#so i only learned they were brothers when fero got into the game
hydrachea · 2 years
Give me the ship opinions on kaeluc ☆
ship ask game
Kaeluc: Ship It
What made you ship it? Kaeluc is actually one of the two Genshin ships that broke containment and reached me before I even started playing, so I already had a bias (that you, my dear friend, absolutely did not help). Then I started playing and the deal was easy to seal, wow, red/blue duo that had an intense falling out and have a tense relationship to this day, plenty of in-game pandering, and they're brothers? It was a losing battle from the start.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The angst they have is delicious, especially from Kaeya's side. Everything that went down the night Crepus died, the way he knew how Diluc would react but still went through with coming clean... And how he never blamed Diluc for it and cared for his Vision after he left Mondstadt, returning it safe to him when he came back... He cares! He cares!! I also love how well they know each other despite everything, and I love the thought of them possibly eventually making up. They have a whole arc and we're only in the middle of it, Hoyo keeps us so well-fed.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? The whole "brothers vs sworn brothers" debate is pointless, both are true in the first place considering they are sworn brothers but were also raised together with Kaeya being adopted by Crepus, so pick whichever you like best and leave it at that. It really doesn't matter, just enjoy yourselves.
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feroluce · 7 years
4 9 17 22 43 44 63 71 80 95
4. What is the most expensive thing you have bought?
Other than things like my car and my degree, that would be my laptop. Its the one thing I really went all out on, its an ASUS ROG gaming laptop. It set me back a good $1,400.
9. Introvert or extrovert?
Deeeeeeeefinitely introvert. I get a little closer to the middle depending on how much alcohol is in my system, though. 
17. Has anything wonderful happened to you?
You helping me drag myself out of my shell a little bit! Another big one is my little half brother being born. I didn’t think I wanted kids until I suddenly found myself wrapped around his little finger. My little sister is wonderful, too, we get along well despite how different we are.
22. Favorite quote?
A lovely and irate inspirational quote from Church of Red vs Blue:
“But after all that’s happened, you know what I’ve learned? It’s not about hating the guy on the other side because someone told you to. I mean, you should hate someone because they’re an asshole, or a pervert, or snob, or they’re lazy, or arrogant or an idiot or know-it-all. Those are reasons to dislike somebody. You don’t hate a person because someone told you to. You have to learn to despise people on a personal level. Not because they’re red, or because they’re blue, but because ya know them, and you see them every single day. And you can’t stand them, because they’re a complete and total fucking douchebag.”
43. How can people tell you are sad?
Hmmm… I’m not usually aware of what faces I’m making. But probably my resting bitch face gets a little bit more frowny. I tend to isolate myself when I’m upset, too.
44. Do you ever express your true feelings?
To be honest, I have a hard time processing emotion and what I’m feeling, so I’m not totally sure. I think I do, though, without fully realizing it.
63. Do you tell people what you think of them?
I compliment people pretty freely, but only if I mean it. I tend to not voice criticisms, though.
71. Do you sleep well?
Not at alllllll. Unfortunately, one my biggest symptoms of autism/ADD is chronic insomnia. The first day my parents brought me home from the hospital, I was awake 13 hours straight. Even when I was in kindergarten, my mom ended up having to buy me a reading lamp and a massive stack of books because it was the only way to get me to stay in bed when I couldn’t sleep. I can get by with over the counter sleep aids and I function fairly well for what I do get, but I’m pretty low energy as a result.
80. Do you have any funny family stories?
Its a lot of little things. One time we went out night golfing with our dad and his wife and all their friends. Since my little sister and I were small, we snuck ahead of the other group and moved all the glowsticks that showed where the hole was into the sand traps. Then someone hit a bird and the bird ended up closer to the hole than the actual ball did.
Our mom’s husband used to always joke about giving people knuckle sandwiches. After he died, my little sister sent our mom a text asking what his fave sandwich used to be. She was confused and guessed roast beef. Sis sent a picture message that said, “NO, A KNUCKLE SANDWICH.” She had gotten a sandwich tattooed on her knuckle. Our mom just hung her head and said, “Fero, I wanna get mad at her, but I can’t when she pulls shit like this.”
My dad has listened to Pretty Fly by The Offspring since I was a little kid. So when my little half brother was born, I got to sit in the back next to his car seat when he was like 3 and listen to him sing, “AND ALL THE GIRLIES SAY I’M PRETTY FLY FOR A WHITE GUY.”
95. List your favorite people?
There’s my siblings and my mom and sometimes my dad. As far as mutuals there’s you, Hydrachea, milkteaghost, and msfcatlover. Some of my fave people to follow are Auro, beanpots, and phantomrose96. I follow way too many artists to actually pick faves. On Ao3 I love Lulatic, eggstasy, PepperHeights, Ravenesta, and ruthwrites.
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