#it just ended with gregory and freddy running out during the fire
amphiptere-art · 7 months
Meh. Let's get logical.
Let's talk about how everything worked out in the warehouse.
I just really kind of recognized that I haven't actually talked about this. Mostly cuz I was talking more about Dims story than the others. So we're going to talk about the other animatronics. How they were going in the pizza plex. How sun and moon we're doing. How fasco got the warehouse. And the basic headcanon of how everything functions in warehouse.
Now remember. This was before ruin. It was also before we had any sort of concrete idea on what was happening with the animatronics doing insane. So this is purely headcannon's base around that time frame.
Now. This takes place in one of the after fire stories. It doesn't really care which. All that matters is that in this scenario all the animatronics are unrecoverable. Whether that is because they ran off into the woods or were simply destroyed beyond recognition It doesn't matter. In this story Freddy does run away with Gregory? So this might be the 'official' Afton ending. But anyways. Onwards to the head cannon of how the virus works.
So this is a headcanon I still kind of keep. Which is that the virus is only triggered in security or safety protocols. Basically this thing has been running behind the scenes for a while. Triggered by Vanessa, If the animatronics were in security mode they would be aggressive. It's basically how I explained away how the animatronics only act funky at night. Because that's when their security modes are activated. During the day there in performance mode.
But the reason the daycare was closed early. Is because it also hurt any safety protocols. Basically accidents were now something the animatronics wouldn't exactly take care of right. And the daycare attendance being around kids who have little injuries all the time. That safety protocol that would have helped either prevent those injuries, or take care of them properly. Just weren't working.
Sun and Moon both had this. Moon with his security. Sun with his safety. Any safety or security protocols day performed were just outlandish. Moon was removed first cuz he's supposed to tend to children at nap time. Which is a safety protocol on it all in itself. Son got to stick around for a while longer but it soon became evident that he wasn't caring for the children correctly either. Climaxing with the daycare being closed.
Now we're not going to worry our pretty little heads over anything that happens in the Pizza Plex beyond that. This is the Warehouse AU for goodness sake. Which is where the next little part comes from.
Basically fasco gathered as much as they could. Which included the daycare attendants as they were stuck in the daycare. Then they were able to get their main star Freddy. As he came back with Gregory worried about his health living on the streets. Agreeing to work for them again as long as they rightfully said there animatronics were sentient. And they got Gregory a good home. One preferably that got a free pass to wherever Freddy worked.
So fasco started looking for a place. Y/N in this story has sort of a rich family. They themselves aren't rich tho. So their family started giving them stuff to help them 'build a company'. One of these things was a warehouse. Where else they never used anything but renting it out. Which works well is a gig. Bands, small companies, children who just wanted to rave. Almost everyone was wanting a really big building to just do whatever the hell they want to do. The price was steep, But the space was worth it. Plus it was the best form of a business Y/N made. I will note Y/N doesn't live in the warehouse. They live in a RV.
Fazco took an interest in the warehouse. To them the price wasn't too steep. But they really just wanted to own building. Chuck a new pizza plex in there. So they contacted about just buying the building. What they offered wasn't bad. It was big money. But YN stayed firm. This was a rental. They can't just buy their building. Not without them getting equity. Or at least some sort of control. Fasco continuously try to beg them otherwise. But YN was a stubborn person.
Eventually fazco buckled. They made a deal. Basically they would still pay the rent. But it was way lesser. YN got control of everything That happened in the warehouse. Money from the arcade machines, any other small payments for a certain rides or something. But it also included the maintenance. Animatronics included. Fazco though got every money for the passes and entry. Plus they would pay for staff. Including transforming the warehouse to an attraction. YN agreed. And they honestly we're getting a pretty good deal.
So fazco started to try and fill out their band. Bonnie was found in this universe. He was just damaged and Monty was a good enough replacement. Bonnie was just kind of left in storage. Foxy was also in that storage. Pre-built but never really implemented. Roxy took the fame way too fast. So they clean up these two animatronics they had in storage. And ship them off.
Freddy of course arrived. And fazco fixed up the daycare attendance and music Man. Music man was also found alongside the daycare attendant. His body is just so big you can't miss it. Plus he wasn't as bad the damaged. The area he was in was rather stable. So they both fixed them up. Unfortunately they didn't remove anything when they fixed them up. Virus was still inside both of them.
Now music Man didn't actually have the virus. Or at least not to the severity of the others. While I say that the security protocol was the virus. Music Man has his own security protocol. This bouncer program. It simply just wasn't in the mainframe with the other animatronics because it couldn't. He's ginormous. It wasn't a simple copy and paste. So he doesn't have the virus. Sun and Moon tho, very much do.
I actually have an order for one of the animatronics were woken up. Freddy did not need to wake up. They simply walked him in. Along with Gregory. Which was now YN's problem. They did not realize they signed up for that. The next one they woke up was foxy. Since he was the most spruced up, He was easy. Plus blank. So there were no issues with him. Then it was Bonnie. Who screamed his head off until Freddy was able to calm him down. Immediately latching to the bear. Then was the absolutely massive music man. Who couldn't be woken up in the same area. He woke up with no issues other than a small bit of confusion. He's relatively calm all the time.
Then became the daycare attendants. Oh boy that was fun. Sun of course awoke first. Confusion and panic hitting him. Gregory had of course spilled the beans about sun being mad. Well the Moon. So they had him restrained. Which only panicked them more. YN was looking through their code. Thankfully able to isolate the virus. Which is when they only finally released him. Sun was aggressive. But more scared. Luckily they were able to calm him down.
Unfortunately the daycare attendants had other problems. Released from the virus they were able to think about what they done. And it scared them. At first they thought it would affect anything. But after the first time a kid scraped their knee and Sun panic It was evident it wasn't going to work. This also combining with moon not moving to do his security. He was just too scared to do it.
Which is one Dim is introduced. It became evident that Sun and Moon couldn't do the security and safety protocols. They were just two scarred. So YN basically asked if they would be okay if they just used their old security. Which while they were hesitant. They agreed to. Allowing them to be added to handle their miscoming.
And that's where I'm going to end this before info. It helps explain why Dim exists. It explains how the virus works. Explains how fasco got the warehouse. And basically where the animatronics came from.
I might explain about everyone's placement in the warehouse along with a map. But this is basic info that I kind of hold in my head. Hopefully I shared enough of what I held in my head so there won't be any responses relying on information people don't know.
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theballadofmars · 1 year
In the last few months, I've seen lots of theories about patient 46 and what's clear is that no one really know who it is, but a big part of the fandom think that Gregory is a good candidate which... I have some thoughts about it.
Additional note: GGY is probably canon and that means that maybe Gregory IS patient 46, but honestly the only way for this to work its of Gregory is possesed and has no memory of what's going so. So, this theory still applies, because Gregory, as we know him in Security Breach, can't be patient 46.
I thinks there's lots of in game evidence which contradict this conclusion, so here's why:
Patient 46 and Gregory have complete different personalities. Patient 46 doesn't talk a lot, and when they do it or talk about themselves its described as objective, like they're telling things that didn't happen to them. They have fun when they know that the animatronics are acting weird, they don't like to go outside, they don't like the light, and they like masks. Now, you have Gregory: he talks a lot, he's sarcastic and makes jokes, he says "lame" when he got something of mr. hippo, he cleary doesn't like how the animatronics are acting, and he shows lots of emotion during the game, from fear in some moments to sadness when freddy dies at the end.
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In addition to this: Gregory spents half of the game using a camara that can blind animatronics because of the flash, but he doesn't have problems with the light, wants to get out of the pizzeria, and he's also worried about the dissapearence that took place in the complex, which doesn't make sense if he was patient 46.
2. "Gregory is violent, and Patient 46 killed the therapist, so that's a link!" -> Actually, no. I think Gregory is a gremlin, but I don't think that his violent acts are unjustified. The kid spent hours inside the pizzeria with robots that are 1) Bigger than him 2) Stronger than him and 3) Are trying to kill him. His acts are more in self - defense that anything. There's a diference between destroying animatronics that are trying to kill you and killing your therapist because she's about to uncover something.
And yes, Gregory also kills Vanny in one of the endings, but again: Vanny was about to kill him.
3. Patient 46 is a hacker, but Gregory isn't. This was one of the things that made me be sure about this theory. Gregory is good with videogames (if the GGY that are in the arcades are him), he knows about animatronics and how things work, but that's the thing: he knows about mechanics, not about programming. He may know some things about technology, but programming is a whole different story. A mechanic or mechanical engineer will know some things about programming for their projects, but usually it has nothing to do with creating a virus or hacking a whole company. They just, can't do that. So, Gregory is a mechanic, Patient 46 a hacker.
In some parts of the game, Gregory has acces to computers, he could have made things easier for him, he could even acces the security protocols or open the doors, but he didn't.
4. Patient 46 is a manipulator, and the game makes you believe that they're the one manipulating Vanessa: they go to the same therapist, they had met Vanny and knows the technics of the pizzaplex. Gregory, on the other hand, is afraid of Vanny, runs away from Vanessa and also he didn't know the identity behind the mask. But Gregory looks surprised in the fire ending, and he also tries to save Vannesa in the Vanny good ending, which wouldn't make sense if he was the hacker:
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If he was the one manipulating her, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do that or hide everytime he sees her. Yes, Gregory lied to Freddy about the stolen parts and about his friends, but I don't think that was he trying to manipulate Freddy, and just a kid having like, the worst night of his fucking life and doesn't want to make his new robot dad and only ally sad or mad at him.
5. Who would bring Gregory to the therapist? Like, that's an important fact. Sure, maybe he could go by himself, but if he is in the United States, doesn't therapist charge like, a lot? How is Gregory going to pay it? Also, he's a kid, the therapist has to talk first with his parents or legal guardian, they can't just accept a random kid. Patient 46 has, or at least had, parents. That's stated by the therapist, but she obviously didn't know them. So, who is bringing patien 46 to therapy? And who's paying for it? Gregory, at least from what you see, doesn't have parents, but also I don't think a 12 year old could afford therapy.
I think that patient 46 had parents, but there was some type of tragedy. Now, he's in someone else custody, and whoever this person is, is the one paying for the therapy. Maybe to control de therapist, to have Vanessa under vigilance, I don't know, but there has to be someone behind it, a kid can't just do that (I'm not from the United States, so if there's someone who has better knowledge about how therapy works there, please tell me if I'm wrong).
Gregory, on the other hand, is more of a mistery. We see that he's homeless, or at least doesn't have a place he wants to go back to.
Things they have in common are:
·They like candy -> Lots of kids do.
·They have a rebel side -> But they show it differently, and Gregory has reasons for the things he do.
·We don't know a lot about their past.
In conclusion, for Gregory and Patient 46 to be the same person we have to assume that Gregory had been lying and pretending during the events of all Security Breach, even during moments when he didn't have to.
And let me tell you, if he really spents all the game acting, he deserves an Oscar, at least. But other than that, the motivations, personalities and abilities of both characters doesn't match each other.
You could also say that Gregory is a robot and his memory was messed with by someone, but robot Gregory is a theory for another day and I prefer to believe the little evidence the canon gives us instead of creating theories that gives us an explation at the expenses of what we see in the games. Maybe we shouldn't know who patient 46 is for now, or maybe we didn't conect the pieces together, but I'm pretty sure that Gregory isn't the one behind those tapes, and I needed to explain why.
Thank you if you read this theory, and I hope you have a good day!
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artsykip-drabbles · 2 years
Started playing Skyrim last night and started thinking about what if Sun and Moon were Isekai'd into Tamriel.
The citizens of Skyrim would be very wary or morbidly curious and want to open them up and see how they tick because they have a living, functional robot in front of them that is centuries more advanced than anything the Dwarves made. They'd also be like. Super worried about them in towns because the only experience anyone has with robots is being chased and murdered to death by hulking metal beings with sword, crossbow, and hammer arms that breathe steam like a dragon.
On Sun and Moon's end they'd just have this whole existential crisis. Not even 24 hours ago they were chasing Gregory around in one body but now THEY'RE being chased through the woods in separate bodies by a bear, something they mistakenly thought would be friendly because they know Freddy. There's people wandering around in full metal or leather armor. Everyone is armed. Magic exists; Sun learns that the hard way and the twins are escorted to the College of Winterhold to learn how to wield it so they don't accidentally blow themselves up. Sun learns fire magic and Moon ice magic.
They see Argonians and Khajiit and the mer and are utterly confused. Sun probably mistakes someone for Monty and scoops them up in a hug, which results in spitting, kicking, yelling, and a dagger to the chassis. It didn't quite register in his head that these are organics not robotics, No that Is Not Monty.
I see Moon being very dexterous with a sword, quickly learning how to disarm people so that he might send them on their way without needless death. The same cannot be said for Grelod the Kind, he murders that bitch in a heartbeat. Sun is horrified by it but honestly agrees, but maybe there could have been a civil way to end that. (There isn't.) This gets the Dark Brotherhood on their asses which is something neither of them are pleased with.
I see Sun being adept at alchemy because he keeps picking flowers everywhere he goes; his satchel is bursting at the seams with tundra cotton. Nobody needs this much tundra cotton. I also see him getting his left arm ripped off in that first encounter with a bear. Moon outfits him with the arm off a Dwarven sphere. He invents rubber and insulated electrical wire out of spite. Probably gets assistance in that regard from Calcelmo or Sorine. Honestly I just like the mental image of Sun with a crossbow arm that has been altered to have a functional hand on it as well, like some kind of ancient Transformer. He can switch between the two modes with ease. They have to stock on Dwarven oil and either figure out how to synthesize it themselves or hope to God the ruins never run out.
I've got a Khajiit Dragonborn named S'orad Dar and he probably gets dragged into these shenanigans somehow. Sun and Moon tell him their story and he honestly has no choice but to believe them because where in Oblivion would technology as advanced as this come from? The Dwarves are extinct and nobody has been able to figure out how to replicate a freaking Dwarven spider, the simplest of the automatons.
At some point S'orad is sick of their shit and goes drinking with Sam Guevenne, (the Daedric Prince Sanguine, if you've never played TES) and Sun and Moon have to run across Skyrim trying to figure out where they've gone. They find a clue in the temple of Dibella in Markarth and have to run around fixing everything. This just means you get to have the mental image of Moon running away from a giant while carrying a goat. How they don't die during all of this is a miracle; the giant can one shot them with it's club, they gotta fight a Hagraven, and then when they finally get to Morvunskar they gotta fight their way through a handful of skilled mages. They find S'orad drinking with Sanguine in the myriad realms of revelry. They chat for a bit before everyone is sent back to Tamriel with the Sanguine Rose in tow.
S'orad himself is a member of the Thieves Guild but neither Sun nor Moon know about that until, due to time restraints, S'orad has to complete their task and skedaddle back to Riften. Sun and Moon scold him the entire time trying to explain that there's more moral ways to pocket some coin. When faced with the counterpoint of Sun and Moon being utterly broke whereas S'orad can actually afford a house, they begrudgingly stop arguing about it.
Honestly I just want Sun to lose his shit and murder Mercer. I hate Mercer with a passion. They're neutral to mildly disdainful towards the rest of the guild because they don't agree with their method of acquiring coin but otherwise they haven't been outright offended. Mercer tried (and failed) to kill S'orad and therefore must pay with his life.
At some point the twins learn that, oh shit, this cat is the Dragonborn. What's the Dragonborn? Someone that can devour the soul of a dragon, making it permanently dead. They are the only person that can fight Alduin. Akatosh threw these bumbling idiots into S'orad's life to encourage him to actually Do His Job and kill Alduin. Sun and Moon get to go home after the World Eater is dead. S'orad is distraught.
Sun and Moon returning to the Pizzaplex is like. They're two separate bodies still. Sun still has a Dwarven arm. Both of them are dressed head to toe in protective gear and both of them look like they just crawled out of hell. And let's be honest they did, Skyrim is a harsh land. They can't use magic anymore though, that simply isn't possible in this plane of reality. Management is utterly baffled. It's been months for Sun and Moon but in Management's eyes it's literally been one night, what the fuck happened? Sun and Moon explain, and once again people are honestly forced to believe them because there's no way they'd be able to construct an entire animatronic shell, durable armor, and replace Sun's arm in one night, as well as dirty themselves up that badly. Or they don't believe them and blame Monty for damages. They can't explain the armor or the new shell and split personalities.
"You look like a fireball went off in your face!"
"A fireball did go off in my face."
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paigelts05 · 1 year
Renegade AU Lore Dump: SB Ending comics.
The comics in the endings as comics themselves exist in the Renegade AU because Gregory drew them.
After the events of Ruin, Gregory's mind is a mess from the continuation of the clone 46 experiments and the use of the skill that getting possessed by Evan grants him. He’s seen Ness get freed, he’s seen her get torn to shreds, he’s seen her ALMOST get torn to shreds, he’s seen Freddy body slam her off a roof, he saw someone grab her before she could fall, he’s seen what happens if he just ran away, he thinks he may have stolen a van, he saw underneath the megaplex, was he there alone or were 30 people there with him with their own fights.
All he remembers for certain is that at one point, it all converges into Freddy and himself running away, running out from the depths of the megaplex.
Stars denote how close to the truth he is with each attempt at remembering the truth.
Runaway ending is 1 star? He can’t be further from the facts.
Afton ending is 2 stars? He’s remembering what happened at the end of the Raid. He needs to focus on the breach.
Fire escape ending 2 stars? Raid again kid. He’s forgetting about Sylvia saving Ness too.
Vanny ending 2 stars? Well his failed recall did have this happen and Cassey has this recorded, and Glitchtrap tried to use the staffbots to ‘disassemble Vanny’ himself and Gregory had to use the panel to save Ness by calling “apprehend Vanny”, but that’s the false memory from Evan’s skill plus the real events of the raid.
Loading docks 2 stars? Oxana’s van was a prominent part of the raid and the ladies did keep Gregory updated on Freddy’s repairs when he was out of order. Maybe he did a recall at one point to see what would have happened. Maybe his mind is mixing up the breach with Oxana driving him and Ness back to their temporary accommodation post-Raid, but once again, his mind is taking the raid out of context and inserting it into the breach.
Princess Quest ending is 3 stars? Almost everything is correct, except for one thing.
What was that difference between PQ ending and reality?
Ness and Gregory never got that ice cream.
Also he forgot about Sylvia, and the west wing of the building going kaboom, but if he didn’t draw getting ice cream and ended it right there before Sylvia runs up to meet them, he’d have been spot on.
If you’re wondering how Freddy is his full self by the end of the raid, Oxana and co repair him after Team A find his body in fazerblast. He then tries to push Ness off the roof and gets repaired by Oxana and her squad AGAIN. Finally he gets airdropped into the old restaurant so the crew have something to take the heat during the 'fight' against Afton (that is more akin to the koi-koi scene from summer wars).
And then Freddy gets obliterated at the start of prelude of ruin. Gregory and Sylvia get captured, escape, find Ness, get captured again, and this is where the Clone 46 experiments continue and mess up his brain, making him forget the truth.
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Security Breach: Tainted Madness Part 4
It has been a few days since the kiss with Jenna and Scotty hasn’t stopped smiling. Ness and Vanessa both were so happy to see that he Finally got a “girlfriend”.
But that would change very much…
Tonight he was out patrolling near Roxy’s Raceway. While Vanessa stayed near Rockstar Row, Scotty was put into a situation when Ness and Weasel-face became more desperate to find Gregory. Roxanne hadn’t been replying to him through his Faz-watch, which, like Freddy and Gregory, Roxy gave to him so she could reach him anytime (as long as she has power anyway). This was after Monty pinned Scotty to a wall after the guard stopped Roxy from getting Gregory under Afton’s control and hurt his arm.
A Loud Ringing Sound came up behind Scotty, he turned around to see Ness, skipping up to him.
“No luck Tonight, Ness?” He asked humorously. Ness giggled, her voice filters making it more creepy than it actually was. “I’m actually here to ask you where Roxy was. She seemed more Predatory tonight.”
“She isn’t replying to me,” Scotty replied, “That’s not like her at all, she took the job of ‘keeping me out’ you gave her very seriously. She would be with me right now.” Ness nodded and started thinking, “Where could she be then?” She asked. Scotty shrugged, “she isn’t in her greenroom crying or looking in her mirror again?”, Ness shook her head.
Suddenly, the sound of a kart crashing came from the Raceway, both Scotty and Ness spun their heads to the sound and exchanged glances, Scotty started to run, while Ness stood there for a moment before following him. When they got to the Raceway. Scotty went onto the track and found the spot where the crash was heard, “looks like Gregory needs a driving lesson.” He joked. He noticed two animatronic prints a few meters away from the kart marks. He recognized them instantly. They were Roxy’s.
“Oh Nononono…Shit.” Scotty panicked, he then found the kart down in the under layer of the Raceway, along with… “No…” Scotty climbed down during the shelves under the track, and Ness followed. Sure enough, they were animatronic parts under and around the kart. Roxy’s parts.
“FUCK.” Scotty and Ness synchronized. There was no trace of Roxy herself, and the hundreds of parts here told them that she was hit very bad. “What did you do, kid?” Scotty asked, but he was interrupted by Ness calling his name. “Look,” she pointed at the now destroyed door, “I think they went this way.” They followed the path to a storage room on fire. Scotty gasped, because standing outside of the entrance was Roxy, her back to them, looking very much Shattered. “WHERE ARE YOU?” she cried.
“Roxy?” Scotty yelled, and the Wolf looked around in surprise, “Scotty, is that you?” She answered, “Yeah… yeah, it’s me.” He smiled. “WHERE ARE YOU?”, she asked, his smile went away. “What do you~?”. She turned around.
Ness yelped, Roxy had her eyes gone, “THAT BRAT TOOK MY EYES.” She exclaimed. Scotty stood there processing it all before answering, “Ok. Just calm down and listen to my voice. I’m at your 10 o’clock.” Roxy turned toward them so, “Ok, now, Walk toward me slowly.” This time, instead of walking, she pounced, straight into Scotty. “OOF!”
Ness would have been down too but she dodged it.
Scotty ended up on the floor with Roxy on him like he was her prey. “Scotty?” She asked, covering his face with her paw. Scotty answered, muffled through her paw, “I’m here, I’m here.” Roxy hugged him, clearly upset. He hugged back. He was Definitely having a chat with Gregory later. Scotty helped Roxanne to Parts & Services, where he soon found one of Freddy’s eyes on the monitor desk. Oooof Course, he thought.
He set Roxanne down in the canister and began the program, he grabbed the Freddy eye and put in the socket, he Easily got through the Simon says pad. Seriously, why do they have this shit to fix up 1 Animatronic? He thought, “the older models didn’t have all this, even Lefty and the Rockstars don’t.” He finished up and Roxy sat up in the chair, looking at her paws. “I’m… ruined, everything I have…” her voice cracked for a moment, Scotty went to her, “I’m a loser…” she whined. Scotty grabbed her shoulders, “Hey,Hey,Hey! You are not a loser… would a loser have friends? Or someone like me?” Roxanne looked at Scotty and softly smiled. She stood up and sighs. “We need to find the kid.”
Scotty nodded, and lead the way out of Parts & Service. They found Gregory with Freddy and Vanessa at Rockstar Row. She was scolding Gregory for something, probably for what happened to Roxy, but when they got closer they heard that Chica had also been Shattered. “GREGORY!” Scotty yelled, Gregory saw them and pulled a “uh-oh” face. Vanessa saw them too and got even more stressed. “Roxy too?! Oh, you’re in Big trouble, young mister!” He pointed at the kid. Freddy, meanwhile, just stared at his friend in surprise, “Roxanne! I do apologize for Gregory’s behavior, I would have never thought that he-“ Roxy cut him off, “Freddy. No need to apologize. He’s a scared kid. He was just defending himself.” She smiled at him, which made Freddy relax.
Scotty sighed, he crouched down to Gregory. “Why are you destroying the animatronics, bud? You’re gonna get both of us fired, you know?” “I know! But I really wanted to upgrade Freddy so that we… could stop that Vanny lady.” Gregory answered, and Scotty stood up again, and looked at Vanessa. She gave him a sort of “I told you so” face and groaned, “Great, now that hare’s gonna be pissed!”
Freddy spoke up, “if it matters, I was speaking with Mr. Lefty earlier and He spoke of Mr. Afton’s reason of killing. I think that’s why he’s after Gregory. That’s why all of these experiences and people… Alec, Spring and the others… went through everything they went through. But he needs to have a lair somewhere to hide. He wouldn’t just be with Vanny and all of us, right?”
Scotty thought for a moment, and then realized Ness never came with him and Roxy to Parts & Services. Instead, she wanted to stay behind just in case someone came by, and he saw her slip to an elevator, “I think I know where it is. Roxy, is there a elevator in Roxy’s Raceway?” Roxy nodded, “It’s usually off-limits due to the poor condition of it. Why?” “Because We’re gonna check it out,” Scotty turned to Gregory, “and you, stay here and behave. You messed up Chica and Roxy, I don’t want you to mess up Monty of all people.” Gregory let out one of those dramatic kid groans. Vanessa stepped forward, “be careful.” Scotty Nodded, signaled Roxy, and hurried to what would be the Lair of the Weasel-Face Bastard.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
just saw the teaser art for Security Breach Ruin and i swear to god if Vanessa isn’t in it—
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multi-level-shipper · 3 years
Security Breach’s Plot Needs Work (Part 1)
Disclaimer: I do love this game. Even as it stands, it introduced many positive experiences in a short period of time, both through the story and in the immersive setting of the game. THAT BEING SAID, I made a premature judgement on the state of the game mechanics themselves- the game was released with enough bugs to need aid from pest control. This is DEFINITELY NOT OK. There need to be multiple fixes, and I can only hope that comes to fruition. The game also (very clearly) wasn’t playtested, as showcased here.
I’m well aware that FNAF has problems with its plot that root back as far as FNAF 4 and Sister Location. However, even if the plot never gets its kinks knocked out (which I don’t see happening any time in the near future), it’s still worth discussion, especially when it appears that Security Breach went through massive changes to get where it is today. 
(Most of these points will come in the form of questions. Rather than say “ugh this game needs more A B and C,” I’d rather take the existing story and examine the details, and work my way out from there.)
So first, the worst offender. The endings.
WHY did we need all these endings?
Rooftop Ending
Summary: Glamrock Freddy burns down the mall. He escapes to the rooftop with Gregory. Vanny is outside already, and catches him. Glamrock Freddy exclaims that he can see Vanny now because of his new eyes (via Roxy), and fights her on the edge of the building. Both fall and (presumably) die. Gregory unmasks Vanny, who looks identical to Vanessa, and is utterly confused. Vanessa appears on the roof, (seeming either surprised or sad about the ordeal,) and the Pizzaplex fire is publicly blamed on the flammability of the stuffed toys. 
Analysis: This ending is one of the bigger trainwrecks. Glamrock Freddy insists that the other robots are his friends during the entire game, even after they try and kill Gregory, and he reasons that there must be some kind of explanation for their attacks. So why the hell is he burning down the Pizzaplex with all of them still inside? Also, how did he fall off the roof? Seems like a silly question, but it’s not rocket science to see that he’s easily twice Vanny’s size and strength- she’d be the loser here. The “big reveal” was fine at face value, but then you start to realize how much it lacks impact. We knew there was a Vanny and Vanessa to begin with. Why does it matter that they look the same? Why are they identical twins? You could argue that this is meant to be a cliffhanger, but a cliffhanger...OF WHAT? We don’t have enough additional evidence to understand the situation itself. Why might they be identical twins? Why does it matter? They aren’t sisters based on what we know, and if they are, that’s doubly confusing and EVEN WORSE writing if you can believe it. 
Good Ending
Summary: Gregory and Glamrock Freddy literally just leave. They get in a van and drive away. Glamrock Freddy runs out of power (as he stated would happen without a recharge station) and Gregory just...jumper cables him back to life. (And then we get a newspaper that Mr. Hippo took Freddy’s place on the main stage.) 
Analysis: I get that this is supposed to be a joke ending, but when your joke ending so easily contradicts the entire reason Glamrock Freddy absolutely cannot leave in the first place...then what the hell!? As an added kick in the teeth, none of this makes sense when you hold it up against the Bad Ending. The point of the Bad Ending was that nothing gets better because the kids keep getting kidnapped. Gregory and Glamrock Freddy leave in the Good Ending. So...like...the kids are still getting kidnapped, but it isn’t your problem anymore? That just makes me hate these two if I’m being honest.
Disassemble Vanny Ending
Summary: Glamrock Freddy and Gregory meet Vanny at her hideout in Fazzer Blast to square up. Glamrock Freddy gets pushed off a ledge by rogue S.T.A.F.F. bots  (that are under Vanny’s control via remote) and violently disassembled. Gameplay comes in, and Freddy states that he still has a signal, and tells Gregory to “turn them against Vanny.” When we cut back to the graphic novel-style ending, Vanny comes to attack Gregory, and, having no other choice, he presses orders the bots to disassemble her with the press of a button. Glamrock Freddy dies and the mall closes down due to health concerns. 
Analysis: Strangely enough, this ending has the least logistical problems. My question though, is, why did we need this ending? Yes, there are multiple endings to the game, but since there is a “True Ending”, (AKA, the only one that actually ended up happening,) all the other endings need to have some form of information included that benefits our understanding as an audience. This ending just...ends the normal way for any Fazbear establishment, and doesn’t really supply us anything interesting. (Other than Vanny’s gruesome death, of course.)
Best Ending
Summary: Gregory beats all the Princess Quest games. This frees the Bots of the virus and frees Vanny herself. Gregory takes Glamrock Freddy’s head (literally what ?) and Vanessa meets him at the doors. All three are shown sitting on a hill together. 
Analysis: Again, this one has few logistical problems and does showcase something interesting; that the way to beat the virus itself is through Princess Quest. (The Best Ending might actually be the best ending.) 
True Ending
(This one is done entirely through gameplay and cutscenes.) 
Summary: There’s a hole with an amalgamation in it. Gregory and Glamrock Freddy go down it. Why? Dunno.
First, Glamrock Freddy gives this somewhat ambiguous line: “I know what this is. I have been here before. She brought me here. I found myself for the first time when I cleared the path. I did not want to, but I had no choice. Now, I have a choice. I have changed. My friends are here. They are so angry...confused...but I can protect you. I AM NOT ME.”
Then William gets let out of cryosleep and 1 second later tries taking control of Glamrock Freddy. Gregory puts William in the oven and he gets killed by the amalgamation. Gregory and Glamrock Freddy run for their fucking lives and make it to a dramatic hill that they can sit on together. 
Analysis: I’ll be honest, this ending is the most compelling, but at the same time it needs SO much work. Why is the line from Glamrock Freddy so ambiguous? Who is “she”? Did Vanny force Freddy to clear a path down to William? Why wouldn’t she just use Roxy (who can literally smash through walls?) Is the other implication that Glamrock Freddy is another dead child? That’s fair, but how did he come to learn about his identity? Everything is left so vague and, unfortunately, serves to perpetuate loose ends rather than tie them up. 
Bad Ending
Summary: Gregory leaves and is later shown sleeping in an alley in a cardboard box. The newspaper he’s using as a blanket states that “Local Residents Continue to Disappear.” Vanny finds him sleeping in the alley, and we get an ominous cut to black. 
Analysis: This ending establishes the fact that Gregory is homeless, and while technically you could write it off as just that, we don’t get much light shed on his backstory either. We’re kind of just dropped into the Pizzaplex at the beginning of the game as if he’s been hiding out there, and then shown that he’s homeless. How come he’s never interacted with Glamrock Freddy before? Has he only started hiding out at the Pizzaplex recently? Why? Like with Vanny, most of Gregory’s story is up for speculation. (Keep in mind, all of this is after HOURS of gameplay, given that your run went smoothly.)
TL; DR Two of the endings blatantly contradict the reason that Glamrock Freddy can’t leave the Pizzaplex, and most of them have issues that altogether ruin their impact and perpetuate loose ends. This is why the endings left me with a sense of dissatisfaction, and I imagine there are others in the fandom who felt the same way. 
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itschrisboys · 2 years
security breach theory
so, in the fire escape ending, we see that the security guard vanessa and vanny are two separate people, heavily implying that one of them is a robot replica thing (which one it is isnt really important to this theory, though im personally betting on it being vanny)
so, what if security guard vanessa is genuinely a good person?
lets look at her actions in the game.
her trying to find gregory is just her trying to do her job. she seems genuinely unaware of the animatronics going rogue, and when she catches gregory, all she does is lock him in a room so he cant run off again, and waits for the cops to find his parents.
she gets pissed at freddy, and threatens to scrap him, but at the time all she knows is that he might be helping a child run around unsupervised in a mall full of dangerous equipment, which...does not look good without the full context, which vanessa doesnt have. i would be pretty pissed too if i were in her position.
her saying that "tonight is not the night to be wasting her time" is usually taken as her meaning that she has plans as vanny, but i think its more likely that she was referring to freddy's crash on the stage. the first time we hear her speak is her talking about the mess it caused, and she seems really stressed out.
she's pretty grumpy throughout the game, but it strikes me less as the grumpiness of a mean person, and more like the grumpiness of someone whos just having a really bad day. she says that she hates dealing with kids, so running around all night trying to find one probably isnt her idea of a good time.
gregory being scared of her might just be because he encountered her vanny doppelganger, and thought they were the same person. the way vanessa talks about gregory sounds like shed never met him before the events of the game, which would give no reason for gregory to have a negative opinion on her.
plus, during the good ending, we see her helping gregory leave the pizzeria, and eating ice cream with him and freddy, which i doubt gregory would trust her to do without realizing "oh, this is a different person."
so, in conclusion, i dont think vanessa is a bad person. i think shes just having a bad day.
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blackevermore · 3 years
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        ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Made in Kisekae 2  ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
@kippkapp @giinbean @aquaticcryptid  @cherryblossomdokis @spooky-toastsnew
x Names: I’Okai Shalon ( I-Oh-Kay  Sha-Loan ) x Nicknames: Oki (Doki) // Sha  x Age: 25 x Sexuality: Disaster Pansexual x Pronoun: He/They
x Personality: That overly jumpy and scardy cat character that has a very weird sense of confidence about the wrong things. Easily flustered when teased and bad social anxiety. King of missing soical cues and sarcastic remarks. Right over his head (Whoosp). Friendly just give him a sec to warm up to you.
         ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Headcanons have spoliers warning  ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
x Has been working at the Pizza Plex since he was 19. Starting in the food courted but was switched over to the bowling alley.
x While stationed in the bowling alley, I’Okai had a bad habit of sneaking off in the backrooms. He had a feeling something was wrong about the place and being nosy he wishes to find out what it is.
x Great bowler and will brag about it. Try him bitch!
x Became Freddy’s personal care taker after being caught sneaking around the backrooms and unconinous when he was 22. The mangner didn’t want to fire him because Okai is a great worker but just too nosy. So By putting him with Freddy he be forced to stay put (i mean you can’t drag a giant robot along with you......riiigggghhhht)
x I’Okai can’t remember anything that happened when he was found in the back. All he knows is that his eyes are a different color and sometimes he gets a metal taste in his mouth.
x Is besties with Vivi, @cherryblossomdokis ‘s sona, and Justin and highkeys tries to get them to join him on his adventures because he is too scared to go alone but too stubborn to not go at all.
x Will legit scream the whole time but then get mad when no one else wants to keep going with him
x As Freddy’s care taker he has to make sure that Freddy is emotionally stable, report any bugs or glitches, make sure he is repainted and polished if need be, and always ready for every big show. At first I’Okai didn’t go to the shows and stayed in Freddy’s room. But now he always goes and is front row with the other care takers. 
x Scared to death of Monty. He kinda gets along with Vanessa, indifferent about Sun and Moon, will fight Rox, loves DJ Music Man and Chica.
x Has developed a weird crush on Freddy once he becomes care taker, doesn’t understand where it comes from (daddy issues are strong tonight kids). Sometimes he gets a weird feeling that his attraction to Freddy aren’t all his.
x Loves holding the giant Freddy bear in Freddy’s room. Call him Deku because he is building a collection of Freddy merch
x Sometimes he gets weird feelings of deja vu that makes him feel like he is in danger and needs to move from where he is. Most of these times it’s when he is walking past Monty’s golf course or when Monty is passing by with Justin. 
x Has noticed how weird Vanessa gets.
x During the events of the game I’Okai breaks back into the plex and runs into Freddy and Gregory and aids them up until a certain point where he gets caught by Vanny and held captive. On either good endings the duo breaks him out, when they do that can see a weird purple glow around him and he starts muttering words about how odd it feels to be “back and yet still away”. 
x I’Okai was possessed by Superstar Bonnie the night he was sneaking around in the backrooms and stubled into the repair bay and found a still glitching yet completely broken Bonnie. When he touched Bonnie they were fused together. However I’Okai’s soul was stronger and Bonnie was kept under only slipping out once and a while. 
x Freddy can sense his best friend within I’Okai and welcomes them both back.
x You can guess from here I’m shipping them HEH!!
         ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Headcanons have spoliers warning  ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
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