#so i miiiight play just a little. to get him.
lildoodlecat · 3 months
you KNOW i'm up too late when i open genshin again even tho i haven't played for any meaningful amount of time since like. the beginning of 2022
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
And Revenge Comes In More.
(Sequel to ‘Entertainment Comes In Many Forms’) 
The one in which G/ojo learns that N/anami is a lot more revenge driven then he had planned on. And enjoys every second of it~. Feat. Allergic/Induced G/ojo and snz!fucker slightly sadistic N/anami. Also known as: G/ojo tormented N/anami with his cold, so now N/anami is gonna torment him with some allergens. Technically this is a ‘sequel’ to my previous fic, but you don’t have to read that one to understand this! Mostly just context on why N/anami wants revenge. But the sneeze fun can be appreciated with or without reading it! (at least I hope haha~~) Also, I’m not the most comfortable (skill or knowledge wise) in writing deeply smutty things yet, so this miiiight be a bit of a tease as I didn’t write any actual full on stuff happening, so consider this a warning for that I guess!! I might do a third of this little series at some point where it goes all the way, but I have no plans just yet, still not sure of that kind of writing style for myself!  Aaaaaaand yes, this is another fic, I have a problem, but I guess worst case no one sees it and I got to have fun writing something I enjoy, so hey, hope y’all don’t mind!! J/JK brainrot is just real and I can’t… I can’t get this out of my head…. hahaha~~ To anyone who bothers to read this, thank you! And I hope you enjoy~~ ((References to swearing, and snz!fucker play (slightly-over-the-borderline smut), in case anyone doesn’t like those))  Characters: G/ojo, N/anami, and N/anami’s sadistic side mixing with a snz!kink.  Word count: 3.2k
~~~~~~~ Gojo knows from the second he walks into the apartment, he’s in deeper trouble than he’d thought. See, about two weeks ago he’d tormented teased his dear boyfriend Nanami with a cold he’d caught. Nanami had told him about a certain… interest… of his. Namely, sneezing. And see, Gojo had a cold… so how could he not use this to his advantage? However, this was…. during a meeting… and Nanami, ever the stickler for things like “privacy” and “decency” was not the biggest fan of this little encounter. ‘Much as he may have enjoyed himself once we were alone’. Because of this, a week ago (after recovering from his illness) Gojo had offered a bit of retribution. His deal was an inducing session. No holds barred, anything goes, Nanami gets to induce him in any way he desires for the whole night, and… whatever that may lead to… will come with the territory. Gojo had assumed that Nanami would get a bit of sneezy fun, and then they’d move on. What Gojo hadn’t planned on was Nanami asking for a week to ‘prepare’. Hence, when he walks into the apartment and sees the tray of items sitting on their coffee table, draped in a sheet, he starts to realize that maybe he’s signed up for more than he bargained for. But upon seeing the look in Nanami’s eyes as he gestures for Gojo to sit on the couch, Gojo decides that he’s completely down for whatever may follow.  “Blindfold off.” Gojo smirks, this was one part he did see coming, especially since the only light currently on in the apartment was in the hallway. Nanami is well aware of how photic Gojo is. ‘Wasn’t even aware that sneezing from bright lights was called photic until I met him.’ he muses to himself, delicately removing the blindfold, and placing it in Nanami’s outstretched hand. Sure enough, the hall light is nowhere near bright enough to invoke a reaction. “Whenever you’re ready, Nanami dear.” Smug grin on his face, Gojo leans back, one leg crosses over the other, the picture of relaxation. All of this changes the second a smirk forms on Nanami’s face. ‘Well that look is deeply unsettling’ Gojo thinks, allowing his confidence to slip just a little. Nanami reaches under the sheet, careful to keep the rest hidden, and pulls out his first object, taking a seat on a chair next to the couch. “A flashlight? Starting pretty basic, aren’t we Nanami? If I’m honest, I expected more from you. With a week to prepare, bright light is what you came up with?” It’s a bluff and they both know it, Gojo’s well aware that bright light is only what they’re starting with, and that Nanami must be saving the best for last. “Close your eyes. You open them when I tell you to.” “Oh~ Bossy, aren’t we~? Power gone to your head, Nanami?”  Despite this, Gojo does as he’s told. While obedience isn’t something he’s known for, he did offer compliance, ‘though I never specified it would come without teasing~’ he allows, making sure to paint another shit-eating grin on his face. Gojo doesn’t need to see Nanami to know his eyes are glued to him, he can feel the lustful gaze burning into his skin. “Open your eyes now.” Gojo complies once more, surprise flooding his face as he feels something soft brush the tip of his nose. He barely has time to get his wrist in front of his nose before the sneezes burst out. “hept’ISHH’shiew-! ihh’kTSH’ue-! hAH’ASHH’iew-! hh’KTishhh’yuu-!”  Sniffling pathetically against his wrist, Gojo manages to lock his eyes onto the feather Nanami is twirling in his fingers, the flashlight sitting on the tray once more. Nanami meets his eyes, a mischief evident in them, suggesting this was always his plan. “Well well well, bit of a trickster today, I see. Proud of ourselves, aren’t we?”  “Bless you.” “Why thank you. Still polite as ever. Some things never change. Shall I expect blessings all night, then?” “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” Gojo lets the smirk work its way over his face once more, lowering his wrist with one last snfff- not quite wet yet, but if this first fit was anything to go by, they were certainly going to get there.  “Feathers. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff. I do have quite the sensitive nose, but I’m not allergic, they’ll tickle just as much as anything soft would.” Nanami grins, a hand brushing his hair back. A gesture that to most, would seem quite common. But Gojo is not most. He recognizes the action for what it is; an act of pride in himself and his methods. A hint of worry seeps back into Gojo’s mind, ‘Just a feather alone wouldn’t bring this kind of confidence. Not to someone like Nanami. He wouldn’t feel this satisfied with just a mild sensitivity reaction.’  Sniffling again, Gojo notices, quite suddenly, that the tickle is still there. A slight buzzing at the back of his nose. ‘No, this is more than just a sensitivity, otherwise it would have stopped once I finished sneezing.’ “hhAH! Ahhh… What diihhhd… you do to it?” “You see,” Nanami starts, letting himself slip off the chair, and slide onto the couch next to Gojo. “It’s not just a feather. It’s a feather from our feather duster. And, well, it just so happens I had a bit of cleaning to do earlier.” “Hehhh…. ehh! hIH’kTSH’oo-! KISHH-ishh’oo-! hahh’DTSH’yuu-!  I should have gueehhh… g- guessssed- hehh…. hEH’DT-! guhhh… lost it.”  “Bless you.” “I cahhhn’t… Nanami… I… hehh… hIH! gotta… g-hahh gotta sneeze…!”  Gojo’s eyes are fluttering shut, a single tear running down his cheek as he hitches wildly, head tilting back. Nanami smirks, letting Gojo’s hand grab his and pull the feather up to his face. They both pause as he leaves it just out of reach of his nose, well aware of the unstated rule. ‘This is your turn, so unless you allow me, I can’t do it myself.’  Thankfully for Gojo, this is only act one of the revenge, and the torture isn’t meant to start just yet. Nanami moves the feather back to Gojo’s nose, gently tracing around one nostril, then the other, the light touch more than enough to send him over the edge. “Th- thankyou- hEH! hH’ESHH’oo-! hept’kiSHH’ieww-! mMMpfsshh’oo-!”  “Bless you.”  Just as he goes to open his eyes, Gojo finds himself squinting in the light, ducking back into his hands with another fit, this time the softer, ticklish type that he gets from photic fits. “ishh-! tishh’oo-! hh’ishh’shiew-! pshh’oo-! kshhh’iew-! hept’ktshh’ooo-! hEP’shhh-! Nngt-! hh’dNGt-! Nxxgt-!”  Fingers lightly pinch his nose as Gojo stifles the last few, a hint of mischief in his voice as he manages to stop the onslaught. Nanami leans back from where he had hit the light switch, a smirk dancing on his face, mischief matching Gojo’s in his own eyes. ‘God, he looks good like this.’ “I’ll admit, you got me with that one. Wasn’t expecting it in the slightest.” “That was the idea, yes. Bless you again, but don’t think you won’t pay for those stifles.” “Oh~?”  There’s a light sing-song tone in Gojo’s voice as he lets his eyes trace down Nanami’s body. The tremble in his knees doesn’t go unnoticed, and neither does the hunger in his eyes when Gojo’s beautiful, albeit watery, blues meet them once more. Try as he might, Nanami was never able to hide his true intentions from Gojo. He’s always been able to read him like a book. ‘He’s holding out much better than I had thought, but there’s a slight shiver in his voice whenever he speaks. Guess even the most proper of us can’t hide every physical reaction.’  Nanami reaches over and wipes away a stray tear that had broken free from the ocean in Gojo’s eyes, ‘photic tickles do always come with watery eyes’ getting a warm smile in return. As much as he hates to admit it, Nanami was always captivated by the shimmering blue orbs, and the beauty that the glistening wetness brought to them was almost inhumane. Gojo uncrosses his legs, allowing them to slip further onto the couch as he lays back, giving Nanami the perfect position to slide in on top of him, hovering just above his hips, perched on his knees. Now angled over him, Nanami also has the perfect position to further torment Gojo’s nose. Reaching back under the sheet, Nanami pulls it off entirely, the smirk reforming once more as Gojo’s eyes go wide. A single flower of lavender sits on the tray, under a glass bowl. Gojo twitches even just looking at it, a knuckle raising to rub at his already itchy nose. As if just the sight of the blossom was enough to light the fire burning in his sinuses. “I know I said anything you want, but I wasn’t expecti-” “What, you thought I wasn’t going to use one of your most desperate allergens? I’m not a novice at this, Gojo.” “My sincerest apologies, Nanami. You’re qu- heH! quite right, I shouldn’t have underestimated you. Now are wehhehh… gonna get on with it?”  Simply lifting the bowl off it had spread the scent throughout the living room, Gojo’s nose responding in kind. A light snfff- escapes, a mistake, if the way his eyes flutter is any indication. Nanami lifts the blossom gently, Gojo leaning back until his head was on the pillow at the end of the couch, hands tucked at his sides, already bracing against the tickle he knew was coming. Kneeling over him, Nanami allows his hips to gently brush Gojo’s, not missing the gasp in his breath, or the lust filling his eyes. “hihh’KTSH’oo-! hePT’shiew-! nnGXt-!”  “Bless you. Stifling without your hands, impressive, but doesn’t earn you any points today.” “Worth a shot~. Are you plahhhhning to start the inducing any time s- hehhh! soon? My nose is alreahhhhhdy starting to ti… to tiihhhhckle! hEH’ISHH’yuu-! hH’MMFSH’oo-! dnXT’shoo-!”  There’s no response from Nanami, ‘Unless you count the way his whole body is practically trembling~. Or the chewing on his lip, ya know, I’m not even sure he realizes he’s doing that!’ but one isn’t needed. Instead, Nanami starts tracing the lavender around the base of Gojo’s chin, dragging it up his jawline, right up to the bridge of his nose. Gojo, for his part, starts hitching the second it touches his skin, as if the pollen is soaking through into his nose via osmosis. His eyes snap shut, the tickle swelling-  “Hehh… ahh! Ehhh… hihh-hEH! hEPT-” Just to have it crushed by Nanami’s firm grasp on his nose, pinching it shut. Gojo lets out a whine, nose practically trembling beneath the grasp. They pause like that for a second, Gojo managing to pry his eyes open long enough to see the desperate arousal painted clearly over Nanami’s face, before they crash shut again with another wave of hitching. Finally, the tickle dies down, and Gojo’s breathing evens out. “I thought the point was to make me sneeze, not stop me from sneezing?” “That is certainly a part of it, yes. But you were cruel, doing… that… in public, in a meeting no less, so this? This is going to be just as cruel.” “I never knew you had such a sadistic side, dear. I have to admit-” Gojo pauses, letting his eyes meet Nanami’s, lust burning through his own just as fierce as his boyfriends. “-It looks stunning on you.” Their mouths meet, Nanami gently biting Gojo’s lower lip, eliciting a moan in response, before it turns into a shaky inhale. Taking this cue, Nanami continues running the lavender down Gojo’s nose, right around the edge, tracing each pink and twitchy nostril. “hAHhh- I… I have…. I’mgonna… hehh!”  This time, instead of stopping the sneezes, Nanami lets the lavender rest just under Gojo’s nose, the blossoms gently touching the tip, before letting it slide all the way in. The reaction is instant, and he’s careful to keep the blossom in during the fit, prompting Gojo’s hands to grab Nanami’s hips to brace himself. “ISHH’oo-! hehh’TISHH’ooo-! hEPT’DTSHH’yuu-! eHKSHH’shiew-! nN’GSHH’uee-! hAHH… hehh! neH’KTSHU’yuu-! haAH’GNSHH’oo-!” Gojo manages to meet Nanami’s eyes through his watery gaze, noticing the way Nanami’s legs tremble, hips pressing against his, a moan forming in his own throat as one breaks free from the other man. Deciding to try to put on a bit of a show, Gojo attempts to speak through them, a slight flush filling Nanami’s face at the attempt. In response, Nanami’s hands twitch, moving the lavender still inside Gojo’s nose around, relighting the tickle with a passion. “Oh god Nanahhhmihhh- mM’PSHH’oo-! hEH’MFFSSHH’yuu-! It ti- ticklessobad… nnH’ZSHH’oo-! ZESHH’shiew-! I can’t stop… Ijustgotta- hePT’KESHH’yuu-!  hhAH’ASHH’ieww-!” Tears are fully running down his face by the end, his eyes watering so much he can barely see. Nanami gently places his lips on Gojo’s forehead, pulling the (now soaked) lavender out as the sneezing finally starts to taper off. He softly wipes the tears away, meeting Gojo’s bleary look with a deeply lustful one of his own. “Yo- heH’ISHH’shiew-! Ishh’oo-tishh’oo-! You see- hiHH! holdonnotdone…. hAH’ESHH’yuu-! ‘Scuse me! You seem to be enjoying the show.” There’s a teasing tone in his voice, but the soft blush settling over his cheeks has nothing to do with arousal. Instead, it blooms in response to the soft touch Nanami’s hands are giving him, brushing his hair out of his eyes, wiping the tears from his cheeks. A softness that Nanami is always capable of, but only Gojo ever truly gets to see. The blush spreading across Nanami, however, has everything to do with arousal. A feeling that it seems, he’s reached his limit on containing. Letting his hips fully rest against Gojo’s, he leans in, teeth meeting Gojo’s ear. Their breath catches at the same time, Nanami’s releasing in a moan against the flushed skin of Gojo’s neck, while Gojo releases his in the form of- “hH’hEPTShhh’ooo-! nGT-! hh’DTSH-! kNXT’shoo-! Ohgod- ashh’oo-! tishh’oo-ishh’iew-hAH’ZSHH’yuu-! Hehh…!” “B-bless you.” Nanami offers in the pause, he can only keep the whimper out of his voice for so long it seems. ‘It’s honestly impressive he held out this long’. In the pause, Nanami leans back up, mischief flooding his eyes as he waits for Gojo to start hitching in earnest, then pinches his nose shut right as the fit starts again. A desperate look is all Gojo can get in before the tickle takes over completely. “Nahhhnami whatareyou- nNGT-! DNNT-! GNXXT-! P- please I haahhhh-! hH’nGXT-! Knntt’shoo-! ehh’DXGT’shoo-! Nanami it- hAH’gehDNTT’shoo-! It’s just gonna- heH’XGT-! DTNNGT-! Nxxgt’shoo-! Gonna keep going if you don’t let me…. Letme…. Ihaveto… heH! hh’NXGT’shoo-!” Despite the pleading, and the desperately itchy look Gojo’s face has twisted itself into, they both know that if he actually wanted to, he could easily pry Nanami’s fingers off. However, Gojo keeps his hands pinned under his legs, not even attempting to raise them.  “Bless you. Use your words, Gojo. You’ve certainly never had a problem using them before.” “hEH! Nanami I have- ohgodnotagain hH’NXGT-! dgxnnt’shoo-! ktnXGT’shoo-! I have to sneeze-! nN’GTkk’shoo-!” “Bless you love. You seem to be doing just that. What is it exactly you’re asking for?” Gojo lets his mouth hang slightly open, though at this point, it’s not exactly a choice, he’s still human after all, he needs air. But the way he lets his tongue brush against his lips is entirely for the show. “Please let me release the sneehhh-! Sneezes.”  “Clear and concise. See, I knew you had it in you. You have permission.” With that, Nanami removes his fingers, and waits- And waits…?  “hEH-! Ahhh… hihhIH…. hEPT-!guhhhh…. Hehhh…”  Nanami feels his mouth run dry as Gojo’s breath catches, over and over, his pink nose twitching, not unlike a bunny. “nAhnami- god it… it tickles so… I can’t…. I just… hehh-! hAH! Guhhh… hehhh…huH-! HEPT-! Fucking hell… I just…”  Normally he’d receive a punishment for the swearing, but given the current situation, Nanami is feeling forgiving. Gojo’s entire body is starting to tremble with the desperation of his nose. Nanami bites his lip harder, body trembling for a whole different reason. Both of their eyes are glossed over, yet again, for different reasons. Running a hand through Gojo’s hair again, the moan coming from the blue-eyed-beauty only half from the tickle still tormenting him, Nanami leans forward once more, bringing his warm lips to Gojo’s flushed skin. His breath is hot on Gojo’s neck, his teeth sinking into the sensitive skin. A moan falls from Gojo’s mouth as Nanami lets his lips touch his ear. “Nahhnami… I… Ihaveto- hehh! to sneehhhh- sneeze-!” The response that creeps out from Nanami’s mouth is as much a moan as a command. “Beg me for it, Satoru.”  A playful smirk briefly flashes across Gojo’s face, before he lets his eyes flutter closed once more. He allows his breath to hitch for a minute, savouring the way Nanami’s hips grind against him, before forcing his voice back out, not even needing to exaggerate the whining tone. “P- pleaahhh… please… hehhh! hAHH!… please Kento, let me sneeze~! I… I need to so-heHH! so bad….” With that, Nanami leans in, letting their lips meet, hungry and trembling. Gojo gasps against the feeling, pulling back to suck in a deep breath, before pulling Nanami back into it with just as much hunger. They stay like that for a moment, caught in a battle of wills and tongues, before finally, Nanami lets his nose brush against Gojo’s. Shivers shoot down both of their spines, moans spilling out of them in harmony as Gojo rears his head back, having only enough time to duck his head into Nanami’s chest before the long-denied sneezes take their revenge. “Th-thankyou- hAH’heTscH’oo-! hH’ZSCHH’yuu-! Hehh… hah’ketCHH’ooo-! mMpSHH’oo-! nN’KTSHH’yuu-! hePT’ISHH’iew-! mMFFSHH’iew-! hAH’RASHH’uue-! Oh that one was looudd-heH’KSHH’ooo-!” With a brief break, Gojo gasps, letting some air fill his lungs again as the tickle fills his nose. Nanami reaches over to the table, grabbing a handful of tissues, and pressing them to Gojo’s nose as the next wave of sneezes overtakes him. “iSHh’oo-! heH’tiSH’oo-! ASHH’iew-! nN’hetCH’yuu-! mmSHH’oo-! MMPSHH’oo-! heH’mPFShh’iew-!”  “Bless you, Satoru. Blow, while you can.” Gojo does he’s told, letting a harsh blow out, pausing for a few sneezes to slip through- “hEH’ktSHH’oo-! ashh’ieww-! hH’ESHH’oo-!” “Bless you. Again.” He follows the command willingly yet again, knowing he couldn’t resist if he wanted to. After another blow, Nanami switches out the tissues for clean ones, gently cleaning up Gojo’s nose. The feather-light touch of his fingers through the tissues is enough to prompt another small fit from Gojo, which he catches, planting a light kiss on his forehead. “Ishh’oo-! Tishh’oo-! heH’ketshh’iew-! hAH’ashHH’iew-! ishh-tishh’oo-heH’ISHH’yuu-!” “Bless you, love.” “Thank you.” Nanami sits back, letting Gojo sit up fully. Both men are panting, a fierce hunger still burning in their eyes. Gojo lets his hand slide around Nanami’s hips, pulling him in for another deep kiss, this time he nibbles on Nanami’s lip, a light chuckle breaking the kiss at the way Nanami whimpers. “Shall we finish this in the bedroom, Nanami~?”  There’s no answer. There doesn’t need to be. The way he grips Gojo’s arm is answer enough, pulling him up off the couch. They both take a pause to breathe, before they start laughing like teenagers again, a contest to see who can get to the bedroom faster is initiated without words. They never did need words, they have something far deeper. Something that nothing on heaven or earth could ever take away from them. Something true to their very souls. 
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gayelectro · 6 months
Do you wanna talk about Aiden? I haven't seen anyone ship canon Iron Leaguers with OILs here before!
I would love to!
I know I've seen "OIL" thrown around before, but I'll be honest, I don't know what it means! Happy to hear that Aiden miiiight count as one?
Here he is!
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(Art by @toxiccaves! The big ref sheet is here!)
I dunno if you wanted to hear more about his backstory or his history with Top Joy, so I'll give you a little sprinkle of all of it.
Basically, Aiden was custom commissioned for a furniture store. Mostly just as a huge flex to say "we can afford a mecha". It's a teensy bit advertising, but more than anything, Aiden is a retail worker and a pro mover. He can lift very heavy things with ease and he's really precise and careful. But the thing is, in the Iron Leaguer universe, retail bots are outrageously few and far between. By and large, it just makes more sense to hire humans, they're cheaper and don't run on oil.
So overall, Aiden is a very lonely guy and super isolated from other mecha. Plus, his job (where he works somewhere between 60 to 80 hours a week) is soul crushingly boring. So, like many people, he watches sports to escape. He quickly becomes attached to his local pro basketball team. Since their home court is so close, he ends up getting to go watch live games a lot! The court is the only place he feels connected to others, even though he only spectates.
The Dark Queens is my headcanon name for Top Joy's first basketball team. It just follows what we know of that country's naming convention for DARK Federation teams; "Dark [Noun Relating to Royalty]". And DQ just happens to be Aiden's local team. He was already pretty new to basketball in general when Top Joy joined as their Super Rookie. So naturally he becomes a bit of a super fan himself.
Top Joy is sooooooooo happy to have such an enthusiastic fan, so he in turn makes an effort to get close to Aiden. After all, if Top Joy is gonna be the best Leaguer in the history of the league, he's gotta be good to his fans. They become fast friends. Both Aiden and Top Joy are inexperienced and desperate for attention, so they fit together like peanut butter and jelly. A puppy love blossoms between them. Fan meet and greets dissolve into romantic trysts after work. They're cute and giggly and sweet to each other.
But unfortunately, they feed into each other's worst habits and tendencies. Namely, Aiden is a people pleaser, thinks his opinions make him an expert at things, and jumps to put others on a huge pedestal. Which means that when Top Joy vents about his teammates being mean to him, Aiden calls his teammates jealous, because TJ is perfect and his way of playing is the most entertaining. And TJ will listen and take it to heart, mostly because it's exactly what he wants to hear.
Aaaaaaaand we all know that Top Joy's ball hogging and showboat-er-y eventually got him totally kicked off of the team. Because of how DARK handles things, Top Joy essentially just disappears one day. Aiden's boyfriend is gone without a trace and he slowly pieces together that most Dark Queens fans are glad that he's gone. This makes him further retreat back into his job.
But holy crap, the entire plot of Shippu! Iron Leaguer happens! Top Joy goes through a crazy amount of development and now he's got a soccer world championship under his belt?! The news is crazy enough and big enough to reach Aiden, even in his reclusive state. Aiden tried avoiding talking about his job as much as possible, so it would've been hard for Top Joy to find him, but thankfully it's pretty easy for Aiden to find TJ once he knows what team he's on!
They'd end up reconnecting really easily at that point. Aiden had been heartbroken that Top Joy left without so much as a word, but he genuinely believes him when he explains that it wasn't by choice. Plus, in the time they've been apart, Top Joy has grown a lot as a person. He's a lot more emotionally mature than he was. Sadly, Aiden was sort of frozen in place by the separation and self-isolation. So they probably wouldn't fall in love again, they're now in different life stages, but they would be the best of friends.
Plus, now Top Joy has lots of friends and would be eager to introduce everybody on Silver Castle to his first fan and first boyfriend. They'd love him and he'd get the chance to finally make some more connections, deeper connections, to other mecha. Hell, someone might even convince him to try playing a sport. If anyone could do it, it'll be Top Joy and Silver Castle.
Also this is his voice claim:
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unadulteratedkr · 2 months
2, 18, 19, 46 and a wildcard for you too for the fic writer game 💗
eeee thank you for coming into my inbox and playing with me, Ida 🥰🥰🥰
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
Oh, I absolutely have to outline before I write. Pantsless writers, you terrify me (affectionate). It's not anything very formal, like I'm not doing bullet lists, it's much more stream of consciousness mixed in with me congratulating me on good ideas that get me out of problems I create for myself. It's very chaotic 😂 See below, part of my outline for I am tired, I am yours, where I outright ask myself for help
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18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
It varies! If I'm writing a sequel to something, I'll often have the title picked out before I finish the piece just to keep it thematically tied to the first one. In my Vianton fics, they're all named from Brandi Carlile songs (listen, she's the first person to admit her love songs are fucked up and it fits the Big emotions of a vampire and a werewolf okay I don't make the rules), and the sequel to my actual!KrakenEd fic was pulled from a poem I used a lot as inspiration for the first fic. Sometimes titles come to me in the middle of a piece, sometimes I'm ready to publish and going ".... oh right. Title. For the fic. The fic's title. The title to go on the fic."
I usually pull from poetry or songs for fic titles, but I have some delightful notable exceptions:
-sin is sacred again is titled from the marketing copy from Kraken Rum. No really. I'm not bullshitting you. Go look.
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-it's not something I can share yet here, but I also wrote a nsfw digital tie-in piece for the Tying the Knot zine titled "The 'I Duoy' Newlywed Special", which has that title solely because I wanted to capitalize on the fucking AMAZING name @jackuntiljune came up with for Archie's shotgun wedding boat
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
This made me laugh so much because @poorlyformed will be SO proud to hear that there's a TIE between "reunions" and "rimming" in my collection.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
Ooooo, definitely emotion-driven, but rooted in the characters? Like, I want my writing to evoke emotions, and I write from a very personal place and put a lot of my own heart into my writing, but I also try really hard to make sure that it's rooted in the characters.
Very much how I approach any characters I've ever played too, I think. Like, I bring my own knowledge of the world and of feelings to any part I play, but at the end of the day.... I am NOT a water spirit or an owl or a grad student, and I need to find that character's truth and imagine outside of it, and I try to do that with fic as well. I want to bring what I find compelling to Ed or Stede, but I want to translate it through their characters to make it authentic and fulfilling to THEM.
And for my wild-card, I'm gonna pick, drumroll please [appropriate length drumroll]
#77: Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [insert fic here]?
Because I want to talk about my Stardust AU, Between the Sand and Stardust, which miiiight be my favorite thing I've written?
My favorite scene, bar NONE, was the scene where Stede got transformed into a mouse. One, mouse Stede is literally perfect, Stede as a tiny little dormouse gives me so much joy, but TWO, it's when Ed admits he loves Stede for the first time and it's so ACHINGLY TENDER because he thinks Stede can't understand him so he lets himself be a little more honest about it and ALSO I love it because Stede immediately post-transformation is a dolt and I'm in love with him:
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sporksproxy · 2 years
What if Belos figured out King is a titan ?
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In my notes, I've been calling this AU 'Coven King', but I'm open to name suggestions. Might want to make a comic, please tell me if you would like to see that, I need the motivation,,
I have a couple of ideas as to how this can go down, but after rewatching a few episodes, these are the ideas that I have.
[ around 1k words under the cut ]
Like, Belos asks The Collector what they know about titans, now that he has the portal (or at least the dissembled pieces) but no way to open it. Then, The Collector starts ranting about the "big meanie" who trapped them in the disc, then talks about how they started a cult to kill all the titans. Belos presses on if there is even any blood left, and they just shrug. But, ooooh wait ! The titan did have a baby ! Of course, they were never allowed to play with it, but they miiiight know where it's hidden if given a map.
Meanwhile, King leads his compatriots to his old castle. Then Eda reveals the truth, he touches his horn piece, and runs away, confused and betrayed. Enter the Golden Gaurd, who had been sent to investigate the area (after spending Hours lost in the fog). He sees King venting outloud, dismayed by never being a real king in the first place. So the Golden Gaurd approaches and scoffs, "Nevermind being a king, you're more like a god." King doesn't trust this at first, but comes around to the idea. He starts to run off, excited to tell Eda, but the Golden Guard stops him. While not as good of a manipulator as his uncle, the Golden Guard still manages change King's mind. (some combination of "she always knew and just wanted to keep that power for herself" or "the owl lady will never be safe around you again with this new information out there" or using Belos' supposed ability to speak to the titan, and wanting to return King to his father) Hesitantly, King decides to go with the Golden Guard.
Back at the castle, King would be closely monitored, but Heavily doted on. Treatment fit for a king. During his first night, he struggles to get comfortable enough to sleep, so he asks to take a walk around the castle to help clear his mind. Even though the scouts aren't really supposed to let this occur, they struggle as it contradicts their other orders of listening to his every whim. They figure, as long as they keep a close eye, there should be no issue ! While walking, King faintly hears another kid talking, so he distracts the scouts and slips away to investigate. This is when he comes across The Collector, lamenting alone of their boredom. They quickly notice him, exploding with excitement, rambling about having a new playmate. They urge him to let them out so they can play together, and King obliges. Chaos ensues !
And.. Yeeaaahh, this au is pretty much just an outlet to let my 2 comfort characters interact in a,, less dire context.
Belos would probably be able to turn the situation around, like "oh good, you get along with the playmate I sent to free you", and King doesn't challenge this because Belos scares him. This time The Collector would believe him, as there was no dramatic betrayal beforehand. But now, Belos has to be Extra careful to keep them both content.
After the whole, freeing incident, no scout would ever be in charge of watching either of them ever again. (we don't talk about what happened to those scouts.) Leaving the responsibility to the coven's higher ups:
Kikimora, while not thrilled, doesn't outwardly complain. Although, the 2 definitely have the capacity to annoy her to the point of a mental breakdown. The Collector always finds it funny, but King tends to feel kinda guilty. She's around the castle most of the time, so she gets stuck with the task the most.
The Golden Gaurd is aversive to the task at first, but over time he grows fond of the kids and considers them like little siblings (caleb genes kick in around little bastard boys lol). Neither of them like him very much, because he's So Strict on the rules. But he does like to tell them stories from his missions, and updates King on Luz's condition when he gets the chance. Hunter is also more active in general, so he can keep up with their energy and play games with them.
We don't know much about some of the coven heads, but for those that we do:
Darius does Not have the energy nor patience, but he has been shown to be good at handling kids. Pretends he hates them, but grows a soft spot over time and sympathizes with their unfortunate circumstance. King likes him, The Collector likes freaking him out.
Eberwolf, while observant, is chaotic and mischievous. And putting 3 agents of chaos in the same room is,, ill advised.
Raine would be good at it, using their bard magic to calm the kids down, and their gentle disposition works well. However, their near immediate act of rebellion takes them off the list.
Terra Hates children.
Adrian thinks little of children, but as displayed in his mission at Hexside, he tries to find art in it. Both the kids unwittingly insult and mock him in that no filter way little kids do, and his ego is SO wounded. nearly throws down with a couple of 5th graders.
Emperor Belos himself often has to fill in when the others are busy and Kikimora is off crying in the bathroom. Probably the best at it, given his years of experience with The Collector's antics, and his titan trump card for King. Is easily annoyed, but forces himself to swallow it and put on a good act.
The Collector becomes very attached and protective of King. They're never seen seperate from each other, sometimes to the annoyance of King. After all, this is the first real friend they've had in hundreds, if not thousands of years. And contrary to popular belief, children do have a level of empathy and emotional intelligence naturally. So with someone there that they value, I think they might be able to change for the better. Maybe !!!
I might talk abt the other ideas I've had for different timelines involving the concept, but I've rambled enough for now,,
Oh, and here's the first doodle I made inspired by the AU !
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and I'll throw in an alt doodle from before I rewatched echoes of the past,,
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Ahhh thank you for answering my plenty questions 😃 I can't wait for the dark Ominis fic, and I'm glad to be of service for inspiration about it. If you don't mind answering more, I'm super entertained about this because you have a very big background story on your characters. If this is annoying now, it's okay, you can just ignore 😆 also I'm too shy to ask with my profile so I remain anon forever.
But basically more questions! How many kids would they have and what are the genders and names? Isabel has such a pretty name so I think you have talent in naming. Where would they settle down? Still in Scotland or would they move? If they have earned enougy money, do you think both of them would be interested in buying or making their own manor? I don't know if you answered this already but what is Ominis's work, and if it pays enough to support Isabel and their children. Also, do you think their children would be sorted into houses not Slytherin? Isabel is Slytherin, but the children still have Gaunt blood, so maybe they will all still be in Slytherin.
I wanted to ask nsfw questions but I don't think you will allow. Sorry for my plenty questions. Tysm 😃
I’m never annoyed by questions, I’m so happy and very grateful you enjoy my rambling! Always feel free to ask 💚 And if the number of smut fics that are starting to outweigh my sfw fics is any indication, you are more than welcome to ask anything nsfw, I don’t mind at all :)
Eeheehee so Isabel and Ominis have three kids: the oldest is their son named Joseph, their middle is a daughter named Jane, and their youngest is their other son, Theodore.
Right now I have them in a fictional countryside area somewhere west of London, probably in Somersetshire? I am such a huge Austen nerd and I watched a lot of clips from that 2020 Emma adaptation during lockdown, so just imagine that countryside setting lol. Their house was passed down from Isabel’s father as a wedding gift. Basically it’s something like this:
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Your next few questions can actually all be wrapped up into one answer! When it was clear that Ominis had his heart set on Isabel, the Gaunts began harassing them and, after intimidation didn’t work on Isabel, they jumped straight to attempted murder—as typical Gaunts are apt to do lol. The two needed someplace quiet and far away from the wizarding world to stay safe, and that meant choosing occupations that minimized their contact with other wizards/witches. Since Isabel’s father was getting ready to retire and choose one of his children to take up the head of the family business anyway (an imports business, mostly doing business with muggles), it was convenient for Isabel to inherit the business and the house and put a spell of protection over it. As purebloods with little outside experience, she and Ominis had to learn how to interact with muggles, conduct business, host guests, appear as non-magical as possible, etc.. But with both of them running the company together as business partners, they earn plenty to maintain the house, have a few servants for housekeeping and cooking, and lead an overall comfortable life. They blend in well with their landed gentry neighbors, basically, although as wizards they don’t truly fit anywhere in the Victorian social hierarchy. The closest equivalent for them miiiight be baronet/baronetess.
I think their oldest, Joseph, would be a strong candidate for Slytherin. He was the only child to inherit parseltongue abilities and tends to be a bit more like his mother in personality. He's very interested in proving to everyone, and himself, that being blind doesn't stop him from doing anything he wants to do. Jane is definitely more of a Ravenclaw tbh. She’s a bit more subdued, and as the middle child she usually plays the peacekeeper amongst her siblings. I think Theodore would fit well in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but putting him in Slytherin is my first choice. He's a bit more cunning than ambitious and will likely take over the family business next.
Thank you again for all your fun questions, I love getting to answer them!
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Spring Break is usually a time to spend at the beach. How would you tickle someone's feet while they were buried in the sand?
I'm absolutely going to do exactly what was done to me once ~ I will make your helpless wiggly feet a work of beach art~
But first I'll need to inspect those cute soles, all sticking out with toes wiggling ~ funny thing about being buried at the beach is that you not only get to enjoy the breeze and occasional water droplets from the surf kissing your sensitive skin, but there's also the sand grains. Ahh yes ~ it's so infrequently talked about with beach tickles, but if you've ever been buried in the sand and tickled you'll know exactly what I mean. No matter what at the beach you'll get sand on you, and when your feet are propped up so nicely like this, the bits of sand are surely going to find their way over here. They bury in the wrinkles of your soles, get under and between your toes, cake on your heel ~ you can kick and struggle all you want but it gets everywhere. And then it adds to the friction on your skin, tiny little bits that get pushed around and add an extra layer of tickle teases. Anakin knew some things. Do you think he ever got buried in the sand and tickled? I bet he did and that's why the rant, he knew Padme was going to do it to him, bury and tickle with sand ~ funny thing to think about while I inspect those soles hmm? Why, I'm only just barely tracing your foot and you're going crazy. Maybe we need to get some more sand on these legs ~ I'm sure it won't get more of those little grains on your soles.
The other funny thing about the beach is all the random stuff around. Is there any other place on the planet so laden with feathers? If the beach isn't evidence of a divine tickly design, I don't know what is ~ of course, we all know about the gull feathers and I'm going to be finding a little collection to insert between your toes slowly. Hold still, this miiiight tickle. We'll slide one between the little toe and, is it the ring toe? What do you call this one? Yes, this one I'm poking with a feather tip. The not so pinky toe? Well anyway, here's a feather to go between that toe and the middle toe too. Hey, I wonder if anyone can flip someone off with their toes? Can you do that? Maybe if I tickle your other toes and make them curl. Yeah? No? Tickle tickle? Ahh, we'll try again later. Here's a biiig feather for between your big toe and index toe. There we go, so many lovely feathers to sit between those toes. And for your other foot ~ why no, I'm not going to repeat feathers. I have something sillier for these toes. Look, I found some seaweed ~ Ahh, it's sooo wet and cold. Hold on precious, this is gonna feel a liiiiitle tickly ~ because I'm going to wind it between your toes, starting with the biggie, and around and around and then over to the next toeeee and then eee, tickly tickly toesies~ to the next and there we go, and tickle tickle, ah yes, such a lovely wrap for your toes. This is like a spa treatment. No I'm serious people pay top dollar for this and I'm doing it for free. Aren't you so lucky? I mean, you're laughing, you must be enjoying this~
And then we take the end of the seaweed and let it lay over your foot like sooo~ as it dries the breeze will make sure it keeps grazing and brushing your wrinkly tickly sole. Isn't that neato? And you know what else is neat? Your foot is holding my feathers ~ so any time I want to take a feather tip and play with your sole and instep, I can pluck this one away slowly and there we go, flutter that feather and make your feet dance for me. Coochie coo cutie~ you can't go anywhere can ya? Tickle tickle tickle~! You can just lay there and laugh your silly head away and enjoy the beach while everyone gets to hear your squeaky giggles ~ Ahh, but now your toes are empty ~ hmmms. Ooh look, I found a seashell. I bet this will fit riight on top of your pinky toe. It's like a little crown. Better hope there's not a pinchy crab in there precious ~ Ooh..Oh no~ I see one! It's heading right for you! I'm trying to fight it off but it's too tickly oooh gosh cutie it's headed riiiight for your foot! Eeeee it's getting all pinchy right on your sole! No that's definitely not me holding a muscle shell and pinching at your ticklish skin no way no how ~ but a shell is mysteriously floating up and nestling between your toes and moving that feather out. Sorry, I can't stop it! Beach magic I suppose~
But that means I have two feathers to play with now. And we're gonna see which foot is more ticklish ~ the left or right. Right or left? Tickle or tickle? I think tickle tickle. And tickly tickly tickly tooo~ Can you feel those feathers moving the sand grains around? It's such a scratchy itchy silly tickle, no? I knowww ~ I know how much it tickles precious, I really dooo~ why do you think I'm doing it?~ Yeahhh I know~! Aww~ I think you're ready for sand masterpieces ~ yesss, we're gonna make drippy castles on these toesies~ I have my cute purple flowery bucket right here that I know you've been watching and wondering about and we'll just take this wet sand and let the dribblies fall from above. Aww, does it just tickle so bad? The wet heavy sand droplets falling from above, hugging your ticklish spots and drying out there? Too bad, we have castles to build and you're the wiggly giggly foundation. Ahh, I suppose I'm the foolish girl building her houses on sand mmm? Oooh there's a good one, drippy drippy drippy right on your big toeee and awww ~ toequake, and it's gone. Silly goose, you just destroyed my castle~ And you know what beach bullies get? They get kissy kissy tickles ~ Sooo my pink bucket is full of nice cold water, and first we rinse your feet with a nice pour and nowwww I'm just gonna warm your toes up with a nice kissy and licky licky loo~<3 Yes, my tickly tickly tongue will clean up all those chilly water drops mmmh~ and right between the toes and under each one and down your sole ~ kissy licky up there and finally we kissy all those lovely hot spots ~ Muuuah muah.
And guess what? We're not done. Oooh no. Your feet get to dry out and enjoy the breeze now, feeeel that tickly breeze with sand grains while I come up a little closer. Ooh yes, I'm gonna tickle that cute neck with my feather and your nose too~ buuuut we're also gonna do some excavating. There's buried giggles in these parts partner. Yes, I'm tunneling down to that tummy~! We're tunneling down, let's seeee I bet there's a nice belly buried here, some hidden gold and it's ooooh my goodnesss! Look at that tummy, all bounce and twitchy. And your navel is sooo full of sand! Lucky I have something with me~ I have my little travel makeup brush collection! These babies are so perfect for impromptu archaeological digs. We'll get that tummy tummy tum all brushed up and cleared of sand so fast ~ yes, brushy brushy. Aww don't fret. I'll keep tickling your silly neck too ~ but the real deal is this bellybutton. Gotta get all that sound out, brushy brushy. Heyy ~ stop squirming silly, you keep getting more sand on this tummy and now I have to start over! Oooh you're right though! We shouuuuld be putting sand in here! Silly me. Silly goose Amy. This here is the perfect site for a drippy castle, isn't it? Ooh yes. Ahh yes, more drippy wet sand to build my masterpiece. We'll drip it riiight into your bouncy divot like sooo ~ and let the sand build up and up and heyyy~ belly quake? Aww c'mon...Well that didn't work. But I'm gonna try it again~
Ooh sweetie pie, so exhausted from your beach tickle tickles? Don't worry ~ I'll get you out and you can lay on my towel with the smiling flowers ~ I have just the thing for you once we get that sand all rinsed off ~ I'm gonna get you alllll massaged up with a fresh coat of sunblock. And don't worry, I'll make sure all your tickle spots are well covered~<3
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t00nyah · 2 years
this is my coroika-inspired team of ocs - team family :] i wanted to post them when i make more info 'bout bucket hat and vintage but i don't wanna draw rn and i'm inpatientttttt
there's one of my cool attempts to draw in ikabook style too i love it :]
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she's the one who started it all. i saw purple sea slugs and thought hey i could make a coroika oc out of this so i did. she's the leader of family and she's the smuggiest bitch ever. she just. laughs at your quote "poor gameplay" when you've got her cornered. she's just like that honestly. even tho she's very annoying at times 'cause of her very unbearable attitude she somehow made it to be that one 15 y.o. internet mom friend to her team. she just listens to her teammates arguing at the side and then goes like 'so we decided then?' and just . doesn't care. she's funny and isn't dependable at all but she's the mom one. (just like me fr)
nylon vintage (who usually goes by just vintage)
oh well idk. he's 16 and is the oldest one of their team but still smh is purble's son. he's like those cold characters who don't really smile not before they kill splat someone, but his smile is so unnoticable that you won't even know it. he just has that kind of a face. he's tired. and his big hobby is engineering. and oh did i mention that he might be a criminal since he's stealing lots of stuff such as weapons from grizzco and golden eggs. he's just like that. he's my little kleptomanic boy who sees a shiny thing and can't help but steal it and do funny things with it. that's all.
bucket hat doesn't have that much of info and i'm pissed that i can't give him much background!!!!! might brainstorm him later :( you can try and give me any ideas if you want to i'm very open to help
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and finally my sweet stripes who's an idiot but a lovely one!
she's 14 and she's cheerful and just enjoys the atmosphere. it's like. nylon and purble are toxic af to other players but she somehow feels at home with them. maybe cause she knows they will actually threaten someone if they hurt her. she would cry over a dropped ice cream and even if purble seems like she REALLY doesn't give a fuck she'll buy her another one to cheer her up, nylon would too and would go like 'fuck it' and buy each member of his team one cause why not.
she miiiight have a whole arc going on... where she takes one of vintage's golden egg and grows it into a salmonid cause she's one of those kids who's very into playing mother with baby dolls. shit could go wrong a lot, but stripes found a little support in my other ocs i posted here before: iwashi is just a designer who loves wild clothing ideas and oh boy making clothes for a salmonid? that sounds interesting. she's making simple clothes for now, but maybe she'll get into it and make more(not like it's really that needed...). oshizushi is an octarian from octo valley who has some expirience with salmonids, she can tell some very funny salmonid biology facts (the ones that no-one in her class wanted to hear lol) and she can definitely tell if something's wrong with stripes' daughter...bubbles! (stripes is a dumb child i remind you.)
oshizushi doesn't approve it much and views it as wrong, though she does wonder if you can actually grow a salmonid child in inkling society. she does what she can to make it as safe to bubbles as possible. she would actually take the responsibility if anything went wrong, because she doubts stripes means it when she says that she'll do the same, cause...child.
bubbles does grow into a slightly weird form of salmonid, but she's kinda healthy? and fresh?
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sanguine-salvation · 10 months
[via bleedinghearth] 🗣 TEDDY BOY
[ Send '🗣' + a character to hear the mun's opinion about that character. - ACCEPTING ]
Oh Teddy, I have known him for a short time and have not yet had the joy of playing much with him, but in the short time I have, he's become a really reaLLY fun presence on my dash.
First off, I am a sucker for dragons. I'll admit it. I dunno if my giant monster dragon OC that I've had for two decades, or the fact that my first tattoo I promised baby!Draig I'd get is going to be Spyro, made it obvious that I miiiight be a little biased, BUT it's not just that.
I love his personality and sense of morals. Something about very powerful creatures, ESPECIALLY THE DRACONICALLY INCLINED, who are generally peaceful and kind and wanting to avoid suffering just really gets me in the heart, y'know? He's such a lovely presence, he's got mischief and fun and a big heart, too. I haven't gotten deep into his lore, but just my few interactions so far? I love how he bounces off Viktor. These two are going to be a riot, no matter what direction their relationship goes, for real. But I love that despite Viktor being a little freak, Teddy believed them and was right there to help when a mutual ally was in danger.
Man, I'd read a book about this man. I'd read a whole series of books about this man. I'd watch the inevitably mediocre Netflix TV adaptation of the books about this man and still love it.
For real, just scrolling through his verse list alone is a wILD RIDE, and I cannot wait to read and interact more. Please at the very least go check out this big gentle man, his stories so far are a delight.
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
I think Joel is just so prone to over tired tears, like he is just so bad at letting himself rest, always wanting to be vigilant, and his sleep debt and poor habits totally follow him into little space and he has anxiety around sleeping, Tess essentially plans crying time into his napping & sleep routine because little guy rarely goes down without some tears, Frank and Bill are so unprepared for having a clearly exhausted tot sobbing out "not!! Tired!!" 3 times a day every day
Oh my gosh yes ;0; !
It's not like doesn't want a nap! But, even when tiny, Joel feels that he needs to stay awake to make sure nobody gets hurt by bad people or infected!
Tess has certainly learned that there will always be tears before a nap, she just lets him cry it out while she does things that help Joel feel like he's able to sleep while "vigilant" (aka: she'll put random toys on the floor around Joel so if ""bad guys"" come 'round, they'll step on the toys and he'll be able to hear them.)
She miiiight have forgotten to mention this to Bill & Frank- well, to be fair to her, she thought if Joel was in a relatively safe area, the lil guy would be able to take his naps with ease.
Whoops- she was wrong xD
Joel is rubbing his eyes as he's aimlessly wandering around the living room after exploring with Bill- to the two older men, that's an indication that Joel is ready for his nap.
But, the moment they're like, "Alright kiddo, how about we get ready for a nap, yeah?"
Then, Joel just looks at them with a panicked expression and starts crying, saying that he's not tired, no nap!! Despite him very clearly ready for a nap
Bill & Frank look at each other, confused as heck- at first they think Joel is overtired, hence the defiance. But, they rule that out. Then they think Joel just wants to keep playing so, they try to tell him he can go back to playing after a nice, he'll have more energy!
That,,doesn't seem to be the case either!
That's when Bill leans over to Frank and is like, "Maybe he's afraid to go to sleep."
Frank gives a confused expression at that, "Afraid? Like, boogeyman afraid?"
Bill shakes his head, "No, more like 'if I go to sleep, something bad might happen and I won't be awake to help'," Bill explains as the two looks to the weepy smuggler.
Frank's face softens, looking back to Joel and goes to him.
"Hey buddy, are you scared something will happen while you're napping?"
Through tears, Joel stiffly nods, "Don' want bad guys to hurt Grandpa n' Grampy," he whispers, looking at the two with those glassy doe eyes.
"Well, you don't gotta worry there," Bill says, gently guiding Joel towards the window, "See the gate?"
Joel nods with a sniffle.
"That gate keeps all the bad guys, infected and cultists out of here. And, if they try to get in, the gate will tell them to go away with force," he explains, "So, no one we don't want in can get in here."
"Promise?" Joel looks over to Bill, with that child-like innocence, clinging to what Bill just said.
Bill nods, "Cross my heart."
With that, Joel nods too, wiping his face on his sleeve with a yawn. Ready for a nap now that he knows they're all safe. ♡
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heartclutter · 2 years
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MILGRAM Trial 2 Voice Lines — English Translation
■ Source:https://milgram.jp/character ■ Artist:https://twitter.com/akka_1172 ■ Translation:HEARTMUSH
Decided to translate the voice lines on the MILGRAM character pages for fun!
CW: animal death mention, implied abuse, guilt tripping
PRISONER NO. 01: Haruka Sakurai
1. Ah— G-good morning, Warden! I'm Sakurai Haruka.   ... What's wrong? Is there something strange about me?
2. This means I was forgiven, right...? My thoughts and desires were... deemed acceptable... right? I-I'm so grateful...
3. The atmosphere about me has changed? Oh! The um, hairpin and clothes and things— were all chosen for me by Mu-san! Mu-san is so kind. She always stands up for me.
4. U-um... I got the feeling we were examined by lots of people... Everyone [the other prisoners] said it creeped them out. But... I was happy... That's weird, right?
5. MILGRAM is... really enjoyable. The guard pays so much attention to me, and Mu-san always looks after me. I've been thinking... it's okay if I don't return to that world, where no one looks at me. 
PRISONER No. 02: Kashiki Yuno
1. Go~od morning, Warden! My name is Kashiki Yuno. Did you remember it properly? 
2. Alright, Guard-san! Thanks so much for forgiving me!  
... You wanted something like that, right? 🙄
 3. Eh? I haven't really changed much. <Sigh> I miiiight be a little cold, though. What a pain. 
 4. These things always go like, "Poor girl, you must have had a horribly sad reason to do something like that!" ... So if there's no reason, I can't do it? That's so fucking stupid. (she doesn't swear but it had the energy) 
 5. Forgive, or don't forgive? That's all just playing house. I can't be warmed up like that. Without being embraced... nope, it's impossible. 
PRISONER No. 03: Kajiyama Fuuta
1. Kajiyama Fuuta. S'been a while, huh, Warden. What've you been doing all this time? 
 2. Why... Why am I a murderer!? What I did— might not have anything to do with those guys's deaths, right?! 
 3. These injuries... That bastard... Kotoko attacked me! I SERIOUSLY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT! <Gasp>...!! Was that your plan!? 
 4. It feels like shit. I'm always... always getting the feeling I'm being accused. ...What did I even do!? I just... I...! 
 5. I wasn't in the wrong. ... I think. If what I did isn't forgivable, then what the hell is what YOU’RE doing now?!
PRISONER No. 04: Kusunoki Mū
1. It's Kusunoki Mū. Warden-san... It's been a long time, right? 
 2. Eh? It's only natural, right? Mū... wasn't wrong. But... Mū believed that Warden would understand. Thank you. 
 3. It was super scary before... But now the atmosphere is really comfortable! Also... Haruka-kun is sweet. He does anything I ask him to. 
 4. My brain was all messy before... but I don't need that. I don't need to think! You saw it, right? Mū... isn't to blame! Right? 
 5. Mū has sort of begun thinking, "It might be nice to stay here forever~". The outside world has only ever done bad things to Mū. ... It's a bit lonely not being able to meet Papa and Mama, though. 
PRISONER No. 05: Kirisaki Shidou
1. I'm Kirisaki Shidou. It's been a long time, Es-kun. Many things happened while you were gone. 
 2. You forgave me, didn't you? ... Even though I asked you not to do so. ...Why? I want to hear your reasoning. 
 3. Conflict amongst the prisoners resulted in injuries, some severe. I don't want anyone to lose their lives pointlessly. As a doctor, I have to do anything I can about this. 
 4. [Sighs] I just don't know... Why was I forgiven? It's just as I said. I stole so many lives. You heard the song, and saw the footage, right? Then why...? 
 5. I had said I wished you would not forgive me. However... It is true that thanks to your forgiveness, I was able to save the lives of the prisoners. Now I no longer can say I wish to be found guilty.* If I am not alive, I cannot protect their lives. 
  *language used asserts that this is a regrettable thing
PRISONER No. 06: Shiina Mahiru
1. I'm Shiina Mahiru. It's been a while, Es-kun. I... missed you... 
2. You didn't forgive me, did you? Does that mean my love is a sin? Does that mean... there's no reason I should be alive? Well... I already knew that, you know? Ever since that day... 
3. These wounds... I think it was Kotoko-chan, while [you were] sleeping, maybe... If Shidou-san hadn't taken care of me... I'd... probably... be dead.  ... It doesn't hurt, though! Compared to the pain in my heart from not being forgiven by you... It doesn't hurt at all... 
 4. This whole time, I heard voices that doubted and accused me. I used to think love would never lose to anything, but... It hurts knowing you aren't wanted, huh? 
 5. While living in MILGRAM... I really fell in love with everyone! I also love Es-kun! But... My loving other people can't be forgiven, right...?
PRISONER No. 07: Mukuhara Kazui
1. Good morning. <An amused chuckle.> Warden, could it be you haven't fully woken up yet? I'm Mukuhara Kazui. Remember me now? 
 2. I was... forgiven by you... Is that about right? Thinking about it all, I've got some complicated feelings... Well, I wonder. Maybe it's only because I'm speaking from the safety of already being forgiven. 
 3. I myself have not changed much at all. Yuzuriha-chan attacked some of the prisoners. I was able to protect Fuuta-kun, but I couldn't make it in time for Shiina-chan. It was a terrible affair.* 
  * this line is more accurately translated as, "__ did a terrible thing", but kazui doesn't use personal pronouns in the phrase, so it could imply that either kotoko did a terrible thing in attacking others, or that his failure to protect mahiru was a terrible thing. my personal onion is that it refers to both ^_^ 
 4.  I definitely came out of the womb a liar. <Laughs> Don't worry. I'm certain you'll see through my lies this time around.. When that happens, I'll receive your thoughts and feelings with open arms. 
 5. I don't know what the aim of MILGRAM is... But I'll stop any fights as much as my body will allow. Ah. <laughs> This isn't me trying to earn your forgiveness, though.
Prisoner No. 08: Momose Amane
1.  Momose Amane. Don't disappointment me any further than this. 
2. "Unforgivable" was the decision you made, huh? If you don't properly review* your decision... We won't be able to forgive you either. 
* revise, reform, basically to do formally i.e in education re-evaluating a paper 
3. Kirisaki Shidou... His conduct goes against our taboos. I issued him a warning, but if he continues, I will have no choice but to hand him a verdict. If you don't want that to happen... You'll have to stop it*. It's possible if it's you, right? 
* [it] is not specified; could refer to Shidou (i.e declaring him guilty), Amane herself, or... MILGRAM? 
4. Good grief... I seriously had hope in you. You're anything but understanding. 
5. MILGRAM's standard of Good and Evil are not in harmony with our own. MILGRAM is NOT a just world. But... we will forgive it just this once. We are quite generous, after all. Take your time, and think it over properly.
Prisoner No. 09: Kayano Mikoto
1. Ah... Warden-kun... It's been a while. Ow— Ow ow... My head hurts...
2. I wasn't forgiven, huh. You're so mean, y'know. Even though I said I didn't do anything... Curse you...
3. Somehow my entire body hurts...  I'm all listless too... Here and there my memory is fuzzy... ... Well, it's happened now and again before all this too... But I feel like it's increasing lately... 
4. There's so much stuff I don't understand...! Really... Why do I have to endure all these horrible things? I can't go on like this...!
5. Oi, Warden-brat... Don't add to my stress any more than this. If it's to protect myself, I'll do anything.* 
* mikoto uses "boku" in all the other dialogue. here, he refers to himself as "ore" (more masculine, bolder?) and says if it's to protect the himself that uses <boku> he'll do anything.
Prisoner No. 09: Yuzuriha Kotoko
1. Good morning, Es. It's Yuzuriha Kotoko, your Fang. 
2. <Laughs> Just as I'd hoped. You were hoping for my help, right? I'll answer those wishes! With all the power I have. 
3. I gave the prisoners you decided not to forgive what they deserved. Since I'm following the MILGRAM system, I didn't knock 'em off* in one go. You're gonna need more time to think things through, yeah?  ... What's with that face? 
*仕留める refers to shooting down animals or opponents. 
4. I was gonna follow your judgment and leave things to you, but. You're real naive, huh? If it were up to me, I wouldn't forgive some of these people. It would have been better if I had been the Warden. Well. Can't win 'em all, I guess. 
5. I'll behave for a while, wait for you to finish your judging. I'll make my move after that. Don't worry. I'm on your side. Together, let us deliver judgment onto those who cannot be forgiven! 
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fandomwave · 3 months
Hey tumblr user @jesibeii, I couldn't heeeeelp but notice we miiiight have gotten off on the wrong foot concerning fandom and interaction and I just, you know, I was turning over what you said in my head for a while and I realized I wanted to come over and offer some brownies
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I realized that I was being what the kids call "An Asshole" in my tags but I also wanted to at least provide some context on the matter, since you know when the poll came onto lawn I wasn't really in the frame of mind to give an entire dissertation on interactivity and contribution on the silly and cursed land that is fandom TM.
Sooo if you'll allow me, and honestly if you don't that's fine too, you can take the brownies and run. I just wanted to earnestly and kindly reach across the isle and examine some concepts.
Just know that in the end of this entire pop up ted talk I'm juggling in my arms with the plate of brownies, that I agree with you:
Fandom has no room for cops. You get to enjoy and do whatever the fuck you want in it. I did not, and do not ever want that to change. Even if the landscape becomes something I don't recognize.
This is gonna get uh, long in the tooth, so I'm just gonna imagine you have one of those lovely porch swings with some bright yellow pillows.
Comfy? Good good ok cool so I'm gonna use your fandom as a springboard because WHOO BOY did BNHA used to be my Jam for a while!
My favorite character is Shinso by the way! I was up to the Chisaki arc in the anime but eventually dropped off, and I was up to chapter uuuh, 350-ish in the manga??? It gets a little blurry from my memory and I'll admit I got a little Tired towards the end before I dropped off there too.
So I think we're on the same page when it comes to passive interaction when it comes to fan-made art! You don't have to have even a remote understanding of the original context to want to enjoy the transformative works that people make
Anyways I wanted to at least start off saying that I do agree in that you don't have to Go Here to enjoy the things fandom creates.
I myself had a laughable amount of Omori fanart before I ever realized there was a game.
And I think I would have been pretty irritated if someone told me that I couldn't look at it or enjoy it for it's composition or color use or emotional resonance because I hadn't sat down to play the game.
You're right, I would be irked as fuck if I went to a public library to read The Chronicles of Narnia and someone griped at me the whole time that I wasn't reading the Bibble
Here's where I get a little confused, and again, PLEASE keep in mind, it is a silly place here, fandom, and my confusion is not condemnation.
Lets say, again using BNHA as the core example here, that I found a fic for Denki/Deku. The person who wrote it made Denki into this really complex and nuanced character. In the fic they mentioned that him and his father had a falling out, mostly because his father was worried that with a kid like him, and his poor grades, he would never be able to cut it at UA.
Deku and him bond over the fact that both of their parents worry for the right reasons about their attendance at UA, and there's even a bit of a grit between the two of them because Denki can't match up to Deku's raw talent, even if he keeps hurting himself over and over for the lack of control, that he wants to prove he can be just as useful, and they have to learn how to navigate that together. Maybe Denki comes to defend Deku more when his quirk hurts him and understands where that comes from given the fact his own causes his brain to short after he pushes himself too hard.
Man there's an ENTIRE chapter dedicated to Denki showing off his lightning points and how he can throw his electricity even further, and Deku gets inspired by the concept, maybe altering his costume altogether to help launch rebar polls to launch off of to move faster in combat!
And I'm enthralled by this, I think that Denki is the best character and I'm so thrilled to get to know this character in canon!
Only to find out he has like, maybe 2 major arcs and is kind of just a gag character.
Or, another example, because lets be real, a large portion of folk characterize Bakugo as nothing more than a mindless abuser. If I only read the most popular fic, I might come to hate this dude.
People mischaracterize Deku all the time as uwu wubby soft boy, and I might be really turned away and think the whole series really IS a waste of time if these characters are as dumb as they are..
To me anyways, fandom is an extrapolation of the source. Without the source, there is no fandom.
And because it's an extrapolation, it's like a photocopy. Every photocopy has some loss from the original. Artistic Telephone if you will. All fandom art that is made and shared is usually transformative in some way from the original which is fantastic!
I think that's why fandom is as weird and silly and stupid as it is, it by it's very nature really can't be taken seriously because it's all just interpretation and speculation and extrapolation on something none of us even own.
I ADORE the idea of someone giving Denki a full fucking realized character in comparison to the original, and hell if I like the work well enough I might magpie some ideas and add it to my own works!
So there is where my example, inflammatory as it was, comes in:
Since fanart and fanfic is an extrapolation of root work, how would someone know if the characterization of someone, or something, be accurate if they've never engaged with the original.
If someone reads a fic (the first extrapolation) where Bakugo is a huge asshole.
Then writes their own fic (the second extrapolation) where Bakugo is a whole new level of monster..
But doesn't know that Bakugo is more.. of an emotionally constipated edge lord..
I think that's where my disconnect and confusion comes from is the idea of loving a work and not having any sort of compass for the 'They Would Not Fucking Say That' radar.
I'm listening to someone's dissertation only to learn in the end that they've never studied the topic.
And I mean, lets be real here, if someone wrote a whole academic essay and I couldn't tell OP never cracked open the source material than like, GOOD ON THEM for logical assumptions and characterization! Insane work that they could interoperate flawlessly from someone else's interpretation.
And to this end, as with all things, someone could name Denki's fucking bloodtype from memory, know the manga by heart and which studio animated specific scenes from the anime, and still turn him into the worst reduction of his tropes in their works. Don't get me wrong knowing the source material doesn't automatically make you a better creator than those who don't
I think the only thing it DOES do is make you a more informed one.
Maybe this also comes from me being uh, how you say, ancient. When women in fic were reduced down to their worst elements. Usually there to be homophobic to whatever slash ship was popular at the time, or just generally horrible. Like imagine if someone did Uraraka dirty in a fic and without any context, any root to check the notes against, you just thought she was Like That.
Not to say they aren't even now. Trust me I have Seen Some Shiiit. But it used to be the default, and canon was a good way to check is that was accurate or not (spoilers it usually wasn't)
So why this big annoying essay? I dunno man, fandom is weird and silly and shouldn't be taken seriously but I also think it's fun to understand people and also get further context in the ways we see things. I wanted to explain myself in a way that wasn't some one liner reddit quip, and I genuinely DID feel really bad making you feel something intense enough to leave the tags, and in all honestly they weren't even that mean aha. If this weird little subculture is gonna survive the corporatization of it's space, the old guard and new guard and everyone in between should help to understand one another as best we can :3
In the end, you're still right.
I should be on my own lawn right now, being unbothered and minding my own business. I hope you don't feel like you're being put on the defense or that I'm trying to be antagonistic here.
This is, an actually earnest means to come across the fence and at least kinda chat about perspectives, how I think active fandom engagement can be skewed without core context, and how passive fandom engagement doesn't require an SAT test on core context. And how yeah, at the end of the day it doesn't matter because fandom is a silly place.
It's just silly. No one should be taking it seriously. If I read a fic from someone who took the worst read on a character they've never engaged with on it's source, but it brought them the most amount of joy in the world to write it, who am I to stop them or to care.
I can find it as confusing as I want, it doesn't matter.
Oh shit I think your sprinklers are coming on, yeah, oh fuck all the flowcharts I brought are just.. getting drenched. You know you can keep the plate btw, I don't really wanna wash it.
Ok I gotta grab these papers before they melt all over lawn
BTW Idk if you drew it or not but ur icon is very cute!
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loamandlovechild · 10 months
It’s been a minute!
I’m basically just wanting to list foods he likes because right now he basically refuses to let you feed him, so finding baby (toddler? Pre-toddler?) safe food he can feed himself, that works with his allergy, that he likes, that ideally wont cause a massive mess has been a task
-asparagus (ideally roasted with garlic, but he’ll eat it raw- we had a good time playing with it [put it into the pan, take it out, play swords, pretend it’s a telephone] after my “how about you wash it and get involved with dinner prep and learn life skills whilst having fun at the same time!” thing blew up into a spectacular massacre of spilt water and asparagus fronds and shards everywhere)
-zucchini (roasted or pan fried demi rounds or breaded into knock off zoo sticks)
-toasts (with peanut butter, pesto, hummus, etc. the white bean spread I made was less successful but whatever.) this is my go-to and I need to branch out
-dad’s banana pancakes
-quinoa (cooked with strained tomatoes, red pepper flakes, paprika. Mashed up with coconut yogurt or mayonnaise into little balls he can pick up. This is still messy, but not insurmountably so. Usually.)
-pasta (ideally penne. Ideally with dad’s sauce and chunks of veggie Italian sausage)
-mashed sweet potato (with or without coconut yogurt)
-mashed potatoes (ideally with garlic smashed in)
-tomato based things
-tater tots
he likes spicy sauces, garlic, fried shit..
he liked vinegar peppers for a bit until he didn’t
maybe time to branch out and try braised fennel or roasted brussel sprouts? It’s very annoying and demoralizing to cook for him and have him throw it on the floor. It’s stressful trying to figure out wtf he’ll like that at least alludes to health
-salad greens (I think he miiiight like a crisp spear of romaine heart with a garlicky vinaigrette, but who wants to have that shit rotting in their fridge hoping you’ll get around to it?)
-Earth’s Own brand soy milk
-stuff I either didn’t know or forgot about until it’s too late
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sweet-fixations · 11 months
4) Your f/o sends you a drunk/sleepy text. What does it say? 5) How does your f/o get your attention when they need you? 8) A little kid randomly comes up and babbles about nothing to your f/o. Maybe they want to play. Maybe they just want to talk. You know how kids are. How do they react? 10) What’s your f/o’s name for you in their contacts? 14) Does your f/o have good vibes?
:D dfhgkdjd dork!!!
4- I'm not good at imagining late night or drunk texts but i imagine they'd go like this. Kyo is drunk and feeling goofy, but Tengen has had a long night without rest and thought too much about everything. He can be pretty solemn sometimes.
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5- they're both quite touchy, actually. Kyo will call some cute petname, sure, but if that doesn't work (usually if I'm really focused) he'll come and put his hand on my shoulder and call for me again. Usually the warmth of his hand will pull me out of what I'm doing, and the petname helps me focus on him. Tengen is less subtle, and will sometimes wave a hand in front of my face if I'm too focused, or will call me a string of increasingly flashy petnames until my attention is drawn from what I'm doing. Sometimes, if they just want my attention for something quiet though, they'll both just come up and press against my back until i notice. That one rarely takes long
8- Kyo treats every silly lil babble as an entire sentence, nodding along while crouched to the kid's level and asking "And then what?" in a playfully serious tone, hand on his chin the whole time until the lil tot decides he has to go home. He's also an excellent playmate if the kid wants to play, he's gentle when they try to jump on him, and supportive when it's a little team game! Tengen is quite similar, they're not best friends for nothing, though if it's just talk he makes up silly stuff about what the babbling said. "Really? She didn't! And she did WHAT with her socks? No way" as if it were a serious gossip session. If he's pulled to play, though, he can't help but show off and miiiight get a little carried away. Cmon, Ten, they're kids, you don't have to win while standing on your head!!
10- Kyo's is uncreative, but enthusiastic
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Tengen's is predictable but of course he means it
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14- Kyo's got the vibe of a sun-warmed puppy, so absolutely immaculate vibes if I say so myself. Tengen's vibe is different, much more bombastic and scented like gunpowder, but it's FUN, yknow? Both of them have excellent vibes and are also excellent to cuddle with
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noctechoro · 1 year
𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖘; 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖚𝖘’ 𝕯𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
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Taken and edited slightly from my old blog....again. Since I realized this miiiight be a thing I should have here considering. This will be added to/edited as needed. In the mean time if you have any questions or would like me to elaborate further on something feel more than free to toss it my way! Under cut due to length.
He is NOT related to Maleficent. I don’t agree with that theory/speculation so I will not be acknowledging it here.
To put it in the nicest way, he is not a good person, AT ALL. I mean…he’s a villain and honestly I like villains actually, you know, BEING VILLAINS. Though this isn’t to say he doesn’t know how to ‘play nice’ when needed. But essentially there be no ‘uwu sad boy’ here.
In other words tread carefully, for if you manage to get on his bad side you’re going to regret it *COUGH* looking at you Leona *COUGH* since he WILL NOT HOLD BACK. By that I mean you could potentially end up DYING if you’re not careful.
Though, admittedly sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you actually have fallen onto the wrong side of him since he well knows how to maintain himself, much like the Fae of Thorns before him. You’ll find out soon enough of course.
Honestly, he’s gotten to the point of not really caring about whether or not he is invited to things, at least when they are minor, unimportant events anyway. Sure, it’s a nice change whenever he actually is but it doesn’t matter one way or the other. However, being left out of IMPORTANT things is another story entirely but, then again, who wouldn’t be upset about that? But he DOESN’T SULK ABOUT IT, frankly it’s kind of scary how ‘well’ he seems to act about it. (I’m going to make a note here too that I WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING PLOTS WHERE IT INVOLVES HIM NOT BEING INVITED TO SOMETHING cause that gets old so fast and really is that all that can be thought of?)
He cares little to nothing for humans. It’s very rare that he’ll find himself interested in one but there has to be a really good reason for it. If he does, said human should really count their blessings…or fear for their lives, one of the two…maybe a bit of both.
You think it bothers him at all that his aura tends to scare people? Nope, not in the slightest, in fact it’s quite the opposite. It amuses him to no end to see how terrified people can get just from him being around them. 
When it comes to Magift he just uses it as a means to practice his magic and nothing more. In other words, win or lose it doesn’t matter to him, he doesn’t take it seriously at all. In fact he doesn’t understand why it’s such the big deal it is in the first place. It’s just a silly game in his opinion.
Truthfully, he didn’t even want to be part of the team in the first place, he only complied after some heavy pestering convincing from Crowley as well as Lilia. Had it not been for them he wouldn’t have bothered.
He might appreciate the aesthetic of gargoyles but that’s it. There’s no club or anything devoted to them. Why would he bother with such trivial things like school clubs after all?
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Could I ask for hcs on what it would be like snuggling/cuddling with (og) Myers, Bo (tehe), Brahms, and Asa (if you’ll write for him)
😳👉👈 could it be slightly nsfw? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank youuuu!
hiiii >:) i hope you like this!!! it's not super nsfw besides a few mentions of it so sorry for that :(
WORD COUNT: 753 (all four)
WARNINGS: da boys being horn dogs, that's it lol
Out of all of the slashers (besides Asa, they might be tied there,) he’s the hardest one to get to cuddle with you
He just isn’t a huge fan of cuddling and shit
Plus I have a hc that he runs hot so snuggling while trying to sleep is a no go
When he’s cold, sick, or tired that’s your best bet
So, assuming he’s tired and on the couch, he’ll let you snuggle into him
And he miiiight let you wrap your arms around him
Now, if you attempt to sit on him, even if you’re doing it in an innocent way, he’s going to take it sexually
He is No Longer tired lmao
Good time to cuddle is when he makes you ride him while facing him lol
In bed, he’s going to get horny way faster than any other place just because he’s going to be the big spoon and your butt is going to be on his dick and come ON he’s only human
If you’re cuddling purley for some sexy times, he’s a solid 9/10. A 3/10 for normal, fun, wholesome cuddling though
IDC what anyone says my man loves cuddling/snuggling
He wouldn’t ever admit it but he does
We all know he’s handsy so I don’t see that going away just because you’re alone
In fact, it is going to increase tenfold
In the beginning cuddling will 100% lead to sex
He isn’t used to a relationship that isn’t based around sex so he just assumes that’s what you want
But one day it’s gonna click that yes, he wants to hold you, but no, he doesn’t wanna fuck you right now
And he might have a mid-life crisis thinking somethings wrong with him
But he likes being close to you, being able to touch you and know you’re there, being able to smell you
Especially at night!!!!! Oh my god
But anyways
10/10 IDC he’s big enough to kind of envelope you if hes the big spoon and small enough for you to be comfortable when youre the big spoon
And he does really sweet soft shit when he’s snuggling with you (especially if hes sick because hes a big fucking baby)
You’d have a harder time trying to get Brahms to not cuddle you
Very needy and clingy, attached to your hip basically
It’s a 50/50 chance on whether or not its going to lead to sex
He lovesssss holding you but he likes fucking you all the same!
Just depends on how he’s feeling that day tbh
Loves being the little spoon because he likes when you hold him
Will cuddle into you on the couch and want you to play with his hair
It’s when he’s the big spoon that you have to worry about the man just pulling your pants down and fucking you
A big part of the relationship is just holding him/him holding you lol
8/10, a little too hairy for my taste because I know if I lay my head on his chest some of his hair will get in my mouth :-(
The worst just next to Michael
He doesn’t see the need for it
Honestly, the relationship is purely sexual (and maaaaayyyybe romantic the longer you are with him) and that’s only if you met him outside of his, er, extracurricular activities
I don’t see him wanting to/being alright with cuddling someone he kidnapped and held captive
The only way you’re ‘cuddling’ him in that case is if he’s making you ride him
And that probably won’t be likely
(He has control issues the little bastard)
Now, in a relationship relationship
He is probably the type to get mad when you ask to snuggle but oblige and hold it over your head
‘Why do you want to cuddle again? We did that yesterday, don’t you want to do something that I WANT to do???’ like ok we can sit on the couch and watch a bug documentary jesus
A little stiff when he does cuddle you
Big spoon only
Also the type to get mad if you want to be the big spoon because uhm???? He’s the man???? Big man??? Strong???
4/10 lol and that’s pushing it.
Doesn’t always lead to sex but thats because by that point he’d probably be annoyed LMFAO
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