#what can i say i love incest and conflict
hydrachea · 2 years
Give me the ship opinions on kaeluc ☆
ship ask game
Kaeluc: Ship It
What made you ship it? Kaeluc is actually one of the two Genshin ships that broke containment and reached me before I even started playing, so I already had a bias (that you, my dear friend, absolutely did not help). Then I started playing and the deal was easy to seal, wow, red/blue duo that had an intense falling out and have a tense relationship to this day, plenty of in-game pandering, and they're brothers? It was a losing battle from the start.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The angst they have is delicious, especially from Kaeya's side. Everything that went down the night Crepus died, the way he knew how Diluc would react but still went through with coming clean... And how he never blamed Diluc for it and cared for his Vision after he left Mondstadt, returning it safe to him when he came back... He cares! He cares!! I also love how well they know each other despite everything, and I love the thought of them possibly eventually making up. They have a whole arc and we're only in the middle of it, Hoyo keeps us so well-fed.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? The whole "brothers vs sworn brothers" debate is pointless, both are true in the first place considering they are sworn brothers but were also raised together with Kaeya being adopted by Crepus, so pick whichever you like best and leave it at that. It really doesn't matter, just enjoy yourselves.
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absolutebl · 3 months
Love Sea - A Trash Watch Smolder
Well my BLabies, do you have your drinks ready?
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Are your smores stabbed on dildos, ready to roast over the stinking flames? (Or whatever one prods smores with, I missed that weird American tradition in my misspent youth.)
Can you smell it in the air? The smell of burning trash?
Let the dumpster fire begin. Another Mame offering is upon us.
The Background
The Mameverse tends to interlock, but all signs point to these being entirely new characters. (Click on that link if you want my thoughts on this author/producer and what I feel she does well and poorly.) Meanwhile, here's the brief:
FortPeat - established couple from previous Mame offering Love in the Air AKA LITA (trash watched here).
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How do we feel about them? We likie. They a great pair. Steady, established actors, good a promo, but not too good. Bit one note but can't ask for too much when it comes with such great chemistry.
What do we know about them as actors? Fort is legitimately in Engineering (hilarious). Peat and he started in the industry around the same time with bit parts, but Peat is 4 years older. They do high heat and they do it well. They were quite popular after their first series and have received sponsorships. So they wisely stayed branded and it's nice to see them on our screens again.
Love Sea
While travelling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man.
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iQIYI (AKA icky)
To what degree?
Stick your thermometer into that fire, we gonna find out. 102°C I expect.
Episode One - That's An Outfit We'd All Wear to a Tropical Island
Here’s the thing. Icky has decided (in its infinite wisdom) that it will no longer allow screen caps on mobile devices. Which means you’re going to get my loquaciousness on this dumpster fire with no respite from the unmitigated madness via photos of pretty boys saying stupid things.
So. Read at your own risk.
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I have a bottle of sake and a maple doughnut (don’t knock it 'til you’ve tried it) so let’s get started!
Hold onto your dildo smores BLabies we are in Mame Country. And apparently that country has its very own baby drone to film with now. (Look, the one thing BL rarely needs more distance shots. That’s not what we’re here for, people. Certainly not from FortPeat.)
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Rak, baby, I'm loving the all-black western meets goth-rocker look but that eye make-up is the true star. This is how I shall dress when I visit Thailand next. (Oh, you think I'm joking? Gotta work on my smokey eye.)
Meanwhile, if your suitcases are that expensive, why aren’t they matched?
P'ABL asking the important questions for once.
Speaking of important questions:
Why are siblings always trying to pimp each other out in Mame’s stuff? Does anyone else find this creepy? I think it’s odd to be your sibling's wingman when he's chasing tail. It’s edging into the incest taboo. Oh dear, I said edging and incest in the same sentence, I’m probubly giving Mame ideas.
I’m getting Hometown Cha Cha Cha vibes from Mut.
Rak is such a cat, very picky and stand-offish. Mut is such a puppy. Very conflicting personalities. Not a bad combo. Also Rich/poor. Country/city.
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The "let’s get it on" music is hilarious. But at least Mame doesn't use egregious sound effects in her shows. Well, not as many as GMMTV. Small mercies.
I will say, FortPeat do hurt/comfort very well. Peat is good at prickly fragile baby-girl. Fort is good at cocky arrogant prick. They are good at bouncing off of each other and still showing desire. Frankly, chemistry is not one of their problems. They’re fine little actors. It’s just the story is going to betray them. Characters are going to be inexplicably evil for no good reason. And we are going to feel manipulated as a result.
But right now?
It’s fine.
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And that's it, that's how I feel about Love Sea.
All in all, I’m quite drunk and it wasn’t warranted.
Waste of sake. Not a waste of a maple doughnut. No such thing. Maple donuts are always put to good use.
Okay, so Mame? Just keep it on this level and we'll remain fine. Some light terrorizing and stalking, a smidge of breaking and entering. Nothing more offensive, okay?
But that’s my eternal optimism (and the sake) talking.
Right now I’m not feeling very strongly in any direction about this show. I haven’t been whipped into a verbal frenzy.
This has been a lackluster start.
Kortord tukorn
(sorry all)
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This trash watch has started off as more of a dumpster smolder. A light recycling. (Like Mame and her character archetypes.)
We smokey rather than flaming (Like Rak's FANTASTIC eye makeup.)
Oof, I feel faintly ill. I think that is the sake, tho, not the eye make up. Which was on point! Although when he started to cry, it should’ve started running down his face. Life has very few stand out moments of glory apart from an adorable young man with eye makeup running down his face.
Catch ya next week. More sake, less doughnut.
su su na
Episode Two - Rack's Green Knit Shirt is Kinda Cute
I seriously cannot fault FortPeat's chemistry. And the opening sequence for this ep was intriguingly full of banter and then...
Surprise, BJ!
I do hope that beach is private. Starting with a BJ is very unusual in a BL. We certainly lick live in interesting times.
I feel like I haven't quite been warmed up to a sex scene yet. Kinda came out of nowhere. I mean it IS quite gay, making the prick front and center before the relationship gets going. But I was oddly indifferent to this start.
I'm on gd roll tonight apparently.
You know why? (Well, I'm me, but also...)
I feel like I have license. This show is kinda rude. Is that the word I’m looking for? Yes, rude. It's not very sexy, and it's not quite dirty, it's something else. Rude.
I’m not upset about it. It’s just odd. Like Thailand is trying on some Japanese button pushing for size.
I’m not mad just mildly confused.
Meanwhile, the GL sides are a "whipping girl" trope? Not sure I’ve ever we seen that combo before. Gay mean girls or something?
On an entirely different note, BL universe, I just thought I'd tell you that’s not where a gay man of Rak's caliber puts his perfume. Just FYI. 
I love claiming.
I love a public claiming!
I don’t care if this is Mame.
Also, I am very much enjoying MutRak banter. Actually, I’m pretty much enjoying this episode.
OOOO, I typed too soon.
The second half is kinda dull.
Mame's little moment of "Author insert" was awful ham-handed and on the nose. On the prick? On the ego? She compared her own rampant mischaracterization and audience manipulation to the presence of dragons in a fantasy world? Basically saying: in BL my characters don’t have to be consistent, because that’s part of the genre.
I assure you, sweetheart, there are plenty of BLs and plenty of authors who have honest characterization that stays consistent throughout, and GASP actually bolsters faithful stories and drives plot with a conflict sourced in that consistency. Wandee Goodday... to pluck a randomly contemporaneous example out of thin air. You should try it sometime.
Ooo, now I'm salty.
Episode 3 - But Now, I'm Bored
Before we start....
Linguistics Corner!
Because I got an Ask here's a bit on these two and their pronouns! (We can see if my predictions are correct during the course of this trash watch.) We are in the realm of adult characters not school setting or friendship groups so Rak is using chan/nai and khun with Mut. There is a class & wealth difference with them, + Mut starts out as a kind of employee, so chan/nai makes perfect sense. It's an old fashioned but polite way of speaking that dodges age negotiations. Rak likely doesn't know their respective ages (he could be the older one). To even begin the discussion implies a willingness to use more intimate language so Rak likely doesn't wanna open that can of worms pronouns. He is using both chan/nai and his lack of flexibility around their use as a distancing tactic. Probubly instinctively. Pom or own name would be both intimate and status lowering for him to use. With most adult characters, phi/nong takes longer to establish (if ever), particularly if they start out as strangers. Also, it has much more intimate connotations. And by that I mean: emotional vulnerability not sex. It's fun to pay attention tho, because when these two pronoun shift (and they will) it's likely to be a significant moment in their romantic arc. If I'm lucky we will get a negotiation but that's not really a Meme thing so I suspect Mut will soften his language first. Because of Mut's characterization, and in order to ramp up the romance, I would actually expect these two to (eventually) parlay into rao/ter instead of phi/pom or guu/mueng. But I am looking forward to finding out how it's handled.
And now onto the episode.
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Over a quarter way through and I have absolutely nothing to say. I apologize, this muse be a very boring trash watch. (Imagine how I feel?) I’m too tired to drink but even if there were alcohol in my system, I still think I would have nothing to say. 
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Oh. Is that? Do I sense.... *GASP*
Traumatic backstories for our characters?
From Mame? Who seems to believe that no character can have depth without suffering?
Say it isn't so?
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OK we’re now halfway through this episode and apparently there’s been a Time-lapse of some kind? A couple of weeks?
So this little cat & dog game they’ve been playing has been going on for a while?
I had a huge grin on my face at the moment Ja showed up. I guess I really miss him on my screen. Hi tall drink of water.
Oh, hydration.
Back to the show.
Just two boys with abandonment issues learning how to turn a vacation fling into a relationship mistake.
Also it’s a bit too early for that level of confessional. Isn't it? Well pacing-wise for a BL it feels that way. Are we now about to turn into a country mouse narrative?
On an entirely different note, it’s fascinating to have FortPeat and MosBank airing to high heat BLs at the same time. Especially as they're running on about the same release schedule. I’m enjoying watching 2 pairs both like in chemistry.
I sense a parody coming on.
Two branded pairs, both alike in chemistry, In fair Thailand, where all the cute boys yearn, From ancient grudge to suffer new Mame, Where trash watches make dumpster fires burn. From Fort the fatal loins of these two hoes (I HAD TO). A pair of branded pairs take on the heat; Whose narratives will oft include no clothes, Do with their smooches fight Tumblr critique. Such shameful usage of the dub-con trope, (Contrasted to others thirsty scenes,) Which, but for Mame's brand, all would say nope, Is now 12 eps of angst upon our screens. To wit, if you want sex without my diatribes, Give this a pass and watch Sunset X Vibes.
Thank you thank you. That is for the 3 people reading this who care.
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Where was I?
Or right, no fault to FortPeat. Both pairs are working with the characters and scripts that they've been given.
But right now the sexitimes in this show just feel a lot more service and a lot less genuine (for lack of a better word) then Sunset X Vibes. Now, I know that the characters, narrative, and production company preferences are completely different, but the consummate interplay between surrender and hunger and consummation are oddly similar between these pairs, and yet they're reading (from this side of the screen) completely differently.
I don’t know where I’m going with this.
I just think we have an interesting study in heat and chemistry airing double down right now. And I wonder is anyone else is sensing what I'm sensing.
Writing that sonnet (or whatever) has utterly exhausted me. Nighty night. Don't let the guy-who-took-a-copy-of-your-hotel-key-and-broke-into-your-room bite.
Episode 4 - And Now, I'm Bored & Annoyed
I rushed back from the wilds of foreign climes to trash watch what exactly?
All this time spent establishing Mut as a
pillar of his community
really important lynchpin for oceanic conservation work
striving for his independence
building local friendships and surrogate family
the de facto mayor of this island
And he just leaves for Bangkok to be a boy toy?
And they JOKE about it?
Is the stuff between Mook and Mut supposed to be funny? It's not.
I got so bored I started looking up ways to organize my sunglasses.
Why is Mook so worried about Rak? He’s clearly an asshole who can take care of himself.
What is Mut doing with his life?
What am I doing with mine?
Too early in the series for an existential crisis.
I definitely need to start drinking again for this one.
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Episode 5 - In which I simultaneously got even more bored & more annoyed
This time I armed myself with both booze and sugar. Unfortunately, there are some things even alcohol and chocolate can't cure. Mame is one of those things.
The bullying GL subplot is just BAD.
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I’m getting an overall EPIC SQUICK from the fact that the two rich privileged characters are essentially taking advantage of the two lower class poorer characters. It’s not a power dynamic I enjoy at all. Ever.
So... everyone in Rak’s family is an extreme bitch, including him? Okaaay.
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I mean Rak is pretty and all but I fail to understand the appeal. Maybe Mut just likes bitches? Maybe the sex really is that great?
I tell you, I wouldn’t put up with it.
ARGH. I'm just I’m not finding any of the character dynamics appealing in this show. I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I were back in LITA territory. 
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I’m honestly sorry this trash watch is so bad.
This show isn’t inspiring me into anything but a general feeling of mild annoyance and slight fury.
It's like this rash I had in Stockholm one time.
Startlingly unpleasant, not what one might hope for, but also it could be worse, I suppose.
Episode 6 - In which I get very upset about jealousy
Tonight I'm combining my sugar with my alcohol and drinking chocolate soy milk with chocolate liquor in it. I'm aware that I have a child's taste in booze. The secret is I don't actually enjoy alcohol, I simply need it to survive Mame.
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OK let’s do it.
Rich boy shops when sad.
Frankly, that always makes me feel better too. I prefer the snack aisle myself.
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Oh. Goodie. You get to now watch ABL completely losing an entire brain due to raging at the machine because of one sentence.
Chapter 6: Jealousy is a Sign of Love
Jealousy is a sign of love?! You absolute fuckers. Jealousy is not a sign of love, jealousy is a sign of possession, insecurity, insanity, and often abuse. Jealousy is a sign to dump that shithead as quickly as possible.
I mean, we all understand the story beat: in BL possession is revered and admired and used to drive plot when all other avenues have been exhausted. But you can’t just say it as the title of an episode! That’s too blatant.
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Returning to the traumatic backstory. 
No, actually. Let’s skip that part.
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I do like it when Rak gets all bossy. I love it when a spoiled boy manipulates his man's body to be his bolster pillow. Taiwan is particularly good at this.
Should I just go watch We Best Love for the 1millionth time instead of this show?
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Too tempting.
Where was I?
It’s not even halfway through and I’ve already finished my drink in desperation. And am day dreaming of better shows.
Honestly, I have had many feelings about Meme over the years, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this bored with any of her stuff. I’d rather feel something than nothing.
Meanwhile, the GL moves on from bullying to outright manipulation and gaslighting. Cute. Added French for flavor.
I do like a smile kiss. And a lap sit. And so forth. So Fort.
Yes these two do sex scenes very well.
Give me something more.
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On the bright side... so far... no singing.
Episode 7 - I'm Too Drunk for This
This time, I decided to pre-game. So I went in tipsy. I’m hoping this improves my mood.
Look, I'm doing my best for you here. (Or am I doing my floppyest for you? Eh, same difference.)
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Frankly, what’s really annoying me is that I am neither upset nor pleased with this flipping show. Turns out, I like to be driven one way or the other by Mame. But this show? Nada. It's a VOID.
At this juncture I'd prefer to feel rage than indifference.
I gotta say that thinking about this purely as a soap opera makes me understand it more. I don't like it any better, but I get what's going on. These are the Days of Our BL.
Oh hey, I know that convention center! Best food in the biz.
The revenge bit was fun I guess?
Ooo. Now I kinda wanna rewatch Shelter. It’s been ages. Such a great movie. 
Where was I?
Oh, right, the crazy cousin character. I don’t understand what’s going on with her. Why do we need her? Why is she here? What’s her motivation?
I’m too drunk for this shit.
I'm going to bed.
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Episode 8 - I'm Not Drunk Enough for This
(I detect a theme)
Okay so the hotel wifi is not awful, we gonna try watching icky with it. Always a challenge. Wish me luck!
Wouldn't it be fun if Mut has been conning Rak with this good guy persona the entire time and he really is just after money? I kinda love the idea.
Sadly, I think this is way more boring.
Rak is just a bitch, not even a sublime bitch, but a boring bitch. That's worse than a basic one.
The drama with the dad just seems manufactured. I mean what does the dad want except to be evil?
I mean I know what Mame wants, an excuse for Rak to break Mut's heart.
And now, I'm annoyed and hungry. Imma eat hotel snacks and disappointment in equal measure.
Episode 9 - Perhaps I'm the problem?
I did this already and then tumblr ate it so this time around it's not as witty. Trust me that in the first assessment I was all charm. Now I am all sarcasm.
I enjoyed the random fight scenes. At least something happened. Also the collapsing in his arms was very dramatic.
I can see why Mame reused this pair for this show, because Peat is so good at being broken & fragile (see previous role).
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But also… I feel like I’ve seen all of this before. Oh right, the psychotic breakdown scene in TharnType. The fragile broken uke from Love By Chance. The seme with a heart of gold and fists of steel from… all of them. 
I find this exhausting.
Is anyone else exhausted?
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They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again (AKA watching Mame) and expecting a different result. I must be certifiably bonkers at this juncture.
Second half of this show I begin to wonder one thing. (Well my mind wanders a lot but this particular thought bubbled to the surface.) 
Is this show actually an okay Thai BL?
Wait! Hear me out.
If this were ones first Meme, would it be… fine? In other words, if I didn’t have this storied (or lack of story, nash) history with her creative endeavors, would this bore me this much?
Is this actually just an average mildly enjoyable high-heat Thai BL to others, who are coming to her stuff for the first (or maybe the second) time?
Is it over-exposure or the has traumatized me in this way?
Am I corrupted through overindulgence?
Is this all my own fault?
Should I be taking a break from her? Should I not watch the next 3 productions that she does, and then return to her with fresh feelings of openness and amenable temper?
Is it me who is the problem? 
Yet the act of asking that last question makes me feel like I’m in the same kind of abusive relationship with Mame that Rak was with his father.
Then I feel like I need to drink more. Or see a therapist.
So that’s enough philosophy for one evening.
And then, at the very very end A THRILL DESCENDED UPON ME.
Watching the stinger for next weekI was all… 
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Is this a 10 epper? Oh my God it is! Fantastic. Next week is the last one! I SEE THE LIGHT. 
Episode 10 - The Lingering Scent of Disappointment
Today I am drinking a soju cocktail. Which I can highly recommend. If you're a lightweight but you like vodka, Fresh Soju is actually a pretty decent substitute with a lower alcohol content. 
This has been your bartender lesson for today, moving on.
If the Maa could’ve fixed this all along by throwing the Dad in jail, why didn’t she? Why did she put her kids through all of this bullshit with stalking and abuse? Also the mom character was basically a deus ex machina, except she didn’t even happen on screen. It was action taken to solve what little plot there was... entirely off screen. How weird. I don’t even have a term for that. Bad writing? Recon explanation? Of screen resolution?
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OK, Fort is acting so well in the breakup scene. I adore that “how much do I need to pay you to fall in love with me” parrots the original “how much do I need to pay you to sleep with me”. I must give props for that level of emotional manipulation in a romance drama of this type. 
That said, I feel for Rak, it’s rough to learn that someone else is playing a long game with feelings while you were playing a short game with d**k.
Meanwhile... I have run out of alcohol and I am now eating brownie bites. Because life (and d**k) is too short and so is my patience. 
Why is that tattoo so absolutely terribly obviously fake?
Someone take tattoos and wigs away from Thailand. Just strip them out of all wardrobe departments in the entire Thai film industry. Clearly they can’t handle that level of POWER. It’s giving me trauma.
I do like that the solution to the drama of the break up was an actual sincere and abject apology. Very mature and grown up of you Mame. 
I wish they’d woven the number 8 throughout more of the show, like into the pattern of Rak’s shirts and maybe an earring or cuff.
Did they entirely forget about the GL side not-plot? Or is it just me not paying attention because I’m distracted by brownie bites? 
Regardless, I genuinely let out the biggest yawn during the very ending scene. It’s nowhere near my bedtime.
And… that’s it I guess.
I’m going on the record at this point. I don’t think I can do a trash watch of Mame again. It’s exhausting. And also is it really worth my (or your) time? This screed was so lackluster.
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Final thoughts? 
This is probably a solid 8/10 show but I’m mad I wasn’t madder at it, and mad I was so bored throughout.
So It gets a 7/10 and let us not speak of this again. I’d like to simply forget about it.
Conclusion? I’m left residually upset that FortPeat and all their talents are wasted on Mame. That seems unfair to them. And to us, quite frankly. 
All my trash watches are here:
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sugurouge · 2 months
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— s t i n g : alpha!miya atsumu x omega!f!reader
summary: in a society divided by secondary genders, a young girl is adopted into the prestigious miya family, defying conventions due to her undeniable charm & precious nature. as you grow up, your bond with atsumu shifts, leading to a complex mix of emotions & forbidden desires
content warnings! DARK CONTENT, taboo topics, non-canon obv, (pseudo-)incest, stepcest, omegaverse, heavy topics of jealousy, possessiveness, dubcon marking, begging, very submissive reader, cheating, breeding kink, dubcon knotting, obsession, some blood.
wordcount: 4.6k
fyi: atsumu & reader were pretty much attracted to another since her secondary gender was revealed. reader is one year younger than the twins
a/n: for @goxjo's omegaverse collab! make sure to check out the other works if you've enjoyed my lil story. pspsps thank you for letting me join, aki my luv (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)
──── ✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧ ────
by clicking read more you are agreeing to consume and read dark content.
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In a society where the hierarchies of alphas, betas, and omegas define social standing and family legacy, adoption is a rarity. Families fiercely guard their bloodlines, refusing to weaken their position with the introduction of an outsider. Yet, in the case of the Miya family, exceptions were made when they saw you. Abandoning a helpless young girl you was never an for your future mother. You were too precious to be left behind.
From the moment your adoptive parents met you, it felt like a blessing. Your sparkling eyes and adorable smile captivated them in an instant. You, in all your little glory, were a true delight.
Neither you nor your new family can recall a time before you became part of their lives. The notion of your adoption was never mentioned, for it didn't matter. To you, they were simply your family, your pack. The protective embrace of the Miya family, renowned alphas, became your sanctuary. Under their care, the eventual reveal of your secondary gender was irrelevant. What mattered was the bond, the love, and the undeniable connection that tied you all together.
To your older brothers, you were their cherished little sister—sweet, gentle, and always eager to bridge the gap between them. You strived to ease their conflicts and show your love for each one of them, appreciating their unique qualities and talents equally.
Yes, you had no favourite. You loved them equally, and they both loved you in return, as their family. Until one didn't. Until something changed.
Suddenly, one of them seemed bothered by your mere presence. Always leaving the second you entered the same room, averting his gaze if your eyes were to ever meet, and ignoring your entire being at school.
This intoxicating, honey-like vapour with hints of candied oranges radiates out for metres around, drenching the halls of Inarizaki High and leaving Atsumu drunk on you.
He can't think straight, can’t focus on sports or academics. You’re the unofficial reason girls are now banned from volleyball practice. Even worse, you’re practically banned from his life. The shift from affectionate brother to distanced meanie was too sudden for you to not feel hurt. So much for your sweet sixteen…
You practically ruined him overnight, your secondary gender holding effects unexpected to it. Now, instead of grabbing ice cream as a group of three, it's you alone. Unless Osamu can join, but even that seems to annoy the faux-blond. He seems irritated by everything you do or do not do. You’re lucky if he walks off without saying a word, as every time Atsumu loses control over his emotions you end up crying in your mother’s embrace. He locks himself in his room and tries to rid himself of the nasty thoughts and feelings he holds inside.
But then there are moments...
Moments when he turns soft, when you meet at night by accident in the kitchen and he’s too drowsy to control his instincts. Suddenly, gentle eyes can't seem to look at anything but you. Suddenly, the smallest space between you seems unbearable to Atsumu.
And you let him. You’re no better.
You embrace him, gently running your fingers through his hair, and hum softly—your tender care is utterly captivating. How could his hands not grasp the fabric of your shirt, his arms tightening around you to hold you close, as the warmth between you rises and your hearts beat in unison?
Yet, it all fades at the break of dawn.  Only a faint blend of your scents lingers—reminiscent of breakfast, with comforting notes of cinnamon and sugar. 
It’s as if the scene abruptly shifts, like a sudden cut in a film. The atmosphere returns to its former state, and you find yourself once again only conversing with Osamu. 
Until you turn 18.
Until your first heat starts. Your nest made of anything you could grab in time, stealing blankets, pillows, an accidental hoodie of Atsumu.Something about it seemed so awfully comforting, you couldn’t refuse.
At night, you weep with your face buried in the fabrics, trying to muffle the sounds of your distress while immersing yourself in the rich aroma of cinnamon and spice. You’re burning from the inside, the need to rip your skin from your bones is almost unbearable. Your feverish state leaves you crying under the moonlight's embrace, a trembling plea of desperate longing echoes throughout the night. You crave, you need, more.
But what about your brothers? While they were both forced to wear earbuds and use scent blockers, one suffered just as much as you. Instincts, after all, cannot be completely suppressed.
Atsumu groans, his head sinking into the pillows of his bed as his eyes flutter shut.. God, he loathes this. Loathes having to run his own hands over his physique to remove his shirt. He would much rather feel your soft fingertips dip beneath the fabric and explore his heated torso. Every passing second more agonising than the one before. His only refuge is the enveloping darkness as he presses his eyes shut, desperate to escape the burning torment he's sinking into. He can hear you through the walls, your whines and moans of pain piercing through his solitude.
He really needs to move out.
Your parents welcome you into adulthood, finally granting you the freedom to seek out your life partner, your mate. Yet, your brother won’t even give you the chance to explore this new chapter.
No, after that night, everything changes. He’s unnervingly close, pressing himself against your back, shamelessly inhaling your scent, burying his face in the nape of your neck. He decks you in compliments and constant touches.
Suddenly, he's everywhere around you, determined to keep anyone else at a distance instead. He insists you wear his jackets to school, wrapping you in his scent and effectively isolating you from the world. His overprotective behaviour is so extreme that even your parents are baffled by Atsumu’s mood swings. His intentions unclear as they all believe in the family bond you all have built over the years. 
And you never voice a word of complaint. You would never even dream of challenging Atsumu’s behaviour. In fact, you seem to revel in it.
Despite Osamu’s growing suspicions and the concern it stirs in your parents, their advice falls on deaf ears. Both of you refuse their suggestion: after all, he’s your brother! You feel secure with him close by and aren’t ready to meet your alpha yet. So, your parents can only observe from the sidelines, hoping and praying it’s smooth sailing until the twins move out.
Until the nest is empty.
What they don’t know is how your older brother projects the echoes of your cries and whimpers during your nights in heat onto his fleeting encounters. At 26, he remains resolutely single, every blind date a disappointment, every hookup unsatisfying and hollow. The desire he feels for you overshadows every attempt at connection, leaving him unfulfilled and unwilling to commit.
Everything seems colourless, flavourless-until family calls.
You’ve moved abroad for your studies, seeking to put distance between you and Atsumu, desperate to suppress the sick thoughts and desires that have plagued your mind. You hoped that a change of scenery, far from Japan, would help you start fresh, to find your alpha and live a life untainted by these unsettling feelings.
Yet, returning home for Osamu’s engagement presents an unexpected challenge. The stage is set: the occasion is beautiful, with halls adorned in flowers and sweets to celebrate the festivities. But amidst the elegant decorations, nothing captivates quite like you. Your presence is intoxicating to Atsumu, who can hardly contain himself. Forgive him for losing his composure. Don’t mind the intense stares from across the room, the desire pooling in his dark eyes that burns into your back. Promises made to his brother were forgotten the second he got a glimpse of you.
Suddenly, the suit feels too tight, the necktie suffocating, and his palms dry. Here you are. You, in a stunning dress that accentuates every curve. You radiate a glowing allure that confirms—you're at your prime, ripe for the taking.
A strong arm wraps around your waist, the heat of his body searing through the fabric of your dress. Without needing to turn, you already know who it is; his name escapes your glossed lips. “Atsumu.”
He pulls you close, his presence enveloping you, his voice soft and sheepish against your ear. “I’ve missed ya,” he confesses, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine.
You’ve missed him too, of course. Yet you tried to replace him with someone morally acceptable—a volleyball player from New York, who bore a slight resemblance to your brother. But could he ever truly fill the void left by Atsumu?
The sweet mixture of scents turns sour before you can even reply to Atsumu, before you can admit how much you’ve missed him as well. His fingertips explore your neck, lingering on your scent gland, fainted dents still feasible for his touch. The pressure borders on painful, as he demands an answer with a dangerous edge: “Who?”
If looks could kill, you’d be a dead woman. Your anxious scent mingles with his anger, creating an intense atmosphere that seems to draw everyone’s attention. The events unfold faster than your family can react. You feel the sting of his nails digging into your skin, jealousy manifesting as sharp pain as blood threatens to stain your dress.
Osamu, ever the protector, shields you from Atsumu’s anger, ensuring to guide you out of the halls in a rush. “I apologise for what he did,” the dark-haired twin mumbles, as he patches you up. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this, I promise.” He meets your eyes with a searching look. “He swore to keep his distance. And I thought you’d bring your boyfriend.”
You finally admit in defeat, “He couldn’t make it. I didn’t want to pressure him either—it’s too soon for him to fly over ten hours just to meet my…” You hesitate, casting a glance around the room as a deep sigh escapes you, “…family.”
Osamu nods, understanding. He returns to kneeling in front you, his expression filled with concern. “I hoped that after all these years, Atsumu would have cooled off.”
You cut him off, feeling an odd need to defend the blond. “He never did anything wrong,” you insist, trying to convince both Osamu and yourself as your gaze falters. “I’m just as much to blame as he is.” With this declaration, you rise and offer Osamu your hand, helping him back to his soon-to-be wife and the rest of the guests.
Nothing could have prepared you for the smell—the overpowering stench that no flowers could mask. Atsumu sits at the table, his eyes unfocused as your father speaks to him, the words a blur as his lips move too fast for you to catch. You only learn the outcome of the conversation when your mother asks you to approach your oldest brother.
Standing beside him now feels different, a new layer of fear creeping into your emotions—something you never anticipated feeling from him. “I’m sorry,” Atsumu finally breaks the heavy silence, straightening up to face you while avoiding your eyes. “I guess my protective instincts went a bit overboard after… all these years.” He clears his throat, cringing slightly at his own words.
With all eyes on you, you can only hum in agreement before you’re guided to sit beside Atsumu. The effort to mask the sour scent of his anger and soothe him only possible with you being closeby. You have to forget about your own feelings for the day; after all, the event is meant for enjoyment and celebration. Every smile you force, every laugh you share feels tainted with an aftertaste of discomfort, yet you try to maintain a semblance of normalcy, for Osamu.
But the close proximity—shoulders brushing, hands fleetingly touching, eyes meeting—heightens the tension between you. Your heart races uncontrollably, and shivers travel down your spine, each sensation a reminder of the internal struggle between your morals and instincts.
Atsumu, everso selfless, extended an offer for you to stay at his apartment. It was a gesture of goodwill, though it now feels like an unexpected complication. No one anticipated his behaviour would spiral this much, especially after the plans had been made. Your parents, trusting their children, hoped that Atsumu would have matured enough and that staying at his place would be more comfortable for you. They assumed you were busy enough with your studies and the hassle of flying back home to Japan that they simply decided for you weeks ago.
But as the door to Atsumu’s apartment clicks shut, the reality of the situation settles in. The safety of this space, the sanctuary you hoped for, now feels like a fighting ring where the unresolved tension might only grow.
Atsumu carefully guides you to your room, setting down your luggage, while repeating the same sentence over and over in his head: “Let her in and leave, lock your door, go to sleep.” Yet, as he turns to face you, his presence looms over you like a storm, his hands grazing your neck with a possessive, almost reverent touch, as his eyes lock onto yours.
“Who?” he asks again, his voice a low, dangerous murmur that sends shivers down your spine.
The blockers you’ve relied on falter under the overwhelming force of his scent, a potent mix of spice and raw desire that fills the room and stirs something deep and primal within you. You try to form a coherent response, try to remember the name of your partner, but your mind is consumed by the intoxicating presence of Atsumu. Each breath you take is thick with his scent, and you find yourself struggling to maintain a shred of rational thought.
Your attempt to explain dissolves into a stuttering mess, and all you can manage is a pathetic, “Not you.” The words escape your lips as a weak, desperate whimper, and Atsumu’s reaction is immediate and intense. A guttural groan of frustration erupts from him as he seizes your hips, pulling you roughly against his chest. His powerful arms encircle you, creating a cocoon of warmth that feels both incredibly comforting and alarmingly suffocating.
You can’t deny the wave of relief that washes over you as his scent engulfs you, blending with your own and heightening the undeniable ache between your legs. The slickness pooling in your panties is a blatant testament to your arousal, and Atsumu’s keen senses pick up on it immediately. His fingers dig into your body with a possessive urgency that makes your head spin.
A mental war rages within you: the clear, rational part of your mind screams that this is wrong, that your relationship with Atsumu is taboo and fraught with complications. But it’s overpowered by a darker, primal greed that drives you to clutch at him with a fervent need. You can’t ignore the way your body responds to his touch, the way every fibre of your being craves him despite the guilt and confusion clouding your thoughts.
Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as your lips brush against his neck. A desperate plea slips from your lips, echoing a longing you can no longer suppress. “Alpha…”
Atsumu’s groan vibrates through your body as his lips trail down your jawline, a possessive hunger that makes your knees weak. His tongue flicks over your scent gland, marking his claim with a rasping, “Mine, always been mine.” And it all gets too much for little you. Tears stream down your cheeks as you plead, “Tsumu… please…” Each cry is a mix of desperation and guilt, torn between what you know is wrong and the overpowering need within you.
“You’re telling me you belong to someone else? Yet you beg for me,” he speak lowly into your ear. As his sounds and murmurs fill your ear, the boundaries of right and wrong blur, leaving you surrendering to Atsumu’s fierce desire. His hands grip your waist with a primal hunger, the scent of desire thick in the air as he towers over you. 
You shake your head, incoherent cries escaping your lips. “Just you… Ever always… Tsumu… Yours…” Atsumu’s breath hitches as he nips at your neck, his canines grazing your skin with a tantalising edge that sends shivers down your spine. The primal need within you breaks free, overwhelming your morals.
His erection presses against your tummy, the scandalous sensation causing a moan to escape you. You arch your body, craving the heat and pressure only he can provide. Atsumu’s grip tightens, fingers digging into your flesh as he revels in your response.
“Good omega,” he growls, his voice a low rumble that vibrates through you. His hands explore your body, tracing your curves before sliding under your dress to caress your bare skin. Every touch is electric, fueling the fire between you.
When his fingers brush against your damp panties, Atsumu’s leans closer, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers, “You’re mine, every part of you.” You moan in reply as his touch makes your body tremble, his weight pressing against you with a throbbing intensity.
“Please…” you beg, grinding against him, seeking more friction. “Tsumu… I need…” The energy almost driving you to come undone already, each touch overwhelming your self-control.
Atsumu’s movements are motivated by an insatiable need, his rough hands unrelenting as he pushes you onto the bed. “I need you,” he utters, his voice thick with desire. Your heart pounds, anticipation and desperation spiralling out of control as he undresses, his clothes hitting the floor in a blur. The raw need coursing through you is almost unbearable, each second that passes intensifying your craving. His every movement is a tease, a promise of the release you’re aching for, and your body trembles with a desperate hunger that feels as though you need him to survive.
He tears away your dress with frantic urgency, his lips scattering kisses across your exposed skin. “So perfect,” he murmurs into your skin, his breath hot and ragged. His touch ignites a fresh wave of need as his lips trail down your collarbone, his fingers finding the hem of your panties and stripping them away with fervent determination. “Tell me what you want,” he demands, his voice a low rasp.
When he finally tastes you, his tongue exploring your core with hungry abandon, each lick fuels the fire within. “More,” you plead, “Please, Tsumu, more!”
He hums in approval, swearing to himself to give you everything you crave. As he positions himself between your thighs, his body presses against yours with an intensity that leaves you breathless. Atsumu’s breath comes in ragged bursts as he looks down at you, his eyes dark with an almost feverish desire. “Maybe I should just fuck you senseless,” he muses, his voice thick with hunger. You whine in need, your body trembling as you practically drool over the sight of him. His slightly too-big cock rubs teasingly against your folds, each friction sending jolts of pleasure through your core.
“Gonna fill that sweet little cunt with my cum…” he groans, his words a sultry promise as he coats himself with your juices. Without any further preparation, he pushes into you. The stretch is overwhelming—too much, too good, too painful, yet just right. It’s as if he belongs inside you.
Your body arches instinctively to meet him, a desperate cry escaping your lips as you revel in the sensation. The connection between you both is undeniable, and with each inch that he sinks deeper, you’re consumed by the desperate need that has built up between you over the years.
Atsumu moans in response to your cries, his voice a low growl. “Breed you all day long, fuck…” he continues, his words a promise of unrelenting passion. He pauses for a moment, his hand gripping your hip tightly to hold you in place. The tip of his cock presses deeply into your fluttering walls, each thrust reaching parts of you that make your body shiver.
“Not already coming from just this, are you, baby?” Atsumu growls, his breath hot against your skin. His voice is laced with a mix of teasing and hunger, the edge of possessiveness clear in his tone. When you nod, your soft mewls send shivers through him.
Your arms tighten around his neck, pressing your face against his warm, soft skin as you beg, “Please, plea—ah, take care of me.” Your desperation is punctuated by those pathetic little whimpers, a level of need that drives your Alpha absolutely insane.
Atsumu pulls out of you momentarily, his gaze locked on yours. He groans, “‘Course I will,” before his hips snap forward again, plunging into you with a relentless force. Each thrust is driven by years of pent-up frustration and need, every motion filled with unfiltered desire.
You writhe beneath him, consumed by an overwhelming urge for his bite, his cock, his knot. You crave to be filled to the brim, your body yearning to be stretched and stuffed until you're perfectly round and swollen. “Tsumu” Your voice is desperate, barely recognizable as your own, laced with need. “I'm breeding your sweet little cunt and you’re going to take every. single. drop.” With the last words he already thrusts harshly into you. Big hands claw into your waist, forcing your body to arch helplessly as he dominates you. His thrusts are deep and relentless, each powerful movement making the fat of your ass jiggle. “Such a good bunny…” Atsumu groans, his voice dripping with possessive satisfaction.
“Now, come for me,” Atsumu commands, his gaze fixed on your quivering form. “Come all over me.” Desperation claws at you as you seek your release, your weak hands scratching at Atsumu’s back, leaving red streaks that burn on his skin. Legs spread wide for your alpha, your breasts bounce with every forceful thrust of Atsumu’s hips, connecting with yours in a delightful rhythm. Pleasure clouds your mind, reducing you to a chant of his name, each utterance a desperate plea.
Atsumu's mind roars with need as he looks down at you. He wants to mark you, claim you completely, and breed you. Now that he has you beneath him, he is determined to savour every moment, to ensure you are utterly his. He wants to see you drunk on his cock, to take care of you, his darling omega, until all but him is forgotten.
Atsumu feels you clenching around him, your tightness pushing him to the brink. “Just like that, good girl,” he groans, his voice rough with need. “You’re gonna make me cum.” The desire in his eyes is fierce as he thrusts deeper, the remnants of his control fraying with every movement.
With each powerful thrust, Atsumu's need to possess you grows. He envisions you marked, claimed, and filled by him, an unbreakable bond forged in this moment of passion. The rhythm of your bodies is a dance of primal desire, your cries of ecstasy blending with his guttural groans. The world outside fades away, leaving only the two of you, lost in a whirlwind of pleasure and need.
As you feel the peak of your release approaching, your body tightens around him, every nerve ending aflame with sensation. Atsumu's words, his touch, his presence, all coalesce into a symphony of desire that drives you over the edge. You tremble beneath him, your breaths coming in ragged gasps, your heart pounding in time with the rhythm of his thrusts.
You ache for him to release inside you, to fill you to the brim with the warmth you craved. The slap of his thighs against yours, the wet, frantic noises, and the erratic breaths all that fills the space between you. His strong scent envelops you, mingling with your own, as his fingers find your clit, rubbing with a relentless rhythm. The pleasure is overwhelming, stars exploding behind your closed eyes, your mind unable to grasp anything but the ecstasy he is giving you.
Atsumu’s chest presses heavily against you, a constant reminder of his dominance. “Don’t ever forget—” he rasps, his grip tightening on your hips. “That pretty cunt… these perfect tits… every damn inch of you belongs to me.” His words were a possessive threat, a vow of ownership.
He has you, his delicate omega, completely at his mercy. He's never going to give you away again. He feels high thanks to the way you unravel beneath him, turning you into a trembling, sobbing mess, overwhelmed by the intensity of his touch and the sheer force of his desire.
In that moment, you both reach the pinnacle of your desires, your high-pitched moans intertwining with Atsumu's deep, guttural ones. And he fills you so deliciously. Atsumu’s knot swells, pressing tightly inside you as he fills you with his cum. Each pulse of his release sends waves of ecstasy through you, making you feel as if you’re on the brink of losing yourself. His teeth bite down on your neck, and the stinging sensation sends lightning to course through your weakened frame, chiselling your bond in stone. It feels as though the world has narrowed to just the two of you, your bodies entangled in a state of perfect, overwhelming bliss. “Mine, all mine...” the hushed promised whispered into your nape.
As the sensations finally begin to recede, you drift into unconsciousness, the warmth of sleep enveloping you and providing a hazy escape from mistakes made in the dark.
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alexanderwales · 3 months
Pitchposting: Generation Ship
(Pitchposting is a way of giving away ideas that threaten to grow in my mind until they become draft documents. They are free to a good home, though there's no guarantee that I won't try to write them at some point.)
Alright, hear me out: it's a generation ship, one expected to reach its destination with an entirely new generation of people who never knew the homeland, except instead of being a scifi concept, we're doing it as mundane as possible.
I think this is one of those ideas that only appeals to me because I immediately start thinking about the logistics of it all, and there's something in the mundane, gritty realism that really appeals to me. Mostly I'm worldbuilding and problem solving, trying to get at what it would actually be like for people to have been at sea their entire lives, to have a ship that either needs to endure the waves or be rebuilt as it goes.
I was going to say that this needs to be fantasy, but I guess technically it can be an Alderson Disk or something. An Alderson Disk has a habitable circumference of approximately a billion kilometers, a sailing ship can go maybe eighty miles a day, that's a ballpark of 12.5 million days to circumnavigate the disk, which is 34,000 years. That's a hell of a lot of generations, twice as long as we've had agriculture. (But you could also just have it be a fantasy world that's larger than our own, with a generation ship that was only trying to flee to greener pastures that are a hundred years away.)
The purest version of this story is a world that's just water, to match the void of space. The ship sails, repairs are made from flotsam and jetsam and driftwood from unspecified places, rainwater is caught and put into barrels, pitch is used for patching, fish and kelp are hauled up from the ocean, birds are captured from the sky, and the ship must necessarily endure storms and swells.
I've always felt there was something compelling about constrained living situations, places where everyone knows everyone and you have to make it work because there's absolutely no way out — where you're on a knife's edge because there's only so much preparation you can do. A generation ship needs to think about absolutely all of its needs and how it will deal with the deterioration of all things over time, along with problems that might only crop up once every hundred years, or problems that won't become apparent until long after the ship has left the dock.
Let's say you have a sailing ship the size of one of the largest sailing vessels of the 19th century, a thousand people all told. The families are carefully braided to prevent accidental incest, everyone has their position in life, every master has at least one apprentice but probably more so gout or cancer don't eliminate the last person who knew how to make more pitch.
This is clearly an Idea story, one that starts with a ridiculous premise and then explores it, but one of my favorite things about idea stories is finding the characters and the conflicts within them. For a generation ship, the biggest, most obvious conflict is the conflict between generations: the old people who once knew dry land, the middle generation who will likely die before the destination is reached, and the children who will be the beneficiaries of all this travel.
We have a woman who was born to the sea, who loves the sea, who loves the travel and takes great joy in knowing that she's probably not going to see the end of it until she's ancient. We have the grizzled sailor who's nearly risen to the rank of captain and sees the whole mission as utter foolishness. A boy of thirteen who is obsessed with writing stories about the land they've set off toward and keeps his telescope on the horizon, hoping that the predictions were off, that they're somehow two decades early. A girl of sixteen who doesn't feel suited to the marriage that's planned for her, who is secretly in love with her best friend. A scientist who has been quietly advancing the state of knowledge with every new fish brought up from the deeps.
And then there's the plot, which there are so, so many options for. I would start the novel with simple sailing, a few chapters of the daily routine, the personalities, their petty fights with each other, and the stress of being in the middle of unfathomably deep waters whose depths are only glimpsed when the nets bring up something new. Then ... an island, another ship, sea creatures that have a glimmer of intelligence, a storm that makes the ship limp, spoilage that threatens starvation unless drastic action is taken, a political squabble that might bring all the plans crashing down.
Maybe it's a book about being trapped by the past, or about hanging on by what feels like a delicate thread, or about how systems are fragile and careful thinking and brave leadership are the only things that will get us through.
Mostly I think I want to be a geek about a ship that needs to survive in the ocean for a hundred years, and I do not have the time to write this novel, not when there are so many other novels to write.
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How I think bsd characters (Port Mafia) would react if you hugged them
(Not all members of the PM are here, just the ones I will write for)
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa
-Probably thought you were trying to attack him at first
-Literally almost used rashomon on you when you got closer
-And then you hugged him, and he freaked out x2
-Quietly hugs you back in some confusion
-"Why me?" he doesn't understand why you hugged him
-He's a little thankful you did though, it just means you aren't really afraid of him, or afraid of being near him
-Lets go after a while, quietly thanking you for the hug
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Higuchi Ichiyo (don't really plan on writing her too often but idk)
-Freaking out, blushing, and probably even fangirling all at once
-Hugging you back immediately, thinking about how this is one of the greatest moments ever
-Doesn't want to let go, but does after a few minutes
-Thanking you for the hug, trying to act normally without freaking out
-Happy for the rest of the day
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Chuuya Nakahara
-The most confused person on earth
-You just randomly walked up to him and hugged him? Now he's wondering what's going on
-Is this a type of prank? What're you trying to do?
-Confused yelling at you to ask what you're doing
-Slowly starts to hug you back
-Stays silent for a while and just stands there hugging you
-If you're shorter, he'll put his head on your head or shoulder, and if you're taller, his head is against or on your shoulder (by against I mean his forehead is close to your shoulder but not directly on it)
-Starts calming down a lot
-When you feel safe near someone you love, it can lead you to get tired and sleepy because of that safe state of mind
-Needless to say, he is very tired right now
-He is enjoying this moment a lot, and plans on doing this way more often with you
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Oda Sakunosuke (I don't really plan on writing him at all tbh, but I'll still put him here anyways because why not I had this idea at like 3 or 4 am)
-You were in the orphans room when you hugged him
-It surprised him slightly, but he hugged you back
-The kids noticed, and decided to attack you both with hugs as well
-You got knocked onto the floor with Oda, while the kids giggled and smiled and continued hugging you
-You started laughing too, and the kids basically surrounded you both while hugging you
-You couldn't really see, but a slight smile was on Oda's face while he continued to hug you and the kids
-He will definitely remember this
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Dazai Osamu (not the 15 arc, this is when he's 18 for clarification)
-If he knew you well enough, he'd let you hug him, honestly if he didn't know you that well he'd probably shove you off of him
-He doesn't exactly hug you back, he just let's you hug him and slightly rubs your back
-Doesn't really enjoy or not enjoy it, he's pretty conflicted with what he's feeling
-After a minute or so, he finally hugs you back
-He has one arm around your waist and the other closer to your shoulder, where your shoulder blade is
-He's hugging you pretty tightly, almost afraid to let you go
-If you're taller than him, his head is against your chest (closer to where your collarbone is) and if you're shorter than him, his chin is on your head
-The hug lasts for longer than expected because he doesn't want to let go, he doesn't want to lose you
-I can see him barely speaking during this hug, but also he might just start venting slightly while joking about his problems
-Might start asking for more hugs, probably even daily
-Enjoys the feeling of you hugging him, even if he didn't at first
Thank you for reading! If there's anything you'd like to request, you could message me or comment it. I have put off figuring out the ask box like the professional procrastinater I am, but I will figure it out soon enough hopefully. If you do request something, do not make it NSFW, noncon or dubcon, and no incest please. I hope you enjoyed reading this ♡
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coff-in · 4 months
this can be treated as a request or just idk something random / food for thought or a simple ask. imagine andrew being in love with his older twin brother like to the point of intense fixation on him. and then one day, reader appears back home with the other woman, his mysterious gf who he kept secret until now (dun dun dun…) and she’s quite literally the opposite to the graves physically and personality wise (bubbly, sociable and outgoing). as well as ashley who is starting to be just as obsessed with reader like andrew.
how would andrew react? would he bury his anger and jealousy towards the gf and away from reader? or would he lash out after seeing them so smitten with each other? would he kill her? see her as competition? try and be more touchy feely and groping reader in front of her to assert dominance? would ashley try and do something petty such as spilling a drink to ruin the gf’s top just to humiliate her? so many possibilities….
also btw i love your works they’re lowkey my guilty pleasure esp the ones with andrew i wish he was real 😭❤️❤️
notes from coff-in: OH MY GOODNESS!!! 'i love your works they’re lowkey my guilty pleasure' STOP IT YOU'RE MAKING ME BLUSH AND GIGGLE AT WORK!!! when i started this blog i was honestly not expecting people to like my work and now there are 'nonnies in my inbox telling me that my work is their guilt pleasure!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
[masc] reader-insert, suggestive/NSFW, incest
it'd be so cute and funny to me if andrew just started palming and rubbing [reader]'s cock under the table while the girlfriend is sitting across from them. banger opening, ik
if [reader] had a girlfriend, andrew would probably be so conflicted because 'holy fuck does he like women??? does he only like women????' he'd feel kinda conflicted about it because he could be pinning not only after his brother but possibly a straight guy?? truly scandalous
ashley treats [reader]'s girlfriend the same as she did julia, acting aggressively and hostile towards her. "do you think you really have what it takes to date him? does he even love you?? if he did he would've told us all about you but he hasn't said jack SHIT about you. you're just a distraction for him, i bet. the moment you're out of sight, you're out of mind."
highly doubt that andrew or ashley would kill [reader]'s girlfriend (even if this takes place after the quarantine), but they definitely wouldn't be welcoming to her either. everything has this air of passive aggressiveness to it.
but if it was an intense fixation as you say 👀
andrew does hold [reader] close to him, way closer than what most people would hold their siblings. he'd probably have [reader] situated on his thigh or lap as he talks to [reader]'s girlfriend across from them. an arm wrapped around his shoulder while his hand forces his head on andrew's shoulder, "so tell us, how'd you meet? what did you find appealing about our brother?" [reader]'s girlfriend is sociable and polite for the most part.
imagine [reader] goes to the kitchen to grab a cup for her and andrew comes behind him, pressing himself against [reader]'s back, grinding against him a bit to reach over [reader] and grab the cup for him. it then turns into dry humping, [reader] bent over the counter while andrew humps him, growling in his ear that he doesn't want to see this fucking bitch at their house ever again. andrew doesn't like sharing with strangers, besides, family comes first, right?
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aihoshiino · 6 months
Atp i would like to see how ruby and aqua's relarionship will go. Not in "Yasss incest!" way but more of how they (mostly ruby) realize that they need to go their past lives and accept their relation as siblings. Or at least how wrong it is even if ruby wants it so much. There is no way incest would happen because Aka hates it. I am more interested in their psychological state and their conflict and resolving that conflict.
I don't think we can definitely say Akasaka Loves or Hates XYZ just because none of us know him, but there is a weird sense of like... discomfort or maybe avoidance on the topic of incest in OnK that I find kind of interesting to just poke at in my head sometimes. Because like, one of my main issues with the way OnK has handled the incest since 123 is that it just... well, hasn't.
I know that sounds insane in a post 143 world but going through the way the AquRuby stuff (or lbr just Ruby) has been written since 123, it feels like there's a very clear distinction between the ideas of "Ruby having feelings for Aqua, her brother" and "Ruby (& Sarina through her) having feelings for Goro, her doctor". When the story wants to play AquRuby for laughs, it leans into Ruby being attracted to her brother. When it actually takes things seriously, the framing is almost always Ruby addressing Gorou and the concept of incest is so loudly, conspicuously absent. You can even sort of see this line being drawn all the way back in 123, just at the end where Ruby very pointedly first addresses Aqua and then, separately, addresses "Sensei". It's almost as if she's purposely trying to create a divide so she can have one without dealing with the reality of what it would mean to be with the other.
It's hard to tell whether or not this is intentional in the sense of being part of Ruby's arc but it nevertheless creates a sense of the series wanting to have its cake and eat it too, indulging in the shock value and spicy intrigue of incest as a taboo without meaningfully engaging with it as subject matter. I've described it elsewhere recently as the series exclusively toying with the *aesthetics* of incest, its surface level referential language and set dressing, while resolutely avoiding going any deeper and I still stand by that. The 143 kiss is actually a really good example of this - the imagery is that of two siblings kissing but on that very same page, Ruby reminds us that in her eyes, she is talking to and in love with her "Sensei". The series has conducted this deeply convoluted narrative trick where it can depict what is very clearly incest without it technically being incest. Even when roadblocks to the GRSR relationship are addressed, it's only ever in reference to their age gap and Ruby always frames it as something that *used* to stand in their way but is no longer an issue now she's 18.
On days I am feeling charitable towards the series, I'm inclined to think this is an intentional part of Ruby's arc and that she is, in universe, being a bit delulu about the whole thing as an unhealthy coping mechanism - her being avoidant of emotionally inconvenient truths is something we see popping up more than once, so this being an extension of that tendency would make sense. When I am feeling more cynical, however, I tend towards thinking this is just an excuse to indulge in shocking imagery that generates clicks without ever having to actually commit to upsetting readers by sinking *or* canonizing incest ship. My best guess is that the truth is somewhere in the middle but it must be stressed that this is just my thoughts and I have no idea what goes on in Akasaka's brain.
Anyway this is just a long and rambly way of saying "word". Regardless of what direction the story takes AquRuby, I just want the story to finally fucking commit to something instead of chickening out every time it gears up to do so.
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bredforloyalty · 5 months
Hii would you like to share your favourite fics?? In any fandoms tbh i just trust your taste a lot 🫣
oh i am an animal i don't think i have good taste i have the taste of someone who's always horny and a teeeeny tiny bit fucked in the head jcsgbhy but i'm honored you asked and i'll share<33 you said you don't care if it's more smut or more plot so i didn't worry too much about that 👍
first off, a warning: most of these are explicit, involve incest, rape, child sexual abuse, and more!!! also most of them are on the shorter side + all are male slash! you'll be able to tell based on the pairing and the concept (i'll describe them a little) so just go by common sense and, idk. beware ahaha i'll go from some pairings to assorted and then the rick and morty ones will be under the read more (i feel like i can't leave them out because some of them genuinely made me insane and changed me as a person or allowed me catharsis like very very few fics before and even though it's repulsive to most others i can't deny that. there are big favorites in there. favorites of all time if i'm being fully honest). let's go..
ghost dancer - by the lovely and talented rye @ supersonic1994!!!! noel overdoses on coke. i looove the image of kissing your brother when you think you're about to lose him forever,, does that make sense? love is love is love when one is desperate and if it's deep then it can transcend taboos and boundaries of self and all that shit. you know
things we never see - told through jill furmanovsky, their photographer, noel comes back (after they had almost broken up and he went to san fran without telling anyone). when it comes to them i do love an outsider pov. speaking of outsider pov,
you never notice you are blind - five times alan mcgee thinks he catches something between them and one time he definitely does. it is what it is
i don't really want to know - Nawt consensual, made me a bit sad hehe liam is not sick like him
some that are like, unhealthy jealousy possessiveness dubcon angst and so on: sins like scarlet, fishhook, what am i gonna dream now
hungry til well fed - by the wonderful bug @ deanjohn (and mandymovie)!!! iconic cannibalism fic, just so them
brighter wound - wound blood pain codependency babeyyy
take the things you love - hathfrozen is iconic also.. i loved the heaven fic (you'll find it. if you want) but i want to share this because i like how conflicted sam is about their relationship and about the way dean treats him. smutty though
manhattan for beads - what i wrote down is this is the one where they try and it doesn't work and it's heartbreaking. so yeah candle_beck can be trusted w spn, iconic too
serpent round your heart - one of the first ones i read haha ^^
where the evening splits in half - bug fic also!! all of bug's fics are great do check them out if you're interested in this pairing or dadson at all, seriously.. "Sam says, "I know how you felt about the man." No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t know that Dad was a pig. He has no idea how far down Dean was in the mud with him. How dirty they both were, how much Dad ruined him."
midnight midnight - first time, dean hooks up with men so john can take blackmail pics and he gets jealous and yeah, hooray
and you learn how to settle for what you get - sex again but they're fucked up so it's always fucked up. dean never asked for it
like i'm underwater - by the amazing @ kuleaxoxo!! yayyy power imbalance!! "Mister White's showing him off, isn't he?"
monaco - jesse gifts walt the watch. dubcon
i'm asking you to - rape roleplay, ignored safeword
countercontrol - terence fletcher/andrew neiman, "Andrew leaves; but he always comes back. He likes to think that it’s of his own accord. But then he thinks of those paintings of staircases with the optical illusion of the stairs going nowhere except winding into each other, going the same place again and again, and ultimately going nowhere."
beach fag - roman roy/jeryd mencken, "Roman wishes he was a kid with an adult boyfriend."
the serpent under it - aaron stampler/martin vail, look i fucking love primal fear this is post-canon they get together etc. important to me
simple pleasures - edward nygma/bruce wayne, this is a big favorite i can't leave it out because when this was um coming out i was fucking obsessed. it's long i don't even read long fics
there's a head in the refrigerator - michael afton/william afton, this one's sort of self-explanatory..... i felt we needed necrophilia representation here
rick and morty:
bitter and begging - FAVE.. after the jealousy and possessiveness in vindicators 3 (the episode with the avengers copies that morty is enamoured with. who rick slaughters when he's off his shit and then covertly confesses how much he loves morty basically). this one really got me i think i cried because it's all so sad but um. full of love
that's my boy - this is the first of a series, i like that it's the start of.. the sexual abuse and they're still uncertain like i enjoy the in-betweens and when lines are crossed
love is a solitary thing - this one i love so much, it's about morty's fantasies and unrequited feelings for rick
safe - gen, morty starts talking with another morty whose rick rescues mortys from abusive ricks. i always really liked how the multiverse is like a prism? you can explore the different facets of their relationship and the possibilities and the extremes through it, you can have your characters meet their worst and their best versions, i just think selves from different dimensions are a great tool. in storytelling. and eliciting emotions. anyway rovingotter is fucking solid here
hands - a favorite.. the atmosphere... "He wonders if he'll still be sitting here in ten years, handing Rick his screwdrivers, feeling that hot instinctive rush of pleasure at knowing what Rick is going to ask from him before he even asks: bred for it."
the shape you made me - morty's stream of consciousness. i usually don't give stuff like this a chance but when i tell you that this affected me. because fuck it did affect me
the damage has been done - um..... internal cardiac massage fic 🥴
repurposed - "Is it ethical to leave the horrors of the universe at a boy's fingertips?"
and last but NOT least there's this series that i haven't read in full, just a little bit broken, that fucking killed me. tbh! i sobbed at some parts legitimately. maybe that's just on me i don't know maybe it isn't. the first 5 are crazy. admittedly alcoholism runs in my family too (lol!) and their relationship is so tragic.... this fic is about when rick quite literally stole the kid's dreams, concocted an entire plan to erode morty's love of heists and make him stop writing his heist movie script (and having any aspirations or plans outside of rick). when i watched that episode these are exactly the emotions i wanted more of.. it's madness......
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thedemigodsguide · 4 months
Quick, I need advice of my fellow demigods!
I (14, daughter of Apollo) live together with my two half-brothers, my Mom and my Step-dad. Since my claiming, two years ago, I didn't know that he isn't my biological father and neither did he, but we're adjusting.
Now, I recently met this unclaimed demigod (14) and I KNOW that's against what you're supposed to do but I fell in love with her, even though she showed since of being a fellow Apollo kid.
TURNS OUT, she is a daughter of Lyssa and of my STEP-DAD (he didn't knew about her).
At this moment, I'm at a quest with her and I'm kinda conflicted on what to do. Should I tell her that I love her? Is that some kind of paradox incest? WHAT SHOULD I DO???
Hi, Claire.
Wow! That really is a mess!
I want to say, everyone, please do not blow up on me or cancel me or something. Nor say anything negative to Claire. This is a very delicate and complicated topic. I'm trying to answer this with as much tact and consideration for all sides as I can, but people will often have very differing opinions on such matters.
So, yes, you're lucky that on your godly side, the two of you are not related. The nice thing about relationships in the demigod world is that the gods don't have DNA, and therefore, as long as you don't share a godly parent, then you're considered unrelated. Because of the incredibly complicated train wreck that is the gods' family tree, it's better to just not think about it.
However, it's on your mortal family's side that the issues really come in. I've heard of situations where a family had a long lost kid and adopted another, who then met and fell in love. Sometimes, they decided to break up, and others, they decided to stay together. Because this girl is the child of your step-father, you're technically not related through your DNA. However, you would be legally related as step-sisters which would be tricky to deal with. I honestly don't know much about law and how relationships with that kind of stuff work.
I think you should tell her, not necessarily because I think you should still be fine, but because this is a situation that requires a lot very clear communication. That kind of communication cannot happen without all sides knowing the situation. Ask her what she thinks is right, share what you think is right. Make sure you consider all opinions with equal weight.
Ultimately, it's up to the two of you to decide what you want to do.
I hope this was helpful and gave you an idea of how you want to handle this situation.
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ventique18 · 1 year
Hello, first off I’m sorry you about what recently happen.
I figure I would pop in and give you some reassurance that your not crazy or coming across as aggressive.
This is a shot in the dark however I am on twst Twitter and their recently been a lot of discords about ships, specifically people considering long time friendship ships (like Silver and Sebek or Lilia and Melenora) as incest.
My best guess if that people were already on high emotions, and with your post they didn’t read it as a ‘oh this is just the Japanese translation’ but as a ‘here is proof that you ship is stupid and nonexistent.’
I hope you are doing alright and continue with your posts, they are wonderful and interesting.
(Note, you don’t have to reply to this, I figure I would just give you some idea about other parts of the fandom and where this influx might be coming from).
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you! Yeah, I got the feeling that people were getting defensive and were thinking I'm trying to derail their ship.
The following is not directed to you, but an opportunity to address others:
I'd like to clarify that I'm absolutely, wholeheartedly trying to be as neutral as I can, especially since I have the privilege of being pragmatic on this topic simply because I am not a Lilia shipper, so I don't have any bias whatsoever on who he wants to be in a relationship with.
I do apologize if I sounded like a party pooper, but that was written with a lot of statements that say you can or cannot accept it as romantic or platonic or familial, depending on your preference. I was just of the opinion that the "truth" should be laid out, regardless. If the assumption that Lilia is in love with them becomes "canon" in many EN speakers' minds, just like what most of the reblogs to that post actually thought, it might lead to conflict in the future where other ships, headcanons, or opinions on Lilia might get harassed and close off avenues for creativity and discussion.
I myself consider myself as a deranged MalleYuu stan and like to blow lines out of proportion. 😂 However I, as well as most people like me, do understand that those MalleYuu moments are nothing more than fanservice and a honey trap to make fans spend more, lol.
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lolliepops-rox · 8 months
It's very interesting to me, as a newer Homestuck fan, to see all the extensions for the offical-unoffical archives that 'fix'/remove 'problems' or 'problematic' parts of Homestuck. I was on Tumblr when Homestuck was at its peak and reblogged all the cute ship art, follow the outrageous ask blogs, my best friend did read it as it was still coming out¹. But I never actually read the comic itself, just kind waves from the sidelines. But I wasn't there to experience the big controversies in real time (i.e. 'peachy'). Hussie is not above critique, but I don't think he's a bigot or even a bad person. What he is, is a troll. A classic 2006 'I said something fucked up not because I believed it, but to get a reaction.' Which, I can see to someone who missed that time of the internet, and only knows now. In which people say those fucked up things, to get a reaction and cause they believe it.
And so to see people younger than me, but have joined the fandom at the same time as me, not understand this context, it feels wrong. The things people are willing to sweep under the rug cause it conflicts with their morals vs the things they condemn and blame Hussie for.
Homestuck is a very long, very complicated, but very important piece of art. To not consider every facet of it does it a disservice.
For something made by a 2006 troll, it put a lot of queer characters worth caring about in it. The alpha kids & trolls both exist to be parodies of their beta counterparts. This is partly why Dirk is queer, and that Dirk refuses a label. But is still allowed to opening like, then date, then break up with a boy. It's a response to how the fandom wrote & treated Dave. For those who know it, compare the S19Ep6 of South Park, Tweek X Craig. Matt & Trey, who in my opinion embody the same sort of troll sense of humour Hussie has, handle fandom making their characters being gay quite differently. Tweek & Craig in this EP aren't treated as genuinely queer characters, but the kids trapped in what the town has decided are wacky hijinks of this week. It's not necessarily bad, but compared to Dirk it feels way less genuine.
There's topics I can't talk on fully like the way Hussie's racial biases appear in various characters, as I'm from a completely different country. But in my very non-american opinion, it reads more as 'someone who has never thought to question the stereotypes they were raised with', than as someone who is genuinely and actively racist. There is a difference, and as a mixed kid that's important to me.
I'm not really sure how physically disabled people feel about the way Hussie wrote their physically disabled characters (but if people have written about this I'd love to read and linked to me) but he definitely uses mental disabilities/illnesses as a substitute for the word 'quirky' without thinking much about it (i.e. Nepeta is off-handedly called autistic) it's not really great, but the bar is so low when it comes to these things that my tourettic ass cling to Mituna like a lifeline.
Maybe I had a further point here. Maybe my point was just antis in the Homestuck fandom is still weird to me when there's canon incest. Maybe I've drunk a fair bit of vodka while writing this. I have work in the morning. Good night beloved tumblrinas.
¹she gave me classpect and everything, and it's the one I use to this day, despite having a completely different theory on how classpects work. I also joined a cosplay ask blog despite never reading Homestuck (at the time) cos she asked me to (simp) and bought black lipstick to do AMom.
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hermesgoestojuvie · 7 months
do you have any permes hcs or fic ideas?
oh anon u have no idea what you've unleashed. the permes fic ideas are all i have some days, alas, im not that accomplished at the whole idea to words transition as i wish i was. i'll go into a few more concrete ones under the read more
Quick note: So like. All the things I plan to write happen when he’s 18+. and there's no sibling or parent incest. (bringing that up cause i got an. interesting dm once.) So this is just a quick disclaimer of sorts. And I’m not hating on anyone who wants to write or read something dark! I mean for instance I have a time travel Percy/Hermes brainworm that is considered dark and probably not what a lot of people want to read, so i'll tag it as such.
The One Where There is a War
Explained a little more in detail here but I have no problem talking a little about it again. It was inspired by this one perpollo fic that I'm still looking for so I can link it, bc trust me, it is GOOD. (edit: FOUND IT!!!! HERE it’s by @ghost-bxrd)The premise of that fic was a war between the gods and demigods, and my fic is meant to draw from that as well as some elements from Lore by Alexandra Bracken. It takes place post-second Giant war, but I'm toying with the idea of having the war and all related events, like gaea's rising, happen when percy is maybe 19-20? I'm not sure yet though. I might keep the timeline as is instead. For now, just know that it is post-second giant war.
Anyways, the premise is the new war the demigods have waged on the gods, when Percy, already a conflicted party to the war, comes across an injured Hermes when he is separated from his group of scouts.
2. Warning: Untitled For Now But It Is The Dark!Hermes One
you ever read child surprise by aphroditesfavorite or the breezeblocks series by violetmoreviolent?
Both are perpollo, and while I've not caught up to child surprise (i'm two chapters in, its been in my marked for later for a while, and ive had the tab open for ages, i just keep getting distracted lol) i know that it does deal with a time-travel trope, with percy, post-second giant and titan wars, waking up in the past, the day athena and poseidon compete over athens.
from what i hear, where child surprise is perpollo, there is a dark, forcecful hermes scene, which is absolutely not meant to be shippy btw! i heard from a friend who has gotten farther than me that the aphroditesfavorite has also stated that the shippy comments received about that hermes scene has made them uncomfortable so like, dont go reading it for that guys please.
breezeblocks meanwhile has a take on dark!apollo, a more ancient apollo, in a way. an apollo that you remember IS an olympian and all that may entail. i actually have caught up with the latest updates, and it takes place in the present. i dont want to go spoiling, but I will say that like, the way its all unraveling and unfolding is just so interesting, im high key invested.
@ashilrak and @mrthology have also written an absolutely heartbreaking, gutwrenching, exceptionally glorious banger of a fic, HAUNT ME, THEN- that also really captures the otherness and ancient, almost older, aspect of the olympians.
anyways, the reason i bring these fics up is because i just really love the idea that percy was born from the sea, while also acknowledging that one of my favorite parts of the whole book series in the first place is percy's connection to mortality and to his mother. reading child surprise really was root of a lot of ideas of percy emerging from the saltwater fountain in athens at the time of poseidon and athena's competition, with the idea that the trip to the past coincides with unwanted percy's ascension. it is not the birth of percy jackson the demigod, but in half, percy jackson the deity (the other half near coming to fruition in tartarus before he forced himself to stop.)
all that^ was just a very long way to say, this fic, im not sure WHAT it is yet, or where the direction its going in is, but we have established permes in the modern era, the time slipping happens when percy is struggling with keeping his impending ascension at bay, and then percy deals with a hermes at his like. prime? if thats the word. having to reconcile that with the softer versions they know later.
3. The One I've Been Struggling With
i'm just gonna copy/paste some stuff from my outline, like just the first two pages. this is the most concrete fic wip i have lmao. its all very rambly bc thats how the process goes for me so sorry abt that! anyways, starts below:-
an au that is not modern times, but perhaps in the past? Ancient Greek times? So more “ancient greek minded hermes.” Or if you think there is a better alternative, that would work too, I’m all ears. Trickster god Hermes (which he is) and minor immortal(?) Percy.
i dont know what percy's situation is yet. need to figure that out
i was looking at a comic and thought, trickster god Hermes would definitely pull something like this on Percy. And then I thought, what if, trickster god Hermes, sees this one man (Percy) and falls in love with him. But this man seems to pine for a woman who doesn’t love him back, and so Hermes takes her shape. (I don’t know who this woman would be. Annabeth? It could be her, but I also love the bond Percy and Annabath have in general, she and him are incredible friends. Rachel? I loved her friendship with Percy too.)
Anyways, Hermes taking their shape made me laugh a bit because wow Percy is getting catfished by a god. And then I was like WHAT IF- Percy himself is a minor immortal like. A young nymph-ish type. A prince of Atlantis? A demigod turned prince of Atlantis? I am not sure what he is, but, I am going to use nymph as a placeholder until I figure this out. 
So sure, Percy is immortal, newly or otherwise, but he’s young and still not fully like, aware (I don’t know if that's the right word) about what it means to be immortal because he literally was born 20 years ago, which is normal mortal young man age. And Percy is like, “I’m as old as them and I want to live as them. I was them.”
His father is protective of course, he is aware of the way of the gods and how they chase pretty people. Poseidon warned him about gods, how they come and go, how he should never fall for one because loving one usually ends in tragedy or heartbreak- that to them hearts are easily won by tricks and discarded as easily. (Thinking again: mortal Percy turned immortal by marrying/mating with Hermes? Except, then I thought, Poseidon wants Percy to be immortal–if he thought Hermes showing interest and Percy reciprocating would allow for Percy to choose to be immortal he would probably begrudgingly allow it. So then….immortal Percy? Need to think)
The big Hermes reveal is when Percy is attacked or injured, or some other god shows up, and Hermes saves him but reveals his true form in the process. 
Hermes was like, I will have this nymph, and that is FINAL. And Percy is kind even though he is not necessarily always NICE, (it may be ancient greek but new yorker percy is timeless) he's sweet and cares so much. he’s a hero and so loyal. he's brave and mischievous and genuinely good, and Hermes is just. Blown away, by the way Percy loves, so deep and it consumes you, to be the one Percy cares for, Hermes thinks there is no feeling like it.
Hermes tells himself that Percy can't possibly be deserving of mortal love. So what if golden haired Annabeth (placeholder for now, still dont know if we're going the annabeth route?) is a warrior who can run like the deer and loves the very woods Percy does. No, he needs a god's adoration, a force to be reckoned with at his beck and call to fulfill his every whim the way Percy himself makes others feel. If people would be loved the way Percy loves, everyone would be a god. 
I am laughing at Hermes taking the shape of Annabeth while talking to Percy, but also using the moment to talk up Hermes. Like if Percy is in his starry eyed about Annabeth phase, Annabeth wanting to have a sit down would be so exciting for him, and Hermes as Annabeth would be petty enough to be like lemme proselytize about myself, “have you heard of the great wonderful god Hermes?”
Percy being like, “Yeah my dad tells me every day, stay away from these people and then gives me a list of gods, why?”
Hermes immediately pissy
Percy is still talking, “so yeah Hermes is on the list too- why, Annabeth? Did something happen? you look...not well. Are you sick?”
Hermes, through gritted teeth, “with all due respect to... your father, I think you should hear about the god Hermes because he's not... whatever it is your dad said.”
Percy: Well, apparently the god Hermes fixates on pretty people and tries to get into their pants using trickery.
Hermes as Annabeth: CHOKES
Hermes-Annabeth: THAT IS SUCH SLANDER. I have never.... ahem, i have never heard of that about the god Hermes
^That was the first two pages. there's 11 more of me realizing writing is hard and i have commitment issues. but hopefully i finish at some point bc this is the fic ive poured some serious time in!
anyways, that was the three main fic ideas ive been tackling. i have had more that i immediately forget about, but just know, i can think about them all day!
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litcest · 12 days
do u have any recommendations for teenage sibling incest books? i already read forbidden & loved it, & have added josie & jack to my to-read list since seeing your post mentioning it. i would love to know if there are any other coming-of-age stories about sibling incest that you know of !
Just be careful, Josie & Jack is not a love story. It's a very toxic relationship between co-dependent siblings. In that same style, there's also Flawed by Kate Avelynn, only that in Flawed it's more that the brother is obsessed, but he's not abusive to the sister (just to everyone else).
Love's Forbidden Flower by Diane Rinella starts when they were teenagers, but the siblings don't actually get together until they are in college, because they feel too conflicted about it.
Relations by Carolyn Slaughter follows a incestuous relationship between siblings as they grow up, with the siblings being together since late childhood. Pin by Andrew Neiderman is similar in this aspect, but it's also very disturbing and it's not a cutesy love story (well, most of this recs aren't, but this one is particularly disturbing imo). (I say disturbing but I also gave it 4 starts on Goodreads... what can I say, I love disturbing).
There is Flowers in the Attic by V. C. Andrews, which also begins when the siblings are teenager. And in the same vein as 'orphans parenting the young ones', there's The Cement Garden by Ian McEwan.
If you liked Forbidden, there's the equally tragic Wasteland by Francesca Lia Block. And by tragic, I mean ending in death.
I'm currently reading The Innocents by Michael Crummey, which also follow the siblings as they grow up by themselves. However, I think it's more of a survival story than a coming of age one.
I think that's all coming of age novels I can think off.
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jaxamillion · 9 months
Expanding on my last post about Thrash's concept from the TFB.
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While I was looking through his concept, I came across the words “Pure ID.”
..What does this mean?
It could mean two things.
1, His sense of ID is pure.
Or 2, He’s purely driven by ID.
Today I'm going to be focusing on the second option cause I wanna and it's the coolest
Okay, so let's take a step back. Thrash driven purely by ID. What is ID?
“The ID is the primitive, impulsive part of our psyche driven by instincts and desires.” So if you’re hungry, your ID will tell you to eat. If you want something, your ID will tell you to get it.
How does this fit into real people? There are generally 3 parts of your personality: ID, Ego, and Superego.
The ID is the impulse to have or do something (ID = Remember, Impulsivity driven by pleasure) while the superego is basically your conscience. (Superego = the morals you’ve learned from parents and teachers) The ego takes your instincts from your ID and the morals/information from your superego and finds a way to fit them together so you can get what you want without being morally incorrect (*depending on what your morals are. Most of our morals come from the oldest people closest to us though)
So to be driven purely by ID, purely by instincts and desire, would be really interesting. Imagine a Thrash who would put all morals aside to get what he wants. That's sick asf. (Even if technically he wouldn't have morals to begin with.)
He isn’t like this in the show of course, his morals are very present, like when he defends Mo from Swindle and has conflicting feelings between what he wants and what's right, like when he doubts breaking into the farmer's field. And he just loves his family unconditionally. So not Pure ID in the final show.
But in the TFB all of the terrans are given a defining ‘trait’
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(This also leads to my combiner theory but I'll share that another day :3)
Thrash is described as Impulse. That's exactly what ID is, your impulsive thoughts and urges. This is why I think he's driven purely by ID instead of having a pure ID. It also says before the ID statement that he could care less how others see him, sooo... ya
The ID is, by definition, both completely disorganized and completely unconscious: no one is capable of intentionally acting on pure Id. The Id has no judgments of anything; there is no good or evil and no sense of morality at all. Again I think this would be awesome to see in a character.
It's interesting that Transformers would base a character off of Freud's theory of ID, Ego, and Superego in the first place though. A creative choice definetly, and Freud's theory itself is a good introduction to psychology but by no means explains personality and human psychology as a whole. It would be impossible to put the human mind in 3 categories, it's just too complex.
But Freud is also the same guy who said everyone was attracted to their mothers just because he had an incest problem, so yeah. Do what you will with that information.
Lmk if you want to read more on the topic of Thrash and ID, because I'd be happy to write more.
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esther-dot · 1 year
Tyrion and Jaime seeing jonsa will get Jaime-cersei vibes. Petyr seeing jonsa will get nedcat or petyr-cat vibes. Dany seeing jonsa will get rhaegar-lyanna vibes. Theon seeing jonsa will get theon-sansa or nedcat vibes. All of these either involved in incest, either creepily love Jon or sansa or have feelings for girl they grown together. Do you think it's a coincidence?🤔
I want all of the horrified realizations, anon!
What’s the point in all these parallels and foils if we don’t get some distraught LF: “Not again!”
I definitely think the way Jonsa interacts with so many other dynamics is intentional. The parallels and contrast between characters and relationships are how Martin creates nuance and provides commentary without too much intrusion of an authoritative voice. As in, obviously, incest is wrong, but Martin wants some moral complexity, he wants to prompt readers to think a little more deeply on issues, because after all, villains do bad things, it's not all that interesting or surprising when they do. But, what if our heroes are tempted?
Martin can't leave his conversation about incest with Targcest and Twincest (baddies do bad things, it's very easily condemned), he has to give some good guys a chance to struggle with it. What would good people do with those impulses? And then, being nice, he has a built in "fix" since they aren't actually brother/sister, he can give his characters a moment of relief since in ASOIAF, cousin marriage is fine. Obviously the reader is still gonna have some thoughts, but that’s the point.
I do think the…triangulation is important to Martin, he offers Sansa a marriage with a cousin she didn’t grow up with, a man she did grow up with thinks of marrying her, and she is forced to marry a guy whose family is the enemy of her family. Between the three of them, we have several of the interesting facets of Jonsa. Each of these parallels we find provides shading, makes us question, object, and reconsider.
I suppose, I simply don’t buy that back in the 90s people were romanticizing incest and Martin thought, “I better write about how destructive that can be because no one has told these kids it’s bad.” What an entirely uninteresting thing to say, there’s nothing to explore there. And I’ve noticed, writers write because they have something to say. I know, I know, shocking! 😂 So, making his romance of the series this side of wrong, that’s how he has something new to say, that’s how he pushes boundaries. It pushes us and makes us conflicted on the topic rather than allowing it to remain clear cut. That’s another thing I’ve noticed about him, he’s into the morally grey stuff. Stay tuned for further brilliant insights!
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coff-in · 2 months
OKAY POP OFF I LITERALLY BINGED NEARLY ALL OF YOUR ANDREW GRAVES WRITING <3 <3 good day to be alive! Okay, I think you do such a wonderful job at capturing Andrew’s character, and for some reason that’s just something I can not do at all! I say this because recently I’ve been contemplating what Andrew would act like if he were in a secret relationship with masc! Reader who’s cheating on his girlfriend to be with Andrew. How would Andrew react when he sees Reader and his girlfriend out in public? How would Andrew treat Reader’s girlfriend one-on-one? How would Andrew and Reader act in public, and what would Andrew do to subtly (or not subtly at all) label Reader as his? Fndjdjdjnfnsnndn IM OBSESSED IM OBSESSED BUT I CANT COME UP WITH ANYTHING.
So yeah! I figured I would come to you with this idea because you’re an icon <3 If you’re interested, please share any ideas that you have! Preferably no NSFW, but suggestive content is fine! Thank you!
note from coff-in: this is actually very silly to me because earlier today i was thinking how i don't do andrew's personality and thinking justice in my writing ^^; thank you for your compliments though!
[masc] reader-insert
is cheating on your girlfriend with a taken man more socially accepted than committing incest? /joking
in all seriousness, andrew may feel conflicted with his feelings. especially if he's dating julia at this time, GOD I LOVE THE MESSY SHIT THEY GET INTO <3 andrew would fucking brain blast when he figures out that he's gay or into mascs. andrew falling in love with [reader] is just... grrr!! it makes me feel bad for julia. andrew would suggest that they keep their relationship secret (however i think he would do it in a manner where he hints at it and allows [reader] to offer the idea explicitly) because it wouldn't end well for him if it got out that he was dating/seeing a guy in a relationship WHILE in a relationship himself! a supposedly straight guy! fucking messy... what if ashley hears? would she even accept it?
andrew won't act too different around [reader] when he's around his girlfriend. as far as anyone can tell, andrew and [reader] are good friends, close bros, etc. however, [reader]'s girlfriend can't help but to feel like she's... somehow third wheeling their time together. andrew makes sure to include her here and there to avoid too much suspicion but he's still mainly focused on [reader]. but be sure-- SO FUCKING SURE-- that andrew is keeping his fingers in [reader]'s belt loops. i can also see him brushing his feet against [reader]'s under the table, cause i think it's cute :3
andrew would treat [reader]'s girlfriend... normally, i guess? like how he would treat julia before dating her or how he'd treat a friend. though, i think he would flex his knowledge about [reader] when able to. oh, she getting you something to eat? well he tells her that [reader] prefers this type of food instead of that. she's talking about a show or book? well he and [reader] watched/read something similar like that and, well, you get it. i've seen a lot of analysis about andrew's love or the way he loves ashley being sort of all consuming and i HEAVILY fuck with that. he's such a fucking romantic, he would definitely tell [reader] romantic/love poems and like... maybe even hold hands hehe!
this as cute to answer, i hope it did it justice to you, 'nonnie!!
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