#so even though burntrap got ‘defeated’
(ooc: this is a lil bit of information about burntrap
Also: tw for: corpse, body horror, (there is a lil bit of blood) a bug, and possibly disturbing imagery, oh an eye horror, (I know that’s probably not a real thing but the eye bit was the only bit that disturbed me while typing this, it is just, bleagh)
burntrap is just like that. A body horror show that I’m describing in great detail.
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So he is completely numb but he feels phantom pain, by that I mean he is still feeling the pain from the spring lock failure, he is not able to physically feel things but he is constantly in pain from the spring locks, he still has some of his senses, he can see an hear, but he can’t physically feel anything an his tongue is pinned down and pirced through and it’s cut off/he obviously can’t taste, his nose is also not working. Also he’s fueled on remanent so yeah. He can breathe, but he doesn’t need to an only does it to feel human, if he does something like “that one time he showed me zer0 how spring locks work using his own arm as a example” the pain increases slightly, pretty much he is stuck listening to the same song on loop except the song is the feeling of the spring lock failure over and over and over and over forever, he didn’t feel it when mr zer0 hit him with the shovel, he can’t feel Liz’s hugs, he couldn’t feel it when people were booping him, all he felt was the pain, by now he has learned to live with it but it never goes away, an he also occasionally feels a phantom burning sensation because of the 2 (after sb 3) fires he’s been in, he has learned to tolerate the pain, but it still hurts him,
(to be clear this isn’t any simple pain, no, with the pain from the spring lock failure he continuously feels his lungs an heart get stabbed an his nuts crushed (just a weird detail I added for no reason) and his eyes get pushed out of there sockets and be replaced with plastic ones, and that is REALLY painful, and he felt his head get torn of his neck as his tongue got stabbed to the bottom of his mouth and I’m pretty sure the worst bit is after his stomach gets stabbed the stomach acid leaks out and he starts digesting himself, that’s gotta be painful,)
Although even though he’s completely numb very very few things actually get felt, he can feel like if he was in another fire, he would feel that in the moment, and every time blob grabs him he feels the spring locks and his bones shifting around in a painful way, this isn’t saying he can’t feel something that isn’t pain, it’s just I don’t have a good example.
now ima switch the topic to mental shit, his main thoughts an feelings an how he feels about his condition.
so he doesn’t really feel human anymore, he doesn’t feel like a machine either, he knows he’s not alive but doesn’t know if he’s dead or not, because of the fact that he’s in a spring lock suit he’s afraid of water since it also amplifies the phantom pain, he’s also afraid of fire because he knows how it feels to burn an doesn’t like it one bit. He acts like he does because of the pain, he doesn’t like his existence but knows that he won’t die anytime soon, to him living in the basement with blob an mimic is his own personal hell, he acts sweet around Elizabeth because she’s his daughter an he truly loves her, he would risk all the pain in the world to keep her safe.
ima tell u about like fighting because I want to.
he prefers to fight with his sharp fingers and surprisingly strong legs, he knows how to fight with a knife (from murdering the kids) but he doesn’t have one, the best way to defeat him is to either get blob (who doesn’t know he hurts burntrap when he picks him up) or to shove something in the spring locks wich won’t do anything unless they are in suit mode but it will scare him an the phantom pain would be stronger.)
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bunnysuitconman · 1 year
Who is Vanny ?
GREAT QUESTION! Vanny is both super interesting and we have so LITTLE TO WORK WITH
Okay so Vanessa/Vanny is kind of an interesting situation it's highly implied that she's the same tape girl you hear in Help Wanted and she "explains" how you can defeat glitchtrap but instead leads the player astray and glitchtrap supossedly locks you, or perhaps part of your mind behind that door, and gives the player a totem of himself, that little green glitchy springbonnie. supposedly do to with being able to communicate with him? In order to get some secret dialog you needed to wear the bunny mask from dreadbear and also hold the glitchtrap plush. while this came back in security breach it was just kind of touched upon in the princess quest mini game and wasn't really explored. It's the player reliving her actions so, it's curious. So, Vanessa in her previous job, in help wanted, she's doing the game development and testing. One of her co-workers actually met a pretty gnarly fate, driven mad by glitchtraps possibly first attempt at possessing someone. Jeremy, cut off his own face with a paper gillotine and went straight back to playing. Vanessa desribes it as "a halloween mask" and "spilt ink that covered the front of Jeremys tshirt" but he turned to face her before she toddled off to work so he was presumably still alive at that time before he bled out! it's really interesting to me that it might of been Glitchtrap already possessing him, or in an effort to save what was left of himself he killed himself with what was available to him because he knew glitchtraps intentions. When Jeremys duties fell to her she presumably caught on to what Jeremy saw and tried do delete glitchtrap to no avail, presumably It's generally agreed upon somewhere along the way she switched tactics from glitchtrap being attatched to her voice files and trying to sequester them so only beta testers would think to poke around in there, to straight claiming to being able to kill him but leading you to the endings where you merge with him. So she's either thought she could kill him in this act of desperation, tried it and got possessed or Glitchtrap intentionally made her explain something that leads to the players possession!
it's later shown in FNAF AR that Vanessa (now being nicknamed ness) is still working and this might overlap with the events or it's shortly after help wanted, Vanessa, or atleast Glitchtrap controling vanessa is triggering the flagging system because she's searching for disturbing things that could be gently explained away or atleast is by Luis from the IT team. not too too much is happening it's just glitchtrap either in her body or in the system on her account looking up alot of stuff. especially things like, torture! which maybe agony or remnant factors into it? agony is a book only concept that i'm not overtly familliar with. Remnant extraction though is one side, perhaps wanting to know how exactly objects get possessed he's seeking to understand more. who knows!
Somewhere along the way Vanessa gets a position at the security team dispite a lack of experiance, if i remember right internal messages in SB describe her interest in the position as odd. but eventually she's basically one of the few humans on the nightshift, or one of the few humans that works there period, fazcorp having pushed to replace majority of human staff with STAFF bots presumably to cut costs, and possibly even straight murdering a whole portion of the staff! since the staff meeting "party" looks like it's been trashed, in the place where endo's rome around. it Also gives Vanessa a whole lot of free range to do what the hell she likes, including somewhere along the way killing atleast 9 kids! You know we don't actually know much about what she was doing with Glitchtrap? which is one of the major failings of Security breach, Burntrap was just down in the basement, she even had her own set up there with a bed! we're just left to think that she's been wringing out these kids to, feed him maybe? continue his legacy? Vanny is supposedly hacking into these bots and taking control of the pizza plex to, possibly rebuild burntrap? who knows if it's a design feature or not but i do find it an interesting aspect that burntrap might possibly be a bit of a ship of theasus in that he has aspects like nightmare claws that he wouldn't previously have, casing that doesn't belong to him. I'm kind of a fan of the idea he was going to "take over" Glamrock bonnie before things went astray somehow. people love the theroy that bonnie fought back, it's implied that all of the bots were under some kind of programming that brought them down to the basement! they all may have participated in those murders! and, vanny just kind of peters out a little? she appears now and then in the game but she isn't much of an actual threat. Vanessa doesn't do much either, there are nixed onesided conversations that i love, and she has some absolutely unhinged unused animations, she could of been a fantastic stalker character thoughout the game but they couldn't get her working.
it's more than likely that Vanny in SB as it is doesn't have much agency over her actions given what we're shown, while previously she was the reluctant follower who seeminly went along with things convincing herself it'll be "fun" supposedly not yet having killed, she's graduated to full mind domination were she doesn't have much agency over her actions and supposedly it's more william afton in Vanessas body than Vanessa having a secondary persona in Vanny i don't really know how to feel about it honest, i like her being reluctant but still getting dragged further inwards into this horrible plan even though i haven't an idea what glitchtrap wants to do other than be inside of other people. I can deal with a partial posession deal of Glitchtrap borrowing her body i would just like it to be more, developed! There is also this element that i partially like to incorperate that is more tangential but because Vanessa is searching all of these disturbing terms, she gets sent to corperate therapy and i'm still a beliver that it's all Vanessa, i don't know how the idea that it's both vanessa and gregory alternating and gregory is a kid hacker holds up and what is were, there might be book lore there i don't know. But the therapy discs state that Vanessa had participated in a divorce court case where she was coached by her dad to testify against her mother, and this was rather traumatic for her, she's consistantly shown as more, shrinking and soft spoken in these tapes that she wants to be a good girl. "I can't talk about this. He said he would always be watching. He could be here or there or anywhere in between" in cd 11, and the therapist is connecting it to her father when we can glean it's really about glitchtrap, and Vanessa explains that she's "compartmentalized him. He's locked away." like she's trying her best to manage and damp down him for Glitchtrap to only leak out in ways she doesn't understand. She's making her bunny costume in that same tape. I personally like to say that glitchtrap is actively using his own memories of his messy divorce and possible court proceedings and coaching of elizabeth to testify against her own mother. Vanny being this replacement for elizabeth, a favourite child, his daughter, Baby showed this malicious intent, both wanting to murder william for leaving her and also this, strange idolization of her father. Maybe william desires that back? hard to say. i like a father daughter dynamic between them in any case! Anyway, vanessas therapists keep on dying. like she burns though five of them and they keep getting mangled. I'm of the opinion that the tapes that we don't hear vanessas voice may be her possessed. the very last tape may even have her murdering her therapist there and then after she's confronted that the therapist had found out that she lived a relatively normal life and her parents are still together because william doesn't want his programming breaking. All in all, i love vanessa/vanny, she's seriously fantastic but she's also SO underused that the broadness of her character in SB is really unfortunate.
Also it's kind of weird that in the PQ ending or the burntrap ending where she's released from glitchtrap she's kind of, instantly forgiven in the narritive, you did some shit girl go to jail
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seven-thewanderer · 2 years
I think I’ll do an explanation of Solar’s lore today, because I probably won’t have any time to say it tomorrow, with that being my last day & all
but I’m also gonna throw in the lore for 2 others: Snow Moon & Thunder Moon, who I posted a while ago, but still wanna make a ref for them too (but I probably won’t be able to make it before I go)
But first up, I’ll start with Solar!
Solar, much like Moon, is very shy at times. Except for Solar, they aren’t really insecure like Moon. They’re more energetic like Sun when they get to know you well. Solar also likes to help around the daycare, since their purpose was originally to be a daycare attendant, but got reused so that they would be used if Sun & Moon needed help in any way, shape, or form. Solar loves to play with the kids, and he can be very dramatic at times when playing with them. If they were playing a game with a princess, a knight, and a monster, and Solar had the role of the monster, he’d be all dramatic about it, getting deep into the role, and when they pretend to defeat the “beast”, they’d be all like “Oh no, you defeated me! Ough the pain! Blegh” and collapse onto the floor. Also, when Solar really knows someone, he because very cuddly, and would hug you very much, which isn’t hard for him to do, given the fact he has 4 arms. Solar also has 4 legs, and 2 tails (since my Sun & Moon have tails cus why not). And finally, Solar also has a screen face, meaning that he could use it to show his emotions, play games, play shows for the children, and (if need be) possibly call 911. But only if he needs to. Solar also has a good relationship with Sun & Moon. Solar also stims a lot when he’s happy, or when he’s bored, and he also fidgets whenever he’s bored, or if he’s feeling awkward.
Next up, we have Snow Moon!
However, the tone of these are probably going to take a sudden turn of things, so if you aren’t fine with things like murder, I’d say turn away and just leave it at reading information about Solar. Or you can scroll & skip to the nickname portion.
Snow Moon isn’t really a positive bot, nor is he really a daycare bot. He’s not even technically a bot! Snow Moon is the virus inside of Moon, the one that makes him the way he is in-game. Snow Moon has very murderous intentions, and loves to cause chaos. (There’s a whole lore thing to explain the next sentence, but I’m going to put it in a short simple way, that cuts out the steps in between) The virus, AKA Snow Moon, was basically put into Moon through Burntrap, also known as Peepaw Willy. To describe Snow Moon’s personality in a less simpler way than saying he’s Moon in the games basically, Snow Moon was originally made to target any children to get rid of them (basically to help Willy with his problems with kids). But then, he evolved from being a Virus to being another personality of Moon, and kept his murderous intent, no longer being limited to children. One moment, during Moon’s shift in the daycare, Snow Moon came out, and killed one of the kids, and all of the other kids started crying for Sun, and Sun came out to hearing who he thought was his brother threatening the children. Sun then started to yell at Snow Moon for what he did, who let Moon back in control, and Moon had no idea what happened, but Sun, thinking that Moon was the one who did it, started yelling at him for acting that way, and even called Moon a monster out of anger. Though Sun didn’t truly mean it, it was enough to make the 2 grow distant, and enough to make it easier for Snow Moon to take control. Snow Moon didn’t feel bad, though, because the only thing he can feel is a thirst for murder.
Next, is Thunder Moon, who is no better than Snow Moon.
Thunder Moon is even more chaotic than Snow Moon, with even more of a thirst for murder. Thunder Moon exists because after Sun & Moon got re-separated (basically a deeper lore thing. They started out separated, then the workers decided to make them into 1 bot because budget cuts, but then after Gregory at some point manages to free Moon from the virus, Gregory, with the help of Freddy because it was mainly Freddy’s idea, they decided to find the other body, and re-separate the 2), a bit of Sun’s coding was left in Moon, because the body they were fused into was Moon’s body (that they added Sun’s rays to), and it fused with a bit of Snow Moon’s code, thus making Thunder Moon. Thunder Moon is able to act all innocent & sweet (thanks to Sun’s personality), but is evil, chaotic, and loves to kill, thanks to Snow Moon. Thunder Moon was also fused with a bit more of Afton’s virus, because he noticed that Moon was freed from his control, and used his little coding ability thingy to try & put it back into Moon, but accidentally made Thunder Moon have sentience, and an extreme thirst for blood & murder. Though Moon would be free from Snow Moon’s control, now he has to deal with Thunder Moon, who can take control whenever he wants to, but can also let Snow Moon in control too whenever he wants to.
Now some nicknames!
Solar doesn’t really have many nicknames, except for the fact that they’re fine with being called Eclipse sometimes
Solar does however have nicknames for Sun, Moon, and for the kids!
Solar’s nicknames for Sun:
Sunpup (because he reminds them of a super energetic puppy)
Solar’s nicknames for Moon:
Solar’s nicknames for the children:
Little cakes
Little drops
Next, there’s Snow Moon & Thunder Moon’s nicknames for each other!
Thunder Moon’s nicknames for Snow Moon:
Snow Moon’s nicknames for Thunder Moon:
Anyways, that’s all the info for Solar, Snow Moon, & Thunder Moon!
maybe if I have time, I may do lore for Sundrop & Moondrop (the baby versions), and maybe even Music Man & the Wind-Up Music Men!
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
just saw the teaser art for Security Breach Ruin and i swear to god if Vanessa isn’t in it—
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unclekoopus · 3 years
Security Breach Ideas *spoilers*
Okay, so Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach has been out for a week now, and a lot of folks have had a mixed reaction. I really like the game, but I wanted to share some ideas I had regarding unanswered questions and my headcanons for the aftermath.
---discussion and spoilers under the cut---
We see in messages that Monty was "upgraded" to play bass in the band to replace Bonnie- does that mean he may have had a different design when he was just the mascot for the golf course? Like a country bumpkin gator or a more generic less “cool” design? What would they look like, do you reckon?
What happens after the “Canon Ending” of the game with Burntrap? Does Freddy need to keep going back to the Pizzaplex to recharge, does the glitch recede and do all his friends go back to normal? Do they go to the police at Freddy’s insistence and Gregory is cagey and scared to admit he’s homeless and doesn’t have any parents? Does Freddy try to explain things and it gets even more awkward? Gregory probably would want Freddy to be his guardian, but how would that work with the system and government, and Freddy behing owned by Fazbear Entertainment? Would they have to live at the Pizzaplex?
I like to think that the glitch does leave after Burntrap is defeated, or maybe it's scaled back to just Vanny and all the other bots are back to normal, or as normal as they can be with the “quirky” AI they’ve got, they’re nice now anyways- they’ll need major repairs though- (which will be especially awkward when they wake up and realize that their missing parts are all on Freddy now).
Maybe the Raceway collapses in over the old FNAF 6 pizzeria and it’s finally buried once and for all, but the rest of the mall is intact.
This is all just fun headcanon and probably not gonna be in another game or DLC or any canon media, but the final task could be to defeat Vanny with the help of all the other animatronics who have to resist her reduced, but still powerful influence and with Gregory's help. And Gregory is able to free her using the glitches in the arcade machines- Balloon World, Chica’s Feeding Frenzy, and Gator Mini-golf, which unlocks the Princess Quest machines.
Afton and Glitchtrap might still exist, but with Vanessa freed from his influence, now you've got a bunch of friends to fight him off if he ever tries to take over the Pizzaplex, Gregory’s new home, ever again.
Also, in an epilogue, a miraculously still functional chip is unearthed in the rubble after the tunnel collapse- and it turns out to be Glamrock Bonnie’s. It’s put in a new endoskeleton and shell, and finally Freddy is reunited. <3
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