#so far im writing out of order so i cant start posting chapters
luckbealincoln · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH LIKE. GOD. I CANT EVEN!.!.!,!, anywayz hi uwu eagerly awaiting the update!! what is your writing process like? do you outline at all, do ideas flow naturally, or is it a mix?
thank you so much :,) will def be out late tonight but i promise will be worth it.
this is gonna be a sort of long explanation so i’m gonna do it under the cut lmao
so for bks specifically i filled like 15 pages of a notebook with ideas and lines of dialogue that i knew i wanted included.
i wrote the ending before everything else. i came up with an ending that i grew extremely fond of and decided to build the story around it and i ended up liking the story just as much.
as far as writing chapters goes i’m sure there are more efficient ways than what im about to describe but this is how i do it lmao.
i start with an outline like this (i have one of these for all future chapters already planned out)
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this is not always in order clearly lmao. then i just sort of write in sections. ill separate them
like this
so i can move around if i have ideas for a certain scene.
once i finish a chapter i make sure ive covered everything (i usually aim for 5k words give or take 500) and i do a first edit where i fix any spelling or grammatical mistakes and do notes like this :
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this is literally the only example i could find since i usually delete these notes once i do them. eventually i got over my issues with cockhead.
then i do a SECOND edit where i fix everything i took note of, this usually focuses on beefing up scenes that i think need work.
lastly if i think anything else needs work i hit up my publisher (my friend tori) for advice, as featured here :
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i usually do one final skim through and then i post on ao3 and then on here!
if you read all of this nonesense thats crazy lmao but congrats now you know how to write in an extremely complicated way that is not at all efficient 😎
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latetaektalk · 11 months
I think that initially Jungkook wanted to come up and get acquainted, as was the case in the first part, to invite her for a walk, and he tried to do it again at the bus stop, but he got too nervous and expressed a similar plan?!?!? or he planned this in advance with Taehyung in order to somehow get in touch with her, even if she cost him too much and thought that he could then get out of this contract, it was important for him to start communicating with her and be close.
I think that he is the guy from the bathroom and even at the first conversation he liked her and he wanted to get to know her better. and when he found out that she was Jimin’s friend, seeing her, he was definitely convinced of it. just like you described his intentions in the first chapter, when she fell asleep in his car with Jimin. he really loves her very much and he doesn't seem like a liar. I'm very interested in reading his POV, seeing oc through his eyes, and not reading oc's observations that she doubts and definitely doesn't guess. please let some chapter or drabble have Jungkook's pov from the moment he first saw her and after🥺😭
I understand how painful it was for him in the end to understand that she does not believe his actions and the love for her that he puts into her and surrounds her. but he must understand that she believes in their bet with Tae and is only playing along with him, but at the same time she has forgotten herself and fallen in love with him. he needs to confess to her soon and reveal the truth to her before it ends for both of them. time is running🥲
I would really and forever want to talk to you about love to hate you, because it is literally a masterpiece in literature, your style is elegant and the plot is incredibly exciting, especially for romantic souls. but you're probably busy and have more important things to do than that. just know that I love it madly. please let this never disappear from internet. 🥹❤️🫶🏻
okay oh my god im answering this so incredibly late but this genuinely has to be one of my favourite asks ever 🥹 i cant thank you enough for how much love you have for lthy and oc and jk. even more so for sharing all of your little thoughts with me 💓💓
i still wont confirm or deny whether or not jk is bathroom guy but i can definitely see why you and others might think that haha i know theres a lack of jungkook's pov in most chapters, so if i do find the time i would be down to write a drabble or two from his pov. its not a promise tho but if life allows it, i really would love nothing more because god knows i owe you guys some clarity. plus i think his pov would be v interesting for you guys too!! i like how much youve included from the previous chapters and even remembered how he approached her etc!! i feel like with how far we've come with the story its almost easy to forget, at least sometimes even i forget haha i guess only time will tell if you are right and if jk is actually genuine or not 😭
and you dont need to worry!! even if i stop posting one day, i wont delete my work. at least i dont plan to do so right now! thank you so so so much for reading and being so kind 💕
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cryptidfuckery · 2 years
Do you plan/write a story in chronological order or just put it down as it comes to you? Trying to figure out how far afield the latter puts me, even if there’s not a “right” way to do it.
hi heres some completely unrequested writing tips sorry for the long post :) i misread the ask before i started writing so. yeah. in short i don't write chronologically, except when I'm writing the beginning?
the first scene i wrote for this is literally the rising climax of the story. i had no idea what I wanted to do with it from there but it just kept evolving until now I'm writing a whole year spanned over 20 chapter fic.
When I started this one (mind you i havent written in like 7 years) I just wrote what came to me, what ideas made me excited. Basically whatever was bringing me joy to write, whatever was fun to expand it into. Purely self indulgent for myself to reread over and over and over, no real plan to post it.
Then I got the brainworm about it and couldn't stop thinking about it and I knocked out over 20k in a month which was. Also due to me being massively depressed and distracting myself.
But in this time I got a sketch book and started planning out a bigger story, something to compliment the original idea and inspiration while also giving a satisfying story between the characters (also figuring out overarching plot, drew out a plot mountain at one point to see where I was lacking, jotting down ideas just to get them down so I could let them simmer in the back of my mind, jotting down phrases or ideas for dialouge, etc) basically just. playing in the space and seeing what ended up feeling most satisfying as a whole story
WOOF OKAY THERES MORE im so sorry you caught me at 1am and im high
Once I got the overall idea of what I wanted to do, I started mapping out chapters, but mostly getting a rough idea of where i wanted things to go in the story. I am being VERY diligent to remember that this is all mutable and nothing is set in stone and its MORE FUN that way
At this point I'm still just writing whats enjoyable and coming to me naturally. Once I started solidifying more of the plot and ideas I started working on some of the parts that just needed to be done re: the very beginning. And i fucking hate the very very beginning right now i cant wait to rewrite it but i am NOT LETTING MYSELF DO THAT.
DO NOT GO BACK AND EDIT SIGNIFIGANTLY. If you catch yourself rereading it and adjusting a few things, fine. But if you find any major inconsistencies either make a mental note or leave a comment or something and then just leave it. It'll be there to fix later. It doesn't matter. Leave a fuckin [insert name of kitchen utensil here] if you don't remember. Who cares. It's your first draft.
OKAY now onto how I've been writing the scenes that don't come as naturally to me
I let the scene simmer for a while in my brain. I entertain different ideas and approaches and jot down anything that feels right. Usually for me I'll get a clear line of dialogue or interaction that feels like a good creative starting point
2. I listen to music when I write bc I have adhd, but im curious to know if this would work for other people too! I have a playlist I curated for the fic that I have listened to. A lot. A lot. Like a Lot. Like most mornings on my way to work. this 1) helps me play in my head with the blorbos and 2) gives me a good emotional basis to bounce ideas off of if I'm stumped on a scene.
I literally just gave my friend @docninj this advice. Pick a song that represents the emotion you're trying to convey in the scene youre trying to write. Could be overall emotion, emotion of the narrator, main character's emotions, whatever. Then play that song on repeat until you don't really hear it anymore. Then try writing. I'll also switch songs if the mood of the scene changes. For me it helps me bounce the emotions I'm trying to write off of something that represents it? god dude idk.
god that was a lot idk why i wrote all of it but hey if it helps someone what the hell.
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Being Awake - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor fanfic
This is the 4 part of a series of fics im writing lately, the order will be:
Volver a tener algo
Addicted to Chems
Traumas at the Commonwealth
And this one, Being awake
Since im in a rampage writing with this new ship I want to make some announcements
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
  Danse really didnt have a problem taking care of Nate, he really didnt do, but it was difficult to manage his nightmares, the man moved a lot, spinned on himself and even tremble, it was hard to watch and uncomfortable to lean on.
Sure he promised to look on him but that didn’t make it easy, Danse sighted with a smile, coments from other soldiers said that he was very chill and quiet sleeping, that makes him wonder if that comes from his synth nature…
The fire next to Nate was a bit far from Danse but the hand that was under his head could feel the warm of the wooden burning slowly…
Sluddenly and out of nothing Nate broke from his sleep and wake up, looking up in the crate box next to the bed to look out for something…fearing that it was an anxiety for drugs Danse speak to call his attention.
-Soldier what are you doing? –Nate freeze at hearing that deep angry voice, he went up out of nothing because body was atching in need of…some med-x or calmex…something to relax…every fucking limb was atching on his nerves and make him feel…hard…tense…uncomfortable…he feeled his entire body like a rock…
-Uh…oh my, what time it is? –At being caught the new paladin started to laught nerveous, looking back at Danse, shit, cant do that again in front of him. Still he was very lost in space and time and started looking around.
-4:35am –said the ex-paladin with a really serious face, not letting this pass on Nate
-Right…-Nate grasped, the cold of the night making his throath get in trouble-I think im gonna make a piss…over…there…
-You sure is just a piss?
-Why why do you say so –what the hell is this he know his body the fact that he drugs doesn’t mean he doesn’t know his own body
-Because when you mix drugs get results you didn’t expect, today you take a dose of psyco and day tripper…seems you need to relax a bit
-Oh yeah? Why do you say so? –Danse was getting on his nerves with that upset dad mode
-Take a look –Nate raised an eyebrow and started touching his body, looking around about what the hell was wrong until…his cheeks went red ashamed and he turned around, being caught off guard like this was…Danse laughted in the bed looking at this reaction.
-Its okay, you will learn the bad way that you need a break from that crap –if having his senses altered wasn’t enough warning…mixing a piss with a boner…-are you even horny?
-…no…-Nate cover his face with his hands not wanting to face the other man out of shame
-Are you letting it go down or…?
-Jeez I don’t know why don’t you…
-I mean I could help…-Nate was about to send Danse to fuck off with rage and shame until he started saying that…and caught his attention
-You are kidding we weren’t able to shower
-This is going to sound crazy to a pre-war man but most of the people cant shower everyday and humanity still goes it way –Nate take air from his nose and looked at him, chewing the anger he was feeling on his chest…then looked at his waist…then looked at Danse again-I preffer to make you relax than seeing you taking a third dose of chems on less than 24 hours
-You sure? –the new paladin chewed his tongue, looking at his boyfriend not so sure about this…Danse nod with his head still laying on the bed.
Ok he looked hot with the orange lights of the fire behind them, like one of that rich old man fantasys with the chimey and the bear coat on the ground…
-I mean it- it was true, he liked clean and hygienic sexual relationships as most as Nate, considered it something very important but also was serious about making him realease a hint of serotonine to make his brain go chill with the chems a bit…and the opportunity was there and it would be a shame to let it past in a king-size bed…despite the matress al dirty…
-Are you even horny? –Nate wasn’t sure but hey it wouldn’t be a bother…not in this state…with his head all light and overstimulated…feeling his body strange and not controlling the sensations…
-Mmm wasn’t until I see you…-the new paladin cheeks burned a bit, the warm of the firepit and his own shame were confusing but…nice…the man sat on the bed and curled around Danse, looking for his mouth for a kiss until Danse flipped him down to the matress, taking out a gasp from him.
Truth is Danse was a bit bored of staying awake the hole night, patrolling and being on watch was a thing just being awake in a bed was another…also if Nate relaxed he surely would sleep more calm and stop moving on the bed so…it’s a win win for all, Danse will relax hugging Nate and he will stop being a burden in the bed.
Not so long ago he was worried about being watched by someone and now they were doing this in a place with no windows…
Danse went directly to take down his pants and release his boner, jerking a bit to make Nate hot skin amused to the coldness of his hand, the man sighted at the good feeling and then Danse take him all in his mouth, sucking from the tip of his head to the base.
That was unexpected to Nate, who grabbed the back of the bed with a hand, well that definetly felt nice, the warm of his mouth feeled amazing…the other went to take a bit of his boyfriend hair between his fingers, damn he loved that shiny and soft pompadour…it was so pleasing to touch and the view was so hot…the pre-war man considered himself all life straight until he fall in love with the ex-paladin and now he find this moments so amusing…
As far of how warm, and wet, and nice, and delicious and sometimes that Danse sucked harder wonderfull feeled…he couldn’t feel like an orgasm…like…oh no not again not this thing when he cant cum no gosh…Danse could give everything but he wasn’t going to reach the edge like this…and he wouldn’t disappoint his handsome man making him think he is doing it wrong because he is doing an amazing job, especially with the tongue and the hand at the same time but Nate was the problem and he recognized this type of situation…
-Oh Danse…-he called, making the ex-paladin look at him, a wave of heat run on his chest when he see him with a dick on his mouth, cupping his cheek in tenderness- take the suit down, I want to make love to you…
The man obeyed with a smile getting on his knees to work on the latex down, Nate spoke like that because Danse wansnt anygood with feelings, talking, or dirty talking, I mean he was the one that will say the most romantic things melting Nates heart just because he felt it from the inside and…sometimes Nate let a few things go out too…but make love was a silly thing he said once and he cant take off Nate head the fact that he thinks he likes that way of saying fuck you, he said it without thinking it one time dammnit is not to repit forever!
The virgins say that kinda of stuff and he wasn’t one! Just…not being all smart communicating feelings…
Danse sighted at the view of Nate grabbing his boner in front of him as he worked on the suit, sure, there was a lot of zippers and buckles getting on his way but it was giving Danse time to see how Nate was getting more and more hungry at the view, seeing the man starting to touch himself at the show, slowly the ex-paladin make his way to put both knees at the side of Nates body, like riding him, still undressing.
Nate chest was going up and down, Danse smiled at the wet sound of him jerking off making him aroused, hot, a wave of heat going up from his knees to his neck.
-Impacient, soldier? –after saying that with a smirk the new-paladin took him by the waist and embrace him against his body, making his lower part fall onto his chest and the upper one onto his face, gosh Nate was hiding on his pects sniffing on his chesthair…the man said before he was fascinated with that part of his body, that he loved that amount of black forest hair…Danse cock was also hard, crazy in need to be also cared, the sounds of his lover jerking off were driving him mad…
-Finish with that damn suit –the hand on his waist went up to feel his back, Danse had such an attractive greek god body for him…Nate loved to touch everymuscle with his bare hand…His mouth was busy leaving small kisses and playfull bites on his pects, the manly and perfect fragrance that his body emanated always turned him on. Impacient Danse stopped the show and went quickly to turn at least the suit to his knees, they both were on a very complicated type of boots to kick off so fuck it, there was no time, Nate was needy and Danse was horny.
-Are you alright? –ask Danse hugging his head, feeling Nates hand moving on the sides of  his body, he could be horny and still worried for his boyfriend state after taking chems.
-Get on four, its not dry at all I swear –with Danse saliva and all his precum he take the most precautions he can allow himself to not hurt him, still, lube wasn’t a thing on this century so…
Danse moved backwards and do as he was told, then felt Nates arm under his stomach as his other hand find a way to position and enter. He hated when Nate was still dressed, the man only had his pants down and he was half naked because of the suit, Danse also wanted to feel the warm of his skin…And then his mouth open, the vault man made his way inside his body, making him squirm a bit at the sluddenentrance. He didn’t lie, it was wet, perfect entrance, painless.
The sensation of Nates breathing agains his neck was driving him mad, he liked being mounted by him a lot, loved how intimate it is, he often look for ways to keep their bodies together, hugging, grabbing, dragging…a neck, a torso, an arm…they were constantly touching the other bodys while sex and it feeled amazing…
-You can move…its good…gosh you are hard…-Danse laughted a bit, it really felt good…
Ok ok ok…it was tight and warm and goddam amazing, yeah yeah yeah he can cum, he can totally do it now, Nate chest relaxed a bit and exhaled some air, posing his head over Danse back to again take a sniff on his skin, intoxicating, the smell of his skin was so addictive…his hips started to move and the other man started to panting, his moans and breaths make Nate more lightheaded…such a beauty…
When Danse said he was feeling the need to be close to him…he said it seriously, everymoment they had together was wonderfull, this was incredible…the new paladin fitted so well inside him, touching everyspot Danse liked…his breath accelerated as Nate moved him on everythust, the vault man had him secured by the stomach, making their bodys stick together so firm, both were attached like a pair of In heat dogs…
-You are so tight…ah…-and what if they were a pair of in heat dogs…his accelerated breath make his heart melt at how sexy it sounded…it was beyond just having his protstate stimulated by a cock they really had a connection…
-you feel so good inside me! –that comment encouraged Nate to give him a more hard thrust, pushing the big mans body forward, the other went to look at him with a pleased smile still moaning-Nate!
Cumming…cumming…yeah…he needed a bit more of action but he can…gosh really with just a blowjob wasn’t enough in this state, it was hard to concentrate and move but Danse didn’t have any complain beneath him so he should be performing fine…he really needed this…
Sad to leave his back but eager for more one of his hands pushed Danse back to the matress, making him raise his ass, with that both hands went to secure his waist onto his cock, using it to ride easy and faster, the ex paladin have a really heavy body difficult to move but still Danse was enjoying it and sometimes he moved because of pleasure or wanting to do anything, now it wasn’t the case, Nate wanted to use his bussy hard and fast enough to force his brain to finally cum.
-Yes! Right there…-the way his cock was pushing directly onto his prostate was driving him nutts, with his head all hot practically trowing steam like a teapot, cheeks burning and tongue almost out, he was getting close to cum, gosh Nate didn’t even touch his dick but he was so hot and excited that it didn’t matter. The sounds of Nate thrust agains Danse ass make him a bit exited over the good performance, a bit of arrogance wasn’t so bad…also he had a thing for the sounds of their moans and breathings, he didn’t really like being silent during sex with him Danse had the most delicious reactions and…
Nate went down to chew onto Danse ear, exhaling a cloud of warm air before…-Im close…-yeah yeah yeah that was good, its okay, it was what Danse wanted. His own hand went to jack himself as Nate went up to grab his ass and thrust even harder, so hard to keep the concentration onto touching himself and being fucked nonsense but still…
-Its okay, keep going, i…-a hint of pleasure interrupted him, moving his hand faster in desesperation…oh yes…he felt it too, thinking in his lover using his body to satisfy him self help a lot on his own too, he was building an orgasm on his low stomach too. The feeling was getting stronger and stronger at each moment before…he felt Nate pulse inside him and out of nothing he pulled out his cock to cum on his leg with a loud groan coming from the back of his throath, the feeling of hot drops of cum make his hand move faster, and before he can tell Nate has pushed his chest onto his back, kissing his spine and moving a hand down on top of the hand he was using to jerk himself
-Cum for me Danse –it didn’t take much, the warm of his hand on top of the one that was pleasuring himself make a big effect, making the ex-paladin collapse on a well giving orgasm…also roaring loud and relaxed from it…Nate went to the task to slowly move his body down, using his hands to grab him softly down…the ex paladin collapsed on top of his arm, and to not cause him pain Nate moved next to him, placing an arm on his neck, taking the opportunity to kiss al his face now that he was all chill and easy because of the orgasm
-That was exhilarating…-Nate laughted at hearing him, kissing his forehead and moving a hand over his shoulders, caressing them. It was fun because he was with his pants on his knees and Danse was also with the suit to the knees…both half naked…
-Did you get it out of your system?
-Did you get the serotonine your brain needed? Feel more relaxed? Less anxious? –at seeing a small smile Danse laughted, taking his arms out to put a hand over Nate waist, using the other as a pillow for himself, having it closed because…well he still had...on his palm.
-yes…it is a good solution to the problem…-now the real problem will be cleaning themselves, as a gentleman, and because Danse recieved today and he deserved all the confort in the world Nate went up and managed a bit to raise up his pants, walking around the room to look for something to clean themselves…-wait a second right there.
Not so long after, and actually feeling pretty asleep and relaxed unlike a few hours ago when he said to himself that he didn’t want to sleep anymore, Danse felt something whipping out his leg, eventually Nate found something to clean them up, then, grabbed Danse hand and clean it with a clean whipe, kissing the top when it was dry, making the ex paladin smile.
God he loved Nate so much. Both were so caring of each other.
-Lets rest, tomorrow we have a lot to do.
-Yes, I may sleep better thanks to you…
And he did, Nate sleep quiet, chill, still and confortable hugged to Danse body, not having intrusive or awfull thoughts in his head for the rest  of the night. He was at peace, he was with Danse, he was on the arms of a man who loved him and will be at his side no matter what if he is conquering the entire Commonwealth for ideals or just living their lives together…
Nate relaxed thanks to Danse idea…
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kohakhearts · 3 years
anyway after all these years i have a conceivable plot for the au of my dreams and it is taking ALL my practically nonexistent willpower to not start posting about it
#taylor.txt#so far im writing out of order so i cant start posting chapters#i wont post chapters until all 5 of my incomplete multichap fics are done#so the question is....will i finish those. or the entirety of asld first LOL#probably asld since osf is at 50k out of a projecting 200-250 and then only one book remains#and l&f will for sure be around 250k too...ss probably only just 100k. i have no clue about my other ons fics im going to have to catch up#on the manga and lns so i can make a better plot for wb#and vertex...no clue. i cant see it being THAT long...maybe 150k? but its already over 30k sooo whos to say#the au in question is slytherin harry yes. a whole series rewrite...its one of two of those i have rattling around in my brain#the other is a james lives au which i started writing one of 7+ years ago and posting on ffn but it started in book 5 and someone told me my#plot sucked so i abandoned it KFLSJDKSHDJ but even now i have a doc with some scribbles...to start it from book 1 and do it Good this time..#at this rate itll be years before i start posting this slyth harry au but ive already got 10k words of misc scenes scribbled out so lol#i said i shouldnt start posting til the whole series is written anyway but bianca disagreed and i cant say no to them#might wait til the first two or three are totally done tho...i average about 2-3 novels a year these days so if i put all my fic energy into#multichaps for a while i can probably up that to 5. i dont revise fics the way i revise my novels bc its just a hobby and idc so...PENSIVE#anyway if you wanna hear about my slyth harry au i have a lot of thoughts and thousands of words of plans so. i will respond LMAO#mors tua vita mea
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years
1, 6, 19, 25 for the writing ask game :)
hiiii cay :) fair warning these might be out of order since im using my phone's clipboard!
Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
so i have a few! mostly fanfics.
there's the body electric, which i haven't written for since maybe 2018 ? but i think about it a Lot. its a danny phantom fic featuring trans danny! was originally a rewrite of the show but im not sure what im doing with it now! it's probably my best work, very experimental bc i wrote it in second person, very personal because it talks about being a trans kid with trauma, and very important to me because of that. it also got an amazing reception, which im super proud of! gosh i gotta keep writing for that. my writing isnt nearly as good as it used to be bc im rusty and have cognitive issues but i really want to get back into it!
and then there's your past so present you can feel your baby teeth. its a catradora college au where catra and adora are cult survivors. i really want to do the subject justice, but i think im gonna rewrite the last few chapters i have published bc i feel like one scene is not sensitively written enough so i gotta go back and fix that. i have a lot of plans for this one! i just kinda am having trouble with motivation now ever since noelle made that racist joke awhile back. really hurt me and turned me off of the fandom lol, im sensitive. slavery jokes arent funny my friends.
im also working on in bloom. its a fic about autistic amity learning to unmask and heal from trauma surrounding ableism around her. very important to me. luz is such a light for amity and i really wanted to convey that!!!! i love luz so much!!
the most recent multichapter fic ive been working on is a post amphibia fic called just like an amnesiac (tryna get my senses back). its about marcy healing from the events of amphibia. mostly just kinda sad rn, but things will be looking up for her soon 💜 only two chapters in so far!
i have multiple one shot prompts sitting in my ask box and i really want to write for them and have ideas, i just have a really hard time getting started. and i had some original story ideas a long time ago too, but memory problems washed most of the concepts away so i guess im starting from scratch! i don't mind tho 💜
oh and theres one original short story i never finished from a few years ago but i cant remember the title rn... still tryna figure out how i want to end it but its nearly done lol
What character do you have the most fun writing?
ah jeez, i write for so many different fandoms at this point its kind of hard to pick just one! i like characters that i find easier to relate to. so danny fenton, marcy wu, amity blight, catra AND adora. i find luz fairly easy to write too, though im a little nervous to write from her perspective for some reason! i did a lot of writing from kurama's (from yyh) and ryou bakura's (from ygo) perspectives as well back in the day when i was still working on the ygo/yyh/hp crossover that ive long since abandoned. that was my longest fic at about 30k words when i abandoned it and like 70 pages! they were pretty easy to write about too i think!
What part of writing is the most fun?
honestly? projecting onto characters. i just think its neat :)
Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
nightmare sequences are a fave. something about being comforted after a nightmare or panic attack is so good to me... i think its bc i Want That lol
thanks for asking!!!!
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
directors cut: oasis
[doing this entirely for myself, out of pure self indulgence lol] [this will be very messy/poorly organized and there will be spoilers]
okay so where to even begin omg..... we will start with the origins of oasis:
its actually, techinically a spin off of the world from this drabble with dino from svt. which the world in this drabble is what the world from oasis would look like very far in the future. but i changed a lot between writing that drabble and creating oasis. but there should be a scene in the drabble that is very similar to a part in oasis (hint: the first vision they got from saskila was not just a random vision with no meaning.......hehe)
but that drabble (its titled dreamscapes) was inspired by a mix of this post on tumblr about how nuclear waste warning signs sounded very cool and the book that i was reading called the children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi
and then after i had made that drabble i saw dee’s (@/atbzkingdom’s) post about the time capsule collab, and i had a couple ideas of what i could do for it but i ultimately decided on what would eventually become oasis !! so i guess we really have dee and that collab to thank for this piece lol
now for the timeline of me writing:
so i started outlining this piece in the first couple days of january, and normally outlines take me a while to come up with just because i struggle in coming up with plot, but i knew that my spring semester of classes would be starting soon and that I didn’t have a lot of time so i just sort of grinded an outline out as well several paragraphs of pure worldbuilding. 
and then i started writing
and wow i was Really writing!! at my peak productivity i was easily getting down like 2k a day which for me is insane (for reference, i wrote 1k a day for tsiytt and i struggled my way through that) 
but then life happens classes had begun and my writing for oasis slowly become nothing... 
i really only found the time to work on the piece every other weekend, so i was really nervous that i wouldn’t finish in time (which technically i didn’t cause it was supposed to come out march 1st) but luckily i did
and at some point in february, i had lost so much of my momentum and motivation for this piece that i almost gave up on it. (at this point i was writing the scenes after they find the seat of wisdom destroyed) but again luckily i did not, but i personally can definitely see a decline in the quality of my writing towards the end (i mean maybe its in my head, but its sort of like i can see the loss of love for the wip in my writing at the end of it)
but don’t misunderstand, i still love oasis!! and in all honesty, i’m already considering starting a second draft to it, which is way sooner than i thought i would lol
also when i started writing this piece, i began writing it in the order that it would be read, but then halfway i switched to writing chronologically
anyways, something i learned while writing this piece, is that writing is a marathon. whereas, even with my longer pieces, i always viewed writing as a sprint. so as i start venturing into original works and more lengthy pieces of writing, i think this was a very valuable lesson for me to have learned.
okay now to the good stuff lol: [the first word of the bullet about the next chapter (?) is bolded for some crumbs of an organized commentary]
so this is jumping to the first past bit... but when i first wrote farah i had a very different plan for her character than who she ended up being. i had imagined that she’d be a lot more cold and a tough love sort of person. so that’s who i was writing when she’s first introduced in the flashback, but she very quickly become a much kinder full of love sort of person. but anyways i mention this because whenever i read that first part and the introduction of her character, i’m always a bit taken aback by how like mean here character is to crown then lol
also zoar !!!! its a terrible place, but i love that underground city
i also wrote the first flashback after i had written the scene where crown and chanhee are talking at his place in andhor, so the whole “fearless” connection was done very purposefully here since i knew how it’d be referenced in the next scene. someone mentioned this small connection in their reblog but i cant remember who 
also rashi is my favorite character xD
i personally think how crown and chanhee became friends (the running thing) is so cute 
this first bit of conversation between crown and chanhee when it switches back to the present and chanhee is giving them a tour of andhor is actually quite important to me, in the sense that its the first glimpse of how their actual relationship works and how they act together and just like their dynamic despite the fact that they havent seen each other in so long 
and yeah i think kyu mentioned this and a few others, but i love how awkward it is when chanhee and crown are in his home in andhor, cause one: they havent seen each other in years! but also: anyone else find going to someone’s place for the first time oddly intimate, like wow you’re opening up your home to me and now suddenly idk how to sit or stand or what to do with my arms... maybe just me LMAO
DUDE i struggled so hard with making it so that chanhee knew how impossible this whole mission was going to be without actually revealing that he knows about the mirror. it was so hard for me, hopefully it came out alright though. if anyone is reading this, did the twist(s) come as a shock to you? did you see it coming? or did it feel like it came out of absolutely no where and not in a good way?
yes i did name the desert after the department store kohls .....
i was so excited to explain all the mage types, i had so much fun writing this whole chapter 
fun fact: there was originally another sub group of psyche mages called dream mages who had like powers with dreams and stuff, but it ended up being irrelevant and really underdeveloped so it took it out
if anyone else was raised catholic or is catholic then i’d hope you recognize the names of all the relics.... i stole them from a prayer in the rosary whoops
it took me very long time to figure out exactly how the whole soul for the relic business would work, and idk if im a 100% satisfied with what it is/how it works/how it plays into rashi giving chanhee the locket
the note new gives crown.... the first slice of their friendship blooming, bro i eat that shit up 
this part where crown and rashi are talking after the lesson is actually one of my favorites. (like i said i love rashi, but i just really love her interreacting with crown, i think they have such an interesting dynamic and one that i’ve seen irl a lot between students and teachers, where the student adores the teacher... i’ll get more into this later) but moving on, i like it for a number of reasons. one: it’s the first time we as readers get to see rashi talk outside of her role as lesson master. two: i love crown getting this validation from rashi. it’s not really expanded on a lot, but crown’s magic is definitely a bit of an insecurity for them, in the way that they don’t feel like it belongs to them. but here rashi comes, this person that crown looks up to so much, and telling crown that they’re a bit similar when it comes to having magic. and surprising crown by comforting them. and... idk i just really love this moment for crown.
okay this line: “You call your mom Rashi?” is a lowkey reference to game plan,, if anyone knows what i’m talking about then please come clown me for nearly having the entire movie memorized 
oh, i also find the capital really cool. in my head the capital was always one huge building that contains an entire city but i realized while editing that i never really explained that, so idk if i successfully described the capital as cool as it is to me 
also the five friends part.....CUTE
when chanhee says “i know. i remember.” !!! girl i felt that line with my entire chest. idk why
okay wait this part: “But that knowledge seems to fall flat right now. Because despite everything, curiosity won the war.” i love it so much, its that tiny of sliver of hope that gets me personally
i think this part where crown’s pride is so hurt by no one telling them about chanhee’s healing magic is quite important because its a glimpse of how stubborn and prideful and headstrong of a character they can be 
also this : “ ‘and do you believe everything rashi says’ / without hesitation, you answer, ‘yes, of course’ “ this is another example of how highly crown thinks of rashi while growing up, almost to a fault. to the point where crown thought rashi could do no wrong. which i think is so interesting to think about when contrasted with the fight crown and chanhee have in the jungle where crown is the one discussing how rashi was wrong. i just like how much growth crown has had between all these years. and their opinion / perspective on rashi is one of the largest indicators of that growth. 
I also just really like that paragraph where shadow vs healing is explained... I think chanhee’s magic is so sick
oh also the names thing.... I can’t remember where I got the idea to do that from but im so glad I did. its one of my favorite aspects to this world, and it looks like a lot of other people enjoyed it as well. but apart from the intimacy of it, i love how the use of names affects one’s magic. and that paragraph where they go through all that a mage could do with a name. it gives me chills. just cause.... the possibilities
so many people have mentioned this line.... but I must too, so this part: “magic always comes with a price. this is new’s” ..... crazy
saskila scares me omg
again the first vision they see is not a random scene.... the easter eggs I planted with that mwahaha
yeah that scene where they’re outside the tent discussing who should give their name to saskila..... I love that scene chanhee’s “I don’t have anyone but you” and crown deflecting all that tension with the pinky promise and the saskila calling them lovers.... mwah
this random scene about the hot summer and laying with Farah and new in the gardens is another one of my favorite, it’s just so sweet
but this next scene makes me so sad
like I know what happens and I know that everything turns out okay but I get so scared for crown
yeah just that entire part after Rashi gets to them and when they’re going to the infirmary and before crown passes out... I love that whole part. i think i did an effective job of writing the gravity of that whole moment. cause it makes me a little stunned every time I read it. and I was pretty nervous about not being able to do that scene and that moment justice so I’m glad it turned out like it did
and again this line: magic always comes with a price, and in your case, it comes with several.
okay this part after they jump out of the ship and crown is talking to Chanhee but that other dude is talking too... I hope it’s not too confusing. I really wanted to show through the writing that this was all happening at the same time, but idk it came out well. like in my mind I have such a clear picture of this scene, but I have no clue if I did effective job of showing you guys what I’m seeing through the writing
oh yeah, crowns thing about dual wielding and engulfing the blades in flames.... I find that so cool. they’re so sick for that
yeah also the part where crowns hurt and they give Chanhee their name and they use it.... great moment, but I feel like my writing is a bit lacking here. i just know it could be better.
I think at this point of writing my classes had started, and again the disparity in writing quality is so obvious to me 
but the line where chanhee is describing how it all feels, and it says “chanhee feels golden” was inspired by daylight by taylor swift, theres a line in that song that goes “i used to think love would be burning red, but its golden” and like hello the parallels between that and crown’s fire magic.... something to think about 
so this next part where it’s back to the past and crown is getting in trouble (as crown does) but the part where crown is like asking but not directly asking for rashi’s name.... that part is so crazy to me cause it’s feels so out of place. but it was purposeful. i was trying to show that crown’s growing and that they’re at this weird age where they feel invincible. and also i wanted to put more emphasis on how being royal and the heir to the throne kind of effects the relationships crown has
and the last line of this part when rashi says “never abuse it” it gives me chills whew
the next part ... another part that i had high hopes for in the outlining stages of writing, but when it came to actually writing, this scene totally flopped, i’m gonna try not to dwell on this part too much cause i just know most of my comments will be about how much i don’t like it. but just overall, this scene could have been SO MUCH BETTER !
omg this little interaction: ““Look!” Chanhee deadpans, shooting you a glare. “The match is about to begin.” / “Wish me luck.” /  “I hope you lose.”” i think its so funny and cute
“ Your eyes immediately got to Rashi “ another example of how highly crown regards rashi 
“In Wurltan.” hmmmmmm sus.... *laughs in i love mentioning things that won’t make sense to reader until later*
okay this: “Yes, but not just any mage. I…” your voice trails off, pulling at your fingers and looking anywhere but at him. “I wanted you to know.” i cannot stand these two omg 
okay this part: “Chanhee thinks and overthinks the words spoken between you both. His mind drifts off to last night as well, that moment in the tent where you shared your warmth. He doesn’t even realize he’s staring at you until you give him a funny look. He quickly looks away and wonders if you’re overthinking everything as relentlessly as he is.” this part makes me think about what ina said about how chanhee shows his love by keeping you in his thoughts and YEAH chanhee’s love language in this piece is thinking about you and staring LOL
i hate this next part, not cause i don’t like it or anything it just makes me sad 
but this line: “Like if someone shoved you from behind right now, you wouldn’t push back; you’d let yourself fall straight to the ground.” i actually love that line
also this next entire bit i see SO clearly in mind, i hope i wrote it well enough so that you all saw it clearly too
when chanhee wipes the dirt.... girl i’m wiping my tears 
this line : “We’ll lean on each other.” mini love declaration sighhhhhh
yeah that whole part i love so much 
the seat of wisdom :(((( no!!!!!
so about this line: “He stares at his palms, at all the lies buried under each nail and at all the secrets shoved in every crack. He watches as they all blow up in front of his face.” >> i had like ten different versions of it before i settled on this one lol
okay so the first part of the last past flashback with crown realizing their true feelings... so soft 
news gone, rashis’s dead, :((( it makes me so sad
gosh okay this paragraph..... “I’ve always wondered why the gods blessed me and you the way that they have. They entrusted you with such great power. The only person to be both a healing and shadow mage in centuries. And then,” a tear falls from her eye, “they entrusted you to me.” Chanhee thinks this might be the first time he’s seen Rashi cry. “But now I have reason to believe that this was no accident. I’m beginning to think that the gods have always known it would come to this. And I’m starting,” she falters there, “I’m starting to spite them for it.”  it hurts so bad im sorry 
the first confrontation with harlan took me so long to write, and i’m still not sure if i actually like it, so again i will refrain from commenting lol
but the part where crown screams : “YOU LOST THE MIRROR OF JUSTICE!”  I think i told kyu this but this line makes me laugh because in my head its said the same way bella says: “you nicknamed my daughter after the lochness monster” whenever i see that line i smile lol
honestly this argument scene..... one of my absolute faves,,, everything lina said about it in that reblog just yes!yes!yes!! i can’t even comment about a particular part because all of it i love so much. its another part that leaves me slightly speechless.
but my favorite part of it might be how it ends hehe
these next couple parts were a bit diffucult to write because obviously the air between crown and chanhee is not very light right now so it was just hard to navigate their dynamic at these moments until they apologize but hopefully it turned out alright
i really like this line: “But this moment—with the scent of Harlan’s wine under his nose and the chill of Harlan’s blade against his neck—this moment feels nothing like those. It feels empty.” 
“ Chanhee just stares at you.“ -- staring as a love language exhibit b 
this whole part... chills bro 
“Chanhee exhales because for the first time since this afternoon he looks at your face and sees you.” -- exhibit c ....
okay wait another one of my favorite parts here: the spilled glass metaphor!! again please reference lina’s rb on this because everything said there... could not have said better myself. inspired by this writing advice by ocean vuong and yeah i just think the metaphor speaks for itself, one of my favorite lines (well paragraph) from the entire piece, actually from ALL of my works 
it was so hard to think up all of yumi’s different names, i was struggling
them talking about how farah will be happy to see chanhee...... how do i break it to you crown.....she’s dead...... awkward
red streak q! yesss. also i’m so sorry for killing off farah 
also kyunyu bestiessss
tbh this whole paragraph: “I get this overwhelming burst of honesty. As if what you both speak of is more than just a simple truth, as if it’s a commandant you blindly follow. What’s even odder is that I only feel that burst when you speak of each other.” Q stops walking and turns so that he faces Chanhee directly. “You speak of Crown constantly. And last night, when I met Crown, your title never left from the tip of their tongue. Humans are so simple really. We mention what we love.” Q pauses for a moment, bringing a hand under his chin. “Do you love Crown?” --i wrote it for myself no regrets
oh wait this bit too : “Quietly, Chanhee says, “I know.” / “Have you been watching?” / “I’ve been waiting.” / “For what?” / He meets your eyes. “For you.”” -- sometimes i do things that live rent free in my own mind
okay im so sorry for just quoting myself but this too : “ He sits back slightly. Shocked. Not by his love for you, but rather by how easily love walked into his heart and settled between his lungs “
lol the part where they try fooling q... why are crown and chanhee like this
the running !!!
yeah also every part after that... tears okay
yumi’s magic !!! its so cool to me, i love it so much 
i surprisingly don’t have much to say about the end... i mean i like it, but i just don’t have any comments. the last line tho... good one shawna
okay im done for you sake i hope no one read this lmao 
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
5 Simple Rules for a Successful Fake Relationship: The Proposal
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Summery: Your's and Ben's agents approach you about pretending to date in order to boost interest in your new movie.
Warnings: Nothing for this chapter other than some swearing maybe? Things may get a little spicy in later chapters though.
Words: 5843
AN: This fic was written for El @laedymoon​ for her 1K celebration! I took the trope 'fake dating' and this was the result! Honestly fake dating is one my my fave tropes and I've been wanting to try my hand at it for a while so this was so much fun to write! Originally it was meant to be a one shot but when have I ever been good at sticking to plans lmao? Instead it'll probably end up as a three or four part series, maybe with an epilogue as well, who knows.
I’d also like to point out I started writing this months before we got those photos of Ben and Olivia so this was in no way inspired by anyone’s theories about whether or not their relationship is a PR stunt and I’m not particularly interested in that kind of talk.
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Taglist: @laedymoon​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​   @ezmina98​​  @vee-ndetta​​ @atomic-watermelon​​ @kellypenac​​ @labessieisallama​​ @deakyclicks​​ @jennyggggrrr​​ @drowseoftaylor​​  @hannafuckingsucks​​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​​ @queenmylovely​​ @supersonicfreddie​
You’d known fake celebrity relationships were a thing that happened, you just never expected to be approached about one. But, here you were, sat next to Ben in an office usually reserved for producers meetings, a slight frown on his face as he listened to your agents explain how beneficial it would be if the public believed you were a couple.  “It’ll be good for the movie,” your agent, Mary, said matter-of-factly, “Studies show that if people – particularly women ages 15 – 45, the exact demographic we’re targeting – believe a real romance sprouted during the course of filming a movie, they are 78% more likely to see the movie. Plus, your names in the tabloids mean more exposure for both of you which means more offers in future, no matter how well this movie does in the box office. It’s all about being seen, people knowing your names.”  “Are you serious?” Ben asked slowly, glancing to you, as if trying to determine your reaction.  “Look, Ben, obviously we can’t force you or Y/N to do this,” his agent, Peter, introduced to you moments before, said, “the movie has already started filming and everyone appreciates your opinions, so saying no isn’t going to affect your jobs. But,” he paused, making sure the words were getting through to you both, “we strongly recommend you consider it. There are enough pros to make it worthwhile and it would only have to last until a week or two after the premiere. We can give you the rest of the day to think it over and make your decisions, but we will require an answer by tomorrow morning. If you agree, we can discuss terms and get everything in order to run the first story early next week.” 
You and Ben left, tempted to laugh at the strangeness of your morning.   “Think I need a coffee after that. You wanna come over to my trailer for a cup?”  “Yeah, okay, sounds good,” you followed him quietly for a moment, thinking over the conversation you’d just been part of, “What do you think?”  “About what? Coffee? You know I love it,”  “Not coffee, the whole pretending to date thing,”  “Oh that,” you could almost hear his eyes roll.   “You don’t think it’s worth it?”  He paused.  “Saying no won’t hurt my feelings,” you nudged his shoulder, hoping to ease his obvious discomfort, “it is a weird situation.”  “Weird is an understatement. And weren’t you with that Luke guy, what would he say about it?”  “He’ll say nothing since we’re not seeing each other anymore,”  “Wait, what?”  “Yeah that lasted like three dates and went nowhere, I haven’t seen him in weeks.”  “Oh, sorry.”  You shrugged, “What’s there to be sorry for, he was boring. Anyway, we were talking about you and me.”  “Right, that.” Ben opened the door to his trailer and waved you inside, following you over the threshold, “What do you think about it?”  “I’m not opposed to it. We already spend a lot of our time pretending to date anyway.”  Ben chuckled as he flicked the small kettle on, grabbing your two mugs and the instant coffee.  “Plus it would be good to get our names out there a bit more. And we're friends, right?” After the weeks of pre-production costume fittings and script read-throughs you certainly thought you were friends and hoped Ben did too.  “Of course we’re friends doofus,”  “Thanks dweeb. But that means it'll be fun getting to hang out and stuff.”   “So, wait, you think it’s a good idea?”  “Well it can’t hurt, can it?”  Ben frowned, forehead creased, “Don’t you think it’s all a bit, well, daft? As if us dating, real or not, would really have an impact on the movie, I think that’s bullshit. Plus, y’know, the work we’d have to put in to making it seem real or whatever. That’s just inviting extra stress into our lives and extra work which it doesn’t sound like we’d be getting paid for. Acting’s fun but I don’t want to spend every waking moment doing it.”  “Well it wouldn’t be every waking moment would it? Just the ones when they had photographers around. They’ll get a few photos of us leaving set holding hands or out having dinner together and spin it into a big romantic story and all we’d have to do is hold hands and have dinner. And you can’t call bullshit when they had actual statistics to back them up.”  “It sounds like you’re trying to convince me.”  “No, if you don’t want to I don’t mind, but I also don’t see anything wrong with it. And I think you should actually think about it instead of writing it off instantly.”  “So if I said I was into it, you’d want to?”  You shrugged, “Yeah. I want this movie to do well, I want this job to go somewhere. And if I have to date you to make that happen I will. That sounded better in my head. I just mean that I’m happy to pretend to date you, even if I wouldn’t in real life, no offence.”  “I’m a little offended,” he chuckled, “but really can’t argue with that can I?”  “If you’re not comfortable with it, say so and we’ll tell them no,”  Ben paused, staring at you as he considered what you’d said, quiet for so long you were sure he was going to say he wasn’t interested. You were about to put him out of his misery and tell him you didn’t want to anymore when he spoke up.   “They did say it would be good for the movie and out careers,”  “Someone’s coming around,” you sing-songed, taking the mug he offered you.  “Alright, I admit, maybe not as awful an idea as I first thought. There are…some pros anyway. And I guess we can hear the terms and then make up our minds properly.”  “Aww, looks like I got myself a boyfriend,” 
The next morning you found out what you were in for if you did agree to it. Once again both of your agents were waiting in the office but this time a third person was with them when you arrived.  “Y/N, Ben, take a seat. This is Barry, he’s a representative from Paramount Pictures.”  Barry, with his salt and pepper hair and well cut suit, leaned forward in his seat to shake Ben’s hand and then yours with a pleasant greeting.  “Well,” Mary spoke up, “have you made a decision?”  Ben looked to you before he spoke, “It’s a tentative yes from both of us. We’d like to hear a bit more about it before we fully agree but, so far, it sounds okay.”  “Glad to have you on board,” Barry said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a manila folder full of paper.  “In that case, the terms,” Peter said, glancing around to make sure everyone was ready, “If you do agree, we’ll need you to sign some paperwork stating you understand your obligations and all that, so take a copy of these,” he took two small stapled documents from Barry, handing you each one, before passing another to Mary, “just so everyone has all the info at hand.”  “Are these the terms?”  “Yes. Don’t worry, we’ll explain, but it’s all laid out in there if you need clarification.”  “There’s more pages than I was expecting,” Ben said, already sounding like it was becoming too much work to worry about.  “You don’t have to worry about the last few pages, it’s mostly just legalese. Essentially, you’ll be required to act like a couple in public. That’s really all there is to it, though contractually it’s a little more complex.”  “What does that mean?”  “We just need you both to agree to perform specific relationship type moments that we can sell. For instance, Y/N, we will need you to be spotted by paparazzi leaving Ben’s apartment a couple of times. Or vice versa. It is the 21st century afterall.”  “You mean like a walk of shame?” you asked, glancing at the paper in your hand.  “That’s not the official term on the contract but it’s more or less correct. You’ll need to change clothes, make it look like you stayed the night even if you didn’t really.”  “Wouldn’t it be more traditional to wear the previous day’s gear?”  “Perhaps but if you’re in the same clothes as the day before the paparazzi can’t sell the photos as easily because they can’t prove they were taken on different days. We want to make these photos easy to sell and easy to circulate. To that end, some paparazzi and gossip blogs will be tipped off by the studio and hopefully word will spread as the buzz around you gets stronger.”  “There will also be required dates, of course. At least one of them needs to take place at the French restaurant Boucher because they have a partnership with the studio. There is also a clause about an argument, provided people become interested in your relationship and we keep it going all the way to the premiere.”  “Wait, an argument?” Ben flipped through his papers, trying to find the right section.  “You just have to be caught arguing, or at least looking like you’re angry and about to fight, just so we can sell the whole trouble in paradise storyline.”  “People like conflict,” Mary shrugged, “Otherwise all we need is the two of you to act like a couple in public, maybe a few social media posts, from now until a week after the theatre release. After that you’re free to ‘break up’, though you will also need to sign a non-disclosure agreement which will stop you from talking about it for a few years. We’ll organise a few magazines and gossip sites to run stories about the split and, depending on how the public react to your story, may later run some Ben and Y/N, back together question mark type pieces, entirely fabricated of course.”  “You will attend the premiere together and, obviously, do press together. We will tell reporters not to ask about your personal lives, so no one suspects the relationship to be fake, though a few questions may slip through. Though we don’t expect this movie to earn any award nominations since it’s not being marketing for any there may be some later down the track. In that case we may ask you to extend your relationship long enough to attend the ceremonies together, provided you aren’t working on other projects at the time.”  “The only other requirements are that, a few times a week you allow yourselves to be seen in public. Hand holding, kissing, really sell the whole fallen in love thing. That’s it really.”  “And we can’t even tell our families?”  “One leak is all it would take to have this revealed. You tell your mum who accidentally lets slip to the neighbour who sells it to a magazine. And if it’s revealed it could be harmful when it comes to box office numbers, which is the exact opposite of what we want. But enough of these have been done so that we know how to manage them, and all you have to do is keep quiet about it and act like you’re in love. Easy. Are you both on board?”  Barry, who’d been quiet throughout the meeting, leaned forward expectantly.  You already knew what to say, "I’m in if Ben is,”  Ben chewed his lip as he skimmed over the paper in his hands again. He sighed and raised his eyes to where Barry sat, waiting.  “I don’t know I-”  You’d seen it coming, his answer. Really it wasn’t much of a surprise. Ben didn’t strike you as the sort of person to go in for schemes like this and he’d been hesitant from the second it was suggested. You heard him sigh again as his gaze landed on you and you wondered if he thought less of you for wanting to be part of it.  “Okay. I’m in.”  You were a little stunned by his change of heart but you were the only one. Everyone else in the room seemed relieved and a little frantic, Barry reaching back into his bag, Mary and Peter talking over each other to assure you both that you’d made the right choice.  “Glad to hear that, Ben,” Barry was saying as he pulled out another folder of documents, “Now, we’ll need you to both to sign here.” 
After shooting was done for the day you accompanied Ben to a small pub for a drink. Mary and Peter had left the meeting on their phones making hurried calls to get photos of the two of you leaving the set together. You’d jumped a little as Ben grabbed your hand before realising why his fingers were linked through your own. It was warm and he didn’t let you go until you reached the pub, the snap of cameras audible as you walked down the street. You found a booth while Ben headed to the bar, returning a little later with a drink in each hand.   “One G and T for my girlfriend,” he laughed as he put the drink in front of you and slid into the seat opposite.  “Y’know if you told me last week that I’d have had a boyfriend before we finished filming and that it was you, I would have laughed.”  “God me too. Our jobs are so bizarre. Literally what other profession would encourage you to pretend to date?”  You laughed and pulled out the papers you’d been given that morning, “And who’d have thought there’d be so many contractual requirements.”  “We should add our own set of rules. Like just so we’re clear about what we’d be uncomfortable doing or whatever.”  “Safewords?”  “Get your mind out of the gutter. Christ, you fake ask a girl out and suddenly all she can think about is sex.”  “My mind was in the gutter long before we were set up.”  He let out a huff of laughter and shook his head, reaching for his glass.  “I know what you mean though. We should definitely define some things,” you grabbed your bag and began digging through it for a pen. When you found it, you turned the papers over giving you a blank canvas to work on, “Firstly sex.”  “Should have known,”  “May as well start with the big one. Rule 1: No Sex. Completely off the table.” you took a sip of your drink as you began jotting it down.  “Your wank game strong?”  The conversation was interrupted as you choked on your drink, finally recovering enough to splutter, “excuse me?”  “Well it sounds like we might be together for a while. Can’t go on any tinder dates or anything since that would look like cheating. You sure you can last that long?  “100 per cent.”  “Alright, if you’re sure. Rule one, no sex.”  You finished writing it down, rolling your eyes, “What about PDAs? We have to do some but is there anything you’d be uncomfortable with?”  “I’m not really one for like public make out sessions,”  “Thank god, me neither.”  “Okay, good. What about cuddling and that kind of thing. Man this is weird to talk about,”  “Yeah, is a bit. I can do some cuddling in public but y'know, nothing too much. Hugs are fine, an arm around my shoulders is fine. Holding hands is obviously okay.”  “What about an arm around the waist?”  “Hmmm….maybe. Yeah, I think I’d be okay with that. But your hand never goes below my lower back. I will have no arse grabs or pinches or hands in my back pocket.”  “Wasn’t planning on that but good to know. Does cuddling include lap sitting?”  “Absolutely not.”  “Okay, strong boundaries, I respect that. You going to write all that down?”  “Rule 2: PDAs kept respectable and to a minimum. And rule 3: hands above the belt at all times. What about our families and friends?” you asked as you made notes on acceptable PDAs, “chances are we’re going to have to deal with them at some point since they’re going to think it’s real.”  “Okay, um, how about…no meeting anyone unless there’s a reason like a family gathering you’d be expected to bring a partner to. And if that does come up we can work out a game plan then.”  “Make sense. Rule 4: No families unless no escape.” 
By the time you left the pub, your list of rules tucked into your bag, it was quite late.   “Hey, you wanna crash at mine tonight?” Ben asked, “we can text Peter and Mary, let them know so they can organise paparazzi for the morning.”  “Tonight? I don’t have a toothbrush or a change of clothes or anything.”  “We’ll pop into a shop and buy you a new toothbrush, should probably get you one for my place anyway since apparently you’ll be staying over more than once. And I’m sure I’ve got something you can sleep in.”  “And tomorrow? Can’t wear this again in case we get photographed.”  “I’ll give you something and then I’ll drop you home in the morning,” he shrugged.   “I guess that would work,”  “C’mon, it’ll be like a sleepover. Stay up late and talk about boys, have things devolve into a sexy pillow fight, sleepover stuff.”  “And you say my mind lives in the gutter.”  “That’s not a no,”  “Alright, I’ll crash at yours. Closer to here than mine is anyway.”  “Awesome,” he grinned at you, “c’mon, this way….babe?”  “Didn’t sound so convincing there, Ben,” you snorted.  “You should have used a pet name then, instead of my actual one. And I was just testing the waters, what’d you think?”  “Babe’s okay. As long as we don’t get into weirdly cutesie things like turtle dove or snookums.”  “You don’t want me to call you snookums? How about cuddle bunny? Pumpkin pie?”  “Oh fuck off,”  “Think you mean fuck off honey bear.”  “Rule 5: Standard pet names only!” 
As much as he clearly enjoyed teasing you, Ben made sure you had a good time with him. He took your hand again but it was only so he could pull you into the warmth of a small Chinese restaurant. It was one he seemed to regularly visit judging by the way the man at the counter knew Ben’s order straight away. He seemed a little surprised when Ben asked to add extra dishes, eyes darting to your entwined hands, and then back to Ben’s face, but he said nothing, just cheerily gave Ben the new price.  “What was that about?” you asked as you walked the last block to Ben’s door, each of you carrying a bag, his full of food and yours supplies from the grocery store, “the look he gave you when he saw me?”  “Oh, that’s nothing. I used to go to that place a lot with my ex and then we broke up and I kept going on my own cause it’s close and it’s fucking good food. But, um, they know me pretty well and I guess it’s been a while since I took a girl there.”  “Well I’m flattered that you chose me to be part of this touching moment,” you laughed and followed Ben to his front door, taking the second bag from him so he could pull his keys from his pocket and let you in. You’d never been inside Ben’s place before so you let him lead you down the hallway towards the kitchen, taking charge of pulling everything from the bags as Ben got out plates and cutlery.  “Oh shit, hang on gotta text Mary and Peter,”  You took over dividing up the food as Ben dug his phone out of his pocket. A few seconds after he’d sent the message and put his phone down a ding made him snatch it back up again.  “Peter says there’ll be someone here to snap us while we leave. They want us to kiss if possible. Guess it’s really started then,”  “Guess so. Can I ask one thing?”  “Sure,” he said it slowly, almost nervously.  “Why’d you change your mind about this? I thought for sure you’d say no.”  “Oh, that. I don’t know, I guess I figured it wouldn’t hurt, especially if it was going to benefit the movie. C’mon, don’t want this to go cold,”  You weren't sure you believed him but you let him shrug off the question as you picked up your plate and followed him into the living room. The next couple of hours were spent eating and watching trashy reality tv shows, making jokes at their expense. You and Ben kept talking long after the show ended, until he realised how late it was getting.  “Better turn in otherwise I won’t get up in the morning,” he laughed.  “Yeah, probably a good plan,” you stretched out on the couch, placing a cushion under your head.  “C’mon, I’ll show you to your room.”  “You mean I’m not sleeping on the couch?”  “Oh my god you’re a dork,” he threw another cushion at you, “I have a spare room you can use.”  “Well I didn’t know that,” you laughed as you pushed yourself to your feet, following him back down the hallway towards a closed door you hadn’t noticed before.  “Nah, you’re all good. It’s honestly mostly used by my friend Joe when he’s travelling over this way. There’re clean sheets in the linen press in the bathroom which is the next door on the right, and extra blankets in the cupboard just there. Also watch the blinds if you try to close them, they can be a little stiff. If there’s anything else you need let me know, my bedroom is at the end of the hall, near the living room.”  “Some PJs would be good, if it’s no trouble.”  “Oh right, yeah of course, give me a second.”  You dropped your bag in a corner of the room and then popped into the bathroom to grab some sheets. Ben came back with an old t-shirt and some flannel pants.  “These are mine so they’ll probably be a bit big but they’ll be fine for the night. And they’ll look good for the camera in the morning.”  “Thanks,”  “That everything?”  “Think so, night Ben,”  “Night, snookums.”  “Rule five mister,”   Ben just laughed, pulling your door shut behind him.  
Waking up in Ben’s spare room was mildly confusing. The bed faced a different direction than yours did, the blinds blocked out too much of the morning light, and the sheets felt different. But the previous night came back to you and then the reason you were staying at Ben’s did too. It made you too nervous to go back to sleep, too restless to stay there, so you got up and stumbled to the door, opening it just in time to see Ben leaving the bathroom.  “Morning,” he groaned with half shut eyes and sleep mussed hair, “you want a coffee?”  “Please. Thanks.”  He yawned, acknowledging your answer with a nod and left the bathroom to you. When you were done you found him in the kitchen with a steaming mug of coffee in his hands and a second on the bench in front of him. You took it gratefully, letting the warm caffeine wake you up.”  “Breakfast? I can offer you toast or cereal unless you wanna wait for pancakes to cook.”  You shook your head, “Don’t normally eat breakfast,”  Ben looked aghast, “You know breakfast’s important, right?”  “Shhh, lemme wake up before you start lecturing me,”  Ben smiled into his own mug, falling silent until you’d downed half your drink, “You good now? Alert?”  “Close enough. Please don’t tell me about breakfast though.”  “I wasn’t going to. There was another text from Peter this morning.”  “What’d it say?”  “Well, a photographer will be here around nine-ish ready for us, but they said he’ll stay for as long as we take.”  “Okay.”  “And, um, he was very careful in how he worded it, but they want us to look like we fucked. Also I told them I’d take you home so there may be someone waiting for us there too, he never got back to me on it.”  “Shit, okay. Umm, guess I’ll just wear this then?” you indicated the pyjamas you’d borrowed, “might lose the pants though, help sell it a bit more.”  “Yeah, guess so,” Ben cleared his throat and took a sip of coffee, his eyes firmly fixed over your shoulder.  “What time is is?”  “Uhhhh,” he glanced at the oven, “Twenty past eight.”  “God I haven’t been up this early on a weekend in months.”  “Not one for farmers markets or anything then?”  “Not really. Much prefer lying in bed doing nothing.”  “Me too,”  “We’re meant for each other,” you laughed, “did you want to have a shower or anything?”  “Nah, you can if you want though,”  “Might as well wait until I get home. But I am gonna clean my teeth, especially if we have to kiss.”  “Maybe mess up your hair too, make it look like you didn’t sleep much.”  “Well how could I when you’re such a good lover,”  “I know you’re joking but if anyone asks, I’m incredible. You came like three times.”  “Did I now?”  “Of course.”  “Good thing no one’s gonna ask then, don’t think I’m great at lying.”  “You’re an actress, Y/N. Besides, it’s not really a lie, I am that good. You just haven’t experienced it personally.”  You poked your tongue out at Ben as you stood and headed towards the bathroom again but you did as he’d suggested and messed your hair up as much as you could. 
“How do I look?” you ask Ben when you were done.  “Gorgeous,” he said, eyes raking over every inch of your appearance from the ruffled hair to the hint of panda eyes you’d manufactured with your eyeshadow to the slightly unbuttoned flannel shirt and missing pants.  “But do I look like I’ve been thoroughly fucked?”  “Oh, right, umm, yes I think so,”  “You do? I feel like theres something missing.” You darted back into the bathroom to look in the mirror again, “Oh! I know. Might be taking it a bit far though.”  “What is it?” Ben asked, following you and watching you in the mirror.  “What if you gave me a hickey?”  “Y/N, I-”  “Yeah, I know, that’s a weird thing to ask. Don’t worry, I think we’ll be fine without it.”  Ben’s cheeks puffed up with air that he slowly let escape his lips, “no, you’re right, if I’d really slept with you last night I would have marked you up a bit. A hickey will definitely make it look more authentic.”  “It’s not totally inappropriate for me to ask?”  “No, no, we have to make it look legit, it’s a good suggestion. Here, I’ll uhh,” he stepped in close, one hand tentatively winding around your waist to pull you back against him, the other moving to push your hair aside. His breath was hot as he leaned into your neck. You saw him glance at your reflection, eyebrows slightly furrowed, but then his lips were on your skin, sucking at you until a bruise formed. Your own breath quickened with the contact but you knew it was just because he’d found a particularly sensitive spot and it had been a while since anyone had handled you like that. It was still just Ben and it was still part of your jobs. But all the same you let your eyes slip shut and hummed at how nice it felt. You were almost disappointed when it was over. Ben stood there for a moment, head bent over your neck, long enough to take a deep breath, but then he seemed to collect himself, taking a quick step back.  “Will that do?”  “It’s great Ben, really ties the whole look together.”  Ben returned your smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, “Good. Good. Okay then, I’ll umm, what time is it?”  “Just after nine,” you said, glancing at your phone, “wonder if the photographer is here yet.”  “I think I will jump in for that shower actually, by the time I’m done he definitely will be.”  “Okay,”  “Make yourself comfortable though, watch some TV or something.”  “Alright. Thanks for being so cool about all this. I know you’re a little sceptical about the benefits and everything.”  “It’s fine, Y/N, no need for any of that.” He smiled again as you left the bathroom and the door shut behind you, but it still seemed off.  
You settled onto the couch to flick TV channels, pausing at a breakfast news show and then at some kids cartoon you didn’t recognise, only stopping when Ben entered the room, clean and dressed.   “Hey, I was wondering,” you said, turning towards him, “should I give you a hickey as well?”  “No,”  You were a little taken aback by how quickly he’d answered.  “I mean, I think that’d be overkill. Keep it up our sleeves for next time, yeah?”  “Okay, yeah, sure,”  “Is he there?”  “I think so.”  Ben walked towards the window and twitched the curtain aside just enough to peek out, “Yeah, looks like him. Big camera pointing at my front door.”  “Okay,” your heart began to beat a little faster, “show time then,”  “Show time.” Ben nodded as he turned back to you.  “Do we have a plan? I kinda wish I had a script right about now,”  Ben laughed a little and you thought he seemed more himself, “I think you should go out first so they can get a good clean shot and then I come out after, maybe with my hand on your back?”  “Sounds good,”  “Okay, umm, I’ll lock the door and when I turn around you kiss me and then I’ll open the passenger door for you and we’ll drive to your place.”  “Don’t bother opening my door. I’m not big into that kind of gesture, plus I think if we were actually being caught by the paparazzi, we’d be getting into the car as quick as possible. Maybe throw a look his way like you aren’t happy about being photographed just so it doesn’t seem too staged.”  “Okay, no opening doors, noted.”  You shrugged, “I just think it’s a bit old fashioned and unnecessary,”  “I’ll keep that in mind for our dates. You ready to do this?”  You nodded and stood up, leading the way to the front door. Ben collected his keys and wallet and placed a hand on the lower part of your back, your signal to open the door and step outside.   “Kinda wish I had pants on,” you said softly, “It’s a bit brisk,”  Ben chuckled as he followed you out, “We’ll put the heating on in the car for you,” he turned to lock the door. You watched him, fingers gripping the key a little tighter than he perhaps normally would, and as soon as he began to turn back around you were moving towards him, one hand thrown around his neck, the other in his hair as your pressed your lips to his. His hand found your back again, pulling you in close as he kissed you back fiercely, as if he were unwilling to let you go after such a good night together, the kiss of a man falling in love. For half a second you forgot it was an act. And then he was gone, his nose brushing yours briefly before there was space between you. You felt a little dazed with Ben looking at you so softly but you took a deep breath and reality came back to you. With another breath your turned and headed towards the car, able to hear the rapid click click click of the camera. You shot a look towards the noise and then got into the car, Ben hopping into the driver’s seat about a second later.  
“You’re a good actor,” you said before silence could settle between you, “I already knew that, of course, but the kiss was really good. Almost completely believable.”  “As long as it’s believable enough in the photos,”  “I’m sure it will be. I think we pulled it off.”  Ben nodded, “Yeah. You still chilly?”  “Little bit,”  He reached over and twisted one of the dials blindly, warm air suddenly washing over your goosebump covered legs, “better?”  “So much, thanks.”  “I think he might be following us,”  “You did tell them we were going to mine, s’pose he’ll be trying to grab a couple of shots of us there.”  “Yeah, probably.”  “Should we come up with another game plan? Maybe you walk me to my door, we stand there talking for a bit, saying goodbye. I stay and watch you leave before I go inside.”  “Perfect. Is another kiss part of the goodbye?”  “Careful Ben, you sound almost like you want to kiss me,” you laughed, “but yes, think it needs to be.” 
It went completely according to plan. By the time you were getting out of the car the photographer had pulled up outside your house, his camera sticking out the window of his car so he didn’t miss his shot. The camera clicked as Ben took your hand and you led him to your door.  “Well, guess that’s it for today. I did have fun with you last night, even if it wasn’t the kind of fun everyone else will think it was.”  “Yeah, me too. Happy to have you stay anytime you want to be photographed again. Maybe we’ll get you some PJs that can live at mine though.”  “Probably for the best. If this goes well I can see them wanting us to do it again soon.”  “Oh definitely. They’ll probably have notes for us so we can get an even better performance next time. You ready to wow them with another kiss?”  “Lay it on me, babe,”  “Anything you want, snookums,”  You groaned but before you could protest too much Ben was kissing you again, softer than before, no longer trying to convince you to stay, just trying to prolong the moment before the goodbye. It left you a little breathless as he cupped your cheek, leaving his hand there when he pulled away. As you opened your eyes you saw him bite his lip and then he leaned in to leave you with a final chaste peck before his fingers slipped from your skin and he was walking away. You let out a long exhale as you watched him go, waving as the car took off. Once you were alone inside, the door firmly shut behind you, you laughed at how ridiculous the whole arrangement was. But at least Ben was a good kisser. Not too firm, not too wet, just the right amount of tongue. Believable enough to give you butterflies.  
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satoruvt · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game <3
helloooo <3 thank u for tagging me @hannie-dul-set this is so cute lol
ummmm! i think i will tag. @leejuyeeon and @seokmingiggles !! and as always anyone else who wants to <33
peum ~
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
omg lets see if i can do this in order. i think the first fandom i ever wrote fanfic for was creepypasta LMAOO and then... fairy tail? then 5 seconds of summer, then maybe it 2017?? voltron legendary defender, detroit become human, monster prom and mystic messenger kind of overlapped, the arcana !!! then my hero academia, haikyuu, a Little bit of demon slayer... i think thats it lol
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
seventeen is all for rn, but i’m thinking of also writing for mha again and adding jjk!!
3. how long have you been writing?
oh wow for like... probably around 6 years? maybe 6 and a half
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
rn just tumblr, i used to post more actively on ao3 but i havent since i started writing for kpop
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
ahhh like !!! comfort fics!!! i think theres something really sweet in those unspoken feelings during moments you think you’ll never forget... the idea of being with someone and you’re just so sure they’re your favorite person, and then warmth that comes with that realization... wahh
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
oh it depends i think. for longer fics i like to plan them out, but i really wing it with like timestamps or shorter ones
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
ONE SHOTS. my god i fucking suck at multi-chapter shit LMAOO ive only done 1 series like that and it was so rough for me lol
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
hm how do i explain this... anything that makes sense? however long it takes for it to feel like the chapter/fic is summed up or completed. i used to worry about word counts a lot but now i rarely pay attention to them, both in reading and writing
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
if we’re talking about multi-chaptered, then the color of you wins at 17k !! in terms of one shots, it’s for now; forever at 9k!
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
oh boy. i think... anything from the last like. 8 months? my svt stuff for sure!! i went a while without writing in between like january-late november 2020, and i was worried that my writing would suffer a lot... it took a sec for me to get back into the groove of things but i’m feeling happier than ever with the stuff i write now. i feel like ive matured about the way i approach my own writing and ideas, and how i do everything, and my fics make me really proud. ive started writing within different aus that i hadnt touched before, or talking about different feelings or ideas, etc... i really feel like ive grown with this most recent burst lol, and i love working on them! i get so hyped up when im in the middle of writing or even planning, im just so excited to share all of it hehe
11. favorite request you've have written and why (if any?)
ah its been so long since ive worked with requests that i cant remember anything LOL
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
yes. it is comfort and content. it is the feeling of love. it is holding hands on a walk in the middle of spring and smelling flowers. it is the sound of leaves when a gust of wind blows past. it is looking into ur lovers eyes and feeling nothing but pure fondness
13. current number of wips?
fuck like somewhere around 20 probably
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
i really like repetition (specifically in sentences if that makes sense??), LOTS of unspoken things (even if i picture a fic with an established relationship, i dont say it within the fic; and especially concerning romantic feelings, i love when things go unsaid and are FELT full force), i think a lot of detailed rambling... i really like to try and describe emotions and stuff in the most abstract and obscure ways lol i feel like it makes things a little more palpable and honest
15. a quote you like from a published story
im gonna do a few. Lol. firstly this long one from pretend people can unlearn:
“Are you…” Jeonghan starts, and when you look at him, his eyes are still on the city in front of you. “Are you ever afraid that we’ll fall out of love?”
It never occurred to you that this was love. It’s not like the love you’ve experienced in the past, not even close. But maybe… maybe that’s why you never leave, why you hold yourself back from certain arguments like it might fix everything. Maybe love is the reason why Jeonghan still seems to believe in you. Why he promises he’ll be the best thing for you despite always breaking that promise.
(Is it love, a voice in your head questions, or is it longing?)
It takes you a while to respond. “I don’t know,” you end up saying, because you really don’t. Jeonghan turns his head and looks at you, and you half expect him to start an argument in the middle of night, out on the street like this. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Would that… be okay?”
“I don’t know,” Jeonghan answers, just like you. His voice is soft. You want to reach for his hand just to hold it. “You’re still…”
He pauses, like he’s trying to find the right word. You let him take his time, for once, instead of accusing him of the worst. “I’m still?”
“Everything,” he tells you. He looks so sad and you reach out for him because it’s the only thing you can offer. You think the worst thing about your relationship with Jeonghan is that you will always believe him when he gets like this, just like you’ll believe him when he takes it back in the heat of a fight.
next is from like there isn’t something missing <3
But you’re crying into his chest because it’s not you, and it’s not him. Seungcheol wonders if it was always meant to be like this, if the two of you were always meant to part or if something… if something just went wrong, somewhere. A bump that did a bit more damage than either of you thought.
He tries not to think about it now. Tears fill his own eyes as he presses a kiss to your hair because he loved you. He truly did.
“I was so lucky to love you,” he murmurs, voice a cracked whisper. “I’m so happy I got the chance.”
When Seungcheol wakes up the next morning in an empty bed, he’s not surprised. But the Post-It note that’s dressed in your handwriting…
Well. It’s over.
and this last one from only for you, i will dance !!
“This will always be our own time,” he says. “We’ll meet here.”
You know. He says it every time. It never fails to make your heart soar.
“Our thirteenth month,” you say, just like every time. Chan smiles.
He kisses you so strong you feel yourself falling.
16. a quote from an unpublished story
ahh ok ill do a few here too!!! one is something ive begun writing, the other is one that i’ve just been working on planning out <3
Smoke blows past somebody else’s lips and partially obstructs Wonwoo’s view of you.
He hasn’t been to a party like this in a long time. It’s elegant, more of a gala than anything. He can’t remember who threw it or for what reason. It doesn’t really matter, he supposes, watching you make conversation with the partygoers. They all have old money to throw around, the symbolism stitched into their suit jackets and red-rimmed heels; remnants of it left on tables and in the contents of expensive cigars.
You play them like you are one of them, tell them the right things with a silver tongue. Wonwoo always watches, plays the part of an observer. It’s impressive, the way you float around the room like it’s nothing.
Wonwoo observes; Wonwoo knows things.
and the second one...
"you don't know me," you respond. your voice carries no bite, just a fact, and joshua knows this
"i want to," he says after a second. "if you'll let me."
and he's asking permission to be your friend, to be close to you, something so tender and strangely polite
it makes you feel almost sad
"don't expect too much," you say, a little teasing. joshua only smiles
17. space for you to say something to your readers
wahhh thank you all so much!!! when i first got into writing for kpop it was a lot different mostly because i think... i was writing stuff for different anime before, and i had built up a big following because of that and my works always did like, really exceptional in terms of notes and feedback and such, and getting into kpop... has been rough on that end 💀 but i appreciate your support thus far, even if it’s small... i’m still working towards a standard that i have for myself!!! so please be patient with me, thank you for the support !!
also please find it in yourself to leave lil comments or any sort of feedback... please..... PLEASE... any creator ever understands this struggle please always try to do this!!! for me and for any other creator you follow and enjoy content from <333
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duckymacaroon · 4 years
A small rant/ my feelings on the new Mandalorian chapter....
[SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! START NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!] 
So I just want to say that I did overall enjoy the episode and I thought it was very well done for a season finale. I loved the tense scenes and heavy reality of the whole situation that is surrounding the world that was once ruled by the Empire but now is being controlled by the New Republic. Also I like that they are exploring the lore of Manalore and I absolutely love the darksaber. 
Now its time for my rant and feelings-cause I mean my feelings have been hit in the heart so hard. Im crying on the inside so much. 
So I knew going into this season that Din and Grogu would be separated, that was the theme of this season but I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS! I WAS NOT READY!!!!! I did not want Grogu to leave with Luke. I was actually happy to see Luke, I really was and to see how powerful he was also to show off just how powerful a trained jedi master is. But I did not like that Grogu and Din didnt get a proper goodbye.
Din gets him back after several days (or weeks-IDK how long it took to find everyone and make a plan) of not having him then to just show up on the ship, save him, save everyone and then to just have Luke walk in and “take” him away...NO....
Again, not mad about Luke showing up but Din did have the Darksaber so he could have cut through all those droids with no problem, they weren’t in immediate danger. I know din doesnt know how to “use” the saber but its not all that hard to swing it and cut things up with it. I felt like they could have made it out alive and onto another planet where Din could have a moment with Grogu to really let it all sink in, then the helmet scene (maybe even more intimate) then Luke could show up and take him. Cause I do understand that Grogu chose to reach out to Luke so he wanted to get stronger so he could probably protect Din. Which makes sense to me, if I had power to protect my parents I would want to learn how to wield them to the best of my ability.  
A problem I see happening though (not that magical hollywood writing cant fix it) is that Yoda/Grogu’s species take a while to train to a level where they excel, Yoda was like 100 years old when he was considered good at his ability to pass it on, so that leaves Grogu with 50 more years left till he is considered good to go back to Din or at least taking a vacation. Also, Yoda had many teachers around him to help, Grogu did have many teachers in the past but we can see that he is still raw in his ability but now Grogu only has Luke who only had Yoda to teach him-not that Yoda is not enough he is more than enough but Yoda was also 900 years old, he had to be tired (and slightly crazy) so I don't know how much he was able to pass on to Luke, as far as the knowledge goes. The situation is if Din dies/gets hurt/or Grogu gets hurt/dies there is a chance they could never see each other again, now since we don't really know the age of Din (we all assume he is around the age of Pedro but we can guess he is anywhere from 35-45 years of age) but 50 years later could put him at 75 or 85 years old. Din promises him that they will see each other again but given his job as a bounty hunter he could die any day. Also if he goes to help restore Mandalore that will take a LONG time considering how separate the fractions are...also I know Din doesnt want to be a part of it at all but he has to fight Bo-Katan in order for her to get the DarkSaber and that might end up badly for him. 
Also another problem...Luke never introduced himself or told Din where he was going...Now Cara might know Luke and can introduce Din to Leia and they can help find him but if Cara doesnt know and Leia refuses in anyway Din will have a hard time finding Grogu and Luke. Remember Luke hide from everyone in the Sequels for YEARS! If jedi don't want to be found its very hard to find them, they can blend in when they need to so my fear is that Din wont be able to keep that promise and Grogu will never see him again. That is why I think they needed a better goodbye, cause that goodbye felt rushed and left a hole in my heart...
I also have a feeling that since Grogu is so attached to Din now that if Din does get severally hurt or comes close to death or even dies, Grogu is going to feel it where ever he is, he is gonna feel the loss of his father or that he is in great pain. Luke showed that he could feel the pain of his sister and Han when they were in pain and Yoda was even shown holding his heart as he felt people he loved die, Ashoka felt it to when she was on board the cruiser. So my fear is that Grogu is going to panic and want to get back to Din to try and help him. Now if Luke does the Master Yoda thing where he tells him to stay I think Grogu will turn to the dark side and leave. 
So overall again I liked the episode I thought everyone was very well done, I can see they set up a large world for Din and Mandalore, also how he and Bo are gonna compete for the hand off of the Darksaber. Also the Boba Fett series looks like it will be awesome! Looking forward to that. Now while I will be SUPER sad to not see Grogu in the Mandalorian anymore (or for how ever long they plan on separating Din and Grogu for) I am excited to see what they do with Din. He is an interesting character to me and his arc is getting interesting. 
So sorry its so long thank you all!!!! Also this is just my opinion and concerns but I do trust Dave and Jon to make this good in the end, since they both love Star Wars :) 
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botseeksbot · 4 years
top 5 rgg scenes but you can do 10 if you want (:
um this is hard .
10. Mine's suicide LMAO die faggot
9. literally every scene w Kashiwagi or Daigo or Yayoi in k2. How lady dojima looks when she talks abt Daigo at the beginning. Kashiwagi rushing in when Daigo is at Serena's and lighting his cigarette. When Daigo steps up to be chairman. THEY ARE A FAMILY .
8. Akiyama "honey im home" HI BISEXUAL
7. Saejima coliseum fight in 4 :((
6. Kiryu's talk w Date in the car about Nishiki in k1 wahhhh
5. Haruka and Kiryu comforting each other after Haruka gets shot in k1 :((( Kiryu apologizing to her wahhh
4. Kiryu talked to Awano at the club after the Kuze fight. "Id rather die than join you" then he just walks out ???? made me insane my first playthrough
3. Kiryu's talk w Makoto at the hotel + his talk w Tachibana in Little Asia before the reunion. im so crazy and sad wahhhh i love how he talks to both of them :( "i can only get you as far as the starting line" I LOVE YOUUUU
2. Saki's mom scene always makes me cry and it will always make me cry. even just thinking about it and writing this im crying. how can she say that about her own child. it makes me so upset and Saki just stands there stone faced the whole time. and Rikiya + Nakahara are so good to her and I love them a lot. when she actually smiles at her dad. Saki's drawing of like "thank you for helping me" she loves her daddy so much ;__; and he loves her and when he hugs her and just says "thank you" to her wahhh
1. you could ask me top 10 rgg5 scenes instead of rgg in general and id have a list so rgg5 gets its own place as no.1
top rgg5 scenes in no particular order
had to add more bc i kept remembering more
15. T-Set being nice to Haruka especially when they join Dream Line :) i love T-Set
14. THE OPENING HOW COULD I FORGET THIS. Daigo talking about wanting to do his best + mirroring lines he says when he gets shot GRRRRRRR "im trying my best to walk my own path" MOTHERFUCKER I LOVE YOU
13. Saejima helping Baba up after the fight . Grr grr im insane probably bc i just rewatched it but grrr ily Saejima
12. Shianda's ending. "Did I look that small" or whatever makes me ;__;
11. Shinada's intro w 22 yr old him w his victory his homerun !!!!!! and then the chapter intro and then cutting to current Shinada will never not make me crazy
10. Shinada + Daigo train scene always makes me :) Shinada being happy about the pocket change. Shinada getting so sad and hiding behind his newspaper. "Dont do this to me." Daigo just trying to read his magazine + not giving a shit. Daigo's "nani?" that is completely void of emotion when Shinada gets up.
9. Saejima + Majima kanrai scene :) them just being brothers. Calling Daigo their little chef or whatever. How they have to keep burning blacker wahhhhh
8. Kiryu taxi scene at the end of his chapter. How hes completely emotionless when the detective is talking to him and then when he just honks the horn in frustration when he leaves im insane im insane he loves his friend Majima
7. Haruka + Akiyama reunion :) very sweet pair i love their dynamic. Akiyama cant sit still and he changes position 5 different times. When he says Haruka is Kiryu's daughter :)
6. Majima + Saejima boss fight. "He loves [Haruka] more than life itself" always makes me tear up. The fight itself. Shinada cameo w the camera. Saejima grabbing the knife
5. Shinada + Milky rooftop scene. Makes me crazy crazy i cant even put it into words :(((
4. Daigo gets shot. "Daigo. Daigo! I have to get to Daigo! When I get over there Im going to tear you apart" wahhh wahhh thats his son who he loves so dearly :(
3. Shinada + Daigo rooftop scene where they talk about their dreams. Shinada wanting control of his own life. Daigo's "you deserve to be in the spotlight" waaaagghhh
2. Shinada hospital scene w Watase. Im crazy im insane. Willing to kill for Daigo's dream rrrrrrrrrrrrr
1. Haruka Dream Line confession :) calling Kiryu her dad, saying people shouldnt judge him. The post credits w the two of them. "Haruka? Is this a dream?" "No, Im really here with you" or whatever the fuck i think about it a lot
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence - Chapter 11
Word Count - 5.4K
Authors Note - It's been a while! 👋🏻 About 4 months I think 😬 If there are any Bad Influence fans actually left out there, I'm so sorry & I love you. I had a really fuckin shitty last few months of 2019 & because of that, I kinda stopped doing the stuff I enjoy, writing this fanfic & using this blog being one of them.
Then I tried to come back before I was ready 😂 I wrote this chapter out about 2 months ago, but never bothered to post it bcos I didn't care enough about it. But I've recently returned to it, rewrote it & remembered why I fuckin love writing this fanfic. So I'm super excited to post this chapter & I hope you don't all hate it after how long it's been 😂 It's a bit rough bcos I'm getting back into it & I'm kinda rusty!
I love you guys for baring with me, I can't wait to get back into writing this fic for you 🖤
Warnings - Um, the f word is used in like every sentence oops, some implied smut when Nikki is remembering (choking trigger warning), I guess 'violence' but not really violence???, a whole lot of angst & a teeny bit of fluff at the end
Tags - @cruecifymesixx @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberrirolls @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @versnatasha @zoenicolesetser @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @fupatroopaa @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place @ashleecrue @lauravic @dark-princess99 @unknownoblivion @mgkobsessed @antheasnow @rockaholi @nassauartist @sparxx27
(there's one bit where Nikki is glaring across the bar at a character & this gif is spot on)
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*Nikkis POV*
I drummed my fingers to the sound of a guitar as I watched Mick do his thing through the glass of the recording booth, his fingers working magic as he played the riff to Looks That Kill.
Fuck, that weird little guy could play.
“Nikki, this song is gonna fucking kill!” Tommy yelled enthusiastically, beating his drumsticks on the arm of the battered couch his was lounging on.
I smiled weakly back at him, my nerves keeping me from matching his excitement. “I hope so,” I mumbled. I look around the studio, basking in the enormity of where we were right now. Mötley was recording their second album & my nerves were shot. It had to be perfect. It had to do well.
“Stop stressing man, everyone’s gonna fucking freak over this album, I just know it!” He replied, smiling encouragingly, his usual Tommy level of positivity feeling sickeningly sweet, but still, I nodded at him gratefully. “So we hitting up The Whisky or what tonight boys?” He continued, addressing Vince as well as me, who was pouting on the couch next to him.
I chuckled without amusement, shaking my head. “Fuck no, not a chance I’m going in there yet.”
Tommy scowled at me. “Sixx, come on dude, you cant avoid the place forever. Plus, she might not even be working tonight!”
“I’m not risking it! I’m not gonna be able to enjoy the night if she’s there, judging my every fucking move, you know how she is.” I replied, rolling my eyes.
“So you’ve still not talked to her since..” Tommy trailed off, awkwardly. But Vince happily picked up from where he’d left off.
“Since you lead her on, fucked her & then blew her off?” He snapped arrogantly, instantly causing my jaw to tense.
“Don’t fucking start with me, Vinny. I’m not in the mood.”
“Oh, you mean you don't wanna hear about what a dick you were? What a surprise.” The sarcasm thick in his voice.
I slammed my hand down on the recording table & stood up sharply. “The fuck is your problem, man?” I snarled, his attitude & the mounting stress from the album mixing together to create a dangerous cocktail of anger & belligerence.
“My problem?” He questioned, standing up to meet my stare. “My problem is you Sixx. Beths a good fucking girl, what you did was real messed up, I should fucking floor you again for how you treated her. You owe the chick an apology at the goddamn least.” He spat, his anger in Beths defence honourable, but fucking irritating.
I chuckled arrogantly at his misplaced valiance. “Give it up the knight in shining armour act Vinny, I didn’t see you rushing to commit to her when she was getting your dick wet.”
I saw the danger flash in his eyes as he took a warning step towards me. “I didn’t fuck her & leave either.” He hissed, the venom in his voice palpable.
“Aw, did I upset your girlfriend?” I joked patronisingly, very aware that I was pushing it too far, but yet I couldn’t help myself, Vince acting all high & mighty was really starting to piss me off.
Vinces eyes narrowed sharply & I saw his hands ball into fists at his side. “Like I said, she’s a good girl. She didn’t deserve that.” He said through his teeth, the strain to keep calm evident in his voice.
I smirked at him amused, looking him up & down. “Whatcha gonna do Vince? Hit me again? Defend her honour? She’s a chick dude & a stuck up one at that. And she ditched your ass if you remember, you should be thanking me.” I laughed, shrugging.
“You know what Sixx, you’re an asshole. You know as well as I do that Beth isn’t another fucking groupie to this band. Nah, I didn’t wanna date her, but I like her- We all like her.” He corrected himself quickly.
“Vinny’s right man, I’m not taking sides, but Beths cool & I kinda do like having her around!” Tommy piped up, nodding.
“Fuck off T-Bone, you only want her around because you know as soon as she goes, so does your uptight piece of ass.” I shot at him, my frustration with the pair of them growing at a dangerous rate.
“Dude c’mon, there’s no need..”
I cut Tommy off viciously. “What the fuck has happened to this band?!” I shouted, shoving Vince out of my face. “Since when do we give this much of a fuck about chicks?! Look at where we are?!” I gestured around the recording studio. Mick had stopped playing & had casually lit a cigarette as he watched us bickering through the sound-proof glass. “This is what’s important. Now I’m going for a fucking smoke, this conversation is done & when I come back in we’re gonna record a fucking album, got it?!”
I barged out of the studio, flicked open my lighter & sparked up my cigarette, leaning back against the wall as I took in a shaky drag, my anger still surface level. I exhaled & closed my eyes, feeling the May sun warm my face & start to melt my mood away.
What was everyone’s fuckin’ obsession with this girl?!
Yeah she was cool, but she’s still a chick. And chicks = trouble.
I let my mind wander back to the look she gave me as she lay beneath me, my hand around her throat as she came undone & smirked to myself as I lifted the cigarette back to my smug lips. She was so worth the chase.
But Christ, I’m supposed to feel bad because I don’t want all that cutesy shit afterwards? No. Beth knew me, we’d had enough arguments about the kinda guy I am, she did this to herself. Not my fault that she thought she meant anything more to me than any one of those other girls. She was a fuck. A good fuck. But a fuck nonetheless.
I took another drag as the image of Beth sat in her bed with that stung look on her face snuck its way involuntarily into my mind. I could see those hurt tears & hear her bitter words ordering me to leave. I couldn’t help the pang of guilt in my stomach that accompanied the image.
She’s a fuckin’ chick, Nikki. Chicks = trouble, I recited to myself, rubbing my face roughly with my hands, almost in hope that I could scrub away the memory of her pained face. Get over it man, it’s done.
I sharply exhaled the last of my smoke before throwing it aggressively to the floor, somehow more frustrated than I was before.
Time to go record a fuckin’ album.
*Beths POV*
I smoothed out the material of the tiny black dress I was wearing as I pouted my lips at my reflection in the mirror, appreciating the sight of myself all dolled up & ready to forget all about Nikki fucking Sixx.
I flashed an all too familiar looking smirk at myself before I spun around of my sky high heels & strutted out of the ladies bathroom & back over to Sophia who was waiting at the bar, two drinks in hand. She winked at me as I got closer, holding out one of the glasses for me to take.
“Girl, you look unreal! If we weren’t here trying to pull for you, I’d take you home right now,” she laughed, nudging me & winking again.
I let out a laugh as I took a swipe at her arm, “I am not here trying to pull!” I insisted, not even managing to fool myself. It’d been a little over a week since I went from the all time high of fucking Nikki to the crashing low of realising I meant nothing to him in a matter of minutes & I’d laid around feeling sorry for myself ever since. Well, not tonight. I was gonna find a guy & I was gonna remind myself what a goddamn catch I am.
“Oh Beth, there’s a reason you’re wearing that dress tonight & girl, it ain’t for the coverage,” she giggled as I took another playful swipe. “Hey, there’s no judgements here! I’d want a good lay after the emotional rollercoaster that has been Nikki Sixx!”
I raised my eyebrows at her as she quickly mimed locking her lips. “Sorry, sorry, we don’t mention that name, my bad.”
I shook my head. “It’s fine, I’m over it,” I lied. “But, if a cute guy wants to buy me a drink & maybe show me a good time, I’m not gonna say no.” I shrugged as we both burst into a fit of giggles, before I took a long sip of the very strong cocktail.
“Well that sounds like my queue.” Came a smooth voice from behind me. I turned to face the handsome stranger who was stood leaning casually against the bar, eyebrow cocked as his eyes scanned up & down my body, drinking in the sight of me. “You have excellent timing.” I blushed, appreciating his good looks right back. He was classically good looking, with blonde hair & a chiselled jaw, dressed smart in a shirt that hugged his toned physique & muscular arms just enough to spark a little intrigue as to what lay underneath. He was the exact opposite to Nikki in every physical way. Where Nikki was unruly & unkept, this guy was clean shaven & well groomed. He wore no leather or studs & his smile was friendly & genuine, not smug & he wasn’t dripping in arrogance.
“I’m Daniel.” He introduced himself, holding out a hand for me to shake. I looked into his electric blue eyes & blushed once again.
“Beth, it’s nice to meet you.” I replied as smoothly as I could.
“& I’m Sophia, but I guess no-one asked,” she piped up mockingly, winking at me. “Now Dan, unless you’ve got a cute, single friend for me, I’m gonna get outta your way & go for a dance.” Soph smirked, grabbing her drinking & flouncing off towards the dance floor, blowing us a kiss as she did.
We both let out a laugh. “She seems great,” Daniel said as I nodded, taking a sip of my drink. “She mentioned something about an emotion rollercoaster though? I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes?” He queried.
I swallowed my drink before letting out a little laugh. “Not at all, there are no toes to be stepping on, don’t worry.”
“Well good, I’m glad. I’m surprised though, a gorgeous girl like you doesn’t have a man. You’re sure there’s no-one, because you seem way too good to be true!” He flirted, as I laughed
“Oh you’re smooth.” I teased, “but no, there’s absolutely no-one.” I answered, pushing any & all thoughts & feelings I might have towards Nikki Sixx out of my mind.
*Little later*
“Wow, so you’re a doctor?” I asked, impressed.
Daniel laughed, shaking his head. “I wish! I’m a med student currently, but that’s the hope one day.”
“What made you wanna get into medicine then?”
He paused for a second, his warm smile faltering for a brief moment & I sensed his hesitation to answer. “I, um, lost my dad when I was younger. Spent a lot of time in hospitals with him when he got sick. I remember watching all these doctors around me taking care of people, helping, curing.. They seemed like superheroes to me back then. After we lost my dad, I knew I wanted to help people, be one of those people that kids could look up to in the same way I did, yanno?”
I nodded, smiling at his compassion & genuineness.
“Sorry, bit heavy for a first meet, I know.” He laughed awkwardly.
“Not at all!” I replied, “I asked the question, you just answered it honestly, I appreciate that.”
As Daniel carried on talking about his studies, I couldn’t help but admire him. THIS was the kinda guy I was supposed to end up with. Smart, hot as hell, a brilliant career ahead of him, goals, aspirations.. He was exactly the kinda man I could take home to my father. Daniel was everything I should want & he was actually interested in me.
And yet, I still felt that unwanted & yet infuriatingly all-to-familiar flame ignite the second I heard his voice drift over from the bar.
“Jack & coke please darlin’.”
Nikkis voice hit me like a slap in the face & rush desire all at once & I immediately froze, my body unsure how to react to my contrasting emotions.
“Are you ok?” Daniel asked, reaching out & touching my arm, concern written across his face. I flinched as his touch, still lost somewhere in Nikkis voice, & snatched my arm away instinctively.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ Started Daniel, his concern look now laced with panic.
“N-no, its fine honestly, its not you, its just..” I drifted off, briefly glancing behind me, trying to pin a location on the voice. My eyes caught sight of the four of them standing at the bar, waiting on their drinks. Nikki was dressed in his usual leather trousers, torn at the knees, & combat boots & a torn up shirt. His hair almost appeared messier than usual & he had a cigarette hanging from his lips. He couldn’t have been more different from the sharp, handsome man sat opposite me.
Daniel followed my line of sight & spotted the literal motley crew. Nikki was already hitting on the bar maid, distracting her whilst Tommy & Vince reached over & stole a bottle from behind the bar; all whilst Mick stood by, watching disapprovingly & swigging from his trademark flask.
“You know them?” Daniel asked hesitantly.
“Nope.” I replied bluntly, snapping back to reality & turning back to him. “I fancy getting out of here though, you wanna head back to mine, continue the drinking there?”
Daniel looked a little taken a back at the upfront offer as I stood up & downed the last of my drink, but I was fairly certain he wouldn’t refuse. I didn’t care either way at this point, I just needed out of here.
“Um sure-“
“Great, I’ll go find Sophia..”
“She’s over there, talking to those guys you apparently don’t know.” Dan stated, his tone now flat & a little judgemental as he raised an eyebrow at me.
“Look, Daniel, I don’t wanna get into it, but its better we just leave.” I said, hoping to avoid any questions, but his face was growing more unimpressed by the second. “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you Dan, ok? But I can’t be here right now, so I gotta go. I’d, um, I’d like you to join me.. If you want to, of course. I mean, you don’t have to..” I mumbled, suddenly very aware & embarrassed by how he must be viewing me in that moment.
I saw his eyes narrow at my discomfort &, I’m assuming against his better judgement, he nodded & stood up to join me. “I’m not sure what’s happening here, but I’ve enjoyed getting to know you too & maybe you could fill me in on why you’re running away over that drink at yours?” He asked, a little suspicious but friendly. I nodded, giving him a small smile.
We started towards the exit when I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist & lift me excitedly into the air. I squealed in shock & suprise as Tommy span me around before placing me back on my feet.
“Beth! I cant believe you guys are here, what’re the chances? Soph said you came here to avoid us & we came here because Sixx wanted to avoid you! How fuckin’ funny is that?” He said, roaring with laughter, his hand resting on his stomach as he struggled to regain control on his amusement.
“Tommy.” I said sternly, shooting him a look that told him to shut the hell up. He quickly stood up straight, coughing a little to hide his laughter, before glancing over towards Daniel.
“Hey, who’s this? I’m Tommy dude, how ya doing?” He said, offering out his hand enthusiastically.
“Daniel, I’m good man, how’re you?” He answered, accepting the handshake hesitantly.
“I’m good? Hey, you wanna come meet the rest of the guys?” Tommy offered enthusiastically, without a second thought as to why that might not be such a good idea.
“Actually T-Bone, we’re just heading out.” I replied sharply, giving him another warning look.
“Ok, ok,” he laughed, holding his hands up in defeat as he got the hint. “It was nice to meet you man!” Tommy smiled at Dan, who nodded awkwardly back to him before T-Bone practically bounced back over to the bar.
“Don’t know them huh?” Daniel asked, his voice oozing with sarcasm suddenly, making me cringe.
“I’m sorry, they’re just.. A lot, ok?” I tried to explain, frustrated, mainly with myself.
“What’s the deal with this one?” Asked Dan, gesturing towards Nikki, who was leaning against the bar, sipping on his Jack & coke, his eyes fixed coldly on he two of us.
“That’s the, um.. Emotional rollercoaster.” I answered sheepishly, coughing to distract from my amounting discomfort, whilst simultaneously avoiding the eyes of both Nikki & Dan.
“Right.. Well, your rollercoaster is on his way over here.”
I glanced up to see Nikki, in all his arrogance, strolling towards us, his usual smirk fixed in place.
“I’m so sorry for whatever he says.” I quickly whispered to Dan, before Nikki came to a stop in front of us. I watched his eyes scan up & down Daniel, obvious sizing him up without an ounce of subtlety, before he turned his attention to me.
“Leaving without introducing us, Lizzy?” He drawled, the pretension thick in his voice.
“Yes Nikki, I am. So if you’d like to move-“
He cut me off, his focus back on Daniel. “I’m Nikki Sixx,” he stated, without the courtesy of a handshake.
“Daniel,” Dan replied, flatly, seemingly glad there was no extended hand to shake.
“And how do you know the lovely Lizzy here, Dan?” Nikki asked, his smirk never once faltering.
“We just met tonight, but we’re justing heading back to hers, if you don’t mind.” Dan replied simply, taking my hand.
“Oh but you see, I do mind.” Nikki stated bluntly, his smile as wide as it was dark as he side stepped back in front of Dan who had tried to manoeuvre round him. “Lizzy here is what we like to call a groupie & we,” he gestured towards the rest of the band behind him, “don’t particularly like sharing.”
“Oh fuck you, Sixx.” I scoffed, my face growing hot with a mix of anger & embarrassment. I turned to look at Dan, cringing at his raised eyebrow & gave him an apologetic look. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just being an asshole, I’m not a groupie.”
“Really?!” Nikki replied, dragging out the word dramatically as his shit eating grin somehow managed to grow wider. “Because I remember fucking you about a week ago & my boy Vince over there,” he pointed to at the very pissed off looking lead singer, “swears he remembers fucking you not long before that? Or are with both mistaken? I mean, there are a lot of you girls, you do all kinda look the same.. Feel the same too.” He chuckled darkly, shooting me a sly look. I glared at him with an expression so deadly that dared him to carry on. He rose to the challenge. “I tell you what though buddy,” Nikki continued, leaning into Dan so he was speaking into his ear, but just loud enough for me to catch what he was saying, “if you’re heading back to hers you’re in for a treat. She’s got the mouth of a motherfuckin’ Angel.” He finished, glancing over at me & winking. I was prepared to fly at him in a blind rage, fists balled, ready to wipe that smug smile off of his face permanently, when Dan spoke up, in a voice so peaceful & gentle, that it made his words seem somehow harsher.
“You are an arrogant piece of shit. I’ve been sat with this girl for the last hour & I spend a minute in your presence & it’s immediately clear to me that she’s way too good for you. But I’m sure she’ll realise that in her own time.” Daniel turned back to me, his expression stoney & irritated, but I could swear there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes. “If you ever get off of this rollercoaster doll, you know where you can find me.” He said, letting go of my hand as he stepped around the unmoving Nikki.
“Daniel, wait..” I caught him by the arm & quickly stepped in his path, stopping him.
“Beth, you seem like a great girl & I don’t think I’ve ever hit it off so quickly with someone like I have with you. But it’s obvious you have something with that guy & I’m not really interested in competing with him for your attention.”
I nodded slowly, knowing his words were fair. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. And I mean it, if you decide to get off the rollercoaster.. I can probably offer you a slightly calmer ride. A carousel maybe?” Dan winked, laughing as I let out a light giggle. His blue eyes focused on mine, sending a surge of electricity through my body that momentarily extinguished the flame that Nikki somehow always managed to light. I lifted my lips & placed them softly on Daniels for the briefest second, before pulling away.
“Thank you.” I whispered.
His eyes lingered on my lips for a second, silently asking for more, before he came back to reality & gave me a genuine smile. “It was nice to meet you Beth. I do hope I get to see you again”, he nodded, before kissing my cheek & heading for the door.
I stood still for a second, gathering my thoughts & regaining my composure, before walking towards the bar where the Crüe & Sophia were stood, trying to act as if they hadn’t been watching.
I had barely made it over to them before Nikki was straight in there with his sly comments, immediately trying to get under my skin.
“Aw was Prince Charming not happy to hear the Princess was actually a band slu-“
Nikki didn’t get the chance to finish his insult. He was silenced by the remainder of my drink soaking him as I threw it at him furiously, dousing his arrogance with my cocktail.
“That is for thinking you have any right to chase away a good guy just because your petty, selfish ass is jealous.” I spat. “And this..”
The loud crack of my hand slapping him sharply across the face echoed around the bar, followed by the whooping of Vince & Tommy. I even caught a glimpse of Mick smirking.
Nikki recoiled, his hand flying to his crimson cheek, shock & fury on his face. But his rage couldn’t match mine. I grabbed his face roughly, my hand cupping his chin & cheeks, forcing him to meet my wrathful glare.
“That is for fucking me & leaving me like I was one of your whores.” I seethed, my voice quiet & dangerous.
Nikkis face went from white hot anger to an ice cold stare in an instant as he straightened up, pushing me off of him as he did. He took a step towards me, but I didn’t move an inch. I was way too fucking angry to back down.
“Listen Princess, you’re fucking lucky I’m not a bad guy-“ he began, but my sharp laugh rang loud, cutting him off.
“Not a bad guy?! Nikki, are you really that delusional?! You’ve done nothing but purposely fuck with my head from the day I met you. You’ve insulted me, dragged me down to your level, used me, screwed my chances with two different guys & for what?!” I screamed, tears threatening to form. “No, you know what?! You're fucking lucky Sixx, I’m not gonna do this here. I’m done. I don’t want anything to do with you.”
I span around, ready to make my dramatic exit, when I came face to face with a very happy looking band manager, Doc. He clearly couldn’t care less about our drama as he marched over to us like nothing was happening.
“Bartender, a round of shots for these boys & their girlfriends. We need to celebrate;”
“The fuck are you talking about Doc?” Snapped Nikki, his eyes still fixed on me.
“Boys, you’re in!" He announced, unable to hide his obvious pleased-with-himself smirk "I've just been told that Mötley Crüe have been offered a last minute slot to play alongside the likes of Judas Priest, Scorpions, Van Halen & The Prince of fucking Darkness, Ozzy fucking Osbourne at the US Festival on Memorial Day weekend!” Doc exclaimed, laughing as the band began shouting & whooping, looking disbelieved & excited as hell. Choruses of “are you serious?!” & “you’re fucking kidding!” we’re passed between them as Doc reassured them that they were on their way up.
In that moment, watching these guys I’d grown to love over the last couple of years get the break they worked so hard for, I couldn’t be mad. I watched as Tommy jumped on Nikkis back, Vince hugged Doc & Mick silently smirked to himself. They deserved this.
Doc handed me & Sophia a shot as we congratulated them all, although I couldn’t quite bring myself to share my enthusiasm with Nikki. But he was too busy to notice as he held up his shot glass in a toast.
“To us! We’ve got an old man, a kid drummer, a cover band singer & a fucking run away. Win it all or loose it all, we’re Mötley fucking Crue!” He yelled, his excitement & energy almost infectious, as much as I wanted to hate him.
“To you guys!” Sophia cheered, laughing as we all downed our shots.
“Let’s get another round in, we’re celebrating! And pour one for yourself gorgeous.” Vince called to the barmaid who was more than happy to oblige, blushing as he winked at her, turning on the Vince Neil charm that would assure she’d be going home with him at the end of the night. I remember that well, I chuckled to myself.
The atmosphere of the night had changed so dramatically from what it was 10 minutes previously, everyone’s anger & awkwardness forgotten in the wake of such elating news. I looked around all the happy faces; Vince flirting with the bar maid, Tommy all over a giggling Sophia, Mick & Doc eagerly discussing set lists & felt an overwhelming sense of misplacement. After all that had happened, I just couldn’t bring myself to match their enthusiasm, not tonight.
I noticed Nikki's gaze focused on me, his face betraying his now obvious guilt as he watched me stand alone, uncomfortable & upset. His sudden success had clearly snapped him out of his petty, jealous mood.
Uninterested in an apology from him, I let my eyes continue to scan the room, looking anywhere but at him, when Sophia glanced over, catching my eye & gestured for me to join in. I forced my best smile as I walked over to her & Tommy.
“Take another shot Reynolds!” Tommy shouted, pushing a shot glass of mysterious liquid at me. I laughed politely as I shook my head.
“Thanks, but no thanks T-Bone. I think I’m actually gonna shoot yanno, I’m getting pretty tired.” I lied.
“Beth, don’t leave, please?” Tommy pleaded, his face suddenly serious, moving away from Soph & towards me.
“T-Bone, it’s not a big deal honestly, you guys enjoy your celebrations!”
“Just talk to him. I know the fucker doesn’t deserve it, Beth, I know. But he cares for you more than you think, I promise. We all do.” He added, placing his hand in mine & giving it a squeeze as he flashed me a goofy half smile.
I gave him a half smile & squeezed his hand back. “I know Tommy & I love you guys, I really do. But I can’t be around him, its.. it’s too hard.” I muttered back, so quietly it was almost inaudible above the music playing in the bar. But Tommy caught it.
“You care for him too, don’t you?” He asked, just as quietly.
I nodded, my eyes filling with tears. “God knows why T-Bone, he’s made it clear he doesn’t care about me. I’m just another girl he fucked.” I sniffed, furiously wiping away my tears before anyone noticed.
“Beth, Sixx is a dick. I’ve watched him fuck over chick after chick who was convinced they’d tame him & he tosses them without a second thought. But not you. I don’t know what the fuck goes on in Nikkis head, but that fucker cares about you. So please, don’t ditch us all just because you think he doesn’t.”
“I’m sorry Tom, I know he’s your friend & you wanna see the best in him, but you’re wrong. Nikki Sixx only cares about himself.” I replied, straightening my posture & regaining my composure. I pulled Tommy into a tight hug & congratulated him again. “I’ll see ya around T-Bone, I’m sure.” I winked, gesturing towards Sophia.
He laughed, “I’ll look after her.”
I blew him a kiss before heading towards the door, not wanting to disturb anyone else’s night with my drama.
“Lizzy, wait up.” I heard Nikkis voice call. I closed my eyes briefly, choosing whether to stop or keep going. I chose the latter & walked swiftly out of the door, pretending I hadn’t heard.
But my ignorance was in vain & he was right behind me, following suit out of the bar.
“Nikki please, just go back-“
My sentence was cut short by his lips crashing onto mine. I froze, feeling anger, lust & passion sweep through my body as my brain tried to compute the correct emotional response. I pushed him away sharply, deciding anger overwhelmed any feelings I had towards him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Are you asking for another slap?!”
“Lizzy, I’m sorry ok?” He blurted out, clearly uncomfortable with apologies.
“You’re sorry?! Oh, well that makes everything ok then.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him.
“I know ok, I fucked up. I’ve been a dick to you & I’m sorry. I just, I don’t know how to do this shit.” He mumbled, running his hands through his tangled hair.
“Do what, Sixx?” My frustration mounting with his half-assed apology.
“I don’t fucking do.. This.” He gestured between the two of us, struggling to find his words.
I sighed with exasperation. “What is this Nikki? Is this an apology or what, because honestly there isn’t much you can say right now, just let me go home.” I finished, turning to leave, but he caught hold of my hand, pulling me into him. He placed his hand gently under my chin, bringing my face up to his.
“I don’t do this, ok? I don’t do feelings or relationships, fuck, I won’t even sleep with a girl twice.” He laughed, before clearing his throat when he saw my unamused expression. “Lizzy, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I got pissed as hell when I saw you with that fucking pretty boy, I snapped.. I don't know, I guess I was kinda jealous.. I do care about you.”
I scoffed. “You’ve got a funny way of showing it.”
“I do, Lizzy. But listening to you telling me why I’m a bad guy, all the shit I’ve done to you, you’re right. And I’m sorry. Just, please don’t leave. Come celebrate with us, we all want you here. I want you here.. You’ve been with us from the start, it wouldn’t feel the same without you. You mean a lot to me... Um, to us. You mean a lot to us.” He corrected.
I looked into his green eyes & saw the sincerity, noted the lack of arrogance in his voice & the absence of his usual smug smile. I so badly wanted to give into him. I wanted to taste his kiss again, melt against him like I always do. I wanted to take his hand & go back inside, enjoy the night with the band, drink, have fun & fall into bed with him when the night was over.
But I’d fell for Nikkis sweeter side before, I knew how the night would end. He’d leave afterwards & I’d be hurt all over again. And I wasn’t gonna let that happen.
“No Nikki, I’m sorry.”
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deliasbabe · 4 years
3,6,7,11,12,13,15,16,19,21,22, and 40 for the thing about timing plz
Disclaimer: My deepest apologies I am answering these very stoned.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
OC’s all the way because im a slut for character building. Reader inserts are fun and I do enjoy them, but I really love having complete creative control over a character down to their name and favorite color.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
I don’t have a full story that I want to delete, but I do really want to redo the beginning of TTAT. It was my first fic and I had zero clue what I was doing and I literally cant even stand to read it now. It is cool to see how far I’ve come tho.
7) When is your preferred time to write?
the dead of night. I’m all about posting stories at 4am because I have zero self control, its kind of my brand.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Yes, when I first started writing I put two characters dialogs in the same paragraph and it was a NIGHTMARE to read. Someone pointed it out and I changed it for the next chapter.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
Cordelia. She’s the one character where I never worry about deviating too much from canon because we had such a range to work with from S3 and S8. Venable has also grown on me, although I was scared shitless to write for her because she was so one dimensional in the show (aka they didnt give her enough screentime).
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Bette and Dot. I didnt really like them to begin with and I havent seen all of freak show, so I dont write for them if i can help it. Lana is also a hard one for me to write because I dont think I can do her justice.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
For Elliott, I really wanted a name that was more masculine yet would still be something Cordelia would pick, since she had a connection to the name choice. I almost called her Carter, but Elliott seemed more delicate and more Cordelia, and the nicknames were endless.
For Lily, I knew I wanted her to go by a nickname, and I really wanted her full name to kind of replicate her duality (Lily is soft but Lillian is a tough cookie)? I had two coworkers named Lily and Lillian, and they were total opposites, so I had kind of a lightbulb moment that happened to tie in with the flower theme of the story. 
If you can’t tell, me picking a name takes forever and I put way too much thought into it.
16) How did you come up with the idea for The Thing About Timing?
So I’ve had the idea since I first saw s3 in 2014. I just really wanted more than one season of it and I was real fucking mad Cordelia never got her damn kid. I sat on it for a while and slowly realized I had a whole concept by the time S8 began airing, so I said fuck it we writing today.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
Well, I already have 22 chapters worth of outlines for the sequel to TTAT even tho the first book has no end in sight. I have some outlines for sequels to my venable kid fic, but idk if I’ll actually continue it and make it into a full story.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
In no particular order:
@shineestark- BILLIE. AND. AUDREY.  A masterpiece, truly.  I love everything they write.
@grilledcheeseandguavajelly- Has zero flaws. Their writing is perfect and incredible and I wish I could write like that. Also, Lilac Venable.
@duchessfics- Love that they put so much thought into the plot of a story, even if it’s “just smut”. Billie is so on point it hurts.
@lourdsbitch- Doubt is a masterpiece and you can’t change my mind. Also smut is 10/10.
There’s so many more that im forgetting but I love so many writers on here I’m the biggest fangirl.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Like the first 10 chapters of TTAT. Terrible, I can’t believe I had the confidence to put that shit out in public.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
My immediate family, my bf and friends know, but I’ve never let them read it, and I don’t really talk about it with them. I’m weird about my writing and I hate when people I know read it. Cringe city.
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rorynne · 5 years
Time Lost (Rewrite) Ch 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Summary: An accident during a mission sends you back in time to the second world war. There you enlist the help of Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes to find the object that can send her back.
Warnings: not much bucky but he will be more present going forward
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: This is a rewrite of an OC fic that I have been writing and been wanting to turn into a reader Fic. Im unsure if I will be continuing the OC fic currently, I may just transfer it completely to my reader Fic. Currently 6 chapters are up of the OC fic, and I shall be posting a rewritten chapter every few days on here.
Storm clouds hung heavy in the sky as you sat in the back of a jeep bound for the current SSR base in Italy. Almost two years of searching and there was barely any information on the bell to go off of. It was beyond frustrating. At this rate, you were starting to wonder if you would ever get back to your time. Granted, all of the documents you brought back were dated 1943 or later, chances were development on the bell had only just begun. And if that were the case, hopefully, it wasn't going to take them seventy years to finish.
Your general lack of ability to change anything also proved to be frustrating as hell. Only Peggy knew of your true origins. They had both decided against going around saying you were from the future, god only knew that would just get them both locked up. However, as a result, that meant you were far less likely to be believed any time you tried to keep an event from happening if you lacked any evidence. you never thought you would sympathize with Cassandra.
“I was beginning to wonder when you'd show up.” A familiar voice teased as the jeep came to a halt. You smiled as you saw Peggy waiting to inspect the arriving convoy. Peggy had managed to make the last two years far more bearable, becoming quick friends with you.
“You know me,” You said, jumping out of the back of the jeep. “I like to keep everyone guessing.”
Peggy smiled as you approached. “Perhaps a little too much.” She accused. “How was Paris?”
You shrugged and canted your head, “Beautiful city, great food, interesting history.” You crossed your arms. “Too bad I wanted to shoot the majority of my company.”
“I trust you were able to resist the temptation?” Said Peggy eyeing you in amusement.
“Figured I would let the boys have the nazi killing fun for now.” You sniffed indignantly. “Kind of regret it now. At least then I would have something to account for coming back.”
“No luck on the bell?”
“No luck on anything.” You corrected, “A whole lot of Nazis but no hydra. It seems the intel we had was either old or false.”
Peggy nodded at one of the soldiers carrying a crate from a truck. “You think they’ve caught on to us?”
You chewed your cheek. “I'm not sure. I can't say they knew I was coming, or I’d be dead. Or at least so I would assume. I don't see any reason why they would keep me alive knowing I'm a spy. But at the same time, there wasn't a single member of hydra there. I've never seen that before, usually there's at least one.
Peggy narrowed her eyes. “If we aren't being fed false information then somethings happening.”
“And whatever it is, I think the ones outside of hydra are just about as in the dark as we are. Hydra’s making a play, a big one.”
“A faction split?” Peggy offered.
“It's possible. But if it's that, they've got to be pretty confident that they can win.” You scratched the back of your neck, entirely unsure of what to make about any of it.
Peggy nodded, “If what the surviving 107th are saying is true, it seems they've got just that.” Seemingly content with the convoy, Peggy started towards the SSR command tent. “Your history books say anything about this?”
You followed close behind. “About the 107th? Not much. They get captured, Captain America comes in and saves the day singlehandedly. Dunno how much stock I put into to all that personally. Lotta things about the Cap and hydra got covered up after the war by shield. Especially in the history books.”
Peggy frowned, walking into the tent. “I can believe it. I've seen Rogers in action, unfortunately, the army seems content parading him around America singing about war bonds.
Your eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me, what?”
“Peggy gestured to the poster hanging from a support beam of the tent. “Captain America,” it read, “on tour: Allied bases across Europe and North Africa.” You bit your lip to keep from laughing, this was not how you ever imagined meeting Captain America.
“They, they really have him singing?” You said, fighting to keep a straight face.
“Dancing at the very least,” said Peggy, not sounding the slightest bit amused. “Bloody waste if you ask me. He’ll be arriving and preforming here tomorrow.”
You shook your head, still staring at the poster. “I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
The captain's performance was, frankly, every bit as hilarious as you expected. The rest of the crowd, however, didn't seem to agree. Instead, they demanded the dancing girls come back on stage. You grimaced as the famous Steve Rogers walked off stage, noticeably embarrassed. The Captain America you knew was a hero, a legend even. But this was before all of his exploits before he saved the world more times than you could count. He barely seemed to be the same man.
You held back for a time, figuring he would want space after such a humiliation. But, as the rain that had been threatening for two days now began to pour, you went searching for him. Surely there was something that pushed him out of the theater and into heroism because he was far better at the latter. Whose brilliant idea even was it to have him dancing around in the first place?
You found him with Peggy, taking refuge from the rain under a wooden awning behind the stage. Peggy's face was stern as you neared, “And these are your only options? Lab rat or dancing monkey?”
“War hero seems like a fun third option.” You cut in, earning a raised eyebrow from Peggy. “Or, you know, literally anything else.”
He looked at you with apprehension and confusion as Peggy took a patient breath. “What Agent L/N means, is you were meant for more than this.”
You extended a hand to him. “Sorry, my humor isn't for everyone. Y/N L/N.”
He nodded, shaking your hand. “Steve Rogers.” He sighed as his attention was pulled to an arriving red cross truck. “These men look like they've gone through hell.”
You crossed your arms, “They've gone through war.”
“These men more than most. They're what's left of the 107th.” Peggy agreed and you winced. What these men had seen seemed to make hell seem heavenly.
Steves' eyes went wide. “The 107th?” He was up and running to the command tent before Peggy could even respond. You and Peggy shared a glance before chasing after him through the rain.
Col. Phillips sat signing what were presumably condolence letters at his desk in the back fo the tent as steve rushed up to him. Phillips looked up just barely before returning to the letters. “If it isn't the star-spangled man with a plan. What do I own the pleasure.”
“I need the casualty list from Azzano,” Steve said with unexplained urgency.
Phillips looked up from his papers with a glare. “You don't get to give me orders.”
“I just need one name,” Steve continued, “Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th.” The name tugged the back of your memory, you had heard it somewhere before, in a museum maybe? That was right, you recalled the handsome picture of a soldier engraved in stone in the howling commando exhibit at the Smithsonian. He had been the one that died. Steve lost his best friend. You gave him a pitiful look as he argued with Phillips, you had always thought that Barnes became a commando before dying.
“But I don't expect you to understand that because you're a chorus girl.” Phillips's harsh words pulled you out of your thoughts.
“I think I understand just fine,” Steve responded coolly.
“Then understand it somewhere else, if I read the posters right you have somewhere to be in 30 minutes.” Phillips moved passed him to look over maps with another officer, making his stance on the conversation clear.
“Yes sir,” Steve said, studying the large map board in front of him, “I do.” He turned on his heels and rushed out of the tent, leaving you and Peggy in his wake.
“I’ll go after him,” Peggy whispered to you. “We need maps and supplies, whatever you can think of, then meet us in the hangar as soon as you can.”
You nodded letting Peggy follow after Steve. You stood there for a moment, pretending to study the map board before quickly and casually taking a smaller map off Col. Phillips desk and slipping it into your coat. With a nod to the nearest officer, you walked out of the tent and into the rain.
Already thoroughly drenched from your previous two treks thought the rain, you didn't bother trying to shield yourself from the downpour as you made your way to the nearest storehouse. Knowing Peggy, they were probably going to get court-martialed with whatever she had planned, so might as well go the whole hog and steal any supplies Steve might need.
You grabbed a gunny sack as soon as you entered the storeroom and started filling: A compass, multiple rations of food, a blanket, flashlight, rope, matches. Anything and everything that you could think of that he might need should he get lost. ‘Cause God knows, the way he was charging off, he damn well didn't consider any of this.
“Hey!” A guard called to you. “You aren't authorized to take any of this!”
You slung the sack over your shoulder as the guard approached. “Youll find that I am, private.” You bluffed. “Under official SSR orders. Unless that is, you want to waste Col Phillips time clearing it with him first?” The guard blanched at the mention of Phillips's name.
“No, Ma’am!” He said quickly, stepping out of your way. You gave a sharp nod before escaping the warehouse. you started toward the Hangar before pausing and looking at the stage. A devilish smile came over you as you changed your course.
The backstage was empty when you entered, likely all the actors and dancers were still on break, leaving the costumes unguarded. Because, really, who on earth would want to steal them, besides you. You hummed the tune to ‘star-spangled man’ as you picked up a helmet with a large white ‘A’. One thing was for sure, steve was going to save the 107th in (extremely questionable) style.
Peggy, Steve, and Stark were waiting at the hangar when you arrived, helmet in hand, a grin plastered across your face. “You know, for a star-spangled man with a plan, I'm wondering if you've ever had a plan in your life.” You teased, handing him the helmet and sack of supplies.
Steve gave you a look as he fiddled with the helmet, “In all fairness ma’am, you haven't known me long.”
“First impressions mean a lot, Rogers.” You shrugged, moving onto Peggy. “Though I’m not sure if this plan is much better than no plan,” You said in a low voice only Peggy could hear.
“We don't have many other options at the current moment.” Peggy defended as Steve and Stark boarded the plane. “Unless you somehow convinced Col. Phillips to give us an army.”
“I'm not a miracle worker.” You sighed.
“You said he was able to do this single-handed, we just need to have faith.” Peggy took a deep breath, even she didn't seem completely convinced.
You nodded, “Time to prove the history books right. I’ll stay grounded to try to keep the colonel distracted. Go.” You gave a mock salute as the plane took off, leaving you behind.
Keeping Phillips occupied until the plane returned proved to be quite easy. He was already extremely busy, and with some strategic playing dumb and careful excuses as to why you were doing Peggy's work, he was none the wiser until the plane landed the next morning. Then the shit hit the fan.
Steve didn't come back. Two weeks after the flight to Austria and there was absolutely no sign of him either. Phillips was furious, you did everything in your power to avoid him, though you knew it wouldn't be long before consequences came. There was a good possibility that your chance to get home was lost if Steve didn't show up.
You sat on the ground against a tree, picking at your fingers. At this point, you didn't even care about getting home. Instead, you couldn't shake the guilt of getting an avenger killed before the avengers were even a thing. The guilt of it alone made it difficult for you to even sleep at night. you would have gone into Austria yourself to find him, if Phillips hadn't expressly forbidden it, and kept an armed guard on you 24/7 as a baby sitter.
“You look like a child that's been sent to the headmaster,” Peggy said looking down at you.
You nodded, “Feel like it too.”
“Do you regret helping him?” Peggy asked, voice tight.
You sighed and looked up at her, “I regret not helping him more.” You admitted, “I teased him about not having a plan, and then didn't even try to give him one. I could have followed that dumbass into Austria myself.” The young soldier acting as your baby sitter shifted uncomfortably. “Stop acting like you've never heard a woman fucking swear Simmons.”
“Y-yes ma’am” He stammered and you rolled your eyes.
“We did everything we could for him,” Peggy reassured, ignoring Simmons. “He would have walked to Austria if we didn't help him.”
You laughed weakly, “I’ve done stupider things.” You paused for a beat, biting your lip, “Peggy, I, I’m sorry about this all. I could tell how much you liked him.”
Peggy swallowed, “Yes, well. I'm glad he wasn't stuck as a dancing monkey.” She cleared her throat, “I'm going to speak with Col. Phillips if you would like to join me.”
You scoffed, “No, I'd rather him find me if he wants to chew me out.” Peggy nodded and left you sitting under your tree. No doubt Phillips would be in a bad mood. He was finally calling off the searches today, officially labeling Steve Rogers as KIA. God, if only you had just gone with him as back up, at least then either he would be alive or you’d be too dead to care.
You threw your head back in frustration as hoots and hollers came from the front of the camp. Soldiers began running to the gates, curious, you joined them. You gasped when you saw what the soldiers were congregating for.
A hundred some odd men came marching through the gates, Steve Rogers, Captain America, leading the way. Cheers rippled through the crowd as the group walked through the camp, stopping in front of Col. Phillips. You slipped between the men in efforts to get a better view.
“Hey!” The man next to steve yelled, making you freeze, surprised, as you saw the familiar handsome face of a man you had only seen in museum exhibits. “Let's hear it for Captain America!” The crowd roared, men throwing their caps in the air, whistling, yelling, clapping. You found yourself clapping too as Barnes’s eyes locked onto yours for a brief moment. He smiled faintly as he caught sight of you, a sparkle of something in his steel-blue eyes as you shifted your attention to finding Col. Phillips.
You moved through the crowd in search of him, only to find him missing from it. you soon found him exactly where you expected him to be, the SSR command tent. you wore a sly smirk that would have read ‘I told you so” Had he bothered to look up at you. Instead, he focused on packing away his desk. “Don't think for a moment that just because Captain Rogers came back that you're off my shit list Agent L/N.”
You frowned, “He saved at least a hundred and fifty men. I played a part in that.”
“And that’s exactly why I'm not court martialing you for theft of government property.” He said as he tucked away a folder into a box. “Tell Agent Carter to pack her things, we’re returning to London for debriefing first thing tomorrow.”
You scowled, “Yes sir.”
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pandalandalopalis · 5 years
Hello! I've been reading The Things We've Done the past 2 days, and I want to ask 1) what inspired//inspires you to write it and 2) do you have a taglist for it,, and if so could you add me? I just finished sobbing because the ending of part 2/ part 3 hurt too much! Oh and do you plan on adding what happened on infinity war and such? You're doing an amazing job at it!
(The Things We’ve Done - Bucky Barnes x Telepathic Reader)
okay okay so
1) this entire storyline is based off an OC i made uhhhhhhhh two years ago? the funny thing is, she wasn’t even originally created for bucky, mostly she was created because i wanted an OC who was (post chapter twenty-five TTWD SPOILER) the Phoenix. [END SPOILER]
i tend to make OCs and then just kind of insert them into media i like, but i make up the stories in my head and most of the time i dont write them down. (fun fact, i had the OC be romantically involved with peter parker before she was romantically involved with bucky barnes.) 
at some point, i sort of came up with this idea that this OC would help bucky get back his memories and that’s how they would fall in love. i wanted to the story to exist within canon, which is why it starts with CA:TWS and then goes into CA:CW. there are other stories (specifically, there are four, not including TTWD [and i lied because i created another one recently so there are five]) with bucky and this OC, other ideas of how they meet and get together (two [three actually] that exist in the ‘40s)
this particular story was the one that was the most fleshed out. it had a clear beginning and i had most of the middle figured out at the time (i cant remember if i had an ending at this point, because ive certainly come very far from when i started. i do have a clear ending now, though). which is why i decided that i had enough to go off of that i could turn it into a written story and publish it. of course, xReaders are very popular and get the most attention, so i modified the OC in order to make her more universal. (fun fact and slight post-chapter twenty-five TTWD SPOILER: the original OC has been the Phoenix since she was 15 years old [and also a telekinetic!], but i considered that to be ‘too OP’ for a xReader fic, and changed it so she’s only prophesied to become the Phoenix sometime in the future [and her telekinesis is not a thing]. at one point during the process of figuring out how i was going to spin this into a published story, i actually considered taking out the Phoenix storyline entirely. im glad i didnt now, because this storyline is now heavily intertwined in the story) [END SPOILER]
POST-CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE TTWD SPOILER: the original OC not being tied to one particular romantic interest is also the reason birdie ends up sleeping with matt. at one point, the original OC had a storyline with matt murdock (which included the mutant revolution storyline!) because i love daredevil and was in love with matt murdock at that point. but then i decided to merge that storyline with the bucky storyline, and make it so bucky and her were separated and she ended up in new york. (i cant actually remember if bucky and birdie’s separation was because of matt murdock, or it’s just something i wanted to add at the time, or some other reason. anywho, it worked out in the long run) [END SPOILER]
not sure if you wanted something this long but here you go lmao
PS: comments and feedback help. a lot.
2) yes!! i do have a taglist!! of course ill add you!!
3) oh. oh my sweet summer child. you think im not going to add the most painful and angst-inducing movie of the MCU? (not including endgame, btw, because this story started before endgame came out and it disagrees with the ending to TTWD and goes against some elements of this story, specifically time travel. yes, you heard me right.)
im not sure what chapter of TTWD you’re on right now, if you’re caught up or not, so POST CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE SPOILERS: birdie’s mother told her that bucky is going to die in the future. neither birdie’s mother nor birdie know how he dies, but this death in particular is the one from infinity war, AKA bucky dies via the Snap. [END SPOILER]
the tail end of part 3 is going to revolve around what happens in infinity war and the gang trying to stop it from happening. birdie especially, once she finds out that bucky is including in the mass killing of half the universe by some purple alien who wants “balance”. the story itself will not exist during the infinity war movie, though. within TTWD canon, avengers: infinity war takes place about a year from now, plus a few months.
(post chapter twenty-nine spoilers: btw, how many of y’all figured out that in the future vision of birdie becoming the Phoenix, the “golden field” was the fields of Wakanda where they fight Thanos? [END SPOILER])
if you have any other questions, i’d be happy to answer! i love talking details about TTWD
note: (post chapter twenty-nine spoilers) i feel it’s my duty to specify, for the record, that there will be absolutely no romance or romantic tension between birdie and matt. birdie will not fall in love with matt and matt will not fall in love with birdie. they slept together. end sentence. ALSO, this subplot was not put here to create drama between birdie and bucky. this is not going to create drama between the two of them, nor is it going to in any way hinder their relationship. TAKE UR SHITTY JEALOUSLY SUB-PLOTS AND PUSH THEM SOMEWHERE ELSE. our girl has not had sex in nearly four years. pls, for the love of god, let her live. send tweet. [END SPOILER]
anywho thanks so much for your message!!
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