#if I’m Shiv Roy so are my sisters
bypatia · 7 months
why is my family like succession but without the money?
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Arrangement (Roy!Sibling x Lukas Matsson)
Character/s: Lukas, Kendall, Shiv, Roman, Logan mention
Word Count: 1,732
Requested: hi!! can i request roy!baby sibling being sent to “woo” lukas in favor of the deal? they were indifferent at first but eventually fell for him. (not necessarily needed to be included but i imagine kendall would find out about the blood thing with ebba and try to tank the deal hahaha) - anon
Tag: @locke-writes
A/N: Hope you like it my love!!! This is based off the latest episode, so spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen it!! Thank you for requesting!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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You cleared your throat, following him through the doorway. Your glass was cold, the stem fragile, the red wine disgusting. Something expensive, Tom had poured, swishing around, threatening to spill. You took one last glance back. They stood huddled together, nodding at you, insisting you go in. You would have rolled your eyes if he hadn’t turned to see you, inviting you in. You smiled, cursing your family. Fuck Kendall, fuck Shiv, fuck Roman, and especially fuck Logan. The door shut behind you, making you jump. Don’t worry, I’m not going to try anything. I just want to talk. His hand fell the small of your back, ever so slightly pushing you along to where the living set sat. Fuck all fo them, you added at the end, over and over again until you were sitting across from him. The room was dark except for a few lamps. One wall was floor to ceiling windows. He had his back turned on the view, as if it didn’t matter, as if the only thing you should be focusing on was him. Shiv’s home had so many rooms, so many ins and outs, it was a wonder she didn’t get lost every day. You couldn’t help yourself, letting your eyes wander over him, above him, to the glittering city. It was too dark to see any details, but that didn’t really matter. It stood grand, solid, daunting in the darkness. Your home, for as long as you’ve been alive. It looked its most perfect at its most blurry, shunned from the daylight. 
He looked tired. That was the first thing you’d noticed about him when he showed up. He wasn’t some godlike creature they all feared he was. He was just some guy in a gold jacket. The bags under his eyes were puffy, as if he hadn’t slept in a while. He brought Ebba and Oskar with him, making fun of them as if that’s what all bosses did. You weren’t sure if you should laugh or not, so you said nothing. Everyone seemed uncomfortable but him. You had Gerri, Frank, and all of your siblings. An army, and for what? This guy? You tried to hide your smile. This was the guy everyone had been worried about? Leave it to them to be dramatic. Jesus, you could have stayed in the home. It was a last minute invitation. Whose idea, you’re not sure. After everything with dad, you were more than happy to tag along. It was a wanted distraction. The thought sent a shiver through your body. This election party was a nice distraction, even if it meant schmoozing with this guy. He shook hands with your brothers, and attempted to hug your sister, stopping at you. His eyes seemed to light up. You went in for a hug, unsure of what else to do, as Kendall introduced you. Y/n, the baby of the Roy family. You’d never met him before. You weren’t even sure he knew you existed. You were as far removed from the company as possible. You just weren’t interested. You had a life outside of all this. You thought everyone should do the same, though the idea isn’t well liked. He likes you, Roman said while you two followed the rest to a private room. Was that true? He just learned your name, and yet, it seemed like he couldn’t take his gaze off you, even if you were the least significant Roy in the room. You had no idea what the deal was, what you were supposed to be rooting for, only that it was worth a lot and it was keeping your brothers up at night. Shut up, you hissed back, really wishing you’d said no. The deal went well in Norway, so you thought this was just a formality. You had no idea it was falling apart behind the scenes. 
It was their plan all along. Kendall and Rome had learned his “type”. He had a weakness for someone who looked like you. It didn’t hurt that you were the youngest, either. Barely legal, Roman always joked, though you were far older than that. They knew bringing you along would help, at least it would offer some sort of distraction, like a parting gift. He gets to talk to you, stare at you, imagine whatever he wanted, and they’d get their deal. All you had to do was stand there and look pretty. You’d figured it out quick enough. You played nice, used your best manners, but they were acting strange about it. They watched your every move, paid close attention to everything you did and said. They waited for him to laugh at your jokes before they found it funny. Lukas seemed distracted by you, too. He lost track of what they were talking about, having to be gently, constantly reminded. Even out on the grass, surrounded by his team, the rest of you left to mingle, he always found his way to you. Rome was right. The more he got to know you, heard your sarcasm, your jokes, your unfiltered thoughts and feelings, the more he seemed to like you. Want you. Over the balcony's edge, he followed you out, stood beside you, asking you questions, needing to know more. What were your interests, your hobbies, why weren't you more involved in the company. They never took their eyes off you, wanting to make sure what you were saying was okay. He wasn’t even supposed to show, but he did, and you were his bait. 
Is he always like that? You ask, taking another rancid sip, Oskar I mean. He was high, obviously, and keen on making everyone he came into contact with uncomfortable. He talked about your body in ways you’d never thought at a political party. Lukas came to your defense immediately, seriously, making him and Ebba jump at his tone. You hadn’t expected him to be so offended on your part, but he seemed genuinely upset, leaving the pair in favor of your company. Like an asshole? Most of the time, yes. He chuckles. I am sorry for his behavior. You force a smile. You should hear what they all say. They’re on their best behavior tonight. There were a few Nazis here, it could have been much worse. He nods, understanding, having gotten a warning speech from your sister about how to act and what to say. He asks how you’re doing with your father. You shrug. No one’s asked you since that night. It still feels unreal. He talks about his own father. You can’t help but notice how human he looks all of a sudden, so fragile, so small. You almost feel bad for him. Despite the situation, being offered up to him like a piece of meat, he’s a kid just like you, like your siblings, pretending to know how to handle this niche slice of adulthood. You make a joke about the wine  that gets you a smile. You become more comfortable with him, letting your shoulders drop, your spine slouch. He speaks of Sweden, how beautiful it is, how much he misses it. About his past relationships, that they never seemed to work out. About your family, how messy they are. You can’t help but agree. Not just your siblings, though it was a miracle you were all in the same room without fighting, but your father and mother. He was cruel and took pleasure in pinning you against one another. She was absent and yet so needy, unstable. You talk about your past relationships, how hard it was to find someone who wanted you, not your money or your name. An hour has gone by before you know it. You didn’t mean to tell him all of this, to open up, it just happened. 
Do you want to go back to the party? He asks, eyeing the door. Not really, you think. You can hear the murmur of guests just outside. All of them trying their best to smile and get along. Tomorrow they’ll be at one another's throats. Do you? He shakes his head no. It’s more fun here. That makes heat rush to your face. The conversation flows without any hiccups. Where you want to travel next, what you wanted to be when you were a kid, all your thoughts about the next presidential candidate, favorite ice cream toppings. You spoke about everything and anything. His laugh came easy, especially at your jokes. It was one of the things he liked most about you, your humor. He told you things he wasn’t proud of, things you’d later realize information  your brothers would have killed for. Nothing big, nothing scary, just personal fears. He trusted you with this. You wouldn’t tell another soul. You liked him a hell of a lot more than when you first met. He was more of a person, not just a walking conglomerate. His company was even enjoyable. He had absolutely no filter and said some outrageous things, but in a world like yours, that was normal. The only reason you even stopped was because of a knock at the door. Shiv wore a tight smile, asking if she could speak to Lukas alone. Behind her, Kendall and Rome watched. I’ll see you soon, he promised, don’t stray too far. You nodded, getting up, leaving the room. You couldn’t read your brother's expressions, but it didn’t look good. Wordlessly, they took your arm, leading you far from the room. What the fuck? I was doing what you said to, you said once you were alone, pulling yourself from their tight grips. Roman rolled his eyes. Not everything is about you. Did he tell you about the blood and hair? What the fuck was he talking about? The shock on your face was enough to convince them. They began speaking at the same time. Fucking Matsson has been sending. . . stuff to his ex-girlfriend. I don’t want you going near him again. His numbers are all wrong, they’re all made up. Never should have used you like this. Fraud. Deal. Freak. What were they talking about? You looked down the hall, through the open doorway, where Shiv is talking to him. She looked angry, upset. He seemed content, even jovial, laughing at himself. Was this true? You wouldn't believe it. He seemed like such a nice guy.
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reveriexxgirlly · 1 year
you want a piece of me ? (repost)
Shiv Roy x Fem!Reader SMUT
Prompt: I want Shiv to dom and humiliate me, okay ?
Warnings: oral, orgasm denial, voyerism, fingering, squirting
Word Count: 2.0k
                                  ゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤ enjoy ! ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
“Oh my god, don’t stop. Please, don't- Fuck!"
I felt a sharp pain on my ass. I looked down and saw Shiv peering at me from between my legs with her glossy lips scowling at me.
“God, can’t you shut up? Do you want us to get caught?”
Shiv used the hand that slapped me to grip the fleshy part of my ass and started digging her nails into my skin.
I almost moaned out loud until I caught myself and quickly clamped my hand over my mouth to muffle my sounds.
“That's better.” Shiv said as she began giving me butterfly kisses on my inner thigh while I was trying to catch my breath.
“I’m sorry. I promise to shut up, just don’t stop. It feels so good.”
I responded with a sense of urgency because it was only a matter of time before everyone, specifically Tom, would begin to wonder where Shiv was.
Shiv smirked at my desperation, pleased that even though she was on her knees eating me out, it was her that was in control.
“Good girl.” That was the last thing she said before moving her head back to my center, taking my clit between her lips, and began sucking on it softly.
I clamped my hand over my mouth again and bit down on my palm hard. Stopping myself from letting out another loud moan. 
How the fuck did I get here? I came to this celebratory event for Waystar as Roman’s date, and now I’m in the women’s bathroom with his sister's face between my legs. Why did I let this happen?
I looked down to admire the sight before me. I was leaning against the wall with one leg holding me upright and the other on Shiv’s shoulder. Her eyes closed in complete bliss, as if she was savoring the taste.
Although her suckling made it hard to stand on a wobbly leg, it wasn't enough to make me cum. It wasn't like we had all the time in the world.
I tried moving my hips against her lips to reach an orgasm faster, but she kept pushing my hips against the wall to keep me still.
“Shiv, I need more.”
“Aw baby, you're not the one calling the shots here. I am.”
“We need to hurry, people are waiting for us. Tom is probably wonderi-”
“Don't say his fucking name.”
She gave me a cold stare. I seemed to have struck a nerve mentioning Tom, given the situation. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up Tom.”
Shiv stared at me as she was thinking, tapping her slender and manicured pointer finger on my thigh. After a few seconds her face lit up. All she needed was a light bulb on top of her head. 
“You know what, you’re right.”
“W- what?”
Shiv placed a final kiss on my clit, making me shiver from her light touch. She got up from between my legs and fixed up my dress. Making sure I looked presentable. Then she grabbed my panties from the ground before leaving the stall we were in and throwing them away in the trash bin. 
I stayed in the stall feeling stunned before desperation hit me once I realized I didn’t cum. I walked out to see Shiv standing in front of the mirror, reapplying her lipstick. 
“We should be getting back. You were right, we were gone for too long.” Shiv said nonchalantly.
“But...” I couldn’t finish my sentence, feeling foolish for what I was going to complain about. I looked down at the ground in shame.
“But what?” Shiv said turning to look at me with a bored expression.
“I didn’t get to cum.” I said quietly, glancing up at her and seeing Shiv pout her lips mockingly before she cupped my face with both hands and forced me to look up at her. 
“Baby, don’t worry. We’ll get to that later.”
Shiv said with a mischievous smirk, that both confused and worried me.
“Come on.”
Shiv said before she taking hand and pulling me out of the bathroom. We were walking through a crowd of wealthy people bickering, when Shiv finally spotted Tom. She let go of my hand and walked toward him.
“Shiv!” Tom said excited to see her as if she just arrived from a long trip when it’s only been 20 minutes.
“Hi honey.”
Shiv leaned up to Tom's face, who wanted to kiss her on the lips, but she avoided it and kissed him on his cheek instead. He was a little embarrassed by this, but considering she was eating me out a few minutes ago, I was grateful.
I cleared my throat before speaking up. 
“Hi Tom, where’s Roman?”
"I think he’s at the bar getting a drink with Logan.”
“Where were you guys?”
I was about to respond when Shiv beat me to it.
“Y/N and I were just in the bathroom talking.”
Tom was nodding at Shiv, then an announcement was made for everyone to take their seats since the speeches were about to begin.
“Shall we.”
It had been a few minutes since we all took our seats. I sat next to Shiv on my right, and there was a reserved seat for Roman on my left. It’s then I began to wonder where he was.
“What up, cum dumps?”
We all whipped our heads at Roman, walking up to our table, who looked so proud of his vulgarity. While Tom and I stared at him in bewilderment, Shiv rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“Hi Roman. Where were you?”
I said as he was taking a seat next to me. He looked at me, and his face lit up like he remembered that I was his date.
“I was talking to ol’ daddy about business, nothing too major.” Roman said, brushing off the situation like it was nothing.
“The better question is where were you? I didn’t see you around the room for like 30 minutes.”
I could feel the tension in the air when he asked that question, but of course, no one but Shiv and I could feel it.
“I went to the bathroom with Shiv.”
“What took you guys so long? Were you flickin’ each other’s clits in there?”
Shiv scolded him, and Roman pretended to look scared of his sister’s irritation.
“No we were just talking, I didn’t realize how much time was passing us by.”
I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. I didn’t want Roman, out of all people, to catch on to what was going on between me and Shiv.
Before he could question me any further, the party planner spoke into the microphone. I let out a breath of relief, but during his speech I remembered the wetness between my legs, feeling it between my thighs. I hoped it wouldn’t seep into my gown, so I crossed my legs to try to prevent that.
I was squirming in my seat, and Shiv must’ve noticed because she leaned back into her chair and placed her hand on my thigh.
I tensed at the action and straightened my posture. I could see from my peripheral vision that it made Shiv smile.
Luck played a huge part in this situation. We were close to the stage, but behind us were walls from the sides of the room. Tom faced away from me, Shiv, and Roman, who paid no attention to me. Switching his attention from the person speaking on stage to looking at his phone. Not to mention the large white table cloth covering what went on underneath.
Shiv used her fingers to slowly pull my gown up to my hips. The action fed into my anticipation, although I worried that people would happen to catch on to what was going on under the table. 
Once the fabric gathered on my hips, she placed her hand on top of my thigh and lightly gripped the flesh to uncross my legs. I felt the cold breeze of the air conditioning brush against my wet lips, making me feel exposed in front of all these people. That’s when I thought back to when Shiv threw away my panties earlier for this purpose.
She started teasing me by running her fingers through my unshaven pubic hair, which was covered in my slick. I bucked my hips into her hand as a sign to give me more, resulting in a pinch in my inner thigh. I squeaked at the sharp pain but covered it with a cough. 
I turned to look at her, and her attention was on the guest speaker on stage, still smiling at our current situation. She glanced at me, noticing my teary eyes and the pout on my lips, and decided to give in. 
Shiv’s fingers landed on my clit and rubbed slow and tight circles. My pussy was so wet it spread everywhere from my lips to my clit, so she didn’t need extra lubrication. 
It continued until the entertainment for the night started, an interpretive dance which meant that loud music would be blaring throughout the room. So Shiv took the opportunity to slip her middle finger into my dripping hole. 
Unlike her gentle touch on my clit her pace started to get a more aggressive. The wet sounds of her fingers slapping against my pussy were being masked by the orchestra. The louder the music got, the faster and harsher her pace would be. 
There were moments when I wanted to scream, but I made sure to bite my bottom lip extra hard to prevent any sounds from escaping my mouth. I almost failed when Shiv added her ring finger into my pussy. 
It was starting to become too much, and her rough thrusts into my slit were resulting in her palm repeatedly slapping against clit, bringing me closer to an orgasm. 
I squeezed her wrist between my legs to let her know I was close. She seemed to get the hint and started going impossibly faster than before. My orgasm finally hit me, but this time felt different. I felt like I had to pee but I didn’t want to cause a scene so I relaxed as much as I could and let my pussy gush all over her fingers. 
I shivered from the aftershocks of my orgasm. I pushed Shiv's hand away when I started feeling overstimulated, and Shiv got the hint and pulled away. She grabbed her cloth napkin and wiped her hand. I noticed that not only her fingers but her wrist were wet. I looked down and noticed that the bottom hem of the tablecloth was drenched. I had squirted under the table and all over the cloth.
I panicked and pushed my dress down and back into place. I looked around the room to make sure no one witnessed the event that happened under the table. I felt relief when I saw that everyone appeared to be unbothered and slightly bored. I turned my attention back to the stage, and the rest of the ceremony continued as planned. 
When the event was over, I waited for my Uber on the curb in front of the building where the event was held. Roman offered to give me a ride as long as it was back to his place. I eagerly declined and hoped it would be the last of any invitations from Roman Roy.
I heard someone call my name and turned around and saw Shiv lifting up her dress a bit as she was speed walking towards me.
“Shiv, what’s up?”
“I forgot to give you this.”
She handed me her business card. I was confused until I turned the card over and noticed her personal number written in pen. I started blushing at the thought of our future meet-ups being similar to tonight.
"We should definitely make plans to meet up next week because I think owe you more than one.”
She was pleasantly surprised by my answer and smirked before she leaned in, her lips nearly touching my ear.
“Can’t wait.”
She whispered before she kissed my cheek and again on the other one so it would seem like a normal goodbye gesture to others.
Shiv gave me a final wink before she walked away to her ride back home with Tom. 
I turned back around to wait for my ride and thought further about ways I could return the favor. 
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cvrnelians · 1 year
unfollowed - chapter one
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Kendall has been building up the courage to talk to you for a while now. When he finds your Twitter account, he sees this as the perfect opportunity to get to know you anonymously, without any preconceived notions.
He didn’t mean for it to go this far. He’s planning on telling you the truth eventually, he really is! One day. When it’s the right time.
Ideally, before you figure out he’s not Greg.
chapter two
chapter one
You figured you knew all there was to know (and more than you ever even wanted to know) about the Roys. Who didn't? They were that perfect mix of arrogance and absurd wealth that made news outlets go apeshit. You tried your best to tune them out as you scrolled through social media, but your attempts to evade them were simply unrealistic at this point.
When you were away from your phone, you were still inundated with information about whatever scandal of they week they were involved with. You would catch a blip of Roman being hounded by paparazzi on the news, or one of your professors would bring up Shiv's campaign strategies as a controversial talking point. They were even a source of conversation during forced family functions, somehow melding into a foolproof way to break the ice. You were doubtful of many things in this life, but if there was one thing you knew for certain, it was this:
Nothing created stronger bonds between people than by banding together to talk shit about other people.
Everyone seemed to have something to say about that family. There were so many of them, and they were so awful, and their power and influence only made them even more awful. You likened them to the popular kids at school, or the Kardashians or something. The general consensus was that everyone hated them, and yet, no one turned down an opportunity to see what they were up to, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year. They were a guilty pleasure for the masses, actors in a soap opera designed to make everyone stop and stare.
But mostly point and laugh.
It all started with a Twitter DM. Seriously. A Twitter DM.
In retrospect, you couldn’t help but think about how comical it all was—being romantically pursued through a Twitter DM. 
At least it wasn’t Instagram. Whenever someone messaged you there, you never gave it a second look. Instagram DMs from strange men you didn't know typically manifested as a reaction to one of your photos, which you were none too crazy about. A Twitter DM was strange in a different way. You had little to no identifying information on your account, just your first name and your birthday. Your avi was a photo of your cat taking a nap. If someone had something to say to you on Twitter, it wasn't appearance based. It was a genuine reaction to something stupid you said, plain and simple.
And so, because you had a grand total of seven followers (two friends you barely spoke to, your sister, three acquaintances from college, and one bot), the message stood out. As one could expect from someone with seven followers, your tweets were nothing groundbreaking. You treated Twitter like it was your personal diary, or some kind of vat to pour your stream of consciousness into.
Your most popular tweets?
i'm exhausted
i dyed my hair all by myself and it actually looks ok ( o :
should i go vegan
oh god i'm so exhaustedddddd rn
that one song by the gorillaz about sunshine in a bag??? that's my shit
i'm. so. EXHAUSTED ): ): ):
You were quite the wordsmith, if you said so yourself.
Best (or worst) of all, though?
can we as a society please make a pact to collectively block the roy family on every platform? i’m so sick of hearing about them and seeing their dumbass posts on my feed. i’m honestly going to have a mental breakdown make it stop please
Within ten minutes, someone favorited what you wrote. When you went to check your notifications, you were surprised to find that the person who liked it wasn’t anyone you knew personally, or the bot. When you tapped on the profile, you felt a pit in your stomach. You reminded yourself that you should really make your account private, simply to avoid such a bizarre, anxiety-ridden feeling. You hadn’t thought anyone would actually try and contact you. Why would they?
You breathed a sigh of relief when you pulled up the account, which was nothing too crazy. The impression you got from the very limited information you had (considering the person’s avi was the Gucci logo, which elicited a massive eye roll) was that it was most likely a man, probably in his twenties or thirties. Very into bitcoin. Very into US stocks. Very into retweeting disparaging things about Harvard and trashing various platforms’ “algos” and other things that were totally irrelevant to your life.
The one thing that broke up the monotony of it all?
The Beastie Boys.
Oh, and Wu-Tang Clan.
Whoever this dude was, he had a Spotify account, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. He had a penchant for screenshotting whatever (predominantly 90s of any and every genre, and occasionally EDM) song he was listening to and posting it for all the world (aka his 35 followers) to see.
As if anyone cared. You couldn’t be too hard on him, though, not when you had done the same thing on your own account multiple times, and continued to do so. You actually had similar taste in music, which you thought was always a fun commonality to share.
Just as soon as you started to lurk the profile, you got a message in your inbox. It happened so fast that it almost made you jump, like he knew you were looking at it.
I would have to agree. They’re pretty awful, but definitely not worth the mental breakdown.
Then, a few seconds later…
Kendall doesn’t seem so bad, though.
You weren't planning on responding. It was rare that you had any interaction with strangers on the internet. It wasn’t like you were avidly against it or anything. You just…never really found the time. But it was 4:30 in the morning, you were wide awake, your tv wasn't working, and you wanted something to keep your mind occupied. 
You got home from your sister’s wedding at around midnight, but you felt too wired to sleep. It had been a nice evening overall. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was fun. You were beyond happy for your sister and her now husband, who you suspected she was going to marry for years now. There was drinking and dancing and you saw family members you actually liked, family members you hadn’t seen in years. Your mom had flown in from California. Even though you spoke on the phone nearly everyday, getting the chance to actually see her was always wonderful.
Conversely, Aria’s wedding had forced you to come into contact with someone you hadn’t seen in years, someone you hated more than anyone else in the world.
Well, maybe that was dramatic. There were worse people in the world. But you did hate him. A lot.
Your father.
Crazy, how just one drop could poison the well, ruining a perfectly good night.
You shoved those thoughts down, instead redirecting your focus towards the weird little man on your phone. You decided you had reached your allotted crying limit for that week.
You both replied at the same time.
Really? I get weird vibes off him.
Not to make you feel weird or anything, but I'm scrolling through your tweets and you listen to some pretty good music.
That did make you feel weird—but a good weird, an amused sort of weird. This random person was scrolling through your tweets, developing a positive opinion of you based on your disdain for the Roys and the your penchant for blaring the Blood Sugar Sex Magik album in your car on the way to work. You had stalked his profile too, so you supposed it was only fair to allow him to do the same.
Wait. Weird how?
Oh thanks. I know no one really cares what music I’m listening to but idk, I just like posting about it.
I’m the same. It’s like, I like my music so I want other people to like it, too.
Weird how though??
Meanwhile everyone else is just listening to *their* music, thinking the exact same thing.
I can’t really pinpoint it. It just seems like there’s more than meets the eye with him, but maybe not in a good way. Like there’s a lot going on under the surface that we don’t get to see.
I get the impression that he has a lot to hide, you know what I mean?
Hah. I think you’re dead on with that one actually.
I read somewhere that he’s a pretty private person, which I think is kind of understandable all things considered.
Yeah, maybe. I don’t know, for some reason I get this weird feeling that in a few years it’s gonna come out that he’s done some seriously bad things that got covered up because he has money.
It’s one thing to keep things to yourself, but I think there’s more to it than that.
There’s private and then there’s secretive, if that makes any sense.
Yeah, I get that.
But what do I know? This is coming from someone that posts their every waking moment on twitter. I’m mostly anonymous on here, but maybe I need to “take a page out of his book” or whatever.
I would prefer not to, though.
Too complicated?
Yeah. And bleak. 
At least, that’s how it seems to me.
His replies had been coming in fast, but this one took a bit longer to arrive. You could see the little dots indicating that he was typing pop up and disappear a few times, like he kept writing something and deleting it. He seemed to actually care about your reaction to what he was saying, trying to come up with the right thing to say next...which was odd.
Then again, you kind of did, too.
Wow. Tell me how you really feel.
I’m not normally this judgmental. It’s just with that family in particular. They’re so oversaturated in the press. Maybe he’s a nice guy. He clearly has some depth to him. Who knows, though? I’ll never actually meet him lol.
I mean, not that I should care what some random on twitter thinks of me anyway. But idk.
“Some random” lol. Thanks for that.
I do have a name, you know.
What is it, then? I MUST know.
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
Post Malone??? Is that u????
Lol Jesus Christ. No.
Jesus Christ???? I didn’t know you had a secret twitter. Do you have a finsta, too?
Alright smartass. My name is Kendall, ironically.
Also, what’s a finsta?
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. You didn’t want to make him feel bad, though. If he didn’t know, he didn’t know.
Wait, how old are you?
My guess? Probably older than you. Actually, definitely older than you.
But not by much.
Wow. Very elusive. Are you sure you’re not Kendall Roy?
Again, you were left waiting. The dots popped up and disappeared. Once, twice, three times.
I could only dream of being that handsome and powerful. But no, I’m not. Sadly. 
Lol I like how you had to think about it.
I was sending an e-mail for work, geez. I’m not obligated to respond to you immediately.
At 4 in the morning?
You must be a workaholic.
Oh, you have no idea…
You wondered if he was bored, too. He seemed genuinely interested in keeping the conversation going.
Usually I don’t like to give out my info but you seem fairly non-threatening. So, ballpark estimate, I’m somewhere in my late thirties.
It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to be talking to a stranger who claimed to be in his late thirties, which was, in fact, older than you. He easily could’ve been lying. Maybe he was twenty, maybe he was eighty. There was no way for you to know definitively what was real and what wasn’t, unless you did a bit of digging. You didn’t have much to go on, but you supposed it didn’t matter. You were just talking, and this little conversation would likely end within the next twenty minutes or so, when you finally willed yourself to shut your eyes and go to sleep.
What are you doing up so late, anyway? Assuming you’re in the US. You did mention that it was 4am.
Ah. So he was having trouble sleeping, too.
For context, I’m on the east coast, where it is also 4am. Which is ungodly late. Or early, depending on how you look at it.
I’m on the east coast, too.
You’re just as crazy as I am, then.
Speak for yourself, House of Gucci.
Lol wow you really are kind of a smartass, aren’t you?
I’m in New York.
No way! I’m in New York too. Upstate or downstate?
I don’t like giving out my info, remember?
You just opted to tell me you lived in New York completely unprovoked but ok.
And you’re right. You are older than me. "Ballpark” I’m in my twenties. But it’s nice to hear that you’re thirty and flirty and thriving.
Wow. I would love to be even just one of those things right now. 
You frowned at that.
Aw. I can relate.
Well, maybe we can commiserate together.
Maybe tomorrow? I really need to try and sleep. I have work in the morning.
I kind of figured. What do you do?
Damn. He really did want to keep this going, what with completely ignoring everything you just said about wanting to go to sleep.
I don’t like giving out my info, REMEMBER?
Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I’ll let you sleep. Sorry if this was weird, I’m at the airport right now and my flight got delayed. I wanted to kill some time and you seemed like you might be cool, so
Have a good night, alright?
You smiled to yourself, leaning back into your cocoon of pillows. Texting had actually made your eyes a little tired.
You too.
As you set your phone down on your nightstand, you saw it light up one more time. You wanted to groan. Was this guy seriously trying to keep it going even after you said goodnight? Were you going to have to block him?
But no. It was just a notification that he had followed you.
“Cute,” you mumbled to yourself, following him back.
If this weird, pleasant little interaction was any reflection of what “internet friends” might be like, maybe you would leave your account public.
…for now.
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musicalcastingideas · 5 months
Succession The Musical Hypothetical Casting
I’m doing this in one shot and off the top of my head, so I will be missing characters, I do also welcome suggestions.
Logan Roy: Patrick Page
Is this the obvious first choice? Yes. Is it the correct one? Also yes.
Kendall Roy: Lucas Steele
Kendall is just Anatole if he didn’t have a close relationship with his sister.
Roman Roy: Brandon Uranowitz
He played a nice neurotic freak in Falsettos, let's see him play an evil neurotic freak.
Shiv Roy: Eden Espinoza
I'll be honest, if I was genuinely casting a Succession musical as a real casting director, I would look for a more unknown performer to play Shiv, because I firmly believe that Shiv Roy should be an alto part, heavy in the lower range (like basically a tenor). Shiv's plot revolves around trying to push past her gender to be taken seriously, and I think having her being an alto who stays in her lower register would really highlight how hard she's trying to be taken seriously. That said, I would not at all be disappointed to have Eden Espinoza in the part. She's insanely talented, and I would love to see her interpretation of Shiv.
Connor Roy: Josh Groban
So there's a clip of The Opera from "Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812" where the ensemble sings "Pierre, the cuckold, sits at home", and then Pierre pops up saying "No, I am enjoying myself at home this evening" while giving a sad little thumbs up, while his wife is off banging another man? That's the energy I want for my Connor Roy.
Tom Wambsgans: Brian D'Arcy James
Is he maybe a little old for the part? Sure. But age onstage is fucky, and Brian D’Arcy James would absolutely kill it as the combination ass-kisser and ruthless bastard that is Tom Wambsgans. Also he gives Minnesota.
Greg Hirsch: George Salazar
I kinda don’t feel like I have to explain this one.
Gerri: Bernadette Peters
Icons playing icons.
Frank: Mandy Patinkin
Sunday In The Park With George reunion!
Willa Ferreyra: Samantha Pauly
I rewatched her All You Wanna Do again last night (and cried again) and when I thought about Willa, that popped into my head. (Not in the sense that I think Willa is a victim like Katherine Howard, she’s a consenting sex worker, more the fact that in the succession world, women, like Willa, are only valued for their sexuality.) Anyway, Sam Pauly also just kills every part she’s in so…
Stewy Hosseini: Tony Yazbek
He’s played Billy Flynn on Broadway, so he’s good at being a smarmy yet charming asshole (I say this with love, I love both Stewy and Billy Flynn)
Lukas Matsson: Aaron Tiveit
He’s hot but can also be scary.
Hard Cuts/ Impossible:
Edward Herrman as Karl
Would he be fun in the role? Yes. Is he dead, and therefore incapable of doing it? Also yes.
Daniel Radcliffe as Roman
Barrett Wilbert Weed as Shiv
Mandy Patinkin as Logan
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tomwambsgans · 7 months
that gay brother/little sister post you reblogged was soooo juicy so now i wanna ask your thoughts on gay roman (i’m absolutely a gay roman truther)
so i'm not attached enough to roman to have TOO many pre-formed thoughts on this but i'm gay enough i can't not have thoughts, so. another disclaimer, due to my lack of attachment i'm not whatsoever married to the notion of either kendall or roman (or shiv for that matter) being gay as opposed to bi. however i have eyes and a brain so i know they're all not straight, like that much is basically textual.
but anyway. when it comes to any of the roy siblings and homosexuality, i'll say my very first thought is this monologue from Angels in America. not that they would necessarily have that exact ideology about it, but those notions would greatly inform their attitude about themselves. imo roman, with his inclination toward fascistic masculinity in particular, would be the most likely to overtly think these things, and i do think he kind of does. roman knows that he's unable to get off with normative sex, but he also explicitly derides "liberal butt-love" and implicitly (sometimes explicitly) all the non-conforming and gender-bending stuff that goes along with it. that's at least partially because he's talking about a category of people that he does not belong to, due to being far above it. it's often the case for those who are rich and powerful and condemn the same "deviant" practices that they themselves engage in, whether it's gay sex, or just generally non-normative sex, abortion, etc. it's okay for me, but not for you.
but that's just one piece to roman's puzzle because there's also clearly shame wrt masculinity (logan's masculinity) and also some sexual trauma involved. i think kieran and/or one of the writers has said something about not wanting to pin Why Roman Is Like That on anything in particular, like not wanting to definitively say that something happened to him as a kid, but honestly i think it's extremely unlikely that he'd be like that about sex if nothing did. maybe it was very complicated and it not any singular event, but there's got to be something. some sexual depth to his childhood abuse that never got explicitly touched on. other people much more invested in roman than i have done really good meta on the roys' relationships to their bodies (like w the Summer of Competetive Eating Disorders), so i'm not gonna try to rehash those other ppl's thoughts, but in short that's the sort of thing i think of when i'm trying to imagine what the fuck happened to roman. like just over-arching themes of The Boot throughout roman's life, the lack of ownership over his own body in a way that reflects femininity and strips him of manhood, whether at home or at military school, etc.
i mean, we (as in the audience) are definitely at least supposed to wonder, like when it's implied that Mo's pederasty wasn't exclusive to girls (Don't Get In The Pool With Him), but also, if anything of that nature happened to him and informed roman's relationship with his sexuality, i have to also think that roman doesn't actually remember. his whole thing in austerlitz where he jokes to connor "i'm gonna tell them you diddled me" gives me the sense that maybe roman just kind of wishes it was that cut-and-dry, because then he'd have something specific to blame his whole deal on.
anyway. this is about roman being gay, not specifically sexually Weird - i just think the context of all that is relevant to how he'd conceptualize himself and any gay feelings he has. and i do think that if and when roman has ever had sex with men, he probably does lump it in with the fact that he can't have Normal sex. i think roman would have to undergo a lot of character development to ever consider it normal sex. honestly, simply recieving a handjob from his personal trainer was likely "wrong" enough for roman to get off despite how the average gay man would see it as extremely vanilla compared to roman needing to be degraded or fantasizing about necrophilia. growing up with logan "i didn't figure you for a faggot" roy would have, of course, really reinforced the ideas about that being Wrong.
(speaking of logan dropping the f slur, i think it's interesting that despite how roman acts anti-woke in front of others, he's shocked when logan says it. it's clearly crossing a line even for him, almost certainly because he's been abused with this word throughout his life. :'/)
so yeah i don't think roman would ever call himself gay (or even bi or queer) even if he is. and as for the matter of if he is, like as in, if tabitha and gerri are exceptions... i honestly don't know, but i don't think roman knows either. i think the relationship he has with love and sex, his own body and others, the very concept of desire and the love and affection and closeness he seeks out... are genuinely so gnarled and complicated, and wrapped up in all the aforementioned shame and abuse, that figuring out where gender factors into it would - once again - basically require years of therapy on his part.
it's definitely very plausible to me that kinky, non-normative sex is something he only needs in order to get off with women because he has no innate desire for them even when he loves them (and roman definitely has a lot of love inside of him that he will bend over backwards to give and recieve). but it's just as plausible that roman's association of feelings of wrongness with sexual pleasure is in fact unrelated to whatever gendered desire he has or doesn't have. his attraction to men is, funnily enough, more undeniable to me than his attraction to women is, but i do think that how it's portrayed in the show emphasizes roman's role in the world more than desire he holds inside of him. i always think of that one tweet that's like "whenever there's a guy that needs to be seduced, instead of shiv or some other hot woman they send roman." and his role as the Desired One (aka Practically A Woman) is likely a sort of spite factor in him wanting to deny overt homosexual interest too, since it's kind of imposed on him before he has a chance to say anything about who he is.
it's funny bc roman is the one male character where like... i simultaneously like the idea of them being gay and enjoy their relationships with women. he's just so complicated that he kind of exists outside the constructions of sexual orientation? like not in the "he's closeted and he's never coming out so even if he's gay, he's also not" way, but "this guy would not be able to figure out how to define attraction or desire to begin with." gerri being the love of his life and the notion of him being gay are not whatsoever mutually exclusive in my mind, because he's just that complicated.
finally i wanna say, again, that i'm not extremely attached to roman. nowhere near to the degree that i care about tom and greg. which i say because yknow.. i want to kill and maim when i see anything implying that either tom or greg are anything but gay. idk how you feel about it but i'd totally sympathize if you were the same about roman, lol. and i wanna emphasize that it's very likely the only reason i'm not necessarily a gay roman truther is because i haven't thought about it enough. i'd love to see anyone else's gay roman meta if they have it.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Thanks so much for all your meta posts! I’m a little late to the succession party so apologies if you’ve already answered this but having just finished the show, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you understand the, for lack of better term, uniquely unsettling nature of the relationship between Kendall and Logan.
To preface, all four kids have unique and interesting relationships with and to Logan and I’m in no way trying to minimize any of the characters trauma. Just, there’s just something about Kendall being told at seven years old that he would inherit it all while at an innocuous small-town ice cream parlor that is upsetting? Almost sinister? I can’t help but think of the season 1 finale and the hug, the closeness that is somehow a combination of comfort, relief, foreboding, control, and possessiveness all wrapped into one gesture. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s just a disquieting undercurrent to some of Logan and Kendall’s interactions.
I’ve been trying to define why I feel that way watching so many of their scenes and I’m having a hard time pinpointing it. Do you have any thoughts? I’ve seen some fans make comparisons to emotion incest or enmeshment (which I think would apply to all the kids to greater or lesser extents) and predatory childhood grooming (which I think has some similarities considering Kendall was “groomed” to take over Waystar but I don’t think a more literal interpretation is really supported by the text) but none of it feels like a perfect fit. Would be super interested to get your take.  
You’re very welcome, anon, and I’m so sorry it’s taken so long for me to reply to this! It’s been! A big few weeks in an already very big year, haha (my sister has been in family court for the last nine months, and I'm her +1 / support person, and let me tell you, I now know a lot about the legal system I wish I'd never had to). Your question’s a really interesting one though, and one I’ve thought about a lot, because I agree – I think there is something uniquely unsettling in Kendall and Logan’s relationship, and it is something that’s hard to pinpoint.
After all, like you said, all the kids have unique relationships with Logan, but in many ways, there’s more crossover between their abuse than there isn’t. There’s physical violence, emotional incest and family enmeshment at the core of the Roy family dynamic, and Logan’s capacity to weaponise familial bonds in order to keep them all close to him and fighting with each other is pretty much one of the tenets of the show. Logan might’ve thought of himself as a sun they orbited around, but the reality is he’d never give them that much rope – they were always doomed to be burning their feet on the surface of him.
I also agree with you that grooming’s not necessarily the right term for what’s happening in the family dynamic, because I don’t actually think Logan’s a groomer? I get why people think he is, and he’s absolutely abusive, don’t get me wrong, but grooming implies a serious degree of intent and the formation of a relationship with the purpose of manipulation and abuse, and I just - - don’t think Logan’s brain operates that way? I think he’s much, much more of an enmeshed parent than he is a groomer, because I think Logan loves all of his children in the fullest way that he’s able. He himself was a deeply traumatised child who grew into a horrible and abusive yet still deeply traumatised man, and to position him as only developing these relationships with his children for the purposes of manipulating them is just something I don’t see.
In many ways, it makes it worse, right? Because every decision he makes isn’t one with an end goal for the kids, it’s ongoing and his moments of genuine warmth are only matched by the moments he leaves them in the harshest of colds. Like he promised Shiv Waystar not because he was grooming her but because for a minute, he genuinely wanted her to have it, which makes it a lot harder for Shiv to process than if he was always stringing her along.
This idea of promising a company of that scale to a seven-year-old boy, to me at least, doesn’t just read as unsettling, but as deeply tragic, because to make that sort of promise to a child that young isn’t about Logan’s relationship with Kendall at all, it’s about Logan’s relationship with himself and his past.
Think of it this way – we know that Logan and Caroline didn’t divorce until Shiv was (at least) 11, which means he was making that promise long before they split up, and in the late 80s, probably not long after Waystar had had that expansion into Parks and Cruises.
I think what makes it insidious is not the promise in itself, but the fact that Logan has no concept of the fact that Kendall would and does shape his entire life and identity around the offer. To Logan, it’s probably an earnest thought offered on a sunny afternoon, but it's nakedly borne out of a deep internalised trauma over losing a father he’d never know and inheriting a business from an uncle who’d leave him scars that would last 70 years.
To give it to Kendall is to let him wear that trauma - a trauma he doesn't understand - like a cloak and tell him its a gift.
I'm separating this because I think I'm less confident with it overall as a theory, but I think there is another buried layer here too that Logan potentially saw something in Kendall that was inherently mmm, I don’t know what the word here is actually – vulnerable, I guess? But that’s not necessarily what I mean. My point is more that Logan’s a man who had, at the point of having at least the Golden Trio, all the resources in the world, and while arguably Shiv, Roman, and (to a lesser extent) Connor’s various issues and neuroses can be put down fairly cleanly to Logan’s abuse and neglect, I don’t necessarily think that Kendall’s can.
The show never diagnoses anyone, but I feel it’s pretty implicit on the show that Kendall’s bipolar, which feeds into his addiction issues (people with bipolar are up to 59% more likely than people without bipolar of being diagnosed with substance abuse disorders) and it’s outright stated in the pilot that Logan saw rehab as the ‘nut house’, and that he pulled Kendall out of it after just a day in 2.01, of which the latter is canonical medical negligence. How much medical negligence played into Kendall’s childhood, and how much Logan’s personal history between his sister’s death and his first wife’s nervous breakdown, informed perhaps a need to have a ‘healthy son’ is anyone’s guess, of course, but I think personally that it’s probably a significant factor.
Add to that that Logan does seem particularly protective of Kendall, and that Kendall’s the only one who seems to fully understand Logan’s medications and health (even though Connor’s the one to understand the funeral plans), I think is telling. That maybe there was a genuine (albeit extremely toxic and power imbalanced) shared intimacy around health between them that opened up a space for vulnerability and affection that Logan never understood the weight of, and that Kendall could never let go of.
This is getting into tldr territory now, haha, but yes! I guess I’d say that I agree with you, and I think what makes the relationship between Logan and Kendall particularly biting is Logan’s simultaneous dependence and thoughtlessness. He leans heavy and hard, but loathes the signs of splintering, and I think he feels he does Kendall a kindness by pretending not to see it a lot of the time. Pair that with Logan having not dealt with his own abuse and instead projecting all the ways he’s Not Noah onto his child, I think it’s overall just a mess of a traumatised person not recognising their own trauma and dropping the weight and expectations of all of that onto their seven year old son at an ice cream parlour and never growing enough to know what they did is fucked.
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beebeetheclown · 1 year
Hi! Can you do 3, 23, and 30 from the dialogue smut prompts with Kendall? 🫠
Of course :) I made this one shot on the more softer and sweeter side lol. Hope you like what I came up with and have a good rest of your night <3
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One Shot Request from Dialogue Prompt List⬇️
Tags: F/M, Kendall Roy/Reader, Kendall Roy/You (sweeter rather than spicy? I think lol)
Willa, your best friend, invited you to join her and Connor to the gala that was being held for Waystar. She invited you out because she knew you loved to dress up and look all pretty, like a princess. The two of you played princesses all the time when you were children, it grew on you I guess. You enjoyed wearing big fancy dresses and attending big fancy parties, it made you feel good. 
Inside the huge building, it was full with people and separate dinner tables. You, of course, sat with Willa and Connor because you didn’t know anyone else that was there. You have heard about the Roy family both from the media and Willa, but you’ve never actually met any of them before, minus Connor of course. 
Willa leaves you alone at the table while following Connor around, he’s trying to make everything perfect. You decide to go and grab yourself a drink before the speeches begin so you head over to the small bar area. 
It’s when you receive your drink when Kendall Roy begins to speak to you, trying to get your attention all towards him. 
“It’s going to be a long night, I recommend two of those.” He says, motioning to the alcoholic beverage in your hands. You turn to face him, he was a stranger to you and you were a stranger to him. You liked his low toned voice, ‘it would be good for asmr’, you stupidly think to yourself as you smile at him. 
“You think this night will be long?” You question.
“Well, I guess it depends, if people keep pulling you in for a chat after the speeches, then yeah, it’ll be a long night.”
You take a sip of your drink, “So, I shouldn’t get to know people?” You tease.
“I mean, you could get to know me. I’d like to get to know you.” He says with a smile. You smile back at him, you thought he was attractive, not just because of his deep asmr like voice, but because he was just attractive with or without a nice voice. 
“Get to know me then, ask for my name.”
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” 
You tell him your name then ask for his. 
“Kendall,” he replies, “Kendall Roy.”
Oh shit, he was a Roy and you didn’t even know.
“Roy, Kendall Roy?” You question. 
“Uh huh.”
“Shit, I’m sorry.” 
He laughs a little, “What, why are you sorry?”
“Because, I didn’t know you were.. Well Kendall fucking Roy.”
“Don’t be sorry about it.” He replies softly. 
“So, does that mean you have a speech tonight?” 
“Uh huh. I’m not sure if I’m ready for it or not though. It probably is going to all sound bullshit.”
“No, I’m sure it’s good.”
“Can I maybe get your opinions on it? I could read my speech out to you, then you tell me if I should fix anything?” 
You smile and take another sip of your drink, “Sure.”
He smiles and then leads you over to his table. As you make your way there, he doesn’t let any silence fill between the two of you. 
“So, uh, who did you come with? A boyfriend? Husband?” 
You can’t help but let out a little laugh, “No, I’m just a friend of Willa’s”
You make it to his table and he pulls out a chair for you and pushes it in, being a true gentleman. 
“Didn’t she come with Connor?” He asks as he sits down across from you.
“Yeah, she did.”
“So, you’re just like… fuckin’ third wheeling.”
You smile, “Yeah, I guess so.” 
He smiles back at you, “ Well, so am I.” he replies, “you see my sister Shiv over there?” He asks and points in her direction. 
“Yes, I see her.”
“Well, she came with her husband, they tend to cheat on each other.” 
You raise your eyebrows and let out a small huff of air as a laugh, it was funny how he could just easily talk shit about his own siblings. 
“And Rome, over there, he’s with his so-called girlfriend I guess.”
“Do they cheat on each other too?” You joke.
“Oh no, instead my brother has weird sex problems and can’t fuck his own girlfriend.”
“Are you always this forward? Talking shit about your siblings?” You ask and can’t help but let out another laugh.
“I tend to be, yeah.” He says lowly. “Do you think that’s a problem?” 
You think for a minute, “Maybe, it’s a bit toxic yeah but, I have to admit that I think you're the best Roy child to me so far.” 
He smiles and shakes his head, “No, I don’t think I’m the best.”
“How come? I mean, you didn’t come with your wife who you cheat on, didn’t come with a girl you don’t know how to fuck and aren’t getting angry at the staff for making a piece of fucking butter cold.”
He looks into your eyes again and a big smile appears on his face. “I like you.” 
“I like you too.” The two of you smile at each other for a moment before he takes a breath in and then asks you to listen and see if his speech is any good.
As you are listening to him read out words, every word begins to sound like blurred out mumbles as you can’t focus on anything else but how badly you wanted to kiss him, how badly you wanted him. You had just met the guy, but you wanted him more than ever.
“What do you think? Good?” He asks, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. It sounds great Kendall, you’ll do fine.” 
Speeches go on for about 15 minutes before it’s Kendall’s turn. You give him a small smile and whisper, “Good luck.” to him as he stands and makes his way to the stage.
As you’re listening to him speak, you feel yourself fall more and more for him, something about him just made you weak. 
You clap for him when his speech ends and smile as he comes down to join you again. His speech was last, meaning that you could now leave. You didn’t want to leave with Willa anymore, you wanted to leave with him. 
“Want to head out, before people try and make long, pointless chats with us?” It’s like he knew exactly what you wanted.
“Yes, I think that’s a good idea.”
He smiles and he leads you out. You pass Willa and she notices you are following Kendall and smiles at you, happy for her best friend. She was happy seeing you happy, so she let Kendall lead you out.
When you are outside, he immediately pulls you away so that you are somewhere quieter. 
“You came with Willa, yes?”
“So, is she giving you a ride home then or,” 
You decide to be brave and step closer to him, “or what?”
His lips are close to yours now, “Or, I could drive you home.” 
You hum then reply, “That sounds like a better idea.”
It gets quiet as you wait for his reply, wondering what he will say next. Wondering if he was feeling the same tension you were feeling. 
“Please kiss me.” He says softly, “I need you to kiss me.”
You don’t waste anymore time and plant your lips softly on his and put your hands at the sides of his face. The kiss breaks for a second, but then it continues with him going back in again. The kiss begins to get more and more messy, with his tongue slipping in your mouth and sucking on your bottom lip. 
“Where’s your car?” You whisper. 
He takes your hand then begins to lead you to where his driver was parked. “Can I take you home… please.” He was so desperate for someone's love. It had been a while since anyone had made him feel good about himself, you were giving him everything and he needed you alone and all to himself. 
When the two of you are in the car and on your way to his apartment, you can’t help but lean over and kiss his lips again. He grabs your face and continues to kiss you, letting quiet, little moans leave his lips. 
You wanted to give him everything, you just met him about half an hour ago and you already wanted to give in, love him and give him anything he needed or wanted. 
It was rare for Kendall to be this sweet and soft for a woman. Usually, he would like to be dominant and act like he’s the fucking boss, But with you, he wanted nothing more but to make love to you softly rather than fuck you. 
He needed to know that you needed him and only him, that you were only for him and no one else.
As soon as you make it up to his apartment, you are on each other. You giggle as he picks you up and walks you over to his bedroom. He puts you down so you are standing in front of his bed now. 
“Turn around,” he says quietly in your ear. You obey and turn so that your back is facing him. 
He begins to slowly unzip your dress, “Are you sure you want this?” He asks 
“Yes, Kendall. I don’t want anything else.” You admit. It was true, the only thing you wanted at that moment was him. You wanted him to be the only man to undress you. 
“Good,” Your dress is fully undressed now and it drops to the floor. The only thing left on you now were your panties. He puts his hands on your shoulder to turn you to face him again. When you’re facing him again, you look up at him.
“You’re so beautiful.” He says. It was such a simple reply, but hearing him say it makes you melt.
You look at him and remove your panties, letting them drop to your feet. 
“Please Kendall,” you whimper out.
“Get on the bed.” He says. It wasn’t in a demanding tone, he kept his voice soft, making sure that you were comfortable. 
You sit on his bed then he comes to kiss your lips again before pushing you down lightly so that you let yourself fall back and let your back hit the mattress. Your breathing gets heavier as you hear him begin to undress himself. 
He seems to hear the speed of your breathing change because he replies with, “Just relax, honey. I’m going to be gentle with you… I want to take my time with you. 
“Fuck,” You whimper out softly, you couldn’t help it, you where so turned on. 
You suddenly hear the sound of a plastic wrapper tearing apart. You keep your eyes on the ceiling, waiting for what is to come next.
You feel his hand come to your leg and move it to make you spread your legs for him.
“Don’t be nervous,” you feel his tip at your entrance then his fingers come to play with your clit. “You tell me if it’s too much? I’d hate to hurt you sweetheart.”
You moan out at the feeling of his fingers lightly rubbing your clit, “You won’t hurt me Kendall.” 
He removes his fingers from your clit then places both of his hands on your hips before he slowly begins to move his hips forward, fitting his tip inside.
You immediately arch your back and let out a breath of relief at the feeling of him inside of you. He pulls back before grinding forward again, fitting more of himself inside of you. He was so worried about hurting you for some reason. He just thought you were so sweet, he wanted to give you nothing but pleasure. 
“More Kendall, please.” You embarrassingly beg. 
He breathes out as he grinds into you again, this time, fitting himself fully inside. You both gasp and moan out at the feeling. He continues to thrust his hips, setting a slow but pleasurable pace. 
You continue to make sweet little noises for him and it makes him groan out. 
“Say my name.” He breathes out, “I love hearing my name fall from your sweet little lips. 
You throw your head back and whisper out his name. 
“Again, say it again.”
“Kendall,” You moan out louder, “Oh, Kendall.”
He can’t hold back after hearing that, he begins to fuck you with a faster pace now which makes you cry out even more. You grab onto his shoulder with a tight grip, your nails digging into his skin.
“You’re too good for me,” He breathes out into your neck, “I don’t deserve someone like you.” 
“Yes you do. You deserve everything.” 
“Fuck, I wish I could have you to myself forever. I will never get enough of you.”
All of his praising along with his neck kisses and deep thrusts makes you come undone. You cry out and wrap your legs around him as you let your orgasm come over you. He fucks you through your orgasm before his thrusts become more sloppy and he follows close behind you, stilling inside you. His cock twitching as he spills inside the condom. 
He kisses you again before laying next to you.
“Fuck, I’ve never felt anything like that before,” he says, “it sounds dumb and cheesy.”
“No, I think it’s cute.”
The two of you kiss one last time and before you know it, you are sleeping in his arms.  
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jeniffercheck · 1 year
i dare you (you're gonna fall, but i'll catch you)
shivlina tumblr prompt: five times someone notices shivlina acting odd and one time they're honest about it
words: 5k
read here or on ao3
Roman’s a good brother.
When Shiv tells him she’s getting a divorce, he expects it to be the end of the world. He expects the waterworks and the flamethrowers, blaring tornado sirens, and a news broadcast to alert the entire city, because that’s how much his sister loves to milk her fucking tragedy of a life, and he’s ready for it. Don’t get it twisted; he does the nice thing. He sends her a stupid e-card with a series of explosions over his favorite paparazzi shot of Tom eating a street-cart pretzel and offers to spread a rumor around the office that Tom caught chlamydia from the linebacker on his college football team, and even though Shiv vetoes the latter offer, Roman still considers spreading it anyway because that’s how good of a brother he is.
He’s so good in fact, that he knows his condolence strategy must have worked, because it’s been six days since the last time Shiv verbally assaulted him, and nearly nine since the last time she’d physically assaulted him. It must’ve been his handiwork, because there’s no conceivable way that his sister would be going through a divorce and not making it everyone else’s problem, right?
After the eighth day of calm, Roman can’t take it anymore. He corners Shiv in her office, the golden plaque reading President of Domestic Operations looking far too shiny for his liking. He grabs at it just to add a little smudge.
“Could you not?” Shiv asks, glaring in his direction. Her gaze immediately falls back on her cell phone, the brief annoyance gone almost as quickly as Roman had provoked it.
“Not even a fuck you?” Roman asks, dropping into one of the chairs in front of her desk. “I see where I stand these days.”
Except Shiv doesn’t even hear him. She laughs at her phone, that stupid smile on her face growing in a way that makes him want to throw up and ask to be let in on the joke all at once.
“What’s got you perkier than Kendall in a Kith apothecary?”
Shiv looks up, scowl returned, and he thinks it feels something like a hug, if that were something he and Shiv ever really did.
“Did you want something, or did you just come in here to fill my office up with your stink?” she asks, and Roman feels a sense of relief at the volatility.
“I wanted to know what you were looking at,” Roman says, tapping his fingers on the desk.
“You came all the way down here to ask what’s on my phone?”
“That is what I said, right?” Roman asks. “Who are you talking to?”
Shiv raises an eyebrow at the question.
“Uh—no one, Rome,” she says, albeit unconvincingly.
“Sure,” Roman says. “So, you’re just laughing at cat videos and not another one of the texts that just came through on your phone?”
Roman tries to peer over the desk, but Shiv covers up her phone up her phone quickly. She’s hiding something.
“Roman, I’m not—“ Shiv cuts herself off. “You know you’re the only one who knows, right?”
“Am I?”
“Well, are you?” she asks. “Or is Tabitha sending me dating show casting calls just for shits and giggles?”
“She’s been doing that?” Roman whines. Disappointing. He wanted to do that. “I’m just saying, you’ve been acting…” He waves his hands around, Shiv’s brows furrowing deeper.
“What is this, are you trying to invent a secret language that nobody else knows?” she asks, eyes flitting between her phone and Roman as it dings, again.
“Don’t you have a job to be doing?” he says.
“Don’t you?”
Okay. Touché.
“This is my job,” Roman says. “I’m the Chief Operational Officer. I’m chiefing your operations.”
“Uh-huh,” Shiv says. “In that case, domestic operations are going well. Public opinion polls are up by two points, and I have a meeting with Karolina later today to discuss next steps. Any other operational matters I can see to for you today, Mr. Roy?”
“Okay, okay,” Roman says, waving her off, though one name in her report stood out greatly. “You and Karolina have been spending a lot of time together.”
“You and Gerri spend a lot of time together.”
Roman leans back in the chair, “She’s my mentor.”
“I can’t have a mentor?” Shiv asks.
Roman eyes her. If she’s telling the truth, then that means Shiv isn’t anything to worry about.
“So, you want PR?” Roman asks. “Not CEO?”
“What I want, is a reality where you’re not riding my ass every ten minutes,” Shiv says. It’s a non-answer, Roman’s not a dumbass, but at least he’s closer to the truth. Shiv’s divorce doesn’t matter because she’s got her hat in the ring. And Karolina’s backing her.
“Fine, fine, I’m going,” Roman says, standing. He pauses at the door, knowing he needs to throw her off his line of questioning. “Are you ovulating?”
“What?” Shiv asks, and if looks could kill, Roman would certainly be six feet under.
“Just asking,” Roman says. “You’re, like, glowy.”
“Fuck off,” Shiv says.
Roman doesn’t have to be told twice. Gerri’s going to get a kick out of this.
Kendall’s not paranoid.
A little bit obsessive? Sure. Hungry for power? He can own up to that. Good at making enemies? Most definitely. But paranoid? Absolutely not. This, however; it just doesn’t make any sense.
“What are you saying, Shiv?” he asks. On a normal day, she’d be at his throat, telling him that all of his ideas are bad ones and that it’s all going to crash and burn. On a normal day.
“That…I think it’s a good idea?” Shiv says, turning her head at him slowly. “Did you want me to scream and cry and tell you I hate it?”
“I mean—no,” Kendall says. “I guess, I just, expected a little pushback. That’s all.”
Shiv shrugs, a loose hand around her coffee mug. She’d sat next to Kendall in the conference room instead of across from him, unnerving coming from a woman who can oftentimes barely look in his direction.
“I read the notes you sent last night, and they make sense,” Shiv says. “No need to reinvent the wheel, here. Your plan is better.”
Which sounds exactly like something someone else would be telling her to say, and that can only mean one of two things. Shiv’s playing the game, or Dad’s putting her up to it.
“Is that a Karolina line?” Kendall asks, watching every minuscule movement of Shiv’s face. First she pauses—caught off guard, then her eyes narrow. She’s not looking at him anymore.
“I—a what?”
That’s it. “They’re feeding you lines, aren’t they?” Kendall says, standing up. “Unbelievable, this is—just, great, Shiv. Really, it’s great.”
Shiv rolls her eyes, coffee mug forgotten.
“Yeah, Kendall, I’m fucking wiretapped and the feds are bursting in here any minute to nab you for cruises. This is all actually just a ruse and you’ve been trained your whole life to take the fall for this one moment, you caught us,” she says.
“I’m serious, Shiv—if this is a setup—”
“I’m not lying, Ken, Jesus,” Shiv says. “I read the plan and I thought about it. That’s what you fucking wanted me to do, right? Can you accept that before I fuckin’ change my mind?”
It still doesn’t feel right. Shiv’s never given into one of Kendall’s ideas this easily and willingly in her life. He’s sure Karolina had something to do with it, and by extension their dad, but he also wants to believe Shiv, which he won’t, but he can pretend to at the very least.
“Fine,” Kendall says. “Okay, great, um—thank you, Shiv.”
“Sure,” Shiv says. “And, by the way—Karolina’s not, feeding me lines, or whatever you think. God, you and Roman, you’re like, fucking irrational.”
“Yeah, no, of course not,” Kendall says. “The mind games, they’re—you know.”
“Yeah, sure,” Shiv says.
He leaves the meeting feeling entirely and unequivocally unsatisfied. Roman wouldn’t be his first source of confidante on a bad day, but he has no one else to trust, and he’s the only other person who could possibly want Shiv in the CEO seat any less than Kendall.
“Hey, Roman—“ he says, entering Roman’s office. “Is Shiv, like, I mean—is there something…off?”
Roman stands up, looking out the windows of his office before turning back to Kendall and crossing his arms.
“You didn’t hear it from me,” Roman says lowly, “but I heard she’s ovulating.”
Kendall looks up, Roman’s dead serious.
“You mean—her and Tom?”
“Like jackrabbits,” Roman says.
“Gross, dude.”
Roman throws his hands up in the air.
“You asked.”
Karolina doesn’t get distracted. Gerri knows that much.
She knows a lot, in fact, such as Karolina’s educational background: a summa cum laude BA in Public Relations and an ivy league MS in Strategic Communication. Karolina’s career path: Assistant at a crisis management firm, Account Manager for a think tank, and then a Manager at Waystar—merged into Waystar Royco shortly after. Karolina’s consistent weekend plans: drop off her dry cleaning early on Saturday morning, pick up breakfast from her favorite cafe on the way back, work into the evening, pick up dry cleaning and groceries on Sunday, watch trash reality TV until she falls asleep, meet Gerri early in the office on Monday morning to drink coffee and sync (Karolina’s missed the last two Mondays). And Gerri knows all about Karolina’s dating history: the broody painter in college, the personal accountant in her twenties, the short-lived engagement to the non-profit president in her thirties. The absence that’s followed.
Yeah. Gerri knows a lot—and she certainly knows that Karolina doesn’t get distracted. So, it’s a mystery to her why she’s now received two press reports, riddled with mistakes. She would chalk it up to delegation—maybe Karolina’s giving some baby-faced assistants a chance, or she’s been fed conflicting information along the chain of command��but these are high-level, directly from Karolina, and directly her mistakes to make. Karolina’s lucky it’s Gerri who’s receiving them first, because they’re a liability, is what they are, and anyone else in the office wouldn’t be as tactful about it as Gerri’s choosing to be.
She calls Karolina in for a meeting over lunch. Low pressure, familiar territory, but even then, Karolina is quieter than usual. She’s not quite pensive as much as she is splitting, her mind obviously going in multiple directions at once. She's having trouble keeping up with Gerri’s conversation, only vaguely remembering details that Gerri has already told her and not quite adding anything substantial to the conversation unless provoked, her eyes occasionally dropping to her turned-over phone on the chair arm beside her.
Gerri decides to bite the bullet.
“Is everything alright?” she asks, stopping herself in the middle of a sordid tale about Frank and Karl’s latest excursion in Shareholder-Land. “You seem preoccupied lately.”
Karolina’s reaction is verification enough, the surprise and sudden discomfort apparent all over her body, but physical tells mean nothing to Gerri when it comes to Karolina. Her tell, is that Karolina has told her nothing, when by now, Gerri should know everything.
“I mean, yeah,” Karolina says, sitting up straighter. “There’s a lot going on. You know how it is.”
“I know how it is, sure,” Gerri says, unconvinced. She pulls out the press releases, red ink splattered all over the pages, “Wanna tell me about these, though?”
“Oh,” Karolina says, grabbing the pages from Gerri. “Your notes?”
Gerri nods, and Karolina looks down at the pages, brows instantly furrowing in concentration. Gerri watches the head tilts and the squinted eyes, the mouthing of words as Karolina silently reads lines back to herself, the constant switching between pages to fully grasp the inconsistencies and the contradictions. Her back is stiffer when she’s finished, and she stares at the pages.
“Um, good—” Karolina says, moving to clean up her belongings. “Thanks, Gerri. I’ll fix these up and get them back to you.”
“Karolina,” Gerri says, and Karolina pauses, albeit a little unwillingly, staring back at Gerri expectantly. “I’m going to ask again, is everything alright?”
Karolina crosses her arms, a feigned innocence on her face. “Yes, Ger—everything’s fine. These are just stupid mistakes, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not scolding you,” Gerri says, because they’re in the office, and these are serious mistakes, and while Karolina is her subordinate, she’s also her friend. “I’m just checking in. This isn’t like you.”
Gerri watches the internal battle as it happens, Karolina running through every scenario and calculating the results of each possible course of action. It’s always a roll of the dice with Karolina, but Gerri at least knows that if she doesn’t get the answer out of Karolina today, she will get it out of her eventually.
“I guess I have been preoccupied,” Karolina admits. “But, you know…things are good.”
“Things are good?” Gerri confirms, and Karolina smiles slightly as she nods.
“Things are really good,” Karolina says. Gerri has no reason to not believe her, and also knows it’s not the time to press further.
“Okay,” Gerri concedes. “Then, make sure the next versions of those releases aren’t going to make us liable for libel in seven different nations, alright?”
“Message received,” Karolina says.
Gerri nods, partially satiated with the outcome of the meeting, and she’s about to send Karolina off when Shiv pokes her head through the door. Gerri feels dense for not seeing it before. The extra meetings. Shiv’s recent agreeable attitude toward Gerri. The way Karolina bites her lip if only to stop her smile from growing, and the laser focus of her eyes. Shiv’s mischievous smirk. Of course. Karolina’s fucking lovesick.
“Hey, sorry if I’m interrupting,” Shiv says. “Can I steal Karolina?”
“Seeing as neither of us owns her, I don’t see why not,” Gerri says, and Karolina clears her throat, nervous.
“Great,” Shiv says, then to Karolina, “I’ll be in my office.”
Karolina nods, as Shiv exits, picking up the rest of her things.
“Karolina?” Gerri calls out, stopping her at the door.
“Remember,” Gerri warns. “Liability.”
The instant flush of Karolina’s face is the only confirmation she needs.
The event is nice, but Willa’s not much into the family business.
She finds it monotonous to stand around and listen to a bunch of legacy businessmen discuss stocks and market trends and, God forbid, politics, like they’re all the second coming of Jordan Belfort himself. She hates the way they all look down on Connor as if he isn’t the only Roy heir who doesn’t need Daddy’s company, and she really hates the way they all look down on her as if she’s some mail-order bride who couldn’t understand the first thing about the economy, but she does really enjoy the people-watching, and those cucumber finger sandwiches that rich people love, and the expensive dresses she gets to buy that are most definitely integral to stimulating the fucking economy. And she especially loves eavesdropping, even more so when it’s Connor’s brothers discussing what’s up with Shiv, going on and on about Shiv and Karolina and their two-woman coup as if the real answer isn’t glaringly obvious.
“I’m telling you, dude,” Kendall says, pointing his glass towards Roman, “she’s scheming.”
“Come on, Shiv?” Connor chimes in. “She’s done just fine on her own all these years. What does she need from pops?”
“What do any of us need from him, Con?” Roman jeers. “She’s obviously changed her mind. She wants the big seat.”
“What, and Karolina’s helping her?” Connor asks. “She’s a wonderful woman, really, but what does our People Magazine liaison have over who’s going to be the next Chief Executive?”
“She’s Head of Communications, Connor,” Kendall says. “It’s, like, her whole job to communicate. If she’s on Shiv’s side, she could already be swaying public opinion and in the internal memos. We’re fucked.”
Willa doesn’t like to step in often, but this is a bit much. “Wouldn’t you be able to, like, see if she were doing that?”
All three men pause, eyes now on her. Roman seems to be considering her point, but Connor jumps to Kendall’s defense.
“I’ve read about this. Psychological Operations are very difficult to recognize, even when you know they’re occurring. The Romans used flaming pigs to scare off Egyptian war elephants that would eventually trample their own troops.” He claps his hands together. “That’s it. You need to figure out Shiv’s flaming pig.”
“My what?”
The next few moments are very important to Willa’s observations. First, Shiv shows up alone. Not with Tom, not with the old guard, alone. Then, after confusing and awkward greetings between Roman trying to make pig jokes, Kendall stammering his way through an apology, and Connor desperately trying to explain Ancient Roman Flaming Pigs, Shiv immediately asks if any of them have seen Karolina. Shiv’s meeting her. Willa has to hide a knowing smile behind her champagne, her amusement only exacerbated by the panicked look in both Kendall and Roman’s eyes. Then, the best thing possible occurs.
Gerri and Karolina walk up to the group.
At first, Willa thinks her theory is toast. They all greet one another with the kind of cordial professionalism anyone would expect, and Shiv’s reaction to Karolina isn’t anything out of the ordinary. That is until Roman pulls the group into a conversation about how Logan really isn’t going to like the menu and wants, “to know who’s going to break the news to the kitchen staff that they have just over an hour to source a cod from Massachusetts itself or face getting a review that will surely destroy their yearly earnings for at least three more event seasons,” and Shiv, under the impression that nobody is paying attention, takes the opportunity to whisper something in Karolina’s ear.
Willa watches as Shiv’s hand meets the small of Karolina’s back while they catch up, and Willa immediately tugs on Connor, nodding slightly in their direction. He’s confused at first, and Willa, not wanting to cause a scene, first tries pulling a face, and upon an unsuccessful charade, spells it out for Connor quietly in his ear.
“That’s?” he whispers back, and Willa nods, downing a sip of champagne in excitement.
“Wow,” Connor says out loud, and Willa winces as the entire group looks at him.
“What is it?” Kendall asks, and Connor flounders with a series of sounds that could possibly count as English, Willa immediately jumping in over him.
“It’s just, so sad…that Logan might have to eat…salmon,” Willa says, internally cringing at the save, but grateful that none of them think highly enough of her to see it as anything out of the ordinary.
“It’s devastating,” Gerri deadpans. “Come on, boys. Let’s go save the day.”
Gerri stalks off, herding Roman and Kendall like two little ducklings who have no choice but to follow the leader, and it leaves Willa and Connor with Shiv and Karolina.
“I’m going to get a drink,” Karolina says to Shiv. “Do you want anything?”
“Uh, I’ll meet you at the bar,” Shiv says, and her eyebrows raise, a silent communication between the two women that Willa isn’t supposed to be privy to. She lets Shiv and Connor catch up, not missing the way Shiv’s eyes flicker in the direction of the bar area every thirty seconds or so, and after the fourth time Willa tugs on Connor’s jacket discreetly, it taking everything in her not to fucking spit out her champagne at the way he decides to close the conversation.
“You know, Shiv, it’s perfectly natural to experience a broader emotional undertaking as you continue to age,” Connor says. “I mean, sometimes I look at Tom Brady…and I wonder.”
Shiv, rightfully confused, looks to Willa for clarity, and Willa can only offer a sympathetic smile as they lock eyes.
“Great, Connor,” Shiv says. “Thank you, for…sharing.”
“Of course, honey,” Connor says. “Enjoy the party.”
Shiv walks away, and Willa has half a mind to tail her just for the entertainment of it all, but she figures Shiv is owed some privacy, not that she and Karolina are doing an exceptional job at hiding whatever it is that they have going on.
“Was that too obvious?” Connor asks, worry lines on his face. Willa can’t help it as she looks in Shiv’s direction one more time, spotting her and Karolina by the bar, clearly enraptured with one another.
“No, Con,” she says. “That was perfect.”
Karolina notices two things as she walks into her apartment. Shiv Roy looks exceptionally beautiful under the soft light of dawn, and Karolina’s feet fucking hurt. She sighs in relief as she sits down on her couch, undoing the heel straps that had been cutting into her ankles all night. Shiv follows suit, looking tired, flushed, and still slightly giggly from a terrible story Karolina had told her about a college bet and a game of darts, and Karolina leans back into the couch, unable to take her eyes off of Shiv.
“It’s late,” Karolina says, though the words don’t really go anywhere. They hang, with no meaning behind them.
“So?” Shiv asks, because she knows they’re empty too. Karolina, always searching for reasons.
“The late nights—I’ve been slacking off at work,” Karolina says. “People are starting to notice.”
People, meaning Gerri, but she’s the worst person of all to have on your ass. Shiv frowns slightly, her gaze concerned.
“If helping me is too much…” Shiv says, trailing off. Her hand rests in the empty space between them, extended, but not making contact. “I’ll be fine, Karolina. It’s not my first rodeo.”
“No, I know,” Karolina says, her hand itching to meet Shiv’s in the middle. “I don’t mind it. I just need to stay focused on my own work as well.”
And it’s hard, when Shiv is in her apartment. When Shiv is in her office. When Shiv is Shiv. And Karolina is Karolina.
“Okay,” Shiv says, her head nodding in support. “Care to explain why this is important for me to know on a Saturday night, though?”
“Maybe it’s a sort of preamble?” Karolina says.
Karolina sucks in a nervous breath. “Have you noticed people—acting funny?”
Shiv looks away momentarily, lightly shrugging.
“Maybe,” she says, but then her eyes return to Karolina’s, narrowing. “Why, is something going on?”
“I mean, is there, Shiv?” Karolina asks. “It’s three in the morning and you’re in my apartment. For the third time this week.”
Shiv, to her credit, just looks deeply confused.
“If you want me to leave, I can,” she says, and it’s that moment that Karolina finally grabs her hand. They both look down as she does.
“No,” she says. “No, I—I don’t want you to leave, Shiv. That’s the thing. I’d really like it if you stayed, but—”
“But?” Shiv’s eyes are still on their hands, making no move to separate.
“But,” Karolina says, steadying herself. “Are we—I mean, what are we doing, Shiv?”
“We’re sitting on your couch,” Shiv says, and Karolina moves closer.
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
Shiv pauses, searching Karolina’s eyes for something to latch onto. “What do you want to be doing?” Shiv asks.
Karolina considers all of the options before her. She could choose a distant friendship, or a professional mentorship. She could choose nothing, and effectively ice Shiv out, or, she could choose honesty. Choose the thing that snuck up on her. The thing she should’ve known all along.
“I want to kiss you,” Karolina admits, and she holds her breath as she waits for Shiv’s response.
“Then kiss me.”
“It’s disgusting,” Roman says, leaning against the wall. His eyes are scanning the room of the party, just a little New Year get-together for Royco & family, Gerri beside him, sipping a martini.
“What is?” Gerri asks.
“How nice she makes Shiv,” Roman says. Gerri follows his eyes, landing on the couple across the room, Shiv and Karolina attached at the hip. Karolina laughs animatedly at something someone in the group has said, and Shiv watches her with an adoring expression, her hand rubbing along the top of Karolina’s back before it settles around Karolina’s waist.
“They’re happy,” Gerri says, like it explains anything at all. Roman thinks it doesn’t make it any less gross.
“They sent me and Tabs an anniversary bouquet,” Roman says. “Shiv doesn’t even send me a card on my birthday.”
“Shouldn’t that be a good thing?” Gerri asks, and Roman immediately shakes his head.
“Karolina’s making her a softy,” Roman says, eyeing Gerri as she laughs.
“Karolina, making Shiv a softy?” Gerri says. “Shiv’s making Karolina a softy.”
“What?” Roman says. “Shiv doesn’t have a soft bone in her body. She’s quite literally physically incapable of being soft, yet somehow Karolina has done it.”
“And Karolina wouldn’t know soft if it hit her like a stone,” Gerri says. “She used to eat interns for lunch, and now she lets them hide in her office when they cry.”
Roman looks at Gerri, her own softness still up for question, and she pulls a face.
“Are we bitter?” Roman asks.
Gerri sips her martini thoughtfully. “I’m not bitter. I’m happy for them.”
“Right,” Roman says. “And Dad’s signing over the entire company to me tomorrow.”
Gerri rolls her eyes. It hurts him that she has such little faith in his aptitude.
“In any case,” Gerri sighs, “it’s just a honeymoon phase. It’ll pass.”
“It’s been eight months,” Roman says, head still turned in Gerri’s direction. She shrugs and then stands up straighter.
“Don’t look now,” she says, and Roman does look, Shiv and Karolina headed right in their direction.
“Speak of the devil,” Roman says as the pair arrives in front of them.
“Good things?” Shiv asks, and Roman smiles.
“You know me, sis. I just love waxing about your achievements.”
“I bet,” Shiv says, smiling in return, and then her aim switches to Gerri. “Speaking of achievements, Gerri, I owe a favor to someone begging for an introduction. Can I have five minutes?”
Gerri quirks an eyebrow at Karolina, and Karolina nods as if to say, humor her, and while Roman wishes Karolina would just say it out loud, Gerri gives in easily enough. “Lead the way.” Jesus Christ. Gerri’s a fucking softy too.
Shiv squeezes Karolina’s arm before she goes off with Gerri, and Roman has to hold back a gag as they speak with their eyes, Karolina’s gaze not leaving Shiv as she takes Gerri’s place against the wall. This should be fun.
“Where’s Tabitha?” Karolina asks.
“Showing face at her family’s event,” Roman says. “They’re a bunch of centrists who parade around as progressives. Think the ATN clan is beneath her.”
Karolina nods, apparently all out of small talk apart from that one question, and Roman wishes he had any excuse to leave the spot he’s been glued to. The air is much too awkward for his liking, so he attempts to fill the silence.
“Thanks for the flowers,” he says.
“It was Shiv’s idea,” Karolina says, and Roman doesn’t think he’s ever turned his head to look at someone else so quickly before.
“Okay,” he says, unable to stop a laugh from escaping him, “what have you done with the real Shiv? Is she locked in your basement somewhere? Did you replace her with some Brooklynite who fits your lesbian agenda?”
Karolina scoffs, though if he were looking closely, he’d swear she seems vaguely amused. “It was just a gesture, Roman.”
He shakes his head. Shiv doesn’t do gestures unless they’re violent and skin-breaking.
“You’re ruining her.”
“I’m ruining her,” Karolina laughs. “She was right. We should’ve sent a free session of sex therapy.”
Roman’s glass pauses at his lips. If Karolina wants to get dirty, well, Roman would love to test out how much of a softy she is.
“If anyone needs sex therapy, it’s Shiv,” Roman says. “Did she tell you her body count? It’s in the hundreds. Truly tainted, I mean, I’m surprised you’re even with her. Unless, you know—is that something people your age are still interested in?”
Karolina, interestingly, doesn’t seem phased. Maybe a little surprised, but unflinching in a way that Roman hadn’t expected. Maybe this will be fun.
“Do you ever think of anything other than your sister having sex?”
“It’s a little hard not to when you’re constantly shoving it in our faces,” Roman says. “I mean, seriously, I’m worried I’m going to get conjunctivitis from all of the secondhand eyefucking.”
“So, to be clear, you’re admitting that you purposefully watch us eyefuck long enough to receive an infection?”
“I’m saying you’re gross,” Roman huffs. “And you’re making my sister gloopy. Pulpous and squishy like a marshmallow.”
“Okay, Roman,” Karolina laughs to herself, and he can’t stand the sound of her perceived victory.
“Can you two even kiss when you get married?” he asks. “There are going to be children around, you know. Ideally, they shouldn’t find out about lesbian porn until at least middle school.”
He expects a comeback quickly, her wit proven to be able to keep up with his own, and he almost thinks he’s finally won when she speaks up.
“You think she’d marry me?” Karolina asks, voice quiet, the sharpness gone.
Roman sighs, swirling his drink around in his glass.
“I mean, you’re no grand prize, but—whatever. She’s, like, happier with you, I guess,” Roman says. “And I’ve never seen her willingly eyefuck someone for this long in a room full of strangers, so. Maybe you’re the real deal. Who knows.”
He avoids Karolina’s gaze and attempts to wash away his momentary lapse of sincerity with what’s left in his glass, silently praying for Gerri to return to put him out of his misery for once and for all. He seems to be in luck, though, because Karolina’s phone dings, and when Roman sneaks a look, it’s Dad’s name on the ID, a call she can’t ignore.
“Is there anyone in this family who doesn’t have you completely whipped?” Roman asks.
Karolina looks at him.
“I mean, you can keep dreaming, Roman,” Karolina says. “I know you like to do that.”
She smiles, and then walks off, leaving Roman alone on the wall.
Fine. Maybe it’s not Karolina who’s soft.
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tragedygroupie · 2 years
hi ya’ll! i normally write smut on ao3 but i wanted to come on here to get some prompts! right now i am tentatively getting back into writing one shots about rick grimes and potentially billy butcher, so yeah!
i will write smut about:
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
The Boys:
Billy Butcher
Victoria Neuman
Queen Maeve
Sister Sage
Shiv Roy
-Old! Nat
some notes about the smut i write:
-i pretty much exclusively write smut with a submissive reader
-some of my older smut is in first person, but i’m trying the more traditional x reader format now!
-will not write scat, piss, or noncon.
i’m sure there’s more but that’s all i can think of right now! please please please send in asks, because i miss writing❤️❤️
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marshmarlowee · 1 year
Succession hot takes, in no particular order, from someone that has only seen episode 5 of season 4 (the most recent when I’m writing this)
I was at my girlfriends place last night when it was time for succession, so I just watched it with her and her sister.
Kendall sucks.
Roman deserves better. Not to woobify, but I will woobify. He is a baby boy. Also a grown man but not the point.
Shiv is a problematic girlboss and I love her. She makes awful choices but they work out for her. For now. She serves cunt at the gaslight factory.
Tom deserves better. Him and Shiv should just divorce. My girlfriend ships TomGreg so like, maybe he should try that.
I think Shiv is literally trying to kill her baby with all the drinking and drugs. She definitely does not want that child. Also apparently she hasn’t told Tom about it; maybe it’s an affair baby.
Lukas is SO FUCKING ANNOYING. He’s the worst. I NEED the blood thing to be a weird lie, that cannot be true, holy shit. No wonder everyone hates him. He’s the worst.
Also poor Ebba. Even if the blood thing isn’t true, damn, her job sucks. Lukas is a creep for only keeping the women on the team after the deal went through. He also kept Tom but that’s bc he wants to fuck his wife so
Everyone cared way too much about “dads deal.” I know they’re sad he’s dead but why the fuck are they emotionally attached to a business decision he made when he was alive. That is the least sentimental thing possible. Shiv was right about keeping one of his sweaters. Roy kids cope normally challenge.
All of the Roy siblings make awful choices but Roman and Kendall fail at it and Shiv succeeds.
Roman is so manipulated by Kendall it’s sad. Roman could be normal, if he tried.
Greg is a silly goofy guy and I like him. Tom is also silly goofy but sad, I like him too.
It is objectively very funny that the brothers tried to ruin the deal and Lukas decided to throw more money at them out of spite.
Most normal character is Greg, he’s just some guy. Just a dude. A fella. Along for the ride and trying to help.
I loved watching Tom fail. It was oddly endearing.
Tom and Shivs fight was so fucking weird. “Your earlobes are thick and chewy” what the FUCK? Pls can these two just divorce. Do not go to that dinner, do not pass go, get a lawyer.
Afterwards my girlfriend showed me some hot guy that people ship with Kendall. Maybe that will fix him. Probably not.
Hugo was funny.
Every interaction between the American team and the Swedish team was so painfully awkward.
I hope Shiv doesn’t fuck Lukas. I don’t care what she’s done up until this point, fucking the “half a liter of frozen blood” guy would be the worst choice she has ever made.
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kloethewriter · 1 year
I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still so strange and wild
Summary: The Roy family but they don’t have trauma.
This is based off a thought that they would be so unstoppable if they didn’t all try and take eachother down almost every second!
Word count: 1,308
Chapter Count: 1/10
Relationships: Connor Roy & Kendall Roy & Roman Roy & Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Kendall Roy & Roman Roy & Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Stewy Hosseini/Kendall Roy, Roman Roy & Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Kendall Roy & Roman Roy, Kendall Roy & Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Willa Ferreyra/Connor Roy, Greg Hirsch/Tom Wambsgans, Eventually - Relationship, Connor Roy & Kendall Roy & Logan Roy & Roman Roy & Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Logan Roy/Marcia Roy, Kendall Roy & Logan Roy & Roman Roy & Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Siobhan "Shiv" Roy & Tom Wambsgans
Characters: Kendall Roy, Roman Roy, Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, Connor Roy, Logan Roy, Marcia Roy, Stewy Hosseini, Willa Ferreyra, Tom Wambsgans, Greg Hirsch
Tags: Happy Murder Family, Slightly - Freeform, the girls who get it get it, Roman Roy and Siobhan "Shiv" Roy Are Twins, All the Roy kids aren’t Straight, Bisexual Roman Roy - Freeform, Bisexual Kendall Roy, Shiv Roy is confused on her sexuality, so am I, but she’s not straight, that’s for sure, Demisexual Connor Roy, It’s not really brought up but it’s true, Family, Family Dynamics, Family Bonding, Greg is new and is confused as fuck, but he has he time of his life, Siblings, Brother-Sister Relationships, Protectiveness, I'm Bad At Tagging, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, No trauma, I need to stop writing multi chapter succession fics, I'm Bad At Summaries, Title from a Lana Del Rey Song
This is the second Multichapter Succession fix-it type fic I’ve wrote and I’m not even finished with the first one. Is there somthing wrong with me? There’s alot of things wrong with me but I don’t know which one would cause this!
Also I need to get up and update my other Succession fic but then I go OBSEESED with this AU.
Also I might edit this later and add in some scenes (non that would change the plot) just to up the word count a little more but I don’t know depends if I have time.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Parting Pt. 2 (Roy!Sibling x Kendall Roy)
Character/s: Kendall, Connor, fake husband, fake baby lol
Word Count: 2,065
Requested: would you be able to write a part 2 to parting? its so so good and would love to see a happy ending! - anon
Requested: wow. that last roy!reader fic killed me. are we getting a part 2? if not, what happened to the reader in your interpretation? - anon
Tag: @locke-writes
A/N: Oh my loves!!! Thank youuuu so so much!!! I wasn't planning on part two BUT y'all inspired me!!! I love protective Kendall so much it's not even funny!! He's so babygirl lol! I hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Parting Pt. 1 (Roy!Sibling x Kendall Roy)
Succession Masterlist
Tumblr media
You found out your father died through tv. Your sister, your brothers behind her, confirming this. When was the last time you saw Shivy cry? You drop the sippy cup in your hand, rising from the couch, your heart suddenly in your throat. When he found you, hours later, you’d frozen the picture on their faces, on the headline, the dark room illuminated by red and blue: Logan Roy, conservative media mogul who shaped contemporary politics, dead at 84. You hadn’t seen him since that night, months ago. You hadn’t spoken to him much, but he seemed alright, he seemed okay. What went so wrong? He handed you your phone. Over a dozen missed calls, texts, emails from everyone. They all broke the news in their own ways. Connor spoke so softly you could barely hear him, telling you they did everything they could, they tried everything. Roman, in all his denial, asks how you’re doing, unable to say his name. Shiv apologizes over and over again. She knows you weren’t able to talk to him, his baby. Only Kendall knows what truly bothers you, only he knows why no one could get ahold of you. His message, his calls, all of them short, shocked, to the point. I’m sorry he wouldn’t let you go. He took your phone to work with him, now for a while. If there was an emergency, if something happened to Liam, he had cameras. He would see, he would get help, all the way from the office. Stunned, fresh out of tears, you clutch the device in your palm. Liam is crying now, pulling at your pant leg, begging for you, but you can’t hear him. Your father was dead and you weren’t there, they couldn’t reach you. The very brothers and sister that raised you, that loved you, had no way of getting to you. You had to find out that your father was gone like the rest of the world. The messages, the calls, they’re hours old. For hours he knew what had happened and chose to ignore it. You can’t bring yourself to respond. You don’t know what to say. You’re sorry, you’re the most sorry you’ve ever been: for not being there, for not knowing, for getting trapped in this marriage, this life. Wordlessly, you hand your phone back to him, picking up your son and shutting yourself into his room. You hope for eternity. 
He was so angry when he found the card. He smashed glasses, he put his fist through a wall, yelling and screaming. He was exploding and you would be his only casualty. You thank God every day you were nowhere near Liam, that he was tucked away in his bed, in his room, where he could not touch him. He grabbed you so hard he left bruises. That’s when things got worse. That’s when he made new rules. That’s when you found it hard to get out of bed. He made good on his threats. He took your phone every day, he had cameras installed, he made sure there was security outside your door so that he knew if you were leaving, who was coming. He accused you of cheating without any evidence, as if you had the opportunity to speak to anyone else. He was so paranoid, so angry. Kendall called, he left emails, he even stopped by once, but you wouldn’t let him up. You knew he’d see, you knew it would only make things worse. He made excuses for you, he went to events and parties without you. You weren’t sure they even noticed after a while. My absence would not be missed, you thought. He took Liam despite your best efforts, to family dinner and gatherings. You got sweet texts, from Connor who always made a point to text that he missed you, from Shiv who wished you were there, even Rome would send the occasional you’re missing out text. Only Kendall knew what was wrong. He must’ve figured out he had your phone, that he read his messages before you got the chance. Once, and only once, he’d forgotten to delete the thread. Kendall remained calm in his threats, but they were there, lighting up your expression. You’d locked yourself in the master bedroom, the last place with a lock, and scrolled through. Lots of fuck you’s. A few bastards and pricks. Then paragraph after paragraph of legal warnings. That he would get you out of there, that you would get full custody of Liam, that he would never see you and him ever again. It made you feel so seen, so heard, so loved you nearly cried. The next day it was all gone, but it was too late. You knew your brother was helping you. He hadn’t given up on you just yet. 
You leave the babysitter with strict instructions. Whatever he needed to say, whatever vague warning he needed to give, he gave. Now it was your turn. If you could, if you could, he would never leave your side. But he shouldn’t be there today. You felt like you shouldn’t, practically a stranger to your family. Did they even want to see you? Would they be upset? Since that night, he hadn’t said anything about it. Not I’m sorry about your father, not even an apology for not letting you know sooner. You heard him on the phone with Tom, Hugo, Frank and Karl. What were the next best steps? When you’d been invited to Norway, Kendall, hoping he could get you alone, he went to your place. No one told him no. You’d guessed Kendall let it slide. He was, after all, still an employee of Waystar. Your father made sure your husband was well off in the company despite not deserving it, not earning it. You guessed he let it go because he knew, whatever they said or did, it would come back to you. It was the best few days you’d had in a long time. He took your phone with him, but that didn’t matter. You were free of him. You still slept in Liam’s room, but you didn’t have this crushing sense of dread every time the clock struck seven. You didn’t have to brace yourself for what kind of mood he’d be in when he got home from work. You wouldn’t have to listen to him bad-mouthing your family, the only people who ever gave a damn about him. You stayed up watching movies of your childhood, sharing them with your son, not caring how loud it played. In the morning you made pancakes from scratch, not afraid of the mess he would later inspect. You knew what your siblings were saying, what kind of questions they were asking, but you didn’t care. For the first time in a long time you were free from him. You both were. 
In the car he holds your hand. His tone is light and bright, talking about the Gojo deal, about Matsson, about how much he likes him, as if you weren’t on your way to a funeral. You nod along, staring out the window. It’s been some time since you left the apartment. The sky was gray. It was colder than you thought. It made you sad, regretful. Your life was wasting away to nothing because of him. Because of you. You press your forehead against the glass, your hand still in his. He rambles on and on about his success, about the joke that made Matsson laugh, about your family. They were all nice, well except Kendall. Can you believe it? My father-in-law dies and he has nothing to say to me? I was like a son to him. You can’t decide: if you had something sharp would you use it on yourself or on him? Anything to end this conversation. The ride feels excruciating. His skin burns yours, makes you feel like there are bugs underneath. You want to jerk away. You want to tell him to fuck off. But you can’t jeopardize today. If you mess up, if you say or do anything he doesn’t like, you will never see your family again. He will turn the car around. You won’t get to see your father one last time. You have to let him touch you, talk to you, kiss you, whatever gets you to that church. It’s a mistake, but you can’t help yourself. As soon as the car pulls up, you jump out, spotting Connor and Willa. You’re in your brother's arms before you know what’s going on, shaking and crying, unable to control yourself. He is right behind you. Hey, hey it’ll be okay kiddo. It’ll be okay. Pops is glad you’re here. You’re not crying over that, though. You never thought you’d see him again. He holds you for as long as you need, until you’ve calmed down. Willa talks to your husband, though she seems off. Uncomfortable. Eventually he goes in, not wanting to waste another moment. There are very important people that need to talk to me. I’ll find you after. You just nod. You let Connor and Willa go too, grateful for her, for the both of them. She gives you a sad, knowing look before following your brother.
  You know smoking can kill you. Immediately you drop it, stubbing it out, fighting back the urge to run to him. A nasty habit you picked up again. If he saw you, you’d pay for it. You‘re not one to talk, you laugh, your eyes filling up with tears. Kendall doesn’t look good. He wouldn’t not today, but he’s got something on his mind. You give him a quick hug before he pulls back, looking around before moving. He leads you from the church doors, down the steps, casual in his movements. You check behind you, making sure he can’t see you, he hasn’t followed you, but he’s made sure your husband is far too busy with Shiv and Matsson. You’re not leaving, that would create a scene. So what were you doing? Past other mourners, past the cars pulling up, past the faces you fail to recognize, he stops at the edge of the street. He looks like he can’t find the right words. The silence is killing you. Ken, we don’t have a lot of time. At this moment you look so scared, so small. Your eyes are red from crying and there’s a shake in your voice that leaves him thinking violent thoughts. Rava is taking the kids upstate, to see her parents. Oh. I’m sorry Ken- No, y/n. Rava is taking the kids, all of them. Mine, yours. What? You looked behind him, expecting that angry face, but there was just a small crowd dressed in black, talking among one another. H,he gave the babysitter clear instructions. She would never, she would- She did. Rava showed up with some backup. He’s safe. It takes everything in you not to break down. Ken smiles as he speaks, coming to life before you. You’re not going home with him, you’re never going back there again, okay? I have security waiting and I have a lawyer too who’s going to serve him all at the burial. They’ll escort him off the premises. How did he do this? It’s too good to be true. Kendall, it’s sweet of you, but I can’t. You don’t know what he’ll do when he finds out. He has cameras, he'll know. I can’t. You start to shake, on the verge of hysteria. He puts his hands on your shoulders, making you look at him. Not behind him, not on the street, only at him. I fucked up last time, y/n. I let you go when I shouldn’t have. And then I didn’t see you for months. I fucked up once, I won’t do it again. He can’t hurt you anymore. He’s done. The words ring in your ears: he can’t hurt you anymore, he can’t hurt you anymore, he can’t hurt you anymore. He let you go last time and that was his fault. He thought the worst, he feared the worst, every time he saw your empty seat. He had to pass that motherfucker like they were friends, like he wasn’t holding you hostage. Not anymore. He’d pay for what he’s done, Kendall would make sure of it.
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papiermaker · 2 years
Thanks very much @10000dreams and @simmerstellar for the ask game tags.
Fav Color?: Currently this red - the colour of houses I saw on a trip to Reykjavik last week.
Currently Reading?: The Instant by Amy Liptrot. Sample quote: “I was embarrassed by my conventional desires. I had hoped I was more resourceful and interesting than to want a boyfriend.”
Last Song you listened to?: Open Your Eyes by School of Seven Bells. 
Last Series you watched?: Just finished Bad Sisters, created by and co-starring Sharon Horgan who I would definitely be best friends with if I ever met her. (Everyone who likes Sharon Horgan thinks this.)
Sweet, savoury, or spicy?: Usually savoury, usually salt and vinegar crisps.
Craving?: Ehhhhh, Scottish independence. But failing that, maybe a nice bun.
Tea or coffee?: Coffee out, tea at home.
Working on: in the simblr world, new cc inspired by Shiv Roy from Succession. In the non-simblr world, I’m off work this week to look after my two children during the school holidays, so I’m working on all the craft projects they abandon.
I tag anyone who’d like to do this, and my best friend Sharon Horgan.
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kendallroygf · 1 year
“my son is not not gay! he is creative” I beg to differ mr hosseini I’m sorry. thinking about stewy’s dad not liking Kendall all that much. Stewy’s mama “they’re just having fun :))” and his dad side eyeing every interaction because why the hell is stewy laughing that loud, the roy kid isn’t even funny. also the hc that stewy has an older sister and I truly believe she would catch on to stewy so fast, probably before he even realises it himself. she took one for the team, settled down with the husband & kids, you’re so right that is why his parents don’t give him as much shit for being like 40, unmarried & kidless.
being the only poc kid in school/class, I project onto him too much I’m afraid.
much love 💗 you’re my fav page now who sees stewy like I do truly truly
oh yeah for sure. while logan might not have liked stewy stewy’s father definitely did not approve of kendall. like logan and stewy’s father both blame the other kid for making THEIR kid gay + they blame college. like they blame harvard the institution. i do think stewy’s parents were maybe a bit gentle or at least some semblance of warm with kendall just bc they can tell that this little white child their son befriended is sooo sad fucked up and just a little bit too self serious for his age. and i think stewy’s mother was such a boymom and dotes on stewy to this day and i think she basically loves kendall just bc he makes her son smile. + the older sister hc i constantly flip flop towards stewy being an only child or having an older sister and rn i’m more inclined to believe he Does have a older sister just bc according to honeymoon states stewy’s father would have been like. 55 when he had stewy. which is just crazy old to have ur first child. but i think she’s probably much much older than stewy like the age gap between kendall and connor . 15 years apart if not more. but yeah she absolutely did take one for the team and get married have kids etc but also i think the hosseini’s are probably one of those brown families that just put their only son right up on that pedestal. like stewy is unmarried, in private equity and abusing nearly every substance under the sun but to his parents mostly his mother he can just Do No Wrong. + yeah i’ve always thought a large part of stewy’s Cool Guy persona is the product of years and years of trying to fit in like it’s about caring so much about trying to be perceived as not caring at all. like stewy is actually such an anxious person i can see him creating this whole outer exterior in school that’s just based on what he’s observed is met with acceptance. similar to shiv in a way !!
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sigurdjarlson · 3 years
Thinking bout Greg and social media again
Him and Willa are the most active besides Kendall. Shiv occasionally goes on.
They all have them even Logan who mostly ignores it’s existence
Greg is a picture taker and so is Willa. It annoys the shit out of everyone else
But they do get cute ones. Shiv, Roman and Ken laughing together on the beach. (Willa has all three in her version of the photo but Greg cropped out Roman by “accident” in his)
There’s a few of Greg and Ken before they have their fall out.
Sometimes they almost look like a normal family if you didn’t know better.
Their PR people think it’s a good look actually, showing the more…um..human side of the Roys. It’s good for optics.
I’m Greg’s stuff, besides internet weirdos who have gotten parasocially attached to Cousin Greg it’s like 80% Tom comments, 5% Marianne, 10% Willa and 5% Ken,
Greg likes the attention his internet sickos give him.
Tom begins showing up a lot on Greg’s as time goes on. Greg gets drunk and posts a really good photo actually of Tom looking at something off screen and puts “Tommy alert” and a random string of (interesting) emojis. Tom spends like hours staring at it trying to decipher these strange modern hieroglyphics
Greg constantly is trying to get Tom take photos with him and slowly he gives in. Their homoerotic vibes can’t help but leak into their photographs as well. Which fuels some interesting rumors
Even Marianne just puts …. ???? Under a photo of them like staring each other in the eyes and grinning. Is Tom’s hand on her son’s waist..?
Roman takes to trolling both Greg and Tom
“Damn Wambsgans you look like you’re about to raw dog cousin Greg on your wife’s private jet. Didn’t know you were so kinky 🍆 💦 🍑 😩👉👌 🔥”
“Cousin Greg is down so fucking bad. I know Tom isn’t that funny. Just suck his dick already and stop embarrassing yourself 🍆 ” and it’s s picture of Greg laughing at something Tom said
“Haha Greg u are fucking my sisters husband 🤣” on a photo of Greg and Tom followed by a very long comment thread of Greg yelling at Roman who just keeps repeating that at him.
Tom joins in and Roman makes all his replies to Tom “Haha Tom u are fucking my cousin 🤣”
Shiv finally says something and Roman replies “haha Shiv you are fucking everyone but my brother in law 🤣”
Kendall just comments “L M F A O”
Roman is just having so much fun with ~the gay rumors~ “Internet freaks, who tops? Discuss in 1..2..3..go!”
And Greg and Tom can’t even form a response because the comment section is making their minds go places it shouldn’t now.
Then there’s the incident where Tom is saying “no I’m not gay I love my beautiful wife”’ for the 1048585th time to a comment and them responding with “well if you won’t fuck him I will” and Tom goes off on a weird aggressive and vaguely possessive rant that Roman just puts “someone’s getting a little bit ghengis Tom 😳” under it
Roman takes his own pics now like Greg and Tom leaving the room “cousin Greg going to go suck Tom off in the bathroom again 🍆💦” Greg posts NO I AM NOT and Roman graciously corrects himself “Cousin Greg going to get sucked off by Tom in the bathroom again”
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