#so fucking fruty
lil-vibes · 2 years
i love xiao so much bro its not even funny,,, i love this adorable, introverted, angst ridden war machine i love his caring nature i love his stutter (jp dub) i love how he cant lie to save his life i love how hes grown fond of the traveler i just adore him so MUCH im in physical pain every time i see him. id burn all of teyvat down without a second thought for him in this essay i WILL -
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thinking abt leo checking out that random ass man in that one episode
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minkuparks · 27 days
my shift yesterday exceeded my emotional capacity... first off i was expecting to have a non verbal bar shift but instead i got put in charge of a function of 30 old men who were all over the world and all kinda sassy with me but also like "why u so beautiful" "what is thank u in latvian" which was sweet n all but i was so sleepy and they just started teling me their order without any organisation, then they gave me a plan sheet of the tables so i know where all the food goes but i had already started and i mixed it all up and my manager told me to double check bc they come every 3 months and cant mess it up. so i double checked 2 when the main man dings his glass and starts to do a SPEECH... i wus like ok i am givin up and i went to my manager to savee me, i told him im nervous and he said dont be they are all teddy bears. then he goes WHOS MY BIG GIRL omg i said NOT ME!!!!!
he is a unhinged french flirting monster he does it. w everyone but still i am easily embarrassed and blush and lose my ability to speak its probably very obvious he needs. to be stopped.
anyway he went and triple checked the order for me and we still managed to make a mistake and their food took soo long to make bc i took like 20 min to get the order right. like we made one too many grilliata fruti di mare and another guy took the wrong dish and they ran out of prawns to make another 1. so i just put the one they made for the other guy in front of him and said here u go and left!!! cuz his was already being eaten.
then they all wanted coffees and to ask me if we speak russian and they were all jokin and being funny and telling me im doin a good job and my manager said im doing a good job so it turned out fine
then i had 1 hour break and had a evening bar shift but my new salomons hurt my injured feet that have grown used to my old fallen apart shoes which i took with me in case my feet hurt and i ended up having to put them on cuz my feet r really fucked like something has been broken and grown back together in the wrong way or something. but my sister scored 2 free pizzas and we went home together and had half each. she was like im havin the gambaretti!! and i was like why dont we just have half each and her mind was blown by the idea hahaha
ok thats all!!
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f0point5 · 7 months
Prepare yourself. Nelson piquet was just interviewed and was being homophobic towards Senna again.
This is going to backfire on Max so badly even tho he is fruty af and is probably one of the best allies on the grid. Why the fuck does he have to hang out with such morons.
We are watching a telenovela, not f1 for fuck sake.
I’m confused. Was Senna even…not straight?
I’ll be honest I don’t pay attention to anything old men say lol. Villeneuve is out there saying Pierre should cut weight to fix the alpine. People be saying shit.
Fuck anyone who think Max (or anyone) has to answer for anything they didn’t say themselves. Tragic
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This was one of my FAVORITE scents (along with Frutie Cutie and Starry Sky), and it was the last scent I needed and I FUCKING GOT IT. This was one of my favorite products from back in the day. I am so excited, I can't breathe right now....I take my collections seriously, so I am just beyond grateful that I found this.
My dad is even excited for me and he is not usually the nicest person, so this is a big fucking deal.
BBW Art Stuff Sassy Starberry Cosmic Cool Foamtastic Body Wash
Found on Mecari, user Robert Martinelli
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
My favourite, very specific, type of fics: where namjoon gives off disaster Bi energy and yoongi unbothered Pan energy. I will not elaborate.
bts as the energies= lets go. 
Namjoon = the above disaster bi energy, probably started out as one of those allies that were just too aggressively supportive to be straight. Slight preference for women and feels like he’s less queer because of it regardless of the fact that he’s been dating the same man for years
yoongi = unbothered pan, but the kind of unbothered pan that spent so much of his life in the closet or in unfulfilling relationships that he barely even recognizes when he’s legitimately in love with people because he just assumes he’s misplacing his emotions. Has /oh/ moments often. 
Seokjin = straight drag queen with a trans wife!!!! who helps him do his makeup!!! loves Britney spears!!! still straight but also he’s just fucking fruty and takes his wife dick so???? kinda in a grey area with his sexuality tbh but doesn't question it because he knows to do so would feel transphobic to his wife. maybe might be a trans woman- but isn’t sure and is still exploring it internally before he brings it up to the people in his life. 
Tae = trans man energy, big dick, and gets off on the fact that he can change his dick size to fit his partner you know? very gay trans man though. only into the dick.
jimin = genderfluid need I fucking say more????? on the ace spectrum too but gets off on being so fucking attractive like he wants you to know he’d never fuck you? you feel me????
Hoseok = disaster gay, kinda a fuck boy gay, but also has one sexual encounter with a woman and has a crisis. (like my ex who was a gay man lol) and then decided he is completely gay and she was just a one off. 
Jungkook = cute little nonbinary she/they, really likes wearing skirts but also grrrr energy, has curbed stomped one of yoongi’s ex’s 
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vivalabelle · 3 years
Actual conversation I had at work today at like 7 am this morning
Me: I can't believe ya'll were gassing up Hi-chews they taste like the powder that be on bubble gum
Co-worker 1: you got me fucked up they be good af
Me: no bro why are they so chewy felt like...
Co-worker 2: Hi-chews are nasty you know what's good though fruties
Me and co-worker 1: what?!?
Co-worker 2: ya'll ain't never had fruties? From the gas station
Boss walking by: you shouldn't call them that they're homosexuals
Me: 💀 I hate you
Co-worker 2: hush I'm talking about the candy fruties
Me: bro no one knows what those are
Co-worker 2 finally pulls up pictures of candy
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Me: bruh those are fruity tootsie rolls 👏🏿
Co-worker 2: and I said fruties 👏🏿
Boss: oh we called those fruit wax
Me, co-workers 1&2:
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the-ark-awaits · 5 years
Yknow what was fucking stupid
When i was, idk, maybe like 9? I was god awful at spelling, like, i failed every spelling test i took. Okay, so like, i was really embarrassed by it, and i ran out of cereal right? So i pad over to the list and i add fruity pebbles to the list, except i spelled it fruty peebles if i remember right. Well it gets pointed put anf im mortified, and more things like that happen, blah blah, anyways now i have this issues where if i cant spell or pronounce a word correctly i wont use it at all and if anyone points out the issue ill start crying, anyways, my parents still make fun of me over fruty peebles and its been 7 years. I dunno where i was going with this but uhhhhh, dont make fun of your kids mistakes i guess, and maybe help with the issue instead of ruining your kids self esteem with it? Idk
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la-anarchy · 5 years
Tagged by @rebelwhiskeygirliskeygirl 
Rules: tag ten followers you’d like to get to know more
Name: Luis
Star sign: Aries
Gender:  male
Height: 5'9"
Sexuality: straight 
Wallpaper: My lockscreen is the USMC Raiders logo 
Where do you see yourself in ten years: Hopefully happy, good job, a house and a dog. a wife and some kids 
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?  Afghanistan  with my boys 
What was your coolest Halloween costume:  i dressed up zombie boy from AHS 4 years ago and the makeup came out soooo fucking good its posted on here somewhere 
What’s your favourite 90s tv show: Boy meets world, Rugrats , Hey Arnold 
Last kiss:  My ex so what like over a year ago now almost two years 
Have you ever been stood up: Yeah
Have you ever been to Las Vegas:  nope but i wanna go bad ! 
Favourite pair of shoes: My cowboy boots
Favourite fruit: peaches 
Favourite book: I have too many favorites
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done:  let my injury get the best of me and cause me to get out and not be with my boys 
Favourite gif
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flutadventures · 5 years
Happy Birthday to Me Part Two
The following is a documentation of all the other meals I made on my birthday weekend:
Unagi Gyoza with an Italian Twist
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I found unagi gyoza on sale in a Japanese supermarket and was really excited, I’ve never seen gyoza with such a filling before and the ingredient list looked really good too - these included broiled eel, leek, cabbage, bonito stock, and sake. They were a tad expensive, but for the novelty value and the fact that I’d probably have to pay 3 times more for the same quantity in a restaurant I thought “Ah fuck it why not, it’s my birthday lol”. 
I initially didn’t think of doing too much with it, just the most basic steaming. But then I realised I didnt have any of the usual dipping vinegar to go with it, which was then I thought - why not try an alternative? Crema di Balsamico with its tangy-sweetness immediately came to my mind. And  then I went one step further by pan frying just the one side in butter, to get it crispy just like it’s sometimes sold outside. And to balance all this heartiness I had my very own homemade cucumber salad on the side, german-style(or at least, my interpretation of it). I really don’t think there is a need to go into lengthy detail on the how-to here. 
It turned out well, although I probably could have steamed the gyoza a tad longer. Moral of the story, look for alternatives when you don’t have something, the end result can be pleasantly surprising, as was the case here. The tangy-sweetness of the balsamico balanced the richness of the unagi nicely. 
Summer “Grilled” Prawn salad 
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This, ladies and gentlemen and children (as Turkish airlines has the habit of announcing, which I find very cute lol) - is by far my pièce de résistance, at least for this Birthday Weekend Menu thingy. I’d two jumbo prawns leftover (of course this was planned), and I wanted to do something different from what I’d made with them the last meal (rich tomato-based pasta). I tried to think up antonyms to the adjectives I would use to describe that previous dish, and I came up with the words fruity and light and summerish. Not that tomatoes(as per the last dish) aren’t summerish, but in this one they’re left uncooked and refreshing. I’m rather proud to say that I came up with this one almost entirely by myself. 
-Jumbo Prawns; 2 
-Quinoa; 1 portion
-Cherry tomatoes; a handful 
-Mint; a few leaves
-Orange-Pepper spice mix; 1-2 pinches 
-Pomegranate vinegar; a splash
-Mango vodka; 2-3 splashes
-Pepper-garlic spice mix 
-Crema di Balsamico
-Truffle olive oil / Any salad oil (e.g. pumpkin seed, walnut, olive)
Special Equipment
-Container for shaping quinoa bed, shouldn’t measure more than a palm's width across. 
1) Toast quinoa in pan with some butter till nearly golden brown, put in rice cooker with ratio 1:1.5 water to cook. Add 1-2 pinches of salt to water.
2) Halve cherry tomatoes. Set aside. 
3) Chop mint. Set aside. 
4) Clean and devein prawns. Remove sharp parts. Slice down middle. Season with pepper-garlic seasoning or any seasoning of choice. Rub with butter.
5) Put prawns in small, shallow dish with butter. Steam. WATCH CLOSELY. The moment the prawns turn pink, count to maybe 5 seconds and switch off the flame. They will still continue cooking a little. 
6) Pour a couple of splashes of mango vodka into the shallow dish, making sure it also touches the prawns. Use the blowtorch to blast the dish. The vodka should light up, as it did for me, and the bluish-orange flames will lick the prawns, charring them while infusing them with a smoky mango taste. The flames lasted nearly a minute in my case. When cooled, remove head. 
6) Quinoa should be done by this time. Put into shaping container. Add chopped mint, orange-pepper seasoning, truffle olive oil, pinch of salt, toss thoroughly. Use serving plate to cover container, and flip. The tossed quinoa should form a loosely-packed but relatively neat circle in the centre. Arrange the halved cherry tomatoes around it, and drizzle balsamico. 
7) Rest prawns atop quinoa bed. Try to arrange artistically. 
8) Drizzle pomegranate vinegar atop prawns and quinoa bed. Serve. 
Verdict: It was beyond amazing and honestly turned out way better than I had expected.I was worried it would somehow be too greasy/salty, but no! Everything blended exceedingly well together, complementing each other. The frutiness from the mango vodka, the orange-pepper seasoning and the pomegranate vinegar kept the salad light, and the shreds of mint leaves added a nice herbal edge to every bite. And the prawns. God the prawns. They were even more tender than the ones I’d made yesterday (probably because stricter time control, I literally turned off the flame the moment they fully turned pink). Crunchy yet tender. And the intermingling of the different flavours, oh so delightful. The balsamico on the side also added a nice dipping option for the already naturally very sweet prawns. 
This was easily one of my top ten best dishes I’ve ever made. And relatively easy even! Excluding cooking time for quinoa, it all took a maximum of 45 minutes. 
I had this with a pleasantly sweet bubbly Moscato d’Asti on the side. Perfection.  
Paneer Kebabs 
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So, I was at the Indian superstore recently, and I finally managed to get what I’ve been meaning to for some time - paneer. I love palak paneer, I almost always get it when I go to an Indian restaurant. But I wanted to try cooking something different with it. Greek-turkish-italian influences came to my mind. Paneer reminds me somehow of feta and mozzarella, and I was initially going to do some version of a caprese salad, but instead of balsamico I use a honey-based dressing. But then I wanted to push things a bit further. So, here’s what I did:
-Goat butter; 2 dabs
-Cherry tomatoes; a handful
-Onion; quarter of a medium sized one 
-Paneer cubes; a handful
-Pepper-garlic seasoning
-Mini paprika; 1-2 
Special Equipment
-Skewers (the ones I found are actually meant for rouladen but hey, whatever works, right?)
1) Halve cherry tomatoes. Slice mini paprika. Slice onions. Set aside. 
2) Heat up goat butter in pan till nearly sizzling. Put in paneer cubes.Let them fry, till they have a crispy exterior. Don’t forget to flip them. Add in onion slices halfway, if you’re a wuss like me who doesn’t eat raw onions. But they will probably be done before the paneer, so remove first, so that they don’t become too soft.  
2) When all paneer cubes are fried, remove from pan. Quickly throw in sliced paprika and tomatoes and toss them around in the browned goat butter to heat them up quickly. 
3) Skewer them in any order which you’d prefer. Drizzle balsamico over them for flavour balance to the greasiness. 
4) Serve with a refreshing salad on the side, in my case my homemade cucumber salad. 
Fun note: Goat butter loses its slightly off-putting goaty smell when it’s browned. Delectable.
I was initially tempted to just toss it all together as a kind of salad, but extravagant birthday me ruled against it, with the excuse that “when else are you gonna have the damn time/energy/will to do this fancy shit”. Skewering the different ingredients took longer than I expected, but the presentation was fun, added to the special factor. It was fun trying paneer like that, not drowned in curry but rather as a standalone thing almost. Had a rather nutty flavour, and went well with the juiciness of the tomatoes, sauteed onions and paprika. I still want to try the honey drizzle thing though. I think it’d be a bomb brunch thing. With sparkling wine on the side. Mmm. 
German Cucumber Salad 
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Since it features so often as a side dish I might as well make a quick documentation of it. I always liked Gurkensalat when I was living in Germany, both the yoghurt as well as the clear version.  I was sad for a while that my current living places didn’t have this. But then I realised, wait a minute, this is actually really easy to make, lol. So, here goes:
-”Natural” yoghurt i.e. sour yoghurt, not any of that smooth sweet shit lol; 2 cups
-Japanese cucumber; 2 medium
-Sugar; 2 tablespoons (I used brown, but white is probably preferable because colour) 
-Onion; quarter of a medium-sized one
-Dill; 1.5 heaped tablespoons if dried
-Salt; a pinch 
Serves: 4-5 portions
1) Thinly slice cucumbers and onions. I like mine really thin, like thinner than paper thin. I personally prefer the texture more when it’s like that.
2) Mix yoghurt with dill, sugar, salt.
3) Throw in cucumbers and onions. Mix. Hey presto it’s done. 
Note: I don’t add any other liquid, because the cucumbers release quite some water overnight, so that the next day the liquid component of the salad reaches a consistency that I find just right - thinner than yoghurt, but not watery. The spiciness of the raw onion is usually mellowed out a lot by the yoghurt. 
Usually stores for about a week I’d say. Perfect complement to any kind of greasy food, or even just as a refreshing snack really. 
So, that marks the end of this round’s Birthday Weekend Menu! I had so much fun thinking up recipe ideas based on whatever ingredients I had (yes, cherry tomatoes and balsamico feature a hell lot lol), guided by the principles of extravagance and flavourfulness. I did feel extra special eating them. Plating/Presentation really adds a lot to the dining experience. 
Next series of posts coming up will probably have to do with office lunches that can be served cool/room-temperature, because I have developed an aversion to the taste of microwave-heated food. Already drawn up a whole list of recipe ideas, can’t wait to try them!
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wynne-keyler · 5 years
So the veganism diet religion
In my personal opinion, If a human baby cannot survive on vegan formula, because it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to get D3 vitamin from plants, and they will starve to death without it, and it's therefore outright banned by law to market or sell it, /maybe/ veganism is an inherently nutrient deficient lifestyle and doesn't deserve much of any credibility?
Also, the tons of food shipped abroad daily to supply all of those 1st world smoothies and sallad bowls are currently exploiting 3rd world countries all over the globe to the point of starvation.
Cashew farming in particular deforming workers because of the cyanide in the shell just to name one atrocity in the name of non cruelty I guess, so how in the fuck that's supposed to be cruelty free?
I digress.
I mean, from the perspective of those who were tricked into eating vegan foods, have you considered they might feel just as tricked into partaking in something she didn't morally/subjectively believe in/support and as a result feel hurt?
I mean, if someone makes a delicate vegan eat some treats with surprise egg in it and then spring it on them later, we all know exactly how gracefully they handel it.
Not gonna tag the fruties because let's be real they're all nutjobs and -
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prodigal-ezreal · 6 years
Nach Little Box of Hopes And Fears: Ezreal rework edition.
Let’s open this Pandora box, okay?
So, The Ezreal rework is probably hitting live somewhere at the end of the year after Worlds and the PBE during them, which gives us two months to sit, twiddle our thumbs and think. And Oh Boi! Have I thought! More under the cut because this Got Long.
This is all VERY subjective. Please take it with a grain of sea salt.
Let’s start from the beginning, as all organized matters should: What has Riot been doing with their reworks and Lore updates lately?
In my opinion, is give everyone and everything a place in the world, connecting characters and things that might have not been connected previously and retconning a few things along the way— With various degrees of success. The Darkin in Shurima are probably one of the biggest offenders here. While it gave them a place in Runaterra other than ‘Maybe aliens from another dimension/Old As Hell Demons’, Aatrox’s rework, Varus’s music video and Rhaast’s release never tied their designs or origins to anything Shuriman, from there the whiplash I got at least.
But that’s beside the point I’m trying to make. What’s Ezreal’s current state in the Lore?
Well, Ezreal has always been kind of in a weird spot post-institute, he’s from Piltover but has never had any strong affiliations or associations with the City State other than the place in which he spent his childhood, and now with the Piltover/Zaun and his own lore update, he has little ties in design as well! Back in the day, belts were all the rage in Piltover, now it’s more of an Art Deco thing —which I love— but Mr ‘I could probably go a week eating only the leather in my outfit’s belts and I still wouldn’t go hungry’ doesn’t fit anymore aesthetically. Shurima is still important to his character, since that’s where he got his gauntlet from, but as we can see from Elixir of Uloa, he’s not limited to exploring the desert, and to be honest? he never was.
Talking about design, it’s not that his design is horrendously bad, even if a bit ridiculous for his job (leather is not a breathable fabric), it just grew old. And it could have grown older! But the disparity between League’s current aesthetic/lore direction and Ezreal’s would have grown way too large for a champion so played. That’s why I reason they chose him, and not fiddlesticks or Udyr, for a VU/VO right now.
And here is where the box gets opened: let’s go first through the fears to have hope be sitting nice and pretty still inside at the end, okay?
I think everyone that follows me knows that, while I eat up any and all canon Ezreal content, I really don’t like the most recent approach Riot has had with his art: That Cutesy, Pixie Boy aesthetic that gets in my nerves and is present both in Star Guardian and the most recent World Championship skins. (Not to mention, they have gotten really lazy painting/modeling his face? I’d argue Ace of Spades has a prettier face than SG/SSG). Were his rework to take that direction for the sake of the good old ‘Ez is a girl’ joke, I’m going to be really sad about it. And Mad. Smad.
Not because I have a probelm with Ezreal not being your traditional hypermasculine fantasy male character, I quite enjoy that he isn’t, and if they were to tilt the scales in that direction to overfix the same joke, I’d still feel weird about it.
I think its easy to understand the fear of my favorite character being changed into the joke that has plagued him for years because of the homophobic fanbase that birthed it. My beef of course isn’t with male aligned people who don’t fit into the expectations of the gender, and it’s not my intention to imply that if you like the joke/ship, that you are contributing to your own oppression by reclaiming something they named as shameful— of course not. My beef is with the fact they claimed it shameful and that Riot is Not Woke Enough to pretend like it was their intention all along and they aren’t playing into the vices and prejuices of its fanbase. Let me explain.
Tar/ez or Eztar!c exists only because of the powerduo they used to be all the way back in Season 2, and persisted as an intracommunity joke because people just loved making fun of characters that didn’t quite fit with the usual Male Archetype(tm), Ezreal with his assumed ‘pretty boy’ looks (assumed because tbh no one was pretty back then) and lithe physique, and Taric with his ‘affeminate’ liking of gems. This joke, rooted in homophobia, turned both of their characters into jokes that Riot despite its best efforts because I mostly liked Taric’s rework, shut up, still l can’t completely overcome to this day, when the usage of ‘lol that’s so gay’ is not as negative as the beggining of the decade. It’s not like I think that it’s going to go away, I just fear it’s gonna get worse.
Not to mention! The wildly original, very alive horse that is the ‘Ez is a girl’ joke, comes from people forcing heterosexual roles into same gender relationships which, ew! That and his “Pretty anime boy” archetype, since those are also popular in yao! media (double ew). AND from the misogony that any male aligned person, or in less serious cases like this one, character, that doesn’t fall into line with the expectative of its gender, it’s marked as lesser. You might see this issues and think ‘I barely see that anymore’, which, fair. It has been in decline in the general Internet Population since the second half of the decade, but all of these problems stem from early 2010’s gamer culture so— Yeah. That’s another can of worms I am NOT opening.
TLDR: I feel like the the recent art direction comes from toxic places and I’m fearful Riot is gonna play into that instead of ignoring it.
It may be something else behind those decisions, but this is what my confirmation bias looks like.
Enough of unfounded fears I have now struck into your hearts because if I’m going to hell worrying about this, I’m gonna bring you all with me. Let’s think about hope.
My highest hopes for the update is that Riot plays into Ezreal’s lack of strong links— Not only do I think that it makes sense for a explorer to never truly belong in one place, it’s just easier and doesn’t force anything too alien to his character. I’d really like if they went for a ‘citizen of the world’ kind of deal. Make his design something based on Piltover but obviously worn and foreign, pepper his language with words from Shurima, Freljord, Ionia! Hell, with how big Noxus is, he’d have to learn to speak the language if he wanted to cross through it. I feel like he’s a wonderful opportunity to represent how diverse, yet interconnected Runnaterra is. I also feel like it plays into his fantasy of being a dashing —pun intended—young man who gets in and out of trouble, from adventure to adventure a la Indana Jones.
But going back to Riot’s Lore direction, we still need to tie him with somewhere, or at the very least, something.
Enter the world rune.
‘But Nach’ I hear you wail as I use either 50’s sellsman tactics or early 2000’s fanfic writer interrumptions to catch your attention, ‘World Runes are Ryze’s thing!’
Which, Fair. They are. I’m not saying Ezreal is gonna ‘prove himself to be able to let go of a World Rune’ since that is Ryze’s exclusive thing (even if the thought of that happening and Ez outright rejecting it cos Adventure sounds very appealing to me) I just want him to be tied to the missing World Rune because it makes sense for League’s token explorer to accidentaly stumble into the World Magic Battery.
Also because of the promo, but who knows. Maybe he wasn’t in the Ryze short precisely for that, maybe because since it had been so many years on the making, Ez wasn’t even in the Update Radar then and they just didn’t include him/made reference to him. It doesn’t matter, we don’t know. Time will tell.
Plus, him being tied to the World Rune would make Zoe’s fixation —as creepy as it is— make a bit more sense. If the Aspect Of Change that damned The Darkin is the same one we have today, It’d make her have more secretive, ulterior motives and connect her happy go lucky and childish personality to that mischeveous, manipulative persona we got to see in the Darkin story. If it turns out they are different, it still makes sense with Zoe’s Color story and IG characterization since she can’t seem to get serious about/remember what precisely she was supposed to omen.
TLDR Hopes: Just tie him to the world rune, it’d be cool. Also make him a fucking tutti fruti of cultures.
To tie it all up, I know there’s not much I can do but wait, since I am not active in the forums or the reddit community— but If I could feel in my heart Zoe was gonna have a crush on Ezreal when we got her ig teaser, then I do dare hope.
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difolco · 6 years
tagged by @foxboylucien :)
A - Age: 20
B - Birthplace: Virginia
C - Current time: 12:22 am
D - Drink you last had: chardonnay 
E - Easiest person to talk to: my mom haha
F - Favorite song: umm probably Losing Touch by The Killers they're my favorite band but favorite song not by the killers right now is In My Blood by Shawn Mendez
G - Grossest memory: hahahah i got puked on one news year eve
H - Hogwarts House: Fucking Gryffindor baby
I - In love: tbh im always in love with someone they just never know
J - Jealous of people: sure, its a human emotion, and you always want to be faster, stronger, prettier, etc
K - Killed someone: nope
L - Love at first sight: its happened, it was weird, im still proud of how i handled the situation. do i hold a flame? yea
M - Middle name: nice fucking try
N - Number of siblings: 3
O - One wish: bellarke to happen, lucien to be realized as the iconic sassy character he is and not be reduced down to a love interest, to get through finals, to feel content 
R - Reasons to smile: i JUST got Tower of Dawn im so excited AND i go the last book in the raven cycle so im gonna finish that. The 100 season five comes out in like five days i cannot WAIT! classes are almost over, i love my job and my friends. im gonna have so much time to read
S - Song you sang last: oh man ummmm probably freaky friday or something by celine dion
T - Time you woke up: 10:30
U - Underwear color: chilll
V - Vacation destination: washington state, or canada, OR the bahamas but rather somewhere cold, i just miss the ocean.
W - Worst habit: i got a lot my guy, probably selfishness
X - X-rays: yup a number, broken five bones
Y - Your favorite food: onions and mushrooms, a lil weird but in alfredo pasts or pizza or a sandwich....wow
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius/Capricorn? cusp baby
I tag @frutie @fmot @bugggle and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it
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ghostfruits · 7 years
How would y'all feel if someone got some ghostfruits shit tattoo'd onto their body, if someone went up to some needle-haver and had them jab a Cracklins or some such nonsense into their flesh in ink. Asking for a friend.
in short yes please do it we love it
[10:56 PM] catlord: SOMOENE WAHTNS A FRUTI tATTOO???
[10:56 PM] catlord: IN OUR INBOXS
[10:56 PM] catlord: THEY WANT
[10:56 PM] catlord: IT ON THEIR BDOY
[10:56 PM] 3vc: WHOA
[10:57 PM] 3vc: WHOA FUCK OK
[10:57 PM] 3vc: SO I MEAN
[10:57 PM] 3vc: ...LIKE, YES, RIGHT, LIKE
[10:57 PM] 3vc: THE ANSWER IS YES
[10:57 PM] catlord: well like
[10:57 PM] catlord: obviously
[10:57 PM] 3vc: james do you wanna hit ityou saw it first and all
[10:58 PM] 3vc: just please add like literally copy and paste what im abt to say if u have to
[10:58 PM] 3vc: like from me
[10:58 PM] 3vc: i will like
[10:58 PM] 3vc: uhhhh
[10:58 PM] 3vc: mmmmok i wanted to say id do it if they did it but im broke, is what i remembered
[10:58 PM] 3vc: uh so i guess nothing, i just want to express enthusiasm
[10:58 PM] 3vc: for this conceptually
[10:59 PM] 3vc: i guess just paste this instead
?[10:59 PM] 3vc: this whole thing
[10:59 PM] 3vc: this is me still talking in the message
[10:59 PM] 3vc: if u censor me ill quit ghost
[10:59 PM] 3vc: that has to go in too
[10:59 PM] 3vc: that and this too
[10:59 PM] catlord: uh im playing vidgam
[11:00 PM] catlord: yea
[11:00 PM] 3vc: ohdo u want me to do it then
[11:01 PM] catlord: pls
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