#so here have this even tho Daken may get into trouble later
fatummortem · 5 years
@earthtrembled sent: Our ship for the ship meme?;) Send a ship & I’ll... Accepting
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who wakes up first in the morning
Julio, mainly for the fact Daken enjoys being lazy once in awhile, though he has his times where he’s up & energized. unless Julio’s a big puddle of happy goo.
who’s the first to fall asleep at night
That entirely depends on how much sex they’ve had before. 😈
what they playfully tease each other over
Daken kinda just focuses on any one thing in the morning to tease Julio about, *coughs*tasteincoffee*coughs*. While Julio mostly teases Daken about his poor claw control during private naughty time. Then Daken teases Julio about natural disasters... couch slaughter. mattress slaughter... It’s a never ending cycle. 
what they do when the other’s having a bad day
Other then that one time of them shockingly almost talking about it & then finding a solution? Daken would probably murr at the kitties & then there would be an interest display of kitty snuggles on Julio. Mayhaps even lil kitties climbing up Julio. While Daken sits there trying to maintain his innocent look... instead of dying of laughter... probably. It’s a thing that could happen.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments
Insta forgiven! *coughs* I mean whut no Daken wouldn’t do that. *brushes the idea under a rug while whistling dixie. a big flash of censorship flashes.* Did you get all of that?
which one’s more ticklish
Y’know that’s a good question. I’ll have to figure this out. *goes off to send an ask* We’ll find out later. ^_^
their favourite rainy day activities
Y’know walking thru a park or the woods has been discussed. For perfectly innocent reasons. 😇
how they surprise each other
Ryouta gave Julio three little kittens sneaky ninja style, while he knew he wasn’t about, Julio hasn’t figured it out yet. 
their most sickening shows of public affection
Daken’s still working on convincing Julio on a bit of public fun, so until that happens there is just whispering each other’s first names into their ears like saps. Don’t tell daken it’s sappy tho. Shusssshhhh.
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