#so i don't even get privacy or sanctuary in my own fucking apartment
hairtusk · 1 year
I'm one more minor inconvenience away from an actual, fully-fledged nervous breakdown
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hopelesslykenzie · 5 years
I live in an apartment with a roommate who hid his true colors until he didn't get what he wanted from me. I was not allowed to sign the lease because "the landlord didn't care." I am not allowed to use the wifi, despite the fact that I pay the electric bill. I write the rent check every month. I am working full-time and going to school, while caring for nine pets (and myself?), and my roommate does not work. He does not leave his bedroom. He has violated my privacy and manipulated me. He has created a disgustingly toxic environment that I cannot get away from. I wake up to panic attacks at the thought of him watching me sleep. I scream and cry in my car because I cannot be comfortable in my own bedroom. I live in an apartment that I desperately needed because I was in an unhealthy living situation. I am now in a MORE unhealthy living situation, and I don't even have anything to show for it. I have to figure out a way to uproot my entire life once again to seek sanctuary because he would never consider leaving, despite his excellent support system. I live with a sociopathic narcissist who's outlook on life is constantly a sad, dingy brown because his head is shoved so far up his own ass that he cannot see through the shit staining his eyes. I cannot stand the fucking stench
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