get out of that despicable rat?"
He straigh up his back only to give a painfull and strong quick on the guy's face, consequently breaking his nose as blood spilled over the floor... he cringed at that and ordered some other precept to clean it up before turning around to walk towards his room, you still in his secure and strong arms.
"Until I get down. You three are free to do whatever you pleases with this trash, but when I get there, I will not only punch your face or kick it... no, no, no..." he sended a one sized wide open angered glared as he growled his promise.
"I'm going to break it." He commanded for Rappa to shut him up as soon as the precept shouted his pleas whiel he walked in the halls with you in his arms.
You lost your family but you haven't losed him, and even if you won't agree with his morals he will take revenge with his own hands.
You will be okay. He is here. You will be okay and safe. No need for sadness, he is your family, the yakusa as well. No need for those tears...
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