#so fond of the sun on her skin and spices in her food and the glow of a fire that it’s hard to believe she has no FN blood in her
darcar · 5 months
Rika Sekiito B A S I C S
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Name: Rika Sekiito
Nicknames: None worth repeating
Age: Late 20’s
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: CIS female
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Bard, Writer, Pickpocket
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Long, blonde-red hair with blunted bangs from cutting it herself
Eyes: Bright, a chip of sea glass
Skin: Pale, ruddy - sun damage across her nose and cheeks
Tattoos/scars: Rika has tattoos of seaweed across her whole body, though typically only hints of them can be seen under her usual attire. Her fingers are calloused from playing stringed instruments, and ink stained at the tips from her work.
Parents: Traders from the Ruby Sea, not seen in many years
Siblings: An older brother, whereabouts unknown
Grandparents: Deceased 
In-laws and Other: None
Pets: A rather rotund cat has marked her as an easy target for food - Rika has started calling her Croquette. 
Abilities: Rika is able to use a few instruments, and makes much of her coin playing music in taverns. The rest she makes writing love letters and poems on behalf of those with the means to make up for their lack of talents. She is able to sail smaller crafts, and is a strong swimmer. While she is not as skilled a fighter as so many around her, that has done very little to deter her from throwing herself into a bar fight, or starting one.
Hobbies: Writing, taking things that do not belong to her, antagonizing her friends.
Most Positive Trait: Her tenacity, her ability to observe others keenly. 
Most Negative Trait: Her inability to truly connect, keeping others at a distance in her stories and her words. Her complicated relationship with Somnus. Stealing things. Biting.
Colors: The bright red of a silk flag, the deep black blue of the ink that stains the bottle, the soft cerulean of seafoam. 
Smells: Peonies, tobacco, the impossible blend of spices in the hold of a trading ship.
Textures: Fine, heavy parchment. The slick, polished wood of a lute. 
Drinks: Most anything free, but she has a fondness for cherries and will always opt for that if it’s somewhere on a menu. 
O T H E R  D E T A I L S
Smokes: Yes - Cigars are a favorite.
Drinks: Yes
Drugs: Very yes
Mount Issuance: A blue-green feathered Chocobo she has lovingly named Aggie. Aggie has a sharp temper, but is easily bribed with Doman plums and calmed with song.
Been Arrested: You’ll never catch her alive.
(Thanks, Theo <3)
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kannedia · 5 days
Basics - Beatrix Lind
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Character inspired by this post.
Name: Beatrix Lind. It's a combination of names she found in various literature.
Nickname(s): No. Do not call her Trix; you'd better have permission to call her Bea. No one has permission to call her Bea. And if someone calls her something related to Carrots, pumpkins, or oranges again...
Age: A lady doesn't tell. [For those concerned, she's 21]
Nameday: 31st Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
Race: Veena Viera
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Homoromantic Asexual
Profession: Member of the Adventurers Guild. Member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Warrior of Light. Member of the Culinarian Guild among other things.
Physical Aspects
Hair: Coral colored and slightly wavy. It goes just past her shoulders. Looks bright orange in certain lighting.
Eyes: Agate grey.
Skin: Pale yet warm grey. She has a moderate amount of freckles across her cheeks.
Tattoos/Scars: Yes, though she's lost count of how many. The usual amount of scars one gets from an active and happy childhood. No tattoos though.
Parents: Beatrix was and is very close with her mother. She wasn't exactly fond of the idea of her daughter leaving the village but relented when she was satisfied with Beatrix's training.
It was her idea to send her to Eorzea. Beatrix briefly wanted to join Lente's Tears. She hoped to meet General Fran.
As for her father, she probably ran into him at some point in her wanderings. He would probably be proud of her. Though also a little exasperated.
Sibling(s): None. She was one of the rare only children in her village. She had plenty of nonbiological siblings and cousins. She got along pretty well with her fellow kits.
Grandparents: Yes. Her grandmother was one of the people was one of the people who taught her to fight. Her mother saw no problem with this. Truly.
In-Laws/Others: Her mother's hunting partner, Nora. She was like a second mother to her.
Pet(s): A small sparrow that followed her to Eorzea. She calls her Berry.
Abilities: If one were to ask Beatrix would say she mainly excels in hitting things hard, fast, and until they stop working. Which is to say she's well-trained in fighting with both an axe and her fists. This is only partly true as she's decently good, though untrained, at Aether manipulation. She has the potential to become a conjurer [White Mage].
She is also able to read maps and use a compass. Knows both basic field medicine and wound treatment.
Hobbies: Light reading. As she struggles with focus when it comes to the written word, she sticks to short stories and reading in short bursts. Beatrix enjoys traveling and trying new foods as she does so. She's also a rather good cook.
Most Positive Trait: Determined and adaptable.
Most Negative Trait: Childish and insecure. She works hard to keep both in check.
Color(s): Coral, Sea blue and Crimson
Smell(s): Nutmeg, grapes, and ocean air.
Texture(s): The sand between her toes [and the wind in her hair].
Drink(s): Grape juice, Spiced cider, and Mulled tea.
Other Details
Smokes: No. She gets headaches.
Drinks: Doesn't like the taste.
Drugs: Never been interested.
Mount Insurance: Yes and a sweet chocobo named Juniper.
Been Arrested: No, but she's been in trouble with the Wood Warders. She wandered a lot as a kit. It's only by luck that she still has her head.
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miqojak · 1 year
14 Associations
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Animal: All the ones she has tattoos of! I've gone on at length about just how meaningful her personas are, and how she has them all painted on her skin for the world to see... but loves tricking folks anyways - which probably ties in with her heaviest themes that are tied to the Jackal! So probably a jackal, at the core of it all.
Color: Black, gold, red, white.
Song: I have a really, really hard time picking just one of anything, thanks to my ADHD, so here's her whole playlist again! And since it won't let me link the song in-line due to Tumblr's formatting, I'll link one of the 'most' Jak songs from her list below!
Number: She has no such 'lucky' number, nor do I associate her with one at all!
Day or Night: Preferably day, being a sun cat... but crime is often best done in the dark, so she has a fondness for the anonymity of the night; but like any actual cat, she thoroughly enjoys the high energy of the long, orange shadows of dawn and dusk.
Plant: I didn't have any association with plants for her, but when I think of her homeland, I think of all the pink/red flowers that she remembers being so stark against the white sands, and how she thinks of it as being colored like 'the marrow in a bone'... and the most obvious red desert flower that comes to mind is 'the desert rose'! Bonus, it wouldn't just be native to her home, and something she remembers about it... but it's poisonous! She likely uses it in her home-made poisons she coats her blades in.
"Adenium obesum produces a sap in its roots and stems that contains cardiac glycosides. This sap is used as arrow poison for hunting large game throughout much of Africa and as a fish toxin."
Smell: She makes her own perfume/body oils! It's a spiced scent that's most similar in smell to things like Dragon's Blood (a potent, heady blend of sweet, spicy, and earthy notes that’s infused with cedarwood, orange, clove, and patchouli), and Egytpian Musk (containing blended scents of oils such as frankincense, myrrh, cedarwood, patchouli, and amber).
Gemstone: Absolutely no idea - her DRK soul crystal?! It's the only gemstone she needs. (I describe her green eye as being a pale jade, so maybe that?)
Season: Summer! Maybe also some early fall.
Place: anywhere hot - preferably desert-y places! She likes the sand, and the heat...and does not like forests.
Food: She loves red meat...and fish. So a lot of surf-and-turf type meals for her!
Eorzean Deity: She doesn't believe in them. If the WoL told everyone the gods were real, though, maybe Rhalgr bc he's from her homeland and destruction is what she'd like to wreck on this worthless world.
Eorzean Element(s): I've never given it a lot of thought, since she's not magical - but she's always had people associate her with fire.
Drink: No idea...she drinks coffee in the mornings, and has tried to be more careful with alcohol now that she's finally clear of her addictions, but an ex-lover knew she loved whiskey...and she's a spicy person, so he made a special spicy whiskey called Dragon's Wrath, that she's fond of...even if she'd slaughter the man who created it on sight.
Thanks for the tags @xmimiteh, @whimsyxiv, @dragonsongmakhali, @cactusxwren , and @wpip-raham
Anywho, here's one stand-alone song from her playlist that's a pretty good snapshot of her at any given point - she needs control! And wants to cut away the things that are holding her back, or preventing her from reaching her purpose/pinnacle.
Do this if you haven't done it! I'm very late in doing this, and don't know who hasn't done it yet! (Thanks again for thinking of me! And making me think...)
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carmennivis · 9 months
“Hello, young Nils,” Rhea greets, “I have come to deliver gifts on behalf of your mysterious winter envoy. They seem to have been very considerate toward your needs, I do hope you are one day able to thank them,” saying this she hands him a basket containing a light, breathable shawl meant to block the sun's rays but allow for wind to pass through, and a collection of salty snack foods that both allow for a restoration of natural minerals and are often popular among children (garlicky and spicy crackers, salted nuts with dry fruit and candy pieces mixed in, etc.)
“Oh, Lady Rhea…?” Nils looked at her attire, a little confused initially but impressed by the design, as well as how beautiful it looked on her. “You’ve come to deliver the gifts yourself? Thank you!”
He opened the present to find a beautiful shawl, perfectly sized for his needs. Immediately trying it on, he was delighted by how breathable and cool it was. The suns rays also felt a little less harsh on his pale skin, which only served to delight him further. He did a little twirl, the fabric waving in the wind. It was when he did so that he realized.
(It’s.. almost just like the shawl Ninian wears…)
That realization only served to make it even more precious to him. He didn’t know if the gifter did so intentionally, but the connection made him extremely happy. The snacks were also much appreciated, a he was quite fond of salty snacks. He did have to hide his grimace a little at the spicy crackers but. They couldn’t have known that he had poor spice tolerance. All in all, he was extremely pleased with his gifts.
“Thank you so much, Milady..! I’ll have to make sure I give proper thanks to the person who gave it to me!”
With how personalized the gifts seemed to have been, his first thought was that the gift may have come from someone already familiar…
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splinter-sister · 1 year
🎲 - One for Caz, and one for Woowoo! ( @plague-on-the-run / @nomans-land-rp ))
[These are VERY LONG so I'm putting them under a cut.]
🎲 10 Caz-A kiss along the jawline
Issue after issue after issue. Nothing could have gone right that day. Rolling up into town to find that marauders had trashed the place was just the start. Rachael thought it was her lucky day she had barely missed the action and finding Caz there set a red herring of credulity for the remainder of the day. Who did she piss off to have such a crummy rest of the day? Already tired from the journey in, she gets to work and not only fought with maintaining and tuning up the Plant there, but she also got into a bit of a fist fight with one of the workers. Over what? She'd tell you the sheer incompetence of man.
After that, she was somehow pickpocketed at some point that day, ran out of cigarettes and unable to buy more, found out that the raiders did damage to a water main so no running water was available in the town till morning, and she didn't have enough cash for a hotel room and dinner. That's enough to make a grown man cry, she reckons.
She ran into Caz again after the sun had set and they spent the evening together after that. Rach tried to keep up brighter spirits but inevitably failed as she confessed the slight pickle she's in. It turns out Caz already had a room at the local inn and a couch was included in the furniture. Rachael was welcomed to stay there for the night and she thought she could cry, realizing food was still an option for the night.
The evening began to turn around after they got a bite to eat and headed back to the inn. The night was cooler like an apology for the harsh heat of the day. Rachael set her things down by the couch and went to the washroom to see if there was any trickle of water left in the pipes. With barely enough to fill a cup, she used half of it to clean herself up. When she came back into the main room, there was Caz checking her mask on the bed and something on the couch. A tiny rectangular box in plastic wrapping. Rachael knew what they were immediately and could cry knowing she had smokes again. Opting to no longer contain her bigger emotions, she goes over to the bed and wraps her arms around Caz's shoulders in a hug from behind.
"I could kiss yew. Actually, I will." Rachael tightens her arms around Cazs neck and plants as many quick kisses to the back of her jaw as she can before she's told to knock it off. Such joy for some cigarettes.
🎲 39 Wolfwood-A tentative kiss
It has been a stretch of time since Rachael and Wolfwood met on that windy day. A game of darts bringing them closer together till they could part ways, but not stay separated forever. Every time they reconvened, they grew closer and closer. Whether it's having smoke breaks at night or keeping their skins on their persons, they grew to not just tolerate each other but rather enjoy one another's company. The sands would not let them part ways indefinitely, it seems. (And Vash had a part to play in that as well...)
There came a point where Caz pointed out some details to Rachael about their priest. The things he was going out of his way to do and give to her. They claimed he fancied her! She didn't take notice of them at first, but after Caz had set the seed into her mind was when she started to notice. One thing led to another, and feelings got caught like birds in a tangle of fish nets. Though she still denies it, Rachael does have a fondness for him in return.
It wasn't long before a first kiss was exchanged through taunts and teases. She thought it would be a turning point, but she didn't feel much different after the fact. His company was still enjoyed even if he pissed her off sometimes. Their little taunted spats were actually fundamental to their relationship at this point. The bit of spice that kept each of them on their toes. It was fun in a way!
Now, it's an evening out in the empty desert. The moons are high and the sun is slipping under the horizon. The gaggle of outlaws (and one non outlaw) had stopped for the night to rest. A fire was going with a pot heating up what scraps they had on them. While the others were either cleaning their fire arms or setting themselves up for the night, Rachael and Nic, as she referred to him, remained by the fire. She watched the pot boil with the collective water and flavor cubes they added to it. The chunks of dried meat weren't soft enough yet.
Nic sat right next to her, leaning back against his cross that he had staked into the ground. They chatted on and off as she watched the thickening mixture. Catching up on where they've been and what they did as they waited always reminded her of the fondness she felt with him. She eventually joined him in using the cross as a backrest. There wasn't much room and she was more leaning against him than the big metal gun. They settled into it with his arm over her shoulders and her cheek against his collar. Not much was thought about it as the hypnotic dance of the fire kept her attention. But after a bit, she began to think about things as he lit up a cigarette. The silence between them was comfortable and it occurred to her that thats how she felt around him often.
The smell of smoke reminded her of him now, and when she picked up that he had lit up she glanced up at him. Something tugged at her brain, telling her to do something. The others weren't around or looking, but what if they came back? She was fighting with herself on if she should or shouldn't. Her patience with herself ran thin. In one quick motion, she plucks the cigarette from his mouth. When he turns to bark at her she thievery is when she smashes her face to his. It's a very uncoordinated and unsure kiss.
They break apart when he blows smoke into her mouth to make her cough and hack. Nic gets a punch in his shoulder for that and told he gets served last.
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artblogofanekophile · 3 years
Thank you so much for the tag, @jhoudiey!
This looked like a nice, simple enough thing to fill in (though knowing me I will needlessly complicate matters), so I decided to do this as a way to ease myself back into posting.
Firstly, here's the blank answers for ease of use:
Veggies VS Meat
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Sweet VS Salty
Noodles VS Rice
Mint VS No mint
Singing VS Dancing
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Dog VS Cat person
Big spoon VS Little spoon
Extrovert VS Introvert
Actions VS Words
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
Movies VS Series
Comics VS Books
Good liar VS Bad liar
I believe the intention is to simply bold the answers... But because I'm extra, I'll be providing an explanation where I feel necessary. You may fill it in as you so please!
Without further adieu...
Veggies VS Meat
Miss Neko is a feline beastwoman, and cats are well-known to be obligate carnivores. However, in being a beastwoman, she also needs some form of a human diet as well. Her preference is absolutely meat, but she stopped begrudging the need to eat vegetables at about age nine.
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Cats are well known to have sensitive tongues, and Miss Neko is no exception! Anything more than mild spice and the poor thing will be sneaking ice-cubes out of the Mostro Lounge freezer for days!
Sweet VS Salty
She has a bit of a sweet tooth! Especially cake.
Noodles VS Rice
Rice is generally less messy, and there's nothing more irritating than ending up wearing most of your food, especially for a proud pedigree such as herself!
Mint VS No mint
I imagine mint will have the same effect on her as spice - it's less of a refreshing treat and more like a cold burn.
Singing VS Dancing
Miss Neko loves to sing! Whether she's good at it or not, well... That's up for her company to decide. Even then, it won't stop her.
Cold weather VS Hot weather
While she can manage the sun in small enough doses, Neko dislikes excessive heat. She learned the hard way to apply sun-lotion to the skin of her ears when she was but a kitten! The cold weather is so much more accommodating to her natural tendencies. Ah, a cushioned window-sill, a woolen sweater, a warm drink and the sound of the gentle rain hitting the window...
She could just... nod off right... there...
Dog VS Cat person
"Nya? Surely you jest! Can't you see from these adorrrable ears and this elegant tail that I am nothing less than a pedigree kitty? How silly~"
Big spoon VS Little spoon
Both! I was initially going to say it depends on who I ship her with, but even if she was dating one of the taller characters, I don't think she would shy away from curling in around them and purring against their shoulder to soothe them to sleep. Relationships are about give and take, after all!
Extrovert VS Introvert {It's... complicated}
I think that Miss Neko is an introvert that disguises herself as an extrovert. She displays a veneer of charm and natural charisma, putting forth the impression of a very confident person. However, her sense of bravado hides away a rather vulnerable side to herself, a part of her with insecurities and vulnerabilities that she doesn't want to readily share with just anyone.
Actions VS Words
Words can so often be empty. Actions, no matter how small, can say as much as a thousand words could. Although, if you wished to pair said actions with pretty words...
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
I think it does depend somewhat on the situation, but I think that Neko doesn't allow things to pierce her very deeply unless they come from someone she holds in very high esteem. Working as a server in the Mostro Lounge has perhaps taught her how to let thoughtless words roll off her back... most of the time.
Movies VS Series
If you ask her to sit through much more than 90 minute movie, she might just doze off.
Comics VS Books
Both! Though she definitely gets through comics faster, unless the book she's reading is incredibly interesting.
Good liar VS Bad liar
A good liar to those who don't know her heart.
Persephone Amaryllis
Veggies VS Meat
Persephone finds it incredibly rewarding when meals are made using produce from her own garden! You can really taste the difference in quality.
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
She's more adventurous with foods than others! She's always keen to try anything at least once. Kalim seemed delighted when she seemed to enjoy the dishes from his homeland despite the intensity of the spice. Even if a few others looked at her as though she'd grown a second head...
Sweet VS Salty
Sweet treats are great! Especially when you incorporate fruits and berries into a dessert.
Noodles VS Rice
Being someone who likes to work in the dirt when tending to plants, she doesn't really care much if she gets her clothes dirty from slurping noodles. Keeping her clothes spotless aren't a huge priority for her - stains just bring back fun memories.
Mint VS No mint
A little can go a long way, bringing a dish together to feel light yet fulfilling. Easy to overdo, however!
Singing VS Dancing
Being a rather animated person, she often has a lot of pent up energy! Who cares if you look silly, so long as you're having fun?
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Warm weather is Persephone's element. There's no better time to go for a long walk outside and take in the beauty of nature, wading through long grass, sitting in the shade of a tree, watching the gentle breeze sway the budding flowers to and fro. The soft caress of the sun as it cascades over your skin... what could be better than that?
Dog VS Cat person
Both animals are wonderful as far as Seph is concerned! They both have their own unique characteristics as a species that make them charming, though perhaps a dog might suit Persephone a bit more as a pet because dogs tend to match her energy more, and she could take a dog out on her adventures with her. Fancy getting a cat that isn't Neko into a harness!
Big spoon VS Little spoon
She has a protective and nurturing side to her as well. Sometimes all you need is someone to hold you close and be present with you in that moment. Seph may be a high-energy person, but she also knows when to mellow out and simply let a moment pass comfortably with peace. Nothing need be said, only felt. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere.
Extrovert VS Introvert
And extrovert, through and through! She has no qualms about going up and introducing herself with confidence and enthusiasm. Anything new, she will readily and cheerfully throw herself into it. She tends to be quite open and upfront about her positions and feelings on matters and people... there are few things that she feels the need to hide, but that's the same for everyone, isn't it? No one is entitled to her deepest secrets, it makes the version of her she shows to other people no less authentic.
Actions VS Words
Growing up, she learned that people liked to excuse their actions with words. She thinks it's best to let your actions and the way you treat others do the talking for you. Small gifts, body language, physical touch, small acts of service... That's her love language.
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
There is nothing you could say to her that her mother or herself hasn't already. You'll have to try pretty hard or be pretty close to hurt Persephone Amaryllis.
Movies VS Series
Movies have so little time to really explore the world and characters! A series can offer more insight at a far less rushed pace than movies can, and you get so much more growth in a series than in a film. They feel more satisfying to Persephone.
Comics VS Books
There's just something so satisfying about the sound of a page turning, the scent of paper and ink, and a typewritten font...
Good liar VS Bad liar
Strict mothers make convincing liars.
Robin Redfearn
Veggies VS Meat
It takes both to make a wholesome, hearty meal!
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Robin is used to her grandmother's traditional cooking, where sadly the most spicy seasoning is probably pepper...
Sweet VS Salty
There's nothing like a nice trifle after dinner to hit the spot.
Noodles VS Rice
She prefers white rice because it soaks up the sauce in a dish, giving it more flavour.
Mint VS No mint
A little bit of mint is fine. Just not so intense that it makes her eyes water!
Singing VS Dancing
True to her namesake, Robin loves to sing and has quite a nice voice! She often sings while she does chores or schoolwork. If you make it known that you're listening, though, she'll trail off, turn red and quickly go back to her business but in silence.
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Many a winter night was spent cuddled up on her grandma's knee in front of the fireplace as it crackled and roared, the falling snow faint through the frosted windowpanes, the dog at her feet. Her grandmother's soft voice humming her a lullaby as she fought sleep but always eventually succumbed. These memories hold such a special place in her heart.
Dog VS Cat person
She's fond of dogs because of her grandmother's Scottish Terrier!
Also she's shipped with Jack, how can she not like dogs lol
Big spoon VS Little spoon
I don't think poor little Robin could be a big spoon if she tried... though the idea of her trying to spoon Jack is kind of hilarious. But no, I think that she would feel safe and content being in the arms of the person she loves, feeling his breath against the nape of her neck as his warmth envelops her. Lured into a secure, peaceful sleep, much like the roaring fireplace back home...
Extrovert VS Introvert
Robin is quite shy and timid at first, and while she does work on becoming more confident and assertive... she still can't quite manage to be as outspoken and energetic as Persephone. She likes smaller social gatherings, and if asked to attend larger ones, she generally sticks with a small, familiar group and tries to have a good time!
Actions VS Words
Both are necessary. Communication is an important part of any relationship. Telling someone she loves them, though nerve wracking to start, will eventually come to be as natural as breathing to her. She also shows love usually through cooking or baking. She'll purposefully make more than she needs to so she can give others what's left over, and omurice with a heart-shaped squirt of ketchup? You'd best believe it.
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
Admittedly, she can be pretty easily discouraged and hurt. It's something that she knows is an issue and she's working on not taking things to heart so much. Easier said than done.
Movies VS Series
She doesn't really watch much TV. She gets more absorbed by books.
Comics VS Books
Having lived a rather sheltered life before she somehow ended up in NRC, she often found escapism in the form of fantasy books. Who would have thought that she would be walking amongst wizards and magicians, not unlike the ones in those childhood stories? Certainly not Robin!
Good liar VS Bad liar
Honestly if she had to lie she would probably just do it by omission or being very selective about the information she shares. Her grandmother had this look that always somehow managed to make a confession spill from her lips in mere moments... Sometimes Robin wonders if her Grandma might have been a magician...
This was fun, if not a bit long-winded... my apologies. I just get so into it! I hope it's not bothersome to read.
Tagging: @mopotatoes, @shadowwalker593, @goudsreblogzone, @junowritings, @kotobukicutie
And anybody else who would like to participate! To those I have tagged, please don't feel pressured to fill this out (certainly not in the amount of detail I went to) if you don't want to. I'm just interested to see what your answers are for your characters. If you're not comfortable sharing, that's totally fine. No pressure at all. <3
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courtorderedcake · 4 years
Things I'm Typing Thursday - @courtorderedcake edition
Trying to motivate myself to write more.
From Hallow, chapter XXIII
Emma hadn’t left her room in days, only appearing for meals where she acted as a grateful guest. Taking a bite or two of food, a careful mask of diplomacy on her face, Killian watched her push around the rest before taking her leave.
“If you’ll excuse me, I still have not recovered from our trip here.” Bowing slightly, she turned before any of their company could offer anything. He recognized fleeing when he saw it. Leaving the table to follow her, he gave a nod to Ingrid, cloak rippling behind him.
Knocking on her door in the smooth polished stone rooms, Emma called out from the other side, voice shaking.
“I’m feeling ill, please -”
“Emma. Open the door.”
“I’m alright, I’m about to take a nap actually -”
“Open the door, please.” He heard her sigh, and the door unlocked. Up close he was surprised how well she had covered her distress. Her eyes were red rimmed, cheeks stained. With the door open a crack, she returned to her bed and laid down curled away from him.
From MTFB, chapter 6
Dr. Hopper's words might have been a pack of mosquitoes for how they buzzed around Emma's head and tried to bite her in the ass before she could process she had even been a snack.
"Give your happiness a chance."
Happiness? It wasn't exactly like she was used to having the feeling in her life, and if not for her found family of friends, she most likely would not have believed it actually existed. She tries though, because her baby deserves the best she can get, and Emma will be as damned as any Demon if she can't make that happen.
(The problem? It's HARD - frustratingly, annoyingly, and deliciously difficult.)
From Riptide Sequel... 🤫
Esper adores her father from the moment she can smile up at him with a gummy grin that mimics Killian’s own. Both twins take after him, both have dark, thick, hair that curls down Esper’s fair shoulders, they both babble with their hands animatedly moving or rocking on their feet, have the same crooked smile under their mother's gift of green eyes and scrunched noses. Esper is content to watch the stars, to listen to his deep voice rumbling over heartbeat and sea as she falls asleep. It's his name she yells when the nightmares come and a monster chases her. 
It's her Mum she calls for if it catches her, the violent bursts of her own screams as cerulean flames moved like ghosts in her palms. The feeling of making them is electric, terrifying truly - as terrifying as the original nightmare if not more. It's Mum who teaches her magic; to turn shadows into light filled bubbles or how to produce controlled flame that licks the tip of one finger lazily. 
The memory of Mum holding their hands to the open air watching as above swirls of rainbow magic light a starry sky is a favorite and fond moment of time. It's something Esper finds herself using to conjure greater magic, pushing herself further with every spell. Emma Swan may have been the greatest wielder of light magic on the seas, but Esper Jones is not to be outdone. Wielding and weaving chaos magic with elemental summoning in ways that no one has dared, she learns quickly. It's under her family's careful watch and with their connections that she learns from the best around the realms, visits to castles and trips across the world bringing more knowledge and experiences. 
It is with pride that her Mum tells her that she has caught the attention of the Apprentice’s Academy, the college of magical arts created by The Middlemist Sorcerer himself. Her father isn't elated. Her father is pensive, and refuses to sit while they discuss her leaving to train
From Lt. Duckling A/B/O fic (Unbeta'd)
The man with the hook hadn't broken a sweat during his mad scramble away from the castle, moving like a cat as he carried her in shadow to the docks and then onto a ship. Emma couldn't see him, her chin and cheek pressed firmly to her captors shoulder, nose against the back of his neck. He smelled wonderful, and she knew that it was another cruel trick of nature that her kind was attracted to their predators. It was frustratingly barbaric to know some sense of her agency was replaced by want, and she resolved to bury the feelings deep, instead contemplating her feelings on if she was to survive this. If she wanted to survive.
Her parents would do everything possible to ensure her return, knowing this was a death sentence, but they had no idea who had taken her or why. Especially a smuggler like this pirate, who probably docked somewhere secret to bring in their goods. If Emma had time, a day or two, her parents would probably find her if luck was on their side. If she had hours… That would be it. Instead of dread, she felt a numbness creep through her skin. This life she was living, it wasn't a life any longer. Maybe this was fate providing her relief.
He gave orders as she drifted in thought, the smell of salt air and lemon oil only enhancing the spice, leather, wood and soap that lingered on his collar. It was rare that Emma was nostalgic about Neal, but the press of someone against her was a comfort she had no qualms longing for. If she had a way to ask she would have begged her parents for a companion just for the platonic touches like this, the ease that it brought when Emma longed for her mate and wept over the broken bond. Just to be near another heartbeat, feeling shoulder blades and muscles under her breasts, the way it calmed an ache that this life had burdened her with -
“What is it? A doll?” Someone asked, jerking her from her wonderings.
“No. I don't know what she is, but it's not a doll. She's breathing, and seems to have awareness. I'm going to take her to the soothsayer and ask for more answers. For now she can stay in my quarters.” Her captor’s voice was a rumble she could feel against her chest, his hand undoing the carefully tied knots to take her off his back. Holding her gently, he curled her against his chest. Emma could see the buttons undone on his linen shirt, coarse hair overflowing. Her mouth went dry while her mind chastised her for absolute weakness.
“The captain needs a trifle to amuse himself with? How about a chance with the crew for the beauty?” A man hooted, and her captor lunged, as if forgetting he was holding her.
“If anyone touches her without consent, they will have spat on my quest for revenge and thus me. They will be rewarded in death.” His eyes burned like a cold flame, the man who had been so lewd quickly turning tail at the display of temper. Emma held on to the glimmer of hope that she might succumb to rest with her body unused by these unscrupulous men. To want was one thing, the reality was a grim and dark other. At least he would keep her In the promise of some safety.
In a way, she was glad for her body's woefully designed biological impulses, for this at least. Only the Alphas on board, like the captain, could shut off her mind with the waft of pheromones or commands of pleasurable actions. If the captain decided to act on any devious intentions while she was captive, she might be able to imagine herself finding him attractive in another time or place. This was neither, but she let herself take him in.
The light of dawn made him look like one of the sculptures she had often gazed at when passing temples, angels, gods and goddesses cut from stone with unmatched artistry. His jawline was covered in stubble and his eyes were blue, but in the light she could see the different colors of his hair, the scar against his cheek, and the grim determination that burned just behind the ice in his irises. Even smelling like rum and with red around his eyes from it or lack of sleep, he did not seem drunk or unkempt, just touched by wind's invisible hand. Emma blinked several times in the growing sun, letting him survey her carefully before he adjusted her in his grip again. Walking down a set of stairs, he opened a door and placed her on a bed before walking to a desk.
@elizabeethan @resident-of-storybrooke @darkcolinodonorgasm @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @ohmightydevviepuu @donteattheappleshook @thesschesthair @thisonesatellite @carpedzem @teamhook @jrob64 @mariakov81 @theonceoverthinker @wyntereyez @cocohook38 @bubblegum1425 @stahlop @laschatzi @profdanglaisstuff @winterbaby89 @gingerchangeling @peglegsjones
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Sunsets in Wakanda - 9
Summary: After his programming is removed, Natasha secretly visits Bucky in Wakanda. They rediscover each other as they are torn between love and promises.
Characters: Bucky x Natasha
A/N: I posted Chapter 8-10 on WattPad and Ao3 so please excuse as I now posted them on here! Sorry it’s been so long! I do have a ko-fi if you want to stay updated! https://ko-fi.com/rebelwriting
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  Natasha had stayed. For two weeks, she lived a life she had only dreamt of, with James right by her side. On a quiet piece of land, she awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and her love cooking in the other room, the smell of sweet herbs and spices filling their small space. Since her arrival, she had started to help James with chores around the farm. Her favorite being the time she spent with the chickens. After a few days, they had stopped pecking her, even allowing her to pet them.
Shuri would check in on them every few days, always with a smirk of satisfaction on her face. Natasha found herself growing fond of it. But despite it all, there was a nagging in her chest, never letting her feel settled. It was Yelena, Steve, the people she left behind, and the promises unkept.
She pushed those thoughts aside as she saw James standing over the counter, prepping her small plate of food. His hair in a low bun and beard freshly trimmed, he looked like a dream. Her presence pulled his attention, his lips turning into a small smile as he took in her still disheveled hair from the night before. Natasha slowly approached him, letting him soak in the sight. She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before she moved to his lips. She could see the heat rise in his cheeks.
Slowly pulling away, James nodded to the food, "Eggs and bacon...for energy."
He grabbed his plate and headed outside. Natasha called after him, "Energy for the farm or for the bed?" She teased.
He looked over his shoulder with a smirk, "A bit of both."
Outside, the warm breeze swept across Natasha's skin, waking her up for the day ahead. The two of them sat together, enjoying each other's presence as they watched the sun rise above the horizon. As they finished their breakfast, James took her plate, giving her a kiss on the forehead as they got ready for the day's work.
She grabbed the linen apron that hung in the kitchen and tied it around her waist, filling one of the pockets with feed for the chickens. James headed towards the goats, and she headed towards the coop.
"Come and get it, chickies." She called to them.
The chickens chirped with excitement as she threw the food in their direction. As they ate, she cleaned the coop and collected the eggs. Half she would keep for herself and James. The other half would go to the usual group of kids that hung around the farm to share with their families.
The sun started rising higher in the sky, and the kids gathered up in the large tree overlooking the farm. They hung on the branches, watching James move barrels of hay one-handed. She stopped for a moment just to watch. Shaking her head, Natasha laughed inwardly. Only a few weeks ago, she was doing the only thing she ever knew how to do; being the Black Widow. And now, there was nothing but peace and domestication. Something within her skin itched as her smile faltered. Natasha turned away and head back towards to cabin, but James had already seen.
Natasha was sitting on the bed, facing the light streaming through the window when he entered.
"Natalia." His voice was barely more than a whisper.
She looked towards him, smiling. James would never get over how stunning she was. The sharpness in her cheekbones, her gentle lips, how her eyes could either shine or throw daggers depending on her mood. But when she smiled at him, the light illuminating her face, he could tell something was missing.
He moved to be by her side, but voices arose from outside. The kids were calling to someone in the distance. Sensing Natasha needed space, he went to see who their visitor was, but it wasn't just one visitor. Making their way through the rolling hills were four figures. He recognized the two in the center immediately, Shuri and T'challa. To Shuri's right was a woman about the same height, her blond hair braided on the top of her head. Even in the distance, something felt familiar about her, but he could not place it. On the other side of T'challa was a sight that made his heart drop. It was Okoye carrying a metal box, just big enough to hold an arm.
James flinched at the sudden sound of Natasha's voice. Her mouth twitched to the side, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
But any lingering sign of amusement vanished as they looked back to the figures growing nearer. James took a step closer, trying to figure out who the blond braided woman was, when the realization hit him hard. He spun towards Natasha, "Is that who I think it is?"
From her eyes to her mouth, sharpness had settled back into Natasha's face. As though she had already put her black catsuit back on.
"How does she know—"
The four of them had closed the distance before he could finish his sentence. None of them looked pleased. Not even Shuri. Natasha's nails bit into her palms, the tension growing thicker each passing second.
Yelena stared at them for a moment, taking in the entire scene before her, "What in the cottage core fuck is this?" she finally scoffed.
"I don't even know what that means," Natasha answered with the same bite in her tone.
Yelena shook her head, "You seemed to be taking your sweet time, Natasha. So I thought I would stop by and check in, only to see you playing little house on the prairie," she took a moment to look James up and down. The first time she had seen him since the red room, "You're missing an arm, soldier."
James' mouth pulled tight, "Yelena," he nodded, "as observant as ever."
Yelena was keeping her demeanor calm, but Natasha could see the anger boiling beneath the surface. She couldn't blame her for it. Taking off her apron, she took a step closer, "Yelena, I'm sorry, I simply needed a break from it all."
"How wonderful. You took a breather while there are people's lives on the line, little girl's lives on the line. Must be nice."
James stepped in, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looked to Natasha, "Natalia," both of them ignoring Yelena's groan of disgust in the background, "What is she talking about."
Yelena's annoyance was growing more visible as she threw her hands in the air, "Oh, so you never even told him."
Natasha tried to defend herself, "I was planning on telling him."
"When? When you grew all wrinkled in your rocking chairs?"
"How did you even find us?" James questioned.
"Mr. America."
"Captain America." James and Natasha both shot back.
"Who gives a shit!" Yelena shouted. She took a moment as her voice echoed, stepping away to collect herself.
James' eyes fell on the box that Okoye placed on the ground. He had forgotten that the three of them were still standing there. He swallowed hard as his eyes met T'challa's.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"I think it would be best if you discussed that with Agent Romanoff."
He turned to Natasha, but her gaze was still settled on the younger widow, "Yelena, what did you do." Her voice was calm, but he could tell she was scared. He could always read her emotions better than anyone else.
Yelena shrugged, "Don't worry, he doesn't know the details of your relationship...yet. Though he's not an idiot, so I'm sure he has figured it out by now. I found him and simply told him it was urgent that I find you and that you were coming here to talk to the soldier."
"James Buchanan Barnes." James corrected her.
She simply waved him off, "Anyway, he got me in touch with Shuri over here, and now here we are. So now the question is are you staying or going?"
The question hung in the air.
James' voice was softer than ever. He reached for Natasha's hand, "Natalia."
"I'm going to throw up." Yelena chided.
Natasha rolled her eyes, "Can you give us a moment to discuss this, please."
She didn't give Yelena time to answer as she turned towards the cabin, James right on her heels. As soon as they entered through the door, he was on top of her with questions.
"What was that all about? Since when have you been in contact with Yelena? What aren't you telling me?"
"There's a new red room!" Natasha shouted over him.
He froze as his stomach sank, his voice thick "What?"
Natasha took a seat, rubbing a hand down her face, "Yelena left me a note one day, so I went to go find her. Anya had hired her to kill me because she's forming a new red room, the Dark Room, and wanted me out of the way. She wanted my help to destroy it and wanted me to get your help as well."
"Of course I'll help." He answered without a second thought.
Natasha squeezed her eyes as hard as she could. It was the answer she was dreading. He was just as much of a victim of the red room as she was. She rose to meet his gaze, "James, I can't have you do that. You've found a life you deserve here. A life away from the fight."
Sadness reached his eyes, "There are some things that are more important. This is more important."
"And what happens if Ross reaches you?"
Silence stretched between them. Two stubborn fighters waiting to see who would win. James brought her closer to him.
"Natalia, moya lyubov', I am finally free to make my own choices, yes?"
She lightly touched his beard, "Yes, but—"
He cut her off, a hand on her shoulder, "Then I choose to do this. For me, for you, for all of them. The ones who got out those who didn't."
Natasha searched his face. There was nothing but warmth and determination. Her heart aching, she closed her eyes and silently nodded. James brought her even closer, bring his forehead to hers.
"Then let's end this. Together. And then we will go from there."
There was no more argument to be had. Natasha could not live with herself if she let Anya continue, and she knew James felt the exact same. This is what they did. They were raised, engineered to be fighters. The only difference now was they were both finally free to choose what they were fighting for. And for Natasha, that gave her the same peace of mind that any quiet farm could.
"Okay." She said with a smile, hoping to cut the tension.
James smiled back, "Besides, I look forward to seeing the improvements Shuri made to my arm."
Natasha raised a brow, "So am I."
"Down girl." James teased.
Together, they exited the cabin, only for Yelena to be waiting just outside. Her nose was wrinkled in disgust, "You two are really gross."
Natasha rolled her eyes, but James ignored the comment, "So where are we headed?"
Yelena was already walking back towards Shuri and T'challa when she answered, "To pick up the quinjet and its occupants."
Natasha looked to the horizon as the sun started to lower, hoping she would see a sunset in Wakanda once more.
Tag List: @tvjunkie22 @harduy @shanetoo @doralupin01 @alphaaddict
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patricecheron · 3 years
WHEN: 27th of Jaster WHERE: Somewhere near the docks WHO: Closed @giseleduval
Patrice had only been in Val Faim a few days, but already the itch to leave had broken out upon his sun-soaked skin. This place was like a slow poison - each day he was exposed brought more and more symptoms of the deadly effects it could one day have on him should he stay too long. It was why he spent most of the time he could at the docks, needing the salt in the air to keep him from completely losing his mind. It was nothing compared to the open waters he loved so deeply, but in this prison, the shores would have to do. Besides, he could excuse himself to his ship as often as he wanted - he wasn’t going to sleep at his family’s estate, after all - and had spent the morning doing minor repairs on the main deck as an excuse to avoid his father’s judgmental gaze.
Strolling down the gangplank as the afternoon sun beamed upon the land, Patrice looked out over the trade that took place by the docks. Fishermen sold their haul to the vendors and the palace. Merchants brought spices and goods from other lands Patrice now found himself missing. Citizens of Val Faim came to purchase and admire food and wares from lands that are not their own, the very same people who sneered at Patrice for ever wishing to see those places. (How could you surround yourself with the world and never wonder what it truly looks like?) Among those wandering the grounds today, as yesterday, was Gisele Duval. Patrice had seen her yesterday behind a market stand, though she hadn’t noticed him as he listened to her talk excitedly of murder to that villain Alain Gauthier. He’d almost given himself away in that moment, shock and appall taking over his being. Surely this could not be the same girl he watched grow, the same who wove flower stems and sang cheerful folk songs in the gardens behind his childhood home. But he’d asked around in the day he’d been in Val Faim, and there was no hiding the truth of the wretchedness that had squandered the child he once knew.
Today, though, there was no hiding, not when he found himself making eye contact with her as he hit the docks and walked towards the market. He wasn’t quite sure what he would say to Gisele as he approached. Who are you? Who have you become? How did you steal such a kind girl’s face? He tries to smile slightly, though it does not reach his eyes, try as it might to find the fondness he held for the child he knew. Perhaps she could prove him wrong. Being in Val Faim does nothing to help his spirits lift, either. “Gisele,” he calls, taking long strides towards her. “I did not know you’d gotten so tall. What brings you in this way?”
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minetteenfers · 4 years
Day 4: Breaking More Than My Heart (Chapter 2 of Hello, My Old Heart)
Here is Day 4 of @blancweek! Nothing NSFW in this chapter, but I will post the link to the story beneath the cut at the end since the fic is Rated E. ^-^
Chapter 2: Day 4= Breaking More Than My Heart
Marinette stood in the kitchen, pouring her soul into making a meal for Chat Blanc. She had worked all day out picking herbs, spices, and gathering a swan for the dishes. Then, she had come in to turn it all into something. Her father had taught her many things as a child, one being how to make the most delicious food that they could create. It was a hidden talent that she had since she was small. Something that she could do well.
Her mother had perished during childbirth and she had always dreamed that she had met her. Her father always told her that she would have loved her because she was exactly like her in many ways. She sighed and finished up supper, putting the items onto dishes for Chat.
Marinette wiped her hands on her skirts. Normally the kitchen of a castle would be full of bustling servants and people with duties to help bake and cook, but this one was empty. She assumed he must have gotten rid of them all. Which meant this only made her life that much harder. She took a deep breath and carried the courses out to the massive dining table.
Chat sat at the table drinking his wine and speaking with guards about how much he disliked people in the keep. It seemed to be his go to conversation until she would set the table.  She didn’t know why the man never spoke of anything but hatred and negative things, but she really couldn’t blame him for being so broken.
He peered up at her and a dangerous smirk appeared on his full lips. “Ah, there you are. What have you provided me with today?”
“Swan and vegetables with bread, your grace.” Marinette grabbed her skirts and curtsied, waiting for him to respond.
“Come. Join me at my side.” Chat kicked the chair beside him away from the table, and she stood up straight to sit down beside him.
Marinette took his fork from him and sighed, taking a bite of swan from his plate. She knew it wasn’t poisoned. She had made it herself and she wouldn’t do that to him, but clearly his trust was lacking.
Chat watched her for any signs of being ill before taking his fork and stabbing a vegetable holding it out to her. She stared at him with a blush, gazing around at his court.
“Go on then.” Chat gestured with his fork and she swallowed hard.
She leaned in and grabbed the bite from his fork. She chewed and took a moment. “Tis good, your grace.”
“Very well then.” Chat cut some of the swan on his plate and took a bite, letting the spices and herbs settle onto his tongue. “Rather delicious.”
“Thank you, your grace.” Marinette smiled and tried to look poised beside him.
“Did your father teach you?” Chat stabbed a potato and brought it up to his lips.
“Yes, your grace.” Marinette licked her lips and tried to not focus on how her stomach rumbled.
“Are you hungry? Surely, you did not eat.” Chat poked a piece of swan and held it out to her. “Eat.”
Marinette shook her head and chewed on her bottom lip. “I shouldn’t.”
“I insist.” Chat smiled and something about it was different than before.
She parted her lips and wrapped them around the bite of meat, taking it into her mouth with a soft hum. “I do miss my father’s cooking.”
“Your father was a good man. Tis a shame my father rid the castle of him ages ago. I should have loved to have him here still.” Chat stabbed a carrot harder than he had intended to, his knuckles turning white around the utensil.
“Twas not your fault, your grace.” Marinette touched his fist, and he licked his lips and sighed.
“Perhaps not, but my father was still my flesh and blood.” Chat grabbed his knife and sliced it along his palm, closing his fist, and dripping the blood onto the tablecloth. “You told me so. I am very much alive, even if I erase the name. Until I perish, I will still be an- an- never mind.”
He flipped his knife and stabbed it into the table, leaving it standing on its sharp tip. “Never mind, shall we finish our meal so that I may make more decisions for the town.”
Marinette wanted to mend his hand and help him, but she didn’t know how. She had no idea how to make him come back to her. He was too full of pain. The bad outweighed the good, and she needed to figure out how to bring him back.
“Shall we take a stroll through the garden?” Marinette hoped that he would agree. She wanted to get him alone, away from his father’s guards.
“Why ever would we do such a thing?” Chat raised an eyebrow at her. “I have far too much to accomplish.”
“Taking a moment to breathe is always a lovely idea.” Marinette touched his arm and he peered down at her hand with widened eyes.
He ripped his arm from her hand, and she sighed. He had done a complete one-eighty since they had played in the kitchen. She felt like her touch burned his skin and no matter how hard she tried, he wouldn’t let her in. He had put up the highest walls with the best guards that their currency could buy and she couldn’t storm it.
“Fine. I shall entertain your idea.” Chat sighed and finished his meal.
Marinette took his plate to the kitchen and went to her chamber to get ready to walk through the garden. She had barely finished getting ready when a knock sounded on her door. Marinette rolled her eyes and opened the door, finding Chat standing there.
“I have yet to explore the gardens since my mother’s death.” Chat worried his bottom lip and she warmly smiled, grabbing his forearm in her hands.
“Allow me to reintroduce you two then.” Marinette led him out of the castle and down to the garden.
Purple and white wisterias hung down from the overhang as it opened up to elegant topiaries and overgrown rose bushes. It was like a dream and it also needed a lot of work.
Chat Blanc held his hand out, catching petals as they fell with a blank expression like he could care less. It had been so long since he had gone out there. So long since he had seen the garden that his mother had insisted on having. To be honest, he had been afraid to venture out to it again. Too many memories of being a child with her. Too many fractals of her smiles and laughs before it was taken over by coughs and tears.
“Your mother loved this garden.” Marinette sighed and ran her fingers along the flower bushes. “Tis sad to see it overgrown like this. Although, I am sure that it can be mended easily. It just needs a bit of love.”
Chat swallowed hard as memories of his mother and him flooded his memory. Memories of her sneaking him out to play like she had felt a kid should.
“My mother would sneak me out here to play as a child,” Chat spoke quietly, and Marinette nearly missed it.
“Mm-hm. She was fond of children being able to play. She would always speak of children needing to have a bit of fun even if society has deemed it to be inappropriate.” Marinette giggled and plucked a white flower, spinning it between her fingers, as she walked back towards him with swaying hips. “I used to dream of what it would be like to be in Eden and I always felt that this must be what it is like when I came here. Though, not often. There were duties to be done.” She reached up to place the flower in his paled golden hair. “You had them too.”
“Too many. Still do, I am afraid.”  Chat took the flower from his hair and flicked it across the garden.
Marinette watched it land in the pond, sending slight ripples through the water, and she nodded. “I see. Well, I shall not keep you then.”
Chat tried to ignore how he felt surrounded by his mother in the garden. He tried to ignore that he felt like she was whispering to him and trying to pull him out of the waves of disaster and pain. He didn’t want her. He didn’t want to be helped, even if he had told Marinette to.
“Marinette.” Chat stopped her from leaving with his hand held out to her.
“Yes, your grace?” Marinette turned around to stare at him, watching how the fallen petals swirled around him and for a moment she thought she saw Adrien instead. But it quickly faded away as fast as it had come.
“Do-” He had no idea what he was going to say. His words had left him.
“Yes?” She walked closer to him and hoped he was coming back.
“Do you think that my mother is watching?” Chat swallowed hard as he thought about it.
“I think… she never left.” Marinette warmly smiled and ran her hands down his doublet to smooth it out, stopping to play with a button.
“What do you mean?” Chat peered down at her slender fingers on his button, fiddling with it.
Marinette slowly peered up to meet his saddened gaze, “Your mother lives on in your heart.”
“My heart has frozen over.”
Marinette placed one hand over his heart, “If it is merely frozen over then it just needs a bit of warmth. The forest is not dead all year. Eventually, the sun comes out to warm its leaves and streams. The forest rebirths into something wonderful again with spring. The flowers bloom and the leaves green. The streams flow and trickle with beautiful waters. Much like our hearts. The memories and pain may never take their leave, but we can heal with time. Just takes a bit of love and warmth. Someone to tell us that everything will become well again.”
Chat swallowed hard and touched her hand, searching her gaze and struggling to not let tears fall. Why was she not running? Why was she still here? Why was she saying everything that she was? He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve anything she was telling him, and he knew he had to prove it. He had to prove that he was as bad as they say in the town. She was getting too close.
“You know what my father told me?” Chat took her hand from his chest and she raised an eyebrow at him as he walked away with his hands behind his back.
“I am sure he told you many things.” Marinette didn’t know what he was getting at.
“He told me how useless your father was in the kitchen. How much he loathed the man and his subpar cooking.” Chat peered up at the wisterias.
“Yes, well he was not too fond of father.” Marinette sighed and walked towards him again. “But his grace rarely enjoyed the company of anyone except your mother.”
“My father also spoke of you.” Chat slowly turned to face her and she swallowed hard.
She knew what was coming and she wasn’t prepared for it. He was spiraling backwards, and this experiment had only turned south. She took a deep breath and prepared herself.
“And?” Marinette cringed as she spoke the word.
“He was correct. You are good for nothing more than a mistress.” Chat’s words sliced through her heart and her bottom lip quivered.
“You do not mean that!” Marinette stormed towards him and he glared at her as she held up her hand about to smack his cheek.
“I would think wisely before you choose to do such an action to your king.”
“I do not see a king or a prince, but a scared little boy,” Marinette spit the words at him and ran back to the castle.
Chat growled beneath his breath as he watched her run from him. He still considered himself a prince, but he needed to say something stronger. While he was now the King, he didn’t want it and so he kept his title as prince within the castle. And while he was terrified of being alone, as he was, he wouldn’t go as far as saying he was a small child. He had grown and become mature because he had had to. There wasn’t another option. And if he let her get close, then she would know how truly broken he was and he couldn’t do that to her. He couldn’t be a burden for her.
 Marinette laid on her bed and sobbed into it. She just wanted Adrien back. She wanted the boy that she grew up watching in secret back in her life. She wanted the man that had been in the kitchen the other day back. But right now, he was nowhere to be found. She sniffled and got up, visiting her vanity to wipe the tears from beneath her eyes. She had to clean up his chamber among other duties around the house.
It was the last duty that he had put on her list for the day. She had no idea how he lived alone with no one to keep up on housekeeping. It was more work than one person could handle alone. She knew that it wasn’t his fault that he had obliterated everything, but a few guards. That he had done away with most of the servants because he was afraid of hurting anyone. His heart was broken after his father had been trialed and his name had been soiled. Not only that, but he had been shoved onto the throne with little time. The whole town had erupted into questions over the late King.
Adrien hadn’t been ready to deal with it and she knew that. She knew that it had been too much too soon. He had been trained since birth to do his father’s bidding, but that had not prepared him for something such as this. So, the man had shoved everyone away and locked himself away with few guards. Ones he trusted since he was a child.
She took a deep breath and brushed her trembling hands down her skirts and put on a fake smile. She could do this. She had to do this. She had been told that no one could change him back but her. There was something about her that would make his mind flip back to being the kindhearted boy that he had always been. She felt more tears threaten to fall and she reached up to wipe them away.
“Seize your sobbing, Marinette. You are merely being silly.” She rolled her eyes at herself and walked out of her chamber, making her way to his.
Guards whispered near the door and she stood and waited for them to let her inside. They stepped away from the double doors and she opened them, finding Chat sitting on a chaise lounge.
She gasped and about turned around to leave when he stopped her, “Are you not going to wash my items?”
“I thought you would be in your study.” Marinette cleared her throat, as he stood up and walked over towards her in only a tunic and a pair of trousers.
“Tis true that I should be making decisions, but alas, here I be.” He spread his hands out and relaxed them beside his thighs on the cushion. “So, feel free to wash up around me.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and walked over to his bed, stripping it to begin to get it ready to be laundered. She worked around him, ignoring how his eyes seemed to follow her every move.
“Do you really intend to watch me?” She peered over at him as she placed new linens onto the bed.
“Would you rather I helped?” Chat raised an eyebrow at her and she scoffed at him.
“I would rather you were more of a gentleman,” Marinette mumbled under her breath as she fluffed his pillow.
“Pardon me?” Chat stood up and walked over towards her.
Marinette sighed and let her hands rest on the bed before she stood up straight, “Do you know what your mother would speak to us every morn?”
“Enlighten me.” Chat set his jaw, and she knew that he didn’t want to hear it.
“Every morn, she would come gather the children to tell them a tale. Usually, one with a moral story.” Marinette shrugged and went about the room, finishing up other duties.
Chat Blanc watched her with no words, mostly because he didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want to talk about his late mother that had passed away from an illness. He didn’t want to venture into the pain that still gripped at his heart and made it hard to breathe, hard to live.
“Have you heard of The Songbird?” Marinette opened his curtains that appeared to have not been parted in God knows how long.
“I can not say that I have.” Chat gave in and sat down in a chair, grabbing a cup of wine. He held it out to her, and she sighed, grabbing a tasting bowl from the bag hidden by her skirt.
She took the bottle and glass, pouring some into the bowl and tasting them for him. “Tis good, your grace.”
She passed them back and he took a long sip from the glass. “Enlighten me.”
“Once there was a songbird, that was free to fly about the land. A knight was wandering through the forest and came upon a beautiful melody. The most beautiful one he had ever laid his ears upon. He peered up to find a golden songbird on a branch. The gorgeous little thing sang and sang. The knight thought that his maiden would love such a prized possession so, he captured it in a cage.” Marinette sighed and folded a few more items.
“Seems quite ridiculous.” Chat scoffed and rolled his eyes, drinking more wine.
“The knight brought the little bird home to his maiden and presented it to her. She was quite delighted, and of course, she wanted to hear the bird sing.” Marinette leaned forward a bit with an awkward smile.
“And did the damned thing sing?” Chat leaned back in his chair with his forearm draped over the arm of it.
“He tried to make the songbird sing. He tried everything he could ponder up, but nothing seemed to work. He failed in every way. His maiden became quite upset and questioned why he would present a broken gift. He told the tale of how he had come upon the little bird. How beautiful the bird had sung in the forest.” Marinette sighed and sat down on the chaise lounge. “For days, he would shake the cage and demand for that poor bird to sing. But the bird would do nothing but sit on the small perch made from a twig in this gilded cage. He called it useless and unworthy, pathetic, imperfect. The poor thing dropped its head and became sadder. Trapped, it’s beautiful golden plumage dulled to a pale butter.”
Chat moved on to tipping the wine bottle to his lips, ditching the glass onto the table beside his chair. He didn’t want to hear more of this story. He had had enough of this silly game.
“The knight became angry and grabbed the cage, taking it outside. His maiden had followed him, wondering what the commotion was about. The knight opened the cage, and the little bird was shy. It would not budge from its gilded cage, feeling like it was nothing more than an imbecile bird. Too damaged and imperfect. Unloved and unwanted. But the sunshine warmed its wings, comforting it, and coaxing it from its cage. The poor thing began to gently flap its wings, before taking off. It landed on a branch somewhere in the forest and began to sing its sweet melody again. For how can a trapped bird sing?” Marinette searched his expression and watched his eyes flash to emerald before shifting back to sapphire again.
Read and bookmark the whole short fic here!
Some of the songs I wrote To:
This one for some reason screams Chat Blanc for me in this or in general:
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🍇, 🍆 and 🌸 for Kat? - that-scouse wizard
((ty! under the cut bc it’s long))
🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
- day! it tends to be a lot warmer than night, and she doesn’t particularly like being in the dark. however, warm summer nights where she can lay in the grass and not get cold are great, too! unless it’s like. super hot and muggy outside, then she’d rather be heat-exhausted in the shade if she has to be outside.
this ones a bit debatable, because while she does like being warm in the sun, the sound and smell of rain is extremely soothing to her. i think unless it’s thundering outside, she’d rather have it raining, especially pouring, because it just makes her feel safer in a way? idk she just really likes the sound and would 100% listen to the “3 hours of rain sounds” if she was in the modern day
i’ve said this before, but winter! although she does like summer, sometimes it just gets far too hot and she can’t really do anything about it like she can in winter. she can just put on more layers, or even better, go and cuddle up to one of her friends. also she likes snow, not just to play in, but also because it’s pure white she feels like she’s not missing as much color anymore. she’s heard winter described as “drab and grey” so many times she’s like “now you know how it’s like to see with my eyes”
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
- hot chocolate all the way, although she does drink coffee if she really needs to stay awake. she’s not all that fond of tea, tbh. sure, she’ll drink it, but it’s just not her favorite. she’ll drink it to be polite. hot chocolate though,,,, incredible invention to her. wonderful. even if she does prefer it plain (she doesn’t much like artificial sweet things, like whipped cream), she still thinks it’s one of the best drinks in the world.
this is a bit of a toss up because kat doesn’t really like sweet things outside of fruit, but also she cannot handle spice at all. she doesn’t care about her intolerance to spice, though. she’ll eat it and then cry and then eat it some more because she just thinks it’s so good. milk is always on hand when someone orders take out lol
fruits all the way, but vegetables are good, too! since she’s pescatarian she tends to focus more on fruits, veggies, and fish, so she’s not very picky about what she’ll eat or not, at least in those food groups. she just prefers fruits above all else, especially oranges. although i do think that her favorite vegetable would be a potato? she’ll eat those skin on, like a sandwich.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
i think her voice would be a bit lower than the typical girl’s, but she’d normally have a lot of emotion in her voice when she speaks. she’s not afraid of showing emotion (positive ones, that is), and it comes through in the way she speaks. she does have a little bit of an accent since she is originally from russia, but it’s faded throughout the years and it really only comes out as her changing w’s to soft v’s, and she pronounces somethings wrong on instinct (mayonnaise -> mayonez, wyoming -> veominge). it’s definitely not as strong as her brother’s, though, since he moved when he was 13! as for her laugh, she sounds a little like a squeaky toy when she laughs too hard, and snorts if she laughs too hard as well! in my mind she’s be pretty decent at singing, not great, but definitely good enough to consider trying out for the frog choir! i think that she wouldn’t be good at singing loud, and prefers quieter tunes to herself or the person close to her.
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but-first--tea · 4 years
LFRP: Omori Kaya
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Full name: Omori Kaya
Pronunciation: Oh-Moh-Ree   Kay-Uh  (Omori is her surname, Kaya is her given name)
Nicknames: n/a
Height:  5'6" (quite tall for a midlander hyur)
Age:  “A lady never reveals her age.” (adult)
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Languages: Doman, Common
Occupation: Not getting caught.
Current Residence: "Traveling abroad.“ (Basically living a tourist’s life in Eorzea, hoping to never be called out as the fraud she is. She’ll spend time as someone’s guest here, staying in a hotel elsewhere the next month, etc…)
Relationship Status: While she has never actually been married, the identity of the woman she pretends to be is a young widow and heiress. (Single)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Pale, silvery grey
Skin tone: Fair
Body type: Slender, athletic but not in an obvious way.
Scars: none
Accent: Doman
Poised, athletic– though she’s no master shinobi, she is her mother’s daughter. Her training began at the age of four, and it’s still evident in the way she moves, observes, and behaves. Others who have trained would likely notice it easily. She carries herself with quiet dignity, and moves (or refuses to) deliberately, as if she expects each action to be read for significance, and takes great care not to reveal too much unintentionally. Though, in the very rare instances when she lets down her guard, this facade can fade away, revealing that she’s still a girl who can be amused, and charmed, and is easily mesmerized by beautiful places and things.  
She’s almost never seen without jewelry, though all of it is merely decorative– the trappings of the life she’s stepped into. None of it is personal, or carries meaning beyond appearing as she’s expected to.
Her taste ranges from the classically dramatic to the outright exotic- not out of a sense of vanity, but in an appreciation of what is more or less wearable art.  She most frequently wears black and white, though she also favors blue and occasionally red. In keeping with her heritage, she tends toward modesty in her dress. Of course, most of these clothes once belonged to a woman whose identity she has stolen, and she’s begun to add Eorzean fashions to her wardrobe to stand out less.  The more she blends in, the fewer questions about her past she needs to dodge...
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Place of Birth: Doma
Siblings: none she knows of
Parents: The samurai Masanari and an Imperial Shadow named Harue, though Kaya has never known her biological father, as she was still less than a year old when he disappeared.
Upbringing: Raised initially by her mother, and later trained by grandmother once her affinity for magic became apparent. (More details can be found in her character history.)
Outwardly, she is polite and mysterious, with a demeanor ranging from businesslike toward strangers, to an unexpected sort of mischievous and rebellious streak around the rare soul she’s begun to feel comfortable around. She’s evasive and distant. She rarely connects with others easily, which leads to most people assuming she’s either very shy, or rather snobbish, at first impression. She doesn’t trust easily, isn’t prone to showing any emotion in public if she can avoid it, and is often the one who, from an outward appearance, seems to be just another quiet wallflower enjoying the view.
Beneath the surface, however, she feels everything perhaps far too much, watches everyone with the wariness of someone who knows all too well what people are capable of, and deeply craves the connections to others she doesn’t seem to be able to form easily. She’s always searching for the few who can see the world the way she does- as something equally beautiful as it is deadly, meant to be lived in, not just endured. She’s a powder keg of passions always kept under a tight lid, hidden away for safe keeping.
Still, she is difficult to anger, and it’s a cold anger when it happens. She knows that engaging in violence and revealing her training would likely break character entirely, and being discovered as a fraud wouldn’t end well for her. As a result, she’ll try to think her way out of any situation, instead.
If asked what she wants more than anything else in the world, she’d probably say to be able to do what she wanted, not what she was told, or allowed, or expected to. She craves freedom in all its definitions, but nearly always denies it to herself out of fear or pragmatism. While playing the role of a young, noble heiress she feels the restraints of her gilded cage all too keenly. She must behave in the way one raised to the role would be expected to. As a result, she finds small ways to rebel that aren’t likely to be noticed. Her fierce and defiant nature, thus repressed, will see her doing seemingly pointless things like rearranging the furniture in hotel rooms, stealing small items she could easily afford, or finding ways to secretly get even with those who have behaved poorly.
Financial Status
Ostensibly wealthy, though not one gil of it was ever truly hers. Still, she feels no guilt in obtaining the Omori family’s accounts considering they would have otherwise been seized by the Garlean government following Lord Omori’s assassination.
She has been quietly seeking a way to invest ‘her’ money in a way that would  divorce it from her stolen inheritance, make it more truly hers, and greatly reduce the risk of losing everything should her false identity be uncovered.
While she was raised to the blade and bow for most of her childhood, she hides her training and doesn’t carry a weapon openly, if at all. If cornered and forced to defend herself, she’d mostly likely attempt to disarm an opponent and steal theirs, or improvise.
Seemingly none, as she has striven to present herself as a woman of proper graces. However, she is prone to self-indulgence and spending far too much gil merely because she can, which she considers a vice in herself and tries to resist.
People who are intelligent, interesting, vibrantly passionate and alive. Watching people do things that require specialized skill, especially combat training or constructing something.
Constructive debate and interesting challenge. Trying/learning new things.
Music, dancing. She’s often wished she could play an instrument, but has never learned to.
Nature, gardens, fireflies, birds, waterfalls, the ocean/seaside. Traveling to anywhere with a spectacular view or vibrant culture. Learning about said cultures.
Exotic spiced foods or just about anything she hasn’t tasted before that doesn’t look absolutely disgusting. Tea. Fruits, chocolate, and spiced cider or tea. Have I mentioned tea?
Unusual crystals and/or gemstones. While she’s generally unfazed by wealth or status, she appears to be positively mesmerized by sparklies.
Politics, rumor mongering, cattiness, insults, and general poor behavior.
People who think getting drunk is the best kind of fun to be had.
Addictive drugs, and those who sell them.
Being forced to do anything, feeling not in control over her own life.
Overly objectifying unwanted attention, awkward social situations/obligations/expectations.
Being cold, biting insects.
Reading, especially the arcane.
Learning the history of different places and cultures.
Collecting small, easily transportable items (generally clothing or jewelry) in local styles from each new place she visits.
Pets: None, currently.  She once had a magpie as a pet when she was younger, and maintains a fondness for birds of all kinds.
She’s looking (quietly) for a way to launder, er... invest her money to gradually eliminate the need to rely on her stolen identity and foreign contacts for access to funds. Have an opportunity?
A trusted lady’s maid, retainer, or guard type to help her maintain appearances. 
It’s possible that someone from her past in Doma might recognize her, or perhaps have known the real Omori Kaya.
The woman she is impersonating is an ill-fit for her. She is fierce, independent, and rebellious... the exact opposite of the demure and soft character her stolen identity demands. But, her mother risked everything to secure her new identity, and she won’t cast it off unless forced to. Still, she isn’t perfect. Someone could catch her in a mistake, and become curious...
The Lady Omori Kaya appears elegant, mysterious, ...and wealthy. Potential suitors aren’t unlikely. (Romance is an option, though she’ll be hard to pin down at first, for obvious reasons.)
She has a (stolen) soulstone in her possession, and has been working to unlock its secrets. 
Open to brainstorming other connections, past associations, or jumping into -your- existing plot!
I make my own schedule. I can be available pretty much any time from 8 am to 9pm CST. Sadly, I can rarely do late nights because I need to do that sleeping thing.
OOC communication is a priority for me.
I have been RPing for 20+ years. I am comfortable with both in game or Discord RP, and anything from short, quick posts to multi para. I do this because I enjoy writing!
I am not interested in random ERP outside of a long-term character interaction. I do love writing ships as long as there's strong chemistry between the characters, and both the character and the writer of said character are mature adults. However,I will not consider ships with alt or AU characters, as this is my one and only RP character. (No multi-shipping.)
I prefer a RP style that works with what is plausible within the scope of the lore. I'm open to creativity, as long as it makes sense. I prefer to stay away from void-heavy, AU, inserts from other universes, and anything involving cross-breeding with non-playable races/beings. (These are only my personal preferences, and everyone else is free to do whatever they like!)
Absolutely no: rape, harm to children, or graphic torture.
I do enjoy game content as well, and prefer company over doing so alone! I am currently sitting in my own personal FC house, but would consider joining a real FC if it makes sense for my character. 
Confession: I probably spend way too much time decorating virtual houses. 
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fourrarri · 4 years
He’d never thought himself much good at giving gifts. At least not the traditional way. A general non-interest in materialism and a fondness for practicality that grew with his age having made a habit for him of gift giving at random to address a need rather than wait for any specific occasion. Not something that anyone ever seemed to mind but had always caused him a prickle of disquiet in him when it came to birthdays, or christmas. Anytime he was left floundering for gift ideas really. Especially when the occasion for gift giving was someone near & dear to his heart & well within means to buy whatever they wanted much less needed.
Still, he’d always loved a challenge, and Lance. . . Well, the hitman was nothing if not that no? And so much more besides, as he’d been delighted to find in the time he’d gotten to know the man thus far. Knowledge he’d put to proper use making the birthday boy’s gifts over the last month. Gifts that not only fullfilled Joel’s fondness for practicality but that he hoped would meet the other’s fondness for aesthetic beauty as well. 
But perhaps above all, he hoped they’d translate how much he appreciated what Lance had been willing to share of himself with him. His openess. His history. How very genuine he always was in any response he gave him. Joel wanted to honor that. Show him somehow beyond words that he’d heard him, that he cared. That he was glad to know him. Who he’d been, was now, and if Lance was keen, who he’d become.
“I uhh--, made each of your gifts myself. Well, mostly. I didn’t actually make the packaging on these first two, just what’s inside em.”
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The first of the gifts was a bottled set of massage oils. Each one had a color scheme of preserved blossoms to indicate the essential oil he’d picked for fragrance. Flowers that he’d picked himself either having found them while hiking or from various flowershops. The florals he’d then dyed, dried, arranged, glued, and set inside each bottle before adding the oils. 
It was no secret that Lance not only enjoyed attention, but absolutely thrived on it. Had made it clear on a handful of occasions that he was not above demanding it, loudly. Or turning into a complete bratling when it wasn’t given to him for longer than he had patience to wait. Lance also liked to touch, to be touched. And if Joel had thought to indulge himself his fondness for ‘taking care’ whilst gifting the man something that encouraged lavish amounts of pampering and focus all on him, well. He rather doubted the other would have issue with it.
“These are massage oils infused with aloe and other essential oils for skin care and fragrance. Should come in handy the next time the sun toasts ya a bit more than you meant. Or when you’re feeling neglected.”
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The second wasn’t any less playful or indulgent. They were at a glance a bit of an inside joke, one that only a very small handful of people would probaly ‘get’ if what Lance had told him was anything to go by for how many people knew how he really made money. The gift was a set of lip balms he’d made with a mix of beeswax, shea butter, vaseline, and jojoba oil. Each one had been carefully colored with a combination of powder made out of the leftover blossoms, and food coloring to add tint to them along with their protective and restorative properties. 
The set itself was shaded from translucent to various nudes that ranged from natural pink to warmer spice hues. When adding the tint, he had paused, idly wondering if the addition of color to the balms would be too feminine a detail for Lance’s taste. A thought that had gone as fast as it’d come when he recalled the man’s new habit of painting his nails. How much value he placed in his appearence, how little he placed in social norms, how he was seemingly content to enjoy what he liked and not question it beyond that. How very fond he was of Lance for it.
His favorite part of this particualr gift however, was that the case for each one was a hollowed out, reforged, and repurposed rifle cartridge. This detail had probably been what’d taken the most work on his part but in the end he was more than pleased with the results, was certain Lance would be to, as evident in the smile curving his lips as he spoke.
“All that drinking and sunshine dries out your lips chéri. These should help with that, keep you kissable. Some of them are tinted to if you’re feeling flirty.”
The last was the only gift that he’d actually bothered to wrap. To hide. He’d wrapped it meticulously, kept the corners pristine. The paper was ocean blue, patterned with metallic designs. Tied with gold ribbon, topped in an immaculate bow. Inside was a simple white box, and below the lid, buried within more blue, delicate tissue paper was a driftwood picture frame. The frame scaled perfectly for the sketch portraying a memory Lance had described to him in detail from his childhood and coupled with his recall for the one picture Lance had, that he’d shown him upon asking. A picture of him in his boyhood and his mother.
The sketch had taken the whole day. Had been born from a deep rooted desire to somehow give Lance something of that day beyond what he held in his memory. To replicate the warmth he’d had in his tone when he’d spoken of Marianna, described her for him, how she’d been more of a mama to him than the one who’d actually given him life for the most part. 
A fact that the man himself had seemed content with upon it’s revealing but had cracked open something hot and hurting inside his throat, in his chest. Something that felt like tears. Was tears. Tears he’d furiously blinked away, turned his face & hid when Lance seemed to nearly notice. Had fallen free once home and he’d contemplated how his friend had learned to normalize loneliness. Normalize family being something you acted out for company and performed rather than actually had. Normalize not having any pictures of them in your home for everything family photos were meant to be and never had been for him. 
He hadn’t thought about it. Simply grabbed his sketch book, sat on the chaise in the corner of his living room, just beside the french doors that led out to his porch. The same ones that allowed sunlight in enough to warm him as he worked.
He’d let his hand skate across the page, pencil loose in his fingers, slowly, slowly, the shape of child Lance, the details of Marianna he’d given him coming to life. The profile of her face was hidden, back to the viewer’s sight as she turned, scanned the ocean debris at her feet, the tumble of soft sand in the churning wave line. Smile lingering at the corner of her lips. A peek of profile through her hair but only details, not her whole face. Curls tumbling down her back, the wind catching them, lifting a few stray tendrils. Pointing, reaching, directing a grinning Lance to another sea treasure she’d spotted for him to bring back home.
He wasn’t sure how many hours he’d spent on it; shading in her shadow on the sand, working to capture the gentle folds of of her sundress, capturing every detail Lance had told him about her. All he knew for certain was that it had been early noon when he’d started, and when he’d finally stopped the sun had already gone down. 
He didn’t color it. Knew he wouldn’t have to explain to Lance why. How sometimes the best and worst memories looked better in black and white? In the crisp shadows of grayscale, how if you tried to bring back too much you could lose it all? That a memory was its own breed of ghost? How he knew beyoind a doubt he could never capture the blue of the ocean, the warm shade of her eyes, the soft highlights of her hair. Like trying to pin down the wind. Same as capturing her visage without a picture, he didn’t dare attempt bringing the life of color to this memory. Didn’t want to trespass any further than he potentially had.
The smile from before fades, breath catching in his throat enough it hurts to swallow around. Makes him work to force words around his words, his feelings, how little room they leave for anything else.
“Really not good at telling people about how I feel about them when it really counts. Always preffered to show them instead so---.” the words trail off, and he reaches out a hand for the last gift, pushes it within Lance’s reach as his heart begins to hammer away at the cage his ribs suddenly are.
“Not sure if it’s anything like you remember but I wanted to do something for you. Something special. And this wouldn’t leave me alone till I finished it. Ended up drawing it the same day you told me about it. Really hope I didn’t fuck up.” He elects not to tell Lance he means in general, not just the sketch itself. 
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“You mean----, a lot to me Lance. I don’t even have words for it and I have a few languages to choose from. Hasn’t helped. But I wanted you to know, wanted to show you. Anyways, happy birthday.”
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       💸 ║ ❛   ————— It always overwhelms him a bit, all these feelings towards Joel and how observing he actually is. Definitely not a man he’s ever met before. And Lance had men before that showed interest in him, tried to promise him the world but in the end the motives were completely focused on the MONEY and lifestyle of the rich and famous. And it’s not like Lance never understood, money and luxury are things he himself enjoys the most as well. But that thought just always runs around his mind; people wouldn’t give a damn about someone like him if he didn’t have all the money, the cars and the big mansion. JOEL is a different kind of man though. Lance managed to convince himself that even if there wasn’t all this money and luxury, Joel would still be there. But most importantly, Joel IS actually here, between all these nice things and in the end all he cares about is putting the smile on Lance’s face. 
          Lance examines all the gifts while Joel goes off explaining the details. He does listen to what he has to say very carefully but his mind is telling him things. What is it that Joel sees in him that makes him so sure he’s deserving of these things. It only makes Lance notice that he’s only good at accepting gifts as long as he knows the person didn’t really put any effort into it. But all the effort Joel put into it, Lance doesn’t wanna ruin the good moment. Ruin it with his bad thoughts punishing him for feeling grateful for something he doesn’t quite deserve. He is pretty good at shutting his mind off if things make him too vulnerable, so that’s his solution.
          A bright smile forms on his lips while looking at all these nice things. Suddenly it just feels so warm inside him, almost pressuring as if there’s something he just has to let out. It’s just a feeling of genuine HAPPINESS that Joel manages to break free, and usually that feeling is archived once he’s had a few shots. No alcohol this time, there’s no need for it. Not even his mind is running to it. Blue eyes wander from all these beautiful gifts to Joel, only for a short moment though. He’s desperately trying to form a sentence in his head to not seem like a child who’s got all the presents it wished for. But talking, expressing himself is hard when he tries to not get over that spot of vulnerability. 
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          ❝   Qué digo, qué digo.. Thank you, amorcito, honestly. I really don’t know what to say.   ❞  And just as he tries to fight his brain to throw out ANY WORDS, there is another gift coming. Joel seems much more nervous about it, much more emotional. Lance doesn’t wonder too long after he eventually unwrapped it and now examines this personal work. It just causes him to feel a lot of emotions, they just hit him like lightning, yet he’s QUIET for a moment. While there’s still this burst of happiness, there’s also an ache in his heart that’s not easy to handle. A picture like that doesn’t exist but when he looks at it it feels like there’s something real about it. Lance never had a picture of MARIANNA, but if he did he wouldn’t hide it away like he does with the picture of his own mother. Marianna deserves much more than what he’s able to give her. And the fact that Joel actually took the time to awake the memories in his heart does cause him to get very emotional about it. Things like that make him cry like a baby when he’s alone, so he’s really fighting some tears. He doesn’t wanna cry on his birthday.
         ❝   I can’t believe you did that. Man, soy demasiado emocional para esto. This is a lot. I love it.   ❞   At least he got out a little bit before his emotions make his eyes all watery. Still, he fights hard not to cry over it. So the best way to hide that is to simply throw his arms around the other man’s shoulders. The hug holds on for a moment until Lance interrupts it to place a kiss on Joel’s lips.    ❝   Merci, chérie.   ❞
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 5
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Woo, it finally happened, the do is at the end of the chapter. Again, a thousand thanks to @monstersandmaw​ for sharing ice orcs with me. I’m having way too much fun. 
Jewel Of The North 
Part 5
You were walking towards the barn, feeling the slight burn of the sun on your skin as you watched Noah bend over to trim your horse's feet, his ferrier tools in the stand around him. His shirt was dirty and sweaty and hugging his muscles beautifully and the chilled lemonade in your hand didn’t compare to the fire of lust and love and adoration in your heart and mind as you waited until he was done with that particular hoof and stood up and righted himself to approach closer. 
“Thirsty?” You offered the lemonade to him before he grinned giddily as he got it and happily gulped it down and you watched the apple in his throat bob with the motion. 
“You need another or did that quench your thirst?” You asked once he had downed it. 
“Almost.” He admitted before he pulled you to him and kissed you deeply. You could taste the sweet lemon and sugar from the lemonade and just a hint of the pulled pork from lunch. 
And of course the kiss progressed and you suddenly transported to your bathroom where he was pinning you against the wall so he could pound into you as the hot water sprayed all around you and to feel the heat of his body wrapped around your own and practically pulsing inside you as he was stretching you to the max and grounding you yet making you feel lighter than air as his mouth was on your own, swallowing your whimpering cries of ecstasy was pure euphoria and no sooner had you cum in the shower before you were rolling around in the silken sheets of your bed, trying all kinds of positions. 
“How close are you?” Noah rumbled as you could tell he was getting so excruciatingly close himself. 
“I already came in the shower, it’s your turn Babe.” You cooed. 
“Nope, wrong answer.” Noah teased before he pulled out and left you trying to grab him to pull him back before he attached his mouth to your sex and promptly devoured you before you were pushed to the edge. 
“There you are, now, let’s try to do this together,” Noah encouraged before he settled himself back into you and started to really stroke himself into you instead of the heavy pounding and good god, it was the best sex of your life and together you reached your climaxes as you both tightly held the other, wrapped up in comfort and warmth and each other as the rest of the world faded away, leaving the two of you in peace and happiness. Then the blare of the alarm...
You woke up the next morning, your underwear soaked in your essence and got a quick shower and got dressed before you called your kids. 
“Good morning sleepyheads.” You cooed. 
“Good morning.” you heard them both answer sleepily. 
“Aww, did I wake you up too early? Before noon?” You teased as you got your shoes on. 
“Yes.” They answered. 
“It’s summer vacation, it’s still am so it’s morning.” Xander grumped. 
“Oh it’s only 10 am there, that’s still sleeping in plenty.” You gently argued. 
“Which means it’s seven there, you’re on vacation, why would you get up so early on vacation?” Skylar complained. 
“Because I’m going fishing today, with Noah and Sakura but we’re going to really be in the middle of nowhere because he’s taking me to tribal lands where there are no cell towers for miles so you won’t be able to get a hold of me and so this was my chance to check in today.” 
“Is this the same Noah that flew you in?” Xander questioned. 
“Yup, the same Noah I spent all day Tuesday watching his daughter who I would adopt and take home with me in a heartbeat if I could.” You confessed. 
“The one who lost her mom?” Skylar remembered. 
“Yup, the very one. She’s the one that’s in the same boat you’re in.” You confirmed. 
“Because her mom died and left her all the land that she got the same way you got your estates.” Xander recalled. 
“Yup and because I have a lot of first hand experience with that kind of thing. I’m gonna try to help her and her dad deal with it. At least better than I did in the beginning.” You revealed. 
“Cool.” Xander chirped. 
“So do you like Noah? Is that why you’re spending the day with them?” Skylar asked curiously. 
“I do like him. Noah is...well...he’s awesome. He has been nothing but respectful and perfectly pleasant and professional as a pilot and a friend and I can see why he’s friends with everyone up here because he’s a good friend to have.” You answered. 
“No like, like him like him, like romantically.” Skylar specified as you heard Xander go ‘oh gods’ in a groan in the background. 
“I’ll be honest. Yes. But I think it’s one sided, because he has been friendly but he hasn’t really been flirty or anything. But I haven’t been super flirty to begin with.” 
“Good!” Xander boomed. 
“Hey, as I recall, I believe both of you were ok with me moving on romantically since your dad died and you two were the ones that set me up on that date with Alex.” You countered with a frown. 
“Which was a disaster.” Skylar remembered. 
“True.” Xander conceded. 
“But Noah is a bush pilot in the Arctic Tundra, that’s one of hell of a niche Mom and he can’t do that in too many other places, he’s an ice orc which is a tribe that originated up there and rarely move away. I mean it’s an awesome job and sounds kick ass, and I’ll bet it’s gorgeous up there but from what you’ve told us about him, I don’t think he’s gonna give all that up. And you have it too good right where you are and you shouldn’t move either. Just leave it as friends Mom.” Xander pleaded with you and you hated to admit it but he was right and had very good points. Xander had inherited all the sensibleness from Andy. 
“I know, you’re right.” You conceded even though your heart and soul were throwing tantrums within you and clinging to your fantasies for dear life. 
“But you should still enjoy your time up there mom. Maybe we can come up and see everyone some time when we’re all together.” Skylar offered sweetly just as the first few tears started to fall as you nodded in agreement. Grateful they couldn’t see you. 
“Yup, there’s a really nice hunting and fishing resort up here, maybe we can come back here and stay there.” You offered as you discretely wiped the tears from your eyes and willed yourself not to cry any more. Feeling like a teenager with your first soul crushing crush. 
“I’ll try to call you guys later ok? Be good for Mimi and PawPaw and Granny and Papa ok?” You urged them. “Love you lots, bye.” You bid them. 
“Love you too Mom, bye.” They echoed. 
You found your composure and finished packing your things up that you felt you would need today. Extra sets of clothes and layers just in case you fell into the water or the temperature decided to vary greatly, your emergency spices just in case you cooked whatever you caught. Snacks just in case you didn’t catch anything. An emergency kit just in case anyone gashed their hand open and needed medical attention. A few handheld games for Sakura to keep her quiet just in case she wasn’t fond of fishing and battery packs for your devices along with a few other essentials. You were determined to have a great day fishing with Noah and Sakura and prayed that you would have a good day nonetheless and to have peace in your heart so you could enjoy the moments today and commit them to memory. 
When you were done you walked the now familiar route to Noah’s house, hoping you weren’t coming too early and no sooner had you stepped foot on the porch when the door opened to reveal Noah with a bed head worthy of a few more fantasies and a bright happy smile that shamed the sun that had you mirroring it as the dogs rushed past him to greet you excitedly too before they left to do their business. 
“Good morning, hope I’m not too early.” You greeted bashfully. 
“Nope, just woke up, wanted to make sure I didn’t sleep in and miss you.” Noah reassured you as he ushered you inside before you set down your stuff by the door before you went to the kitchen together to get coffee and breakfast ready as the two of you easily fell back into a routine, that while it was new, it was somehow so familiar and comfortable and second nature to you both and it was while you were scrambling eggs that you noticed Noah give you a look you didn’t quite know how to read. It wasn’t bad but it filled you with...you didn’t know what, excitement? Curiosity? Giddiness? What?!
“What?” You asked over your shoulder. 
“Um, I was just thinking…”
“About?” You prodded. 
“About…” Noah took a deep breath and looked particularly nervous all of a sudden as he started to wipe his hands off on a rag from mixing together pancake batter. 
“I wanted…” Noah began before his thunder cat rubbed against your leg before it started to climb you like a tree again. 
“Ah, Baby, I’m cooking, I can’t have you on my shoulders right now, your hair will get in the food.” You cooed to the cat before Noah came over and got the cat off your shoulder before the cat tried to use it’s sharp claws to dig into your clothes and howled in protest. “Sorry, he really likes you.” Noah confessed as the two of you worked on getting the cat’s claws out of your clothes and once successfully detached he went to the back sliding doors and put the cat out and shut the door so it wouldn’t interrupt further.  
“So you were saying you were thinking about what again?” You prompted once he was done. 
“Right, um, so, uh, I wanted you to meet the rest of my family.” Noah finally blurted as there was a hint of fear in his eyes which gave you just a moment of pause. 
“Oh, to discuss Sakura’s inheritance? Do you want to make sure they’re all comfortable with me being involved in any of it?” You supplied since that was the only reasonable, non romantic reason you could think of for meeting them. Trying to stamp down your hopes that he wanted you to meet his family for any other reason. 
“Yeah, sure,” Noah confirmed with a nod as his shoulders sagged in defeat just a little. 
“Ok, cool, when?” You asked. 
“Well, today my Mom was going to be calling everyone to see what times would work best for everyone while we went fishing.” Noah informed you. 
“Oh, well I’m free the rest of the week, so I’m free whenever. If it would help I can provide references, like my analyst and my own lawyers or even see if they can suggest anyone to use up here.” You suggested. 
“Only if you wanted to.” Noah answered you could see he was trying to cover up his disappointment. Was he disappointed with you? Is that not what he was asking or wanting from you?
Meanwhile- Noah was internally and existentially screaming and screeching into the void and cursing himself for being so chicken shit to not say what he really wanted. He was such a coward and he was so epically and historically bad with words. All he wanted was you. He wanted to be with you. He wanted to court you or even fight for the chance just to try. He was so hopelessly in love with you it wasn’t funny and if he had one more sex dream about you, his nuts were going to explode along with his head. He wanted to pick you up and sit you up on his counter and feast on you for breakfast before Sakura would wake up. This was his one shot to confess his feelings and he was blowing it and he couldn’t stop it. Like being in a river that’s way too strong and carrying him away from shore and he was doing everything in his power to fight against it but the stronger he struggled, the stronger the current and he couldn’t get traction and he was running out of time and he was missing his chance on happiness and his happily ever after with you damn it. 
But then you were sniffing the air and turning to take the eggs out of the pan before they burned and his moment was gone. He wondered if you would freak out if he just came up behind you and hugged you and started kissing you, would that be inappropriate? How would you react? Would you like that? Be put off and leave? Freak out? Turn and kiss him back hopefully? Grind your ass into his manhood? He could dream. 
Then he heard a giggle. Damn it, Sakura was up and his chance to have you all alone to himself was over. 
“Good morning Pumpkin.” You cooed when you heard the giggle and looked over at the stairs to see Sakura spying on you from them. 
“Good morning Paradise.” She answered before she came all the way down the stairs. 
“How long have you been up there spying huh?” You asked as you came over to her and hugged her tight. 
“Since Angry Pants climbed you.” Sakura answered and suddenly Noah was wondering if his instincts just knew it wasn’t the right time. Dang it. Well the day was young, he would hopefully have another chance some time today. Or at least that was what he was going to be praying for. 
“I see, well let's get you some juice and breakfast, we have an awesome day ahead of us and we need to have food as fuel for it.” You urged her as you got her some eggs to start eating and some juice as Noah went about pouring the pancake batter in the other pan to make the pancakes before you went back to the stove to work on the bacon and the sausage before you would make Noah’s eggs and your eggs and stood side by side in front of his stove as you wanted nothing more than to have him put his arm around you. Around your shoulders, your waist, you didn’t care. But something, you were craving his touch and his closeness even though Xander’s words tortured you from the back of your mind. What if this was a fantasy escape for you? What if it was nothing more? No, your heart assured you that was not the case. What if all he wanted was just help with his daughter and nothing else from you? Perhaps that was what you feared most right now. Because you were ready to offer yourself and everything you had up to him and what if he didn’t want you romantically? You would have to learn how to be content with a platonic relationship with him but you did get close enough that your arms were touching and you could feel the heat roll off of him and the stove and you just wanted to cuddle into his side. 
And then you felt it, his hand splayed comfortingly on your back and if you could have sprouted wings and hugged him with them you would have, before the hand went to your far shoulder and suddenly he was resting his arm over your shoulders and you took that as a sign that snaking your own arm around his waist was an ok move as you both leaned into the side of the other. And you were afraid to look but the happy contented smile on your face as mentally you were going ‘fuck it, I want to be happy and close to him right now’. 
All that mattered was right now and right now your brain was swimming in endorphins from just this little touch. It was heaven. Maybe he didn’t mean it to be as intimate as you felt it was but you didn’t care. You were just...happy. So happy right now. You haven’t been this happy in...a very long time and in your wildest dreams, you would find a way to make this work. Maybe he isn’t great with words? Maybe he’s showing you through his actions how he feels? Maybe. 
You did everything in your power to stay right where you were because you didn’t want to move, you didn’t want to break the bubble you were in because in your heart you wanted this moment to last forever. But once all the eggs were fried and all the bacon and sausage and potatoes and onions and pancakes were cooked you both begrudgingly parted to take the food to the table to eat but sat kitty corner from each other at the small table and if he had reached out to hold your hand you would have held it but he was using both of his hands to eat his breakfast but Sakura was just happy to jabber on about all the different kinds of fish you could catch today as you gave Noah a fond smile as you just let her tell you all about fish. You could listen to her talk for hours on end about anything she was passionate about. 
Once breakfast was done, you quickly did the dishes while Noah and Sakura got ready and packed up for your ‘adventure’ and once packed up, you let the horses out in the pasture and taken care of for the day before you loaded up his truck as the dogs jumped into the bed of the truck to watch the stuff since they were coming too and made a quick stop at a little outpost/ grocery store to get supplies like bait and beer since you had already packed a bunch of snacks and drinks for Sakura at home from what you had bought the other day. But this place had local moose jerky and homemade doughnuts that you needed in your life ASAP. 
“Hey Noah,” a guy greeted him as you were around the corner letting Sakura pick out whatever her heart desired. 
“Hey Tim.” Noah greeted back before they shook hands. 
“Have you heard anything from Derek or Evan or anyone from their gang?” Tim asked him. 
“Nope, picked up their loads yesterday though cause no one could get a hold of them.” Noah answered as you made sure to stay out of sight. 
“Well I finally talked to them today and turns out they went drinking with some super hot Moscow Doll. They must have partied pretty hard because they’re still wasted as of about half an hour ago and can’t hardly move even now. They actually pissed and shit themselves because they couldn’t get up to go to the bathroom.” 
You did your best to hide your erupting snicker under Noah’s who snickered and laughed at their misfortune. 
“Gross, well I don’t know what you could have expected, they’re young and stupid and stupid is as stupid does I guess.” Noah shrugged. 
“True.” Tim nodded. “So what are you up to today?” Tim changed the subject. 
“Taking Sakura and our new friend Zara fishing.” Noah answered, feeling bad to call you ‘a friend’ because if he had been brave earlier he could have asked you out and he could be introducing you as his girlfriend. 
But alas, chicken shit was he. 
“Oh,” Tim blinked but smiled wide as you seemed to take that cue and appear from the other aisle. 
“I heard my name.” You announced. 
“Zara, this is my friend Tim Baker.” Noah introduced. 
“Zara Kingsley, pleasure to meet you.” You greeted sweetly as you shook his hand, kind of grateful you weren’t wearing any makeup or anything and dressed down and hopefully neither Tim or Noah would make the connection that you were that Moscow Doll. Which honestly was an awesome alias. 
“Pleasure’s all mine.” He returned as he shook your hand firmly. “That’s a strong hand shake.” Time appraised, impressed. 
“Sorry, day job, I’m an LMT, strong grip is in the job description.” You tried to laugh off. 
“A what now?” He asked. 
“LMT- it’s an acronym for licenced massage therapist, like EMT or CEO.” you supplied. 
“Oh sweet, did you just move here?” He asked hopefully. 
“Unfortunately no, just visiting this time. My home base is in the Great Lakes.” You answered before you got into your wallet and handed him a business card as he whistled at it. 
“Wow, that’s the fanciest thing I’ve ever had in my hand.” Tim appraised which got you to chuckle. 
“That’s not a nice comparison to Tammy, she’s plenty fancy.” Noah teased which got everyone but Sakura to laugh harder. 
“I take it Tammy is the better half.” You assumed as you glanced down to see a thin gold band on Tim’s left hand.  
“Nope, I’m the better half, I’m the best thing in her life.” Tim smoothed his hands down his front, stroking his beer gut affectionately as he smiled cheesily which got you to laugh even harder. 
“Oh that poor woman.” You and Noah answered in unison as you both shook your head. 
“Jinks!” You managed to get out first as Noah snapped his fingers in defeat but smiled happily nonetheless. 
“Ha! I win, I get to buy the snacks and the beer.” You insisted as you pried the beer from Noah’s fingers and took Sakura to the checkout counter. 
“Hurry before your Dad stops us!” You giggled to Sakura who took the opportunity to grab handfuls of candy from the display by the cash register to add to her ‘loot’. 
“Just friends? Really?” Tim questioned a little disbelieving as he gave Noah a meaningful look but a knowing smile. 
“She’s only been visiting in town since Sunday and I’m the one who flew her in.” Noah revealed, dropping his voice down to a low murmur. 
“I see, well it seems she’s great with Sakura, she’s got strong mom vibes and she seemed like she a could be a local if you asked her to be.” Tim appraised. 
“Well she is a mother, has two kids of her own back home.” 
“And the dad?” Tim asked. 
“Dead, she’s widowed.” Noah answered. 
“Oh perfect, no asshole ex or visitation or anything like that to deal with, just what you needed, you’re practically made for each other.” Tim grinned mischievously as Noah gave him an unimpressed look. “Well stop yapping with me, take her fishing, take her to the Honeymoon spot or something, don’t be keeping a gem like her waiting.” Tim urged him as Tim noticed you had gotten your stuff and had left the store with Sakura in tow and you sure did look like a perfect fit for Noah and Sakura to him. You just exuded sweetheart and that’s what Noah needed in his opinion, and you were really pretty au naturale too. He could see there were sparks there and he would be praying that Noah would make a move before you would leave as Noah left the place and happily rejoined you in the truck and drove to the airstrip before the two of you loaded everything onto the plane as Sakura happily kept the dogs on board and got settled in herself and once it was all packed up, the three of you settled in and by now you had grown almost used to the feeling of taking off before Noah turned the plane north eastern and flew, you could see the snow capped mountains and pockets of lakes and streams and super intense greens from the wilderness splattered with pockets of civilization, and just the majesty of it all took your breath away and you prayed your brain was recording it so you could dream about this moment in the future. It was just perfect. 
Noah flew the familiar route to the perfect spot, where it would just be the three of you for miles and miles around and hopefully the fishing would be good too.
And once it was in sight he pointed it out to you. 
“That’s where we’re going.” He pointed to it as he got in position and descended and made sure to put the right landing gear down and touched down into the water before taxing himself around to the best spot in the lake where a few streams came in and out of the lake before he turned the plane off and lowered the back hatch/tailgate down to the right height so you could fish off of it before he got his camping chairs and practically set up his own dock on the tailgate complete with a cooler full of ice and beer and drinks and camp chairs and snacks and rods and reels and tackle and everything. 
“Ooh, I like this, this is wonderful.” You praised as you sat down in the other camp chair that Noah set up just for you as Sakura was sitting in her kid’s camping chair. 
“And the great thing about being in the water like this is the bugs aren’t as bad and you don’t have to worry about bears as much, moose can still swim out this far though but at least we can see stuff coming.” Sakura beamed happily as she got all her snacks and juice boxes and stuff set up around her as the dogs happily sat on the edge and looked out into the water and basked in the sun before Noah got all the fishing poles out and got them set up before he handed you one before you cast it out.  
“Nice cast.” Noah praised. 
“Thanks, my family are big fishers. We would go fishing all the time both in childhood and adulthood and we would go out and usually catch our limit. What is the limit by the way?” You asked. 
“There isn’t one, we’re on Sungilak Tribal Lands and this whole area and for oh, probably a hundred miles in any direction is still our lands and we don’t have limits on fish or game or anything. So since you are a guest of the clan and have permission from two clan members, you don’t have any limits on anything you catch either and you don’t need any licenses or anything. Our permission and invitation is enough.” Noah reassured you as Sakura beamed proudly at you too. 
“Aww, thanks.” You answered, feeling particularly touched by their gesture as you realized this was a great honor. For them to share their birthright like this was incredibly generous. You knew Noah was of humble means, and this was perhaps one of the few things he could share with you and it was incredibly precious. 
“Can I get a few pictures of this?” You asked hopefully. 
“Sure.” Noah nodded before you took pictures of Sakura sitting next to you in the chair with her little fishing pole, the line hanging off the edge in her sunglasses and snacks and dogs looking pretty as a picture before you got selfies of the two of you and the drop dead gorgeous scenery. 
“Smile Noah.” You prompted as you got pictures of him actually fly fishing off the back of the tailgate before he flashed you a brilliant smile and you knew this picture you’d be treasuring for a lifetime. 
“Can we have some music?” You asked hopefully. 
“Uh, good luck getting a radio channel up here.” Noah replied. 
“Not a problem, I have premium Spotify and dozens of playlists downloaded. What do you like to listen to?” You asked as you got your mini portable bluetooth speaker out of your bag and turned it on since it was freshly charged before you got your phone to connect with it and brought up the app. 
“Don’t care, listen to whatever you want.” Noah obliged. 
“Ok, everyone’s favorite classics- it is.” You decided before you had the phone shuffle on the playlist. 
“Ooh,” Noah oohed when a very familiar favorite started to play. Ok, you were officially perfect in his book. Perfect music tastes, perfect cooking skills, perfect mother figure to Sakura, perfect...everything. You were generous and charming without being fake or insincere, you were beautiful and confident and independent and loving and supportive and protective and incredibly intelligent and naturally sweet natured but had enough gumption to not put up with bullshit. You weren’t a doormat and he could only admire and adore all of it. You had every reason to feel like the hottest shit ever but you were humble enough to be unassuming and discrete but there wasn’t a part of you he wasn’t impressed with. 
Then the fish started to bite and that’s when the day went from good to great. And what was even better, is because of the cold storage compartment of the plane which was like a walk in freezer/cooler but on an plane with several bins inside to keep things separanted, Noah had the good sense to clean out and line the biggest one with a giant tarp, all you had to do was load the fish into it and they would stay cold until you got home. Very convenient. 
“Could you teach me how to fly fish?” You asked as he seemed to be getting better fish and more of them fly fishing than you did. 
“Of course.” Noah immediately agreed before he had you use his rod and reel and showed you how it was done and you were over the moon when he wrapped himself around you to do it. His hands over yours to show you where to grip the rod and to feel the warmth radiate off of him and even though it was already comfortable weather wise, with him so close you practically melted having him so close, with his front pressed comfortably to your back and his head and over your shoulder. You wanted to lay your head back and rest it against his chest and just to have him hold you. 
Meanwhile Noah felt that this was his opportunity that he had been silently praying for all morning, if he didn’t take the leap now, he was going to regret it. You were here, you were practically in his arms and every instinct was screaming at him to offer himself to you. It was now or never. So it had to be now. 
“I didn’t originally want you to meet my family tomorrow as an advisor. It’s not that I don’t want your help with Sakura and her inheritance, because I do, we need it, desperately. But, I really really like you and I want to court you regardless and I wanted you to meet them as my girlfriend rather than advisor.” Noah finally confessed as he just stared longingly at your hair in a ponytail, appreciating all the hues and strands of color in your hair, fantasizing about how soft it would be through his fingers as not looking at your gorgeous face was somehow easier than if he was looking into the very eyes that tortured him when he wasn’t looking at them or the face that lit up his world. 
“I know you have your life in the Great Lakes and I don’t want you to give that up and I am never going to ask for you to give that up. And I know looking at the way things are now, it doesn’t seem like we have much of a future and I’ve been afraid to ask you cause I don’t know how this could work. But I want to try to work it out anyway.” Noah confessed as you slowly turned around to look at him. Afraid that you were dreaming or had fainted and were hallucinating. 
And you saw hope and fear in his eyes as he bit his lips to force himself not to speak anymore and wait for your answer, it was the same look he had this morning as you felt a little vindication that he did try to ask you this morning but lost his nerve and your heart soared that he obviously felt the same way you did and that it wasn’t all in your head, this was real, he was really asking you out and he really cared for you enough to ask at least as you smiled up adoringly and gratefully at him. 
“Sakura,” you called. 
“Yeah?” She immediately got up and came over. 
“Did you hear your Daddy?” You asked her, just to make sure you didn’t imagine it. 
“Yup, I want you to be my Mama too.” She added brightly and you couldn’t help it, you started crying but your smile was brighter than any star. 
“I want to be your Mama too Sweetie, more than anything.” You reassured her as you turned out of Noah’s frame and hugged her tight. 
“Yes, my answer is a resounding yes.” You finally answered Noah before you pulled him down to your height to kiss him soundly as his arms wrapped tightly around you, the fishing pole long since been put down and practically forgotten as you felt in your soul that this was your last first kiss with him. And boy oh boy was it a good one. Full of love and hope and promise and tasted better than you could have imagined and definitely worth the wait. This wasn’t going to be a passing fling, nope. This was gonna be a forever thing, you could already tell. And you were finally, going to be happy- if only you could make Noah equally happy. 
From there, things fell into place even more, you took tons of pictures of you and Noah together and you caught enough fish to fill that whole freezer compartment and thanks to a little on board galley on the plane, you were able to cook up fish for lunch and dinner and the dogs happily ate fish too and by the time it was evening you found yourself sitting on a huge cushion right on the back hatch with Noah sitting behind you with you cuddled into his lap as Sakura was securely nestled into yours and with the big blankets surrounding the three of you and the dogs cuddling over your legs, you were both comfortable and content and Noah must have kissed your temples and cheeks a thousand times as he sat with you. HIs wistful sigh music to your ears as you were sure your own was to his. Even though the day had spurtterd in the beggining, it sure did end perfectly in your book. 
Only when the sun was finally setting for the final time did you pack it up. Sakura long since fallen asleep in your arms and with Noah’s help you were able to pack her up in her spot before you helped him get everything ready to go before he flew you to his home. 
“So did you want to stay over tonight?” Noah asked hopefully. 
“Oh yeah, if you’re sure you want me there, I’ll stay for as long as you’ll have me.” You confirmed. 
“Oh I’m as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,” Noah mirrored since his boner seemed to spring to life at the notion. 
“Awesome, I’ll just get the rest of my stuff from Taylor’s house tomorrow, it’s already late but I packed enough that it should get me through the night and into tomorrow, easily. I packed enough clothes just in case I fell into the water, like twice.” You revealed. 
“Are you like, always prepared for everything?” Noah asked, his tone light and almost teasing. 
“Yes. Long before I was a mom, I was the mom friend. There’s very good reasons why my purse never weighs less than like 9 pounds. It’s because I keep everything in there. Coming up here, I packed two of everything just in case one of something got lost. But turns out the gods knew that there would be two families that would be benefiting from my visit and I couldn’t be happier about the second one.” You beamed. 
“Yeah, not to sound weird or anything but since you brought it up, I’ve been praying for the last year and a half for the gods to help me find Sakura a mom and someone who could help us and Sakura has never taken to anyone the way she took to you. And well, I mean I adore you too because if you’ll recall the first time we met, I just stared like an idiot with my jaw on the floor because you are very easily the most beautiful woman I have ever met or known and I was really afraid to say anything after I found out you were an heiress because I didn’t want to make it seem that it was only after I learned that that I was attracted to you. And honestly watching you have a date with Doug was torture for me and I was terrified you were going to fall for…” Noah explained. 
“Oh his “charms”,” You snickered a laugh before you pretended to gag. 
“Ew, no. He was absolutely ridiculous. Sakura told me in the bathroom that night that his boys pushed her down and didn’t apologize and I was ready to rip his head off. And please don’t be freaked out either but when I hugged her for the first time, I instantly loved her, like the same feeling I had when I gave birth to Skylar and Xander and I got to hold them for the first time and you have that ‘there’s my baby, my most precious possession, I’m gonna love you and cherish you forever and i will kill anything that dares brings you harm’ kind of feeling. And hugging you for the first time felt like hugging home, but it just was one that I didn’t know yet so…” You confessed before you heard Noah sniffle. 
“Really?” Noah asked. 
“Is that weird?” You asked with a little bit of a grimace. 
“Nope, I was praying for that, I was praying for the right woman to love Sakura like her own, and well, me for me, flaws and all.” Noah revealed. 
“Well then we are both answered prayers for each other because I was praying for the same thing. Although I’ll warn you, my son Xander will be the hardest to deal with. He’s very practical and rational and unfortunately, very skeptical too. He loves to play chess and cards and do things like negotiate and debate. And he’s way smarter than he should be for his age. He’s the one that likes to have everything figured out and planned before he takes his first step. His room is immaculate and he’s getting into cooking and he actually measures every little thing and me and my ‘eyeball it and measure it with your soul’ kind of thing tend to clash a lot. He will stay up till midnight just doing research for fun. He is very much like his father. He breeds ball pythons for fun and he has all the genetics memorized by heart and he keeps the snake room spotless, all on his own without any nagging or anything like that from me.” You warned. 
“Skylar will be eaiser but she’s very emotional and you just have to be really patient. She’s also either super quiet or super chatty, there is no inbetween. She will talk your ears off. Also she wants to bake cookies and cakes and pies. Every. Single. Day. And nothing has enough sparkles or glitter for her.” 
“We’ll all find a way to get along, it’s gonna be ok.” He reassured you before he kissed the back of your hand sweetly. 
You got back to his home and found a note from his mom. The family would be coming together on Sunday since that’s when most had the day off and that they would be coming to her house for a big family meal and invited you to bring a dish to share if you wanted to. 
“What should I bring?” You asked Noah. 
“Anything you want, but we got all day tomorrow to figure it out. Come on, let’s get her to bed, and us to bed.” He hinted as he took your hand and led you upstairs as Sakura lay knocked out over his shoulder as he carried her into the house and led you upstairs. He had waited all week to have you by his side physically and he didn’t want to waste another minute of your presence and once she was tucked into bed and her door shut he was on you and walking you towards his room. 
And you’d be lying through your teeth if you were to try to deny you weren’t excited about this either. But Noah’s kiss and touch were unlike any other and you were greedily taking everything he could give you and trying to give back in kind and you just needed more...more kisses, more touches, more feel, more contact, more...everything and you don’t know how it happened or exactly when but somehow between him attaching his mouth to yours just outside of Sakura’s room, and him, reaching around you to open his own bedroom door, somehow most of your clothes had come off you as you felt the cool air hit your skin. 
Your bra was unhooked in the back and your pants and underwear were already off and by the time he got you into the room and the door shut and thankfully locked, somehow your shirt and bra now disappeared as did all of his clothes except for his socks which he was trying to toe off just trying to get you to his bed since his weeping cock was pressed between the two of you. 
Taylor had not been exaggerating. Noah was packing. You knew Ice Orcs were as big as orcs came. But damn. Biggest cock you would ever probably get the pleasure of handling and it was all yours, you could barely wrap your hand around your prize and Noah’s moan was equally delicious and Noah practically ripped the blankets off the bed trying to get into it but when you felt his legs hit the mattress, you pushed him back onto it, and sent him landing on his back with his lower legs hanging off the bed, he was surprised but thrilled all the same and when you nuzzled his heavy sack with your nose and then with the tip of your tongue, he was the one left grabbing the sheets in anticipation. 
Neena was ok with receiving oral sex but she hated giving it because she just didn’t like the taste of precum, let alone cum and thought it was gross and always gagged the moment his cock touched the back third of her tongue. So to have you even hint at it was driving him wild and when your tongue licked from the back of his ball sack, through the two balls and to the base then, towards the tip, he was nearly undone. And then to have you kneel between his legs and start sucking him off, his eyes nearly rolled back too far but his answering strangled moan was all you could ever want in response. You knew he didn’t want to wake up his daughter but with just this bit of sucking his body, especially his thighs and stomach was almost shaking and twitching from fluttering so much. It must have been a while for him to receive this kind of pleasure and you were unbelievably pleased that you could give it to him and when you started to gently massage his scrotum and oh so gently scratch at it, he bucked his hips, sending the head of his cock to the back of your mouth before he pulled them back. 
“Sorry.” He tried to apologize. 
“Don’t apologize Baby, it’s ok, did Neena have a strong gag reflex?” You cooed as you detached your mouth from his length so you could talk to him but your hand stroked him lovingly. 
“Uh, yeah,” Noah confirmed. 
“Hmm, well I don’t.” You hinted and that was your only warning before you worked on sucking as much of him into your mouth and throat as you could and he pulled so hard on the sheets, they popped off the corners of the bed and the noise that fell from his throat was the best reaction you had gotten yet. 
“Zara, please, please slow down or stop, I’m, I’m gonna cum. I can’t cum yet, you’re not, I haven’t pleased you yet.” He whimpered which warmed your heart that he was so concerned about your pleasure. 
“Do you only have one round in you?” You posed as you pulled off but nuzzled the cock all the same, giving the blue cock that ended in a pink head some sweet kisses.  
“N-no.” He answered. 
“Then let me give you this one easy, next one you’ll have to try harder to earn it.” You cooed before you went back to it as your hands stroked up his thighs to his abdomen as he reached down and laced his fingers with yours to hold your hands as your head bobbed enthusiastically as his precum coated your mouth. This had to be the most delicious cock too. His precum was comforting and alluring and just a little zesty, like wildberries, more intense flavor but full what your body craved before you brought his hands up to your face so he could stroke your face which he did before his fingers finally settled into your hair as you wrapped your arms around his hips and shoved your hands between his fine ass and the bed and clawed your hands into his ass as Noah keened in bliss and arched his back off the bed as his fingers tangled in your hair before he got two good fistfuls of your hair and pulled your face closer as you did your best to suppress your own gag reflex as the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. 
“Oh gods, oh gods, Zara, Baby, I can’t, I can’t hold on...” he panted desperately as his hips bucked and every other muscle in his body seemed to tense before one last slam and his cock erupted with seed that spilled down your throat as you swallowed around him, your lips suctioning around you just kept swallowing as he whimpered and keened and shuddered his release and he was left a sweaty mess as his body welcomed a few aftershocks as it basked in the afterglow as you made sure you swallowed down every drop of his precious seed before you slowly let it slide out as you pulled away and happily watched as his heavy cock fell to the bed under it’s own weight. 
“Good?” You asked as you climbed up his body, kissing trail up him before you settled onto his chest. 
“The best, I didn’t think...I didn’t know...it could be that good.” Noah praised having a hard time coming back to his senses. While part of him wondered how much experience you had had to get that good, he didn’t care, you were his now. And he was never going to let you go. That was the best blow job of his life, of the millenium. His mind was blown, his body was officially blessed by having you of all people do that to him. 
“Now don’t fall asleep, you have me to please now.” You giggled as you traced a little pattern on his chest as he caught his breath. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he reassured you as he wrapped his strong arms around you and held you tight. 
“I love you.” He cooed. 
“I love you too.” You easily mirrored. And it felt like the most natural and easy thing to say. And completely truthful too before he cupped your cheek and pulled you further up to kiss him soundly. 
“I didn’t kiss you Tuesday because that’s what I did with Neena, I kissed you…” He began. 
“I know, same reason I called you Babe on Tuesday, it just felt right.” You reassured him. 
“Exactly.” He grinned appreciatively. 
“Now, my turn to treat you like the goddess you are.” You growled as he playfully nipped at your neck and ear as you giggled gleefully as he rolled you over and it was his turn to kiss you senseless and mark a trail down your luscious and plump body, making sure to worship all of his favorite curves, from your breasts to your belly which he just adored to your hips and his favorite curve, your mound. Perfectly crowned with curls and dripping in anticipation of him and he took a lot of satisfaction in knowing that he was responsible for this as he settled between your legs before he had you set your powerful thighs on his shoulders and delved in. 
Nothing could have prepared himself for this. But you tasted better than anything ever had before. It was sweet and spicy and purely addictive as he delved in and slurped and gave his tongue the work out it had been craving for practically a week as his own hands now cradled your glorious ass to cant your center right where he wanted it and it was your turn to writhe between him and the sheets beneath you. 
Andy, truthfully, was not a good lover. He loved and adored your blow jobs but returning the pleasure, he was hopeless. He didn’t know how to please you, because all of his sex education had come from porn and besides pounding his cock into you, he didn’t know what else to do to please you and never bothered to learn. 
Noah though? Oh bless this man’s heart, body and soul. Because he was eating you out like you were a seven course feast and he had been starving for most of his life and when he added a finger and then two and found that oh so sweet g-spot and worked it like it was his mission in life and he had been put on this planet for the sole purpose of finding it and working it to perfection while his mouth circled around your clit and sucked hard- it was all over, your legs kicked out and your knees tried to snap shut around his head and clamped his ears to his head as your own hips bucked and your own cry of bliss and ecstasy practically bounced off the walls. This was the greatest oral sex you had ever had the pleasure of recieving. It was official, he was a sex god. 
For once you didn’t feel like you were wasting yourself or your gifts on someone. He was deserving, he was worthy. He was amazing and epic and wonderful and you loved and adored him. 
“You still here?” Noah teased as he licked his lips as his self satisfied smile beamed up from between your legs. He still had it and he could give you the best gift possible and there was no one more deserving of that- than you, and he did his best and he was happy that you were well pleased with him and his efforts. 
“Oh my gods, that was, epic, amazing, perfect. Like I’m trying to keep my soul in my body.” You explained with a giggle as he kissed his way back up your body to your mouth before he kissed you soundly as you wrapped yourself around him as you came down from your own afterglow before he slid right in. 
“Oooh, perfect fit.” You purred up at him as he settled into place. You were stretched perfectly but not uncomfortably. Stuffed perfectly full and you melted into the bed when he didn’t pound, but actually stroked himself in and out of you, adjusting the angle of his hips until he found the perfect one for you both and every stroke felt like a blessing he was pouring into your being. 
Then he worked up the tempo and the rhythm. 
“Please, please don’t stop Noah, I’m so close, I’m so so close.” You begged as you felt your peak draw ever closer as Noah’s own body started to tense up as you clung to him and then that’s when he seemed to lose some semblance of control as his hips went from measured to almost a heinous pace as he started breathing even heavier and more labored as his hold on you grew almost desperate and it was enough to send you over the edge into bliss and when you inwardly constricted and fluttered around his length, it undid him and he came falling after you, pumping your canal so full, the seed had nowhere else to go but to seep out where you were joined as you both breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath as you just held each other as you looked up from the bed through the sky light to see the aurora borealis come out and move messmerizingly across the sky. It was so beautiful. And you were so happy and content to share such an intimate moment with Noah. He was such a gem. This perfect jewel of the north who had been waiting for you to come and find him and cherish him and love him. And you would do your best to do so for the rest of your life. 
Once you two fully relaxed you looked around and noticed the bed looked like a hurricane had come through the room. 
“Come on, help me make the bed, then we can sleep.” You gently urged him as he begrudgingly let you go and together you made quick work of putting the sheets back on properly and fixed the many layers of blankets before you quickly went pee in the bathroom and at least picked up all your discarded clothes in the hallway and put them in Noah’s room while he went to the bathroom himself before you met back into the bed and cuddled, looking up at the northern lights before you both drifted off to sleep. 
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honestlywrites · 4 years
Clan of Three | Chapter Eight (Din Djarin x Mando!Reader)
Summary: After learning of your partner’s name, you find yourself feeling guilty for not being able to share the same trust and intimacy. As time goes on, you begin to realize the bubbling emotions that come to the surface, making you question your relationship even more. 
Clan of Three Masterlist
The sound of the Razor Crest soaring through space at lightspeed feels endless, like a void swallowing you whole. The guilt of holding your partner’s name inside your brain and not returning the trust eats away at you, the silence reminding you of your faults. He let you in, showed you his family, and you did nothing to reciprocate the trust. But you did, you did trust him. Right?
Reliving the horrors of your past was jarring, to say the least. Yet, in a way, you felt free. The matronly figure of the Armorer comforted you and your thoughts, for her to be so welcoming was truly a gift. It was secure and safe, almost too much so. You have no doubts about the Mandalorians in the covert and their ability to defend themselves, but every time you dwell on the comfort of finding a family, your past one comes back to haunt you. The creaking of the pilot chair makes you jump in your seat as Din turns to you.
“You can go sleep, I’ll pilot the ship,” his voice is soft, almost as if he fears startling you. You ponder on his offer but quickly shake your head.
“I could not sleep if I wanted to,” you speak, your voice barely coming through the modulator of your helmet. There is a moment of silence before the man in front of you speaks again.
“Why?” This truly was the question. Why could you not forget the screams of your covert? Why could you not forget the image of your mother being ripped away from you? Why could you not forgive yourself for sins you did not commit?
“I apologize if I overstepped in our relationship, I just thought--”
“No, no. You’re fine,” you speak up and look to him, imagining his eyes through the darkness of his visor. “I should be the one apologizing.”
“You did nothing wrong. I don’t understand,” he turns to you fully, allowing the two of you to take in each other. You observe him wholly, taking his intimidating stance and his large stature. All of the bounties that the two of you hunted together came to fear the image of this armored Mandalorian with durasteel the color of blood, but when you truly look at him there is only one thing you see. A friend, maybe something even more. The two of you shared a creed, a culture that bound your souls forever. Truly, it was miraculous and hard to understand, but you had never felt so whole since your last covert.
“I had lost everything,” you mutter, fighting the wetness that threatens to gather in the pools of your eyes. “My covert, they were killed. Not only that but my buir.”
Your voice breaks. Nothing can stop the fat droplets of salty water that drip down your cheeks like streams gushing from the earth. 
“My mother was taken from me, the woman who raised me. I may not have been born a Mandalorian, but she might as well have birthed me herself. She found me when I was a child, left on the roads to be abandoned on the streets. She took me in, raised me as one of her own. I only know the way of the Mandalorians,” the tears flow freely down your cheeks, running down your neck into the fabric of your underclothing. “When this was taken away from me, I was lost and alone, clinging to the creed for comfort. We are warriors and so I took to protect the daughter of a king and queen. She was like my sister, but I had never felt more alone in my entire life. When you appeared that night, of course, I protected her. But I found myself wanting to find you, to know if I wasn’t alone. Now that you have allowed me into your covert, I find myself to be a coward for not even being able to share my name with you.”
Sobs shake your entire body and you wrap your arms around yourself, the whole truth crashing down like a wave threatening to drown you under the guilt. The tears blind you and your vision blurs, the light of space coming together in a mess of lines. Silence consumes the ship once more but you feel the hand of Din rest on your knee fondly, showing you comfort even while he remains silent. You do your best to blink all of the tears out of your eyes, wanting to look at your companion with a full vision. Removing your arms from around your body, you reach down and take his hand in yours, feeling the warmth of him coming off in waves. His hand is much larger than yours and you feel a fondness for the way that his entire being seems to wrap around you in a phantom blanket of understanding. Once the tears dry on your cheeks, the fatigue hits you quickly and soon your eyes droop closed, falling into the comfort of sleep.
This time, visions of your mother do not come. You are not haunted by your past and you are relieved to feel comforted by the gentle embrace of slumber. Your dreams are filled with memories of your life on Mandalore, running around with other younglings as you learn to shoot a bow for the first time and find that the task comes naturally to you. Smiling, you hug your buir as she praises you for shooting the bow accurately, and rewards you with an extra pastry during supper time. 
Waking up from your nap, you find yourself lying in the bed. Your limbs are slightly stiff from having your armor cling to your body for so long, but the thought of Din lifting you and carrying you to bed sets off warmth in your heart, a foreign feeling. Sitting up from the plush mattress, you notice the lack of movement from the ship and infer that you have reached your destination. For the first time in your life, the comfortable mattress was soothing rather than alarming, that you felt safe enough to not be on guard. You stand and walk out, finding that your partner is nowhere to be seen. Climbing down the stairs, the ramp is open and lets in a roll of cool air from the forest that you appear to be camping in. Your boots make a clunking noise as you descend the ramp and notice a small fire just outside the ramp with Din carefully tending to it.
“You’re awake,” he muses, looking up at you approaching him.
“Thank you for carrying me to the bed, it was much more comfortable than waking up with a stiff neck,” you state and smile, watching him nod in response. “Well, I’ll just wait on the ship for my dinner.”
“No!” Din’s sharp voice startles you slightly as you jump from the suddenness. “I mean, I enjoy your company, you can take it in when it’s done cooking.”
You slowly nod and take a seat next to him, watching the bright orange embers dance and light up the camp around you as the sun sets on the eastern horizon. The crackles and pops of the wood fill the air as you sit in comfortable silence.
 “I was a foundling too,” you turn your head in Din’s direction as he speaks, feeling the uncertainty of his words. “My mother and father were killed by droids and the Mandalorians saved me from the same fate.” His words are short and come out sharply but the willingness sits out in the open, an invitation to be vulnerable around him. He wears his battle-hardened demeanor on his sleeve, obviously closed off to the world after years of having to hunt bounties to help the covert thrive and to secure the sanctity of the creed, but his weariness of the world, of people, shows his fear of intimacy. The fire continues to crackle on, wanting you to continue the conversation. A stone of fear rolls in your stomach, but you shove it away and find words to say.
“We may have been trained together, then,” you state, thinking back to the times when you were free to roam without a helmet. These memories make you long to remove the purple durasteel, to simply be around other beings. This was not the way, though. 
“Perhaps,” he mumbles and uses a stick to turn over the meat that roasts at the side of the fire. Your partner portions out food on two large leaves that were native to the planet you were on. They served very well as plates and as the smell of the fresh food wafts into your helmet, you find your mouth begins to salivate as your stomach grumbles.
“Thank you,” you smile and gently pat the shoulder of Din, standing and walking back to the ship to enjoy your meals separately. In the low lighting of the bedroom, you finally take your helmet off and expose your face to the air around you. It is crisp and cold, filling your lungs and chilling your body only to energize it from the freshness of the oxygen. You eat quickly, humming in satisfaction from the sharp spices that hit your tongue. The planet you landed on must have some fresh spices and herbs because the meal dances on your tastebuds, exciting your senses for the first time in a while. Rations did get old quickly. A smile plays on your lips as you find yourself licking the leaf for the remaining food. Sometimes always eating alone yielded benefits that many did not entertain. 
Leaning against the frame of the bed, you find yourself getting lost in your thoughts. It was now a habit, for Din was rarely a talker. Perhaps this is why you find yourself thinking about him, trying to understand him through everything you could pick up. He did care about you, though. This much was obvious. From the way that he cared for you when the blaster tore into your skin from the trust that came with his name, he was letting you into his life. Months ago, he barely let you pilot the ship, but now there was something more than a simple friendship. Was this, no it could not be. Your heart pounds deeply in your chest and you pull your helmet on quickly to hide from the world. Warmth bubbles to your cheeks and the flushness of your skin was concealed by emotionless durasteel, at least this was what you hoped it did. Walking out of the room and down the ladder to the ramp, you pause for a moment before the fire comes into your vision.
“Are you done?’ you ask, even closing your eyes out of fear.
“Yes,” Din’s voice appears in front of you and you jump from the closeness of his presence, having snuck up on you when your eyes were closed. A soft chuckle escapes him and you playfully push his shoulder.
“Don’t do that, I was trying to be polite,” you growl at him, no menace in your words. He laughs once again, a full-bodied laugh that requires him to hold his stomach. You smile and shake your head, sighing as the fire slowly begins to die out.
“We must go out at night,” he states after recovering from his laughter, walking up to the weapons locker and opening it up to pick at his array of weaponry.
“Why?” you ask, grabbing your compound blaster and slinging it over your shoulder to hang comfortably. 
“This target is nocturnal and while it would be easier to strike while they sleep, I’m not that cruel,” he states and you shake your head, grabbing a small knife to strap to your thigh.
“You’re a bounty hunter, that’s pretty ruthless,” you muse and close the locker.
“So are you, but you’re the furthest from being heartless,” your breath catches in your throat at the comment and you flush, once again thanking the helmet for hiding your embarrassment from the world. 
“Let’s go,” you mumble shyly and begin to exit the ship. Din follows closely behind you, closing the ramp before the two of you embark on your journey to the small town. The stars shine brightly, lighting up the forest as they glitter above. Perhaps if you stared long enough, you could get lost in the array of lights, each signifying a star or a planet. Such small things reminded you of how vast the galaxy truly is. 
Just like your partner had said, the small town was booming with creatures that you were unfamiliar with. They did speak Basic though and were not afraid to voice their thoughts as the two of you marched through the town on a hunt to find the bounty. He is found playing Sabbac at the small cantina that sits in the middle of the town, gambling away all his money. This was the same action that caused him to gain a target on his back. He pushes all the credits into the center when you and Din enter the establishment, all eyes settling on the two of you. At this point, the attention does not bother you and you easily find your way to the bounty. 
“A female Mandalorian? Interesting,” the bounty mutters. He is not good-looking, at least to you, with his dry scaly skin and beady eyes. The man looks you up and down and the action itself violates you in a way that makes your body cringe.  Din quickly slams down the puck, the noise startling the man in his place. 
“We can bring you in warm, or we can bring you in cold,” Din’s voice is low, lower than usual, but you brush it aside and watch the bounty smile up at you.
“To be taken by such a full-bodied lady is a compliment in itself,” the man grins up at you and you shake your head, beginning to get the binders out when Din slams the head of the man into the table, effectively knocking him out. 
“Let’s go,” he grumbles, picking up the man and beginning his trek back to the ship. You grab the punk and follow behind quickly, hiding your amusement. While you may have been disgusted by the foreign man, the curiosity gets the best of you when you replay the events that occurred in the cantina. Perhaps Din was fatigued from the journey. After all, he did pilot the entire flight and probably lost his temper, yet another thought plays at the edge of your mind. 
The path back to the ship is quick and you follow behind your partner, you watch him walk up the ramp and slam the bounty into the carbon freezer, punching in the command to freeze the man. You pause behind him and watch, a frown settling in your forehead.
“Are you okay?” you ask, slowly walking up behind him. Din remains silent as he watches the man freeze in the metal.
“He was disrespectful toward you,” he turns to look at you and you smile, shaking your head.
“It’s not the first time a man has been rude to me,” you start and gently take Din’s hand in yours. “Besides, I can handle myself.”
You playfully tap the forehead of your helmet to his, watching him recoil from the harsh movement. Moving into the ship, you hang your weapon up on the wall beside the locker. 
“I’ll fly, you sound like you need a nap,” you turn back and shoot him a cheeky smile before crawling up the ladder into the cockpit. 
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Helping Hands - Chapter 6
Series Masterlist here
Chapter Summary: Haley experiences New York City for the first time, and the contents of the champagne are revealed.
Chapter Warnings: References of past abuse.
A/N: Thank you all for being patient with me! Work has honestly kicked my ass these past few weeks, but I’m getting back into it, and hopefully my body will be kinder to me in the future.
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“Your cheeseburger with french fries, and pancakes and bacon for you. Can I get you anything else?”
Haley was too busy ogling the food in front of her to answer, inhaling the sweet and savory aroma of fried goodness that made her mouth water at the deliciousness it promised. Loki must have said something in response while she was lost in the grumbling of her stomach, because the waitress walked away.
“Does it look satisfactory?” Loki asked quietly, drawing her attention from the golden fries in front of her to his face. “If it isn’t to your liking, you can order something else.”
She shifted on the squeaky faded plastic seat of their booth to lean forward over the table, gripping the massive burger in her hands. Could her jaw even open wide enough for that? With a bit of careful maneuvering, it could. It took everything in her not to moan at the dance of salt and fat and crisp fresh vegetables over her tongue. Not wanting to waste a moment, she took a bite of a fry as soon as she swallowed the first, giving Loki a thumbs up and the best smile she could muster while chewing.
When Loki had caught her staring longingly out the windows earlier that day, he had declared that he was taking her out to see the city. She had been cooped up for far too long and would be safe with him as an escort. It took some convincing, Haley and Tony both were on edge after the nearly-successful attack at the party a few nights prior, but the call to the city was too plain on her face. Tony relented, but not before implanting a tracker the size of a grain of rice into her bicep. It stung a bit, but sitting in a booth in a diner with Loki, smelling cooking oil and burnt coffee and watching people go about their busy day so close up, she decided it was worth it.
And then the pancakes. Drenched in sticky sweet syrup and fed to her from Loki’s fork and paired with greasy bacon, she was grateful for his stubborn insistence. It was nice, to feel normal, just enjoying lunch out with a friend. There was a first for everything, and this wouldn’t be the last.
“What else would you like to experience, little one?” Loki slipped Haley’s hand into the crook of his elbow once they were finished and he had paid, sticking close to the exterior of the building so as not to get in the way of passing pedestrians.
But their positioning seemed unnecessary given the wide circle of personal space left untouched around them. Those that took a moment to look at the imposing man dressed in all black to match his hair, which was pulled back to better emphasize the razor’s edge of his jawline and cheekbones, quickly skirted around the pair. She watched them curiously for a second, puzzled at the frightened, nervous, and in one case, downright angry looks he garnered. He’d been nothing but kind and protective of her since they’d met. What had he done before then?
A faint breeze blew through from the alley to their left and she crinkled her nose at the foul odor of rotting garbage. “Maybe somewhere nicer smelling?”
He chuckled low in his throat and turned them down the street, leading her along at a slow, leisurely pace that allowed her plenty of time to take in all that New York City had to offer. “I know just the place.”
The sun was warm on her skin as she and Loki stood in the middle of a vast green park - Central Park, Loki had informed her - watching ducks paddle about happily in a pond. The breeze, scented with flowers and dry earth, ruffled the unruly pieces of hair sticking up from her head. She leaned into Loki’s side from her place on his arm. The physical contact sated a deep-seated ache in her bones she hadn’t known existed. It was a luxury that had been denied her for most of her life, and she was keen on making up for lost time. She’d never thought that she would have such an opportunity. To just exist in a moment of calm with someone who she truly cared about and who held the same feelings for her.
“Would you like to feed them?” Loki’s quiet request broke her from her reverie.
“We can do that?” she asked, a tinge of hope liting her voice. She bounced on her toes with a smile stretching from ear to ear, all directed his smug grin.
“It pays to be prepared for all possibilities.” He held out his hand in front of them, close to their bodies, and a small container of oats appeared in his palm. “Go on, then.”
Happiness bubbled up within her and she grabbed the oats from his outstretched hand to run down to the bank. The only thing that kept her from tumbling into the water was Loki’s firm hold on her waist, steadying her as she leaned out as far as she could to toss the food into the water. The ducks flocked to the space in front of her to quack loudly for more treats. Once the supply was finished she turned in Loki’s hands to ask him for more, stopping when she caught the fondness that had softened his gaze considerably.
It tugged at her heart in ways she hadn’t experienced before. Butterflies fluttered low in her tummy and warmth spread throughout her limbs to the drum of her heartbeat that echoed in her ears. The sunlight caught his hair as it tumbled over his shoulders to reveal pieces that appeared almost blue at the tilt of his head. Hesitantly, she reached up, brushing a stray lock back that had fallen over one of his eyes to hide the brilliant green from her searching gaze. He remained still as the statue that he resembled beneath her hand, the taut muscles of his torso unyielding to her grounding touch.
“You’re beautiful,” she whispered, the thought somehow slipping through the filters in her brain, as if the knowledge was so true in her soul it couldn’t be helped.
Loki stiffened and looked out at the pond over her shoulder with his lips pressed tightly together. “I am not.”
She reached up with the hand not centered on his chest, cupping his jaw to guide his eyes back down to her. Written in the draw of his brows and the set of his jaw was such a bare vulnerability that panged in her aching heart. “You are. The inside of you, the good and kind man, alien, whatever. It shines through. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
“That list is not the lengthiest,” he countered.
She shifted her grasp from his jaw to the ends of his hair, tugging just enough that it coaxed a smile onto his face. “Hush and accept the compliment.”
Loki carefully pulled her flush against him with the wrap of his arms around her waist and shoulders to splay the fingers of one hand in her hair. She curled into him, tucked beneath his chin, closing her eyes against the press of his smooth shirt into her cheek. It was easy to lose herself in the rhythmic breaths that pushed his chest against her. If allowed, she’d spend forever in his comforting hold, scented with spice and warmth and something uniquely Loki that she couldn’t name but would be able to identify anywhere. It didn’t quiet the rolling energy in her tummy, if anything it made it louder, but she found that the rub of her fingers over his back was a suitable outlet for it.
And then, just when she pulled away to look up to him, someone barrelled into them, knocking her from his hold. Pain flashed on her side where she'd been hit, but thankfully Loki's fast reflexes kept them both from tumbling into the water.
"Watch where you tread, simpleton!" Loki shouted even as he carefully righted her and checked her dirtied knees for injury.
The man just waved at the headphones in his ears, as if that voided any use of sight he had, before running away.
"Wait here," he instructed, smoothing a hand down her arm even as he glared at their attacker. "I must have a word with him."
She quickly snagged his hand and laced their fingers together, stopping his wrathful strides before they could begin. "I'm okay. It was an accident. Let's go for a walk before we head back?"
It was a long walk back to Stark Tower, especially with a stop for ice cream, but she was happily licking away at the cone Loki had purchased for her when they stepped into the blissfully air-conditioned lobby. She was taking care of a drip that had rolled down her thumb when Loki cleared his throat, pulling her attention from the melting sweet treat to Tony standing in front of them.
“We figured out what was in the booze.”
By the time they had all hurried up to his lab, her appetite had vanished. She dumped the half-eaten cone in the trash as she and Loki followed Tony through his maze of whirring machines and flashing gadgets to his office located through a door at the back of the room. This office was clearly not shown to guests, each flat surface covered in paperwork, bits of machinery in disrepair, and quite a few books littered with colorful tabs among their many pages. He pushed a good deal of it to the side of his desk with a forced exhale through his nose, turning around the monitor of his computer so that it faced where they stood in front of him.
What resembled a swirling ladder spun in front of the screen, as well as quite a few graphs and a scattering of scanned handwritten notes. “So, what were they trying to do?”
Tony pulled his yellow-tinted glasses from his face, chewing on the earpiece for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest. “Your body has a very high level of platelets, white blood cells, and a certain protein all to help you heal the wounds that you take on. That’s also the reason why you rarely ever get sick, correct?”
Intimidated by the show of knowledge, Haley nodded silently. She could count on one hand the number of times she’d been sick, and all had happened when she was recovering from healing a particularly gruesome and intensive wound.
“We added what we found in the champagne to the sample of blood you gave us, and it rapidly killed off the majority of the extra good bits inside of you.”
“How rapidly?” Loki asked, stern at her side, glaring at the screen as if he understood the readings and wanted nothing more than to wipe them from existence.
Tony sniffed and shook his head back and forth. “From our tests, it looks to be dependent on the dosage of the serum we found. Anywhere from one day to several weeks, judging by our readings and the data FRIDAY ran.”
Try as she might, she couldn’t fully grasp what they were saying, and the effort of remaining standing while trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle that the two brilliant men already had was too great. She sank into the wrapper covered chair in front of her, smoothing her sweaty hands down her thighs. “I don’t understand.”
Tony knelt down in front of her to meet her eyes that had fallen to the floor. “You wouldn’t have superhuman healing abilities anymore. As long as you didn’t get sick, you wouldn’t even know that anything was different until you tried to heal someone and took longer than normal to stitch yourself back together. And if that injury was something like what happened to Nat the other day?”
Two hands, heavy and strong and large, settled on her shoulders to match the weight that threatened to crush her chest. “She would die,” Loki growled.
“She would die.”
Little Bit o’ Loki taglist: @myownviperroom @grahoundart @darealbellabelleoftheball @boubouinscarlet @iamverity @rt8815 @lots-of-loki @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @ms-cellanies @rosierossette @thathedonistgirl @lokixme @hellethil @myraiswack
Helping Hands taglist: @kneel-before-queen-loki @alexakeyloveloki @from-hel-i-with-love @cleocc @cateyes315 @coldbookworm @rjohnson1280 @bambi-butt @skiddleskaddle @lokis-high-priestess @ilovetardis @midgardian-mistress @lisaspageofstuff @kathrynwynterbourne @bluestaratsunrise
Whole Shebang taglist: @just-the-hiddles @yespolkadotkitty @nonsensicalobsessions @vodka-and-some-sass @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @myoxisbroken @brokenthelovely @myworddump @polireader @wiczer @littleredstarfish @the-broken-angel-13 @arch-venus25 @xxloki81xx @jessiejunebug @tinchentitri @sllooney @devilbat @vikkleinpaul @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @angelus80 @wolfsmom1 @kthemarsian @toozmanykids @claritastantrum @princerowanwhitethorngalathynius @sabine-leo @lovesmesomehiddles @peterman-spideyparker @wegingerangelica​ @bluefrenchfries604 @catsladen @snoopy3000​ @silverswordthekilljoy​ @villainousshakespeare​
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