#so excited to add this to my growing list of fleamont headcanons
cursedwithwords · 8 months
Okay I've never actually looked into Fleamont and Euphemia, and generally speaking I take canon with a grain of salt anyways (I pick and choose what I like) but i was researching Fleamont for a future chapter and-
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It is hilarious and SO vindicating that it's CANON Fleamont got into fights at school, like that is so fucking funnyyyyyy.
Fleamont in the afterlife watching Lily Luna get into daily fist fights at Hogwarts (and winning them):
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Fleamont in the afterlife when James Sirius got into that fistfight with two Ravenclaws in chapter 7:
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Fleamont in the afterlife when Albus Severus says he wants to hex Caleb Gaton within an inch of his life:
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He's so proud of his great-grand-babies 🤧
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