#so fucking weird that the most well adjusted for all of us lmao
bypatia · 7 months
why is my family like succession but without the money?
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halaboyz · 4 months
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oh?, choi san
classroom crush! ateez san x gn! reader (nonchalant vs oa lmao) FINALLY SOME FLUFF wc: 2.2k warnings: none that i know of a/n: i've done so much of this storyline i think this might be the last one of it
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San remembers his first day as a returnee, striding down the hallway to his room, notes and pens tucked in his arm. Upon entering his room, was delightedly welcomed by one of the regular students- you.
"Hi, is this seat taken?" San asks cautiously as he points at the seat beside you, crouching to hear you better. When you turn your head to look at him, but instead, your jaw drops.
"Well aren't you fucking gorgeous," Is that even a whisper? San was astonished, blinking at you. It was needless to say that he was intimidated by that single line, feet discreetly stepping back and escaping the situation. "Sorry. Slipped. No one sits there," Your poker face confuses him more. You're a weird junior. You quickly focus back on your phone, as if you hadn't just said the most compliment San could ever receive.
"Ah, thanks... But I think I'll just find ano-," When he whips his head around to find another seat untaken, he panics. You don't look awkward at all, but San is. He doesn't want that. But there aren't any seats left, and he isn't close with anyone to strike a conversation just to switch seats with him. So he dejectedly takes a seat, scooting farther, maybe just a bit, away from you.
The day just wouldn't end like that, San just had to forget to bring an index card- the whole class did. And you just had to be prepared for it. Out of all his blockmates, it just had to be you. It makes everything hard for him when you hand all of your classmates a card one by one, when it all came down to him.
"You have one?" One was already hanging loose between your index and middle finger, handing it to him. It takes him a few more seconds before he shyly takes the card and thanking you softly, and he glances at you to see if you're really unbothered by the thing a while ago.
You really were.
At that point on, San had considered you a friend (he hopes you do too) that he can count on. Being a returnee wasn't easy, and you helped him adjust to the environment quite easily. You were someone who was blunt, straightforward. Unlike San, who overthought every situation he had been, and will most likely overthink the coming situations.
"Oh San. Hello. Are you at the room right now?" You quickly ask right when he answers your call. When he hums, "I forgot my extra shirt under my desk. Do you mind bringing it over here to the gym? Please and thank you."
Like you gave him a choice. He chuckles to himself, just agreeing and immediately getting into action. He retrieves your extra shirt for PE (which he, thank god, had taken already and passed the last year before he went for LOA) and jogs to the gym, where he finds exiting students already. When he asks a familiar face of where you are, they just point inside the gymnasium.
At last, the gym only had a number of students getting ready to leave, and he still doesn't see a strand of your hair. When he tries to reach his pockets for his phone, he sighs when he realizes he left it at your desk.
He cautiously walks to the changing room, where he tries to shout out loud, bravely, calling for your name.
"y/n... please come out, I have your shirt and there's no one else to ask a favor for," He thinks if you're even still there. But when he hears footsteps approaching he perks up.
Not until he sees you, though. He immediately turns red, and I mean literally red, and immediately- when he sees you only covered with a towel. He stands frozen in place, shirt in his hand reaching out to you.
"What, first time seeing a person half naked, pretty boy?" Your nonchalance was killing him inside. You thank him as you retrieve your shirt, asking him to wait for you since he was there already. As if you had just done the most normal thing friends do.
Or was San just not used to this friend-thing relationship that was normal for you?
"Hey, y/n. How are you?" San starts, the chair scraping the marbled floor.
"Good. You?" You reply simply, not even glancing at him.
"Good too," San nervously chuckles, but you don't buy it. With a simple whisper of 'spit', he folds. "Well... Not good, actually. I haven't been feeling well the past few days and I really want to stay in today but I had a quiz this morning. I really want to attend this class since I'm here already but my body's declining. Would you be so kind to share your notes for today?" San rambles, immediately feeling sorry for the inconvenience already.
"Okay." You answer, nodding at him. He waits a few more seconds to see if you'll add onto that, but nothing comes out. So he immediately thanks you, standing up and ready to leave when you grab his sleeve.
"Right, here. I've been meaning to give this." You throw him a small paper bag full of meds, "Get well soon. Miss you already," He doesn't know whether that was sarcastic or not. He doesn't care. What matters were the medicines in his hand, released from the pharmacy dated to three days ago, when he started feeling under the weather and has been doing everything to hide it.
He feels... weird. You're weird.
He remembers all that. That's how it has always been for the two of you. All along, he thought that he was the one who... he doesn't know. He doesn't even know, but all along he thought it was a him problem. Not a you problem.
So why were you here, in front of him, confessing your love for him?
Not the pretty-boy-adoration level, but a serious kind of level.
"I like you, Choi San. I think it's been for a while already." San couldn't figure you out until the end. So he figures that maybe, all this time, it's not a romantically-inclined interest he had for you, but a rather type of 'you're a weird-fun that's why you keep me on my toes' kinda thing.
And he doesn't want that. He doesn't want that for you because you deserve better. Just because you were a fresh air for him, doesn't mean that he'd only keep you to have his own part of fun.
"Uh... y/n..." He doesn't know what to say. He hopes to keep the friendship you've been building, but he also needs your keep of the decision for that. "Sorry, but..."
"Okay." You shrug, smiling at him. "It's fine. I get it. Don't worry, we can go back and act like nothing happened, right?" You didn't even let him finish. But he thinks he dodged a bullet there. Because of how he knows himself, he would've fucked it all up without meaning to if you let him finish. "Let's go back to the room?" You pat his arm, and you were back to being... unbothered. Like you didn't just get rejected.
Did San read too much romantic novels? Watch too much movies? To expect more reaction from you?
But apart from all that's raging his mind now, he follows you back to the room, and just like you- it feels like nothing happened. Maybe, it was better that way.
But when he asks your friend Yeonjun why he was going through your desk, and answers you asked to bring him your extra shirt and bottle of water to the gym, he's dumbfounded.
Not that he had some grudge for Yeonjun, but... hadn't you always asked him with that? I thought we're back to being whatever you were before the confession? Why was he now looking at Yeonjun like just committed a heinous crime?
But he lets Yeonjun off the hook (partially because Yeonjun was now sprinting out of the room to get to you and he didn't had the leisure to confront Yeonjun about it) and stares at the empty seat beside him, left with only traces of you.
Maybe, just maybe, Yeonjun crossed your mind first this time around, than San.
But well oh well, it happens again.
"Yeonjun, can you pass me the scale ruler, please? Oh and could you grab these plates unharmed and go with me to the office to drop these off before class ends," San was sure prior the confession, you had always asked him around. But now... what the hell?
"We can go now," Yeonjun stands up with no complain, getting all of the plates to go with you while you prepare. Why is Yeonjun acting like all of this is normal? Like... isn't he finding it weird that he's now the one getting asked around, not him?
San could now rip his hair all out for all he knows. He thought you wanted to go back to normal? Why is he noticing even the littlest changes now? Why is he so frustrated anyway?
His last resort was now two weeks after the confession, and everything has changed for him. Maybe just him, because he had started even noticing the smallest changes in your actions, or if it even changed- from the looks of it of other people's point of view, it didn't. But for him, a lot has changed.
"y/n, do you want to go get materials for the next project together later?" San encourages himself to initiate an offer, while the both of you were alone after a while, Yeonjun having something to cram on during break.
"Oh, San. Sorry, I already promised Yeonjun that I'll help him with his requirements later." You reply, biting your sandwich and glancing at him, then back to your book
"Tomorrow?" San was desperate. He wanted to make things right, but he doesn't even know if there were things to correct in the first place. Why does he feel so responsible and desperate when he's the one who rejected you?
"...You want to meet on a Sunday?" You slowly set your book down, gawking at him.
"That's a problem now?"
"Oh now your attitude's a problem." With his snarky remark, you immediately rebut it with yours. You were getting confused of how he has been acting, like... he's also confused. You were back to acting how you were before you confessed, only San wasn't.
"What about my attitude, huh?" San presses, scooting closer to you to annoy you more lividly. You scoff, amused at the newly found attitude your senior had.
"What the hell is your problem, San?" You scoff in disbelief, a smirk in your lips at the amusement.
"You know what, now that we're in the topic anyway, let me ask you that. What the hell is your problem, y/n?" He starts, eyebrows furrowing into confusion. Yours raise, because what the hell was he talking about? "You confess and okay, I rejected you, I was expecting that you will never talk to me again because that's how it usually goes, but then you say that we can go back to acting like it never happened."
"So? I did!" You almost try and fight him, if it weren't for his palm flying to your mouth to shut you up.
"You! Didn't!" San rebuts, "It's always Yeonjun here, Yeonjun there- did you not like me anymore just like that?! Have you moved on quickly? Do I deserve getting ignored because I was too ignorant of my own feelings?!" San was now mad at himself. He always was.
Because if you answered yes to all of his questions, the blame falls into himself.
He let you go that easily. Just like that. All because of his uncertainties, really?
"Of course I still like you, idiot! Do you think I get over feelings fast like that?!" You push his hand away, your panicked state was a reflection of his panicked state. You were supposed to be the cool one here, but hearing San panic made you panic.
"Then why the hell are you avoiding me?!"
"You're crazy, I'm not! I'm acting the way I am!" You exasperatingly fight back, because you know you're right. "You're overthinking things like how you always are, okay, I get it." You calm down, because if you weren't no one was going to. "I'm sorry, okay, I didn't notice this time around, I'm sorry I should've been more careful."
"Why are you apologizing now... I should be. You must be so confused of how I am acting right now..." San starts, shoulders drooping, lips turning to a pout. "I've only come to agreement to my feelings just now, y/n. I'm so sorry I came too late," San grabs your hand, caressing it.
You almost turn into a ball at how San was acting, feeling all giddy and happy at the same time.
"Really? San, I don't want you saying anything at the heat of the moment, you can take your time. This might only be because you were overly cautious of my actions after my confession which made you confused. You can take your time, San." You caress his hand with your other, smiling at him.
"No, I've just been trudging it out longer. I've been feeling this way ever since we met. But if I told you that earlier, it would've been weird, wouldn't it?" With a chuckle, you pull San for a hug, one that had been long overdue.
"Fuck Yeonjun, he can cram all by himself."
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taglist: @sunlightwoo (answer the form on my pinned to be included!)
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Dr. Minji
Male Reader x Kim Minji
Length: 1127 words
Tags: prostate exam, fingers up your bum, semen sample, also called cock sucking, p-gasm, anal, butt stuff, riding a dildo, loud sex, proffesional_doctor!Minji
TW: butt stuff with the reader, also Quickie
Inspiration: @worldsover who wrote the prompt and inspired me to go for it, @kaedespicelatte who just says random shit and IT WORKS lmao
Credit: @worldsover for editing. Thank you!
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“Bend over.”
Swallow the enormous lump in your throat. You were mentally prepared for the worst, a weird, ugly male doctor shoving his fingers up your ass and rubbing your prostate. For the sake of your health, yes, you would do it. But as it turns out, Dr. Minji is definitely not ugly and most certainly not a man. She is a cold killer, her gaze unimpressed as she watches your face fill with blood. A sigh comes from her lips as she grabs her gloves.
“Sir, I have a lot of patients waiting. I’m sure your prostate is fine, but if you want to get it checked, we should not waste time.”
“I, uhm, uh…”
You stutter, you sweat. Dr. Minji is enveloped in this imposing aura. The way she stretches the white gloves on her fingers looks menacing, as if she is about to murder you without leaving traces. From a drawer, she grabs a tube with lube and places it on her desk. Another sigh.
“Sir, I—”
“I-I’ll do it, sorry.”
You interrupt her and scramble to open your belt. Fiddle at it for a second that feels endless. Your pants fall to the floor and soon your boxers follow. Although you try to hide your cock throughout the process, the doctor certainly caught a glimpse of it. Life is cruel. 
“Okay then,” Dr. Minji says, her voice disinterested, yet softer than before, “I need you to relax now. I know this is hard, but it is necessary, okay?”
“Yes,” you say in between labored breaths and bend further down. You expected her to move behind you, but Dr. Minji decides to kneel in front of you. Her fingers, cold and covered with glove and lube, dart through the opening of your legs and search for your puckered hole. 
Your entire forehead is a sea of sweat. You wish you could wipe all these beads away, but both of your hands are occupied: the left gives you stability on Minji’s desk; the other hides your manhood. You have to suffer through this ticklish feeling on your temple as Minji tickles your butthole. It’s still too tight for her to insert a finger, and the coldness of her glove doesn’t help. 
Suddenly, one of the many salty beads loses its grip and falls down on the doctor’s face. It leaves a wet trail on her cheek and she looks upwards, straight at you. Her disinterested, unimpressed expression has not changed, even though you're looking at her with the most pitiful, disgusting contortion of a face imaginable. With yet another sigh, she gets up from her knees and grabs something from the drawer.
“Sir, let me show you how it’s done,” she says bluntly and plants a massive, suction dildo onto the tiled floor. You gawk at the absolute insane length, and for a second, fear that it is meant for you. That is before Minji pulls down her pants and steps out of them. No panties to speak of. No hair as well, her legs, crotch and pussy are smooth masterpieces. 
“Come closer,” Minji commands, while putting a healthy amount of lube on the silicone phallus. As you carefully shuffle forward, Minji strokes the fake dick a couple of times and then squats down. Like the professional that she is, she takes it up her ass with no effort.
“Fuck,” the two of you groan. Before you know it, Minji has slapped away your hand. Your cock has already become erect at the sight of seeing this young, attractive doctor half naked, so there is no use hiding it anymore. Quite frankly, you do not care anymore as Minji starts to slowly go up and down on the silicone monster.
She once again reaches for your butthole, but this time, she won’t be denied. 
Her finger pierces you open. No time for it to adjust to Minji; it’s time for you to learn what the doctor is showing you. Relax, relax, and take it up there without whining. Whine you do, however, at her first touch of your prostate. From that moment, you feel things spiral out of control.
"Also, I'll need a sperm sample,” Dr. Minji says, her breath quicker than before.
"What for?" you respond with less confusion than you would hope for. Minji reaches for your hard shaft.
That's how a good doctor multitasks: she's sitting on that silicone dick, taking it in her guts while being more thorough with her prostate exam. Her finger not only grazes your prostate, it begins to poke it. The friction of her in and out movements makes your knees quiver, and every touch on your sensitive organ fills your mind with fog.
"I'll have to make sure the taste is normal too,” Minji bluntly adds and goes from just staring at your length to putting her lips onto it. But when did they learn about kissing the tip in medical school? Of course she is an expert in anatomy, but this knowledge is not part of the curriculum, right?
Even though her gloves are cold, her tongue's certainly warm enough to make it feel all better. It makes you relax. The pleasure is a comfortable couch and you just lay down on it—perfect for Minji to carefully ease another finger up your rectum. The double attack on your prostate leaves you with gritted teeth and an unhealthy amount of precum on Minji’s taste buds. 
"It's okay, this amount of precum is normal with all the stimulation," the doctor gives her medical expertise, interrupted by moans.
So this is where the distrust of doctors comes from: you're absolutely leaking from the slit of your dick. How normal can this be? It's a test of all your senses, the fingers in your asshole, the lips around your frenulum, the sight of Minji slowly bouncing up and down—what happened to sterility? Oh, it's gone now that she's drooling; you might as well be too.
Let's call it doctor-patient confidentiality, how she swallows your semen sample, even as the orgasm keeps going, doesn't let any of the seed go to waste as the orgasm keeps going and going, because your ass is clenching hard around her cold gloved fingers—can't let there be any evidence, can't let it show up on a black light. The orgasm is so intense, you have to bite down on something: Minji offers a finger—oh, is that—you almost cared, until you start watching Minji's ass ripple too in her own orgasm, so your lips wrap around her digit as you throw your head back and give Minji much more than a sample of semen in her mouth. The whole clinic must have heard that one. Better hope the walls are soundproofed well.
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littlest-nightingale · 3 months
Nobody asked but here's my newwho agere timeline lmao (9-15)
Okay so we start with Rose. Rose is a certified silly little lady. Okay well lady makes it sound like she's all prim and proper but she isn't. Anyway Rose regresses. her mom doesn't know, and neither does Mickey. But because she's spending sooo much time with The Doctor and he's already... well, a time traveling alien (and therefore used to "weird" things) she entirely trusts him with her regression. (honestly slay. i don't think it gets much cooler than having a time traveler for a cg so go off) BUT ANYWAY The Doctor has briefly heard of agere but never seen it, it just never interested him as much as the myriad of other fun things about humanity. But now he's got Rose and he's definitely at least going to try taking care of her. And he's. okay at it. a bit too protective but he's still fun and very willing to learn. they make friendship bracelets. he knows more about my little pony than he ever intended to. and notably, the TARDIS has a playroom now. There are stars on the ceiling and bed with a blanket nest and shelves and shelves of silly little toys because he just can't say no to her and it's great.
Then he regenerates and. uh oh
Rose, on top of being stressed about, uh, EVERYTHING ELSE is also worried about loosing her caregiver. Spoiler alert: that doesn't happen. Ten is a wonderful caregiver, even more playful and silly yet still very protective (he actually time travels with her when she's regressed, which is more than can be said for Nine) and everything is fine and dandy until uh oh, he loses Rose! fuck!!!
During the time between Rose and Martha he doesn't touch that playroom at all because uh oh! guilt! grief!!!!!!! all around sad! The big big sad!
That doesn't stop the Doctor from trying to regress himself, after a while. it's helpful, he 100% understands why Rose regressed so often. Anyway.
by the time Martha comes around he's doing it pretty often. he's never going to tell her shit about it, but when she isn't there, he's regressing pretty often.
Around the time he finds Donna again, he's actually opened up the playroom again, slightly adjusting it for himself but still keeping most of Rose's stuff. Donna doesn't know, but she does buy him a rather pathetic and skinny little stuffed animal as a joke, because it reminded her of him. it's his best friend.
Then, he regenerated into 11. 11 doesn't regress the entire time he's traveling with Amy, because Amy is a little and he ends up as her cg, and he doesn't tell her because he doesn't want her to worry. Rory is, understandably, a little bit pissed that Amy trusted the Doctor with her regression while he, HER HUSBAND, didn't know, but do you think they're going to address it? no. no they are not.
After Amy and Rory die, all of Amy's things were shoved into a closet in the playroom during a fit of grief and not touched for decades, because it just felt wrong to move them afterward.
While 11 is hiding in the clouds above London, he regresses involuntarily a LOT. he's just. very very sad.
When Clara comes along, girliepop figures out pretty quickly that he's hiding something from her, and when she finds out she pretty much instantly takes up the role of caregiver. he is a sopping wet blanket of a man and goddamnit she's going to take care of him!!! 11 is incredibly hyper on days when he isn't regressed due to stress, he's bouncing off the walls crazy insane and Clara is insanely good with him. oh. and he's a leash kid. you cannot take him anywhere (not that that stops her from doing so) She gets him a little giraffe and some teethers and little sensory toys and y'know. he's her little guy 🥺🥺
And then we get to 12. 12, unlike 11, isn't very open about his regression at all. in fact, he actually tries to convince her he doesn't regress anymore, but Clara isn't dumb and sees right through it. Once he stops being a stubborn little bastard Clara realizes just how low energy he is. when 12 regresses, most of the time he just curls up and goes to sleep. She doesn't really need to do anything other than be there most of the time. they eventually get him a bean bag that goes next to Clara's desk in the TARDIS, so while she grades and does work he curls up and naps or plays with his sensory board or just sits there and watches. he's just very, very tired. they are the definition of the "excuse me he asked for no pickles" meme. she is so much shorter than him and this is unnecessarily funny to me. just imagine her being like "yeah I have a little!" and the little is an angry looking Scottish man who is several inches taller than her and looks like he hasn't slept in days. wonderful amazing incredible i have no notes.
He doesn't tell Nardole or Bill about it. Nardole is much too strict about most things to be a fun caregiver, and Bill is his student. Sure, she's also his friend, but he has no interest in telling her. So that's all fun and great but Missy. oh Missy knows. don't ask me how she knows I have no idea but she does and it turns out that they both regress and. bangs my head into a wall. them . ough
The Doctor is definitely not going to regress around her for a variety of completely understandable reasons but Missy is very, very pent up and stressed in that vault and goddamnit he is going to give her enrichment in her enclosure. So he starts buying her things behind Nardole's back, bringing her little science kits and books and dolls and whatever her little heart desires! She does his makeup and they watch movies and paint eachothers nails. Nardole is a bit suspicious but who gives a shit they're thriving.
Eventually Missy seems to be stable enough and one day he finds himself slipping with her, which leads to a several hour long playdate and a mess that they both have to clean up. After that they settle into a routine where they meet every other day and switch off who's the cg that day, if any. The watch more movies are make matching pacis and they cuddle it's great. once again 10/10 no notes can you tell that 12 is my favorite yet.
Then we get to 13 and brother 13 is the most miserable little guy on this list. 11 may have spent decades fluctuating between headspaces above Victorian London but 13 is so much worse.
If 13 settles down for too long she starts thinking too goddamn hard and it upsets her. on top of that, she doesn't want people to know about her regression because of the sexism she started experiencing after regenerating. She knows people already few her as more emotional and crazy than her past selves and if people knew about her regression, that would no doubt get worse. Plus, she has 3 whole people in the TARDIS, which she does consider to be her responsibility and therefore she doesn't want to put herself in a mindset where she couldn't help them if needed. She regresses around the fam once, completely involuntarily, and they never talk about it again. Every time 13 regressed it was involuntary, and most of those regressions were spent crying. This gets infinitely worse after the timeless child ordeal. she may not have those memories but she experiences them as nightmares or daydreams, kind of like how when "john smith" (10) wrote stories about being the doctor because he could very faintly remember it. These nightmares and daydreams are more common when she regresses because they are memories from her childhood. This is the first time that regression has been dangerous for her. She doesn't want to, but it just keeps happening, and there's nobody to take care of her through it all.
Despite being in an infinitely less stressful environment and having people to care for him, 14 avoids regressing. Maybe one day, but not now. not so soon. not when it might be unsafe. But that doesn't mean he's completely away from it. Rose is also a regressor! She regresses for stress relief and also to have a more .. fem childhood? y'know. you get it you understand
Rose tells 14 before Donna, because he's a goddamn time traveling alien and has absolutely no right to judge her. no matter what he will always be weirder.
anyway he's like. that's so cool of you tbh but you should tell ur mom too because she's an absolute sweetheart and I'll back you up on everything. So she does and Donna feels SO guilty about Rose not thinking she would be accepting even though Rose reassures her that anxiety is just like that. But she's also thrilled? like. ohh i get to take care of my baby again. oh this is great. i love my daughter
so the Doctor's like cool. that's fun- and then he remembers that he has a time machine that can go anywhere and. this toootally doesn't end in him taking his little niece to all sorts of zoos and parks and museums with a perception filter in so she looks like a normal child so nobody can judge her. definitely not. maybe don't tell Donna about that bit
15 is considering going back to regression, and he has no plans to inform Ruby (at least not for a while.) Ruby is a regressor, but she's too nervous to tell him.
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gold-rhine · 2 years
For the ask game, what about edging, dollification, collars with Albedo, Diluc, and Heizou?
warnings nsfw
hmm, edging and collars work for basically anyone, lets start with dollification. i'm leaving albedo out of this bc it feels both the most obvious and also bc he has his unhealthy hang ups on being an artificial creation which i wouldn't want to touch. now, both diluc and heizou would be fun, but in completely different ways.
like, if u told heizou "hey baby, today you'll be my pretty little doll," he'd be SO excited. he's into roleplay in general, loves feeling helpless and completely in your power, loves being manhandled and things being done to him, would adore to be dressed up and pampered and showed off as your pretty treasure. the problem is that he can't keep still for longer than 5 minutes or his hyperactive ass will die. so it wouldn't be so much dollification, as "enthusiastic heizou vibrating at high velocities for few minutes, trying to not move before breaking into giggles, whimpers and writhing." like he'd still be fun, just not very on theme.
now, diluc tho, that'd be a complicated case, i'm almost tempted to actually write it out. is he straightforwardly into this at first? no, but diluc is so repressed, he doesn't know shit about what he wants until it punches him in the face. he'll be open to try bc you asked, but dismissive like he doesn't even see the point. though passivity will be secretly appealing to him bc he's awkward and always anxious about doing something wrong or being too wooden and weird, so the fact that there's basically nothing for him to fuck is comforting. he'll see this as a challenge, bc diluc sees everything as a challenge, but it has clearly defined rules and expectation by which he can judge his performance, so that works well for him.
the thing is that diluc is already on several layers of dissociation, he sees his body as this kind of meat puppet, a tool to do things with, sometimes useful, sometimes inconvenient. so forcing him to ground himself in the sensations, in his body by focusing on it, being hyper-aware of positioning and movements might be very good for him, while also providing him safe space to realize he enjoys things without the psychological struggle to allow himself it first, bc it's not his decision, it's you playing with him as with literal doll.
so like, dressing him up in a pretty dress, positioning him carefully in front of the mirror, so he has to see himself, scars and all, being treated like a fragile and precious thing. leaving him for some pauses so he has to stew in this view, going back to make adjustments, touch him almost casually, nonchalantly, pretending not to notice that he's getting riled up, bright blush, cock getting harder. moving him to more and more provocative positions, until he's half undone, playing gently with his hair, while the sweet shame and desire and softness melt through his barriers, until it turns from a challenge to maintain stillness to actually relaxing and letting go of control, so when you fuck him, he's pliant, tension finally gone, trusting and open with his body.
collars - heizou would be into it, but i've already wrtten a fic with leashplay for him, and the social aspects of collars are kinda lost with him, bc like. he's just like THAT anyway. he's already wearing a choker, shirt with the sides cut off, his gloves are a combo of red ties and fishnet. he can show up to work wearing bedazzled "Master's little cumslut <3" collar and no one would blink an eye, except kujou sara who'd yell at him for dishonoring the tenryuo commission and he'd be like show me where in the regulations it says i can't be a cumslut, no i dont care about the spirit of the law, show me the exact paragraphs. so like it'd be fun, but i feel like it also derails the prompt lmao
albedo tho is that kind of introverted clingy where he won't be actively pestering you for attention, but he will drop anything if you ask him to spend time with you for as long as possible, and will be unashamedly open about it. he's also pretty direct about showing preferences to ppl he likes in public and in companies, as we've seen in few events now. so i think he'd actually be into collars unironically, as the symbol of belonging and being connected even when not together, an open unspoken secret that he's yours. he'd have very tasteful narrow leather collar, dyed darkest blue to match the darks of his outfit, with the golden ring in the center framing the gold diamond mark on his throat. like, it passes quite easily for fashion accessory for most ppl, for these in the know its like - is this ring for what i think it is??? or is this his artistic shit to accent the skin mark?? and like since albedo can be quite a mischievous smug troll, he can catch the confusion and press on it with absolute poker face, until the person is embarrassed that they were even assuming it, and then he'd drop a banger of double entendre that suggests, but doesn't confirm anything, again with innocent poker face. albedo would have a lot of fun with it
but also, the imagery of his "imperfection" framed, left open, just for you. the clasp of the leash, when closed, touching the gold diamond. silent acknowledgment of his nature and acceptance of it, the triple secret meaning of vulnerability under the already existing layer of suggestiveness. him sitting at your feet, surrounded by papers and drawings for his research, working as usual, but content to be close, glowing softly when he feels your fingers gently run through his hair from time to time, reaching up both eagerly and obediently when you tug up his leash. much to play with a little prince.
edging - heizou is so fun to tease <3 put him into your lap, hold him close, take your time. he's sensitive, responsive, eager, he'll squirm, whine, whimper, beg shamelessly, tease, cling to you, try to catch your hands if you don't tie him up, but get back to behaving if you scold him, pout, writhe helplessly, arc, moan, never shutting up for a second, regressing into some incoherent sweet and horny nonsense in the end. mwah best kitten.
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
You’re so right dude. Imagine a Halfling and a Human get together and they’re besties they’re bros who just happen to have friendly cuddly sex and then they create a porno together lmao.
They upload it expecting like very minimal engagement and suddenly it blows up. I think it’s because of the versatility in both of their races. A halfling that tugs their human partner’s hair and tells them how they want to be eaten out or fucked or strapped then can also be a moaning mess within the next video.
A human who speaks seductively and charms the halfling can also be put on their back holding onto the blankets for dear life. They can be tender, soft touches and tickles. They can do roleplay: a hurt human who needs the mommy/daddy halfling to be nursed back into shape. A human friend who coaxes the other into their lap. They can go hard and sadistic.
Can you imagine the sponsors/donations/subscribers they would get!?
A noble elf who wants to be in the middle of that. A voyer who wants to watch the debauchery. Who wants to be the director. A soldier orc or a dragon born who wants both of them on their cock/strap. A demon or a fiend whose trying so hard to get them into a pact.
Same braincells! You’re a genius dude aldjaka. Sorry for me rambling, you can send me back to horny jail.
Off topic but I really like how we are embracing the "onlyfans" and porn streamers with donations type of content in smut. Because you know most written smut and novels still refuse to acknowledge the current culture and technology developments.
Like maybe sending each other dirty pics was something hot and risky before, but in today standards if it's not a frisky discord calls or timer-delete nudes then it just feels...out of touch with the current technology you know? Sex toys that sync up to apps exist and are very common today, and so are the many streaming sites and Twitter porn accounts.
So when a smut novel comes and it's supposed to be set in the modern age with our current technology but they make them use their phones only to what, sext or send a nude during work? It comes off as very tame in comparison to what technology is capable of today and how well it mixes with sexual stuff.
The trends in kinks change too, like before it was all about matching underwear and spanking, but today it's all about gooner stuff, mindbreak and oral. Back a few years ago, there was this obsession with squirting, then the pee fact came out, and everyone let it die slowly.
For example, if you wanted to tell how old the person who wrote a smut piece is, just find out how the smut treats anal. Younger adult generations are more chill with it as a normal everyday thing, while millennials treat it as something that hurts, but they'll still do it, and boomers think it's something more extreme than literal whipping bdsm.
Younger adults smut these days are more inspired by hentai mixed with unrealisticly thick pop star beauty standards, while Millennials had this weird porn phase where they pretended their porn was superior to everyone else's by making it classy? You know those black and white gifs and the really skinny boddies. That's why there is a push these days to present the porn as shameless in every possible way, it's a cycle and the generation after us will look at our trends with disgust and take a more "classy" approach and claim their porn is better.
Also it makes me wonder if people in 1800 also wrote stories like this but about being a show girl or something similar. They definitely did. Weren't there like sexting hotlines back when phones first became a thing where people would call a number and talk dirty to someone? Porn is always evolving my man.
Don't ask why I know so much about porn trends and history, that is none of your business I am well adjusted.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Demons and porn are very interesting in dnd! It depends on how you view demons really, but for me I like to imagine that every sin they commit is pushed to the extreme.
So "shameless casual sex" is right up their alley, and you know who shares the same view but for different reasons? The halflings who see it just a casual bodily need between friends. Like yes you can be lovers but it's not necessary.
It is funny to imagine a bundle of sunshine and a literal fiend of hell having something in common, but they do.
The human is just going to their friends with benefits house, a cute little hafling with the most adorable riverside cottage sorrounded by berry bushes.
Smell of applepie baking in the oven is in the air, their hafling friend no doubtly is inside and the human opens the door and steps in because they have a spare key.
Only to be met with fucking asmodeus the arch-devil sitting on a wooden stool and sipping tea in a ceramic floral cup with strawberry prints on it. The devil from the fucking hells just waves at you while your halfling friend explains how asmo came here because they are such a huge fan of the videos you made and wanted to personally extend compliments.
Just the idea of great beings being so enamoured with the little human and their little friend hafling. A grway is ancient dragon leaving piles upon piles of gold and gems on your doorway each morning as their way to pay for your onlyfans subscription since the dragon doesn't have a credit card.
An angel shooting down from the literal heavens and breaking through the cottage wooden roof, rings of fire and 8 wings and all. Just to deliver their fanletter they wrote for you and the hafling, also a smuty fanart they drew. All 600 eyes looking away all shy and frustrated as they ask you to sign a framed picture they have of one of their favourite scenes.
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circulars-singlet · 2 months
what’s the most surprising or hard to adjust to thing related to systemhood for the systems you’ve met? doesn’t have to be a specific to each one, just in general
That's honestly hard to answer. Currently there's nothing that's hard to adjust to. I take everything kind of in stride. I guess I was surprised by how often my one friend switches but that's more so because I'm used to my partner who takes a day or more to switch. Never more than twice a day much less than ten times a day. Finding out a person is a system really doesn't change anything for me. At this point I assume that everyone I meet has their own brand of mental fuckery going on and so treat them as I would literally anyone else. Does it give me more context? Yeah for sure. Bitch about your shitty childhood to me, I'm all ears. Really it's such a non issue.
There were two key moments for me while dating Circ though. Actually I think that might have been what you were asking.
The first one was the fucking systemhood in the first place.
We were roommates in college and best friends, but it still took almost two years before they told me about having DID. They also told me with a mutual friend in the room who already knew for support. Honestly, my first thought was fucking "sounds fake but okay." They way they described it was so fucking wild to me and definitely didn't sound like a real thing. I froze for a second because I didn't know what to say. I remember thinking, fuck how do I respond to this? Should I console them? Should I say it's not a big deal? I don't want them to think I don't care about them though. I don't want them to feel like I'm belittling them. How do I not hurt their feelings? All that came out apparently was "oh cool." That apparently went over well so I was so fucking relieved that I said the right thing. The next steps were easy though. I listened. They told me about their experiences. The best part of this though is that my partner said they were """"""fully integrated"""""" (despite still fucking switching lmao). And guess what? I was fucking disappointed because I DIDN'T GET TO MEET ANYONE ELSE! I was so bummed out. And guess how much of this I told my partner at the time? None of it. That was shit they did NOT need to hear. It was my job to process that and figure my shit out. I didn't want them to experience any of that negativity. So I guess that was my biggest adjustment? Just, "fuck my crush just told me they have this mental shit that sounds so stupid, guess I'll continue to love them and support them in anyway possible I guess."
The second one was about interjects. I'd say this happened like 3 or 4 years into our relationship.
I had obviously been learning about DID and listening to my partner talk about DID things. And one of those things they mentioned was what interjects were. Which, again, sounded fake as hell and stupid as fuck. I shrugged it off because people be weird like that, until my partner told me they split an interject. One from a book we've both read. So I quickly had to start adjusting real fast. I asked a ton of questions and listened a whole bunch. We worked through trauma shit. And I got over myself.
It's not my place to judge someone's mental state. It's not my place to figure out if it's real or fake or just pretend. How would that help anyone, really? It's my job to figure out my shit and be a positive support to the person who trusted me with a vulnerable confession.
Everyone deserves love and respect <3
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randomgooberness · 1 year
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@temothylol you have just plucked the WRONG jenga stick, my friend. 
OKAY SO. the TLDR of this is: Mind(from Freeman’s Mind) puts the sample in the rotator like usual in his canon, but it gets all weird and snaps him into another timeline/universe: HLVRAI, and he’s forced to “go under cover” because the guy who they’re calling Gordon Freeman IS NOT HIM and is likely a government coverup here to replace him- so he has to play it cool as he tries to escape with them. Through this journey he learns the power of friendship and how to not be as much of a fucking asshole. 
This AU is being rped by me and my friend @shineyfish​ ! 
The SUPER SHORT TLDR is: mind makes friends and shit sucks so much but its otay the power of friendship :)
(warning for blood, gore, and talk about suicide at the end)
Like I said, he’s transferred via Resonance Cascade, and thrown into the HLVRAI universe. When people address Gordon by his name, he goes. Oh shit this guy is here to replace me. What the FUCK. And of course when Gordon asks for his name he panics and goes “MIND. MIND YOUR BUISNESS” and it sticks. sorry dude you’re Mr. Mind now.
Unlike how Freeman’s Mind takes place over the span of a day or so, this follows more HLVRAI’s timeframe. Which should be more like 4 or 5 days but I always write it as like. a Month because it makes it feel more like a journey and I like it.
Just like in normal HLVRAI, shit is Looney Tunes and BONKERS, though, like Gordon does, he adjusts to it with varying levels of stress- kinda going into denial as well- though he realizes Gordon is kinda the “leader” as well as is the MOST NORMAL, so he’s the one he talks to the most- and Gordon himself see’s him as More Normal Than The Rest.
He is, however, more suspicious of Gordon because, unlike everyone else, he doesn’t seem like much of a person outside of Black Mesa! Like, sure, he has a Son, but... that’s kinda it? He likes video games? This guy is suspicious as HELL.
(Meanwhile, the ACTUAL reason as to why Gordon is Like That is because he’s the player characters model. His backstory gets made up on the fly and he’s not given as much stuff as everyone else- not to mention, even outside of being a vessel for someone to play a game, he’s...depressed. And lonely. He has identity issues and doesn’t fucking know what he’s doing with his life except for taking care of Josh every third week and then playing video games when he’s not doing that.)
A Running Theme here is: while it sorta takes a bit, they DO become friends! The cost of this is: Mind is NOT USED TO HAVING FRIENDS. Gordon isn’t either but Mind especially didn’t Plan to make friends nor did he Want to, and now that he’s attached to people, he freaks out more over the shit happening around him. Because he has people to WORRY ABOUT. Meanwhile, in Gordons case, he has someone who is “relatively normal” or another “straight” man in this situation, which means that he gets grounded more often and isn’t as mean- but this comes at the cost of, well, dissociation makes it easy to forget what's happening around you and the weight of it. If you get grounded during a traumatic event you Get More Traumatized. So both of them are more traumatized than their source versions LMAO.
As of writing this, we’re almost half way through RPing act 2, and Mind has only JUST realized he can trust Gordon(which I want to draw the scene where he realizes this SO BAAAD ace did a FANTASTIC job writing Mind starting to break the boundaries between what hes saying Out Loud and what he’s saying in his head), and they’re...getting along. It’s really sweet I like them :)
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Another fun thing that they haven’t figured out in RP yet(mostly because they haven’t even realized they’re from separate universes yet), is that Mind is from 2007. HLVRAI is in 2020. I’m not sure how they’re gonna figure that out before they escape but it’ll be really funny. Here’s a post-plot doodle 
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OH AND DONT WORRY IT’S NOT ALL JUST MIND AND GORDON. Those two get along the best bc Mind has very little tolerance for bullshit but he gets along with Bubby okay at first(after he betrays Gordon, he fucking HATES him and it’s hard to repair that). He is Scared of Dr. Coomer and sorta hates him, and he is also scared of Tommy but tolerates him the most out of all of the Science Team post-plot. As of right now in the rp, Mind has attacked Benrey NUMEROUS TIMES. Here’s my two favorites 
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(dr coomer was played here by my friend Newt, though I play him most the time. I just gave them permission to interrupt as him at any moment because its funny as hell)
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I also, just real quick, want to mention post-plot is p similar to my fic Headfirst for Halos, except Mind is also there as a wacky roommate. When Benrey moves in shit is the worst ever and its so funny.
Something I physically cannot refrain from spoiling is the Betrayal Scene. We have no Rped it yet, but we have planned it and the aftermath in-depth and it makes me FUCKING INSANE. 
Basically, like I said, Mind doesn’t trust anything for the first few days- ESPECIALLY Gordon. Also, Mind was going through Withdrawals the first few days(which were only relieved because he eventually told Gordon who started trying to hack his suit to give him some morphine routinely- not too much, just enough to ease his suffering until they got out).
This meant that Mind was very, very prone to shit-talking Gordon behind his back, especially to Bubby. This ends up morphing into a bit of a situation in Act 3. Mind trusts Gordon by then, but still makes a few jokes with Bubby and Benrey from time to time- though he backs out once it starts getting too mean(which is funny as hell because mind is the meanest guy there). Because he backs out, Bubby and Benrey don't trust him to let him in on their plan to betray Gordon, but they don’t throw him into it, either, thinking he’ll be willing to walk away and turn a “blind eye” when it happens. 
...He doesn’t, but he DOES earn a Blind Eye.
Mind dives in to help Gordon, and is IMMEDIATELY overwhelmed by the marines, and suddenly, he’s laying on the floor fighting for his consciousness while he listens to Gordon scream for help.
When he wakes up, he realizes a few things. 
1. He only has half his field of vision.  2. The walls are starting to close in.  3. His first and now Only friend is borderline-dead next to him and missing an arm. 4. The walls are starting to close in.  5. He has to get him, and a guy bigger than him, OUT of here.  6. THE WALLS ARE STARTING TO CLOSE IN. 
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So, with that, he has to, in a spur of adrenaline, drag Gordon and himself out of a trash compactor while dealing with a new disability for the first time. Once they’re Out, he has to sit there, watching Gordon’s suit try to cauterize his wound and wonder if he’s going to lose the first person he’s ever Actually Fucking Cared About. He sits there for a few hours, and when Gordon finally wakes up, he is thrust into the position of comforting someone at their lowest point- something he doesn’t know how to fucking do. 
When he sacrifices his bandana to wrap up Gordons arm and try to prevent further blood loss that the cauterization didn’t seal, Gordon says something that, one, no one has ever said to him, and two, sounds a lot like last words. 
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Gordon has no problem telling his friends he loves them. He said he loved Dr. Coomer within the first hours of the Resonance Cascade. 
Mind, meanwhile, is only just now realizing he has a friend in the first place, and that friend is dangerously close to dying.
Anyways. Mind does NOT trust Tommy when they meet up with him again, but only stops threatening to kill him when he realizes he’s making Gordon freak the fuck out. 
The Dr. Coomer fight. It goes um. :)
And when they meet up with Bubby, the guy throws Mind under the bus and tells him, right in front of Gordon, that he figured he’d be fine with the betrayal because he was Also shittalking Gordon. Up until that point, Gordon was only really trusting Mind(and sorta Tommy), so it’s a HUGE blow that he starts spiraling from, and Mind is forced to show character development by apologizing genuinely as he can to him and telling him that he trusts Gordon with his Fucking Life. Mind ALSO has to go through the extremely unsettling realization that him and Bubby are in more similar boats than he thought, messing with his black and white thinking patterns. 
Mind struggles with the concept that he might’ve just ruined his friendship with Gordon until the guy suddenly announces that, because he’s so bloodloss right now, he cannot lead, and appoints Mind as leader instead. Mind goes through the thought process of “OH YAY GORDON LIKES AND TRUST ME AGAIN!” to “YES. POWER FOR ME. I DESERVE TO LEAD” and then “OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS THE MOST STRESSFUL THING IN THE WORLD”.
another theme, and probably my FAVORITE, is their different stances on life. I’m putting this at the end because it has a Huge suicide warning.
Mind wants to live. He wants to get out of here, and live his life. He has Plans, he is always coming up with More Plans. 
Gordon...doesn’t plan. He doesn’t consider what he’s doing when he gets out- he asks everyone else, and then freezes up when he’s asked in turn. And, in the worst moments, he impulsively tries to die. In HLVRAI, this man has had at least 4 suicide attempts. He only spirals like that when his stress spikes, but it’s still not a good thing at ALL, and a sign that there is something deeper here.
So, when Mind witnesses all this with Gordon, he’s...horrified. The first time Gordon threatens to kill himself, he thinks he’s joking- because like, it was funny. Making a joke about shooting your brains out if you have to swim again is funny. But then when the guy tries to Swim Into A Blade, he realizes he isn’t joking. And he has no idea what to do, because his first ever friend wants to die and he’s already stressed at the idea of losing him from Outside sources.
It’s a contrast that is FASCINATING to work with and we’re having fun toying with it.
anyways thanks for opening pandoras box. I’m sure i have more to say but it’s all stuff ill eventually talk about or im forgetting and will discuss later. feel free to ask questions if youd like i feel insane over this naruto and among us crossover au
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uselesslilium · 19 days
Eh, what the hell. Potential list of fics I'm thinking about writing once Mimesis is wrapped up, to organize my own thoughts:
ExValk Hunger Games AU, Part 3 Pros: Last part in the trilogy, finally wrapping it up would be very satisfying. Will not be longer than maybe three chapters. I still feel bad about how I left Mika in part 2, so getting him off that cliffhanger would be great. More ensemble cast scenes, and a chance to write Rinne+Shu interactions. I’ll finally get to write ExValk OT3!!!! Cons: Mimesis was largely a stressful downer all in Shu’s POV, and this would be Even More Of That. I think I could use a break from that vibe before going back to it. Still no Mademoiselle. Also would have to reread Mockingjay to make sure I got District 13 down, which means I can’t write right away.
Scum Villain AU Pros: I have been thinking about this fic on and off for like over a year now and I still want to write it, so I’m motivated. A balance of silly and serious. Would be fun to play around with fantasy genre conventions and the meta of ‘Eichi as the author’. A bit of a dynamic flip where Shu has secret knowledge about Mika rather than the other way around. Huge ensemble cast and lots of POV options! Can write Mado-nee as her own person! Have full narrative justification to write Mika’s kink awakening! Cons: Dear fucking god would it be long. I haven’t even begun outlining. Huge ensemble cast and lots of POV options. Fight scenes.
Arranged Marriage AU Pros: Fluff! I can write fluff again!!! Still with a nice undercurrent of angst and drama, of course, but it would definitely be lighter in tone overall. Could start off in Mika’s POV right away. Never written an arranged marriage AU before, and honestly I’m hankering for it. Potential for fun Seiya+Mika awful mentorship. Cons: Would have to think about politics. Have not really sorted out the plot at all. Possibly too much thematic overlap with Awakening Hermitage?
Momo leaves to work for Ryou AU Pros: Ohhhh I could make everyone soooo miserable. :) I want to dig into Ryou and Momo’s weird awful friendship so bad. Want to dig into Momo’s terrible self-sacrificial tendencies and his fawning reflex and how he’s the worst person to try and fix Ryou. Want to examine Yuki’s passivity and self-loathing and then make him actually Do Something. And I have actually managed to outline it, so there’s a solid base to start with. Cons: It would take at least 8 hefty chapters to finish, and that is a long time to stew in abusive relationship dynamics. No getting around what a huge bummer it would be to write. Also, haven’t written for i7 yet, worried about whether I know the characters and Japanese entertainment industry well enough to pull something this messy off.
Ciel AU Pros: It’s a Ciel AU!!! The characters would let me play with the setting in interesting ways. Gender. The mythology allows for really fun canon parallels. I have an outline planned, and have actually written the first chapter already! Cons: Maybe two people would get it lmao. Can I stop myself from letting it bloat? Didn't know The Truth about Grandpa Itsuki when I started and that'd need serious adjustment.
Shape of Water AU Pros: Mika finally gets to be a monsterfucker. Shu is the focus of the misery for a change. And also a beautiful octopus mermaid. Pure Mika POV would be interesting. If I try hard and believe in myself, this could possibly be a one-shot. Cons: Another very limited cast and setting. Would be hard to work in the parts of their relationship I find most compelling.
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fractured-shield · 2 months
Writerly questionnaire
thanks for the tags @honeybewrites and @nczaversnick!!
about you:
when did you start writing?
I was stapling together loose paper and handwriting weird shit on the playground instead of socializing for as long as I can remember, but I was 12 when I first got serious about telling any kind of coherent narrative and 19-ish when I overhauled FS into it's current form
are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
oh, nah, I'm a sucker for the same cliche high fantasy tropes as I write. I got really into LotR in 6th grade (like, reading the silmarillion and other supplemental texts the following year. don't ask me about my favorite traumatized elf guys unless you want the most incomprehensible rambling response. i've been told it's all very predictable of me on no less than half a dozen occasions) and that shit was a formative experience I can't go back from
is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
yeah i think every high fantasy writer gets compared to tolkien at some point, the whole mt fuji analogy of the genre and all that. I'm not really trying to emulate the same scale or depth of lore, but I find that a lot of the themes really speak to me now in my mid-20s more than they did as a kid, so I like to lean into some of those in my own writing, and keep (and occasionally fuck around with) the typical high fantasy trappings along the way
can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
eh...don't really have one rn. i'll write anywhere from scrap paper during church (i'm a church musician only so i don't lose my skills lmao) to my phone, to actually sitting at a desk. but i recently had to move pretty suddenly and don't have much set up yet
what’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
find yourself in traumatizing situations and project them onto your characters instead of getting therapy long car rides listening to music
did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
i'm sure it did a bit subconsciously, but most of my formative years were spent using fiction as escapism, so not too much
are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
grief and trauma and coping with things out of your control, finding purpose, found family and good supportive familial relationships, feeling lonely and othered and using self-improvement as harm...etc. normal stuff like that. i'm doing so good i'm so well adjusted please believe me
your characters:
would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
😔 <- character profile link. i cannot pretend anyone else is my favorite when i literally have a tattoo in honor of him. (tldr that's my protag's father. she wouldn't even be mad she's relegated to second favorite, she'd agree with me)
which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
i think i'd get along with a lot of them actually. therien, oenith, and waith would all have some initial conflict but we'd figure it out. hal would be chill. i wish leithe and idhren were my parents
which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
i think if i met maithyr he'd kinda scare me tbh. and i'd be so tired of dealing with malin's genuinely friendly extroverted behavior, love the guy though. waith's parents piss me off, as do deras and ealrid. alfrin is a little shit and, like therien, he'd get under my skin. unlike therien, i'd be too much of a coward to punch him
tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
uhhhhhh therien and oenith kinda happened on accident...? a friend and i were fucking around and wanted some sick ass fantasy self insert ocs and now it's 12 years later and they're their own fleshed out fully different characters. waith was originally a shared oc with a different friend, and she's still pretty similar and they get consulted sometimes about how i write her. idhren and leithe were always therien's parents but their role wasn't originally supposed to be this big. maithyr and linna are shamelessly based on the vibe of a popular ship in a fandom i've been in but i made them debatably worse. hal just showed up one day and malin reinvented his whole self when i wasn't looking. ...mor and arennir and alfrin were...interesting cases...
do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
mostly the trauma, yeah
how do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
i've had them all for long enough that it's some fluid mix of faceclaims (one very notable story about that), picrews, video game character builders, and just imagined collections of features and vibes
your writing:
what’s your reason for writing?
idk i didn't know it'd be 12+ years of these guys with no signs of stopping when i made therien and oenith and idhren back in 2012. they're like real people to me and i'm very fond of them, so i enjoy thinking about them and i think their story deserves to be written
is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i really like when people connect with my characters. particularly therien and idhren, any "oh my god she's weird as fuck i love her" or "ohhh im sad about him i think a hug from him would fix me" is like. going to make my entire week
how do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
tbh i've never really thought about how i want to be seen as a writer. i just want to tell a story people connect with, i'd rather readers find characters as inspirational rather than myself
what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
probably characters, but only within FS. I don't think it's a strength, like any new character I make for another project is whatever, but with these guys—I hope they feel complex and realistic, I've been thinking about them for long enough
what have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
i've been told I write dialogue well I think? I also got a comment from when I submitted ch1 of my current draft for a class critique last spring where someone said I wrote anxiety/panic in a very realistic way. that scene wasn't even in the outline lmao my characters do what they want
how do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
it's...fine I guess? It's definitely gotten noticeably more consistent and closer to what I want it to be in the past 2-ish years, but I still struggle a lot with feeling like the style is bland and the topics forgettable. I try not to linger on it too much because I primarily write for my own sanity, the approval of any readers is just a bonus
if you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
oh yeah, i'd keep writing. i like my characters and i like seeing new parts of them and their stories revealed to me as i progress
when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
nah, not really. i mean, aside from "if i introduce this thing earlier it'd make more sense / breaking the chapters here would flow better for readers" type things. the actual content and themes and characters are purely what I enjoy. i'm not delusional enough to think publishing is likely anyways, i know the whole "cliche high fantasy" thing isn't terribly marketable, especially how it falls in the overlap of YA and adult
open tag for anyone who wants to join! doing open tags until I get caught up I think
tag list: @just-emis-blog @orions-quill @honeybewrites @leahnardo-da-veggie @robin-the-blind-sniper-rifle
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zalrb · 1 year
I don’t know what to think of Logan and Marcia. Because I get why they’d be in to each other, why they’d marry each other and stay married. Logan has money and Marcia is composed, clever, and conniving and I think Logan would like that (so long as she didn’t attempt to usurp him). I never got the vibe that there were any real feelings involved, which is why I was so surprised that Marcia left Logan after Rhea (controversial opinion, but I don’t think Logan and Rhea were ever a thing, Rhea seems too well-adjusted for that IMO). I can get Marcia’s cattiness with Kerry, and obviously I get Logan fucking around but I never understood why it was with Kerry because she brings nothing to the table the way Marcia, Rhea, and even Caroline do.
I’m also interested in her loyalty to Logan. Part of it was that he had all the power, but Marcia’s very big on betrayal and even used the word “traitors” a few times, which made it seem more personal.
I’m curious about why Shiv dislikes her so much (but Shiv hates everyone, so…) and I’m interested in Marcia’s beef with Willa and her weird kinship with Greg. I think Marcia thinks people see her as an older Willa and resents that bc they’re on different levels but I do not get why anyone but Tom would like Greg lmao.
Logan and Rhea weren't sexually involved
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and she was also clearly playing him
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but I think it's clear they were still a thing
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especially because being romantically involved with someone and playing them is kind of expected in this world at least to Logan, he says it about Marcia
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and it's to the point that Logan doesn't know if his judgment is impaired because he's so swept up in her
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which also happens with Kerry, he pushes for her to become an anchor
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and it's only when he repeatedly sees how people are making fun of her audition tape that he's like OK well kill it
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which is actually an interesting aspect of Logan, particularly since he can eventually admit to being worried about not thinking clearly because he's infatuated with a woman
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Marcia leaves because Logan isn't discreet, everyone knows that he's infatuated with Rhea and it's even worse than with Sally-Anne, and she has a sense of dignity. It's one thing to have affairs, it's another thing to flaunt them
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It's also interesting you never got the vibe that there were real feelings involved with Marcia and Logan when I thought it existed at one point because one of the most, if not the most, vulnerable scenes we see of him when he's alive is with her
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yet I don't think loyalty is why she stayed, they negotiated more money and more power in the company for her in season 3 when Logan asks her not to divorce him because of the optics, they had an arrangement
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In terms of Kerry, it's interesting because she kind of just shows up one episode and then her screen time grows with each season little by little and we don't have much backstory but when we see her talk to Greg we do see her have the same type of sharpness, no bullshitting attitude
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while also being someone who is taking care of him, like Marcia isn't there anymore, he isn't going to rely on his kids, so not only does she sometimes act as an intermediary and a translator to the siblings,
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she's doing the things Marcia used to do, like when she knows about his UTI plus she's young and ambitious and probably won't say "awesome" too much.
Shiv's dislike of Marcia comes down to power plays and control and who has more of it. Shiv likes to try and take control of situations and she's repeatedly told to stay in her lane by Logan or by Kendall,
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even by Roman (though I'm thinking more of this latest episode)
and that's something she continuously navigates abd pushes back against but she's used to it coming from her brothers and her father and men but then there's Marcia -- and to Shiv, who is Marcia, really? just some other woman -- who plainly tells her that she's not in control
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and that's also coupled with the access Marcia has/had to Logan that Shiv couldn't/can't get her own father
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like when she wants to go see him after he comes out of the hospital and Marcia won't let her upstairs, Shiv talks to the staff and says "I'm Logan's daughter, I just wanted to thank you for all you do" as a way to establish that she's the authority and they should be taking their cues from her not Marcia
combined with the fact that unlike the old guard who will act sycophantic, Marcia expresses the contempt she has and it's specifically to Shiv about Shiv
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youngjustus · 1 year
raven’s name has technically been rachel roth for 20 years too but im not fucking calling her that lmao…idk for me it’s partially 1) fuck johns and the way he sought to completely change kon’s character and spit in the face of all his prior development just to make his stupid fan theory canon 2) having a character go from going by kon to conner is like going from tim to timothy. why make it longer, yfeel? and 3) 50% of the people who call him conner misspell it as connor, which would be fine (annoying, but ultimately harmless) except dc already has a connor, and i’m vehemently against dc’s inability to come up with an original name for any of their characters. hashtag team jon should’ve been given literally any other name bc there’s already like 6 jonathan kents
i know there is a lot to criticize about johns's run, but i honestly don't find a lot of things with what he did with conner leading up to his death in infinite crisis in terms of characterization to be out of character. although, full disclosure, i haven't revisited teen titans vol. 3 in [checks calendar] 7 years, so there might be some gaps in my memory.
i like that he's getting used to having an actual structured life with going to school and living in a house with parents that care about him. he's also still dealing with the aftermath of the finale of his solo series and graduation day! he's adjusting! it would be normal for him to feel weird and off. this is a post that i made a few years ago with a good addition from another user that puts this well.
however, i do generally dislike the luthor reveal because of how many stories that came after for conner have so heavily focused on it, when a) we already did something similar in the 90's with his original backstory and b) it contributes to one of the most annoying fan discourses i've had to see for my entire comics reading experience regarding superman being a 'dead beat dad'. unfortunately, at this point, it is a part of canon that is ingrained in too many fans and writers' heads, and is tied into too many plot lines for them to go away with it. such is the nature of a shared intellectual property! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i think i'm probably misreading what you're saying, but kon isn't short for conner, and i don't think tim's full name is a good comparison. they’re two separate names. i've posted about the origin's of the name kon-el a few times over the years, and i even have the issue where he receives it in my personal comic collection. it is a very important part of the character's history, and a good thing to point to when people doubt the positive relationship between conner and superman. the name is one with real history, and it is a gift!
this is where my own headcanons and speculation comes in: it makes the most amount of sense to me that conner is a name that he specifically chose himself when he was adopted by the kents.
if somehow i missed a random issue of superman or action comics from between when his superboy series was canceled to him showing up in teen titans that gives an origin to the civilian name conner kent, or even just an interview with the creatives discussing the issue the name first shows up in, please send it my way!
if such a comic or interview does not exist, and if i ever had the chance to write the character, this is 100% something i'd like to explore. i have my own ideas that i've thought about a lot over the years (and even a middle name picked, too).
i also think that there are much bigger problems with dc comics than a few characters sharing a first name. like a lot more problems.
conner is his name as much as it is kon, and it's not wrong to call him it in the way that it's not wrong to refer to superman as clark or kal. the comparison at the start of this ask to raven is interesting, but i think the key difference there is that rachel roth feels like a regression (she's deaged and put in high school) and to me conner kent is further growth (being with the family that wants him in their lives).
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cosmik-homo · 1 year
hi :) i would like to hear about 2s physical/social presentation if you fancy👀 :)
I CANNOT be coherent atm and i am doing this rocket speed cuz i need to go to slepe but
Its like. sooo gender dyspraxia to me. which is how i refer to the ways dyspraxia kind of effects my sense of self like. my own personal philosophy recently is. I'm gonna use a weird example cuz it's partially when i codified this thought but one time I was having lunch on an airplane. I know as someone with dyspraxia eating in a very limmited physical space- and rice, with a fork- while having a drink can open- is going ot be a careful buisness so i start setting up carefully everything as i want it and then im like hey, what the fuck. im already at this point, right, and i add to it an honestly black-and-white movie style, donald duck style, spread paper towl and excited hand rub in my seat, right? you get to the door of the clownhood. go in.
and it's like. I'm sooo obsessed with the bow tie that's just a cloth bow held to the shirt with a safety pin. that IS what gender dyspraxia is like. the signifyer and the act of the signifier are seperate things and the act is A Whole Thing I Can't Quite Do so i'm doing away with it, all i need is the symbol anyways. and with a bow tie! a symbol of, like,
Quirky Officialness, right, this IS an "im being somewhat serious here", its not casual. but the complete disregard to the. tying of the bow tie and the proper form of it and the, yknow. all he wants and needs is a floppy little bow cuz he's not doing this to be looked at, hes doing this cuz he wants to wear one. and that's an aspect i think really brings the final balance to the whole. "silly and smart and playing the fool and also an idiot" web. he straight up doesnt, care about dignity or respect as much and in the way some other incarnations of the doctor do- especially one or three. hes not really bothering making many shows of force he doesnt want to; he isn't trying to impress anyone; literally look at Power Of The Daleks. "how do we know you are the real doctor?" asks ben. "are you the real examiner?" ask the people finding out he isnt. "lmao. lol" says two, trying to focus on the daleks.
so it's like the thing with the whole. Modus Oparendai, clever clown, is it afacade blah blah is that Outward Wise he's just chilling and much prefers outlandish disguises/ overdoing roles (war games commander impersonation?) to actually trying to ever adjust his Real self to a situation. he Wont mask any of his goofy and if a situation needs Something Else he won't fold on that, he'll just go in a new direction.
and THEN the other half of the equation is his, negotiation-y, people-y attitude to problemsolving, which shows quite well in the three doctors and enemy of the world but i think is most, summarized with "Human beings, jamie, are always in reach of other human beings". he Interacts with the enemy, either to bring them to his side and try to solve problems interpersonally- his soft demeanor with ben in macraterror is suchhh a moment for me- or to learn them/ their weakness, to connect with them to put ideas in their heads or decieve them. and since being underestimated - or correctly estimated for his physical capability which i feel a lot of DW media does accept as Lesser Than Later Doctors- i mean this positively im cheering and clapping- WORKS to gurther his methods, and being regarded as soft frivolous harmless clown man works for Good connections too- earning peoples trust and the likes, as well as like. bonding with victoria after she just lost her family. Surprise Child Aqquisition. the lines betweeen being yourself + (On Purpose) sometimes blur.
but yeah in macra terror he is like WHO has EVER needed shined shoes ew. so i think theres definitely osme Autism as well on the comfort level; he likes the same kind of clothes and they need to be comfy to him but also there is a whole, idea connection to it. hes chasing fun hats, yknow? he wants to enjoy the way he is in the world and the way he presents and he will learn to work with or around what people think.
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fawnfulart · 1 year
finally the ask meme where i don't have to think of the questions myself 💫 Random favorite trope 🧶 What's a fluff plot you'd like to write? 🗯 What's an antagonistic plot you'd like to write? 🗨 What's a plot or trope you'd like to write [character] in? is it okay to ask so much.....who knows but i'm a nosy bitch
Writing Wishes Asks
You can ask anything you want to any time you like. Talking to people is basically what I made this tumblr for. I’m doing my best to be friend shaped, I hope it’s working. Stop by whenever your little heart desires about anything you want. We are all nosy bitches 🤝
Cut for length I'm really really sorry this is so long. I came up with a lot to say.
💫 Random favorite trope
I'm realizing these questions maybe weren't the best for me to reblog because I'm not sure I know the answers. Other people could probably notice what tropes I use better than I can. I know like a reluctant hero who wants nothing to do with the call to adventure lmao. I also like writing about cultural exchange so language barriers and characters who are fundamentally different creatures or who have wildly different life experiences come to mind. Insert Mermaid AU or whatever. Also..........found family again tee hee. Just put a bunch of weirdos through adversity so they can bond and love each other thanks.
🧶 What's a fluff plot you'd like to write?
I'm not sure what fluff plots I want two write mostly because A Long Way Off keeps providing me opportunities to put in just everything I want. I think a mall date would be fun to write, maybe I’ll put one in. Malls are very of the 90s here and the few malls that didn't go out of business are such a different experience now. When it comes to fluff I find myself writing about mundanity. There’s a real niceness to doing boring things with your favorite people. I wanna write about hugging and cooking together and stuff. People taking care of each other. Talking about nothing important. Also idk maybe the blorbos should kiss more, they deserve it.
🗯 What's an antagonistic plot you'd like to write?
Antagonists and conflicts are an interesting topic. I tend to prefer representing conflict that isn’t black and white. I want characters in conflict to each have an reasonable point of view so it’s easy to understand why they believe what they believe. It’s boring if one side is “just evil” or whatever. People aren’t really like that in my experience. I want both sides of the conflicts in my stories to have a point whenever I can write it that way. I want the reader to have to think about who they align with and why. It's boring if I just tell you what to think. I also think it’s interesting to write about characters who are stuck in conflicts that are larger than themselves and who are tasked with trying to navigate an understanding of the world that doesn't match what they’ve been taught about those conflicts. For example, members of feuding families, young people who have been born into the wars of their fathers, creatures or factions who are framed as natural enemies—inherited conflict where what side you’re on is not only assumed but socially enforced. What is one supposed to do when they stop believing what they were taught or have experiences that go against their prejudices? Romeo is out here like my dad says fuck the Capulets but Juliet is kind of hot tho….
🗨 What's a plot or trope you'd like to write [character] in?
You didn’t mention which character you want me to talk about so I’m going to assume it’s one of the two most likely ones we have in common. Sal. I just want to make Sal a creature so bad. I want him in every monster AU. I want a dumb mermaid AU. I’m gonna make him a rude cat boy. I want to make him the weird ghost haunting your house. I just think Sal is so funny in canon because he has regular guy syndrome no matter what extraordinary things happen to him. He’s so grounded. He’s so well adjusted. His perspective is so measured and humanistic literally no matter what, even when he is ripped from his plane of existence and shot across the multiverse. He's just vibing and having regular guy thoughts about everything. It’s very funny to me, and that makes me want to put him in crazier AUs more often. I would love to explore that dissonance between Sal's absurd fantastic circumstances and his normal guy reactions more.
For Larry I have kind of a cop out answer because I’m already writing it in the background of A Long Way Off. I'm really interested in how Larry forms his personal identity because I think he has a lot of similar ideas as Sal about things like masculinity and growing up and his place in the world but he's kind of fighting against different factors than Sal is. For one, I think it's more difficult for him to express vulnerability or anything feminine as it is for Sal. Sal is already "a freak" so in that sense society expects less of Sal than of Larry. Sal has more room to experiment than Larry does. I think Larry feels a lot more pressure to figure out what the world wants from him and to try to live up to that standard. He needs to be a respectable adult who embodies all the parts of manhood that his dad wasn't there to fulfill. But at the same time Larry is interested in counter culture, and the same masculine ideals that are important to him also make him feel threatening and force him to distance himself from things he used to find fun, like playing "girly" games with Ashley as kids. It's a hard balance to strike, trying to be a strong reliable man and a soft approachable boy at the same time. Also being more of a grown street rat and less of a sweet faced kid than he used to be has also caused him problems in school.
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I tried to allude to it a little bit here. Because of his accident with the rabbit and because puberty hit him like a truck, Larry has kind of been categorized as a delinquent by adults and my experience of public school is that once authorities in systems assume you're a "bad kid" it's very hard to overcome that label. Anything you do is interpreted differently, especially if you are not white. Larry--who is large and mean looking and into "devil music" and has a permanent record and gets lumped in with his South American classmates--doesn't stand a chance. When he asks his teacher for a pencil, that teacher is going to assume he doesn't have it because he's irresponsible, because he doesn't care about school, because he has a bad attitude, because he's going to grow up to be a deadbeat and go to jail. But we know Larry, he's just trying to get through his day. I never bring this up in the story but I think the reason Larry doesn't have a pencil is because he lent it to somebody else and never got it back. But if you ask that teacher they probably just assumed he threw it at another kid or something. I think Larry is constantly wrestling with this double standard--am I supposed to be this strong responsible man or am I supposed to be this innocent well meaning kid? Adults seem to expect both from him and yet they arent happy when they detect aspects of either one. It's not fair and I worry about him. Anyway sorry for saying so much about it, I haven't really written a character like him before so I find it interesting. I think Larry's crisis of identity is kind of the opposite of Sal's in a sense. Sal knows who he is but he doesn't have a realistic understanding of how he is perceived by the world and he is very afraid of that. Larry, by contrast, understands completely how he is perceived by others, but he spends so much time worrying about those perceptions that he hasn't taken the time to ask himself who he wants to be.
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bisluthq · 21 days
Talking about real life relationships I will share some family drama from this past month:
- Years and years ago my father cheated on my mother and he got the other woman pregnant. But that’s not all. This woman is crazy and has been making his life hell since (I say it’s Karma). The day of his birthday, she told him to bring their daughter to his party and he did. Halfway through the party she called to say that she was picking her up (it was all a set up so she could do all of this) and my father went outside with her. Then, it was taking him a while to come back so my aunt went outside and we started to hear some screaming. Apparently she keyed my father’s car, then he was apparently going to hit her but my aunts were shouting at him to not do it because she would go to the police, and at some point she ripped his shirt open. I don’t know how or when in the fight it happened but yeah. This woman texted my sister (who was a minor) to tell her she was pregnant btw, and has texted her at other times too. She has also stalked my mom, gotten into her emails and made fun of her when my grandfather died. It’s literally an insane situation. I don’t know all the ins and outs because I’m kept out of all of it. I only find out when something happens while I’m present.
- This one is a lot less interesting or fun, but my uncle has been very stressed lately and he’s a bit of a hypochondriac, so he was told to go to see a therapist and it seems like most of his problems come from my 5 year old cousin who’s apparently insufferable
- My other uncle had been helping his wife’s friend with some home renovations and my mom was telling us how she thought it was weird because he was getting up very early to go help her (which he hates) and he was spending a lot of time at her house while also not helping my grandma with some stuff she needed done around the house. I thought she was crazy but apparently his wife was talking to one of my grandma’s friends and said something about “free love” or something. So now we’re thinking they might have decided to have an open relationship or a throuple.
People might think I’m weird for spending time here talking about celebrity drama but I think I’m quite level headed when you see the rest of my family
lmao my one uncle shot at his ex wife’s (then his wife’s) lover lol and the other man had to go to hospital but didn’t press charges because my uncle said he’d fuck him up if he did loool - so I haven’t gone through your stories per se but I too am remarkably well adjusted all things considered. Gonna guess you’re South American/South European/Eastern European because those are the three places I associate with THIS level of mess (my family’s Eastern European).
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redphienix · 22 days
It's funny seeing the current "teams" on the helldivers discussion.
You have the "completely worthless shithead" group who are the type to yell vitriol and hate whenever they get the chance and they think this is a wonderful chance. I hate these people but at least their mask off moment makes it easy to build a block list when they start screaming about how the concept of a gay or trans person is ruining the game. Same group who most often lack media literacy in the first place and make all those cringy "We couldn't be the bad guys, we're for democracy" style posts.
You have the "Fix the game" group with a wide range of understanding what's wrong- as in some truly don't, and some truly do. The varied opinions make this a fucking cacophony but that's been true of pretty much every "Fix the game" group in every game, it's a difficult thing to read through and build an understanding from.
You have the "Entitled gamers" group who just want to discredit everyone above them on this list by creating a list of assumptions and applying them to every person up there. Pretty worthless tier to be in but at least you get funny things like claiming people who solo super helldive just want the game changed because it's too hard for them. Or claiming anyone who wants the weapons to not feel like shit must be a cod, fortnite, apex etc gamer which is a neat one. Or, of course, repeating over and over how it's supposed to feel bad because we're disposable soldiers and this is a milsim "and you're too stupid to understand that", when it's not. We are that thing, that should add relevant flavor to our experience, it's not a milsim and doesn't play to those notes in the slightest, as well as not playing to the same tune as "losing is fun" style games like dwarf fortress, kenshi (kinda), PZ etc. It does have some of the flavor of that! That's why getting blown up can be funny when handled correctly!! But nope! And it's only gotten less lenience on that point as the game has adjusted to attempt and force the silly "losing is fun (but good)" moments incorrectly.
Honestly the best they've handled the disposable angle is with the wonderful visual hell gleefully shown to us every time we get to "our" ship and see the array of frozen meatbags to be sent to slaughter, the starship trooper like mega-patriotism showing how brainwashed we are thus justifying our 'waste' (both in manpower and in gratuitous weapon use), and the amount of our weapons that are clearly "too high grade and dangerous" for sane use. Then they fuck that all up and say "Oh it means we're all using playdoh guns and ragdoll infinitely since we're weak" which ironically goes too far and makes the message murky- because the critique of military spending and dehumanization worked better when we have ultra weapons and we die a lot to them- not when we're handed bb guns and our deaths are most often just annoying "Oh, unlucky, a patrol of hunters spawned under me :/"
Being a bad entry in the "losing is fun" category is a bad thing I'm sorry to say. At a certain point you're saying walking off the ledge in super mario bros is the best part and you look weird. I find this group most annoying I think. Anyone yelling "Entitled gamers" over a game blatantly being less than it was at launch and less than it's potential and defending that assertion of your fellow player being lesser by saying "It's SUPPOSED to kinda suck and you don't GET it" is so stupid. It's lore flavor already does influence how it plays in good ways- YOU don't get it lmao.
Then you have the "It's already perfect you're all just stupid, go play another game" group who, to keep it simple in alignment with their very simple "Just go play another game" catch phrase, I'm glad they are enjoying the game
...and if they simply did that instead of spending most of their time insulting anyone who wants "better" (as in that particular person's definition) I'd even respect them :) (they don't.)
At the current moment I'd assume the final group is the most happy because a lot of us who are annoyed with the direction the game took ARE playing different games.
I mean hell, I'm happy with the multiple hundreds of hours of enjoyment I got from it, and while I'm disappointed that it's in a state I find far less enjoyable and lacking in comparison to its potential- I'm not mad at the devs or game for that and I'm happy to play other stuff in the meantime / for good if nothing changes.
I AM a petty bitch who's annoyed at the discussion's low points though lmao. I ain't above that. The weirdos being toxic levels of negative are pathetic to me and the weirdos attempting to discredit any critique without offering more than a skin-deep rebuttal embarrass me.
Mostly I just think it's funny when I see random takes on steam or wherever that are like "You should just go play CoD, you clearly don't GET it" and then that person's library is the most milquetoast thing you've ever seen.
They'll say "YoU don't GET that we're disposable soldiers, you would never understand a game where you're not power tripping!" and then they've never played a single game that's actually about struggling and how fun that can be- just speaking out of their ass- it's frustrating.
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