#so i started watching andor while i was home and my dad started watching with me
soleadita · 2 years
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my dad being a diego luna stan was not on my 2022 bingo card but holy SHIT it’s my favorite thing ever. (i had to tell him the new season ISN’T starting soon. he was sad about that.)
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
15 - No Normal Reunion
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Part 16
Kenobi's Future
Tag list - @tyrionsprincess30 @nanagoswife @lycaonpictusphotography @bigbendyhorns @abaker74 @haideehaids @sassycowboygoatee @jedi-archives @iifloweringnightsii
I aimed it at the Droid who spoke glancing between our current situation. "This is a happy family reunion wouldn't you say." Kiera smacked her hand over her face locking eyes with the guy eyeing me and Obi-wan.
Steadily holding the blaster in my hands I keep my eyes locked onto my husband. Obi-wan aimed his own towards the man I could only assume is the pilot my daughter spoke of earlier. Kiera stands beside me while her little sister was by the Empirial Droid. The intense air probably couldn't be cut with a knife if you tried. Either of us was ready to pull the trigger at the smallest movement from our new guests. "Mom. Dad, it's okay. They're my friends alright. Leia sent them. So let's just lower the blasters." Kiera jumped in between our weapons hands raised in the air. Obi-wan raised his voice to his eldest daughter believing we knew best. "Kiera get out of the way. We can't trust them!" She whipped her head around to her father snapping off. "Oh and I'm supposed to trust you. Because I don't think I can do that anymore. Knowing my sister and I are the nieces of Darth Vader!"
"I hate to interpret but we must leave now. But we have a low rate of survival if we don't leave now." The Droid spoke raising his hand. The pilot reaches into his jacket revealing our lightsabers to Kiera with a slight smirk. "I bet your happy I stole these from the stormtroopers now. K2SO start up the ship. We have to get out of here now!" The Droid moved into the pilot seat closing the ramp door up behind me and Kiera. She takes our lightsabers from his hands when I lowered my blaster. Obi-wan still pointed his up not trusting anyone new still since the fall of the Jedi. "Sissy. Oh I missed you. Is that the guy is it is it?" Padme shoved past his legs rushing to her sister jumping into her arms for a hug. She bends down on her knees hugging her sister until a warning alarm blared through the ship. Obi-wan and I rushed forward seeing a bunch of stormtroopers heading our way. Surrounding us on all sides of the ship. "We're never getting out of here now." My husband explained running a nervous hand through his hair. The pilot spun in his chair calling to our eldest. "Kiera can you handle them this time." She nodded her head running to get into the gunners seat.
The pilot and the Empirial Droid started the engines up yanking the ship up into the air. Stumbling backwards into my husband's chest he wrapped his arm around my waist holding onto a handle with the other. Padme sits down in a seat watching the pair. Kiera started firing off rounds of troopers to the ground as we flew quickly out of the hanger bay. I released a breath thankful to be out of there and the pilot makes the jump to lightspeed before they can follow us. "Sweetheart that was...I'm proud of you-" Kiera cuts her father off tossing us each our lightsabers back then storming into the bunks of the ship with the door closed. "So um - I'm Y/n and this is my husband Obi-wan. That's our youngest Padme who you've already met...what's your name?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck nervously wanting to break the heated tension that lingers in the room still. The pilot stuck his hand out introducing himself and I shake his hand. "Cassian Andor. I was charged with bringing your daughter home. Until she discovered you weren't..."
Obi-wan locked eyes with Cassian putting his blaster onto his belt alongside his lightsaber. I can feel he doesn't trust these people but we have to be greatful. If it weren't for them we would still be on that ship getting tortured by Darth Vader. "So you're the man my daughter likes hmm?" He asked stepping up being the same height as the man before him unlike me since I am slightly shorter than my husband. "Yes sir...we only just kissed on this mission. So I'm not - sure what we are exactly yet." Cassian chuckled nervously at the end of his sentence until Padme yawned throwing her arms up. "Daddy, I'm sleepy." She mumbled so he strides over picking her up carrying her over his shoulder. He opened the door closing it back with his foot leaving me alone with the two rebels. "Thank you - thank you for risking your life to save ours. I don't know how we can ever repay you both." Intertwining my hands together in front of me I gave the gratitude my husband was afraid to give them. Cassian smiled lightly shrugging of his jacket hanging it on a hook on the wall. "It was no big deal Mrs. Kenobi. It was the right thing to do, plus your daughter was pretty determined to rescue you."
"And once the little princess Padme was safe and sound back home in her bed. She drifted off for a long peaceful nap. Goodnight babygirl." Obi-wan sat at the foot of the bed kissing Padme on her forehead before she closes her eyes. Leaning against the wall arms crossed over my chest I looked at my boots sadly knowing Kiera was mad at us in the other room with the door locked. He finally glanced over his shoulder to me breaking the silence. "I can't believe she found out about Darth. I don't even understand how would she have found out?" He runs his fingers against his bearded chin thinking until I answer his question. "She faced him...Vader Obi-wan. He told her the truth. She told me right before we got on the ship with you." He bends his head running his hands through his messy hair with a heavy sigh. "Oh the maker. I thought we could keep that from her for well...forever. Now what's to stop her from telling Leia who her father is Y/n?" Coming to lay down at the end of the long bed I lay my head on his shoulder feeling him draping an arm over my shoulder. "We just have to hope darling. That she knows it's safer if Leia never finds out." He kisses my forehead closing his eyes as we crawl under the covers at the foot of the bed. Snuggling into his chest my eyes caught sight of the marks on his neck from Vader's choking that I kiss before falling asleep wishing we were back home.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
This Devotion I’d Never Known
Fandom: Rogue One Pairing: Cassian x Jyn Rating: T Summary: He watches the surprising tenderness she bears on her face, the one that the years alone didn’t break, only made her cover it up. The eagerness in which she throws herself into battle, as if she alone could atone for the sins of her father. The newly found hope she has, that hope that he knows it’s pushing her further than anything else has ever done. That indomitable spirit that’s there, that one that no one has been able to break or bend. He deep sorrow and grief that she feels when they’re told the plans are lost. The incredible relief when Leia, those who rescued her and her droid that bears the plans for the Death Star make it back to Yanvin. Words: 804   Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, prompt #12.- Watch me
Read @ AO3
Cassian has been watching Jyn since their return from Scariff. How can he not? She’s a ball of righteous anger and he, well, he is drawn to her like moth to flame. But he doesn’t mind.
He watches the surprising tenderness she bears on her face, the one that the years alone didn’t break, only made her cover it up. The eagerness in which she throws herself into battle, as if she alone could atone for the sins of her father. The newly found hope she has, that hope that he knows it’s pushing her further than anything else has ever done. That indomitable spirit that’s there, that one that no one has been able to break or bend. He deep sorrow and grief that she feels when they’re told the plans are lost. The incredible relief when Leia, those who rescued her and her droid that bears the plans for the Death Star make it back to Yanvin.
He watches the unadulterated joy that lights her face when they get news that Luke Skywalker has blown the thing to high hell.
That determination to finish what she has started. She will see the Empire crumble. And he will stand with her, all the way. He will thread paths unknown for that woman, he’s not afraid and neither is she. For they have one another. They have not spoken about it, but he knows himself and knows his feelings are not platonic in nature, neither are hers – her eyes give her away. Oddly enough, they don’t need to say it out loud; they speak in gestures and other silent ways.
He watches the rage that flares when news of a second Death Star hits. “I,” she says, vibrating with fury. “I will end those bastards. For my mom, for my dad, for you, for everyone who has suffered. For myself.”
“Jyn,” He sighs. “Jyn, you can’t fight the Empire alone. You can’t punch everyone into surrendering.”
Her face pinches. Then she relaxes, gives him a cocky look and says, “Watch me, Andor. I will.” And she walks away, to find the next mission and join it.
They battle together in Endor, and while he is busy trying not to die, he still keeps watch over Jyn. Watches the ferocity of her fights, the deadly aim she takes against the troopers. Yes, Jyn Erso is a force of nature, fortunately, it’s the Empire who gets to receive its blows. She’s unstoppable and he’s not able to look away, he knows himself enough to know, that he’d never walk away from her.
They fight until its over. And they find shelter with ewoks, Leia and Threepio have done a good thing and now they can rest easy. The second Death Star blows and Jyn cheers.
They join the party and Jyn drags him to dance, they dance and drink and celebrate. “What,” She tells him. “Did I tell you?”
He knows what she’s talking about. “That you’d fight the Empire,” he says dutifully. “And now, you’re  near winning.” They know the Emperor’s dead and so is Vader. But the army remains, so do the sympathizers and the battle is not over. Neither will stop fighting until the army has surrendered, until the sympathizers have been removed from power.
Jyn nods, raises her drink. “This one’s for you mom.” She says and gulps the liquid in one go. “We’re nearly there, Cass.”
“Yes.” He agrees. Soon enough, the battles will no be physical, they might be able to retire somewhere. Wherever she chooses, he’ll follow. “Almost.”
Jyn grins, presses closer to him and says. “I’m glad I came home.”
He can’t avoid the smile that comes to his face, “I’m glad that you decided to stay.” He says. And watches, as her eyes soften and the grin she has is no longer one that would make people avoid her, instead is a kind one, one that she actually means. “And I’m glad I followed to Scariff.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you, thank you. You and the rest of the men, without Baze and Chirrut and Bodhi. I’m glad we made it out, I think the five of us have earned the peace we get.”
Oh yes, they do. He nods. “I might have to find something for me to do,” He says. “Or I’ll be lost. Too much time fighting, hardly remember anything else.”
Jyn nods, she understands. “Maybe we can find a place somewhere, some sort of business that will keep both of us busy.”
“Both of us?”
She gives him a look that says that he’s an idiot. “Of course, both. I’m not letting you go Cass. You’re stuck with me.”
He smiles. “Could think of worst fates.”
“Damn straight.” She kisses him.
And this is the sort of devotion, he'd never known.
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rose-of-gabriel · 4 years
@ghostoftreebeard was unfortunate in that they got me for RebelCaptainSecretSanta, and I did not get my life together until now. So yeah, sorry about that. 
Thank you for introducing me to the wide world of rogueone!collegeAU
prompt: “Oh my god, are you stalking me?”
Cassian doesn’t even know her name, and trust him, it’s not for lack of trying. At first, he had barely noticed her, save for a passing “she’s hot but I’m not going to entertain that thought any further because you’re the TA, Andor. For God’s sake!” As that first term went on, he realized she wasn’t doing any of the assignments, and while she always showed up for exams, her tests ended up in the trash instead of on Professor Draven’s desk. Cassian tried to look her up in the student registrar, but she didn’t match any of the I.D pictures. She’s a ghost, haunting nearly every class he assists for the next three semesters.
Maybe she’s just a history buff. All of Draven’s lectures are open to the public, and plenty of locals take advantage of that fact. Cassian suspects she’s a student, though, with her worn out Yavin State hoodie and battered rucksack. Despite his responsibilities during lecture, Cassian’s eyes always drift to the back of the room, where she sits with her feet propped up on the seat in front of her, hair in a messy bun and eyes smudged with black liner. Cassian wishes she would sit closer so he could make out the color of her eyes.
It happens in the spring. He’s TAing for Draven’s class on the U.S Reconstruction period when she doesn’t show up the first day. He tells himself that he doesn’t care, but he can’t deny the disappointment when she is absent the following class period, as well. He does not spend extra time in the library or walk extra slowly to the bus stop in hopes of seeing her. He definitely doesn’t get to class early next week, staring at the doorway as students pour into the room. He nearly loses hope when – just as Draven begins the lecture – she stumbles in.
Cassian prays that no one notices his involuntary gasp. Even from the front of the room, he can see that her lip has been busted open, and a massive bruise swells over her right cheek. There is a large bandage over her temple and her knuckles on both hands are wrapped in gauze. Cassian’s ears are ringing as he takes in the sight, a million questions racing through his head. He notices distantly that a few other students turn to look at her before whispering to their classmates. She doesn’t seem to notice or care, pulling out her notebook and propping up her feet like nothing is out of the ordinary.
Draven normally wants to hear Cassian’s feedback at the end of each lecture, but today he’s out the door before Draven even closes his laptop. Half of his brain is chanting that this is none of his business, this is none of his business, this is none of his business! The other half is locked on to the back of her head, weaving through the rush of students in a desperate attempt not to lose her. He doesn’t have a plan, or a real justification for what he’s doing. Sure, he’s decent in a fight, but he doubts whoever did this to her is going to show their face in broad daylight. The thought of that person sends his blood boiling and has him clenching his hands into fists. In that moment, he’s certain he could tear a man limb from limb.
The woman heads to the coffee shop a few blocks from their building and Cassian pauses at the edge of the sidewalk. This is when he should stop. He knows this, knows that he should never have come this far, it’s just… the idea of anyone hurting her fills him with more emotion than he’s felt in years. Something inside is telling him to trust his instincts and follow it, follow her.
He doesn’t give himself time to second guess when she comes out of the coffee shop, just puts one foot in front of the other. She heads to one of the computer labs, next, prints something, then to the park where she plants herself on a bench and pulls out a book. She lays down as if she’s in her living room and not a public park, holding the book to keep the sun off her face. Cassian decides to sit down at one of the metal picnic tables and pull out his own book, though he doesn’t retain a word of it. He’s idly thumbing the corner of one page when suddenly a hand is snatching it away from him.
“Ay!” He exclaims, the word dying on his tongue as he looks up.
Her injuries are even more worrisome up close, but not nearly as frightening as the death glare she is giving him. “You stalking me, Mr. Andor?”
His mouth struggles around a response, his thoughts far too preoccupied with the color of her eyes: green, with flecks of gold, like stardust.
Eventually, his brain catches up to the present and he says. “I could argue that you’re the one stalking me. I’ve seen you in every class I’ve taught for the last three semesters.”
She crinkles her nose, clearly not expecting that. “I like history, sue me.” Then she shakes her head. “Wait, how the hell did you follow me around all day and then somehow turn this on me?”
Cassian can’t help but laugh at that. “I’m not a very good stalker. I don’t even know your name. You’re not on the student roster.”
Her posture loses some of its edge, voice sliding into something more playful. “So you looked me up then, aye?”
A shiver runs through him. He admits, “It’s hard to resist the mystery.”
His eyes lock with hers for a few moments, entranced by their depth. Then his focus turns to the gruesome state of her face and his stomach turns. She notices, and all softness in her expression vanishes.
“Ah, I get it.” She growls, letting his book drop to the table with a bang. She gestures to her face. “You saw this and thought I needed your ass to follow me around and what… protect me?”
“No,” Cassian says immediately, because its true! He doesn’t doubt for a second that she can take care of herself. “I just… I was just worried.”
“You don’t even know me.” She scoffs, turning on her heal and marching away from him. He nearly chokes trying to find something to say, anything that might make her turn around, but words don’t come. He gets up slowly, embarrassment and frustration churning in his gut. Then, before he can grab his things and sulk home, she comes back, this time stepping into his personal space.
“And not that it’s any of your business,” she says, jutting out her chin, “but I got these in a fight and won. I don’t need some stalker to protect me.”
She stomps away again, but only makes it a few steps before Cassian finally finds his voice. “I know you’re smarter than everyone else in that room.” She stops. “I know you could ace those exams in your sleep.” She doesn’t turn around but inclines her head, so he knows she’s listening.
“I know you drink black iced coffee at every hour of the day, and you fiddle with that necklace when you’re thinking.” She faces him, hand settling over her sternum where he knows a large stone sits hidden beneath her shirt. He’s watched it dance between her fingers more times than he can count. It’s fueled hundreds of questions that keep him up at night, never dreaming he would know the answers.
She approaches him slowly, like a cat assessing a stranger. She stands within arms’ reach of him, eyeing him curiously. Figuring he has nothing to lose, Cassian continues.
“I’m guessing you have at least one tattoo,” she raises a coy eyebrow, “and your favorite color is green.”
That earns an explosive laugh. “How the hell do you figure that?”
Cassian shrugs, fighting a smile. “Wild guess.” Green is definitely his new favorite color.
She rolls her eyes. “We’re adults. We don’t need favorite colors.”
“I disagree.”
She makes a dismissive sound, but her lips creep up in a smirk. Cassian feels warm down to the tips of his toes. He has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling, knowing that he is being utterly ridiculous.
With a sigh, she squares her shoulders and says, “You want to get a drink, stalker?” Cassian hasn’t fully processed her question when she starts backing away, wearing a self-satisfied grin. “My name’s Jyn, by the way.”
They end up at the Cantina, a bar just off campus that’s popular with undergrads because they never card. Cassian learns that Jyn’s a sociology and criminology double major. The history classes she audits are just for fun. She’s also pretty good at coding, turns out, and helps student clubs design their websites. In turn, Cassian reveals that he went to Yavin for undergrad on a scholarship, but when he was a kid, he wanted to be a spy.
Jyn laughs. “Yeah, I can see that.”
Cassian takes a swig of his beer. “Really?”
“Of course. When Draven turns to you during lecture, you’re able to nod like he isn’t putting everyone to sleep.”
Cassian chokes on his beer, which makes Jyn laugh even harder. He laughs too, even as he tries to clean up his shirt. Soon they’re both on their third beer. The sun is far below the horizon and the Cantina is buzzing with people. All through the evening, Cassian resists asking about what happened, but his worry must still be evident, because eventually Jyn sighs, fingers pulling at the cord of her necklace.
“These guys have been bothering my brother for a while. I needed to send a message that he’s off limits.”
“Is your brother in trouble?” Cassian keeps his voice even, free of judgement.
Jyn wrestles with what she wants to say next. “You know the Empire?”
“The neo-Nazis cult?” Cassian can’t suppress his shock.
Jyn nods. “My brother got caught up with them after his mom died. He didn’t buy into their shit, it was just better than getting lost in the system.” Her eyes flit to his, then latch back onto the table. “Anyway, after a few years, he finally broke ties and ran. That’s when my dads found him and took him in.”
Cassian’s speechless, so many questions battling in his head. He settles on the most impossible one, the one that has him brimming with nervous amazement. “You took on a fascist cult single handed?”
Jyn seems surprised at his question, like she can’t believe that’s what he got out of the story. Then her lips are slowly pulling upward, and she’s shaking her head in fond disbelief.
“Not in its entirety, but a handful of guys, yeah.” Then her expression sobers, and he knows the playfulness in her next words is a disguise for genuine fear. “Ready to run?”
Cassian answers sincerely. “No. Based on my experience in the system, I don’t blame your brother.”
Relief and surprise wash over her features, piercing green eyes going wide. Several weeks pass before the subject is brought up again. Several weeks of grabbing lunch after class, of Jyn stopping by during his office hours. Several weeks of dinner at his place and study dates at hers. He meets her brother. Her dads ask about him when they call. He talks about her to his friends and they’re all probably sick of it by now, but he doesn’t care. Cassian Andor is happier than he’s ever been.
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Modern AU.  Cassian is the skip (captain) of a curling team; Jyn owns and runs a clothing store, and also makes custom athleticwear.  Leia works for the US Olympic Committee and ... is dealing with a lot that’s not directly addressed here.
May the 4th be with you, @doptimous!  The prompt was “sweet talk/flirting”, but this sort of got away from me and turned into something with more background and leadup than talking.  Still, I have a few ideas for other things they might say to eachother, and if/when I post the followups I’ll tag you.  :) I stole the title from a Rush song.  I don’t think there is really much that would require a warning in here?  Oh, and while this is brought to you partly by my quadrennial ritual of getting obsessed with curling, you don’t really need to know anything other than the fact that it’s a sport to read this. --- Carve Away the Stone
"Jyn, come on."  Leia leaned against the doorframe.  Jyn pretended to ignore her as she bent over her sewing machine and guided the fabric so that the needle would flow along its appointed course.  "I could really use some bodies at the curling club benefit auction tonight.  If you come, you can meet up with whoever bids on your donation.  Saves time on going back and forth that way."
"Leia, this was due yesterday.  Do you really think I'd be here on Saturday morning if it weren't important?  And once I'm done, I have plans to go home and curl up with my cat and tea and maybe a book."
"Do you think I'd be here nagging you if it weren't urgent?" Leia countered.  "You can walk to the firehall from here.  Or from your apartment."
Jyn closed her eyes and took her foot off the pedal.  "If I get this finished and mailed, and have time to clean up beforehand, I'll be there."
"Good.  Do me a favor and put it on your social media, would you?"
"It's not exactly on brand."  Either brand, Jyn thought.  Not for the vintage/thrift/hippie chic store she ran, and not for her over-the-internet custom athleticwear business.
"Your personal social media, then.  And you can always come as you are.  Baggy sweater and sweatpants isn't too far off what people wear to curling practice."
"Yeah, that's not happening."  Her business was appearance-oriented; she couldn't appear in public looking like a college student coming off an all-nighter.
"Raid the shop, then."  She waved toward the sales floor, and broke into song.  "It doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there."
Jyn groaned.  "Leave, before I get tempted to stop working and pull the security footage and put that on my social media."
Leia smirked.  "And risk missing the pickup deadline to get that on its way?  See you at seven."
Jyn huffed and turned back to her sewing machine.  "Lock the door behind you."
She finished the kit, packed it up, and printed a label.  She quickened her pace when she saw a familiar figure unlocking the drop box and reaching in to collect the packages.
"Hey, Jyn," said Bodhi.  He held out his hand for the box, and she handed it over.  "How's it going?"
She shrugged.  "If I never see chartreuse and orange and hot pink together again, it will be too soon.  But at least this is finally done."
Bodhi winced.  "Glad it's in a box.  The risk of sudden-onset blindness sounds pretty high."
She pulled off a mitten and pretended to fling it him.  "My work is always tasteful and lovely.  Except when the client wants something hideous.  Either way, I deliver."
Bodhi smiled a little.  "Leia told me you would probably have something ready when I was doing drop-offs there, and asked me to stop by your shop."
Jyn sighed.  "And to remind me to come to her benefit auction while I was there?"
Jyn scowled.  "I said I'd be there if I could; she doesn't need to draft everyone in sight to remind me, too."
Bodhi nodded.  "I told her that."
"Thanks for having my back.  Hey, on that note, want to come with me to this thing tonight?"
He looked hesitant.  "Where is it again?"
"The firehall.  As Leia reminded me when she showed up to twist my arm, we can walk."  Bodhi was her upstairs neighbor, in addition to being the area UPS guy.
"Okay.  I can do that."
Jyn nodded approval.  They'd been to the firehall a lot, sitting on either side of Bodhi's mom and watching her play bingo, starting when they were barely old enough to walk.  It was familiar territory.  "I'll come by at 6:30.  That okay?"
"Sure," said Bodhi.  "I should be home by then."
"Good.  See you."  She punched his shoulder lightly and retraced her steps, heading for the side street her apartment building was on.  She tried and failed to stifle an enormous yawn.  Well, she had a few hours to catch up on her sleep.
Wearily, she climbed the steps and let herself in.  She leaned against the door and let Toast twine around her ankles and meow plaintively, then knelt and scooped him up and carried him to the kitchen.
"Yes, I left you by yourself overnight, yes, you're so neglected, I know," she murmured to the cat, who was purring now.  She glanced at the autofeeder: the food and water dishes were fine.  She shifted Toast to one arm, checked the litter box in the bathroom, and set him down while she cleaned it.  Then she washed her hands, made tea, and finally allowed herself to sprawl on the couch and let her aching muscles relax.  Toast jumped onto the couch and curled up next to her, and she patted the tan splotches on his side absently.  "Just going to close my eyes for a few minutes," she told the cat.  
The darkness was soothing, a relief after hours of staring at lurid colors under strong lights.  She fell into it gratefully.
She was in a garden, lying on a chaise longue.  Several cartoonishly round bees buzzed in and out of the rosebushes.  The sun shone warmly on her face, and—
Jyn came back to reality with am abrupt jolt.  Toast was sprawled on her torso, purring softly.  And her phone was buzzing on the table.
She cursed and snatched it.  It was Bodhi, of course, asking if everything was all right.  She was already 15 minutes late.  
She dislodged Toast and stood up, and dashed into her bedroom to stare at the closet.  The green shirt-dress with the diagonal hem, she decided, and leggings with a Christmas candy pattern.  She shoved her feet into green Docs and ran out her door and upstairs to knock on Bodhi's.
"Still game?" she asked when he opened the door.  He nodded.  "Want to drive?"
"Sure."  Bodhi grabbed his coat and keys and shut the door behind him.   He followed her to the front door, and then led the way to his boxy grey Honda.
Jyn rested her head against the window and watched the street lights pass by until they found a parking spot a couple blocks away from the firehall.  She climbed out and waited for Bodhi to lock up.  And while she was leaning against the car a truck with a snowplow rumbled down the street and splashed her from shoulder to ankle with grey slushy snow.
Bodhi turned to see why she wasn't coming, or maybe because of the reflexive horrified noise she made.  "Oh my God—" he stammered.  He popped the trunk, darted to it, and handed her a blanket.  "I can, I can drive you to the shop, or back home, or—"
"Forget it," Jyn said ruthlessly.  She used the blanket to scrub away the residue that hadn't already fallen to the ground.  The wet spots on her dress would dry eventually.  The tights were probably a loss, and she irritably managed the process of balancing in the snow as she took them off.  She tossed the tights and the blanket into Bodhi's trunk, and slammed it shut.  "Come on.  Let's go."
Bodhi nodded resolutely and fell into step beside her on the sidewalk.  Jyn watched balefully out of the corner of her eye, but there was no sign of further snow-plow activity.  A block to the corner and another to the firehall; they walked past the engine house and made for the hall's front entrance.  They could see the light through the glass doors; Jyn took a deep breath and yanked the door open.
As soon as they were inside, they were hit with a wave of noise.  Against the far wall, a mock curling lane had been set up, and people in tracksuits were demonstrating shooting techniques.  But most of the attendees were seated at tables or in line at the concession stand or the cash bar.  There were only a few people looking at the silent auction table; she caught Bodhi's eye and nodded in that direction.  
"Might as well see what I'm in for," she muttered.  "If I'm lucky no one will be interested, and I can go back home and sleep and write all of this off as a bad dream."  She looked down at the clipboard that had her business card stapled to the bid sheet.  "Or not.  What the hell is Team Andor?"
"He is," Leia said from behind her; Jyn tensed and successfully fought down the urge to jump.  She pointed at the curling lane.  "The one with dark hair showing the kids how you launch a rock."
Jyn groaned.  "Oh no.  You cannot be serious."  She turned to face Leia.
Leia raised her eyebrows.  "What were you expecting, Johnny Mac?  It's a curling fundraiser."
"I was expecting someone to go for the gift cert.  Or, worst case scenario, someone wanting an insanely frilly wedding dress and having to be talked down."
"I'm sure I could round up someone who needs a wedding dress."  Leia smirked.  "But seriously, Jyn, it's half a dozen hot guys, or at least decent-looking guys you'll get to poke and prod while you measure them.  What's the problem?"
Jyn sighed heavily.  "So this is about you not being satisfied with my love life, again?  Leia, it's fine.  And obtaining someone's measurements is not nearly as sexy as whatever you're picturing.  I'm a professional."
Leia frowned at Bodhi, who had disappointed her by not, as she put it, spicing up Jyn's life with some romance.  Jyn caught Bodhi's eye to reassure him that she was biting her tongue, the way she did every time when Leia was on this topic, to keep from pointing out that Bodhi had had a brief fling with her dad.  We get along so well because we're both graduates of the Galen Erso School of Emotional Fuckery, Leia.  Come on.  You're smart.  Figure it out.
Leia shrugged.  "You can't blame me for trying.  But seriously, what's the big deal?"
Jyn glanced around at the hall full of boisterous curling enthusiasts and their friends and family members.  "Tell you about it later, maybe.  Let's just say that you owe me.  Especially if you encouraged this guy to bid on my donation."
"Is there a problem?"
Jyn spun.  Of course it was the dark-haired guy Leia had pointed out.  She met his eyes.  "Leia and I are very old friends," she told him, keeping her tone even.  "We tease eachother a lot."  She held out her hand.  "I'm Jyn Erso."
"Cassian Andor."
His hand was warm and dry and strong.  Jyn pulled her own away gently, and reached into her purse, not caring if anyone noticed the muck splatters on it.  At least the contents had stayed dry.  She drew out a business card and offered it to him.  "When you're ready to talk about what you'd like, feel free to get in touch."
He nodded and tucked the business card into a pocket without looking at it.  "Would you like to come and see our practice sheet?  It might be helpful."
Jyn opened her mouth to refuse politely, but Leia said ruthlessly, "Yes, Jyn, you should go see it.  It's an interesting use of materials.  And hey, Bodhi, I wanted to make sure you saw Maz Kanata's listing.  She donated some of Emmie's homemade yarn, and it is amazingly soft.  There's a sample, come on."
"Uh," Bodhi stammered. "I would like to see it.  But.  Maybe later."  He took a breath and straightened his shoulders, and Jyn gave him a quick grateful smile.  She knew that would be a difficult temptation to resist under ordinary circumstances—he'd take up knitting to as a relaxation aid and loved the feeling of soft natural yarns—but to do so and reject an obvious social cue had to be making him feel like his anxiety was eating him from the inside out.
Jyn took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  Prospective client, even if you would rather he weren't.  Do not fly off the handle.  She met his eyes; they were dark but they shone like searchlights from his skeptical, serious face.  "Mr. Andor, I've made kit for athletes of all sorts, from tennis players to bowling teams.  I have a wide knowledge of what athletes need in terms of movement and comfort, and I'm not completely unacquainted with curling.  You have my card.  When you're ready to discuss your requirements with me, you know how to get in touch."  She inclined her head.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I would also like to see that yarn."
She captured Bodhi's arm and towed him away.  Conveniently, the yarn was at the very opposite end of the table.  "Thanks," she muttered.  "Sorry."  She let go of his arm.
Bodhi shook his head.  "Sometimes I think you and Leia trying to be friends again is going to kill me.  If you don't kill eachother first."
Jyn grimaced.  "It won't come to that.  But I'll stop twisting your arm to make you come with me.  It isn't fair."
Bodhi shrugged, and picked up the yarn sample.  His eyes closed involuntarily.  "Oh, that is soft.  I might have to bid on it."  He opened his eyes and looked down at the bid sheet and winced.  "Okay, maybe not if the bidding is that high."
Jyn reached for the pen.  "It's on me."
She turned the deadbolt of the shop door precisely at one.  On Sundays and Mondays, when she only opened the shop for a few hours, she spent the mornings taking care of administrivia or tidying up.  Occasionally she allowed herself to sleep in, and today she felt she had earned it: she had stayed at the curling fundraiser until the list of silent auction winners was posted, and come home with a voucher that she planned to pass on to Bodhi later today.  He'd bailed early, with her blessing and an assurance that she didn't mind walking home.
Leia had spotted her lurking by the auction table nursing a hot chocolate, and demanded to know where Bodhi was.  On hearing the explanation, she scowled and said that Jyn was insane to think of walking home in this weather without a coat, and walked away.  Jyn expected her dress to be warm enough; the firehall was drafty, and she'd dressed for that.  She had gloves in her purse, and a little cold wouldn't kill her.  But when Leia strode over with a coat and told Jyn to wear it home and that she'd have it picked up from the shop tomorrow, she'd figured she could let Leia win this one.  Even if the coat was not at all something she'd have picked out to go with her dress, and rather large on her, it was warm, and the synthetic fur felt nice when it brushed against her cheeks as she pulled the hood up.
She was faintly surprised when the bells rattled against the glass at five past.  She was even more surprised when she saw that it was Cassian Andor.  Once she'd glanced up as she scribbled a new amount on the bid sheet for the yarn and seen him looking at her.  Not in a creepy way, but thoughtfully, as if she were a puzzle.  She was half-surprised he hadn't withdrawn his bid; she'd half expected that he would, and a part of her even hoped that he would.
"Good afternoon," she said tentatively.  "Did you want to talk about your silent auction bid?"  There, that left the option open for him to say that he'd changed his mind, if he wanted to.  She could work something out with Leia to cover his bid if he wanted his money back.
He shook his head.  "No, Ms. Erso, I've come to retrieve my coat."
Heat rose instantly to Jyn's cheeks.  She fled to the back room, and then had to fight the urge to hide her face in the coat, as the nearest suitable surface.  Instead she snatched it from the coat rack, and forced herself to walk back to the front of the shop at a normal pace.
"I am so sorry."  She held the coat out to him from behind the counter.  "I had no idea Leia had appropriated your coat when she insisted that I wear this home."
"You wouldn't have accepted it if she had?"  He said this calmly, but his eyes were on her as if the answer meant something to him.
Jyn shook her head.  "I wouldn't have wanted someone else to freeze on my account.  I assumed that she raided the lost and found."  She paused and bit the inside of her lip.  "And, at that point, I didn't want to argue."
The corners of his mouth twitched.  "It can be easier not to argue with her when she's annoyed."
"That's what I was thinking," Jyn admitted.  She shrugged, and set the coat down gently on the counter, since he didn't seem to be in a hurry to take it back.  "If it helps, she usually isn't specifically annoyed at you.  More at the universe in general, and it just overflows."
He considered.  "I don't think it does."
Jyn heaved a sigh; it lasted for longer than she expected.  "Yeah, it usually doesn't."  She resisted the urge to fiddle with the fur edging the hood of his coat, just to have something to do with her hands.  "Did you meet Leia through her job?"
"Yes, she's our USOC contact."  He slid his hands into his back pockets.  "Look, Ms. Erso ... I know that Leia, ah, talked you into doing this.  I wanted to say, if you'd rather not, you don't have to."
Jyn lifted her chin and looked him in the eye.  "I don't back out of professional commitments, Mr. Andor.  Unless, of course, you would rather I did."
He shook his head.  "I looked at your portfolio.  I like your work."
"Thanks."  She smiled, and he smiled back.  It transformed his face; suddenly he didn't look quite so wary or tense.  "You know, I don't usually get many customers on Sunday, anyway.  If you want to talk over ideas, I could—"
The door bells clanged again.  Andor jumped, and Jyn looked sharply at the entrance.  A tall Asian man was pushing the door open.
He looked accusingly at Andor.  "Coach Draven wants to know why what was supposed to be a two second stop is taking so long.  You've been in here for—"
"Not now, Kay," Andor interrupted.  "I'm sorry," he said to Jyn.  "This is Kay, my lead.  We were actually on our way to practice."
"Right," Jyn said.  She hastily gathered up the coat and held it out to him.  "Well, now that you have this back—"
He accepted the coat and drew it on.  "Thank you."
She laughed a little.  "Thank you for the involuntary loan."
He smiled again.  She thought she could get used to seeing that smile.  "I'll come back after practice.  We can continue this."
"Good," Jyn said softly.  She lifted her hand in an abbreviated wave as he followed Kay out of the shop.  "Stay warm," she murmured as the door closed behind him.
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shop5 · 8 years
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So I think this is my first time writing real fanfic? I don’t know but it’s a post-Rogue One everyone lives AU where Bodhi settles into base life on Yavin and ends up adopting one of the Jedhan refugee children--because happy single dad Bodhi-- also the rest of the crew shows up to help too--
2262 words ll Rated G ll fluff it’s just fluff ll AO3 Link
Bodhi was finishing up his last shift for the day when the shuttle arrived. He’d been working with maintenance helping repair ships and retrofit collected imperial parts into the rebel fighters. He liked his job. They’d been here for nearly a month and he was finally getting used to his new surroundings and getting comfortable with how things were run. Most of the main fighting force had been recently relocated to Hoth and the base on Yavin IV was mostly being used as a way station for repairing ships, medical leave, some intelligence operations were still being run off the moon and most recently it had become a sanctuary for the small numbers of fleeing Jedhan refugees who hadn’t yet found a place to take them in. Some of the unused barracks had been converted to temporary housing and the locals were starting to warm up to their new neighbors. The Rogue One crew might have been permanently grounded but it didn’t bother Bodhi—after everything he was happy for a bit of rest--some of the others seemed restless but even they were settling in a bit.
The shuttle that had just arrived was—as far as anyone knew—the last of the refugees who would be arriving. There were only a handful and they all looked tired. They’d been traveling for weeks in a personal shuttle craft built to comfortably hold about half of the eight people who currently occupied it. A temporary registration booth had been set up on the landing platform and two lieutenants were helping the people fill out forms to give them safe passage to republic territories. Bodhi watched them while he got cleaned up from his shift. One by one the people were let through and guided across the platform to the mess and barracks. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until they came to the last two in line, after a few minutes of desperate shuffling one of the lieutenants spotted him and waved him over. Bodhi looked around to make sure the gesture was aimed at him before finally walking over.
Two older Lorrdian women stood at the table. One held several bags the other held a baby and they both looked frazzled. Almost as frazzled as the lieutenant who was trying desperately to understand what they were saying. He looked up at Bodhi. “I can’t make heads or tails of it—”
Most of the refugees had spoken basic but there was the occasion when they didn’t. Bodhi listened carefully to what they were trying to say and reassured them he understood. They were speaking Jedhan but with a heavy Lorrdian accent. He nodded and listened to their whole story before turning back to the lieutenant at the table.
“She says that, they were on one of the last crafts off the moon, um—her and her wife. She says the baby is not theirs—that there wasn’t room for her mother but her mother pleaded and they took the baby. She says she heard there was a foster program here, that they are not prepared to take care of the child and they want us to find her a good home—“ The Lorrdian woman put her hand on his arm, said something else and Bodhi nodded. She handed the baby over to Bodhi who took her gently.  “She wants to make sure you know that the baby is—to the best of their knowledge, human.”  
“Why would that matter?” said the Lieutenant absently, bringing up the forms on his datapad.
“It would matter to the empire,” Bodhi muttered. It was still strange how little the people here seemed to consider what life was like for normal people under imperial flags—they seemed to forget most people from occupied territories didn’t want anything to do with imperials and that not everyone who worked for the empire had a choice in it—he’d gotten into several fights over that fact since he’d gotten here.  
The lieutenant helped the women with the rest of the work for their visas bringing up the Jedhan version of the forms to make things run smoother. Bodhi smiled down at the baby in his arms—a cute round thing with a smattering of freckles and a soft tuft of dark hair. She smiled up at him and one of the women remarked how she hadn’t seen the baby do that the whole trip. That fact made Bodhi smile more and he lifted one of his hands to let the baby play with his fingers. It all felt like second nature and she reminded him of his little sister.
On good days, he still liked to imagine the rest of his family had managed to find a safe place somewhere.
When the forms were filled out and recorded the women were escorted away by the second lieutenant but not before handing Bodhi a small bag with a few the baby’s things—from her mother one of them had said. The bag was handmade probably from an old canvas tank cover judging by the material—after years of imperial occupation the people of Jedha had become resourceful in how they crafted things.  The bag had Amilah in Jedhan embroidered in red thread on the front. He repeated the name and the baby squirmed and clapped. Bodhi smiled.  
The Lieutenant sitting at the desk pulled up the list of fosters still available—it was a short list. “I really hope that is the last of them—we’re running out of room. How old do you reckon she is?”
Bodhi barely registered anyone talking. He looked up. “Oh, can’t be more than a year? Maybe a year and a half?”  
The lieutenant shook his head. “That won’t do all these are slated for older children.” He drummed his fingers on the desk. “I wonder how full the nursery is?”
Bodhi hesitated. “I could take her.”
The lieutenant raised an eyebrow. “You?”
“Yes. I have a room I’m stationed here permanently now—”
The lieutenant brought up a new file and started typing in information. Bodhi’s heart was racing a little he wasn’t sure if he was prepared for this or why he had said he’d do it but it felt like the right thing to do.
“Are you single?” said the lieutenant.
Bodhi hesitated. “Well yes but…I know how to take care of children I had several younger siblings—I’m sure base commander Andor would vouch—“
The lieutenant held up his hand. “Relax, son. I just need to mark it down. Your reputation speaks for itself.”
“Oh—yes. Sorry.” Bodhi looked back down at the baby.
The lieutenant waved a hand. “Not something you have to be sorry for. What’s her name?”
“Amilah,” Bodhi said. He typed in the information and entered it.
“Well congratulations, Captain Rook,” he said in a tired voice. “Take her to medical, have her checked over—barring any problems they should give you some things to take care of her.”
Bodhi adjusted the bag over his shoulder and carried Amilah close to his chest as he made his way over to the med bay. He was mentally making a note of all the things he’d need to get for the baby. Some sort of carrier was definitely near the top of that list she kept squirming around to look at her new surroundings. “Shh shh, Amilah, we’re almost there,” he said quietly. She seemed to pay attention when he spoke and she reached up to tug at his beard. He chuckled.
When they got to the medbay he signed them in at the front and went to take a seat. He noticed Baze sitting outside one of the rooms and looking distracted so he walked over to him.
“Hey,” Bodhi said. “Is everything alright?”
Baze looked surprised to hear him and shook his head. “I am fine Chirrut broke his stitches open again because I am married to a child.”
“I can hear you, you know.” Bodhi heard Chirrut shout muffled through the wall.
Baze rolled his eyes. “He was showing off for some local kids and he fell—”
“I was teaching them self-defense!” Came Chirrut’s voice again.
“You are a crazy old man—and you are doing nothing but teaching those kids bad habits.”
Bodhi could hear Chirrut laughing through the wall. The baby in his arms crawled over to Baze and Baze seemed to notice her for the first time.
“Hello there little one,” Baze scooped her up and Bodhi watched them. “Who is this?” Baze glanced over at Bodhi. The baby laughed and clapped her hands again.
“Her name’s Amilah—she came with the others today, on the shuttle? I’m going to be caring for her now, I suppose.”
Baze brightened a bit. “Hello Amilah it is nice to have you join our family.” The baby reached out her hands for Bodhi and Baze passed her back. “She has certainly taken a shine to you already.”
Bodhi picked her up. “I hardly know what I’m doing.”
Baze clapped him on the shoulder. “You are a natural I’m sure she will be very happy and you have all of us to help.”
Before Bodhi could open his mouth to say anything else the nurse and a med droid were waving them over. He said a quick goodbye to Baze and went to the exam room. He’d never been fond of medical—anything, but Amilah was surprisingly calm through the ordeal. Her vitals all came back fine and after a quick booster she was given a clean bill of health and okayed to leave. The nurse directed him to the PX to pick up a care package they’d been giving out to refugee families with all the essentials you need to start off she’d said, which he gratefully accepted. He picked up a soft cloth carrier while he was there and set her gently in it so he could carry her and the box of supplies back to his room
By the time he got back he was worn out, Amilah had fallen asleep on the way there and he laid her on the bed so she could rest. His room was small but serviceable—it was still bigger than anything he’d had in his time with the empire. He had a trunk for his things, some cabinets a hot plate, running water and the bathroom was right up the hall. There was room for a second bed but he hoped by the time Amilah was old enough to need one he could find an off-campus house to live in.
He sat on the floor next to the bed and started going through the box he’d gotten from the PX. Two sets of sturdy clothes, some reusable nappies, two bottles, packets of formula, some soft food and a blanket. There were instructions on how the box could be made into a makeshift bed and he decided it would work until he could make something more substantial. In the bag the Lorrdian women had given him he found a holotape and what appeared to be her mother’s engagement ring. He carefully replaced the items and put the bag in the top cabinet for safe keeping.  After rearranging some things, he set up the baby’s bed near his own and carefully put the other things away. When that was done he sat down by the bed again watching Amilah sleep until—without realizing it, he dozed off himself.
Bodhi woke a few hours later with Amilah poking at his face and babbling and a knock on the door. “Just a minute!” he said, quickly pulling himself together, he picked the baby up to answer.
“Oh she’s adorable can I hold her?” Was the first thing out of Jyn’s mouth when he opened the door. They were all standing there.
He looked at Baze who shrugged. “It’s seems Chirrut can’t keep his mouth shut even when I tell him to—I’m sorry if we’ve disturbed you.”
Chirrut patted Baze’s chest lightly with the back of his hand and scoffed. “He has a baby, Baze and babies are meant to be celebrated—we’ve brought dumplings, Baze made them, they are delicious.”
“I don’t know what to say. Um,” Bodhi gestured to the baby. “This is Amilah.” Bodhi smiled and looked around he was happy to see his friends. He passed Amilah over to Jyn and she held him so Cassian could get a better look. It was still strange seeing Cassian in uniform but he wore the base commander bars well. They all stepped out into the common area to have more room. Bodhi only went back inside to retrieve some of the soft food for Amilah. When he got back everyone was already sitting on the floor playing with the baby. He stood back and watched them for a few seconds feeling very warm inside. Amilah seemed over joyed at the attention and even K-2 seemed less grumpy then he usually was.
When he came over to sit down the baby crawled right over to him. Bodhi gave her a piece of the soft fruit and she babbled happily. They spent the rest of the evening eating the good food that Baze had prepared, talking about the baby and taking turns holding her. When Bodhi finally returned to his room with her that night he was feeling much more confident about his decision to take her. He waited until she had fallen asleep again before getting into bed and finally getting some real sleep himself.
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Five Times The Muse Inspiration From Heaven Visits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Five Times The Muse Inspiration From Heaven Visits Freestyle Story by Stella Carrier
Time started once I continued to finish the story after referencing Angela’s parents and more on them later 1240 pm
End Time;
           Angela Collins is enjoying volunteering with helping the cooks and chefs at Coachella make different food creations that were featured in the Delish website that also made its way through msn mainstream news and gave her and everyone involved with those creations national media coverage. She was actually surprised when a modeling agent also approached her and offered her a modeling shoot once the Coachella festival is over. Angela asked the modeling agent named Miles what caught his attention about her and he said it was the fact that she resembled the female singer Saabi in the music video for You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship feat. Saabi. Angela found this entertaining because her husband Charlie James was happy for her when he found out the good news. They both are temporarily living in Los Angeles for the summer before they head back to Northern Virginia to volunteer and go to work for Angela’s biological parents-more on them later.
           Angela’s husband also understood because he himself was also a model part time as he was discovered by a modeling scout that liked that Charlie James looked like one of the actors featured in the music video for Counting Stars by One Republic. Charlie James was going to meet Angela for breakfast in the morning before she heads back to volunteer on the 2nd day for Coachella. As Angela retires to her tent on the campsite of Coachella and grabs stuff for the shower. However, 8 minutes later after walking to the shower and stripping herself for the shower,Angela goes back to her tent and realizes that she forget her hair conditioner to take to the shower. She is less than a few feet from the front of her tent when she hears and sees the silhouette woman laying down on the tent with her knees up, feet seemingly planted from the floor and moaning from a neighboring tent despite the song Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars blaring loud. Angela then notices a silhouette of a male figure leaning forward towards the female figure and decides to leave them alone but hopes that they will quiet it down by the time she is finished with her shower and back to her tent.
           During the shower, Angela plays one of the local radio stations that play the songs California Girls by the Beach Boys as she remembers what brought her to California at least temporarily in the first place. Angela Collins is 31 years old and is fortunate to have parents that have been married for 33 years. Angela Collins was actually born 9 months after her parents first year wedding anniversary, so it is pretty much little mystery when she was conceived. Angela Collins father   Dean Murphy is a 50 year old intelligence specialist officer in the U.S. Navy and stationed in Virginia Beach Virginia. Dean Murphy is a prior-enlisted officer who got his bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University and his master’s degree from Georgetown University in Applied Intelligence. Dawn Thomas is a 49 year old former navy culinary specialist turned public affairs officer who is also prior-enlisted. With Dean’s support, she temporarily left the U.S. Navy when Angela was 8 years old and obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Merchant Marines academy and even served in the Merchant Marines for two years. However, Dawn missed the Navy and eventually went back into the U.S. Navy  before her 39th birthday and obtained a Master’s Degree in Global Strategic Public Relations at Georgetown. The Navy also paid for her to attend a week long course at the Robert H. Smith Business School at the University of Maryland College Park campus.
As a result, it is little surprise that Angela’s parents have high expectations for her. Lucky for Angela, her mom Dawn was able to help her get the volunteer opportunity with Coachella and a paid for temporary position at two of the Smithsonian museums in D.C. after Angela is finished with her volunteer stint at the Coachella music festival. As Angela enjoys her music in the shower, she understands that she is fortunate to have parents who set the bar high for her as she has known women who society andor family/friends around them do not take seriously when they discuss their school and career plans. Angela is even close friends with a 41 year old female named Mary who rejoined the military after being out for some time and came from a family where women were only allowed to belong to the family if they agreed to be homemakers andor stay at home mothers (there is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be a stay at home or a homemaker but not every woman would be happy living that way). Mary saw her stay at home mother miserable and miss her work life after giving up her dreams to be a homemaker and Mary promised herself that she would live life on her own terms when she reaches her 18th birthday and as the years go by regardless of what her family andor her critics think. It helps that Angela shared with Mary how her own mother Dawn successfully juggled a navy career and motherhood while seeming happy and fulfilled despite the challenges that came with it.
           Less than 18 minutes after the shower, Angela steps out of the shower and notices a female with waist length long hair and insists to Angela that she call her Joy O’Neill up on a makeshift stage created near the tents, with the front of her tent being one of them. Angela is even more puzzled because all types of flowers sprang up near the tent and the sun is back up when she could have sworn that the sun was starting to set when she went to take a shower.
           Before Angela could ask any questions, she notices five spirits dressed in various colored robes on stage with peach masks. The first spirit dressed in a blue aqua robe waves a neon white saying five urgent reality creation ideas; as he walks up to Angela and gives her two books by I.C. Robledo and Bergat Bogner titled imagination ideas. The second spirit dressed in a yellow robe and peach mask gives her a paper from the Multi-millionaires Spending Game of pages 122-123 of the Feel it Real book by Denise Coates, except this paper shows three spending games of 1500 dollars after taxes each month representing the words, secret email, public blog, and the words outside work life 2 months. The third spirit comes up to her in a purple robe and peach mask and touches Angela’s arms as she remembers a collage project that she did in high school where she also charted words close to what excited her enough to dream yet still have some realistic elements under it and much of the stuff she put for fun in it came to pass and she intuitively realizes that she must do this both offline and on a blog online. The fourth spirit comes up to Angela off the music stage in an orange robe with the words etched on his robe fictional dream journal nine years ago as he gives her a hug. Instantly, Angela realizes that she must start a fictional dream journal with the first entry on her blog when she senses very few people are watching online with the first entry being a little bit of what actually happened over ten years ago while keeping her current work life out of it. The fifth spirit, dressed in a pink and light green robe also touches her arm and she remembers an article she read about a stay home dad who has a popular blog that is popular with many people. Angela intuitively realizes that this spirit is gently suggesting to her that she must try to set aside time to look at some of the well-known blogs to give her ideas for her own writing and law of attraction activities.
           The female spirit who told Angela to call her Joy O’Neill gently explains to Angela that she is a creative muse from one of the happy realms who was also one of multiple benevolent spirits who provided creative writing inspiration for the following songs; This is What You Came for by Calvin Harris and Rihanna, Sugar by Robin Schultz and Francesco Yates including the song versions of Sugar by Baby Bash,  and Shelter by Madeon and Porter Robinson. Joy O’Neill then lovingly explains that Angela could also utilize her for both her writing work and assistance in using law of attraction principles. Joy O’Neill then gives a flashcard to Angela titled Volunteer before she wakes up and wakes up in the shower as she realizes that she accidently went to sleep when she laid on a nearby picnic beach after her shower near the tents as she was deciding to wait for the couple in the tent next to her to finish with their intimate activities before she was going to head to sleep in her tent.
 Songs for todays Freestyle Story; From the Dance Hits playlist of Amazon; Sugar by Robin Schultz from Francesco Yates, Shelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon, This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna, from Amazon Classic Hits Radio Station; You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship feat. Saabi, California Girls by The Beach Boys, From Pandora Venus Make You Move radio station; Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars,Counting Stars by One Republic
 Affirmations For Today
I have extra time that I fill productively and in line with my life purpose
I intuitively pay attention to both the questions and answers that are given to me.
I wisely pick my starting time as I have everything I need to get a certain job done and under budget.
I contribute my best creatively to a collaborative project regardless of the outcome of obscurity or fame.
I can utilize the most powerful environmental influences to my advantage.
I seek and I shall eventually find. It is only a matter of time before I uncover what I am looking for regardless of how long it takes for me to do so.
My natural magnetism and charm come in handy in both familiar and even challenging and beneficial situations.
I put my best foot forward as I have a lot to offer.
I trust in my bright future and the goodness of the universe as I have powerful spiritual helpers and a resilient higher self who watch over me.
I benefit both from familiar venues and a change in venue. I also attract/manifest inspiration from the most unusual sources.
I am in the process of becoming a fast learner who comes to understand multiple things presented to me quite well.
I wisely take advantage of opportunities both created by my creativity, imagination, and intuition as well as those uncovered for me by others.
Unique and Beneficial Opportunities in Various Forms Come My Way.
Information at my fingertips provides me answers both questions I have asked recently and for a while.
What I accomplish on my own and through positive inspiration from others makes a positive difference to everyone around me, regardless of how I am perceived.
I successfully use yesterday, today, and tomorrow to think about what’s next in my bright future.
I start strong and as early as possible to ensure a superb and clean finish.
I forge a new path in a unique way.
I wisely know when to make decisions that will send me in a new and beneficial direction and when to persist and stay the course.
I rationally and intuitively am in the process of learning how to use both the possible and impossible to my creative advantage.
I wisely know when to take charge of my destiny and shape things and circumstances towards my goals and when to adjust accordingly and allow situations to take shape naturally in an organic fashion.
I am in the process of learning how to both be a better friend and attract an abundance of both spiritual and resilient friends into my life.
My psychic and intuitive abilities are expanding each day.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I am in the process of learning to love my work.
I draw to myself many wonderful opportunities to make a difference in the world.
I support other people in feeling good about themselves.
I honor my dreams.
I lift the veils of illusion. I can see clearly.
I am linked with the higher forces of the universe.
I have all the energy I need.
I have joyful pictures of the future.
I accelerate my spiritual growth by living in higher purpose.
I ask for and receive a seed of inspiration that brings courage and fearlessness. I now act with courage and create my goals.
I give myself permission to have what I want.
I choose to follow my higher path today.
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Food Services & Hospitality
 I know about the religious program specialist field from my time in Yokosuka Japan. I admit that there was a time that I wanted to go into this field (around 2000/2001)but the CMC of my ship (Command Master Chief (E-9) at the time told me that he would have a hard time letting me go to school in the states for this field if I tried to pursue it because there were no religious program specialists that were permanently based on the destroyer class ship that I was stationed on. He did let me know that he would consider sending me to school for the supply rating (storekeeper) if I made E-4 my first time taking the navy advancement test. When I did actually achieve making E-4 my first time up (including scoring among the top 32 percentile navywide in the test) the CMC took back his word with the similar reason that he gave me for why he could not let me train to be a religious program specialist (even though he let a male who had about the same time on the ship as me and was even the same rank permanently leave the ship and cross completely over to another rating). It was then my 21 year old mind realized the hard way that nothing truly has to be honored unless it is in writing and maybe even then the person will change their mind depending on the law. Anyhow, I eventually forgave the CMC who took back what he said, but at least on the bright side, I met my now husband a few months after I made E-4 so at least what was a setback at that time turned out to be a blessing for my personal/love life. On additional positive note, that experience also taught me to understand and see that both good fortune and challenging circumstances happen for reasons that facilitate a person’s positive spiritual growth, which is why I do believe strongly that things happen for a reason and when  one door closes multiple and other beneficial doors open.
 I confess that I easily know about this job field in the navy because there was a first class (E-6) intelligence specialist on the ship (USS O’Brien) that I was on when I was stationed in Yokosuka Japan. Around 2001, this E-6 saw potential in me and did his best to try to encourage me to consider going into the Intelligence Specialist field. However, I admit that I did not and went into the storekeeper rating  by the summer of 2002(which is now logistics specialist) because I admit that I was unsure if I was ready for that job and I was hesitant about the time that it might take away from my then fiancée (I admit not the same man that is fortunately now my husband). Looking back, I admit that I now realize that if someone sees potential in you and offers you an important professional opportunity that you must seriously go after it because of the chance to be regret-free that you at least went after it.
I googled intelligences specialists navy
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 Some of the tents look similar to the tipis that I saw Yesterday at the Smithsonian American Indian Museum
On-Site Camping
Inspiration Info from the Museums I Went to Yesterday
Just yesterday, around early Saturday afternoon, was when my husband and I visited the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. One of the things that I enjoy about the visit is that there is so much to see, a variety of exhibits to see each time I visit. Among some of the multiple sights available that my husband and I had a chance to see; First Ladies exhibit including the inauguration gowns of Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama and of course there are also the other inaugural gowns from other first ladies including a 1990’s quote by the Washington Post pertaining to the inaugural gowns, Julia Child’s exhibit including a kitchen pertaining to her life, supermarket exhibit within the Food section, Women in Uniform exhibit, Wizard of Oz exhibit inside the museum store, Innovations in the Vineyard, Innovations in the Wineyard, stories on Money exhibit, an display where a person can drop a penny and vote on whether or not the penny needs to be kept as U.S. currency, Women on American Money exhibit, American stories, and of course much more exhibits available. My husband pleasantly surprised me by getting me a Smithsonian ball cap and t-shirt from the museum store.
My husband and I just went to the National Museum of the American Indian yesterday; Among some of the following sites that I had a chance to take photos of and see; Horace Poolaw exhibit, Future Clone exhibit by Fritz Scholder, Imaginations Activity Center for kids including a model of a tipi and a model of a stilt house, Global Conflicts in the 21st Century exhibit feat. the late Lori Ann Piestewa (she was a member of the Hopi tribe) and the late Joshua Wheeler, Our Spirits Will Protect You exhibit, World War II exhibit all in the Patriot Nations section, and more. I mean only disrespect-free intent  with saying this; However, one of the caveats of this museum is that not every American Indian tribe is featured in the museum. I was curious to see if the Menominee Indian was featured inside this museum (my late maternal grandmother and my late biological mother had Menominee Indian ancestry) since the museum seems to pertain to different Native American tribes across the U.S. , but it was not yet listed at the museum from what I saw.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
6 - Sisterly Teasing
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Part 7
Kenobi's Future
Tag list - @tyrionsprincess30 @nanagoswife @lycaonpictusphotography @bigbendyhorns @abaker74 @haideehaids @sassycowboygoatee @jedi-archives
Kiera's POV - 4 years ago
Moving through the market I hide behind some crates near the ship loading docks hoping to see any of the pilots or the ships take off. The wind blows my aburn hair in my face that I throw away with my hands hearing a ship start to take off. "What ya watching sis?" I nearly jumped high in the air getting startled by my younger sister's sudden questioning. Whipping my head around I see her five year old butt sitting on one of the shipping crates. "In the name of - your supposed to stay with mom and dad!" I caught myself before curising in front of my sister, picking her up and sitting her on her feet. Searching around I find our parents still buying some food in one of the shops so they have yet to notice our absence from their sides. "It's boring. I want to play with you." Padme pouts her hands on her hips reminding me of Leia. I wish we could see each other but it's too risky my father says. Crossing my arms I lay my head on a crate watching the ships blast off into lightspeed before my eyes. "Maybe you'd get one of them to kiss you someday." Padme teased making me blush a little at the thought. Picking her up in my arms I shook my head at her delusion. "That's ridiculous, Pad. I'd never fall in love with a pilot...I just want to feel the excitement of flying that's all." She sticks her tongue out not believing my statement before our parents waved us to follow them home.
Someone banged on the door of my quarters waking me up. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I open the door slightly to see Cassian on the other side. "What do you want, to steal my lightsaber again?" I scoffed using the Force and lifting it off the table and into my right hand as a safety guard. He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets replying. "The General wants to see. I'm here to take you to her." Closing the door I unlocked it leaning in the doorway arms crossed. "I don't need an escort, Andor. I'm actually family with the General. So I'll be going on my own." I pushed past him closing the door but he secured my wrist making me spin back so our noses almost bumped each other. Sucking in a breath I can feel his breath mixing with my own at how close we're in this moment. "I was assigned to track you down for years. She expects me to look out for you no matter what." I yank my arm from his grasp turning on my heels to resume my walk. He followed my heels making my throw my head back with a long groan of annoyance.
"He's cute....what's his name?" Halting in my tracks I whipped my head back around to the pilot in case he said something. "What did you say?" He shrugged his shoulders pointing in the direction of where Leia is waiting for me. "I didn't say anything. She's this way." I slowly start walking again thinking that I just am probably tired. I haven't slept well since they injected me with that sleep serum yesterday. Without thinking my hand rests on my lightsaber until I heard someone in my head again. "Sissy, have you kissed yet. Mommy and daddy are worried about you." Resting a hand on my head I winced where Cassian rests a hand on my back concerned. "Are you alright, Kenobi. Let's get you to medical." I push a hand on his chest recognizing the voice that plays in my mind. Padme, how can I hear you right now, I thought to myself. It's a few seconds before she answers me through my head again. "Master Yoda says it's through the Force." Cassian finally let's go of my arm feeling my shoulders not be as stiff as they were minutes ago.
Obi-Wan's POV
"Reckless your eldest is, Kenobi. Concerned still for her future as a Jedi I am." Master Yoda spoke sitting on a log and I take a seat joining him. Y/n is inside his tiny hut preparing dinner while we watched young Padme. She's hovering in the air speaking with her sister. According to her Kiera is with a group of Rebels on someone planet and she's talking with a pilot. Crossing my arms around myself I must say I don't like her talking with strangers, especially boys but there's not much I can do. "I'm suprised they are able to talk through the Force at such young ages, Master." Rubbing my fingers over my beard in thought I try to remember back to when I could do such things. "If I recall I didn't complete such things until the time we met Anakin." Master Yoda nodded getting to his feet moving his cloak, pulling out a lightsaber that didn't appear to be his own.
Padme lowered herself to the ground dusting her hands on her dress walking to us slowly. Master Yoda patted an empty space between him and I he did where she sits down. "Gift I have for you, young Padme. Different than any other lightsaber it is." He hands it to her and she slowly twisted the handle causing the crystal to appear. Squinting my eyes I don't see green, blue or purple but yellow instead as the color of the lightsaber. "It's so cool Yoda." She giggled getting to her feet slowly waving it around in between her hands. I can't help but smile seeing her smile in the golden reflection of the crystal. Turning my head his direction I intertwined my hands together in front me questioning. "Master, why give her a different lightsaber than her sister. I thought you said they would both become powerful Jedi?" He grunts turning to face me straight on, resting his hands on his cane on the ground. "Cloudy the future is for your children. Used to be on same path they were. Unclear the eldest future is...Jedi she might not become..." He paused watching Padme still practicing with her new lightsaber. She's never held one until today and she's already skilled with it. "Very clear. Powerful Jedi youngest one will be. Better time training her I will have them the other, Obi-wan." Twisting my wedding ring around on my finger I feared he might be right. That maybe Kiera doesn't have the patience to be a Jedi like we thought.
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