#we never saw her get free from vanny did we?
playhousemassacrez · 1 year
Vanny Evolution
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-Pre Help Wanted-
Vanya “Vanessa” Anton, the descendant to the Anton family from my other AU, “Welcome to Callie’s”, has one interesting backstory. Her parents neglected her for years, so she always got into trouble as a child.
Until she became suddenly pregnant when she turned 16, which caused her parents to freak the fuck out and kicked their daughter out. Enter Gregory, but Vanya has to give him up cuz she was too young to take care of a child, so Gregory was taken to the orphanage, and she never saw him again.
Years later, Vanya gets hired by the company who did the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Virtual Reality game (it could be Fazbear Entertainment or some other company idk). As she was hired, she meets another woman who looks just like her named Vanessa (they have the same names and look the same. That’s what happens when Scott reuses names like Michael and Jeremy so). Luckily, the two have something in common; bad parents, bad childhood and they liked Freddy’s when they were kids (Vanny liked Bonnie and Vanessa liked Freddy). She even met Luis, Vanessa’s crush, Lottie (AKA Tape Girl), the daughter of Mayor Laura Emerson and Vanessa’s younger sister, Valerie.
However, when Vanny tested the game for the first time after Jeremy Fitzgerald cut his face (he still lived thank God), something inside her made her feel strange....
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-Post Help Wanted-
(Ignore the brown eyebrows I didn’t know they were both white)
After meeting William (AKA Glitchtrap cuz fuck Canon), Vanya doesn’t feel like herself anymore (She either develops a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation or I’m just headcanoned her to be like Vanessa from Nightcove the Fox’s Vanessa: Into Madness movie). She went from being totally calm and happy to depressed and miserable. Her depression hikes up to 11 when Evil Elizabeth shows up.
However, despite this, Vanya still wants to show her master that she’s more than his daughter, but no matter what, Elizabeth was always number one. It was time to prove him wrong. Or so she thought....
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-Security Breach/Ruin-
After the grand opening of Freddy Fazbear’s Mega PizzaPlex, Vanya- oops, I meant Vanny, breaks into the PizzaPlex and hacks into the database which causes Vanessa to get hired by Fazbear Entertainment to work at the PizzaPlex for night shifts. Afton gives her a mission to help Evil Elizabeth lure kids and take their remnant (still a confusing concept I get it) to make Afton “become whole again” (kind of like the Prototype from Poppy Playtime but not really). Once she sets her eyes on Gregory, she couldn’t bear to kill him cuz she noticed that Gregory was her baby that she gave up all those years ago, so she decided to let him leave him alone and lie to her master about it.
However, Vanny tries her best not to hurt her own child but due to Afton affecting her so much, she becomes the Vanny we know and love (oh don’t worry, she and Vanessa have much more screen time here). Thankfully, Gregory frees Vanya and M.X.E.S finally kills Afton for good.
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-Post Ruin-
After the events of Ruin, Vanya reunited with Gregory and the two becomes whole again. Valerie and Roxanne help her dye her hair, so she doesn’t look like Vanessa and Frederic (Glam Freddy) asks her out on a date, which she accepts.
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paigelts05 · 2 years
[GORE] The wound she leaves [FNAF, Renegade AU]
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Link: https://www.deviantart.com/paigelts05/art/GORE-The-wound-she-leaves-FNAF-Renegade-AU-913304297
Renegade File Server Location: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38432908
Published: Apr 17, 2022
I'm making a bunch of side stories to go alongside my masterpiece: Arcade Conspiracy. These side stories cover what Luis Cabrera didn't see and follow other characters surviving the riot at the Pizzaplex.
Taking place after Luis passes out at the foot of the Princess Quest 3 arcade, we switch to the blurred perspective of Vanessa Diego.
Almost killing Luis earlier in the night had granted her some control back then, but Glitchtrap always regains control. She was banking on Luis being able to free her, but he couldn't, and Glitchtrap used this as an opportunity to kill the interloper once and for all.
Ness comes back to her senses after stabbing Luis. She sees him bleeding out, and wants to save him, but Glitchtrap won't let her. He gives her a choice: finish him off herself or watch him slowly bleed out.
Knowing that William is a business man, she knows what she has to do and is willing to sacrifice anything to keep Luis alive. She has been forced to extract remnant from herself before, so knows too well that remnant can be extracted from still living humans, so she proposes a deal: She is to extract remnant from Luis, sacrificing a portion of his memories, in exchange for letting her beloved interloper to live.
=°•.🌹 Story 🌹.•°=
Ness stared at her hands, then at the ground before her. Luis lay bearly breathing, a knife had been plunged into his abdomen but he was still alive for now. Blood soaked the floor and the fabric of the feet of her rabbit costume.
She was still wearing the rabbit costume. But why did she expect any different; she only had this costume and a pair of more pedestrian clothes, and that was all.
She took a second look at her hands, and sure enough, they were covered in fabric, one hand red, the other a blueish off-white. Both were stained with blood.
"No no no, this can't be happening!"
She stepped backwards as she tried to wake herself from this nightmare, only to quickly discover that she was already awake.
So if she was awake, Luis was really bleeding out before her again.
As she saw his breathing get weaker, she tried to get closer, but it felt as though someone or something was holding her back. So she sunk to her knees instead and tried to remember what happened.
She recalled the east arcade. She had been taken over by 'Vanny'. She had stabbed him, slashed at him, and had almost killed him, the intention having been to stab a knife through his heart. Luis had managed to push the knife to a non-fatal area of his abdomen, but that didn't change the fact that he had been stabbed.
Ness knew that it was at that moment when she had regained control, to at least some degree. Enough to let go and give him a chance to get back up. Then, Vanny was back in power, right up until the critical moment. Ness remembered that when she was given a critical opportunity, she instead foolishly pulled out the knife and kissed Luis before forcing her body to retreat.
Whilst she felt a fool, she'd never trade those actions for the world.
And she had happened across him again when he was on his way to Fazerblast, when he was bearly conscious and she had bearly managed to ensure that Glitchtrap didn't hurt him by making the most out of what little control she had left.
And finally, she had watched him collapse at the foot of the Princess Quest 3 arcade.
And Glitchtrap had made her stab him.
A precision wound in the exact same place he had been stabbed last time.
Ness looked back up at Luis his eyes had opened, as was his mouth. He was still alive - she thanked the stars - and he was smiling at her.
His mouth then closed, so it was clear he was still alive, still able to move somewhat. And the reason his mouth had been open was because he had spoken.
"Nessie, I love you."
She felt as though she didn't deserve this kindness. Glitchtrap had turned her into Vanny again and made another attempt on Luis's life, only hours after the previous.
Luis had tried to save her, and had failed, and here he was, bleeding out in the Fazerblast control room. She reached for the knife, but knew she'd probably hurt him more.
Then, she turned to the first aid kit.
She had to save her Luis, weather Glitchtrap wanted her to or not, she'd do it.
With a deep breath, she gently removed the knife and begun to treat Luis's wound. This wound was in the exact same place where she had stabbed him back at the arcade. If she could patch him up well enough, nobody would notice that she had attacked him again, right?
Nodding in affirmation to herself, she begun to stitch up the wound with surgical precision, copying the exact same methods as the previous patch-up of this wound, as even though Glitchtrap's influence had forced her to be adept and killing, it had also made her more versed in surgery. The other of the two constants within the Afton's: murder and surgery.
As she was stitching up Luis's wound, replicating what she had gathered from the pinpricks around the wound so that nobody aside from herself and Luis would ever know that this wound had been stabbed twice, she felt a presence over her shoulder.
"Please, go away." Ness said, "let Luis and I have a moment together. It may be our last chance and-"
"It will be." The looming presence, Glitchtrap himself, replied.
Ness was too stunned to reply, trying her best not to shake as she continued to heal Luis. He had lost a lot of blood, but she knew that he was rather hardy, so she had hope that he'd survive. She'd even found an IV of that fluid stuff - she did not have time to know what it was called, only what it intrinsically was without words and that it'd help - that'd help Luis not go into shock.
"Isn't it beautiful, isn't it romantic?" Glitchtrap said, almost mockingly, "he will die, and even in death, he'll be yours. His last smile, his last words, his last kiss. All yours and he gave them to you himself. All you have to take is his life. Isn't that what you wanted? For this man to be yours?"
Ness felt Glitchtrap's hand on her shoulder and she felt a chil shoot down her spine, freezing all her limbs in an instant.
"That's ... Not right." She didn't know if those were the right words. She loved Luis, and he was hers already before all of this, but she would never take his life.
The segment of her mind that Glitchtrap had taken over wanted to see Luis bleed out before her. It tried to convince her that it would be beautiful. It tried to convince her that he would be hers forever as a corpse, but would leave her now he knows she's a killer, but only if she let him live. But the real her, the last remaining shred of her mind she had left within her control, wanted Luis to live. She knew that he would stay by her side, even through this.
She had to keep patching him up. He had to survive.
Taking a deep breath, she tried to keep stitching up his wound, but her body wouldn't cooperate. It was as if someone had pressed pause on her body. She knew this feeling all to well. Glitchtrap was not going to let her keep healing Luis.
"It wasn't a suggestion." Glitchtrap said, forcing Ness's free hand towards the knife she had set down. "Would you rather see him bleed out slowly, or let him die quickly."
'No!' she tried to shout, but her voice didn't escape her lips. Instead, the sickening sensation of claws scratched within her throat as her voice came out as a distorted perversion of her own. "Slowly."
Tears fell down her cheeks as she was forced to listen to the words that were not hers fall from her mouth, and even if they were not hers, they meant the same thing. She had been given a choice, and she simply had been made to say the option closest to what she wanted.
She looked at Luis, whose breathing was slow and shallow as his shining eyes started to look like they were glazing over. The side of her under Glitchtrap's direct command found the sight hauntingly beautiful, but the parts of herself she still had control over found it terrifying. She was losing him. Fast.
She had to think of something. Some way to keep him alive. She knew all too well the Afton's always disposed of things that they decided no longer had use, so she needed to trick the rabbit into believing that Luis had some use to him alive.
"Remnant can be extracted from a live host..." She mumbled. Remnant could be produced by the living, usually in trace amounts, but she knew of Henry, or more specifically the doll that became a replacement for his daughter. She knew Cecilia, a girl who uses remnant from her own body to keep herself alive. She knew Krasnyy, who William had tried to kill back in the mid 2000's. William had flayed the skin from the journalist's right arm to start the production of remnant. She remembered that Krasnyy had told everyone that he only realised that remnant had been extracted from him after looking through his camera footage and finding footage he didn't remember taking whilst escaping from William.
So she knew that she'd be sacrificing some of Luis's memories. The snippets would be short, if she had her way, but she had no way of knowing if or how Glitchtrap would intervene.
"I know. Tonight has been disappointing for production and that is our last option; taking scraps of agony grief and anger from what little blood was shed." Glitchtrap seemed deep in thought. Ness hoped he was considering what she was thinking. "Are you proposing we keep him alive to extract trace amounts of remnant from time to time?"
"If you want to keep that corpse of yours alive into next week, do you have a choice?" Ness spat in reply. Glitchtrap's human corpse component, Burntrap, was festering in a recharge station in the basement. Remnant was needed to reanimate it, and it was almost complete. But she hoped that even after it was complete that William still wouldn't have enough to persist.
"Deal. We only need a tad more, so I require a decent sided sample." Glitchtrap grinned, much to Ness's horrified suprise, "some remnant in exchange for keeping him alive. You don't even need to keep him as a pet; he can go free after the sample has been taken."
"Thank you."
Nausea built up in her head and stomach as she let the reality set in. She had just agreed to extract remnant from an alive Luis. She didn't know how many memories he'd lose, and didn't want to ask right now, but she'd made a deal. One that'd see Luis live.
She never wanted to have to thank Glitchtrap for anything ever again.
She found that she could move again and immediately finished patching up Luis's wound. Whilst still shallow, his breathing had leveled out and she knew he'd be ok. Her fabric gloves were covered in blood to the point where they were heavy, but this time, it was from healing instead of hurting, so they didn't feel as heavy.
"Now," Glitchtrap said, "first you'll need to change. You can clean your suit later. Then, you need to make sure that he won't be able to see where he is or escape. Finally, decide on a remnant extraction facility."
"I'll use the one behind the daycare." Ness said as she changed out of her rabbit costume and into a grey t-shirt, black slacks, and a purple plaid shirt. Her hands were stained slightly red, but as much as she hated it, she was used to the stains by now.
"Strange choice, seeing as it's so small, but seeing as you've used it before and it's equip to be less ... Invasive." Glitchtrap mumbled, "but it'll do. I can't believe you're cooperating with me for a change. Perhaps I should have tried to kill him sooner. Oh wait, I did."
Ness ignored the remarks as she turned back to Luis, recalling Glitchtrap's second order: prevent Luis from seeing or escaping.
She hated herself to do it, but she had made this deal in order to keep him alive, so surely her beloved would understand, right?
She grabbed a length of rope from a storage crate and a scrap of cloth. As she tied the cloth over Luis's eyes, she realised that he was unconscious. Her heart skipped a beat in fear, but he was breathing and his heart was beating, so she released the breath she was holding and gave him a kiss of the forehead before slinging the rope over her shoulder like a stereotypical fictional tomb raider and picking him up in a bridal style carry.
There was no need for him to be restrained yet. That was only necessary for the remnant extraction procedure.
Before she left Fazerblast, she switched the backup EMP circuit in her flannel jacket on. It wouldn't be as effective as it didn't have the accompanying illusion circuit that the rabbit suit had, but with the riot, human staff were unlikely to bother her. With her pedestrian clothes she looked like a regular lady tending to the wounded; oh how it was both almost true and the opposite. Unless they knew her, they'd seldom suspect that the rabbit lady whose presence induced headaches was her, as no illusion circuit means no migraine inducing aura, which also ment that Luis wouldn't be uncomfortable during this transit.
As she navigated through the atrium, then to the main lobby/ enterance zone, and then to the daycare, she found herself rambling. First about how much she had missed being home and hated being trapped here. Then about how she was sorry that she couldn't do more to halt Glitchtrap, and how she knew that Luis would tell her to stop being so hard on herself if he could hear her. Then finally, she talked about the arcades. Why didn't they let Luis in? He had done everything right, right?
"Unless those other arcades the last technician looked into were a part of this. Poor guy managed to beat those arcades, only to get abducted and shot before he could beat the last one. It's like a conspiracy."
She looked down at Luis, and he looked so peaceful. His faded heartbeat and shallow breathing soothed her. His hair and clothes were soaked in blood, and he looked so fragile in her arms. He looked so beautiful and Ness wished that time would freeze so that she could stay with her beloved Luis forever, on her own terms.
Ness took a deep breath as the door hidden behind the pirate poster opened for herself and Luis, allowing her to walk inside. She walked through the dingy corridor, but couldn't shake the idea that she had been followed.
But she had work to do.
She carefully dragged Luis into the small offshoot room that was through a cylindrical hole in the wall and gently placed him on the floor. She then located the remnant extraction equipment that had been hidden in the room for her to use. Finally, she bound Luis's arms behind his back. The less he could move during the procedure the better.
Preparing the remnant extraction kit, Ness saw Luis beginning to wake up.
His shallow breathing became more rapid and she heard his heart beat faster but not louder.
"It's ok, you'll be ok," Ness tried to convince both herself and Luis that he would be ok as she placed her free hand on his face, "See, I'm here."
Luis's breathing seemed to slow down to a safe place for how shallow it was, and he seemed to be trying to speak, but his words were so quiet that even she couldn't understand him.
"It won't hurt, I promise, and I hope you forgive me - if you remember." Ness softly moved her hand down Luis's face until she was at his neck, then carefully, she tilted his head to the side as to expose his neck.
As she did so, she felt Luis struggle beneath her, weak and exhausted. His attempt to fight back was in vain, as he couldn't even shake off the light nudge of her hand against his face. "Nessie? What are you going to do to me?" He asked, his fear filled voice so weak it was almost silent. "Please, be honest."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she replied, "I'm... I have to extract remnant from you. It won't kill you, but as with all live extractions, you will forget a few things. It will sting a little, but only the same as getting a needle in your neck would normally. I should know."
"Nessie, you...?" Luis's voice was a mix of fear and concern. Ness knew that he was worried about her as much as he was himself.
"After a botched kill, I had to extract some from myself to meet quota. I lost almost a day." She counted herself lucky that she couldn't remember that day thanks to the memory being extracted as remnant, "This extractor can only hold a few hours at most, only minutes if there's enough agony. That's why I picked this one. It'll just be like getting struck with slight amnesia, ok?"
"Ok." Luis conceded as he let Ness finish tilting his head, "just be careful, ok? I'm counting on you."
Ness nodded, tears in her eyes, "I will."
She planted a kiss on Luis's forehead before aligning the needle of the extractor's syringe with Luis's neck.
Hesitation took hold. She didn't want to do this. But she had to. She had made a deal that would let Luis live. It wasn't the first, but she hoped it'd be the last.
After a deep breath, she plunged the syringe into Luis's neck and took a second syringe. This second one was what would cause remnant to be produced. She injected the compound next to where the extractor's syringe had pierced into Luis's neck and then watched as the extractor syringe begun to fill up with an iridescent black liquid.
Sometimes, she'd see hints of other colours, but most of it was a black that glistened like a rainbow.
At most, she knew Luis would forget this night, and at minimum, he'd forget the minutes before the extraction process. The likely gap would be between when she saw him collapse after the princess quest 3 arcade didn't let him in and now, but only Luis or William would be able to confirm if that were true. Luis because he'd be able to say the last thing he remembered, and William because the old man can 'read' remnant and tell what memories it holds.
She stopped watching the syringe and looked at Luis's face. Even though she couldn't see his eyes, she knew that he was falling asleep. She let herself smile and pretend for a moment that everything was OK, but her fantasy was interrupted by the rude beeping of the extractor. It was done.
She carefully removed the empty syringe from Luis's neck before placing it on the ground. Then, she grabbed a vial from the side of the extractor.
"Gently does it," she mumbled as she slipped the remnant filled syringe out of Luis's neck and transferred the substance to the vial she had grabbed. The iridescent black liquid filled the vial almost completely, and as she compared it to the previous extractions she had been forced to perform, she realised that this was bearly a tenth of a normal haul, yet the agony was so potent that the sheer potency alone more than made up for it.
With a smile, she slipped the vial into a holding pocket on her jacket where it would be safe.
Looking back at Luis, she now knew for a fact that if he wasn't asleep before, he definitely was out cold now. She ran her hand down his neck over where the syringes had been inserted, and whilst the pinpricks were near-impossible to see, she knew they were there. She could also feel his pulse, and it was surprisingly stable. Knowing that there was a chance she'd never see him again, she planted a light kiss on Luis's neck over syringes pinpricks as a just-in-case goodbye.
Now, she had to hide Luis. If anyone did follow her, she didn't want them finding him unless they wanted to take him to safety. Safety being one of the many groups of staff that had formed and posted themselves in secure areas of the megaplex in order to ensure the best chances of survival. None of those locked behind had died yet, much to Williams distaste, which was probably why he was fine with keeping Luis alive provided some remnant was extracted.
Looking about the room, she opted to hide Luis at the side of the BB world arcade cabinet. Gently, she lifted him up and sat him down within the gap between the metal and the wall. It was a tight squeeze, but Luis's thin frame fit just fine as the walls propped him up in a sitting position. She hoped that he'd be safe here.
The more she looked at Luis's the more she wanted to stay. If Glitchtrap was simply a man holding her hostage,  she'd run away with Luis and never look back. Yet whilst she was a hostage, her captor was a spectral entity and had taken up residence inside her brain, latching on so that no matter where she ran, the monster would always be not even a step behind.
She had to leave her beloveds side for now to deliver the vial that should guarantee his safety.
Uncertainty crept over her as she lingered too long on the word 'should'. William was both the homicidal mascot, Glitchtrap, but also the refined businessman of the Afton family, so he should keep his end of the bargain and let Luis escape alive now she had fulfilled her end of the deal. After all, even if he looked like a stupid oversized plush toy, his business man habits still stood.
Even though she hated what she had to do to Luis, the fact remained that there were no other options. She was not going to subject Luis to the same torment she had to endure, she wasn't going to let him bleed out before her. She only hoped that he didn't forget too much. He was still her beacon of hope for escape, even now; his knowledge of the arcades would still be her key in escaping this hell.
As Ness crawled out of the hidden room, she saw an unfriendly pair of eyes staring her down. Instinctively, she knew that this person knew of her, and that she was now face-to-face with an 'exec', an executive of Fazbear Entertainment: with white hair and red eyes, this man was likely the son of the infamous C location manager, Daniel D., and the attitude must be heradatory too.
"Where is Luis Cabrera." The exec asked, his venom filled voice booming in the small room.
Ness's body didn't feel like her own anymore - as if it has ever been her own this past month, it had only been tonight after stabbing Luis the first time when she had recaptured any bastion of control, only to have it ripped away again. Her body was was moving on its own. 'I don't know', she wanted to lie, but the words "in there" came out instead in a sickly sweet and static drenched perversion of her real voice as her arm involuntarily moved and pointed to the hole in the wall from where she had just crawled from.
The exec simply nodded and crawled inside. By the 'there he is' that Ness heard, she knew that the exec had found Luis almost immediately. So much for the gap between the side of the arcade cabinet and the wall being a safe hiding spot.
She couldn't bring herself to move. She knew what execs were like, and she feared what the man would do to her beloved.
She didn't want her beloved to wind up like the poor technician before him. Why did she ever think that room was a safe hiding spot? That was the exact room the previous man who tried to glitch the arcades was shot! And Luis would be next.
Shaking, she sunk to her knees. Had her efforts had been for naught? A part of her wished that she did let Luis bleed out back in Fazerblast, calm and smiling in her arms. She did not know if the side with that thought was her, or the cage that she was normally trapped inside, but this time, she didn't care.
Reaching into her jacket, she grabbed the vial of remnant, ready to crush the vial the second a gunshot sounded, but there was no shot yet. Only yelling. But she didn't know how long it'd last.
She felt a presence over her shoulder, and a rough hand with purple nails with faded yellow and redish pink star transfers still adorning the surface.
She didn't need words to speak to her sister. Actions did just fine.
As Sylvia snuck into the secret room, moving quieter than even she could, Ness followed. Her movement were muffled by the yelling which was now a rather one-sided back-and-forth.
Ness wasn't surprised to see a gun in the execs hand, but she was surprised that he hadn't fired a single bullet yet. Not even a warning shot. But she counted herself and Luis lucky; Faz Ent' had sent someone bent on extracting a confession prior to putting the unlucky victim down, and fortunately, Luis wasn't cooperating.
But the exec's patience soon begun to wear thin.
Sylvia primed herself to attack as the exec raised his gun to Luis's head.
Ness found herself frozen to the spot, unable to move, even if she wanted to.
A deafening yell was followed by an even more deafening gunshot.
She would have swore that her heart would have stopped and shattered if she didn't hear Luis screaming in agony. Despite the blood soaking into his shirt, flowing from his shoulder, he was alive.
And Sylvia had pinned the exec to the ground and Ness helped her hold him down as Sylvia bound the bastard with cable ties. Ness wanted to make sure that he'd never lay a finger near Luis again, but she knew better when in her own mind to not add another body to the ever growing pile. At least her beloved was safe, and not only that, prevented an innocent from dying to her hands this night.
Sylvia went over to Luis to check on him, and then turned to Ness and nodded. "He's still alive. I'll take the exec, you take Luis."
As Sylvia grabbed the exec and dragged him out, no regard for the integrity of the man's body, Ness turned to Luis, who she noticed had passed out cold.
"I guess I get to have you in my arms one last time. Again." She smiled to herself as she carefully picked up Luis and gently dragged him out of the hidden room, before resuming a bridal style carry.
She followed behind her sister who was crudely dragging the exec behind her by the collar of the man's shirt, letting his broken body drag behind.
Turning her attention back to Luis, she noted that his breathing was shallow again. She knew he'd die if not given medical attention, but the full lobby gave her hope. Surely, one of the tens, no, probably at least a hundred members of staff that were locked behind would know how to treat her beloveds wounds.
The main lobby was a sea of people, and she could feel every stare that came her way. But she knew they weren't staring at her. The disassembled staffbots showed that thier only two concerns were 'is that a human' and 'is the man in her arms alive'. The answer to both was yes, she hoped.
She followed Sylvia to a small group of survivors who she recognised, one guard being the son of a friendly acquaintance, and another, a child, the girl that William had tried so hard to make her kill.
William wasn't dumb enough to try to attack someone in effective broad daylight, so the girl was safe.
After setting Luis down, the red haired guard immediately begun to tend to Luis's wounds with the precision of a forest ranger, but she knew she couldn't stay to see him wake.
Stealing one last glance at Luis, She walked back up the stairs, feeling no eyes on her, and entered the elevator.
Luis was alive. Therefore, she had a vial of remnant to deliver.
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vampiresbloodx · 10 months
a/n: thanks to this ask from the lovely 🦐 anon I'm going insane and wanted to write a lil something for this <33
Trigger warnings: smut, dubcon/noncon, a little vanny/vanessa tease, vaginal fingering, tied up, top!Vanessa.
Vanessa hadn't come home yet.
You were starting to get worried, not that you already were in a panicked state before when you've called her at least 20 times and she hasn't answered any of your texts, that was what got you concerned.
You even tried to contact Mike and ask him if he's seen Vanessa or heard from her, he eventually answered with his usual sleepy voice, saying he hasn't seen her since she last came to freddy fazbears early this morning and then she left saying she needed to get back to you. Now.
She needed to get back to you and yet she never made it home?
You couldn't help but think the worst.
You knew you she could handle herself, hell, she's a police officer, not that you very much liked her career choice, but at least you have some relief that she gets to carry a gun on her, have one in her car and even in your shared apartment if shit goes bad.
You knew you shouldn't panic.
Everything was gonna be okay.
But it was already 8am, she should be home by now, Mike finished at exactly 6am every night shift, Vanessa gets off at 4, sometimes earlier, she doesn't even need to go to freddys but for some reason she does anyways.
She says it's to look after Mike and his little sister abby, but for some strange reason you don't fully believe her.
And you've never doubted your girlfriend before.
Something was off.
And you needed to find out what and why.
Just as you were about to leave the house, grabbing your keys and phone, that was when the door opened, you turned your head in the direction of the noise and your heart skipped a beat, hoping to see a familiar blonde.
"Vanessa? Honey?" You called out, walking out of your bedroom as you followed her voice.
She seemed to be muttering something to herself, you couldn't quiet hear her properly, but when you saw her, you froze, confused.
Your girlfriend turned around to face you, and something felt... definitely off.
"You're finally home! I've missed you" you smiled, stepping closer to her.
She stood there, not speaking as she watched you.
Almost observing you.
"You must be tired, Vanessa, we should get to bed, yeah?-" your hand reaches up to caress her cheek, but then your wrist was grabbed.
Her grip tightened on you even harder, making you hiss.
"Nessy, stop, that hurts" you tried to pull away from her, but weirdly you couldn't as her strength overpowered yours.
"My name isn't Vanessa."
She said, finally speaking up.
Even her voice sounded different.
And yet she still looked exactly like the woman you fell in love with.
"What?, Vanessa what are you saying?" You said.
Your girlfriend has always been soft towards you, never wanting to hurt you at all, even if you gave her consent to hurt you, she wouldn't. Shed loose it. She's never once laid a hand on you. Raised her voice at you.
Tonight, however, she was something else.
She had you pinned against the bed, somehow you had managed to get here as she grabbed you and forced you to the bedroom, you struggled against her grip, wanting to free yourself but there was no use, there was a apart of you screaming at you to run and hide, but there was also apart of you that wanted to see what happened next.
"Good girl" she whispered, biting at your earlobe, you were bare naked by now, lying on your back, your wrists tied together as she teased and played with your pussy that was undoubtedly dripping wet, you've never seen her like this before, and fuck did it turn you on. "She couldn't keep me from you forever" she chuckled darkly.
After a while of her having her way with you, she randomly passed out, on the bed, you tried to get her to wake up, to make sure she's okay, but you just decided it was best not to wake her, she looked like she was knocked out unconscious, all you did was have a shower, get changed and go back to sleep, with your girlfriend safe and sound right beside you.
At least you thought it was her.
The next morning, you wake up with a smile on your face, the sun shining through the little peek of the curtains that were slightly opened. That's when you heard it. The sniffling and soft crying. Immediately you sat up, looking at your girlfriend, her eyes were red, her face puffy from crying as she couldn't even meet your eyes.
"Nessy?" You whispered, your hand reaching out to touch her.
"No, no, don't touch me" She whimpered, covering her face in her hands. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, I tried to stop her, I really did. But she wasn't listening to me like she'd usually would. Fuck. I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry."
She continued to cry, the sound breaking your heart.
"What's going on? Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked.
"I- I don't know how to tell you."
"It's okay, you know I'll always love you and never judge you with whatever you tell me."
Vanessa looked up at you, finally meeting your gaze, and for some reason you felt like this was your vanessa, not the person she was last night.
You smiled.
"Okay" She muttered, gathering herself. "Promise me you won't leave me or hate me."
"I promise."
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
just saw the teaser art for Security Breach Ruin and i swear to god if Vanessa isn’t in it—
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illusionlockarchive · 4 years
Cornered: A short Security Breach fanfiction.
Hi!! As a foreword, I wanna say that this fanfic draws ideas from this little theory of mine, so if you’re confused by what is exactly going on between Vanessa and Vanny here, I recommend you check that out first. Happy reading!
content warnings: swearing, death threats, unreality
Vanessa jumped and backed up against the wall, her thumb pressing the elevator button once, twice, five times, maybe ten or twenty five times. Her heart pounded and the sweat that rolled now over her face lit up with the pink neon lights. Her vision blurred as a purple tint filled up her vision like a flood, as if someone had messed with the lights of the entire floor.
Graceful, mocking, flickering rabbits danced around her vision and encircled the woman in a rabbit costume in front of her. Like happy bunnies from a children's cartoon approaching a princess. They wanted her to go to her, of course. It didn't matter if she had a knife, long and sharp, glistening in the low light.
Vanessa squeezed her eyes together, hoping to make it all go away. For a moment she saw herself, as if she were in a movie, just another victim in the way, not enough to be the main character, one that put up a worthy fight, only to die at the knife, cornered, screaming. Maybe she would make a real scandal, raising her voice up high, struggling as much as she could, be the perfect movie cliche.
But she could not. Her eyes shot up again, and the rabbits hopped slowly alongside the woman who approached her, confident and slow. She was paralyzed, unable to even utter out a gasp. Of course, whatever had latched onto her, whatever had been messing with her head and body for these past months, would want her to just sit still like a good little sacrifice, as the true vehicle of this demon's will executed his plan perfectly.
All her resistance, her cries for help, her research on how to break free, for nothing. And the rabbit woman was getting closer. Vanessa gave a last attempt at resistance, shakingly holding her flashlight up, maybe hoping to blind the attacker, or even successfully block the knife, enough for the elevator to finally come up, though she knew, the virus had probably already spread to the goddamn entire building complex somehow.
She dropped it. It was barely even a blink, and she was dropping the flashlight to the side with a resounding clank, a slight bounce on the shiny checkered floor. One of the purple rabbits leaped forward with brighter glee, and a sinister smile. The bunny woman, oh, of course, she stopped for a moment just to tilt her head to the side, Vanessa could tell she was beaming behind the mask.
She squeezed her eyes together again, praying for a last second in which the elevator would open, she thought she would have so many thoughts, but now, her mind felt utterly empty, aside from the sinister grin of a purple rabbit, one she had been seeing in her nightmares for so long already.
The knife landed right next to her head. Vanessa's eyes shot open to see the rabbit staring right back at her, up to her face, so close, pinning her against the wall. She couldn't understand, was the attacker toying with her?
"Why are you making this so difficult, blondie? We're two of the same kind!" The bunny woman finally spoke up. Her voice was just as Vanessa expected it to be, mocking her in a sweet manner.
She drew the knife slowly, raking across the wall, a horrid scraping sound that made Vanessa's heart jump.
"It would be just so easy to give in... you don't even have to do the dirty work, honest!"
"W... what?" Vanessa's breath was shaky, she'd been certainly holding it for a while, and as she released it, it all came out heaving.
"Give in... give in!" The words echoed through her mind. The rabbits were climbing over her now.
"I'm not-" Vanessa swallowed, finally being able to speaking, the could touch of the demon seemed to be lifted for a second. "I'm not going to give in. I never asked for this- if you want to do... whatever it is you're doing, so badly, just kill me now!"
She surprised herself by how bodly and loudly she was speaking, blood boiling. It was the first time she felt she could directly speak to whatever had been tormenting her for so many months, making her lose track of her own actions, messing with her thoughts.
She wanted her voice to be heard one last time.
"I'll be of no use to you now, and I'll never be, so just get rid of me and stop trying to get me on your side for fuck's sake!"
The shouting seemed to be effective in at least getting the rabbit woman to back off, and the bunnies glitched and flickered out of view.
And then the woman... laughed? And began to laugh, and laugh, a giggle that turned into a deranged, uncontrollable fit of laughter, shaking and contorting her whole body. She came to the point of bending over, hands on her knees.
Vanessa just cursed under her breath, that seemed to buy her some time, so could that damn elevator hurry up?
"You, you are so funny, blondie. Acting like you're some sort of hero. Like it'll make a difference." The rabbit woman straightened up now, shooting a scarily piercing glare for someone wearing a smiling rabbit mask. "You and I know he doesn't care what any of us thinks. He'll just keep coming back. History is made by the winners, so why don't we get on their side?"
"Because it's not the right thing to do. How do you live with yourself, knowing that this is what he wants?" Vanessa replied. She lowered her head in defiance, gaze still fixated upwards to the woman. "You've seen it, right? The carnage, the torture, the manipulation, those are the things that he wants. How can you work with someone like that? What could you possibly get from that?"
The rabbit woman scoffed, and examined her knife as if she were looking at her nails, twisting it to reflect the multicolored lights. "You don't, like, know me, and you should stop acting like you care. It's too late for me. He chose me to carry his bigger part, to be the leader of the operation. You were just a backup plan, like all the other attempts."
"Fine." Vanessa glared at her. "Answer me this. When you bring that knife down, when you give the finishing blow, when you'll hear that kid's scream, when his blood gushes out and you can't stop yourself anymore, how will you be feeling?"
"I can look away. I'll close my eyes. I'll be a good vessel, at that time." The woman turned her head, gaze now at a distance that was not in this place or time. There was a softness to her voice. "It'll be like falling asleep for a moment, and waking up in the other."
"You can't be serious. You act like you're so high and mighty, the leader of the fucking bunch, but you clearly don't want to do this." Vanessa gritted her teeth now, glaring. She wanted so desperately for this to big her big break, finally getting through to that ridiculous killer rabbit.
The opposite effect, instead, took place. The woman leaped at her, with a sudden speed and strenght Vanessa thought she may surely die from a heart attack before the blade even pierced her, and she found herself pinned back up against the wall. This time, though, the knife was closer, threatening.
The sinister, wide open smile on the rabbit mask felt even more grim now, illuminate with an eerie glow. The purple lights came back on, as the words filled her mind, rapidly coming and going, like loose streams of thought.
"Worthless girl."
"Your attempts will get you nowhere."
"I laugh at you from beyond death."
"Your death will be nothing but a testimony to your incompetence."
Dark rabbits in shades of purple and black danced.
For the second time, however, the blade did not come down.
The rabbit's arm shook, and swerved, but it did not come down. From within the suit, Vanessa could hear, a guttural growl, as if the person inside was fighting with all of her strenght to keep the blade in place.
For what purpose, again, did this torture come to be, Vanessa wondered.
As the two stayed frozen in the moment, the swirl of unwanted thoughts within Vanessa's head grew louder, into a cacophony of unpleasant suggestions, all interrupting each other and drowning themselves out in desperation to be heard.
The blade stood still, save for it shaking a bit along with the rabbit woman's arm.
"She's not the target. She is not your target. Killing her will get us nowhere. She is not my target. This will make it more complicated." The woman spoke, but Vanessa could tell, it wasn't to her. “Please, I’ll prove it to you, this isn’t worth it. I won’t forget what you told me. But she is not the target.”
The elevator's anticlimatic ring was what startled Vanessa, and she fell backwards, right into the inside of it. Scrambling back up, she pressed any button to close it as fast as possible and get away from there, before the rabbit woman could even realize what was happening.
Vanessa rode the adrenaline spike as she escaped her attacker, and her thoughts calmed down and gave way into her very own. She'd be safe, for the moment.
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jovanniaaron · 4 years
⤜ ❝ 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖌𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖊, 𝖎 𝖆𝖎𝖓'𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖙. 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝖆 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊 ❞
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i’ve been keeping a close eye on JOVANNI MALIK AARON lately . by all means , i’ve started to notice the striking resemblance between him and keith powers , but something sparked my interest more . as it turns out - the aaron family have indeed tried their best to tuck away jovanni’s impulsive tendencies , but it only seems to bring out his arrogance more . according to close confidants , on rare occasions , he can be debonair , last time they saw this side of him was , and i quote - “ON HIS TWENTY-FOURTH BIRTHDAY” . but most shocking of all , seems to be the fact that ever since i dug deeper in his life , i somehow couldn’t shake the image of golden grills on perfectly straight teeth : tendrils of marijuana smoke in the air : leather seats in a foreign car : a façade of perfection : empty bottles of hennessy : pretty lips spilling pretty lies : smooth r&b and soul : the seductive scent of creed aventus & sex out of my head .
full name: jovanni malik aaron ( pronounced: joe-von-ee ) nicknames: j, jo, vanni, van ( pronounced: von ) birthday: march thirtieth  zodiac: aries gender: cis male pronouns: he/him/his sexuality: pansexual occupation: part-time model / full-time law student / part-time paralegal
height: 6′2 weight: 182.3 lbs. eyes: brown hair: dark brown/black, usually cut into a bald fade piercings: both ears, usually wearing small gold hoops tattoos: none distinguishing characteristics: he has a dusting of freckles across his face and a jawline so sharp that it could cut steel. he’s usually wearing a flirty, panty-dropping smirk on his face, and he carries himself with confidence -- a swagger that’s simply unmatched. he has a small scar on his forehead that he got playing in the yard when he was younger. he’s classically handsome, with perfect bone structure, a tall and lean stature, jovanni is something of a walking wet dream. 
positive: bold, confident, debonair, intelligent, creative, playful, easy-going, charming, flirty. negative: impulsive, invincibility-complex, cocky, selfish, self-centered, emotionally unavailable, temperamental, dishonest. short description: to jovanni, the world is his oyster. it revolves around him. the aaron family is the epitome of perfection personified, and jovanni was raised to carry that perfection on his back. he’s gotten good at putting up that façade though -- creating the illusion that he’s just another perfect member of the aaron. on the outside, he’s the picture of perfection and grace -- just like the family mantra. when, in reality, he’s self-destructive. he’s quite the opposite of what his parents would like him to be. his confidence bleeds into unabashed arrogance, he believes he’s invincible to everything -- the law and even death. not to mention, you can’t trust a single thing that spills from those pretty lips of his. 
(tw: drug use) 
     jovanni had a perfect childhood. his parents showered him with anything he could have ever wanted. his bedroom was full of the latest toys, video game consoles and video games, he had the biggest birthday parties in the backyard, and he never wanted for anything. maybe it just came naturally, seeing as his parents are who they are, but jovanni’s always been naturally intelligent and driven. he was easily always top of his class, bringing home good grades and top test scores. however, jovanni had a problem when it came to discipline, and that only got worse as he grew up. he had an affinity for landing himself in hot water with his parents because he talked back to a teacher, or he pushed a schoolmate on the playground -- jovanni just didn’t ( and still doesn’t ) like to be told what to do. of course, this little issue was a blemish on the face of the aaron family name, and it simply had to be handled. 
     and it was. jovanni was taught, by any means necessary, the importance of good behavior and self-image -- because his self-image directly reflected the family image, and the aaron family couldn’t be anything short of perfect and graceful. it’s the family mantra after all, right? 
     jovanni’s academic achievements continued to grow, so did the pressure to keep up that perfect image, and so did his desire to be anything but. by the time he was in high school, jovanni was fully immersed in parties and alcohol, he was sleeping around -- with girls and guys ( though he’s still pretty closeted when it comes to his sexuality ), getting absolutely hammered when he got the chance, when his friends would come over they would raid the wine cellar for whatever liquor they could find, and before he graduated from high school, he was introduced to marijuana and a few other drugs -- like lsd, molly, and ecstasy -- he also did coke once in college but it was a one done thing for him. 
     while jovanni and his friends knew what he was really like on the inside, to his parents and the rest of the outside world, he was a perfect kid. he got straight a’s, was involved in plenty of clubs, always elected president of the student body, a star wide receiver on the football team, a great basketball player, and an amazing baseball player, a tutor, and someone who always had the attention of some of the most coveted universities. he would attend court when his father was working more high profile cases, or more like his father would drag him along, and so jovanni just assumed he was expected to follow in his footsteps. 
     during college -- which were full of wild party days, hookups, and a few scandals that his parents worked hard to cover up ( including but not limited to: a dui charge, a hit and run, two unwanted pregnancies, and a threatened expulsion after a plagiarism incident ) ( he also pledged kappa alpha psi ) -- he started doing a few modeling gigs here and there after being discovered on instagram. he still does it to this day, a few modeling gigs here and there that have garnered him quite the social media following. when he isn’t modeling or partying or fucking -- he’s focusing on law school while also working at the firm his father does as a paralegal. 
     he still lives young, wild, and free much to his parents dismay, though his façade of perfection hasn’t come crumbling down...yet. time will only tell how long he can keep this up. 
exes: maybe an ex-girlfriend that his parents had set him up with in high school, they probably had a toxic relationship because neither of them wanted to be in it. or maybe it was toxic but your muse wanted to be in it, actually loved jovanni despite how he treated her. another ex -- someone he actually wanted to be with and probably loved despite his parents not really accepting that relationship. 
friends: friends from high school and college. they can still be close or maybe they drifted apart. friends who he partied a lot with in high school/college. 
the bro: his true bromance -- otb. this has been his best friend since like the first grade, they’ve been through everything together and they’re still as thick as thieves. 
the sis: his girl best friend, it’s always been platonic between the two of them. 
a boy he’s known since high school, someone he explored his sexuality with. maybe they’ve drifted apart or had a falling out and now they’re running into each other again. 
fuckbuddies: this one’s pretty self-explanatory. the boy likes sex, it’s one of his vices next to weed and alcohol and looking in the mirror a little too much. layer in some angst with some of these relationships and we’re cooking with grease! 
and plenty more! i’m down for any and all connections honestly! just give this a like or slide in my ims and we can plot out some connections and plots for our muses!
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zigbaby-blog · 6 years
You Got Me At Hello
Series: The Freshman
Pairing: Zig x MC (Vanny)
Author’s note: Hey! This is my first fanfic ever, with zero experience of prior writing. I was never really a books person, but having replayed The Freshman series made me fall in love with Zig all over again. I’ve been binge reading other fanfics and it came to me that I really wanna write my own, too! Pardon any grammatical mistakes, I’m only crossing fingers that my first post on a new blog gets noticed at all.
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“VANNY!” Kaitlyn screamed as she stomped her feet down the hall, stopping short right before her door. “Get the hell up! It’s been three weeks since I saw you,” slamming her room door open, “even though we live in the same house!”
She forced her eyes open only to be invited by a ray of white light, almost blinding her. With her right arm raised, blocking the sunlight coming through the window, her free hand scrambled to search for her phone on the bed. “9AM?!” She sighed, “I was only 2 hours into my sleep...”
“C’mon,” Kaitlyn shrugged, “when are you ever going to come back to reality?” Bracing herself for the giddy spells, Vanny sat herself up, staring at a random corner to avoid facing her best friend - who was now sitting at the edge of her bed, arms crossed.
Rubbing both sides of her temple, she tried to recall. All that came to her mind was alcohol, dancing with strangers, getting herself sloshed and only returning home at daylight. That explains. That explains why nobody in the house have seen her for weeks. She was intentionally shutting herself out from everyone, determined to escape from all the shits constantly thrown at her.
Before she snapped out of her memory, Kaitlyn stood up and marched towards her wardrobe, picking out her go-to oversized tee and shorts. “Let’s go,” she jerked her chin, “I’m not letting you carry on with this routine.”
“Move. Or I’ll ring up the boys and make them come back and lift you,” she frowned.
Ugh. She struggled to keep her balance as she stood up, fighting this immense headache. Just how much did I drink? She thought to herself.
Dragging her non-cooperative body and what felt like an hour walk, Vanny pushed open the cafe’s door. *Ding* As if the pain in her head wasn’t bad enough, the loud chattering from students on a Monday morning and the bell that sounded on each ready drink made it worse. “Vanny!” the group exclaimed. It’s Zack, Chris, Abbie and Tyler. The whole gang’s here, she had to pull herself together. Tucking her stray hair behind the ear, she forced a smile while walking to their table. “Hey guys, it’s been awhile, huh?”
They knew she was off, and didn’t probe about her disappearance.
Sleep deprived and still half-drunk, she wasn’t ready to catch up with the clique. She needed her caffeine fix, and it wasn’t until she joined the queue that she noticed the new barista. Wow. “Yeah, that’s what you missed since you were gone.” Kaitlyn grinned. “He’s totally checking you out by the way.” She stared a little longer before responding, “He must be thinking I look like a mess.”
It didn’t take long for the line to move until it was her turn. She looked up at the counter, welcomed by a smirk on his face. Damn. She felt her cheeks flushed before quickly pointing at the menu. “Espresso?” his round, husky voice was music to my ears. “Make it two,” Vanny muttered.
She inched forward to the collection point, eyes never left sight of this tanned, buffed guy making her coffee. He looked so good in his white t-shirt, revealing what seems like an owl tattoo on his biceps. “Enjoy your coffee,” he smirked again. She could’ve swore that brightened up her morning - until the door opened behind, feeling someone walk towards her back and deliberately knock against her shoulder.
“Sebastian,” Chris shouted, “apologize.” The whole gang stood up on their feet, knowing his ill-intentions. Vanny turned to Chris, shaking her head lightly, signalling that it wasn’t worth it to start a fight. The atmosphere became intensed. All the curious eyes were on the commotion happening right at the front of the store. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Sebastian grabbed her by her arm with so much force - she yelped.
At this point, it was clear that he was out to intimidate Chris. He wasn’t pleased with the presidential election, and she was the easiest target to hit. “Hey! Back off!” Chris shouted again, livid with rage. Feeling smug, Sebastian rebutted, “Oh? Is that all you’ve got?” Without releasing any strength, he held on to her arm and gave it an excruciating twist. Vanny writhed in pain, almost losing sensation.
“OWWW,” Sebastian cried, before a loud thud was heard. With her arm finally free, she gathered whatever energy she had to look up and see. It was the barista, his hands clenched into fists, knuckles began to bruise and swell. Astonished, Sebastian got up on his knees, ready to challenge him. Yet a strong tuck at his collar made him flee.
Everyone stood frozen, dumbfounded by the abrupt situation. Slowly, chatters began to fill the cafe again while Vanny’s friends circled her. “Are you okay?,” Chris examined her arm. “I apologize for getting you into this, Van.” Guilt showed up on his face. “It’s okay... Look, it’s functioning again.” She moved the arm marked with an obvious red handprint, pursing her lips into a faint smile. “You should probably go check on him too,” Abbie nudged her while looking behind the counter.
There he was, carefully shaking his knuckles that’s now badly bruised. “Hey, thanks for standing up for us.” Vanny said, as she stood before him while clutching onto her arm.
“I couldn’t possibly watch him hurt you and do nothing.”
Her heart softened, hearing those words from a stranger. The lack of security made her independent, she never knew what it was like to feel protected. “Let me help you,” she gestured to his wound. His eyes lightened up, surprised that she entered behind the counter. As the students slowly strolled to their classes, she hurried to ice his hands. Standing so close beside him, she could smell the minty fragrance from his shampoo. She must’ve taken a deep sniff before he pulled his hands back and turned away. I was dreaming about this guy, aren’t I?
Confused, Vanny was ready to leave before she felt the touch of his fingers on her waist. “Wait,” he stopped her, “you’re hurt too.” She can’t help but scream inside, heart racing at how attentive this tough-looking guy is.
He was so near, chest-facing her while he gently took care of her arm. His heavy breathing made her relaxed. She pointed to his name tag, “Zig, huh?”
“Zigmund. Zig for short,” he took a quick glance at her reaction. “You?”
“Vanessa. My friends call me Vanny.” She grinned.
Finishing up with a cold pat, he lifted her arm and shook it with his own hand, “Fancy meeting you.” His trademark smirk so irresistible, it wasn’t until Kaitlyn waved at her from the table that she realized lines had formed at the counter. “I gotta go,” she tip-toed and whispered into his ears. He turned to meet her gaze, seemingly heard the reluctance in her tone. “Come look for me anytime, I’ll be here.”
Tag: @zigzaggersfanclub
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imnoexpertblog · 6 years
The Proposal
Good morning everyone! I hope your first weekend in June was spectacular. I know mine was! Some big things happened for my families (yes, plural). I’ll mention first that my little brother graduated from high school yesterday! It’s an accomplishment we are all proud of. Secondly, my blog’s 1 month “birthday” was this weekend and I was excited to go over stats and see the following I have gained so far. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the positive and supportive feedback I receive every day. Thank you all so much. And lastly, Baby got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife on June 2nd. So here I am, writing the most requested blog to date: The Proposal.
My 22nd birthday was on May 15th. Baby told me he was going to send me to brunch at my favorite little restaurant, Spork, with my little sister as a late birthday gift. Vanny couldn’t come on the weekend I was free to go and I see my sister a decent amount anyway, so we asked my best friend from work. I call her Tammi as a joke and she calls me Becki. It’s funny if you know why but I won’t get into that now, LOL. I don’t get to see her at all now that I work third shift and she is still on second. Tammi was basically booked up the entirety of June! I told Baby about my bad luck getting a date for this brunch. He suggested I go with his first choice, his Aunt Jen. I was actually thrilled with this suggestion because I adore her. Baby and Jen are very close so the fact that she and I click as well as we do really and truly means the world to me. She and I are so similar sometimes its creepy (in the best way ever). I got ready to pick Jen up and Baby took Nugget to swimming lessons. We drove out to Spork for her first time. Jen and I talked about some deep and important things on the ride there and the whole time we ate. Though we aren’t the same age, we both have been through similar things in relationships and life. It was an intimate little date that I will always remember and cherish. We told each other things we haven’t told anyone else before and I will value that to my dying day. These private and personal things were shared over mimosas and beer-brat eggs benedict.
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I can assure you, it was phenomenal! Jen paid for us both, which I thought was awfully wonderful of her. When we finished up eating, we went next door to this little boutique that is connected to Spork. We saw a bunch of adorable stuff, admired it all, and bought some small things. As I was checking out, Jen hands me a blank envelope. “This is for you,” she says. I was confused as heck but I opened it, of course. I recognized Baby’s handwriting.
“Hey Lovebug, I hope you are enjoying your time with Jen. Enclosed, you will find money to cover your food, and the money left over is for you to go get your nails done at 12:30 at the place you like. Someone will meet you there so don’t be late! After your nails are done, ask for your next envelope! I love you so much! Xoxo -Baby + Nugget”
I looked at Jen and she just smiled and shrugged. “I was just told to give you that.” I wasn’t sure what was going on but my initial thought was that he was just sending me around town all day with girls I love and pampering me. I dropped Jen off and headed over to the nail salon. I went next door to Starbucks to kill a little time because I was early. I got a Keto-friendly iced coffee and walked over to meet whoever it was that was coming. I walked in, saw no one I knew, so I checked in up front. I said was sent here by my boyfriend to get my nails done at 12:30 and that I am waiting for someone to come with me, but not sure who yet. She knew exactly what I was talking about. I sat down and watched out the window for probably 5 minutes when I see Baby’s mom walking up. I smiled and thought that was super sweet. A day of spending time with the women of his life! She walked in and hugged me before we told the receptionist what we wanted done. I am strictly a French manicure chick and Mom picked out her neutral grayish polish. We got pampered a bit and Mom paid for me while I was finishing up. I gave her the money from the envelope to reimburse her. We walked outside and I asked her if she was the one with the next envelope, and she said yes!
“Alright Babe… Time to put trust in my mom. Tell her to roll up her bandana and wrap it around your head and over your eyes. Love you and see you soon!”
I went from thinking there was more pampering to be done, to thinking that this might be the day. He might be asking me today. I wasn’t under that impression first because after my incessant hinting, he told me it wouldn’t be anytime in the immediate future. I started getting a little shaky, in a great way. I let Mom blindfold me and we waited a couple minutes for Baby. He got there and took my hands, guiding me to the car.
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Mom took Nugget for us and we left. It felt like the longest drive I’ve ever felt. I was smiling the whole time, but so nervous. I had no idea where we could be headed. Racking my brain for important places from our relationship, I fiddled and fidgeted. He held my hand and gave it a few squeezes here and there. We finally got to wherever he was taking us. He kept me blindfolded and walked me to a specific spot. He told me to keep my eyes closed but took the blindfold off. After about 10 seconds, he said, “Open.” I opened my eyes and he was on one knee with a ring. I looked to my right. And saw a deck and a house. I kept looking around and saw familiar patio furniture, beautiful landscaping, and a pool. We were where we met 9 months ago, at the pool that we shot a music video at on September 3rd, 2017. I was in shock. I looked down at him with disbelief. “Will you marry me?” I almost dropped to my knees myself. I put my hands on his and said, “Of course I will marry you!” I pulled him up to hold him and we stood there embracing each other. I cried with his arms around me. I had honestly forgotten all about the ring while he held each other. I wiped my tears as I looked around the place we met. I never thought I’d be in this backyard again. He let go of me to put my gorgeous, massive ring on my finger. We kissed and laughed and lived in that moment. I walked to the chair I was sitting in when I first saw him. It felt like everything came full circle. He took my hand and we walked back to our car, an engaged couple. I asked him how he planned all this and how we remembered where this house was. He told me everything and I cried again in the car. He didn’t see it, but I did cry again. I couldn’t stop smiling, looking at my fiancé and my ring, and I couldn’t let go of his hand.
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I gain so much in this future marriage. I am getting a husband, a step-son, and another wonderful family. I'm gaining the love and support of so many people that I didn't even know a year ago. I have been welcomed so easily and warmly into Baby's family these past 9 months. These two boys have answered my 22 years worth of hopes and dreams and prayers. All I have ever wanted is to be a wife and a mother, and now I have finally been given the opportunity to fulfill my lifelong dream. All three of us have been through so much in life and we are finally getting what we all deserve. "Happy" is the understatement of the year. I have no words to describe how I feel. I will never forget how in love I have been, how in love I am, or how in love I'm going to be for the rest of my life. I know for a fact that my boys were put on this earth for me. I won't let them down. We're going to be the Wielands.
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euroexploro-blog · 7 years
Completing the Loop
We got through customs in Montenegro for 15 instead of 77 euros thanks to George’s banter and a sleeping boss. We had a place in mind called Plev. It was a tiny quiet town surrounded by steep mountains and we were camped next to the lake. Also the first time we’d been cold in a long while, having to dig out some long sleeves and pants. A walk into town led us to a herd of the most beautiful puppies, one wee girl was particularly brave and adorable. We spotted her in someone’s garden nibbling on a corn cob while her siblings were at home tousling over an old bit of plastic. The little girl puppy was bold enough to come up for a cuddle on her way back to the fam.
We tore ourselves away and headed back to camp for dinner where we bought beer and since the price was right we got dinner too. I ended up with a local speciality which was meat free and quite yum, pretty much consisted of polenta, butter and cheese. I also ended up with dessert on the house, I think because we were from so far away.
We were itching to get back to the sea and so set off for the coast. What we’d expected to be about 3 hours of driving turned into about 6 travelling at 40km/h max through the steepest winding mountains in history. It was beautiful but tense at times as the road narrowed to one lane with oncoming traffic and a serious cliff to one side.
We got to the bay of Kotor and found the campground for us. We ended up there two nights with my birthday spent lounging by the beach/lagoon and drinking a beer or two. There was a bit more forest fire going on across the bay the night we arrived. The following night we had dinner in the town of Kotor, where we got a closeup view of the walled town all lit up, and evidence of the previous nights fire up in the mountains behind.
We left Montenegro but not before receiving our first ticket. It appeared police were set up on the tourist route to Dubrovnik awaiting out of towners to ping, despite travelling at the same speed as locals. We were pretty sour about that but paid and carried on to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Fortunately no battle at the border as we were predicting and it was smooth sailing through the country in a couple of hours. We got to Croatia without realising we’d actually come through the border and into the country, a nice change.
We stayed our first night in Croatia at Ploce Lake, one of several very clear blue lakes in close proximity to each other. The camp filled up pretty quickly with cycle tourers and another couple of campers. We had a swim in the lake but Georges suggestion of giant eels cut the swim slightly shorter. The next morning we made for the Croatian coastline and we’re so thrilled with the outcome. It was such a beautiful drive with the brightest blue water to our left and the huge rocky mountains to the right. Again there was major evidence of bush fire.
We got to a campground by lunch time and parked up in a spot close to the beach and looking out over the sea. There was zero shade and the heat had ramped up again so we were forced to spend our next two days swimming at the beach or at the bar. George never quite got the hang of the snorkel but we had a good go and there were plenty of little fish to look at. The fish were bold enough to nibble us when sitting in the shallow water which I didn’t love.
On check out day we went inland to take part in our canyoning tour, booked the night before. It was a bit hard going to start off with, as we descended into the canyon using ropes and trees to stop from falling directly to the bottom. We were in our wetsuit type gear with life jackets and helmets and the temperature was mid 30s. My legs sort of turned into jelly and then the complete opposite as I got cramp but we got to the river and all was well. It was amazing. We climbed through rocks and floated along, joined by birds and butterflies and all sorts. We went behind a waterfall and through a tunnel and jumped off some cliffs. We were so pleased with ourselves and our bravery for opting in to the 8m cliff jump-the one that’s just high enough to make you feel like you could die.
From there we went further up the coast via Split. We stayed one night up the northern coast and then headed inland to see the Plitvice Lakes. Driving past the entry to the national park the day prior we say how hectic it was going to be so planned to get it done early. Unfortunately on parking up for the afternoon the handbrake cable snapped. We found a brick to stick under the wheel and carried on. We got to the lakes around 7.30 and it was perfect timing. By the end of our 3 hours walking freely around the lakes the foot traffic was getting pretty dense and there were points at standstill. We got our as it was peaking, satisfied that we’d seen it all. It was amazing and unbelievable and beautiful and would 100% recommend it as long as you get there extra early.
From there we went to Zagreb and stayed at a very underwhelming and overcharging campground but it meant we had a morning spent in the city which was really cool. There appeared to be a festival of some sort the upcoming weekend so all preparations were underway for that. We found a pedestrian street full up with cafes and bars and flowers and nice things. Had the best felafel sandwich things and then headed back to Vanny. We left Zagreb and Croatia and drove through Slovenia to Austria.
We stayed in Eibiswald for our first night in Austria and it was really tiny but really nice. Loved the colours of the houses, all pastel with baskets of flowers everywhere. We stayed a couple of nights there to regroup (and visit the waterpark next door). We then went north west to the Lake District and the setting for The Sound of Music. That was a really beautiful place and the drive through ski villages was pretty pretty. Unfortunately since hitting Austria it got considerably cooler and wetter so no swimming was had in the lake but we got to the market for a look around.
We went a short way further and came across an auto + audio museum which was pretty impressive. Then on to Salzburg where we had an afternoon wandering and another market to visit. We got to Germany that evening and stayed the night in a sports ground Carpark in Egg, an actual place. Next day we went to Nuremberg where we wandered again and then on to Sankt Kilian. A place in the middle of nowhere from what I could tell but we took a liking to the goat family there.
The next day we got to Berlin and loved it as soon as we drove into town. What an amazing city. It was a bunch greener than I ever imagined and the amount of historical stuff we learnt was overwhelming. We stayed at a real good hostel that allowed camping in the garden, in with the chickens who we again took a great liking to. The hostel was super close to the tram into central Berlin and there was heaps of stuff close by to visit. We walked to the Stasi Prison where we were taken on a tour of the old and more recent prison and informed of the physical and psychological abuse that was endured by prisoners. We also got to visit the farmers market in some trendy area of the city I don’t know the name of. We had good food and set off wandering again. We had to extend our stay another night because it was such a nice place to be and we had more to see.
We stayed a night in Hamburg on our way up to Denmark. We had a couple of nights in more remote/rural areas which were good. This was where we encountered giant slugs which was fairly unpleasant, especially to find them munching on other slugs that’s passed away. We also came across the more pleasant frogs and jellyfish and wild reindeer!
We found out that getting to Copenhagen was an expensive undertaking, costing us 30 euros to get across the 16km bridge to the island the capital is located. We’d got so far we had to do it and it was well worth it. We found a place to park and spent the day exploring. We decided against Tivoli Gardens, the theme park built in 18something. It looked pretty from the roadside anyway. We made our way around the canals to reach Christiania, a commune set up in 1972 and going strong, seemingly based around ideas of freedom and the sale of hippie paraphernalia including plenty of weeds. We were in amoungst it. By the afternoon we were fading fast so found a camp spot that closely resembled a festival ground with campers and tents spread all over the show. The weekends global skateboard event may have contributed to the camps vibe, along with the seemingly makeshift toilet and shower blocks. It was good though. We had an afternoon sleep and woke up good and hungry so walked round the corner for a vege burrito at the Mexican place. It was so good. It was a really cold and very light place to visit though. We got home around 10pm and it wasn’t dark enough for the streetlights to turn on. Got up at around 3am to get to the toilet and sun was on its way up.
We took a different route back, opting for a ferry to cut a hunk of the driving out and ended up back in Hamburg. This time round we had a day of looking around and we’re pleased to have done so. It was another interesting spot surrounded by waterways that I had no idea about.
From Hamburg we went back to Amsterdam for four nights, this time based in Zeeburg. I enjoyed my time in Amsterdam a lot more this time round, possibly because I didn’t feel constantly ill and in physical pain. We saw a lot and did a lot. Got into the city and visited a Coffeeshop. Got a tram to IJburg, an island of reclaimed land, built in 2002. Tried truffles. Found the red light district which was fairly bizarre. Caught up with Lewis and Laura and got on a canal cruise.
The following day was sadly our last in Europe and we made our way from Amsterdam to Hoek Van Holland to catch our ferry back to the UK. It was a bizarre feeling to think that the last line we’d climbed on this ship we had no idea what we’d see and do. Now we were heading back and rounding up this leg of adventure. I was glad to be reassured by George that we still had lots of fun ahead and that we should be looking forward to the next part, rather than feeling sad that this European circuit was coming to an end.
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Transgender (Chapter 9)
*The Next Morning* P.o.v Riker/Madison I stirred a little bit... Well I tried to anyways, before I slowly opened my eyes to find out that Rydel was sleeping on top of me. I shook her lightly in the hopes to wake her up but of course to no avail, she didn't even move. "Delly?" I whispered. "Delly?" I said a little louder this time as I continued to shake her until she finally woke up which luckily didn't take too much longer. "Wait... What? Why are we on the couch?" She asked me confused. "We fell asleep on the couch during the movie last night..." I replied. After that I checked my phone for the time and that's when I noticed I had a text from vanni. "I know you guys have band practice this morning, but I was thinking maybe this afternoon we could go out just the two of us somewhere... Let me know when you see this. Love you! ❤" the text said. I then began typing a reply. "Sounds great babe, love you too!" With that Rydel and I quickly started getting ready for band practice. P.o.v Savannah I can't wait for this afternoon! I get to spend the entire afternoon with Madison. I've decided that in my head I'll start using the proper name and pronouns so then when the time comes that I can use them out loud it won't seem so foreign to me. Anyways... I got sidetracked. I'm really excited for this afternoon because Madison and I are going to do whatever she wants to do. Hopefully the paparazzi don't catch us though because I would like to have some time for just me and Madison. P.o.v Rydel Apparently Madison and I were somehow on time for band practice which is good considering we were asleep on the couch and no one decided to wake us up when the movie was over, but at least that's over now and we can move on. Anyways... We are about part way through our rehearsal when I realized we are probably going to have to go on a hiatus During The biggest and most drastic parts of Madison's transition. I guess we will figure all of that out tomorrow after dinner and possibly dessert... Who am I kidding! This is going to be a celebration of something great! This definitely calls for a dessert. Preferably Madison's favourite, Banana cream Pie! With that I pulled myself back to reality so we would be able to finish the band practice. P.o.v Riker/Madison After band practice I texted vanni letting her know that I was free to hang out for the rest of the afternoon. Not long after that vanni picked me up in her car. "So what do you want to do this afternoon? She asked me. "Well honestly I was just thinking we could watch movies and do stuff at your house, for course not until after we go to in&out." I said. "Alright! Sounds like a good Plan to me!" She agreed. With that we drove off to In&out. *at the in&out drivethru* Surprisingly the lineup for the drivethru wasn't that big so we managed to get our orders quickly and then head over to Vanni's place for the afternoon. We decided that since the food smelled so good that we would eat in the car on the way to Vanni's so that way once we get there we can go straight to all the fun stuff like movies and gossip and all that girly shit that I never would have seen myself liking this time three years ago. Of course I now love it. I mean in all honestly I don't understand why I love it but I do. Once we got to Vanni's place we got out, went straight inside and I of course instantly decided that we should watch movies and do our nails and stuff like that. Once we finished doing our nails and of course letting them dry, we decided on doing facials because let's be real, my face is gross. Instead of boring you with dull descriptions of all the stuff we did I'll just make this short and sweet. We did all that girly shit that you see in movies when there's a slumber party And of course we didn't forget the junk food. After our third movie ended I checked the time and I realized I had to get home in time for dinner. With that I grabbed my things and vanni drove me home. "Well you look revitalized" Rydel said as she saw me. "I feel that way" I said. "So what did you guys do?" She asked me curiously. "Well we actually had probably the girliest afternoons ever... We watched movies, did each other's nails, ate junk food, we did facials too, and boy did that ever feel good. "I know Right!" She replied and then we giggled a we made our way to the kitchen for dinner.
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euroexploro-blog · 7 years
I'm Rosie travelling around UK and Europe with boyfriend George in our Vanny (Vauxhall Combo Van). We arrived in London on April 6th (after around 24 hours flying from NZ). We stayed a week in a hostel in Shoreditch, found Vanny and set off on the road. We went straight up to Bakewell to see a friend and her friends, and stayed three (very cold + uncomfortable) nights in the back of Vanny. Then we were off to Wigan and stayed a (very comfortable) night with George's third cousin and a bottle of Emperial Moët. He was incredibly generous and helped us with supplies for a bed base to start the van kit-out. We then headed to Windermere in the Lake District and stayed a night roadside, waking to find three horses staring at us over the fence. We then made our way back to London and we're lucky enough to stay with George's uncle for about a week as we got Vanny ready to hit Europe. We booked in our ferry tickets and hit the road towards Harwich, having a stopover in Chelmsford where we found a carpark to stay the night. We had two nights in Harwich parked outside The Castle pub and on May 3rd we made the crossing to Hoek Van Holland. I had been getting progressively more unwell and by the time we landed in Netherlands I was not in good shape- resulting in a spew on the motorway (spewbag had holes in it 😓) and an emergency stop. We got to Amstelveen in Amsterdam where we camped in a camping ground for the following week as I got better then worse then better, all the while trying to do and see as much as we could. My highlights for Amsterdam were very predictably #1 keukenhof gardens. Sososo worthwhile and we were lucky to be in the right season. #2 I loved walking along and sitting beside the canals further out of the central city. #3 can't get enough of the parks and green areas on the train trip to the city from our campground. We had lots of bunnies hopping around our campground and it was surrounded by park/forest that was well used by horses and was so fun to see. #4 I'm inspired to ride a bike everywhere I go when I get back to Christchurch. (If only we had as safe and efficient bike routes..) I recovered and was keen to keep moving so we left the Netherlands and moved south to warmer weather which we immediately noticed when we hit Antwerp in Belgium. We were only there one night but I really loved it there. Hectic when we found ourselves central city at 5.30pm but once we got organised and did grocery shopping we were set. We ended up in the docklands area and stopped by a small marina next to a building site where apartments were going up. We set ourselves up and had a delicious meal on our cooker, having finally found the right gas cylinder to fit. We watched a very pretty sunset and moved to a carpark George had spotted earlier, where other campers were parked and people were picnicking on the grass bank looking as the sun went down. We went for a wander and it was a nice feeling in the air, lots of people around enjoying the springtime. It looked as though a festival was getting setup close by. The next morning we walked through the cafes and trendy bars, found a bunch of bedding had been chucked out for the rubbish collectors and so claimed a foam mattress that we dragged back to the van and cut down to size. We didn't really see a lot of Antwerp really but I would definitely recommend the docklands as a highlight to adventure around. Next we were off to Valenciennes in the north of France. It was a nice little town where we stayed two nights, first in a suburban residential carpark and second at the end of a dead-end street in a new subdivision(we never actually got out of the van at this spot-just climbed through the back and slept then climbed back through and set off). We were off again and headed to Epernay, home of Champagne and the beginning of our baguette buying. We stayed at the campground there for three nights and could walk into the town centre pretty easily. First night we arrived we walked into town bought a bottle of bubbles and went home to make dinner. The next couple of days consisted of wandering + baguettes + picnicking + bubbling. Highlights consist of all of the above plus #1 watching sunset over the vines from up in the hills-where you can see other little villages dotted about. Also #2 good place to picnic (although moderately busy) is the tourist info centre gardens. #3 flower market looked cool but we were sort of late and they were starting packing up. And since last Tuesday we've been camping in Paris at Noisy-Le-Grand, a train ride from the centre of the city. The drive from Epernay to Paris was really pretty, ambling through little villages and stopping for fruit and bread as we see places that appeal. We found a pretty place to make lunch, next to a paddock full of about 6 horses (including an adorable little baby horse). Since setting up in Paris we've seen as much as we can see in terms of touristing. Highlights at this stage #1 loved walking through to the middle of L'Arc de Triomphe. The walk underground was cool, the archway was humongous and it was fun being surrounded by the loopy traffic but not being involved (saw a confrontation between cyclist and bus driver mid roundabout which was hectic). #2 I can't get enough of the walk along the river Marne by our campsite. Such a nice way to start and end the day to/from the busy city. #3 Eiffel Tower is real cool, I just wish George hadn't pointed out the number of rats about. #4 nice + free view over Paris from Sacre Coeur. Was really good in the warm late arvo with a cold beer from a hawker we managed to barter with. Today's goal is to get up the Eiffel Tower but unsure yet how much standing in a line we will tolerate(missed out on prebooking tickets). Overall I couldn't be more pleased with our trip and our means of travel so far. Vanny is perfect, she's little but she's comfy. We've got a good setup to be able to slide out half the bed to have couch + bench surface to cook on and slide it back in for our bed at night + our recycled mattress is much more versatile than the air bed we were using previously (now used as picnic blanket when required).
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