#so have this lil blurb as is <3
vvindication · 1 year
I dont remember who tagged me uhhhhhh @henbased probably <3 tagging @necro-hamster @nuclearstorms show me your wips when/if you post them >:] mutuals let me know if I should tag you, or even feel free to tag me for writing/art wips, Id love to see them !!
"Well, I wouldn't expect much different." Mr. Petersen claps him on the back, reaching over to one of the tarnished bundles to diligently comb out the damaged stems. "You've been a great help as it is, so thank you officer." He then resettles the bouquet of small white flowers and herbs into place and holds it out to him. "Here - for a loved one of yours. The least I could do." It's placed in his hands before he can even protest.
Joakim's arms are crossed when he's ushered out of the shop, shaking his head at the sight of the gift he'd received. With no hesitation, he turns on his heel and climbs up into the saddle of his patiently awaiting mare. "Seriously, Travart? Can we go one case without you flirting?"
Vincent disregards him with a roll of his eyes, petting his own horse's muzzle before he too is mounted, with the flowers carefully tucked against his chest. "He's not my type."
Their horses fall into place alongside one another as they head back toward the precinct, hooves clicking loudly against the pavement. "Who're you giving them to then, Antonin?" He heckles him, smirking as he looks for his reaction - only for his expression to quickly fall back into a critical squint at his partner's flinch.
"No, of course not." He laughs out, hollow and forced.
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rhaenyratargcryen · 2 years
when i see you, the whole world reduces to just that room (eddie munson)
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summary: after what feels like the longest year of your life, you’re ready to ring in 1987 in the wheelers’ basement with your closest friends, one of whom you’ve begun to think of as a little more than that - and you’re starting to suspect he might have, too.
author’s note: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! idk i’m supposed to be finishing like, eight other wips but i decided to spur of the moment write a really self indulgent new year’s eve blurb bc why not!!! i’m feeling festive!!! i hope u like <33 also i scouted TIRELESSLY for lyrics for a good title for this before i settled on this one from ‘don’t delete the kisses’ by wolf alice - i looked through like a dozen ‘new year’s kiss’-esque playlists to find a good song LMAOOO
pairing: eddie munson x f!reader word count: 2k <3 warnings: none just fluffy nonsense, mutual pining, maybe a lil angst bc of the events of season 4 
“I swear to all that is holy, if you two don’t make out tonight, I’m–”
“It’s not that simple, Buckley, okay?”
“It totally is that simple, Eddie! You’ve been crushing for ages, just kiss her already!”
“Everything alright in here?”
Eddie and Robin look up at where you’re leaning against the doorway, both of their faces pale, like you’ve caught them in the act of something reprehensible, but really they’re just standing in front of the kitchen sink talking in hushed voices. Which, in retrospect, isn’t any less suspicious. You cock an eyebrow. “I heard shouting.”
“Yeah, fine,” Robin says, smiling, then brushes past you on her way back to the basement. “Eddie and I were just discussing some very important business. I’ll be downstairs. Happy new year!”
“Happy new year,” you murmur, pressing a hand against her arm as she passes. You glance up at Eddie, frozen on the other side of the room, hesitating for a moment before stepping three paces closer. “You okay?”
Eddie hums, his back still turned to you. His Iron Maiden tee rides up on one side, exposing the tanned plane of his back as he reaches up to grab the champagne flutes Mrs. Wheeler keeps in the cupboard above the sink, where really nobody can reach them except the big kids, and now Mike, the beanpole. You press a thumb to your bottom lip contemplatively, take a small, shuddering breath.
“Are you sure? It sounded like you and Robin–”
“Yeah, sweetheart, all’s fine,” Eddie says, turning and gesturing towards himself with three glasses in his hand. “Can you help me grab the rest of these? Told Harrington I’d make sure they were ready for midnight.”
“Of course,” you murmur, taking the ones already in his hands into yours, your knuckles brushing only briefly against his, and watch him grab four more by the stem, wincing only slightly when they clink together. He turns to face you, meeting your eye momentarily and when you go to open your mouth again, he raises his eyebrows and angles his head in the direction of the basement. You sigh. “Yeah, sure, let’s get these downstairs.”
As you descend the stairs behind Eddie, you watch Robin, Steve, Vickie, and Nancy peel themselves apart, each of them giving you their own wary glances, heading off into different corners of the basement, busying themselves and avoiding your gaze. You stop abruptly when you reach the bottom of the stairs, try to cross your arms as far as they’ll go with the champagne flutes in your grasp.
“Seriously, you guys, what the hell is going on?”
“Nothing!” You shoot a glare at Robin, who crosses her heart with her fingers. “Nothing’s going on. Swear.”
“You’re all being so weird, and upstairs, in the kitchen, you and Eddie, like, practically jumped out of your skin when I walked in the room, and now this?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Robin insists, glancing sideways at Steve. “We, uh. We’ve all just been trying to convince Eddie to apply to work at that tiny new record store going in in the spring. He thinks it’s a long shot, but we all know he’s a shoe-in. He’s being too stubborn about it, honestly.”
Eddie scoffs, and you frown, but resume your descent, handing the champagne flutes to Steve, who sets them on a table set up in the furthest corner of the room. You glance at Eddie, suspiciously quiet, who’s ditched his own glasses and is now busying himself trying to figure out the TV.
“Fine, whatever.”
“We can have champagne tonight, too, right?” Max pipes up from the couch, and you narrow your eyes at her. She’s clearly in on whatever the others are up to, changing the subject like that. She holds her arms up defensively.
“No, Mayfield, everyone’s parents would kill me,” Steve scoffs, prompting some muttered insults from Max. “Hey, don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m serious.”
Protests pop up around the room, all of the kids suddenly offended at the prospect that they’re too young to have champagne with the rest of you, though they hadn’t been bothered until Max brought it up. 
“I mean, I think, like, half a glass wouldn’t hurt?”
Steve looks at Nancy, eyes wide, a bewildered look passing across his face. “Nance, I thought I’d at least have you on my side!”
Jonathan laughs and throws an arm around Nancy’s shoulder. He shrugs. “What’s the harm, Harrington? Nancy’s parents are out of town, we’re all just gonna crash here anyway. Live a little, dude.”
“Yeah, Harrington,” Max grins, and Steve shoots her a warning glance. 
“Fine, fine, whatever,” Steve says, glancing up at you. “Give me a hand again?”
Plastic cups of champagne are passed around, and you watch as everyone experiences it for the first time. El is sniffing the drink, not sure what to make of it, glancing up at Will, who seems not to mind the taste. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike are all watching Max for her reaction, and when she takes her first sip she immediately pulls a face, disgusted. 
“God, it’s so…dry?”
Steve snorts. “It’s champagne, Mayfield! Get used to it!” 
On the TV, everyone is preparing for the ball to drop. Jonathan grabs Nancy, Vickie grabs Robin, and you watch all of your friends hug and preemptively wish one another a happy new year. After the year you’ve all had, you can’t help but tear up a little at the sight of everyone you love safe and happy and together in the same room.
“Hey, uh,” Eddie whispers, standing at your shoulder with a full flute of champagne in his outstretched hand. You thank him and tap the glass against his own, watching him over its rim as you take your first sip. Eddie clears his throat, one hand clasped around the back of his neck. “You wouldn’t by any chance, I don’t know, want to be my new year’s kiss?”
You swallow the sparkling wine, trying to discern from the look on his face whether he’s being serious or not. His brown eyes are so bright, even in the dimly-lit basement.
When you realize he’s not joking, you take a step closer to him. “Yeah, yes, Eddie,” you breathe, one hand pressed against his chest through his tee shirt. Your hand holding your drink drops to your side, and Eddie clasps one hand around it. 
“Yeah?” He says, grinning, and you nod one more time for good measure. One hand against the side of your face, Eddie lets out a long breath, his cheeks flushing. “You’re sure?”
“Munson,” you whisper into the space between your open mouths, and as the countdown starts, everyone in the room chants along. Five, four, three– “Kiss me.”
Eddie hardly hesitates, and when the clock strikes midnight, he presses his lips to yours before you’ve even had the chance to close your eyes. His mouth is soft, his body so warm. His nose bumps against yours when you shift your head to deepen the kiss, which he welcomes for a moment before pulling away.
You all cheer, ringing in the new year, and now your frostbitten cheeks mirror his own, laughing as you catch Steve’s eye.
“It’s about time,” Steve says, rolling his eyes, but it’s playful, and you glance up at Eddie, watching as a smile makes its way onto his face, and you start to smile, too. You shove Steve’s shoulder then tuck your face into Eddie’s neck, who wraps one protective arm around you.
“Be careful aiming that attitude at my girl, Harrington,” Eddie teases, palming the back of your neck, pulling your face back to look him in the eye. His gaze is drawn down toward your lips, still wet from his, and kiss-reddened, for only a moment before it meets yours once more. The affection you’re faced with almost knocks your knees out from under you.
“Hi,” you respond, leaning forward enough to push your nose against his. Eddie grins.
“He’s right, you know,” Eddie whispers, and you nod. He is right. “Been wantin’ to do that for so long, you’ve got no clue. Just never plucked up the courage.”
“Is this what all of you were up to tonight? Which one of these hooligans finally convinced you to do it?”
“Um, all of us hooligans, actually,” Steve murmurs, chugging the rest of the champagne in his flute and pulling a face. Robin gives you a guilty look and mouths Sorry! when you aim a halfhearted glare at her. “He was like a lovesick puppy. It was gross, the way he’d moon over you, making eyes at you whenever you turned your back.”
Eddie makes a noise in the back of his throat, shaking his head. “I was not mooning, Harrington.”
“Oh, you were mooning, man. Thank God that’s over.”
“Hey,” you murmur, grinning up at Eddie. “If I tell you I was mooning, too, but I was just better at hiding it, would that make you feel any better?”
“You know what,” Eddie sighs, planting a kiss on your cheek. “That does make me feel a lot better, sweetheart. Thank you.”
“No problem, baby.”
Eddie laughs at the pet name and pushes both hands up under the back of your shirt, pulling you tight against him, one of his thumbs underneath the band of your bra.
“Seriously, should we give you guys the room, or?”
“Shut it, Henderson,” Eddie grumbles, leaning down and pressing his lips back to yours once, twice, three more times. 
You grin against Eddie’s mouth and finally pull back for good, and when he whines, you give him a searing look. “We can continue this when there aren’t minors present, Munson.”
“Sounds like a plan to me, sweetheart.”
You begin to make your way around the room, hugging each of your friends close. Wishing everyone a happy new year. Knowing the cost everyone paid to be here today. Thankful to still be alive to hold the people you love. Glancing over at Eddie every once in a while, and finding that he’s already watching you, a sweet, shy smile on his face. 
And if you fall asleep that night on the couch spooning Eddie, waking up in the small hours of the morning to turn him in your arms and kiss him silly, no one else has to know. You pull away from him, lips aching from the memory of his against yours, and click your tongue.
“You really spent all year pining after me?”
“Well, not...all year long.” You give him a knowing look, tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear, and he laughs softly. “Okay, yeah, most of the year. I swear it wasn’t as bad as Harrington made it seem, but you just - you made it really hard not to fall in love with you, sweetheart, what with saving my life, you know,” he whispers, biting his lip, and sucks in one more sharp breath before finishing with, “and all.”
Fondness softens your gaze. 
“You should’ve said something, Eddie,” you murmur, bringing your hand back up to run your knuckles across the side of his face. He preens at your featherlight touch, pursing his lips, his gaze slipping down to your mouth. “You should’ve said something sooner. I would’ve let you kiss me, like, six months ago, if I knew.”
“Yeah,” he says, laughing. “We got a lot of time to make up for.” 
The two of you fall into silence, and Eddie smiles at you, a slow, soft, lover’s smile, meant only for you in the dark of the Wheelers’ den, the unspoken thought that thank God you even can make it up hanging between you. It’s not lost on you that it’s a miracle you’re even holding him it all.
The others are scattered, asleep, elsewhere in the house. All of these people you love, these kids who’ve had to grow up so fast, who’ve all faced the prospect of a terrifying end head-on and found respite in one another after the fact. The strongest, bravest group of humans you’ve ever met. 
You hum, lost in thought, and shift so your face is pressed between Eddie’s neck and his pillow, your mouth against the skin right behind his ear.
“We have all the time in the world, Eddie.”
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hearty-an0n · 5 months
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i forgot about her 😦😦😞
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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" now, why are you wondering about drinking vampire's blood, carissima? do you have a secret lover, or are you just curious? " warm brown darkens as lips curve into a teasing smirk. cyrillo's closer than before, and you swear you can feel heat emanating from him despite knowing vampires are cold to the touch. he leans away as soft laughter escapes him. " don't worry, i am only poking fun. there are many rumors surrounding my kind, so i understand you might have questions. "
" drinking a vampire's blood will do nothing to you but create a connection between you and the vampire you drank from. our blood is magical to some extent, after all. ah, you look confused -- by connection, i mean you'll feel what they feel, and they'll feel what you feel. it can be rather... intense, to say the least. " cyrillo grins. you wonder if he might be implying something.
but it can't turn you into a vampire?
the mage hums. " well, not right away. "
what do you mean by that?
" exactly what i said, carissima. " cyrillo's tone remains light, yet his gaze is heavier as you meet his eyes. " drinking a little here and there won't turn you into a vampire, but drink enough, and it's possible. ' enough ' is quite a lot, really, if you want to be sure the change will happen. as i said, our blood is magical, and if you want that magic to take, you need a lot of it before you die. "
before i die?
he smiles. it lacks its playful tilt from before. " we are undead, remember? corpses brought back to life, lost souls returned to their flesh. " a small pause. " despite my own experience, i understand why some choose this life, but i hope it is a choice that is never made lightly. "
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astrumocs · 2 years
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“We’ve begun to reevaluate old information regarding the fall and disappearance of The Exchange.”
You sit still and remain silent, gaze looking off to the side. The title makes you feel a lot of things, but you let them stay buried deep within you.
“As you’re one of the previous members of his crew, you’ll need to answer some questions for us. Most of them will pertain to this particular subject matter, but it is in your best interest to answer any and all other questions we have for you.”
You offer the same behavior as before, apart for a small hum of affirmation. You squeeze one hand with the other as it rests in your lap.
“Now before we begin, I’ll need you to state your name and previously held rank.”
There’s a long pause before you reluctantly look up and answer, “Seifer Sanaca... former Blue Angel Lietenant.”
--Seifer Sanaca is Available for Asks--
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pika-blur · 10 months
kinda wanna make a video essay to be honest :P
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cyrassol · 1 year
the avery fic is FINALLY posted on AO3 (anonymously bc i couldn't be bothered to make another acc for dol), man i forgot how much of a pain the tagging system is if you don't use tags already in the system
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fics-lovebot · 2 months
nanami kento fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
disclaimer: if you came back looking for that one fire fic and you can´t find it, it´s bc it doesn't exist anymore :( so i deleted it
LAST UPDATED: 08/08/2024
when you break up and make up - ( @omgeto ) divorce au, angst
dorm room escapades - ( @satoruhour ) smut, dad´s bestfriend!nanami, age gap, GAWWDD DAMNNNN, daddy kink, this is some good stuff
you ask him to fuck you like a whore - ( @ramonathinks ) its a short one but me likey
nanami drabbles - ( @sugurizz ) pwp, pls yall readdd part 2 and part 3, its crazyy
nanami is strong af - ( @peachsayshi ) short blurb, smut, sdflksjd this got me giggling and shii
fifteen minutes - ( @roseglazedlens ) “Say that again. Louder. Can’t hear shit with the sound of my dick slapping into your cunt.” that´s all I have to say, your honor
protective - (@kingkonoha ) headcanon, hubby!kento, my man my man my man my man i love thissss
swear it´s just right for you - ( @slttygeto ) smut, fluff, hubby!nanami, I´m weaaaak, he´s so husband material
stressed after work - ( @arminsfavoritepookie ) boyfriend! kento, a cute lil drabble bc he loves your mere presence
labour of love - ( @s4lv4tions ) fluff, vanilla smut, lowkey angst if you´ve been keeping up with the manga/anime, loving hubby!kento, SO DOMESTIC, love making, :(
losing his mind - ( @daisynik7 ) smut, dom!reader, hubby!kento, sub!kento, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, 10000/10, now this is new
his protégé - ( @augustinewrites ) fluff, slice of life, fiancé!kento, dinner time with yuuji, it´s so wholesome :´)
tie my tie, marry me - ( @kenananamin )fluff, slice of life, "the moment nanami knew he never wanted to tie his tie by himself ever again and wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side" please just do yourself a favor and READ THIS
putting you in your place - ( @fairyhub ) smut, reader is gojo´s brat little sister, mean!nanami, BRAT TAMER!NANAMI, HEAVY degradation, “Maybe this was your fucking goal all along. To have me ruin you on my cock and fuck the attitude out of you.” CALL 911
edging - ( @pseudowho ) smut, pwp, fluff, this,,,,this is one the BEST nanami smuts out there, i just know the description of the whole thing is 100% accurate, the details, the way this is written, the visuaLSsss ldskjfhjsalfh go read it pls
married man - ( @rizsu ) fluff, work au, HE IS A PROUD HUSBAND OK, the man was just waiting for somebody to say sOMETHING sljsdhfl now he can´t stop bragging about his perfect wife
riding - ( @screampied ) smut, hubby!nanami, "riding nanami so good that it makes him want to propose", LASJHLSFJH THIS IS SOME GOOD STUFF, the ride was so good he had to propose.. again
bunny - ( @lxnarphase ) smut, bear hybrid!nanami, bunny hybrid!oc, soulmates, it´s a short one buttt i like it
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luveline · 5 months
oooh what about a lil blurb about bombshell r and spencer where it's the first time in their relationship that one of them is super sick and the other has to take care of them?? if you're feeling up for it ofc!! love u jade <333
ty for requesting<3<3 fem, 1k
“I’m sicker than a sick dog. I’m half cough.” 
Spencer frowns at his phone where it lays on speaker at the breakfast table. “You are? What kind of cough?” 
“It’s awful, I can’t tell you. You’ll stop loving me.” 
Spencer smiles even though he wants to grimace. He told you he loved you a few days ago, and you hadn’t said it back, but you certainly hadn’t stopped liking him. You’re more obsessed with him than before, he’d argue. It’s a great feeling, almost as good as an I love you in return would’ve been. 
(He doesn’t blame you for not saying it. You’ve been officially dating for less than a month. He shouldn’t have said it, only he’d been lying in your bed about to go to sleep with your hand in his and he’d never felt anything like it, not home but safe, not home but comfortable, and so so wanted.) 
“I don’t think that’s true,” Spencer says.
“I’m gonna order some soup I think. What are you gonna do today?” Your voice is thick like you can’t breathe through your nose, but still yours.
“I’m gonna put my shoes on and come see you, I guess.” 
It’s a no brainier. “What soup do you want, Y/N?” 
He says your name like a compliment. You laugh down the line, which turns into a cough, and a pained moan. “Any kind of soup, babe. You’re really gonna come and see me?” 
“Someone has to take care of you. Ideally me.” 
“Too right.” 
When Spencer gets to your apartment thirty rushed minutes later, you’re already worse. He knocks on your door and you answer with a hand covering your face, your breath audibly shallow. “I forgot that being sick makes you ugly.” 
Spencer takes your wrist in his hand kindly. “Nothing can make you ugly. Come on, let me see.” 
“I’m serious.” 
“So am I!” 
You aren’t pretty, you’re stunning. You’re gorgeous. You’ve been the most beautiful woman Spencer’s ever seen since the moment he saw you, not just because of your looks, of which you take great care, but because of your heart, how kind you’d been to him and continue to be. Your confident personality has never once made you cruel. He couldn’t say the same for most people, so you could have snot running down your lips and a zit the size of Quantico on your forehead and he’d still think you were the most amazing thing he’d ever seen. 
“Come on,” he says again, “I know you’re still beautiful.” 
You let him pull your hand down, unveiling your puffy eyes and chapped nose. “I don’t know how I got sick so fast.” 
The tote bag he’d brought with him slips into his elbow and pulls down his sweater sleeve as he grabs your shoulder. “You said you looked ugly.” 
“I do!” 
“All you do is lie.” He gives you a small smile. Am I doing this flirting thing right? 
“I wanna kiss you so bad.”
Your audible heartbreak is convincing. “I’ll still kiss you.” His desperation is even more evident than yours. “I’d love to kiss you.” Even if it’s usually you who kisses him. 
You close your eyes and lean in for a kiss at the same time. Just one kiss, firm for a millisecond, no parting lips or tongue to be seen but just as good a kiss as any other. Spencer must’ve had about thirty of them now, yet a kiss from you never feels real. 
“I’ll look after you if you get sick,” you promise, pulling away. 
He was counting on it. He hates germs, hates being sick, but he loves you. Whatever happens is out of his hands. 
You seem a little unsteady on your feet, now Spencer’s looking at you. You’re wearing loose white pyjamas with blue flowers, and on your feet you have a pair of shoes somewhere between slippers and boots, brown fabric with fluffy white insides he’s seen you sporting on the jet from time to time when you’re at your most achingly tired. 
You look adorable and tipping. He eases out of his shoes, sliding the bag of tinned soup, crackers and about seventy dollars worth of cold medicine onto the sideboard so he can put his hand under your arm. 
“Let’s go back to bed,” he says, wrapping you in a supportive hug. 
“Forward,” you tease. 
You shouldn’t. Spencer thinks about intimacy with you and goes insanely pink everytime, though you’re far from new to one another. He especially doesn’t wanna think about it as you cross your room and flop down into bed with a tired sigh. “Come lay down?” 
“I’m wearing jeans.” 
“Did you sit down on the subway?” 
“No, I drove here.” 
“Come on, Spence. Your germs are fine.” You smile at the ceiling as he sits down at the top of your bed. “You drove here? You hate driving.” 
“It was quickest.” 
You drop your head into his lap. Your breathing is laboured. 
“You okay?” he asks you. 
“Just missed you.” 
“I brought you some stuff. Vapour rub and decongestant spray, painkillers, vitamins, everything.” He leans down as he wraps his arms over your front, a promise to look after you. “Try to take a deep breath, angel,” he advises sympathetically. “You sound really out of breath.” 
“Too much standing up.” 
“Standing up can be good for you when you’re sick. It stops you from getting idle diseases and bed sores, and walking is even better for you if you can manage it, it helps unclog your sinuses.” He finishes his fact, and he looks down at you all poorly in his lap, remembering very quickly how lucky he is to have found someone who listens. You didn’t interrupt. You wouldn’t have even thought about it, he’s sure. “But no more standing up or walking around. I’m gonna get you anything you need. You’ll be better in no time.” 
You give him your own grateful smile. “Thank you.” You scrunch up your nose. 
“Are you gonna sneeze? I got balsam tissues.” The damage to your nose has already been done. “Do you have any chapstick? We’ll rub some on your nose to stop it from getting any drier.” 
Your wrinkled nose worsens. “Thank you for coming to look after me,” you say weakly. 
He wants to say you’re his best friend in the whole world, but you’re more than that now. “You’re welcome,” he says quietly, ducking down to plant a kiss near your eyebrow. “I always want to look after you. This is just the first time you’ve let me.” 
You smile contentedly, your voice falling to a whisper. “Will you tell me you love me again?” 
Spencer doesn’t think he’s in any position to deny you. “I love you,” he says truthfully. “Thank you for letting me come over.” 
You turn your face into his arm. “Thank you for wanting to, handsome.” 
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f1amour · 10 days
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pairing: oscar piastri x reader
word count: 2.7k
warnings: clingy oscar & reader, oral (m receiving), lil quickie, unprotected sex — 18+ only minors do not interact please.
authors note: was meant to write a small little blurb but quickly turned into a full fic for yesterday’s winner <3 not spelled checked so it might be a little messy.
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───────────────────────── oscar had just gotten out of his car after winning the azerbaijan grand prix his second win of the sesson. his only thought was you. especially after not being there for his first win in hungary due to your work but now here you were ready to celebrate his second win
quickly getting off his car he goes straight to you embracing you in a sweaty, breathless hug “i’m so proud of you. you fucking killed it out there, osc.” oscar quickly removes his head gear not paying mind to the cameras and many eyes watching the two of you. his mind focused on your teary eyes, “what’s wrong, baby?”
he takes your face in his hands wiping away a tear “it's nothing, it's just… I wasn’t able to be here for your first win and we know how that all went down. seeing you win like this, it’s so overwhelming. i’m so happy for you.” oscar smiles with understanding flooding his face, and he pulls you into another tight hug, “you’re here now, that’s what matters. and i’m glad you’re here. i missed you.”
despite the presence of the cameras and the crowd around the both of you, oscar is completely focused on you, his heart filled with joyous excitement. without a care in the world, he captures your lips in a passionate kiss. he preferred pda in private or with family and friends not in front of dozens of camera and hundreds of strangers. but he was caught up in the moment of being there with you.
he mumbles against your lips, “i love you so much.” you wraps your arms around his neck, holding on tightly to him. your heart races in your chest, your emotions a jumble of pride, joy, and love all at once. you kiss him back, your lips molding against his in a passionate, affectionate display.
the cameras continue to click and flash around you, but in that moment, you don't care who's watching. all that matters is each other.
oscar deepens the kiss, his hands threading through your hair. the sound of applause and cheers from the crowd around you slowly registers in his ears, but he ignores it, too caught up in the moment with you. he finally breaks away from your lips, resting his forehead against yours and panting slightly. “i’ve been waiting all day to do that.”
you smile at him your hands tangled in his hair, “i could tell.” oscar grins, noticing the crowd of his team and his mom waiting to congratulate him. he gives you a smirk, knowing that you’re feeling a bit embarrassed after your private moment was inadvertently captured on camera. he squeezes your hand. "looks like i have some fans waiting for me." you blush, trying to compose yourself. "right, yes, go on. they're waiting for you. i’ll be here."
oscar nods and gives you one more quick kiss on the cheek before reluctantly letting go of your hand and walking over to his team and his mom. they all pat him on the back, congratulating him. oscar pretends to be annoyed at his teammates' teasing, but he's secretly loving the attention. "hey, i can't help it if i have a lovely girlfriend who just happens to be distracting."
oscar gives you a final smile before he's ushered away by his team. he glances back at you one more time before disappearing from view, his heart full and his mind already anticipating your reunion later.
as oscar looks down at the crowd, his eyes immediately find you standing front and center. despite the sea of strangers around you, you stick out to him. and next to you, he notices his mom, both of you watching him with pride etched on your faces. his heart swelling with joy, knowing that the two most important women in his life are there, supporting him, just makes the win that much sweeter.
you watch as oscar and the rest of them spray each other with champagne, laughing and enjoying the moment. but what you are really fixated on is the way his hair looks at that moment - tousled and slightly damp from the spray, clinging slightly to his forehead. it’s a sight that makes you heart skip a beat and a heat rise within you
you takes a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. but you can't help but imagine running your fingers through his hair, feeling the damp strands against your skin. the thought sends a shiver down your spine, and you have to remind yourself to maintain a casual, composed exterior.
you couldn't wait any longer. as soon as oscar walked into his drivers room and closed the door behind him, you pounced. you pull him towards you and capture his lips in a hungry, desperate kiss.
oscar was taken by surprise, but he quickly recovered and returned the kiss with just as much fervor. his hand came up to cup your face, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. your hands roamed his body, slipping under his shirt to feel the heat of his skin. you backed him up against the wall, pressing yourself against him as the kiss deepened.
oscar's mind was a haze of desire, his body responding to your touch. his hands found their way under your skirt, his fingers tracing a path along your bare skin.
oscar's breath hitches as your hand descends from his chest to his cock. the feeling of your touch ignites a fire within him, and he finds himself leaning into your touch subconsciously. his body and mind are at war, his desire for you fighting against his sense of responsibility and professionalism. he swallows hard, his voice hoarse as he speaks. "we...we shouldn't... i have the press conference in 15 minutes."
you get down on your knees and look up at him, your eyes darkened with desire and a hint of mischief. you smile, seeing the effect you are having on him. “just 15 minutes, oscar," you say, your voice sultry and seductive. "no one will notice if you're a few minutes late. and if you're quick, you can still make it in time." you slowly start to push his race suit down, your fingers working meticulously as you look up at him, awaiting his response.
“gotta be quick.” he mumbles. you grin, pleased with his response. you fingers finish tugging his race suit down. “i’ll be quick" you promise, your voice low and sultry.
oscar's breath hitches in his throat as you transition from your hands to your mouth, your touch suddenly more intense and intimate. he lifts his head from the wall, his eyes watching you with a mixture of pleasure and amazement. "oh...god..." he moans softly, his fingers involuntarily grasping your hair, tangling in the strands as he tries to maintain control. "that feels... incredible."
you continue, your movements skillful and purposeful. you respond to his sounds and movements, your touch and pace increasing or decreasing to match his responses. oscar's grip on your hair tightens, his breaths coming in short gasps and his body tensing with each movement of your mouth. "baby...i…i don't think...i can hold on for much longer..."
you can feel his body tensing beneath your touch, and you know he's close to the edge. with a final, skillful movement, you bring him to the brink, his body shuddering and his breaths coming in sharp gasps, “fuck y/n...oh god...i can't..." he manages to gasp out, his fingers clenching tightly in your hair.
just as oscar's body is about to reach its peak, there's a knock on the door, followed by a voice calling out, "oscar, we need you in the press room now." the sudden interruption jolts you both out of their moment, reality crashing back in, and oscar curses under his breath. the press conference. how could he forget?
“five more minutes. please baby?” oscar groans in frustration, his body still reeling from the near-release. but the knock on the door reminds him of his impending responsibilities. he looks down at you, his voice still husky with desire. “we don't have 5 minutes," he says, reluctantly pulling away from you. "i have to go. they're waiting for me."
still on your knees you look up at him with a pout on your face, “don’t you want to finish inside me?” giving him a teasing smile, you knew he couldn’t resist. oscar freezes at your words, “y/n... we can't... i have to go..." he says, his voice coming out strained and hoarse
you get off your knees and sit on his bed sighing dramatically, “fine i’ll take care of myself then.” oscar's eyes widen at her suggestion, a pang of jealousy and possessiveness running through him at the thought of you touching yourself instead of him. he clenches his fists, his jaw clenching as he tries to control his desires. he takes a step towards you, his voice gravelly. "please don't." oscar swallows, the sight of you on the bed, the thought of you taking care of yourself instead of him nearly drives him over the edge.
he steps closer to you, his voice low and intense. "don’t...i…i can't stand the thought of you... without me." you gives him a playful smile, a challenge in your eyes. you point to the door, still sitting on the bed, and say, "you know what you have to do. go tell them you need five minutes."
oscar hesitates for a moment, his mind racing as he looks at you, but the fire in his eyes tells you that he's given in. oscar strides to the door, his mind racing with excitement. he opens it slowly, peeking his head out, and sees his press officer standing in the hallway, looking impatient.
he addresses them with a calm smile, masking the intense emotions swirling inside him. "hey, i need five minutes. you mind giving me a bit more time?" his press officer looks at him, raising an eyebrow. "five minutes? we’re already running late, oscar." but oscar remains steadfast, his expression not betraying the desperation he feels inside. "yes, five minutes. it's important. i promise i'll be quick."
they glance at their watch, clearly impatient, “alright five minutes, but don't take too long." oscar nods, his heart racing with anticipation. "thanks. i won't be long."
oscar closes the door quickly, a mixture of relief and excitement coursing through him. he turns to you, his eyes darkened with desire. "five minutes is all i got. let's not waste any time." you lay playfully on the bed, your eyes twinkling with a mixture of innocence and seductive. you giggle and say, “what are you waiting for? fuck me already, oscar."
oscar reaches the bed, his eyes locked onto yours. he quickly takes off his shoes and crawls onto the bed, hovering over you. he leans down, his lips gently brushing against your neck as he huskily whispers, "i’ve been waiting all week for this."
oscar's lips continue their descent, moving down to your collarbone, planting soft, hungry kisses along the way. his hands eagerly roam your body, tracing the curves of your hips and thighs as he positions himself between your legs. “you have no idea how much i’ve missed this," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire.
you moan and nod, reminding him that he needs to be quick and fast. you spreads your legs wider, anticipating his next move. "yes, honey...please," you whisper, your voice filled with need. "be quick and fast."
oscar doesn't need any more encouragement. he can't resist any longer, and he quickly responds to your plea. without hesitation, oscar positions himself between your legs, his body aligned perfectly against yours. he looks into yours eyes, his own darkened with a mixture of desire and control. “i’ve got you." he whispers, his voice low and reassuring.
he doesn't waste any time, oscar captures your lips in a searing kiss, muffling your moans as he sinks deep inside you in one smooth, fluid motion. “god you’re so fucking tight, you feel so good sweetheart, so good.” oscar praises as you squeaked as his thumb found your clit working it in tight circles. the angle of this position made it so he hit your g-spot with each thrust.
oscar's movements are quick, determined, and focused, his body responding to your every gasp and sound. he keeps a steady pace, his hands gripping your hips as he slams into you deep and hard, each stroke filling you completely.
“fuck…fuck yes, right there. i’m gonna come, osc!”the sound of your voice, your pleading cries, and the tugging on his hair sent a jolt of pleasure through oscar's body. he’s hanging on by a thread, holding himself back but barely.
"i’m right there with you...baby," he grunts, his voice strained with the effort to maintain control.
your walls fluttered around oscar’s cock. “that’s it, baby. come all over my fucking cock,” the second those words left oscar’s mouth was when your orgasm washed over you.
oscar’s hips stuttered as he came soon after, his head falling into the crook of your neck as he bit down on your shoulder. oscar continues to hold you close, his body still trembling as he tries to catch his breath. he presses his forehead against yours, his eyes locking onto you.
"i don't know what i’d do without you," he whispers, his voice ragged and sincere. "you drive me absolutely crazy." you cuddle closer, your body still buzzing with pleasure and satisfaction. you smile up at him, your fingers gently tracing circles on his back. "and you drive me crazy," you reply, your voice soft and loving. "but in the best possible way."
oscar smiles, his eyes filled with affection and contentment. he gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle. "i could lie here with you forever," he says softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "but unfortunately, we don't have time for that." oscar reluctantly pulls away from you, his body yearning to stay close. however , he has to get dressed and return to the press conference.
you can see it in his eyes. oscar wants nothing more than to stay with you in that room, away from the pressures and demands of the outside world. but you both know that's not an option right now.
you give him a sympathetic smile, understanding his struggle. "you should go. they’re probably already wondering what's taking you so long."
oscar nods, reluctantly accepting that he has to leave. he takes a final moment to look at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and desire. "i really don't want to go," he admits, his voice laced with regret. “but duty calls."
you smile, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "see you later, my winner," you say softly. "you better save some energy for me later tonight."
oscar groans again, his thoughts still on you and your stolen moment together. before he can even respond, his press officer grabs him by the arm as soon as he opens the door and begins to pull him away.
"alright, come on, oscar. we’re already late," the press officer sighs, sounding slightly annoyed. "you can't just disappear like that when you are needed for the press conference."
oscar sighs, knowing the press officer is right. he allows himself to be dragged away, his mind still preoccupied with you but trying to focus on the press conference. “yeah, I know, i’m sorry," he apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "i got held up."
oscar sits between george and charles, both wearing knowing smiles on their faces. some of the reporters present, particularly the keen-eyed ones, notice the lipstick marks and the mark on his neck. they exchange glances among themselves, puzzled and amused by oscar's appearance.
oscar, oblivious to his disheveled state, smiles and wait to be asked a few questions. little does he know that he's providing quite the gossip material for his fellow drivers and the media.
oscar can feel the weight of the eyes upon him, and he chuckles nervously. he glances around, sensing the subtle giggles and whispers among the reporters. “is there something on my face?" he asks jokingly, trying to maintain a light-hearted tone. the irony of his question is not lost on him, considering the noticeable lipstick smudges on his cheeks and neck.
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lovebugism · 2 years
Imagine rough sex with eds and you guys just break the bed and you have to tell wayne
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summary: you and eddie break his bed. the worst part is having to tell wayne. pairing: eddie munson / f!reader warning: smut! eddie being the cutest human alive! a wild appearance from uncle wayne! 18+ mdni! a/n: i need everyone to know that when i wrote this draft, i titled it "breaking bed" and it made me chuckle a lil. anyway, thanks for your request anon! enjoy xoxo
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when eddie muson fucks, he fucks like a wild animal
he grunts with each of his rough thrusts, brown eyes somehow darker with lust while his untamed curls cling to his sweaty forehead
and you just let him drill into you because, truth be told, you love him this way
you hold the backs of your thighs and keep yourself wide open for him while he fucks so deeply into you
he leans over you, one hand white-knuckled where it grips his headboard, and the other wrapped around your throat
not tight enough to choke you exactly, but to make sure your eyes stay locked on his as he fucks you for all your worth
the headboard slams into the wall in time with each of his thrusts, rhythmic bang bang bangs that you’d be scared are leaving a dent in the wall if eddie wasn’t making you feel so good
he tilts your jaw to the side to expose your neck to him
and he hides his face in the sweaty crook of it, seeking refuge there while he nips and suckles at the warmed skin
you just keep begging for him to go harder and deeper and faster as he fucks you more and more stupid
and eddie complies without question
he revels in the way you keen each time he pounds into you and how your face scrunches up and your back arches for him
your toes curl and your legs tense up so hard they start to quiver
and right when you’re about to come, the bed suddenly jolts and dips beneath you, accompanied by loud crashing sound
it scares the shit out of you and you squeal while eddie lets out a grunt of surprise
because his bed just fucking broke
and it isn’t the most surprising thing in the world, the thing is about as old as he is
but it does take the two of you off guard 
all you can do in the moment is laugh about it
and eddie barely wastes another second before he starts fucking you again
because his bed is already broken, who cares if it gets more fucked up?
plus he knew how close you were to your orgasm and you just look so pretty when you come <3
the worst part about it though is telling wayne
because there’s no way he’s not going to notice
and eddie can’t exactly sleep on a crooked bed
so he just comes up with the shittiest excuse known to man “so the thing is... i was… jumping on the bed…”
wayne furrows his brows “the hell were you doing jumping on your bed?”
“well, you see, i was just, you know… trying to… heal my inner child…”
“…what the fuck does that mean?”
but, like, obviously wayne knows
typically you’re good at keeping eddie in check and sometimes he can hear you saying you don’t want to fuck while wayne’s in the house
and that’s a part of the reason he likes you so much bc you don’t want to put him through that trauma
but you guys are young and in love and sometimes keeping your hands off of each other feels like the hardest thing in the world
so he knows exactly how the bed broke
but hearing eddie trying to lie about it is the funniest thing on the planet
shopping for a new bed frame is easily the most adult thing you and eddie have ever done
and the only one he can afford is a star wars themed one in the children’s section
eddie groans and acts annoyed about having to get one that’s so childish but you know he secretly loves it
because the headboard is shaped like the cock pit of the millennium falcon with lightsabers painted on the foot of the bed
you try to put it together without wayne’s help while he’s at work
and you’re like “how long do you give it before we break this one?”
“an hour if you wine and dine me first <3”
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have any blurb requests? send em here if you want!
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solbaby7 · 7 months
Holy mother of pearl I need a part 3 of blurred lines like I need air to breathe
as you wish. but this lil blurb is it y’all 🤣
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[ part 1 ] [ part 2 ]
Rhysand was being obnoxious.
Unreasonably jealous and filled with a need like no other—almost comparable to the one induced by the powder that still burned in your system—his mouth wouldn’t stop latching to the marks Azriel had sucked into your neck. “Don’t get all quiet on me now,” Rhys huffs out, teeth nipping at your ear from behind.
Water sloshes over the edge of the tub, soaking the floor and the clothes scattered in it but neither of you can find it in you to care. Not when Rhys’ cock felt so deep, fucking into the swollen mess of your pussy like it was the first time all over again. “Azriel’s still here. It’s rude.”
“Don’t,” He’s vicious in his reprimand, guiding you up and down the girthy length of him with ease. Nails bite into already bruised flesh but the relief overrides the temporary discomfort. “—ever say another males name while I’m fucking you.”
A low hum dips in your throat. “Jealousy’s sexy on you, High Lord.” The soft fat of your breasts drag against the rising muscles of his chest, manicured nails raking through strands of silky obsidian. “Worried he did a better job? Lived up to the rumors about those great, big wings of his?”
The hand that splays across the length of your neck is unforgiving when he pulls you in closer, noses touching and breath mingling when a growl grows in his chest. It should spark fear, force your heartbeat to rise but all you feel is the electrifying tingle of anticipation. “Did he?”
“Maybe,” You shrug, feigning nonchalance but you can feel the twitch of his cock from inside you. There’s no friction, just fullness as your arms remain looped over broad shoulders, cool air nipping at wet skin. “Can’t remember—was a little out of it.”
“Is that right?” Rhysand’s eyes glaze over a moment, a dark smirk forming on regal features. Through the drug induced haze, you have half the sense to notice the shift in the air. Gone is the mate willing to offer endless coddling and comforting words crooned into the sensitive spot below your ear. Sweet touches are replaced with the all-consuming power that made Rhys the most dangerous of all the High Lords; dark magic cloaking the bathing chamber in pitch black, cutting off all sense of sight and distorting sound. “Shall I give you a refresher?”
Familiar talons tease at the barrier of your mental walls, itching to sink in and take the reins. Goosebumps swarm your skin despite the warmth of the water lapping at your legs. “Do as you please—take notes if you must.”
Your mates leniency towards your steadily growing snark seems to dwindle with each sentence spoken and he’s less than gentle when breaching the boundaries of your mind, rooting around as if he owned the place. Rhys yanks the offending memory forward, his presence lingering at your back, breath tickling at your neck as you’re forced to watch with him.
Watch you and Azriel—the fucked out glaze in your eye. The moans and hoarse screams for it harder. Deeper. “It surprises me that you could’ve forgotten this,” Rhysand taunts, chuckling to himself at the pliant lean of your body when his hands mimic Azriel’s. Fingers pinch at hardened nipples, copying the cruel pace set until witty remarks fizzled away; all the spark snuffed out by alluring darkness and the delicious drag of Rhysand’s cock inside of you. Your eyes begin to flutter closed when a hand curls around your jaw, face forcefully raised to keep watching. “Pay attention,” The rasp in his tone shoots right between your thighs and it’s impossible to resist wiggling your hips, meeting every thrust until you swore you could feel both of them at the same time. “Don’t look away,” He commands, barely winded. “Or I’ll stop and leave you here to ride this out on your own.”
Thank the Mother he was standing behind you, unable to catch the harsh bite of your lip and the pitiful wobble of your chin. But still, you obeyed. Never tearing your eyes away for even a second as Rhysand fucked into you, hands gripping at your hips and wandering the length of your body before the touches began to lose its synchronicity. “It’s so deep,” The whine is abruptly cut off, a palm pressed against your lips as he manually silences you.
“That’s not what you said to him.” One finger raised from your face to point at the memory, Azriel’s gruff words muffled by the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. Every nerve burns, muscles screaming with tension as that coil tightened more and more and more in the pit of your belly. “I thought you were worried about Az hearing you, pretty girl?” Your neck cranes as he pulls your back flush to his chest, resting your head on his shoulder but the devastating thrust of his hips don’t stop and the angle threatens to force your eyes closed. “Don’t be fucking rude.”
It’s torture; trying to remain quiet with so much happening. You swear you can feel Azriel’s hands on your body, skipping past Rhys’ own while twin tongues taste at your neck. Your sounds muffle against his palm, water splashing and skin slapping until four hands became too much for one body.
“He didn’t fuck you like this,” The High Lord all but snarls in your ear, two strong fingers rubbing at your clit in firm circles. “Say it.”
“He didn’t—“ You stammer over the words, garbled syllables rumbling against the hand that slides back down to your throat and the memory is shoved away; tucked in a box and lock deep within the corners of your mind. “He didn’t fuck me like this. Not how you do.”
Plush lips kiss at sweat-slick cheeks, tongue claiming at the line of your jaw and teeth sink into the already bruised expanse of your neck. “Now say it like you mean it.”
It’s too much, the teasing and that possessive bite in his grip. “No one does it like you, Rhys.” You’re so close, fingers digging into the edge of the tub, back arching into him as you teetered that line—coil threatening to give at any second. “No one ever will.”
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
CHAPTER SELECT       ➤ ???             ➤ still, he wonders and wishes. ft. @vonerde's gaia       ➤ ???
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not all demons wish to be saved; not all demons wish for peace. but some do. kyojuro wishes he encountered more who did.
lately, he feels pity for the demons he kills. while he has a duty, he now wonders about the human being locked inside. he wonders if they had a family like nezuko, like kaiya, and he wonders if they miss that family. he wonders where all the hopes and desires they once had have gone. he wonders if they were in their right mind, how would they feel to have blood on their hands?
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he pities them more than ever. how awful to be twisted into something you were never supposed to be.
he's taken to talking to some of them when he can. it doesn't usually go anywhere -- they usually attack him or don't care to hold a conversation once they realize he's a slayer. he can't allow his ponderings to stop him from carrying out his responsibility. he doesn't have the resources or freedom gaia does, nor does he have her constitution. he is still human. he is still a pillar. he cannot afford to carelessly risk his life or the lives of those he promised to protect.
still, he wonders and wishes. perhaps one day, his blade will not be forced to carry out its duty.
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cutestzombiee · 12 days
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Can't stop thinking about modern era! Sukuna x Baker reader!
Sukuna will always flirt with you when he goes to the bakery. He will spend hours of his day just sitting around the bakery, enjoying the smell of all the sweets baking. Most importantly, he loves listening to the sound of your sweet voice.
“cmon let me help you, sweetie, you could use a strong man to help you bring in all those heavy bags of flour” Sukuna leaned over the counter like he always did. Usually, sukuna would leave before closing, but today, he decided to stay behind and help you clean and any other chores you needed help with.
“If you think your offer will be enough to get me in bed with you, then you're wrong, by the way” you retorted. Your arms crossed over your chest.
“It hurts my heart that you believe I have such ulterior motives, baby.” You're met with his usual sly smirk. “Just let me help you,” he said while chuckling.
You let out a sigh of defeat before grudgingly mumbling a small “follow me”
Sukuna’s heavy steps reverberated through the empty bakery as you led him through to the back of the bakery where the 30, 10-pound flour bags you had just ordered arrived. The bakery was built as a 2-floor business. The actual shop is downstairs, and the kitchen where everything is made is upstairs. You always ended up with a sore body whenever you tried hauling anything upstairs.
“Get to work, pretty boy,” you say, patting his back before leaving him there to start bringing up the bags of flour. You went upstairs to finish decorating the cakes that were due to sell tomorrow. Sukuna started bringing up the bags 3 at a time. At first, he looked like the bags were merely groceries, but as he continued, sweat built up on his arms and forehead. You had always thought Sukuna was a knucklehead. He always flirted with you even though you wouldn't give him the time of day. Then he would spend hours in his days to “bother” you. Truly, you liked knowing Sukuna was always there.
Once Sukuna finished, he stood next to you, giving you a grin. “All done sweetheart, does that mean I get free and unlimited pastries now?” he teases as he watches you work on a cake.
“If I gave you free and unlimited pastries, I would go out of business, Sukuna,” you say while chuckling.
He feigned the feeling of being insulted. “Jeez sweetheart so I can't have you? Nor can I have a sweet treat? You're killing me here” his voice softened as he caged you in between his arms. His large body looming over you.
You set down the piping bag you had in your hand and then turned to face him. “You're going to have to do a lot more than help around the bakery to be able to have me sukuna” Your smirk drove Sukuna crazy. He wished he could take you right here and now, but he knew he had to be patient.
One of Sukunas Hands came to rest on your cheek. His thumb gives your cheek a loving caress. his face inched closer and closer to yours “Are you going to deny me the smallest taste of your sweet lips too, sweetheart?” His voice was as gentle as a feather. His warm breath tickled your lips.
“If you're going to kiss me, just do it kuna”
Made by bibi! Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Do not plagiarise or steal my work! Hope you liked this lil blurb! Should I make another part?
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 months
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a/n: he’s so foineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Haven’t written for my bb much recently so here’s this lil blurb.
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You love to take pictures of Rafe.
whether he knows about it or not, you always have a camera on him.
He does the most easy things, and he looks so good you have to. When he manspreads, when he smiles at some stupid joke, when he’s laughing, you have a picture of it all.
But one of your favorites you have is when you’re riding him, he saw you take out the phone and he let out a groan.
“Seriously?” He quirked an eyebrow at you, holding his hands over his face, your hands on his sides while you snapped the picture with a giddy smile.
“You look so good like this, I had to.” You giggled, he smiled, pulling his hands away from his face, shaking his head at you and putting his hands back onto your hips.
“Whatever.” He mumbled, trying to act nonchalant about your comment that actually had his cheeks heating up.
Another one of your favorites was when you both were at a party together with a couple of friends for his birthday. You just had to.
He was talking with his friend, hands crossed over his chest as he laughed about something. You smiled, slyly taking out your camera, pointing it to him as secretly as you could. But the moment you were about to take the picture, he noticed the camera you pointed at him and he stared right into the lenses.
Of course, the picture was still hot as shit. You glanced up at him, seeing him have a smirk painted on his face as he looked back at you. He had caught you.
You posted it to your story, with a little caption that said “happy birthday, sexy <3”
Your third favorite was one of him on the couch on the balcony of Tannyhill. How desperately you wanted to sit and just grind on his clothed thigh. It was one of his infamous tannyhill parties, drunk kooks scattered around the house.
You sat next to him, giving him a small smile and leaning in his ear. “I’m gonna go get another drink.” You murmured, he turned to you, nodding, not thinking anything of it when you stood up and went downstairs.
He was turned back to Barry, both of them talking about some business stuff. His legs were deliciously spread, taking up most of the space. You licked your lips, smile spreading across your face as you took out your phone, pointing the camera towards him.
He didn’t notice when you took the picture, didn’t even know you took it until he scrolled through your story that night, you laying next to him and giggling when he turned to you with a confused look on his face.
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esouliie · 7 months
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– pairing | wanda maximoff x fem! reader
– synopsis | you and wanda come back from a very successful first mission together and decide to celebrate in the shower.
– warnings | soo if you’re a mutual dnr (jk), this is literal filth, dom/sub dynamic, spanking mention, fingering (both! receiving), face slapping, mommy kink of courseee, pet play, dub con kinda(?) bc she forces you to pee… so piss kink🤠, dacryphilia, oral (w! receiving), some aftercare and cute lil fluff moment at the end as wanda wraps you in her towels bc she’s so mommy! :3 (18+)
– notes | i honestly have nothing to say about this other than i wanted to try something new and out of my comfort zone. it was supposed to be a blurb but ended being over 2.6k so enjoy lmao >.<
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It was your first mission as a couple. Unsurprisingly, it went well. To your core, you knew you’d both be fine. Wanda's leadership and responsibility were unwavering, and you knew deep down that you'd both succeed. Yet, your anxiety had waged its own battle, inundating you with "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios throughout the week.
The adrenaline still courses through your veins, mingling with the fatigue that weighs down your muscles. Dust and grime cling to your clothes, evidence of the challenges you faced together. But amidst the exhaustion, there's a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've made your girlfriend proud.
On the flight home, you shared a tired chuckle, the tension of the mission slowly fading away in the comfort of each other's presence. And all those earlier nerves fading to nothing but relief, knowing you’re both going home. Safe and sound.
“I need this suit off me,” Wanda exclaims, her voice weary but tinged with a hint of amusement. She kicks off her boots, already having peeled off her corset, dropping it in a heap by the door.
You giggle in agreement, the sight of your usually intimidating girlfriend as she struggles to take off her tactical gear highly amusing. “Yeah, I think I need a shower to feel human again.”
The sweat-slicked fabric of your own corset sticks uncomfortably to your skin. You would’ve thought Tony would at least have the decency to make your suit more breathable if he was going to stick you in a tight corset…. guess not.
Wanda shoots you a pointed look as you fiddle with your top. Your breasts push deliciously against the black fabric and she licks her lips at the sight of you - totally unaware of her growing desire.
“Well, we could save some water and shower together.”
The suggestion doesn’t catch you off guard as you’re used to the witch coming up with lame excuses to see you naked, and the idea of standing under the hot spray with an equally naked Wanda sounds infinitely more appealing than facing the solitude of your own shower.
“You know, if you wanted to see me naked, you could’ve just said so.”
With a smirk and after a quick press of her lips against yours, Wanda heads towards the back of the apartment, tossing a teasing glance over her shoulder as she beckons for you to follow. “Don’t keep me waiting.”
“Hold on, babe,” You quickly follow in her steps, your trousers and socks long gone, as you enter the shared bedroom, heading for the en-suite. “I need to use the bathroom first-”
Soft lips cut you off as hands slip around your back, swift in removing your blasted corset. She doesn’t wait to grope your chest - deciding she’s been teased enough seeing you in that tight material - and thumbs swipe over pebbled nipples, as she bites her way down your neck.
With an attitude that Wanda usually wouldn’t let slide, "This couldn't have waited five minutes?" 
She replies with a quick “nope” and a harsh nip as she mouths at your skin, now adorned with pretty little red marks.
“But I need to go-” Her teeth digging softly into your nipple interrupts your train of thought as your hands shoot up to weave into dark curls, scraping at her scalp.
You say her name in a breathy moan and she replies with her own; kissing, licking, and sucking as much of you as she can. Your eyes flutter close but an ever harsher pinch to your nipple jolts you forward, eyes wide in search of the culprit.
“Eyes on me.” And with that, she steps away, starting the shower as she adjusts the temperature until steam billows from the stall in a comforting cloud.
As she moves under the spray, you can't help but admire the way the water glistens on her skin, tracing the curves of her body in rivulets that disappear beneath the cascading stream. Emboldened by the steam and the intimacy of the moment, you strip off your panties and join her in the shower, letting the water wash away the tension that has settled in your muscles.
For a while, there is only the sound of water pounding against tile, as you both take time to clean yourselves on irrespective sides. The shower was big enough for more than two, designed with two large showerheads on either side and one in the middle that you never turn on. But then, Wanda breaks the silence with a soft laugh, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she looks at you.
“Cute butt.”
You turn your head towards her, refusing to turn fully away from the warm stream cascading down your front.
“What? This butt?” You tease, hands gliding down your hips to grab a handful of your cheeks, before rubbing slow circles, making a show of the usually marked flesh.
Wanda may have liked having you as her good girl, but there was only so much you could take before reverting to your bratty self.
Turning away from your girlfriend, not letting her win at her game of teasing, you resume cleaning yourself. But, light fingertips brushing along your left nipple tell you she’s no longer on her side. The water makes everything even more slick, a delicious friction that almost wasn't. 
She guides the heel of her other hand down your side, cresting over your ribs until it reaches your ass. Rubbing circles over where your hands were, her eyes glazed over remembering the last time she had you bent over her lap, hues of purple and red stretched over the skin as she spanked you for mouthing off in front of the team.
She husks, “Uh huh. But I like it better with my marks all over.”
Not wasting any more time, she wraps an arm around, fingers sliding down your lower stomach and graciously over your slit, just nearly missing your bundle of nerves. As if she was the one being played with, she groans freely into your ear, her front grinding flush against your back.
“Spread your legs.” And you find yourself obeying, weight shifting to rest on your palms against the tiles. She chuckles softly, teasing you along the lines of being an “eager baby,” before two fingers glide across your peaked clit, and then curl them into your hot passes.
Your head begins to throb, a sign of the tension building within you. "Don't tease," you plead, knowing that the steam only exacerbates your headache. You reach for the faucet, desperately craving relief from the suffocating heat, but a hand stops you.
You find yourself being spun around to face the taller woman, your back arching away from the cold bite of the tiles. She stares down at you with an all familiar head tilt that dares you to challenge her, to defy her from taking what is hers.
But you remain still and she takes that as an initiative to slide inside deeper, a small smile on her face at your obedience. Starting at a hard yet slow pace, she fucks into you with little remorse. A reminder of that she owns you and can have you however she wants.
Just how you like it.
“Such a pretty little slut. Taking my fingers like that, huh? So fucking greedy.” She laughs as you cling onto her towering figure, the pleasure all too consuming as you whine and whimper so openly.
Chasing that high, you fail to notice how different you feel. Waves of pleasure burdened with a slight ache as you flutter around her. The front of your walls stimulated constantly as you rock into her thrusts. Looking down, you watch as she disappears inside of you and suddenly you remember how you needed to pee earlier. The urge to go had left as soon as Wanda started to suck at your nipples.
Your head snaps back, eyes searching to catch Wanda’s attention. But it was already on you as a smirk spreads across her face. “Don’t you have to go, baby?” She asks in a husky whisper.
Your mouth opens but no sound comes out as you resort to nodding relentlessly.
“Aw, you can hold it for me, can’t you?” She coos, fingers never slowing their pace. “I want to play with you a little longer.”
Knowing you won’t be able to hold out, the need to go growing stronger and stronger now that you remember, you whine out, “No, please, Wands- I won’t- I can’t hold it.”
With a fake sigh that conveyed an air of dissatisfaction and yet subtle empathy, “Then go right here.”
You grimace at the thought of peeing on your girlfriend, how gross it would be… the embarrassment would be too much to recover from.
“I don’t want to.” You admit, embarrassment working its way slowly into your mind, not far enough gone to allow Wanda to think for you.
She doesn’t like that, and so, her fingers work faster inside of you. Her other hand moving between pinching your nipples mercilessly and holding your hips down.
“I don’t care.” She hisses out, “If you need to go, you better do it now. Don’t make Mommy wait.”
Making Wanda wait was something you didn't really want to do, having seen the consequence on many occasions when you couldn’t come when she permitted you, but it was difficult. What she was asking of you was difficult.
With her less busy hand, she slaps a palm against your cheek, the sound echoing against the tiled walls, wet skin against wet skin making the assault sting worse than usual. “I won’t tell you again, slut.”
She doesn’t like how easily you can lose focus, your brain clearly overworking when you should be letting go, focusing solely on her.
You mumble out a soft “okay”, not wanting to be slapped again, before closing your eyes and willing yourself to relax around her fingers. Your body no longer fighting against the urge, fighting to hold it in.
But tight circles around your sensitive clit and fingers deep inside don’t stop as they continue pushing you closer to the edge. Your hand grips tight around her wrist, but to no avail. She was too strong and you couldn’t help but surrender to your throes of pleasure.
Hot liquid runs down the inside of your thighs and your eyes snap shut, shielding yourself from what’s happening, as you also begin to come – unable to stop the stream of piss, the flow faster and out of control as fingers still fuck into you.
“Oh, darling... look at you.” She coos, a hint of bewilderment evident in her voice. Not expecting you to actually look, but teasing you for it all the same. She revels in the way the warm liquid slips through her fingers on to the white flooring.
Despite how mean she was, you hold tight onto her as you lose the ability to stand on your own, legs wobbling beneath. You feel her push you further into the wall, using her body as support, not wanting to take her hand away from your weeping pussy.
“That’s it.” She says softly, fingers coaxing more pleasure from your clit. “Such a messy puppy.”
Tears fall from beneath your eyelids and you open your mouth to speak, only to be silenced with her tongue down your throat.
“That was so hot.” She admits before diving back in, teeth clashing as you open your mouth wide enough for her taking. Her tongue draws yours out as she wraps around it, sucking feverishly. Feeling you release all over her fingers - the heat easily detectable under the stream of water above as you managed to splash against her pale skin - turned her on so much, she couldn’t help but fidget, battling the urge to just fuck against your soaked thigh.
The kiss eventually comes to an end, the need to breathe overpowering the need for having Wanda explore your mouth, a few hungry strands of saliva linking you together.
“Good job, baby. You did so good for me.” She says, coaxing you further into that fuzzy feeling. She nuzzles into your neck, lightly nipping over your fluttering pulse, soothing the heated skin with her tongue. The steam making it harder to see anything clearly. You whine in reply, words no longer existing in your mind, as your heavy arms wrap around her waist.
Wanda, unbeknownst to you, wants you in this headspace—all clingy and dependable. She knows how easily things affect you, so she knew that pushing you hard like she did earlier, forcing you to pee all over her, would only cause your brain to overthink and turn against you. She had to keep you like this, for your sake as well as hers.
“I know you’re feeling all floaty but Mommy needs you to do something for her, sweetheart.” She grabs your hand heading towards the slick between her thighs. She was dripping, her clit so swollen it was hard to miss, and you couldn’t help but trace slow circles around the bud. “Mommy needs you here.”
She encourages you further with a moan so arousing, it had you almost slipping inside of her, desperate to make her come around your fingers already.
She whines, needing you to focus. “I want your mouth, baby.”
You sink to your knees, knocking her legs apart to accommodate. You hoist a leg and place it over your shoulder before leaving a line of wet kisses from her knee to the inside of her thigh. Her fingers caress your face, before getting a good hold of your wet curls and drawing you closer to where she needs you most. You waste no time and lick the length of her centre, greedily taking in the arousal that had gathered there. Wanda lets out a low groan and your eye flutter at her sweet taste. She urges you with the hand that was still tangled in your hair. Obedient to the woman’s demand, you push closer, tongue teasing around her entrance as the tip of your nose pushes into her nerves.
The grip in your curls tightens as she begins to guide your head up and down, your tongue running from just inside her, up along that sweet nerve. She curls forward, one hand against the wall, as she fucks against your face. You lick greedily, jaw slack as you let her take control, smearing her wetness all over.
Every pant melds with a breathy moan as she chases her orgasm. Lost in pleasure, she knocks your head against the tiles. It hurts - your headache now forming for certain - but she doesn’t notice until one sharp thrust has you letting out a sharp cry.
“Oh, I’m sorry, baby.” She husks, arousal still clouding her senses, but she’s concerned with your wellbeing as the hand in your hair travels to soothe where you hit your head, making sure there’s no bumps or cuts. Your eyes flutter shut but you don’t revel in the comfort for too long. Her diagnoses done, she guides you back to her pussy.
She doesn’t fuck your face this time, allowing you the space to gingerly tease her entrance, and within a few seconds, your curling your fingers inside while making a hither motion, eliciting long moans from the older woman.
You don’t bother working your way up, knowing how close she was to finishing before she stopped, as you flick at her clit, fingers pressing against her front walls with an expertise only she could teach you.
At this point, Wanda can’t stop moaning. Her hand leaving your hair as she palms her breasts, slipping her nipples between her fingers and pinching the sensitive flesh. Words of encouragement fly from her lips as she lingers on the edge and you work faster, harder, propelling her forward into a blinding orgasm. Her body trembles violently and you smooth your palms over her thighs, feeling the strong muscles rippling beneath.
“Fuck.” She draws out, light flicks of your tongue helping her come down, before she’s ushering you back on to your feet. You slide up and press against her awaiting lips, pushing your body against hers. Sensitive nipples rub against each other and she groans as she tastes herself, hungrily kissing back. She’s always been able to recover much quicker than you.
“Thank you, baby.” She whispers, still a little breathless, before she turns to shut off the water. Her hand grasps yours and you step out the shower, feeling a slight chill as the warmth of the water dissipates. Wanda reaches for a fluffy towel, wrapping it around you first before turning her attention to herself. With practiced ease, she begins to pat your skin dry, her touch sending ripples of warmth through you.
 She always takes such good care of you.
“Looks like I need to wrap your hair.” She says, a tender smile gracing her lips. She had managed to avoid getting her hair wet unlike you with your curls clinging to the sides of your face. Her fingers work deftly to wrangle them into a towel but she’s had enough experience and managed to do it first time.
“All done, little mermaid.” She lets go with a peck to your lips, moving towards the door, and you grab onto her stretched out hand.
“Come on,” She tugs gently, “Let’s watch a movie.”
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