#so i figured i should just throw it in it's own post
tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Some Seer Leo au stuff (particularly in regards to the possible Soothe Sayer Donnie i briefly mentioned would be cool)
Ok ok, let me explain my thought process a little better as far as this goes (now that I’ve had time to think on it and put some words together other they "hey wouldn't that be neat.)
First let me explain the “American Dragon: Jake Long” reference b/c it’s pretty crucial to why I immediately thought Donnie for the sooth sayer.
Ok, so in “American Dragon:Jake Long” There’s a pair of oracle twins named Sara and Kara.
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(they look different in season 2 but i like these designs better)
Sara (left) only sees the bad things while Kara (right) only sees the good. Because of this, Sara’s personality is very happy and chipper while Kara’s is very doom and gloom. To quote the Wiki “Because [Sara] can only see bad things, Sara has learned to overcome the negative aspects of life and to seize every good moment she can get. The smallest amount of good news makes her extremely happy.” “Because Kara can only see good things, she feels like there's nothing more she can get out of life. There are no pleasant surprises anymore and everything becomes dull to her.”
I haven’t watched this show in a very long time, but these characters have always stuck out to me because of this. Not because they acted opposite of their powers, but because of the reasoning behind them acting different. Particularly the fact that seeing the good things can be just as much of a curse as seeing the bad things.
Now, let’s put that in comparison to our Disaster twins.
Leo tends to be happy and excitable throughout the series (even if part of the time he’s actively faking it.) Pair that with him being a doom prophet and, hey, that kinda sounds like Sara.
Donnie can be very pessimistic in the series and (maybe this is just my interpretation of him) actively obsesses over negative stuff to the point of inventing things simply on the off chance they may need it (donnie pods. Donnie’s gifts. Etc). Add the possibility of him being a sooth sayer to the mix, and that adds a different context to those actions, especially before he starts remembering his dreams. And definitely sounds a bit like Kara.
b/c if you remember how Leo’s dreams work, before his nimpo is unlocked, they are very indistinct and he almost immediately forgets them upon waking up. All that’s left behind is the vague Deja vous feeling whenever an event he dreamed actually happens (coupled with a ‘not surprised’ feeling.) Therefore, Donnie’s would work similarly, the only difference is that his visions wouldn’t be nightmarish and wouldn’t actually wake him up (therefore, not nearly as disruptive, or memorable, as even Leo’s indistinct dreams.)
 So! If the one thing that consistently takes Donnie by surprise is the bad stuff, of course he’s going to obsess over every possible thing that could go wrong b/c it’s the bad stuff he doesn’t want to be surprised by.
And that’s just before their Nimpo is unlocked.
Afterwards, both of their prophetic dreams would increase in clarity and, more importantly, they would remember them. But, by then, Don has the dreamcatcher up and he’s seeing all of Leo’s doom ridden, apocalypse timeline dreams as much as Leo (who is seeing them every night at that point.) So, Don can easily pass off his own few positive apocalypse timeline dreams (little things like CJ being brought into the family or a small victory they accomplished) as just, his subconscious trying to put a nice spin on the horrible stuff he’s seeing from Leo.
As far as Donnie realizing those visions are prophetic, at that point he wouldn’t even believe Leo’s are prophetic until he meets CJ “Time-travel is possible and I did it” Jones. A kid he’s seen grow up in both Leo’s and his dreams, and who’s existence just proved Leo’s dreams are real. It’s probably not until after the attempted invasion is over and Donnie’s own visions pick up speed (now having nothing to do with Leo’s and can’t be passed off as such) does Donnie grudging realize his dreams might be prophetic too. (he might even have a short talk with CJ, asking indirectly about one of his own visions, and finding it really did happened.)
(also just, Do you know how much more of a Disaster these twins would be if they could work together to see the whole image? Just the two of them using their joint knowledge to make their enemies lives a living hell would be amazing)
Ok, my exceptionally long explanation to my thoughts are over. TL;Dr, Donnie should be a sooth sayer b/c it would, in a very ironic way, fit his personality. And it would piss him off.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
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I may just be delirious but I kind of feel like there's something there about some of the most traumatic events in Arakawa's life arguably stemming from/being made worse by being loved too much.
Like, Toshio's death, right. The death of a parent is always always going to be traumatic, particularly when your other parent is abusive, but I feel like being there, being the first to the scene, made it so much worse. Especially when it should've been a good memory.
Non-zero chance I'm just projecting because I was there for my own father's death and I was around Arakawa's age at the time, but it's like... it did have very specific life-long effects, didn't it... the way he keeps coming back to Peking duck and talks about it like he's had it before when he can't even bring himself to eat it unless he's with family (and indeed, never did, up until right before he died)...
And then there's his former patriarch. Of course, he seemed to see Arakawa as more of an object--fully under his control and something to be thrown away at the first sign of autonomy. But I feel like, before then, Arakawa must've been his "favorite," if he was willing to arrange a marriage between his daughter and Arakawa. Which I expect is what made his reaction when Arakawa told him he was (technically) having an affair with Akane and wanted out of the family that extreme in going as far as to send men after Akane and Ichiban.
The last one I can immediately think of is not exactly traumatic for him, though it is traumatic For Me so I'm counting it, but it's of course what we were talking about with Jo hesitating so much at the thought of killing Arakawa that he passed up the chance to save him.
I Dunno I Am Delirious but... there's a pattern somewhere in there... Anyway. Uh. "Happy" Father's Day am I right
happy fathers day :]]]]
#snap chats#I HAVE NOTES DOWN HERE AS ALWAYS I PROMISE JUST. no better way to cap off a post with a smile :)#plus yk. i dont have any major notes to add thats not restating but i do enjoy Restating so in the tags we go#also ngl im a lil tired so if im gonna look right silly cause my brains functioning like a bowl of cereal ill do it down here as per usual#totally waited to answer this when its technically fathers day my time and i didnt just stare at a wall#listen if someone has a proejcting problem its me alright. its ok if someone else has a turn at it esp when its within fair grounds 🥴#in any case Yeah.. everyone loves patterns ones a coincidence two's a pattern three should incite murderous intent#i definitely wouldnt call it delirious thinking Thats My Job right LMAO#in all seriousness the importance of at least one positive adult figure in a trouble child's life cannot be understated#im pretty sure i talked bout that already so i wont give the whole lecture again LMAO#in any case its not unreasonable to want to assert love being a theme with arakawa- if not a detriment in some way#it was arakawas intense love for akane that inadvertently fractures their family to be#it was arakawas love for masato that didnt allow him to be harder on him when he should have been and caused both their eventual downfalls#and of course- as mentioned- while not a result of arakawa's own feelings#it was ultimately jo's. //vague hand gesturing// towards arakawa that stopped him from killing him outright#yet jo's love for masato that didnt allow him to lie and go directly behind his back#so yeah love just. works against arakawa unfortunately. an especially sad thing for a troubled child#because as a troubled child that's all you ever really want isnt it- to love and to be loved without worry#so its a cruel irony in that despite arakawa's childhood and general growing-up it didnt stop him from trying to love his family#it makes me wanna throw up (depressed)#in any case i have to stay up a little longer so i can steal water for later SO im gonna be up to uhhhh idk :) Stare At My Wall
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#gonna ramble in the tags because my brain sucks and if i put this in my own personal discord server im gonna see it all the time#so id rather throw it here and forget about it and have it drowned out by various fandom posts and other posts i simply find neat#existential anxiety is an absolute fucking bitch and i hate that it randomly haunts me often for no reason#i have however figured out that its exacerbated by stress and feeling a lack of control over my life#cause one day im gonna be old and close my eyes for the last time and thats it#i wont wake up in a new life and forget this one i wont be in a number of fictional universes i enjoy#i wont even wake up in an afterlife#hell even if there is on (i believe there is) i wont see it cause i have aphantasia#i see absolute sweet fuck all in my head! even my dreams tend to be kinda fuzzy and tunnel visioned!#im nearly 30 and as a kid i oculd never conceive of life beyond my teens and as a teen i couldnt imagine my 20s#and now im turning 29 this year ive temporarily moved halfway across the world to be with my fiance of 8 years in an attempt to make this#move permanent and... ive done nothing truly significant#i wanted to work in languages as a teen primarily because i loved hetalia at the time and it sparked my desire to truly understand history#and culture and communication and finally connect with people#it really should have been obvious to the career coach lady that i was autistic seriosuly how the fuck did it go unnoticed by everyone#except my mother and she didnt even support me properly!#youd think that this anxiety would propel me into doing the things i want to do which rn is photography#but nope! all it does is make me scared to sleep because what if thats the last time i close my eyes and i dont know it?!#so now im here occasionally publishing my silly tiktok videos#doing my best to not backhand mil or shake my fiance because they talk like a baby sometimes and that sets off various buttons with me#for reasons i havent fully figured out yet#i have so many friends and interests and the family i still speak to is lovely and supportive#though lets not get into nanny getting old and knowing that itll be time to say goodbye to her though hopefully not for another decade#but yeah. my brain sucks i cant afford to go back to therapy rn because im unemplyed#the job hunt sucks cause canadas job market is somehow worse than englands and i cant even get financial support here cause temp resident#and every so often my brain just throws this existential bullshit at me for no reason#im gonna go do the souless job search now#and set this to not be reblogged because frankly no one needs to be inflicted with this in their head
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hedgehog-moss · 7 months
Ant lovers, this is not the post for you, I'm sorry.
I have a big anthill in the worst location, between my house and the greenhouse, so that the ants are invading me on two different fronts! Over the past two months or so I've tried a lot of methods to make the ants feel unwelcome, from the humane Earth Mother approach to more aggressive ones, but nothing worked. Flooding them with water. Then boiling water. Dish soap. Vinegar. Diatomaceous earth, which usually solves just about every problem. The ants did not care. I tried asking, then suggesting, then bargaining, then insisting, then threatening, then
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Sorry, ants. You should have taken my threats seriously.
I meant to wait until everything was fully consumed before extinguishing the fire, but then I realised I was out of dog food (when you buy one of these 20kg bags of kibble you always feel like it'll never run out and then it does in the most unexpected and untimely manner, every time). I had time to pop by the store before it closed, and by this point the fire was just a few embers left at the bottom of the tragic moon crater that used to be a magnificent ant palace. You can see my chickens keeping an eye on it from above:
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I fully trust my chickens but still, before I left I went to tell the carpenter working in my barn today that I've been burning an anthill, the fire is almost out but could he glance out the window every now and then while I'm in town, and maybe go and throw a bucket of water if he sees my house engulfed in flames? I'm just going on a quick, half-hour errand.
He agreed, so I left.
I ran into the librarian at the grocery shop, who of course invited me over for a cup of tea. It's genuinely impossible to say no to such offers—I mean, you say no and then you end up at the librarian's house having tea anyway. You'd think the possibility of my house and llamas going up in flames if I don't go home to monitor the embers would be a foolproof excuse to get out of a tea invitation, but there are no excuses. The librarian wanted me to taste the giant cookie she baked and she wanted to talk about something stupid our president said or did recently and I had no choice but to follow her.
But it's okay, the carpenter and the hens are on top of the situation!
Still, I felt antsy (sorry) as I sat in the librarian's kitchen and watched her feed Pandolf cookie crumbs. (She had some crumbs set aside for her own dog, but her dog is tiny and scared of Pandolf so she remained at the other end of the kitchen, intensely interested in the unattainable cookie crumbs, mentally willing Pandolf to disappear from her kitchen, vibrating with despair, the picture of anguish.)
I tried to use Pandolf as a pretext to cut my visit short, but I had zero cooperation from my traitor dog. "We've been gone a while, he probably needs to pee!"
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The librarian asked me about the carpentry stuff going on in my barn right now and I didn't want to start a whole new conversation which would inevitably lead to half a dozen anecdotes about construction work, when I'd already had such trouble wrapping up the let's-trash-talk-Macron conversation (it's not that I don't want to trash talk Macron. But my house was burning, maybe.)
I tried to point out again that my house was probably ashes by now and the librarian said serenely, "Well, your carpenter will feel obligated to hurry up and finish the job much faster if you have no house anymore and must move into the barn."
I agreed that there's an upside to everything, but still. I had to go.
Just as I was leaving the librarian's house, I saw the carpenter's car entering town. I waved at him and he stopped and opened the window and told me everything was going well, and I said, "And the fire? It must be out by now."
"What fire?"
He had absolutely not checked the fire. (He was standing next to a noisy machine when I made my request so it's possible he didn't hear me well and figured I was checking on his work and just went "Yeah, all good!") (I'm trying to be fair)
And yes, okay, it was just a few embers at the bottom of a pit with heavy, wet winter earth all around, but I'm a pessimist so I threw Pandolf into my car and drove home at full speed. For some reason what I pictured during this quick, worried drive home was ant payback. A long line of determined ants stretching from their ravaged anthill to my house, each one of them carrying a tiny burning twig. I don't think two chickens would be enough to suppress that.
When I reached my dirt road, I couldn't see my house from afar but could see a plume of smoke in the middle of the woods. It looked pretty small, but still, I was relieved when I got closer and found that the smoke rose from the exact location of the anthill and nowhere else.
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I'd taken precautions, like wetting the earth around the pit and choosing a day when some rain was expected in the evening, but a lot of forces conspired to ensure the embers were left unattended, from a forgetful (or confused) carpenter to Pandolf's love of cookie crumbs and the librarian's inescapable friendliness. (She whatsapped me to ask if my house was on fire and I said (jokingly) no, but no thanks to you!! And she was a bit contrite and said, it's Macron :( we spent too long on this topic... And I said no I know, of course I blame Macron and she sent me a handshake emoji)
The ants were not in an avenging mood btw, they were teeming around the crater looking quite defeated, it made me sad. (But I hope they're defeated.) I didn't throw my bucket of water over it straight away because I was a bit fascinated by the inside of the anthill, from up close it looked like the Mines of Moria.
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I crouched down next to the ants and we wordlessly watched the last embers slowly die as night fell over the pasture. It was very atmospheric until Pirlouit started braying with absolute fury because it was almost dark and his evening hay was still nowhere to be seen.
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dwaekkicidal · 3 months
The Meeting
˚ʚPerv!Emo!Han Jisung x Cutesy!Fem!Readerɞ˚
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: Based off of this ask.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: 1.9k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: told from his pov, jisung is a huge perv (lowkey a creep but we dont talk about that), public masturbation(m), exhibitionism, kinda iconifying? (f)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: Italics are Han's thoughts! also the picture is just a reference for the outfit i had in mind :) Part 2 maybe coming out this weekend
The Incidents Masterlist
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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It's Jisung's English Composition class. He sits at the farthest back table on his own, tapping away at his laptop as the teacher discusses some concept he couldn't care less about. He hears some ruckus past his airpods, but ignores it in favor of listening to the music that's playing. That is, until, a figure covered in pink and white stands directly behind his screen. It's very obvious that the person is looking at him, but he tries to ignore it hoping that they will just go away.
It's not until the person's hand reaches out and waves in front of his screen that he finally looks up. As his eyes trail up the person's body he slowly realizes who it is. When their eyes meet, it finally clicks. Y/N L/N. The popular girl who is friends with "everybody" and dresses in short, short skirts with thigh highs and her stupid Hello Kitty pendant necklace that falls perfectly between her boobs. It should be my face there.
His eyes move to the top of her head, glancing at the fluffy pink scrunchie that holds her hair together in two pigtails. Then they move lower, catching her shiny eyes that are risen at the edges from her smile. And- oh. Her smile.. The one that is created from those pretty plump lips covered in a pinkish-red tinted gloss. He starts to picture what they would look like wrapped around his-
But then she's tilting her head and mouthing words at him. Oh, fuck that's right. His hands bolt up to his ears, yanking the earbuds out and completely forgetting about the music that bleeds out. He holds them away from his ears and meets her eyes again, almost moaning out loud when she bites her lip bashfully and speaks up again. Her silky sweet voice finally meets his ears and he can feel his dick twitch in his jeans.
"My group was being loud so we got separated for the rest of the semester.. Is that seat taken?" Her short charm-clad acrylic nails catch his attention for a moment as she points to the seat occupied by his bag. Fuck.. what he would give to see them also wrapped around- Ok ok calm the hell down Jisung.
"Uh.. yeah?" His voice comes out pathetic and he almost explodes from embarrassment when he realizes that he answered the wrong way. The corners of her shiny lips turn downwards and she goes to take a step back. But somewhere in that horny brain of his, he grows the balls to shoot out his hand to grab her wrist, "Wait! Sorry, I meant it's not taken. It's my bag. Let me move it out of your way. Oh- fuck sorry I didn't mean to grab you all of the sudden I-"
He starts to ramble, his pink cheeks jiggling as he desperately moves to throw his bag on the floor. She giggles at the sight and he malfunctions, accidentally dropping his bag as he looks up at her dumbfounded.
She makes her way around the table and he gets a whiff of her vanilla-strawberry perfume as she sits. His dick twitches again in his jeans and he inhales again, then he looks over at her from the corner of his eye. Her nails clack against her laptop as she pulls it out and opens it. Of course it's fucking covered in Sanrio stickers. Hello Kitty stickers being the most of them. He doesn't think he's been so envious of a 2D pixelated character in his life until the day he laid eyes on her.
Her hair bounces as she turns to him, those pretty lips taking all his attention again as he watches them move with every word. "My name's Y/N L/N. You're... Han! Right?" He nods slowly, no longer trusting his voice in the slightest. How does she know my name?!? I don't even talk to anybody in this class.. "Yeah.. Han Jisung."
She smiles widely, then those nails are moving around in his field of view again. This time her hands go up to her necklace, fiddling with it as she leans back into her chair and her shiny lips part again. "It's nice to finally meet you, by the way. We had statistics together last semester, but we didn't get the chance to talk at all." 
"Oh. You remember that class?" He grimaces and rubs the back of his neck, zoning out after she nods. He suddenly remembered the presentation for the final his group had to do in that class, And he vividly remembers the hard-on he had during it. It was only because of her and that stupid sundress she had on that day. Fuck you mother nature for the summer heat that day..
When her eyes turn to the whiteboard, he looks down at his crotch and rolls his eyes when he sees an evident bulge. He pulls the hem of his sweater down to cover it up and looks up at the clock hopefully, but is quickly shut down. God damn it.. It’s only noon and this class ends at 3:30.. I'm so fucked.
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He gets through the next 2 hours before his hard on becomes too much to handle. His hand sneaks from the touchpad to his crotch, palming it lightly to relieve some pressure. Just real quick, he swears. It hurts like a bitch, so just this for now until I can go home. But all too easily he gets addicted to the feeling and pushes harder until he’s full on stroking himself through the fabric.
Shit.. she won't notice.. right? A sudden movement in the corner of his eye grabs his attention and he stops like a deer in headlights, in fear that she already figured out what he was doing and that he would get told off for being a freak in front of the entire class.
He glances over, watching for a moment as she instead mindlessly twirls her hair. Eyes still completely forward and focused on the professor. Then his eyes trail a little lower. Her lips are puckered in a cute pout. She eventually un-puffs her cheeks in favor of poking her tongue out slightly, in what he can only assume is focus as she types away at her laptop.
He watches for a few more seconds before slowly trailing all the way down, taking in her outfit and every curve of her body that he can see. When his eyes finally meet her thighs, he thinks his eyes are gonna pop out of his head. The skirt, that was already too short to be appropriate for a place of education, was ridden so far up her thighs that he swears if she just spread her legs even the slightest he could get a glance of her panties. Speaking of her thighs, the plush, bare skin there looks so soft. So biteable.. He licks his lips at the sight.
Before he realizes what’s happening, his eyes peek around to make sure nobody is in the neighboring tables. Then his hand moves on its own, sneaking out of the arm of his thankfully oversized sweater and sliding over his shirt to his pants. He clears his throat to cover up the noise of his jeans unbuckling and unzipping, and then his hand finally slides into his boxers. It was a tight fit but god was he going to make it work.
He strokes himself slowly, angling his dick upwards in hopes that the sweater would cover up the movements. He looks down for a few seconds and bites his lip, biting back a victorious smile as the sweater does just that. 
Feeling a little more relaxed, he allows his eyes to flutter closed. Immediately images of her flood his mind. Images of those pretty, glossy lips wrapping around his dick, those pretty big eyes looking up at him all watery while he shoves his dick down her throat. Images of her pretty pink nail-clad fingers wrapped tightly around his dick. He starts to stroke himself a little faster, imagining that it's her hand instead of his. Fuck. Now images of her jerking him off in the middle of class fill his head. 
His entire body shivers at the thought and he leans forward, resting the elbow on his free arm on the table as he speeds up again. He glances down once more to make sure he’s hidden well, then sighs a little too loudly. He tilts his head down slightly, pulling his hoodie down to cover his face. He knows damn well how expressive his face can be and if that is what gives him away, he would never forgive himself. ‘M so close….
He basks in the pleasure for about a minute before a hand on his shoulder startles him. His hand immediately stops. His eyes shoot open and he snaps his head to his left, looking at the girl as if he’s disoriented. The face he was just fantasizing about looks at him worriedly, eyebrows furrowed and head tilted.
“Are you okay, Hannie?” His hand subconsciously squeezes his dick at the sound of her hushed voice and the new nickname. He breathes heavily for a moment, stuttering slowly as he racks his brain for the best excuse he could think of when she speaks up again. “Do you have a headache or something? You look like you’re sick, and your face is all sweaty!” She giggles at the last part and he watches as her eyes trace a drop of sweat down his forehead to his chin.
He nods his head, gulping as his hand slowly begins its movements again. She mocks his nod, eyebrows still furrowed. He feels her hand caress his biceps through the sweater. She means it in nothing but a soothing way, he’s sure of it. But the warmth of her hand on his skin after the thoughts he just had only made him twitch in his grasp.
He whines and leans forward, resting his arm flat on the table and resting his head on the fat of his forearm. To anybody else looking it seems like he was sleeping, and the way her hand moves to skim his back, also soothingly, just encourages him to move his hand again.
Her worried voice is suddenly close to his ear as her hand slows to a stop, and as his own hand continues to move along his length. “If you want me to stop, let me know please. I’m super touchy and I just wanna help.” His eyes roll into his skull and she can see his head faintly shake ‘no’. “It’s f-fine. I don’t mind it.” He misses out on seeing her smile as she hums and moves her hands once again, this time more confidently and down his spine.
It doesn’t take him very long to build up his orgasm. The feeling of her nails raking down his back, the imagery of her below him that floods his senses, and the feeling of his tip rubbing along his boxers join together to create one of the craziest orgasms he thinks he’s ever had. He moves his head slightly and latches onto his forearm, biting down roughly to stop himself from moaning out loud as he cums right then and there.
He strokes himself through it, waiting until he feels the cum stop spilling out his dick to pull his hand out and release his poor arm. He softens against the wet spot in his underwear and desperately wipes the excess that got onto his hands on his shirt. Fuck.. I just washed these too.
The post-nut clarity hits too fast, the charmed nails that are still raking up and down his back make sure of that. When he peeks out to look at the girl, he watches her type with her free hand, eyes focused on her laptop screen. And completely unaware of what he just did to the thought of her.
His now unoccupied arm wiggles through the sleeve of his sweater, meeting his other arm on the desk as he rests against it.
This is gonna be a long semester.
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@jiminssluttyminx @changisworld @juskz @linohumina @rylea08 @grandma143 @caught-in-the-afterglow @yaorzu-blog
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thatonebabybat · 10 months
Being Masc & Goth
This blog usually isn't fashion-focused, but I was thinking about alt fashion and how it's sometimes a struggle to figure out how to style things in a masc way if you're interested in darkalt fashion, but you don't want to go too casual or basic with it. So I thought I'd throw together some tips, link some DIYs, and maybe throw in a few moodboards. I want to preface this with one thing: You do NOT have to adhere to traditional gender roles. Fuck anyone who tells you that you do. If you're a guy and you want to get into alt fashion don't let anyone tell you that you can't pull off a skirt or a dress or a strappy top. Literally the whole point of being alt is Doing Whatever The Hell You Want Forever. However, not everyone feels comfortable in that (I made this post because I'm transmasc and sometimes the long gothic dresses make me dysphoric), and not everyone is safe to do that ( as much as it sucks ass, if you live in a conservative area sometimes it can be genuinely dangerous for guys to wear makeup and dresses in public, and your safety should always come first), so I thought I'd lay out some tips on how to dress alt and masc from my own experience. I'm still learning so feel free to leave your own advice in the replies or reblogs! General Styling Tips: - Jackets. Jackets, jackets, jackets. Something about a big jacket always seems to give an outfit a more masc energy, and adding a cool jacket to an outfit can be a great way to elevate it and add some extra visual interest. I like black blazers, leather jackets, and black denim jackets in particular, but vests (formal menswear ones or more casual denim or leather ones) can work well too, especially in hot weather. - Any basic black pair of jeans will look 100x more alt if you loosely attach some chains to the pockets or belt loops. Also, pants with wider legs tend to look more masc than tighter fits. not sure why. Slacks can also be a really good and underrated option. - If you want to find good headwear, cool sunglasses have never failed me. You may be able to take some inspiration from Ouji fashion as well, but that's just my personal taste. - If you have a basic piece around, you can add pins, patches, safety pins, etc for a more casual look, or if you're going for something more formal, trims and lace details and embroidery can really add interest and elegance to it. (if you can't sew, you can order iron-on embroidered patches online or find them in craft stores that'll do the trick just fine.) This can take your pair of slacks or plain black blazer and turn it into a piece of formal gothic menswear you can make a staple of your wardrobe. - Find inspiration in your favorite goth artists. There's a lot of really cool goth music out there and a lot of those bands get really innovative with their looks! Figure out what you like about their style and try incorporating a few things in, it's fun! - If you have an alt wardrobe already but it just seems like something's missing or it could use some interest, try switching up the silhouettes or adding an extra layer! Seriously, don't be scared of playing with textures and sleeve shapes! I see a lot of dudes who just wear a band tee and a pair of jeans all the time, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, that can be a great look! But I think a lot of dudes just genuinely think that that's their only option and that everything else just "wasn't made for them" and that makes me a little sad. shred up some shirts and layer them, wear some bell sleeves, throw some extra safety pins or studs on, have fun! No one said masc fashion couldn't be fun. Unisex/Masc DIY Videos I Found:
... And Some Inspiration!
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[These are all goth music artists, I wrote the band/artist names in small text on the images that were not already watermarked for those who are curious]
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queenothegeeks · 6 months
Awkward creator reader drabbles
This is based off a previous post about the reader being an awkward creator.
(warning, this all based off of chaotic ideas me and a friend had while on call, and this is not beta read, so I apologize for any bad spelling or grammar)
Imagine, just, having tea with Zhongli, and he's just talking about wine or something boring idk, and he notices that you look a little zoned out, like, eyes glazed over, mind clearly elsewhere. While he’s worrying about The Creator not liking him or whatever, you are just trying to figure out how to process being in another world, with all these people that you know everything about, but at the same time, don’t know anything at all. 
When you notice him looking at you weird and not talking anymore, you worry that you may have missed something important. So you just blurt out the first thing that came to mind, to fill the silence. 
“It's kinda funny that you're working under Hu Tao. She’s like, a billion years younger than you. Also, you should cool it on the adventuring, you might throw your back out gramps.”
And then, realizing what you said, you just grab your now lukewarm  (yes, he was talking for that long) cup of tea (or whatever else you want if you don’t drink tea)  and take a long sip, trying to hide your red face. 
(Bonus, you choked on your tea) 
Imagine going to Fontaine, and just gawking at the scenery there. Imagine, in order to find out about where in the timeline you are (and because you want to see some of your favorite characters) you decide to go to the opera house, and see if there's a trial going on, where you can ask Furina or Neuvillette about the wellbeing of Fontaine. Instead, you find a flier for Lyney and Lynette's magic show at a nearby theater. Deciding to go, you pay the ticket master, who looks in slight shock as the creator buys back row seats like a normal person (you were too scared to ask for a better seat while paying, so you just asked for the cheapest one) 
Sitting down, you wait nervously for the show to start, all being completely ignorant of the panic and rumors backstage. 
“The creators here! At our show!?”
“Calm down, it's fine, we don’t even know if it’s true.”
And, just to stir the pot, a tall lady sits next to you. You feel like you should know her from somewhere, she just seems so… familiar. 
Realizing you had been staring for quite a while, you turn your head back to the stage, waiting for the show to start. About midway through the show, you realize who it is you are sitting next to.
The knave, fourth of the Fatui harbingers. 
At the end of the performance, you shift in your seat, suddenly wayyyyyy more self-conscious than you were at the beginning of the show.  Wanting to say everything and nothing at the same time, you decide it's best to shut your mouth for the time being. It’s probably not even her, why worry-
“Excuse my rudeness, would you happen to be the creator?”
She knew you were of course, hence why she chose to sit next to you, instead of the front row seat that was reserved for her, as it always was at one of her children's performances. 
“I.. am… but you can call me y/n! I don’t really like fancy titles or anything! Would you be the Knave? Or do you prefer Arlecchino? ack-wait , sorry. I’ll shut up now, let's start fresh, what do you think of the show?”
You half say-half shout, flailing your hands around, and then shrinking in your seat, trying to become as small as possible. Arlecchino chuckles.
“I think it was a lovely performance, as they always are. My children are very talented, you know.” 
“Y-yeah! They're really great! I have to go! Great meeting you miss-Arlecchino-Knave-ma’am” 
You say as you bolt out of the room, the embarrassment and social awkwardness you naturally possess driving your feet. 
(Bouns, you tripped over your own feet and wanted the floor to swallow you whole) 
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landograndprix · 1 year
woman ✾ l.n - ii
❧ you love max, you really do but your little brother has been getting more on your nerves each day as he tries to set you up with one of his friends.
❧ verstappen!reader who's older than max so if age gaps freak you out, don't read 💀
❧ prev part – next part
📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by kellypiguet, landonorris and 178,672 others
y/nusername only valid reason to visit Monaco if we're being completely honest 🥐
tagged: kellypiguet
view all 462 comments
maxkellyp y/n taking her aunt duties very serious
bott_ass where to apply to have you as my sugar auntie? asking for a friend?
zhou_ey time to have your own babies 😍
y/nverstappen I'm actually good with being the wine and sugar aunt for now 🍷
zhou_ey that's a pretty cool job too!
kellypiguet bring her home before dinner? 😂
y/nverstappen what do you mean, we're already on our way back to the netherlands, this my kid now.
lewham44 still a better mother figure to p than kelly 🤡
landonorris I know a few spots in Monaco you can't miss 😉
fewtrelllando spot number one: my bedroom
carlito55 lmao @.fewtrelllando jail for you 😭
dandoo mate, this is a post about her niece and you're flirting with y/n or making and attempt to do so? 😂
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y/nverstappen posted to their story
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liked by 563 others
landonorizzzz lando in Monaco last night after the GP ❤️
view all 188 comments
norr4slan screaming crying throwing up 🤯
lanlan frothing at the mouth..
norstappen wait a damn minute, was that y/n verstappen?! 😭
norrizzfour yeah but if you look closely she's just walking past with her friends and kelly lol they probably all went to the same place
maxiell nah my girl is avoiding him for real 💀
landoscar oh my god he's so pretty 😍
📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 199,752 others
y/nverstappen Monaco dump 🇲🇨
tagged: sannetje, maxverstappen1, kellypiguet
view all 988 comments
dannyricric man I'd do anything to live a life like this
tom1967 she's living off her brothers wealth..
dannyricric I'm pretty sure she makes enough money herself to live a life like this. 🙄
julieeeexo you and sanne served absolute cunt on the grid! 🤩
bobnorriz not the picture of the charles, max and lando podium :')
kellypiguet was really nice to have you around this weekend, we should definitely do this more often, P absolutely adores her auntie 🥰
Comment liked by y/nverstappen
charles_leclerc it was very nice we got to hang out together☺
Comment liked by y/nverstappen
sharllekler this guy makes me cringe so hard but it's so endearing, like did he pull all his girlfriend's by being awkward? 😭
sixteenleclerc girl have you seen y/n? She's got something that'll make most men awkward as fuck
victoriaverstappen so sad we couldn't join you two this year
y/nverstappen we should already plan for next year then 😉
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📍 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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liked by landonorris, kellypiguet and 201,432 others
y/nverstappen protect your peace 🌸
view all 999 comments
bananaclerc hey, yes, hi..I'd like to be you 😭
norrisoscar I've only known this woman for a week but I'm already obsessed with her
keirarobins do I spy new products for the store? 👀
y/nusername keep an eye open 😉
zhou_ey I don't know if I want to be you or if I want to be with you 😭
sannetje is that my hat?
y/nverstappen don't know what you're talking about..
sannetje sure..
landonorris I need that candle
maxv1 boy go to her store lmao, this is no webshop 💀
landonorris 🔥
grussell63 man I really thought you had more game than this..who taught you this, Charles? 😢
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@hockeyboysarehot @beatricemiruna @starwarssavy23 @be-your-coffee-pot
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echantedtoon · 2 months
EXPECTING: Upper Moons
This is just the reaction of the demons if you told them you were pregnant. It's been rattling around my mind forever and I had to write it out. Take it as a prequel to my Demon Dad's post, gonna do a P2 with the lower moons right after.
IMPORTANT: Daki will be included in Gyutaro's part and Zohakutan in Hantengu's cuz he's a part of Hantengu but both are PLATONIC ONLY!! Also I write Karaku strictly as the Relaxation clone instead of pleasure because everything I write is sfw.
Warnings for pregnancy mentions, Douma/Karaku ARE their own warnings, possibly some innuendos.
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"I'm pregnant."
-you told him as soon as you saw his form come to your shared home. It had been nearly three and a half months since you last saw your husband and nearly three months since you had come to the shocking conclusion that you both were about to become parents.
-You had to wait for a while because Muzan's business has his most trusted right hand man gone for weeks to months on end just to carry out business. You knew what you signed up for when you married the highest ranked demon but it didn't make your waiting anymore easy.
-You were worried and anxious the entire time you waited for him to come home. Staying up late a lot of the time to see if he'd be coming. So when he finally showed up expecting a hug and kiss you blurted it out from the pent up anticipation.
-His reaction was to freeze completely mid hug towards you, and just stand there and stare. He's the demon with the fastest reaction time besides Muzan, so he was able to process it rather quickly although color him surprised still.
-He's unsure what to believe at first. "That is... unlikely. You must have just been sick and lazy." He says referring to your recent weight gain and sickness. To which you inform him you had already seen at least two doctors and a midwife to confirm it all. He still doesn't believe it so you demand he look through the transparent world and take a look at you. If you WERE pregnant it'd confirm it if not then you both could find out what was wrong with you.
-He agrees and you stand still as half lidded bored eyes stared at you. Before six eyes widened in complete shock as they zero in on your middle. His body goes rigid as ice... before those six eyes roll up into his skull and he falls over with a heavy THUD!! sound echoing in your home. He didn't faint because you were pregnant, he fainted because of the extra life in your body.
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"I'm pregnant."
-You've been feeling a bit sick lately. At first thinking it was nothing but a stomach bug and it'd pass a few days with rest, but even after two weeks, even your lover got concerned and said you should be looked over by the cult's resident doctor. Well surprise surprise.
-He legit doesn't even register it. It flies right over his head when you first tell him. "That's nice, Dear! Did the doctor figure out why you're sick lately?" He blinks as you slam your forehead into the dinner table. "Was it something I said?"
-Look sometimes he's really smart other times he's stupid af.
-It doesn't register in his mind until he's in the middle of a sermon and it finally registers in his mind why you've been angry with him and what you said. He ends up quickly cutting the meeting short and leaving to find you quickly.
-Ends up being kicked out of your shared bedroom for a month begging to be let back in- "Lotus Blossom. Sweetie pie. Honey bunny! Please let me back in! I'm sorry!" Your response was to open the door and throw a blanket and pillow for him to use before angrily slamming it back shut. He ended up curled up on the ground in front of your door continuing to beg until you finally give in and opened it.
-Genuinely excited but he's definitely going to be dumb about a few things. ALL of the Kizuki are horrified Douma reproduced especially Muzan and Akaza.
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"I'm pregnant."
-He's absolutely stunned for the longest moment. When you told him you two needed to have a serious talk he was bracing himself into receiving news that you wanted to break up with him or a demon had been lurking about with how serious your tone was but never in his hundreds of years living was he expecting THIS.
-He stands there blinking and opening and closing his mouth mimicking a fish for the longest ten minutes of both of your lives..until the questions start in a panic. "Are you sure?! Is this a bad joke?! Did you see a doctor yet?! What did he say?! Are you SURE you're not just sick or something?!" He's not asking to be mean. He just wants to be sure this isn't just a bad day dream gone wrong.
-You answer all his questions calmly. Yes you saw a doctor. Yes you're pregnant. No it's not a joke or sickness.
-He goes silent again for a few seconds..before big tears gather in those pretty lashes of his and he lets out a choke as he wraps his arms around you and happy cries into your shoulder. He feels like the most blessed man in the world!
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"I'm pregnant."
-Ever see a woman faint from shock? You knew your husbands' main body was an older gentleman but he was a powerful demon so you weren't exactly expecting him to freeze, shriek out in complete shock/fear, and then faint to the floor with a thud sound.
-It left you blinking at him as Karaku and Urogi laugh and point before Aizetsu gives them both a smack upside the head in Sekido's place.
-Safe to say he was pretty scared and shaken up.
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-Sekido.exe has stopped working. Angry man just freezes up and lets his jaw drop in shock looking like a dam goldfish making both Urogi and Karaku laugh at his reaction. Give him a while. It's gonna take at least an hour for him to let it sink in and a whole ass week for him to come to terms with it. He's not angry about it but he is shocked. So very shocked.
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-As soon as the two words leave your mouth he's whipping around at Karaku with a scowling, accusing face. "What the hell did you do?!" "What?! Why are you signaling ME out?!" "Take a guess!"
-Is surprisingly very calm about the situation. Groaning and rubbing his temples annoyed. You're surprised by his lack of surprise but his answer is pretty acceptable- "You have six husbands. I was expecting it to happen eventually."
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-Like his fellow clones is shocked at first but Urogi's and Karaku's laughter as well as the sound of Hantengu fainting pulled him out of it enough to smack the two in Sekido's place to shut them up.
-Is one of the more serious ones. Cries and hugs you tight asking if you're feeling ok and if you need anything right at that moment. Give him a moment he's very emotional right now.
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-It doesn't register for him at first. He's too busy laughing at Hantengu and Urami yelling at Karaku and Sekido's shocked face to really comprehend what he just heard.
-Big bonehead so it's not really hitting home until ten minutes in when it dawns on him. He freezes in his tracks for a solid ten seconds mouth open in a shocked smile..before making a choked ostrich noise and snapping back to you shocked but overjoyed in happiness. Expect him to push Aizetsu off you to hug you tightly.
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-Like Urogi he doesn't register it at first too busy laughing at Hantengu/Sekido and arguing with Urami to notice what you said but Aizetsu knocking his head made him realize what exactly happened.
-Stands there for almost as long as Sekido really. But eventually like Urogi he's absolutely happy with the news and overjoyed. Also low-key takes credit for everything annoying everyone.
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-Like Sekido he's mostly shocked but it quickly turns to jealousy, annoyance, but still mostly shock. He's used to being the youngest so it's pretty much a jealous older sibling fit. But eventually he does warm up to the idea of becoming a big brother/uncle figure, but he won't admit it.
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"I'm pregnant."
-(Ik but just for this let's just go with it.) Legit stops in the middle of making his latest vase to whip around and look at you wide eyed. Something he NEVER does! You can insult, assault, jabber on, and anything else you can think of but if he's in the middle of making art, nothing is going to interrupt him unless it's Muzan demanding his attention. However he does stop and look at you when you tell him which is a feat in of itself.
-He doesn't seem to notice at first only mumbling an 'uh huh' as he continues before he just ends up stopping molding the clay in his hands and whipping to you. There's a moment of you both just staring at one another before he just replies- "....Oh."
-He's not sure what to think tbh.
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"I'm pregnant."
-Gyutaro.exe has stopped working. His entire brain becomes a big error blue screen as he just ends up staring at you along with Daki for the longest time. Both siblings shocked his girlfriend had just come up to them and announced her news so bluntly.
-Gyutaro eventually reacts first giving you a deep frown. "Oh haha. Very funny! Cut the shit out! I fucking hate jokes!" He gets angrier when you get mad and INSISTS that it's not a joke. It takes a few minutes of you arguing and yelling at him(which you usually NEVER did) to get it through his head.
-It then dawns on him that you probably weren't joking. He's asks you multiple times panicked if you were SURE and if you were really really REALLY sure! You yell yes every time until he finally stops talking. Going extremely quiet before all the color drains from his face, his eyes roll back, and he faints.
-Daki absolutely laughs when she does finally process everything as well and thinking her brother's reaction is the funniest thing ever! However she's genuinely happy to become an Auntie already planning to dress them up and parade them around her. Is also super confident it's gonna be a girl.
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"I'm pregnant."
-Surprisingly very calm reaction. She simply stops playing for a moment to regard you very calmly like nothing is out of the ordinary and asks you one question. "Are you absolutely sure?" You confirm it and she simply nods before just going back to playing her biwa. "Very well but YOU are taking care of everything that involves it. If you need to go anywhere I'll do that for you but that's it."
-She respects your choices but sets her boundaries early.
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"I'm pregnant."
-Shocked and actually let's out a- "What the fuck?" outta shock.
-Much like Gyutaro gets very mad at first thinking you're joking and after arguing with you for a long time finally gives up on it being a joke but denies you're actually pregnant despite you insisting that you weren't. He's too stubborn to admit it and doubts it still until you literally drag him by the arm to the nearest doctor who surprise, surprise confirms you both are actually going to be parents.
-Kaigaku doesn't say anything. Still doesn't say anything as you both leave and go home until you ask him what he's thinking about. "I think I really regret that last date night."
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ceilidhtransing · 2 months
Baffled by the people who say things like “back when it was Biden v Trump, I was going to vote third party, since Biden had no chance of winning” - like, do you not kinda realise that huge numbers of people deciding to vote third party “because it's a given that Biden will lose” is partly why he (probably) would have lost?
Elections aren't pre-decided! The results depend on what you (and millions of other people) do! If your feeling is something like “ugh the Democrat is going to lose so I'll just stay home / vote third party”, that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Democrat isn't just “going to lose regardless” no matter what anyone does; you are actively creating, in your own tiny way, the conditions under which the Democrat loses.
We see the same thing here in the UK. “There's no way the Conservatives will ever lose this seat” so the left splits its vote eighteen ways and oops the Conservative candidate wins with like thirty-nine percent of the vote.
It feels like some people subconsciously think of an election as something that just Happens independent of them, and that their vote isn't something that creates the result, but rather something that indicates to what extent they agree with the result. And I get it; in an election with a nine-figure number of votes it must be hard to feel like your individual vote makes much of a difference, to see a tangible connection between your vote and the outcome. But seriously: election results don't just Happen as some kind of force of nature. They depend entirely on the votes people choose to cast. And if your thought is “well I'm just me”, there are millions of “just me”s in the electorate. In fact, the electorate is nothing but a whole load of “just me”s.
So much of politics relies not on convincing people of your ideas, but on convincing them that the candidate they prefer either Has It In The Bag, so they don't need to turn up and vote, or Has No Chance, so they either shouldn't bother voting or should throw away their vote on some third-party candidate who - simply by the way the system is set up mathematically - genuinely never stood a chance in hell of winning anyway. (This is not a “you should vote third party” post, because this post acknowledges the reality that the US presidency is going to go to one of only two people, regardless of how anyone wishes the system worked.)
“Why should I vote for candidate A? They're never going to beat candidate B anyway!” cry ten thousand progressive voters, meanwhile horrible conservative candidate B wins by a margin of nine thousand and something. Attitudes create outcomes. Votes create outcomes.
Nothing is decided yet. The result is not predetermined. Your vote is part of what makes the result - and the outcome is going to be either Harris or Trump. And I know it's a cliche, but truly the only poll that matters is the one on election day. Please don't fall victim to defeatist self-fulfilling prophecies that only serve to help create the outcome you never wanted in the first place.
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hysteria-things · 8 months
TOUR (part one)
read part two here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: matt’s been on tour for about a month, meaning he hasn’t seen or done anything with you in a month. he takes matters into his own hands when he’s finally alone, but he does need your help with it.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, mentions underage drinking, swearing, male masturbation, overstimulation (kinda)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 830
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: umm guys i literally woke up to over a hundred notifications??? thank you SO much i didn’t expect this to happen at all. i’m having so much fun with this🥲
my notes app is COOKING right now and the ideas are ideaing. you guys and your support makes me low key emotional LMAO
i want to try and post once a day but i might do more than once sometimes instead because i am HYPE.
also conflicted if i should make a part two so let me know!
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it’s friday night and you’re sitting in your best friend’s living room. the two of you and other close friends come together some weekends to hang out. you guys have been laughing, drinking (despite being underage by a year), watching TV, or playing games. in the middle of laughing, you feel your phone buzz repeatedly underneath your thigh. you lift your leg to retrieve it, seeing an incoming phone call from your boyfriend matt.
“hey, sorry. mind if i take this?” you ask the group, lifting your phone so they can see the screen.
“not at all.” your best friend smiles.
you get up from the couch. “thanks. continue the game without me.”
you speed walk to the bathroom and close the door accepting the call and bringing it to your ear. “hello?”
“hey.” he breathes out.
“hey, you.” you smile. “how are you doing?”
“fine,” he says. he’s silent for a beat before speaking again. “sorry i didn’t talk to you much today. it’s been busy, but we just finished the tampa show.”
you haven’t seen matt in over a month because he’s been touring with his brothers across the country. you couldn’t be more proud, but you guys miss each other like crazy.
“did you win?”
“damn right i did, baby,” he says hoarsely. he sounds a bit strange to you, but you shrug it off as exhaustion. doing shows almost every day can wear somebody out.
but oh boy are you wrong.
on the other line, matt sits on his bed in the tour bus with his hand wrapped around his dick. your recent post on instagram is displayed on his screen as you talk about your day on the other end, having no clue what’s happening.
the post consists of you posing, wearing a short navy blue dress. your tits practically spilled out of the top.
“…was crazy.” you finish. “anyway, is tour fun so far? it’s almost over already.”
“uh huh.” he squeezes his eyes shut and throws his head back. he hisses, his movements gradually becoming faster. he’s sensitive, and it hurts so fucking bad. he needs to release, but only you have the power to make him come undone.
“matt? you okay? you sound off.” you ask concerned.
“keep talking, baby. i’m so close.”
you go to say something, but instead, press your ear closer to the phone. you hear shuffling and grunting. it doesn’t take a mastermind to figure out what he’s doing.
“you’re being risky, matthew.” you say teasingly, a whine escaping his lips. he prefers being called matt, but with you, matthew rolls perfectly off of your tongue. “where’s everybody else, hm?”
“at the store,” he says shakily, his hand pumping faster. he takes his thumb and twirls it around his red tip where pre-cum is threatening to spew out. “i need to cum so bad.”
“then do it, baby. pretend it’s me making you feel so good,” you say seductively, biting your lip as you hear his sounds of pleasure.
you get that familiar feeling in your core, but because you’re at a friend's, you’ll feel weird doing it in her bathroom.
guess you’ll have to wait until you’re all alone.
“fuck.” he whispers, stomach jerking. he thrusts up into his fist a few times to finish the job. he whines as he makes a mess all over his stomach and thighs.
he whines again, purposely trying to overstimulate himself. “matt, don’t overdo it. you’re too sensitive.” you say, knowing he didn’t stop because you can still hear the commotion.
“please.” he exhales. “one more.”
“hold on,” you reply, opening the camera app on the phone. you pull the straps down of your dress and pull out your boobs, pushing them together and snapping a picture. you know how much matt goes crazy over them. you send the photo, waiting for his reaction.
you bring the phone back up to your ear to hear a sigh of “holy fuck” fall from his mouth.
“i need to fuck your tits so bad.” he groans, throwing his head back as he tries to reach his second orgasm.
you bite your lip to hide your smile, enjoying this a little too much. the wet noises on the other line drive you insane.
“i’m gonna— fuck, i’m cumming.” he lets out a loud moan as he makes another mess, his dick red and swollen. he’s still not satisfied, because you’re not there. he continues pumping his cramped hand, but you and he both know it’s no use.
“matt, that’s enough.” you say sternly. “don’t do it too much, okay? it’ll hurt.”
he obliges, removing his hand and lying there. his breathing starts to slow, but he’s still panting. “i miss you so much.”
“i miss you too.” you coo. “just a few more days, okay?”
“okay,” he mumbles.
you lied.
what matt doesn’t know is that you have a plane ticket for tomorrow, to fly out to ft. lauderdale for the last show.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing
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roosterforme · 7 months
How Old Are You? | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Bob only gets one birthday every four years. When his wife, Molly, realizes it's almost Leap Day, she throws him a party any nine year old would love. And it's the perfect celebration for a thirty-six year old, too.
Warnings: Fluff, adult language, implied smut, 18+
Length: 2500 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC!Molly (this story accompanies The Curveball)
Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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Bob was half asleep in bed, post orgasm, when the weird conversation started. "So technically you're about to turn nine? Even though you'll be thirty-six? Is that right?"
He cracked his eyes open again as he watched his wife stretch her arms above her head, her nipple piercings glinting in the soft candlelight that had their bedroom aglow. She was nibbling on her lip, and he could practically see her mind working.
"Yeah," he answered cautiously. "Why do you have that expression on your face, Mo? Like you're plotting something scary?"
"I've never plotted something scary a day in my life!" she told him before leaning down and gently biting his bicep. "I was merely considering what I should get you for your special day."
"I don't need anything," he replied quickly, remembering the naked cowboy statue wearing glasses that she gifted to him last year.
"Well," she said, drawing out the single syllable. "That's where I think you're wrong, Bobby."
"Molly, I don't even want anything." Then he had an idea that he hoped would throw her off. "How about you get some pretty new barbells or rings and let me play with them?"
She rolled her eyes. "That would be a gift for me."
He shrugged as she draped herself across him. "Kind of for both of us when you really think about it."
Her soft lips found his jaw as she whispered, "But it's not every day you turn nine, Coach Cute Glasses. You deserve an extra special treat."
He shook his head in exasperation and said, "I'll really be thirty six though."
"Not according to the calendar." She kissed him sweetly before climbing over him to get out of the bed. "I'll go check on Charlie and Flora one last time before we go to sleep." Bob watched her slip his discarded undershirt on and smooth it down over her gorgeous body, perhaps a little more filled out now that they had two kids.
He reached for her hand and said, "Mo, we really need to sell the condo and get a bigger place. They can't share that tiny room forever."
Even though she told him all the time that she loved the condo and didn't want to leave it, she was finally starting to come around. "I think I'm ready to admit that you might be right about that, Uncle Bob."
"Really?" he asked, jolting up in bed.
She nodded and hummed. "Yes. Besides, your birthday party would be a lot easier to plan if we had more space to accommodate all the guests."
Bob groaned and flopped back down again, and Molly removed his glasses for him. "I don't need a birthday party," he insisted. "I just want a nice, quiet evening with you and the kids. Maybe your sister, Ev and Bradley, too, but that's it."
"We'll see," she replied before leaving the bedroom with a wicked smirk on her face.
"Can you get to my sister's house by noon on your birthday? For your party?" Molly asked as she watched Bob feed a mashed up banana to their one year old daughter. 
"I thought we ended that discussion with us both accepting the fact that I do not need a birthday party."
"Yeah... it's too late for that," she replied easily as she and Charlie both ate their own dinners. Molly's favorite hobby was keeping her husband on his toes. She figured his life would be sad and boring without her in it, and since he chose to be with her, he must have a deep-seated love for nonsense. She always made sure to bring it out for him, especially for his birthday. 
He gave her a stern look. "It's just a small party, right?"
"Sure, Bobby."
"I don't believe you."
"Oh come on," she whined. "This is your first real birthday since we met!"
She knew he would crack. He gave her what she wanted the vast majority of the time anyway, but when she whined for something harmless, it was always hers. 
And with that single word, Molly executed the most epic ninth birthday anyone could ever have. She called the vendors. She ordered the piñata. She invited the guests. She procured a balloon arch. And on Bob's birthday, her own sister and brother-in-law were looking at her with shocked expressions from their back deck when she started setting things up at eight in the morning. 
"I thought this was going to be a small party?" Bradley asked as he watched her assemble the red and yellow balloon arch. 
Molly just laughed. "That's just what I told Bob. I lied. The pony should be arriving soon."
"Pony?" gasped her sister. "I'm sorry, I must have misheard. Did you say a pony is arriving?"
"Yes," Molly said, speaking a little louder now to make her point. "How the hell are we supposed to have a cowboy birthday party without pony rides?"
Then Everett came tearing out onto the back deck, still in his pajamas, shouting, "Someone is bringing a horse around from the driveway!"
"See?" Molly asked as the pony and handler appeared in the backyard. "Ev is excited. He has good taste."
"He's ten!" Bradley snapped as he went running across the yard. "Is this thing going to tear up the grass that I spent months watering so it looked this nice?" But as soon as he saw how excited Everett was to pet the cute animal, Molly knew her brother-in-law would be on her side. It was just her sister glaring at her now.
"Whatever you mess up out here, you need to clean up. That includes the horse poop!"
"It's just a pony," Molly assured her, although the animal was a lot bigger than she expected. And yes, it was actually pooping. "It's fine. It'll be fine."
She was hoping it would be fine.
When Bob buckled Charlie and Flora back into their car seats in his truck at Myers park, he checked the time. It was almost noon. "Oh god," he groaned as he opened the driver's door. He had no idea what to expect, but the text from Bradley about how he was going to need help filling in the hoof prints in their yard next week had him on edge.
"Birthday party!" Charlie cheered from the backseat as Bob pulled out onto the main road. Molly had been talking about it so much, their son kept saying it over and over.
"That's right," Bob told him calmly. "But I'm pretty sure Mommy went bananas over the entire thing."
"Nana!" Flora crooned before she burst into tears. He should have known better than to mention her favorite food right in front of her like that. So he drove to his sister-in-law and brother-in-law's house with one delighted child and one who was crying hysterically. When he pulled down their block, there was absolutely nowhere to park, and there was a horse trailer parked right in front of the house. 
"Oh, no. No no no. Molly, no," he whispered. When he got closer, he saw the massive banner hanging on the porch that said Happy Birthday, Cowboy Bob. He had to squeeze his truck into the driveway behind the familiar blue Bronco while he gaped at the sight before him.
"Horse!" Charlie screeched. He wasn't wrong. There was some sort of pony walking around the backyard with Everett perched on top of the saddle wearing a cowboy hat. "I want the horse!"
"Okay," Bob told him as he shook his head and climbed out of the truck. He walked around to the back of the house with one child in each arm, and thankfully when Flora saw the pony, she stopped crying, perhaps out of fear. 
"Bob!" Molly shouted over the classic country music that was playing as she popped out of the enormous rodeo themed bounce house and ran to him. Literally everyone he'd ever seen in his life seemed to be here, and they were all wearing cowboy hats. Everyone from work was here. Like everyone. Cyclone was wearing a cowboy hat and drinking a beer. Bob thought he saw the doctor that Molly worked with who delivered both of their children. His parents and both of his sisters were here. His niece Piper was taking a turn riding the pony. There were indeed hoof prints in the yard.
Then Molly was somehow in his arms along with both kids, and she was kissing his neck as she said, "Happy birthday," in a voice that would have been a lot more appropriate for their bedroom. 
"Mo," he said, shaking his head. "There's a pony. It's making Bradley look constipated." 
She just rolled her eyes in response. "He'll get over it as soon as I offer to watch Everett for a few days over spring break so he and my sister can go away and do nasty stuff to each other."
Bob just smiled down at her and said, "You told me this would be a small affair."
"I guess I lied. Oops. Come say hi to Phoenix." She dragged him up onto the deck where Natasha took both kids from him with a kiss to his cheek, and then Molly was yanking his shirt over his head.
"What are you doing?" he asked, standing there in his undershirt with his glasses askew. But as soon as the words were out of his mouth, she was pulling another shirt over his head. It said Birthday Cowboy, and there was a number 9 that looked like it was shaped out of rope.
And that's when everyone started hugging him and running around to get him drinks and chat with him. Mickey was wearing cowboy boots and a cow print vest. Maverick was teaching the kids how to line dance. Bradley's scowl had started to ease up since Everett seemed to be having the time of his life. 
"Happy birthday, Uncle Bob," Everett said when he walked over. He hugged Bob and added, "Your birthday party is my favorite birthday party ever, and I can't believe it's in my yard!"
"Thanks, Ev," he replied with a laugh as he watched Molly and Flora dancing with Javy. "It is pretty cool."
"Happy birthday, Bob," his sister-in-law said, handing him a card. "You can open it later. We got you opening day tickets for the Padres. Also, I'm so sorry that my sister is so chaotic, but you should have known what you were getting into when you started dating her."
Bob accepted another kiss on his cheek. "She really can't be stopped once she gets going." 
"It's a waste of time to even try. Might as well sit back and enjoy the show."
He did, and the looser he got, the more fun he started to have. He pet the pony while Piper rode around on it. He smashed open a cowboy piñata with one of Everett's baseball bats. He jumped in the bounce house with Charlie and Everett, and Bradley even joined them.
"I'll help you fix your yard next week," Bob promised as Everett did a backflip. 
Bradley just laughed and said, "It's hard to be mad about it when Molly just wants everyone to have the time of their life. You're very lucky. Also, I don't know how you deal with her on a daily basis."
Bob laughed, too. "Sometimes I just take it one hour at a time."
"Get ready for cake!" Molly shouted, and it took five people to carry out the biggest sheet cake he'd ever seen in his life. It was cow print and decorated with boots and spurs, and said Happy 9th Birthday, Cowboy Bob!
After he blew out the nine candles he reached for Molly. "Thank you," he whispered, kissing her softly. "I didn't know I needed a ninth birthday party, but I guess I really did."
"You're only a kid once, Bobby," she replied, smiling against his lips.
"You do know I'm actually thirty-six, right?" he asked, pulling her snug against him as her sister started to cut up the cake. 
"Not according to the calendar," she responded, patting him gently on the cheek. "Your mom and I had a lovely conversation about how terrible you look for your age."
He tried not to smile, but it was useless. "I'm actually having the best day, Mo."
"I knew it all along."
Both kids were sound asleep as soon as Molly tucked them into bed. Charlie went on a sugar high and then crashed, and Flora was played with and held by seemingly everyone at the party. They would probably sleep for a solid twelve hours. Which was good, because Molly wanted to give her husband the rest of his birthday presents. 
She found him in their bedroom where he was opening up the cards he got with a soft smile on his face. "You have so many friends," she told him, and he turned to look at her. "Everyone loves Bob Floyd."
He actually blushed which made her want to rip all of his clothing to shreds and have her way with him. He shook his head slightly and said, "Everyone loves the amazing Molly Floyd and her beautiful imagination."
"Bobby," she moaned softly, taking the card from his hand and wrapping her arms around him. "Tell me more about how amazing I am."
He laughed and whispered, "You threw me the equivalent of a kids' ninth birthday party, just because you could. My dad participated in the pie eating contest. My mom learned how to line dance. Bradley almost popped a vein in his forehead. It was wonderful."
She sighed in contentment. "In four more years when you turn ten, we'll be in a bigger house, and we can host your party there. But we'll have to wait and see if you're still into cowboys or if your interests change, Kiddo. Now will you please open your present from me? And put on your cowboy hat? I've always wanted to suck a real cowboy's cock."
Bob grinned. "Molly, you suck my cock when I'm wearing my cowboy hat all the time."
"But you've never had assless chaps before."
Bob let out a strangled sound, and when he opened the box that was wrapped in cowboy paper, there were in fact assless chaps inside. "Please, please, please put them on," Molly moaned. "God, I feel like it's my birthday."
As soon as she started whining, he always gave her what she wanted. It was impossible not to. Five minutes later, Bob was standing in the middle of the bedroom wearing the chaps, his birthday shirt, and his old cowboy hat. Molly was panting and biting her knuckle, already obviously raring to go down on him, which just made him harder.
But she took a step toward him and then stopped, a devilish smirk on his face. "Now wait. I'm having a bit of a moral dilemma with you in that shirt. How old are you again?"
"I'm thirty-six," he replied blandly. 
"You sure about that, Cowboy Bob?"
"Molly! I'm thirty-six!"
"Okay, okay. Just checking," she said, reaching for the bottom of his shirt. "But let's just remove this anyway."
I had a blast revisiting these two! I'm so deeply in love with Molly. I hope you enjoyed Bob's birthday celebration. Thanks for reading! And thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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obsessedwithceleste · 7 months
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The Slytherin Boys
As Soulmate Tropes
Ft. Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, and Lorenzo Berkshire
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Mattheo Riddle
The timer
Everyone has a timer on their wrist that counts down to the second you meet your soulmate
Matteo thinks it’s utter bullshit
He’s not really one to be told what to do
Especially not by something as silly as fate
Before he even begins at Hogwarts, he wraps his wrist in a leather cuff, never taking it off
A soulmate is only a weakness after all
Like his father said
When he finally makes his first friend, Theodore Nott, on the train to Hogwarts, the boy looks at his wrist curiously, but says nothing
The boy’s own timer reads something a bit over six years
He meets others, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, all displaying their timers proudly out in the open
He would never want to be that vulnerable
Of course he’s tempted to look when he sees Lorenzo Berkshire’s timer run out in first year when they’re sorted into Slytherin with Daphne Greengrass
Still he doesn’t look
Over the years he watches his friends’ timers run out as they each meet their soulmate until it’s just him and Theodore left.
“You’ve really not looked?” Theo asks him one night as they share a smoke up in the astronomy tower
Matteo shakes his head no
It’s not until a bit over a year later when Theo’s timer runs out as he quite literally runs into his soulmate that Matteo even considers taking a small peak
That night, he lay in bed, eyes boring into the ceiling
Ever so slowly, his fingers wrap around the cuff, inching it off agonizingly
When he finally sees his timer, he blinks
He’d missed them
His head falls back against his pillow as the leather cuff returns to its place, securely around his wrist
He’d never wanted a soulmate anyway, he reasoned with himself
What he didn’t know, was he’d also missed all the stolen glances at him since third year
He makes it through four more sleepless nights before he tears the cuff off, throwing it against the wall, alarming Theo
“I missed them. I fucking missed them.” He says, staring blankly at the wall as Theo looks at his friend sadly
About a week later, it finally goes noticed that the leather cuff is gone
Matteo is sitting in the grass by the Black Lake when they approach
“They stopped sometime in third year. You bumped into me walking off the quidditch pitch.”
Matteo looks up, mouth gaping open as he takes in his soulmate for the first time
“Sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. Figured you didn’t want to know with the whole cuff thing and all.”
It takes him a moment to reply, but once he does, he will not stop apologizing
He looks at his soulmate as if they painted the sun in the sky
It’s slow going at first, Matteo never really believed in love
But once he’s in, he’s in deep
His friends are all shocked of course, but more so relieved that Matteo finally had someone that really clicked
Matteo never wanted a soulmate, but he’d be damned if his was ever torn away from him
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Theodore Nott
First Words
The first words one said to their soulmate are permanently scrawled across their other half’s skin
No matter how much someone tried, the words wouldn’t budge
Couldn’t be removed, couldn’t be changed, couldn’t be covered by anything other than clothing
Theo knew
He’d tried
“Fuck off, Nott”
Was permanently brandished across his collarbone
His mother had gasped when she saw it, rushing to cover the words
The epitome of romance Theo had thought dryly to himself on more than one occasion
He told himself he didn’t care
Maybe there was a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why his soulmate wanted him to fuck off despite never speaking to him before
He never let another soul see those words though
Not even when his friends went around, proudly showing off their own words
He didn’t believe in that shit, he’d told them
But it was hard not to believe it in third year when Matteo finally spoke to Daphne’s sister, Astoria, for the first time
Their words matched perfectly
And so did they
In his fourth year, Matteo finally discovered the blasted words after Theo ended up in the hospital wing
He was made fun of ruthlessly for the next several weeks
Not even his soulmate- as a stranger wanted anything to do with him
Maybe that was why, at fifteen, he began his flirtatious escapades
Flirting with anything really, that had a pulse
If his soulmate didn’t want him, surely someone else did
And that’s how he found himself where he was now
Leaning up against the cold stone wall, a comfortable buzz setting in from the drink in his hand as he chatted up some Ravenclaw
He was about to lean in when a hand appeared on his shoulder, pulling him back roughly
“Fuck off, Nott.” The voice said, a hint of agitation in their voice
Theo’s head snapped in the direction of the voice, eyes widening and mind suddenly alarmingly clear
He felt his heart beat speed up as he took in the sight
A moment passes, then two
Blinking, he tried to think of something- anything to say
“Salazar, you’re perfect.”
Theo watched the hairs on his soulmate’s neck prickle as they freeze, eyes slowly meeting his own
“That’s not funny Nott. Who told you to say that?” They ask warily as their friend watches in amused excitement
Tugging at the collar of his shirt, Theo finally shows his words, the black script bold against his tan skin
Theo had always wanted
Theo had always wanted to be wanted
And Theo’s soulmate made sure he always knew just how wanted he was
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Draco Malfoy
Hot and Cold
Draco remembered the first time his mother explained the soulmate stuff to him
He was only five when she tucked him into bed and explained
The closer you were to your soulmate, the hotter you felt
The further you were, the colder you felt
But once you were together, everything would feel right
Simple enough his young self had figured
Almost like a game of sorts
A game of fate
He always thought it was strange that his mother was constantly shivering despite his fathers tendency to run quite warm
They must prefer it that way
He himself however, grew up always a bit too cold for his liking
It was early on that he learned to bundle up in layers
His mother cast especially nice warming charms
As he grew older, it confused Draco that his parents ran at two very opposite temperatures, despite his mother’s words echoing in the back of his head
The whole soulmate thing must not be that perfect if “just right” meant one parent felt like a block of ice while the other was practically slick with sweat
He didn’t really understand until the summer before he was to leave for Hogwarts
That’s when his parents hosted a small going away gathering
His cousin Enzo was there
As were the Greengrass sisters
Draco watched Enzo begin to grow agitated, sweat beginning to form on his brow
When the boy looked up to see the older Greengrass sister though, it was as if a wave of calm had washed over him
The heat in his cousin’s cheeks faded as he made his way over to the girl
That’s when Draco finally realized
It didn’t go unnoticed by him then, when his father’s normally warm aura cooled considerably to a suspiciously comfortable level when the Nott family arrived
It was then that Draco determined that soulmates only lead to heartbreak
What was the point of it didn’t guarantee happiness?
Draco was on the train, surrounded by his friends when he first felt it
A small spark of heat, flaring up in his chest
He ignored it
He felt it again at the sorting ceremony, quickly rushing to sit with his new house mates
For once hoping to blend in
The dungeons of the Slytherin common room felt safe
The cool air of the stone walls enveloping him
Every so often, Draco felt a familiar warmth begin to overtake him, subconsciously leading him towards it
But he always did his best to fight it off
Lately however, the tingling feeling of warmth seemed to be chasing after him
Almost as if whoever was causing it was actively searching him out
Draco was sitting in the Three Broomsticks, butter beer in hand when it finally happened
He felt the heat wave first
Then the beads of sweat slowly forming on his head
His eyes flicked about frantically as his friends watched him with concern
When his eyes finally landed on the culprit, he knew
A wave of cool ran over him and for the first time in his life, Draco wasn’t shivering against a sweater, or sweating like a mad man
He felt
“Hi.” He says, dazed as he stares at his soulmate in awe
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Lorenzo Berkshire
The Red Strings of Fate
Enzo couldn’t remember a time when he couldn’t see the red strings twisting, knotting, winding around everyone he knew
They always started out the same
Tied in a neat bow around someone’s pinky before looping off into the distance
Occasionally, he’d see two people, their strings meeting, tying them together
Theirs always had a mesmerizing gold sheen
It fascinated him
His own parents’ strings trailed off in opposite directions
Not that he’d ever say anything about it
He knew there were others like him
People who could see the strings
Advertising their love matching services
Always able to tell if people were compatible or not
Enzo never said a word
At Hogwarts, Enzo often heard the Slytherin girls chatter about how romantic the idea was
Having a soulmate out there, tied to you forever
Enzo smiled, knowing that Pansy’s string was connected to one Blaise Zabini
And Astoria’s string lead to Matteo Riddle
In second year, he’d let out an unattractive snort, seeing his cousin Draco’s string connect to Hermione Granger
He’d almost let it slip right then and there
But still, he kept quiet, subtly leading his friends in the right direction
Even if it meant “accidentally” locking Draco and Hermione in the potions storeroom without their wands
It wasn’t until much later that Enzo realized he’d never really paid all that much attention to the string tied to his own finger
What if they didn’t believe in the strings?
What if they didn’t want to be found?
One night, when his dorm mates were asleep
He tugged on the red string, feeling the taunt pull on the other end
He didn’t really expect much
He’d seen people’s strings lead off over the horizon, end no where in sight
He knew it was totally plausible to never see his soulmate
But it would be nice
Sometimes at night, when his roommates were all asleep and he was still wide awake, he’d roam the halls, following the string
It always seemed to take him the same way, up the winding staircases until he found himself outside an ever familiar common room door
He wasn’t stupid
He knew his soulmate had to be in there, but still, he never searched beyond those quiet nights, the portraits on the walls looking on silently
It all changes though, the day he feels his pinky finger tug a bit as a stranger sits down next to him in potions
“You don’t mind, do you?” The breathy voice asks
Enzo is too busy staring at the string connecting their fingers, a familiar golden sheen glimmering between them, to answer
When he looks up, he finds pretty eyes looking back, a small smile tugging on pink lips
“The portraits are quite chatty you know. I wondered if you’d try to come find me, but figured it was best to take matters into my own hands.”
A soft blush rises to his cheeks as he looks sheepishly at his soulmate
“So should I lock us in a storage room without our wands now? Or can we skip that step?”
Enzo lets out bark of laughter before quickly getting a hold of himself
After years of following other people’s strings, he was glad someone had followed their string to him
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I saw your Anti Hero reader and man, it was really good. Since you asked in the post if family should be Yandere, I think you should. Just think about it, maybe Bruce (Maybe he's already a Yandere, maybe not) is forcing the kids to make you an "ally" (family member), so they start investigating and discover that you have a lot in common with them
Maybe your parents died and that makes Dick think you called Bruce dad, due to the absence of your own parents (he sees you as a version of him without Bruce).
Maybe Jason will find information about how you were abandoned and betrayed by your uncles, throwing you onto the deadly streets of Gotham (he wants to protect you so you don't end up like him).
Maybe Tim figured out that you wanted to be like Batman in the past, helping people, but you lost hope in his no-kill rule, and now he wants to bring you back to the right path (He thinks you're like him, deciding to use your life to help people, even if it's the "wrong" way).
And maybe Damian will find out that all the money you earned when you got paid and what you earned in your mercenary job, was donated to animal refugees AND children's hospitals, starting to see the good things his father sees in you (the little rascal is just jealous AND wants the same affection that you give to those children in the hospital).
Anyway This is just an idea I had, your post really inspired me so I wanted to share it with you and see what you think.
I hope you have a good day AND take care of yourself.
Are you psychic? You have to be. I was thinking that while writing the mini story!!
Dick, once he digs deeper and figures out you're an orphan/your parents are shit, will immediately compare him as a child to you! So pure, untainted, energetic. You haven't seen the true ways of the world... (You have, he just wants to delude himself into thinking you haven't) He has to protect you from that. Plus, if you see Bruce as a father figure that makes Dick your big brother! Big brother's protect their little siblings, right? Have you not watched any shows with an older sibling? (No, all the ones with good sibling dynamics don't count. They're wrong.)
Jason's pity for you returns but in a different way. You were discarded onto the streets with no one to care for you due to some situation, you didn't deserve that. Jason would spiral from there; what would have happened if Joker saw you while you were on the streets and defenseless back then? Joker could have killed you like he did Jason! Whenever Jason fights someone and it has civilian casualties he'll start imagining it's you and will go absolutely feral. You won't protect yourself as well as you think you can, you're just a child! (You're in your late teens - early twenties but there's no need to mention that, he won't listen either way).
Tim's already done tons of research but the key bit of information sticks with him. He doesn't know why but it strikes a match that won't burn out. He can fix you, he can help you, he can be your support. You don't have to go down the path of killing, you can be good and save lives! Sure, you need his help and love but he's more than willing to give it to you (Delusional). If you're so much like him then that means you need him to help you! Just let him help you. Don't fight it.
Damian doesn't come around easily due to preconceived ideas. It's when he's made to follow you one night that he realizes how great you are, how you'd make a great big sibling. You would've entered an animal shelter to care for the animals in the morning then go to the children's hospital to volunteer during midday. He feels envious each day he watches you treat random kids as if they actually meant something to you. (Maybe they do, it's just best that Damian believes they don't).
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lexluvsmegs · 6 months
[Nanami Kento x fem!reader]
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Synopsis ౨ৎ - Nanami, your loving husband, comes home after a long day of work. He seems tense, so what better way to help him destress than a nice massage from his wife? But what happens if that massage leads to more..
Warnings ౨ৎ - smut ⭒ PinV (unprotected) ⭒ dry humping ⭒ riding ⭒ nanami is so hopelessly in love with you ⭒ kinda soft ⭒ very brief breeding kink ⭒ nipple sucking (f receiving)
Note ౨ৎ - Hi everyone! This is my first post on tumblr, hope everyone enjoys ೃ⁀➷
Word count ౨ৎ - 1348
(18+ please if you’re a minor do not interact!)
Nanami was a hard worker. Anyone who knew him could tell you. So it was no surprise when one fateful day, your dear husband Nanami stumbled through the threshold to your sweet home still carrying the weight of work on his shoulders.
You could tell it had been a rough day at work as he could only muster a small smile thrown in your direction after you’d ran to the door to greet him. His shoulders were tense as he removed his coat and hung it on the hook next to your own. “Hi nami” you decided to finally break the silence. Locking his steely eyes on to your pyjama clad figure - you weren’t wearing anything too flashy, just a night gown - however, Nanami thought you looked like a goddess sent from above just for him. His pretty girl.
“Hi sweetheart” Nanami replied softly coming to wrap his big hands around your hips, his thumb rubbing small circles in to the plush of your skin. “How was work? ‘Missed you” you whisper back, the close proximity fogging your brain. Yes, Nanami was your husband. Yes, he still made you feel breathless in his presence. How could you not? “The usual. Exhausting.” He obviously wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. Nanami rolled his shoulders slightly and you could hear a few pops as he did so. You start to slowly help him undo his tie and ponder a way to help him destress after his long shift. After all, he works so hard to keep you happy, it’s the least you could do.
“Kento?” You say as you can see the physical discomfort he’s enduring, “can I give you a massage?” It’s barely audible. You don’t know why you’re so nervous. He’s your husband for Gods sakes. But you still feel yourself shift under his gaze. “Please” it’s short and sweet but you can see his love for you shine. You intertwine his hand with your own and lead him to your shared bedroom and ask him to take off his shirt and lay on his front. Nanami follows your instructions blindly and soon finds himself splayed out on your bed with you residing on his lower back with your legs on either side of his muscular build.
You run your hands down his back watching his shoulders immediately relax with your touch. “Where does it hurt?” Your angelic voice rings in his ears as he gives a reply. You soon get to work, pushing your thumbs into all the knots along his back and paying special attention to his shoulders. The groans coming from nanami are heavenly. You’re almost distracted from the task at hand, preferring to focus on the sounds coming from your lover. “Fuck, right there” you almost choke at his language. Arousal is pooling in your panties as you try to get back to the massage but nanami is relentless. Throwing borderline sexual comments out into the air. This causes you to shift your position, trying to get any form of relief, hoping Nanami hasn’t notice your massaging abilities getting less and less. However, you should know better.
Nanami has been well aware since the first grunt he let out. Maybe, just maybe, he did it on purpose. You can’t blame him for wanting to get his pretty wife all worked up. He’s been dying to get home to you, to feel your soft skin against his but he finds himself greedy. He wants to feel more of you. Be as close as possible, inside and out. Nanami can feel you subtly grinding yourself on his lower back, you’re desperate and the stifled whines coming from above are causing his restraint to wear thin. “You enjoying yourself, love?” He calls out. You immediately stop your movement, embarrassed you got caught. “I-“ you start to sputter out an excuse but are cut off by Nanami turning over. You find yourself sat on his lap and gasp, his half hard cock pushing up and giving you the pressure you desired.
“You feel what you do to me sweet girl?” Lust infiltrates his voice as he sits up against the headboard of your shared bed, his cock now fully erect. His words have you in a trance. You mindlessly regain your grinding movement, this time more open with the sounds you make. Nanami grunts and grabs onto your hips attempting to ground himself. You drive him crazy. You both lean in to meet in the middle with a hungry kiss filled with passion, your tongues exploring each others mouths in detail. Only breaking for a gasp of air. It’s oh so messy but that’s how you both like it.“Please Ken..” you whisper into his lips. “My needy girl” he laughs to himself. “What is it you want? Huh? Gotta use your words pretty” he’s teasing. However, you find yourself to be too far gone to care about anything other than kento. “Let me- let me ride you.. please Kento” you all but beg, face stuffed in the crook of his neck as you desperately hump him.
“Good girl” he lets out in a breath as he breaks apart from you to take off his work trousers and boxers leaving him bare. You also scramble to remove your items of clothing to match his nude self. You settle back on his lap, hands resting on his broad shoulders as you slide your wet cunt over his cock, coating him fully. His tip catches your entrance and causes a gasp from both parties as you lock each other in yet another searing kiss. You slowly grab the base of Kentos cock - never quite used to the sheer length or girth of it - and line it up with your entrance. Slowly, you slide down, moaning into the other’s mouth while nanami whispers nothing but praises. “Fuck, taking me so well” he all but growled out. After what seems like ages, you finally reach the bottom of Nanami’s dick and slowly raise yourself as you begin to sway and bounce your hips, creating the perfect amount of pleasure.
Nanami breaks off from your lips and dips his head to the swell of your breasts, catching one nipple between his teeth nibbling and sucking the sensitive bud causing moans and gasps to flow from your mouth. “Ah! Kento, fuck” you can barely think straight as you grab onto Nanami’s hair as leverage giving it a gentle tug causing him to whine into your breasts as he moves from one nipple to the other.
Your legs are burning and your mind is hazy. All you can register is how good it all feels and kento’s chants of ‘good girl’s and ‘I love you’s. Nanami leaves your soft mounds and shoves his face into your neck, leaving wet kisses and marks in his trail. Everything is too much as you feel yourself reaching your high. “K-kento I’m close” you choke out in a sob. His hands grab your hips and slam you down on his length forcing you to take him all. Seeing you on top of him is making him feral. He’s never thought you looked so beautiful as you do now crying on his cock. “Fuck, same baby. I’m so close. ‘Feel so good around me” his dirty words feed your pleasure. “P-please cum in me!”it only takes a few moments for you to be spasming around Nanami’s cock. He soon follows with a loud grunt and his warm cum spurting inside you, painting your walls white.
You sit with him still inside you for some time after. Both coming down from your highs and basking in each others presence. “Let’s get you cleaned up sweetheart, did so well f’me” he finally says as he picks you up and brings you to the bathroom, running you a nice hot bath.
All you can think in these soft moments is how on earth you managed to get so lucky with a man like nanami. “I love you nami” you whisper. “I love you too, my precious girl”
Hope you all enjoyed!
© lexluvsmegs 2024 ➳ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
PLEASE DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work.
Thank You, Beautiful People!
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ollyissleppy · 4 months
𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 | venti, diluc x reader
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summary: just boys confessing their love while being tipsy
pairing(s): venti x gn!reader, diluc x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: mentions of being drunk, drinking, alcohol, mentions of being pressured into drinking
tags: fluff, drinking, confessions, reader works in church (in venti's), reader is from fontaine (in diluc's), diluc is all blushy (just the way I like him 😇)
a/n: I don't remember the last time I wrote (and actually finished) something let alone post it :( anyways there's also one with Keaya but I didn't have the time to finish it and just wanted to post what I have so I won't have the time to change my mind
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You stand at the back of the church, just casually chatting away with a few sisters, as you hear quick steps approaching where you are. You and your companions turn your heads to see who's in such a hurry, only to spot Barbara rushing her way towards you. 
"(name)! Thank Barbados, I finally found you," the blonde says as she stops right in front of you. “Could you be so kind and help me get rid of this drunkard? He's laying under the statue, and no amount of threads can make him leave.”
“Sure, just show me where they are, and I’ll get rid of them for you.” You send a warm smile her way and follow her out of the church. 
Once outside, you notice someone laying under Anemo Archon’s statue, attempting to play music on a lyre. Upon coming closer, you recognise the person who's causing Barbara to grow grey hair. You sigh, knowing now that not only Barbara's well-being but also potentially the identity of your beloved archon is at risk. After all, you don't want the drunk bard to expose himself as the Anemo Archon to the entire city. 
“You’re playing the wrong cord, Venti,” you say as you approach the bard.
“HOW DARE YOU EVEN—oh, it’s you, (name)! I was waiting till you came out of this stupid  building." Venti throws himself at you, his arms tightly wrapping around your neck. "I wanted to come inside and hang out with you, but she refused to let me in," he pouts while trying to give you the puppy eyes. 
You ignored his words and just opted to try making him stand on his own. Your attempt was unsuccessful; the moment you let go of him, he started to fall over. Holding him up by his waist, you turn to Barbara:
“Thank you for bringing me here, Barbara. You’re free to return to your duties, I got this from here.” After making sure you had a tight grip around Venti, you started making your way out of the city. You hope to brig him to the closest Archon statue to hopefully sober him up.
“You know, I thought alcohol no longer had an effect on you.” You couldn't help but ask a question as your mind was working overtime to figure out what could bring the bard to such a state. 
“Keaya brought some special wine from Sumeru, and we both shared a bottle,” Venti replies, sounding as if he's about to fall asleep. 
“Wow, now I feel sorry for Master Diluc. I can’t imagine having to deal with the both of you in such a state.” You shake the bard, making sure he stays awake at least till you both reach the statue. 
As you finally crossed the bridge just outside the city, you quickly apologised to Timmy for scaring away his pigeons and continued your journey until you reached Venti's statue. You lay him down under the stone version of himself and hope your theory about sobering him up is correct. You sit down beside him, your back against some roots, waiting for a change in the bard's position.
When some time passes and you start to wonder if you should just leave him there, he finally sits up. You look at him curiously, waiting for the bard to say something. Venti remains silent, just staring back at you. Another moment passes until he finally speaks up:
"You're really here. For a moment, I thought you were just a dream. "You can still smell the alcohol as he speaks. "(name), can I tell you something?"
You look at him confused, wondering if it is another one of his 'I'm an archon type of secret'. He looks at you as if he's collecting his thoughts, so you allow your mind and gaze to wander off. 
“I am in love with you.” Your head snaps right back at Venti, unsure if your mind isn't playing games with you. 
"What?" you ask, scolding your mind for even suggesting the bard said something like this. 
"I'm in love with you, (name)." Venti shifts his body to be closer to you, almost as if trying to kiss you, his gaze still fixated on you.
“Venti, you’re drunk.” You try to move your body away from his, causing your back to bruise itself against the roots. You found your archon's feelings highly inappropriate. 
He sighs and moves his body back to its original place, his gaze finally leaving yours. You relax, finally feeling free from the awkward situation. You realise that Venti's eyes seem to be focused on something, so you follow them to see what he's looking at. Off in the distance, you see two hilichurls dancing and seemingly enjoying each other's company. Both you and your companion watch the two of them in somewhat comfortable silence. You're not sure how much time passes until Venti speaks up again. 
“You don’t have to answer; it’s ok. It must be so confusing for you," he sighs, his eyes now looking up to the sky. "You devoted your entire life to an archon just for me to destroy your image of said archon and now selfishly confess my undying love for you.” 
You stare at him, unsure of what you should do. The bard was right; you were confused out of your mind. You look down at the ground, trying to collect your thoughts. The silence once again falls between you two, only this time it's more awkward than anything. After what felt like ages, you hear Venti move his body. You don't look up, still being within your own thoughts. The archon sees that and just gently cups your face with his hand, forcing you to look at him. Venti slowly moves his face closer to yours, his breath tickling you.
“But no legends say I'm not a selfish archon”
Diluc brought you to Fontaine in hopes you'll help him win it's people over and expand his wine empire in that direction as well. So here you are, catching up with some of your friends that you haven't seen since you left Fontaine. Learning all about their new lives, now without you. It didn't sadden you much, as moving away to another nation gave you opportunities you never knew were possible. You're so caught up in the conversation that you don't notice a person coming up behind you, let alone the arm that's making its way around your shoulders. The unexpected movement caused you to jump, only to calm down once you noticed the culprit. 
“Diluc, are you alright?" You ask worried, not remembering if you ever saw your friend with his face being almost the colour of his hair. 
"Yeah, I'm just tired." Diluc moves his body so he can rest his head on your shoulders. His moves catch you slightly off guard, as they're not something his usual self would do.
"Oh, look at the time,” you say, looking at your watch. "We really should all return to our houses; I'd hate for the staff to work overtime to clean up after us." Most of the people who were at the gathering agreed with you. Some people, however, weren't keen on leaving just yet, as they didn't get to discuss the legal matters of their agreements.
“Don’t worry, everyone; I'm sure Master Diluc will be ready to discuss further regarding the contracts tomorrow,” you say to comfort the worried bunch, hoping it'll be enough.
“Perhaps lunch time? Maybe at Cafe Lutece?” one of the men in the crowd replies, with a bunch of others agreeing.
“Great, we’ll be there!” You smile, happy to get them all off Diluc's back.
You sat Diluc down on one of the chairs and patiently waited for all of the guests to leave. You were so preoccupied by them that you didn't notice your friend started to drift off into sweet slumber. Once you do notice, you make sure to shake him awake to make it easier to bring him to your hotel rooms. You help Diluc stand up from the chair, and you start taking him upstairs, where your rooms are located. 
While making your way up the stairs, you decided to question what happened to make Diluc try his luck at drinking. 
'How can we know it’s good quality wine if the person responsible for making it won’t drink it?' was apparently something Diluc heard from one of the potential clients while he was trying to get them on his side. You felt kind of bad for Diluc, as you are aware that he's not fond of drinking, and tonight he was pressured into doing so. 
After what felt like a fight between you and the stairs, you two finally made it to Diluc's room. You close the door behind you and turn around to see Diluc struggling to get out of his coat. You chuckle at his sudden cuteness as you walk up to lend him some help. After a bit of struggle, you managed to get him out of the piece of clothing, settling it on one of the chairs in the room. You decided to skip trying to change the rest of his clothes, and you just laid Diluc down on the bed. You made sure to securely wrap him up in the blanket, and you started to take your leave. 
“Wait, don’t leave yet.” You stop in your tracks. You weren't expecting to hear his voice; you were almost certain that he was already out cold. “I hate seeing you leave.” You turn to look at him, thinking about your options.
You decided to stay with him a bit longer, at least until he actually fell asleep. You sit down on the other side of the bed, thinking about what you should say to make him fall asleep. 
"See? I'm not going anywhere, Diluc. You can rest now." You fix the blanket around his chest. The room falls into a comfortable silence. 
Your thoughts start to slowly drift away as the day finally catches up to you, making you wish you were in bed as well. You're so deep inside your head that you don't notice Diluc staring directly at you.
“Lay down with me.” His low voice startled you, snapping you back to reality. You take a minute to gather your thoughts to figure out the best response. 
“I don’t think it’s appropriate,” you said, hoping your answer would make him drop it. 
“Who cares? It’s just the two of us,” he argues, and you have to admit that he has a point. Besides, it won't hurt to lay with him just for a bit—until he falls asleep, that is. 
You sigh, defeated, and opt to lay down on top of the covers. That way, you had a way of getting out of his room and to your own when Diluc's no longer focused on you so much. As you move to your side, you notice Diluc visibly relaxing, even letting out a yawn. He looked like he would fall asleep any minute now, so you close your eyes, hoping it'll fool him that you're asleep as well. You are finally letting yourself relax. 
“I love you,” Diluc's voice was low and barely hearable. If the room wasn't dead silent, you probably wouldn't be able to hear it.
You don't respond, deciding that it must be just his tired and drunk brain talking. You keep your eyes closed just in case, still hoping to trick him into thinking that you're asleep.
“You hear? I’m in love with you,  (name)." Diluc moves his body closer to yours, as if trying to make sure you're able to hear him.
You lay still, trying to ingest his alcohol-reeking breath. Diluc sighs, moving even closer to you, just to throw his arm across your body, trapping you in bed with him. 
"I wish I wasn't such a coward and told you this when I'm sober and your conscious."
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
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