#so i spent several hours last night trying to find attendance lists for that class or find graduation records for the college
girlscience · 9 months
so so sleepy cause i was up till 2am being a freak
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[CN] S2 Victor- Right Now Is The Time (Eng Translation)
⌚ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a company project that is yet to be released in the global server! ⌚
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NOTE: This post features S2 Victor and MC, and takes place some time in between post-Chapter 4 and pre-Chapter 10. And it’s the 4th company project. However, it doesn’t contain any spoilers regarding the S2 storyline. I’ve listed the notable storyline mentions at the end of the post, so no worries about storyline spoilers! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
The day before the show is officially about to be filmed, I’m setting up the apparatuses in the lobby of LFG.
The company’s new variety event “Right Now is The Time” is a workplace observation related reality show, filming the internship of five talented students working at LFG.
According to the script settings, they have to pass a number of tests with the aim of obtaining a formal offer.
In this process, we hope to be able to display young peoples’ ardent love towards life and strive towards improving themselves simultaneously.
The format of this show has been introduced via overseas. I have spent a long time in obtaining the copyright, and also spent quite a long time in convincing Victor to set the filming location at LFG.
Now that the progress is continuing without a flinch, and the filming is officially about to be started, I also can’t refrain from heaving a sigh of relief.
MC: Master, remember to take away all the wires from here when you leave later. Otherwise, the property owner will definitely say something when he sees them on his way to the office at 6 AM.
As I walk around in the construction site, I lower my head to reply to the messages in the group from time to time. Suddenly, as I turn my head, I almost bump into the person standing behind me head-on.
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MC: Victor.... what are you doing here?
Victor pulls away from me slightly, sweeping his gaze at the several cameras hanging high up on the wall.
Victor: This is LFG. What do you mean what I’m doing here?
MC: ....No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, why are you still at the office now. It’s already one o’clock.
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Victor: Just got finished. What have you got up here?
MC: It’s nothing. The master will be done in a moment. It certainly won’t affect your company’s regular work tomorrow.
Victor seems to be about to say something when an abrupt call pops up on my phone. I embarrassedly duck my head at him, and tap on the call button.
Anna: MC, are you still at LFG? We have just gone through the script, and kept feeling that we won’t be able to shoot so much in one day. We have to pick out some contents to delete.
Anna: How about you do a round trip to the office, and we go over it one last time?
MC: Okay. I’m also done here anyway. I’ll go back right now. Are you guys hungry? I could buy some late-night snacks and bring them up.
Anna: No need for late-night snacks. We will try to get it done within the shortest possible time.
MC: Alright. I’ll be at the office within half an hour.
I hang up the phone, and turn my head to look at Victor. Even before I can say anything, he opens his mouth immediately.
Victor: I’ll drive you to the office.
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MC: It’s okay. I can go back on my own. It’s too late already. You’d better go back and rest.
Victor: You also know it yourself that it’s too late.
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He stares at me for a couple of moments, and seems to sigh. Then he takes out the car key from his pocket, motioning me to walk towards the elevator.
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Victor: I happen to be going to the airport. I’ll drop you off on the way.
Victor: I’ll be away on a business trip these two days. If you need anything, look for Goldman directly. He will help you in arranging it.
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MC: OK. But....
Did he set off for going to the airport in the middle of the night, and is going to attend a meeting on the next day straight away? Although I’ve always known that his work intensity is like this....
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Victor: But what?
I fish out a picture from my phone and send it to him, smiling at him jestingly.
MC: I’ve sent you a phone wallpaper.
There are only six words written on the black background with white characters: “Working-class people, working-class souls.”
[ Note: It’s actually sort of a running joke in Chinese “打工人, 打工魂” (dǎ gōng rén, dǎ gōng hún) about the distress of the working class people :(. It has a rhymed version of it in English, but I’m not going to mention it here cause I’m not sure if I should be typing the word haha~ ]
MC: Although I know you are a capitalist, but you are able to understand the spirit.
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MC: CEO Victor~ mutual encouragement!
Before Victor returns from the business trip, I specifically give him a call, wanting to arrange for one of the outstanding performing interns in the show to pick him up at the airport.
I really can’t bear to miss on a good filming material like this.
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Victor is speechless on the phone for about 10 seconds before he finally sighs.
Victor: The audiences with little common sense would know that, it’s not within the turns of an intern to pick-up at the airport.
MC: Yes, yes, yes, it’s certainly not within the turns of an intern to pick-up the CEO at the airport. But CEO....
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MC: You have great compassion towards considering the ratings of my shows. And you also know how important your appearance for this show is....
MC: You promised me, that you could make an appearance in the trailer for at least 3-5 seconds.
Victor: But according to my understanding of you, when you have a great amount of source materials, it’s impossible to have only 3-5 seconds.
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MC: This is no surprise.
MC: You already knew this, and you still promised me. It’s clear that this 3-5 seconds is not the important point. The important point is making the appearance in the appropriate way.
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MC: I think going with this pick-up method is very appropriate!
MC: Just be yourself. Whether you want to speak or not, what to say or how to say it, it’s all up to your pleasure, CEO Victor. Is this OK?
An almost inaudible sigh can be heard from Victor over the phone.
Victor: OK. I’ll arrive at 4 PM on the day after tomorrow. If you want to film the pick-up, make the arrangements in advance.
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MC: The arrangements will certainly be made adequately for you! I’ll ask Goldman for the flight number.
Victor: Your tone sounds like you’re going to make arrangements with great fanfare.
MC: It’s just.... such as, since it’s a cameo, what kind of clothing and make-up....
Victor: No need.
MC: ....
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MC: Yep, yep, yep. No need. CEO Victor will win the show as soon as he steps in front of the lens of the camera. We focus on the authenticity.
Victor: I still have matters to attend to. Let’s leave it here.
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MC: You go ahead. I’ll get in touch with you the moment there is some progress!
Since I’ve received the special authority to shoot, I naturally arrange everything up frantically.
On the day of picking up at the airport, I sit in front of the monitor from beginning to the end, and stare at it from the first second Victor gets into the car to the final second. The result is beyond expectation—
Unexpectedly, he and the intern in charge of picking up hasn’t spoken a word.
The big brother in charge of filming laughs out loud as he looks at it: Playing this segment of 3-5 seconds would do it. Perhaps the audiences are going to feel like they are stuck in the frame.
MC: [ Talking to herself ] ....Victor wouldn’t be so stingy to really just give me a few seconds of materials, would he?
I wait until the filming clearance carrying great doubts, and is just intending to look for the intern in charge of picking up and ask a few questions, but that person disappears in the blink of an eye.
After a while, he comes over and finds me, additionally carrying a paper medicine bag in his hand.
Intern: Sister MC, CEO Victor spoke a few words with me after getting off the car. I felt his voice sounded a little hoarse. Would you like to send this to him?
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MC: A little hoarse?
Intern: Mm, it felt like a cold. Luckily, we have also been on a project with CEO Victor in the past 2 days. Director Zhang said he even received an email from CEO Victor at 3 o’clock last night. The temperature difference in these two days was so huge and CEO Victor hasn’t rested well. So he might have caught a cold.
A wave of worry floats to my heart as I carry the medicine bag in my hand.
This person.... still doesn’t understand when he starts to feel unwell, nor does he know to make a sound about it.
I knock on the door to Victor’s office, and there is no response for a long time.
This kind of situation is very rare. I feel a little worried, and twist the doorknob to push open a little crack.
Victor leans back in his chair, dozing off. I haven’t pushed the door too loudly, but it still wakes him up.
He straightens up his back, and reaches out his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows as he looks at me.
I feel somewhat very bad, and simply walk straight over.
MC: ....Did I wake you up? The intern said your voice sounded a little hoarse. So he bought some medicines for you, and asked me to bring them to you.
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MC: Are you OK?
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I can’t help stepping forward, and reaching out my hand to place it on his forehead. He has just woken up, his reaction clearly hasn’t come over, and he doesn’t even frown almost subconsciously like ordinary times.
MC: Fortunately, it’s not a fever.
Victor adjusts his suit, picks up the cup, and takes only one sip before putting it down again.
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Victor: It’s no big deal.
....His voice indeed is very hoarse, and one can tell it’s a cold just by hearing it.
I rummage through the bag of medicines, and inside are throat-smoothening lozenges, indigowoad roots, fever patches– everything needed is available. It can be clearly seen that the person who bought the medicines was considerate and very attentive.
— Someone might be able to take over the job from Goldman in the future.
I eye up his cup once again. Thinking that the water inside surely have gotten cold a long time ago, I smoothly tear open a bag of indigowoad roots right away, and give it to Victor to brew up.
He actually doesn’t refuse, lifts up the cup with his both hands, letting the warm steam rising from the cup to blow on his face.
It’s rare for me to see him with the appearance of being unable to lift up his spirits like this, and I truly can’t help but frown.
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MC: Why is it that the first thing you do after getting off the plane is coming back to the office, and not give yourself even a day of sick leave?
Before Victor can say anything, his phone sitting on the table starts vibrating.
I look at the lock screen illuminated by the light. Surprisingly, it really is that picture of “Working-class people, working-class soul” I have given him earlier.
Victor ignores the phone, and lowers his head to drink two sips of the indigowoad roots.
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Victor: There are two more meetings in the evening, and the time was fixed already a long time ago.
The implication is that, it’s not happening.
My very soul is shaken: When the capitalists work with all their might like this, what qualifications do I have to not make great efforts.
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MC: ....If this segment of yours is included in the show, LFG’s stock price will have to rise by at least three limit ranges.
Victor casts his everyday speechless expression at me. Judging from this reaction, it must have gotten a little bit slower due to the dizzy state he has been in just a moment ago.
I set my heart down, and shove my both hands inside the pockets of my coat.
MC: If you’re all right, I’ll go on and continue to keep an eye on the progress. There are throat-smoothening lozenges in that medicine bag. Remember to take them if your throat feels uncomfortable.
Victor nods, and as soon as I turn my head, he picks up the phone.
MC: Remember—
I suddenly recall when I have walked to the door, and smile at him as I lean against the crack of the door.
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MC: To drink plenty of hot water!
Today’s filming goes on till 10 o’clock, and wraps up without a hitch.
I heard Goldman say that Victor’s meeting has also adjourned about at this same time. I buy some food for him and bring them over. As expected, he really hasn’t eaten again.
He is probably tired, and doesn’t hold it against my meddling in other people’s business, nor does he mock my poor order.
Just as I have set the four dishes on the coffee table, he then picks up the chopsticks on his own.
MC: Chicken, fish, less salt, less oil, and high protein.
MC: How’s this? This sick meal is still not bad, right? [1]
Without making any assessment, Victor picks up the rice, and tastes two bites in order to show his affirmation.
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Victor: How’s the filming of the show coming along?
MC: Surprisingly good.
When the topic of the interns who participated in the filming of the show is raised, I don’t know how am I supposed to praise them.
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MC: Kids nowadays can be extremely quick-witted. They learn things both fast and well, and are also very savvy about interpersonal relationships....
MC: Each one of them are standard template for the business elite.
MC: There is this one intern who came to LFG on the first day, and the department manager called him to write a summary on the conference....
MC: He said straightforwardly that he didn’t know how to do it, and requested for someone to teach him.
MC: And at that time, we were even talking about it encircling behind the monitor.
MC: If it were up to the conventional thinking, the audience surely would have thought that he’d be stifling, be scarlet red in the face and enter the conference room trembling in fear.
MC: In the end, not only did he not have any of those, but was even very frank with his approach. This kind of self-confidence is too rare.
Victor suddenly laughs while eating.
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Victor: Do you think they are all just like you?
MC: ....What’s wrong with me!
Victor: Always preferring to buff your way out.
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MC: Am not!
Even if I really have, it was also a long time ago. Things are very different now.
MC: Anyway, not....
Victor is still smiling. His smile makes me feel that these few clearly light and bland dishes must be very tasty indeed.
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Victor: Considering your opinion, they all possibly will get the offer smoothly?
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MC: Of course.
MC: Trust me. They are all excellent. You were able to attract such a group of youngsters towards LFG, and have made the profit!
MC: And also after the show is broadcast, it will be a good thing for LFG’s publicity aspect too.
MC: Didn’t you say earlier that LFG’s Strategic Development Department wants to set up an image of high professionalism in the public’s eyes?
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Victor: Since you are this set on heart about LFG’s future, you should be brought along to future meetings of the Strategic Development Department.
Victor: And give you the title of external consultant.
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MC: I’ll come if I’m given the wages.
Hearing him speak in a voice a little more hoarse than in the afternoon, I think and know as well that he has spoken a lot during the meetings again. I get up to pour him a cup of hot water.
Victor doesn’t say anything, and carefully eats the food. Not a moment later, my phone rings out abruptly.
Kiki: Boss— I’ve something to ask you. How many minutes in total is the pilot episode going to run?
MC: Half an hour or so, I think. Take a look at the source material in use.
MC: ....Are you still at the office? It’s already half past ten. Didn’t I say you can take an early break today to rest.
Kiki: Alright, I’ll go back immediately. Boss, you should call it an early night too.
Victor puts down the bowl and chopsticks, and leisurely wipes his lips while shooting me an alarming glance.
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Victor: It’s so late already. You’re not off work either.
Victor: And you still call someone else a workaholic?
[ Note: The phrase used here is “人家” (rén jia) which can be translated to other people/someone else. But it’s also used to referring “oneself” as “people/someone.” So basically here, Victor is saying how MC calls him a workaholic LOL. Similar to how the “a certain someone” phrase is often used in their conversation. ]
I stare at Victor, and sigh in a manner as though I want to say something but am hesitating.
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MC: But I came here to bring you dinner in the spirit of dedication based on “It is everyone’s duty to take care of the Boss.”
MC: Did you just classify this as autonomous overtime activity?
I hold out my hand towards him.
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MC: How about you pay for the overtime?
Victor shoots me a glance, and simply purses his lips with a faint smile.
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Victor: I don’t know if I can afford to pay the charges of the gold medal producer.
I laugh along with him, and raise my eyebrows imitating the way he usually does.
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MC: If you can’t afford to pay, I can give you a discount.
As we are talking, Kiki sends me a rough cut of the video that’s going to be used in the pilot. I place my phone on the coffee table, and turn it in an angle that both Victor and I can see.
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MC: Just in time. Let’s have a little look at the clip of the show with dinner.
This segment happens to be the scene when the interns were being interviewed.
At first glance, they all appear to be business elites clad in suits and with boundless prospects. But the tension in between waiting during the intervals is entirely visible to the unaided eye.
....Also there was a young girl, as a result of being too keyed-up, she even decided to memorize a piece of English text to loosen up for a while.
I watch with keen interest, and Victor looks at my gaze with keen interest.
Their expression and state of affairs– immediately makes me evoke all of that scene in one go, that time back then, when I stood in front of Victor.
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Victor: What’s on your mind that you’re so engrossed in watching?
MC: Don’t you have a sense of resonance? Weren’t you like this when you were young?
Just as expected, Victor gives an expression of “Of course not.”
....Is the world so enormously uneven?
Victor bores through two more segments anyway, and the video happens to be onto the time when the interns were receiving their written notice of the internship prepared by the program team.
MC: Yesterday Anna discussed with me that this pilot segment is intended for setting up the keynotes for the show, and in what pattern the character are written here is very important.
MC: What we are thinking about at the moment is— Beginning from here on out, may we all have a luminous and sparkling future ahead of us with boundless prospects.
MC: What do you think?
Victor has been titling his head to the side throughout as he listens to my words, showing no expression of evaluation.
Victor: About what exactly to do on your shows, don’t you usually ask for less of my specific opinions?
I tap pause on the video, and the frame rests on the glass window outside the LFG building, reflecting off the blue sky and white clouds.
MC: This time it’s different. This group of youngsters are from LFG.
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MC: You’ve worked so hard in creating LFG to have a platform so bright and beautiful....
MC: Isn’t it just in the hope that even more people will find broader future here.
Victor’s gaze remains calm and collected, and a smile has been gracing the corners of his lips all along.
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It’s already very late at night. Seeing that Victor has also had his fill, I tidy up the coffee table at once, get up and gesture at him.
MC: Let’s go CEO. Time to get off work.
MC: I’ll drive you home.
Victor is clearly taken aback for a moment.
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Victor: You’ll drive me?
I nod boldly and self-righteously.
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MC: Goldman got off work already at an earlier time, and also greeted me just before leaving. You’ve taken the cold medicine tonight. I’m driving, okay.
Victor: ....
My car is parked directly opposite the elevator. As soon as Victor steps out of the elevator, he walks straight over to the backseat, pulls open the car door, and hops in without saying a word.
I fasten my seatbelt in the driver’s seat, and can’t help from glancing over at the back seat.
MC: CEO Victor, generally speaking.... at times like this, you should be taking the passenger seat.
Victor looks down at his phone without even lifting his head for a bit.
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Victor: I’m not used to with sitting in the passenger seat. [2]
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MC: ....Fine.
After all, he is the CEO. It makes sense that he has never sat in the passenger seat before.
I suddenly recall the app-based taxi guidance, and repeat them without missing a word.
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MC: Our trip is about to begin. Please fasten your seatbelt. Is the temperature inside the car fairly appropriate?
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This time, Victor lifts up his head to look at me, his eyes laced with very obvious confusion.
Evidently, the CEO has almost never taken a taxi either.
Overjoyed, I drive the car out of the parking lot, then immediately lower half the car window, letting the unrestrained sweet night breeze of spring to blow in.
Victor hasn’t said anything all the way, typing down messages on his phone from time to time.
Halfway through the journey, Victor puts the phone back in his pocket, leans back in the seat and looks outside window, laughing in a lazy manner as though soliloquizing.
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Victor: You are the person I know, who very rarely let me set down my work to rest.
I think back carefully— in fact, that was not the case. It’s just not in his memory.  *[ clutches chest ]*
But now, it really isn’t my habit to speak up too much to persuade him into something. He has his own principles and reasons for everything he does....
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MC: You won’t listen even if I said so anyway.
MC: Also.... work is a very important thing to you. I can understand that.
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Half the side of Victor’s face is reflected on the dark tinted car window, and his eyes are casted towards me in alarm, within which are reflected the gorgeous neon lights of the city.
Victor: Does work have to be a very important thing?
The lights of the street lamps fall on the asphalt road. This road, carpeted with light, seems so far away that it doesn’t have an end.
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MC: Mm.... work is a very important thing.
MC: Work is akin to flights of steps. By stepping up and standing in an even higher place, you can then do the things you want to do more.
MC: Perhaps back then, the CEO of LFG has also been just like these group of youngsters. Clad in a suit, standing at the starting point, and then he walked on his way to this day.
In the rearview mirror, Victor locks eyes with me meaningfully. This is an expression I’m familiar with, an expression that represents his tacit  understanding.
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Victor: Earlier, did you want to have me attend the show’s press conference?
I pick up on the keynote, and hurriedly get my spirits up.
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MC: You agreed!
Hearing my absolutely certain tone, Victor smiles faintly.
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Victor: I haven’t said anything yet.
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MC: I still have some of that sharp workplace acumen, and don’t need to be told everything by the CEO to get it right. I can understand the spirit on my own.
Victor doesn’t say anything anymore, and he lowers the car window too. Seeing the night breeze messing up the fringes in front of his forehead, I’ve originally wanted to speak up, and remind him that he’s unwell and should refrain from blowing the wind....
On a second thought I feel, the breeze is very comfortable and is worth blowing.
Especially after constantly running around for several days, and after finally ending a busy and tiring day.
It’s worth blowing a little breeze, and having a look at this resplendent city.
The press conference has been arranged at a hotel under the banner of LFG. Victor has been invited to attend, and he sits in the VIP area off the stage.
I’ve arranged the sequence of process in advance. The only thing he needs to consider is that going up on the stage– next, saying a few words to make an official speech, and that will suffice.
But today’s situation is comparatively lively, and the reporters are clearly very interested in LFG itself as well.
As soon as Victor comes up on the stage, there is constant applause, and the “click-click-click” sound of taking photos nearly overpowers the clamors of the tide of people.
The host has tried several times to ask Victor, who has already finished his speech and is getting off the stage, but couldn’t find the appropriate opportunity to do so. Thereupon, I cast an inquiring glance.
I’ve just got up, wanting to stop the reporters, but Victor lifts up his hand— which means is that, it’s fine.
Victor invites the reporters to ask questions one by one— in a manner that, he is in a very good mood today, and nobody will be refused.
Reporter: CEO Victor, is there any serious consideration behind LFG choosing to collaborate with this kind workplace related variety show?
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Victor: There aren’t any serious considerations. We simply feel that, every one of the employees working at LFG are excellent, and they are worthy of being seen by everyone.
Reporter: Excuse me, CEO Victor, do you have anything to say to these young people who have become a member of LFG?
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After glancing at me faintly, Victor once again looks towards the press box, and opens his mouth unhurriedly, uttering the words that I have said in front of him before.
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Victor: I hope that they will set sail on their journey from LFG, and have a luminous and sparkling future with boundless prospects.
When the applause rings out, I suddenly realize that– I, too, have apparently set sail on my journey clumsily under Victor’s wings, and then slowly walked on my way to this day.
Regardless of the time, the LFG he has created, the doors of this tremendous business empire is wide open to all dreams, waiting for young people, waiting for everyone.
The letters “LFG” have long since not only been the bearer of Victor’s expectations and prospects alone.
After walking through the entire sequence of events, the press conference is officially concluded.
As soon as the hotel brings up the wine and food for the buffet, I immediately offer my eager attention to Victor, busying myself with choosing the champagne to bring over to him.
MC: Is CEO Victor fairly satisfied with this press conference?
Victor takes the wine glass in my hand, and gently raises his hand to gesture at me.
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Victor: This is your show, as long as the producer is satisfied with it– that will do.
From my peripheral vision, I catch a glimpse of the interns in the show being huddled together, taking selfies against the signature board at the doorway, and am instantly struck by an idea.
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MC: Victor, why don’t you wish me a future with boundless prospects too, and give me a blessing for good luck.
With one hand in his pocket, Victor turns his head to look at me.
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Victor: You’re already very luminous and sparkling. Do you still need to ask for this kind of blessing for good luck?
MC: The more the better.
A smear of smile hangs across the side of Victor’s lips, and he even mulls it over for a while.
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Victor: In that case, I wish that you.... can always sparkle luminously, at all times.
I’m able to intuitively grasp a little bit of the implied meaning within his words. Accordingly, I draw closer to Victor.
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MC: Just like you?
Victor slightly lowers his eyes to regard me, his gaze- carrying within them a smile lands on my face.
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Victor: If you want to, you can.
[1] - MC is referring to the time Victor was in hospital in CH 4.
[2] - Victor mentions this event during the car tampering incident of CH 10, when MC told him that he’d get penalty for running the red light, and he replies with- that it’s fine cause he has a driver LOL.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 4 years
MBJ Alphabet | Choker.
twenty-six fluffy/smutty stories, long over-due. a mixture of reader/oc fics divided amongst mike & the characters he has played. based on the word suggestions received for each letter of the alphabet. updated out of order, based on your votes. can be tracked under mbj alphabet in my tags for mobile users. check out the prompts & submit your vote for what you’d like to see next. feedback always welcomed
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Pairing: Erik Stevens x Black!OC
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Summary: It’s midterm season again at MIT. Cue copious amounts of coffee and group study sessions. Erik’s distraction comes from Jaz’s favorite accessory
Words:  1.8K
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Erik doesn’t play when it comes to his grades, but that’s not the reason he’s in the library at nine-thirty on a Saturday night. Any other Saturday, you wouldn’t dare catch Erik in the library. By this time, he is typically done working over one of the many girls he has wrapped around his finger.
Speaking of "one of the many girls" -- that’s why Erik has interrupted his usual Saturday night routine with a trip to the library.
Jasmine Stewart.
She may be one of the many girls that have entered the orbit of Erik Stevens, but she is definitely not wrapped around his finger. If we consider the sole reason Erik is in the library, it might be the other way around.
Erik can’t remember the last time he actually studied. He’s never had to. He hears the information once, and he’s good. That’s why he received the sight of rolling eyes upon his arrival.
Jaz bites her tongue as she watches Erik drop into the chair next to hers. When he chased her down, after class, with a smile and "you got one more spot on that list?" Jaz had extremely low expectations. 
She has crossed paths with Erik for the last year and has never witnessed him step foot in the library or attend a single study session. This is why, as her eyes pass over his lack of-- well lack of anything -- Jaz shakes her head. 
As she meets his playful eyes, she redirects her attention to the study guide before her. 
“You’re late, Stevens.” She replies, raising her pencil to point towards the clock. “Twenty-seven minutes late to be exact, without a single book. Which is why we started without you.”
“You didn’t think I’d show up?”
“Can you blame me?” Disregarding the rolling of Erik's eyes, Jaz easily swipes his hand away preventing him from dragging her chair closer to his. Instead, he settles for moving his chair closer. “It’s Saturday night, and trust me, we all know what you do on Saturday nights.”
Jaz’s eyes roll as Erik's arm drapes along the back of her chair. She knows pushing it away is pointless. Primarily because the smile she had intended on suppressing, has already made its way across her face. 
Now that her previous statement has had a chance to set in, Jaz's smile is gone. Erik's smile, however, has grown in size as he watches Jaz's gaze drop from his. It lingers on his lips for a brief moment before she pauses to clear her throat. 
Blinking, Jaz redirects her attention to the stack of study guides before her. 
"Um...I made these for everyone," she offers, blindly pushing a copy in his direction. 
Even after her focus has shifted, Jaz knows the remainder of the session will be useless. At least with Erik seated alongside her. He doesn't bother to read the study guide she spent hours creating. His gaze, instead, is preoccupied with regarding her.
The worst part about Erik's gaze is that it is unapologetic--shameless. It lingers on each of her features, somehow evoking vivid memories of how they felt beneath his lips. 
An all too familiar heat that only rouses in his presence spreads across Jaz's skin as she attempts to concentrate on her notes. Shifting forward, she rests her elbows against the table, trying to increase the space separating their bodies. The feeble attempt does little to help her focus. 
And he knows it. 
The last time Erik was this close was a week ago. Jaz was pinned against the fridge in his apartment. And Erik's hand wasn’t rapping against the back of her seat. It was wrapped around Jaz's throat while he watched her come undone for the second time that morning. 
The memories of last Saturday, that melded into Sunday morning, quickly flood her mind. The smile on Erik’s lips morphs into a grin as Jaz shifts in her seat, her legs uncrossing, fingers toying with the black lace around her neck. 
It was a nervous tick. One Erik noticed she only seemed to display beneath his gaze. No matter how quick she was with her words, Jaz toyed with her necklaces when nervous. A tick that made it impossible for Erik not to think about kissing her neck each time he witnessed it. 
Today’s distraction is Jaz's favorite black lace choker. With her long, dark locks pulled into a high ponytail, it’s easy for Erik to see that the evidence from their last encounter still marks her skin. 
If it weren’t for the fading hickies meticulously placed along her skin, barely covered by the thin lace, Erik would’ve accepted he dreamed their encounter. 
Because after he’d interrupted her making coffee for a round of half-sleep, lazy sex, Erik had stopped to take a shower. By the time he had found a towel and stepped back into the kitchen, Jaz was gone. 
She hadn't even bothered to leave coffee in the pot for him. Once they saw each other in class that following Monday, Jaz was back to addressing Erik Stevens with the same amount of energy she had the past several months. Little to none. 
When she came home with him that first night, Erik hadn’t initially planned on calling her the next day. 
Relationships aren’t really his thing.
But he did at least anticipate a phone call -- shit, even a text. 
They always come. No matter if Erik never bothers to respond half the time, they always come. Not from Jaz. 
“Speaking of Saturday night,” Erik sighs. His eyes drop to follow the action of her fingers as they trace the lace against her skin. “You lose my number or something?”
This question is enough to raise her eyes from her notes. Erik earns a smile as Jaz’s eyes meet his. 
"When you popped smoke-"
“Or something.” A light shrug accompanies Jaz's words.  Putting her pen down, she shifts in her seat to find Erik's eyebrow raised, his lips turned up into a grin. “And I did not pop smoke. Especially when you're Mr. Can't Sleep With The Same Girl More Than Once."
"Okay," Erik chuckles. He runs his tongue across his lower lip, dragging Jaz's mind straight back to the last Saturday. “Last I checked, we definitely went more than once-” 
Shaking her head, in a feeble attempt to clear it, Jaz ignores the smile she receives in response. 
"So, what?" Jaz huffs, the sarcasm in her voice surprisingly strong. "Is this where you tell me that you showed up tonight to say I'm the exception to the rule, and you suddenly wanna take me out?"
"I didn’t say all that-"
"Good," she smiles as she pushes her chair back. Standing, she retrieves the sticky note from her notebook. “I don’t have time for a boyfriend, so you can save the whole I'm not emotionally available speech."
"And pick up with what comes after?" He chuckles as he falls into step alongside her. 
She's not sure why the proposition throws her off, but Jaz glances in Erik's direction. 
"No," she laughs. The sound does not sound nearly as convincing as she intends. "Did you get up to annoy me or help me?"
"I'll help you," Erik shrugs as she stops to double-check the author on the sticky note. "Just tell me what you need."
"You wanna help me out?" Jaz lifts the sticky note. She presses it firmly against his chest, stopping his hands from finding her waist. "Help me find this book."
Jaz may have had pure intentions when she stood up from the table. Erik, on the other hand, might not have. 
In fact, if anyone in their study group could find the brainpower to look up from their notes, they would notice Erik is nowhere to be seen.
And has been M.I.A. for nearly ten minutes. 
While his classmates stress over the quickly approaching midterms, Erik is deep in the stacks. His teeth cutting into her lip, catching the whimpers that spill from Jaz as his fingers stretch her open. 
His thrusts are relentless and meticulous, melding into a torturous rhythm. Each time Jaz manages to regain control over her breathing, Erik's fingers move as fast as the stuttering of her heart. The second her fingers squeeze into his arm, her hips rolling forward to match his movements, Erik’s pace becomes teasingly slow. A chuckle is lost against her lips each time she whispers a protest. 
Erik’s tongue passes over his lips at the beautiful sight before him. 
Jaz’s head is tipped back, pressing into the books behind her. Her eyes gripped shut, chest heaving as she struggles to steady her breaths.
“We're in the library, babe,"  he teases. "You gotta be quiet."
It is the same taunt that comes each time he manages to pull a sound from her, and each time his pace slows. 
Jaz would try and shoot back a snarky remark, but the fear of something much louder slipping out presses her teeth deeper into her lip.
They both knew the problem could easily be fixed. 
All Erik has to do is lift his hand. Press it against her mouth, but that would be too easy. Instead of moving to muffle her voice, Erik's touch drags along the curve of her jaw. His lips follow its path, the brush of his tongue mixing in with heated kisses. 
His grip tightens as it finds the base of her throat, his thumb tracing the pattern of the black lace against her skin. Pushing it up, he allows his breath to pass over the bruises on her skin. The shiver that passes over her spine, arches her body into his. Each brush and suck of his lips work to pull out a fresh bruise. Between the pressure from Erik's mouth and his fingers, Jaz's legs are trembling in a matter of seconds. 
The wave of pleasure she has spent minutes chasing comes to an abrupt halt the moment “E-” passes her lips. 
In an instance, Erik’s touch is gone. His chuckle muffles the gasp that escapes Jaz’s lungs.
“You should head back.” Jaz’s hooded eyes open. The deadly look in her eyes is enough to make Erik’s smile morph into a cheese-eating grin. “Wouldn’t want your group to start wondering where you went.”
“I’m going to kill you,” the promise in her voice earns Jaz a chaste kiss. 
“You might need this,” Erik smiles. 
Jaz's gaze falls from his sparkling eyes to the deep navy book in Erik’s hands. The slowly ebbing high has left her mind hazy, meaning it takes her a moment to realize it’s the book she had initially set out to find. Pressing it against his chest, Jaz tries her best to ignore the smug look on Erik’s face as he takes a step back. 
“Use my number if you wanna finish later.” 
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nbrook29 · 4 years
99 🖤🖤
Hello there! You’re officially my last dialogue prompt 🤩 I’m sorry this took so long, anon, I hope you’re gonna like it at least a little 🤓
I don’t take prompts for this challenge anymore. Just wanted to put that out there 😇 There are so many amazing ones on that list, but as of now I have 3 WIPs and one additional one in the works and I’d like to finish them before wtfock ends 😅
Anywho, here you go!
99. “I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.”
* * *
Robbe is going to kill Moyo. 
In fact, he's going to kill all three of his so-called friends because none of them protested when Moyo, tipsy and on his way to drunk, announced that this party sucked and was in dire need of some spice. 
He wishes he had listened to his past self and stayed home just like he had originally planned. It was supposed to be a quiet night in, editing videos or maybe spent in bed rewatching Romeo and Juliet in peace with no broers around to mock his movie choice while stuffing his face with onion chips and pretending the movie does not make him emotional, no sir. The wetness in his eyes must be sweat, not tears.
Then, after the movie would have ended, his sulking levels high, it would be time for his favorite activity of recent - daydreaming about reality in which he actually had the fucking guts to make a proper move instead of turning red everytime a certain someone was in his close proximity; smiling at him with that perfect sweet lovely smile that turned his already gorgeous features so much more beautiful that Robbe could weep.
And doesn’t that sound like a magnificent evening?
It may sound kinda lame, Robbe is a man enough to admit that, but the prospect of spending the night watching his friends salivating over girls they can’t get being the alternative wouldn't be particularly alluring to anyone, he guesses. Especially since he never partakes in that salivating part himself, instead chugging one beer after another and playing his designated role of a wallflower. 
Story of his life.
The whole thing just plain sucks, because it’s not like his friends aren’t well aware of the fact that Robbe’s interests lie elsewhere and that he’s usually bored out of his mind at those parties. But when there’s at least a semi-attractive girl around them they don’t care about anything else but getting her number and Robbe’s not exactly their priority then. In fact, he could well enough not be there at all and it wouldn’t make much difference. It happens every time they drag him along to those parties and every time he just stands there, rolling his eyes on their embarrassing attempts of flirting. 
Not like he’s the master of flirting himself, but even he’s not capable of stooping as low as they usually do.
This time, he reluctantly agreed to come to this one, against his better judgement, after Jens bugged him about it for their entire biology class, trying to convince him it was going to be more of a small gathering rather than a party. And frankly speaking, he did that just to make him shut up so mrs Jansen stopped glaring at him. Like he was the one running his mouth.
Once Robbe said the magic words “I’ll be there” there was no way of getting out of it. Still, his plan was to come by for an hour or two to get the broers of his back, drink a few beers, talk to Jana maybe, and then quietly leave when everyone would be too drunk and too busy tonguing at each other's tonsils to notice he's gone. 
But to his surprise, the party turned out not to be the typical banger they usually attended. It wasn’t even that bad and he was kinda having fun since he wasn't forced to play the guys' sidekick-gay-friend this time around and instead was dragged by Zoe to the kitchen to drink shots with her, Jana and Luca right after he arrived.
However, parties are not really his scene in general so when it started getting really late he finished his last Buttery Nipple shot composed by Luca (don’t ask) and was just about to make an apologetic face at the girls and say his goodbyes. 
But then Noor and Brit arrived. 
With him.
And Robbe almost swallowed his tongue.
Nobody should have the right to look this good but there he was, laughing with Milan in the hall while taking his signature leather jacket off, running a hand through his smooth like silk hair (Robbe's convinced it's indeed very silky) to ruffle it a little like it ever needed any styling, and in general looking like he had just walked out of Robbe's dream straight into Milan's apartment. 
Sander Driesen.
The reason for Robbe’s cheeks being permanently stained pink as of late.
They met at one of those after school clubs led by Amber several weeks ago that Robbe came to only because he agreed (after pretty much being blackmailed into it) to play Aaron’s wingman in winning Amber’s heart. 
He was gone as soon as those green eyes met his and the boy in front of him, wearing a black Bowie t-shirt and a leather jacket, shook his hand while smiling a little unsurely but still friendly, never breaking their eye contact as he introduced himself in a honey-like voice that penetrated every cell of his body, knees buckling a little, heart stuttering, the whole shebang.
He’s still thanking god he managed to hold back the whimper that was about to get out when he was saying his own name back.
Needless to say, the meeting became much more bearable after that.
Even having to witness Aaron’s cringeworthy attempts of gaining Amber’s attention weren’t that bad anymore. Not when they made Sander chuckle under his breath and catch his eye over Amber’s shoulder, winking at Robbe with a mischief dancing in his eyes as he bit his lip to keep his own laugh at bay. 
And then, Amber came up with some stupid “love excercise” or whatever the fuck she called it and made them all hold hands in a circle. She claimed it released stress and spread positivity or some other bullshit, but Robbe was convinced it was just a ploy she came up with to hold the school’s number one fuckboy Senne’s hand (who, if Robbe had to guess, also wasn’t there out of his own free will). 
Robbe wasn’t a very touchy-feely person, especially with people he had no business of touching in the first place so the whole thing was beyond painful. Thankfully, Jana came to his rescue, snatching his right hand as they exchanged smirks over Amber’s lofty speech about positive energy filling their bodies.
But then someone else gently took his other hand and when he went to inspect who it was, annoyance already starting to creep in, his mouth went dry, eyes going up, up, up the person’s leather-clad arm before stopping on Sander’s face, looking far too entertained.
The boy took an overly deep breath, eyes closed and face feigning seriousness, breathing out loudly.
“Ahh, I can already feel that rush of energy,” Sander leaned in to whisper to him, a teasing tilt to his voice making Robbe giggled at his antics. 
“I guess Amber was right then.”
“No no, I don’t think it’s Amber’s techniques, I just think it’s because of you.”
Robbe just gaped at this shameless flirting, receiving another wink when caught blushing deep pink. Sander seemed unfazed though, totally chill, like saying lame lines and winking at boys was in his everyday repertoire. It definitely wasn’t like that for Robbe, and definitely not from boys as cute as Sander.
He should have probably rolled his eyes at him, called him cocky and full of himself. And yet.
There was something about Sander’s demeanor that screamed it was all a facade, and that underneath there was a huge dork that came out right after that guard was let down. Robbe couldn’t even be annoyed with the smug winking because it was adorned with such a cute smile that it called for a fond eye roll rather than scoffing.
Before he could form at least a half cool response, Amber started shushing all of them with a bossy face, glaring at every person that dared to make a sound. So with a rush of sudden boldness, Robbe just squeezed Sander’s hand and looked at him from under his lashes, biting his lip in an attempt at being coy (and cringing at himself internally) despite his body thrumming with nerves standing this close to Sander, and for some unknown reason it brought the desired effect. 
Sander kept smiling at him surreptitiously throughout the entire meeting, making him laugh with his playful faces at some of Amber’s more ridiculous statements, and it felt like they had an entire conversation even though they didn’t exchange one word during that half an hour.
When they were finally free to go home it was after 21, Robbe realized with a whine. After they all collected their things and were ready to leave, Sander turned around in the doorway, searching for Robbe’s eyes while ignoring the rest of their friends crowding against the door, and when Robbe glanced furtively into his direction his expression turned almost bashful as he said bye, Robin.
And then again with the winking.
Good god this boy.
And how cute it was he couldn’t actually wink? It looked more like a reinforced blinking, but he still looked cute doing it.
Once Robbe came back home that evening, thoughts occupied with bleached hair and the smell of leather jacket, he couldn’t stop himself from searching for Sander’s social media. In just one sitting he gathered a handful of information, finding out Sander was a year older and recently transferred to his school (which would explain how he had missed him in the corridors). He also had a photo with Amber down at the bottom of his profile and from the caption it seemed like they were cousins. 
Robbe’s fingers hovered over the ‘follow’ button, but he didn’t want to seem like a stalker so he just closed the app, throwing his phone on his bed in exasperation feeling sorry for himself and his inexperience in talking to boys.
The universe decided to be graceful for him for once in his life though and put Sander on his path again only 3 days later.
Like every Saturday afternoon Robbe was in the skate park with the broers, taking piss of one another’s skills and trying out new tricks while basking in the October sun that felt more like it was full on spring rather than the beginning of fall. He was in the middle of showing off some of his best tricks to the sounds of his friends hollering when he caught sight of bleached hair in his peripheral, almost falling straight on his ass. But luck was on his side and he avoided making a spectacle out of himself. 
Once he was safely on the ground, skateboard under his foot, he glanced in the direction of white hair one more time to see Sander lowering his vintage camera and whistling, making an impressed face and promptly causing Robbe to downcast his eyes bashfully.
“Hey, Robin.” 
Robbe sighed. “It’s Robbe.”
“I know, but isn’t that a cute nickname?”
Robbe ducked his head, smiling a little to himself, cursing the heat rising in his cheeks. “Are you always this annoying?”
For a moment, Sander seemed to be taken aback, but then he must have noticed the teasing glint in Robbe’s eyes because he relaxed visibly, confidence back on his face.
Then, easily and offhandedly, he said, “No, just with very certain people.”
If Robbe had any doubts before about Sander taking immense pleasure out of teasing him, he didn’t anymore. He was flashed with another mischievous smile and then Sander nodded at the bowl.
“That was pretty awesome.”
“Thanks.” Robbe scratched at the back of his neck self-conciously, ignoring his friends’ intrigued faces and praying they didn’t say anything stupid. “To be honest, these aren’t even that difficult, anybody could do them...”
“Pff, I tried this skateboarding thing once and let me tell you, I was an absolute disaster so don’t sell yourself short.” Sander nudged at his shoulder with a knowing look, the contact sending a shiver through Robbe’s entire body. 
“So what are you doing here if you suck at it?” He sent him a toothy grin when Sander gaped at his brazen words, faux-scandalized. 
He then lifted his camera swiftly and took a photo of Robbe’s dumbfounded face.
“I’m only around this deadly thing to take artsy pictures of cute boys.”
Looking very proud of himself, Sander laughed at his indignant spluttering, refusing to show Robbe the photo at first, giving in a few seconds later under his killer pout (Sander’s words). 
“So, is this where you spend your afternoons?” he asked casually once they sat down at a nearby bench, Sander scrolling through his camera roll and showing him the photos.
Robbe nodded, watching Aaron from afar attempting the backside ollie and failing miserably. It pulled out a snort from Sander.
“Well, you’re definitely better at it than your friends.”
Elbowing him in the side as a sign of loyalty to his friends, he replied. “Jens is actually better than me.”
Sander sent him a curious look. “Is he your boyfriend?”
“What?! Eww, no! I have way better taste than that.” It’s not like he’d admit he had crushed on his best friend a year ago. So, hopefully, he sounded convincing.
Sander lifted his hands in surrender, laughing at his outburst. “Okay, okay, message received, only the cutest boys for you,” he paused, biting at his lip to hold his smirk. “Makes sense,” he muttered under his breath, but Robbe heard him anyway.
Later that day, he got a instagram notification that informed him that earthlingoddity was following him as of now and damn if that didn’t make Robbe’s heart beat faster.
earthlingoddity sent you a link
S: Considering today’s unfortunate incident, I made you a bowie playlist, need to teach the youngsters like you the real music 😎😏
The first message from Sander made him scoff, but he rolled his eyes at himself anyway when he remembered his conversation with him at the skatepark, asking about the shirt and prompting Sander to quiz him about David Bowie’s songs.
Robbe hid his face in his hands at the mere memory.
Space Cowboy.
How embarrassing. 
Sander tried so hard not to burst out laughing at Robbe’s confusion when his answer was met with a blank stare, bless him.
R: So you're one of those people?
S: What people?
R: Self-righteous hipsters 😜
S: Now now Robin
No need for names 😩
R: It's Robbe
R o b b e
S: Okay Robin ;)
R: 🙄
S: So 
What's up? 🙃
They kept up at this casual texting for 2 recent weeks, getting to know each other, and Sander confirming that he does, in fact, have a soft side. Robbe also realized he was a much bolder person when no face to face interaction was required when he had more time before responding to Sander. Then there were the occasional “hellos” at school when they crossed paths in the halls, but so far their friendship, if he could even call it that, hadn’t evolved further.
In fact, this party was the first time Robbe had seen him in a week.
Their eyes met for a few short seconds and Robbe waved at him, immediately after wanting to bang his head at the table because who the fuck waves these days? 
Sander didn’t seem to mind this dorky display at all, beaming at him from across the hallway and not paying much attention to Milan who was talking his ear off. A second later, he was out of Robbe’s sight, dragged by Milan and the girls to the living room, leaving him staring longingly after him. 
Before Robbe got his shit together and on shaky legs went there to maybe squeeze out a few words to him, Moyo was already on his way of arranging people into a circle and producing a bottle to spin. 
What a bad fucking timing.
This was so not Robbe’s idea of fun so he started to surreptitiously backing off to the hall to slide out the door but Jana, the traitor, grabbed his arm and sat him next to her, seeming very excited about the game.
It’s not like he was the only one reluctant to play though. Sander’s face looked rather bemused too.
“Come oooon, Sander,” Noor groaned at him, pulling at his sleeve relentlessly to make him plop his butt on her left side. “You promised to leave that sulky slash lovesick face at home and have fun. This is fun!”
“I think we have a different definition of fun, darling,” he retorted, his gaze sweeping through the half-drunk faces, stopping at Robbe’s for a millisecond. It was so quick he thought he imagined the apprehensive look on his face, but then Sander did sit down, letting out a long-suffering sigh and promptly avoided his gaze throughout the game. Which was clearly an intentional effort because they sat exactly opposite each other.
To say Robbe was confused would be an understatement.
And that’s how he finds himself here, sitting in a circle amongst his friends and several strangers who keep hollering and shoving tongues in each other’s throats. He had one close call when the bottle spinned by a redhead girl almost pointed at him, making him hold his breath but then stopping on Moyo sitting on his other side, who was way more eager to fill the deed.
When it’s finally Sander’s turn to spin the bottle, Robbe's heart starts beating double time and he twists his fingers nervously. He realizes with dread that there is no good outcome of this situation; if it lands on any of his friends or any of those few people he only vaguely recognizes, he’s going to have to watch Sander play tonsil tennis with them and his stomach turns unpleasantly with something akin to jealousy at the mere thought. 
But if it lands on him?
Oh god.
The bottle is spinning already, Robbe having missed the moment Sander put it in motion, too busy wrangling with his thoughts about what he should do. The fact Sander has been avoiding his eyes ever since they started this stupid game makes him even more nervous about the whole thing. 
Then the bottle stops, pointing at him so accurately that it leaves no room for question.
And Sander’s face positively falls.
Sitting near him Jens and Moyo are giving him subtle thumbs up and not so subtle shit-eating grins with Aaron next to them clearly confused at their behavior all the while Sander looks like he’s in pain.
Eyes glued to the floor, body rigid, looking like he’d want to be anywhere but here.
People are staring at them, waiting for something to happen and Robbe feels nauseous.
And so humiliated. 
How could he misinterpret Sander’s behavior so much? And it’s not even that, not really. Does the idea of kissing him disgusts him that much he can’t even give him one stupid kiss to avoid putting Robbe on the spot?
From the corner of his eye he can see Noor elbowing Sander in the side and there’s an entire conversation happening between them without one word being uttered. 
Then, several things happen at once. The boys let go of any subtlety and start whooping and hollering like they want to force Sander to make some kind of move, there’s a loud whack coming from the kitchen where one of the couples went to continue their PDA so Jana and Zoe get up to check the damage and then Adi, who has been rummaging through the liquor cabinet for the last ten minutes, yells that he found a ten year old whiskey, making the broers scrambling off the floor to get their hands on it.
The rest of the people are still here with them though. Still staring. And Sander still seems to be rooted to the spot.
And Robbe has had enough. 
Ignoring Noor’s soft Robbe, he gets up and with a heavy heart almost runs to the door, putting his jacket on in a haste, frustration and shame cursing through his body as he runs down the stairs two step at a time, wanting to get outside as fast as he can.
The cold air washes over him once he reaches the entrance and he breaths in shakily, feeling his eyes welling up despite his hardest efforts not to cry.
It just hurts. It really hurts. And if he’s being honest with himself, the fact that there have been witnesses to his humiliation is a small part of the reason why he feels this way. It’s about the fact that it was Sander.
Sander. This boy who let him believe there may actually be someone interested in him. In that way. Sander, who flirted with him, complimented him, smiled at him, listened to him and sent him Bowie playlists.
Sander, who he felt more connected to recently than to any of his friends. 
He wipes at his eyes angrily, scoffing at the fact that this asshole was able to make him cry, when he hears rushed steps on the sidewalk behind him.
Walking faster, he tries to ignore the sound until there’s a hand on his shoulder stopping him in his tracks. He turns around ready to blow out in Sander’s face but the boy is faster.
“I’m so sorry for that,” he pants, voice tinted with desperation, apologies written across his face as his eyes flit all over Robbe’s like he’s trying to read his mind.
But Robbe only lets out a humorless laugh. “No worries, I understand, you were very clear. Point taken,” he sneers, starting to walk again.
“No, you don’t understand,” Sander pleads with him, taking his hand in his own to keep him from leaving. Robbe wants to pull it back, but the distressed look in Sander’s eyes makes him hesitate. “I didn’t want our first kiss to be a part of some stupid game. Not when I spent weeks trying to come up with a perfect scenario for our first kiss in my head.”
Robbe promptly loses his breath at his confession. 
“You wanted to kiss me before?” 
“Ever since I saw you,” Sander confirms in a small voice. His demeanor lacks the confidence Robbe got acquainted with, ripped of any trace of the usual conckiness. Instead, Sander appears almost shy, biting his lip nervously as if waiting for a blow and heart-breaking rejection.
There won’t be a rejection though. Not tonight. 
Without second-guessing himself, Robbe takes that one step that still separates them and seals their lips together, hands drifting to Sander’s rosy cheeks on their own, like there was a magnet pulling them in. Sander is stunned at first, his lips unresponsive, but it only takes about three seconds for his brain to catch up and then.
Then there’s Chernobyl in Robbe’s head.
The way this boy kisses.
Robbe’s brain shuts off as Sander’s mouth moves over his with intention, sliding together in a rhythm that leaves him breathless. It’s almost impossible to keep all the noises that threaten to escape inside, one small whimper getting out without Robbe’s accord, but it’s okay because it gets swallowed by Sander’s unyielding lips right after it leaves Robbe’s, making Sander pull him even closer.
Eventually, they have to stop, getting dizzy from the lack of air. When their mouths do separate though it’s only for a centimeter and they keep panting in that small space between them, soon breaking out in quiet giggles.
“I've wanted to kiss you ever since I saw you too. Ever since that stupid meeting,” Robbe admits, feeling brave and like he’s floating on air, no confession scary enough right now. Sander looks very pleased with his words, and Robbe can feel the telltales of his regular confident smile coming back to his face under his lips when Sander pecks him softly.
Then, he draws back, regarding Robbe with eyes full of mischief.
“I only joined to meet you.”
That makes Robbe cock his brow in surprise and he searches his face for a lie or at least a joke, but he doesn’t find any. “You saw me before?”
There’s a pause and then Sander’s smile turns softer. “I saw you the first day of school.”
And, wow. He did not expect such a turn of events. 
“You were sitting at a lunch table with your friends, deep in thought, looking so beautiful you took my breath away. It felt like I saw an angel.”
Blood floods Robbe’s cheek and he drops his eyes under Sander’s intense gaze, because he’s not used to such praise, or praise whatsoever. And then there’s Sander, looking at him like he’s something precious, like he hung the moon and stars, touching him so gently and kissing him so passionately and Robbe feels like passing out.
Sander must have sensed he was getting overwhelmed because he chuckles quietly and cradles his cheek in his palm, thumb sweeping under his eye in a soothing motion as he leaves a few small kisses on his other cheek, melting Robbe in a pile of goo right there on the sidewalk, quiet night around them.
Once he pulls himself together, he can’t resist the tugging at the corners of his mouth and a full-blown smile blooms on his face that’s instantly matched by Sander’s own.
“You know, I don’t think I ever played spin the bottle before but I’d give it zero stars on booking.com,” he declares suddenly pulling a laugh out of Robbe. “I was so scared I’m gonna have to watch you kiss somebody else, phew!” He places a hand on his chest comically, turning on the dramatics. “My poor heart wouldn’t take it, Robin!”
And fuck, he’s so cute that Robbe can only laugh at this (his?) dork, fondly rolling eyes at his antics.
“Yeah, I didn’t want anybody to kiss you either. And it’s Robbe,” he adds with a long-suffering sigh, futilely, he’s sure, but it’s still worth it because Sander’s cheek in tongue expression lets him know the boy loves to rile him up and is not going to stop anytime soon.
Still, to wipe off the smug smile for the time being he pulls him back into a kiss by the lapels of his leather jacket and Sander doesn’t exactly protest such. The second kiss is slower, more thorough, but still mind blowing enough for Robbe to feel heat tugging at his stomach.
“Will you go on a date with me? Tomorrow? Or any other time you’re free? Please?” Sander whispers in the small space between them after they finally break apart, foreheads resting against each other and fireworks going on in Robbe’s brain. Despite them standing so close Robbe can see Sander’s face pretty clear, and he can see his hopeful but tentative expression as he waits for him to answer, eyes growing unsure with each second of silence.
Not wanting to keep him in suspense anymore, he gives his parted lips one more lingering kiss, too weak to resist them when they shine so prettily in the street light above them. “Tomorrow sounds perfect.”
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letterstomilen · 4 years
i discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)
Childe/Zhongli, Alternate Universe (read part 2 here) When Childe's younger sister tells him about the volunteer at the library, he does not make the connection between that and his new favorite ASMR YouTuber, Rex Lapis.
Childe has a very effective method of getting through college. His little sister, who’s caught him making coffee at three in the morning on more than one occasion the past week alone, would beg to differ. 
“You’re the best older brother,” she starts off, and he’s sure she’s trying to convince herself more than him at this point, “but you need to fix your sleeping habits.” Then, because she’s his little sister, she’d flash him a smile and pat his shoulder reassuringly.
(The comment is not lost on him though. He understands his sleeping situation will eventually wear him down if it hadn’t already, but he believes if he’ll drink a coffee every morning and a Monster every night, he’ll get through three days. By the third day, he’ll hardly be coherent but that doesn’t matter because he’ll conk out for the next twelve hours and then repeat.)
“Don’t worry, Tonia,” he says, trying to sound as reassuring as possible as he contemplates whether it’s worth it or not to swallow a pill of 5-hour energy with his morning coffee. “Once break ends, I’ll get back to normal.”
“You said that six seasons ago.”
Childe frowns, trying to remember if his sleeping schedule was this dysfunctional last year. “Huh?”
“The Walking Dead seasons,” Tonia clarifies, as if she’s not twelve years old and the show is for grown adults. He thinks. He hasn’t checked Commonsensemedia ever since La Signora labeled him as a “helicopter parent” and his Netflix tab has been playing How to Get Away with Murder as background noise for the past few weeks.
Isn’t it a show about zombies though? Tonia’s sheepish smile tells it all, because it’s the same exact guilty look he had when he got caught red-handed as a kid.
(Once he remembers later, Childe promises himself, he’ll check out The Walking Dead.)
“Oh. Well. I have a lot of shows to catch up on, you know. Not to mention a ton of my professors gave me reading for over the break.”
A half lie. They did give him a lot of reading because each professor assumed that their classes were his only one, and with seven days left, he still has a textbook worth of reading to go through. But there are no shows that Childe would sacrifice his precious sleep for. As a matter of fact, he would love to sleep. He’s spent the majority of his classes back in high school sleeping and faking attention, saving his grade at the last minute — it was quite the extreme sport really, if he says so himself.
Whenever he tries to sleep recently, his thoughts run at several hundred miles per hour, and he spends several hours staring at the ceiling before succumbing to the computer at his desk and watching trashy movies. At this point, he must have gone through the entire romance comedy list on Netflix. (Not a proud point in his life but if anybody ever wanted him to give a list of best to worst romance comedy movies, he now has one.)
Tonia, on the other hand, isn’t incredibly convinced.
Admittedly, the excuse was lame. Also, he can’t easily lie to his little sister, who’s far shrewder than he takes her for at times.
“You never start your reading in advance. You like to speed read it right before your class or watch a five-minute video on the chapters while your teachers take attendance. But that’s… uh, ‘a bad work ethic.’” Tonia looks immensely proud of herself as she says this, finishing it off with, “Zhongli told me that.”
“Zhongli?” he repeats, trying to remember if that’s one of her classmates or some stranger that’s hoping to kidnap his sister.
“The guy that volunteers at the library sometimes. He recommended me a loot of good books to read, but he talks like an old man.”
“How old?” Childe can tell she’s enjoying this — talking about her new friend at the library that he’ll probably have to run a background check on.
“Like he’s in his sixties or something. But he looks… actually, he looks your age! And he’s a student too. I told him all about you.”
Well, that doesn’t sound very reassuring coming from the mouth of a twelve-year-old. He’s not sure if that translates to his social security number, his current dilemma, or just that he’s her older brother.
“Like all of the stories you told me when I was a kid. And then when Lumine came to pick me up, she stayed to show him pictures of you too.”
“Of course she did,” he mumbles, ruffling her hair. One of these days he’s going to move without telling his classmates and the twins won’t enter his apartment unannounced. (But Tonia adores their company and the stories they tell her far too much for him to actually do it. But that doesn’t mean he’s above making threats when they tell his little sister about the bet he made about white-out and how it could dye hair. The jury is still out on this one.) “She’s just mad because I get away with it and she doesn’t. But don’t do it yourself. It’s a bad habit,” he adds, remembering that he should at least try to be a good influence on his younger sister when he can.
“Okaaay,” she says unconvincingly, before shaking her hair and running off to her room with lunch he prepared for her.
Watching her close the door and no doubt continue her binge of The Walking Dead, he takes out his phone and texts Lumine.
ur a horrible influence on tonia
and whos this ZHONGLI
also is twd appropriate for 12 y/os
 Twin 1
a normal person would say hi
 Twin 1
also 1. me n aether watched it when we were 12 so probably and 2. some guy at the library that also goes to our school
 Well. At least he’s somebody they know. But The Walking Dead?
thats not very convincing
also dont ppl DIE? get BITTEN???? what if she gets nightmares
 Twin 1
isnt she 12 r u telling me u weren’t watching R rated movies at 12
thats very different from a 10 season long show that is hailed as “one of the greatest horror shows in history” and “paved the way for post-apocalyptic horror”
 Twin 1
well if she has trouble sleeping she could always watch asmr. that helps me during midterms idk
whats asmr
asking for my sister btw
 Twin 1
A feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound.
 Twin 1
people on the internet make random sounds or just talk into a mic n its supposed to be very relaxing. how have u never found out abt this?????
idk the only thing on my youtube recommended r greatest stunts and chapter review videos
 Twin 1
… makes sense
 Twin 1
check out rex lapis’ channel he looks like ur type
i thought we were talking about my sister????
 Twin 1
[message screenshots.jpg]
 Twin 1
ya she told me everything
 Twin 1
have fun i need to convince aether to not commit arson bc of his TA
hope he does it
He opens his Youtube app, typing in Rex Lapis and expecting Lumine’s suggestion to be a joke. Despite them being friends for nearly two years now, she’s never made any indication of knowing his type. And he’s sure he’s never been that vocal about it either, only shooting appreciative looks at history majors and paying more attention than necessary to the TA for ‘Tradition of Justice and Law.’ (It’s unfortunate that those short-term crushes never led to anything, but maybe that’s for the better seeing that Childe has never understood the appeal of relationships.)
It is an ASMR channel, judging by the ASMR playlist he finds as he scrolls through the account. The icon shows no face — only a microphone — which leaves him skeptical. Most of the video titles belong in a petrology lecture as well, which makes him even more convinced that it’s a joke. He finds a few readings of ancient literature and decides to pick ‘I discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)’ because that’s exactly what he needs. (Not the very moment — but ten hours later when he’s in the bed memorizing the pattern of his ceiling wondering why he stole from his fifth grade teacher’s candy jar during lunch.)
When Childe opens the video, he damn near gasps.
The man in the video is exactly his type. His eyes are a soft amber color, framed with long lashes, and it’s almost enough for him to lose his dignity and message Lumine a long thank you text about how she is always right and he’ll pay for her coffee for the following week.  He smiles at the screen, albeit a little sheepishly, dark hair framing his face with a long ponytail that Childe can’t see the end of. On his right ear, there are a pair of earrings with a single feather that brush against his neck when he moves his head.
Even before he speaks, Childe is mesmerized, sure he’ll already memorize his features from the curve of his nose to the way he tilts his head, displaying the expanse of his neck.
Really — he reminds him of actors in historical dramas, the way he sits regally, and how he speaks. His voice is low and slow as he adopts a careful manner of speaking, leaning into the mic.
“I’m Rex Lapis, and I’ll be discussing igneous petrology today, which is part one in a three-part petrology series. I apologize in advance, seeing that my knowledge is limited compared to many petrologists out there but my friend Venti said that many of my viewers are here for my voice, so I’m very excited to start today’s video.”
Holy shit.
For the following week, Childe learns less about petrology, the philosophy of economics, and historical revisionism concerning matters of war and more about Rex Lapis, who is not in love with his voice but often finds himself in the middle of long tangents without explanations. His favorite book series is the Legend of the Lone Sword, which he says he’ll look forward to reading out loud for the channel. (Childe replays that part of the video again and again, captivated by his excitement as he mindlessly taps the mic while he speaks, his tangent cutting off mid-word — as it usually does, much to his dismay.)
His guilty obsession is not lost on Tonia, who realizes that instead of drinking Monster every night he’s been engrossed in his phone completely, often not noticing her or when the water starts bubbling. But because his sleeping schedule has been alleviated, she says nothing until Lumine comes over as she always does, not forgetting their weekly schedule of watching trashy movies while leeching off of Childe’s food.
Because he doesn’t trust the twins with the kitchen — even if they can cook — she instead spends her time sitting next to Tonia and spreading more of her anti-Childe propaganda while they wait. This usually involves Tonia occasionally calling out Childe’s name and asking, “Is that true?” or “Did you really do that?”
This time is different though.
Worried that Lumine finally decided to show Tonia a video of last semester’s presentation, he leans over, looking at the computer screen.
And he’s wrong. Unfortunately. Maybe it should’ve been his presentation because even if he botched it and accidentally projected his work process — screaming notes and all — to the class instead of his actual presentation, it would’ve been better than the two of them watching one of Rex Lapis’ videos together.
The ‘I read Erosion: Essays of Undoing to you as it rains outside’ video, to be specific, which is where Rex Lapis is embarrassed by Venti mid video when asked if this was his idea of a date with a lover. (And then it ends with Rex Lapis asking for video suggestions from the commentors, his face still flushed from the previous comments.)
Oh God — oh fuck.
“So he is your type,” Lumine says, her expression a bit too smug for his liking. Tonia looks half awake, scrolling through articles as the video plays, more interested in ‘Top 10 Glenn Rhee Moments’ than Childe’s crush. Her expression is a bit guilty as she does so — she’s biting her lip and avoiding his gaze, but he assumes that it’s just because they went through his YouTube history.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that statement,” he retorts, but the YouTube history she pulls up once Tonia hands the computer over to her says it all. (It’s quite mortifying, really — even Tonia is giving him a look, but it’s not as bad as Lumine’s shit eating grin.)
“Well… he does have a nice voice,” Childe finally says, thinking that perfectly encompasses his most recent obsession. Because he does have a nice voice — it’s soothing and speaks to him without really speaking to him directly. (The good looks are a bonus, he assures himself. A fantastic bonus, but a bonus nonetheless.)
“He does,” Tonia confirms, smiling toothily up at him, and he resists the urge to ruffle her hair with Lumine staring at him so skeptically. “But I don’t understand much of what he’s saying. He — heh — talks like an old man.”
“Don’t worry, Tonia, your brother likes him because he’s attractive,” Lumine informs her, now fast forwarding on one of Rex Lapis’ videos. “Did you know that he lives nearby?”
The knife he’s holding clatters to the floor, and the two look down and back up at him with— hold on, why does it feel like they’re in on a secret he doesn’t know about?
“Yeah, he’s working on his grad thesis I think… Aether told me it was about something on history,” she muses. “That’s why I recommended his channel to you. He’s a bit of a celebrity in his department.” Childe’s sure his jaw dropped now, trying to maintain his facial expression as he takes out a new knife to chop up the onions.
“Really,” he tries to say as calmly as possible, wondering how he should accompany Aether to his lectures without trying to seem as obvious as possible. His voice is a bit shaky he realizes but he can’t quite make the connection between Rex Lapis and actual graduate student that goes to his university.
“Yeah, actually…” Lumine is definitely pretending to think now, enjoying this far too much. “He—”
“It’s Zhongli!” his little sister yells excitedly, practically jumping up and down at this point as if she won the lottery. “Zhongli runs an ASMR channel and he talks just like that in real life! Right, Lumine?”
Childe sighs, holding a hand up to his face. The realization that he’s been obsessed with the same guy that hears about every stupid thing he did secondhand is way too much — and the fact that he’s been listening to his voice every night before he went to bed the past week is way too much. He’s sure his face is redder than before judging by the amused expressions on Lumine’s and Tonia’s faces — really, they’re mirror images of each other right now.
Not for the first time, Childe swears to himself that he’ll never let her into his apartment without signing a contract ever again.
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vintagecoldcases · 4 years
Story of Ted Bundy
TW: execution photos, details of deaths
**a more detailed victim list will be posted later, beware of this post if you are sensitive to blood/gore/other oddities of true crime as it will have crime scene photos**
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Theodore Robert Cowell, was born on November 24th, 1946 to Eleanor Louise Cowell at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers. Eleanor was known by Louise and Ted’s father’s identity is unconfirmed. His birth certificate states Lloyd Marshall, a salesman and Air Force veteran, as his father. Louise claims his father to be an old war veteran known as Jack Worthington, this is who the King’s County Sheriff’s Office has listed as such. A few family members believe that Louise’s father, Samuel Cowell, could’ve been Ted’s father but no evidence has been found to support this claim. 
Ted was raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by his maternal grandparents for the first three years of his life. He, family, and friends, were told that his grandparents were actually his parents and that his mother was his older sister in order to protect them all from the stigma of birthing a child out of wedlock. There are variations of how Bundy found out his true parentage. A past girlfriend was told that Bundy was shown his birth certificate by a cousin, Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth (both biographers) were told by Bundy that he found the certificate himself. Anne Rule (biographer and crime writer, who knew Bundy personally) believes he did not find this information until 1969. In 1950, Louise changed her surname from Cowell to Nelson and left Philadelphia to live with cousins Alan and Jane Scott in Tacoma, Washington. In 1951, Louise met Johnny Culpepper Bundy at an adult singles night at Tacoma’s First Methodist Church. Johnny and Louise later married that year and Johnny formally adopted Ted. Johnny and Louise went on to have four children together, and whilst Johnny tried including Ted on family trips and outings, he remained distant.
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Teenage Ted Bundy
In 1965, Ted graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and enrolled in the University of Puget Sound where he spent a year before transferring to the University of Washington to study Chinese. In 1967, he became involved romantically with a UW classmate, most commonly known as Stephanie Brooks in biographies. In 1968, he dropped out of college and worked at a series of minimum wage jobs; even working as Arthur Fletcher’s bodyguard and driver during his Lieutenant Governor campaign. Brooks then ended their relationship due to Bundy’s lack of ambition. He also took one semester at Temple University after returning back to Arkansas and Philadelphia to visit family. In 1969, Ted moved back to Washington where he met Elizabeth Kloepfer (also known in Bundy literature as Liz Kendall, Beth Archer, or Meg Anders). 
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Ted Bundy & Elizabeth Kloepfer
In 1970, Ted re-enrolled at the University of Washington as a psychology major. During this time he became an honor student and was well regarded by his professors. In 1971, he took a job at Seattle’s Suicide Hotline Crisis Center, where he met Anne Rule who noted nothing disturbing or abnormal about Bundy. In early 1973, despite his average law school admission scores, he was granted admittance to UPS and the University of Utah. In 1973, he rekindled his relationship with Stephanie Brooks. He also continued to date Elizabeth Kloepfer. Neither woman knew of the other at this time. During this time period, Brooks had flown in several times to stay with him in Seattle. He had discussed marriage with Stephanie and had also introduced her as his fiancee at a point. In 1974, he abruptly broke off all contact. He did not return phone calls or letters. After a month of trying, Brooks was finally able to contact Bundy by phone, asking why he had so abruptly ended the relationship without an explanation. He responded with, “Stephanie, I have no idea what you mean.” and hung up the phone. She never heard from him again after that. He had just wanted to prove to himself that he could marry her in retaliation of her ending their former relationship before. 
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Ted Bundy and Stephanie Brooks
Ted had been skipping classes in law school by this point and had stopped attending all together by april when the first series of murders were reported. Circumstantial evidence points Ann Marie Burr, an 8-year-old girl, as one of Bundy’s first victims in 1962.
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Ann Marie Burr, age 8
Washington/Oregon Murders
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College aged young women started to disappear at a rate of about one a month in Washington and Oregon. On January 4th, 1974, shortly after midnight, Bundy snuck into the basement apartment of 18-year-old Karen Sparks (also known as Joni Lenz, Mary Adams, or Terri Caldwell in Bundy literature). He bludgeoned her with a metal rod from her bed frame and then sexually assaulted her with the same rod. She was unconscious for 10 days but survived. She sustained major permanent physical and mental disabilities. In the early morning of February 1st, 1974, Bundy broke into the basement bedroom of Lynda Anne Healy. He beat her until she was unconscious, dressed her in a white blouse, blue jeans, and boots and carried her away from the scene. On March 12th, 1974, Donna Gail Manson, a 19-year-old student at the Evergreen State College in Olympia went missing as she left her dorm to attend a jazz concert that she would never attend. April 17th, 1974, Susan Elaine Rancourt disappeared from Central Washington State College, on her way back to her dorm after an advisors meeting. Two female students later came forward with encounters with the same man. One was on the night of Susan’s disappearance and the other was three days before that. The man had his arm in a sling and had asked the girls for help loading his books into a brown or tan Volkswagen beetle. In Corvallis at Oregon State University, on May 6th, 1974, Roberta Kathleen Parks, left her dormitory to meet friends for coffee and she never arrived. 
Police precincts were growing more and more concerned with each abduction. As they had no evidence or connection between each of the girls besides they were all young, attractive, college-aged, white women with their brown hair parted down the middle. On June 1st, 1974, Brenda Carol Ball, disappeared from the Flame Tavern in Burien, near the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. She had last been seen in the parking lot with a brown-haired man with his arm in a sling. Not too long after that, on June 11th, 1974 Georgann Hawkins disappeared walking down a brightly lit alleyway between her boyfriend’s dormitory and her own sorority house. After Georgann’s disappearance was made public in the media, witnesses came forward reporting that they saw a man that night in an alley behind a nearby dormitory. He was on crutches with a leg cast and was struggling to carry a briefcase. Another witness had said that the man actually asked for her help. At this time Ted was working in Olympia as the Assistant Director of the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission. He wrote pamphlets for women on rape prevention here. He also later worked at the Department of Emergency Services (DES), which helped look for the missing women. This is where he met Carol Anne Boone, and began dating her (as well as Elizabeth Kloepfer).
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Carol Anne Boone
Pressure was immense on law enforcement at this time. This was very frustrating as panic spread through young women of the area, with six disappearances and one brutal beating. Rates of hitchhiking in young women dropped drastically. Police could not provide reporters with what little information they had because they did not want to compromise the investigation. Similarities between the victims were noted by the police in their investigations: The disappearances all took place at night, each disappearance was usually near ongoing construction work, also within a week of midterm or final exams. Every single victim was wearing slacks or blue jeans; and at most crime scenes, there were sightings of a man wearing a cast or a sling, and driving a brown or tan Volkswagen Beetle. On July 14th, 1974, five female witnesses on a beach at Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah, Washington, described an attractive man in a white tennis outfit with his arm in a sling. They also described him speaking in a light accent, possibly Canadian or British, and was introducing himself as Ted. He asked for their help in unloading a sailboat from his Volkswagen beetle. Four of the girls refused but one accompanied him to the point of the car in view. When she did not see a sailboat, she fled the area. Three other witnesses saw the man, now known as Ted, saw him approach Janice Ann Ott. He fed her the sailboat story and she was seen leaving the beach with him. Four hours after Janice’s disappearance, Denise Marie Naslund, vanished after leaving a picnic to use the restroom. 
Idaho/Utah Murders and Kidnappings
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In August 1974, Ted moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, after receiving a second letter of acceptance from the University of Utah Law School. He continued to call Elizabeth Kloepfer as he lived in Salt Lake, but dated at least a dozen other women at the time. On September 2nd, 1974, Ted abducted, raped, and murdered a still unknown hitchhiker in Idaho. On October 2nd, 1974, Ted kidnapped 16-year-old Nancy Wilcox from Holladay, a suburb of Salt Lake City. On October 18th, 1974, The daughter of the police chief of Midvale, Melissa Anne Smith, vanished after leaving a pizza parlor. Her body was found nine days later, nude, in a mountainous area. Postmortem reports say she may have remained alive for up to seven days after her disappearance. On October 17th, 1974, Laura Ann Aime disappeared after leaving a cafe around midnight. Her body was found by hikers, nine miles northeast of American Fork Canyon on Thanksgiving Day. Both, Melissa and Laura had been beaten, raped, sodomized, and were strangled with nylon stockings. November 8th, 1974, Ted approached Carol DaRonch, introduced himself as Officer Roseland and used the story of someone attempting to break into her car and to accompany him to the police station to make a report. When Carol pointed out that he was not going to the police station, he immediately pulled over to the shoulder of the road and tried to handcuff her. In their struggle, he accidentally handcuffed both cuffs to the same wrist. Carol was able to throw the door open and escape because of this. On the same evening, Debra Jean Kent disappeared after leaving a theater production to pick up her brother. The school's drama teacher and a student told police that "a stranger" had asked each of them to come out to the parking lot to identify a car. Another student later saw the same man pacing in the rear of the auditorium, and the drama teacher spotted him again shortly before the end of the play. Outside of the auditorium, investigators were able to recover a key that unlocked the handcuffs on Carol DaRonch’s wrists. 
In November, Elizabeth Kloepfer called King County police for the second time, after reading about the string of disappearances and murders in the towns surrounding Salt Lake. Bundy had risen considerably as a suspect among the King County Police, but the most reliable witness from Lake Sammamish could not identify in a photo lineup. In December, Elizabeth called the Salt Lake City police with her suspicions. Ted was then added to their list of suspects, but there were no credible forensic links to put him at any of the Utah crimes. In January of 1975, Ted returned to Seattle and stayed a week with Elizabeth. She did not tell him she had reported him to the police on three occasions. She also made plans to visit him in August of 1975 in Salt Lake. Unfortunately, Ted’s crimes moved to Colorado at this point. 
Colorado/Utah/Idaho Murders
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January 12th, 1975, Caryn Eileen Campbell disappeared walking down a well lit hallway between the elevator and her room at the Wildwood Inn in Snowmass Village, Colorado. Her body was found a month later on a dirt road next to the resort, nude. On March 15th, 1975, Julie Cunningham disappeared while walking to a dinner date with a friend from her apartment. April 6th, 1975, Denise Lynn Oliverson vanished while riding her bicycle to her parents house. Her bike and sandals were found near a railroad bridge in a viaduct. May 6th, 1975, Ted was able to lure 12-year-old Idaho native from Alameda Junior High School, Lynette Dawn Culver, to his hotel room in Salt Lake City, where he drowned and raped her. He disposed of her body in possibly the Snake river north of Pocatello. In Mid-May, three of Ted’s coworkers from DES came to stay with him for a week. This included Carol Anne Boone. They stayed for about a week. Subsequently, Ted visited Elizabeth Kloepfer in early June. They discussed getting married the following Christmas. She again made no comments about her talking to police on several occasions. Ted also did not disclose his ongoing relationship with Carol Anne Boone or his relationship with a Utah law student known as both; Kim Andrews or Sharon Auer. June 28th, 1975, Susan Curtis disappeared from the campus of Brigham Young University, forty-five miles south of Salt Lake City. In August of 1975, Ted was also baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints although he did not follow any of the religious practices and was not an active participant in services. 
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On August 16th, 1975, Officer Bob Hayward of the Utah Highway Patrol, arrested Ted in Granger. This was another suburb of Salt Lake City. Hayward had observed him cruising the residential area in the pre-dawn hours. Ted then fled the area at high speeds after seeing Hayward’s patrol car. After noticing the front passengers seat was removed and placed on the back seat, the car was searched. Hayward found a ski mask, another mask fashioned from pantyhose, a crowbar, handcuffs, trash bags, rope, an ice pick, and other burglary tools. Ted had said that the mask was for skiing, he found the handcuffs in the dumpster, and the rest were household items. Detective Jerry Thompson remembered a similar looking suspect and car description from Carol DaRonch’s attempted kidnapping. Police then searched Bundy’s apartment and were able to turn up a guide to Colorado’s ski resorts with a checkmark next to the Wildwood Inn. They were also able to find a brochure for Viewmont High School play in Bountiful where Debra Kent disappeared. They although did not find enough evidence to detain Ted and he was released on his own recognizance. Ted claimed later that investigators missed his collection of polaroid photos of his victims and he destroyed them after his release. Salt Lake police placed Ted under a 24 hour surveillance. 
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Detective Thompson flew to Seattle with two other detectives to interview Elizabeth Kloepfer. Elizabeth told them that in the year prior to Ted’s move to Salt Lake, she had discovered things that she "couldn't understand" in her house and also in Ted's apartment. The items she found included crutches, a bag of plaster of Paris that he had admitted stealing from a medical supply house, and a meat cleaver that was never used for cooking. Additional things she found included surgical gloves, an Oriental knife in a wooden case that he just kept in the glove compartment of his car, and a sack full of women's clothing.  Ted was so far into debt, that Elizabeth suspected that he had stolen almost everything of significance that he owned. When she confronted him over a new TV and stereo, he warned her, "If you tell anyone, I'll break your fucking neck.” Elizabeth then mentioned that she would find Ted looking at her body with a flashlight under the covers on more than one occasion, and that he would get very upset if she mentioned cutting her hair. Which was long, brown, and parted in the middle. Detectives interviewing Elizabeth were able to confirm that Ted was not with her on any of the nights where the Pacific Northwest disappearances occurred. This is where Elizabeth learned about Stephanie Brooks and their brief engagement in 1973. In September, Ted sold his beetle to a Midvale teenager, but Utah police impounded it and dismantled it. They were able to find matching hair samples from Caryn Campbell. They also found “microscopically indistinguishable” hair strands from Melissa Smith and Carol DaRonch. On October 2nd, 1975, Police put Ted into a lineup and Carol DaRonch was able to identify him as Officer Roseland. Other witnesses were able to identify him as the stranger from the auditorium at Viewmont High School. He was able to be charged with aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault in Carol DaRonch’s case. He was released on $15,000 bail, which was paid by his parents. He continued to live with Elizabeth Kloepfer during this time. 
In February 1976, Ted stood trial for Carol DaRonch’s kidnapping. He waived his right to trial by jury because of the negative views surrounding the case and opted for a bench trial. After a four day trial, and a weekend of deliberation, Ted was found guilty of kidnapping and assault. In June he was sentenced to one to fifteen years in the Utah State Prison. In October, he was found hiding in bushes in the prison yard carrying an "escape kit". This included road maps, airline schedules, and a social security card. He spent several weeks in solitary confinement for this. Later in October, Colorado authorities charged him with Caryn Campbell's murder. He waived his right to extradition and was transferred to Aspen in January 1977. 
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June 7, 1977, Ted was transported from the Garfield County jail in Glenwood Springs to Pitkin County Courthouse in Aspen for a preliminary hearing. He waived his right to a court appointed attorney and opted to serve as his own, and as such, was excused by the judge from wearing handcuffs or leg shackles. During a recess of the trial, he asked to visit the courthouse's law library to research his case. While out of view from his guards, behind a bookcase, he opened a window and jumped to the ground from the second story. He managed to injure his right ankle in the process as he landed. He shed the outer layer of his clothing. He walked through Aspen as roadblocks were being set up on its outskirts after noticing his disappearance, then hiked southward onto Aspen Mountain. Near the summit of the mountain, he broke into a hunting cabin. He was able to steal food, clothing, and a rifle. The following day he left the cabin and continued south toward the town of Crested Butte. Although, during this time he had managed to get lost in the forest. For two days he wandered aimlessly in the mountain forest, missing the two trails that led downward to his intended destination. On June 10th, 1977, he broke into a camping trailer on Maroon Lake, taking food and a ski parka; instead of continuing southward, he walked back north toward Aspen, eluding the roadblocks and search parties along the way. Three days later, he stole a car at the edge of an Aspen Golf Course. He drove back into Aspen, where two police officers noticed his car weaving in and out of its lane and pulled him over. He had been a fugitive for six days.
Back in jail at Glenwood Springs, Ted again ignored legal advice to stay put (not to try to escape again). It was said that the case against him, already weak at best, was deteriorating steadily as pre-trial motions consistently resolved in his favor and significant bits of evidence were ruled inadmissible. A quote stating, "A more rational defendant might have realized that he stood a good chance of acquittal, and that beating the murder charge in Colorado would probably have dissuaded other prosecutors... with as little as a year and a half to serve on the DaRonch conviction, had Ted persevered, he could have been a free man.” had shown that. But instead, Ted assembled a new escape plan. He acquired a detailed floor plan of the jail and a hacksaw blade from other inmates, and collected $500 in cash. This was smuggled in over a six-month period, by visitors, Mostly Carol Boone. During the evenings, while other prisoners were showering, he sawed a hole about one square foot, between the steel reinforcing bars in his cell's ceiling and, having lost 35 pounds, he was able to wriggle through it into the crawl space above. In the weeks that followed, he made several “practice runs”, exploring the space. Multiple reports from an informant of movement within the ceiling during the night were not investigated. By late 1977, Bundy's impending trial had become very high flying in the media in the small town of Aspen. Ted then filed a motion for a change of venue to Denver. On December 23rd, 1977, the Aspen trial judge granted the request, but he was sent to Colorado Springs, where juries had historically been hostile to murder suspects. On the night of December 30, with most of the jail staff on Christmas break and nonviolent prisoners on furlough with their families. Bundy piled books and files in his bed, covered them with a blanket to simulate his sleeping body, and climbed into the crawl space. He broke through the ceiling into the apartment of the chief jailer, who had been out for the evening with his wife. He changed into street clothes from the jailer's closet, and literally walked out the front door to his freedom.
Florida Murders and Assaults
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Ted arrived in Tallahassee, Florida on January 8th, 1978, and rented a room under the alias of Chris Hagen at the Holiday Inn. Here Bundy tried to find work and leave his criminal past behind, thinking he’d be able to remain free if he didn’t bring police suspicion onto himself. He then was forced to leave his only job application after being asked to provide identification. He reverted to shoplifting and stealing credit cards from women’s wallets out of shopping carts. On January 15th, 1978, he entered Florida State University’s sorority Chi Omega. Starting at 2:45am, he bludgeoned Margaret Bowman and then garoted her with a nylon stocking. He moved on to Lisa Levy’s bedroom, who was beaten unconscious, strangled her, tore one of her nipples, bit deeply into her left buttock, and sexuallly assaulted her with a hair mist bottle. In the bedroom adjoining Lisa's, he attacked Kathy Kliener. He had broken her jaw and had a deep laceration on her shoulder. Karen Chandler was also attacked in her bedroom, she suffered a concussion, loss of teeth, a broken jaw, and a crushed finger. Kathy and Karen both survived and attributed their survival to the attacker being scared off by headlights illuminating through the window. The whole attack happened within fifteen minutes with thirty witnesses in earshot who seemingly heard nothing. Shortly after leaving the sorority, Ted broke into the basement apartment of Cheryl Thomas, eight blocks away. He dislocated her shoulder and fractured her jaw and skull in five different places during this attack. 
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On February 8th, 1978, he approached the daughter of Jacksonville chief of Police, 12-year-old Leslie Parmenter, introducing himself as “Richard Burton, fire department”. He only backed off when challenged by Leslie’s older brother who had shown up to pick her up. That day, he backtracked to Lake City. February 9th, 1978, at Lake City Junior High, 12-year-old Kimberly Dianne Leach was summoned to retrieve a forgotten purse in her homeroom class and was never seen afterwards. Her mummified remains were found seven weeks afterwards in a pig farrowing shed near Suwannee River State Park. It appears she had been raped (her underwear was found near the body with semen in them) and her throat had been slit. On February 12th, 1978, Bundy could not pay his rent and had the growing suspicion that police were closing in on him, he decided to flee Tallahassee. Three days later he was apprehended by Pensacola officer, David Lee, near the Alabama border. In Miami, June of 1979, Ted stood trial for the Chi Omega killings and assaults. The jury deliberated for less than seven hours before convicting him on July 24, 1979, of the Bowman and Levy murders, three counts of attempted first degree murder and two counts of burglary. In January 1980, six months after his first Florida convictions, Ted stood trial in Orlando for the kidnapping of Kimberly Dianne Leach. After less than eight hours of deliberation, Ted was found guilty again. During the penalty phase of his trial, Bundy took advantage of an obscure Florida law; providing that a marriage declaration in court, in the presence of a judge, constituted a legal marriage. As he was questioning former Washington State DES coworker Carole Ann Boone, who had moved to Florida to be near Bundy, had testified on his behalf during both of his trials, and was again testifying on his behalf as a character witness, asked her to marry him. She accepted, and Bundy declared to the court that they were legally married. February 10th, 1980, Ted’s was sentenced to death by electrocution for the third time. In October of 1981, Carol Anne Boone, gave birth to a daughter and named Ted Bundy as the father. 
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Ted Bundy died by the Raiford electric chair at 7:16 a.m. EST on January 24, 1989. Hundreds of revelers sang, danced and set off fireworks in a pasture across from the prison as the execution was carried out, then cheered as the white hearse containing Bundy's corpse departed the prison. He was cremated in Gainesville, Florida and his ashes scattered at an undisclosed location in the Cascade Range of Washington State, in accordance with his will. 
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argent-vulpine · 4 years
Getting Warmer
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Rating: G
Characters: Seteth/Byleth
Read it on AO3!
He hadn’t meant to.
That was the mantra he was telling himself as he fled the bathhouse, fighting the wave of embarrassment that threatened to set his face aflame. He’d gone in, mind still going over reports from the day, and hadn’t even thought about checking to see if the changing room he always used was occupied. He hadn’t expected anyone else to be in the bath at this time of night, truth be told.
Normally, Seteth was one of the last people for the day.
But normally, the students all went in waves after dinner. Normally, the professors had their own time slots after that. Normally, they hadn’t just returned from a grueling experience in the field.
Today was not a normal day. He cleared his throat, schooling his features into some semblance of composed, and decided to go on a stroll instead, firmly putting
out of his mind what he had seen.
Or trying to, at least.
He’d known that the young professor was an attractive woman. It was hard to avoid that fact, especially with the kind of clothing she was used to wearing. Not that her attempts to wear a student’s uniform were any better, frankly, and he was grateful when she’d stopped.
But at least she was clothed in those moments. Seeing her in a state of undress… he felt heat creeping up his neck and forced the thought away, focusing instead on where he was stepping, his eyes boring holes into the stones beneath him.
He was halfway to the main hall when a voice called out behind him. Calling for him, specifically. He turned, slowing as he saw who was approaching. “Good evening, Shamir. How may I help you?”
“Yeah, have you seen the professor? She ran off before she could be debriefed on the mission, but we figured letting her get clean first was fine… but that was an hour ago.”
It was all he could do not to let out a strangled cry. He was grateful for the high collar of his shirt, hopefully preventing the flush from being noticed. “I’m afraid I have not,” he replied, hopefully steadily. “Did you check the bathhouse?”
“I just came from there. Nowhere to be found.”
“Perhaps the sauna, then? I am aware she likes to frequent it after training sessions, perhaps a difficult mission would warrant the same treatment.”
“I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll try the sauna, and then her room. Maybe I just missed her.” She gave him a curt nod and turned around, jogging back the way she’d come.
Relieved that he’d answered her question well enough (and it seemed logical, truly) he went back to his stroll, very firmly shoving Byleth out of his mind. Again.
He ended up back at the suite of rooms that he and Flayn shared; she’d already had her time in the baths with her classmates – those who hadn’t gone on the mission, at any rate. She jumped up from the chair in their shared common room when he entered, setting her book down. “Oh! You are back already! And you… did not take a bath this evening?” she asked, confused.
“Ah, no, not yet. You know I prefer privacy, and there were others late using it.”
“Oh, I see. That is right, the professor and the others must have returned, is that it?” He nodded, and she bounced slightly on her toes.
“I hope that the professor will share with us what happened! She told me that I had much catching up to do before I would be allowed on the roster. Do not give me that look, you knew what it would mean for me to enroll in her class!” she added sternly when he’d begun to frown.
“I’ve spent such a long time protecting you, it’s… it’s a force of habit, Flayn. I will try to do better, I promise.”
She nodded, accepting this, and returned to her seat. “I take it you will be leaving again in a short while, when the bath is unoccupied again.”
“Yes, that is the plan.” He gave her a slight smile, taking up a seat of his own, grateful that she hadn’t asked any more questions. While he waited out an appropriate amount of time, he worked on the next of his fables, pouring all of his focus into that so that his mind would not wander elsewhere.
It wasn’t until he returned to the bathhouse itself that he found his concentration slipping, remembering the sight of the professor, still dripping from the bath and clad in only a towel.
He groaned softly, his head hitting the wall with a soft thunk as he tried to evict the mental image, but it persisted all throughout the process of changing and bathing, no matter what he did to remove it.
Over the next few days, Seteth did his best to avoid the professor, determined to push what happened out of his mind before he saw her again.
Except that it wasn’t possible to ignore her completely. There were mission debriefings to handle, the newest assignments to give out, certifications to endorse… the list was endless, it seemed, and every time he saw her, he looked away immediately, focusing his gaze elsewhere.
It ended up being a long week.
He had just sat down to lunch, a little sad to see that Flayn had gone to sit with some of her new friends instead of with him, when he was startled out of his thoughts by a tray being plunked down across from him. Seteth looked up in time to see the object of his embarrassment and frustration settling down, her tray piled high with food.
Honestly, he still had no idea how she managed to eat so much, but he assumed her quite active lifestyle did require more fuel than his own more sedentary profession. He must have made some kind of startled sound, because she looked up at him, dark eyes scrutinizing. When he didn’t say anything, she began to eat, quickly but not sloppily.
He ate his own meal at a more sedate pace, but he also had less of it. By the time he was nearly finished, so too was she, though she had slowed down to a more reasonable pace at some point. Seteth glanced up to see her looking at him, her features impassive but for a faint furrowing of her brow. He shifted under the scrutiny, the back of his neck warming. “Is there something wrong?” he finally asked. “Have I gotten something on me?”
She blinked, then glanced down at her food. “No. Sorry. I was just thinking.” The professor speared a vegetable on her fork, bringing it to her mouth and chewing thoughtfully. When she’d was done, she glanced at him again. “You seem more stressed than usual, Seteth.”
“I, ah… well, it’s a very busy time, that’s all. With the White Heron Cup approaching, and the ball… there’s much to do.”
She nodded, understanding. As a professor, she had her own duties to attend. Finding a dancer for her house, getting them trained (and did she even know how to dance?), and myriad other things. Another bit of vegetable was eaten, her gaze leaning pensive,
though it was still difficult to tell sometimes. “I reserved time at the sauna with no one else around,” she said after a moment. “Would you like to join me?”
Seteth almost choked on the piece of fish he’d been eating. He coughed, sputtering, and took a few quick sips of water.
If anything, Byleth only looked amused by this, the faintest curve of a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. “I like the quiet. I thought it might be nice for you, too.”
He hoped that he did not look as embarrassed as he felt. “Quite an unexpected offer,” he managed to say, chancing a glance at her. “… perhaps I will. You are right, of course, I have been quite stressed of late.”
She made a sort of humming sound, whether acknowledgement or agreement he wasn’t quite sure.
They finished their meal in relative silence after that, broken only by Byleth telling him what time she had reserved the sauna. And then she was gone, leaving him to stifle a groan… and the desire to bury his head in his hands. What had he done?
That evening he found himself outside the sauna a few minutes earlier than expected. A small group of people were leaving, chattering away. Some glanced his way and gave him respectful nods, which he returned absently.
He was oddly nervous about this, but kept reminding himself there was no reason to be. It was just some time relaxing in the sauna with the professor.
… the professor he had accidentally seen entirely undressed.
The same professor who had just run up the stairs leading to the sauna, though she barely looked winded. “Oh! I’m not late… am I?” she asked, peering at the sky as if it would answer her.
“No, I was just a little early, that’s all,” he reassured her. “I believe the sauna just cleared out of the last group.”
The sauna master nodded affirmation, gesturing for them to enter. They split apart once inside, each going to the appropriate changing rooms. Seteth found a sauna uniform already set out and waiting; he changed as quickly as he could, though his coat did delay him somewhat before he was properly attired.
When he entered the main chamber, he saw that Byleth was already there. She had spread out a towel to sit on, and had her eyes closed, hands in her lap though her shoulders were loose and relaxed already. When he settled down onto the bench nearby, her eyes fluttered open, glancing over at him, before they shut again.
He could see the faintest traces of a smile. “Is something amusing?” he asked, shifting nervously.
The smile, such as it was, broadened a fraction. “You’re still wearing your circlet,” she pointed out, reaching up to tap a finger to her temple.
Seteth reached up then, feeling the metal band, and gave a soft sigh. “So I am. Too late to worry about it this time,” he replied calmly, settling into a comfortable position.
They were quiet for several minutes, simply enjoying the warmth of the room. When Byleth rose to add more water to the coals, he followed her movements through heavy-lidded eyes, admitting to himself – deep down, at least – that she was a marvelous sight to behold.
More skin was exposed by the cut of the sauna attire. Despite the appearance of her typical clothing, it did at least cover much of her skin. It was rare, then, to see the spiderwebs of scars across her arms and legs, the telltale signs of a life lived roughly and in constant battle. Her muscles rippled beneath the skin, drawing attention to the curve of her calf, her firm thighs…
… he stopped himself, flushing and grateful for the heat as a means to hide the embarrassment of it.
While he did trust her now, far more than he had before, she was still a professor. And… still human. Still young, by all accounts, even if Jeralt had told her birth day falsely… and he undoubtedly had.
He should not be having such thoughts about her. Not these, nor the ones that had plagued him since he’d stumbled upon her in the bathhouse.
“It wasn’t too much steam, was it?” she asked, drawing him back to the present. She was standing in front of him now, leaning forward slightly so that their eyes were on a level.
Seteth very firmly did not allow his gaze to wander to her chest, no matter its current position. “No, no, not at all. Apologies, it has just been a long week indeed.”
She nodded, but somehow did not seem at all convinced. Still, she returned to her seat, stretching lazily. Her breasts had already been pushing against the fabric, but the movement only amplified them, showing off their supple curves.
He bit back a groan and tore his attention away. There were reputations to consider, after all. Hers. His. The church’s. And she had given no indication of interest in him, nor anyone else for that matter. True that it was difficult to decipher her emotions sometimes, but surely if she had those sorts of thoughts, even she would have had *some* tell.
No, better to just ignore these thoughts until they went away, as they surely would.
“Seteth…” At his inquisitive hum, she continued. “You’ve been acting very strangely around me since I returned from the mission. Did I do something wrong?”
He drew in a sharp breath before turning to look at her. Her dark hair hung around her face, framing it. Her brows were furrowed, concern showing in the depths of her eyes though the rest of her face was as immobile, as impassive as ever. He closed his eyes briefly, giving a silent prayer to the Goddess, and opened them again to stare at her. “No, Professor, you are not at fault here.”
“Then why…”
“The blame is on me,” he continued, cutting her off. Heat crept up his neck. “I… was very improper, intruding on you as I did, and I should have apologized for that.”
She looked more confused than before. “Why should you apologize? It was an accident, yes?” “I should have knocked to be sure the room was empty.”
He could see the slightest shift in her features as she frowned. “That may be true, but you didn’t intend to do that.” And now she gave him the tiniest of smirks, leaning forward. “I think it would have gone differently if you had.”
Seteth’s jaw tightened to prevent it from falling open entirely. He couldn’t be sure if she was teasing him… or perhaps threatening him. Nor was he sure which one he would prefer… and that train of thought was further derailed when Byleth gave a soft laugh, leaning back in her seat, every motion showing self-satisfaction at whatever she had seen in his face.
She gave another stretch, humming softly, and then stood. “I think I am going to head back now. Thank you for joining me, Seteth,” she said.
“Ah… well, thank you for the invitation, Professor.”
Byleth gave a single nod, and was about to step through into the women’s changing room when she stopped, glancing at him over her shoulder. “You’re quite cute when you’re trying not to blush,” she quipped, not waiting for his reaction as she slipped through, closing the door softly behind her.
Only when he was sure she was truly gone did he groan, burying his head in his hands. He’d been trying so hard… and yet had she still seen right through him?
It wasn’t until much later that he realized she had called him cute.
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nehawriter16 · 4 years
2020 / 24
There are only 2 things I can do on an airplane – dose up on sleeping meds and pass out, or order one too many cappuccinos, keep my exhausted brain awake, and will it to talk to paper. The flight from JFK was in the afternoon and in the chaos of leaving for the airport early in the morning, I forgot to pack my pills.
Two cappuccinos in, my hands were shaking and begging to be typing out the Mrs. Maisel speed monologue that constantly runs in my head. Even though there is a month left in this year, I decided to do my annual New Years Eve post. Over the last 3 days, I’ve been drilling it down to go from gibberish to slightly readable.
Here it is.
Like the rest of the world, in January, I was blissfully unaware of the shitstorm that would follow. I got into several colleges on the East Coast for a Master’s in Finance degree. Every day, I would race down the stairs with my laptop and show my parents: another admit, another scholarship! On the surface, I was making pro and con lists for each one. Deep down, my heart had already picked Fordham in New York. It was New York. Nothing else would cut it.
The day after I turned 24 in January, I also met my (now ex) boyfriend on the internet. Completely by accident, he saw my profile because a mutual friend followed my writing. Two days later, she texted me and said he would like to talk to me. Did I want to talk to some boy studying in Paris? I was single and bored and already had my year laid out for me, so why wouldn’t I?
It moved quickly. Three months later, we had been speaking every day and were exclusive. We had not hung out in person. It was stupid, but I had never come across anybody who liked me as much as he did. In every relationship I had been in before this, I always knew I was more emotionally involved. I fell in love with his devotion to me – he would stay home (who stays home in Paris!) and choose to spend virtual time with me over going to clubs with his friends. I watched myself become the epicenter of his life and thought – this is how much I’ve always wanted to mean to somebody.
In March when the pandemic hit and India shut down, my father sent a car to pick me up from my internship in Bombay, where I had moved two weeks ago. I didn’t pack so much as my toothbrush – the driver brought me home and I had no idea that it would be months before I’d get to leave again.
Morales stayed high in the beginning – we thought it would end in 21 days, then 2 months, then 5. It has taken over the whole year now, and despite us gridlocking it into “2020,” we all know the first half of 2021 will also be filled with masks and sanitizers and not hugging your friends. I wonder if I will ever settle into somebody’s arms without cringing again.
March melted into April, that melted into one long drawl until suddenly it was August and college was beginning the following week. I found myself refreshing the US consulate’s website absent mindedly one afternoon, and all appointments that had been suspended suddenly showed you a tiny little bar that read “reschedule.” I screamed and clicked.
I had thought I would be spending the year stuck at home, awake and attending classes at odd hours. While my classmates went to happy hours in dive bars in Manhattan, I would be in my bedroom, still chained to my parents’ curfews and ultimatums. But then suddenly, I was standing before a US immigration officer in Bombay, and he was telling me I had been granted my student visa.
All that was left to do was book a flight to New York, and break the news to my boyfriend, who was on his way to my abandoned apartment at this very moment for our first date, 7 months after we first began speaking. He had come home in March when France went into lockdown, and it was starting to feel like a throuple with long distance, the third and very present member in our relationship.
I packed up the belongings I had left there, and we sat across from each other on the double bed. I kissed him first. There were roadblocks, and our personalities and views clashed on so many important things, but I loved him. Two days later, I said: I have to leave for New York in 3 weeks. He didn’t take it well.
In September, I landed at JFK. When the wheels of the plane made contact with the runway, I was smiling behind a mask I’d had on for 16 hours. On the Air Train to Manhattan, I felt a sense of happiness wash over me and toyed with the possibility that maybe I wouldn’t mind if it was just me in this city. I would be okay alone.
I found an apartment, a roommate, signed a lease in a beautiful building in Hell’s Kitchen, walking distance from college. I met lots of people from my class and instantly picked out the ones I wanted to become good friends with. I dove straight into academics and extra curriculars at college – after 5 months of nothing happening, life was suddenly exciting again.
When New York lit up every night, it felt like anything was possible. I started eating better and walking a lot. My hair grew out from the bad haircut I’d gotten the year before. Coffee was no longer just coffee, it was finding a new café and walking through Central Park. Drinks were not just drinks, they were about accidentally stumbling onto a secret bar in the East Village, finding favorite spots in the neighborhood, letting a cute waiter recommend a cocktail to me even though I was perfectly capable of picking one myself.
The boyfriend and I were fighting more than usual. I was getting tired of it. We had discussed a life together, but it was slowly and surely becoming clear to me that I would resent myself for making big compromises for a person who still had a lot of growing up left to do. As New York got cold, I did too – without trying. When one particular argument got really bad, I asked for a break from the relationship. He didn’t like it.
A week later, I woke up to a girl sending me screenshots on Instagram of her conversation with him (pre me asking for a break) on a dating app, and without getting into details, I will tell you it was not a conversation anybody with a girlfriend should have been having. I should have been broken in half on the inside, but now I could finally say, without feeling guilty – this relationship was not working, nobody was happy, and you were so unhappy you thought talking to other women was okay. I spent all of one day drinking with a friend in Central Park and sobbing myself to sleep.
But mostly, what hit me after the initial shock had died down was a tsunami of relief. I felt lighter, freer. I try not to think too hard about the trauma that comes from finding out that the person you think is so devoted to you, and definitely loves you more than you love them (or so you think) is being unfaithful, because it hurts a part of me that is already very bruised from all the things that have happened to me before. So I don’t.
But it was New York. I was young and smart and there was a wine shop down the block that sold $14 bottles of Moscato. I didn’t need much else to know I would be okay. At 20, I would have jumped right back into going on dates every other night to distract myself from what had happened, then never called any of those men back. At 24, this emotional speed bump resulted in a lot of quiet introspection in my bedroom. I spent a lot of time alone, on the phone with friends, and walking around the city. I had learnt to like my own company enough to not fill a suddenly empty void with anybody else’s, even though there have been several tempting offers in this past month, and sometimes, I have succumbed to them, but mostly I am very strict with who deserves my company.
It was nice to spend that second month in New York by myself. I owed absolutely nobody a single minute of my time. No one asked me questions, or called me and expected me to share my day unless I wanted to, and once I had worked hard and cleared out the things from my to do list for the day, time stretched out before me and I had the autonomy to decide the smallest thing down to who to meet, what to eat, how much to sleep.
I didn’t let my academics and ambition suffer – no matter what happens, I never do and I never will. The grades stay up – it’s built into my system. I am back home now and just 2 days in, I find myself wishing I hadn’t left New York. I was starting to build a life I liked there, and the only price I had to pay for it was a 4 pm sunset. It would have been slightly lonely, but I like the time I spend by myself. I worked hard to become like that.
This month, I will see my friends here at home. I’ve missed them. I can’t believe I grew up in this city and I already feel so alienated from it just from 60 days of living away. Is that how badly I wanted to leave?
I might be dramatic and fly back on my 25th birthday, so that I can say, “I was on a flight,” and ignore the slowly expanding bubble of dread that comes with turning that old. I like the ambiguity of airports and I’m the sort of inherently sad person who would love to be alone and unreachable on my birthday.
I acknowledge that my problems this year have been so small in the face of those of us who have lost family members, contracted the virus, had to give up internships or had jobs taken from us, been torn away from family, or had to make it through this alone.  
I feel almost guilty that good things have happened to me in a year that has predominantly been bad for almost everyone else. I feel apologetic, even though from 2017 to 2019, I was treated like life’s sick joke so I should deserve these good things that I worked hard for.
I definitely feel myself growing up, though. Emotionally I find I have a clearer idea of what I want from relationships and friendships, and I don’t second guess cutting off anybody who doesn’t serve that purpose or messes with my mental peace. I still have days when self-doubt comes over for a cup of tea, leaves me weak in the knees, but most days are free of it. I am also moving out of that chameleon phase where I mirrored what I thought a room full of new people would want from me, and I am unapologetically myself, irrespective of who’s watching.
Last year I remember wishing for something stupid, like “I wish there was somebody to kiss on New Years Eve,” because I’ve never had anybody to smack lips with when it’s midnight. This year, I don’t care. I’ll kiss myself in the mirror, for all I care. I love her. She’s my homie.
It’s been a weird year. I know who I was in 2019, and I remember wondering if I was proud of her. Things were still in purgatory then. But I steered my life and brought it back on track. This year, I am proud of myself without doubting it.
There’s no measuring scale for personal growth, but if there was, I feel at least a couple of inches taller in 2020.
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Reflections on Charmed! 2020
I've tried and failed to write this post several times. And the problem I'm having is that there's that much to talk about I just find myself diving down rabbit holes… let's try again.
Last weekend, I attended my first hypnocon ever, Charmed 2020, and it was glorious. There are so many highlights from it, it's difficult to pick them out, so in brief:
Getting to play publicly with my amazing, beautiful play partner, the legendary and fabulous @lizzidoll (@tennfan2 called us "aggressively cute").
Getting to meet Lizzi's circle of friends: @enscenic, @zanydanger, @hypno-sandwich, @theleeallure, @carneggyblog, @tennfan2, @h-sleepingirl, cckitten… the list goes on.
Watching Lizzi's friends, most of whom she's not seen for some time, greet her with such genuine love and affection that it filled my heart with joy and brought tears to my eyes.
Being Lizzi's assistant / handler for the Gallery of Living Art, turning her into a poseable and stunningly attractive doll with a twist for those brave enough to investigate more closely.
Being sung down into trance by @enscenic, Lizzi, @theleeallure and @zanydanger — by far the most intensely beautiful hypnotic induction I've ever experienced, and a wonderful surprise which felt a lot like an initiation ritual.
Watching @zanydanger tie Lizzi in the dungeon in a scene that was so unbelievably fucking hot.
@hypno-sandwich proving that I am very responsive to a spiral drawn in the air in front of my eyes.
Demo-bottoming for Mazirian and Velvetine Rabbit's dual induction class — I was told afterwards that I had a hot trance face, much to Lizzi's agreement.
Trancing with and fractionating Blue Prime, which was a journey for both of us -- and for me, my first time solo-topping with someone other than Lizzi for the first time in far too many years.
Spending a few days post-con decompressing in Baltimore with Lizzi — we can firmly recommend Sullivan's Steakhouse and the Lump Crabcakes at Faidley's in Lexington Market.
What I wish I'd done
I don't know if it was the intensity of the experience, the jet-lag from flying 8.5 hours, or the late nights (most likely a combination of all three) but I spent quite a bit of time sleeping during class times. Next time I'd like to do more classes and less napping. But I love napping, so…
Also, I wish I'd have played with more people. That was partly down to my own insecurity — it was only thanks to Lizzi that I actually tranced with Blue at all — and partly down to the fact that even when I put my search for partners on Discord it was actually pretty difficult for us to find each other. Also, there wasn't really a quiet space to do random trancing in, which would have been nice.
What I learned
Oh, so much. I learned a bit of history, a lot of theory, a huge number of little tricks that I'm dying to try (even second-hand learning: @theleeallure apparently had a genius method for bringing someone all the way out of a deep trance which I'm going to keep in my back pocket).
Most importantly, though, I had it reaffirmed to me that I'm not alone in my weirdness. And that not only am I not alone, but that most of the people who are in this weird and kinky hypnoboat with me are thoroughly delightful human beings, around whom I want to spend more time ere too long.
General Thoughts
Charmed! is a great con, especially for a con newb like me. Sure, there could be some reorganisation of classes to make things a bit easier to access for journey-folk hypnokinksters like yours truly — being able to chop and change between -101 and -201 would have been great, for example. But that's a difficult thing to orchestrate.
Much was made of the new consent policy, which explicitly disallowed CNC play (or at least stated that "CNC is not an excuse in the event of a consent violation). I'm not going to go into that here too much — the ConCom took legal advice and were following it in the best way they could. Some CNC-playing people felt kink-shamed. I didn't, but I can see why people did. As far as I can tell, though, the consent policy didn't cause any actual problems, and was more of a problem in people's minds than in actuality.
What's next.
I'm hoping to attend, along with Lizzi, MindQuake in October/November. I'd love to be able to attend @beguiledcon too, but the chances of that working out are somewhat slimmer.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Trump Threatens to Send Federal Law Enforcement Forces to More Cities (NYT) President Trump plans to deploy federal law enforcement to Chicago and threatened on Monday to send agents to other major cities—all controlled by Democrats. Governors and other officials reacted angrily to the president’s move, calling it an election-year ploy as they squared off over crime, civil liberties and local control that has spread from Portland, Ore., across the country. With camouflage-clad agents already sweeping through the streets of Portland, more units were poised to head to Chicago, and Mr. Trump suggested that he would follow suit in New York, Philadelphia, Detroit and other urban centers. Governors and other officials compared his actions to authoritarianism and vowed to pursue legislation or lawsuits to stop him. “I’m going to do something—that, I can tell you,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “Because we’re not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these—Oakland is a mess. We’re not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats.”
Chicago restaurateur joins mission to feed America’s hungry (AP) Before coronavirus arrived, Manish Mallick’s trips to this city’s South Side had been limited to attending graduate classes at the University of Chicago. Now Mallick is a South Side regular—and a popular one. He regularly arrives bearing food for the hungry from his Indian restaurant several miles to the north, in the city’s downtown. “Thank you, sugar, for the meals. They’re so delicious!” one woman recently shouted to Mallick outside a South Side YWCA. “God bless you!” she added, raising her arms for emphasis. Mallick has personally delivered thousands of meals cooked and packed by his staff—among them, chickpea curry and tandoori chicken with roasted cottage cheese, sweet corn, peas and rice. Volunteers from neighborhood organizations then take them to children, retirees and the multitudes who’ve been laid off or sick during the pandemic. “We all need to help each other,” Mallick says. “That’s the best way to get through a crisis.”
American tourists are banned from the Bahamas as coronavirus cases spike (Washington Post) One of the few countries to welcome U.S. tourists has changed its mind, citing soaring infection numbers. The Bahamas will close its borders to most visitors from the United States starting Wednesday, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said Sunday. While commercial flights from Canada, Britain and the European Union will still be allowed to land, all visitors must show proof that they tested negative for the coronavirus at an accredited lab in the past 10 days. Other international flights will be banned.
More and more countries are making masks mandatory (Washington Post) As countries around the world reopen their economies amid ongoing novel coronavirus outbreaks, governments are increasingly embracing what remains in some places a divisive public health measure: mandatory masks. In France, face coverings will be required in all public enclosed spaces as of Monday. England is set to begin enforcing new rules that make masks mandatory inside supermarkets and other shops, effective Friday. In the U.S., there is no national mask requirement. But at the state level, a growing number of mask requirements have come into force.
EU agrees on $2.1 trillion deal after marathon summit (AP) After four days and nights of wrangling, exhausted European Union leaders finally clinched a deal on an unprecedented 1.8 trillion-euro ($2.1 trillion) budget and coronavirus recovery fund early Tuesday, after one of their longest summits ever. The 27 leaders grudgingly committed to a costly, massive aid package for those hit hardest by COVID-19, which has already killed 135,000 people within the bloc alone. “Extraordinary events, and this is the pandemic that has reached us all, also require extraordinary new methods,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. To confront the biggest recession in its history, the EU will establish a 750 billion-euro coronavirus fund, partly based on common borrowing, to be sent as loans and grants to the hardest-hit countries. That is in addition to the agreement on the seven-year, 1 trillion-euro EU budget that leaders had been haggling over for months even before the pandemic. “The consequences will be historic,” French President Emmanuel Macron said. “We have created a possibility of taking up loans together, of setting up a recovery fund in the spirit of solidarity,” a sense of sharing debt that would have been unthinkable not so long ago.
Breached levees trap thousands as flooding in China worsens (AP) Breached levees have trapped more than 10,000 people in an eastern Chinese town as flooding worsens across much of the country, local authorities said Tuesday. High waters overcame flood defenses protecting Guzhen, a town in Anhui province, on Sunday, the provincial government said on its official microblog. Flood waters rose as high as 3 meters (10 feet), the official Xinhua News Agency quoted Wang Qingjun, Guzhen’s Communist Party secretary, as saying. About 1,500 firefighters were rushed to carry out rescues in the province, where weeks of heavy rains have disrupted the lives of more than 3 million people, Xinhua said.
Britain suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong (NYT) Britain on Monday suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong amid worries about a new national security law that Beijing imposed on the former British colony. The suspension comes as London and Beijing find themselves at increasing odds over a variety of issues, including Britain’s move to bar Chinese tech giant Huawei from its 5G wireless networks and growing public anger in Britain over the treatment of the Uighur minority in Xinjiang, an autonomous territory in China.
Japan helps 87 companies to ‘exit China’ after pandemic exposed overreliance (Washington Post) Japan is paying 87 companies to shift production back home or into Southeast Asia after the novel coronavirus pandemic disrupted supply chains and exposed an overreliance on Chinese manufacturing. Alarm bells started ringing in Japanese boardrooms as soon as the virus emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a major hub of the auto parts industry. Japanese automaker Nissan was forced to temporarily halt production at a plant in Japan in February over shortages of parts from China, while a Japanese consumer goods company, Iris Ohyama, found itself unable to meet surging local demand for masks after supplies to its factory in China were disrupted and export controls out of China were tightened. In March, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the government wanted to bring production back home and diversify into Southeast Asia. The following month, the government set aside $2.2 billion in its coronavirus economic recovery package to subsidize that process. China is Japan’s largest trading partner, but Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has been trying for several years to reduce the country’s dependence on its giant neighbor. The 2008 global financial crisis, the 2011 northeastern Japan earthquake and the coronavirus pandemic all disrupted supply chains, while U.S.-China trade tensions are also a factor.
Jordan to reopen airports to tourists in August (AP) The Jordanian government says it will begin reopening airports to international travelers in August after sealing its borders in March to help halt the spread of the coronavirus. Travelers from a list of approved, low-risk countries must pass a coronavirus test at least 72 hours before departure and will get a second test upon arrival in Jordan, Transportation Minister Khaled Saif says. Jordan will require incoming tourists to download Aman, the government’s contact-tracing mobile application, for the duration of their stay in the country.
Swapping the stage for a deli: Israel underemployment rises (AP) A year ago, Cijay Brightman was doing sound and lighting for a Madonna performance in Israel. Now, after the coronavirus wiped out live events, he’s making sandwiches, slicing cheese and serving customers at a Tel Aviv deli. Brightman spent the last 15 years perfecting his craft and doing what he loves as a stage technician. But in the wake of the pandemic, he has been forced to abandon his passion and profession—like thousands of others in Israel—and find any job that will pay the bills. Underemployment is plaguing workers around the world. Although there are no global statistics yet, the phenomenon is expected to grow as the economic crisis around the world deepens, said economist Roger Gomis of the International Labor Organization.
King Salman hospitalized (Foreign Policy) Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has been admitted to hospital with gallbladder problems, state media reported on Monday. The 84-year-old monarch is the second aging Gulf leader to seek medical attention recently, after 91-year-old Kuwaiti ruler Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah underwent surgery on Sunday for an as yet unnamed ailment.
Uganda’s Museveni seeks re-election to extend rule to four decades (Reuters) Uganda’s long-serving President Yoweri Museveni has collected papers to seek nomination as the ruling party’s candidate in next year’s presidential election, the party said on Tuesday. Securing a new term would potentially extend the 75-year-old former rebel fighter’s rule to four decades. Though no date has yet been fixed for the 2021 vote, it is typically held in February. The strongest opposition presidential aspirant is pop star and lawmaker Bobi Wine, 38, whose music endears him to the young. In power since 1986, Museveni’s tenure is only surpassed in Africa by Equatorial Guinea’s Teodoro Obiang, who has ruled since 1979 and Cameroon’s Paul Biya, who has ruled since 1982.
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name-me-regret · 4 years
Till I Touch The Sky - 3/9
Till I Touch The Sky Chapter Three: The Dark Side
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Summary: The man with the ugly aura is just part of his dream. He isn’t real...
Read on AO3.
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
”Looking for heaven under the sky, you and I Barely alive Beautiful words from angels that fall when they fly Sold us a lie
Running from the shadow lost in the night Gotta be brave and have no fear Fighting for the fire wait for the light Gotta be brave 'cause I need you here
In the darkness In the darkness I will find you...”
~The Darkness - Built By Titan - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
May 31, 2015, Sunday
Peter took a deep breath, trying to calm himself even if he didn’t know why he was so nervous, because May already knew about him. When he was twelve he had started to become interested in boys as well as girls, he’d asked May if he was bad. There were a lot of people that said that being attracted to the same sex was a sin, and it meant you were evil and would go to hell.
May had sat him down and calmly explained that he was not bad, that he was the kindest and smartest person she’d ever met. She’d told him that it didn’t matter what gender he liked, as long as he was happy. That she wouldn’t love him any less if he brought a boy home instead of a girl; she’d accept him no matter what.
So, she knew about him being Bisexual, and that’s why he didn’t know why he was nervous about asking her if they could go to the Pride Parade on the 25th. It was entitled ‘Fight For Love’, which was a very fitting name in his opinion. Those of the LGBT+ community had had to fight on whom they could love for a long time, and even these days, they were still fighting.
This was the second June that he would be out to May, since he had come out to her two years ago, just before Ben had been killed (it was still painful for him to think of that) in October. They’d been mourning him during Pride month last year. He wasn’t over it, since he didn’t think it was possible to be over the death of the man that had raised Peter from when he’d been four years old.
However, he felt like he could be more him, and thought that going to his first Pride parade was the first step. He wouldn’t go to extremes or anything like that, but he did want to be able to go and see what it was like. Also, maybe starting small like wearing a Bi pin starting tomorrow would be nice. He’d already researched his colors and he found that he liked the combination of magenta, lavender and royal blue that made up his Pride flag.
Now, he just had to tell May, who would need to go with him since he was underage and the prospect of going to a Parade that usually had thousands attend was frightening. So, he needed her to come with him, but just them, since Christopher didn’t know about his sexuality. He wasn’t sure he wanted him to know anyways, since they weren’t friends and Peter certainly didn’t consider him family.
“Um, May,” he started hesitantly.
The woman lifted her head from where she was currently reading a book. It was one of her rare days off on a Sunday and they’d spent a lazy day at the apartment, only leaving when they went to buy Thai food. Peter had gone to finish the last of his homework and she’d cracked open a much loved novel. He’d taken a quick shower afterwards and slipped on some pajama pants and one of Ben’s old shirts, getting ready for their movie night as the sky started to darken.
“Yes, honey?” she said, a slightly nostalgic smile lifting her lips when she noticed the too large shirt he was wearing. When they’d moved there, most of Ben’s stuff had been put away in storage, but Peter had kept several of his clothes like shirts, some pajamas, a jacket or two and an old blue hoodie from Ben’s Academy days.
“So, I wanted... to ask you something,” he said, shuffling in place. He hadn’t moved from the mouth of the hallway that led to their rooms and the bathroom. “You know that tomorrow’s Pride Month.”
May paused and her head lifted as a thoughtful expression went over her face. “Oh yeah,” she said, nodding once. “I can’t believe it’s already June. It’s almost the end of the school year.”
“Right,” Peter said, cutting her off before they went off topic. She looked at him again. “So, I was wondering... if it would alright...” He paused and bit his lip, hesitant. What if he was asking too much? May was straight and maybe it wasn’t right to ask her to take him to the parade.
He flinched when he felt a touch on his face, and realized that May had gotten up and walked over when Peter had trailed off. “What is it, sweetie? You know you can tell or ask me anything.”
Peter inhaled and decided to just bite the bullet. “Can you take me to the Pride Parade?”
“Oh,” she said and then, “sure.” Just like that. “Did you want to get a flag for it? Maybe Chris can come...”
“He... he doesn’t know, right?”
May shook her head. “Of course not. It’s up to you if you want to tell him.”
“I don’t want him to know,” he said quickly. “I just... want it to be the two of us, please?”
The woman smiled and nodded, smoothing back his hair. “That’s fine, honey. It can be just me and you then. So, about that flag...?”
Peter merely grinned at her.
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
June 4, 2015, Thursday
Peter was super excited for today, since it was an intern day, which had quickly become his favorite time of the week. He still had school the next day, which was a bummer since he always felt like he needed the weekend to recover from that exciting two hours. However, Mr. Stark (“Call me Tony, kid.”) was always busy on Friday, so Thursday were intern days. The only good thing about it was that tomorrow was the last day of classes before summer break started, and then he’d be at the lab during the week (he was given time off between the week if he asked), and have Saturday and Sunday off.
Mr. Stark didn’t work personally with him, but that’s the day he went to inspect the intern labs, so that’s when Peter was there. He couldn’t make much progress in two hours one day out of the week, but he had shown some improvement. Perhaps when school started back up he’d be able to come twice a week instead of the usual one day. Well, after the madness of start of term was over, since the first week was always the hardest, especially since it would be Peter’s Freshman year of High School.
He left the school building ten minutes early, having given permission to do so due to his internship. Peter was glad for it, since that way he didn’t get stuck in the crush of students as everyone left school, trying to get out as quick as possible to catch either the bus, get to the line of cars of their waiting parents, or to catch their train.
When he arrived at the station, he barely made it onto his train before the door closed, breathing heavily. He clutched his backpack and sat down in one of the only seats available. The mother and her little girl next to him edged away from Peter because he was wearing a breathing mask. He was wearing it since the air in the subway was pretty bad that he knew without it, he’d have an asthma attack.
“I have asthma,” he said in a muffled voice to her, motioning to the mask. “It’s hard to breathe down here without it.”
She still hadn’t scooted back as she turned away from him, looking like Peter had told her he had an infectious disease instead of asthma. Well, he guessed he couldn’t blame her, since it was still spring and the probability of getting the flu was still possible. It’d be worse for him if he got it, so he was the one that should be scooting away. Luckily his other side had the door, and that way he could get out quickly and not get stuck in the crowd. It’d be a relief that others would avoid getting too close to him due to mask, thinking he was sick.
He arrived at the tower without any more problems, glad that there was a side entrance that was used for employees. Peter didn’t want to go through the front since he would likely be forced to take his mask off. His asthma was getting worse, and his constantly inflamed airways making it very difficult to breathe. He’d been thinking that constantly wearing a mask would help, but that would mean adding disposable masks to their shopping list and he refused to be more of a burden to his aunt. It was bad enough that he had to always be hospitalized, making May miss work (since Medicaid paid for most of his hospital bills), and he didn’t want to add to her worries.
He swiped his card and set his hand on the panel next to the elevator, the doors opening up after the panel lit up as it scanned his hand print. Peter stepped inside and sighed when it was empty, although he was under no illusion that it would stay like that by the time he reached the intern’s lab, which was on the 17th floor. The floors 17 through 36, and the higher one got, the higher their level was. That’s why Peter was on the 17th floor, since he’d just started and in this particular building, he was the only high school intern.
He stepped off the elevator and breathed a bit easier, even pulling down his mask so it only rested over his mouth. The air in the building was purified, which is why the windows didn’t open. They had emergency exits in place, of course, and emergency power. A city wide power outage wouldn’t affect them though, since Stark Tower was connected to its own personal power grid.
“Hey, Pete!” Jacob called out. He was a dark skinned, black haired 21 year old college intern that was in his third year at ESU. He was in charge of the low level teams of interns on the 17th floor, their supervisor, if you will. Jacob was a really nice guy and didn’t put him down for being the only high school intern (still middle school, but would be in his Freshman year of high school next year) among the rest of the other interns.
Peter sat at his desk, the surface covered in pieces of electronics from the things he was working on. He’d already finished the smaller version of the web-shooter and the patent had finally come through last week. It’d already started to sell, exclusively to hospitals at the moment, but he was hoping that they’d soon be put in standard first aid kits sold over the counter.
It was a half an hour after he’d gotten there that Tony Stark appeared, and it was always the case. Peter didn’t want to think that he was the reason for this, but he almost always came to his desk last and thus spent the most time with him. The other interns had started to get jealous of the attention, but at the first sign of them bullying him, Jacob had shut it down hard. He’d even reported one that tried to change his chemicals out and she’d lost her internship.
The others hadn’t gone that far, so when they finally warmed up to him, Peter had given them all. He generally liked the others, who tended to treat him like their kid brother. It was more true for Jacob, who actually had little siblings, one of which was Peter’s age.
“Heya, Pete,” Mr. Stark said as he wandered over to his desk after he’d looked over Andrea’s project, praising her as she preened with a grin. Andrea was the youngest after Peter and was smart as a whip. “Did you make any progress on your robot?”
“Yeah,” he exclaimed, clearing his throat as he felt a tickle. “So, I’ve finally managed to stop it from glitching...” Tony nodded as he finished explaining his advancements, and Peter gave credit to Jacob that had helped him with the programming. He was the best when it came to software, while Peter was more inclined toward hardware, and chemistry and biology. The teenager was very proud of his project, and he wondered if Mr. Stark would allow his friend Ned to come help him with the rest. While he appreciated Jacob’s help, he had to look out for the rest of the interns and couldn’t just concentrate on Peter. He’d ask him before he left, since it was almost summer and didn’t think it’d be a problem for him to come with him maybe once a week.
“That’s some good work, kid,” Tony said, hand ruffling his hair. Just before he walked off he pulled out something from his pocket and tossed it to him, Peter fumbling with it for a moment before he was finally able to catch it between his arm and his chest. The adolescent held it up and was surprised when he saw it was a Stark Industries portable nebulizer, which had come out last week. It was super affordable compared to others on the market, but even then it was out of their price range.
Peter had the machine at the house, which Christopher had gotten them at a really affordable price. So, there was no need for a portable one, even if he felt like he might soon need one as his health worsened.
“What is this?” Peter asked, even if he knew what it was. He just didn’t understand why he was giving this to him.
“I hear a rattling when you breathe,” he said, motioning to the nebulizer. “Your aunt signed the medical release for us to treat you in case you get sick while doing your internship duties. Just let Jacob know if you need more medicine and he’ll let me or Pepper know you need a refill.”
Peter looked at the nebulizer, which was something he was sure wouldn’t have been available to him if it wasn’t due to his internship; because of Mr. Stark. It was different to when Chris had helped them get the BiPAP machine. They had been grateful for the discounted price, but the man had seemed to made it seem like he’d done them a huge favor. Maybe Peter was being biased because he didn’t like this man that was dating his aunt, but he didn’t have to make it seem like he was rubbing it in, that only he could possibly have gotten them the machine at such a good price, and they should be grateful. A kind act wasn’t meant to be thrown in someone’s face.
As for Mr. Stark, he made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal, likely knowing Peter would get embarrassed due to his family’s financial situation. Besides, he wasn’t the only one he helped, since he’d seen the man help out the other interns in that offhand way so as not to put anyone on the spot that might be struggling. The man might not seem like it, but he cared a lot about his interns and their general well-being.
He knew he was just one of his interns, but he couldn’t help but think that the man did it for him more than the others. Mr. Stark always ruffled his hair, brought him healthy snacks (the others got chips and sodas, junk food), and before he left he asked if he needed a ride home. He’d never accepted cause he was embarrassed, but appreciated the offer.
Maybe he just looked out for him cause he was the youngest intern there. That had to be it.
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
June 07, 2015, Sunday
“Remember to put on your breathing treatment before you go to bed,” his aunt said as she rushed to the door, wearing her scrubs as she grabbed her purse and a light jacket since it got a bit chilly during the nights in the hospital.
Peter nodded with a grimace. He’d really grown to hate using the BiPAP machine during the night. Usually it was only three or four hours, but lately his breathing had gotten so bad that he had to wear it all night. That usually resulted in severe dry mouth, a friction burn from the straps of the mask, and he’d started to get headaches that were probably caused by sinus pressure. It kept getting worse everyday, especially his breathing. There was no logical reason as to why it had gotten so bad, and Christopher had even checked the BiPAP and said that neither the machine nor the mask were faulty.
The man ran a startup medical supply company, so he knew all about the machine Peter used, and he said it was fine. So, for now they and their doctor were stumped as to why his asthma was getting so bad. Maybe it was just his shitty body and health, or perhaps it was something else.
“Yeah, alright. Have a good night,” he told his aunt, walking with her to the door. She kissed his forehead goodnight and he closed the door, but left the chain off for when she came home in the morning in case he was still asleep. It was six now, so she should be back by 6:30AM, 7AM at the latest.
Peter groaned as he stretched and plopped down on the couch, pulling out his phone and texted Ned. After a while, they started playing a game together and Peter groaned when he lost. Ned was always the one that was better at gaming than he was. He was yawning a moment later, hand lifted to his mouth as his eyes watered from the force of his yawn.
Well, Peter guessed it was time for bed.
He’d showered earlier that day, and read ahead for the upcoming school year since he’d already finished his summer homework. So, all that was left was to brush his teeth and get in bed. All the lights in the apartment had been turned off except for the light over the stove. His door was usually closed, since he was a hormonal teenager after all, and he needed his privacy. Now that his aunt wasn’t there, he decided to leave it open so there was no need to turn on his fan as the AC in the living room would blow cool air into his room during the night.
Usually, it wasn’t a good idea for the room to be too cold, since he had allergies on top of asthma, which made for a bad combination if he got a sinus cold. So, he usually had to keep his room at about 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 Celsius), which was still too warm for him. By leaving his door open there would be enough cool air coming in to cool him off, but not cause him any problems.
He looked at the BiPAP machine and frowned, wondering if he could get away with not using it for a single night. He’d had to use it almost every night this week, and frankly, he was sick of it, quite literally some nights. It coated his entire mouth, nose and throat, and no amount of mouthwash could get rid of the taste.
It was gone by the end of the day, but hated not being able to taste his breakfast and dinner. Sometimes it was so bad he even lost his appetite, and he was already too skinny as it was to be missing meals. So, his mind made up, he decided to forgo the treatment just for tonight. He would hate lying to his aunt, but he was just tired of treatments and medicines with no improvement to his health.
He was alone tonight, May having decided he was old enough to not need a babysitter (Finally!). Besides, it wasn’t too warm for being June, and the AC in the living room wasn’t up too high. Peter was sure he’d be alright with not doing his treatment, that woke him up most nights to be violently sick. He wanted to get just one night of uninterrupted sleep.
Peter sighed in content as he snuggled under his blanket, closing his eyes. As he drifted off, he hoped he had a nice dream. He’d been having some bizarre ones lately.
Peter groaned when he opened his eyes and found himself standing next to his bed, looking at himself sleeping peacefully. He wasn’t sure why he kept having this dream, but as he moved out of the room through the wall by choice this time, he guessed he could understand. As he was now, he felt no pain or shortness of breath, like he was untethered from his sickly body. Peter felt strong as he longed to be in real life, with no asthma to hold him back.
Besides, he could go anywhere, but made sure not to accidentally see someone getting dressed or showering again. It might be a dream, but even then, he didn’t want to be a pervert. Mostly, he stuck with going in people’s living rooms to see how they lived (or how his mind assumed they lived in his dream). Peter was just glad he had gotten the hang of actual walking instead of floating around out of control all the time, passing through the walls and people.
He paused in the hallway when he thought he heard something, but as always, everything not in his immediate area was super fuzzy and dark. As for people, they were almost colorless in skin tone as well as their clothes, but around them would be a faint colorful glow. His knowledge of fantasy and supernatural movies gave him the knowledge to know that these were auras. Although, since this was a dream, he wasn’t sure if it applied here.
Peter heard something again down the hallway, like something jiggling and that was followed by the sound of wood splintering. He walked closer with more bravado than Peter would have felt in real life. The area got brighter as he approached the window at the end of the hallway, which led onto the fire escape on that side.
A man seemed to morph from the shadows, but it was just the room getting brighter now that he was in this area. Peter didn’t recognize this man, who was pushing open the window and climbing inside, not even bothering to close it again. His aura was ugly to look at, a mix of red and purple with streaks of black in it, and he had an air of danger to him. Peter might have been afraid of the man, but he wasn’t even looking at him, looked right through him when he lifted his gaze. That’s right, no one could see him in his dreams. He was always only an observer.
When he started walking toward him, Peter scrambled out of his way, since the teenager didn’t want to go through him. Whenever a person walked through Peter, or he went through another person, he was bombarded with mental images (he assumed they were fragments of memories), thoughts, and feelings all jumbled up. It was like someone shoved them violently into his head between his eyes.
It was not a pleasant experience (and the headache he woke up with was always explained away as an affect of the medicine that manifested in the dream), and he definitely wanted to avoid what that kind of aura would do to him. Peter knew it was a dream, but the idea of touching that ugly aura was frightening to him, that it might even hurt for real.
For lack of a better thing to do, since there didn’t seem to be anyone else around, he followed the menacing man. ‘So, I haven’t seen you around here before, Mister Stranger. I’d know, since I’ve visited almost everyone on this floor at least twice. I’m not a creep though, just curious, and I always stay in the living room. Well, unless there’s no one at home, which isn’t common because I always seem to come around after everyone is asleep.’
He stopped his babbling when the man stopped at the Jones’s apartment door. ‘Oh, do you know the twins? Hailey and Riley are like, super pretty. They’re a year older than me. I think they go to the public high... hey, what are you doing?’ The man had tried the door and when he found it locked, he took out a small tool kit which he was now using on the lock. ‘Are... you picking the lock like those spy movies?! Are you a spy, Mister Stranger?’
His smile and excitement vanished when he pushed it open, and when the chain on the inside stopped it, the man gave an animalistic snarl and kicked the door open. It slammed into the wall violently as the chain was ripped off the wooden door frame. The man stepped into the apartment, and Peter panicked and flung himself at the man. He screamed as he went through him and got a bombardment of hate, anger, and murder! from the man. The fragments of memories were of a woman cowering away from him, protecting two small children. He recognized them all; Hailey, Riley and Miss Jones.
Peter was flung away, falling so fast that he was sure he was going to die.
The fourteen year old gasped as he shot up in bed, one hand clutching his head that was splitting open with a headache, and the other flung off the blanket. Peter scrambled out of bed, his chest tight and he was unable to breathe. Even then, he staggered out of his room and to the front door, his heart a frantic tattoo inside his rib cage as he threw open the door of his apartment.
Peter knew it was a dream, was sure of it, but he had to make sure. He had to know they were safe, or he wouldn’t be able to sleep.
He stumbled down the hallway as the door of his apartment closed behind him, knees buckling beneath him and his lungs burning as the room spun. Peter lifted his head when he was almost there and was horrified to see the Jones’s apartment door wide open. He gasped in air that could barely pass through his swollen airway, his eyesight darkening around the edges. Peter heard a muffled scream, a call for help as he stood there, struggling to breathe.
‘No, this can’t be real!’
They’re in danger!
‘They were all dreams! It can’t be real!’
They’re in danger!
‘It was... real. All of it had been real.’
Peter forced himself to take three more steps, reaching for the fire alarm and pulling it down. As the shrill sound of the alarm started up, Peter collapsed face down on the floor. Just before unconsciousness took him, the man with the ugly aura from his dream ran out of the broken-in apartment.
Then everything else around Peter went dark just like in his dream that wasn’t really a dream, ceasing to exist.-
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talix18 · 5 years
November 22
Today I learned what a Japanese tuxedo is (in terms of tattoos) and that David Lee Roth at 65 has more energy in one hour than I’ve had in my entire life put together. I started listening to his appearance on Marc Maron’s WTF? and spent most of that time laughing or with my jaw hanging open. I lost track of Diamond Dave after his stint as an EMT. Now he’s an entrepreneur with a line of skin products formulated for tattooed skin. Gods bless.
Listening to Dave describe his formal music education made me wonder if that’s not what I ought to go back to school for. Music is the thing I love the most but have little actual education in. I took a beginning theory class in college and some sort of classical music appreciation course in grad school; I even played viola for two years in junior high. I guess by the time I got to college I’d ruled music out as a thing one could start studying. One of my high school friends had been playing cello for her entire life and I remember her missing various activities because she was practicing. She’s now making a living with her cello and I guess her example made me assume it was already too late.
Katelyn and I were talking about going back to school the other night. She’s learning young just how hard it is to make new friends once you’re out of school and I think she’d enjoy it, but we’re both looking at our wallets wondering how to pay for it.
School is one of my happy places. I loved learning, I loved feeling my brain work, I hated studying for exams but loved the feeling of understanding the material. I loved explaining to the class what the teacher meant when they couldn’t parse it and I loved making outline after outline of my study notes until I’d whittled the course down to bullet points. I love having conversations with people who are smarter than I am.
I briefly considered pursuing a Certificate of Higher Learning from Oxford because how cool would it be to be able to say I’m an Oxford alum? The majority of classes can be attended virtually, which is where I admit that I don’t just want to be taking classes by myself. I have a wealth of Great Courses available anytime I want to go ahead and start taking them. I want to Go To School. I want to meet smart people. I want to be surrounded by that energy and excitement again.
Now I’m looking up Eddie Van Halen and learning that he’s been in radiation therapy for his cancer for five years and was just in the hospital after a bad reaction to the drugs. Getting older, as my Gram used to say, ain’t for sissies. Love died for me when Eddie and Val got divorced but I’m glad they’re still friends and I’m thrilled he’s been sober for eleven years. I’m not sure I would have survived a rock and roll lifestyle, but then again, I’d rarely be driving.
(Speaking of the brothers Van Halen, how did I never know their mom was Indonesian? Now I understand why Alex’s eyes have looked vaguely Asian to me for all these years. Apparently Valerie has a cooking show and shared Mama VH’s recipe for something that grabbed Mom’s fancy so I can look forward to that!) (Don’t tell her that I’m a little meh on ham for Thanksgiving. She’s finally cooking Brussels sprouts a new way and I am calling that a win.)
(Mom found a recipe YEARS ago that uses Guinness and had faithfully made her “Relapse Brussels sprouts” every year since. They are fine, but they are mushy, and having seen the way, truth, and light of fresh Brussels sprouts roasted with salt and olive oil, I don’t have the heart to tell her that the Relapse BS just aren’t my favorite.)
This is my fourth day in a row of feeling pretty good, and that’s on less sleep than I normally get. I really hope this is because the medication is working. It’s hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other when you feel like you’re doing it in three feet of water. But I’ve been productive at work and at home and actually considered taking on a work training challenge today. I even started my Christmas shopping! (I hate much of what Jeff Bezos stands for, but goddamn if Amazon doesn’t alleviate most of the Christmas crazy.)
The increased meds are not helping the words come out! I have rare free time in front of a keyboard and nothing to say? Maybe that *is* a sign of increased mental health.
December is flat out insane in my family. Thank goodness my aunt moved away with her 12/4 birthday! There were birthday dinners with Mom (12/2), my aunt, me (12/20), and my dad (12/26). My brother’s birthday is also on the 20th and he’s continued the tradition in the latest generation – my niece will be five on 12/1. Her Aunt Lindsay has decided it’s time we start taking her out for birthday dinners. Basically, the fulcrum of the year tips at Thanksgiving and is just a steep slide into New Year’s. (Which I actually have plans for!)
Christmas shopping is so anxiety-laden for me that I have bad dreams about it all year long. (It’s always the same: December 23rd, I’ve purchased nothing, and the only place open in Walgreen’s.) I can’t enjoy the holiday season until I’m relatively sure what everyone’s getting and honestly, I don’t need any more stuff. Just being together and enjoying yummy food is enough for me. The holidays also mean the Hebert Christmas punch tradition from which I’ve been excluded for this will be the 24th time (I can drink anything I want! I choose not to!). My family are all wine and spirit drinkers and most of the time I look around it, but the holidays really make me miss that fuzzy festive feeling.
So how does one achieve that without using? I need to get back on a meditation routine and I need to make upside-down yoga part of my weekly life. Upside-down yoga always made me a little giddy and we rarely invert in the class I take now. I also need to try on my New Year’s Dress and assess how vigilant I have to be between now and then to make it work. I was having some success with an intermediate fasting routine where I’d restrict my calories for two (non-consecutive) days per week. The beauty of that schedule is that I can maintain it through the holidays. I should have just started this week after the colonoscopy.
But I also had a pretty severe mood crash last year and fasting is not for the unstable. Yes, I’m an emotional eater but you know, I’d rather eat my feelings than wish I could opt out of life. I know how to lose weight; necromancy is above my spell level.
Did I ever mention I was a witch and practiced in a coven for a decade? I’ve just gotten to the 20K word mark and it’s likely I’ll start repeating myself any time now. The coven was made of some amazing people but the actual business of witching just felt too much like work. I went in looking for a spiritual experience and what I got was a delightful social experience. That required a lot of time and 40-mile drives and the stagnation of my 12-Step recovery in that decade was not a coincidence.
Yesterday I got to whip out one of my favorite recovery slogans on a friend: “Religion is for people trying to stay out of hell. Spirituality is for people who’ve already been there.” It doesn’t hold up once you consider religions that don’t have conceptions of hell, but it’s catchy.
(The NaNoWriMo website helpfully breaks down how many words one has to produce per day to get to 50K by next Sunday and it is a little overwhelming. I only need 2235 more today to stay on target! [I am not staying on target.])
Somebody give me a topic! (Give me a beat!) Oh! Yesterday I emptied out one of my spare room dressers, which is something that’s been on my project list for, oh, a long time. All I have to do is patch the hole and that room will be ready to paint, which will let me do the floors in that room and the front. With that done I’ll have my closet annex and yoga station all set up and I will finally live in my entire house. And it should inspire me to do the last three rooms.
I’m excited to set up these last two rooms as functional spaces. I can’t tell you what’s taken me so long to surrender to the idea that I need a room-sized closet extension but look…I have to grab joy wherever I can find it. Waiting for the big stuff to fall into place just takes too long and this bizarre timeline provides plenty of reasons to despair. I don’t understand how people can spend eight hours a day in cubes that aren’t decorated and I am not going to limit myself to one of my life’s compulsions if I have room to store it all. (Vanessa is in Tennessee shouting “You’ll never have room for another person in your house that way!” and I’m shouting back “You and your person bought a new house!”)
I do love my house, though, and getting me out of it is going to take some extraordinary conditions. With any luck I’ll meet a life partner who also loves their house and we can commute and share. I still won’t have enough wall space to hang everything I want to; perhaps a rotating gallery space is required. Says the girl who can’t manage to swap the screens out for storm windows and vice versa every year.
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brittabottt · 5 years
Okay! It is here! It is not great, but it is here. Please feel free to send any commentary or hopes for this fic that you have. The next segment will have more of a focus on Raven and Murphy. (I’m saving my beloved Octavia for last...)
The overhead lights flickered a little differently by 2am. Fluorescent bulbs didn’t seem to be so sickly when they dimmed. Instead, the light was more a soft hum, a subtle glow. Not many of the students knew this, of course, because the library legally closed at 1am. But, as Clarke had found out her sophomore year, if you were close with the librarian (thanks to your mom being one of the university’s doctors) they’d let you stay past closing.
She longed for the quiet of the university’s library. When the marble floors didn’t echo with student’s footsteps, pacing with nerves, rushing to find an open space to study away from distractions, trying to locate the ideal book to assist in yet another term paper. When the wood arches, with their elaborate designs, emphasizing the historic nature of the library, where the only company she had. That, and her easel and paints, set up in one of the individual study rooms with large windows, offering a perfect shot of the moon.
Clarke had her painting space set up just so by 2:15, the little radio she had brought sat in the open doorway of the study room, playing an oldies CD her mom had always had on. One paintbrush tucked in her hair, holding the blonde strands back in a slight bun, and another tipped in indigo and angled just so towards her canvas, she was ready to paint the night sky.
“Hey princess, you mind turning that down. Some of us are actually trying to study.”
Clarke dropped the brush, the angled tip coated in indigo splashed on her book bag underneath her, thankfully saving the floors beneath. She swiverled on her heel. No one was here at this hour. No one.
And yet, there stood Bellamy Blake, his hair more tousled than usual, as if he’d spent the last several hours running his fingers through it in an anxious tick as he poured over page and page of greek mythology. She’d known him in passing mostly. Or, more accurately, from competition, mostly. They’d had nearly every core requirement classes together, naturally becoming enemies and competitors for the top marks on day one. In freshman literature, they’d been paired up together to complete a book report for their mid term. It had required the reading of three of the assigned novels and a presentation comparing and contrasting the novels and highlighting the key themes. The themes were subjective and Clarke and Bellamy had spent the majority of the given time arguing said theme.
“You’re not looking at the works critically, Bellamy,” Clarke had scoffed one too many times in a library study room much like the one they were currently standing in. “Take the time period into context to understand the heart of the story.”
“Heart of the story?” Bellamy had replied, one too many times. “Clarke I don’t think you could find a pulse in these novels if it was right in front of your face. Which it is, by the way.” He’d have hopped off the edge of the desk at this point. Bellamy seemed to always find new places and ways to sit, making Clarke annoyed, sitting cross legged in her own seat. Like a normal person.
“I don’t need to critically analyze the books,” Bellamy said in air quotes. “That’s been done. And will be done, mind you, by every other overachieving type A in that class. What we need to do is look at the characters. Look into the emotions. Why should we care about these stories? What is the heart of that?”
Their arguments would continue for hours, finally ending with Bellamy rolling his eyes and leaving the study room to head to dinner before the dining hall closed and with Clarke rewriting their entire group analysis. In the end, they’d each present a different angle, Clarke looking at the thought behind the story, and Bellamy digging into the depth of the characters of the story. Their English professor, blind to the competition brewing between the two, was amazed by their “work ethic” and placed both of them. From that day on, Bellamy and Clarke, despite following two very different tracks at university, competed in every possible way.
And apparently, late hours at the library had been added to that list.
“What are you doing here, Bellamy?” Clarke retorted, trying to regain her standing after splashing her bookbag purple.
Bellamy leaned against the door frame, stack of books tucked under his arm.
“Same as you, working.” He lifted a book from the stack, showing her an old copy of The Iliad with sticky notes popping out.
Clarke rolled her eyes. Any chance he could get, he’d use that book as a reference point in their coursework. Their sophomore year, during a biology lab, he swore he could find a way to link the two, much to Clarke’s frustration. That was also the year he, obviously, declared his minor in Classics with a focus on Ancient Greece, and the first year his sister, Octavia Blake, attended the university, with a similar love for mythology. However, Clarke could tolerate the other Blake more, as Octavia also had a passion for the more left-brained subjects, specifically Ecology.
“Well maybe you should work,” Clarke said, moving towards Bellamy in a hopes to get him to leave her in peace and quiet she so desperately wanted, “during regular library hours.” Stopping just a mere few inches from him, she caught a whiff of the smell she’d also remembered so much from their first few years of course work together. Something pine and cedar, stimulating and calming, all at once. Bellamy seemed to always remind her of summer days spent in the woods back home so much that despite his presence annoying her to her core, she’d also constantly felt safe around him. Kind of like at home.
“What, so you can have your royal chambers to yourself?” Bellamy took a step forward, closing the gap between the two and evidently causing Clarke to take a step back into the study room. “No way princess. You’re not the only one on a first name basis with the librarian. Kane keeps the lights on after hours for me too.” He had a smirk tugging his lips so bright that Clarke stared a moment longer before rolling her eyes and turning on her heel back towards her canvas. “Fine,” she said finally. “But pick any other study room besides this one. I’ll pretend you’re not here and you leave me alone.” She picked up the paintbrush from the ground, dipping it in the water cup placed at the edge of the desk and removed the brush from her hair. The blonde locks fell along her back as Clarke swiped the other brush through the indigo paint, determined to finally start her art.
“Fine,” Bellamy replied, expecting to turn and exit the study room, having his fun tormenting the uptight artist. But for some reason, he couldn’t gather himself to leave just yet. His eyes lingered a moment longer on the golden hair trailing down her back, the softness of skin of her shoulders. The way her entire being seemed to lighten as she painted, so different from the rigid and routined pre-med student she usually was, gunning for the top grades in university. This Clarke was different.
“Today, Bellamy,” Clarke said, not tearing her eyes away from the canvas or pausing her hand making delicate and precise strokes, crafting the background of a night sky. “Leave, today please.” She clarified when she still hadn’t heard his footsteps and the closing of the study room.
Thankful that Clarke hadn’t turned around as she spoke, as his cheeks were now slightly rosy, he rolled his eyes and regained his composure. “As Her Majesty requests,” Bellamy sneered, giving a mock bow as he finally turned and exited the study room.
When the footsteps had safely echoed down the marble floors, and another study room door opened and slammed shut, Clarke allowed herself to stop. She sighed, placing the paintbrush on the edge of the easel and turned towards the door. Taking a few steps towards the frame, she pressed on the wood, leaning her head out of the door way and down in the direction of the other study room being used. Bellamy was infuriating as hell, and yet, there was also something so comforting about him. A little part of her that only seemed to light up around her mom came out when she was near him. But, like everytime those thoughts gathered, she pushed them away before they could even reach her consciousness. Bellamy Blake, at the end of the day, was all heart and no head. And if Clarke was going to achieve top marks in her pre-med program and make it into the top medical school, while also pursuing her art, she had no time for matters of the heart, simply the head.
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Queen of Hearts - Chapter 6
Thirty-year-old Rose Tyler’s matchmaking business is doing very well indeed, bringing her clients such as celebrities, athletes, and the now-happily-married son of the mayor.  All of which brings her to her newest client - one whose royal rank is a far cry above her own title as Queen of Hearts.
Ian, King of Gallifrey, calls off his wedding four weeks before the happy day as he realizes he can’t spend another minute of his life with his betrothed.  The catch - he must take a wife before his Coronation, only a month away.  In desperation, his sister and aunt conspire to find him is happy ever after - and it’s going to take a master matchmaker to do it.
Based on the Hallmark Movie ‘Royal Matchmaker’.  Chapters will be posted every Sunday.
As always, beta’d by the wonderful @stupidsatsuma​!  @doctorroseprompts
Masterlist  |  AO3
Wednesday, April 3rd (continued)
“Right, where are we?” Rose asked brusquely, barreling through the doors into their suite.  Mel stood at the corkboard, and she waved for her to follow as she continued into her bedroom to dress for dinner.
“How was the dedication?”  Mel trailed after her, perching on the bench at the foot of Rose’s bed while she dug through her closet.
Rose started at the back where her nicer dresses were hidden, examining each one as she talked.  “Nice. Not terribly well attended, I was surprised.  It seemed the King spoke off the cuff.  He was very good, engaging, certainly not stuffy or boring.  He certainly seemed comfortable, though that could always be an act.  What have you found?”
“Well, based on our basic background parameters I’ve identified fifty-two potential matches,” her friend said, speaking up so Rose could hear her over the screech of sliding hangers.  “D’you have anything blue?  You wore red last night.”
“Those are of the ‘proper’ pedigree.  Some level of nobility, age range, and single to my knowledge.”
Rose sighed, stepping back with her hands on her hips, equally frustrated with the job and her wardrobe.  “Right.  Well, it’s a start.  Widen the field to non-nobility but still upper-class – heiresses, humanitarians, but posh.  Amal Clooney, not a gap-year Greenpeace volunteer.”  A hint of blue peeked out from the other end of her closet, where she found a gauzy blouse in a royal shade and a black pencil skirt.  “What do you think of this?”
She held the outfit up to herself, turning to show Mel, who studied her carefully.
“That’ll work!”
Saturday, April 6th
After their bumpy start, the next two days flew by.  As Sarah Jane had promised, Rose spent effectively all day every day with the King, seeing him in action and getting a sense of what was required from the Queen.  He slowly loosened up, telling unprompted stories every so often and making her laugh.
Between himself and Sarah Jane she was getting a clear picture of both what the role would require, and the type of woman needed to fill it.
Mel worked tirelessly from their suite, researching potential candidates and lining up tentative interviews.  She managed the proprietary software they’d developed together, taking Rose’s instinct and insight and turning it into quantifiable data to rank the candidates as they narrowed the list.
The first Saturday they were there dawned bright and early, Sarah Jane finding them already at work with steaming mugs of coffee at eight in the morning.
“My goodness,” she said, making Rose and Mel’s heads snap up, “you’ve certainly been busy.”
“Sarah Jane!”  Rose leapt to her feet and hurried to her, nearly tripping on a number of loose pages but managing not to fall.  “Hi!  Did you need something?”
Glancing around the room anxiously, she tried to see it from the other woman’s perspective.  It certainly looked less than impressive, piles upon piles of paper spread over nearly the entire floor, though both she and Mel knew exactly what everything was.
To Sarah Jane, it probably looked like pure chaos.
“Quite the opposite,” the woman smiled.  “You’ve both been working incredibly hard, the Princess and I are both very impressed.  On that note, we have our annual spring festival occurring in town this weekend.”
“I didn’t know,” Rose’s eyes widened, heart plummeting.  Despite a relatively peaceful and argumentative-free two and a half days she was constantly on guard, waiting for the King’s whim to change and send her packing.  Her mind raced, trying to remember if the event had been mentioned; was she supposed to go?  Was he waiting for her?
But the woman’s eyes were kind, and she was smiling.  “I wouldn’t have expected you to, seeing as I never mentioned it.”
“I… don’t understand?”
“I’m giving you the day off,” Sarah Jane laughed.  “I think it would be beneficial for you to go to the festival, truly get a feel for the people without the King or any of the palace staff, just be visitors.  Have fun.  Play games, try the food, enjoy yourselves, take a break.”
“That sounds lovely,” Mel spoke before Rose could, hurrying around to them and pinching Rose’s side viciously, presumably so she’d stay quiet.  “Thank you so much!  How should we get there?”
“Bill will drive you in,” their host explained.  “And, here – consider it a little bonus.”  She handed Rose an envelope, a quick rifle through showing several twenty Euro notes.
“Thank you,” Rose repeated, smiling, at war inside.  One part wanted to stay and work, determined not to let anything keep her from success, while the other, larger part (buoyed by Mel’s enthusiasm for the idea) wanted to cut loose and take a few hours off.  “I’m sure it’s wonderful.”
“I’m taking Luke tomorrow,” Sarah Jane confided, “and His Majesty will be judging a few competitions later in the week, but today’s the first day when everything’s freshest.  Oh, it’s beautiful, and I hope you enjoy!”
Clutching the envelope to her chest, Rose fervently promised herself that they would.
We deserve this.
Sarah Jane and Bill’s enthusiastic descriptions didn’t do the festival jealous – it was spectacular.
Sticking together, Rose and Mel went from vendor to vendor, oohing and aahing over the locally- and hand-made items, everything from knitted sweaters and scarves and hats to jams and jellies and wines.
“This is heaven,” Mel sighed, picking through a bag of trail mix for the local berries.  “This whole country.  It’s so beautiful here, and everyone’s so friendly.  Even though this is the capital, it feels just like a cozy English village.  Can you imagine living here?”
“It’s incredible,” Rose agreed through a mouthful of popcorn.  “Look how happy everyone is.”  Not just happy; friendly.  They had already met dozens of locals, all pleased as punch to have visitors and a chance to gush about their homeland.
The main rows of booths lined the street, one on either side, and though they hadn’t ventured from that path yet, Rose knew a second set of booths were set up on the sidewalks behind the main aisles.
A hand-made sign proclaiming Baked Goods This Way! pointed down one of the breaks between booths, and Rose’s sweet tooth insisted she follow it, Mel hot on her heels.  They came out behind the row of tents to see the second, less crowded aisle of booths. Fewer vendors were set up here along the sidewalk, their foot traffic suffering for it.
Most of the buildings were the typically quaint old-fashioned storefronts, two stories with the shop on the ground floor and flats above it.  Nearly every one showed signs of recent activity, indicating that they were open in general, and specifically for the festival.
An elegant old building that had clearly seen better days loomed over the rest of the street, a folding table set up right in front of the door with hand-decorated signs.  Judging by its architecture, it had once been some sort of theater.  Three preteen girls and a woman in her fifties stood behind the table, and the girls all lit up when Rose and Mel stopped in front of them.
“Hello!” the tallest one chirped, “Welcome to the City of Arcadia Children’s Center Bake Sale.  We are selling baked goods to raise money to fix the roof after all the snow this winter. Would you like to buy something sweet?”
Rose’s heart melted at the practiced but heartfelt recitation, and judging by Mel’s aww next to her, she agreed.  “I most certainly would!”  Glancing down at the table she carefully eyed the various treats, which ranged from cupcakes and cookies to candies, everything homemade.  “This all looks so lovely, did you bake all this?”
The girl shook her head, giggling.  “Just those cupcakes,” she pointed to a tray, “and some of the signs.”
Rose and Mel plucked up a cupcake each, Rose’s chocolate with chocolate icing and edible ball-bearings, while Mel’s was, of course, carrot cake, with an adorable iced carrot on top.
“Would you like some hot cocoa as well?” the preteen/sales shark asked innocently, and both women nodded.
“I certainly would, it’s still a bit nippy out!” Mel gave an exaggerated shiver, making the girls giggle.  “Although, you don’t have any carrot juice, do you?”  Rose elbowed her sharply.  “I mean, do you attend the…”
“City of Arcadia Children’s Center,” all three girls chorused.
“Yes,” the leader continued, standing tall.  “Since we were babies.  It’s running low on funds, though, so we want to help."
The woman behind the table nodded, far more serious than her charges.  “We’re all but free of charge, so anyone can send their children, only without donations we can hardly operate.  An expensive childminding service opened last year, and many of the wealthier families hire from there.  It’s good for the young women who get the work, but we’ve been struggling ever since.”
Rose didn’t even have to look at Mel to know she would agree with what she was about to do, and pulled the envelope of their money from Sarah Jane out and thrust it towards the woman without hesitation.  “I don’t think it’s much, but I hope it helps.”
“Oh, thank you!” the woman gushed, not even looking in the envelope before coming around the table and hugging Mel and Rose.  “You’re angels, truly!  I suspect you’re from out of town, but please, feel free to come visit on Tuesday if you’re still here.  I can give you a tour, and you can see how much this will help us.  Really, I insist, just walk right in and ask for ‘Polly’, that’s me.  My husband Ben and I run the Center, he does most of the handiwork about the place. Oh, thank you!”  Polly squeezed them again, drawing laughs from both women and giggles from the girls.
“Best of luck,” Rose said warmly, “it was lovely to meet you.”
They moved on, heading back towards the main thoroughfare again, though Rose couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder.
An idea was brewing.
Ian resettled the hat on his head before adjusting his sunglasses, doing his best to remain incognito.  He would officially be attending the Festival later in the week, but ever since he was old enough to sneak out of the palace he’d stolen down on the first day every year, never missing it if he was in the country.
The last thing he wanted, though, was to be recognized.  Whenever possible he went out in disguise, to sit in a pub or take in a performance or game.  He liked to be amongst Gallifreyans, be part of the crowd, see it from their eyes.  He’d figured out very early on that life looked much different from the crowds versus the royal dais.
He preferred the crowd.
Eating directly from the baggie of cookies he’d bought at Polly’s table with a wink and discreet check, he wandered the stalls looking for inspiration for Donna’s forthcoming birthday.  The ‘official’ gift was already set, organized well in advance, but he always tried to do something personal as well, usually finding something at the Festival for her.  She valued Gallifreyan-made as much as he did, believed in supporting their people and the creative arts.
I could get her another case of that wine she liked… he mused, before grimacing.  Wine felt so… impersonal a gift to him, so fleeting.  He always strove for something tangible but practical, something she could use.  What do you get the person who has everything?
He stopped at a stall with handknit scarves on display, and a surreptitious glance at the list on his mobile showed it had been at least five years since the last scarf he’d bought her.  With another adjustment to his hat he began flicking through the options, immediately dismissing almost all of them as not being Donna.
A scarf in emerald on the rack behind the one he was looking at caught his eye, but when he tried to take it down, he found resistance.
“Oi, I’m looking at that one,” an irritated voice sounded from the other side, and after a moment he placed it with a heavy sigh.  Of course she’s here, he rolled his eyes.  If she blows my cover she’s fired.  That was a lie though – he’d thought that a dozen times since so far, and except for that first night, he’d never so much as vaguely hinted at the idea to her.
He continued to gently tug on the garment, partially to annoy her, and she came around the corner eyes blazing.  “Hey!  I had that first, and common court-e-sy…  What?” Rose trailed off, tilting her head, brow furrowed, tongue peeking out of the corner of mouth in concentration as she stared at him.
“Shh,” he muttered, “I don’t want to be recognized.”
“You look fairly suspicious in all black and hiding your features,” she pointed out automatically, before flushing and letting go of the scarf.  “Sorry.”
Ian shook his head, casting furtive eyes around to be sure they were unobserved.  “It’s all right.”
“What are you doing here?” she whispered, voice dropping even lower to add, “Sir?”
“Shopping for my sister’s birthday,” he replied in kind.  “You?”
“Souvenir for my Mum,” matchmaker girl shrugged, shoving her hands into her pockets.  “I’ll find another one, though.”
He wavered; the polite thing to do would be to let her have it, but it was perfect for Donna.  “You can-”
“No,” she shook her head, cutting him off, eyes going wide.  “Sorry.  That’s perfect for her, to go with her hair.  Really.  Besides, Mum would probably prefer this one,” she gestured to one on the same rack as the teal, identical except in fluorescent pink.  Ian fought back a shiver of disgust.
“Thank you,” he smiled, tipping his head down and lowering his sunglasses enough to meet her eye.
They stared awkwardly at each other for a long moment, before Ian nodded decisively.  “I’m just going to pay,” he gestured towards the stall’s vendor, but she stopped him from turning.
“Wait!  I just… why are you sneaking around buying a present?  Couldn’t you send someone to do it?”
“No,” Ian said automatically, before stopping to consider the question.  “I mean yes, I could.  But then it’s not from me.  I prefer to pick something out for her myself – I’ve always done it.”
Rose smiled after a moment.  “That’s really nice,” she said wistfully.
He shrugged, uncomfortable with the praise.  “Thank you.”  After a moment he turned away, and this time she didn’t stop him.
Paying for the scarf in cash and accepting his bag with a nod of thanks, he wandered off to enjoy the rest of the festival, but in the back of his mind, for some inexplicable reason he couldn’t stop thinking about her smile.
Ian Reginald, what is wrong with you?
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alley-cat-sunflower · 5 years
Status update!
Hello! Alley here, finally!
You may have noticed I’ve vanished from the face of the earth lately. In case my terse and sporadic update posts aren’t enough to tell you why I’ve been so inaccessible, I think it’s about time I give you something to explain what I’ve been doing, and maybe even a promise to come back online sooner rather than later. (But it’s gonna get a little long, so I’m throwing this under a cut. I apologize to those of you who can’t see it.)
As most of you know, I’m in my last semester of college. More importantly, I’m so far along in said last semester that I literally just have to take one final a week from today—the day before graduation, actually—and then I’m home fucking free after five years of torment!!!
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Anyway, the whole semester has been super busy, what with holding down an internship and three classes all required for graduation (and that pressure has been real). One of those classes was “Math and the Human Imagination”, which unsurprisingly involved analyzing imaginary numbers. I’m ashamed to admit that despite my favorite professor’s best efforts, the course did absolutely nothing to help my understanding of mathematics. Another of those classes was “Bollywood and Globalization”, which is the one in which I still have a final. I have hopes that I’ll do well, if only because I’ve enjoyed the course enough to pay attention.
The last class was my “Senior Synthesis”, which purports itself the crowning experience of a Liberal Studies major, in which you can basically do whatever the fuck you want as long as you can present it to the class in the form of a speech/slideshow, a poster, and an essay. Because there are roughly three things I care about, I chose one of them and had an unironically marvelous time drawing a bazillion connections between BTS’s Bangtan Universe and Hermann Hesse’s Demian. I was scheduled to present in the first possible week, in mid-April, and spent 24 total hours out of the weekend before pulling together my presentation (because I’m broken and think that’s fun—I’d have spent just as much time on it even if I hadn’t had to for the project). As part of it, I made a six-minute video you can watch here if you like, which showcases some of the specific connections I examined.
Speaking of BTS in conjunction with April, though, that brings me to their new album. And can I just say, holy shit. I still wasn’t over “Intro: Persona” by the time the whole thing dropped, so every time I listen to the album, I’m shook all over again to this day. Thanks to timezone shenanigans, my mother the ARMY had me wake her at 1:45am on April 12 so we could be awake for the festivities. We saw the “Boy with Luv” MV the moment it came out… and then proceeded to watch it with and without subs about five times. While that was going on, I bought Map of the Soul: Persona on iTunes the second it was available and burned a CD. After that, my mom suggested going out to a deserted parking lot and blasting it in the car so we could enjoy it at a decent volume, since we didn’t want to wake the neighbors. So we did, and let me tell you, hearing “Dionysus” for the first time at full volume in the dead of night can’t be beat. That whole adventure is a memory I’ll cherish forever.
There have been a lot of those lately, especially in conjunction with BTS, and this brings me to how absolutely insane this past week has been. I’d like to lead into last weekend by stating in no uncertain terms that I owe @lightningswrath​ my very life for managing to land us tickets to not one, but both BTS concerts at the Rose Bowl this past weekend. They were both indescribably beautiful, though the second one in particular was perfect—not least because I actually remembered to eat that day, so I was no longer trying to process overwhelming emotions on an empty stomach. However, the experience wasn’t as surreal as I expected; I did feel elevated, but also oddly grounded. Despite their awe-inspiring stage presence and sense of showmanship, the members are also so genuine as people that I couldn’t help but accept their presence in front of me.
(Incidentally, if you’re an ARMY and haven’t looked up Namjoon’s speech on 190505, please do; the man is a true sage and I feel incredibly honored to have heard such profound words in person. The only reason I didn’t record it myself was because I was so absorbed in the moment.)
Alas, every silver lining has its cloud. This past weekend has given me an unforgettable set of experiences in the best way, but I am most definitely suffering the consequences of not being able to do any schoolwork. We couldn’t leave until after my class a week ago, and we had to come back early enough on Monday that I could make it to my last math class and explain two chapters of a book I didn’t understand. On Tuesday, I had to attend the last day of my internship and then design and construct a poster, which I finished on Wednesday morning before completing a three-page evaluation of my math class—which was supposed to have been due on Monday, but I completely spaced it out—and then presenting my poster.
But That’s Not All. Yesterday, I wrote and turned in another three-page evaluation, this time of my internship, before immediately heading home to work on my synthesis essay, which was supposed to be 15 pages. Thankfully, I actually enjoy writing about all the crazy-detailed connections between BTS and Demian, but I still only finished it in the nick of time today (at a whopping 24 pages, not counting the works cited, because I can’t be brief when I’m busy being passionate) before heading to class. I had just gotten home from that when I started writing this post, and I’ll have to leave in another couple hours to go out dancing with some friends. After that, as mentioned, I only have one final left, and then I’ll have a degree in Liberal Studies with an English minor.
Which begs the question several people have already asked me: what next?
Thankfully, my internship has provided me with a ready answer, because they decided to ask me to come in as a paid part-timer over the summer! So I can at least tell people I’m going to be continuing my foray into the field of editing and publishing. But aside from career-related stuff, I also have a lot of things I’d like to do now that I won’t have academia weighing me down anymore. Enough that I can honestly make an entire list of… uh, goals? wishes? for the rest of the year:
Finish some of my ongoing fanfiction
Work on some of my original fiction
Find more time to write and post in general
Dance more often (and learn some BTS choreography)
Get into more K-pop (VAV, Monsta X, SHInee, etc.)
Help my mother sell stuff on eBay and pay back the $500 I owe her
Buy more BTS albums/merch and FFXV’s Episode Ardyn
Play and/or replay more video games, esp. otome
Plan my move up north with @chibitorra​
Move all my stuff out of my dad’s house
Sort through everything I own and get rid of half of it
Pick up my Japanese studies again
Maybe start learning Korean???
Watch more Bollywood films
Read more Hesse, Jung, and Nietzsche
I also intend to resume some of my online activities and become more socially accessible again, but I doubt I will ever be as active or consistent in any fandoms as I once was, although I hope to compensate for this by writing more for them. Given that my former fever-pitch of online activity was born of a desire to escape reality, and by now I’ve finally found more of a place in the real world, this is most certainly for the best.
Anyway, that’s the tale of where I’ve been, where I am now, and where I’m headed next! I hope that gives you something to work with if you’ve been curious about what I’ve been up to. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope life has been kind to you too!
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mistressarafax · 6 years
Small Adjustments
Kaiba didn’t adjust to change well. It didn’t happen often, and usually, any changes in his life were directly the result of Mokuba forcing change into his life.
The biggest change he’d lived through was Mokuba leaving for college. It was the first time they’d ever been separated for more than a week or two, and it forced Kaiba to accept that his little brother had grown up. Forced him to find a routine that didn’t involve Mokuba in the manor. It had been lonely and difficult, but it's what his brother wanted.
Mokuba came back after a year at school taller than Kaiba, which had honestly been a shock. Of course, he’d watched Mokuba grow up over the years, hitting growth spurts along the way and slowly but surely catching up to his older brother’s height. Now the soon-to-be nineteen-year-old stood an inch taller than him.
Not only was he taller, but he’d clearly spent a significant portion of time on campus working out. His muscles had filled out, and while his face still had some of its boyish features, he looked more like an adult than a child. It was difficult for him to adjust to the fact that his little brother wasn’t little anymore.
Over the summer, Mokuba worked short hours at KaibaCorp. He spent a week in all of the departments, doing all kinds of work and trying out every kind of job imaginable.
“You know there’s a vice president position for you,” Kaiba said. “You don’t have to do the small stuff.”
Mokuba had met his comment with a glare. “I want to have a full picture of the company, Seto. Most people don’t just get put into a top position. They work for it and move their way up.”
“I worked for it.” It felt like an accusation, words that had been directed at him at a far more impressionable time in his life coming back to bite him again only from someone who actually mattered.
Mokuba’s expression and tone softened. “I didn’t mean that to insult you. Yes, you worked for it. And you work to keep it every single day. You seized the company from Gozaburo, and the world is better for it. What I’m saying is that I don’t deserve to be the vice president just because I’m your brother. I don’t want valid accusations of nepotism to hang over my head. I want to earn it.”
It was another adjustment, something he’d never expected. He always imagined that Mokuba would just become his vice president, but a part of him was proud of Mokuba for wanting to stand on his own. To work for his own achievements. That change didn’t take him long to accept.
Two weeks later, Mokuba marched into his study and sat back on the leather couch. He’d pulled out his phone and typed out a message, distractedly announcing, “I’m not going to go back to school in the fall.”
“Why not?”
“I’d rather attend online classes from home. Plus, I can spend a few hours a week helping out at work.”
Which suited Kaiba just fine.
What didn’t suit Kaiba just fine was that now that Mokuba was home and all of his school friends had headed back to college for the fall, Mokuba started hanging out with the only loser who’d stuck around Domino City, Joey Wheeler. He’d discovered the fact quite by accident when he found the idiot in Mokuba’s entertainment room, holding a bag of potato chips and chewing with his mouth open.
“Who let you in here, Wheeler?”
“That would be your brother.” He’d grabbed another handful of chips, casually leaning back onto the couch as though it were perfectly normal for him to be here. As if there wasn’t a point in time when the two of them couldn’t be in the same room without fighting.
Kaiba opened his mouth to tell him off when Mokuba walked back in the room. “Hey, Seto!” he greeted. “Hopefully you two were playing nice.”
“Nice enough,” Wheeler answered with a shrug.
Kaiba didn’t deign him with a response before heading off to his study to get some more work done for the night.
The one night became several nights, and within a few months, it became almost surprising to not see Wheeler at the manor, sitting on the floor in front of Mokuba or next to him on the couch. After six months, Wheeler had become a permanent resident in the guest room closest to Mokuba’s. The two had become friends, the closest Kaiba had ever seen his brother have. Kaiba did not appreciate having to spend so much time around the irksome blonde, but he was willing to overlook it for Mokuba’s sake.
The friendship altered Kaiba’s life in unexpected ways. Mokuba and Wheeler frequently went out for dinner, leaving Kaiba on his own for meals. He also no longer felt guilty on nights he had to work late though. He knew Mokuba wasn’t alone, which offered him a great deal of relief.
After a year, Wheeler had become a constant presence in Kaiba’s life. Which was why he was so puzzled when he came home one night, expecting to see Mokuba and Wheeler playing video games like always, only to find Mokuba lying in bed, curled up with his back facing the door.
“Where’s Wheeler?” Kaiba asked, confused.
Even in the dim lighting, Kaiba could see how Mokuba’s back had tensed. “Home.” The response was short and uncomfortable, and Kaiba wondered what had happened. Clearly, Mokuba was upset. If the idiot had hurt his brother, Kaiba would rain fiery vengeance upon him. Mokuba hiccuped, fighting back tears.”God, I’m an idiot.”
That’s it, Kaiba decided. Wheeler’s dead.
Mokuba climbed out of bed and trudged over to Kaiba and embraced him. Something about him in that moment made him look small again. Defeated and tired and young. “Mokuba, what’s wrong?”
“I’m a fucking idiot.”
Kaiba frowned. “You are absolutely not an idiot.”
“It sure feels like it.”
“What happened?”
Mokuba stepped away from Seto, leveling a calculating gaze at his brother. “I… I kissed Joey.”
“You…? What?” Kaiba asked, trying to wrap his head around what Mokuba had just told him.
“I um… I like him. A lot. And I thought he liked me, too. So we were just playing games, like always, and curled up together on the couch, and I couldn't help myself and kissed him on the cheek. He left after that, and on God, Seto, I messed everything up.”
It was a lot to process at once. His brother liked a boy. Nothing wrong with that, he just found it unexpected. Maybe if they'd ever actually talked about the subject of romantic interests, Kaiba would have known this before now, but Kaiba really didn't care. What he found decidedly more wrong was that the boy he liked was Joseph Wheeler. He could make a whole list of issues he had with that.
But Mokuba liked Wheeler, and Kaiba doubted an extensive list of reasons why it was a terrible idea would persuade his brother to rethink. In fact, if Mokuba's teenage years had taught Kaiba anything, it was that trying to dissuade Mokuba from something only made him more likely to do it out of defiance. So Kaiba had to accept that Mokuba liked Wheeler, and that was that. There would be no changing that fact. Mokuba really liked him. Enough that being rejected had him clinging to Kaiba like he was still a kid again.
Kaiba hated seeing Mokuba so upset and defaulted to feeling angry at the source of that sadness. Wheeler was an absolute idiot for turning down Mokuba, and Kaiba was going to make him regret it. No one hurt his little brother without facing consequences.
“I shouldn't have told you that,” Mokuba finally said, shaking Kaiba from his thoughts.
“Why?” He was genuinely perplexed.
“Because you don't care. And you're probably mad.”
“Hell yes, I'm mad. Wheeler's going to pay for this.”
Mokuba looked at him seriously, pain still lingering in his expression. After a long moment, he sighed. “Don't do anything to him, Seto.”
“He needs to pay for hurting you. Like everyone else.”
“Seto...this isn't his fault. This is my fault. I can handle this without your interference.”
But as Mokuba bid him goodnight, and Seto headed to bed, he knew he would still involve himself. He couldn't not. It was far too common for people to hurt him through Mokuba. He doubted this was intentional on Wheeler's part, but he still couldn't let it slide.
Which is how he found himself at Wheeler's apartment first thing in the morning. Mokuba's happiness was far more important than the 9:30 AM upper management meeting he was missing to be here. It took Wheeler a few minutes to get to the door, and when he finally pulled it open, he looked rough. His hair fell into his face, still wet from a shower, dark circles under his eyes, and his face swollen, and Kaiba decided that maybe Wheeler was suffering over this too, just like Mokuba.
Wheeler sighed. “What do ya want, Kaiba?” he asked, sounding resigned.
“I'm here to see why you rejected my brother.”
Wheeler’s eyes flicked up to meet his, surprised. “I… I didn't.”
“Then why was he in his room, alone, crying over you last night?”
“I panicked last night, okay? He kissed me, and ain't like I didn't want it, but it felt wrong.”
Wheeler ran his hand through his hair, roughly raking through knots in frustration. “Because of people thinkin’ I'm too old for him. Because of what you'd think, too.”
Kaiba crossed his arms. “What, pray tell, do I think?”
Wheeler shrugged. “Dunno. That I ain't good enough for ‘im.”
“You're right. You aren't. Especially if you're going to worry about what others think of you over my brother's feelings for you.”
“Wait so... you ain't against it?”
Kaiba grumbled, searching for the right words. “I'll never be against something, someone, that makes Mokuba happy. Even if you aren't good enough for him.”
“Really?” Wheeler's eyes flickered with hope and excitement.
Kaiba rolled his eyes and turned around, ready to leave. Wheeler laughed from behind him. “Thanks, Kaiba!” he shouted from the doorway. Kaiba didn't respond, but he knew he'd have an easier time adjusting to them dating than adjusting to both a moping, heartbroken Mokuba and the sudden lack of Wheeler's presence in his life. A laughable thought but true nonetheless.
He headed into work after that, staying extra focused since he's arrived late. He even worked late to make up for the lost time. He arrived home wau after the sun had set and promptly went to the media room, hoping to find Mokuba and Wheeler both there.
The glow of the screen reassured him as he drew near. He stepped into the doorway and frowned at the sight before him. Mokuba rested his weight on top of Wheeler, their game abandoned in favor of locking lips.
Without calling any attention to himself, he crept away, leaving them to their activities. The idea of them dating still felt foreign and weird, but it was a change he could live with.
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